diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 4d04d830..c05cc820 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ifeq ($(platform),windows) else link += -mwindows endif - link += -s -mthreads -luuid -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -lole32 -lws2_32 -ldxguid + link += -s -mthreads -luuid -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -lole32 -lws2_32 link += -Wl,-enable-auto-import -Wl,-enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc else ifeq ($(platform),macosx) flags += -march=native diff --git a/data/cheats.bml b/data/cheats.bml index ce6a6667..2628ec1b 100644 --- a/data/cheats.bml +++ b/data/cheats.bml @@ -1,62637 +1,63649 @@ -database revision=2013-06-09 +database revision=2014-01-13 cartridge sha256:8e844d77da01f86ace52823f1f974c9230f09e6a6cbf33a07abfe9beeff00292 name:10-Yard Fight (USA, Europe) cheat description:Your team runs faster - code:ZEEXIPIE + code:a18d/05/0a cartridge sha256:e868400409c70876b98dad2cca87b8e9ee31877b0cccbbd8405be5c54922722a name:1942 (Japan, USA) cheat description:Don't die when touched - code:OLZNEE + code:f828/b9 cheat description:Most enemies die instantly - code:PAEIXKNY + code:dc02/ff/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:SZXLKEVK + code:b824/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite rolls - code:SZESPUVK + code:d309/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALKUTGEL+SXULIKSO+SZELGKSO+SZKULGAX + code:b44e/b0/30+b4b5/9d/ad+b404/9d/ad+b44b/20/ad cheat description:Rapid fire - code:AEUSGZAP + code:d2bc/10/00 cheat description:After continue P1 has 6 lives - 2P game - code:IAKUUAZA + code:b84b/02/05 cheat description:After continue P1 has 9 lives - 2P game - code:AAKUUAZE + code:b84b/02/08 cheat description:P2 has 6 lives - 2P game - code:IASUOAZA + code:b859/02/05 cheat description:P2 has 9 lives - 2P game - code:AASUOAZE + code:b859/02/08 cheat description:Start with 9 rolls - both players - code:PASIOALE + code:d851/03/09 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - 1P game - code:IESUTYZA + code:b7de/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - 1P game - code:AESUTYZE + code:b7de/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:048E:88 + code:048e/88 cheat description:Infinite rolls (alt) - code:0436:03 + code:0436/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0432:02 + code:0432/02 cartridge sha256:9f54aafa367247b99c344ba9a0c58ad8fa8aceeeae1c304b8fefc9985c3c118c name:1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:OUNLAZGA + code:b2f0/04/b1 cheat description:Infinite energy (alt) - code:SXVLZXSE+VVOULXVK + code:b2e2/8d/ad+b29b/ce/ee cheat description:Infinite power-ups - code:SUTXGN + code:a7ec/bd cheat description:Infinite weapon upgrade time - code:SGOUZUVK + code:b31a/ce/cd cheat description:Don't instantly die from touching boss planes - code:NSKIELGA + code:dbc0/04/d7 cheat description:Always shoot power shots - code:LEEPXLAE + code:9b82/00/0b cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AENSKLAP+GZESEGEL+SLSKOEOO+SXOINUOO+SXXGVEOO+SZKTSXOO+SZVGSVOO + code:dbfc/10/00+dc08/b0/24+c859/99/bd+db97/99/ad+c8a6/99/ad+ea45/99/ad+ce65/99/ad cheat description:10 power points - code:ZESNLLLE + code:f3db/03/0a cheat description:20 power points - code:GOSNLLLA + code:f3db/03/14 cheat description:30 power points - code:TOSNLLLE + code:f3db/03/1e cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:AEVYZLAE + code:f3e2/00/08 cheat description:Start on mission 10 - code:ZOVYZLAA + code:f3e2/00/12 cheat description:Start on mission 15 - code:GOVYZLAE + code:f3e2/00/1c cheat description:Start on mission 20 - code:TXVYZLAA + code:f3e2/00/26 cheat description:Invincibility - code:040E:60 + code:040e/60 cheat description:Infinite power points - code:0347:01 + code:0347/01 cheat description:Infinite energy (alt 2) - code:0410:09 + code:0410/09 cartridge sha256:cd8d9859f334901aca717e08be03dab077766927c87a2becda22982b9234d532 name:1945 [p1] cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXOOAZAX+SXVOPGAX + code:9298/20/ad+94e9/20/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXUAYLAX + code:83b7/20/ad cartridge sha256:c457644ccfb93f8978326e728931800283821e531edc409fca9c0167495319c4 name:3-D WorldRunner (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATPXIG + code:a41d/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEUOLTPA + code:96bb/01/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUPZGVG + code:94b2/c6/a5 cheat description:Slow down timer - code:NNXOYGEK + code:94af/c0/ff cheat description:Speed up timer - code:AVXOYGEG + code:94af/c0/60 cheat description:Start with and keep laser missiles - code:AEUOVIGA + code:9dbe/04/00 cheat description:Autofire - code:OXUONISX + code:9dbf/a5/a9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUPPTLA+PLVOLTLL + code:96b1/03/01+966b/33/31 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEUPPTLA+TLVOLTLL + code:96b1/03/06+966b/33/36 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEUPPTLE+PLVOLTLU + code:96b1/03/09+966b/33/39 cheat description:Start on world 2 - code:XZEAUOOZ+PAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/01+8905/85/86 cheat description:Start on world 3 - code:XZEAUOOZ+ZAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/02+8905/85/86 cheat description:Start on world 4 - code:XZEAUOOZ+LAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/03+8905/85/86 cheat description:Start on world 5 - code:XZEAUOOZ+GAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/04+8905/85/86 cheat description:Start on world 6 - code:XZEAUOOZ+IAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/05+8905/85/86 cheat description:Start on world 7 - code:XZEAUOOZ+TAEAKPAA+VAEASPSA + code:8903/a9/a2+8904/00/06+8905/85/86 cheat description:No enemies or pitfalls - code:003A:05 + code:003a/05 cartridge sha256:df696ce2af90b18ca2b57468bdc525afce371bb1868152eb2cbbe1d62252f617 name:720 Degrees (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZUYASVK + code:f530/ce/ad cheat description:9 continues - code:PEXKLZLE + code:c2ab/03/09 cheat description:6 continues - code:TEXKLZLA + code:c2ab/03/06 cheat description:No continues instead of 2 - code:PEXKLZLA + code:c2ab/03/01 cheat description:Start with all equipment - code:GEKKYZAA + code:c2cf/00/04 cheat description:Start with half equipment - code:ZEKKYZAA + code:c2cf/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:XVXGGXSX+OXXGIXTE+ZEXGTZZA + code:c2a4/ad/ea+c2a5/0e/a9+c2a6/02/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:XVXGGXSX+OXXGIXTE+LEXGTZZA + code:c2a4/ad/ea+c2a5/0e/a9+c2a6/02/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:XVXGGXSX+OXXGIXTE+GEXGTZZA + code:c2a4/ad/ea+c2a5/0e/a9+c2a6/02/04 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0572:19 + code:0572/19 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) in half-pipe - code:0573:09 + code:0573/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) in half-pipe - code:0574:09 + code:0574/09 cartridge sha256:3493f7621d964af7a56c407718ef1d056c6c46d4e4c6b3c48364d58a1b97a06a name:8 Eyes (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - Orin - code:EIUUSLEY + code:bb3d/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility - Cutrus - code:EINGVPEY + code:c976/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - Orin - code:SXOUSUSE + code:bb9d/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health - Cutrus - code:SXNGNOSE + code:c9f7/8d/ad cheat description:Most attacks won't damage Orin - code:GXOUSUSE + code:bb9d/8d/2c cheat description:Most attacks won't damage Cutrus - code:GXNGNOSE + code:c9f7/8d/2c cheat description:Start with more health - Orin - code:AGVXGXYZ + code:a26c/2f/40 cheat description:Start with more health - Cutrus - code:AGVXIXYZ + code:a26d/2f/40 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SXSLKVSE + code:bed4/8d/ad cheat description:Start with all weapons - code:SAOVUTVA + code:ee1b/86/85 cheat description:Start with max ammo - code:YGVXTXYX + code:a26e/2f/4f cheat description:Start with some item power - code:YZVXTZAE + code:a26e/00/2f cheat description:Never lose item power once gained - code:GXSLKVSE + code:bed4/8d/2c cheat description:Start with Dagger - code:VTOVNTVA + code:ee1f/86/e6 cheat description:Invincibility - Orin (blinking) - code:030E:10 + code:030e/10 cheat description:Invincibility - Cutrus (blinking) - code:032E:10 + code:032e/10 cheat description:Infinite health - Orin (alt) - code:0594:4F + code:0594/4f cheat description:Infinite health - Cutrus (alt) - code:0595:4F + code:0595/4f cheat description:Infinite item power - code:0596:4F + code:0596/4f cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:034E:00 + code:034e/00 cheat description:Bosses defeated instantly - code:034F:00 + code:034f/00 cheat description:Doors never close once opened - code:009D:FA + code:009d/fa cheat description:Have Boomerang - code:007F:02 + code:007f/02 cheat description:Have Ice Ball - code:007F:04 + code:007f/04 cheat description:Have Power Ball - code:007F:08 + code:007f/08 cheat description:Have Dagger, Boomerang, Molotov Cocktail, Hand Gun - code:007F:33 + code:007f/33 cartridge sha256:c4d4ff0bd283656c63d9a30dfc7dc6d2956744730a3641ba2c8f9f8e7204d9a1 name:Abadox - The Deadly Inner War (USA) cheat - description:Invincibility - code:AVVTXYSZ + description:Invincible against touching enemies + code:efe2/a5/60 cheat description:Invincible against walls - code:EIUISSOZ+PYUIVIZA + code:dd35/a9/d0+dd36/02/71 cheat - description:Infinite lives - code:PEIGPN + description:Infinite lives (lives never decrease) + code:c7d1/09 cheat - description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:VVIGAY + description:Infinite lives (lives increase when you die) + code:c7d0/e6 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ESSYIPEP+EUNNZPEI+EUUYPPEP+GZOYAZAL + code:f1d5/90/d0+f1fa/d0/b0+f1b1/90/b0+f210/30/24 cheat - description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0086:00+008A:00 + description:Invincibility (distorts sound) + code:0086/00+008a/00 + cheat + description:One hit kills - bosses + code:03de/00 + cheat + description:Weapon shoots clones + code:008c/ff cheat description:Speed up level 1 - code:008B:01 + code:008b/01 cheat description:Speed up level 2 - code:008B:02 + code:008b/02 cheat description:Speed up level 3 - code:008B:03 + code:008b/03 + cheat + description:Start at level 2 + code:cc74/01/02 + cheat + description:Start at level 3 + code:cc74/01/03 + cheat + description:Start at level 4 + code:cc74/01/05 + cheat + description:Start at level 6 + code:cc74/01/06 cartridge sha256:6da6c8ac123df0f51e6f1b2ba79cb067d3352262532604ab08cf5dd587e84006 name:Action in New York (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVISVG + code:dcde/60 cheat description:One hit kills - code:EIKVVIEY + code:ed4e/f0/d0 cheat description:No enemies - code:GXUIZIAI + code:d5b2/50/24 cartridge sha256:005c48a5984e3b75e069ef78d736266b12f7f6b102d88d90172ba9ae480b378b name:Addams Family, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXPATK + code:8496/ad cheat description:Infinite life - code:GXKKZSVK + code:c5ca/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXSVAUVK + code:e3d8/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite Things - code:GXEVLVVK + code:e68b/ce/2c + cheat + description:No Piranah Plant enemies + code:ac01/90/b0 + cheat + description:Get items from anywhere - from above + code:a684/90/24 + cheat + description:Get items from anywhere - from the right + code:a695/90/24 + cheat + description:Get items from anywhere - from the left + code:a69f/90/24 + cheat + description:Get items from anywhere - from below + code:a68b/b0/24 + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:877c/d0/50+8787/d0/50 cheat description:Start with 1 life - 1st game only - code:PEVGGALA + code:c0e4/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - 1st game only - code:TEVGGALA + code:c0e4/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - 1st game only - code:PEVGGALE + code:c0e4/03/09 cheat description:Start in the tree - code:PEKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/01 cheat description:Start in the crypt - code:ZEKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/02 cheat description:Start in the hallway - code:LEKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/03 cheat description:Start in Fester's room - code:AEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/08 cheat description:Start in Pugsly's room - code:PEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/09 cheat description:Start in the toy room - code:ZEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/0a cheat description:Start in Wednesday's room - code:LEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/0b cheat description:Start in the attic - code:GEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/0c cheat description:Start in a secret room - code:YEKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/0f cheat description:Start in a secret room - code:AOKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/10 cheat description:Start in a secret room - code:POKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/11 cheat description:Start in the bone room - code:IOKGTAAE + code:c0c6/00/1d cheat description:Start in the freezer - code:PXKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/21 cheat description:Start in the furnace - code:ZXKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/22 cheat description:Start in Gomez's room - code:AXKGTAAA + code:c0c6/00/20 cartridge sha256:b3e09c94e33e0293672c1405c60fc69b2ab1564c8a4ee988e3ab6ada51484eea name:Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATGKAG + code:c448/60 + cheat + description:Invincibility status effect + code:e9b4/f0/24 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZGKAK + code:c448/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:AAKGYGPA + code:c447/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUGZKVK + code:c4b2/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SULGZK + code:c4b2/bd cheat description:Always able to fly - code:AASVUGIL + code:ec5b/35/00 + cheat + description:Always able to fly (alt) + code:e799/f0/24 + cheat + description:No enemies + code:9d49/30/10 + cheat + description:Enemies can't move horizontally + code:9cef/f0/d0 + cheat + description:Enemies can't move vertically + code:9d08/f0/d0 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AOVTETAO + code:eee0/10/18 + cheat + description:Sweets count as extra lives + code:c40f/f0/d0 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEVKZTIA + code:c6ea/05/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEVKZTIE + code:c6ea/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:PENKZTZA + code:c6fa/02/01 cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - code:GENKZTZA + code:c6fa/02/04 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:0435:02 + code:0435/02 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt 2) - code:0438:09 + code:0438/09 cartridge sha256:22e92af92aed2d8d7bddb60732963642788b3ea9341592ce2c66a542a3d7ce7d name:Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrike (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATGGNY + code:cf47/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZGGNN + code:cf47/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:OTKGSYSV + code:cf45/e5/e9 cheat description:Weapon power doesn't weaken with health - code:GZKKNNSE + code:cf4f/8d/2c cheat description:Gold dragon has excellent armor class - code:TTXGIALT + code:c025/63/66 cheat description:Gold dragon flies faster - code:YGXKAAPG + code:c028/41/47 cheat description:Silver dragon flies faster - code:ATXGYAGV + code:c027/64/68 cheat description:Bronze dragon flies faster - code:YIXGTALI + code:c026/53/57 cheat description:Start wtih less health - bronze dragon - code:GPKZGEAZ + code:a044/28/14 cheat description:Start wtih more health - bronze dragon - code:AIKZGEAZ + code:a044/28/50 cheat description:Start wtih less health - silver dragon - code:TPKZIEGU + code:a045/3c/1e cheat description:Start wtih more health - silver dragon - code:AIKZIEGL + code:a045/3c/50 cheat description:Start wtih less health - gold dragon - code:ZZKZTAAS + code:a046/50/2a cheat description:Start wtih more health - gold dragon - code:ITKZTAAI + code:a046/50/65 cartridge sha256:df2609c80e818bb95983b30a3ac1435ea2332ac83e29fde469f397e1d5a2db93 name:Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP for party in most battles - code:SUOAZGSP + code:8492/95/b5 cartridge sha256:60061c0042741f7c1e53ad8f738c27ffd9057310ff5d556662b3667e5700e751 name:Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (USA) cheat description:Infinite Knock Rings - code:SXKUTSVK+AEKUISAI + code:b5ce/ce/ad+b5cd/58/00 cheat description:Faster timer when lock-picking - code:AOULILAZ + code:b3b5/20/10 cheat description:Slower timer when lock-picking - code:ASULILAZ + code:b3b5/20/50 cheat description:Very slow timer when lock-picking - code:ENULILAZ + code:b3b5/20/f0 cheat description:Start with 50% less gold on a character that you create - code:IEVANKZA + code:8ce7/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 50% more gold on a character that you create - code:YEVANKZE + code:8ce7/0a/0f cheat description:Start with 100% more gold on a character that you create - code:GOVANKZA + code:8ce7/0a/14 cartridge sha256:38e5253131d264395a302d0910316f94bec00f60db616caa7a53806f08c5b5f9 name:Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (USA) cheat description:Create super characters - code:SOLAUN + code:8fb3/9d cheat description:Girdle Of Giant strength (must be used to be effective) - code:XGLAUN+GGLAUP + code:8f33/ca+8933/44 cheat description:Extra EXP points - code:TLGAXL + code:8b42/36 cheat description:One hit ends battle with no gold or EXP - code:AXLALN + code:87b3/28 cartridge sha256:5ee479ef04d80366a75dd144cbeb47d0347ee82025d1b65dd358e1f6498c9a39 name:Adventure Island II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENUSOTEI + code:deb9/d0/f0 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:AVSSVVOZ + code:dede/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:VTUIGEVK + code:d034/ce/ee cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZUIGEVK + code:d034/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health against hitting objects - code:AAKSEYZA + code:df48/02/00 cheat description:Infinite Axes - code:PITXUZ + code:aa6b/51 cheat description:Infinite Axes plus get an extra Red Camptosaurus - code:NULLEX + code:bab0/bf cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNLOKVK + code:bcf1/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ESKIEIEL+OLEIKVOO+OLXIOVOO+OUEISVOO+SXUSSIAX+TEUSNSNY+ZEUSVIUG + code:ddc0/b0/d0+de04/99/b9+de21/99/b9+de85/99/b9+ddbd/20/ad+ddbf/ff/06+ddbe/c3/02 cheat description:Never lose Dinosaur - code:SXXLEGSA+SZESEYSA+SZVSVYSA + code:bca0/85/a5+df08/85/a5+df6e/85/a5 cheat description:Get fruits from anywhere - code:AAKXINIG + code:a74d/4d/00 cheat description:Multi-jump (hold jump to float) - code:KOOUZOYS+UXXLPOYI + code:b19a/5f/9c+b1a1/5f/a3 cheat description:Hold jump to float - code:VNXUIZZE + code:b2ad/02/fe cheat description:Reversible skateboard - code:AENZTPAZ + code:a1f6/20/00 cheat description:Faster running - code:ALKXAAAZ + code:a048/20/30 cheat description:Higher jump - code:SXSUAOSU+GEXULGPA + code:b1d8/bd/ad+b4ab/01/04 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEXVAALA + code:e0a8/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TEXVAALA + code:e0a8/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEXVAALE + code:e0a8/03/09 cartridge sha256:e8dc8c0441c54d09a1cfe0c112a3137bb6d709989b23e6528f8e30360e1ad910 name:Adventure Island 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AEVXKGPA + code:acec/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXOYOSVK + code:fd91/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite vitality - code:SKOYOSVK + code:fd91/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNLISSE + code:b5f5/8d/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAEZKLLA+AVSXKSOL+OUEXNSOO+OUEXSVOO + code:ab04/03/00+addc/b9/60+ad8f/99/b9+ae8d/99/b9 cheat description:Hold jump to float - code:EYSXZAEI + code:a05a/d0/f0 cheat description:Don't die when hitting spikes - code:AEUZNTPA + code:aeb7/01/00 cheat description:Don't lose pet when hitting spikes - code:SAKZSYVT + code:af45/e6/85 cheat description:Mega-jumping Master Higgins - code:SUEZEXLN + code:aa80/7b/bd cheat description:Gain 99 lives after gaining 100 fruit - code:AAKXGTZA + code:a64c/02/00 cheat description:Keep items after dying - after 1st stage - code:GXUUGOSO + code:b1bc/9d/2c cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:AAEZYIGA+LAEZLSZA + code:a507/04/00+a503/0a/03 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PESZAALA + code:a0d0/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TESZAALA + code:a0d0/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PESZAALE + code:a0d0/03/09 cheat description:Start with 2 Red Taylors - code:VTVZZESE + code:a062/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Blue Taylors - code:VTVZIESE + code:a065/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Classies - code:VTVXAESE + code:a068/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Don-Dons - code:VTVXLESE + code:a06b/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Poleys - code:VTVXTESE + code:a06e/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Boomerangs - code:VTNZPESE + code:a071/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 Axes - code:VTNZGESE + code:a074/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 2 invincibility crystals - code:VTNZYESE + code:a077/8d/ee cartridge sha256:185e4adb2cbcb71ebf0fd3f6af767f2215f93916cd2ccf932ce5864d3953239a name:Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATPNTI + code:f51e/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:AVXNXPVG + code:f9aa/c6/60 cheat description:Infinite time - code:ATXYKZEL + code:fa24/b0/60 cheat description:Infinite candles - code:SZSTGVVK + code:e654/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKYUOVK + code:f9c3/ce/ad cheat description:Almost infinite health in attractions - code:SXXNXPVG + code:f9aa/c6/a5 cheat description:All items for free - code:GXELLXSN+AAXUAXGY + code:b283/fd/2c+b228/7c/00 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:EYKVNKXN + code:ec4f/fa/f8 cheat description:'Life' costs less - code:LAKUTGTA + code:b44e/06/03 cheat description:'Life' costs more - code:GAKUTGTE + code:b44e/06/0c cheat description:'Freeze' costs less - code:GAKUYKAA + code:b44f/08/04 cheat description:'Freeze' costs more - code:YAKUYKAE + code:b44f/08/0f cheat description:'Invincible' costs less - code:IASLAKZA + code:b450/0a/05 cheat description:'Invincible' costs more - code:GPSLAKZA + code:b450/0a/14 cheat description:'Life Up' costs less - code:TASLPKGA + code:b451/0c/06 cheat description:'Life Up' costs more - code:APSLPKGE + code:b451/0c/18 cheat description:Never lose a life in 'attractions' - code:SXKYUOVK + code:f9c3/ce/ad cheat description:More 'Freeze' time - code:NYKULZKU + code:b24b/b4/ff cheat description:Less 'Freeze' time - code:AGKULZKL + code:b24b/b4/40 cheat description:More 'Invincible' time - code:EGSUYXGL + code:b25f/3c/c0 cheat description:Start with less health in attractions - code:PAVAZPLA + code:8162/03/01 cheat description:Start with more health in attractions - code:IAVAZPLA + code:8162/03/05 cheat description:Start with even more health in attractions - code:PAVAZPLE + code:8162/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEVEIALA + code:80ed/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEVEIALA + code:80ed/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEVEIALE + code:80ed/03/09 cartridge sha256:0e862077f390348b8e109caa8189ff5ecdf3fac53eefc204369fae880e077d19 name:Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:PEKVIZYA+SXOOUKVK + code:e2cd/07/01+9c9b/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZOVLLVG + code:e31b/c6/24 cheat description:Always have pistol - code:EZNATKKZ+XTNEAGYE+PANAYGOG + code:8476/ac/a0+8478/07/ea+8477/c1/01 cheat description:Always have knife - code:EZNATKKZ+XTNEAGYE+ZANAYGOG + code:8476/ac/a0+8478/07/ea+8477/c1/02 cheat description:Always have ugly stick - code:EZNATKKZ+XTNEAGYE+LANAYGOG + code:8476/ac/a0+8478/07/ea+8477/c1/03 cheat description:Always have whip - code:EZNATKKZ+XTNEAGYE+IANAYGOG + code:8476/ac/a0+8478/07/ea+8477/c1/05 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending (game A or B) - code:IEOVAYGA + code:e798/04/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAETAGZA + code:e400/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAETAGZA + code:e400/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAETAGZE + code:e400/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/01+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/02+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/03+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/04+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/05+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/06+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:YAEVZGAA+UYEVGKPU+AAEVAGGA + code:e40a/00/07+e40c/39/fb+e408/04/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:07C5:07 + code:07c5/07 cheat description:One hit kills - code:0510:00+0511:00+0512:00+0513:00+0514:00 + code:0510/00+0511/00+0512/00+0513/00+0514/00 cheat description:Have the Gun - code:07C1:01 + code:07c1/01 cheat description:have the Knife - code:07C1:02 + code:07c1/02 cheat description:Have the Ugly Stick - code:07C1:03 + code:07c1/03 cheat description:Have the Whip - code:07C1:05 + code:07c1/05 cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:07C0:99 + code:07c0/99 cartridge sha256:58d0f0e504b8450e7d2dfbe11948a244143bfe3065f7e78524633cce8ac73103 name:Adventures of Dino Riki (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATLAEZ + code:8a30/60 cheat description:Don't fall into the pits (you'll still lose any special ability you currently have) - code:AEKAOPZA + code:89c1/02/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GKNONOSU+XPEPOZLE+YGEPEZGV + code:99ff/bd/4c+9a01/03/9a+9a00/64/4f cheat description:Once Macho, stay Macho - code:IEVASPIG + code:89e5/45/05 cheat description:Start and stay as Macho-Riki - code:VKEAPISA + code:8581/85/c6 cheat description:Start as Macho-Riki - code:VVEAPISA + code:8581/85/e6 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZEETTVG + code:860e/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AESEPGZA + code:84d9/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IESEPGZA + code:84d9/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AESEPGZE + code:84d9/02/08 cheat description:Start with infinite life hearts - code:SZUENZVG + code:8a3f/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 4 life hearts - code:GESEIGZA + code:84dd/02/04 cheat description:Start with 8 life hearts - code:AESEIGZE + code:84dd/02/08 cheat description:Start on stage 2-1 - code:TKSAAGSA+ZEKEIGAA + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3-1 - code:TKSAAGSA+GEKEIGAA + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 4-1 - code:TKSAAGSA+TEKEIGAA + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/06 cheat description:Start on stage 4-2 - code:TKSAAGSA+AEKEIGAE + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/08 cheat description:Start on stage 4-3 - code:TKSAAGSA+ZEKEIGAE + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/0a cheat description:Start on stage 4-4 - code:TKSAAGSA+GEKEIGAE + code:84d0/85/46+84cd/00/0c cartridge sha256:bb5859ced6b028934edddc734e3599f8dd7857b92838baf6a7d46df5dd151f6b name:Adventures of Dr. Franken, The (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXVVYTVG + code:e6ef/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:a0bc241936acf1993a300ab21c197a2647b6c072cfbb8e3f83424a9ab6655cc7 name:Adventures of Gilligan's Island, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZENLZVG + code:f20b/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite rope - code:SZSUAUVK + code:b358/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite supply of food - code:SZXUIUVK + code:b32d/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 9 units of food - code:PAXIUIZE + code:dd23/02/09 cheat description:Start with 1 unit of food - code:PAXIUIZA + code:dd23/02/01 cheat description:More time for Episode 1 - code:LANNLXPE + code:f27b/09/0b cheat description:More time for Episode 2 - code:IANNGXLE + code:f27c/0b/0d cheat description:More time for Episode 3 - code:GPNNIZLP + code:f27d/13/14 cheat description:Start with 9 ropes - code:PAXSEIZE + code:dd28/02/09 cheat description:Start with 1 rope - code:PAXSEIZA + code:dd28/02/01 cheat description:Start on Episode 2 - code:PAVSXGAA+GZVSUGSA + code:dc6a/00/01+dc6b/85/24 cheat description:Start on Episode 3 - code:ZAVSXGAA+GZVSUGSA + code:dc6a/00/02+dc6b/85/24 cartridge sha256:c5e47c0479f500b86995fc8d09e132f5ba3f54cfd9a2a601ea3848bb60871a20 name:Adventures of Lolo (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATOKOAVT+AVXUPZVT + code:c819/e6/60+b2a9/e6/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOPSPVG + code:9995/c6/a5 cheat description:Always have shot ability - code:TASLIEUY + code:b055/fb/06 cheat description:1 life for Lolo - code:PEKPOAIA + code:98c1/05/01 cheat description:9 lives for Lolo - code:PEKPOAIE + code:98c1/05/09 cartridge sha256:12d3119e25f7b40a7ccc546f5d92edaad86fb0083facf6dd61db512bac45f99d name:Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVUXXLVT + code:abba/e6/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZXPVLVG + code:9b26/c6/24 cheat description:Always have shot ability - code:GENXEEUY + code:a8f8/fb/04 cheat description:Never lose magic shots - code:GXNXUAVG + code:a8fb/c6/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PESPXPIA + code:99d2/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZESPXPIE + code:99d2/05/0a cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:YESPXPIE + code:99d2/05/0f cheat description:Start with 2 magic shots - code:ZAEPSZAA + code:9a05/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 magic shots - code:GAEPSZAA + code:9a05/00/04 cheat description:Start on world 5 - code:GEUPKPAA + code:99b4/00/04 cheat description:Start on world 10 - code:PEUPKPAE + code:99b4/00/09 cheat description:Start on world 15 - code:TEUPKPAE + code:99b4/00/0e cheat description:Start on world 20 - code:LOUPKPAA + code:99b4/00/13 cheat description:Start on world 25 - code:AOUPKPAE + code:99b4/00/18 cheat description:Start on world 30 - code:IOUPKPAE + code:99b4/00/1d cartridge sha256:24f7bb802a0ddce0648ea9f156db42b3eaf4cc6598ce852ffac9f849bf92abee name:Adventures of Lolo 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVNPTTVT+ATXAVIVT + code:96f6/e6/60+8d26/e6/60 cheat description:Always have shot ability - code:ZEOAKXUY + code:8a94/fb/02 cheat description:Infinite shots for each room on pick-up - code:SXOASZVG + code:8a95/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:322d6be47ed539c3dd3c1c92398e9842c3922d7c13914b9c72752ddec377145c name:Adventures of Rad Gravity, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUTTXU + code:ebe2/bd cartridge sha256:03db3d003eaa91e1434093ea259a82b9f2d5ed5b02404f9feba05819f69f81c4 name:Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXOESKSE + code:8c9d/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNEUKVK + code:8c7b/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SKKAPVVK + code:86c1/ce/cd cheat description:Get bombs from anywhere - code:AAKAOUEP+AAVAEUUP + code:8b41/98/00+8b60/9b/00 cheat description:Rocky loses no health when flying when you have full health - code:TAVEYGYA + code:846f/07/06 cheat description:Rocky loses more health when flying when you have full health - code:TAVEAGZA + code:8468/02/06 cheat description:Bullwinkle loses no health when headbutting - code:AANAIGPA + code:8475/01/00 cheat description:Bullwinkle loses more health when headbutting - code:AANAPGGE + code:8471/04/08 cheat description:Start with no Bombs - code:AAOEYEZA+AEEIGXZA + code:801f/0a/00+d284/0a/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PAOEZAGA + code:801a/04/01 cheat description:Start with 30 Bombs - code:TPOEYEZE + code:801f/0a/1e cartridge sha256:227e8a900206d0f8c67b7cb09eaee25f181085623b42bd9694dc30986d955f27 name:Adventures of Tom Sawyer (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VZOGGPVG + code:c114/c6/a6 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEEUVAIL+AINVPLEL+ASKLEGEL+ASVKYLEL + code:b88e/35/00+e379/b0/50+bcc0/b0/50+c3ef/b0/50 cheat description:Only 5 T's lost from skulls - code:IAXGTSZA + code:c526/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 1 Tom - P1 - code:PEUZIALA + code:a0b5/03/01 cheat description:Start with 1 Tom - P2 - code:PANXLLLA + code:a37b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 Toms - P1 - code:TEUZIALA + code:a0b5/03/06 cheat description:Start with 6 Toms - P2 - code:TANXLLLA + code:a37b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 Toms - P1 - code:PEUZIALE + code:a0b5/03/09 cheat description:Start with 9 Toms - P2 - code:PANXLLLE + code:a37b/03/09 cheat description:Start at the river - P1 - code:OGSZZSVU + code:a552/be/c9 cheat description:Start in the forest - P1 - code:KISZZSVL + code:a552/be/d4 cheat description:Start in the house - P1 - code:NISZZSVU + code:a552/be/df cheat description:Start in the sky - P1 - code:XTSZZSVU + code:a552/be/ea cheat description:Start in the cave - P1 - code:SYSZZSVL + code:a552/be/f5 cheat description:Start at the river - P2 - code:ZEEZALPA+AEEXZLLE + code:a380/01/02+a38a/03/08 cheat description:Start in the forest - P2 - code:LEEZALPA+IEEXZLLE + code:a380/01/03+a38a/03/0d cheat description:Start in the house - P2 - code:GEEZALPA+ZOEXZLLA + code:a380/01/04+a38a/03/12 cheat description:Start in the sky - P2 - code:IEEZALPA+YOEXZLLA + code:a380/01/05+a38a/03/17 cheat description:Start in the cave - P2 - code:TEEZALPA+GOEXZLLE + code:a380/01/06+a38a/03/1c cartridge sha256:69300586af39342fccc249134f6f44ebbd0fce7c1e5b93151cff63bb35072add name:After Burner (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZKOLZSA + code:924b/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKXVPZVG + code:e2a9/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:SKNAXZVG + code:8af2/c6/c5 cartridge sha256:4fb12ad1c791c7ee8d5ec824eff871d71b43b92c4e93b45ed0b60f022459b917 name:After Burner (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNTPPVG + code:e1f1/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:1b5857f9fd57d6f50d8d1e57db67203155fb2974ae426deac3398efef1dbf042 name:Aigina no Yogen - Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXIPPS + code:95d1/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLLOPK + code:9439/bd cartridge sha256:e10ff4cfeaf0c16a71d7fffbf79ad3260c119431db6fad603d07ec971746849a name:Airball (Unknown) (Proto1) cheat description:Can use float at any difficulty level - code:AEEGAIAP + code:c580/10/00 cartridge sha256:6d0215929f2dfeeecdeee4dd50b8aec07f279a8ab8df1dc4e877bbcad3db0d37 name:Air Fortress (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESSXAYEY+ENSXIYEI + code:a7d8/f0/d0+a7dd/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXKKNSSE+SZEGOVSE + code:cdcf/8d/ad+ce01/8d/ad cheat description:Don't take damage inside fortress - code:GXKKSIST+GXNKNIST + code:cdcd/e5/24+cdff/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SGUPKGVG + code:9c34/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives outside fortress - code:SZUPKGVG + code:9c34/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Beam Bullets - code:AAKPSTPA + code:9e45/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - inside fortress - code:GGSOXKKU+KPSOKGGV+OZSOUGKZ+SXNOSGSP + code:9c5a/bc/4c+9c5c/64/9c+9c5b/a4/a1+9cfd/95/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - outside fortress - code:AAOZNULL+GGXZNUSN+GIXXEUGK+SZVZSLSP+UZXXOLIV + code:ab17/3b/00+ab27/fd/4c+ab28/4c/5c+ab65/95/a5+ab29/65/ab cheat description:Double Bombs on pick-up - code:APKZNGIA + code:ac47/05/10 cheat description:Extra energy on pick-up - code:YYNXUZGV+YNEZEZGV + code:aa7b/64/7f+aa80/64/7f cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAVPKZLA + code:9a64/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAVPKZLA + code:9a64/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAVPKZLE + code:9a64/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:XZSOXXPZ+PASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/01+9a5c/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:XZSOXXPZ+ZASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/02+9a5c/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:XZSOXXPZ+LASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/03+9a5c/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:XZSOXXPZ+GASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/04+9a5c/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:XZSOXXPZ+IASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/05+9a5c/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:XZSOXXPZ+TASOUZYA+VASOKZSA + code:9a5a/29/a2+9a5b/07/06+9a5c/85/86 cartridge sha256:b82c1234165cd725d8e7f3e51926bceb834744eb49ad915bd3ea8b76fa465eb1 name:Airwolf (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLTXSN + code:af6d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUTAPX + code:82e1/bd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUGVILA + code:cd36/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUGVILA + code:cd36/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUGVILE + code:cd36/03/09 cheat description:Start at last mission reached - code:PVXKKKLI + code:ccac/5b/61 cheat description:Start with 30 missiles - code:TPVAPXYE + code:8261/0f/1e cheat description:Start with 45 missiles - code:IZVAPXYE + code:8261/0f/2d cheat description:Start with infinite missiles - code:GXSZAPVG + code:a1d0/c6/24 cheat description:Sets missiles to 5 when you refuel - code:IEVAISYA + code:85e5/0f/05 cheat description:Sets missiles to 30 when you refuel - code:TOVAISYE + code:85e5/0f/1e cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00B9:00 + code:00b9/00 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:036C:02 + code:036c/02 cartridge sha256:60b1aebdc0a19afc5d3e7dc4f09d8a968580e007197461a8a142656702c27f0d name:Akumajou Dracula (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKTAYSE + code:e7c0/85/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZOGZLVK + code:c312/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUZGAAX + code:a0b4/20/ad cheat description:Clock doesn't use hearts - code:KXXSXZKA + code:daaa/84/a4 cheat description:Weapons don't use hearts - code:KXVISZKA + code:dae5/84/a4 cheat description:Can't add hearts - code:KXVVPYSA + code:e7e9/85/a4 cheat description:Keep weapon after losing a life - code:GZUKLUSE + code:c33b/8d/2c cheat description:Start with rapid-fire shots - code:AEELATPA + code:b680/01/00 cheat description:Start with 80 hearts - code:ASEGUPIA + code:c983/05/50 cheat description:Start with 99 hearts - code:LVEGUPIA + code:c983/05/63 cartridge sha256:c70f0f5d4054ce7c4850259879c9823add73ccc234ddcf96d95681bb78bd2c58 name:Akumajou Densetsu (Japan) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SAXANGSZ + code:8c27/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:AANEKLPA + code:8b7c/01/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:IEOESPLA + code:899d/03/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNEKPSE + code:897c/85/ad cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AVSANLAP+ASSOGYTS+ASSOGLTS+AZSOOEOK+EIVPUAIV+EPSOUAEL+IAVOEEAA+IAVPOEGA+IAVPVATZ+OZVPEAES+SASOSESX+SAVPXESX+SZUOEASA+SZSOEAGA+ZASOXEAE + code:8bd7/10/60+97dc/56/58+93dc/56/58+9859/c9/28+9863/65/d8+985b/b0/90+9868/08/05+9861/0c/05+9866/26/05+9860/d0/a9+985d/ad/8d+9862/ad/8d+9838/85/a5+9858/04/a5+985a/08/0a + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) + code:007d/01 + cheat + description:Trevor Belmont - Have fully powered whip + code:008b/02 + cheat + description:Have no special weapon + code:0082/00 + cheat + description:Have Axe + code:0082/01 + cheat + description:Have Clock + code:0082/0b + cheat + description:Have Cross + code:0082/02 + cheat + description:Have Dagger + code:0082/03 + cheat + description:Have Holy Water + code:0082/04 cartridge sha256:ff5b96853cf67171918aad5157661dc223e0002e0373e2580cee2e207bb0a682 name:Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVASEI + code:dd88/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXESEIVG + code:dd88/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXSVGVG + code:dcae/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:4c95afeda9a92842933c174983fee954cf40d1301d32f6169f6653f1e5cdc10f name:Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (USA) cheat description:Can't be slowed down by signs and grass, prevents suspension from being shot - code:AENSANPZ+SZSIOASA+SZEIOAVG + code:d7f8/29/00+d851/85/a5+d801/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:722096b8929442310bc268f9cfea10b26cff8a7e900197b54c73b4a8603b5d96 name:Aladdin (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESNKNGEY+ESEYUPEY + code:ccff/f0/d0+f983/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SZEUSZSA + code:ba0d/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKGYXSE + code:c2c7/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Apples - code:SXEKKESE + code:c88c/8d/ad cartridge sha256:4b088e1e78981308da68883cf8292337ff8d899bf82a78d17e7a7af2745846e7 name:Alfred Chicken (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXZNIG + code:f4ad/a5 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:AVGLXA + code:b8c2/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:EVKNKAPA + code:f8cc/01/e0 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SXGNXE + code:f8ca/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:AVULEESZ + code:b8b0/ad/60 cheat description:255 points for each present collected - code:NNXYKPZU + code:f9a4/32/ff cheat description:108 points for each present collected - code:GVXYKPZL + code:f9a4/32/64 cheat description:Only need 1 diamond for an extra life - code:PAKLTPTA + code:b146/06/01 cheat description:3 balloons needed to complete a level - code:OZXKXZOU+LAXKUZPI + code:ca2a/b1/a9+ca2b/51/03 cheat description:2 balloons needed to complete a level - code:OZXKXZOU+ZAXKUZPI + code:ca2a/b1/a9+ca2b/51/02 cheat description:1 balloon needed to complete a level - code:OZXKXZOU+PAXKUZPI + code:ca2a/b1/a9+ca2b/51/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AASGITZA + code:c655/02/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PASGITZA + code:c655/02/01 cheat description:Always spring-jump - code:DD68:90 + code:dd68/90 cartridge sha256:d73a9a1fae7396754c19eecd6aa9e44d02c230df8efed0bafd86aa1cb0dd2a23 name:Alien 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXOPNKVK+YEKVUPGV+YESIGIGV + code:9c97/ce/ad+e9cb/64/0f+d5d4/64/0f cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXUYUXSE + code:fab3/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SUEUTXSO + code:b28e/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKVZXVK + code:e24a/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite gun heat - code:SXOSNKVT + code:dc9f/ee/a5 cheat description:Invincible against long falls - code:AASGKNYA + code:cf54/0f/00 cheat description:Infinite Radar - code:SZVXVXVK + code:aa6e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo for Machine gun - code:SXXSNKVK + code:dcaf/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo for Grenade Launcher - code:SZVSSKVK + code:dc6d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo for Grenade Launcher 2 - code:SZKLVSVK + code:bd46/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo for Flame Thrower - code:SZEIUOVK + code:d903/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEOLYVIA+ATKYZIST + code:b697/0d/00+f542/e5/60 cheat description:Super-jump - code:IPUZTALA+IPUXPALA + code:a036/03/15+a039/03/15 cheat description:Level skip (pause and press any key (except left) - code:TUVUYLZG + code:b3ef/42/36 cheat description:Always have Radar - code:NNKVNPAE + code:e9cf/00/ff cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:03C8:4A + code:03c8/4a cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:074A:12 + code:074a/12 cheat - description:Infinite time - code:0742:09+0743:09+0744:09 + description:Infinite time (alt) + code:0742/09+0743/09+0744/09 cheat description:Infinite weapon 1 - code:074B:3F + code:074b/3f cheat description:Infinite weapon 2 - code:074C:20 + code:074c/20 cheat description:Infinite weapon 3 - code:074E:1C + code:074e/1c cheat description:Infinite weapon 4 - code:074D:32 + code:074d/32 cheat description:Rescue all now - code:0747:00 + code:0747/00 cartridge sha256:cd1a9bc6c9e2181668fea96db14bc67fbbf9bf1572eef2bb074e5912a0dd54c9 name:Alien Syndrome (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OUYKKT + code:cefc/b1 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SUANPN + code:f789/bd cheat description:Don't lose life when touched - code:OLZEEP + code:8928/b1 cartridge sha256:d676ef6f7aa3b042ae5a0c95a7f07fabb4c3a5fccb3767ae1950713e51189a47 name:Alien Syndrome (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUNYXVK + code:f23f/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose life when shot or touched - code:AEEKXONY + code:c98a/ff/00 cheat description:Don't lose life from falling down holes - code:AANGVXNY + code:ca76/ff/00 cheat description:Set timer to 440 - code:GUONPPLL + code:f199/33/34 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PEXGGLGA + code:c3a4/04/01 cheat description:8 lives after continue - code:AEXGGLGE + code:c3a4/04/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAOGPIGA + code:c511/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - both players - code:AAOGPIGE + code:c511/04/08 cheat description:Start with Flame Thrower - code:PAVKGIAA + code:c56c/00/01 cheat description:Start with Fireball - code:ZAVKGIAA + code:c56c/00/02 cheat description:Start with Laser - code:LAVKGIAA + code:c56c/00/03 cheat description:Start on round 2 - code:PENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/01+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cheat description:Start on round 3 - code:ZENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/02+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cheat description:Start on round 4 - code:LENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/03+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cheat description:Start on round 5 - code:GENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/04+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cheat description:Start on round 6 - code:IENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/05+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cheat description:Start on round 7 - code:TENNELAP+KUNNXLAA+LENNULAZ + code:fbf8/10/06+fbfa/00/b4+fbfb/20/03 cartridge sha256:a762d0a90d16c84b5f2b014816b37675cf5115320be7e815effbb64d91b2014d name:All Night Nippon Super Mario Brothers (Japan) (Promotion Card) cheat description:All blocks are starmen - code:SKGEOO + code:89c9/cd cheat description:Invisible 1-up blocks are visible and all mushroom blocks are 1-ups - code:OKYEOP + code:89f9/c1 cheat description:Start on level 8-4 - code:YEUGZGAA+LEUKGGAA + code:c4b2/00/07+c4bc/00/03 cartridge sha256:3addebdec132929ecad2a8612a4ba54ccc39b9ada2295692f836c6b48d015054 name:Alpha Mission (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OUXKZPOP + code:c1aa/91/b1 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSPYZVG + code:92d7/c6/a5 cheat description:Keep power up after death - code:GZNAILSA + code:8375/85/24 cheat description:Keep energy after death - code:GZNAYLSA + code:8377/85/24 cheat description:Thunder uses 25% normal energy - code:GAEOUEAA + code:980b/08/04 cheat description:Triple energy gained on 'E' pick-up - code:TEXLPTZA + code:b6a1/02/06 cheat description:Less energy lost on 'Bad E' pick-ups - code:ZEULGTGA + code:b6b4/04/02 cheat description:Shield doesn't use energy - code:SZEGGASA + code:c004/85/a5 cheat description:You can re-use weapon after selecting - code:IZNAEGSA + code:8c70/85/25 cheat description:Start with all weapons available - code:NYKAYLLE + code:8347/03/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASATLLA + code:8356/03/01 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:TASATLLA + code:8356/03/06 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:PASATLLE + code:8356/03/09 cartridge sha256:a978de5d5f343eacb0a6f12427327ecbe9b2e9cf881569aec7b838bd44237d84 name:Amagon (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESNIZLEY + code:d3f2/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincible against enemies - code:AVOXGOOZ + code:a19c/a9/60 cheat description:Invincible against bullets - code:ATXZPOOZ + code:a121/a9/60 cheat description:Invincible against area boss - code:AVNZAOOZ + code:a1f0/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite mega-power - code:GZSZIZSP + code:a255/95/24 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:AAVYLTPA + code:f663/01/00 cheat description:Infinite ammo (alt) - code:SLVYGTSP + code:f664/95/b5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEUNYTZT + code:f6bf/62/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AESYZVTG + code:f6d2/4e/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AANKKTTA+AEEKVTGA+AEEGNTTE + code:ce7c/06/00+ce8e/04/00+ce87/06/08 cheat description:Gain 10 bullets on pick-up - code:PAVKUIZA + code:cd6b/02/01 cheat description:Gain 30 bullets on pick-up - code:LAVKUIZA + code:cd6b/02/03 cheat description:Start with no bullets - code:PEOVPZGA + code:e299/04/01 cheat description:Start with 600 bullets - code:YEOVPZGA + code:e299/04/07 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:AAXGNYPA + code:cf27/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOVIZGA + code:e29d/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:AEOVIZGE + code:e29d/04/08 cartridge