#ifndef RUBY_INPUT_JOYPAD_DIRECTINPUT #define RUBY_INPUT_JOYPAD_DIRECTINPUT namespace ruby { BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadsCallback(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* instance, void* p); BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadAxesCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance, void* p); BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadEffectsCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance, void* p); struct InputJoypadDirectInput { struct Joypad { HID::Joypad hid; LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 device = nullptr; LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT effect = nullptr; uint32_t pathID = 0; uint16_t vendorID = 0; uint16_t productID = 0; bool isXInputDevice = false; }; vector joypads; uintptr_t handle = 0; LPDIRECTINPUT8 context = nullptr; LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 device = nullptr; bool xinputAvailable = false; unsigned effects = 0; void assign(HID::Joypad& hid, unsigned groupID, unsigned inputID, int16_t value) { auto& group = hid.group[groupID]; if(group.input[inputID].value == value) return; if(input.onChange) input.onChange(hid, groupID, inputID, group.input[inputID].value, value); group.input[inputID].value = value; } void poll(vector& devices) { for(auto& jp : joypads) { if(FAILED(jp.device->Poll())) jp.device->Acquire(); DIJOYSTATE2 state; if(FAILED(jp.device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &state))) continue; for(unsigned n = 0; n < 4; n++) { assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 0, state.lX); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 1, state.lY); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 2, state.lZ); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 3, state.lRx); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 4, state.lRy); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Axis, 5, state.lRz); unsigned pov = state.rgdwPOV[n]; int16_t xaxis = 0; int16_t yaxis = 0; if(pov < 36000) { if(pov >= 31500 || pov <= 4500) yaxis = -32768; if(pov >= 4500 && pov <= 13500) xaxis = +32767; if(pov >= 13500 && pov <= 22500) yaxis = +32767; if(pov >= 22500 && pov <= 31500) xaxis = -32768; } assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Hat, n * 2 + 0, xaxis); assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Hat, n * 2 + 1, yaxis); } for(unsigned n = 0; n < 128; n++) { assign(jp.hid, HID::Joypad::GroupID::Button, n, (bool)state.rgbButtons[n]); } devices.append(&jp.hid); } } bool rumble(uint64_t id, bool enable) { for(auto& jp : joypads) { if(jp.hid.id != id) continue; if(jp.effect == nullptr) continue; if(enable) jp.effect->Start(1, 0); else jp.effect->Stop(); return true; } return false; } bool init(uintptr_t handle, LPDIRECTINPUT8 context, bool xinputAvailable) { this->handle = handle; this->context = context; this->xinputAvailable = xinputAvailable; context->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, DirectInput_EnumJoypadsCallback, (void*)this, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); return true; } void term() { for(auto& jp : joypads) { jp.device->Unacquire(); if(jp.effect) jp.effect->Release(); jp.device->Release(); } joypads.reset(); context = nullptr; } bool initJoypad(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* instance) { Joypad jp; jp.vendorID = instance->guidProduct.Data1 >> 0; jp.productID = instance->guidProduct.Data1 >> 16; if(auto device = rawinput.find(jp.vendorID, jp.productID)) { jp.pathID = crc32_calculate((const uint8_t*)device().path.data(), device().path.size()); jp.hid.id = (uint64_t)jp.pathID << 32 | jp.vendorID << 16 | jp.productID << 0; jp.isXInputDevice = device().isXInputDevice; } else { //this should never occur return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } //Microsoft has intentionally imposed artificial restrictions on XInput devices when used with DirectInput //a) the two triggers are merged into a single axis, making uniquely distinguishing them impossible //b) rumble support is not exposed //thus, it's always preferred to let the XInput driver handle these joypads //but if the driver is not available (XInput 1.3 does not ship with stock Windows XP), fall back on DirectInput if(jp.isXInputDevice && xinputAvailable) return DIENUM_CONTINUE; if(FAILED(context->CreateDevice(instance->guidInstance, &device, 0))) return DIENUM_CONTINUE; jp.device = device; device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2); device->SetCooperativeLevel((HWND)handle, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE | DISCL_BACKGROUND); effects = 0; device->EnumObjects(DirectInput_EnumJoypadAxesCallback, (void*)this, DIDFT_ABSAXIS); device->EnumObjects(DirectInput_EnumJoypadEffectsCallback, (void*)this, DIDFT_FFACTUATOR); jp.hid.rumble = effects > 0; if(jp.hid.rumble) { //disable auto-centering spring for rumble support DIPROPDWORD property; memset(&property, 0, sizeof(DIPROPDWORD)); property.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); property.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); property.diph.dwObj = 0; property.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; property.dwData = false; device->SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &property.diph); DWORD dwAxes[2] = {DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y}; LONG lDirection[2] = {0, 0}; DICONSTANTFORCE force; force.lMagnitude = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; //full force DIEFFECT effect; memset(&effect, 0, sizeof(DIEFFECT)); effect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); effect.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; effect.dwDuration = INFINITE; effect.dwSamplePeriod = 0; effect.dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; effect.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; effect.dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0; effect.cAxes = 2; effect.rgdwAxes = dwAxes; effect.rglDirection = lDirection; effect.lpEnvelope = 0; effect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE); effect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &force; effect.dwStartDelay = 0; device->CreateEffect(GUID_ConstantForce, &effect, &jp.effect, NULL); } for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) jp.hid.axis().append({n}); for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) jp.hid.hat().append({n}); for(unsigned n = 0; n < 128; n++) jp.hid.button().append({n}); joypads.append(jp); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } bool initAxis(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance) { DIPROPRANGE range; memset(&range, 0, sizeof(DIPROPRANGE)); range.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); range.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); range.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; range.diph.dwObj = instance->dwType; range.lMin = -32768; range.lMax = +32767; device->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &range.diph); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } bool initEffect(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance) { effects++; return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } }; BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadsCallback(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* instance, void* p) { return ((InputJoypadDirectInput*)p)->initJoypad(instance); } BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadAxesCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance, void* p) { return ((InputJoypadDirectInput*)p)->initAxis(instance); } BOOL CALLBACK DirectInput_EnumJoypadEffectsCallback(const DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE* instance, void* p) { return ((InputJoypadDirectInput*)p)->initEffect(instance); } } #endif