higan's original author: - byuu We'd like to acknowledge many invaluable contributions made to higan by the following individuals: - Andreas Naive - Ange Albertini - anomie - AWJ - Bisqwit - blargg - Ɓukasz Krawczyk - Cydrak - Danish - DMV27 - Dr. Decapitator - endrift - Fatbag - FitzRoy - gekkio - GIGO - Hendricks266 - hex_usr - ikari_01 - jchadwick - Jonas Quinn - kode54 - krom - Lioncash - Lord Nightmare - lowkey - MerryMage - Matthew Callis - mightymo - Nach - ncbncb - neviksti - OV2 - Overload - p4plus2 - quequotion - RedDwarf - Richard Bannister - Ryphecha - segher - Sintendo - SuperMikeMan - tetsuo55 - TmEE - TRAC - wareya - zones It's been a long, wild ride... apologies to anyone we've missed! For more information, see the [credits thread]( https://helmet.kafuka.org/byuubackup2/viewtopic.php@f=4&t=1631.html) on the archive of the official forums.