sha256:be12cff13a06e0b5de2dad4d431f7cf9a6aa73be45cdbd952dfd03a9d23571b6 name:American Gladiators (USA) cheat description:Less joust time - code:GLUOZGLV + code:943a/63/3c cheat description:Stop joust timer - code:GZXXLUVK + code:a32b/ce/2c cheat description:Less cannonball time - code:GLOEGALV + code:801c/63/3c cheat description:Stop cannonball time - code:GZEPGOVK + code:9104/ce/2c cheat description:Less wall time - code:GLKXXZLV + code:aa4a/63/3c cheat description:Stop wall timer - code:GXOXEXVS + code:aa98/de/2c cheat description:More assault time - code:LTXATNIL + code:8726/3d/63 cheat description:Less assault time - code:PZXATNIU + code:8726/3d/29 cheat description:Stop assault timer - code:GZSAINVK + code:8755/ce/2c cheat description:More power ball time - level 1 - code:LTSOZOIL + code:915a/3d/63 cheat description:More power ball time - level 2 - code:LTSOLOAL + code:915b/38/63 cheat description:More power ball time - level 3 - code:LTSOGPLL + code:915c/33/63 cheat description:More power ball time - level 4 - code:LTSOIOTZ + code:915d/2e/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PEXALTIA + code:86a3/05/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P1 - code:AEXALTIE + code:86a3/05/08 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - P1 - code:ZEXALTIE + code:86a3/05/0a cheat description:Start with 20 lives - P1 - code:GOXALTIA + code:86a3/05/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PEVALTIA + code:86e3/05/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P2 - code:AEVALTIE + code:86e3/05/08 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - P2 - code:ZEVALTIE + code:86e3/05/0a cheat description:Start with 20 lives - P2 - code:GOVALTIA + code:86e3/05/14 cheat description:Start on level 2 - P1 - code:PEXAPTAA + code:86a1/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - P1 - code:ZEXAPTAA + code:86a1/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - P1 - code:LEXAPTAA + code:86a1/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 2 - P2 - code:PEVAPTAA + code:86e1/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - P2 - code:ZEVAPTAA + code:86e1/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - P2 - code:LEVAPTAA + code:86e1/00/03 cartridge sha256:427876021e6c077479a1a1171e013f84ae951197005a317b099df3b6c2862603 name:Anticipation (USA) cheat description:More time to answer questions - code:ZUUPYNPP + code:97b7/19/32 cheat description:Less time to answer questions - code:YEUPYNPO + code:97b7/19/0f cheat description:Infinite chances - code:AANZATEG + code:a670/c0/00 cartridge sha256:bb834eb82f0ac53114035e6f353434a934d4aa47742644740de5fa8b2b033b5b name:Arch Rivals - A Basketbrawl! (USA) cheat description:Never miss a shot - both players - code:GZVPOZEI + code:9a61/d0/24 cheat description:More time for a quarter - code:ALXLNZGU+ALNLPPGU + code:ba27/34/38+b171/34/38 cheat description:Less time for a quarter - code:ZLXLNZGL+ZLNLPPGL + code:ba27/34/32+b171/34/32 cheat description:Run faster without ball - code:AVNPLAAZ+ATVPAPAZ + code:90f3/20/60+9160/20/60 cheat description:Super speed - code:IXVOPAGA+IZSPGPGA + code:90e9/04/25+9154/04/25 cartridge sha256:751d3bf4722ce117d8ab7ff78059f42206ead5299716d91d5ff27d3900d555ad name:Archon (USA) cheat description:Unrestricted ground movement - code:AASSIEUT + code:d05d/eb/00 cheat description:Unrestricted flying movement - code:AAKIGAGA + code:d044/04/00 cartridge sha256:7768ef85519c94dc40d09bc598121825d103fcf1d4927be59f597b0a3509d15f name:Argus (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZEOKASA + code:980c/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SGXEYPVG + code:812f/c6/c5 cartridge sha256:a3763e702f8ae0818480cf0a8b2395d3f928c539f75e230ed43fa6b904fe6365 name:Arkanoid (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:OZNEATVK + code:8678/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNEATVG + code:8678/c6/a5 cheat description:Paddle hits ball anywhere - code:AESXNALL+ASVZNAEP + code:a8df/33/00+a8e7/90/50 cheat description:No lasers - code:SXVATAAX + code:80e6/20/ad cheat description:Square ball - code:VVZZPP + code:a1a1/e6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PAOPUGLA + code:9c13/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:TAOPUGLA + code:9c13/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PAOPUGLE + code:9c13/03/09 cheat description:Start on boss level - code:GZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/24 cheat description:Start on level 0 - code:AAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/00 cheat description:Start on level 1 - code:PAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/01 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ZAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:LAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:GAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/05 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:TAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/06 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:YAOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/07 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:AAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/08 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:PAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/09 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:ZAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:LAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0b cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:GAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0c cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:IAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0d cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:TAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0e cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:YAOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/0f cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:APOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/10 cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:PPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/11 cheat description:Start on level 18 - code:ZPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/12 cheat description:Start on level 19 - code:LPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/13 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:GPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/14 cheat description:Start on level 21 - code:IPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/15 cheat description:Start on level 22 - code:YPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/17 cheat description:Start on level 23 - code:YPOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/17 cheat description:Start on level 24 - code:APOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/18 cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:PPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/19 cheat description:Start on level 26 - code:ZPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1a cheat description:Start on level 27 - code:LPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1b cheat description:Start on level 28 - code:GPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1c cheat description:Start on level 29 - code:IPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1d cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:TPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1e cheat description:Start on level 31 - code:YPOONGPE + code:9c1f/01/1f cheat description:Start on level 32 - code:AZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/20 cheat description:Start on level 33 - code:PZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/21 cheat description:Start on level 34 - code:ZZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/22 cheat description:Start on level 35 - code:LZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/23 cheat description:Start on level 36 - code:GZOONGPA + code:9c1f/01/24 cartridge sha256:8593b6ae7b19b2e767ad2c207c5a83dea90030414f45eef4c0dec3c3a5530364 name:Arkanoid II (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKSGXAVG + code:c8d2/c6/c5 cartridge sha256:381fcbe2b714c38fdeb4045d93f0867fe80f4a219077c3dc5a683a05a8b8e78a name:Arkista's Ring (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZOPTIST + code:9516/e5/24 cheat description:Less damage from powerful monsters - code:LAEPYSYA + code:9507/0f/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZULXKVK + code:bc32/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAXXXTEG + code:ae2a/c0/00 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:AAKPZNAP+AAOPYNYA+AEEOZNKP+AESOGTTP + code:9742/18/00+9717/0f/00+978a/9c/00+96dc/16/00 cheat description:Start with fewer hearts - code:ZAKATIIA + code:8546/05/02 cheat description:Start with more hearts - code:PAKATIIE + code:8546/05/09 cheat description:Start with 20 continues - code:IPUAGSLA + code:8534/0b/15 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:TAUAGSLA + code:8534/0b/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKETILA + code:854e/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAKETILA + code:854e/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAKETILE + code:854e/03/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:03D6:05 + code:03d6/05 cheat description:Have Ring, Necklace, Mirror - code:03DC:FF + code:03dc/ff cheat description:Have all armor - code:03D5:0A+03D6:0A + code:03d5/0a+03d6/0a cheat description:Have Ultimate Bow status - code:03D3:07 + code:03d3/07 cheat description:Have Ultimate Arrow status - code:03D4:07 + code:03d4/07 cheat description:Max item slots - code:03D7:03 + code:03d7/03 cheat description:Unlock doors (enable only when at a door otherwise you'll move very slowly) - code:0001:FF + code:0001/ff cheat description:Have Fire Ball - code:0022:40 + code:0022/40 cheat description:Start on stage 02 - code:03D0:01 + code:03d0/01 cheat description:Start on stage 03 - code:03D0:02 + code:03d0/02 cheat description:Start on stage 04 - code:03D0:03 + code:03d0/03 cheat description:Start on stage 05 - code:03D0:04 + code:03d0/04 cheat description:Start on stage 06 - code:03D0:05 + code:03d0/05 cheat description:Start on stage 07 - code:03D0:06 + code:03d0/06 cheat description:Start on stage 08 - code:03D0:07 + code:03d0/07 cheat description:Start on stage 09 - code:03D0:08 + code:03d0/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - code:03D0:09 + code:03d0/09 cheat description:Start on stage 11 - code:03D0:0A + code:03d0/0a cheat description:Start on stage 12 - code:03D0:0B + code:03d0/0b cheat description:Start on stage 13 - code:03D0:0C + code:03d0/0c cheat description:Start on stage 14 - code:03D0:0D + code:03d0/0d cheat description:Start on stage 15 - code:03D0:0E + code:03d0/0e cheat description:Start on stage 16 - code:03D0:0F + code:03d0/0f cheat description:Start on stage 17 - code:03D0:10 + code:03d0/10 cheat description:Start on stage 18 - code:03D0:11 + code:03d0/11 cheat description:Start on stage 19 - code:03D0:12 + code:03d0/12 cheat description:Start on stage 20 - code:03D0:13 + code:03d0/13 cheat description:Start on stage 21 - code:03D0:14 + code:03d0/14 cheat description:Start on stage 22 - code:03D0:15 + code:03d0/15 cheat description:Start on stage 23 - code:03D0:16 + code:03d0/16 cheat description:Start on stage 24 - code:03D0:17 + code:03d0/17 cheat description:Start on stage 25 - code:03D0:18 + code:03d0/18 cheat description:Start on stage 26 - code:03D0:19 + code:03d0/19 cheat description:Start on stage 27 - code:03D0:1A + code:03d0/1a cheat description:Start on stage 28 - code:03D0:1B + code:03d0/1b cheat description:Start on stage 29 - code:03D0:1C + code:03d0/1c cheat description:Start on stage 30 - code:03D0:1D + code:03d0/1d cheat description:Start on stage 31 - code:03D0:1E + code:03d0/1e cartridge sha256:54526dc9444c0eb4b0e5814f98b5e522bcb9881a6f2c0644fc7a21ca8c03502b name:Armadillo (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXXUAKOK+AEXUPGLA + code:b4a8/c9/a9+b4a9/03/00 cartridge sha256:20aaf9705d2cc17bac10468544afb250019f43983677b904ca88328f67aa9439 name:Astro Fang - Super Machine (Japan) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:SXESXPSA + code:d98a/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:SZNUAZSA + code:b278/85/a5 cartridge sha256:a08e6b53f1fa593e001719d87e2f203deb24ee1d389a8f3f339d75e9fb7c02f4 name:Astyanax (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYNAGPEI + code:8174/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZUGTISA + code:c536/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite SP (spell) - code:AUEKGUAP + code:c38c/18/30 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GXKSKPEL+GXUISPAL + code:d9cc/b0/24+d9b5/30/24 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:EEEEIZYY+EEEEYZAP+ZUOAPZIL + code:828d/77/80+828f/10/80+8291/35/32 cheat description:Double health and SP - code:AZKAVZGO + code:8a46/14/28 cheat description:Keep weapons after death - code:SZUGEUVK + code:cb30/ce/ad cheat description:Start with Blast Spell - code:PAKEKZAA + code:8a4c/00/01 cheat description:Start with Bind Spell - code:ZAKEKZAA + code:8a4c/00/02 cheat description:Start with extra weapon power - code:GPKAXZGA + code:8a42/04/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUEUGZA+AASAXZZA + code:8cbb/02/00+8a52/02/00 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:IEUEUGZA+IASAXZZA + code:8cbb/02/05+8a52/02/05 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:AEUEUGZE+AASAXZZE + code:8cbb/02/08+8a52/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:007D:03 + code:007d/03 cheat description:Infinie lives - code:0096:03 + code:0096/03 cartridge sha256:2137d1621d29df50100f4d0fba3bafa0be56ccd0c832e44cd29dd7f0d75b374e name:Athena (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (after first 2 units) - code:GZUZLISA + code:a533/85/24 cheat description:Infinite time - code:AAULLYPA + code:b733/01/00 cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - code:AOKEOPEL + code:89c9/b0/10 cheat description:Start with energy boost - code:AXKNYOGA + code:f1cf/0c/20 cheat description:Start with extra time - code:YASVAYIA + code:e758/05/07 cheat description:Start with less time - code:GASVAYIA + code:e758/05/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKNLPZA + code:f1cb/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEKNLPZA + code:f1cb/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEKNLPZE + code:f1cb/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0095:0F + code:0095/0f cheat description:Infinite lives - code:009B:09 + code:009b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0092:59 + code:0092/59 cartridge sha256:3b687bf0a8ccd23736bb7ed2e6e75f9d150318d79da22bbf7ff1dd97ab980957 name:Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVTYTP + code:f1e6/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXYYTO + code:f1f6/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKYYGK + code:f4f4/cd cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:07F4:32 + code:07f4/32 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0722:3C + code:0722/3c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0718:03 + code:0718/03 cartridge sha256:f3601248633f47a0ef10723e42a1072c76dd487d7ddf943e618611bb7cfec737 name:Atlantis no Nazo (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUVEAOVK + code:81e8/ce/bd cheat description:Partial invincibility - code:SXOUYYAX+SZNUPZAX+SZOLPGAX+SXUAAPAX + code:b79f/20/ad+b279/20/ad+b411/20/ad+81b0/20/ad cartridge sha256:f91113b6a4bcd39d86ad5bbeaeb0f103461ada2cae513d1648a77ee575caf69b name:Auto-Upturn (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health (blinking) - code:SXNZTLVG+SZXXLGVG + code:a3f6/c6/a5+a42b/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOZTGVG + code:a416/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXKPTIVG + code:95c6/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:fb20d9562088cfa620ad0221e6e6f6c6d1f08e5a9cee2a97c0ef4fc39f050c6c name:Baby Boomer (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SGKTZXVK + code:e242/ce/cd cartridge sha256:2bd744ff0d76653b9e218f6cea37f86bbdc6bc9b7a816c5fa236594ed1eb496a name:Back to the Future (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - Street stages - code:AENEXZIA+AONENZYL+APUEKLEY + code:8afa/05/00+8aff/37/10+8b3c/f0/10 cheat description:Disable all timers - code:AVVOUZSZ + code:9aeb/a5/60 cheat description:Never lose a life in Hill Valley game - code:SZKEGOVK + code:814c/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose a life in Cafe game - code:SXOELOVK + code:819b/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose a life in School game - code:SXKALOVK + code:81c3/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose a life in Dancing Hall game - code:SXVELOVK + code:81eb/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEXEGAGA + code:80ac/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:AEXEGAGE + code:80ac/04/08 cartridge sha256:b265adba4a6f751f4da7b157672f324264f11fed3ca0b1e4ca703eb0b8a5ab77 name:Back to the Future Part II & III (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXELOVK + code:81ab/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:GZEEPZST+GZOEZZST + code:8209/e5/24+821a/e5/24 cheat description:Keep shots - code:GZKAKGSA + code:8c44/85/24 cheat description:Quicker shots - code:PEKASEPO + code:88c5/19/09 cheat description:Start with 20 nuclear fuel units - code:ZAXKYZPA + code:c22f/01/02 cheat description:Start with 30 nuclear fuel units - code:LAXKYZPA + code:c22f/01/03 cheat description:Start with 20 lives - code:ZAXKZZPA + code:c22a/01/02 cheat description:Start with 30 lives - code:LAXKZZPA + code:c22a/01/03 cartridge sha256:56382fac9104b26797de262a7c70ddd5850451d81a5008f3943d7bc492cbeb41 name:Bad Dudes (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AIEAZPAP+AVSOYOSZ+ELEAPOZE + code:8102/10/50+91df/ad/60+8101/0a/b8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:APEETPEY + code:810e/f0/10 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZOEAOSE + code:8118/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNKASVK + code:c578/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite continues - code:GXOKASVK + code:c598/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite time - code:SGVYOUVK + code:fb61/ce/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAUPIOGI + code:9135/5c/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AOUSNGEY + code:dcbf/f0/10 cheat description:Start with 1 life and 1 continue - code:PENXYZLA + code:a2ff/03/01 cheat description:Start with double lives and continues - code:TENXYZLA + code:a2ff/03/06 cheat description:Start with triple lives and continues - code:PENXYZLE + code:a2ff/03/09 cheat description:Gain double usual energy from drinks - code:PESAIYIE + code:87d5/05/09 cheat description:Have the Nunchaku - code:02A2:01 + code:02a2/01 cheat description:Have the Knife - code:02A2:02 + code:02a2/02 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:032F:00+0344:00 + code:032f/00+0344/00 cartridge sha256:467a2e53c7af4c60809db9c2670850a6e21a98ea37c1d920dc4fcb6afcb5a104 name:Bad News Baseball (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:XTOPAKEV + code:9410/e8/ea cheat description:Play as girls team - code:PYEGZPLP+PAEGAPEP + code:c102/13/71+c100/90/01 cheat description:Have 0 outs - code:050D:0 + code:050d/00 cheat description:Have 2 outs - code:050D:02 + code:050d/02 cheat description:Team 1 score is 0 - code:0305:0 + code:0305/00 cheat description:Team 2 score is 0 - code:0306:0 + code:0306/00 cartridge sha256:98658d5c8e530994730be6f4f7f76fe09142dee90e0afca613f5d6baaf208f52 name:Bad Street Brawler (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUNGXOSO + code:c9f2/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SIXILYVI + code:d723/d6/d5 cheat description:Don't die at time out - code:SZOITNVK + code:d716/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZOIYPVK + code:d117/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SGESGZVG + code:d20c/c6/c5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXITALA + code:d026/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXITALA + code:d026/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXITALE + code:d026/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GEUZZYAA + code:a7b2/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:PEUZZYAE + code:a7b2/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:TEUZZYAE + code:a7b2/00/0e cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:05F1:14 + code:05f1/14 cartridge sha256:7328b2eb1c9fe06b98e0cba5c9058bf026e06a94900d490f79436d714eb48d6b name:Balloon Fight (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUNNIZVI + code:f2fd/d6/b5 cheat description:Start with only one balloon - code:PEUYTLZA + code:f3b6/02/01 cheat description:Balloons are unburstable - code:AVXTNYKA + code:efa7/84/60 cheat description:Enemies can't burst balloons - code:LATTEX + code:ea60/0b cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AENYPPZA + code:f1f1/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IENYPPZA + code:f1f1/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AENYPPZE + code:f1f1/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 5 - 2P only - code:GENNIPAA + code:f1fd/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 10 - 2P only - code:PENNIPAE + code:f1fd/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 15 - 2P only - code:TENNIPAE + code:f1fd/00/0e cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0041:02 + code:0041/02 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:0042:02 + code:0042/02 cartridge sha256:d718f10d4ab57f7ed3891a84bdc496472a242b9c8496a3c0a0de77b45ae2fd58 name:Banana Prince (Germany) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GAUXTAGZ + code:a03e/24/04 cheat description:Invincible to enemies - code:AAXZKZAG + code:aa24/40/00 cheat description:Invincible to shots - code:AESZOPAG + code:a9d1/40/00 cheat description:Invincible to lava - code:ASNLSZAL + code:baf5/30/50 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SGXXXOVK + code:a92a/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKXSLUVK + code:d3ab/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SGXSYKVK + code:d42f/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite errors in quizes - code:SZSZSNVK + code:af55/ce/ad cheat description:Max health when you die instead of 00 - code:GEXULGAE + code:b4ab/00/0c cheat description:Each Ring worth 10 - code:AYNGOIEP + code:cd71/90/70 cheat description:Disable invincibility flickering - code:AIOSKZAP + code:da1c/10/50 cheat description:Dice always at 9 in bonus island - code:PEUTITAE + code:e6b5/00/09 cheat description:Don't loose health when you touch lava - code:SZELVUVK + code:bb06/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAVIOTLE + code:de61/03/09 cheat description:Start with max health - code:GANSOTTE + code:de79/06/0c cartridge sha256:bb30e4f4b1f6d8ccfdbd538b6f20347ed732cd37e8ac0a8305a277cf298b3dc8 name:Barbie (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinks) - code:ESUSAIEY + code:d5b8/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite Z's on Dream Meter - code:SXKSKNVK + code:dfcc/ce/ad cheat description:Can re-enter Barbie's dream an infinite number of times - code:SZVAAVVK + code:8660/ce/ad cheat description:Cannot re-enter Barbie's dream - code:AEEEYAZA + code:808f/02/00 cheat description:Start with 9 Z's (1st credit only) - code:PEEZEZIE + code:aa80/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 Z (1st credit only) - code:PEEZEZIA + code:aa80/05/01 cartridge sha256:f22944452be3259aac853258759f469e7d2e2447c6178f26cc7bd0e89945bc04 name:Baseball (USA, Europe) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:OZSIZYSX + code:d752/a5/a9 cartridge sha256:8bb20791eb3f4fd2455c33f0eead4538af3372205fba70fd4c3e0867b2c34c9a name:Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:PAKPKTZA + code:9e44/02/01 cheat description:Strike outs aren't allowed - code:OXVZITVV + code:a6e5/e6/a9 cheat description:Balls aren't counted - code:SZNAATVT + code:8670/e6/a5 cheat description:1 strike and you're out - code:PESEPTLA + code:86d9/03/01 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:ZESEPTLA + code:86d9/03/02 cheat description:5 strikes and you're out - code:IESEPTLA + code:86d9/03/05 cheat description:Strikes aren't counted - code:SZVAYTVT + code:8667/e6/a5 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:PESALTGA + code:86d3/04/01 cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:ZESALTGA + code:86d3/04/02 cheat description:3 balls and you walk - code:LESALTGA + code:86d3/04/03 cheat description:9 balls and you walk - code:PESALTGE + code:86d3/04/09 cartridge sha256:b035ec9e2a7fc408c19bb2ffd22dceb0483a73e5f5bf232132628c9d8657b1e8 name:Baseball Stars (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:AEVSPGLA + code:d4e9/03/00 cartridge sha256:5f8807999205f3800e445d6265b66fa6edff0070fc38905f7284f0ad437f9f53 name:Baseball Stars II (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:OXKILGEN + code:d4c3/f0/a9 cheat description:Strikes do not count - code:SZSSZSVV + code:d55a/ee/ad cheat description:Balls do not count - code:SXSITKVV + code:d4d6/ee/ad cheat description:One strike for an out - code:PAVIPILA + code:d561/03/01 cheat description:Two strikes for an out - code:ZAVIPILA + code:d561/03/02 cheat description:Four strikes for an out - code:GAVIPILA + code:d561/03/04 cheat description:Five strikes for an out (only 3 show on screen) - code:IAVIPILA + code:d561/03/05 cheat description:One ball for a walk - code:PESSIGGA + code:d4dd/04/01 cheat description:Two balls for a walk - code:ZESSIGGA + code:d4dd/04/02 cheat description:Three balls for a walk - code:LESSIGGA + code:d4dd/04/03 cheat description:Five balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen) - code:IESSIGGA + code:d4dd/04/05 cheat description:Six balls for a walk (only 3 show on screen) - code:TESSIGGA + code:d4dd/04/06 cheat description:One out per side instead of 3 (against human players) - code:PANILTLA + code:d673/03/01 cheat description:Two outs per side (against human players) - code:ZANILTLA + code:d673/03/02 cheat description:Four outs per side (against human players) - code:GANILTLA + code:d673/03/04 cheat description:One out per side instead of 3 (against computer) - code:PAOAILLA + code:8315/03/01 cheat description:Two outs per side (against computer) - code:ZAOAILLA + code:8315/03/02 cheat description:Four outs per side (against computer) - code:GAOAILLA + code:8315/03/04 cheat description:Game ends after 1 inning - code:PEXPVGLZ + code:9ca6/23/01 cheat description:Game ends after 2 innings - code:LEXPVGLZ + code:9ca6/23/03 cheat description:Game ends after 3 innings - code:TEXPVGLZ + code:9ca6/23/06 cheat description:Game ends after 4 innings - code:AEXPVGLX + code:9ca6/23/08 cheat description:Game ends after 5 innings - code:ZEXPVGLX + code:9ca6/23/0a cheat description:Game ends after 6 innings - code:GEXPVGLX + code:9ca6/23/0c cheat description:Game ends after 7 innings - code:TEXPVGLX + code:9ca6/23/0e cheat description:Game ends after 8 innings - code:AOXPVGLZ + code:9ca6/23/10 cartridge sha256:b9af9efdf490e14895e7980097a86d2f69d6396383773c221e77c6183a4ab9c8 name:Bases Loaded II - Second Season (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:SXKKIVGK + code:c6cd/4c/ad cheat description:1 strike and you're out - most of the time - code:PEOGOALA + code:c891/03/01 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - most of the time - code:ZEOGOALA + code:c891/03/02 cheat description:Outs aren't counted - code:SZOEVXVV + code:8a1e/ee/ad cheat description:Only 2 outs allowed - code:PAOEUZZA + code:8a1b/02/01 cheat description:Only 1 out allowed - code:AAOEUZZA + code:8a1b/02/00 cheat description:Strikes aren't counted - code:SXNAXOVV+SXSGUKVV + code:89f2/ee/ad+ccd3/ee/ad cheat description:Balls aren't counted - code:SZEEXXVV+SZEESXVV + code:8a0a/ee/ad+8a0d/ee/ad cartridge sha256:5d84d61e7e4c2b7d72a2b4599bd8cc415b71c90d1e332a83f95d96c75bc48efd name:Bases Loaded 3 (USA) cheat description:Computer can't score - code:SZSYGNVV+SZSNTNVN + code:f754/ee/ad+f75e/fe/ad cheat description:Balls are counted as strikes - code:NYVPOETE+TAVPUEON + code:9861/0e/ff+9863/f9/0e cheat description:Some strikes aren't counted - code:SXOPSEVV + code:9895/ee/ad cheat description:Balls aren't counted - code:SXKOXEVV + code:98ca/ee/ad cheat description:Strike outs aren't counted - code:SXOAIUVV + code:8395/ee/ad cheat description:1 strike and you're out - code:AEOPXAZA + code:9892/02/00 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:PEOPXAZA + code:9892/02/01 cheat description:Each strike out counts as 3 outs - code:PEOEGLLA + code:839c/03/01 cheat description:Each strike out counts as 2 outs - code:ZEOEGLLA + code:839c/03/02 cheat description:5 strike outs allowed - code:IEOEGLLA + code:839c/03/05 cheat description:9 strike outs allowed - code:PEOEGLLA + code:839c/03/01 cartridge sha256:e4aa19e0fd2800b58655eac814e1d9a9aa16d83eabd641789f8a6625591063a3 name:Bases Loaded 4 (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:NYKXZUGE+TAKXGUON + code:a34a/0c/ff+a34c/f9/0e cheat description:Balls do not count - code:SZNXGUVV + code:a37c/ee/ad cheat description:Strikes do not count - code:SXOXYUVV + code:a39f/ee/ad cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:PEOXGLZA + code:a39c/02/01 cheat description:4 strikes and you're out - code:LEOXGLZA + code:a39c/02/03 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:AANZGLLA + code:a374/03/00 cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:PANZGLLA + code:a374/03/01 cheat description:3 balls and you walk - code:ZANZGLLA + code:a374/03/02 cheat description:Some batters start with count of 1 and 1 - 2P mode - code:PANPUTAA+PEOETGAA + code:9e73/00/01+849e/00/01 cheat description:Some batters start with count of 2 and 2 - 2P mode - code:ZANPUTAA+ZEOETGAA + code:9e73/00/02+849e/00/02 + +cartridge sha256:a37c97557fc4a8853057c1d193ba9144e560152a2723338a0490ee4fcac5227a + name:Bashi Bazook - Morphoid Masher (USA) (Proto) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:948f/29/a9 + cheat + description:Everything is Free + code:8201/17/00+8202/8d/ad + cheat + description:One Hit Kills + code:b168/90/d0 cartridge sha256:f28821df0114eb6cff1d7b4eadcee87713591709da1dd8b3525cf250156111f1 name:Batman - The Video Game (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:PPOPEZVG + code:9a10/c6/11 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SKGGTT + code:c6c6/c5 cheat description:Regenerates health meter (except Joker's gun) - code:SKGGGT + code:c6c4/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGGTVG + code:c634/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SXEPOGSA + code:9c81/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite bullets on pick-up - code:GZNOUGST + code:9c7b/e5/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere + one hit kills - code:SZKPNUGK + code:9b47/4c/ad cheat description:Extra health on heart pick-up - code:GEEPOTPA + code:9e81/01/04 cheat description:Double usual bullets on pick-up - code:GPSPXVZA + code:9e52/0a/14 cheat description:Half usual bullets on pick-up - code:IASPXVZA + code:9e52/0a/05 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SNUPIKKI + code:94b5/dc/f5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEESKGZA + code:dc8c/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEESKGZA + code:dc8c/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEESKGZE + code:dc8c/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:00CC:A4 + code:00cc/a4 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:00B7:08 + code:00b7/08 cheat description:Infinite weapons (alt) - code:00B8:63 + code:00b8/63 cheat description:Super gun (cannot change weapons) - code:00A6:FF + code:00a6/ff cartridge sha256:183ede1115b428b046ae223f27e2db366a5b62c43f52b6fced5f22a57d39e663 name:Batman - Return of the Joker (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:b192/8d/ad+aa54/8d/ad+af21/8d/ad cheat description:Invincible to bosses - code:SZVUIASE + code:b06d/85/ad cheat description:Invincibility lasts until next stage - code:AAKOPIZA + code:9549/02/00 cheat description:Protection from enemy bullets - code:SZXZONSE + code:af21/8d/ad cheat description:Protection from collisions - code:SZSZKXSE + code:aa54/8d/ad cheat description:Protection from electric grids - code:SXSATXSE - cheat - description:Infinite lives - code:SZXSZSVK - cheat - description:Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as two - code:GAVXVLZA - cheat - description:Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as four - code:AAVXVLZE - cheat - description:Don't get stunned when hit - code:GXEUIOSE - cheat - description:Stand your ground - code:AEUUAPGA+GXKLAOKE - cheat - description:Intense knock-back when hit (may get stuck if you knock back into a wall) - code:VNULTONN+PEUUGPAA - cheat - description:Continue game with 3 life increments instead of 8 - code:GASOTOTA - cheat - description:Start with 7 Backpack Energy Capsules instead of none - code:GEOSPKVN - cheat - description:Start with 3 life increments instead of 8 - code:GEOSTKTA - cheat - description:Start with 1 life - code:AEXILGZA - cheat - description:Start with 100 lives - code:GVXILGZA - cheat - description:Invincibility after first hit - code:0479:00 + code:82d6/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:0478:08 + code:c603/8d/ad + cheat + description:Infinite weapons + code:c4dc/ce/cd + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:d52a/ce/ad + cheat + description:Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as two + code:ab6e/02/04 + cheat + description:Each Backpack Energy Capsule counts as four + code:ab6e/02/08 + cheat + description:Don't get stunned when hit + code:b18d/8d/2c + cheat + description:Stand your ground + code:b1b8/04/00+b1c0/8c/2c + cheat + description:Intense knock-back when hit (may get stuck if you knock back into a wall) + code:b1b6/ff/fe+b1bc/00/01 + cheat + description:Continue game with 3 life increments instead of 8 + code:915e/0e/04 + cheat + description:Start with 7 Backpack Energy Capsules instead of none + code:d499/fe/0c + cheat + description:Start with 3 life increments instead of 8 + code:d49e/0e/04 + cheat + description:Start with 1 life + code:d4a3/02/00 + cheat + description:Start with 100 lives + code:d4a3/02/64 + cheat + description:Invincibility after first hit + code:0479/00 + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:0478/08 + cheat + description:Infinite Baterangs + code:0141/0a cheat description:Bosses lose health quickly - code:00AA:00 + code:00aa/00 + cheat + description:Start on stage 1-2 + code:0400/02 + cheat + description:Start on stage 1-3 + code:0400/04 + cheat + description:Start on stage 2-1 + code:0400/06 + cheat + description:Start on stage 2-2 + code:0400/08 + cheat + description:Start on stage 3-1 + code:0400/0a + cheat + description:Start on stage 3-2 + code:0400/0c + cheat + description:Start on stage 3-3 + code:0400/0e + cheat + description:Start on stage 4-1 + code:0400/10 + cheat + description:Start on stage 4-2 + code:0400/12 + cheat + description:Start on stage 4-3 + code:0400/14 + cheat + description:Start on stage 5-1 + code:0400/16 + cheat + description:Start on stage 5-2 + code:0400/18 + cheat + description:Start on stage 6-1 + code:0400/1a + cheat + description:Start on stage 6-2 + code:0400/1c + cheat + description:Start on stage 6-3 + code:0400/1e + cheat + description:Start on stage 7-1 + code:0400/20 + cheat + description:Start on stage 7-2 + code:0400/22 cartridge sha256:8b7363e037883aaa36d2c643c36a6f09ce49bd515f166154bd2a48e0a6468b9d name:Batman Returns (USA) cheat description:Infinite Batarangs - code:SXSKGKVK + code:c4dc/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose health from spin attack - code:AAVASZZA + code:8a65/02/00 cheat description:Almost infinite lives and health - code:GZEGLVSE + code:c603/8d/2c cheat description:Small hearts give more health - code:AUSAPPAP + code:81d1/10/30 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ESUXIPEP+ESUZZPEP + code:a1bd/90/d0+a1b2/90/d0 cheat description:One hit kills - code:GZOZIZEL + code:a215/b0/24 cheat description:Power punch - code:YAKZTIZE + code:a546/02/0f cheat description:Power slide attack - code:YAKXLIIE + code:a54b/05/0f cheat description:Power jump kick - code:ZPKXZIIE + code:a54a/05/1a cheat description:Walk faster horizontally - code:GESAKIPA+GEVEVIPA + code:8dd4/01/04+8dee/01/04 cheat description:Start with 9 Batarangs - code:PAXELAIE + code:802b/05/09 cheat description:Start with full health - code:YLOALEAX + code:8013/28/3f cheat description:Start with less health - code:APOALEAZ + code:8013/28/10 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:04C8:15 + code:04c8/15 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0140:41 + code:0140/41 cheat description:Infinite Batarangs (alt) - code:0141:09 + code:0141/09 cheat description:0 health - Enemy 1 - code:0145:00 + code:0145/00 cheat description:0 health - Enemy 2 - code:0146:00 + code:0146/00 cheat description:0 health - Enemy 3 - code:0147:00 + code:0147/00 cartridge sha256:64832bef6533d98f49e807c000537c8cb26ef94e6c3f871b8b6b35c5a11e427b name:BattleCity (Japan) cheat description:Infinite freeze time once you obtain a clock - code:SZEIEKVK + code:dc00/ce/ad cheat description:256 seconds of freeze time once you obtain a clock - code:NNNTVOZE + code:e9f6/0a/ff cartridge sha256:a50c0b6d93f7e20ecfd8a95abd5b7bccd4cf290901376fcf9e4053b3f964fca1 name:Battle Formula (Japan) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SXSOEZSA + code:9ad8/85/a5 cartridge sha256:d095eab5376c2b7c4f1c09018c9591598831c557e0b691c01ca2480e49e60c0a name:Battle of Olympus, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENOAPGEI + code:8491/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSSNASA + code:d8df/85/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:APVEIGES+ATVETKVT + code:846d/d0/18+846e/ee/60 cheat description:Get items from anywhere (press down) - code:AEVESSOT+GXVANIEL + code:8ded/e9/00+8de7/b0/24 cheat description:Start with less stamina - code:AAUGPAAO + code:c031/10/08 cheat description:Start with more stamina - code:AZUGPAAP + code:c031/10/20 cheat description:Start with Sandals of Hermes - code:AAEGOZZA + code:ca01/02/00 cheat description:Start with Staff of Fennel - code:PAUGYAAA+GZUKGASA+GZUKTASA + code:c037/00/01+c03c/85/24+c03e/85/24 cheat description:Start with Sword - code:ZAUGYAAA+GZUKGASA+GZUKTASA + code:c037/00/02+c03c/85/24+c03e/85/24 cheat description:Start with Divine Sword - code:LAUGYAAA+GZUKGASA+GZUKTASA + code:c037/00/03+c03c/85/24+c03e/85/24 cartridge sha256:c49a5d7f565646d76bdc307ccb0202197f579b77c5bf5ea409b5cb29f72edf3a name:Battleship (USA) cheat description:1 round per level - code:PEUAUGIA + code:8cb3/05/01 cheat description:3 rounds per level - code:LEUAUGIA + code:8cb3/05/03 cheat description:Each ship can take only one hit - code:SZUAOSOU + code:8d31/b9/ad cheat description:You only have RIM-66 missiles - code:SAXAOISP + code:8d21/95/85 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/01+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/02+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/03+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/04+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/05+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/06+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:YASAKGAA+VASEOGSA+VASASGSA + code:8c54/00/07+8c59/85/86+8c55/85/86 cartridge sha256:56d25e05dde2048c3a9b4e36ab5325091310ce2b65171615b5596fc542db66fa name:Battletoads (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXXZZLVI + code:a3a2/d6/24 cheat description:One hit kills - code:OUAILU + code:d383/b9 cheat description:Enemies easier to kill - code:GXEILUSO + code:d383/9d/2c cheat description:Mega-jumping - code:EYSAUVEI + code:8e53/d8/f0 cheat description:Double health from flies - code:AOUKXNAA + code:cfba/08/10 cheat description:Maximum health from flies - code:YXUKXNAE + code:cfba/08/2f cheat description:Super fast punching - code:AEUZITPA + code:a6b5/01/00 cheat description:Force 2-player mode - code:AENTAIPL + code:e5f0/31/00 + cheat + description:Start with 0 lives + code:e5fa/03/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENVZILA + code:e5fa/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TENVZILA + code:e5fa/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENVZILE + code:e5fa/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 - Wookie Hole - code:ZAXAALAA + code:8320/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - Turbo Tunnel - code:LAXAALAA + code:8320/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - Arctic Cavern - code:GAXAALAA + code:8320/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - Surf City - code:IAXAALAA + code:8320/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 6 - Karnath's Lair - code:TAXAALAA + code:8320/00/06 cheat description:Start on level 7 - Volkmire's Inferno - code:YAXAALAA + code:8320/00/07 cheat description:Start on level 8 - Intruder Excluder - code:AAXAALAE + code:8320/00/08 cheat description:Start on level 9 - Terra Tubes - code:PAXAALAE + code:8320/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 10 - Rat Race - code:ZAXAALAE + code:8320/00/0a cheat description:Start on level 11 - Clinger Winger - code:LAXAALAE + code:8320/00/0b cheat description:Start on level 12 - The Revolution - code:GAXAALAE + code:8320/00/0c cheat description:Invincibility - code:0574:02 + code:0574/02 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0011:05 + code:0011/05 cartridge sha256:4f67a81cc978e5aaf8aa03046c27ddc954f835e2110e346bc28d35f6b4ac61ca name:Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives (except stage 4) - code:GXXLAAVI + code:b0a0/d6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives on stage 4 - code:GZSOXPVI + code:995a/d6/24 cheat description:Bonus score now gives invincibility (instead of invincibility pod) - code:IYKNIKGX + code:f44d/2c/7d cheat description:Longer invincibility - code:YPSYPGIE + code:f451/05/1f cheat description:Even longer invincibility - code:ILSYPGIA + code:f451/05/35 cheat description:Double Dragon super punch - code:AOSEVAZA + code:88de/02/10 cheat description:Battletoads super punch - code:AOUEUAGA + code:88bb/04/10 cheat description:Stronger enemies - code:AXUIPOYA + code:d1b1/0f/20 cheat description:Start with 10 continues - code:PEVELZZE + code:82eb/02/09 cheat description:Start with full lives - code:IEEOOALA + code:9889/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEEOOALA + code:9889/03/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0011:05 + code:0011/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:0012:05 + code:0012/05 cheat description:0 hits to SMASH! enemies - code:051C:00+051D:00+051E:00+051F:00+0520:00+0521:00 + code:051c/00+051d/00+051e/00+051f/00+0520/00+0521/00 cartridge sha256:3b3865e6e44f8ef749e8a9509651a6fad688b8d744fab22974a6f4cb9e7f2b0b name:Beauty and the Beast (Europe) cheat description:Infinite hits - code:SLNKKYVK + code:cf7c/c6/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUESZGVK + code:d48a/c6/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SUXSAZVV + code:d2a8/e6/bd cartridge sha256:b9434d2f359f6e464da36fbcf6d9eb794b7edff03b89467d1609158f13bfef52 name:Beetlejuice (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIEISGEY + code:dc05/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:SZOSYNSE + code:d71f/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite hits - code:AAOITYPA + code:d716/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOIYKVK + code:d417/ce/ad cheat description:Take fewer hits to die - code:PEOAIAZA+PENSYLZA + code:8095/02/01+d3ff/02/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOAAALA + code:8090/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOAAALA + code:8090/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOAAALE + code:8090/03/09 cartridge sha256:f93163a51f4a671c5f4da390d4d286d6d8440d87dfe24285c40ed73dc422bf7d name:Bee 52 (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINTILEY + code:e375/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:SXNTLPSA + code:e1f3/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSGOSVK + code:cdd1/ce/ad + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - sting attack + code:e321/d0/50+e322/3b/18 cheat description:Keep pick-ups - code:SZXNXTAX + code:fe2a/20/ad cheat description:Don't get stunned - code:GZSSTTEI + code:d65e/d0/24 cheat description:Fly quicker - code:GXNKNTAL+GZOKUYAP + code:ceff/30/24+cf1b/10/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXYKGLA + code:fc24/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXYKGLA + code:fc24/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXYKGLE + code:fc24/03/09 cartridge sha256:2366af9fc0512d39bfa6e908b4caa12be3d21225af49274ffe2ff51cf0b9c1e6 name:Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA) cheat description:Infinite time (round never ends) - code:SXVSAZVG + code:d2e8/c6/a5 cheat description:Each round is 0:10 instead of 1:00 - code:AANIGYPA+VTNIPYSA + code:d774/01/00+d771/85/e6 cheat description:Each round is 0:20 - code:AANIGYPA+OZVSYYSE+ZANIANTI + code:d774/01/00+d76f/85/a9+d770/5e/02 cheat description:Each round is 0:30 - code:AANIGYPA+OZVSYYSE+LANIANTI + code:d774/01/00+d76f/85/a9+d770/5e/03 cheat description:Each round is 0:40 - code:AANIGYPA+OZVSYYSE+GANIANTI + code:d774/01/00+d76f/85/a9+d770/5e/04 cheat description:Each round is 0:50 - code:AANIGYPA+OZVSYYSE+IANIANTI + code:d774/01/00+d76f/85/a9+d770/5e/05 cheat description:Each round is 2:00 - code:ZANIGYPA + code:d774/01/02 cheat description:Each round is 3:00 - code:LANIGYPA + code:d774/01/03 cheat description:Each round is 4:00 - code:GANIGYPA + code:d774/01/04 cheat description:Each round is 5:00 - code:IANIGYPA + code:d774/01/05 cheat description:Each round is 6:00 - code:TANIGYPA + code:d774/01/06 cheat description:Each round is 7:00 - code:YANIGYPA + code:d774/01/07 cheat description:Each round is 8:00 - code:AANIGYPE + code:d774/01/08 cheat description:Each round is 9:00 - code:PANIGYPE + code:d774/01/09 cheat description:Each match is 1 round instead of 5 - code:PAOSUZIA + code:da1b/05/01 cheat description:Each match is 2 rounds - code:ZAOSUZIA + code:da1b/05/02 cheat description:Each match is 3 rounds - code:LAOSUZIA + code:da1b/05/03 cheat description:Each match is 4 rounds - code:GAOSUZIA + code:da1b/05/04 cheat description:Each match is 6 rounds - code:TAOSUZIA + code:da1b/05/06 cheat description:Gain more strength and reflex points in training - code:AAEVVAGE+AEETOPZA + code:e80e/04/08+e981/02/00 cheat description:Gain more resistance points in training - code:APEVVAGA+AEETOPZA + code:e80e/04/10+e981/02/00 cheat description:All physical types are 30 (causes graphic errors near top of screen) - code:OXNSGIOU+TONSIIZE + code:d5fc/b1/a9+d5fd/02/1e cheat description:All physical types are 50 (causes graphic errors near top of screen) - code:OXNSGIOU+ZUNSIIZA + code:d5fc/b1/a9+d5fd/02/32 cheat description:Start with 50 resistance points - code:ZLEAZETP + code:8002/1e/32 cheat description:Start with 50 strength points - code:ZLEAPEAZ + code:8001/28/32 cheat description:Start with 50 reflex points - code:ZLEALAGP + code:8003/14/32 cheat description:Start with 70 resistance points - code:TGEAZETP + code:8002/1e/46 cheat description:Start with 70 strength points - code:TGEAPEAZ + code:8001/28/46 cheat description:Start with 70 reflex points - code:TGEALAGP + code:8003/14/46 cartridge sha256:18c134f8cc7effc0b90dcca86a27c305cbd7dadfb159689c89790c7fe4ff9b77 name:Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.4) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUVIKXSO + code:dae4/9d/bd cartridge sha256:b56f867ad6b067f9ca7e46afb8e7a953fa281404232e2497c88e43448a2c3a57 name:Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.3) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUVSEXSO + code:dae8/9d/bd cartridge sha256:981b39b22c9b17055c90a612b9c8ea6711541ff5196018043f3516ed238f3ce9 name:Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.2) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUNSVXSO + code:dafe/9d/bd cartridge sha256:88ee64119746de659f70f3d459c62dd2af3b21f29f5064ea14f0fb03904cbcfe name:Bible Adventures (USA) (v1.1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUXIUXSO + code:daa3/9d/bd cartridge sha256:2807c405f072a1e828cbdd4812822ec301979472fd9b8c6225aa4d1dca89613c name:Bible Adventures (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLOSGVSO + code:d61c/9d/bd cartridge sha256:32fa00d52f39b053c30061d6789944fc61c0c88c885bd8248ff5771fd2f78ae6 name:Bigfoot (USA) cheat description:Infinite nitros - code:SUKXVUVS + code:abce/de/bd cheat description:Longer nitro boost - code:NNKXXLGV + code:abca/64/ff cheat description:Shorter nitro boost - code:AXKXXLGT + code:abca/64/20 cheat description:Engines are half price - code:GEKAOKAA + code:8cc1/08/04 cheat description:Engines cost more - code:PEKAOKAE + code:8cc1/08/09 cheat description:Tires are half price - code:LEKAXGTA + code:8cc2/06/03 cheat description:Tires cost more - code:PEKAXGTE + code:8cc2/06/09 cheat description:Transmission work is half price - code:ZEKAUGGA + code:8cc3/04/02 cheat description:Transmission work is double price - code:AEKAUGGE + code:8cc3/04/08 cheat description:Suspension is half price - code:PEKAKGZA + code:8cc4/02/01 cheat description:Suspension is triple price - code:TEKAKGZA + code:8cc4/02/06 cheat description:P1 gets P2's nitros - code:VTVUYOVN+SZVUAOSE + code:b16f/fe/ee+b168/8d/ad cartridge sha256:d290ac95ca512a37380cd534394ad600109a8eb97651f50e46e45c2eb5fb405c name:Big Nose the Caveman (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXNNEISA + code:fdf8/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOTPAVG + code:e091/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SUOTPAVK + code:e091/c6/bd cheat description:Slower timer - code:ANENAKLL + code:f488/3b/70 