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10 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Message | Date |
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e9d2d56df9 |
Update to v105r1 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - higan: readded support for soft-reset to Famicom, Super Famicom, Mega Drive cores (work in progress) - handhelds lack soft reset obviously - the PC Engine also lacks a physical reset button - the Master System's reset button acts like a gamepad button, so can't show up in the menu - Mega Drive: power cycle wasn't initializing CPU (M68K) or APU (Z80) RAM - Super Famicom: fix SPC700 opcode 0x3b regression; fixes Majuu Ou [Jonas Quinn] - Super Famicom: fix SharpRTC save regression; fixes Dai Kaijuu Monogatari II's real-time clock [Talarubi] - Super Famicom: fix EpsonRTC save regression; fixes Tengai Makyou Zero's real-time clock [Talarubi] - Super Famicom: removed `*::init()` functions, as they were never used - Super Famicom: removed all but two `*::load()` functions, as they were not used - higan: added option to auto-save backup RAM every five seconds (enabled by default) - this is in case the emulator crashes, or there's a power outage; turn it off under advanced settings if you want - libco: updated license from public domain to ISC, for consistency with nall, ruby, hiro - nall: Linux compiler defaults to g++; override with g++-version if g++ is <= 4.8 - FreeBSD compiler default is going to remain g++49 until my dev box OS ships with g++ >= 4.9 Errata: I have weird RAM initialization constants, thanks to hex_usr and onethirdxcubed for both finding this: http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php?title=CPU_power_up_state&diff=11711&oldid=11184 I'll remove this in the next WIP. |
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bdc100e123 |
Update to v102r02 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - I caved on the `samples[] = {0.0}` thing, but I'm very unhappy about it - if it's really invalid C++, then GCC needs to stop accepting it in strict `-std=c++14` mode - Emulator::Interface::Information::resettable is gone - Emulator::Interface::reset() is gone - FC, SFC, MD cores updated to remove soft reset behavior - split GameBoy::Interface into GameBoyInterface, GameBoyColorInterface - split WonderSwan::Interface into WonderSwanInterface, WonderSwanColorInterface - PCE: fixed off-by-one scanline error [hex_usr] - PCE: temporary hack to prevent crashing when VDS is set to < 2 - hiro: Cocoa: removed (u)int(#) constants; converted (u)int(#) types to (u)int_(#)t types - icarus: replaced usage of unique with strip instead (so we don't mess up frameworks on macOS) - libco: added macOS-specific section marker [Ryphecha] So ... the major news this time is the removal of the soft reset behavior. This is a major!! change that results in a 100KiB diff file, and it's very prone to accidental mistakes!! If anyone is up for testing, or even better -- looking over the code changes between v102r01 and v102r02 and looking for any issues, please do so. Ideally we'll want to test every NES mapper type and every SNES coprocessor type by loading said games and power cycling to make sure the games are all cleanly resetting. It's too big of a change for me to cover there not being any issues on my own, but this is truly critical code, so yeah ... please help if you can. We technically lose a bit of hardware documentation here. The soft reset events do all kinds of interesting things in all kinds of different chips -- or at least they do on the SNES. This is obviously not ideal. But in the process of removing these portions of code, I found a few mistakes I had made previously. It simplifies resetting the system state a lot when not trying to have all the power() functions call the reset() functions to share partial functionality. In the future, the goal will be to come up with a way to add back in the soft reset behavior via keyboard binding as with the Master System core. What's going to have to happen is that the key binding will have to send a "reset pulse" to every emulated chip, and those chips are going to have to act independently to power() instead of reusing functionality. We'll get there eventually, but there's many things of vastly greater importance to work on right now, so it'll be a while. The information isn't lost ... we'll just have to pull it out of v102 when we are ready. Note that I left the SNES reset vector simulation code in, even though it's not possible to trigger, for the time being. Also ... the Super Game Boy core is still disconnected. To be honest, it totally slipped my mind when I released v102 that it wasn't connected again yet. This one's going to be pretty tricky to be honest. I'm thinking about making a third GameBoy::Interface class just for SGB, and coming up with some way of bypassing platform-> calls when in this mode. |
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f48b332c83 |
