Commit Graph

71 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen ecc651c88b Update to v094r07 release.
byuu says:

Changelog for loki:
- added command aliases (match with * [sorry, regex lib isn't available
  everywhere yet], replace with {1}+)
- added command hotkeys
- added window geometry saving
- added save state support
- added power/reset commands
- added an input manager, so you can remap keys (limiting it to the
  keyboard for now though)

The combination of aliases and hotkeys really makes things shine. Save
states will temporarily disable your breakpoints (run/step are
technically temporary breakpoints) so as to ensure the state is captured
at a good time. In practice, this should pose about as much of a problem
as higan desyncing and breaking when capturing states ... should be
exceedingly rare to ever even notice this behavior at all, with 99.9% of
state captures happening in half an instruction boundary. But still,
keep it in mind, as you might see the CPU step one instruction ahead.
Tracing and usage map functionality is still enabled during state

So at this point, I have 100% of the essential stuff in. All that's left
now is to add polish / wishlist features like bass and mosaic
2014-02-09 17:05:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 3016e595f0 Update to v094r06 release.
byuu says:

New terminal is in. Much nicer to use now. Command history makes a major
difference in usability.

The SMP is now fully traceable and debuggable. Basically they act as
separate entities, you can trace both at the same time, but for the most
part running and stepping is performed on the chip you select.

I'm going to put off CPU+SMP interleave support for a while. I don't
actually think it'll be too hard. Will get trickier if/when we support
coprocessor debugging.

Remaining tasks:
- aliases
- hotkeys
- save states
- window geometry

Basically, the debugger's done. Just have to add the UI fluff.

I also removed tracing/memory export from higan. It was always meant to
be temporary until the debugger was remade.
2014-02-09 17:05:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 423a6c6bf8 Update to v094r05 release.
byuu says:

Commands can be prefixed with: (cpu|smp|ppu|dsp|apu|vram|oam|cgram)/ to
set their source. Eg "vram/hex 0800" or "smp/breakpoints.append execute
ffc0"; default is cpu.

These overlap a little bit in odd ways, but that's just the way the SNES
works: it's not a very orthogonal system. CPU is both a processor and
the main bus (ROM, RAM, WRAM, etc), APU is the shared memory by the
SMP+DSP (eg use it to catch writes from either chip); PPU probably won't
ever be used since it's broken down into three separate buses (VRAM,
OAM, CGRAM), but DSP could be useful for tracking bugs like we found in
Koushien 2 with the DSP echo buffer corrupting SMP opcodes. Technically
the PPU memory pools are only ever tripped by the CPU poking at them, as
the PPU doesn't ever write.

I now have run.for,, step.for, The difference is that
run only prints the next instruction after running, whereas step prints
all of the instructions along the way as well. acts the same as
"step over" here. Although it's not quite as nice, since you have to
specify the address of the next instruction.

Logging the Field/Vcounter/Hcounter on instruction listings now, good
for timing information.

Added in the tracer mask, as well as memory export, as well as
VRAM/OAM/CGRAM/SMP read/write/execute breakpoints, as well as an APU
usage map (it tracks DSP reads/writes separately, although I don't
currently have debugger callbacks on DSP accesses just yet.)

Have not hooked up actual SMP debugging just yet, but I plan to soon.
Still thinking about how I want to allow / block interleaving of
instructions (terminal output and tracing.)

So ... remaining tasks at this point:
- full SMP debugging
- CPU+SMP interleave support
- aliases
- hotkeys
- save states (will be kind of tricky ... will have to suppress
  breakpoints during synchronization, or abort a save in a break event.)
- keep track of window geometry between runs
2014-02-09 17:05:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 10e2a6d497 Update to v094r04 release.
byuu says:

- target-ethos/ is now target-higan/ (will unfortunately screw up diffs
  pretty badly at this point.)
- had a serious bug in nall::optional<T>::operator=, which is now fixed.
- added tracer (no masking just yet, I need to write a nall::bitvector
  class because I don't want to hard-code those anymore.)
- added usage logging (keep track of RWX/EP states for all bus
- added read/write to poke at memory (hex also works for reading, but
  this one can poke at MMIO regs and is for one address only.)
- added both run.for (# of instructions) and (program counter
- added read/write/execute breakpoints with counters for a given
  address, and with an optional compare byte (for read/write modes.)