cheat description:Faster timer - code:AXENAKLL + code:f488/3b/20 cheat description:Never lose bones when buying - code:AEEYYZPA + code:f287/01/00 cheat description:Always enable instant win level - code:EIXVIPEY + code:e12d/f0/d0 cheat description:Start on Monster Island - code:XXXYITSZ+VEKYAVSE+AOUGTAE + code:f6a5/a5/a2+f6c0/8d/8e+AOUGTAE cheat description:Start on Terror Island - code:XXXYITSZ+VEKYAVSE+ZOUGTAE + code:f6a5/a5/a2+f6c0/8d/8e+ZOUGTAE cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUYITLA + code:f6b5/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEUAITLA + code:86b5/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEUYITLE + code:f6b5/03/09 cartridge sha256:b183c0952994cadc1c8d6dd290730f43ecacb051d3dfe53784578635a1049455 name:Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite skeleton keys - code:SZKUPXVK + code:b249/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite coins for locals - code:SZEKUOSE + code:c90b/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Good Stuff - code:OUOOUEOO + code:989b/99/b9 cheat description:Phone call segments cost only 1 coin - code:SXOTTOSE + code:e196/8d/ad cheat description:Ted starts with 99 coins instead of 15 - code:OOKKUTIO + code:cecb/15/99 cheat description:Bill starts with 99 coins - code:OOSVAPIO + code:e1d8/15/99 cheat description:Ted starts with 5 coins - code:IEKKUTIP + code:cecb/15/05 cheat description:Bill starts with 5 coins - code:IESVAPIP + code:e1d8/15/05 cartridge sha256:ddf58f90fa5966137e71a0f30a162bf03b3e8b1b99f4f1d16cac26d5e2cf5b35 name:Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge (USA) cheat description:Accelerate faster - code:EUEKTLEP + code:c38e/90/b0 cheat description:Infinite 'free time' in the pits - code:SZUETKVK + code:843e/ce/ad cheat description:Freeze timer while crew works on car in pits - code:SXOAZVVK + code:8692/ce/ad cartridge sha256:4f59f3ef6045be753ed5f7988e4b302b7f71216354a644f760f4a0aa43af7d22 name:Bio Force Ape (Japan) (En) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSUNXSE + code:ba5f/8d/ad cheat description:Walk through walls - code:ATEPAVAL+AVUPAVAL + code:9600/38/60+96b0/38/60 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAXAYGAA + code:8427/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAXAYGAA + code:8427/00/02 cartridge sha256:92c481350b63c57385834dfa0ab02aeb527df7e80cec14a3e1a1a77118cd38d1 name:Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal enemies - code:AAKTZTIG+AEOLVGTZ + code:e642/45/00+bc96/26/00 cartridge sha256:aeb61fd5cf5a5ed73344c46a43f8a8d539f601ff57e8f56c49bc1caea4ab3d9e name:Bionic Commando (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVSTYNVG + code:e7d7/ce/60 cheat description:Infinite lives in main game - code:SZNUIYVG + code:b77d/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives in sub-game - code:SXUEZPVG + code:81ba/c6/a5 cheat description:Don't take damage from bullets and collisions - code:SXSTYNVK + code:e7d7/ce/ad cheat description:Don't take damage from spikes - code:VTNZXVVK + code:ae72/ce/ee cheat description:Don't take damange from bullets and collisions in sub-game - code:SZUOAOVK + code:9138/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ATOVUGAZ+AVKOPEEP+AVNVUKAL+AVXENVSL+SZKTVUOO + code:ec1b/20/60+90c9/98/60+ecfb/38/60+8eaf/bd/60+eb46/99/ad cheat description:Autofire - main game - code:XYXUUOEN + code:b92b/f8/fa cheat description:Longer grapple line - sidescrolling levels - code:AINPTZAL+TSEOGZAG+YIVPAXZU + code:9276/30/50+928c/40/56+9260/3a/5f cheat description:Longest grapple line - sidescrolling levels - code:EINPYZEP+EIVPPZEP+ESEOIZEP + code:9277/90/d0+9261/90/d0+928d/90/d0 cheat description:Longer range for normal 3-way gun - sidescrolling levels - code:YOVUESPA + code:bde8/09/17 cheat description:Longer range for fireball 3-way gun - sidescrolling levels - code:IPKLKVGA + code:be44/0c/15 cheat description:Use with BIO Code 11 for improved autofire with normal gun - code:AAKUOOZA + code:b949/0a/00 cheat description:Have all items (using the hidden gun will crash the game) - code:ELKLZAEY+EIXLTPEY + code:b042/f0/b0+b126/f0/d0 cheat description:Start with 3 life energy capsules - code:LAUKOZAA+XTUKUXVU + code:ca39/00/03+ca3b/be/ea cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUGSZZA + code:ca35/02/00 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:IAUGSZZA + code:ca35/02/05 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:AAUGSZZE + code:ca35/02/08 cheat description:Start with 3-way gun - code:VGKKNXUK + code:ca4f/cb/ce + +cartridge sha256:99806081ba58c0a108bcc61468972d4b2319de74d7dca1bba932f1a3bd2fe1cc + name:Black Bass, The (USA) + cheat + description:Always have fish checking out your lure + code:03c7/ff + cheat + description:Fish on screen will always bite your lure + code:03f7/00 + cheat + description:Rank 1st place + code:0445/01 cartridge sha256:abde6fc87b2d90e0b40cd3420d4b7381e1f23285efbbdc62fd27b59c591ad2cc name:Blades of Steel (USA) cheat description:Invincible in minigame - code:AINXIYEI + code:a77d/d0/50 cheat description:Faster timer - code:GEUGTTYA + code:c6b6/07/04 cheat description:Slower timer - code:GOUGTTYA + code:c6b6/07/14 cheat description:Player with puck don't slow down - code:AAOSSAAZ + code:d81d/20/00 cheat description:Players can take only one punch - code:PAXZLGIA + code:a423/05/01 cheat description:Players 2/CPU don't throw punches - code:OXKXTVPK+SXSZZSSU + code:a6ce/49/a9+a5d2/bd/ad cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:YASGITLA + code:c655/03/07 cartridge sha256:7a26c62a9b1605cbedf7cd5b2672aa0fc15b688b227a6cb57dbf74aa71a05f1c name:Blaster Master (USA) cheat description:Infinite car health - code:XVLAKO + code:89b4/ea cheat description:Enemies are killed instantly - code:YAASLY + code:d70b/07 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGYIVG + code:c537/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Hover - code:SZXOALVG + code:9328/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Homing Missiles - code:GZSOEEVK + code:9858/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite Thunderbreaks - code:GXKPEOVK + code:99c0/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite Multi-Warheads - code:GXSOVXVK + code:9ade/ce/2c cheat description:Start with all abilities - code:NNKKGZAE + code:c2cc/00/ff cheat description:Start with 5 of each weapon - code:IAEKPLAA + code:c309/00/05 cheat description:Start with 10 of each weapon - code:ZAEKPLAE + code:c309/00/0a cheat description:Start with 15 of each weapon - code:YAEKPLAE + code:c309/00/0f cheat description:Start with 99 of each weapon - code:LTEKPLAA + code:c309/00/63 cheat description:Start with 99 of each weapon and max Hover - code:NYEKPLAE + code:c309/00/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAEGZLZA + code:c302/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAEGZLZA + code:c302/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAEGZLZE + code:c302/02/08 cheat description:Start on world 2 - code:PENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/09 cheat description:Start on world 3 - code:ZENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0a cheat description:Start on world 4 - code:LENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0b cheat description:Start on world 5 - code:GENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0c cheat description:Start on world 6 - code:IENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0d cheat description:Start on world 7 - code:TENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0e cheat description:Start on world 8 - code:YENKTXAE + code:c2fe/08/0f cheat description:Start at the boss of world 1 - code:OXNKIXPE+AENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/00 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 2 - code:OXNKIXPE+PENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/01 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 3 - code:OXNKIXPE+ZENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/02 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 4 - code:OXNKIXPE+LENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/03 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 5 - code:OXNKIXPE+GENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/04 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 6 - code:OXNKIXPE+IENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/05 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 7 - code:OXNKIXPE+TENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/06 cheat description:Start at the boss of world 8 - code:OXNKIXPE+YENKTXAA + code:c2fd/09/a9+c2fe/08/07 cheat description:Die to see ending - code:ZGUKZITP + code:c53a/16/42 cheat description:Invincibility - code:007E:00 + code:007e/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:040D:FF + code:040d/ff cheat description:Infinite Hover (alt) - code:0092:FF + code:0092/ff cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00DD:03 + code:00dd/03 cheat description:Infinite Homing Missiles (alt) - code:06F0:63 + code:06f0/63 cheat description:Infinite Thunderbreaks (alt) - code:06F1:63 + code:06f1/63 cheat description:Infinite Multi-Warheads (alt) - code:06F2:63 + code:06f2/63 cheat description:Full Gun Power - Jason - code:00C3:FF + code:00c3/ff cheat description:Most end bosses die instantly - code:047D:00 + code:047d/00 cartridge sha256:e311f33f98a4461f9ca79e2df863323d42572234bc59321bb9fb39ca1b18d0cf name:Blue Marlin, The (USA) cheat description:Line is a 1000 yards long - code:GENTUIZA + code:edf3/02/04 cheat description:Catch fish right after they bite - most of the time - code:AESVOXEG + code:ead9/c8/00 cheat description:When fish bite they are close to the boat - code:PESVOXEK + code:ead9/c8/09 cheat description:Line is set to 153 feet - code:OOSVOXEK + code:ead9/c8/99 cheat description:Pull fish in quicker - code:PESVXIAA + code:edda/00/01 cheat description:Vitality always at max - code:OZSVKKPV+YASVSGPE + code:ec5c/69/a9+ec5d/01/0f cartridge sha256:46fb05f80167bd185bd6eef40e1f86a0dcdd36e250ef8e2b29a575550d75473a name:Blues Brothers, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIVTVIEY+EIXTAGEY + code:ed66/f0/d0+e420/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUOVAEVS + code:e098/de/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUUVYEVS + code:e0bf/de/bd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:PESYAPAA + code:f1d0/00/01 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) (blinking) - code:03C2:02 + code:03c2/02 cheat description:Infinite energy (alt) - code:042A:03 + code:042a/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0428:02 + code:0428/02 cartridge sha256:7e59dcd2576d2e83f6f628a7bb8d5f1e54fa300f7ecb9aa5e1e0f6d967be8371 name:Bo Jackson Baseball (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:AEEGYKAP + code:c487/18/00 cartridge sha256:2967746c2a434c97a074b14d894ea132fab8e443899f6ca870718eeee1669039 name:Bomberman (USA) cheat description:Immune to explosions - code:OXVGITSX + code:c6e5/a5/a9 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZIGAT + code:c650/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXPKAG + code:c498/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere (all enemies killed with one bomb) - code:AAOGTYYL+AAOKIYAL + code:c716/37/00+c71d/30/00 cheat description:Remove all breakable blocks - code:AAVKXZZA + code:ca6a/02/00 cheat description:Never lose Detonator once obtained - code:GXEKLGSA + code:c48b/85/24 cheat description:Increase Bomb detonation time - code:NYXKUIEX + code:cd2b/a0/ff cheat description:Reduce Bomb detonation time - code:AYXKUIEZ + code:cd2b/a0/70 cheat description:Use up to 10 Bombs - code:XZEGNIVZ+PAEKEIGN + code:cd07/a6/a2+cd08/74/09 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:OZNKNNPK+AEEGEYPA + code:cf7f/49/a9+cf80/01/00 cheat description:Decrease time - code:VPGKGG + code:c44c/96 cheat description:Increase timer - code:VYGKGK + code:c44c/fe cheat description:Start with double power Bomb blasts - code:AXKKALAP + code:c3c8/10/20 cheat description:Start with triple power Bomb blasts - code:AUKKALAP + code:c3c8/10/30 cheat description:Start with maximum power Bomb blasts - code:EEKKALAP + code:c3c8/10/80 cheat description:Start with Detonator, max Bomb power and use up to 10 Bombs - code:AESKGUIZ + code:c3dc/2d/00 cheat description:Start with and keep Detonator - code:OXEKVPSX+AESKNKTA + code:c98e/a5/a9+ccdf/0e/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEZKLL + code:c3ab/00 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEZKLU + code:c3ab/09 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - code:ZELGYU + code:c3b7/0a cheat description:Start on stage 20 - code:GOLGYL + code:c3b7/14 cheat description:Start on stage 30 - code:TOLGYU + code:c3b7/1e cheat description:Start on stage 40 - code:AXLGYU + code:c3b7/28 cheat description:Start on stage 50 - code:ZULGYL + code:c3b7/32 cheat description:Invincibility - code:005C:00 + code:005c/00 cheat description:Immune to explosions (alt) - code:0079:01 + code:0079/01 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0093:EE + code:0093/ee cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0068:09 + code:0068/09 cheat description:Max Bomb power - code:0073:80 + code:0073/80 cheat description:Use up to 10 Bombs (alt) - code:0074:0A + code:0074/0a cheat description:Walk through walls (alt) - code:0076:01 + code:0076/01 cheat description:Have Detonator - code:0077:01 + code:0077/01 cheat description:Start on stage 50 (alt) - code:0058:32 + code:0058/32 cartridge sha256:83cb47fda376900e8c1d8eef5c413229fb6cacaff43201afd421c71610c20368 name:Bomberman II (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXKGKXVK + code:cac4/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite time - code:GXXONEVK + code:98af/ce/2c cheat description:Super start - code:GAXKSTAA+GASKKTAA + code:ce2d/00/04+ce5c/00/04 cheat description:Immune to explosions - code:OXXAPYSX+PEXAZNVZ + code:87a1/a5/a9+87a2/ae/01 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:OXOEGYSX+PEOEINSZ + code:879c/a5/a9+879d/ad/01 cheat description:Always have Detonator - code:AEKAZYLA + code:87c2/03/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere (kill all enemies with one bomb) - code:LPXAYUYX+PTXEAUPZ+SZXATLOU+XTXEPLEE + code:8327/2f/1b+8328/29/61+8326/b1/ad+8329/80/ea cheat description:Remove all breakable bricks - code:AAKLVPAZ+SZKUNPAX + code:b946/20/00+b94f/20/ad cheat description:Slower timer - code:LVXOUELL + code:98ab/3b/63 cheat description:Faster timer - code:TOXOUELU + code:98ab/3b/1e cheat description:Bomb has a longer fuse - code:YNEOLXLK + code:928b/4b/7f cheat description:Bomb has a shorter fuse - code:AXEOLXLG + code:928b/4b/20 cheat description:Stop Bombs from exploding - code:GXOLSXVS + code:ba95/de/2c cheat description:Dollar sign acts as flame face - code:EASPTANG + code:9056/c7/80 cheat description:Dollar sign acts as Bomb - code:GYSPTANG + code:9056/c7/74 cheat description:Dollar sign acts as heart with Bomb - code:KASPTANK + code:9056/c7/8c cheat description:Dollar sign acts as skate - code:OPSPTANG + code:9056/c7/91 cheat description:Dollar sign acts as vest for a short time - code:OZSPTANK + code:9056/c7/a9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEEGEPZA + code:c980/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEEGEPZA + code:c980/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEEGEPZE + code:c980/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (except in normal game) - P1 - code:0069:05 + code:0069/05 cheat description:Invincibility (except in normal game) - P2 - code:006A:05 + code:006a/05 cheat description:Invincibility (except in normal game) - P3 - code:006B:05 + code:006b/05 cheat description:Infinite time (hundred's digit) - code:0559:09 + code:0559/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:055A:09 + code:055a/09 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:055B:09 + code:055b/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:04E5:09 + code:04e5/09 cheat description:Max Bomb power - P1 - code:0093:0C + code:0093/0c cheat description:Max Bomb power - P2 - code:0094:0C + code:0094/0c cheat description:Max Bomb power - P3 - code:0095:0C + code:0095/0c cheat description:Max Bomb quantity - P1 - code:0090:0C + code:0090/0c cheat description:Max Bomb quantity - P2 - code:0091:0C + code:0091/0c cheat description:Max Bomb quantity - P3 - code:0092:0C + code:0092/0c cartridge sha256:b3d82e2818aea6caa69dcfe7d56197a7a51afe87819527880cf08876d1a988de name:Bonk's Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVZINVK + code:a765/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAXXZILA+LINXTZYZ + code:a52a/03/00+a27e/27/53 cheat description:Super-jump when normal - code:GXEEYEGA + code:808f/0c/24 cheat description:Keep speed up after powered down - code:GXVPIKSE + code:94e5/8d/2c cheat description:Gain energy from picking up smiles - code:GASZTYAA + code:a756/00/04 cheat description:Start with less initial energy (but more maximum energy) - code:GEUAAEGA + code:80b0/0c/04 cheat description:Start with more energy - code:AOUAAEGE + code:80b0/0c/18 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKAAAZA + code:80c0/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEKAAAZA + code:80c0/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEKAAAZE + code:80c0/02/08 cheat description:Start on stage 2-1 - code:YEXELAAA + code:80ab/00/07 cheat description:Start on stage 3-1 - code:IEXELAAE + code:80ab/00/0d cheat description:Start on stage 4-1 - code:ZOXELAAA + code:80ab/00/12 cheat description:Start on Stage 5-1 - code:YOXELAAA + code:80ab/00/17 cheat description:Start on stage 6-1 - code:PXXELAAA + code:80ab/00/21 cartridge sha256:0e58f270e7b116782e0822f52058eff66465df49527c6f8c6f0eca994d8cae7a name:Boulder Dash (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AAEGLTPA+AVKKPLSZ+IKEKYOYX + code:c603/01/00+c3c9/a5/60+c18f/2f/4d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLEZXTVI + code:ae02/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXSGSYAX + code:cfd5/20/ad cheat description:One Diamond needed to open exit - code:AEUGVGIZ + code:ccb6/25/00 cheat description:Speed up timer - code:YOSGXNYU + code:cfd2/3f/1f cheat description:Slow down timer - code:NNSGXNYU + code:cfd2/3f/ff cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PEOXEYLA + code:af98/03/01 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:TEOXEYLA + code:af98/03/06 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:PEOXEYLE + code:af98/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKIELLA + code:db40/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAKIELLA + code:db40/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAKIELLE + code:db40/03/09 cartridge sha256:a8b6829d8d1e17cc23c8815e0b0add09e26fc5a2a27ad6bba260cef926535af2 name:Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ASVIAPEI + code:d1e0/d0/50 cheat description:Invincibility after getting hit - code:SZKLVZAX + code:ba46/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health (except falling off cliffs) - code:SUXLISVS + code:b5a5/de/bd cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXLISVS + code:b5a5/de/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:NUNTZUKU + code:e3f2/bc/bf cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SXNTPUVK + code:e3f1/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:AEVGPPPA + code:c1e1/01/00 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:SXNKGOSE+SXNGYOSE + code:c1fc/8d/ad+c1f7/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SZNVVSVK + code:ed7e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons (except scene 1 daytime) - code:UUETEIZE + code:ed80/02/bb cheat description:Faster timer - code:ZEVGPPPA + code:c1e1/01/02 cheat description:Always have 63 ammo - code:AANGYZIA + code:c277/05/00 cheat description:Disable axe - code:NNSNGPZE + code:f1dc/02/ff cartridge sha256:e1487d23800aa2c29cb9da6f2bf538aa10044930ef566d087f7acf1aa649fb9e name:BreakThru (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:GZUKYPVG + code:c13f/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite weapon time - code:GZKSLZVG + code:d24b/c6/24 cheat description:Start each life with 3-way firing and 99 seconds - code:LTUKTLAA + code:c33e/00/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PEUKPZLA + code:c2b9/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:TEUKPZLA + code:c2b9/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PEUKPZLE + code:c2b9/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PEKGGZLA + code:c2c4/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P2 - code:TEKGGZLA + code:c2c4/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:PEKGGZLE + code:c2c4/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ZANKLZPA + code:c27b/01/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:LANKLZPA + code:c27b/01/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:GANKLZPA + code:c27b/01/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IANKLZPA + code:c27b/01/05 cartridge sha256:fde81fc5af055819700842db8650077d64b853f95b3542bf12f039a6df48115d name:Break Time - The National Pool Tour (USA) cheat description:Start in Milwaukee - code:VAVEILSA+PAVEGLAA + code:836d/85/86+836c/00/01 cheat description:Start in Atlanta - code:VAVEILSA+ZAVEGLAA + code:836d/85/86+836c/00/02 cheat description:Start in Los Angeles - code:VAVEILSA+LAVEGLAA + code:836d/85/86+836c/00/03 cheat description:Start in Las Vegas - code:VAVEILSA+GAVEGLAA + code:836d/85/86+836c/00/04 cartridge sha256:3bcce1ff03b55c20eeaefa44f35f19b3f06b3ff88a86ed51968bad9bd44d9144 name:Bubble Bath Babes (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SZEOLLVG + code:930b/c6/a5 cheat description:View slideshow - code:AAKAIAPE+VTXEXPSA+EAXEUPGV+GAUASOLE + code:8045/01/08+892a/85/e6+892b/64/88+8935/0b/0c cartridge sha256:31523322db8f94e7244f6e2d958692a412c1395fc744601d83d1e5111eff9042 name:Bubble Bobble (USA) cheat description:Skip only 2 levels - code:ZAOGOLGA + code:cb11/04/02 cheat description:Skip 10 levels - code:ZAOGOLGE + code:cb11/04/0a cheat description:Lots of bubble power - code:AAUILSPP + code:d533/19/00 cheat description:Monsters move faster - code:ZANEAGPA+NNEEAKVN + code:8478/01/02+8488/fe/ff cheat description:Monsters move super fast - code:LANEAGPA+NNEEAKSN + code:8478/01/03+8488/fd/ff cheat description:Angry monsters move faster - code:LANEIGZA+SNEEIKVN + code:847d/02/03+848d/fe/fd cheat description:Always wear turbo shoes - code:AANSIGTA+AESIPGTA + code:d47d/06/00+d4d1/06/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAUKEZLA + code:ca38/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TAUKEZLA + code:ca38/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PAUKEZLE + code:ca38/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:ZAUGEZPE + code:ca30/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:PPUGEZPE + code:ca30/01/19 cheat description:Start on level 50 - code:ZLUGEZPA + code:ca30/01/32 cheat description:Start on level 75 - code:LGUGEZPE + code:ca30/01/4b cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:003F:2F + code:003f/2f cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:0053:2F + code:0053/2f cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:002E:09 + code:002e/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:0042:09 + code:0042/09 cheat description:Float - code:0032:0A + code:0032/0a cheat description:Have Long Shot - code:0030:02 + code:0030/02 cheat description:Have Rapid Shot - code:0030:04 + code:0030/04 cheat description:Have Long and Rapid Shot - code:0030:06 + code:0030/06 cheat description:Have Lightning Shot - code:0030:45 + code:0030/45 cartridge sha256:d02b24e4ee8e639bf77af6746d6b3a92e996c0d2298861071851e2beec0ef812 name:Bucky O'Hare (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVKOTVG + code:ce69/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GXOEZTEL+GZNEYTEL+OXEAGVPV+OXOEYVPV + code:869a/b0/24+867f/b0/24+8684/69/a9+869f/69/a9 cheat description:One hit kills - code:SLKSVUSO + code:db4e/9d/bd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AEUEOYEL+AEXAUYAP + code:8fb9/b0/00+8fa3/10/00 cheat description:Double Bucky's special health - code:EPELVNKE + code:bf06/8c/98 cheat description:Triple Bucky's special health - code:KZELVNKA + code:bf06/8c/a4 cheat description:All characters always selectable - code:ENKEVGAP + code:8cce/10/f0 cheat description:All characters start with normal special health - code:KAEUXNGE + code:bf0a/0c/8c cheat description:All characters start with 2x special health - code:EPEUXNGE + code:bf0a/0c/98 cheat description:All characters start with 3x special health - code:KZEUXNGA + code:bf0a/0c/a4 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:AEXGVYZA + code:cfa6/02/00 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:IEXGVYZA + code:cfa6/02/05 cheat description:10 lives after continue - code:PEXGVYZE + code:cfa6/02/09 cheat description:Press Start to complete the level - code:AESGILPE+AESKALPA+GOSGYUPE+OXSGGUPK + code:c3d5/01/08+c3d8/01/00+c3d7/09/1c+c3d4/49/a9 cheat description:Start a new game to see ending - code:PEUKEIZE + code:cdb8/02/09 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:TAOLKYGP + code:bf14/14/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAELXYZA + code:bf02/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAELXYZA + code:bf02/02/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAELXYZE + code:bf02/02/09 cheat description:Infinite health - all characters - code:05A0:14 + code:05a0/14 cheat description:Infinite lives - all characters - code:004C:09 + code:004c/09 cheat description:Play as Jenny - code:0034:01 + code:0034/01 cheat description:Play as Dead Eye - code:0034:02 + code:0034/02 cheat description:Play as Blinky - code:0034:03 + code:0034/03 cheat description:Play as Willy DuWitt - code:0034:04 + code:0034/04 cartridge sha256:f01fe9436ca7b50953dbe5b8dd3574612df0e5df1fa9ae50d3f3b5faac818ab2 name:Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATYZPL + code:a371/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXEZGUSE + code:a384/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVIGKVK + code:d464/ce/ad cheat description:Mega-jumping Bugs - code:LAOANZTE + code:8a17/06/0b cheat description:Two hearts of energy gained on pick-up - code:AEOXPZGE + code:a299/04/08 cheat description:Less energy gained on pick-up - code:PEOXPZGA + code:a299/04/01 cheat description:Stunned for longer - code:ATNZALAL + code:a370/30/60 cheat description:Stunned for less time - code:IPNZALAL + code:a370/30/15 cheat description:Use hammer when stunned - code:AASAKOTL + code:8954/3e/00 cartridge sha256:7882e99e08deb1c22a3c38b17e12bd6373af503fd76e97b31699f3d19bef5aad name:Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GXETZZEI + code:e282/d0/24 cheat description:Baddies go as fast as Bugs Bunny - code:GXKGZZEY + code:c2c2/f0/24 cheat description:Make platforms invisible - code:GASGAAPA + code:c050/01/04 cheat description:Start with super rabbit punches - code:PXXTGGEN+PXXTAGAO + code:e4a4/f0/29+e4a0/10/29 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZOKGPVG + code:c11c/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUGPAIA + code:c031/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZAUGPAIE + code:c031/05/0a cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:SZOKGAAX+PEXYVYAE + code:c01c/20/ad+ffa6/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:SZOKGAAX+LOXYVYAA + code:c01c/20/ad+ffa6/00/13 cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:SZOKGAAX+IOXYVYAE + code:c01c/20/ad+ffa6/00/1d cheat description:Start on level 40 - code:SZOKGAAX+YXXYVYAA + code:c01c/20/ad+ffa6/00/27 cartridge sha256:6f37316bbfec539809a946f7020e7a411fe5dbe204157522f01b9c616e918247 name:Bugs Bunny Fun House (USA) (Beta) cheat description:Infinite turns - code:SXNKSKVK + code:ccfd/ce/ad cheat description:Slower timer - code:EAXOLVGL + code:962b/3c/80 cheat description:Faster timer - code:YPXOLVGU + code:962b/3c/1f cheat description:Quicker turning - code:ZESXVGGA + code:acde/04/02 cheat description:More time from Large Glop Clocks - code:TOVOUEYE + code:98eb/0f/1e cheat description:Less time from Large Glop Clocks - code:YEVOUEYA + code:98eb/0f/07 cheat description:1 turn after continuing - code:PAXGSILA + code:cd25/03/01 cheat description:9 turns after continuing - code:PAXGSILE + code:cd25/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 turn - code:PEOGXALA + code:c892/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 turns - code:PEOGXALE + code:c892/03/09 cheat description:Start on Floor 2 - code:YEEKSAPA + code:c88d/01/07 cheat description:Start on Floor 4 - code:LOEKSAPA + code:c88d/01/13 cheat description:Start on Floor 6 - code:YOEKSAPE + code:c88d/01/1f cheat description:Start on Floor 8 - code:LXEKSAPE + code:c88d/01/2b cartridge sha256:ba8c9990f378b941ea362858509182b2b009e5b463e9732dc0071392b6253c2b name:Bump'n'Jump (USA) cheat description:Jump OK, even with no power - code:AAVPNLGP + code:9b67/14/00 cheat description:Gain double power on every pick-up - code:ZAUZAIPA + code:a530/01/02 cheat description:Jump OK at any speed - code:AGVONLAA + code:9b6f/00/40 cheat description:Set jump OK speed to 190 - code:PANPNLIE + code:9b77/05/09 cheat description:Set jump OK speed to 130 - code:LANPNLIA + code:9b77/05/03 + cheat + description:Start on scene 2 + code:8494/00/01 + cheat + description:Start on scene 3 + code:8494/00/02 + cheat + description:Start On scene 4 + code:8494/00/03 cheat description:Start on scene 5 - code:GEOAGGAA + code:8494/00/04 + cheat + description:Start on scene 6 + code:8494/00/05 + cheat + description:Start on scene 7 + code:8494/00/06 + cheat + description:Start on scene 8 + code:8494/00/07 + cheat + description:Start on scene 9 + code:8494/00/08 cheat description:Start on scene 10 - code:PEOAGGAE + code:8494/00/09 + cheat + description:Start on scene 11 + code:8494/00/0a + cheat + description:Start on scene 12 + code:8494/00/0b + cheat + description:Start on scene 13 + code:8494/00/0c + cheat + description:Start on scene 14 + code:8494/00/0d cheat description:Start on scene 15 - code:TEOAGGAE + code:8494/00/0e cartridge sha256:abbddcb7c85a9956f94e6185aa1f30c34c45ad0db2f7f9db40066d749ffa7920 name:Burai Fighter (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VNOTENVK + code:ef90/ce/fe cheat description:Extra lives for Eagle level - code:PEOLATIE + code:b690/05/09 cheat description:Extra lives for Albatross level - code:AEOLPTGE + code:b691/04/08 cheat description:Extra lives for Ace level - code:TEOLZTLA + code:b692/03/06 cheat description:More power for weapons - code:LAXTTPPA + code:e126/01/03 cheat description:Maximum power for weapons - code:ZAXTTPPE + code:e126/01/0a cheat description:Increase cobalt power picked up - code:PASVTPZE + code:e15e/02/09 cheat description:Never lose weapon power - code:OUVNAXOO + code:f2e8/99/b9 cheat description:Never lose speed up - code:KXNYLZSA + code:f2f3/85/a4 cheat description:Never lose weapons - code:KXVNYZSA + code:f2ef/85/a4 cheat description:Never lose rotating pod - code:KXNYPZSA + code:f2f1/85/a4 cheat description:Never lose anything - code:AVVNLXOZ + code:f2eb/a9/60 cheat description:Start with laser - code:VTVNIPSA + code:f16d/85/e6 cheat description:Start with rotating pod - code:VTNYPPSA + code:f171/85/e6 cartridge sha256:8f349b0ed7d31a07ccdf26958de8219165eff7c9ad43801a82c5dcf831fd82c2 name:BurgerTime (USA) cheat description:Anti-gravity shoes - code:GZVIAZEI + code:d260/d0/24 cheat description:Peter Pepper gets super speed - code:YPESOUGO + code:db09/1c/1f cheat description:Fast play for experts - code:SZKNNIAX + code:fd4f/20/ad cheat description:Monsters always move slowly - code:SXVSSXSU + code:daed/bd/ad cheat description:Monsters move at double speed - code:SXVSSXSU+GOVSVXAO + code:daed/bd/ad+daee/18/1c cheat description:Monsters move at quadruple speed - code:SXVSSXSU+YOVSVXAO + code:daed/bd/ad+daee/18/1f cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZSTVAVI + code:e856/d6/a5 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:AASGKLGE + code:cb54/04/08 cheat description:Start with infinite peppers - code:SLKIZYVI + code:d742/d6/b5 cheat description:Start with double peppers - code:APVGSLIA + code:cb65/05/10 cartridge sha256:2b4ac20082e2f45a8f8fd4922a0e995829719a523e118a9eec891c3206adf25b name:B-Wings (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SAUXGISZ + code:a53c/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLNZUSVK + code:ad73/ce/bd cheat description:Enable unlimited morphs - code:ASEUZLEY + code:b38a/f0/50 cheat description:Enable secret weapons morph - code:TEOLYULE + code:b397/0b/0e cheat description:Can always morph - code:GXEUZLAI + code:b38a/50/24 cheat description:Start with secret weapon 1 - code:LENUGAPE + code:b0fc/01/0b cheat description:Start with secret weapon 2 - code:IENUGAPE + code:b0fc/01/0d cartridge sha256:47dfae941b3c660be476bc28f199474b6c418431e3d493da4384a6aef3cc5016 name:Cabal (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENNOLGEI + code:94fb/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXEOZZVI + code:928a/d6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SSEOZZVI + code:928a/d6/d5 cheat description:Infinite grenades - code:AEUXSIPA + code:adbd/01/00 cheat description:Shorter immunity - code:AKOPLZEG + code:9293/c0/40 cheat description:Longer immunity - code:NNOPLLEK + code:9393/c0/ff cheat description:12 Grenades on pick-up - code:GAVXNGGE + code:ac6f/04/0c cheat description:2 Grenades on pick-up - code:ZAVXNGGA + code:ac6f/04/02 cheat description:Start with 20 grenades - code:KYVEOZUY + code:8a69/f3/f4 cheat description:Start with 50 grenades - code:NYVEOZUY + code:8a69/f3/f7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:UNUOTTNN + code:96be/f7/fb cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:UNUOTTNY + code:96be/f7/f3 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:009F:02 + code:009f/02 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:00A0:01 + code:00a0/01 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P1 - code:00D7:09 + code:00d7/09 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P2 - code:00D8:FB+00D9:FB + code:00d8/fb+00d9/fb cartridge sha256:85da8656317bb939de111a036132ccf358259bab29cf2e4fc694bbef4e55fff0 name:California Raisins - The Grape Escape (USA) (Proto1) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZXIKPVG + code:d924/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0048:04 + code:0048/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0049:02 + code:0049/02 cartridge sha256:9ea5bedef90810b89afb70db90c6e0338aa2a6976603058dafe08838009651f0 name:California Raisins - The Grape Escape (USA) (Proto2) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIXSTPEY + code:d12e/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKEKOTVG + code:ce89/c6/c5 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:004D:FF + code:004d/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:004A:04 + code:004a/04 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:004B:03 + code:004b/03 cartridge sha256:4ec881462687e08433605516d28624c5d9a7f33a243c64989c957adff8e0432a name:Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92 (USA) cheat description:Massive run power - code:OXSYZVON+ASSYLTEY+XVSYGTVN + code:f6d2/f9/a9+f6d3/f0/50+f6d4/f6/ea cartridge sha256:6d694349435603c0dcd7645081b0761e109f3994b30f9d822586c991d93510d8 name:Captain America and the Avengers (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - Captain America and Hawkeye, 1P mode - code:OLNUNEOO + code:b87f/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZSULYVG + code:b75b/c6/a5 cheat description:Large power stones worth 20 points - code:GPNXIUZA + code:a37d/0a/14 cheat description:Large power stones worth 30 points - code:TPNXIUZE + code:a37d/0a/1e cheat description:Large power stones worth 50 points - code:ZLNXIUZA + code:a37d/0a/32 cheat description:Small power stones worth 10 points - code:ZAUZILPE + code:a335/01/0a cheat description:Hawkeye shoots arrows faster - code:LSUPUELO + code:98b3/1b/5b cheat description:Faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only - code:VYNXTXNN+ZEEZAZPA + code:a27e/ff/fe+a280/01/02 cheat description:Even faster Captain America and Hawkeye - one direction only - code:SYNXTXNN+LEEZAZPA + code:a27e/ff/fd+a280/01/03 cheat description:Ininite life - Captain America, 1P mode - code:03D9:0F + code:03d9/0f cheat description:Infinite life - Hawkeye, 1P mode - code:03DA:0F + code:03da/0f cheat description:Have 99 Red Gems - Captain America, 1P mode - code:03DD:63 + code:03dd/63 cheat description:Have 99 Red Gems - Hawkeye, 1P mode - code:03DE:63 + code:03de/63 cartridge sha256:935aa637ca8fb0ec4e0f3f09881c46c134b9a5821707e35899d8a7eedb17c6c3 name:Captain Comic - The Adventure (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZATEK + code:ec00/ad cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SLATVK + code:ec06/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZATZN + code:e702/ad cheat description:Max blast level - code:0316:09 + code:0316/09 cheat description:Infinite blast meter - code:0318:80 + code:0318/80 cheat description:Have Door Key - code:05AA:01 + code:05aa/01 cheat description:Have Corkscrew - code:05AB:01 + code:05ab/01 cheat description:Have Power Boots - code:05AC:01 + code:05ac/01 cheat description:Have Teleport Wand - code:05B3:01 + code:05b3/01 cheat description:Have Lantern - code:05B4:01 + code:05b4/01 cheat description:Have Mystical Gems of Lascorbanos - code:05B5:01 + code:05b5/01 cheat description:Have Coins of Tenure - code:05B6:01 + code:05b6/01 cheat description:Have Crown of the Ages - code:05B7:01 + code:05b7/01 cartridge sha256:41dd396fbd9b0883b4222b6fbdae09d0e3894eb015e965a0d228f21edd98ad8c name:Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZNKNUSE + code:cb7f/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SKNLYVVK + code:b6f7/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives, outside levels - code:SXNLYVVK + code:b6f7/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives, inside levels - code:SZSUGVVK + code:b65c/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite power, outside levels - code:SZNXGXVK+SZVXPKVK + code:a27c/ce/ad+a469/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite power, inside levels - code:SXXXEUVK+SZEUGKVK + code:aba8/ce/ad+b40c/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 2 lives instead of 5, outside levels - code:PENVIGGA + code:e4fd/04/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives, outside levels - code:PENVIGGE + code:e4fd/04/09 cheat description:Start with 10 lives, inside levels - code:PAETITGE + code:e605/04/09 cheat description:Start with 2 lives, inside levels - code:PAETITGA + code:e605/04/01 cheat description:Start inside level 1 instead of outside. - code:AANVAEGZ + code:e078/2c/00 cartridge sha256:da7886920245b1342185ed5fb963798dc38f96e8c5186b9c23446ef68c58a248 name:Captain Skyhawk (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZKAIGVK + code:8445/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SGKAIGVG + code:8445/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite Maverick missiles - code:OZXPUZVK + code:9a23/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite Hawk Bombs - code:OXKPVGVK + code:9cc6/c6/a9 cheat description:Double cost of Hawk Bombs - code:GENXKGZA + code:acfc/02/04 cheat description:Double cost of Phoenix missiles - code:GAXZKIZA + code:ad24/02/04 cheat description:Double cost of Maverick missiles - code:ZAOZEIIE + code:ad10/05/0a cheat description:Start with half Hawk Bombs - code:LESITITA + code:d5d6/06/03 cheat description:Start with 20 Hawk Bombs - code:GOSITITA + code:d5d6/06/14 cheat description:Start with 8 Phoenix and Maverick missiles - code:AESSZIZE + code:d5da/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUITIIA + code:d5b6/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEUITIIE + code:d5b6/05/0a cartridge sha256:141cda262aad72971c00dd9a9655f32cee03e259d371bd8937a864e3300e9e58 name:Captain Skyhawk (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (PRG0) - code:ESOOVIEY + code:9d9e/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZKAIGVK + code:8445/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SGKAIGVG + code:8445/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite Maverick missiles - code:OZXPUZVK + code:9a23/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite Hawk Bombs - code:OXKPVGVK + code:9cc6/c6/a9 cheat description:Double cost of Hawk Bombs - code:GENXKGZA + code:acfc/02/04 cheat description:Double cost of Phoenix missiles - code:GAXZKIZA + code:ad24/02/04 cheat description:Double cost of Maverick missiles - code:ZAOZEIIE + code:ad10/05/0a cheat description:Start with half Hawk Bombs - code:LESITITA + code:d5d6/06/03 cheat description:Start with 20 Hawk Bombs - code:GOSITITA + code:d5d6/06/14 cheat description:Start with 8 Phoenix and Maverick missiles - code:AESSZIZE + code:d5da/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUITIIA + code:d5b6/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEUITIIE + code:d5b6/05/0a cartridge sha256:f76f1779454a8a98168c2c26bc79058161cbaefb3006c8e6aa8c63d301a66f4f name:Casino Kid (USA) cheat description:Always win hand in Blackjack - code:OXKEPTES + code:86c9/d0/a9 cheat description:Always win hand in Poker - code:SZOOUKGK + code:9c1b/4c/ad cheat description:Can always bet all money in Blackjack - code:OXOEIIEO + code:859d/90/a9 cheat description:Can always bet all money in Poker - code:VAVAKXAT + code:8a64/68/86 cartridge sha256:87e479b14421fc4b56553937dc817789ebfb2987b0724c6790705f0361a955a7 name:Casino Kid II (USA) cheat description:Can't double down in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) - code:PAOASGIE + code:8c15/05/09 cheat description:Can't split in blackjack (game will say you do not have enough money) - code:PAKAVIIE + code:8d46/05/09 cheat description:Start new game with $82 instead of $200 - code:AZKKYOTG + code:c14f/4e/20 cheat description:Start new game with $512 - code:EGKKYOTK + code:c14f/4e/c8 cheat description:Start new game with $21,171 - code:AZSGGPAA + code:c154/00/20 cheat description:Start new game with $131,272 - code:EGSGGPAE + code:c154/00/c8 cheat description:Start new game with $1,342,377 - code:AASKPPAE + code:c159/00/08 cheat description:Start new game with $5,368,909 - code:AZSKPPAA + code:c159/00/20 cartridge sha256:98ba2353111a0b2cf557b03d8b8c4f5c15d7be56e47182536d710913d62582fa name:Castelian (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXKTEISA + code:edc0/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLOKZLVI + code:c31a/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SIOKZLVI + code:c31a/d6/d5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZNXYAVG + code:a07f/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEVGYPLA + code:c1e7/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEVGYPLA + code:c1e7/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEVGYPLE + code:c1e7/03/09 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:IAOGTZZA + code:c216/02/05 cheat description:Start with 8 continues - code:AAOGTZZE + code:c216/02/08 cartridge sha256:3668454e1904ada7f80ec2f94c4c2d45272d8a8c9e8d3b78ceebae5f890eb164 name:Castle of Deceit (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXNIOUVK + code:dbf1/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOSYSVK + code:d51f/ce/ad cartridge sha256:6887230077d8eefa311d313672c31e7497211e21c5df78aa8d2030ea72471108 name:Castle of Dragon (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:YNOLSYAE + code:bf95/00/7f cheat description:Super health - code:NYXKLAGE + code:c02b/04/ff cheat description:No harm from most enemy attacks - code:SZVUSNVK + code:bf6d/ce/ad cheat description:Stop Skeletons from fighting - code:PEVPULAP + code:9be3/10/01 cheat description:Faster fighting - code:GEOGYZPA + code:c297/01/04 cheat description:Super strong enemies - code:ZPSLONLP + code:bf51/1b/12 cheat description:Start with Knives - code:ZAXGLAAA + code:c023/00/02 cheat description:Start with Knives and Mace - code:LAXGLAAA + code:c023/00/03 cheat description:Start with Armor - code:EAXGLAAA + code:c023/00/80 cheat description:Start with Armor, Knives and Mace - code:UAXGLAAA + code:c023/00/83 cartridge sha256:9abebd837287a38ab64153ff662b3bd79ebc8e55b07c2fc2fef8c15244517576 name:Castlequest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXUEXSSE + code:8dba/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKAVIVG + code:8dc6/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite keys - code:ATSXATEY + code:a658/f0/60 cheat description:75 lives instead of 50 - code:LKUZTZZU + code:a2b6/32/4b cheat description:25 lives instead of 50 - code:POUZTZZU + code:a2b6/32/19 cheat description:Don't lose life from 'reset' or 'back' options - code:SXKNKLVG + code:fbcc/c6/a5 cheat description:Use sword (press 'B') as long as you like - code:SZOEIUVK + code:831d/ce/ad cheat description:Now you can move while using sword - code:XXOAZGYA + code:8492/07/a2 cheat description:Must use with the last code for permanent sword-wielding ability - code:IAEEALYP + code:8308/17/05 cheat description:Supercharged speed-up - code:GAXEGIZA+GAUEGIZA + code:852c/02/04+853c/02/04 cheat description:Turbo fuel-injected 16-valve speed-up - code:AAXEGIZE+AAUEGIZE + code:852c/02/08+853c/02/08 cartridge sha256:7eba1637cd2fdbc4f0732eb5249e32d827dbdadbd7e165f961440af4310880dc name:Castlevania (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SKSTZTSZ + code:e6d2/a5/c5 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:VXNVXAVG - cheat - description:Infinite lives - code:OXNGLZVK - cheat - description:Infinite time - code:SXXXYAAX - cheat - description:Infinite hearts - code:KZSSEZKA+KXESUZKA - cheat - description:Keep weapons after losing a life - code:GZOGYUSE - cheat - description:Gain triple shot on weapon pick-up - code:ZEUTAYAA - cheat - description:Don't get knocked back when hit - code:NAPOLN - cheat - description:Jump 3x as high - code:SKPPEL - cheat - description:Jump 2x as high - code:EVPPEL - cheat - description:Multi-jump - code:OZOOIKSE+PAOOTGLG+SAOOYGPE+GTXPAKVV+GAXPPKGT+ZGXPZGGE+AXKOZKSZ+PEKOLGGP+KOKOGGIA+AVOPZYEP+VEEOGGSV+KOEOIGOZ - cheat - description:Start with 40 hearts - code:AXOGOPIE - cheat - description:Start with 80 hearts - code:ASOGOPIA - cheat - description:Start with 1 life - code:PANKXPGA+PANGSAGA - cheat - description:Start with 8 lives - code:AANKXPGE+AANGSAGE - cheat - description:Start on last level - code:VXOLEOVE+PEEUEPLE+ZOEUSPAA - cheat - description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:005B:02 + code:e8fa/c6/a6 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0045:40 + code:e75b/85/ad + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:c2f3/c6/a9 + cheat + description:Infinite time + code:a0af/20/ad + cheat + description:Infinite hearts + code:da58/84/a4+da8b/84/a4 + cheat + description:Keep weapons after dying + code:c317/8d/2c + cheat + description:Gain triple shot on weapon pick-up + code:e7b0/00/02 + cheat + description:Don't get knocked back when hit + code:971b/8f + cheat + description:Jump 3x as high + code:9b90/c5 + cheat + description:Jump 2x as high + code:9b90/e0 + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:941d/8d/a9+941e/43/01+941f/01/8d+9420/ee/6c+9421/6c/04+9422/04/4a+94ca/ad/20+94cb/14/01+94cc/05/94+9792/90/60+948c/e5/8e+948d/a1/94 + cheat + description:Start with 40 hearts + code:c991/05/28 + cheat + description:Start with 80 hearts + code:c991/05/50 + cheat + description:Start with 1 life + code:c97a/04/01+c875/04/01 + cheat + description:Start with 8 lives + code:c97a/04/08+c875/04/08 + cheat + description:Start on last level + code:b990/8e/ae+b988/03/09+b98d/00/12 + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) + code:005b/02 + cheat + description:Infinite health (alt) + code:0045/40 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:002A:63 + code:002a/63 cheat description:Infinite hearts (alt) (disable at end of stage) - code:0071:63 + code:0071/63 cheat description:Bosses have no health - code:01A9:00 + code:01a9/00 cheat description:Have the Axe - code:015B:0D + code:015b/0d cheat description:Have the Cross - code:015B:09 + code:015b/09 cheat description:Have the Holy Water - code:015B:0B + code:015b/0b cheat description:Have the Knife - code:015B:08 + code:015b/08 cheat description:Have the Stopwatch - code:015B:0F + code:015b/0f cheat description:Have the best whip - code:0070:02 + code:0070/02 cartridge sha256:a35e846379ff252594ace83da2a1a1cb0692717b931055d1f6603812f18ad5cd name:Castlevania (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXXXYAAX + code:a0af/20/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere (Whip) - code:AAOVLSVG+AAXVLSVL + code:e51b/ce/00+e52b/be/00 cheat description:Jump 3x as high - code:SKPPEL + code:9b90/c5 cheat description:Jump 2x as high - code:EVPPEL + code:9b90/e0 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:OZOOIKSE+PAOOTGLG+SAOOYGPE+GTXPAKVV+GAXPPKGT+ZGXPZGGE+AXKOZKSZ+PEKOLGGP+KOKOGGIA+AVOPZYEP+VEEOGGSV+KOEOIGOZ + code:941d/8d/a9+941e/43/01+941f/01/8d+9420/ee/6c+9421/6c/04+9422/04/4a+94ca/ad/20+94cb/14/01+94cc/05/94+9792/90/60+948c/e5/8e+948d/a1/94 + cheat + description:Keep sub-weapon after dying + code:c2c8/8d/ad + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:9f49/4d cheat description:Start on last level - code:VXOLEOVE+PEEUEPLE+ZOEUSPAA + code:b990/8e/ae+b988/03/09+b98d/00/12 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:005B:02 + code:005b/02 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0045:40 + code:0045/40 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002A:63 + code:002a/63 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:0071:63 + code:0071/63 cheat description:Bosses have no health - code:01A9:00 + code:01a9/00 cheat description:Have the Axe - code:015B:0D + code:015b/0d cheat description:Have the Cross - code:015B:09 + code:015b/09 cheat description:Have the Holy Water - code:015B:0B + code:015b/0b cheat description:Have the Knife - code:015B:08 + code:015b/08 cheat description:Have