Update to v099r08 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - nall/vfs work 100% completed; even SGB games load now - emulation cores now call load() for the base cartridges as well - updated port/device handling; portmask is gone; device ID bug should be resolved now - SNES controller port 1 multitap option was removed - added support for 128KiB SNES PPU VRAM (for now, edit sfc/ppu/ppu.hpp VRAM::size=0x10000; to enable) Overall, nall/vfs was a huge success!! We've substantially reduced the amount of boilerplate code everywhere, while still allowing (even easier than before) support for RAM-based game loading/saving. All of nall/stream is dead and buried. I am considering removing Emulator::Interface::Medium::id and/or bootable flag. Or at least, doing something different with it. The values for the non-bootable GB/BS/ST entries duplicate the ID that is supposed to be unique. They are for GB/GBC and WS/WSC. Maybe I'll use this as the hardware revision selection ID, and then gut non-bootable options. There's really no reason for that to be there. I think at one point I was using it to generate library tabs for non-bootable systems, but we don't do that anymore anyway. Emulator::Interface::load() may not need the required flag anymore ... it doesn't really do anything right now anyway. I have a few reasons for having the cores load the base cartridge. Most importantly, it is going to enable a special mode for the WonderSwan / WonderSwan Color in the future. If we ever get the IPLROMs dumped ... it's possible to boot these systems with no games inserted to set user profile information and such. There are also other systems that may accept being booted without a cartridge. To reach this state, you would load a game and then cancel the load dialog. Right now, this results in games not loading. The second reason is this prevents nasty crashes when loading fails. So if you're missing a required manifest, the emulator won't die a violent death anymore. It's able to back out at any point. The third reason is consistency: loading the base cartridge works the same as the slot cartridges. The fourth reason is Emulator::Interface::open(uint pathID) values. Before, the GB, SB, GBC modes were IDs 1,2,3 respectively. This complicated things because you had to pass the correct ID. But now instead, Emulator::Interface::load() returns maybe<uint> that is nothing when no game is selected, and a pathID for a valid game. And now open() can take this ID to access this game's folder contents. The downside, which is temporary, is that command-line loading is currently broken. But I do intend on restoring it. In fact, I want to do better than before and allow multi-cart booting from the command-line by specifying the base cartridge and then slot cartridges. The idea should be pretty simple: keep a queue of pending filenames that we fill from the command-line and/or drag-and-drop operations on the main window, and then empty out the queue or prompt for load dialogs from the UI when booting a system. This also might be a bit more unorthodox compared to the traditional emulator design of "loadGame(filename)", but ... oh well. It's easy enough still. The port/device changes are fun. We simplified things quite a bit. The portmask stuff is gone entirely. While ports and devices keep IDs, this is really just sugar-coating so UIs can use for(auto& port : emulator->ports) and access port.id; rather than having to use for(auto n : range(emulator->ports)) { auto& port = emulator->ports[n]; ... }; but they should otherwise generally be identical to the order they appear in their respective ranges. Still, don't rely on that. Input::id is gone. There was no point since we also got rid of the nasty Input::order vector. Since I was in here, I went ahead and caved on the pedantics and renamed Input::guid to Input::userData. I removed the SNES controller port 1 multitap option. Basically, the only game that uses this is N-warp Daisakusen and, no offense to d4s, it's not really a good game anyway. It's just a quick demo to show 8-players on the SNES. But in the UI, all it does is confuse people into wasting time mapping a controller they're never going to use, and they're going to wonder which port to use. If more compelling use cases for 8-players comes about, we can reconsider this. I left all the code to support this in place, so all you have to do is uncomment one line to enable it again. We now have dsnes emulation! :D If you change PPU::VRAM::size to 0x10000 (words), then you should now have 128KiB of VRAM. Even better, it serializes the used-VRAM size, so your save states shouldn't crash on you if you swap between the two (though if you try this, you're nuts.) Note that this option does break commercial software. Yoshi's Island in particular. This game is setting A15 on some PPU register writes, but not on others. The end result of this is things break horribly in-game. Also, this option is causing a very tiny speed hit for