//XShm driver for Xorg //Note that on composited displays, the alpha bits will allow translucency underneath the active window //As this is not a feature of ruby, this driver must always set the alpha bits on clear() and refresh() //Linear interpolation is only applied horizontally for performance reasons, although Nearest is still much faster #include #include struct VideoXShm : VideoDriver { VideoXShm& self = *this; VideoXShm(Video& super) : VideoDriver(super) { construct(); } ~VideoXShm() { destruct(); } auto create() -> bool override { VideoDriver::exclusive = true; return initialize(); } auto driver() -> string override { return "XShm"; } auto ready() -> bool override { return _ready; } auto hasFullScreen() -> bool override { return true; } auto hasMonitor() -> bool override { return true; } auto hasContext() -> bool override { return true; } auto hasShader() -> bool override { return true; } auto setFullScreen(bool fullScreen) -> bool override { return initialize(); } auto setMonitor(string monitor) -> bool override { return initialize(); } auto setContext(uintptr context) -> bool override { return initialize(); } auto setShader(string shader) -> bool override { return true; } auto clear() -> void override { auto dp = _inputBuffer; uint length = _inputWidth * _inputHeight; while(length--) *dp++ = 255u << 24; output(); } auto size(uint& width, uint& height) -> void override { if(self.fullScreen) { width = _monitorWidth; height = _monitorHeight; } else { XWindowAttributes parent; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _parent, &parent); width = parent.width; height = parent.height; } } auto acquire(uint32_t*& data, uint& pitch, uint width, uint height) -> bool override { if(!_inputBuffer || _inputWidth != width || _inputHeight != height) { if(_inputBuffer) delete[] _inputBuffer; _inputWidth = width; _inputHeight = height; _inputBuffer = new uint32_t[width * height + 16]; //+16 is padding for linear interpolation } data = _inputBuffer; pitch = _inputWidth * sizeof(uint32_t); return true; } auto release() -> void override { } auto output(uint width = 0, uint height = 0) -> void override { XWindowAttributes window; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _window, &window); XWindowAttributes parent; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _parent, &parent); if(window.width != parent.width || window.height != parent.height) { _outputWidth = parent.width; _outputHeight = parent.height; XResizeWindow(_display, _window, _outputWidth, _outputHeight); allocate(); } uint viewportX = 0; uint viewportY = 0; uint viewportWidth = parent.width; uint viewportHeight = parent.height; if(self.fullScreen) { viewportX = _monitorX; viewportY = _monitorY; viewportWidth = _monitorWidth; viewportHeight = _monitorHeight; } if(!_image || !_inputBuffer || !_outputBuffer) return; if(!width) width = viewportWidth; if(!height) height = viewportHeight; float xratio = (float)_inputWidth / (float)width; float yratio = (float)_inputHeight / (float)height; int x = ((int)viewportWidth - (int)width) / 2; int y = ((int)viewportHeight - (int)height) / 2; width = min(width, viewportWidth); height = min(height, viewportHeight); auto inputBuffer = _inputBuffer; auto outputBuffer = _outputBuffer; if(x < 0) { inputBuffer += abs(x); x = 0; } if(y < 0) { inputBuffer += abs(y) * _inputWidth; y = 0; } x += viewportX; y += viewportY; #pragma omp parallel for for(uint y = 0; y < height; y++) { float ystep = y * yratio; float xstep = 0; uint32_t* sp = inputBuffer + (uint)ystep * _inputWidth; uint32_t* dp = outputBuffer + y * _outputWidth; if(self.shader != "Blur") { for(uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { *dp++ = 255u << 24 | sp[(uint)xstep]; xstep += xratio; } } else { for(uint x = 0; x < width; x++) { *dp++ = 255u << 24 | interpolate(xstep - (uint)xstep, sp[(uint)xstep], sp[(uint)xstep + 1]); xstep += xratio; } } } GC gc = XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, 0); XShmPutImage(_display, _window, gc, _image, 0, 