the Stopwatch - code:015B:0F + code:015b/0f cheat description:Have the best whip - code:0070:02 + code:0070/02 cartridge sha256:9575ec31c1c658fd6b77ae1d69e4861ecada8570e4eebf51409941486e4b4ef4 name:Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (USA) cheat - description:Invincibility (enemies die) - code:LZUAINVI+OAUATYNE + description:Invincibility + code:864b/f0/d0 cheat - description:Infinite health - code:SZSSYLSA + description:Invincibility (enemies die on contact) + code:8735/de/23+8736/87/89 cheat description:Invincibility against water - code:EVUELANT+GKVYUVNN+KKVYSVNY+KNVYKVNY+PEVYXVNY+UEVYOVNN+VNUEGAEK+VKVYEVNN + code:80bb/e7/e0+fee3/ff/4c+fee5/ff/c4+fee4/ff/f4+fee2/ff/01+fee1/ff/8b+80bc/c0/fe+fee0/ff/ce + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:d35f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXOGGZVG + code:c294/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite Laurels - code:IAXIOPVG + code:d921/c6/05 cheat description:Infinite Laurel time - code:SXOEPOVK + code:8199/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Garlic - code:SZUISPVG + code:d935/c6/a5 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AAXAVPAG + code:8926/40/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - whip - code:AAOANPYG+AAOEKPGI+AENESAPT + code:8917/47/00+891c/54/00+88fd/61/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - sub-weapons - code:ELEEOZAL+ELXANZAL + code:8a09/30/b0+8a27/30/b0 cheat description:Small hearts worth 100 - code:KATAZY + code:8762/84 cheat description:Enemies always drop large Hearts - code:EUXEPZEI+SXXETXSU+XNUAAZGE + code:82a9/d0/b0+82ae/bd/ad+82b0/04/fa cheat description:Can use sub-weapons regardless of Heart count - code:EYNIVAEL + code:d876/b0/f0 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:EESEOPAP+ESSEXPLP+GESEUPEX+GKSESPAX+OESENPVE+PXSEEPLE+SNSANOGT+SXSAVOSZ+UNVEOPAE+VVSEVOSV+XVSEKPEN + code:89d9/10/80+89da/13/d0+89db/a0/0c+89dd/20/4c+89df/86/89+89d8/03/29+89d7/6c/f5+89d6/ad/a5+89e9/00/fb+89de/ed/ee+89dc/f0/ea cheat description:Jump higher (4 1/3 blocks) - code:AXVENOAL + code:89ef/38/20 cheat description:Buy a White Crystal and receive the Red Crystal and all of Dracula's Relics - code:NYXVOTAX + code:ee29/20/ff cheat description:Buy Thorn Whip and receive the Flame Whip (do not buy any other whips) - code:GENTUIYA + code:edf3/07/04 cheat description:Whip much faster - code:EIOIOGEY + code:dc11/f0/d0 cheat description:Whip can destroy any block - code:AALSPT+AAZSAT+APISIT+XVPIPV + code:d639/00+d628/00+d65d/10+d691/ea cheat description:Whip destroys all enemies/townspeople on screen - code:INIEEA + code:88d8/75 cheat description:Towns never sleep (can enter doors) - code:AEXEYYPP+EYKEYPEI + code:87af/11/00+814f/d0/f0 cheat description:Ponds open instantly without needing a Crystal - code:EYNGEIEI + code:cd70/d0/f0 cheat description:Faster dialog text - code:ESOVETEY + code:ee98/f0/d0 cheat description:Always daytime - code:SXOSLYSA + code:d79b/85/a5 cheat description:Always get the best ending - code:SANXTPSZ + code:a17e/a5/85 cheat description:Start with 100 Experience (E) - code:PAZNGO + code:f12c/09 cheat description:Start with more health - code:AISKTIAL + code:c55e/30/50 cheat description:Start with 25 hearts - code:IZSKZIAI + code:c55a/50/25 cheat description:Start with 75 hearts - code:IYSKZIAI + code:c55a/50/75 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASGLILA + code:c553/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TASGLILA + code:c553/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PASGLILE + code:c553/03/09 cheat - description:Invincibility - code:04F8:02 + description:Invincibility (alt 2) + code:04f8/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0080:50 + code:0080/50 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0031:03 + code:0031/03 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:0048:F0 + code:0048/f0 cheat description:Infinite Laurels (alt) - code:004C:99 + code:004c/99 cheat description:Infinite Garlic on pick-up - code:004D:08 + code:004d/08 cheat description:Always daytime (alt) - code:0085:02 + code:0085/02 cheat description:Have all Daggers, Holy Water, Diamond, Flame and Oak Stake - code:004A:7F + code:004a/7f cheat description:Have White Crystal - code:0091:20 + code:0091/20 cheat description:Have all Dracula's parts and White Crystal - code:0091:3F + code:0091/3f cheat description:Have Blue Crystal - code:0091:40 + code:0091/40 cheat description:Have all Dracula's parts and Blue Crystal - code:0091:5F + code:0091/5f cheat description:Have Red Crystal - code:0091:60 + code:0091/60 cheat description:Have all Dracula's parts and Red Crystal - code:0091:7F + code:0091/7f cheat description:Have Garlic, Laurels, Silk Bag and Magic Cross - code:0092:0F + code:0092/0f cheat description:Have Fire Whip - code:0434:04 + code:0434/04 cartridge sha256:6e8d289635ac39479ff1d36733aa3f8b9650593ab972cedb8e2cdbfc03aaa739 name:Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (disable if you cannot enter a door) - code:EIOAZPEY + code:8112/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (disable if you cannot enter a door) (alt) - code:SZKLPZSA + code:b241/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:OXEEZZSE + code:828a/85/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OXOAUPSE - cheat - description:Hit anywhere (Whip) - code:AEELYXAP - cheat - description:Multi-jump - code:AVVAELAP+EISOKAIV+EPSPKAEL+IASONATZ+IASOXEGA+IAVPOEAA+OZSOOAES+PSSPINYG+PSVPYUYG+SASOUESX+SASPVESX+SZSPOAGA+SZUPOASA+TZSPXEOG+ZASPUEAE - cheat - description:Start with 9500 seconds - code:PALUYL - cheat - description:Start each stage with 99 hearts - code:OOKPPAIE - cheat - description:Invincibility (blinking) (disable if you cannot enter a door) - code:0080:02 - cheat - description:Remove invincibility blinking - code:001A:00 - cheat - description:Infinite health (alt) - code:003C:40 - cheat - description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0035:99 + code:8993/85/a9 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:0084:99 + code:ba03/90/91 cheat - description:Trevor has best Whip - code:008E:02 + description:Hit anywhere (Whip) + code:b287/18/00 + cheat + description:High jump + code:9633/09/03 + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:8be0/10/60+985c/65/d8+9854/b0/90+985f/26/05+985a/0c/05+9861/08/05+9859/d0/a9+97d5/4f/51+93e7/4f/51+985b/ad/8d+9856/ad/8d+9851/04/a5+9831/85/a5+9852/c9/26+9853/08/0a + cheat + description:No knock-back when hurt + code:823c/8d/60 + cheat + description:Walk twice as fast to the left + code:9728/ff/fe + cheat + description:Walk twice as fast to the right + code:96ec/01/02 + cheat + description:Start with 9500 seconds + code:b33f/01 + cheat + description:Start each stage with 99 hearts + code:90c1/05/99 + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) (disable if you cannot enter a door) + code:0080/02 + cheat + description:Remove invincibility blinking + code:001a/00 + cheat + description:Infinite health (alt) + code:003c/40 + cheat + description:Infinite lives (alt) + code:0035/99 + cheat + description:Infinite hearts (alt) + code:0084/99 cheat description:Alucard has best attack - code:008F:02 + code:008f/02 + cheat + description:Trevor Belmont has best Whip + code:008e/02 cheat description:Enable Sypha - code:003A:01 + code:003a/01 cheat description:Enable Grant - code:003A:02 + code:003a/02 cheat description:Enable Alucard - code:003A:03 + code:003a/03 cheat - description:Trevor's sub-weapon - Axe - code:0085:01 + description:Have Triple Shot (III) + code:0087/02 cheat - description:Trevor's sub-weapon - Cross - code:0085:02 + description:Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Axe + code:0085/01 cheat - description:Trevor's sub-weapon - Dagger - code:0085:03 + description:Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Clock + code:0085/0b cheat - description:Trevor's sub-weapon - Holy Water - code:0085:04 + description:Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Cross + code:0085/02 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Fire Spell - code:0086:05 + description:Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Dagger + code:0085/03 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Ice Spell - code:0086:06 + description:Trevor Belmont's sub-weapon - Holy Water + code:0085/04 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Lightning Spell - code:0086:07 + description:Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Fire Spell + code:0086/05 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Dagger - code:0086:08 + description:Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Ice Spell + code:0086/06 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Axe - code:0086:09 + description:Sypha Belnades' sub-weapon - Lightning Spell + code:0086/07 cheat - description:Partner's sub-weapon - Clock - code:0086:0B + description:Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Dagger + code:0086/08 + cheat + description:Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Axe + code:0086/09 + cheat + description:Grant Danasty's sub-weapon - Clock + code:0086/0b cheat description:Start on stage 2 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:01 + code:0032/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:02 + code:0032/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:03 + code:0032/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:04 + code:0032/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:05 + code:0032/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:06 + code:0032/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:07 + code:0032/07 cheat description:Start on stage 9 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:08 + code:0032/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:09 + code:0032/09 cheat description:Start on stage 11 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:0A + code:0032/0a cheat description:Start on stage 12 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:0B + code:0032/0b cheat description:Start on stage 13 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:0C + code:0032/0c cheat description:Start on stage 14 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:0D + code:0032/0d cheat description:Start on stage 15 (glitchy if you die) - code:0032:0E + code:0032/0e cartridge sha256:52451a89296cfcb006beb6363ddc8486fcc88154338cbec778a846056c522f50 name:Cat Ninden Teyandee (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:003F:0B + code:003f/0b cheat description:Infinite magic energy - code:0040:FF + code:0040/ff cartridge sha256:c20a8cc1b2dacb8a45e706b5763ac6c82c17b4ee4fb547ba4a853e4aabd6e35c name:Challenge of the Dragon (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSTZXSO + code:e252/9d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OUOVZKOO + code:e49a/99/b9 cheat description:Always have Bombs - code:ASXTVGEI + code:eca6/d0/50 cartridge sha256:7f4b9307e228c737b5f6e4ef3efb40438aa2024b95b29f9aabf18a15af6ed185 name:Challenge of the Dragon (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATNXPAEY + code:a079/f0/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZXZAPVG + code:a120/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZOEXYVK + code:8f1a/c6/a9 cartridge sha256:d5b039637a2315458f71ec57a287f93b3532e6243b712b55767f07dc83c5a3c9 name:Championship Pool (USA) cheat description:1 foul loses the game (instead of 3) - only in 10-ball in party mode - code:PAOUYALA + code:b01f/03/01 cheat description:2 fouls in a row loses the game - only on 9 and 10-ball in party mode - code:ZAOUYALA + code:b01f/03/02 cheat description:Fouls don't count - only on 9 and 10-ball and rotation in party mode - code:SLNUKXSO + code:ba7c/9d/bd cheat description:Number of fouls is not cleared after a good shot (3 fouls don't have to be in a row to lose) - only on 10-ball in party mode - code:SUOLXXSO + code:ba92/9d/bd cheat description:Always break in 9 or 10-ball - P1 - code:OZVETASX+AAVEYEST + code:806e/a5/a9+806f/ed/00 cheat description:Always break in 9 or 10-ball - P2 - code:OZVETASX+PAVEYEST + code:806e/a5/a9+806f/ed/01 cartridge sha256:a8f18eb52126cdf3d004877f8c4c315ddf15f823f13f42b0154da17db21ecddd name:Championship Rally (Europe) cheat description:Drive a short distance to finish lap - code:AASKSLAZ + code:cb5d/20/00 cartridge sha256:ebdd748cd488c4acdc5d2c7321de692c1ab0b37044cf0c6ea043457176dbd306 name:Cheetahmen II (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - level 1 and 2 - code:SXUXGUVK + code:a3bc/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health - level 3 - code:SXSXGUVK + code:a3dc/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health - level 4 - code:SXEZGUVK + code:a384/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - level 1 and 2 - code:SZNUAUVK + code:b378/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - level 3 - code:SZEUYUVK + code:b30f/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - level 4 - code:SXXUIXVK + code:b2ad/ce/ad cartridge sha256:b705f866955c7d19292b55a9b0f3ec0e970e3f2509c3da15708b7afd879d98ed name:Chessmaster, The (USA) cheat description:Move pieces anywhere - code:AAVKNLTI+SZNGULSA+SZNKELSA + code:cb6f/56/00+cb73/85/a5+cb78/85/a5 cartridge sha256:e84d90fefb92f2b6ab70e35bfb990978c7e384e357ec6b995c3880bff4c5b460 name:Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AOEITEEN + code:d086/f8/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AAKGSGPA+SXXKEOZA + code:cc45/01/00+c9a8/0a/a5 cheat description:Freeze mechanical bulldog - code:ATUEENSL + code:8f38/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze mechanical mice - code:AVKAVNSL + code:8fc6/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze buzzer - code:AVOPTESL + code:9096/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze buzz bomb - code:AVNOLKSL + code:94fb/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze racket-rod - code:AVVPZSSL + code:95e2/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze ditz - code:ATSOYKSL + code:945f/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze hawk bomber - code:ATSPANSL + code:9750/bd/60 cheat description:Freeze bouncing boxes - code:AVVOOUSL + code:9be9/bd/60 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:ZEXKNPTE + code:c9af/06/0a cheat description:Never get stunned - code:GAEIIEVI + code:d005/de/04 cheat description:Press Start to finish the level - code:IVEKINEO + code:c78d/98/6d cartridge sha256:afa359b53e90781ed3810642c09f7cb22f0ba21c40142649771bfb21a897b4d3 name:Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (glitchy) - code:EIXZEZEY + code:aa20/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SSXLLEVS + code:b0a3/de/dd cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:OUXLLEVS + code:b0a3/de/b9 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:NXKZKTVI + code:aec4/d6/a7 cheat description:Almost infinite lives - both players - code:GXKZKTVI + code:aec4/d6/24 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:OXUNGIVK + code:f5bc/c6/a9 cheat description:Never get stunned - code:XVXXXGVS + code:acaa/d6/ea cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PEUYIILA + code:f5b5/03/01 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - both players - code:ZEUYIILA + code:f5b5/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - both players - code:GEUYIILA + code:f5b5/03/04 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - both players - code:IEUYIILA + code:f5b5/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - both players - code:PEOYZILA + code:f592/03/01 cheat description:Start with 2 hearts - both players - code:ZEOYZILA + code:f592/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - both players - code:GEOYZILA + code:f592/03/04 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - both players - code:IEOYZILA + code:f592/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:PANNAILA + code:f578/03/01 cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:ZANNAILA + code:f578/03/02 cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:TANNAILA + code:f578/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:PANNAILE + code:f578/03/09 cheat description:Start with 255 credits (ignore the counter) - code:NYNNAILE + code:f578/03/ff cartridge sha256:21a7f7a5a043ddc2017cd97b4088156b0d728271455966ab6748a79eddd3410e name:Chubby Cherub (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEAYZVG + code:8207/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite power - code:SZEXIYSA + code:a70d/85/a5 cheat description:Half regular power gained from food - code:GEVAKVAA + code:8ee4/08/04 cheat description:Slow down power loss on the ground - code:PENXATZA + code:a6f8/02/01 cheat description:Slow down power loss in the air - code:LENXTVPA + code:a6fe/09/03 cheat description:Infinite Gau (shots) - code:ZANEVSUT + code:8d7e/eb/02 cheat description:Double Gau (shots) on candy pick-up - code:AASXOAGE + code:a859/04/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEOAAZZA + code:8290/02/00 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:IEOAAZZA + code:8290/02/05 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:AEOAAZZE + code:8290/02/08 cheat description:Start on Stage 5 - code:IEOALZPA+GEOAPZAA + code:8293/01/05+8291/00/04 cheat description:Start on Stage 10 - code:ZEOALZPE+PEOAPZAE + code:8293/01/0a+8291/00/09 cartridge sha256:fa701601d39819ef26821d05350ccb793cc606191e03c06203a4274b434dfaeb name:Circus Caper (USA) cheat description:Invincibility in normal levels - code:SYNNPGLA+TANNAGZS+AZNYYKSZ + code:f479/03/f5+f478/52/0e+f477/ad/20 cheat description:Infinite power (health) - code:GZEYPSSE + code:f501/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite power (health) (alt) - code:SZEYPSSE + code:f501/8d/ad cheat description:Full energy from food - code:AASVNAZA + code:e85f/02/00 cheat description:Start with lots of weapons - code:NNOTNLAE + code:eb97/00/ff cheat description:Start on stage 2 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) - code:ZEVGGAPA + code:c0e4/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) - code:LEVGGAPA + code:c0e4/01/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) - code:GEVGGAPA + code:c0e4/01/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) - code:IEVGGAPA + code:c0e4/01/05 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (starts on stage 1 after continuing) - code:TEVGGAPA + code:c0e4/01/06 cheat description:Infinite power (health) (alt 2) - code:0392:7A + code:0392/7a cartridge sha256:590535e8cda84cb4054425539bc320c16307f141d688b57f258a162dedc8888f name:City Connection (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNSTPVG + code:d17e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Oil - code:SXKPZGVG + code:94c2/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:IEKEYIZA + code:85cf/02/05 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:AEKEYIZE + code:85cf/02/08 cheat description:Start with extra Oil - code:AXSAPIIA + code:85d1/05/20 cheat description:Start on level 1 - code:PEKEIIAA + code:85cd/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ZEKEIIAA + code:85cd/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:LEKEIIAA + code:85cd/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:GEKEIIAA + code:85cd/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IEKEIIAA + code:85cd/00/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:00A2:09 + code:00a2/09 cheat description:Infinite Oil - both players - code:00A4:63 + code:00a4/63 cheat description:MI is very high - code:00A5:FF + code:00a5/ff cartridge sha256:cf226f0d9486103bbaa19ee124b673d47aa2b3766334b6b7587d704c03e6649e name:Clash at Demonhead (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENOPLZEI+ESSPPAEY + code:9293/d0/f0+90d1/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEGZISA + code:c502/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite barrier hits - code:SXNZKSVK + code:adf4/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite supply of all items bought - code:SXKZGSVS + code:a5c4/de/ad cheat description:Don't die when power hits zero - code:VZSULOVV + code:b15b/ee/ae cheat description:All items in shop are free - code:AVUGAGST + code:c4b0/e5/60 cheat description:Start with 1 of each item - code:VNNGNUSO + code:cbf7/9d/fe cheat description:Start with extra cash - code:TAUGKGKY+UPUGVKXO + code:cc34/f4/06+cc36/9a/9b cheat description:Start with 50% power - code:AAEKVGAO+AEVZNPAO+ZAOGXGGA + code:cc0e/10/08+a9e7/10/08+cc12/04/02 cheat description:Start with 150% power - code:APEKVGAO+TAOGXGGA+AOVZNPAO + code:cc0e/10/18+cc12/04/06+a9e7/10/18 cheat description:Start with 200% power - code:AZEKVGAP+AAOGXGGE+AXVZNPAP + code:cc0e/10/20+cc12/04/08+a9e7/10/20 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:009F:10 + code:009f/10 cartridge sha256:79969ab6741823e5560794489d5b20a677a1207c06265855e5d7b633e6fef29a name:Cliffhanger (USA) cheat description:Protection from most hits - code:SZVPOKVK + code:9c61/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEKKSVK + code:cd8c/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite continues - code:ULOTSYTN + code:ef15/76/bb cheat description:Don't burn money at campfire - code:SUNPXXSO + code:9af2/9d/bd cheat description:Some bags contain mega-money, some contain no money - code:YONKKXAP + code:cafc/18/17 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PASGVGLA + code:cc56/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IASGVGLA + code:cc56/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:YASGVGLA + code:cc56/03/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PASGVGLE + code:cc56/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:PAKGUGLA + code:cc43/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:IAKGUGLA + code:cc43/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 continues - code:YAKGUGLA + code:cc43/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:PAKGUGLE + code:cc43/03/09 cheat description:Start with 2x health (does not show on meter) - code:AXOKNGAP + code:cc9f/10/20 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:AEOKNGAO + code:cc9f/10/08 cheat description:Start with $100 - code:VTVKVKSE + code:cc6e/8d/ee cheat description:Start with $10,000 - code:VTVKUKSE + code:cc6b/8d/ee cheat description:Start with $650,000 (displays $xx0000 until you pick up first money bag) - code:VGVKUKSE + code:cc6b/8d/ce cheat description:Infinite health - code:0405:10 + code:0405/10 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0406:03 + code:0406/03 cartridge sha256:ed0a1a5ca7cf404116d0073e8ccd213a082d2ac50132f54f3c8621f3dbcdb248 name:Clu Clu Land (World) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:GXLILL + code:d3b3/24 cheat description:Infinite time - code:GZPGSL + code:cb15/24 cheat description:Increase extra time - code:TEYIGL + code:d3f4/06 cheat description:Shoot more rays - code:IEVISZZA + code:dae5/02/05 cheat description:Shoot shorter rays - code:AOVSOZAZ + code:dae9/20/10 cheat description:Shoot longer rays - code:ASVSOZAZ + code:dae9/20/50 cheat description:Enemy can go thru gold bars - code:AASIAYGA + code:d750/04/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAGKGL + code:c34c/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - both players - code:APGKGL + code:c34c/10 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:VTSKPLSA + code:c359/85/e6 cartridge sha256:711eee6690af76a59321f49c8dbfec39eef702775e6cc2a1e63553b40fa3aa5f name:Cobra Command (USA) cheat description:Immune to weapon damage - code:GZSSNGST + code:dc5f/e5/24 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SXUAAOVK + code:81b0/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUVGZGA + code:e23c/04/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUVGZGE + code:e23c/04/08 cheat description:Start with Infinite lives (alt) - code:05BB:09 + code:05bb/09 cheat description:Start with Dual Gun - code:05A5:01 + code:05a5/01 cheat description:Start with ATG - code:05A5:02 + code:05a5/02 cheat description:Start with Rapid Fire - code:05A5:03 + code:05a5/03 cheat description:Start with 3-Way Gun - code:05A5:04 + code:05a5/04 cheat description:Start with Twin Missiles - code:05A6:01 + code:05a6/01 cheat description:Start with Homing Missiles - code:05A6:02 + code:05a6/02 cheat description:Start with Homing Missiles 1 - code:05A6:03 + code:05a6/03 cheat description:Start with Homing Missiles 2 - code:05A6:04 + code:05a6/04 cheat description:Start with Firebomb - code:05A6:05 + code:05a6/05 cheat description:Start with Mines - code:05A6:06 + code:05a6/06 cheat description:Start with Armor - code:05A7:01 + code:05a7/01 cheat description:Start with Super Armor - code:05A7:02 + code:05a7/02 cheat description:Start with Hyper Armor - code:05A7:03 + code:05a7/03 cheat description:Start with Turbo Engine - code:05A8:01 + code:05a8/01 cheat description:Start with Super Engine - code:05A8:02 + code:05a8/02 cheat description:Start with Hyper Engine - code:05A8:03 + code:05a8/03 cheat description:Start with Rope - code:05A9:00 + code:05a9/00 cheat description:Start with Ladder - code:05A9:01 + code:05a9/01 cartridge sha256:db26936868427b5b01b7823a781ec09ed15bb5dd06945bba0147ffb12215234b name:Cobra Triangle (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATVXKLEI + code:ab6c/d0/60 cheat description:Infinite continue options - code:SZUXZVVK + code:a63a/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose life after dying from damage - code:SZEVNOVK + code:e90f/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose life after dying from time running out - code:SZVTSOVK + code:e965/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose your power-ups - code:ENXTPVSA+LEXTZVAX + code:e6a1/8d/f0+e6a2/28/0b cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:EIXLPGEL+ESKZXGEL+KPULZGNO+OLKXOSOO+TAXLZGZO+YOKZUKZP + code:b421/b0/d0+acc2/b0/d0+b432/97/9c+ad49/99/b9+b422/12/0e+acc3/1a/17 cheat description:Gain an extra minute - code:VVXEAUSE+LOXEPLIP + code:83a8/8d/ee+83a9/15/13 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:00B9:1A + code:00b9/1a cheat description:Infinite health - code:05F5:0C + code:05f5/0c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0738:09 + code:0738/09 cheat description:Infinite time (disable before finishing a level) - code:0714:05 + code:0714/05 cheat description:Boss HP will be at minimum - code:05FF:00 + code:05ff/00 cheat description:Max Missile power - code:072C:03 + code:072c/03 cheat description:Max Speed - code:072B:03 + code:072b/03 cheat description:One 1 mine needed for mine removing stages - code:00A3:00 + code:00a3/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:02+0737:01 + code:0702/02+0737/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:03+0737:02 + code:0702/03+0737/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:04+0737:03 + code:0702/04+0737/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:05+0737:04 + code:0702/05+0737/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:06+0737:05 + code:0702/06+0737/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:07+0737:06 + code:0702/07+0737/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:08+0737:07 + code:0702/08+0737/07 cheat description:Start on stage 9 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:09+0737:08 + code:0702/09+0737/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0A+0737:09 + code:0702/0a+0737/09 cheat description:Start on stage 11 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0B+0737:0A + code:0702/0b+0737/0a cheat description:Start on stage 12 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0C+0737:0B + code:0702/0c+0737/0b cheat description:Start on stage 13 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0D+0737:0C + code:0702/0d+0737/0c cheat description:Start on stage 14 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0E+0737:0D + code:0702/0e+0737/0d cheat description:Start on stage 15 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:0F+0737:0E + code:0702/0f+0737/0e cheat description:Start on stage 16 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:10+0737:0F + code:0702/10+0737/0f cheat description:Start on stage 17 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:11+0737:10 + code:0702/11+0737/10 cheat description:Start on stage 18 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:12+0737:11 + code:0702/12+0737/11 cheat description:Start on stage 19 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:13+0737:12 + code:0702/13+0737/12 cheat description:Start on stage 20 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:14+0737:13 + code:0702/14+0737/13 cheat description:Start on stage 21 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:15+0737:14 + code:0702/15+0737/14 cheat description:Start on stage 22 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:16+0737:15 + code:0702/16+0737/15 cheat description:Start on stage 23 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:17+0737:16 + code:0702/17+0737/16 cheat description:Start on stage 24 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:18+0737:17 + code:0702/18+0737/17 cheat description:Start on stage 25 (disable after stage begins) - code:0702:19+0737:18 + code:0702/19+0737/18 cartridge sha256:2be0bd6e64cf2cb47c7b4a2d6bdb5fd4ff9ed1cd5eb6eadb4d56c410c659bdc5 name:Code Name - Viper (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZSSGIAX + code:d55c/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:STVPVOON+AASOVZPA + code:9966/f9/ed+9a5e/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZVOSOSE + code:996d/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOVKNVK + code:ef1c/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Gun - code:AENXZPPA + code:a1fa/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun - code:AAOXLZPA + code:a21b/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AASIVEAL+APOOSGLA+GLXPEGLP+SZOOKKSU + code:d856/38/00+9c1d/03/10+9c20/13/34+9c1c/bd/ad cheat description:Double usual bullets on new life - code:GTOVEYZL + code:ef18/32/64 cheat description:Half bullets on new life - code:PPOVEYZU + code:ef18/32/19 cheat description:Machine Gun with 256 bullets on new life - code:VTOTONSE + code:ef11/8d/ee cheat description:Upper level jump - code:SXKEVNOU+ONEOYEXN + code:8fce/b9/ad+908f/fa/f9 cheat description:Keep Machine Gun after dying - code:GZOTONSE+GZEVVNSE + code:ef11/8d/2c+ef0e/8d/2c cheat description:Have Bomb (can exit level without the Bomb) - code:AEESIIGA + code:d58d/04/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENTAGLA + code:e4f0/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TENTAGLA + code:e4f0/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENTAGLE + code:e4f0/03/09 cheat description:Start with Machine Gun and 256 bullets - code:VVNVGKSE + code:e4fc/8d/ee cheat description:Start with double usual bullets - code:GTETLIZL + code:e503/32/64 cheat description:Start with half usual bullets - code:PPETLIZU + code:e503/32/19 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:06F8:04 + code:06f8/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:06E8:0A + code:06e8/0a cheat description:Infinite Gun (alt) - code:06E0:3F + code:06e0/3f cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun (alt) - code:06E2:3F + code:06e2/3f cheat description:Have all children rescued - code:06EA:09 + code:06ea/09 cheat description:Have all adults rescued - code:06EC:09 + code:06ec/09 cheat description:Have all adults and children rescued - code:0757:FF + code:0757/ff cartridge sha256:47ebed8be6679468d0627065153520a539b292244b51c54263c027e106b6ef65 name:Colorful Dragon (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIEPXZEY + code:9a02/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUUOKPVI + code:99bc/d6/b5 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ZAUAYAPA + code:8037/01/02 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IAUAYAPA + code:8037/01/05 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:ZAUAYAPE + code:8037/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:YAUAYAPE + code:8037/01/0f cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:GPUAYAPA + code:8037/01/14 cartridge sha256:0512b4aa2220f74e40fe8652b758893fa87efb6c3407808f7dda0e1901017432 name:Commando (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATNITPSA + code:d176/85/60 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:XVULASXK + code:b5b0/ca/ea cheat description:Infinite lives - code:EZEGNOVG + code:c907/ce/a0 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SZEGNOVK + code:c907/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AEKKIILA + code:c5cd/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TEKKIILA + code:c5cd/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PEKKIILE + code:c5cd/03/09 cheat description:Start with double rations of grenades - code:AOSGIIIA + code:c5d5/05/10 cheat description:Have all power-ups - both players - code:04AB:E9 + code:04ab/e9 cheat description:Have rapid fire - both players - code:0074:00 + code:0074/00 cartridge sha256:8ae9b624c08b86f6af41b5d58c328188c6df9c35868ae0763d75a22fbfb6c712 name:Conan (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXUEYYAX+SZVAPGAX + code:87bf/20/ad+8461/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKISTVG+SZVSULVG + code:dec5/c6/a5+db6b/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSTOOSE + code:e9d1/8d/ad cartridge sha256:a5b8e24589539b0b84a6ad98aee9c91eb86eff795162be38b020dc42c3e3eca7 name:Conquest of the Crystal Palace (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESVIYPEY+SEVIIPSZ + code:d1e7/f0/d0+d1e5/a5/85 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:SXOVLIAX + code:e59b/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZVTAPAX + code:e160/20/2c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SZVTLPSA + code:e163/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite energy (will display wrong info) - code:VVKSZOSU + code:d1ca/bd/ee cheat description:Infinite energy for Farron - code:SXXTAIAX + code:e5a0/20/ad cheat description:Infinite fire power - code:SUPILU + code:d393/bd cheat description:Maximum energy without Life Crystal - code:GPEYUXTA + code:fa03/0e/14 cheat description:Don't use up money when buying things - code:GZXVPPAX+GZUTZPAX + code:e129/20/2c+e132/20/2c cheat description:Super-jump without Flight Crystal - code:AAVIGTZA+PAVITTLA + code:d664/02/00+d666/03/01 cheat description:Increase super-jump to mega-jump - code:IOUSLVTA + code:d6bb/0e/15 cheat description:Increase super-jump to super-mega-jump - code:IKUSLVTA + code:d6bb/0e/45 cartridge sha256:62c9d4e0578cb1e615ce9bb2c8ebc15b1e8de4c928c5c07ba9a85c11aa36ae4d name:Contra (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXNVZPAX + code:e1fa/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUSOPVI + code:d939/d6/a5 cartridge sha256:d41e28b1a33b3b6768e7c39c9fdfb1fda4b49940542d14085911fabd399e1ca9 name:Contra (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXKVPZAX + code:e2c9/20/ad cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:SLTIYG + code:d467/b5 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) (alt) - code:AAVITGIA + code:d466/05/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ESEVALEP+GXXTPLEL+GZNVYLEL+SXKTYLAX + code:e388/90/d0+e3a1/b0/24+e37f/b0/24+e3c7/20/ad cheat description:Multi-jump - both players - code:AZNITGSL+NPNIYGEU+VINSAGEY+XTNSPKAE+SUEIAGVI+SUVSOPSP+ATKSZSOZ + code:d476/b5/20+d477/b0/9f+d478/f0/d6+d479/08/ea+d480/d6/b5+d9e9/95/b5+d54a/a9/60 cheat description:Jump higher - code:UNVSYVKN+XNVSPVUN + code:d6ef/fc/fb+d6e9/fb/fa cheat description:Run 2x as fast - code:VYVIPNNN+ZASSIYPA + code:d761/ff/fe+d75d/01/02 cheat description:Run 4x as fast - code:GASSIYPA+KYVIPNNN + code:d75d/01/04+d761/ff/fc cheat description:Keep weapons after losing life - code:GXIIUX + code:dad3/2c cheat description:Press Select to change weapons - P1 - code:AZONZVNY+EIONAVNY+EIXNYVNY+EIXYLVNY+EYONLVNY+EYOYGVNY+GAXYZVNY+GGKIZAKX+GGOYTVNN+GGXNIVNN+IZOYLVNY+KZOYZVNY+LAOYIVNY+LIOYYVNY+OGXYPVNN+OZXYIVNN+PAXNAVNY+PTXYYVNN+PZONPVNN+PZONYVNN+SAXNPVNY+SZXNLVNY+SYXNGVNY+SZONIVNY+TAONGVNN+TGXNTVNY+VYKIGAEI+XZONTVNN+XZXNZVNN+YAXYAVNY+ZAXYGVNY+ZPKILAIZ + code:f61a/ff/20+f618/ff/d0+f62f/ff/d0+f623/ff/d0+f61b/ff/f0+f614/ff/f0+f622/ff/04+d042/a4/4c+f616/ff/4c+f62d/ff/4c+f613/ff/25+f612/ff/a4+f615/ff/03+f617/ff/53+f621/ff/c9+f625/ff/a9+f628/ff/01+f627/ff/69+f619/ff/29+f61f/ff/29+f629/ff/85+f62b/ff/a5+f62c/ff/f5+f61d/ff/a5+f61c/ff/0e+f62e/ff/46+d044/d0/f6+f61e/ff/aa+f62a/ff/aa+f620/ff/07+f624/ff/02+d043/25/12 cheat description:Press Start to complete the level - code:LLKSIAIX + code:d04d/25/3b cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SLAIUZ + code:da03/b5 cheat description:Start new life with Machine Gun - code:PEIIXZ + code:dad2/01 cheat description:Start new life with Fireball - code:ZEIIXZ + code:dad2/02 cheat description:Start new life with Spread Gun - code:LEIIXZ + code:dad2/03 cheat description:Start new life with Laser - code:GEIIXZ + code:dad2/04 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ALNKPKYL+PANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ALNKPKYL+ZANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:ALNKPKYL+LANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:ALNKPKYL+GANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:ALNKPKYL+IANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:ALNKPKYL+TANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/06 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:ALNKPKYL+YANGIGAA + code:c479/3f/30+c475/00/07 cheat description:Invincibility (star effect) - P1 - code:00B0:FE + code:00b0/fe cheat description:Invincibility (star effect) - P2 - code:00B1:FE + code:00b1/fe cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) (alt 2) - code:00AE:41 + code:00ae/41 cheat description:Have 99 lives - code:0032:99 + code:0032/99 cheat description:Have Machine Gun - P1 - code:00AA:01 + code:00aa/01 cheat description:Have Fireball - P1 - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cheat description:Have Spread Gun - P1 - code:00AA:03 + code:00aa/03 cheat description:Have Laser - P1 - code:00AA:04 + code:00aa/04 cheat description:Have Clone Attack (glitch weapon) - P1 - code:00AA:18 + code:00aa/18 cheat description:Have Machine Gun - P2 - code:00AB:01 + code:00ab/01 cheat description:Have Fireball - P2 - code:00AB:02 + code:00ab/02 cheat description:Have Spread Gun - P2 - code:00AB:03 + code:00ab/03 cheat description:Have Laser - P2 - code:00AB:04 + code:00ab/04 cheat description:Have Clone Attack (glitch weapon) - P2 - code:00AB:18 + code:00ab/18 cartridge sha256:0c190a8a7bfb57d7887e70183560db46fb5336abf569f6a38f5452fa32f1339f name:Contra Force (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXKXZIAX+SXUZPIAX + code:a5ca/20/ad+a5b1/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:OUOXVKOO + code:ac9e/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite lives - all characters - code:AANVIAPA + code:e07d/01/00 cheat description:Keep weapons after death - code:OUEXNKOO + code:ac8f/99/b9 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - all characters - code:PAUYTTLE + code:f636/03/09 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - all characters - code:TAUYTTLA + code:f636/03/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - all characters - code:PAUYTTLA + code:f636/03/01 cartridge sha256:22ea833fd9466795bd2b05df96a47081ca45a26f545af1242f4c89b2d6688bdd name:Cool World (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXUVTKVK + code:e4be/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXSTOTVG + code:eed1/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Erasers - code:SXVVKTVG + code:eeec/c6/a5 cheat description:Lots of Erasers - code:AZNZEYAE + code:af70/00/28 cheat description:Start with 3 Bombs - code:LEVLGZPA + code:b2e4/01/03 cheat description:Start with 6 Bombs - code:TEVLGZPA + code:b2e4/01/06 cheat description:Start with 9 Bombs - code:PEVLGZPE + code:b2e4/01/09 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEKGYAZA+PAKZKYZA + code:c0c7/02/01+af44/02/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TEKGYAZA+TAKZKYZA + code:c0c7/02/06+af44/02/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEKGYAZE+PAKZKYZE + code:c0c7/02/09+af44/02/09 cheat description:Start with 3 Erasers - code:LEKKGAPA+LAVXXYPA + code:c0cc/01/03+af6a/01/03 cheat description:Start with 6 Erasers - code:TEKKGAPA+TAVXXYPA + code:c0cc/01/06+af6a/01/06 cheat description:Start with 9 Erasers - code:PEKKGAPE+PAVXXYPE + code:c0cc/01/09+af6a/01/09 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:04E8:00 + code:04e8/00 cartridge sha256:528d501320ed0276bbc542f03c7c05fb59f9eeb540cd0d39e7286b1542aa153a name:Cowboy Kid (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OUNKEUOO + code:cbf8/99/b9 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:93a0/5e/7c+939d/c9/a9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0698:08 + code:0698/08 cartridge sha256:23b16928a7615ec599536b17dd2026370e2e1a13835f61276ea383d6b4d3f8c0 name:Crackout (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNUXAVG + code:b87a/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:fda4fd839497634df5e77b1842f88c05ffa0ac13a894c9ea288aedcd168489c3 name:Crash 'n' the Boys - Street Challenge (USA) cheat description:Start with 99 Gold - code:OOVUAIIE + code:b5e8/05/99 cheat description:Start with 50 Gold - code:ASVUAIIA + code:b5e8/05/50 cartridge sha256:b504d0ebff8aa6439f1f9606526d8739f5007c1fdac31f9550caa7ca26edce16 name:Crisis Force (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUNEITVI + code:86fd/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SLOEGVVS + code:861c/de/bd cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:GAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:IAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:TAOGKLAA + code:cb14/00/06 cartridge sha256:7eca4ce264363ab8cc2c9aeb52f2e5be43a72a8223bac977492c7f8d78a49fb4 name:Cross Fire (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENVOALEI+ESVPLLEY + code:93e8/d0/f0+93e3/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:OZNEPYES+SANELNSX + code:8779/d0/a9+877b/ad/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUEYOVK + code:81bf/ce/ad cheat description:Protection from enemies - code:SXNNUXSE+SZEXLEVK + code:fafb/8d/ad+a00b/ce/ad cartridge sha256:5ad644d368f70b61700b74a1d04778888efcbbf98d5435d79f9fcefd23ac39c2 name:Crystalis (USA) cheat description:Always fire charged shot - code:OZNOOKZK+PANOXKZG + code:9c79/4a/a9+9c7a/4a/01 cheat description:Always fire bracelet charged shot - code:OZNOOKZK+LANOXKZG + code:9c79/4a/a9+9c7a/4a/03 cheat description:Faster sword charge - code:AAOPETLA + code:9e10/03/00 cheat description:Allow sword charge while moving - code:SZEPEVGK + code:9e00/4c/ad cheat description:First pupil gives you more gold - code:NYVSPZGV + code:d269/64/ff cheat description:Magic doesn't use up MP - code:SXNOVXSE + code:9afe/8d/ad cheat description:Immune to poison - code:AASVVNYA + code:ef5e/0f/00 cheat description:Immune to paralysis - code:AEKTSNYA + code:efc5/0f/00 cheat description:Stronger poison - code:TEOTVYGA + code:ef96/04/06 cheat description:Weaker poison - code:ZEOTVYGA + code:ef96/04/02 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:AEKOUPTA + code:99cb/06/00 cheat description:Don't get charged for boarding at Inn - code:SZUOIVSE+SZKPLVSE + code:963d/8d/ad+9643/8d/ad cheat description:Don't get charged for items in shops - code:SXVPUOSE+SXVOOOSE + code:99e3/8d/ad+99e9/8d/ad cheat description:Start with some gold - code:VVOGUOSE + code:c993/8d/ee cartridge sha256:e239709320fca149b40a1f04625741dc2b6d3b9cc933d4062882ad762fa67ca7 name:Cyberball (USA) cheat description:Infinite level time - code:SXUYAKVK + code:f4b0/ce/ad cheat description:Start with level time at 1 minute - code:PENOYLLA + code:93ff/03/01 cheat description:Start with level time at 2 minutes - code:ZENOYLLA + code:93ff/03/02 cheat description:Start with level time at 5 minutes - code:IENOYLLA + code:93ff/03/05 cheat description:Start with level time at 9 minutes - code:PENOYLLE + code:93ff/03/09 cheat description:Goals worth 0 points - code:AAXEZAZA + code:802a/02/00 cheat description:Goals worth 1 points - code:PAXEZAZA + code:802a/02/01 cheat description:Goals worth 5 points - code:IAXEZAZA + code:802a/02/05 cheat description:Goals worth 9 points - code:PAXEZAZE + code:802a/02/09 cheat description:Goals worth mega points - code:LTXEZAZA + code:802a/02/63 cartridge sha256:ad1e14d08657d99c8b70f779931f62524b4beb529090b82b368925d8b642e40c name:Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (USA) cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SZNPVOVK + code:9976/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Genocides - code:SXEUSSVK + code:bd8d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Shields - code:SXOPUSVK + code:9d93/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Seekers - code:SZNOLNVK + code:977b/ce/ad cheat description:20 Genocides on new life - code:GOOZZPZA + code:a192/02/14 cheat description:Keep rear laser after death - code:GZKZZOSE + code:a142/8d/2c cheat description:Keep mace after death - code:GZKXAOSE+GZKZIOSE + code:a148/8d/2c+a145/8d/2c cheat description:Start with rear laser - code:NNOEPPAE + code:8199/00/ff cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZVZGOVK + code:a164/ce/ad cheat description:Start new life with 20 shields - code:GPUETZPA+GOOZYPPA + code:823e/01/14+a197/01/14 cheat description:Start with 20 seekers and bouncers - code:GPKAZZIA+GOOXGPIA + code:8242/05/14+a19c/05/14 cheat description:Start with double Bombs - code:AZUALZGO+AXEXIPGO + code:8233/14/28+a18d/14/28 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:NYEATXNY + code:8206/ff/f7 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:UYEATXNN + code:8206/ff/fb cheat description:Start with 18 lives - code:AAEATXNN + code:8206/ff/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:06D4:00 + code:06d4/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:06D5:FF + code:06d5/ff cartridge sha256:9d832956a533292e740be553e0eb46d3a3d449578bcbaa9c7556a31d2b6a594d name:D.J. Boy (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZVAZVSO + code:8662/9d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZOENISA + code:8d1f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXENAYVG + code:f788/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:4cbf1c1d0be227127513065ccbc8ecf5e5ee61a7a58b6dea79ff01f0eb9f26af name:Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (USA) cheat description:Infinite turbos - code:SZELSOVS + code:b905/de/ad cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:SXVASVSO + code:8ee5/9d/ad cheat description:Everything costs how much you have - code:SVKLTOSO + code:b1c6/9d/ed cheat description:Don't take damage in the front - code:OUVZAXOO + code:a2e0/99/b9 cheat description:Start with $255,000 - code:NYUOZLGV + code:933a/64/ff cartridge sha256:9b6d967f493a565e25b51aee044354f857c5cefc41f476d4f259e7368b1fdd70 name:Darkman (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKGUSSE + code:cdc3/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0496:37+04B5:37 + code:0496/37+04b5/37 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0497:04 + code:0497/04 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AAKATNIP+AAUATNTI + code:8746/1d/00+8736/5e/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - side-scrolling levels - code:GXEOVGEI+GXEPVGEY+GZVOKGEY + code:9c8e/d0/24+9c86/f0/24+9c6c/f0/24 cheat description:Never lose balance - code:ATSKSLEP + code:cb5d/90/60 cartridge sha256:f97f05a4f8747d81dc8adaf07df70d1f87366632ae3e93103d387043ef5ec508 name:Darkwing Duck (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYUEIPEI + code:813d/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:AVVNSOOG + code:f9ed/c9/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZOGSUVK + code:cb15/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SGOGSUVK + code:cb15/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite gas (if you avoid the "Go" missions) - code:AVUEUOSZ + code:89bb/ad/60 cheat description:More gas on pick-up - code:IYEAKPAY + code:8904/70/75 cheat description:Start with infinite health - code:SXNYUOSE + code:f9f3/8d/ad cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PYSKXPLY + code:c95a/73/71 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IYSKXPLY + code:c95a/73/75 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AYSKXPLN + code:c95a/73/78 cartridge sha256:227e789fef94eabcf24a5ec9a3944de58b183bbc7d96140269d1c908f162b853 name:Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:XVUGLNSX + code:c7b3/ad/ea cheat description:No damage from shots and collisions - code:AAEPZIPA + code:9502/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Oxygen - code:SZOPISVK + code:9515/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs in elevator shaft - code:VTNSEXSX + code:da78/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Bombs in rooms - code:VVVSXXSX + code:daea/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Detonators in shafts - code:VVOSSXSX + code:da9d/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Detonators in rooms - code:VTESNUSX + code:db0f/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Keys in shafts - code:VTEZIKSX + code:a405/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Keys in rooms - code:VVOXTOSX + code:a19e/ad/ee cheat description:Can't lose lives in rooms - code:SZVPTOVK + code:9166/ce/ad cheat description:Can't lose lives in elevator shaft - code:SZUPLOVK + code:9133/ce/ad cheat description:Oxygen used up more slowly in shaft - code:NYSXAOAN + code:a158/78/ff cheat description:Oxygen used up more quickly in rooms - code:AYXXSNNY + code:af2d/ff/70 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENPIALA + code:90f5/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TENPIALA + code:90f5/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENPIALE + code:90f5/03/09 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:LVNPIALA + code:90f5/03/63 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:OZEPOISE+IAEPXSVI + code:9d01/85/a9+9d02/de/05 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:OZEPOISE+ZAEPXSVS + code:9d01/85/a9+9d02/de/0a cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:OZEPOISE+YAEPXSVS + code:9d01/85/a9+9d02/de/0f cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:OZEPOISE+GPEPXSVI + code:9d01/85/a9+9d02/de/14 cartridge sha256:911fb75ec1f900a5c258635fae79e56520eeb4aec35b40737c44b735eeccdc56 name:David Crane's A Boy and His Blob - Trouble on Blobolonia (USA) cheat description:Invincible (restart if you die underwater and get stuck by being unable to call your Blob) - code:AVOGAEOZ + code:c090/a9/60 cheat description:Never take damage from enemies - code:AVOPVGEI + code:9c96/d0/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXXEOPVG + code:89a9/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite Jellybeans - code:AAVKIPPA + code:c16d/01/00 cheat description:1 life only - code:AAULNGIA + code:bc37/05/00 cheat description:Double lives - code:ZAULNGIE + code:bc37/05/0a cheat description:Fast play - code:SXEEZAAX + code:808a/20/ad cheat description:Gives 10 Orange Jellybeans - code:APEUUIAA + code:bd0b/00/10 cheat description:10 Lime Jellybeans - code:AONUSGAA + code:bcfd/00/10 cheat description:99 Licorice Jellybeans - code:OONLOGZN + code:bcf1/72/99 cheat description:Double Strawberry Jellybeans - code:AUNLUGIP + code:bcf3/15/30 cheat description:Double Cola Jellybeans - code:TUNLNKAP + code:bcf7/18/36 cheat description:Double Cinnamon Jellybeans - code:AKNUOGGX + code:bcf9/24/48 cheat description:Double Apple Jellybeans - code:GXNUUGZP + code:bcfb/12/24 cheat description:Double Vanilla Jellybeans - code:AVNUNGAL + code:bcff/30/60 cheat description:Double Ketchup Jellybeans - code:ZPELNITA + code:bd07/06/12 cheat description:Triple Coconut Jellybeans - code:AONLSGTE + code:bcf5/06/18 cheat description:Triple Rootbeer Jellybeans - code:APELUITE + code:bd03/06/18 cheat description:10 Vitamin A for Vita-Blaster - code:APEUSIAA + code:bd0d/00/10 cheat description:10 Vitamin B for Vita-Blaster - code:APEUNIAA + code:bd0f/00/10 cheat description:10 Vitamin C for Vita-Blaster - code:APOLOIAA + code:bd11/00/10 cheat description:Start with 101 of all starting Jellybeans - code:SZXLXKSU+YYXLUGEY + code:bc22/bd/ad+bc23/f0/77 cartridge sha256:41f949cfedf7167985f779c0782ee17ee83d82e35111c5f22ee5037f54313a06 name:Day Dreamin' Davey (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSPZGSA + code:94d2/85/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AANLZKZG + code:b472/4a/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0067:FF + code:0067/ff cheat description:Infinite Small Spears - code:0411:99 + code:0411/99 cheat description:Infinite Long Spears - code:0412:99 + code:0412/99 cheat description:Infinite One Rock - code:0413:99 + code:0413/99 cheat description:Infinite Three Rock - code:0414:99 + code:0414/99 cheat description:Infinite Four Rock - code:0415:99 + code:0415/99 cheat description:Infinite Potions - code:041F:99 + code:041f/99 cheat description:Infinite Red Potions - code:0420:99 + code:0420/99 cheat description:Have Key - code:0420:01 + code:0420/01 cheat description:Have Ring - code:0422:01 + code:0422/01 cheat description:Have Pendant - code:0423:01 + code:0423/01 cheat description:Have Sword - code:040E:01 + code:040e/01 cheat description:Have Long Lance - code:040F:01 + code:040f/01 cheat description:Have Long Sword - code:0410:01 + code:0410/01 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:CE42:00+CED9:00+CF64:00+CFE0:00 + code:ce42/00+ced9/00+cf64/00+cfe0/00 cartridge sha256:9371fab4f58fa6d6e5211950fdaff2810cccff512fc301e88af9c5b1bf586257 name:Days of Thunder (USA) cheat description:Faster acceleration - code:SXEYPUSU + code:f381/bd/ad cheat description:Tires don't burst - code:AAVOEXNY + code:9a68/ff/00 cheat description:Better left-hand cornering - code:SNXOSKEY + code:9cad/f8/f5 cheat description:Maximum acceleration - code:IEUNLLLA+SXEYPUSU + code:f3bb/03/05+f381/bd/ad cheat description:Start with more fuel - code:NYKNIUNO + code:f34d/9f/ff cheat description:Start with less fuel - code:YIKNIUNO + code:f34d/9f/5f cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:021F:FF + code:021f/ff cheat description:Always 1st place - code:0464:01 + code:0464/01 cheat description:Always excellent condition - front left tire - code:046C:00 + code:046c/00 cheat description:Always excellent condition - front right tire - code:046D:00 + code:046d/00 cheat description:Always excellent conditon - rear left tire - code:046E:00 + code:046e/00 cheat description:Always excellent condition - rear right tire - code:046F:00 + code:046f/00 cheat description:Always excellent condition - engine - code:0471:00 + code:0471/00 cheat description:Max speed - code:0473:15 + code:0473/15 cheat description:Lap 02 - code:0463:02 + code:0463/02 cheat description:Lap 03 - code:0463:03 + code:0463/03 cheat description:Lap 04 - code:0463:04 + code:0463/04 cheat description:Lap 05 - code:0463:05 + code:0463/05 cheat description:Lap 06 - code:0463:06 + code:0463/06 cheat description:Lap 07 - code:0463:07 + code:0463/07 cheat description:Lap 08 - code:0463:08 + code:0463/08 cheat description:Lap 09 - code:0463:09 + code:0463/09 cheat description:Lap 10 - code:0463:0A + code:0463/0a cartridge sha256:0115356b0791cc8ddcb7d3163d6ef7aa664f3ff4e68dba561ffffb79eefcbca9 name:Deadly Towers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXXOXOPX + code:99aa/29/a9 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:GXSONPST + code:99df/e5/24 cheat description:1 Ludder gives 10 on pick-up - code:ZEUPKYPE + code:9fb4/01/0a cheat description:5 Ludder gives 20 on pick-up - code:GOUPUYIA + code:9fb3/05/14 cheat description:Shopkeeper forgets to charge you - code:GXUGLVON + code:c6b3/f9/2c cheat description:Start with 127 Ludder - code:YYXELPZU + code:812b/32/7f cheat description:Start with 75 Ludder - code:LGXELPZU + code:812b/32/4b cheat description:Always max Ludder - code:009B:FA + code:009b/fa cheat description:Max HP - code:01B3:FF + code:01b3/ff cheat description:All belts burned (door on the right in the beginning of the game is now open) - code:01B4:07 + code:01b4/07 cheat description:Slot 1 - Splendor (game's best sword) - code:0176:10 + code:0176/10 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hyper Helm - code:0177:04 + code:0177/04 cheat description:Slot 3 - Shield Of Kings - code:0178:08 + code:0178/08 cheat description:Slot 4 - Hyper Armor - code:0179:0C + code:0179/0c cheat description:Slot 5 - Hyper Boots - code:017A:14 + code:017a/14 cheat description:Slot 6 - Parallel Shot - code:017B:1A + code:017b/1a cartridge sha256:32aeef6bae170d2628d9c678f0b198a61e787a498a995eb374518635f0b55199 name:Deathbots (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SLNZOXSO + code:aa71/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXZIEVK + code:a0a5/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite shots - code:OLUZEVOO + code:ae30/99/b9 cartridge sha256:5dac8da44ac4e28bebf3d33c8e00e1fdffcc7baee3ff98bec5a10415d1226791 name:Deathbots (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SLNZOXSO + code:aa71/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXZIEVK + code:a0a5/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite shots - code:OLUZEVOO + code:ae30/99/b9 cartridge sha256:bf58512dc3bc427d14a6d851445801967cd14f3d02ae236eabceeb7928a55462 name:Defender II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXVIOTSA + code:dee1/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXTGEY + code:cfe0/24 cheat description:Infinite Smart Bombs - code:GXYSGI + code:d5fc/24 cheat description:Super speed - code:YAZVPG+YETVIL + code:e429/07+e3ed/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PELGNY + code:cfb7/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TELGNY + code:cfb7/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PELGNN + code:cfb7/09 cartridge sha256:9e31d3d918a352c0c5a81c52efc364253f3fb75cc84151ee904ad078be62d8e1 name:Defender of the Crown (USA) cheat description:Only 10 soldiers in your Garrison - code:ZAVVALGO + code:e368/14/0a cheat description:40 soldiers in your Garrison - code:AZVVALGO + code:e368/14/28 cheat description:Soldiers for free - code:AAEOUPPA + code:990b/01/00 cheat description:Triple the cost of soldiers - code:LAEOUPPA + code:990b/01/03 cheat description:Halve the cost of knights - code:GAEOKOAA + code:990c/08/04 cheat description:Double the cost of knights - code:APEOKOAA + code:990c/08/10 cheat description:Halve the cost of catapults - code:YAEOSOYA + code:990d/0f/07 cheat description:Halve the cost of castles - code:ZAEOVPGO + code:990e/14/0a cartridge sha256:c408dd19ca49e55173ff2c491868f437d8100671f7b9646ee20e3204e0ba216f name:Demon Sword - Release the Power (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZUEUZAX + code:8a3b/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health (life) - code:SZKGTTSA + code:c646/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite powers and lives - code:AESVLTPA + code:e6db/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSIYASA + code:d0d7/85/a5 cheat description:Phoenix always rescues you - code:VTVTAESX + code:e060/ad/ee cheat description:Infinite Fire, Lightning, Power Beams on pick-up - code:SLNNANSO + code:f778/9d/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALXGAYSU+ATXGPNEP+SXNKPVGK + code:c720/b5/38+c721/98/60+c6f9/4c/ad cheat description:Extra dart strength - code:VTNXAOSE + code:a178/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 44 Red Spheres - code:XZNZGPSA+VEEZYOSE + code:a174/85/a2+a187/8d/8e cheat description:Start with 44 Black Spheres - code:XZNZGPSA+VEEXZOSE + code:a174/85/a2+a18a/8d/8e cheat description:Start with 44 Fire Spheres - code:XZNZGPSA+VANXLOSE + code:a174/85/a2+a17b/8d/8e cheat description:Start with 44 Lightning Bolts - code:XZNZGPSA+VANXTOSE + code:a174/85/a2+a17e/8d/8e cheat description:Start with 44 Power Beams - code:XZNZGPSA+VEEZPOSE + code:a174/85/a2+a181/8d/8e cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEVSUIZA + code:ddeb/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEVSUIZA + code:ddeb/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEVSUIZE + code:ddeb/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:ATNXAOSA+PANZLPAA + code:a178/8d/60+a173/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ATNXAOSA+ZANZLPAA + code:a178/8d/60+a173/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:ATNXAOSA+LANZLPAA + code:a178/8d/60+a173/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:ATNXAOSA+GANZLPAA + code:a178/8d/60+a173/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:ATNXAOSA+IANZLPAA + code:a178/8d/60+a173/00/05 cheat description:Infinite health (life) (alt) - code:007E:08 + code:007e/08 cheat description:Infinite Power - code:007C:0F + code:007c/0f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:007D:99 + code:007d/99 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:0207:99 + code:0207/99 cheat description:Infinite Red Spheres - code:0208:99 + code:0208/99 cheat description:Infinite Black Spheres - code:0209:99 + code:0209/99 cheat description:Infinite Phoenix - code:020A:99 + code:020a/99 cartridge sha256:4b13643e53f2f7b43075233eebe65489d1d0a4ce3cf71a4f934178c3091930cf name:Dengeki - Big Bang! (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:EOSOPALA+GXSPPAEY+OXSOAAES + code:90d9/03/90+90d1/f0/24+90d8/d0/a9 cartridge sha256:281ad7bdb4f94e2303d95c6078c20295e240b80370fdceda27950966b0e09198 name:Desert Commander (USA) cheat description:Start with 99 Tank units - code:0084:63 + code:0084/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Tank #2 units - code:0085:63 + code:0085/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Truck units - code:0086:63 + code:0086/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Troop units - code:0087:63 + code:0087/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Grenade units - code:0088:63 + code:0088/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Stationary Artillery units - code:0089:63 + code:0089/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Transport Truck units - code:008A:63 + code:008a/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Heavy Airplane units - code:008B:63 + code:008b/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Light Airplane units - code:008C:63 + code:008c/63 cartridge sha256:44cd6b2aa05286c37e78bd04d15793018bb0656b24260e5c76fc5cfad39f699b name:Destination Earthstar (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVSVIVG + code:ddee/c6/a5 cheat description:Less energy - code:ISNEUUOP + code:8bfb/99/55 cheat description:More energy - code:NNNEUUOO + code:8bfb/99/ff cheat description:Don't lose special weapon in sub-game - code:XTNVSNXK + code:ef7d/ca/ea cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAVTXGLA + code:ec62/03/01 cheat description:Infinite energy (ten-thousand's digit) - code:05A8:99 + code:05a8/99 cheat description:Infinite energy (hundred's digit) - code:05A9:75 + code:05a9/75 cheat description:Infinite energy (ten's and one's digit) - code:05AA:76 + code:05aa/76 cheat description:Infinite Ruby Laser - code:05AD:FF + code:05ad/ff cheat description:Infinite Torpedos - code:05AF:FF + code:05af/ff cartridge sha256:6d082c801942ce6787b471428ab4c8a6acb3e21f3f38fa197f2aeb698d9a2d7e name:Destiny of an Emperor (USA) cheat description:No random battles - code:OZNNZGSK+SXSYYKPU + code:f47a/c5/a9+f4d7/39/ad cheat description:Buy 300 provisions for no money - code:AEKPZZGT + code:92c2/64/00 cheat description:Buy 30,000 provisions for no money - code:AEKPIZYZ+AEKPTZAP + code:92c5/27/00+92c6/10/00 cheat description:Dagger costs nothing - code:AENLULZL + code:bbf3/32/00 cheat description:Bandana costs nothing - code:AEVLKGZL + code:bce4/32/00 cheat description:Flail costs nothing - code:AENUKLGT + code:bbfc/64/00 cheat description:Robe costs nothing - code:AEXLXGGT + code:bca2/64/00 cheat description:Elixir A costs nothing - code:AEUUXLGP + code:bbba/14/00 cheat description:Resurrect costs nothing - code:AEXUVLGT + code:bbae/64/00 cheat description:Steed costs nothing - code:AEXLVUEG + code:bba6/c8/00 cheat description:Gullwing costs nothing - code:AEEUKUEG + code:bb8c/c8/00 cheat description:Leather costs nothing - code:AEXUOKGZ+AEXUXGPA + code:bca9/2c/00+bcaa/01/00 cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:SZUYTUGK + code:f336/4c/ad cartridge sha256:163479e2b1571538cf2f0f147bcbdebaab8ed8b0251f87dabd9bc4c80d786ea1 name:Dick Tracy (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXVOINSV + code:97ed/ed/2c cheat description:Infinite hand gun bullets - code:SZXZEOVK + code:a920/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite machine gun bullets - code:SXVXZEVK + code:a0ea/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite super punches - code:SZKZIXVK + code:a245/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite tear gas - code:SZEXIXVK + code:a20d/ce/ad cheat description:More super punches on pick-up - code:GOEPIOZA + code:9185/0a/14 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:KYVZAANY + code:a060/f7/f4 cheat description:Take more damage - code:AOVOGNAU + code:97ec/38/18 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0663:09 + code:0663/09 cheat description:Infinite hand gun bullets (alt) - code:0761:31 + code:0761/31 cartridge sha256:e060fd43ef58d6e022f1fcab853a388142fd68d4bbd00dedc095992152e27976 name:Die Hard (USA) cheat description:Infinite health against Pistol ammo - code:SXEZTYSA + code:a786/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health against Submachine Gun ammo - code:SXOZIYSA + code:a795/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health against punches - code:SXXZLYSA + code:a7a3/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Pistol ammo - code:ATNALXVG + code:8273/ce/60 cheat description:Infinite Submachine Gun ammo - code:ATNEIXVG + code:827d/ce/60 cheat description:Infinite ammo on all guns - code:ATVEIZSZ + code:826d/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite time - code:AVUNGPSZ + code:f1bc/a5/60 cheat description:Lose foot health very slowly - code:SXOYYUSE + code:f397/8d/ad cheat description:Time runs at 1/4 normal speed - code:ENUYPOGL + code:f1b1/3c/f0 cheat description:Time runs at 1/3 normal speed - code:KUUYPOGL + code:f1b1/3c/b4 cheat description:Time runs at 1/2 normal speed - code:ANUYPOGU + code:f1b1/3c/78 cheat description:Time runs at 2x normal speed - code:TOUYPOGU + code:f1b1/3c/1e cheat description:Time runs at 3x normal speed - code:GOUYPOGL + code:f1b1/3c/14 cheat description:Time runs at 4x normal speed - code:YEUYPOGU + code:f1b1/3c/0f cheat description:Start with no Pistol shots instead of 15 - code:AEXGPOYA + code:c1a1/0f/00 cheat description:Start with 5 Pistol ammo - code:IEXGPOYA + code:c1a1/0f/05 cheat description:Start with 10 Pistol ammo - code:ZEXGPOYE + code:c1a1/0f/0a cheat description:Start with 20 Pistol ammo - code:GOXGPOYA + code:c1a1/0f/14 cheat description:Start with 25 Pistol ammo - code:POXGPOYE + code:c1a1/0f/19 cheat description:Start with 1 life point instead of 16 - code:PEOKIPAP + code:c19d/10/01 cheat description:Start with 2 life points - code:ZEOKIPAP + code:c19d/10/02 cheat description:Start with 4 life points - code:GEOKIPAP + code:c19d/10/04 cheat description:Start with 8 life point - code:AEOKIPAO + code:c19d/10/08 cheat description:Start with 12 life points - code:GEOKIPAO + code:c19d/10/0c cheat description:Start with 20 life points - code:GOOKIPAP + code:c19d/10/14 cheat description:Invincibility - code:00A5:05 + code:00a5/05 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00AC:10 + code:00ac/10 cheat description:Infinite feet health - code:0798:00 + code:0798/00 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:00AF:60 + code:00af/60 cheat description:Immune to flashes - code:00A8:00 + code:00a8/00 cheat description:0 crooks left - code:00AB:00 + code:00ab/00 cheat description:Have all items - code:0779:FF + code:0779/ff cheat description:Infinite pistol ammo (alt) - code:077A:14 + code:077a/14 cheat description:Infinite Submachine Gun ammo (alt) - code:077B:64 + code:077b/64 cheat description:Infinite Submachine Gun cartridges - code:077C:07 + code:077c/07 cheat description:Infinite C4 - code:077D:05 + code:077d/05 cheat description:Infinite flashes - code:077E:07 + code:077e/07 cartridge sha256:721c464598519132fbb62f74c39a5b0ef67d1b74ebc571e77d33b5b2b4fae8c4 name:Digger - The Legend of the Lost City (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSYOPVG + code:f9d1/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVAYTVG + code:86e7/c6/a5 cheat description:Less rocks on pick-up - code:IAUGZUPA + code:c332/09/05 cheat description:Infinite rocks on pick-up - code:SZEYTVVK + code:f606/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite rope on pick-up - code:SXEUIUVK + code:b38d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite dynamite on pick-up - code:SXEXTEVK + code:a08e/ce/ad cheat description:Start with weapons - code:PAONOGAE + code:fc19/00/09 cheat description:Infinite time (disable before exiting stage) - code:0187:09 + code:0187/09 cartridge sha256:7c8b6add50b20e4612e3043df0671e701cd2aa163e4af864913e3940feee27f2 name:Dig Dug (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:0060:03 + code:0060/03 cheat description:Start on stage 25 (disable after loading stage) - code:006E:18 + code:006e/18 cheat description:Start on stage 50 (disable after loading stage) - code:006E:31 + code:006e/31 cheat description:Start on stage 75 (disable after loading stage) - code:006E:4A + code:006e/4a cheat description:Start on stage 99 (disable after loading stage) - code:006E:63 + code:006e/63 cartridge sha256:1bf92138500e24a4e48da6d1f2eecbaeb3f36d28a425f06179fe9283381640e6 name:Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise (USA) cheat description:Instant inflate and explode - code:GZETIZEI + code:e205/d0/24 cheat description:Never lose lives from touching water - code:SZXLSVVK + code:be25/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from Fygar's flame - code:SXVKLVVK + code:c6eb/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from hitting enemies - code:SXNIPEVK + code:d0f1/ce/ad cheat description:Turbo speed - code:OZNYPUPX+ZANYZLLA + code:f371/29/a9+f372/03/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PEETOPLA + code:e981/03/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - both players - code:AEETOPLE + code:e981/03/08 cartridge sha256:5aaa8382ec79c170472840dfd8e9d93512bdf2be09ecd6b3709a9d27658888cd name:Dirty Harry (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXXGXGST + code:cca2/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUKOKVK + code:ccb9/ce/ad cheat description:Maximum health from Chili Dogs - code:AEVLIPZA + code:b1e5/02/00 cheat description:Only 10 Magnum Bullets allowed - code:ZESSTSPO+ZEVIZSPO + code:d5de/19/0a+d5e2/19/0a cheat description:50 Magnum Bullets allowed - code:ZUSSTSPP+ZUVIZSPP + code:d5de/19/32+d5e2/19/32 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PANSGIIA + code:d57c/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZANSGIIE + code:d57c/05/0a cheat description:Infinite Time Bombs - code:06D3 63 + code:06d3/63 cheat description:Infinite Hot Dogs - code:06D4 63 + code:06d4/63 cheat description:Infinite Spear Gun - code:06D5 63 + code:06d5/63 cheat description:Infinite Bazooka - code:06D6 63 + code:06d6/63 cheat description:Infinite Rope - code:06D7 63 + code:06d7/63 cheat description:Infinite Armor Vest - code:06D8 63 + code:06d8/63 cheat description:Infinite Mask - code:06D9 63 + code:06d9/63 cheat description:Infinite Flashlight - code:06DA 63 + code:06da/63 cheat description:Infinite Prybars - code:06DB 63 + code:06db/63 cartridge sha256:65295da1f14578b659b6613be80d0516c2a4932dc6bc33bad2cc71a3154672e7 name:Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:APEPPPAL + code:9101/30/10 cheat description:Infinite hits - code:SXVXENVK + code:afe8/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSSKNVK + code:dfdc/ce/ad cartridge sha256:aa408f5a6b97c0d738e7e8b489a5617ad4a9ecdee2b05c4ee504210ce31b2825 name:Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincible against barrels - code:SXXVKGSA + code:ecac/85/a5 cheat description:Invincible against fireballs - code:SXUTXISA + code:edb2/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNGOZVG + code:caf1/c6/a5 cheat description:Hammer lasts 3.4 times longer - code:NYUITVLK + code:d636/4b/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENKNPLA + code:c9ff/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENKNPLE + code:c9ff/03/09 cartridge sha256:b15b298dc37692d0bed2cbf922727ea48ed38bbd6cf3acdd28be6d2b9be344d3 name:Donkey Kong 3 (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVVGELEY + code:cbe0/f0/60 cheat description:Reduce the time for pros - code:ZEKKGYEE + code:c7cc/80/0a cheat description:Normal spray more powerful - code:ZAOSZAPA + code:d01a/01/02 cheat description:Normal spray longer - code:ZLOSLAAA + code:d01b/00/32 cheat description:Spray cuts through baddies - code:AASSYPPA + code:d15f/01/00 cheat description:Normal bees explode - code:AAKVZALL + code:e04a/33/00 cheat description:Speeding Stanley - code:TEXKVGLA + code:ccae/03/06 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZNKOPVI + code:c979/d6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEEGITLA + code:c685/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEEGITLE + code:c685/03/09 cartridge sha256:950ebe68e7f74219b9e5e104200b03165d59c24264f02e32c12be967fd311ac2 name:Donkey Kong Jr. (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Cannot die from falling from a high platform - code:PAUIEZIA + code:da30/05/01 cartridge sha256:07dd16464d769429c651bd203ac2e74c7aa5852824482ca8877959d643bc8689 name:Donkey Kong Jr. Math (USA, Europe) cheat description:Always get the correct answer - code:AAKILSZA+AAUILSZP + code:d543/0a/00+d533/1a/00 cartridge sha256:234c2f62cbc3c72eb7519425a1893229e19a3fd1b1630fb75f3e951960a300e5 name:Donkey Kong Classics (USA, Europe) cheat description:Donkey Kong - Infinite lives - code:SXYAOP + code:89f1/a5 cheat description:Donkey Kong - Start with 1 life - code:PETANA + code:88e7/01 cheat description:Donkey Kong - Start with 6 lives - code:TETANA + code:88e7/06 cheat description:Donkey Kong - Start with 9 lives - code:PETANE + code:88e7/09 cheat description:Donkey Kong - Controllable jump - code:AEVAVSIA + code:8de6/0d/00 cheat description:Donkey Kong - Keep hammer longer - code:EAKOLSLG + code:954b/4b/80 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Infinite lives - code:SZZGTP + code:c126/a5 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 1 life - code:PATLST + code:be65/01 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 6 lives - code:TATLST + code:be65/06 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Start with 9 lives - code:PATLSV + code:be65/09 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Controllable jump - code:AEKGAUIA + code:c3c0/0d/00 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Faster single vine climbing - code:EAVGVIAG + code:cd66/40/80 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Can fall onto platforms - code:PAXIPAIA + code:d021/05/01 cheat description:Donkey Kong Jr - Speed up - code:EXSKSGEY+EXUKNGEY + code:ccdd/f0/a0+ccbf/f0/a0 cartridge sha256:56cb5897c539b6874e311a314767df85186184690f10d9982b02cb90ff606537 name:Double Dare (USA) cheat description:Infinite time to answer questions - code:SXXANUVK + code:8ba7/ce/ad cartridge sha256:8f2f9ba926280edd3652745e1d04a30ecce64089fbf3f022a35b4039a2dd7b66 name:Double Dragon (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:EEUTLZZE + code:e2b3/02/88 cheat description:Infinite time - code:AAUNYLPA + code:f33f/01/00 cheat description:Gain hearts quickly - code:VKKYXLVT + code:fbc2/e6/c6 cheat description:Gain a heart every time you hit an enemy - code:EKINNL + code:fbdf/c0 cheat description:More health - P1 - code:XTKYOEZK + code:f841/4a/ea cheat description:More health - P2 or computer - code:XTKNXEZK + code:f84a/4a/ea cheat description:No enemies - code:IIIOOO + code:9959/5d cheat description:Enemies will not fight back - code:IIIEOO + code:8959/5d cheat description:Slow motion - code:KOTKOK + code:cce9/9c cheat description:Timer will count down faster - code:AZUYZLAL + code:f332/30/20 cheat description:Timer will count down super-fast - code:APUYZLAL + code:f332/30/10 cheat description:Disable level 4 wall trap - code:NYZSIU + code:d32d/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUTLZZA + code:e2b3/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUTLZZA + code:e2b3/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUTLZZE + code:e2b3/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - code:03B4:64 + code:03b4/64 cheat description:Start with all hearts - code:0040:07 + code:0040/07 cheat description:Start on stage 2 (disable after stage begins) - code:003D:01 + code:003d/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (disable after stage begins) - code:003D:02 + code:003d/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (disable after stage begins) - code:003D:03 + code:003d/03 cartridge sha256:c564704993cf79c94db5c2954792e99e86100586d0ef1d4bf1aefc6d008d4c0f name:Double Dragon II - The Revenge (USA) (Rev A) + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) - both players + code:807b/28/00 cheat description:No enemies - code:ZYZPPA + code:9021/72 cheat description:Never lose lives from falling - code:SZXAYKVS + code:8427/de/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from low energy - code:SXOANXVS + code:8a97/de/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from water - code:SZVESUVS + code:8b6d/de/ad cheat description:Uppercut after only two punches - code:PAVUELZA + code:bb68/02/01 cheat description:Slow down gameplay - code:NNEVOIAE + code:ed89/00/ff cheat description:Start with 259 lives - P1 - code:NYSVETGE + code:ee58/04/ff cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P1 - code:AASVETGE + code:ee58/04/08 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P2 - code:AAVVSTGE + code:ee6d/04/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PASVETGA + code:ee58/04/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PAVVSTGA + code:ee6d/04/01 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:PAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/01 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:ZAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/02 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:LAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/03 cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:IAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/05 cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:TAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/06 cheat description:Start on mission 7 - code:PAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/09 cheat description:Start on mission 8 - code:GAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/0c cheat description:Start at final boss - code:TAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/0e cheat description:Start at final boss (alt) - code:TALTXV + code:ee32/0e cheat description:Invincibility - code:03CC:F0 + code:03cc/f0 cheat description:Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) - code:0420:00+0421:00 + code:0420/00+0421/00 cartridge sha256:f329de1e2653499221dc4d14d0e8b1040fee87bda4daccf6098b316a1a024fe2 name:Double Dragon II - The Revenge (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) - both players + code:807b/28/00 cheat description:No enemies - code:ZYZPPA + code:9021/72 cheat description:Never lose lives from falling - code:SZXAYKVS + code:8427/de/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from low energy - code:SXOANXVS + code:8a97/de/ad cheat description:Never lose lives from water - code:SZVESUVS + code:8b6d/de/ad cheat description:Uppercut after only two punches - code:PAVUELZA + code:bb68/02/01 cheat description:Slow down gameplay - code:NNEVOIAE + code:ed89/00/ff cheat description:Start with 259 lives - P1 - code:NYSVETGE + code:ee58/04/ff cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P1 - code:AASVETGE + code:ee58/04/08 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - P2 - code:AAVVSTGE + code:ee6d/04/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PASVETGA + code:ee58/04/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PAVVSTGA + code:ee6d/04/01 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:PAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/01 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:ZAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/02 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:LAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/03 cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:IAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/05 cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:TAUTXTAA + code:ee32/00/06 cheat description:Start on mission 7 - code:PAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/09 cheat description:Start on mission 8 - code:GAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/0c cheat description:Start at final boss - code:TAUTXTAE + code:ee32/00/0e cheat description:Start at final boss (alt) - code:TALTXV + code:ee32/0e cheat description:Invincibility - code:03CC:F0 + code:03cc/f0 cheat description:Enemies die after one knockdown (disable at final boss) - code:0420:00+0421:00 + code:0420/00+0421/00 cartridge sha256:9f5891d333ea410c9a20f952ed21ec8b35c1b4f2a6fc2408fb2510921b64660f name:Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - Bill, Jimmy and Chin - code:SZUUPAAX + code:b039/20/ad cheat description:Infinite special weapons - everyone - code:AAELIGPA+GZXUPUVS + code:b405/01/00+b329/de/2c cheat description:More powerful punch, weapon and high kick - code:OZVLGASX + code:b064/a5/a9 cheat description:More health - Billy and Jimmy - code:GVEPXGGI + code:9c82/54/64 cheat description:More health - Ranzou - code:GVEOXKZG + code:9c8a/4a/64 cheat description:Less health - Billy and Jimmy - code:ZXEPXGGS + code:9c82/54/2a cheat description:Less health - Ranzou - code:IXEOXKZG + code:9c8a/4a/25 cheat description:Less health - Chin - code:ZUEONGGT + code:9c8f/64/32 cheat description:Start with Chin enabled - code:AEULUKYA + code:bcb3/0f/00 cheat description:Start with Ranzou enabled - code:AEKLVKAA + code:bcc6/08/00 cheat description:Start with Jimmy enabled - code:AEKNPPIA + code:f1c9/05/00 cheat description:Start with 255 health - Billy and Jimmy - code:NNEPXGGS + code:9c82/54/ff cheat description:Start with 255 health - Chin - code:NNEONGGV + code:9c8f/64/ff cheat description:Start with 255 health - Ranzou - code:NNEOXKZK + code:9c8a/4a/ff cheat description:Start with 99 weapon use - Billy, Jimmy and Chin - code:LVOPKGIA + code:9c94/05/63 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:045D:40 + code:045d/40 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:045E:40 + code:045e/40 cartridge sha256:eb0e5f318e84e931a9bd663764c43fefa1a78565fa1328c1544b41bc8155ccb1 name:Double Dribble (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:CPU scores add to your score - code:KNEKPKEY + code:c489/f8/f4 cheat description:CPU never scores - code:KNEKPKEN + code:c489/f8/fc cheat description:50 points - team 1 - code:07F4:50 + code:07f4/50 cheat description:50 points - team 2 - code:07F8:50 + code:07f8/50 cartridge sha256:f5517606d81d4e993d7fb86f11cae24c7b5029fd7184c7247771d6d7791e54ab name:Double Dribble (USA) cheat description:CPU scores add to your score - code:KNEKPKEY + code:c489/f8/f4 cheat description:CPU never scores - code:KNEKPKEN + code:c489/f8/fc cheat description:50 points - team 1 - code:07F4:50 + code:07f4/50 cheat description:50 points - team 2 - code:07F8:50 + code:07f8/50 cartridge sha256:ddc08430b83061814fec929872aa6df3abc1a624888a8e3eb3fa96abb8d32e36 name:Double Moon Densetsu (Japan) cheat description:Play as girl - code:ESSUGTEY + code:b6dc/f0/d0 cartridge sha256:aa3b652591a7310e6e2cc025deabd9accf49506bd2313265fee67f2c5e83036a name:Drac's Night Out (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite Blood - code:SZSGAVSE + code:c650/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SVNKTSVV + code:c5fe/ee/ed cartridge sha256:af505b8530b3303ebe0bf727730733cdbcd83ce1a19781d9487cd7cb202933c1 name:Dragon Fighter (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYEVAIEI + code:e508/d0/f0 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:004D:4F + code:004d/4f cheat description:Invincible to spikes - code:AESSILPA + code:d3dd/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSVGISA + code:e55c/85/a5 cheat description:Max Dragon energy - code:KAUIEGSZ + code:dc30/a5/84 cheat description:Always shoot special - code:YYXSYZAE + code:d22f/00/7f cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0050:08 + code:0050/08 cheat description:Max Dragon energy (alt) - code:0053:18 + code:0053/18 cheat description:Have green shots - code:004F:00 + code:004f/00 cheat description:Have red shots - code:004F:01 + code:004f/01 cheat description:Have blue shots - code:004F:02 + code:004f/02 cheat description:Hard mode - code:007B:01 + code:007b/01 cartridge sha256:038f2241fd6e58600ce234623be752cca47875ef7295fe92c30c328c81ffe7ec name:Dragon Power (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (POW) - code:SZVOSZVG + code:9a6d/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 128 health (POW) - code:EAXAILGT + code:8325/64/80 cheat description:Start with 24 Wind Waves (turtle shells) (hold B then press A) - code:KAOETLSA + code:831e/85/84 cheat description:Infinite health (POW) (alt) - code:002E:63 + code:002e/63 cheat description:Infinite Wind Waves (turtle shells) (hold B then press A) - code:012F:09 + code:012f/09 cheat description:Infinite Red Power Pole time (spin attack) - code:0036:0F + code:0036/0f cartridge sha256:901b7a9b3e8c0256bd091f845f48b0e7bd903f7456ce3dcea386cc1871fe70c1 name:Dragon Spirit - The New Legend (USA) cheat description:Invincibility and three heads after one hit (blinking) - code:EXAXEU + code:ab88/a8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:OZVZOZVG + code:aa61/c6/a1 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:OXNLEIES+OXXLOIES + code:bdf0/d0/a9+bda1/d0/a9 cheat description:Always gold dragon - code:VEOIKAKA + code:d894/84/86 cheat description:Always blue dragon - code:KXOIKAKA + code:d894/84/a4 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0588:00 + code:0588/00 cartridge sha256:5564e54943deddc6d290b256638c774aa379a0d33dcea3b0a4f0c4b9fc2034e3 name:Dragon's Lair (USA) cheat description:Infinite E (health) - code:AEXSGEKY + code:d0ac/fc/00 cheat description:Infinite Candle energy - code:SXKYUOVK+SXVYXOVK + code:f9c3/ce/ad+f9e2/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AAXITVNY + code:d626/ff/00 cheat description:Less energy gained on pick-up - code:IAVNPYAP + code:f769/10/05 cheat description:More energy gained on pick-up - code:YZVNPYAP + code:f769/10/27 cheat description:Start with Axe - code:PEUIGIAA + code:d5b4/00/01 cheat description:Start with Fireball - code:ZEUIGIAA + code:d5b4/00/02 cheat description:Start with 1 extra life - code:NNXSGSUY + code:d5ac/fb/f7 cheat description:Start with 6 extra lives - code:KNXSGSUN + code:d5ac/fb/fc cheat description:Start with 9 extra lives - code:NNXSGSUN + code:d5ac/fb/ff cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PANSZIAA + code:d57a/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZANSZIAA + code:d57a/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LANSZIAA + code:d57a/00/03 cheat description:Infinite E (health) (alt) - code:0330:1F + code:0330/1f cheat description:Infinite Gold (hundred's digit) - code:05EA:FF + code:05ea/ff cheat description:Infinite Gold (ten's digit) - code:05EB:FF + code:05eb/ff cheat description:Infinite Gold (one's digit) - code:05EC:FF + code:05ec/ff cartridge sha256:abc5bcb459316a7d245065149ea72b5a8317f62fa6ed578569e15b670d3c0022 name:Dragon Warrior (USA) cheat description:Infinite Magic Power - code:SXOIVLSA + code:db96/85/a5 cheat description:Take no damage in swamp - code:AEVGUIZA + code:cde3/02/00 cheat description:Start with 256 gold coins - code:VVOYYTSA + code:f697/85/e6 cheat description:All spells use only one magic point - code:VKOIVLSA + code:db96/85/c6 cheat description:Barriers cause half usual damage - code:YAKKEVYA + code:ce48/0f/07 cartridge sha256:c15ab051ff066f018cf4b0159780c58026114bb47a6376ef81c1571a39a8fe9b name:Dragon Warrior II (USA) cheat description:One hit kills - code:ASUZYTEP + code:a6b7/90/50 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 50 HP - code:ZUKLUSGP + code:bdc3/1c/32 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 99 HP - code:LVKLUSGP + code:bdc3/1c/63 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 40 strength points - code:AXKLOIIE + code:bdc1/05/28 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 80 strength points - code:ASKLOIIA + code:bdc1/05/50 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 40 agility points - code:AXKLXIGE + code:bdc2/04/28 cheat description:Prince of Midenhall starts with 80 agility points - code:ASKLXIGA + code:bdc2/04/50 cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 50 HP - code:ZUKLNSYP + code:bdc7/1f/32 cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 99 HP - code:LVKLNSYP + code:bdc7/1f/63 cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 40 strength points - code:AXKLSIGE + code:bdc5/04/28 cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 60 strength points - code:GUKLSIGE + code:bdc5/04/3c cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 30 agility points - code:TOKLVIGE + code:bdc6/04/1e cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 60 agility points - code:GUKLVIGE + code:bdc6/04/3c cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 40 magic points - code:AXKUEITE + code:bdc8/06/28 cheat description:Prince of Cannock starts with 60 magic points - code:GUKUEITE + code:bdc8/06/3c cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 50 HP - code:ZUKUUIAZ + code:bdcb/20/32 cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 99 HP - code:LVKUUIAZ + code:bdcb/20/63 cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 25 strength points - code:POKUOIZE + code:bdc9/02/19 cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 50 strength points - code:ZUKUOIZA + code:bdc9/02/32 cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 40 agility points - code:AXKUXITO + code:bdca/16/28 cheat description:Princess of Moonbrooke starts with 40 magic points - code:AXKUKSGO + code:bdcc/1c/28 cartridge sha256:f91a8bfc25bd267f5ae77bafa7fc650f77f8e50067869e99682b32d5b410644e name:Dragon Warrior III (USA) cheat description:King gives 255 gold - code:NYUOYPZU + code:913f/32/ff cheat description:King gives mega-gold - code:PASPZPAA + code:9152/00/01 cheat description:Player starts with increased strength and/or attack power - code:YTVUGZYE + code:b26c/07/6f cheat description:Player starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power - code:VYVUGZYE + code:b26c/07/fe cheat description:Player starts with increased agility and/or defense - code:LTNLPZIA + code:b271/05/63 cheat description:Player starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense - code:NYNLPZIE + code:b271/05/ff cheat description:Player starts with increased vitality and/or HP - code:LTNLTZYA + code:b276/07/63 cheat description:Player starts with greatly increased vitality and/or HP - code:NYNLTZYE + code:b276/07/ff cheat description:Player starts with increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence - code:LTNULZTA + code:b27b/06/63 cheat description:Player starts with greatly increased magic, maximum magic points and/or intelligence - code:NYNULZTE + code:b27b/06/ff cheat description:Player starts with increased luck - code:ZVELAZGA + code:b280/04/62 cheat description:Player starts with greatly increased luck - code:VNELAZGE + code:b280/04/fe cheat description:Wizard starts with increased strength and/or attack power - code:LTVUIZPA + code:b26d/01/63 cheat description:Wizard starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power - code:VYVUIZPE + code:b26d/01/fe cheat description:Wizard starts with increased agility and/or defense - code:ZTNLZZGA + code:b272/04/62 cheat description:Wizard starts with greatly increased agility and/or defense - code:NYNLZZGE + code:b272/04/ff cheat description:Wizard starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP - code:ZTNLYZZA + code:b277/02/62 cheat description:Wizard starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum HP - code:OPNLYZZE + code:b277/02/99 cheat description:Wizard starts with increased magic, intelligence and/or maximum magic - code:LTNUGXPA + code:b27c/09/63 cheat description:Wizard starts with increased luck - code:LVELPZZA + code:b281/02/63 cheat description:Wizard starts with greatly increased luck - code:VNELPZZE + code:b281/02/fe cheat description:Pilgrim starts with increased strength and/or attack power - code:ZTVUTZLA + code:b26e/03/62 cheat description:Pilgrim starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power - code:VYVUTZLE + code:b26e/03/fe cheat description:Pilgrim starts with increased agility and/or defense - code:ZTNLLZGA + code:b273/04/62 cheat description:Pilgrim starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP - code:LTNUAZLA + code:b278/03/63 cheat description:Pilgrim starts with greatly increased vitality and/or maximum HP - code:VYNUAZLE + code:b278/03/fe cheat description:Pilgrim starts with increased magic and/or intelligence - code:LTNUIXAA + code:b27d/08/63 cheat description:Pilgrim starts with greatly increased magic and/or intelligence - code:VYNUIXAE + code:b27d/08/fe cheat description:Pilgrim starts with increased luck - code:ZVELZZLA + code:b282/03/62 cheat description:Pilgrim starts with greatly increased luck - code:VNELZZLE + code:b282/03/fe cheat description:Soldier starts with increased strength and/or attack power - code:LTNLAXPA + code:b270/09/63 cheat description:Soldier starts with greatly increased strength and/or attack power - code:VYNLAXPE + code:b270/09/fe cheat description:Soldier starts with increased agility and/or defense - code:ZTNLIZZA + code:b275/02/62 cheat description:Soldier starts with increased vitality and/or maximum HP - code:LTNUZZYA + code:b27a/07/63 cheat description:Start with 6 battle-axes - code:IAOZENNY + code:af10/ff/05 cheat description:Start with 6 broadswords - code:TAOZENNY + code:af10/ff/06 cheat description:Start with 6 wizard's wands - code:YAOZENNY + code:af10/ff/07 cheat description:Start with 6 demon's axes - code:YAOZENNN + code:af10/ff/0f cheat description:Start with 6 multi-edge swords - code:GPOZENNY + code:af10/ff/14 cheat description:Start with 6 staffs of force - code:IPOZENNY + code:af10/ff/15 cheat description:Start with 6 swords of illusion - code:TPOZENNY + code:af10/ff/16 cheat description:Start with 6 falcon swords - code:APOZENNN + code:af10/ff/18 cheat description:Start with 6 armor of radiance - code:AZOZENNN + code:af10/ff/28 cartridge sha256:e49cb745370065a40aff078ae52b5de1c0db137fedcbe93b78ab18d76479deed name:Dragon Warrior IV (USA) cheat description:No damage and lose no MP - all members (don't combine with the "start with items" codes) - code:ATVATGSL + code:8466/b5/60 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 25 gold - code:POSOAPZU + code:91d8/32/19 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 100 gold - code:GVSOAPZL + code:91d8/32/64 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 255 gold - code:NNSOAPZU + code:91d8/32/ff cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with lots 'o gold - code:AIXOZAYS + code:902a/57/58 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 15 HP - code:YEEXYXLO + code:a28f/1b/0f cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 100 HP - code:GVEXYXLP + code:a28f/1b/64 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with 255 HP - code:NNEXYXLO + code:a28f/1b/ff cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with final key - code:LNKPLONY + code:91c3/ff/73 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with metal babble sword - code:TEKPLONN + code:91c3/ff/0e cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with multi-edge sword - code:LOKPLONY + code:91c3/ff/13 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with thorn whip - code:PEKPLONN + code:91c3/ff/09 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with shield of strength - code:AKKPLONY + code:91c3/ff/40 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with dragon shield - code:LKKPLONY + code:91c3/ff/43 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with final key and chain sickle - code:LNKPLONY+GEKPGONY + code:91c3/ff/73+91c4/ff/04 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with metal babble sword and boomerang - code:TEKPLONN+LEKPGONN + code:91c3/ff/0e+91c4/ff/0b cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOKPLONY+PSKPGONN + code:91c3/ff/13+91c4/ff/59 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEKPLONN+ZOKPGONY + code:91c3/ff/09+91c4/ff/12 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with shield of strength and meteorite armband - code:AKKPLONY+ASKPGONY + code:91c3/ff/40+91c4/ff/50 cheat description:Start Chapter 1 with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKKPLONY+IEKPGONN + code:91c3/ff/43+91c4/ff/0d cheat description:Start Chapter 2 with 50 gold - code:ZUSOPPGT + code:91d9/64/32 cheat description:Start Chapter 2 with 255 gold - code:NNSOPPGV + code:91d9/64/ff cheat description:Start Chapter 2 with lots of gold - code:AIXOZAYS + code:902a/57/58 cheat description:Start Alena with 100 HP - code:GVOZAZAP + code:a290/10/64 cheat description:Start Alena with 255 HP - code:NNOZAZAO + code:a290/10/ff cheat description:Start Alena with final key - code:LNKOZONY + code:91ca/ff/73 cheat description:Start Alena with fire claw - code:ZOKOZONN + code:91ca/ff/1a cheat description:Start Alena with multi-edge sword - code:LOKOZONY + code:91ca/ff/13 cheat description:Start Alena with thorn whip - code:PEKOZONN + code:91ca/ff/09 cheat description:Start Alena with boomerang - code:LEKOLONN + code:91cb/ff/0b cheat description:Start Alena with final key and fire claw - code:LNKOZONY+ZOKOLONN + code:91ca/ff/73+91cb/ff/1a cheat description:Start Alena with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOKOZONY+PSKOLONN + code:91ca/ff/13+91cb/ff/59 cheat description:Start Alena with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEKOZONN+ZOKOLONY + code:91ca/ff/09+91cb/ff/12 cheat description:Start Alena with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKKOZONY+ASKOLONY + code:91ca/ff/40+91cb/ff/50 cheat description:Start Alena with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKKOZONY+IEKOLONN + code:91ca/ff/43+91cb/ff/0d cheat description:Start Brey with final key - code:LNUPLONY + code:91b3/ff/73 cheat description:Start Brey with magma staff - code:TOUPLONN + code:91b3/ff/1e cheat description:Start Brey with multi-edge sword - code:LOUPLONY + code:91b3/ff/13 cheat description:Start Brey with thorn whip - code:PEUPLONN + code:91b3/ff/09 cheat description:Start Brey with shield of strength - code:AKUPLONY + code:91b3/ff/40 cheat description:Start Brey with dragon shield - code:LKUPLONY + code:91b3/ff/43 cheat description:Start Brey with boomerang - code:LEUPGONN + code:91b4/ff/0b cheat description:Start Brey with final key and magma staff - code:LNUPLONY+TOUPGONN + code:91b3/ff/73+91b4/ff/1e cheat description:Start Brey with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOUPLONY+PSUPGONN + code:91b3/ff/13+91b4/ff/59 cheat description:Start Brey with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEUPLONN+ZOUPGONY + code:91b3/ff/09+91b4/ff/12 cheat description:Start Brey with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKUPLONY+ASUPGONY + code:91b3/ff/40+91b4/ff/50 cheat description:Start Brey with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKUPLONY+IEUPGONN + code:91b3/ff/43+91b4/ff/0d cheat description:Start Cristo with final key - code:LNOOLONY + code:919b/ff/73 cheat description:Start Cristo with metal babble sword - code:TEOOLONN + code:919b/ff/0e cheat description:Start Cristo with multi-edge sword - code:LOOOLONY + code:919b/ff/13 cheat description:Start Cristo with thorn whip - code:PEOOLONN + code:919b/ff/09 cheat description:Start Cristo with shield of strength - code:AKOOLONY + code:919b/ff/40 cheat description:Start Cristo with dragon shield - code:LKOOLONY + code:919b/ff/43 cheat description:Start Cristo with final key and chain sickle - code:LNOOLONY+GEOOGONY + code:919b/ff/73+919c/ff/04 cheat description:Start Cristo with metal babble sword and boomerang - code:TEOOLONN+LEOOGONN + code:919b/ff/0e+919c/ff/0b cheat description:Start Cristo with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOOOLONY+PSOOGONN + code:919b/ff/13+919c/ff/59 cheat description:Start Cristo with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEOOLONN+ZOOOGONY + code:919b/ff/09+919c/ff/12 cheat description:Start Cristo with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKOOLONY+ASOOGONY + code:919b/ff/40+919c/ff/50 cheat description:Start Cristo with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKOOLONY+IEOOGONN + code:919b/ff/43+919c/ff/0d cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with 16 HP - code:AOEXTZGP + code:a28e/14/10 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with 100 HP - code:GVEXTZGP + code:a28e/14/64 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with 255 HP - code:NNEXTZGO + code:a28e/14/ff cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with 100 gold - code:GVSOZPAA + code:91da/00/64 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with 255 gold - code:NNSOZPAE + code:91da/00/ff cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with final key - code:UNUOLONY + code:91bb/ff/f3 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with metal babble sword - code:LEUOLONN + code:91bb/ff/0b cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with multi-edge sword - code:TOUOLONY + code:91bb/ff/16 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with thorn whip - code:LEUOLONN + code:91bb/ff/0b cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with shield of strength - code:PKUOLONY + code:91bb/ff/41 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with dragon shield - code:AKUOLONY + code:91bb/ff/40 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with final key and chain sickle - code:LNUOLONY+GEUOGONY + code:91bb/ff/73+91bc/ff/04 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with metal babble sword and boomerang - code:TEUOLONN+LEUOGONN + code:91bb/ff/0e+91bc/ff/0b cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOUOLONY+PSUOGONN + code:91bb/ff/13+91bc/ff/59 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEUOLONN+ZOUOGONY + code:91bb/ff/09+91bc/ff/12 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKUOLONY+ASUOGONY + code:91bb/ff/40+91bc/ff/50 cheat description:Start Chapter 3 with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKUOLONY+IEUOGONN + code:91bb/ff/43+91bc/ff/0d cheat description:Start Nara with 100 HP - code:GVEXLZZP + code:a28b/12/64 cheat description:Start Nara with 255 HP - code:NNEXLZZO + code:a28b/12/ff cheat description:Start Nara with final key - code:LNXPLONY + code:91a3/ff/73 cheat description:Start Nara with metal babble sword - code:TEXPLONN + code:91a3/ff/0e cheat description:Start Nara with multi-edge sword - code:LOXPLONY + code:91a3/ff/13 cheat description:Start Nara with thorn whip - code:PEXPLONN + code:91a3/ff/09 cheat description:Start Nara with shield of strength - code:AKXPLONY + code:91a3/ff/40 cheat description:Start Nara with dragon shield - code:LKXPLONY + code:91a3/ff/43 cheat description:Start Nara with final key and chain sickle - code:LNXPLONY+GEXPGONY + code:91a3/ff/73+91a4/ff/04 cheat description:Start Nara with metal babble sword and boomerang - code:TEXPLONN+LEXPGONN + code:91a3/ff/0e+91a4/ff/0b cheat description:Start Nara with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOXPLONY+PSXPGONN + code:91a3/ff/13+91a4/ff/59 cheat description:Start Nara with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEXPLONN+ZOXPGONY + code:91a3/ff/09+91a4/ff/12 cheat description:Start Nara with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKXPLONY+ASXPGONY + code:91a3/ff/40+91a4/ff/50 cheat description:Start Nara with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKXPLONY+IEXPGONN + code:91a3/ff/43+91a4/ff/0d cheat description:Start Mara with 100 HP - code:GVEXGZAP + code:a28c/10/64 cheat description:Start Mara with 255 HP - code:NNEXGZAO + code:a28c/10/ff cheat description:Start Mara with final key - code:LNXOPONY + code:91a9/ff/73 cheat description:Start Mara with magma staff - code:TOXOPONN + code:91a9/ff/1e cheat description:Start Mara with multi-edge sword - code:LOXOPONY + code:91a9/ff/13 cheat description:Start Mara with thorn whip - code:PEXOPONN + code:91a9/ff/09 cheat description:Start Mara with shield of strength - code:AKXOPONY + code:91a9/ff/40 cheat description:Start Mara with dragon shield - code:LKXOPONY + code:91a9/ff/43 cheat description:Start Mara with final key and chain sickle - code:LNXOPONY+GEXOZONY + code:91a9/ff/73+91aa/ff/04 cheat description:Start Mara with metal babble sword and boomerang - code:TEXOPONN+LEXOZONN + code:91a9/ff/0e+91aa/ff/0b cheat description:Start Mara with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring - code:LOXOPONY+PSXOZONN + code:91a9/ff/13+91aa/ff/59 cheat description:Start Mara with thorn whip and demon hammer - code:PEXOPONN+ZOXOZONY + code:91a9/ff/09+91aa/ff/12 cheat description:Start Mara with shield of strength and meteorite arm band - code:AKXOPONY+ASXOZONY + code:91a9/ff/40+91aa/ff/50 cheat description:Start Mara with dragon shield and iron fan - code:LKXOPONY+IEXOZONN + code:91a9/ff/43+91aa/ff/0d cheat description:Start Chapter 5 with final key - code:LNOPIONY + code:9195/ff/73 cheat description:Start Chapter 5 with zenithian sword - code:PXOPIONY + code:9195/ff/21 cheat description:Start Chapter 5 with zenithian shield - code:GKOPIONY + code:9195/ff/44 cheat description:Start Chapter 5 with zenithian armor - code:YUOPIONY + code:9195/ff/37 cheat description:Start Chapter 5 with zenithian helmet - code:LKOPIONN + code:9195/ff/4b cartridge sha256:a0b2ec9b44033fc4d2356259ad99a4f2dcdf5396da53efdfcb17a54c0e7fcdbe name:Dr. Chaos (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - code:GXKIKIST + code:ddc4/e5/24 cheat description:Take minimal damage - code:OVKIKISV+PEKISIGY + code:ddc4/e5/e9+ddc5/74/01 cheat description:Infinite Gun ammo on pick-up - code:GZEYEEVK + code:f800/ce/2c cheat description:More invincibility time - code:AKSSKIGP + code:dddc/14/40 cheat description:Less invincibility time - code:GESSKIGP + code:dddc/14/04 cheat description:Take more damage and Shield Suit has no effect - code:TVOSSITG+AEOSKIYA + code:dd9d/46/66+dd9c/07/00 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AEEGUZLE + code:ca83/03/08 cheat description:Start with Shield Suit - code:PASKSPAA+ZISKNPLG + code:c95d/00/01+c95f/43/52 cheat description:Start with 99 life - code:LTKKVPZL + code:c94e/32/63 cheat description:Start with less health - code:PPKKVPZU + code:c94e/32/19 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0073:03 + code:0073/03 cheat description:Infinite life (alt) - code:0744:FF + code:0744/ff cheat description:Infinite Gun ammo - code:0746:63 + code:0746/63 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun ammo - code:0747:63 + code:0747/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:0748:63 + code:0748/63 cartridge sha256:5860e217030f9da957d487b3ca59000d5f4d79bf23486bad08205c5aa4d992ea name:Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - code:GZXVTKVK+GZXTTSVK + code:e42e/ce/2c+e526/ce/2c cheat description:Multi-jump - code:NKNGVYUK+PXNKENOK+PENKOYGA+ENNKXYEI+PENKSYAA+OUNKNYUK + code:cff6/c3/cf+cff8/c9/29+cff9/04/01+cffa/d0/f0+cffd/00/01+cfff/c3/b9 cheat description:Keep coins from previous games - code:GXNLKVSE + code:bef4/8d/2c cheat description:Instant game restart - code:NXNSZEOO + code:d0fa/99/af cheat description:Start with 16 coins - code:KENLKVSE + code:bef4/8d/8c cartridge sha256:01d303a8c0ed6f374586d3a2562065b77f627e8dbf071bd919877e3b48dbdb57 name:Dr. Mario (Japan, USA) cheat description:Vitamin capsules don't fall (press down) - code:GZNEVIVT + code:8d7e/e6/24 cheat description:5 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 - code:GEXPYGLA + code:94a7/03/04 cheat description:6 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 - code:IEXPYGLA + code:94a7/03/05 cheat description:7 in a row needed to complete a vertical line instead of 4 - code:TEXPYGLA + code:94a7/03/06 cheat description:5 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 - code:GAKPPZLA + code:9241/03/04 cheat description:6 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 - code:IAKPPZLA + code:9241/03/05 cheat description:7 in a row needed to complete a horizontal line instead of 4 - code:TAKPPZLA + code:9241/03/06 cheat description:More pieces sent across to other player when two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2P game - code:AUVONUAO + code:9bef/18/38 cheat description:No pieces sent across to other player when two or more rows or columns are eliminated at once in a 2P game - code:GXXOZGVT+GZKPGZVT + code:94aa/e6/24+9244/e6/24 cartridge sha256:7026334a7e8742b61b450f4b3b182922c6a69fc723d7cd19c83db365f15e45ba name:Duck Hunt (World) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SZNIPPVG + code:d171/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAXSGZSY + code:d22c/f5/00 cheat description:Always get the perfect bonus - code:AASIAUZA+ALSIPLEI + code:d350/0a/00+d351/d0/30 cheat description:Ducks never fly away - Game A - code:IAVKKZVG + code:ca6c/c6/05 cheat description:Enable game "D" (hit select three times) - code:GEOKTPLA + code:c19e/03/04 cheat description:Infinite ammo (alt) - code:00BA:03 + code:00ba/03 cartridge sha256:262c1fcacd30a7f3018bd33ea6cf3fb86f8d9a77273d4f822268bff2c7deeb9a name:Duck Maze (Australia) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXUUVLAX + code:bbbe/20/ad cheat description:No breaking eggs from falling - code:AEEUEUZZ + code:bb88/2a/00 cartridge sha256:8ba8baed01a9fbaf1e9ff29e0c9825db1963ac2aff211d6f1f3bcfd3839e2013 name:DuckTales (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EISVZLEY+EIEEGAEY + code:e35a/f0/d0+800c/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:ATVVXLEZ + code:eb6a/a0/60 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:AANVSLPA + code:eb7d/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUIEKVK + code:dcb0/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:OVUVAZSV + code:e2b8/e5/e9 cheat description:Lose half normal health (in easy game) - code:LAVTNLPA + code:eb67/01/03 cheat description:Double usual time - code:ZAXSKLIE+SXNIUKOU+SZNISESU + code:db2c/05/0a+dcf3/b9/ad+d875/bd/ad cheat description:Multi-jump - code:EUOTYULU+UVXVALVT+AOUVILEY+NAETLKLL+GXOTPTEY + code:e397/3b/b8+e3a8/e6/e3+e3bd/f0/10+e403/3b/87+e691/f0/24 cheat description:Walk 2x faster - code:ZEOVYGPA + code:e49f/01/02 cheat description:Walk 4x faster - code:GEOVYGPA + code:e49f/01/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAESULZA + code:db0b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAESULZA + code:db0b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAESULZE + code:db0b/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (star effect) - code:0075:01 + code:0075/01 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:007D:FA + code:007d/fa cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0342:00+0346:00+034A:00 + code:0342/00+0346/00+034a/00 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:0159:09 + code:0159/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:0155:09 + code:0155/09 cheat description:Infinite time (hundred's digit) - code:0151:09 + code:0151/09 cheat description:All levels cleared except the Amazon - code:00A0:1E + code:00a0/1e cheat description:Have the Skeleton Key, Mine Key and Remote Control - code:00A1:01+00A3:FF + code:00a1/01+00a3/ff cheat description:Have $9,000,000 - code:0324:09 + code:0324/09 cartridge sha256:54c70628739c9cfab40b8d79555e9076adae34127ef369988ca91635b4a688bf name:DuckTales 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESOTVAEY + code:e896/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZONTZSA + code:f21e/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZXGZGVG + code:c422/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SGXGZGVG + code:c422/c6/c5 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:ENVVIPNP+PXVVPOVP+XOVVTPXT+ZKVVGOGK + code:e1ed/97/f0+e1e9/9e/21+e1ee/e2/92+e1ec/4c/4a cheat description:Take more damage - code:APONPXAA + code:f219/08/10 cheat description:Take less damage - code:GAONPXAA + code:f219/08/04 cheat description:Take very little damage - code:ZAONPXAA + code:f219/08/02 cheat description:Have lots of money - code:PAXSPZAA + code:d229/00/01 cheat description:$5,000 cash from small diamonds - code:IEKSPLPA + code:d3c9/01/05 cheat description:$9,000 cash from small diamonds - code:PEKSPLPE + code:d3c9/01/09 cheat description:Start with full energy - code:ASNKPAAL + code:c0f9/30/50 cheat description:Start with a lot less energy - code:AONKPAAL + code:c0f9/30/10 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAEKAPZA + code:c108/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAEKAPZA + code:c108/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAEKAPZE + code:c108/02/08 cartridge sha256:12c92261dfae9c01ce0172cd1e7d70192105ceb350b37c3f1cb2c72f9a10a6b9 name:Dudes with Attitude (USA) (Rev 1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SLUSSIVI + code:dd3d/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUSIYVG + code:d73d/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:99bba29bd92942f64d8a0beda7df3d8bff1ddcebcd3172eec16009fcb4a8bd3e name:Dudes with Attitude (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SLUSSIVI + code:dd3d/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUSIYVG + code:d73d/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:c613c10e32b93dbc402356273d698efa14814a51b0339d6d7aacdfb639a7acd7 name:Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements (USA) cheat description:Take no damage except from scorpions - code:SXVLTLSA + code:b3e6/85/a5 cheat description:Take less damage - code:OVVLGLSV+ZEVLIUYL + code:b3e4/e5/e9+b3e5/3f/02 cheat description:Stay at the Inn for free - code:PXSTLZPG+AXSTYZAG + code:e2d3/41/21+e2d7/40/20 cheat description:Items at Grocer's shop are free - code:PXUVXTPG+AXUVVTAG + code:eeba/41/21+eebe/40/20 cheat description:Items at Armory are free - code:PXENPLPG+AXENILAG + code:f389/41/21+f38d/40/20 cheat description:Start with 100 gold pieces - code:GTKIITAA + code:d645/00/64 cheat description:Start with 512 gold pieces - code:ZAKIITAA+PGKSGTAG + code:d645/00/02+d64c/40/41 cartridge sha256:690ec2de233486d9fdb1e096ca4aa07aa6e764b0d6d6417454d0a770c875078d name:Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus (USA) cheat description:Mostly invincible - code:PANSAEPX+GZNITAVG + code:d078/29/09+d076/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite shield - code:AVNTNKXA + code:ecf7/8a/60 cheat description:No harm from spikes - code:ATSIOGSZ + code:dc51/a5/60 cheat description:No harm from any dinosaur - code:AAVNVPLA + code:f96e/03/00 cheat description:Mega-jump power - code:YEXIYLLA + code:d3a7/03/07 cheat description:Speed up left and right - code:LANSIZPA + code:d27d/01/03 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:TAXGLPPA + code:c123/01/06 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAXGLPPE + code:c123/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:TAXGLPPE + code:c123/01/0e cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:ZPXGLPPA + code:c123/01/12 cartridge sha256:7951287af48ef9f2e2b375934acff99fe1543aea39d2729d2863b38ab498e231 name:Egypt (Japan) cheat description:Infinite power-ups - code:OUEPXNOO + code:9f82/99/b9 cheat description:No steps - code:SXVAULVT+SXVANLVT + code:8be3/e6/a5+8be7/e6/a5 cheat description:No rotates - code:SZEANGVT+SZEAUGVT + code:8c07/e6/a5+8c03/e6/a5 cartridge sha256:e2824a71c74106326013915d9f8a67be22c367599feefd8da6538f62d5e6f5b0 name:Elevator Action (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:GXEUOUVK + code:bb89/ce/2c cheat description:Can only shoot one bullet - code:GASTLPTA + code:e153/06/04 cheat description:Slower man - code:PESIAYLA+NNUSZNSN + code:d7d0/03/01+d7ba/fd/ff cheat description:Faster man - code:IESIAYLA+XNUSZNSN + code:d7d0/03/05+d7ba/fd/fa cheat description:Faster bullets - code:ZAVTLOAE+VYVTYOEY + code:e163/08/0a+e167/f8/f6 cheat description:Slower bullets - code:GAVTLOAA+KYVTYOEN + code:e163/08/04+e167/f8/fc cheat description:Faster enemy - code:GEONGPZA+XNXNGOVN + code:f19c/02/04+f1ac/fe/fa cheat description:Slower enemy - code:PEONGPZA+NNXNGOVN + code:f19c/02/01+f1ac/fe/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:AAULNLZA + code:bb37/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:IAULNLZA + code:bb37/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:AAULNLZE + code:bb37/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P2 - code:IEVUULZA + code:bbeb/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:AEVUULZE + code:bbeb/02/08 cartridge sha256:9d0396286f2c027367422b8347216a309200a21b019939f08a7c457c7c4c918d name:Eliminator Boat Duel (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite nitros - no on buoy stage - code:SZVSVNVS + code:df6e/de/ad cheat description:Boat starts with full turbo, steering, hull, max engine power - code:IENEYPPA + code:81ff/01/05 cheat description:Have full hull strength - code:SXUGOEVS + code:c8b1/de/ad cheat description:Computer boat goes crazy - code:KAAISZ + code:da05/84 cheat description:Start with 0 nitros - code:AAEEZZGA + code:820a/04/00 cheat description:Start with 36 nitros - code:IZEEZZGA + code:820a/04/25 cartridge sha256:761df2c2e04f9ffec5eec59afd821bd74af3b155546519d649876aad37160c06 name:Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:SZNIIGSA + code:d475/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite ESP - code:SZUTEPSA + code:e930/85/a5 cheat description:Quick level up - code:AEXIYVPE + code:d6a7/09/08 cheat description:Chests worth lots of gold - code:AEXOSTPA + code:9ead/01/00 cartridge sha256:e9f4c9d1b7c66c6af83f2db5d4f704cf5f4b3c86e26a49c05539237807d8875e name:Excitebike (Japan, USA) cheat description:Never crash - code:SZOSKTSP + code:de1c/95/a5 cheat description:Never crash when holding forward - code:ATSVIASP+ATVTLASP+ATVSUGSP + code:e05d/95/60+e063/95/60+dc6b/95/60 cheat description:Never lose speed (even if you crash) - code:SLNKSTVI + code:ce7d/d6/b5 cheat description:Never overheat - code:SXXTYUVV + code:e3a7/ee/ad cheat description:Recover fast after crashes - code:YEXIKOYA + code:d9a4/0f/07 cheat description:Reduced enemy bikes in game B - code:PEXIEZLA + code:daa0/03/01 cheat description:Timer runs at half speed - code:AAUSEYAO + code:df38/10/08 cheat description:Timer runs at quarter speed - code:GAUSEYAP + code:df38/10/04 cheat description:Turbo speed on button A - code:ENUKGEAP+GESGPALA + code:c0bc/18/f0+c0d1/03/04 cheat description:Mega turbo speed on button A - code:EVUKGEAP+TESGPALA + code:c0bc/18/e0+c0d1/03/06 cheat description:Infinite obstacles in design mode - code:AAEYSAPA + code:f805/01/00 cheat description:Start racing before gate opens - code:AAEVXXAL+AAXGXSIP+AAXSOXYL+APUSOTEI + code:ea0a/38/00+cd22/1d/00+da29/3f/00+de39/d0/10 cheat description:Press Start to complete current race (uses your race position for the verdict) - code:AASKOZLA+ZISKEZOL + code:ca59/03/00+ca58/b1/52 cartridge sha256:9e3c5574e31cbf74146808df930a70856d7196ec581e40cae3061743504bfba2 name:Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (v4.0) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUZKAVI + code:a834/d6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXNSKIVG + code:ddfc/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:e9aab85fd91822b9dc7a89997eda3415e45a07fe21580c0df4765ce392e63824 name:F-1 Race (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATOTPGVT + code:e411/e6/60 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SAUSTPVG + code:d13e/c6/85 cheat description:Don't lose speed when driving over grass/dirt - code:SXXIIZSA+SXXSLZSA + code:d2a5/85/a5+d2ab/85/a5 cheat description:Don't lose speed when skidding in the road - code:SXEKYLSA + code:c38f/85/a5 cartridge sha256:3fd39ba2cdd6e220b07050d752a2c67d4a0f16a72ea9e519adf7390721cd9bdd name:F15 City War (USA) (v1.1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00E4:09 + code:00e4/09 cartridge sha256:0e3db714b82795111afa386f32534ece968d0f8ccb63dc70189d2010dc77a2a7 name:F15 City War (USA) (v1.0) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00E4:09 + code:00e4/09 cartridge sha256:bf4b9f8706814e9164971a3c32535bb2ec718232cf05decda785770fa949d396 name:F-15 Strike Eagle (USA) cheat description:Infinite type 1 missiles - code:004A:09 + code:004a/09 cheat description:Infinite type 2 missiles - code:004B:09 + code:004b/09 cheat description:Infinite type 3 missiles - code:004C:09 + code:004c/09 cheat description:Billions of points - code:0171:09 + code:0171/09 cartridge sha256:69bc9f0a2f0cd50d624fafced0051056fd91816f0593719678a42c8637622426 name:F-117A - Stealth Fighter (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXXOATSA + code:96a8/85/a5 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0026:00 + code:0026/00 cheat description:Infinite AAM Missiles - code:001F:63 + code:001f/63 cheat description:Infinite AGM Missiles - code:0020:63 + code:0020/63 cheat description:Infinite Flares - code:0021:63 + code:0021/63 cheat description:Infinite Chaff - code:0022:63 + code:0022/63 cheat description:Have 5 million+ points - code:0175:FF + code:0175/ff cartridge sha256:0de5af54fd433bc6678cd8c62b5e6f0a0987c26d64b2081764e66263cf0c658c name:Family Feud (USA) cheat description:Infinite time to answer a question - code:SXKKESVK + code:cdc8/ce/ad cheat description:10 strikes allowed - code:ZESOGALE + code:90dc/03/0a cartridge sha256:e0b124ddd8ac7be9e0f0b14679a089c475646fe97425fea36674d75a0f481461 name:Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVIAAVG + code:d0e0/c6/a5 cheat description:Spiders, bats, ants and rats do no damage - code:AAVYPXAA + code:f261/08/00 cheat description:Play bubble sub-game only - code:YYUZPSTE + code:a531/0e/7f cheat description:Play river sub-game only - code:TYUZPSTE + code:a531/0e/7e cheat description:Play mine sub-game only - code:IYUZPSTE + code:a531/0e/7d cheat description:Play puzzle sub-game ony - code:ZYUZPSTE + code:a531/0e/7a cheat description:Start with 10 stars instead of 100 - code:ZEKYVZGV + code:fac6/64/0a cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAOAZAZE + code:8012/02/09 cartridge sha256:ad14301747e0ae0f9b941c6002102d69916ca5e87b355156ab79311ce8dd7236 name:Fantasy Zone (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZEVYTVK + code:e60f/c6/a9 cheat description:Keep bought weapon for a life - code:OXETOAVK + code:e881/c6/a9 cheat description:Keep bought weapon until next shop visit - code:OXETOAVK+OGOVATSE + code:e881/c6/a9+e618/85/c9 cheat description:Autofire on all weapons - code:AAOVKTPA + code:ee1c/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXVOPLA + code:e929/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXVOPLA + code:e929/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXVOPLE + code:e929/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TASVYYAA + code:e75f/00/06 cartridge sha256:6f23f245b9edc5af0c07fab9e12f5c0571ea0f52413e4ce6ad36e2f57ddf4097 name:Faria - A World of Mystery & Danger! (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:SAOEGPST+SEUUEAST + code:811c/e5/85+b8b8/e5/85 cheat description:Infinite batteries - code:SZXGINVK + code:c725/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXOLYOVK + code:b197/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Sede magic - code:GXSAASVK + code:85d0/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite Saba magic - code:GXNEZSVK + code:85fa/ce/2c cheat description:Get 250 arrows when buying any amount of arrows - code:AAVZSPZA + code:a965/02/00 cheat description:Don't get charged in shops for items you can afford - code:GZXXZUSE+GZXXYUSE+GZUZGUSE + code:a32a/8d/2c+a32f/8d/2c+a334/8d/2c cartridge sha256:58f2ba801354a8e5b32e7d1cbcc740b8dc838e7d48c3d2f3eedea36b49b1a518 name:Faxanadu (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite P (health) - code:GXOGZESV+GXOKLESV + code:c092/ed/2c+c09b/ed/2c cheat description:Infinite M (magic) - code:AEENEZZA + code:fa88/02/00 cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:SXXNUOSE+SXUYUOSE+SXUNUOSE + code:f9ab/8d/ad+f9b3/8d/ad+f9bb/8d/ad cheat description:Jump in direction you are facing - code:AVXVGPSZ + code:e1ac/a5/60 cheat description:Slow mode - code:AAUTAEOY+AAKTPAKY+AAUTZAPA + code:e030/f9/00+e041/f4/00+e032/01/00 cheat description:Start with double P (health) - code:AXXSNTAP + code:deaf/10/20 cheat description:Start with triple P (health) - code:AUXSNTAP + code:deaf/10/30 cheat description:Start with half normal amount of Gold - code:IASEPSZA + code:8559/0a/05 cheat description:Start with double normal amount of Gold - code:GPSEPSZA + code:8559/0a/14 cheat description:Invincibility - code:00AD:48 + code:00ad/48 cheat description:Infinite P (health) (alt) - code:0431:55 + code:0431/55 cheat description:Infinite M (magic) (alt) - code:039A:50 + code:039a/50 cheat description:Infinite Gold (alt) - code:0394:FF + code:0394/ff cheat description:Have Wing Boots ability (hold up and A) - code:0429:0A + code:0429/0a cheat description:Walk faster - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cartridge sha256:52f7e7309f1f53f632912182f3a65f574c949392ab92f55c2494a7e648ef5ccb name:Faxanadu (USA) cheat description:Infinite P (health) - code:GXOGZESV+GXOKLESV + code:c092/ed/2c+c09b/ed/2c cheat description:Infinite M (magic) - code:AEENEZZA + code:fa88/02/00 cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:SXXNUOSE+SXUYUOSE+SXUNUOSE + code:f9ab/8d/ad+f9b3/8d/ad+f9bb/8d/ad cheat description:Jump in direction you are facing - code:AVXVGPSZ + code:e1ac/a5/60 cheat description:Slow mode - code:AAUTAEOY+AAKTPAKY+AAUTZAPA + code:e030/f9/00+e041/f4/00+e032/01/00 cheat description:Start with double P (health) - code:AXXSNTAP + code:deaf/10/20 cheat description:Start with triple P (health) - code:AUXSNTAP + code:deaf/10/30 cheat description:Start with half normal amount of Gold - code:IASEPSZA + code:8559/0a/05 cheat description:Start with double normal amount of Gold - code:GPSEPSZA + code:8559/0a/14 cheat description:Invincibility - code:00AD:48 + code:00ad/48 cheat description:Infinite P (health) (alt) - code:0431:55 + code:0431/55 cheat description:Infinite M (magic) (alt) - code:039A:50 + code:039a/50 cheat description:Infinite Gold (alt) - code:0394:FF + code:0394/ff cheat description:Have Wing Boots ability (hold up and A) - code:0429:0A + code:0429/0a cheat description:Walk faster - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cartridge sha256:884b46ad4eb5160a94c19e8954846d644be36803efc53c977e99b1342886cc6b name:Felix the Cat (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SUNNGNSO + code:f7fc/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEUYKPPA + code:f9b4/01/00 + cheat + description:Weapon has longer reach + code:8efa/30/10 cheat description:Hearts can't be replenished from bottles - code:AAEENAZA + code:880f/02/00 cheat description:Bottles replenish more hearts - code:GAEENAZA + code:880f/02/04 cheat description:Bottles replenish even more hearts - code:AAEENAZE + code:880f/02/08 cheat description:1 Felix icon gives 2 - code:ZAOSOZPA+APNSOXPO + code:da19/01/02+da79/19/18 + cheat + description:No sound effects + code:8608/90/b0 + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:d111/d0/70+d12a/d0/70 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:APUGAGZO + code:c430/12/18 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IPUGAGZP + code:c430/12/15 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:APUGAGZP + code:c430/12/10 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:03CD:03 + code:03cd/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:03A6:19 + code:03a6/19 cheat description:Infinite special - code:03C0:0A + code:03c0/0a cheat description:Have 99 Felix icons - code:03A7:19+03A8:19 + code:03a7/19+03a8/19 cheat description:Play as Magic/Balloon Felix - code:03C6:01 + code:03c6/01 cheat description:Play as Buggy/Plane Felix - code:03C6:02 + code:03c6/02 cheat description:Play as Tank Felix - code:03C6:03 + code:03c6/03 cartridge sha256:c0c98471130cd09c82af6ead5e706c9299cc2cb4584016a5e5eb0c8897380172 name:Fester's Quest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AYIPOG + code:9c51/70 cheat description:Infinite health - code:XVEPUKVK + code:9c83/ce/ea cheat description:Infinite Invisible Potions on pick-up - code:SZEIYOVK + code:d107/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Missiles on pick-up - code:SZVVXUVK + code:eb6a/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Money - code:SZUSYOSE + code:d13f/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Nooses on pick-up - code:SXUITEVK + code:d0b6/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Potions on pick-up - code:SXVSLEVK + code:d0eb/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite T.N.T on pick-up - code:SZNIYOVK + code:d177/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Vice Grips on pick-up - code:SXSITEVK + code:d0d6/ce/ad cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:04F8:C0 + code:04f8/c0 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:04E5:03+04E9:03 + code:04e5/03+04e9/03 cheat description:Max health - code:04EA:04 + code:04ea/04 cheat description:Have level 8 Gun - code:04E7:08 + code:04e7/08 cheat description:Have level 4 Whip - code:04E8:04 + code:04e8/04 cheat description:Infinite Bulbs - code:015C:64 + code:015c/64 cheat description:Infinite Invisible Potions - code:0161:64 + code:0161/64 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:015D:64 + code:015d/64 cheat description:Infinite Money (alt) - code:0162:64 + code:0162/64 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:0163:64 + code:0163/64 cheat description:Infinite Nooses - code:015E:64 + code:015e/64 cheat description:Infinite Potions - code:0160:64 + code:0160/64 cheat description:Infinite T.N.T - code:0164:64 + code:0164/64 cheat description:Infinite Vice Grips - code:015F:64 + code:015f/64 cartridge sha256:179bd9c16fc5b85168fecac685045ed58f6bec5a51363babb7aaaaceb6fa0932 name:Fighting Road (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXESLTSA + code:d68b/85/a5 cartridge sha256:2ae778c5a59fac650fa97e93d883381dbf96c5a0ad2c1db94fd822663904f7e5 name:Final Combat (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSZAVSE+SXOGGNSE + code:a6d0/8d/ad+c794/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVLOLVI + code:bb61/d6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZNOOSVK + code:9d79/ce/ad cartridge sha256:fa456d852372173ea31b192459ba1a2026f779df67793327ba6e132476c1d034 name:Final Fantasy (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite Gold - code:GXSZPKSV+GXSXZKSV + code:a4d1/ed/2c+a4da/ed/2c cheat description:999999+ Gold - code:NYOUTAAE + code:b01e/00/ff cheat description:Gain 65535 EXP from every battle - code:PEIOOT + code:9ed9/01 cheat description:Enemies don't attack - code:EAZLLL + code:b323/80 cheat description:Non-magic users can use level 1 magic - code:ELEXVLEY+AESGANGA+AESGGNAA + code:ab0e/f0/b0+c7d0/0c/00+c7d4/08/00 cheat description:LIFE spell never uses up Magic Points - code:SZULIEVS + code:b035/de/ad cheat description:LIF2 spell never uses up Magic Points - code:SZVULEVS + code:b06b/de/ad cheat description:Magic users start with 6 Magic Points - code:TESGTYZA + code:c7d6/02/06 cheat description:Magic users start with 9 Magic Points - code:PESGTYZE + code:c7d6/02/09 cheat description:No random battles (enable at start of game) - code:OOTPVP + code:99e6/91 cheat description:Double Fighter's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:TGKLPALZ + code:b041/23/46 cheat description:Double Fighter's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:GPKUAEZA + code:b048/0a/14 cheat description:Double Fighter's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:ZTKUPAIU + code:b049/35/6a cheat description:Double Fighter's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:ZAKLTAIE + code:b046/05/0a cheat description:Double Thief's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:GLSLPETO + code:b051/1e/3c cheat description:Triple Thief's Damage (enable at start of game) - code:TASLYAZA + code:b057/02/06 cheat description:Double Thief's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:ZASUAAIE + code:b058/05/0a cheat description:Double Thief's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:GYSUPEZL + code:b059/3a/74 cheat description:Double Thief's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:TPSLTEYE + code:b056/0f/1e cheat description:Double Black Belt's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:ZGVLPAPZ + code:b061/21/42 cheat description:Triple Black Belt's Damage (enable at start of game) - code:TAVLYAZA + code:b067/02/06 cheat description:Double Black Belt's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:ZAVUAAIE + code:b068/05/0a cheat description:Double Black Belt's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:ZTVUPAIU + code:b069/35/6a cheat description:Double Black Belt's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:ZAVLTAIE + code:b066/05/0a cheat description:Double Red Mage's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:GLNLPETO + code:b071/1e/3c cheat description:Double Red Mage's Damage (enable at start of game) - code:ZANLYAIE + code:b077/05/0a cheat description:Double Red Mage's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:TANUAAYE + code:b078/07/0e cheat description:Double Red Mage's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:GYNUPEZL + code:b079/3a/74 cheat description:Double Red Mage's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:ZANLTAIE + code:b076/05/0a cheat description:Double White Mage's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:AUELPEGO + code:b081/1c/38 cheat description:Triple White Mage's Damage (enable at start of game) - code:TEELYAZA + code:b087/02/06 cheat description:Double White Mage's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:ZEEUAAIE + code:b088/05/0a cheat description:Double White Mage's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:ZVEUPAIU + code:b089/35/6a cheat description:Double White Mage's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:ZEELTAIE + code:b086/05/0a cheat description:Double Black Mage's Hit Points (enable at start of game) - code:ZUOLPEPP + code:b091/19/32 cheat description:Triple Black Mage's Damage (enable at start of game) - code:LEOLYAPA + code:b097/01/03 cheat description:Double Black Mage's Hit (enable at start of game) - code:ZEOUAAIE + code:b098/05/0a cheat description:Double Black Mage's Evade (enable at start of game) - code:GNOUPEZL + code:b099/3a/74 cheat description:Double Black Mage's Luck (enable at start of game) - code:GOOLTEZA + code:b096/0a/14 cheat description:Start with 800 Gold - code:AZOUGAEP+LAOUIAPA + code:b01c/90/20+b01d/01/03 cheat description:More enemies, more difficult - code:6D8D:99 + code:6d8d/99 cheat description:No random battles (alt) - code:00F5:FF + code:00f5/ff cheat description:Have Adamant - code:6027:01 + code:6027/01 cheat description:Have Bottle - code:602F:01 + code:602f/01 cheat description:Have Canoe - code:6031:01 + code:6031/01 cheat description:Have Chime - code:602C:01 + code:602c/01 cheat description:Have Crown - code:6022:01 + code:6022/01 cheat description:Have Crystal - code:6023:01 + code:6023/01 cheat description:Have Cube - code:602E:01 + code:602e/01 cheat description:Have Floater - code:602B:01 + code:602b/01 cheat description:Have Herb - code:6024:01 + code:6024/01 cheat description:Have Key - code:6025:01 + code:6025/01 cheat description:Have Lute - code:6021:01 + code:6021/01 cheat description:Have Oxyale - code:6030:01 + code:6030/01 cheat description:Have Rod - code:602A:01 + code:602a/01 cheat description:Have Ruby - code:6029:01 + code:6029/01 cheat description:Have Slab - code:6028:01 + code:6028/01 cheat description:Have Tail - code:602D:01 + code:602d/01 cheat description:Have TNT - code:6026:01 + code:6026/01 cheat description:Have first Crystal lit - code:6032:01 + code:6032/01 cheat description:Have second Crystal lit - code:6033:01 + code:6033/01 cheat description:Have third Crystal lit - code:6034:01 + code:6034/01 cheat description:Have last Crystal lit - code:6035:01 + code:6035/01 cheat description:Character 1 - 255 HP - code:610A:FF + code:610a/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 99 STR - code:6110:63 + code:6110/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 AGL - code:6111:63 + code:6111/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 INT - code:6112:63 + code:6112/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 VIT - code:6113:63 + code:6113/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 Luck - code:6114:63 + code:6114/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 255 Damage - code:6120:FF + code:6120/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 255 Hit % - code:6121:FF + code:6121/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 255 Absorb - code:6122:FF + code:6122/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 255 Evade % - code:6123:FF + code:6123/ff cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 1 magic use - code:6320:08+6328:08 + code:6320/08+6328/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 2 magic use - code:6321:08+6329:08 + code:6321/08+6329/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 3 magic use - code:6322:08+632A:08 + code:6322/08+632a/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 4 magic use - code:6323:08+632B:08 + code:6323/08+632b/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 5 magic use - code:6324:08+632C:08 + code:6324/08+632c/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 6 magic use - code:6325:08+632D:08 + code:6325/08+632d/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 7 magic use - code:6326:08+632E:08 + code:6326/08+632e/08 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite level 8 magic use - code:6327:08+632F:08 + code:6327/08+632f/08 cheat description:Character 2 - 255 HP - code:614A:FF + code:614a/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 99 STR - code:6150:63 + code:6150/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 AGL - code:6151:63 + code:6151/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 INT - code:6152:63 + code:6152/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 VIT - code:6153:63 + code:6153/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 Luck - code:6154:63 + code:6154/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Damage - code:6160:FF + code:6160/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Hit % - code:6161:FF + code:6161/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Absorb - code:6162:FF + code:6162/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Evade % - code:6163:FF + code:6163/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 HP - code:618A:FF + code:618a/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 99 STR - code:6190:63 + code:6190/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 99 AGL - code:6191:63 + code:6191/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 99 INT - code:6192:63 + code:6192/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 99 VIT - code:6193:63 + code:6193/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 99 Luck - code:6194:63 + code:6194/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Damage - code:61A0:FF + code:61a0/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Hit % - code:61A1:FF + code:61a1/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Absorb - code:61A2:FF + code:61a2/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Evade % - code:61A3:FF + code:61a3/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 HP - code:61CA:FF + code:61ca/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 99 STR - code:61D0:63 + code:61d0/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 99 AGL - code:61D1:63 + code:61d1/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 99 INT - code:61D2:63 + code:61d2/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 99 VIT - code:61D3:63 + code:61d3/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 99 Luck - code:61D4:63 + code:61d4/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Damage - code:61E0:FF + code:61e0/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Hit % - code:61E1:FF + code:61e1/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Absorb - code:61E2:FF + code:61e2/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Evade % - code:61E3:FF + code:61e3/ff cartridge sha256:7ff89b50156b6f5b3d78d3d2eeec8a9221d9f7b18f8350abf89b7867a205f710 name:Final Fantasy III (Japan) cheat description:Infinite capacity points. You still have to have enough points to make the job change, but no points will be subtracted from your total - code:SXOXUUSE + code:ab9b/8d/ad cheat description:All items in shops are free. You must have enough to cover the item, but will not be charged - code:XVULAASV + code:b0b0/e5/ea cheat description:Knife casts a FIRE spell when used as a item in battle - code:PUNPGKYY + code:94f4/7f/31 cheat description:Knife casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:TENPGKYN + code:94f4/7f/0e cheat description:Knife casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IONPGKYY + code:94f4/7f/15 cheat description:Knife casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IONPGKYN + code:94f4/7f/1d cheat description:Knife casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle - code:PENPGKYY + code:94f4/7f/01 cheat description:Knife casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZENPGKYY + code:94f4/7f/02 cheat description:Knife casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle - code:LENPGKYN + code:94f4/7f/0b cheat description:Knife casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZENPGKYN + code:94f4/7f/0a cheat description:Dagger casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:TENOGKYN + code:94fc/7f/0e cheat description:Dagger casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IONOGKYY + code:94fc/7f/15 cheat description:Dagger casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IONOGKYN + code:94fc/7f/1d cheat description:Dagger casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle - code:PENOGKYY + code:94fc/7f/01 cheat description:Dagger casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZENOGKYY + code:94fc/7f/02 cheat description:Dagger casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle - code:LENOGKYN + code:94fc/7f/0b cheat description:Dagger casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZENOGKYN + code:94fc/7f/0a cheat description:Long Sword casts a FIRE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:TAXPGSYN + code:9524/7f/0e cheat description:Long Sword casts a BOLT3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IPXPGSYY + code:9524/7f/15 cheat description:Long Sword casts a ICE3 spell when used as a item in battle - code:IPXPGSYN + code:9524/7f/1d cheat description:Long Sword casts a DEATH spell when used as a item in battle - code:PAXPGSYY + code:9524/7f/01 cheat description:Long Sword casts a METEO spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZAXPGSYY + code:9524/7f/02 cheat description:Long Sword casts a HEAL spell when used as a item in battle - code:LAXPGSYN + code:9524/7f/0b cheat description:Long Sword casts a CURE4 spell when used as a item in battle - code:ZAXPGSYN + code:9524/7f/0a cartridge sha256:5f21fadd084947d11224d1f37218a504bd75f7c6f17212f638a6917ba8a96f99 name:Fire Bam (FDS) cheat description:All fire items worth 65,535 - code:NYEPXZAE + code:9a02/00/ff cheat description:Start with 65,534 Fire - code:VNKIKYOE+NNKISNPE + code:dfc4/81/fe+dfc5/09/ff cartridge sha256:9a0cc935c7d8452eff5b90f591bb6390d04362545ecd66b4be67a875ad63dc73 name:Fire Dragon (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:One fireball needed to finish the level - code:034F:04 + code:034f/04 cheat description:Start on stage 50 - code:034D:32 + code:034d/32 cartridge sha256:3f5ed8b5207ff10ef490e7533bdd8419e5266101d4049d7689c01b5b352a4547 name:Fire Hawk (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OZOXOTES + code:ae19/d0/a9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAOEPALA + code:8019/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOEPALA + code:8019/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAOEPALE + code:8019/03/09 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:04DA:1F + code:04da/1f cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:04DC:1F + code:04dc/1f cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:04F4:26 + code:04f4/26 + +cartridge sha256:db16f0a5cb05dfa9344e0ae459f6c44fac7c28d4a8ecd47d3418053ab16c8a62 + name:Fire 'n Ice (USA) + cheat + description:Automatically finish levels + code:f48f/08/00 cartridge sha256:04264565cf33f4bd1b23a3f7a1be1487a548c7f6b85323c68af754b0927b0a56 name:Fist of the North Star (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXXGAIAX + code:c5a0/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSGUGSA + code:cc53/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZSVGTVG + code:e65c/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKKYPVG + code:c1cf/c6/a5 cheat description:One hit kills you - code:OTSGOGSV + code:cc51/e5/e9 cheat description:Sweep kick damages enemies more - code:TEELTPPA + code:b186/01/06 cheat description:Straight kick damages enemies more - code:AEOLGPLE + code:b194/03/08 cheat description:Can't be knocked back by big thugs - code:AAUKVGGA + code:cc3e/04/00 cheat description:Pogo stick - code:EISGUPEY + code:c953/f0/d0 cheat description:Take minimum damage from all enemies - code:OTSGOGSV+PASGXKOI + code:cc51/e5/e9+cc52/d9/01 cheat description:Any attack mega-damages enemies - code:OVOUZPSV+ZEOULOOS + code:b19a/e5/e9+b19b/d9/0a cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEKKGALA + code:c0cc/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEKKGALA + code:c0cc/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEKKGALE + code:c0cc/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0066 01 + code:0066/01 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0073:38 + code:0073/38 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0065 09 + code:0065/09 cheat description:Infinite power - code:006C 07 + code:006c/07 cheat description:Infinite Bomb - code:0063 07 + code:0063/07 cartridge sha256:6e5bdfe7ee4cc4d949ea80016dbfb2b4322bbe193b5f28483ce7009e506efe40 name:Flight of the Intruder (USA) cheat description:Infinite radar-guided missiles - bombing/strafing screen - code:GZUOZYVG + code:973a/c6/24 cheat description:Start with 9 radar-guided missiles - bombing/strafing screen - code:PAOALZTE + code:8213/06/09 cheat description:Infinite missiles - cockpit screen - code:GZUOLKVK + code:943b/ce/2c cheat description:Start each mission with 6 missiles - code:OZKZTXOK+AAKXGZPA + code:a246/c9/a9+a24c/01/00 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:GAKGKGAA + code:cc44/00/04 cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:ZAKGKGAE + code:cc44/00/0a cheat description:Start on mission 9 - code:APKGKGAA + code:cc44/00/10 cheat description:Start on mission 12 - code:TPKGKGAA + code:cc44/00/16 cartridge sha256:3036a59bb7bf16a3b80c94750bccaa35be9ab5cd94f99d68d3979ec53cd42c03 name:Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVOPZOVG + code:9192/ce/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOAAEVK + code:8090/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite energy (hearts) - code:SZNTZKVK+SXOPZOVK + code:e472/ce/ad+9192/ce/ad cheat description:15 coins on pick-up - code:YESTZZIE + code:e2d2/05/0f cheat description:2 coins on pick-up - code:ZESTZZIA + code:e2d2/05/02 cheat description:Slingshot doesn't use up coins - code:AAUAXTLA + code:8e32/03/00 cheat description:Axe doesn't use up coins - code:AAUAUTLA + code:8e33/03/00 cheat description:Bomb doesn't use up coins - code:AAUAKVZA + code:8e34/0a/00 cheat description:Infinite Firepower - code:AETEKI + code:8dec/00 cheat description:Max power charge - code:LOKOEPPA+LPEZLPPA+LOEPLPPA+LPUOLZPA + code:99c8/01/13+a103/01/13+9183/01/13+923b/01/13 cheat description:Start with Slingshot - code:PEEAAPAA + code:8180/00/01 cheat description:Start with Axe - code:ZEEAAPAA + code:8180/00/02 cheat description:Start with Bomb - code:GEEAAPAA + code:8180/00/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAVAYPZA + code:8167/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAVAYPZA + code:8167/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAVAYPZE + code:8167/02/08 cheat description:Start with 99 coins - code:LTNELOZA + code:817b/0a/63 cheat description:Infinite energy (hearts) (alt) - code:0308:03 + code:0308/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0305:09 + code:0305/09 cheat description:Infinite Coins - code:030B:FF + code:030b/ff cheat description:Max power charge (alt) - code:0312:0C + code:0312/0c cheat description:One hit kills on most bosses - code:03D7:00 + code:03d7/00 cartridge sha256:8da82a28be164453d1f8aa293fc8b02aaede397b52622a14ead331e475e5ca2f name:Flintstones, The - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVEPKOSA + code:9984/8d/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEETEVK + code:808e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite