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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen bdc100e123 Update to v102r02 release.
byuu says:


  - I caved on the `samples[] = {0.0}` thing, but I'm very unhappy about it
      - if it's really invalid C++, then GCC needs to stop accepting it
        in strict `-std=c++14` mode
  - Emulator::Interface::Information::resettable is gone
  - Emulator::Interface::reset() is gone
  - FC, SFC, MD cores updated to remove soft reset behavior
  - split GameBoy::Interface into GameBoyInterface,
  - split WonderSwan::Interface into WonderSwanInterface,
  - PCE: fixed off-by-one scanline error [hex_usr]
  - PCE: temporary hack to prevent crashing when VDS is set to < 2
  - hiro: Cocoa: removed (u)int(#) constants; converted (u)int(#)
    types to (u)int_(#)t types
  - icarus: replaced usage of unique with strip instead (so we don't
    mess up frameworks on macOS)
  - libco: added macOS-specific section marker [Ryphecha]

So ... the major news this time is the removal of the soft reset
behavior. This is a major!! change that results in a 100KiB diff file,
and it's very prone to accidental mistakes!! If anyone is up for
testing, or even better -- looking over the code changes between v102r01
and v102r02 and looking for any issues, please do so. Ideally we'll want
to test every NES mapper type and every SNES coprocessor type by loading
said games and power cycling to make sure the games are all cleanly
resetting. It's too big of a change for me to cover there not being any
issues on my own, but this is truly critical code, so yeah ... please
help if you can.

We technically lose a bit of hardware documentation here. The soft reset
events do all kinds of interesting things in all kinds of different
chips -- or at least they do on the SNES. This is obviously not ideal.
But in the process of removing these portions of code, I found a few
mistakes I had made previously. It simplifies resetting the system state
a lot when not trying to have all the power() functions call the reset()
functions to share partial functionality.

In the future, the goal will be to come up with a way to add back in the
soft reset behavior via keyboard binding as with the Master System core.
What's going to have to happen is that the key binding will have to send
a "reset pulse" to every emulated chip, and those chips are going to
have to act independently to power() instead of reusing functionality.
We'll get there eventually, but there's many things of vastly greater
importance to work on right now, so it'll be a while. The information
isn't lost ... we'll just have to pull it out of v102 when we are ready.

Note that I left the SNES reset vector simulation code in, even though
it's not possible to trigger, for the time being.

Also ... the Super Game Boy core is still disconnected. To be honest, it
totally slipped my mind when I released v102 that it wasn't connected
again yet. This one's going to be pretty tricky to be honest. I'm
thinking about making a third GameBoy::Interface class just for SGB, and
coming up with some way of bypassing platform-> calls when in this
2017-01-23 08:04:26 +11:00
Tim Allen 5df717ff2a Update to v101r12 release.
byuu says:


  - new md/bus/ module for bus reads/writes
      - abstracts byte/word accesses wherever possible (everything but
        RAM; forces all but I/O to word, I/O to byte)
      - holds the system RAM since that's technically not part of the
        CPU anyway
  - added md/controller and md/system/peripherals
  - added emulation of gamepads
  - added stub PSG audio output (silent) to cap the framerate at 60fps
    with audio sync enabled
  - fixed VSRAM reads for plane vertical scrolling (two bugs here: add
    instead of sub; interlave plane A/B)
  - mask nametable read offsets (can't exceed 8192-byte nametables
  - emulated VRAM/VSRAM/CRAM reads from VDP data port
  - fixed sprite width/height size calculations
  - added partial emulation of 40-tile per scanline limitation (enough
    to fix Sonic's title screen)
  - fixed off-by-one sprite range testing
  - fixed sprite tile indexing
  - Vblank happens at Y=224 with overscan disabled
      - unsure what happens when you toggle it between Y=224 and Y=240
        ... probably bad things
  - fixed reading of address register for ADDA, CMPA, SUBA
  - fixed sign extension for MOVEA effect address reads
  - updated MOVEM to increment the read addresses (but not writeback)
    for (aN) mode

With all of that out of the way, we finally have Sonic the Hedgehog
(fully?) playable. I played to stage 1-2 and through the special stage,
at least. EDIT: yeah, we probably need HIRQs for Labyrinth Zone.

Not much else works, of course. Most games hang waiting on the Z80, and
those that don't (like Altered Beast) are still royally screwed. Tons of
features still missing; including all of the Z80/PSG/YM2612.

