#ifdef NALL_MOSAIC_INTERNAL_HPP namespace nall { namespace mosaic { struct parser { image canvas; //export from bitstream to canvas void load(bitstream& stream, uint64_t offset, context& ctx, unsigned width, unsigned height) { canvas.allocate(width, height); canvas.fill(ctx.paddingColor); parse(1, stream, offset, ctx, width, height); } //import from canvas to bitstream bool save(bitstream& stream, uint64_t offset, context& ctx) { if(stream.readonly) return false; parse(0, stream, offset, ctx, canvas.width(), canvas.height()); return true; } inline parser() : canvas(0, 32, 255u << 24, 255u << 16, 255u << 8, 255u << 0) { } private: uint32_t read(unsigned x, unsigned y) const { unsigned addr = y * canvas.width() + x; if(addr >= canvas.width() * canvas.height()) return 0u; uint32_t *buffer = (uint32_t*)canvas.data(); return buffer[addr]; } void write(unsigned x, unsigned y, uint32_t data) { unsigned addr = y * canvas.width() + x; if(addr >= canvas.width() * canvas.height()) return; uint32_t *buffer = (uint32_t*)canvas.data(); buffer[addr] = data; } void parse(bool load, bitstream& stream, uint64_t offset, context& ctx, unsigned width, unsigned height) { stream.endian = ctx.endian; unsigned canvasWidth = width / (ctx.mosaicWidth * ctx.tileWidth * ctx.blockWidth + ctx.paddingWidth); unsigned canvasHeight = height / (ctx.mosaicHeight * ctx.tileHeight * ctx.blockHeight + ctx.paddingHeight); unsigned bitsPerBlock = ctx.depth * ctx.blockWidth * ctx.blockHeight; unsigned objectOffset = 0; for(unsigned objectY = 0; objectY < canvasHeight; objectY++) { for(unsigned objectX = 0; objectX < canvasWidth; objectX++) { if(objectOffset >= ctx.count && ctx.count > 0) break; unsigned objectIX = objectX * ctx.objectWidth(); unsigned objectIY = objectY * ctx.objectHeight(); objectOffset++; unsigned mosaicOffset = 0; for(unsigned mosaicY = 0; mosaicY < ctx.mosaicHeight; mosaicY++) { for(unsigned mosaicX = 0; mosaicX < ctx.mosaicWidth; mosaicX++) { unsigned mosaicData = ctx.mosaic(mosaicOffset, mosaicOffset); unsigned mosaicIX = (mosaicData % ctx.mosaicWidth) * (ctx.tileWidth * ctx.blockWidth); unsigned mosaicIY = (mosaicData / ctx.mosaicWidth) * (ctx.tileHeight * ctx.blockHeight); mosaicOffset++; unsigned tileOffset = 0; for(unsigned tileY = 0; tileY < ctx.tileHeight; tileY++) { for(unsigned tileX = 0; tileX < ctx.tileWidth; tileX++) { unsigned tileData = ctx.tile(tileOffset, tileOffset); unsigned tileIX = (tileData % ctx.tileWidth) * ctx.blockWidth; unsigned tileIY = (tileData / ctx.tileWidth) * ctx.blockHeight; tileOffset++; unsigned blockOffset = 0; for(unsigned blockY = 0; blockY < ctx.blockHeight; blockY++) { for(unsigned blockX = 0; blockX < ctx.blockWidth; blockX++) { if(load) { unsigned palette = 0; for(unsigned n = 0; n < ctx.depth; n++) { unsigned index = blockOffset++; if(ctx.order == 1) index = (index % ctx.depth) * ctx.blockWidth * ctx.blockHeight + (index / ctx.depth); palette |= stream.read(offset + ctx.block(index, index)) << n; } write( objectIX + mosaicIX + tileIX + blockX, objectIY + mosaicIY + tileIY + blockY, ctx.palette(palette, palette) ); } else /* save */ { uint32_t palette = read( objectIX + mosaicIX + tileIX + blockX, objectIY + mosaicIY + tileIY + blockY ); for(unsigned n = 0; n < ctx.depth; n++) { unsigned index = blockOffset++; if(ctx.order == 1) index = (index % ctx.depth) * ctx.blockWidth * ctx.blockHeight + (index / ctx.depth); stream.write(offset + ctx.block(index, index), palette & 1); palette >>= 1; } } } //blockX } //blockY offset += ctx.blockStride; } //tileX offset += ctx.blockOffset; } //tileY offset += ctx.tileStride; } //mosaicX offset += ctx.tileOffset; } //mosaicY offset += ctx.mosaicStride; } //objectX offset += ctx.mosaicOffset; } //objectY } }; } } #endif