energy - code:AANONPPA + code:997f/01/00 cheat description:Infinite energy (alt) - code:SXEPKOSE + code:9984/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite stone hammers on pick-up - code:SXXOUVSE + code:9eab/8d/ad cheat description:Enemies do more damage (3 hearts) - code:LANONPPA + code:997f/01/03 cheat description:Get bowling ball instead of stone hammer - code:ZEEEUYPA + code:8f8b/01/02 cheat description:Get mystery item instead of stone hammer - code:LEEEUYPA + code:8f8b/01/03 cheat description:Continue on Level 2 - code:PAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/01 cheat description:Continue on Level 3 - code:ZAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/02 cheat description:Continue on Level 4 - code:LAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/03 cheat description:Continue on Level 5 - code:GAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/04 cheat description:Continue on Level 6 - code:IAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/05 cheat description:Continue on Level 7 - code:TAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/06 cheat description:Continue on Level 8 - code:YAKAVPAA + code:8946/00/07 cheat description:Continue on Level 9 - code:AAKAVPAE + code:8946/00/08 cheat description:Continue on Level 10 - code:PAKAVPAE + code:8946/00/09 cheat description:Start with max power - code:GOEATOGA + code:8186/0c/14 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:PANELPLA + code:817b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 2 hearts - code:ZANELPLA + code:817b/03/02 cheat description:Start with 6 hearts - code:TANELPLA + code:817b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 hearts - code:PANELPLE + code:817b/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:AASALPZA + code:8153/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:GASALPZA + code:8153/02/04 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AASALPZE + code:8153/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:VTNEXOSE + code:897a/8d/ee cartridge sha256:fd7523b5ec5769e4d782a9699a2253bd15d0036111b8ed26195238b35b74257d name:Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll (USA) cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:VEKLTAKZ + code:b0c6/a4/86 cheat description:Start with infinite time - code:GXEEEPVG + code:8988/c6/24 cheat description:Start with double KO power - code:TAOXULLA + code:ab1b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PANATALA + code:8076/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TANATALA + code:8076/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PANATALE + code:8076/03/09 cartridge sha256:5e2db0db6b1d3d7fe1630a6bab38a66081e3266070a4dfac9c3ace9edf39375e name:Flying Hero (Japan) cheat description:Finish levels automatically - code:03A9:00 + code:03a9/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0400:03 + code:0400/03 cheat description:Max Bounce - code:04B0:03 + code:04b0/03 cheat description:One hit kills on Fires - code:0510:80 + code:0510/80 cartridge sha256:1568e77e6533087eee26f952b0f58373fc5e56c4b2139023dbfdadc0828249c8 name:Flying Warriors (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SXNKIKSE + code:c4fd/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVGKOVK + code:c964/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite KO's - code:SXOZPKSE+SZSKLXSE + code:a491/8d/ad+c25b/8d/ad cheat description:Infnite credits - code:SZXEZZVG + code:822a/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:eedcf3fae4fe66102a1bf1338a1ea3276f5aadb3c3bc5770dd1d260e2fc44bac name:Formation Z (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZSXPESE+SZSXAKSE+SXXXVUSE+SXEPXNSE+SZVOTNSE+SXOXSXSE+SXUZONSE+SXNXKSSE+SZXOPVSE+SZOOTVSE + code:a059/8d/ad+a458/8d/ad+abae/8d/ad+9f82/8d/ad+976e/8d/ad+aa9d/8d/ad+afb1/8d/ad+adfc/8d/ad+9629/8d/ad+961e/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:IXSOTTVG + code:96de/c6/25 cartridge sha256:758ea7bee928136abf612ba564fab4dd4f3caa951cb685bc8e1d4533c7b0680e name:Formula One - Built to Win (USA) cheat description:Infinite nitro - code:SXUIXEVK + code:d8b2/ce/ad cheat description:Better nitro - code:ATKSXAAZ + code:d84a/20/60 cheat description:Psycho speed - code:AAVSOAZA + code:d869/02/00 cheat description:Items cost nothing - code:ATNUVUSZ + code:bb7e/ad/60 cheat description:Items for free - code:ATNUVUSZ+ATVUKLST + code:bb7e/ad/60+bb6c/e5/60 cartridge sha256:e9fe69c87a9ab1183ce8492843bacf868e1f8df2fd4e1441403091d13025a619 name:Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates - The Revenge of Captain Hook (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOKYLVG + code:c31f/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite flight meter - code:SZVSXXVK + code:da6a/ce/ad cheat description:Slower flight meter - code:GASSNZGE + code:da5f/04/0c cheat description:Faster flight meter - code:ZASSNZGA + code:da5f/04/02 cheat description:Faster flying left and right - code:ZAUIUZPA+ZAOIVAPA + code:da33/01/02+d816/01/02 cheat description:Start with 30 units of health - code:TONGZKZE+TPXKYUZE + code:c4f2/0a/1e+c32f/0a/1e cheat description:Start with 5 units of health - code:IENGZKZA+IAXKYUZA + code:c4f2/0a/05+c32f/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENKLGLA + code:c4fb/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TENKLGLA + code:c4fb/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENKLGLE + code:c4fb/03/09 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0051:FF + code:0051/ff cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0050:09 + code:0050/09 cheat description:Infinite Flight meter (alt) - code:0640:FF + code:0640/ff cartridge sha256:682a0629d25275a95975e3822ded9fc6cfe5ce8dfb4650aeda0981bfe6a6afc0 name:Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ZEVKLGAA + code:c4eb/00/02 cheat description:Invincible after you die once (may get stuck in boss stages) - code:SZKEPASA+SZEGPASA + code:8049/85/a5+c001/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKELLSA+SZNOYASA+SXKEOLSA+SXUOZASA+SXUOGASA + code:83cb/85/a5+907f/85/a5+8bc9/85/a5+90ba/85/a5+90bc/85/a5 cheat description:Can't collect extra energy - code:SZEEULSA + code:8b0b/85/a5 cheat description:Die after one hit - code:EEKAYLEL + code:83c7/b0/80 cheat description:Start with 0 continue - code:PEOGYPLA + code:c197/03/01 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:007D:08 + code:007d/08 cartridge sha256:995b57f7d2c68a5689549fc53645dcc44f871c8d172e15deafd7389bc3f6ee0a name:Freedom Force (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZVAYLSA + code:8367/85/24 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:AEUTLYZZ + code:e7b3/22/00 cheat description:Infinite errors allowed - code:OXOTYNOK + code:e797/c9/a9 cheat description:Fewer errors allowed - code:LEOVAYTA + code:e798/06/03 cheat description:Start with half health - code:GAKVYVAO + code:e64f/18/0c cheat description:Start with half ammo - code:ZOOTYTGZ + code:e697/24/12 cheat description:Start at level 2 - code:ZAUTLTPA + code:e633/01/02 cheat description:Start at level 3 - code:LAUTLTPA + code:e633/01/03 cheat description:Start at level 4 - code:GAUTLTPA + code:e633/01/04 cheat description:Start at level 5 - code:IAUTLTPA + code:e633/01/05 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0516:18 + code:0516/18 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:0526:18 + code:0526/18 cheat description:Infinite ammo - P1 - code:0515:24 + code:0515/24 cheat description:Infinite ammo - P2 - code:0525:24 + code:0525/24 cheat description:Infinite errors allowed - P1 - code:0517:00 + code:0517/00 cheat description:Infinite errors allowed - P2 - code:0527:00 + code:0527/00 cheat description:Infinite time in bonus stages (disable to continue) - code:0089:09 + code:0089/09 cheat description:Automatically finish stage - code:00C2:3C + code:00c2/3c cartridge sha256:ea054316b0e2ab99c2dcbcccacb4f28bae6809f183d29a4cb797a07f55ad8ff8 name:Free Fall (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite hands - code:OLNKSVOO + code:ce7d/99/b9 cheat description:Freeze time (disable at end of level so counter can decrease) - code:SLKIAASP + code:d040/95/b5 cheat description:One saved to beat level - code:OZVSZGSX+IYVSIKEI+PAVSTGGA + code:d46a/a5/a9+d46d/d8/75+d46e/04/01 cheat description:No score decrease with loss of men - code:AAOGUTZV+ALOGXTSZ + code:ce13/62/08+ce12/a5/30 cheat description:Each dead man, one to score instead of five - code:LTOGUTZT + code:ce13/62/63 cartridge sha256:7e94b4fe8c33439779bb653d007ba4678dd589636ffbc87d1535629578a64d5e name:Friday the 13th (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZEXSYAX + code:af0d/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZESKSSE + code:dd0c/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health for active counselor - code:OTEIVISV + code:dd06/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite child save time - code:SZNUGYAX + code:b77c/20/ad cheat description:Infinite children - code:SZSLUEVK+IYKLSEAY + code:b853/ce/ad+b845/78/75 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AIKIUGEI + code:dc43/d0/50 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AEOSOGZP + code:dc99/12/00 cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AESGXZZZ + code:cad2/22/00 cheat description:No enemies - code:AEKGKLZA+SXXISXVN + code:cbc4/02/00+daa5/fe/ad cheat description:Vitamins heal active counselor better - code:ZZOUAGTE + code:b418/06/2a cheat description:Vitamins heal others better - code:AZEVXLGE + code:eb0a/04/28 cheat description:Autofire - code:INNLIZGY + code:b2f5/74/75 cheat description:Everyone can jump high - code:GAEUZIAE + code:b50a/00/0c cheat description:Turbo running - code:SZVLGXOU+YPVLIXAV + code:b264/b9/ad+b265/68/1f cheat description:Throw rocks straight - code:YEEGIZSZ + code:c285/a5/07 cheat description:Start with 55 children - code:IEVANTPA+YUNESVYA + code:8ee7/01/05+8efd/0f/37 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0488:03 + code:0488/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0505:FF + code:0505/ff cheat description:Infinite Medicine - code:0519:09 + code:0519/09 cheat description:Infinite Children - code:0504:05 + code:0504/05 cheat description:Infinite child save time (alt) - code:058D:09 + code:058d/09 cheat description:Have the Torch - code:0506:00 + code:0506/00 cheat description:Have the Knife - code:0506:01 + code:0506/01 cheat description:Have the Axe - code:0506:02 + code:0506/02 cheat description:Have the Stone - code:0506:03 + code:0506/03 cheat description:Have the Cleaver - code:0506:04 + code:0506/04 cheat description:Have the Pitchfork - code:0506:05 + code:0506/05 cheat description:Have the Lighter Torch - code:0517:01 + code:0517/01 cheat description:Have the Flashlight - code:0518:01 + code:0518/01 cheat description:Have the Key - code:051A:01 + code:051a/01 cheat description:Jason has no health - code:051C:00 + code:051c/00 cheat description:Play as George - code:0507:00 + code:0507/00 cheat description:Play as Mark - code:0507:01 + code:0507/01 cheat description:Play as Paul - code:0507:02 + code:0507/02 cheat description:Play as Laura - code:0507:03 + code:0507/03 cheat description:Play as Debbie - code:0507:04 + code:0507/04 cheat description:Play as Crissy - code:0507:05 + code:0507/05 cheat description:Set time - day - code:0508:00 + code:0508/00 cheat description:Set time - dusk - code:0508:01 + code:0508/01 cheat description:Set time - night - code:0508:02 + code:0508/02 cartridge sha256:d077b282b751a246549e334885d83ee587d9e6178b170afcf57553ec62015c52 name:G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESVOGGEY+XVNPAKAU + code:94ec/f0/d0+94f0/38/ea cheat description:Infinite health - code:OLNTYKOO + code:e477/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SXVXOVSE + code:aee9/8d/ad cheat description:Infinte time - code:SXNETUSE + code:83fe/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:AENATLPA + code:83f6/01/00 cheat description:More health - Duke - code:GOUTKSIA + code:edb4/0d/14 cheat description:More health - Blizzard - code:GOUTSSGA + code:edb5/0c/14 cheat description:More health - Snake Eyes - code:GOUTVSZA + code:edb6/0a/14 cheat description:More health - Capt. Grid-Iron - code:GOUTNSLA + code:edb7/0b/14 cheat description:More health - Rock and Roll - code:GOUVESPA + code:edb8/09/14 cheat description:Less health - Duke - code:TEUTKSIA + code:edb4/0d/06 cheat description:Less health - Blizzard - code:TEUTSSGA + code:edb5/0c/06 cheat description:Less health - Snake Eyes - code:IEUTVSZA + code:edb6/0a/05 cheat description:Less health - Capt. Grid-Iron - code:IEUTNSLA + code:edb7/0b/05 cheat description:Less health - Rock and Roll - code:GEUVESPA + code:edb8/09/04 cheat description:Shorter immunity - code:ALNVIKAY + code:e47d/78/30 cheat description:Longer immunity - code:NYNVIKAN + code:e47d/78/ff cheat description:Max health on pick-up - code:AAUEPPLA + code:8139/03/00 cheat description:Mega-jump - Duke - code:AXNVKIYP + code:edfc/17/20 cheat description:Mega-jump - Blizzard - code:AXNVSIZP + code:edfd/12/20 cheat description:Mega-jump - Snake Eyes - code:AXNVVSGP + code:edfe/1c/20 cheat description:Mega-jump - Capt. Grid-Iron - code:AXNVNIGP + code:edff/14/20 cheat description:Mega-jump - Rock and Roll - code:AZETETAP + code:ee00/10/20 cartridge sha256:9e65e4d55123612c5eb05b332e48fd975a187d706a3fd44b62125e1ae48af028 name:G.I. Joe - The Atlantis Factor (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EISPUZEY+XTSPNXAU + code:9a53/f0/d0+9a57/38/ea cheat description:Infinite health - code:OUSTLSOO + code:e5d3/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite time - code:AASEZIPA + code:855a/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Mines - code:SUOPEUVS + code:9b90/de/bd cheat description:Infinite stamina - code:SXSTLSOP+SUOAISSO + code:e5d3/99/a5+8595/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite bullets after obtaining a power up shell - code:GXSUZVSE+GXVLTVSE + code:b6da/8d/2c+b6e6/8d/2c cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:AESVPSAY + code:e5d9/78/00 cheat description:Flash about half as long after getting hit - code:PUSVPSAN + code:e5d9/78/39 cheat description:Each Pow worth increases player level by one - code:GAXPPYPA + code:9721/01/04 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SXSUZVSE+SXVLTVSE+SXSLIVVK+SXVUPVSE + code:b6da/8d/ad+b6e6/8d/ad+b6d5/ce/ad+b6e9/8d/ad cheat description:Start with all characters - code:YUKETLPE + code:83ce/01/3f cheat description:Start with 500 bullets - code:IAEELGPA + code:840b/01/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENVSYIA + code:effd/05/01 cartridge sha256:023ff157d96a8efc847c7d7cbe89574091fe099996e6283c63e3fb58918f3502 name:Gaiapolis (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIKANTEY + code:8e47/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUKVPVG + code:c93e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SXXGSVVK + code:cea5/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AIUPKZEL+APUPSZGX+ASEOEPEL+EUEZTGGN+GKEZIKOS+KXEZYGIA+ZUEOOOAI + code:9a34/b0/50+9a35/24/18+9988/b0/50+a486/74/b8+a485/d9/4c+a487/05/a4+9989/58/32 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:AINPXZEL+YPNPUXPX + code:9a72/b0/50+9a73/29/1f cartridge sha256:a636a947acf1ef0b50e66d31699b64aa4f3b4865e2f2031385780974fb6d8c91 name:Galactic Crusader (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIUNTPEY + code:f13e/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VXUSUTVG + code:debb/c6/a6 cartridge sha256:df49cc788fff36881fcf1d1cb22281d305260d4d8fbbe07ca2c4d699fe54843a name:Galaga - Demons of Death (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATNVSAVZ + code:e87d/a6/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:XVOKVUXK + code:cb9e/ca/ea cheat description:Play challenge stages only - code:GXOKOTEI + code:ce99/d0/24 cheat description:Can't be caught by tractor beam - code:OXSTZPSX+YESTLOPY + code:e1d2/a5/a9+e1d3/79/07 cheat description:Press Start for next wave - code:KPNIPZEA+GANIZZIA+AAVSIZPA + code:d271/80/94+d272/05/04+d26d/01/00 cheat description:Press Start for extra life - code:GGVSGXOX+EZVSIZPE+UGVSTZSE + code:d26c/a9/4c+d26d/01/a8+d26e/85/cb cheat description:Start with twin shots - code:GXEVPAEI + code:e089/d0/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKKKILA + code:cd4c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAKKKILA + code:cd4c/03/06 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0485:05+0487:05 + code:0485/05+0487/05 cartridge sha256:e6fe68b9f12578e74ba016ca146aaf8232b20475fb675c7d32e0ea4e47eb1cc8 name:Galaga (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATETKOOZ + code:e904/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:XVOKVUXK + code:cb9e/ca/ea cheat description:Keep double ship after being destroyed - code:AVNTKEOZ + code:e8f4/a9/60 cheat description:Only one part to collect - code:PESEGPGT + code:81dc/64/01 cheat description:Always get a perfect bonus - code:PXVIIEOK+AEVITEAZ + code:d0e5/c9/29+d0e6/28/00 cheat description:Start with double shot - code:SSVGILEA+PZKGNISO + code:c3e5/80/d5+cd47/95/29 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0485:05+0487:05 + code:0485/05+0487/05 cartridge sha256:50178a2856f8ed3574b4e7fd45b9d1ec44c660d51fe9783d0012a19df5892cce name:Galaxian (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0042:05 + code:0042/05 cartridge sha256:c019750cc439810de6cbf1c3a895099674df3f397744ad3149ba1b25dd55d0ab name:Galaxy 5000 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SLKPAEVS + code:9040/de/bd cheat description:Reduce damage free of charge - code:GXNXSVSN + code:aefd/fd/2c cheat description:No damage from falling - code:SXKZEPAX + code:a9c0/20/ad cheat description:Take less damage - code:OXNNVPSX+PENNNOZP + code:f9fe/a5/a9+f9ff/1a/01 cheat description:More damage from falling - code:SXUXSOSU+ALVUVYLZ + code:a9bd/bd/ad+bf6e/23/30 cheat description:More damage from shots - code:TEEOZGVV+NUEOLKVN + code:948a/e6/0e+948b/fe/bf cheat description:Always in 1st place - P1 - code:00AB:00 + code:00ab/00 cheat description:Always in 1st place - P2 - code:00AC:00 + code:00ac/00 cheat description:Always in 1st place - P3 - code:00AD:00 + code:00ad/00 cheat description:Always in 1st place - P4 - code:00AE:00 + code:00ae/00 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:069A:09 + code:069a/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:069B:09 + code:069b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (hundred's digit) - code:069C:09 + code:069c/09 cartridge sha256:055fb73baaed0f3c4a31902402e7fe581d2d2cb948d3a2f5c3552050f316e6df name:Gargoyle's Quest II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except Doppelganger when it mimics you) - code:OESAKAIE + code:88d4/05/89 cheat description:Invincible against spikes - code:KVNVYLIA + code:e3ff/05/e4 cheat description:Infinite fight - code:OXSELPSX + code:81db/a5/a9 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:APOEGLEP + code:831c/90/10 cartridge sha256:a2039efb5b5b8d4941c31ae0977dacccec5aaa72fe307ae36af2a454d30d9e26 name:Garry Kitchen's BattleTank (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SKOPAAVT + code:9090/e6/c5 cheat description:Infinite hits - code:SXOPAAVT+SXSLNPSA + code:9090/e6/a5+b9d7/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:SKUAANSE + code:87b0/8d/cd cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SIXTEEVS+SGKVINVK + code:e820/de/dd+e74d/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SLXTEEVS + code:e820/de/bd cheat description:Start with half 150mm ammo - code:TOVZIAZL + code:a0e5/32/16 cheat description:Start with double 150mm ammo - code:LVVZIAZL + code:a0e5/32/63 cheat description:Start with more wire guided shells - code:ZUVXTAPA + code:a0ee/01/32 cheat description:Start with max wire guided shells - code:LVVXTAPA + code:a0ee/01/63 cheat description:Start with more smoke shells - code:ZUNXAAPA + code:a0f8/01/32 cheat description:Start with max smoke shells - code:LVNXAAPA + code:a0f8/01/63 cheat description:Start with less 50mm shells - code:LGEZPPVO + code:a101/96/4b cheat description:Start with max 50mm shells - code:NYEZPPVO + code:a101/96/ff cheat description:Start with less 50mm ammo after mission 5 - code:GTEZIOEG + code:a105/c8/64 cheat description:Start with max 50mm ammo after mission 5 - code:NYEZIOEK + code:a105/c8/ff cartridge sha256:fbc976422ca910d9391060898c8b58694f19b6e53a68bd33c457fb38dac1e5c6 name:Gauntlet (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLNAEYSP+SLVPOASP + code:8f70/95/b5+9861/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite keys - code:PAOXVLAE+SAXZOLSZ + code:ab1e/00/09+ab21/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms - code:XVOONAVK + code:989f/c6/ea cheat description:Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms (alt) - code:00C0:1E + code:00c0/1e cheat description:Have all power-ups - P1 - code:00AC:3F + code:00ac/3f cheat description:Have all power-ups - P2 - code:00AD:3F + code:00ad/3f cheat description:Have Invisibility - P1 - code:00AA:01 + code:00aa/01 cheat description:Have Invisibility - P2 - code:00AC:01 + code:00ac/01 cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P1 - code:00AA:20 + code:00aa/20 cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P2 - code:00AC:20 + code:00ac/20 cheat description:Have Reflective shot - P1 - code:00AA:04 + code:00aa/04 cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P2 - code:00AC:04 + code:00ac/04 cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P1 - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P2 - code:00AC:02 + code:00ac/02 cheat description:Have Super Shot - P1 - code:00AA:10 + code:00aa/10 cheat description:Have Super Shot - P2 - code:00AC:10 + code:00ac/10 cartridge sha256:fd2a8520314fb183e15fd62f48df97f92eb9c81140da4e6ab9ff0386e4797071 name:Gauntlet (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLNAEYSP+SLVPOASP + code:8f70/95/b5+9861/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite keys - code:PAOXVLAE+SAXZOLSZ + code:ab1e/00/09+ab21/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms - code:XVOONAVK + code:989f/c6/ea cheat description:Infinite time in puzzle and treasure rooms (alt) - code:00C0:1E + code:00c0/1e cheat description:Have all power-ups - P1 - code:00AC:3F + code:00ac/3f cheat description:Have all power-ups - P2 - code:00AD:3F + code:00ad/3f cheat description:Have Invisibility - P1 - code:00AA:01 + code:00aa/01 cheat description:Have Invisibility - P2 - code:00AC:01 + code:00ac/01 cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P1 - code:00AA:20 + code:00aa/20 cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P2 - code:00AC:20 + code:00ac/20 cheat description:Have Reflective shot - P1 - code:00AA:04 + code:00aa/04 cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P2 - code:00AC:04 + code:00ac/04 cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P1 - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P2 - code:00AC:02 + code:00ac/02 cheat description:Have Super Shot - P1 - code:00AA:10 + code:00aa/10 cheat description:Have Super Shot - P2 - code:00AC:10 + code:00ac/10 cartridge sha256:ffa61d9f7bfb1d60662ddf246b21a8756d518292e8fdc0f58ac1c9b3fbad672d name:Gauntlet II (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLXSNNSO+SLETYXSO + code:df2f/9d/bd+e207/9d/bd cheat description:Take less damage - code:OTXSSYSV+ZAXSVYAA + code:df2d/e5/e9+df2e/00/02 cheat description:Infinite keys (new game) - code:PAOVYAAA+SZVTEUVS + code:e01f/00/01+eb60/de/ad cheat description:Infinite time in treasure rooms - code:XVOTGXSU + code:e294/bd/ea cheat description:Walk through walls - code:APUVTIEP+ELSVGIEP + code:e53e/90/10+e55c/90/b0 cheat description:Weaker poison - code:ZLVVVIGT + code:ed6e/64/32 cheat description:Stronger poison - code:EGVVVIGV + code:ed6e/64/c8 cheat description:5 super shots on pick-up - code:IAUTEUZA + code:eb30/0a/05 cheat description:20 super shots on pick-up - code:GPUTEUZA + code:eb30/0a/14 cheat description:Invincibility lasts longer - code:AYETVUGU + code:eb06/3c/78 cheat description:Invincibility doesn't last as long - code:LPETVUGU + code:eb06/3c/1b cheat description:Repulsiveness lasts longer - code:ANNTUXGU + code:eaf3/3c/78 cheat description:Repulsiveness doesn't last as long - code:LONTUXGU + code:eaf3/3c/1b cheat description:Invisibility lasts longer - code:AYOTKUGU + code:eb14/3c/78 cheat description:Invisibility doesn't last as long - code:LPOTKUGU + code:eb14/3c/1b cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0739:FF + code:0739/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:073A:FF + code:073a/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P3 - code:073B:FF + code:073b/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P4 - code:073C:FF + code:073c/ff cheat description:Infinite Keys - P1 - code:0743:04 + code:0743/04 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P2 - code:0744:04 + code:0744/04 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P3 - code:0745:04 + code:0745/04 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P4 - code:0746:09 + code:0746/09 cheat description:Infinite Potions - P1 - code:0748:03 + code:0748/03 cheat description:Infinite Potions - P2 - code:0749:03 + code:0749/03 cheat description:Infinite Potions - P3 - code:074A:03 + code:074a/03 cheat description:Infinite Potions - P4 - code:074B:03 + code:074b/03 cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P1 - code:0707:FF + code:0707/ff cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P2 - code:0708:FF + code:0708/ff cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P3 - code:0709:FF + code:0709/ff cheat description:Have Invulnerability - P4 - code:070A:FF + code:070a/ff cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P1 - code:0716:FF + code:0716/ff cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P2 - code:0717:FF + code:0717/ff cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P3 - code:0718:FF + code:0718/ff cheat description:Have Reflective Shot - P4 - code:0719:FF + code:0719/ff cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P1 - code:0711:FF + code:0711/ff cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P2 - code:0712:FF + code:0712/ff cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P3 - code:0713:FF + code:0713/ff cheat description:Have Repulsiveness - P4 - code:0714:FF + code:0714/ff cheat description:Have Super Shot - P1 - code:071B:0A + code:071b/0a cheat description:Have Super Shot - P2 - code:071C:0A + code:071c/0a cheat description:Have Super Shot - P3 - code:071D:0A + code:071d/0a cheat description:Have Super Shot - P4 - code:071E:0A + code:071e/0a cheat description:Have Transportability - P1 - code:0720:FF + code:0720/ff cheat description:Have Transportability - P2 - code:0721:FF + code:0721/ff cheat description:Have Transportability - P3 - code:0722:FF + code:0722/ff cheat description:Have Transportability - P4 - code:0723:FF + code:0723/ff cartridge sha256:cf517940496d6085563bdbbe74f4a06d2c4eca48da8eb2b35d5cfe463df35ce4 name:George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AOONKZEY+OXNYSXPK + code:fa9c/f0/10+faf5/49/a9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:036E:43 + code:036e/43 cheat description:Can always use super punches - code:AAVTTNAA + code:e766/08/00 cheat description:Knock opponent down with 1 super punch - code:OXVNSAOU+PKVNVEVZ + code:f8ed/b1/a9+f8ee/ae/41 cheat description:Knock opponent down with 1 punch - code:036F:01 + code:036f/01 cartridge sha256:43221ae8a386e8ddf68251d5870d6fe3d696be14a5e41d9a44c36227894044d8 name:Ghostbusters (USA) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:SXKZAZVG + code:a2c0/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite energy during Gozer fight - code:SZVYAUSE + code:f360/8d/ad cheat description:Immune to ghosts on Zuul stairway - code:OXOXKPVK + code:a99c/c6/a9 cheat description:Permanent ghost alarm - code:PAEEXKPX + code:8c0a/29/09 cheat description:Permanent ghost vacuum - code:PASPLOPX + code:9153/29/09 cheat description:Self-emptying traps - code:OXSESGSX + code:8cdd/a5/a9 cheat description:Super sprinting up Zuul stairway - code:AEEZOAPA + code:a881/01/00 cheat description:Stay Puft does not climb building during Gozer fight - code:SZXYVOVV + code:f926/ee/ad cheat description:Gozer dies in one hit - code:EIUYZLEY + code:f332/f0/d0 cheat description:No walk up Zuul stairway - code:AAXXPTYP + code:a629/17/00 cheat description:Start with $1,000,000 - code:AVVETNTI + code:87ee/5e/60 cartridge sha256:1ea36ebd81692d3a3c1db217e0df832f060c1566c69a74fac299aaeb0d8eb82f name:Ghostbusters II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINPOYEY+ESVOKIEY + code:9f71/f0/d0+9dec/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUKYAUVS + code:f3c0/de/bd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZXPSXVK + code:9a25/ce/ad cheat description:Triple continues - code:TAEGTAZA + code:c006/02/06 cheat description:Rapid-firing proton rifle - code:ZEEOOXYO + code:9a89/1f/0a cheat description:All Ghostbusters can mega-jump - code:KYSOKXVN + code:9a5c/fe/fc cheat description:Shield lasts longer - car scenes - code:NNXXAPAS + code:a1a8/50/ff cheat description:Infinite shield - car scenes - code:SZOXLNVK + code:a71b/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAXVGGLA + code:e42c/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAXVGGLA + code:e42c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAXVGGLE + code:e42c/03/08 cartridge sha256:eea66f7bcc90d1145454da487791be5926473bee4014313af12dfa0f7453ea81 name:Ghosts'n Goblins (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AEVNGIPA + code:f5ec/01/00 cheat description:Infinite armor - code:SKITTL + code:e3d6/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SZEGNOVK + code:c907/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXOITUVK + code:d396/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALEYYTEO+ATENATPA+OUKYPSOO+OUUUTVOO + code:f607/90/38+f608/01/60+f5c1/99/b9+b6be/99/b9 cheat description:Enable stage select (disable after loading stage) - code:AAVIZEYA + code:d062/0f/00 cheat description:Speed up game - code:ZAKILZLA + code:d243/03/02 cheat description:Slow down game - code:GAKILZLA + code:d243/03/04 cheat description:Start with Axe - code:TUNKYIAG + code:c5ff/40/36 cheat description:Start with Dagger - code:ZKNKYIAG + code:c5ff/40/42 cheat description:Start with Fireball - code:GKNKYIAG + code:c5ff/40/44 cheat description:Start with Cross - code:YKNKYIAK + code:c5ff/40/4f cheat description:Start with Blue Sphere - code:KXNKYIAK + code:c5ff/40/ac cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAEKPTLA + code:c609/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TAEKPTLA + code:c609/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PAEKPTLE + code:c609/03/09 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - P1 - code:VAEKZVSE + code:c60a/8d/8e cheat description:Enable stage select (disable after loading stage) - code:00A7:0F + code:00a7/0f cheat description:Automatically complete level - code:00BF:01: + code:00bf/01 cheat description:Game difficulty - normal - code:00AA:00 + code:00aa/00 cheat description:Game difficulty - hard - code:00AA:01 + code:00aa/01 cheat description:Game difficulty - harder - code:00AA:02 + code:00aa/02 cheat description:Game difficulty - hardest - code:00AA:03 + code:00aa/03 cheat description:Game difficulty - expert - code:00AA:04 + code:00aa/04 cartridge sha256:48aaef58dee3ad370546db569306e40aeecd27b88b7faef3ccd9b8b818c9ea71 name:Ghoul School (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZKZOZAX + code:aa41/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSXSUSE + code:abdd/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEKYVVK + code:c68f/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:060A:FF + code:060a/ff cheat description:Infinitel lives (alt) - code:0467:09 + code:0467/09 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies - code:060D:00+060E:00+060F:00+0610:00+0611:00+0612:00+0613:00 + code:060d/00+060e/00+060f/00+0610/00+0611/00+0612/00+0613/00 cartridge sha256:bf22e6aff97bb44210987f5631c1667d4fa75ef79522e8c46dbb3b0f4877896b name:Goal! (USA) cheat description:CPU score adds to your score - code:OGOKLYEN+OGOKYYEN + code:c71b/f0/c9+c71f/f0/c9 cartridge sha256:7911375ab98da4ac5c628ba4dfffcba8ba4fc13a341901aed120ab967be5e26c name:Goal! Two (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - Italy, P2 - code:SZEYAPVG + code:f100/c6/a5 cheat description:P2 or computer can't score - Italy, P2 - code:SXNELNSE + code:87fb/8d/ad cheat description:Start with more KP - Italy, P2 - code:AZKIANPA + code:d740/09/20 cheat description:Start with a lot of KP - Italy, P2 - code:AIKIANPA + code:d740/09/50 cheat description:Start with mega KP - Italy, P2 - code:OPKIANPE + code:d740/09/99 cheat description:Start with more TP - Italy, P2 - code:AZKIPYYA + code:d741/07/20 cheat description:Start with a lot of TP - Italy, P2 - code:AIKIPYYA + code:d741/07/50 cheat description:Start with mega TP - Italy, P2 - code:OPKIPYYE + code:d741/07/99 cartridge sha256:c2383e5cd8670c7107d59887026b9001f30045aa5f07be4b687b7a6bc290db1f name:Godzilla - Monster of Monsters! (USA) cheat description:Infinite life (health) - code:018C:30 + code:018c/30 cheat description:Infinite power - code:0178:30 + code:0178/30 cartridge sha256:c41555b61617e52cae950e0a94d4d655646eed4e4ce4c1d26740ddee0a9ae090 name:Golf (USA) cheat description:Ball goes in from anywhere - code:AAVGIZLA+APVIYLEY+ILVSALPK + code:c265/03/00+d367/f0/10+d368/41/3d cartridge sha256:af24262bc78865b81b1a42d2842e222553fca27fb841a4eb8fbe26da7eba6163 name:Golf Grand Slam (USA) cheat description:Strokes aren't recorded - code:SXEZGYSA + code:a784/85/a5 cheat description:Some shots can be done more accurately - code:PEXTETIA + code:eea0/05/01 cheat description:Wind always at 9 - code:OZOIPGIX+PAOIZKAX+SXSZZYSA + code:d411/25/a9+d412/28/09+a7d2/85/a5 cartridge sha256:9f559f83b9b5179137069bae0ca4b8eacf84378892b598044b88ef50681b58bb name:Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZOETGSA+OXKVXAVK+SXKNNPSA + code:841e/85/a5+e8ca/c6/a9+f9cf/85/a5 cheat description:Health does not gradually decrease - code:SXKVXAVG + code:e8ca/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite bullets in horizontal mode - code:GXUVXTSA + code:eeba/85/24 cheat description:Infinite damage in horizontal mode - code:GXKNNPSA + code:f9cf/85/24 cheat description:Infinite damage in pan/zoom mode - code:GZOEGGST + code:841c/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite damage in maze - code:GZKLZGST + code:b442/e5/24 cheat description:Have a health and bullets boost - code:ZAVKIAAA + code:c06d/00/02 cartridge sha256:16c7de15b7dc72c567f58172bbf0cd1328d11625f6707814da030df15f95dc92 name:Goonies II, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SESEZESX + code:80da/ad/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSUNTSA + code:be5f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SSOOUZVI + code:9a9b/d6/d5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGUYVG + code:cf33/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs on pick-up - code:SXUASSVK + code:8db5/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Molotov Bombs on pick-up - code:SZVAESVK + code:8d60/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Sling Shots on pick-up - code:SZNEEVVK + code:8e78/ce/ad cheat description:Super-jump - code:YEUAOPZA + code:89b1/02/07 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:LEUAOPZA + code:89b1/02/03 cheat description:Better Jumping Boots on pick-up - code:IEUEKPGA + code:89bc/04/05 cheat description:Super-speed - code:ZESAPAPA + code:80d1/01/02 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:AOSAYVOG+APSAZYEY+SZNAANSE + code:86d7/c9/10+8752/f0/10+8770/8d/ad cheat description:Start with all items - code:YPVIAGPE + code:d460/01/1f cheat description:Start with Boomerang - code:IAVIAGPA + code:d460/01/05 cheat description:Start with 4 health cells - code:GAUIZGZA+AGUIYGAZ + code:d432/02/04+d437/20/40 cheat description:Start with 8 health cells - code:AAUIZGZE+EAUIYGAZ + code:d432/02/08+d437/20/80 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXSZGLA + code:d42a/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXSZGLA + code:d42a/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXSZGLE + code:d42a/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0516:41 + code:0516/41 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0503:20 + code:0503/20 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0022:09 + code:0022/09 cheat description:Have all weapons - code:050B:FF+050C:FF + code:050b/ff+050c/ff cheat description:Have all Implements - code:050A:FF + code:050a/ff cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:0500:08 + code:0500/08 + cheat + description:View ending (enable then disable) + code:0000/08+0001/00 cartridge sha256:15685dee8bc1c588dfa2649b7b5f715aa7b4136454ba09c046d1b17209749d76 name:Gotcha! - The Sport! (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:AASUTIPA + code:b55e/01/00 cheat description:Increase timer to 59 seconds - code:IAEPOAGA+PAEPVAIE + code:9801/04/05+9806/05/09 cheat description:Decrease timer to 25 seconds - code:ZAEPOAGA+IAEPVAIA + code:9801/04/02+9806/05/05 cheat description:Start with double rations of ammo - code:ZAEOKAPA + code:980c/01/02 cheat description:Enemies never shoot at you - code:05F1:63 + code:05f1/63 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:061A:09+061B:09 + code:061a/09+061b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:061E:09+061F:09 + code:061e/09+061f/09 cartridge sha256:6918d7cbb81bfcd20d95bb08bcf137c7ea80ae9f0c12b92bfdcc90a6cf9752a0 name:Gradius (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SXOOYYVI + code:979f/d6/a5 cheat description:Keep power capsules - code:KOXOLYSP + code:97ab/95/94 cheat description:Increase force field protection - code:NNOEKPIE + code:899c/05/ff cheat description:Never lose weapons - code:YGUONUZS+YGKPUUIL + code:9b3f/5a/4f+9b43/3d/47 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAOKYAAP+AAXKGALA + code:c01f/10/00+c02c/03/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AENELZLA + code:82fb/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IENELZLA + code:82fb/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AENELZLE + code:82fb/03/08 cartridge sha256:2974ad16b994cfdc9418310ced6c7f4ed64433063d12439a7b37a816f797dd0e name:Gradius II (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATENGIAZ + code:f50c/20/60 cartridge sha256:fe3d2f94dadd3b2437e45ed9a38276b8b32af9e25d484de79c3cc7bf60eef386 name:Grand Master (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:0420:01 + code:0420/01 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:044F:20 + code:044f/20 cheat description:Infinite MP - code:0450:20 + code:0450/20 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:83ba/1a/00+83cb/b0/a9 cheat description:Have Armor - code:0439:01 + code:0439/01 cheat description:Have Axe - code:0431:01 + code:0431/01 cheat description:Have Boots - code:0435:01 + code:0435/01 cheat description:Have Cross - code:043B:01 + code:043b/01 cheat description:Have Diamond - code:0437:01 + code:0437/01 cheat description:Have Exit Key - code:0436:01 + code:0436/01 cheat description:Have Harp - code:0434:01 + code:0434/01 cheat description:Have Hourglass - code:043C:01 + code:043c/01 cheat description:Have Mirror - code:043E:01 + code:043e/01 cheat description:Have Morning Star - code:0433:01 + code:0433/01 cheat description:Have Necklace - code:043D:01 + code:043d/01 cheat description:Have Potion - code:0438:01 + code:0438/01 cheat description:Have Red Sword - code:0430:01 + code:0430/01 cheat description:Have Rod - code:0432:01 + code:0432/01 cheat description:Have Shield - code:043A:01 + code:043a/01 cartridge sha256:60a7d102deac7491e08b7ed5a7b96e66e09758b8411f682a4df1a7e8b49e55c5 name:Great Waldo Search, The (USA) cheat description:Only need to find Waldo to complete the level - code:EKEIXTEA + code:de82/80/c0 cheat description:Only need to find the magic scroll - code:EKXSNTAG + code:deaf/40/c0 cheat description:Faster timer - code:ZEKKOTPA + code:cec9/01/02 cheat description:Much faster timer - code:GEKKOTPA + code:cec9/01/04 cheat description:Play the Super Waldo Challenge - code:OZSIEEOV+GASIOALA + code:d850/e9/a9+d851/03/04 cheat description:Extra clocks last forever - code:SXSGKTVG + code:ced4/c6/a5 cheat description:Extra clocks worth nothing - code:SZXINYVT + code:df27/e6/a5 cartridge sha256:2b77da430b08e6a91a3453fde8ea82692415d44c3e953fdf281aa39352d5289d name:Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYESUIEI + code:dd0b/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKEZPVG + code:81ca/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNETEVK + code:807e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite balloons - code:SZXEUXVK + code:8a2b/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:GAEGEAAA + code:c800/00/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAEGEAAE + code:c800/00/09 cheat description:Start with 3 balloons - code:LAEGSAPA + code:c805/01/03 cheat description:Start with 6 balloons - code:TAEGSAPA + code:c805/01/06 cheat description:Start with only 1 heart - code:ZAEKXATA+ZEEELATA + code:c80a/06/02+808b/06/02 cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - code:AAEKXATE+AEEELATE + code:c80a/06/08+808b/06/08 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:00A9:09 + code:00a9/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00AD:06 + code:00ad/06 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:057C:03 + code:057c/03 cheat description:Infinite Balloons (alt) - code:050C:05 + code:050c/05 cheat description:Infinite Crystals - code:056C:FF + code:056c/ff cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:0360:00 + code:0360/00 cartridge sha256:d18ad8b76f9d067858dc8012ee84119c90524cdc3f4d555dd5a752a6f469fe6b name:Guardian Legend, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVKSLZSZ + code:d2cb/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:AAXTIUNY + code:e325/ff/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AASIYUYT+EGSITLIZ+EISSALEY+PASSPLIE + code:d357/6f/00+d356/25/c0+d358/f0/d0+d359/05/09 cheat description:Use up minimum shots - code:OVOAKLSV+PEOASLAP + code:8b94/e5/e9+8b95/10/01 cheat description:Never use up shots (To finish the game, save before opening the entrance to corridor 6. Restart with no codes and go through the enterance. Save again, then restart.) - code:GXOAKLST + code:8b94/e5/24 cheat description:Start with less health - code:AXVAIAAG + code:80e5/40/20 cheat description:Start with more health - code:EEVAIAAG + code:80e5/40/80 cheat description:Start on area 1 - code:PAKVELAA + code:eb48/00/01 cheat description:Start on area 3 - code:LAKVELAA + code:eb48/00/03 cheat description:Start on area 5 - code:IAKVELAA + code:eb48/00/05 cheat description:Start on area 7 - code:YAKVELAA + code:eb48/00/07 cheat description:Start on area 9 - code:PAKVELAE + code:eb48/00/09 cheat description:Fighter shape (Adventure and Space mode) - code:0030:50 + code:0030/50 cheat description:Fighter shape in TGL mode (Adventure and Space mode) - code:0030:52 + code:0030/52 cheat description:Max consecutive firing - code:003A:01 + code:003a/01 cheat description:Have 2-way shot - code:003A:01 + code:003a/01 cheat description:Have 3-way shot - code:003A:02 + code:003a/02 cheat description:Have 4-way shot - code:003A:03 + code:003a/03 cheat description:Max weapon power - Blue - code:003D:01 + code:003d/01 cheat description:Max weapon power - Green - code:003D:02 + code:003d/02 cheat description:Max weapon power - Red - code:003D:03 + code:003d/03 cheat description:Start on area 10 - code:0050:0A + code:0050/0a cheat description:Start on Corridor 01 - code:0051:01 + code:0051/01 cheat description:Start on Corridor 02 - code:0051:02 + code:0051/02 cheat description:Start on Corridor 03 - code:0051:03 + code:0051/03 cheat description:Start on Corridor 04 - code:0051:04 + code:0051/04 cheat description:Start on Corridor 05 - code:0051:05 + code:0051/05 cheat description:Start on Corridor 06 - code:0051:06 + code:0051/06 cheat description:Start on Corridor 07 - code:0051:07 + code:0051/07 cheat description:Start on Corridor 08 - code:0051:08 + code:0051/08 cheat description:Start on Corridor 09 - code:0051:09 + code:0051/09 cheat description:Start on Corridor 10 - code:0051:0A + code:0051/0a cheat description:Start on Corridor 11 - code:0051:0B + code:0051/0b cheat description:Start on Corridor 12 - code:0051:0C + code:0051/0c cheat description:Start on Corridor 13 - code:0051:0D + code:0051/0d cheat description:Start on Corridor 14 - code:0051:0E + code:0051/0e cheat description:Start on Corridor 15 - code:0051:0F + code:0051/0f cheat description:Start on Corridor 16 - code:0051:10 + code:0051/10 cheat description:Start on Corridor 17 - code:0051:11 + code:0051/11 cheat description:Start on Corridor 18 - code:0051:12 + code:0051/12 cheat description:Start on Corridor 19 - code:0051:13 + code:0051/13 cheat description:Start on Corridor 20 - code:0051:14 + code:0051/14 cheat description:Start on Corridor 21 - code:0051:15 + code:0051/15 cheat description:Start on Corridor 22 - code:0051:16 + code:0051/16 cartridge sha256:a2033c3b3d9f54b37fad8083604d37e2b2cb4ff77e0e183021141f55dfa9c4cd name:Guerrilla War (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYSTGGEI+EIETUGEY + code:e454/d0/f0+ec03/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SLTKOV + code:ce69/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players (alt) - code:SZVKOVVS + code:ce69/de/ad cheat description:Keep weapon after death - code:SXUTEUSO + code:ebb0/9d/ad cheat description:Press Start to complete the level - code:LASKYYPO + code:c75f/11/0b cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:PEXXAEAE + code:a0a8/08/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AELGVP + code:c9b6/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IELGVP + code:c9b6/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PELGVO + code:c9b6/09 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:0680:02 + code:0680/02 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:0681:02 + code:0681/02 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0028:05 + code:0028/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:0029:04 + code:0029/04 cheat description:Infinite time for tank - code:04C2:FA + code:04c2/fa cheat description:Start on stage 2 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:01 + code:0039/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:02 + code:0039/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:03 + code:0039/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:04 + code:0039/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:05 + code:0039/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:06 + code:0039/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:07 + code:0039/07 cheat description:Start on stage 9 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:08 + code:0039/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 (disable after loading stage) - code:0039:09 + code:0039/09 cartridge sha256:4628f32db9b826d19fe5dd8e2c45a9f70e1041f15b7b44b06dee2f01731566e8 name:Gumshoe (USA, Europe) cheat description:Gain 1 bullet on pick-up - code:PASAUALA + code:8853/03/01 cheat description:Gain 6 bullets on pick-up - code:TASAUALA + code:8853/03/06 cheat description:Timer set to 04:00 - code:LAKEGYTA + code:874c/06/03 cheat description:Timer set to 10:00 - code:PAKEGYTE + code:874c/06/09 cheat description:Different attack waves - code:SAKAVEKE + code:8846/8c/8d cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUENALA + code:883f/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUENALA + code:883f/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUENALE + code:883f/03/09 cheat description:Start with 25 bullets - code:IZSEEAAI + code:8858/50/25 cheat description:Start with 150 bullets - code:PASEKAAA + code:885c/00/01 cheat description:Start with 250 bullets - code:ZASEKAAA + code:885c/00/02 cartridge sha256:d22a0c390dfc47c99226226c98158bf0ca3b4cd07dbd3d46cc50c2f1b9303c22 name:Gun Nac (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AGEZPAAI+AGUXGPAI + code:a001/50/40+a13c/50/40 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOZYUSE + code:a397/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite special weapons - code:SXVZTXSE + code:a2e6/8d/ad cheat description:One hit kills - code:EIEIYYEP + code:d707/90/d0 cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AAUZLOAP+AUSSANAO+SAUZTOVK + code:a133/18/00+d7d8/18/38+a136/ce/8d cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:AUVSINKU+AVVSTNAP + code:d7ed/bc/38+d7ee/18/60 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0400:02 + code:0400/02 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:018D:03 + code:018d/03 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:018F:04 + code:018f/04 cheat description:Weapon level 1 - code:0033:00 + code:0033/00 cheat description:Weapon level 2 - code:0033:01 + code:0033/01 cheat description:Weapon level 3 - code:0033:02 + code:0033/02 cheat description:Weapon level 4 - code:0033:03 + code:0033/03 cheat description:Weapon level 5 - code:0033:04 + code:0033/04 cheat description:Weapon level 6 - code:0033:05 + code:0033/05 cheat description:Weapon level 7 - code:0033:06 + code:0033/06 cheat description:Weapon level 8 - code:0033:07 + code:0033/07 cheat description:Weapon type 1 - code:0034:00 + code:0034/00 cheat description:Weapon type 2 - code:0034:01 + code:0034/01 cheat description:Weapon type 3 - code:0034:02 + code:0034/02 cheat description:Weapon type 4 - code:0034:03 + code:0034/03 cheat description:Weapon type 5 - code:0034:04 + code:0034/04 cheat description:Bomb power level 2 - code:003B:01 + code:003b/01 cheat description:Bomb power level 3 - code:003B:02 + code:003b/02 cheat description:Bomb power level 4 - code:003B:03 + code:003b/03 cheat description:Turbo power level 2 - code:003C:01 + code:003c/01 cheat description:Turbo power level 3 - code:003C:02 + code:003c/02 cheat description:Turbo power