Commit Graph

20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
byuu 903d1e4012 v107.8
* GB: integrated SameBoy v0.12.1 by Lior Halphon
* SFC: added HG51B169 (Cx4) math tables into bsnes binary
2019-07-17 21:11:46 +09:00
Tim Allen d87a0f633d Update to bsnes v107r4 beta release.
byuu says:

  - bsnes: added video filters from bsnes v082
  - bsnes: added ZSNES snow effect option when games paused or unloaded
    (no, I'm not joking)
  - bsnes: added 7-zip support (LZMA 19.00 SDK)

[Recent higan WIPs have also mentioned bsnes changes, although the higan code
no longer includes the bsnes code. These changes include:

  - higan, bsnes: added EXLOROM, EXLOROM-RAM, EXHIROM mappings
  - higan, bsnes: focus the viewport after leaving fullscreen exclusive
  - bsnes: re-added mightymo's cheat code database
  - bsnes: improved make install rules for the game and cheat code
  - bsnes: delayed construction of hiro::Window objects to properly show
    bsnes window icons

- Ed.]
2019-07-07 19:44:09 +10:00
Tim Allen 4c4e79aa0e Update to v106r66 release.
byuu says:


  - moved to GCC 8.2 and C++17
  - fixed compilation under FreeBSD 12.0
  - don't read beyond the file size in
  - add missing I/O cycle HuC6280::instructionImmediate
  - serialize Mega Drive's Game Genie state
  - serialize SPC7110::Thread information
  - enable 30-bit color depth support under the GLX/OpenGL 2.0 driver
    (doesn't work with OpenGL 3.2 yet)

The 30-bit color depth option isn't super useful, but why not? I need to
update ruby to detect that the display is actually capable of it before
exposing an option that can result in the driver failing to initialize,
2018-12-20 11:55:47 +11:00
Tim Allen f9adb4d2c6 Update to v106r58 release.
byuu says:

The main thing I worked on today was emulating the MBC7 EEPROM.

And... I have many things to say about that, but not here, and not now...

The missing EEPROM support is why the accelerometer was broken. Although
it's not evidently clear that I'm emulating the actual values
incorrectly. I'll think about it and get it fixed, though.

bsnes went from ~308fps to ~328fps, and I don't even know why. Probably
something somewhere in the 140KB of changes to other things made in this
2018-08-21 13:17:12 +10:00
Tim Allen 1e4affe5f9 Update to 20180808 release.
byuu says:

This release fixes the XAudio 2.1 and WASAPI drivers on Windows, and
extends XAudio to support device selection (eg headphones, speakers,
monitor, etc.) It also adds DRC to XAudio, however it's not currently

The code is courtesy of Talarubi, I just botched it somewhere upon
porting it to the newer version of ruby.
2018-08-09 14:16:46 +10:00
Tim Allen 5da4532771 Update to v106r55 release.
byuu says:

Everything *should* be working again, but of course that won't
actually be the case. Here's where things stand:

  - bsnes, higan, icarus, and genius compile and run fine on FreeBSD
    with GTK
  - ruby video and audio drivers are untested on Windows, macOS, and
  - hiro is untested on macOS
  - bsnes' status bar is not showing up properly with hiro/qt
  - bsnes and higan's about screen is not showing up properly with
    hiro/qt (1x1 window size)
  - bsnes on Windows crashes often when saving states, and I'm not sure
    why ... it happens inside Encode::RLE
  - bsnes on Windows crashes with (unsure why)
  - bsnes on Windows fails to show the verified emblem on the status bar
  - hiro on Windows flickers when changing tabs

To build the Windows bsnes and higan ports, use

    ruby="video.gdi audio.directsound"

Compilation error logs for Linux will help me fix the inevitable list of
typos there. I can fix the typos on other platforms, I just haven't
gotten to it yet.
2018-08-05 19:00:15 +10:00
Tim Allen 5deba5cbc1 Update to 20180729 release.
byuu wrote:

Sigh ...

asio.hpp needs #include <nall/windows/registry.hpp>

[Since the last WIP, byuu also posted the following message. -Ed.]

ruby drivers have all been updated (but not tested outside of BSD), and
I redesigned the settings window. The driver functionality all exists on
a new "Drivers" panel, the emulator/hack settings go to a
"Configuration" panel, and the video/audio panels lose driver settings.
As does the settings menu and its synchronize options.

I want to start pushing toward a v107 release. Critically, I will need
DirectSound and ALSA to support dynamic rate control. I'd also like to
eliminate the other system manifest.bml files. I need to update the
cheat code database format, and bundle at least a few quark shaders --
although I still need to default to Direct3D on Windows.

