#if defined(Hiro_TableView) @implementation CocoaTableView : NSScrollView -(id) initWith:(hiro::mTableView&)tableViewReference { if(self = [super initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0)]) { tableView = &tableViewReference; content = [[CocoaTableViewContent alloc] initWith:tableViewReference]; [self setDocumentView:content]; [self setBorderType:NSBezelBorder]; [self setHasVerticalScroller:YES]; [content setDataSource:self]; [content setDelegate:self]; [content setTarget:self]; [content setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleAction:)]; [content setAllowsColumnReordering:NO]; [content setAllowsColumnResizing:YES]; [content setAllowsColumnSelection:NO]; [content setAllowsEmptySelection:YES]; [content setColumnAutoresizingStyle:NSTableViewLastColumnOnlyAutoresizingStyle]; font = nil; [self setFont:nil]; } return self; } -(void) dealloc { [content release]; [font release]; [super dealloc]; } -(CocoaTableViewContent*) content { return content; } -(NSFont*) font { return font; } -(void) setFont:(NSFont*)fontPointer { if(!fontPointer) fontPointer = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:12]; [fontPointer retain]; if(font) [font release]; font = fontPointer; uint fontHeight = hiro::pFont::size(font, " ").height(); [content setFont:font]; [content setRowHeight:fontHeight]; [self reloadColumns]; tableView->resizeColumns(); } -(void) reloadColumns { while([[content tableColumns] count]) { [content removeTableColumn:[[content tableColumns] lastObject]]; } for(auto& tableViewColumn : tableView->state.columns) { auto column = tableViewColumn->offset(); NSTableColumn* tableColumn = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:[[NSNumber numberWithInteger:column] stringValue]]; NSTableHeaderCell* headerCell = [[NSTableHeaderCell alloc] initTextCell:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:tableViewColumn->state.text]]; CocoaTableViewCell* dataCell = [[CocoaTableViewCell alloc] initWith:*tableView]; [dataCell setEditable:NO]; [tableColumn setResizingMask:NSTableColumnAutoresizingMask | NSTableColumnUserResizingMask]; [tableColumn setHeaderCell:headerCell]; [tableColumn setDataCell:dataCell]; [content addTableColumn:tableColumn]; } } -(NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView*)table { return tableView->state.items.size(); } -(id) tableView:(NSTableView*)table objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { if(auto tableViewItem = tableView->item(row)) { if(auto tableViewCell = tableViewItem->cell([[tableColumn identifier] integerValue])) { NSString* text = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:tableViewCell->state.text]; return @{ @"text":text }; //used by type-ahead } } return @{}; } -(BOOL) tableView:(NSTableView*)table shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { return NO; } -(NSString*) tableView:(NSTableView*)table toolTipForCell:(NSCell*)cell rect:(NSRectPointer)rect tableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row mouseLocation:(NSPoint)mouseLocation { return nil; } -(void) tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { [cell setFont:[self font]]; } -(void) tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification { if(tableView->self()->locked()) return; for(auto& tableViewItem : tableView->state.items) { tableViewItem->state.selected = tableViewItem->offset() == [content selectedRow]; } tableView->doChange(); } -(IBAction) doubleAction:(id)sender { int row = [content clickedRow]; if(row >= 0 && row < tableView->state.items.size()) { int column = [content clickedColumn]; if(column >= 0 && column < tableView->state.columns.size()) { auto item = tableView->state.items[row]; auto cell = item->cell(column); tableView->doActivate(cell); } } } @end @implementation CocoaTableViewContent : NSTableView -(id) initWith:(hiro::mTableView&)tableViewReference { if(self = [super initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0)]) { tableView = &tableViewReference; } return self; } -(void) keyDown:(NSEvent*)event { auto character = [[event characters] characterAtIndex:0]; if(character == NSEnterCharacter || character == NSCarriageReturnCharacter) { int row = [self selectedRow]; if(row >= 0 && row < tableView->state.items.size()) { int column = max(0, [self selectedColumn]); //can be -1? if(column >= 0 && column < tableView->state.columns.size()) { auto item = tableView->state.items[row]; auto cell = item->cell(column); tableView->doActivate(cell); } } } [super keyDown:event]; } @end @implementation CocoaTableViewCell : NSCell -(id) initWith:(hiro::mTableView&)tableViewReference { if(self = [super initTextCell:@""]) { tableView = &tableViewReference; buttonCell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:@""]; [buttonCell setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [buttonCell setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; [buttonCell setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [buttonCell setTarget:self]; } return self; } //used by type-ahead -(NSString*) stringValue { return [[self objectValue] objectForKey:@"text"]; } -(void) drawWithFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView*)view { if(auto tableViewItem = tableView->item([view rowAtPoint:frame.origin])) { if(auto tableViewCell = tableViewItem->cell([view columnAtPoint:frame.origin])) { NSColor* backgroundColor = nil; if([self isHighlighted]) backgroundColor = [NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor]; else if(!tableView->enabled(true)) backgroundColor = [NSColor controlBackgroundColor]; else if(auto color = tableViewCell->state.backgroundColor) backgroundColor = NSMakeColor(color); else backgroundColor = [NSColor controlBackgroundColor]; [backgroundColor set]; [NSBezierPath fillRect:frame]; if(tableViewCell->state.checkable) { [buttonCell setHighlighted:YES]; [buttonCell setState:(tableViewCell->state.checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; [buttonCell drawWithFrame:frame inView:view]; frame.origin.x += frame.size.height + 2; frame.size.width -= frame.size.height + 2; } if(tableViewCell->state.icon) { NSImage* image = NSMakeImage(tableViewCell->state.icon, frame.size.height, frame.size.height); [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState]; NSRect targetRect = NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.height, frame.size.height); NSRect sourceRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, [image size].width, [image size].height); [image drawInRect:targetRect fromRect:sourceRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:YES hints:nil]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState]; frame.origin.x += frame.size.height + 2; frame.size.width -= frame.size.height + 2; } if(tableViewCell->state.text) { NSMutableParagraphStyle* paragraphStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy]; paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; if(tableViewCell->state.alignment.horizontal() < 0.333) paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft; if(tableViewCell->state.alignment.horizontal() > 0.666) paragraphStyle.alignment = NSTextAlignmentRight; NSColor* foregroundColor = nil; if([self isHighlighted]) foregroundColor = [NSColor alternateSelectedControlTextColor]; else if(!tableView->enabled(true)) foregroundColor = [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]; else if(auto color = tableViewCell->state.foregroundColor) foregroundColor = NSMakeColor(color); else foregroundColor = [NSColor textColor]; NSString* text = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:tableViewCell->state.text]; [text drawInRect:frame withAttributes:@{ NSBackgroundColorAttributeName:backgroundColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName:foregroundColor, NSFontAttributeName:hiro::pFont::create(tableViewCell->font(true)), NSParagraphStyleAttributeName:paragraphStyle }]; } } } } //needed to trigger trackMouse events -(NSUInteger) hitTestForEvent:(NSEvent*)event inRect:(NSRect)frame ofView:(NSView*)view { NSUInteger hitTest = [super hitTestForEvent:event inRect:frame ofView:view]; NSPoint point = [view convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.height, frame.size.height); if(NSMouseInRect(point, rect, [view isFlipped])) { hitTest |= NSCellHitTrackableArea; } return hitTest; } //I am unable to get startTrackingAt:, continueTracking:, stopTracking: to work //so instead, I have to run a modal loop on events until the mouse button is released -(BOOL) trackMouse:(NSEvent*)event inRect:(NSRect)frame ofView:(NSView*)view untilMouseUp:(BOOL)flag { if([event type] == NSLeftMouseDown) { NSWindow* window = [view window]; NSEvent* nextEvent; while((nextEvent = [window nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDragged | NSLeftMouseUp)])) { if([nextEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp) { NSPoint point = [view convertPoint:[nextEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.height, frame.size.height); if(NSMouseInRect(point, rect, [view isFlipped])) { if(auto tableViewItem = tableView->item([view rowAtPoint:point])) { if(auto tableViewCell = tableViewItem->cell([view columnAtPoint:point])) { tableViewCell->state.checked = !tableViewCell->state.checked; tableView->doToggle(tableViewCell->instance); } } } break; } } } return