A note on the perihperals this time around: the Mega Drive EXT port is
basically identical to the regular controller ports. So unlike with the
Famicom and Super Famicom, I'm inheriting the exension port from the
controller class.
2016-08-22 08:11:24 +10:00
Tim Allen f7ddbfc462 Update to v101r11 release.
byuu says:


  - 68K: fixed NEG/NEGX operand order
  - 68K: fixed bug in disassembler that was breaking trace logging
  - VDP: improved sprite rendering (still 100% broken)
  - VDP: added horizontal/vertical scrolling (90% broken)


  - 68K: fix extension word sign bit on indexed modes for disassembler
    as well
  - 68K: emulate STOP properly (use r.stop flag; clear on IRQs firing)

I'm really wearing out fast here. The Genesis documentation is somehow
even worse than Game Boy documentation, but this is a far more complex

It's a massive time sink to sit here banging away at every possible
combination of how things could work, only to see no positive
improvements. Nothing I do seems to get sprites to do a goddamn thing.

squee says the sprite Y field is 10-bits, X field is 9-bits. genvdp says
they're both 10-bits. BlastEm treats them like they're both 10-bits,
then masks off the upper bit so it's effectively 9-bits anyway.

Nothing ever bothers to tell you whether the horizontal scroll values
are supposed to add or subtract from the current X position. Probably
the most basic detail you could imagine for explaining horizontal
scrolling and yet ... nope. Nothing.

I can't even begin to understand how the VDP FIFO functionality works,
or what the fuck is meant by "slots".

I'm completely at a loss as how how in the holy hell the 68K works with
8-bit accesses. I don't know whether I need byte/word handlers for every
device, or if I can just hook it right into the 68K core itself. This
one's probably the most major design detail. I need to know this before
I go and implement the PSG/YM2612/IO ports-\>gamepads/Z80/etc.

Trying to debug the 68K is murder because basically every game likes to
start with a 20,000,000-instruction reset phase of checksumming entire
games, and clearing out the memory as agonizingly slowly as humanly
possible. And like the ARM, there's too many registers so I'd need three
widescreen monitors to comfortably view the entire debugger output lines

I can't get any test ROMs to debug functionality outside of full games
because every **goddamned** test ROM coder thinks it's acceptable to tell
people to go fetch some toolchain from a link that died in the late '90s
and only works on MS-DOS 6.22 to build their fucking shit, because god
forbid you include a 32KiB assembled ROM image in your fucking archives.

... I may have to take a break for a while. We'll see.
2016-08-21 12:50:05 +10:00
Tim Allen 043f6a8b33 Update to v101r08 release.
byuu says:


  - 68K: fixed read-modify-write instructions
  - 68K: fixed ADDX bug (using wrong target)
  - 68K: fixed major bug with SUB using wrong argument ordering
  - 68K: fixed sign extension when reading address registers from
    effective addressing
  - 68K: fixed sign extension on CMPA, SUBA instructions
  - VDP: improved OAM sprite attribute table caching behavior
  - VDP: improved DMA fill operation behavior
  - added Master System / Game Gear stubs (needed for developing the Z80
2016-08-17 22:31:22 +10:00
Tim Allen ffd150735b Update to v101r07 release.
byuu says:

Added VDP sprite rendering. Can't get any games far enough in to see if
it actually works. So in other words, it doesn't work at all and is 100%
completely broken.

Also added 68K exceptions and interrupts. So far only the VDP interrupt
is present. It definitely seems to be firing in commercial games, so
that's promising. But the implementation is almost certainly completely
wrong. There is fuck all of nothing for documentation on how interrupts
actually work. I had to find out the interrupt vector numbers from
reading the comments from the Sonic the Hedgehog disassembly. I have
literally no fucking clue what I0-I2 (3-bit integer priority value in
the status register) is supposed to do. I know that Vblank=6, Hblank=4,
Ext(gamepad)=2. I know that at reset, SR.I=7. I don't know if I'm
supposed to block interrupts when I is >, >=, <, <= to the interrupt
level. I don't know what level CPU exceptions are supposed to be.

Also implemented VDP regular DMA. No idea if it works correctly since
none of the commercial games run far enough to use it. So again, it's
horribly broken for usre.

Also improved VDP fill mode. But I don't understand how it takes
byte-lengths when the bus is 16-bit. The transfer times indicate it's
actually transferring at the same speed as the 68K->VDP copy, strongly
suggesting it's actually doing 16-bit transfers at a time. In which case,
what happens when you set an odd transfer length?

Also, both DMA modes can now target VRAM, VSRAM, CRAM. Supposedly there's
all kinds of weird shit going on when you target VSRAM, CRAM with VDP
fill/copy modes, but whatever. Get to that later.

Also implemented a very lazy preliminary wait mechanism to to stall out
a processor while another processor exerts control over the bus. This
one's going to be a major work in progress. For one, it totally breaks
the model I use to do save states with libco. For another, I don't
know if a 68K->VDP DMA instantly locks the CPU, or if it the CPU could
actually keep running if it was executing out of RAM when it started
the DMA transfer from ROM (eg it's a bus busy stall, not a hard chip
stall.) That'll greatly change how I handle the waiting.

Also, the OSS driver now supports Audio::Latency. Sound should be
even lower latency now. On FreeBSD when set to 0ms, it's absolutely
incredible. Cannot detect latency whatsoever. The Mario jump sound seems
to happen at the very instant I hear my cherry blue keyswitch activate.
2016-08-15 14:56:38 +10:00