obvious reasons with the variable masking value (I'm even using size-1 for now.) Given how niche this is, I may just leave it a compile-time constant to avoid the overhead cost. Otherwise, if we keep the option, then it'll go into Super Famicom.sys/manifest.bml ... I'll flesh that out in the near-future. ---- Finally, some fun for my OCD ... my monitor suddenly cut out on me in the middle of working on this WIP, about six hours in of non-stop work. Had to hit a bunch of ctrl+alt+fN commands (among other things) and trying to log in headless on another TTY to do issue commands, trying to recover the display. Finally power cycled the monitor and it came back up. So all my typing ended up going to who knows where. Usually this sort of thing terrifies me enough that I scrap a WIP and start over to ensure I didn't screw anything up during the crashed screen when hitting keys randomly. Obviously, everything compiles and appears to work fine. And I know it's extremely paranoid, but OCD isn't logical, so ... I'm going to go over every line of the 100KiB r07->r08 diff looking for any corruption/errors/whatever. ---- Review finished. r08 diff review notes: - fc/controller/gamepad/gamepad.cpp: use uint device = ID::Device::Gamepad; not id = ...; - gb/cartridge/cartridge.hpp: remove redundant uint _pathID; (in Information::pathID already) - gb/cartridge/cartridge.hpp: pull sha256 inside Information - sfc/cartridge/load/cpp: add " - Slot (A,B)" to interface->load("Sufami Turbo"); to be more descriptive - sfc/controller/gamepad/gamepad.cpp: use uint device = ID::Device::Gamepad; not id = ...; - sfc/interface/interface.cpp: remove n variable from the Multitap device input generation loop (now unused) - sfc/interface/interface.hpp: put struct Port above struct Device like the other classes - ui-tomoko: cheats.bml is reading from/writing to mediumPaths(0) [system folder instead of game folder] - ui-tomoko: instead of mediumPaths(1) - call emulator->metadataPathID() or something like that |
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ccd8878d75 |
Update to v099r07 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - (hopefully) fixed BS Memory and Sufami Turbo slot loading - ported GB, GBA, WS cores to use nall/vfs - completely removed loadRequest, saveRequest functionality from Emulator::Interface and ui-tomoko - loadRequest(folder) is now load(folder) - save states now use a shared Emulator::SerializerVersion string - whenever this is bumped, all older states will break; but this makes bumping state versions way easier - also, the version string makes it a lot easier to identify compatibility windows for save states - SNES PPU now uses uint16 vram[32768] for memory accesses [hex_usr] NOTE: Super Game Boy loading is currently broken, and I'm not entirely sure how to fix it :/ The file loading handoff was -really- complicated, and so I'm kind of at a loss ... so for now, don't try it. Everything else should theoretically work, so please report any bugs you find. So, this is pretty much it. I'd be very curious to hear feedback from people who objected to the old nall/stream design, whether they are happy with the new file loading system or think it could use further improvements. The 16-bit VRAM turned out to be a wash on performance (roughly the same as before. 1fps slower on Zelda 3, 1fps faster on Yoshi's Island.) The main reason for this was because Yoshi's Island was breaking horribly until I changed the vramRead, vramWrite functions to take uint15 instead of uint16. I suspect the issue is we're using uint16s in some areas now that need to be uint15, and this game is setting the VRAM address to 0x8000+, causing us to go out of bounds on memory accesses. But ... I want to go ahead and do something cute for fun, and just because we can ... and this new interface is so incredibly perfect for it!! I want to support an SNES unit with 128KiB of VRAM. Not out of the box, but as a fun little tweakable thing. The SNES was clearly designed to support that, they just didn't use big enough VRAM chips, and left one of the lines disconnected. So ... let's connect it anyway! In the end, if we design it right, the only code difference should be one area where we mask by 15-bits instead of by 16-bits. |
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44a8c5a2b4 |
Update to v099r03 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - finished cleaning up the SFC core to my new coding conventions - removed sfc/controller/usart (superseded by 21fx) - hid Synchronize Video option from the menu (still in the configuration file) Pretty much the only minor detail left is some variable names in the SA-1 core that really won't look good at all if I move to camelCase, so I'll have to rethink how I handle those. It's probably a good area to attempt using BitFields, to see how it impacts performance. But I'll do that in a test branch first. But for the most part, this should be the end of the gigantic diffs (this one was 174KiB), at least for the SFC/WS cores. Still have the FC/GB/GBA cores to clean up more fully. Assuming we don't spot any new regressions, we should be ~95% out of the woods on code cleanups breaking things. |