YES; } +(BOOL) prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp { return YES; } @end namespace hiro { auto pTableView::construct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { cocoaView = cocoaTableView = [[CocoaTableView alloc] initWith:self()]; pWidget::construct(); setAlignment(state().alignment); setBackgroundColor(state().backgroundColor); setBatchable(state().batchable); setBordered(state().bordered); setFont(self().font(true)); setForegroundColor(state().foregroundColor); setHeadered(state().headered); setSortable(state().sortable); } } auto pTableView::destruct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaView removeFromSuperview]; [cocoaView release]; } } auto pTableView::append(sTableViewColumn column) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaView reloadColumns]; resizeColumns(); } } auto pTableView::append(sTableViewItem item) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaView content] reloadData]; } } auto pTableView::remove(sTableViewColumn column) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaView reloadColumns]; resizeColumns(); } } auto pTableView::remove(sTableViewItem item) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaView content] reloadData]; } } auto pTableView::resizeColumns() -> void { @autoreleasepool { vector widths; int minimumWidth = 0; int expandable = 0; for(uint column : range(self().columnCount())) { int width = _width(column); widths.append(width); minimumWidth += width; if(state().columns[column]->expandable()) expandable++; } int maximumWidth = self().geometry().width() - 18; //include margin for vertical scroll bar int expandWidth = 0; if(expandable && maximumWidth > minimumWidth) { expandWidth = (maximumWidth - minimumWidth) / expandable; } for(uint column : range(self().columnCount())) { if(auto self = state().columns[column]->self()) { int width = widths[column]; if(self->state().expandable) width += expandWidth; NSTableColumn* tableColumn = [[cocoaView content] tableColumnWithIdentifier:[[NSNumber numberWithInteger:column] stringValue]]; [tableColumn setWidth:width]; } } } } auto pTableView::setAlignment(Alignment alignment) -> void { } auto pTableView::setBackgroundColor(Color color) -> void { } auto pTableView::setBatchable(bool batchable) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaView content] setAllowsMultipleSelection:(batchable ? YES : NO)]; } } auto pTableView::setBordered(bool bordered) -> void { } auto pTableView::setEnabled(bool enabled) -> void { pWidget::setEnabled(enabled); @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaView content] setEnabled:enabled]; } } auto pTableView::setFont(const Font& font) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaView setFont:pFont::create(font)]; } } auto pTableView::setForegroundColor(Color color) -> void { } auto pTableView::setHeadered(bool headered) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(headered) { [[cocoaView content] setHeaderView:[[[NSTableHeaderView alloc] init] autorelease]]; } else { [[cocoaView content] setHeaderView:nil]; } } } auto pTableView::setSortable(bool sortable) -> void { //TODO } auto pTableView::_cellWidth(uint row, uint column) -> uint { uint width = 8; if(auto pTableViewItem = self().item(row)) { if(auto pTableViewCell = pTableViewItem->cell(column)) { if(pTableViewCell->state.checkable) { width += 24; } if(auto& icon = pTableViewCell->state.icon) { width += icon.width() + 2; } if(auto& text = pTableViewCell->state.text) { width += pFont::size(pTableViewCell->font(true), text).width(); } } } return width; } auto pTableView::_columnWidth(uint column_) -> uint { uint width = 8; if(auto column = self().column(column_)) { if(auto& icon = column->state.icon) { width += icon.width() + 2; } if(auto& text = column->state.text) { width += pFont::size(column->font(true), text).width(); } if(column->state.sorting != Sort::None) { width += 16; } } return width; } auto pTableView::_width(uint column) -> uint { if(auto width = self().column(column).width()) return width; uint width = 1; if(!self().column(column).visible()) return width; if(state().headered) width = max(width, _columnWidth(column)); for(auto row : range(state().items.size())) { width = max(width, _cellWidth(row, column)); } return width; } /* auto pTableView::setSelected(bool selected) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(selected == false) { [[cocoaView content] deselectAll:nil]; } } } auto pTableView::setSelection(unsigned selection) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaView content] selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(selection, 1)] byExtendingSelection:NO]; } } */ } #endif