byuu says:
- fixed sprite Vflip check
- fixed up window rendering (well, mostly, works great in Megaman II but
not so great in Makaitoushi SaGa)
- added MBC2, MBC5 (already had MBC0, MBC1)
- removed reset, hooked up power cycle and Vsync toggle
- some other stuff
Makaitoushi SaGa locks on the main menu after some graphical glitches on
the title screen, damn.
Shin Megami Tensei - Devichil Black Book locks up immediately, hitting
HALT opcodes all the time, damn again.
Megaman II should be fully playable now.
Contra 3 is really close, but goes crazy on the turtle boss fight.
byuu says:
Added MBC1 emulation, although battery RAM doesn't save or load to disk
Made up a fake MBC0 which is really just saying 'no MBC', for consistent
handling of all MBCs.
Added bumpers to stop ROM/RAM out of bounds accesses.
Added STAT interrupts for LY coincidence, Vblank and Hblank (not for OAM
access yet, I don't know the timings.)
Fixed timer interrupt [Jonas Quinn]
Made all interrupts call a CPU function instead of just setting a flag
for better control (to allow below addition.)
Added HALT and STOP emulation, the latter permanently locks the Game Boy
for now. The former breaks on interrupts.
Rewrote all the rendering code to suck 50% less, though it's still
absolutely miserable and scanline-based.
Added pixel-level horizontal scrolling to BGs.
Fixed OBJ rendering error that was making them render upside down (I was
flipping to compensate before.)
Added OBJ 8x16 mode.
Added OBJ priority support.
Added window (but it's broken to all hell on Mega Man II.)