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4b29f4bad7 |
Update to v097r15 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - higan now uses Natural<Size>/Integer<Size> for its internal types - Super Famicom emulation now uses uint24 instead of uint for bus addresses (it's a 24-bit bus) - cleaned up gb/apu MMIO writes - cleaned up sfc/coprocessor/msu1 MMIO writes - ~3% speed penalty I've wanted to do that 24-bit bus thing for so long, but have always been afraid of the speed impact. It's probably going to hurt balanced/performance once they compile again, but it wasn't significant enough to harm the accuracy core's frame rate, thankfully. Only lost one frame per second. The GBA core handlers are clearly going to take a lot more work. The bit-ranges will make it substantially easier to handle, though. Lots of 32-bit registers where certain values span multiple bytes, but we have to be able to read/write at byte-granularity. |
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47d4bd4d81 |
Update to v096r01 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - restructured the project and removed a whole bunch of old/dead directives from higan/GNUmakefile - huge amounts of work on hiro/cocoa (compiles but ~70% of the functionality is commented out) - fixed a masking error in my ARM CPU disassembler [Lioncash] - SFC: decided to change board cic=(411,413) back to board region=(ntsc,pal) ... the former was too obtuse If you rename Boolean (it's a problem with an include from ruby, not from hiro) and disable all the ruby drivers, you can compile an OS X binary, but obviously it's not going to do anything. It's a boring WIP, I just wanted to push out the project structure change now at the start of this WIP cycle. |
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4e2eb23835 |
Update to v093 release.
byuu says: Changelog: - added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion [Cydrak, byuu] - SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes Marvelous text [AWJ] - fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo - added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures (requires OpenGL 3.2+) - added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to Settings->Advanced - system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux) - all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much easier to read and edit this way) - main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files / ZIP archives) - audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents audio repetition with DirectSound driver) - a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest refactoring to date) One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like. |
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29ea5bd599 |
Update to v092r09 release.
byuu says: This will be another massive diff from the previous version. All of higan was updated to use the new foo& bar syntax, and I also updated switch statements to be consistent as well (but not in the disassemblers, was starting to get an RSI just from what I already did.) phoenix/{windows, cocoa, qt} need to be updated to use "string foo" instead of "const string& foo", and after that, the major diffs should be finished. This archive is the first time I'm posting my copy-on-write, size+capacity nall::string class, so any feedback on that is welcome as well. |
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bbc33fe05f |
Update to higan v092r01, ananke v02r01 and purify v03r01 releases.
byuu says: higan changelog: - compiler is set to g++-4.7, subst(cc,++) rule is gone, C files compile with $(compiler) -x c - make throws an error when you specify an invalid profile or compile on an unsupported platform (instead of hanging forever) - added unverified.png to resources (causes too big of a speed hit to actually check for folder/unverified file ... so disabled for now) - fixed default browser paths for Game Boy, Sufami Turbo and BS-X Satellaview (have to delete paths.cfg to see this) - browser home button seeks to configpath()/higan/library.cfg - settings->driver is now settings->advanced, and it adds game library path setting and profile information - emulation cores now load manifest files internally, manifest.bml is not required for a game folder to be recognized by higan as such - BS-X Satellaview and Sufami Turbo slot cartridge handling moved out of sfc/chip and into sfc/slot - Video::StartFullScreen only sets fullscreen when a game is specified on the command-line purify and ananke changelog: - library output path shown in purify window - added button to change library path - squelch firmware warning windows to prevent multi-threading crash, but only via purify (they show up in higan still) |