0, x, y, width, height, False); XFreeGC(_display, gc); XFlush(_display); } auto poll() -> void override { while(XPending(_display)) { XEvent event; XNextEvent(_display, &event); if(event.type == Expose) { XWindowAttributes attributes{}; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _window, &attributes); super.doUpdate(attributes.width, attributes.height); } } } private: auto construct() -> void { _display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr); _screen = DefaultScreen(_display); XSetErrorHandler(errorHandler); } auto destruct() -> void { terminate(); XCloseDisplay(_display); } auto initialize() -> bool { terminate(); if(!self.fullScreen && !self.context) return false; _parent = self.fullScreen ? RootWindow(_display, _screen) : (Window)self.context; XWindowAttributes windowAttributes{}; XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _parent, &windowAttributes); //driver only supports 32-bit pixels //note that even on 15-bit and 16-bit displays, the window visual's depth should be 32 if(windowAttributes.depth < 24 || windowAttributes.depth > 32) return free(), false; auto monitor = Video::monitor(self.monitor); _monitorX = monitor.x; _monitorY = monitor.y; _monitorWidth = monitor.width; _monitorHeight = monitor.height; _depth = windowAttributes.depth; _visual = windowAttributes.visual; _colormap = XCreateColormap(_display, _parent, _visual, AllocNone); XSetWindowAttributes attributes{}; attributes.border_pixel = 0; attributes.colormap = _colormap; attributes.override_redirect = self.fullScreen; _window = XCreateWindow(_display, _parent, 0, 0, windowAttributes.width, windowAttributes.height, 0, _depth, InputOutput, _visual, CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWOverrideRedirect, &attributes ); XSelectInput(_display, _window, ExposureMask); XSetWindowBackground(_display, _window, 0); XMapWindow(_display, _window); XFlush(_display); while(XPending(_display)) { XEvent event; XNextEvent(_display, &event); } _outputWidth = windowAttributes.width; _outputHeight = windowAttributes.height; allocate(); return _ready = (bool)_outputBuffer; } auto terminate() -> void { _ready = false; free(); if(_window) { XUnmapWindow(_display, _window); _window = 0; } if(_colormap) { XFreeColormap(_display, _colormap); _colormap = 0; } } auto allocate() -> void { free(); _shmInfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, _outputWidth * _outputHeight * sizeof(uint32_t), IPC_CREAT | 0777); if(_shmInfo.shmid < 0) return; _shmInfo.shmaddr = (char*)shmat(_shmInfo.shmid, 0, 0); _shmInfo.readOnly = False; XShmAttach(_display, &_shmInfo); _outputBuffer = (uint32_t*)_shmInfo.shmaddr; _image = XShmCreateImage(_display, _visual, _depth, ZPixmap, _shmInfo.shmaddr, &_shmInfo, _outputWidth, _outputHeight); } auto free() -> void { if(_image) { XShmDetach(_display, &_shmInfo); XDestroyImage(_image); shmdt(_shmInfo.shmaddr); shmctl(_shmInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); _image = nullptr; } _outputBuffer = nullptr; } alwaysinline auto interpolate(float mu, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) -> uint32_t { uint8_t ar = a >> 16, ag = a >> 8, ab = a >> 0; uint8_t br = b >> 16, bg = b >> 8, bb = b >> 0; uint8_t cr = ar * (1.0 - mu) + br * mu; uint8_t cg = ag * (1.0 - mu) + bg * mu; uint8_t cb = ab * (1.0 - mu) + bb * mu; return cr << 16 | cg << 8 | cb << 0; } static auto errorHandler(Display* display, XErrorEvent* event) -> int { //catch occasional BadAccess errors during window resize events //currently, I'm unsure of the cause, but they're certainly not fatal return 0; } bool _ready = false; uint32_t* _inputBuffer = nullptr; uint _inputWidth = 0; uint _inputHeight = 0; Display* _display = nullptr; uint _monitorX = 0; uint _monitorY = 0; uint _monitorWidth = 0; uint _monitorHeight = 0; int _screen = 0; int _depth = 0; Visual* _visual = nullptr; Window _parent = 0; Window _window = 0; Colormap _colormap = 0; XShmSegmentInfo _shmInfo; XImage* _image = nullptr; uint32_t* _outputBuffer = nullptr; uint _outputWidth = 0; uint _outputHeight = 0; };