Turbo keys would be nice, if it's not too much effort. Aside from
netplay, it's the last significant feature I'm missing.

I think for v107, higan is going to be a bit rough around the edges
compared to bsnes. And I don't think it's practical to finish the bsnes
localization support.

I'm thinking we probably want another WIP to iron out any critical
issues, but this time there should be a feature freeze with the next
2018-07-29 23:24:38 +10:00
Tim Allen 716c95f279 Update to 20180728 release.
byuu says:

Sigh, I seem to be spiraling a bit here ... but the work is very
important. Hopefully I can get a solid WIP together soon. But for now...

I've integrated dynamic rate control into ruby::Audio via
setDynamic(bool) for now. It's very demanding, as you would expect. When
it's not in use, I realized the OSS driver's performance was pretty bad
due to calling write() for every sample for every channel. I implemented
a tiny 256-sample buffer and bsnes went from 290fps to 330fps on my
FreeBSD desktop. It may be possible to do the same buffering with DRC,
but for now, I'm not doing so, and adjusting the audio input frequency
on every sample.

I also added ruby::Video::setFlush(bool), which is available only in the
OpenGL drivers, and this causes glFinish() to be called after swapping
display buffers. I really couldn't think of a good name for this, "hard
GPU sync" sounds kind of silly. In my view, flush is what commits queued
events. Eg fflush(). OpenGL of course treats glFlush differently (I
really don't even know what the point of it is even after reading the
manual ...), and then has glFinish ... meh, whatever. It's
setFlush(bool) until I come up with something better. Also as expected,
this one's a big hit to performance.

To implement the DRC, I started putting helper functions into the ruby
video/audio/input core classes. And then the XVideo driver started
crashing. It took hours and hours and hours to track down the problem:
you have to clear XSetWindowAttributes to zero before calling
XCreateWindow. No amount of `--sync`, `gdb break gdk_x_error`, `-Og`,
etc will make Xlib be even remotely helpful in debugging errors like

The GLX, GLX2, and XVideo drivers basically worked by chance before. If
the stack frame had the right memory cleared, it worked. Otherwise it'd
crash with BadValue, and my changing things broke that condition on the
XVideo driver. So this has been fixed in all three now.

Once XVideo was running again, I realized that non-power of two video
sizes were completely broken for the YUV formats. It took a while, but I
managed to fix all of that as well.

At this point, most of ruby is going to be broken outside of FreeBSD, as
I still need to finish updating all the drivers.
2018-07-28 21:25:42 +10:00
Tim Allen 91bb781b73 Update to v106r39 release.
byuu says:


  - ruby/video: implement onUpdate() callback to signal when redraws are
  - ruby/video/GLX,GLX2,XVideo,XShm: implement onUpdate() support
  - bsnes: implement Video::onUpdate() support to redraw Viewport icon
    as needed
  - bsnes: save RAM before ruby driver changes
  - sfc/sa1: clip signed multiplication to 32-bit [Jonas Quinn]
  - sfc/sa1: handle negative dividends in division [Jonas Quinn]
  - hiro/gtk3: a few improvements
  - bsnes: added empty stub video and audio settings panels
  - bsnes: restructured advanced settings panel
  - bsnes: experiment: input/hotkeys name column bolded and colored for
    increased visual distinction
  - bsnes: added save button to state manager
2018-06-10 18:07:19 +10:00
Tim Allen d5c09c9ab1 Update to v103r20 release.
byuu says:


  - ruby/audio/xaudio2: ported to new ruby API
  - ruby/video/cgl: ported to new ruby API (untested, won't compile)
  - ruby/video/directdraw: ported to new ruby API
  - ruby/video/gdi: ported to new ruby API
  - ruby/video/glx: ported to new ruby API
  - ruby/video/wgl: ported to new ruby API
  - ruby/video/opengl: code cleanups

The macOS CGL driver is sure to have compilation errors. If someone will
post the compilation error log, I can hopefully fix it in one or two
iterations of WIPs.

I am unable to test the Xorg GLX driver, because my FreeBSD desktop
video card drivers do not support OpenGL 3.2. If the driver doesn't
work, I'm going to need help tracking down what broke from the older

The real fun is still yet to come ... all the Linux-only drivers, where
I don't have a single Linux machine to test with.


  - libco/fiber
  - libco/ucontext (I should really just delete this)
  - tomoko: hide main UI window when in exclusive fullscreen mode
2017-07-24 15:23:40 +10:00
Tim Allen 3ebc77c148 Update to v098r10 release.
byuu says:

- synchronized tomoko, loki, icarus with extensive changes to nall
  (118KiB diff)
2016-05-16 19:51:12 +10:00
Tim Allen 0955295475 Update to v098r08 release.
byuu says:

- nall/vector rewritten from scratch
- higan/audio uses nall/vector instead of raw pointers
- higan/sfc/coprocessor/sdd1 updated with new research information
- ruby/video/glx and ruby/video/glx2: fuck salt glXSwapIntervalEXT!

