CheatEditor *cheatEditor = nullptr; CheatEditor::CheatEditor() { setGeometry({128, 128, 600, 360}); windowManager->append(this, "CheatEditor"); setTitle("Cheat Editor"); layout.setMargin(5); cheatList.setHeaderText("Slot", "Code", "Description"); cheatList.setHeaderVisible(); cheatList.setCheckable(); for(unsigned n = 0; n < Codes; n++) cheatList.append("", "", ""); codeLabel.setText("Code(s):"); descLabel.setText("Description:"); findButton.setText("Find Codes ..."); resetButton.setText("Reset"); eraseButton.setText("Erase"); unsigned width = max( Font::size(program->normalFont, "Codes(s)" ).width, Font::size(program->normalFont, "Description:").width ); append(layout); layout.append(cheatList, {~0, ~0}, 5); layout.append(codeLayout, {~0, 0}, 5); codeLayout.append(codeLabel, {width, 0}, 5); codeLayout.append(codeEdit, {~0, 0}); layout.append(descLayout, {~0, 0}, 5); descLayout.append(descLabel, {width, 0}, 5); descLayout.append(descEdit, {~0, 0}); layout.append(controlLayout, {~0, 0}); controlLayout.append(findButton, {0, 0}, 5); controlLayout.append(spacer, {~0, 0}); controlLayout.append(resetButton, {80, 0}, 5); controlLayout.append(eraseButton, {80, 0}); cheatList.onChange = {&CheatEditor::synchronize, this}; cheatList.onToggle = [&](unsigned) { update(); }; codeEdit.onChange = {&CheatEditor::updateCode, this}; descEdit.onChange = {&CheatEditor::updateDesc, this}; findButton.onActivate = {&CheatDatabase::findCodes, cheatDatabase}; resetButton.onActivate = [&] { if(MessageWindow().setParent(*this).setText("All codes will be erased. Are you sure you want to do this?") .question() == MessageWindow::Response::Yes) reset(); }; eraseButton.onActivate = {&CheatEditor::erase, this}; cheatList.setSelection(0); synchronize(); } void CheatEditor::synchronize() { layout.setEnabled(program->active); if(cheatList.selected()) { unsigned n = cheatList.selection(); codeEdit.setText(cheat[n].code); descEdit.setText(cheat[n].desc); codeEdit.setEnabled(true); descEdit.setEnabled(true); eraseButton.setEnabled(true); } else { codeEdit.setText(""); descEdit.setText(""); codeEdit.setEnabled(false); descEdit.setEnabled(false); eraseButton.setEnabled(false); } } void CheatEditor::refresh() { for(unsigned n = 0; n < Codes; n++) { string code = cheat[n].code; string desc = cheat[n].code.empty() && cheat[n].desc.empty() ? "(empty)" : cheat[n].desc; lstring codes = code.split("+"); if(codes.size() > 1) code = {codes[0], "+..."}; cheatList.modify(n, decimal<3>(1 + n), code, desc); } cheatList.autoSizeColumns(); } void CheatEditor::update() { lstring codes; for(unsigned n = 0; n < Codes; n++) { string code = cheat[n].code; if(cheatList.checked(n) && !code.empty()) codes.append(code); } system().cheatSet(codes); } void CheatEditor::reset() { for(unsigned n = 0; n < Codes; n++) { cheatList.setChecked(n, false); cheat[n].code = ""; cheat[n].desc = ""; } codeEdit.setText(""); descEdit.setText(""); refresh(); update(); } void CheatEditor::erase() { unsigned n = cheatList.selection(); cheatList.setChecked(n, false); cheat[n].code = ""; cheat[n].desc = ""; codeEdit.setText(""); descEdit.setText(""); refresh(); update(); } void CheatEditor::updateCode() { unsigned n = cheatList.selection(); cheat[n].code = codeEdit.text(); refresh(); update(); } void CheatEditor::updateDesc() { unsigned n = cheatList.selection(); cheat[n].desc = descEdit.text(); refresh(); } bool CheatEditor::load(const string &filename) { string data = string::read(filename); if(data.empty()) return false; unsigned n = 0; auto document = Markup::Document(data); for(auto &node : document["cartridge"]) { if( != "cheat") continue; cheatList.setChecked(n, node["enabled"].exists()); cheat[n].code = node["code"].text(); cheat[n].desc = node["description"].text(); if(++n >= Codes) break; } refresh(); update(); return true; } bool CheatEditor::save(const string &filename) { signed lastSave = -1; for(signed n = 127; n >= 0; n--) { if(!cheat[n].code.empty() || !cheat[n].desc.empty()) { lastSave = n; break; } } if(lastSave == -1) { file::remove(filename); return true; } file fp; if(, file::mode::write) == false) return false; fp.print("cartridge sha256:", system().sha256(), "\n"); for(unsigned n = 0; n <= lastSave; n++) { fp.print(" cheat", cheatList.checked(n) ? " enabled\n" : "\n"); fp.print(" description:", cheat[n].desc, "\n"); fp.print(" code:", cheat[n].code, "\n"); } fp.close(); return true; } bool CheatEditor::import(const string &code, const string &desc) { for(unsigned n = 0; n < Codes; n++) { if(cheat[n].code.empty() && cheat[n].desc.empty()) { cheatList.setChecked(n, false); cheat[n].code = code; cheat[n].desc = desc; return true; } } return false; }