#pragma once //simple thread library //primary rationale is that std::thread does not support custom stack sizes //this is highly critical in certain applications such as threaded web servers //an added bonus is that it avoids licensing issues on Windows //win32-pthreads (needed for std::thread) is licensed under the GPL only #include <nall/platform.hpp> #include <nall/function.hpp> #include <nall/intrinsics.hpp> #if defined(API_POSIX) #include <pthread.h> namespace nall { struct thread { inline auto join() -> void; static inline auto create(const function<void (uintptr)>& callback, uintptr parameter = 0, uint stacksize = 0) -> thread; static inline auto detach() -> void; static inline auto exit() -> void; struct context { function<auto (uintptr) -> void> callback; uintptr parameter = 0; }; private: pthread_t handle; }; inline auto _threadCallback(void* parameter) -> void* { auto context = (thread::context*)parameter; context->callback(context->parameter); delete context; return nullptr; } auto thread::join() -> void { pthread_join(handle, nullptr); } auto thread::create(const function<void (uintptr)>& callback, uintptr parameter, uint stacksize) -> thread { thread instance; auto context = new thread::context; context->callback = callback; context->parameter = parameter; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); if(stacksize) pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, max(PTHREAD_STACK_MIN, stacksize)); pthread_create(&instance.handle, &attr, _threadCallback, (void*)context); return instance; } auto thread::detach() -> void { pthread_detach(pthread_self()); } auto thread::exit() -> void { pthread_exit(nullptr); } } #elif defined(API_WINDOWS) namespace nall { struct thread { inline ~thread(); inline auto join() -> void; static inline auto create(const function<void (uintptr)>& callback, uintptr parameter = 0, uint stacksize = 0) -> thread; static inline auto detach() -> void; static inline auto exit() -> void; struct context { function<auto (uintptr) -> void> callback; uintptr parameter = 0; }; private: HANDLE handle = 0; }; inline auto WINAPI _threadCallback(void* parameter) -> DWORD { auto context = (thread::context*)parameter; context->callback(context->parameter); delete context; return 0; } thread::~thread() { if(handle) { CloseHandle(handle); handle = 0; } } auto thread::join() -> void { if(handle) { WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE); CloseHandle(handle); handle = 0; } } auto thread::create(const function<void (uintptr)>& callback, uintptr parameter, uint stacksize) -> thread { thread instance; auto context = new thread::context; context->callback = callback; context->parameter = parameter; instance.handle = CreateThread(nullptr, stacksize, _threadCallback, (void*)context, 0, nullptr); return instance; } auto thread::detach() -> void { //Windows threads do not use this concept: //~thread() frees resources via CloseHandle() //thread continues to run even after handle is closed } auto thread::exit() -> void { ExitThread(0); } } #endif