About the only major things left now for loki is support for trace
masking, memory export, and VRAM/OAM/CGRAM access.
For phoenix/Console, I really need to add a history to up+down arrows,
and I should support left/right insert-at.
2014-02-09 17:05:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 187ba0eec6 Update to v094r02 release.
byuu says:

- ethos: use nall::programpath() instead of realpath(argv[0]) to get
  executable path
- loki: add presentation window
- loki: add terminal window
- loki: add interface to emulation core
- loki: add ruby
- loki: add enough support to run games and save data on exit
    - load game folders via command-line (or drop folder onto binary),
      use "r" to start, "p" to pause ... temporary command names

I'll probably have to say this several times, but for now, loki is only
available on Linux/GTK+, due to the use of the Console widget. Support
for other platforms can come later easily enough.
2014-02-09 17:05:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 04986d2bf7 Update to v094r01 release.
byuu says:

- port: various compilation fixes for OS X [kode54]
- nall: added programpath() function to return path to process binary
  [todo: need to have ethos use this function]
- ruby: XAudio2 will select default game sound device instead of first
  sound device
- ruby: DirectInput device IDs are no longer ambiguous when VID+PID are
- ruby: OpenGL won't try and terminate if it hasn't been initialized
- gb: D-pad up+down/left+right not masked in SGB mode
- sfc: rewrote ICD2 video rendering to output in real-time, work with
  cycle-based Game Boy renderer
- sfc: rewrote Bus::reduce(), reduces game loading time by about 500ms
- ethos: store save states in {game}/higan/* instead of {game}/bsnes/*
- loki: added target-loki/ (blank stub for now)
- Makefile: purge out/* on make clean
2014-01-28 21:04:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 10464b8c54 Update to v094 release.
byuu says:

This release adds support for game libraries, and substantially improves
Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulation with cycle-based renderers. Many
other changes are also present.

It's very important to note that this release now defaults to optimal
drivers rather than safe drivers. This is particularly important if you
do not have strong OpenGL 3.2 drivers. If performance is bad, go to
Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced, change the video driver, and
restart higan. In the rare case that you have trouble opening higan, you
can edit settings.bml directly and change the setting there. The Windows
safe driver is Direct3D, and the Linux safe driver is XShm.

Also note that although display emulation shaders are now supported,
they have not been included in this release as they are not ready yet.
The support has been built-in anyway, so that they can be tested by
everyone. Once refined, future releases of higan will come with built-in
shaders for each emulated system that simulates the unique display
characteristics of each.

Changelog (since v093):
- sfc: added SA-1 MDR support (fixes SD Gundam G-Next bug)
- sfc: remove random/ and config/, merge to system/ with better
- gb: improved color emulation palette contrast
- gbc: do not sort sprites by X-priority
- gbc: allow transparency on BG priority pixels
- gbc: VRAM DMA timing and register fixes
- gbc: block invalid VRAM DMA transfer source and target addresses
- gba: added LCD color emulation (without it, colors are grossly
- gba: removed internal frame blending (use shaders to simulate motion
  blur if desired)
- gba: added Game Boy Player support (adds joypad rumble support to
  supported games)
- gba: SOUND_CTL_H is readable
- gb/gbc: PPU renderer is now cycle-based (major accuracy improvement)
- gb/gbc: OAM DMA runs in parallel with the CPU
- gb/gbc: only HRAM can be accessed during OAM DMA
- gb/gbc: fixed serialization of games with SRAM
- gb/gbc: disallow up+down or left+right at the same time
- gb/gbc: added weak hipass filter to remove DC bias
- gb/gbc: STAT OAM+Hblank IRQs only trigger during active display
- gb/gbc: fixed underflow in window clamping
- gb/gbc/gba: audio mixes internally at 2MHz now instead of 4MHz (does
  not affect accuracy)
- gb/gbc/gba: audio volume reduced for consistency with other systems
- fc/sfc/gb/gbc/gba: cheat codes are now stored in universal, decrypted
- ethos: replaced file loader with a proper game library
- ethos: added display emulation shader support
- ethos: added color emulation option to video settings
- ethos: program icon upgraded from 48x48 to 512x512
- ethos: settings and tools windows now use tab frames (less wasted
  screen space)
- ethos: default to optimal (video, audio, input) drivers instead of
  safest drivers
- ethos: input mapping system completely rewritten to support
  hotplugging and unique device mappings
- ruby: added fixes for OpenGL 3.2 on AMD graphics cards
- ruby: quark shaders now support user settings inside of manifest
- ruby: quark shaders can use integral textures (allows display
  emulation shaders to work with raw colors)
- ruby: add joypad rumble support
- ruby: XInput (Xbox 360) controllers now support hotplugging
- ruby: added Linux udev joypad driver with hotplug support
- phoenix: fixed a rare null pointer dereference issue on Windows
- port: target -std=c++11 instead of -std=gnu++11 (do not rely on GNU
  C++ extensions)
- port: added out-of-the-box compilation support for BSD/Clang 3.3+
- port: applied a few Debian upstream patches
- cheats: updated to mightymo's 2014-01-02 release; decrypted all Game
  Genie codes
2014-01-20 19:55:17 +11:00
Tim Allen fe85679321 Update to v093r13 release.
byuu says:

This WIP removes nall/input.hpp entirely, and implements the new
universal cheat format for FC/SFC/GB/GBC/SGB.

GBA is going to be tricky since there's some consternation around
byte/word/dword overrides.

It's also not immediately obvious to me how to implement the code search
in logarithmic time, due to the optional compare value.

Lastly, the cheat values inside cheats.bml seem to be broken for the
SFC. Likely there's a bug somewhere in the conversion process. Obviously
I'll have to fix that before v094.

I received no feedback on the universal cheat format. If nobody adds
anything before v094, then I don't want to hear any complaining about
the formatting :P
2014-01-13 20:35:46 +11:00
Tim Allen 3ce1d19f7a Update to v093r12 release.
byuu says:

I've completely redone the ethos InputManager and ruby to work on
HID::Device objects instead of one giant scancode pool.

Currently only the udev driver supports the changes to ruby, so only
Linux users will be able to compile and run this WIP build.

The nice thing about the new system is that it's now possible to
uniquely identify controllers, so if you swap out gamepads, you won't
end up with it working but with all the mappings all screwed up. Since
higan lets you map multiple physical inputs to one emulated input, you
can now configure your keyboard and multiple gamepads to the same
emulated input, and then just use whatever controller you want.

Because USB gamepad makers failed to provide unique serial#s with each
controller, we have to limit the mapping to specific USB ports.
Otherwise, we couldn't distinguish two otherwise identical gamepads. So
basically your computer USB ports act like real game console input port
numbers. Which is kind of neat, I guess.

And the really nice thing about the new system is that we now have the
capability to support hotplugging input devices. I haven't yet added
this to any drivers, but I'm definitely going to add it to udev for v094

Finally, with the device ID (vendor ID + product ID) exposed, we gain
one last really cool feature that we may be able to develop more in the
future. Say we created a joypad.bml file to include with higan. In it,
we'd store the Xbox 360 controller, and pre-defined button mappings for
each emulated system. So if higan detects you have an Xbox 360
controller, you can just plug it in and use it. Even better, we can
clearly specify the difference between triggers and analog axes, and
name each individual input. So you'd see "Xbox 360 Gamepad #1: Left
Trigger" instead of higan v093's "JP0::Axis2.Hi"

Note: for right now, ethos' input manager isn't filtering the device IDs
to look pretty. So you're going to see a 64-bit hex value for a device
ID right now instead of something like Joypad#N for now.
2013-12-23 22:43:51 +11:00
Tim Allen 73be2e729c Update to v093r11 release.
byuu says:

- GBA: SOUND_CTL_H is readable, fixes sound effects in Mario&Luigi
  Superstar Saga [Cydrak] (note: game is still unplayable due to other
- phoenix/Windows: workaround for Win32 API ListView bug, fixes slot
  loading behavior
- ruby: added udev driver for Linux with rumble support, and added
  rumble support to existing RawInput driver for XInput and DirectInput
- ethos: added new "Rumble" mapping to GBA input assignment, use it to
  tell higan which controller to rumble (clear it to disable rumble)
- GBA: Game Boy Player rumble is now fully emulated
- core: added new normalized raw-color palette mode for Display
  Emulation shaders

The way rumble was added to ethos was somewhat hackish. The support
doesn't really exist in nall.