The big change here is definitely nall/vector. The Windows, OS X and Qt
ports won't compile until you change some first/last strings to
left/right, but GTK will compile.

I'd be really grateful if anyone could stress-test nall/vector. Pretty
much everything I do relies on this class. If we introduce a bug, the
worst case scenario is my entire SFC game dump database gets corrupted,
or the server gets compromised. So it's really critical that we
test the hell out of this right now.

The S-DD1 changes mean you need to update your installation of icarus
again. Also, even though the Lunar FMV never really worked on the
accuracy core anyway (it didn't initialize the PPU properly), it really
won't work now that we emulate the hard-limit of 16MiB for S-DD1 games.
2016-05-02 19:57:04 +10:00
Tim Allen b42ab2fcb3 Update to v095r02 release.
byuu says:

Aspect correction is fixed now. Works way better than in v095 official.

It's still force-enabled in fullscreen mode. The idea of disabling it is
that it looks bad at 2x scale. But when you're fullscreen with a minimum
of 4x scale, there's no reason not to enable it.

It won't turn on at all for GB/C/A anymore. And I dropped the cute
attempt at making the aspect prettier on 2560x1600 monitors, so it'll be
the stock 8:7 across the board now for S/NES.

Also, the aspect correction will affect the window even when a game's
not loaded now, so the size won't bounce around as you change games in
windowed mode between GB/C/A and S/NES.


I also enhanced the ruby/glx driver. It won't crash if OpenGL 3.2 isn't
available anymore (fails safely ... had to capture the Xlib error
handler to suppress that), and it defaults to the MESA glXSwapInterval
before the SGI version. Because apparently the MESA version defines the
SGI version, but makes it a no-op. What. The. Fuck. right? But whatever,
reordering the enumerations fixes the ability to toggle Vsync on AMD
GPUs now.


Video shaders are back again. If you are using the OpenGL driver, you'll
see a "Video Shaders" menu beneath the "Video Filters" menu (couldn't
merge it with the filters due to hiro now constructing menu ordering
inside the header files. This works fine though.)

You want either "higan.exe" + "Video Shaders/" or "~/.local/bin/tomoko"
+ "~/.local/tomoko/Video Shaders/"
2015-11-10 22:07:34 +11:00
Tim Allen e0815b55b9 Update to v094r28 release.
byuu says:

This WIP substantially restructures the ruby API for the first time
since that project started.

It is my hope that with this restructuring, destruction of the ruby
objects should now be deterministic, which should fix the crashing on
closing the emulator on Linux. We'll see I guess ... either way, it
removed two layers of wrappers from ruby, so it's a pretty nice code

It won't compile on Windows due to a few issues I didn't see until
uploading the WIP, too lazy to upload another. But I fixed all the
compilation issues locally, so it'll work on Windows again with the next
WIP (unless I break something else.)

(Kind of annoying that Linux defines glActiveTexture but Windows
2015-06-20 15:44:05 +10:00
Tim Allen 314aee8c5c Update to v094r23 release.
byuu says:

The library window is gone, and replaced with
hiro::BrowserWindow::openFolder(). This gives navigation capabilities to
game loading, and it also completes our slotted cart selection code. As
an added bonus, it's less code this way, too.

I also set the window size to consistent sizes between all emulated
systems, so that switching between SFC and GB don't cause the window
size to keep changing, and so that the scaling size is consistent (eg at
normal scale, GB @ 3x is closer to SNES @ 2x.) This means black borders
in GB/GBA mode, but it doesn't look that bad, and it's not like many
people ever use these modes anyway.

Finally, added the placeholder tabs for video, audio and timing. I don't
intend to add the timing calculator code to v095 (it might be better as
a separate tool), but I'll add the ability to set video/audio rates, at

Glitch 1: despite selecting the first item in the BrowserDialog list, if
you press enter when the window appears, it doesn't activate the item
until you press an arrow key first.

Glitch 2: in Game Boy mode, if you set the 4x window size, it's not
honoring the full requested height because the viewport is smaller than
the window. 8+ years of trying to get GTK+ and Qt to simply set the god
damned window size I ask for, and I still can't get them to do it

Remaining issues:
- finish configuration panels (video, audio, timing)
- fix ruby driver compilation on Windows
- add DIP switch selection window (NSS) [I may end up punting this one
  to v096]
2015-06-16 20:29:47 +10:00
Tim Allen fe85679321 Update to v093r13 release.
byuu says:

This WIP removes nall/input.hpp entirely, and implements the new
universal cheat format for FC/SFC/GB/GBC/SGB.