I need to redesign the entire input system, but that's not a change
I want to make so close to a release.
2013-12-21 21:45:58 +11:00
Tim Allen 84fab07756 Update to v093r10 release.
byuu says:

- Game Boy (Color): STAT OAM+HBlank IRQs only trigger during LY=0-143
  with display enabled
  - fixes backgrounds and text in Wacky Races
- Game Boy (Color): fixed underflow in window clamping
  - fixes Wacky Races, Prehistorik Man, Alleyway, etc
- Game Boy (Color): LCD OAM DMA was running too slow
  - fixes Shin Megami Tensei - Devichil - Kuro no Sho
- Game Boy Advance: removed built-in frame blending; display emulation
  shaders will handle this going forward
- Game Boy Advance: added Game Boy Player emulation
  - currently the screen is tinted red during rumble, no actual gamepad
    rumble support yet
  - this is going to be slow, as we have to hash the frame to detect the
    GBP logo, it'll be optional later on
- Emulator::Interface::Palette can now output a raw palette (for Display
  Emulation shaders only)
  - color channels are not yet split up, it's just the raw packed value
2013-12-20 22:40:39 +11:00
Tim Allen 926a39d701 Update to v093r09 release.
byuu says:

- GB/C OAM DMA now runs in parallel with the CPU
- CPU can only access HRAM during OAM DMA
- fixed SGB mode again
- brand new config files will default to the optimal drivers now
  (OpenGL, etc) instead of the safest
- hopefully fixed remaining Windows UI issues
2013-12-14 17:25:12 +11:00
Tim Allen 1361820dd8 Update to v093r08 release.
byuu says:

- Game Boy and Game Boy Color now have a weak hipass filter to remove DC
  bias (or whatever)
- Game Boy and Game Boy Color now have cycle-based PPU renderers instead
  of scanline-based renderers
- improved Game Boy color emulation palette contrast
- fixed GTK+ ListView selection bug
- fixed a typo when saving states (should say "Saved to slot N", not
  "Save to slot N")
2013-12-11 22:19:17 +11:00
Tim Allen 0f78acffd7 Update to v093r07 release.
byuu says:

- importing a game won't show message box on success
- importing a game will select the game that was imported in the list
  - caveat: GTK+ port doesn't seem to be removing focus from item 0 even
    though the selection is on item 2
- Game Boy audio reduced in volume by 50%
- Game Boy Advance audio reduced in volume by 50%
- Game Boy internally mixes audio at 2MHz now
- Game Boy Advance's Game Boy audio hardware internally mixes audio at
  2MHz now
- Game Boy Color doesn't sort sprites by X-coordinate
- Game Boy Color allows transparency on BGpriority pixels
  - caveat: this seems to allow sprites to appear on top of windows
- Game Boy Color VRAM DMA transfers 16 bytes in 8 clocks (or 16 clocks
  in double speed mode)
- Game Boy Color VRAM DMA masks low 4-bits of source and destination
- Game Boy Color VRAM DMA only allows reads from ROM or RAM
- Game Boy Color VRAM DMA only allows writes to VRAM
- fixed a bug in dereferencing a nullptr from pObject::find(), should
  fix crash when pressing enter key on blank windows
- fixed Windows RadioItem selection
- Game Boy Advance color emulation code added
2013-12-10 23:12:54 +11:00
Tim Allen 35f1605829 Update to v093r06 release.
byuu says:

- Windows port should compile out-of-the-box
- InputManager::scancode[] initialized at startup
- Library menu shows item for each bootable media type (notably Game Boy
- Display Emulation menu selection fix
- LibraryManager load button works now
- Added hotkey to show library manager (defaults to L)
- Added color emulation to video settings (missing on GBA for now)
- SFC loading SGB without GB cartridge no longer segfaults
- GB/GBC system.load() after cartridge.load()
- GB/GBC BG-over-OAM fix
- GB/GBC disallow up+down and left+right
2013-12-07 20:12:37 +11:00
Tim Allen ed4e87f65e Update to v093r05 release.
byuu says:

Library concept has been refined as per the general forum discussion.
2013-12-03 21:01:59 +11:00
Tim Allen b4f18c3b47 Update to v093r04 release.
byuu says:

This version replaces the old folder-browser with a proper game library.
2013-11-28 21:32:53 +11:00
Tim Allen 68eaf53691 Update to v093r03 release.
byuu says:

Updated to support latest phoenix changes.
Converted Settings and Tools to TabFrame views.

- phoenix/Windows ComboButton wasn't calling parent
  pWidget::setGeometry() [fixed locally]
- TRACKBAR_CLASS draws COLOR_3DFACE for the background even when its
  parent is a WC_TABCONTROL
2013-11-28 21:29:01 +11:00
Tim Allen 8c0b0fa4ad Update to v093r02 release.
byuu says:

- nall: fixed major memory leak in string class
- ruby: video shaders support #define-based settings now
- phoenix/GTK+: support > 256x256 icons for window / task bar / alt-tab
- sfc: remove random/ and config/, merge into system/
- ethos: delete higan.png (48x48), replace with higan512.png (512x512)
  as new higan.png
- ethos: default gamma to 100% (no color adjustment)
- ethos: use "Video Shaders/Display Emulation/" instead of "Video
- use g++ instead of g++-4.7 (g++ -v must be >= 4.7)
- use -std=c++11 instead of -std=gnu++11
- applied a few patches from Debian upstream to make their packaging job

So because colors are normalized in GLSL, I won't be able to offer video
shaders absolute color literals. We will have to perform basic color
conversion inside the core.

As such, the current plan is to create some sort of Emulator::Settings
interface. With that, I'll connect an option for color correction, which
will be on by default. For FC/SFC, that will mean gamma correction
(darker / stronger colors), and for GB/GBC/GBA, it will mean simulating
the weird brightness levels of the displays. I am undecided on whether
to use pea soup green for the GB or not. By not doing so, it'll be
easier for the display emulation shader to do it.
2013-11-09 22:45:54 +11:00
Tim Allen 66f136718e Update to v093r01 release.
byuu says:

- added SA-1 MDR; fixes bug in SD Gundam G-Next where the main
  battleship was unable to fire
- added out-of-the-box support for any BSD running Clang 3.3+ (FreeBSD
  10+, notably)
- added new video shader, "Display Emulation", which changes the shader
  based on the emulated system
- fixed the home button to go to your default library path
- phoenix: Windows port won't send onActivate unless an item is selected
  (prevents crashing on pressing enter in file dialog)
- ruby: removed vec4 position from out Vertex {} (helps AMD cards)
- shaders: updated all shaders to use texture() instead of texture2D()
  (helps AMD cards)

The "Display Emulation" option works like this: when selected, it tries
to load "<path>/Video Shaders/Emulation/<systemName>.shader/"; otherwise
it falls back to the blur shader. <path> is the usual (next to binary,
then in <config>/higan, then in /usr/share/higan, etc); and <systemName>
is "Famicom", "Super Famicom", "Game Boy", "Game Boy Color", "Game Boy

To support BSD, I had to modify the $(platform) variable to
differentiate between Linux and BSD.
As such, the new $(platform) values are:
win -> windows
osx -> macosx
x -> linux or bsd

I am also checking uname -s instead of uname -a now. No reason to
potentially match the hostname to the wrong OS type.
2013-10-21 22:45:39 +11:00
Tim Allen 4e2eb23835 Update to v093 release.
byuu says:

- added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion
  [Cydrak, byuu]
- SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes
  Marvelous text [AWJ]
- fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo
- added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures
  (requires OpenGL 3.2+)
- added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to
- system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all
  users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux)
- all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much
  easier to read and edit this way)
- main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files
  / ZIP archives)
- audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents
  audio repetition with DirectSound driver)
- a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest
  refactoring to date)

One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal
drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't
seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD
has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we
can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like.
2013-08-18 13:21:14 +10:00