GBA is going to be tricky since there's some consternation around
byte/word/dword overrides.

It's also not immediately obvious to me how to implement the code search
in logarithmic time, due to the optional compare value.

Lastly, the cheat values inside cheats.bml seem to be broken for the
SFC. Likely there's a bug somewhere in the conversion process. Obviously
I'll have to fix that before v094.

I received no feedback on the universal cheat format. If nobody adds
anything before v094, then I don't want to hear any complaining about
the formatting :P
2014-01-13 20:35:46 +11:00
Tim Allen 2b81b630cb Update to v093r12a release.
byuu says:

Not an official WIP (a WIP WIP? A meta-WIP?), just throwing in the new
fullscreen code, and I noticed that OpenGL colors in 30-bit mode are all
fucked up now for some strange reason. So I'm just using this snapshot
to debug the issue.
2014-01-05 20:59:17 +11:00
Tim Allen 4e2eb23835 Update to v093 release.
byuu says:

- added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion
  [Cydrak, byuu]
- SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes
  Marvelous text [AWJ]
- fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo
- added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures
  (requires OpenGL 3.2+)
- added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to
- system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all
  users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux)
- all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much
  easier to read and edit this way)
- main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files
  / ZIP archives)
- audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents
  audio repetition with DirectSound driver)
- a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest
  refactoring to date)

One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal
drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't
seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD
has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we
can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like.
2013-08-18 13:21:14 +10:00
Tim Allen a59ecb3dd4 Include all the code from the bsnes v068 tarball.
byuu describes the changes since v067:

This release officially introduces the accuracy and performance cores,
alongside the previously-existing compatibility core. The accuracy core
allows the most accurate SNES emulation ever seen, with every last
processor running at the lowest possible clock synchronization level.
The performance core allows slower computers the chance to finally use
bsnes. It is capable of attaining 60fps in standard games even on an
entry-level Intel Atom processor, commonly found in netbooks.

The accuracy core is absolutely not meant for casual gaming at all. It
is meant solely for getting as close to 100% perfection as possible, no
matter the cost to speed. It should only be used for testing,
development or debugging.

The compatibility core is identical to bsnes v067 and earlier, but is
now roughly 10% faster. This is the default and recommended core for
casual gaming.

The performance core contains an entirely new S-CPU core, with
range-tested IRQs; and uses blargg's heavily-optimized S-DSP core
directly. Although there are very minor accuracy tradeoffs to increase
speed, I am confident that the performance core is still more accurate
and compatible than any other SNES emulator. The S-CPU, S-SMP, S-DSP,
SuperFX and SA-1 processors are all clock-based, just as in the accuracy
and compatibility cores; and as always, there are zero game-specific
hacks. Its compatibility is still well above 99%, running even the most
challenging games flawlessly.

If you have held off from using bsnes in the past due to its system
requirements, please give the performance core a try. I think you will
be impressed. I'm also not finished: I believe performance can be
increased even further.

I would also strongly suggest Windows Vista and Windows 7 users to take
advantage of the new XAudio2 driver by OV2. Not only does it give you
a performance boost, it also lowers latency and provides better sound by
way of skipping an API emulation layer.

- Split core into three profiles: accuracy, compatibility and
- Accuracy core now takes advantage of variable-bitlength integers (eg
- Performance core uses a new S-CPU core, written from scratch for speed
- Performance core uses blargg's snes_dsp library for S-DSP emulation
- Binaries are now compiled using GCC 4.5
- Added a workaround in the SA-1 core for a bug in GCC 4.5+
- The clock-based S-PPU renderer has greatly improved OAM emulation;
  fixing Winter Gold and Megalomania rendering issues
- Corrected pseudo-hires color math in the clock-based S-PPU renderer;
  fixing Super Buster Bros backgrounds
- Fixed a clamping bug in the Cx4 16-bit triangle operation [Jonas
  Quinn]; fixing Mega Man X2 "gained weapon" star background effect
- Updated video renderer to properly handle mixed-resolution screens
  with interlace enabled; fixing Air Strike Patrol level briefing screen
- Added mightymo's 2010-08-19 cheat code pack
- Windows port: added XAudio2 output support [OV2]
- Source: major code restructuring; virtual base classes for processor
- cores removed, build system heavily modified, etc.
2010-10-20 22:30:34 +11:00
Tim Allen 165f1e74b5 First version split into asnes and bsnes. 2010-08-09 23:28:56 +10:00