level 4 - code:003C:03 + code:003c/03 cheat description:Turbo power level 5 - code:003C:04 + code:003c/04 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:0180:02 + code:0180/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:0180:03 + code:0180/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:0180:04 + code:0180/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:0180:05 + code:0180/05 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:0180:06 + code:0180/06 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:0180:07 + code:0180/07 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:0180:08 + code:0180/08 cartridge sha256:f39421a126f3b93caa37d6c3ed899840ddfd51b0587446ca459f72564aca1433 name:Gun.Smoke (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUYTLVG + code:f3b6/c6/a5 cheat description:Keep weapons after death - code:PEXNALAA + code:f3a8/00/01 cheat description:Start with all weapons and lots of ammo - code:PAUTTYAA + code:e736/00/01 cheat description:Start with all weapons, lots of ammo, all 4 boots and all 4 rifle icons - code:GAUTTYAA + code:e736/00/04 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXVTYLE + code:e72e/03/09 cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:PPXVTYLE + code:e72e/03/19 cartridge sha256:0d895a031dd38f2661ba2af4a1b3c7b9753632b1530ea28eec936cf3fda8bf54 name:Gyromite (World) cheat description:Invincible against enemies - code:SZUZKTAX + code:ae34/20/ad cheat description:Invincible against upward crushing - code:ATOXXOOZ + code:a91a/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUZAAI + code:85a0/b5 cheat description:Climb up through flooring - code:AESZVZLA + code:aad6/03/00 cheat description:Climb down through flooring - code:AEOZEZLA + code:aa90/03/00 cheat description:Slow down timer - code:ZEAAUS + code:8d83/0a cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUAGLIA + code:83b4/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEUAGLIE + code:83b4/05/0a cheat description:Start with 20 lives - code:GOUAGLIA + code:83b4/05/14 cartridge sha256:c6e275929764f7950ee85806ef5fdab9dda36e27f9f29935101bfc0916bf90a6 name:Gyruss (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXSXTASX + code:a0de/a5/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEEOIEZA + code:908d/0a/00 cheat description:Never lose twin shots - code:GEEPIAZA+OEEPYAPA + code:9085/02/04+9087/01/81 cheat description:Gain 2 phasers when you die with none - code:ZEEPYAPA + code:9087/01/02 cheat description:Gain 4 phasers when you die with none - code:GEEPYAPA + code:9087/01/04 cheat description:Start with 1 ship - code:PAXEGLGA + code:832c/04/01 cheat description:Start with 10 ships - code:ZAXEGLGE + code:832c/04/0a cheat description:Start with 4 phasers - code:GAKEATPA + code:8648/01/04 cheat description:Start with 8 phasers - code:AAKEATPE + code:8648/01/08 cheat description:Start with twin shots + 1 phaser - code:OAKEATPA + code:8648/01/81 cheat description:Start with twin shots + 4 phasers - code:KAKEATPA + code:8648/01/84 cheat description:Start with twin shots + 8 phasers - code:EAKEATPE + code:8648/01/88 cartridge sha256:bd5c7925e616da879ee63ac4ac2004af26e20ae36a494247e704d41440ac971a name:Hammerin' Harry (Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy (except spikes) - code:SXULUKSE + code:bcb3/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKZKOVK + code:a944/ce/ad cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESSNPTEY+SESYTVSX + code:f6d9/f0/d0+f6d6/ad/8d cartridge sha256:6e2b0e222eb8dba29c0ca363f1d7d59ed1fa307bafc150b5c8e1dd13638555a6 name:Happy Pairs (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite tries - code:SZKUZAVG + code:b04a/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXXUNTVG + code:beaf/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite autos - code:SZNLIPVG + code:b175/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:07bfd5bf6d3e5cea26d0a521e7d599d67a4b794c5efa66e4189877c1361aad47 name:Harlem Globetrotters (USA) cheat description:Slower timer - code:IIUGSOIZ + code:c935/2d/55 cheat description:Faster timer - code:GPUGSOIX + code:c935/2d/1c cheat description:Slower shot clock - code:IIVGKOIZ + code:c964/2d/55 cheat description:Faster shot clock - code:GPVGKOIX + code:c964/2d/1c cartridge sha256:fd3c19b0339bf2b326d8a0526216b5143f035f68dabb3b3392689c92d6c140d9 name:Heavy Barrel (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVVUEUPA + code:bbe8/09/60 cheat description:Invincibility and invisibility on second life - code:XTOVVEXK + code:e81e/ca/ea cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOTXTVG + code:ee12/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXVVVLVI + code:ebee/d6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:SUKUZISP + code:b5ca/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite Mace - code:OXNUTNPV + code:b7fe/69/a9 cheat description:Infinite hand weapons on pick-up - both players - code:ENVVKLEI + code:ebec/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite hand weapons and firearms on pick-up - both players - code:OXVVVLVS + code:ebee/d6/a9 cheat description:Hand weapons last 4x longer - code:AEKVXLII + code:ebca/55/00 cheat description:Only 1 hand weapon - code:ZAOVEPAA + code:e918/00/02 cheat description:Autofire - P1 - code:ENSTPVSN + code:e6d1/fd/f8 cheat description:Autofire - P2 - code:EYNVINSN + code:e77d/fd/f8 cheat description:Enemies don't fire handguns - code:XVKZVEXK + code:a8c6/ca/ea cartridge sha256:0a23312c8e07b9af753b25c1307f07f8061d6ac4f8427f4660382d925e7a84e2 name:Heavy Shreddin' (USA) cheat description:Infinite penalties - code:SXSOYIVG+SXOPPLVG+SXUOZLVG + code:95df/c6/a5+9391/c6/a5+93ba/c6/a5 cheat description:Select any level - code:NNUEYLAE + code:83bf/00/ff cheat description:Slow timer - code:AUEXNVAO + code:ae8f/18/38 cheat description:Faster left and right movement - code:ZESEKLPA+ZEVEKLPA + code:8bdc/01/02+8bec/01/02 cheat description:1 penalty - code:PEKAPLGA + code:83c1/04/01 cheat description:8 penalties - code:AEKAPLGE + code:83c1/04/08 cheat description:16 penalties - code:AOKAPLGA + code:83c1/04/10 cartridge sha256:429c833eb61c0728b0d9335c61f4bd8d3fb19c3bf8a18564917bf75526f104af name:Heisei Tensai Bakabon (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESKGLIEY + code:c5c3/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SGOGYPVG + code:c117/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXKEOZSA + code:8ac9/85/a5 cartridge sha256:1c8e9b6c4c57850d4ab1dea011e0226970034a46fa29fab1d370c01fac90538d name:Hell Fighter (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSXNSVK+SZVZXSVK + code:ad5f/ce/ad+ad62/ce/ad cartridge sha256:680a56e038176c7b8deca9fb910b26b097cadd58fa553ea29f3c9836c9a4e11b name:Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXSSLNSE + code:d7db/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLONNKSO + code:fc1f/9d/bd cartridge sha256:72fa562dfb319bfe982a68053128126e2ed5d579ff1a36f7345bd3fe624e8e92 name:Heracles no Eikou - Toujin Makyou Den (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:AVSVTZAZ + code:e2de/20/60 cartridge sha256:8e4a04076b6a728a7e65a09737776dcb9defed7922bf0437d9a89bbe8c724b55 name:Hogan's Alley (World) cheat description:Hit anywhere - Game B - code:AAOSIASY+AAXSPGEA + code:d01d/f5/00+d429/80/00 cheat description:5 misses allowed - Game A - code:IAEKOIAP + code:cd09/10/05 cheat description:20 misses allowed - Game A - code:AZEKOIAP + code:cd09/10/20 cheat description:Infinite misses allowed - all games - code:AAOGETPA + code:ce10/01/00 cheat description:Each miss counts as 2 - all games - code:ZAOGETPA + code:ce10/01/02 cheat description:Infinite misses allowed - all games (alt) - code:00B3:00 + code:00b3/00 cartridge sha256:1c1ad2992f728c7fb6a8f3980b1a0f8e01e5b24a0c43c713300846d87be5987a name:Holy Diver (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVNYNESA + code:f8f7/8d/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXNYNESE + code:f8f7/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKVTOVK + code:e1ce/ce/ad cartridge sha256:3f761f529d40cf42aed60fabc0e60ecfecf528f4165948e6157b552e3bbb4f89 name:Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) cheat description:Infinite power units/life points - code:SZNYSSVK + code:fd75/ce/ad cheat description:Become almost invincible after losing 1 life point (against most enemies, vacuum cleaner can still kill you) - code:SZSVLVVK + code:e65b/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEYKVVK + code:fe04/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite slides on pick-up - code:SZOELKVK + code:841b/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite darts on pick-up - code:SZVETKVK + code:846e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite flying fists on pick-up - code:SZSAAKVK + code:8450/ce/ad cheat description:Every 4 cookies count as 8 - code:AENYVGGE + code:fcf6/04/08 cheat description:Every 4 cookies count as 12 - code:GENYVGGE + code:fcf6/04/0c cheat description:Every 4 cookies count as 16 - code:AONYVGGA + code:fcf6/04/10 cheat description:Every 4 cookies count as 20 (extra life point) - code:GONYVGGA + code:fcf6/04/14 cheat description:Extra life with 5 pizza slices instead of 6 - code:IAOVUGTA + code:ec1b/06/05 cheat description:Extra life with 4 pizza slices - code:GAOVUGTA + code:ec1b/06/04 cheat description:Extra life with 3 pizza slices - code:LAOVUGTA + code:ec1b/06/03 cheat description:Extra life with 2 pizza slices - code:ZAOVUGTA + code:ec1b/06/02 cheat description:Extra life with every pizza slice - code:PAOVUGTA + code:ec1b/06/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:PEEPILLA + code:9385/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IEEPILLA + code:9385/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:YEEPILLA + code:9385/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEEPILLE + code:9385/03/09 cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:POEPILLE + code:9385/03/19 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:ZUEPILLA + code:9385/03/32 cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:LKEPILLE + code:9385/03/4b cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:LVEPILLA + code:9385/03/63 cartridge sha256:f3ff0c50c05aa5d461c293e306e553152e63564cd09e80ae0b6dcfa97b07d073 name:Hook (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:GZVIKIST + code:dd64/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:GZNSNIST + code:dd7f/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:SZONIEVK + code:f01d/ce/ad cheat description:Max health from food - P1 - code:AENIOIIA + code:ddf1/05/00 cheat description:Max health from food - P2 - code:AAEINTIA + code:de07/05/00 cheat description:No health from food - code:AVVIXSGZ + code:dde2/2c/60 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEXVNTZA + code:eeaf/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEXVNTZA + code:eeaf/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEXVNTZE + code:eeaf/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (alt) - code:0365:6F + code:0365/6f cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 (alt) - code:0367:09 + code:0367/09 cheat description:Max Green Balls - code:0363:63 + code:0363/63 cheat description:Infinite Cakes - code:0487:63 + code:0487/63 cheat description:Max Green Thimbles - code:0364:63 + code:0364/63 cartridge sha256:3991a761116131dc412fd7cfe8e70bf414d11fa4778e9dfb049ffcc9a8586cac name:Hudson Hawk (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXETGYSA + code:e784/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZSKYYUK+OZVGZYEN + code:c75f/c3/a9+c762/f0/a9 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:OZKKEAAU+OZKGVAVK + code:c848/30/a9+c846/c6/a9 cheat description:Start with very little health - first life only - code:PEVKZVNY + code:c6ea/ff/01 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - first life only - code:AKVKZVNY + code:c6ea/ff/40 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - first life only - code:ANVKZVNY + code:c6ea/ff/70 cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - first life only - code:EUVKZVNY + code:c6ea/ff/b0 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:PESKPTLA + code:c6d9/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:IESKPTLA + code:c6d9/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:PESKPTLE + code:c6d9/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEVGTTIA + code:c6e6/05/01 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:LEVGTTIA + code:c6e6/05/03 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEVGTTIE + code:c6e6/05/09 cartridge sha256:53bfc94fce46a25188f84f102810406f686a7fb13fb5e4ae8f13760106acb969 name:Hudson's Adventure Island (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATSKZAKZ + code:c05a/a4/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKKIAVG + code:c0cd/c6/a5 cheat description:Immune to rocks - code:GXNGLAKA + code:c0f3/84/24 cheat description:Keep weapons - code:GZXEAPSA + code:8128/85/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAKGTOKI+AAKKYPYA+OLSGZOOO + code:c146/dc/00+c14f/07/00+c152/99/b9 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GXVAGGEI+GXVEPGEI + code:84e4/d0/24+84e9/d0/24 cheat description:Get fruits from anywhere - code:EIUEOLEL + code:8b39/b0/d0 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:ATKAEUVI + code:8b40/de/60 cheat description:Can mega-jump while at rest - code:SPEEIIEG + code:850d/c0/95 cheat description:Can mega-jump while running - code:SPEETSOZ + code:850e/a9/95 cheat description:Multi-mega-maxi-moon jumps - code:AAEAYIPA+AEVEZGPZ + code:8507/01/00+84ea/21/00 cheat description:Skateboard doesn't automatically move forward - code:ALSAIIEI + code:8555/d0/30 cheat description:Hudson can moonwalk - code:AEKAPIPA+PEEEZIAA + code:85c1/01/00+858a/00/01 cheat description:Start with infinite lives - code:SZOEGPVG + code:811c/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEEEPALA + code:8089/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEEEPALA + code:8089/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEEEPALE + code:8089/03/09 cartridge sha256:bafe68d5e6bbebb0d71432d09bed0a482215d4534778a76d471150a3bdd01b08 name:Hunt for Red October, The (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEZXZVG + code:aa82/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXEUPUVK + code:b389/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite horizontal torpedoes - code:SXUXYSVK + code:a5bf/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite vertical torpedoes - code:SZUZPVVK + code:a631/ce/ad cheat description:Maximum power horizontal torpedoes on pick-up - code:OZEUEKOK+AAEUVGPA + code:bc08/c9/a9+bc0e/01/00 cheat description:Maximum power vertical torpedoes on pick-up - code:OZSLNKOK+AASUSGPA + code:bc57/c9/a9+bc5d/01/00 cheat description:Start with 10 horizontal torpedoes - code:ZANLVKPO + code:bc76/19/0a cheat description:Start with 50 horizontal torpedoes - code:ZLNLVKPP + code:bc76/19/32 cheat description:Start with 99 horizontal torpedoes - code:LTNLVKPP + code:bc76/19/63 cheat description:Start with 5 vertical torpedoes - code:IANUUKYA + code:bc7b/0f/05 cheat description:Start with 50 vertical torpedoes - code:ZLNUUKYA + code:bc7b/0f/32 cheat description:Start with 99 vertical torpedoes - code:LTNUUKYA + code:bc7b/0f/63 cheat description:Start with 5 caterpillars - code:IEELSKZA + code:bc85/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 50 caterpillars - code:ZUELSKZA + code:bc85/0a/32 cheat description:Start with 99 caterpillars - code:LVELSKZA + code:bc85/0a/63 cheat description:Start with 5 ECM's - code:IEEUXKZA + code:bc8a/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 50 ECM's - code:ZUEUXKZA + code:bc8a/0a/32 cheat description:Start with 99 ECM's - code:LVEUXKZA + code:bc8a/0a/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEVLYAIA + code:b0e7/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEVLYAIE + code:b0e7/05/0a cartridge sha256:770abf58074764db12aade941ab1a389a818b8ff94d95f4b4b4913912b1f40b5 name:Hydlide (USA) cheat description:Boost strength, life, magic - code:AZKAAVZE + code:8640/0a/28 cheat description:Super boost strength, life, magic - code:GTKAAVZA + code:8640/0a/64 cheat description:Don't take damage from most enemies - code:SXSGYYSA + code:c7d7/85/a5 cheat description:Rapid healing - code:AEUEKVIA + code:8ebc/0d/00 cheat description:Rapid magic healing - code:AANOVZZA + code:9a7e/02/00 cheat description:Infinite life - code:0038:64 + code:0038/64 cheat description:Max STR - code:0039:64 + code:0039/64 cheat description:Max EXP - code:003A:64 + code:003a/64 cheat description:Max Magic - code:003B:64 + code:003b/64 cheat description:Have the Sword - code:0059:FF + code:0059/ff cheat description:Have the Shield - code:005A:FF + code:005a/ff cheat description:Have the Lamp - code:005B:FF + code:005b/ff cheat description:Have the Cross - code:005C:FF + code:005c/ff cheat description:Have the Pot - code:005D:FF + code:005d/ff cheat description:Have the Medicine - code:005E:FF + code:005e/ff cheat description:Have the Key - code:005F:FF + code:005f/ff cheat description:Have the Ruby - code:0060:FF + code:0060/ff cheat description:Have the Ring - code:0061:FF + code:0061/ff cheat description:Have the Jewel - code:0062:FF + code:0062/ff cheat description:Have 3 Fairies - code:0063:FF+0064:FF+0065:FF + code:0063/ff+0064/ff+0065/ff cartridge sha256:002bb62441c1625051555109bce93ff2e2a2badb534a350b6d17ad0d7e7ef023 name:Ice Climber (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATKSALAZ + code:d348/20/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OKEIPGVS + code:d481/d6/c9 cheat description:Super-jump - code:GPUKOAZX + code:c839/22/1c cheat description:Enemies bump you instead of killing you - code:ELKITLEY + code:d346/f0/b0 cheat description:Double speed - code:VNSKXUNN+ZESKULPA + code:cbda/ff/fe+cbdb/01/02 cheat description:Triple speed - code:SNSKXUNN+LESKULPA + code:cbda/ff/fd+cbdb/01/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEXKTGLA + code:c4ae/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEXKTGLA + code:c4ae/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEXKTGLE + code:c4ae/03/08 cartridge sha256:3775c1184419c0786841c5b4f2694b2a15e181678f92e75fb9b71bfb5668c7b3 name:Ikari Warriors (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXVYAUGK + code:f3e0/4c/ad cheat description:Invincibility (except against bombs) - code:ESVLZYEY + code:b7e2/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:KAXTLAEA + code:e023/80/84 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSNZTVI + code:f6da/d6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Missiles for Tank - code:SXXNVUVS + code:fbae/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Bullets - code:SZONZSVS + code:f51a/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:SXEYZSVS + code:f582/de/ad cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AAKLAYLY+AAOPYOGP+ASUUSPEL+GXOEATEP + code:b740/73/00+9117/1c/00+b9bd/b0/50+8698/90/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) - code:AEXUOPPA+LUXUUPLO+OKXUEOPX + code:b9a9/01/00+b9ab/13/3b+b9a8/29/c9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUYPTLA + code:f631/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUYPTLA + code:f631/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUYPTLE + code:f631/03/09 cheat description:Start with 50 Bullets - code:ZUNNLZLT + code:f2fb/63/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Grenades - code:LTEYALZL + code:f300/32/63 cheat description:Start with 25 Grenades - code:PPEYALZU + code:f300/32/19 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:00E4:09 + code:00e4/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:00E5:09 + code:00e5/09 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - P1 - code:067F:63 + code:067f/63 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - P2 - code:0682:63 + code:0682/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P2 - code:0680:63 + code:0680/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P1 - code:0681:63 + code:0681/63 cheat description:Infinite Fuel for tank - P1 - code:0683:FF + code:0683/ff cheat description:Infinite Fuel for tank - P2 - code:0684:FF + code:0684/ff cheat description:Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1 - code:0674:DF + code:0674/df cheat description:Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1 - code:0674:EF + code:0674/ef cheat description:Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2 - code:0675:DF + code:0675/df cheat description:Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2 - code:0675:EF + code:0675/ef cartridge sha256:294f70829b72f3d1b6c81be92b542e96fec1a243d16dfd338a4226b97ad09732 name:Ikari Warriors (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXVYAUGK + code:f3e0/4c/ad cheat description:Invincibility (except against bombs) - code:ESVLZYEY + code:b7e2/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:KAXTLAEA + code:e023/80/84 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSNZTVI + code:f6da/d6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Missiles for Tank - code:SXXNVUVS + code:fbae/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Bullets - code:SZONZSVS + code:f51a/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:SXEYZSVS + code:f582/de/ad cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AAKLAYLY+AAOPYOGP+ASUUSPEL+GXOEATEP + code:b740/73/00+9117/1c/00+b9bd/b0/50+8698/90/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except tanks and helicopters) - code:AEXUOPPA+LUXUUPLO+OKXUEOPX + code:b9a9/01/00+b9ab/13/3b+b9a8/29/c9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUYPTLA + code:f631/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUYPTLA + code:f631/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUYPTLE + code:f631/03/09 cheat description:Start with 50 Bullets - code:ZUNNLZLT + code:f2fb/63/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Grenades - code:LTEYALZL + code:f300/32/63 cheat description:Start with 25 Grenades - code:PPEYALZU + code:f300/32/19 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:00E4:09 + code:00e4/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:00E5:09 + code:00e5/09 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - P1 - code:067F:63 + code:067f/63 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - P2 - code:0682:63 + code:0682/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P2 - code:0680:63 + code:0680/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - P1 - code:0681:63 + code:0681/63 cheat description:Infinite Fuel for tank - P1 - code:0683:FF + code:0683/ff cheat description:Infinite Fuel for tank - P2 - code:0684:FF + code:0684/ff cheat description:Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1 - code:0674:DF + code:0674/df cheat description:Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P1 - code:0674:EF + code:0674/ef cheat description:Have 3-Way Shot, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2 - code:0675:DF + code:0675/df cheat description:Have F Shot, Long Range, Rapid Fire, B Grenades, Super Speed, Knife - P2 - code:0675:EF + code:0675/ef cartridge sha256:119f865684be58f37101b431975c827b2ad9340c0f2d3d9fc3153ee1213ee55e name:Ikari Warriors II - Victory Road (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:OUOUIUOO + code:b39d/99/b9 cheat description:Don't take damage from most enemies - code:GXOLYLST + code:b397/e5/24 cheat description:Start with half normal health - code:AUNYIYAT + code:f7f5/60/30 cheat description:Maximum weapon power on pick-up - code:OZUXVEPV+GAUXNAPA + code:a83e/69/a9+a83f/01/04 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:06D1:32 + code:06d1/32 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:00F8:80 + code:00f8/80 cheat description:Have Machine Gun - code:06C3:04 + code:06c3/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Arrow - code:00F2:01 + code:00f2/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Bazooka - code:06C5:04 + code:06c5/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Boomerang - code:06C7:04 + code:06c7/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Earthquake - code:00EC:01 + code:00ec/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Elixir - code:00F6:01 + code:00f6/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Grenades - code:06CB:04 + code:06cb/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Land Mines - code:06CD:04 + code:06cd/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Lightning - code:00EA:01 + code:00ea/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Shield - code:00F0:01 + code:00f0/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Sword - code:06C9:04 + code:06c9/04 cheat description:Start with and keep Time Stopper - code:00F4:01 + code:00f4/01 cheat description:Start with and keep Wings - code:00EE:01 + code:00ee/01 cartridge sha256:181163b590a581b6d04baaedb815429a2342ded27b3fb7f2514661d1fd47c1cc name:Ikari III - The Rescue (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZKLUZAX + code:ba43/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLSUNESO + code:b85f/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEUGNYPA + code:cfb7/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SUUKKNSO + code:cfbc/9d/bd cheat description:Immune to most kicks and punches - code:GZSUOAST + code:b859/e5/24 cheat description:3-way firing, instead of punching - code:YESKVGPA + code:ccde/01/07 cheat description:Always throw grenades instead of punches - code:PESKVGPE + code:ccde/01/09 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PEXKZLLA + code:c3aa/03/01 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:TEXKZLLA + code:c3aa/03/06 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:PEXKZLLE + code:c3aa/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOKUALA + code:c89b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOKUALA + code:c89b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOKUALE + code:c89b/03/09 cartridge sha256:7032a94d140339f9d6603accc9fed2846f5bbb781659cdff869d4b5f137d4e4a name:Image Fight (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENKXYGEI+ENOPLPEI + code:a4cf/d0/f0+9193/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SXSZTPVG + code:a1d6/c6/a5 cheat description:Never lose Pods - code:ATSLTKOZ + code:b456/a9/60 cheat description:Start with V Cannon - code:PAELGGAA + code:b404/00/01 cheat description:Start with Reflecting Ball - code:ZAELGGAA + code:b404/00/02 cheat description:Start with Drilling Laser - code:LAELGGAA + code:b404/00/03 cheat description:Start with Seeking Missile - code:GAELGGAA + code:b404/00/04 cheat description:Start with Seeking Laser - code:IAELGGAA + code:b404/00/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAVXLPLA + code:a16b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TAVXLPLA + code:a16b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PAVXLPLE + code:a16b/03/09 cheat description:Start at Combat Simulation Stage 2 - code:PAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/01 cheat description:Start at Combat Simulation Stage 3 - code:ZAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/02 cheat description:Start at Combat Simulation Stage 4 - code:LAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/03 cheat description:Start at Combat Simulation Stage 5 - code:GAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/04 cheat description:Start at Real Combat - 1st Target - code:IAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/05 cheat description:Start at Real Combat - 2nd Target - code:TAVZLPAA + code:a163/00/06 cartridge sha256:8bc6a252778c2909a97b3fff185c5ff2a1786afe5e8237098f15fe3eaf23adab name:Immortal, The (USA) cheat description:Enemy's fatigue level doesn't go down - code:GZOLIXVK + code:b215/ce/2c cheat description:Your fatigue level doesn't go down - code:GZOUIXVK + code:b21d/ce/2c cheat description:Your fatigue level goes down faster - code:YLEUIXYN + code:b20d/7f/3f cheat description:Your fatigue level goes down slower - code:NYEUIXYN + code:b20d/7f/ff cheat description:Don't lose energy from fighting - code:SZSLTXVK + code:b256/ce/ad cheat description:Your fatigue level never rises - code:SZNLPXVV + code:b271/ee/ad cheat description:More damage from fireballs - code:ZAKSIYPA + code:d74d/01/02 cheat description:Instant kills on enemies - code:0362:00 + code:0362/00 cheat description:Infinite health in battle sequences - code:0363:0F + code:0363/0f cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:042C:FF + code:042c/ff cartridge sha256:c42fc592821b474b486ae32d1d63e8938f1735a6d45db026f7b78b2ec51427ac name:Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIUXYYEY + code:a73f/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:KZVGGNKE + code:c764/8c/ac cheat description:Infinite lives - code:KZNKANKE + code:c778/8c/ac cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:053C:01 + code:053c/01 cartridge sha256:79c03fec3f459ac6e762c27d8f08debe6589b01df21919ef69645870a16723b3 name:Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (UBI Soft) cheat description:Infinite health (you can get trapped in certain areas) - code:VYONKZGE + code:fa1c/04/fe cheat description:Infinite time - code:AEEOYTPA + code:968f/01/00 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SXXXIEVK + code:a0ad/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:KYSTEGGE + code:ec50/04/fc cheat description:Infinite lives on bike section - code:SZUEEIVG + code:8d38/c6/a5 cheat description:More lives on ship section - code:PAVAGYIE + code:8764/05/09 cheat description:Fewer lives on ship section - code:PAVAGYIA + code:8764/05/01 cheat description:More lives on tank section - code:PAEPIITE + code:9505/06/09 cheat description:Fewer lives on tank section - code:PAEPIITA + code:9505/06/01 cheat description:More lives on castle section - code:PEXPTALE + code:90a6/03/09 cheat description:Fewer lives on castle section - code:PEXPTALA + code:90a6/03/01 cheat description:Heart does nothing (may goof up energy bar) - code:AEKPXLPA + code:9bc2/01/00 cheat description:Super-jump - code:IAVTKAPA + code:e864/01/05 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:PAVTKAPE + code:e864/01/09 cheat description:Continue with 1 life - code:PEUZPALA + code:a0b1/03/01 cheat description:Continue with 5 lives - code:IEUZPALA + code:a0b1/03/05 cheat description:Continue with 7 lives - code:YEUZPALA + code:a0b1/03/07 cheat description:Continue with 9 lives - code:PEUZPALE + code:a0b1/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAVKGALA + code:c06c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAVKGALA + code:c06c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:YAVKGALA + code:c06c/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAVKGALE + code:c06c/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 (after completing the level you'll go back to level 1) - code:PANGPAAA + code:c071/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 (after completing the level you'll go back to level 1) - code:ZANGPAAA + code:c071/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 (after completing the level you'll go back to level 1) - code:LANGPAAA + code:c071/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 (after completing the level you'll go back to level 1) - code:GANGPAAA + code:c071/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 (after completing the level you'll go back to level 1) - code:IANGPAAA + code:c071/00/05 cartridge sha256:5348f7f88695867de428b38eb6a7f724f5f97110c383567d7e4d1f5a2d8b612f name:Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) (Taito) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SAOOLOIE + code:911b/0d/8d cartridge sha256:884765e5df86042211191f7e7e4653255425e3da70a9dec6f4a9336c07b5f258 name:Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEXOKVK + code:ac09/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZXZAEVK + code:a020/ce/ad cheat description:Always keep Sword - code:SZSZGUVK + code:a354/ce/ad cheat description:Always keep Gun - code:SZUXZVVK + code:a63a/ce/ad cheat description:Start with less time - code:GLKUXGLV+LVEXUUGL+LTOXVKGL + code:bc4a/63/3c+ab8b/3c/63+ac1e/3c/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKLULGA + code:bbc3/04/00 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEKLULGE + code:bbc3/04/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:TEKLULGE + code:bbc3/04/0e cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PPKLEKYA + code:bc40/0f/11 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:IPKLEKYA + code:bc40/0f/15 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:PPKLEKYE + code:bc40/0f/19 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:IPKLEKYE + code:bc40/0f/1d cheat description:0 Maps left - code:012F:00 + code:012f/00 cheat description:Have all 3 Keys - code:011D:B0 + code:011d/b0 cartridge sha256:8125d69b66dd7784246156bb669542924f1c2b7f53b8d325ffcbaa74746d14ff name:Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEXOKVK + code:ac09/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZXZAEVK + code:a020/ce/ad cheat description:Always keep Sword - code:SZSZGUVK + code:a354/ce/ad cheat description:Always keep Gun - code:SZUXZVVK + code:a63a/ce/ad cheat description:Start with less time - code:GLKUXGLV+LVEXUUGL+LTOXVKGL + code:bc4a/63/3c+ab8b/3c/63+ac1e/3c/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKLULGA + code:bbc3/04/00 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEKLULGE + code:bbc3/04/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:TEKLULGE + code:bbc3/04/0e cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PPKLEKYA + code:bc40/0f/11 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:IPKLEKYA + code:bc40/0f/15 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:PPKLEKYE + code:bc40/0f/19 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:IPKLEKYE + code:bc40/0f/1d cheat description:0 Maps left - code:012F:00 + code:012f/00 cheat description:Have all 3 Keys - code:011D:B0 + code:011d/b0 cartridge sha256:0bb401bbd0cae2758b2bd355cd3cac3cc26a01950859c830b3b122bd379f2463 name:Infiltrator (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZKLIKVK + code:b445/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose Grenades outside buildings - code:SXKXXIVG + code:adca/c6/a5 cheat description:Never lose Grenades inside buildings - code:SZVKAIVG + code:c568/c6/a5 cheat description:Never lose Spray outside buildings - code:SXUXKIVG + code:adbc/c6/a5 cheat description:Never lose Spray inside buildings - code:SZUKYIVG + code:c53f/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with less time - code:ILOULXPL + code:b21b/39/35 cheat description:Start with more Grenades - code:ZPSLPXZA + code:b251/0a/12 cheat description:Start with fewer Grenades - code:IASLPXZA + code:b251/0a/05 cheat description:Start with no Grenades - code:AASLPXZA + code:b251/0a/00 cheat description:Start with less Spray - code:LPKUIZTZ + code:b24d/26/13 cheat description:Start with no Spray - code:AAKUIZTZ + code:b24d/26/00 cartridge sha256:0f406a7c853b919ed880868420808b945855146db9817ebc3102f08da13fa703 name:Insector X (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00CA:00 + code:00ca/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00D8:03 + code:00d8/03 cheat description:Max shot power-up - code:00CC:06 + code:00cc/06 cartridge sha256:6fac8ea87f7eea5e9bf7b838ff92c2fa3369908c866631340ec489beacdcbf3b name:Iron Tank - The Invasion of Normandy (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLUVKESO + code:e83c/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OIOGIIPA+SXUKTKVK + code:c515/01/d1+c4be/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:OIOGIIPA+AAUKGGZA + code:c515/01/d1+c43c/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:OIOGIIPA+IAUKGGZA + code:c515/01/d1+c43c/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:OIOGIIPA+AAUKGGZE + code:c515/01/d1+c43c/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0306:FF + code:0306/ff cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:01D1:09 + code:01d1/09 cartridge sha256:aab5e0ecc46e575b1b396bd63d8fa4f3bd740061f3157a1d4afdf9f7f2dabd88 name:IronSword - Wizards & Warriors II (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OXXANAVK + code:88a7/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:OZUAXPVK + code:8932/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite spells - code:GXXSNKVS + code:dcaf/de/2c cheat description:Infinite money - code:ZEOSEGAA + code:dc98/00/02 cheat description:Infinite keys once one is obtained - code:SEOOTISZ + code:959e/a5/85 cheat description:Super-jump - code:OTUIGLSV+PAUIILVE + code:d334/e5/e9+d335/86/09 cheat description:Food gives full health - code:AEEOEAZA + code:9888/02/00 cheat description:Drink gives full health - code:AAOPNPZA + code:9917/02/00 cheat description:Fleet foot jumping - code:AASIYPLA + code:d157/03/00 cheat description:Fleet foot running - code:OXKSYUPX + code:d3cf/29/a9 cheat description:Start with Axe and Helmet - code:LEVEXZAA + code:8aea/00/03 cheat description:Start with Shield - code:ZEVAVXNY + code:8ae6/ff/02 cheat description:Start with Ironsword - code:AAOAGUGA + code:8314/0c/00 cheat description:Start on wind level - code:LEEEPZAE + code:8289/00/0b cheat description:Start on tree level - code:GOEEPZAA + code:8289/00/14 cheat description:Start on water level - code:TOEEPZAA + code:8289/00/16 cheat description:Start on outer fire level - code:IOEEPZAA + code:8289/00/15 cheat description:Start on lower earth level - code:LUEEPZAA + code:8289/00/33 cheat description:Start on lower icefire mountain - code:PUEEPZAA + code:8289/00/31 cheat description:Start a new game with full magic - code:NYEAVLAE + code:8b06/00/ff cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENAEZLA+PESEXPLA + code:8af0/03/01+89da/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TENAEZLA+TESEXPLA + code:8af0/03/06+89da/03/06 cheat description:Infinite health (disable at end of stage) - code:006A:FF + code:006a/ff cheat description:Infinite magic once obtained (disable at end of stage) - code:006B:FF + code:006b/ff cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:006C:08 + code:006c/08 cheat description:Infinite money (alt) - code:0096:0A+008B:64 + code:0096/0a+008b/64 cheat description:Have the Sindarin Treasures - code:00F7:0F + code:00f7/0f cheat description:Have the Dagger - code:0067:00 + code:0067/00 cheat description:Have the Sword - code:0067:01 + code:0067/01 cheat description:Have the Long Sword - code:0067:02 + code:0067/02 cheat description:Have the Axe - code:0067:03 + code:0067/03 cheat description:Have the Large Sword - code:0067:04 + code:0067/04 cheat description:Have the Ironsword - code:0067:05 + code:0067/05 cheat description:Have the Diamond Sword - code:0067:06 + code:0067/06 cheat description:Have the Helmet - code:0068:01 + code:0068/01 cheat description:Have the Horned Helmet - code:0068:02 + code:0068/02 cheat description:Have the Diamond Helmet - code:0068:03 + code:0068/03 cheat description:Have the Large Shield - code:0069:01 + code:0069/01 cheat description:Have the Diamond Shield - code:0069:02 + code:0069/02 cartridge sha256:81311ff2507c6522172b203534f91f99749f465c8b765ac584f0e851a8bf96b2 name:Isolated Warrior (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXOPKZAU+SEOPVZSZ+UVKTAYXZ + code:9a94/30/a9+9a96/a5/85+e7c0/a2/e3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:XTVSGGTX + code:d46c/26/ea cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUVPAVG + code:e039/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SZXOXSVK + code:9d2a/ce/ad cheat description:More health restored on pick-up - code:TEOAAYZA + code:8790/02/06 cheat description:Less health restored on pick-up - code:PEOAAYZA + code:8790/02/01 cheat description:Start with maximum health and Bombs - code:AASVTXPA + code:e25e/09/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXTIZLA + code:e225/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXTIZLA + code:e225/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXTIZLE + code:e225/03/09 cheat description:Start on Scene 2 - code:PANEGAAA+VANEYESE+VEEAZESE + code:807c/00/01+807f/8d/8e+8082/8d/8e cheat description:Start on Scene 3 - code:ZANEGAAA+VANEYESE+VEEAZESE + code:807c/00/02+807f/8d/8e+8082/8d/8e cheat description:Start on Scene 4 - code:LANEGAAA+VANEYESE+VEEAZESE + code:807c/00/03+807f/8d/8e+8082/8d/8e cheat description:Start on Scene 5 - code:GANEGAAA+VANEYESE+VEEAZESE + code:807c/00/04+807f/8d/8e+8082/8d/8e cheat description:Start on Scene 6 - code:IANEGAAA+VANEYESE+VEEAZESE + code:807c/00/05+807f/8d/8e+8082/8d/8e cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00E3:00 + code:00e3/00 cheat description:Full Power Gun #1 - code:00A4:0C + code:00a4/0c cheat description:Full Power Gun #2 - code:00A5:0C + code:00a5/0c cheat description:Full Power Bombs - code:06A8:04 + code:06a8/04 cheat description:Full speed - code:00DA:04 + code:00da/04 cartridge sha256:acc3b89bcbe3ccc2ee29d0b2eb3fb9cec143236f48d88680b462c3dfab0784bf name:Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (USA) cheat description:Infinite money - code:GGUTGGOU+GGUTIGAV+KTUTTKAL + code:e434/b1/4c+e435/60/4c+e436/38/e4 cheat description:Infinite nitro boosts - code:AEKISPPA + code:d9c5/01/00 cheat description:Lots of money and full equipment - code:TEKTYGAA + code:e4c7/00/06 cheat description:Computer starts with no nitro boosts - code:AAUEIEPP + code:803d/19/00 cheat description:Computer starts with double nitro boosts - code:ZLUEIEPP + code:803d/19/32 cheat description:Start with double nitro boosts - code:ZLEVZSPP + code:e50a/19/32 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENTYGLA + code:e4f7/03/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:075D:03 + code:075d/03 cheat description:Infinite money - P1 - code:0305:09+0306:09+0307:09+0308:09 + code:0305/09+0306/09+0307/09+0308/09 cheat description:Infinite nitro boosts - P1 - code:0310:63 + code:0310/63 cartridge sha256:6928e8c589d6d9cc199a7b0841877531ef53dce479e36f90ec1d9cdcbf54372d name:Jackal (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:ASUVZIEI + code:e5ba/d0/50 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SZPTSI + code:ed15/a5 cheat description:Keep weapons after death - code:GXZTSG + code:eca5/24 cheat description:Full weapons after death - code:LEZTKG + code:eca4/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAPKXZ + code:ca1a/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PAPKXX + code:ca1a/09 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:0053:01 + code:0053/01 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:0531:01 + code:0531/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0031:09 + code:0031/09 cheat description:Max Score - code:07E4:99+07E5:99+07E6:99 + code:07e4/99+07e5/99+07e6/99 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:0030:01 + code:0030/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:0030:02 + code:0030/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:0030:03 + code:0030/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:0030:04 + code:0030/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:0030:05 + code:0030/05 cartridge sha256:628d6696c7ac84c3ae5ab86d04b28b2fd1742076ca9478fdd5708e3bbb9f13c1 name:Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESSINLEY + code:dbd7/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:VXEGXXSE + code:ca82/8d/ae cheat description:Infinite special attacks - code:SXSKEXVK + code:cad8/ce/ad cheat description:Take less damage - code:PTYSEK + code:dc78/69 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GKKEAZSK+OVKEPXPA+XEKEZZEP + code:82c8/c5/4c+82c9/09/e1+82ca/90/82 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AEOTTIGA + code:e596/04/00 cheat description:9 Tornado Attacks on pick-up - code:PESIKYYE + code:dfd4/07/09 cheat description:9 360o Spin Kicks on pick-up - code:PESIVYYE + code:dfd6/07/09 cheat description:9 Sky Attacks on pick-up - code:PESINYYE + code:dfd7/07/09 cheat description:0 Tornado Attacks on pick-up - code:AESIKYYA + code:dfd4/07/00 cheat description:0 180o Spin Kicks on pick-up - code:AESISNPA + code:dfd5/09/00 cheat description:0 360o Spin Kicks on pick-up - code:AESIVYYA + code:dfd6/07/00 cheat description:0 Sky Attacks on pick-up - code:AESINYYA + code:dfd7/07/00 cheat description:Max health from Energy Bowl - code:TAVGXZZA + code:ca62/02/06 cheat description:Less health from Energy Bowl - code:PAVGXZZA + code:ca62/02/01 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0702:07 + code:0702/07 cheat description:Infinite first special move - code:0703:05 + code:0703/05 cheat description:Infinite second special move - code:0705:09 + code:0705/09 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:0039:00 + code:0039/00 cartridge sha256:e0d4463066d9985d51f80f8a51b1b9c5945e481ef19df48056d7648337d59095 name:James Bond Jr (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINLYPEY+EYNUYPEI + code:b177/f0/d0+b17f/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNYASSO + code:f570/9d/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons (Bombs, Flares, Nukes, Bullets) - code:AANNSLPA + code:fb7d/01/00 cheat description:Immune to most damage - code:GZVYPIST + code:f561/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEKSOVK + code:c98d/ce/ad cheat description:Slow down rate of air loss (scuba mode) - code:YUSOENYO + code:9fd8/1f/3f cheat description:Speed up rate of air loss - code:YESOENYO + code:9fd8/1f/0f cheat description:Shield doesn't take damage from bullets - code:GZUYZIST + code:f532/e5/24 cheat description:Start with some weapons - code:XVOTAEXE + code:e090/8a/ea cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PANTTATA + code:e076/06/01 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:TANTTATE + code:e076/06/0e cheat description:Infinite Pistol ammo - code:040F:63 + code:040f/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:042C:09 + code:042c/09 cheat description:Infinite time (minute ten's digit) - code:01F9:09 + code:01f9/09 cheat description:Infinite time (minute one's digit) - code:01FA:09 + code:01fa/09 cheat description:Infinite time (second ten's digit) - code:01FB:09 + code:01fb/09 cheat description:Infinite time (second one's digit) - code:01FC:09 + code:01fc/09 cartridge sha256:8db2cb94dc9caec681b13b66f26590e88229245fa592e5292d097e8599ee79e0 name:Jaws (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSATSVK + code:8556/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite shells - code:SZVEYNSE + code:876f/8d/ad cheat description:Jaws has no health - code:AEKEPIGP+AESEGZGP+SZKEISSE + code:85c9/14/00+82dc/14/00+854d/8d/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAOOEPIP + code:9918/15/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - bonus stages - code:ASXILLEP+GXKITLEL+GXKIZLEI + code:d3a3/90/50+d3c6/b0/24+d3c2/d0/24 cheat description:Don't lose shells on dying - code:SZSELSTK + code:855b/4e/ad cheat description:Don't lose power on dying - code:SZSETSVK + code:855e/ce/ad cheat description:Collect Crabs from anywhere - code:AENXLSTP + code:a5fb/1e/00 cheat description:Collect Shells from anywhere - code:AANZPTTZ + code:a671/26/00 cheat description:Collect Stars from anywhere - code:AEVZTVZZ + code:a6e6/2a/00 cheat description:99 Shells on pick-up - code:AEEZITIA + code:a685/05/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOAGZLA + code:8294/03/01 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:TEOAGZLA + code:8294/03/06 cheat description:Invincibility (disable to collect items) - code:9966:07 + code:9966/07 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0387:09 + code:0387/09 cheat description:Infinite Strobes - code:0393:09 + code:0393/09 cheat description:Exit stage when hit instead of dying - code:8515:3A + code:8515/3a cheat description:Jaws has very little health - code:0389:00 + code:0389/00 cheat description:Jaws is attacked without actually shooting him - code:993D:10 + code:993d/10 cartridge sha256:c9a3c9873a859fcbb5b7442b3decfdcab3a1457e028ae444b050a377fc92afa2 name:Jetsons, The - Cogswell's Caper (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSLXVVK + code:be52/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:SZEELUVK + code:830b/ce/ad cheat description:Better start (more lives and hearts) - code:IEEPPILA + code:9581/03/05 cheat description:Don't lose extra hearts on dying - code:GXVLEVVK + code:bee0/ce/2c cheat description:2 power packs on pick-up - code:ZEVEZLPA + code:83ea/01/02 cheat description:5 power packs on pick-up - code:IEVEZLPA + code:83ea/01/05 cheat description:Small hearts gives full health - code:AAKAIGTA + code:8445/06/00 cheat description:Defenses don't use up powerpacks - code:GXUENESE + code:88bf/8d/2c cheat description:Shield uses fewer powerpacks - code:IAUAKAAZ + code:8834/20/05 cheat description:Flashlight uses fewer powerpacks - code:ZENEIYAP + code:87fd/10/02 cheat description:Start with 30 powerpacks - code:AUEOGIAP + code:958c/10/30 cheat description:Start with 50 powerpacks - code:ASEOGIAP + code:958c/10/50 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0126:00 + code:0126/00 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0127:02 + code:0127/02 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0141:03 + code:0141/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0142:0A + code:0142/0a cartridge sha256:69cf1773c23606cdbd8b5e556f39c7c317100914779115a8c5c8b5dbf3fe0fcc name:Jimmy Connors Tennis (USA) cheat description:Only need 15 points to win game - code:AEVTIPLA + code:e1e5/03/00 cheat description:Only need 30 points to win game - code:PEVTIPLA + code:e1e5/03/01 cheat description:Only need 40 points to win game - code:ZEVTIPLA + code:e1e5/03/02 cheat description:Only need 1 game to win set instead of 6 - code:AEEVAZTA + code:e288/06/00 cheat description:Only need 2 games to win set - code:PEEVAZTA + code:e288/06/01 cheat description:Only need 3 games to win set - code:ZEEVAZTA + code:e288/06/02 cheat description:Only need 4 games to win set - code:GEEVAZTA + code:e288/06/04 cheat description:Only need 5 games to win set - code:IEEVAZTA + code:e288/06/05 cheat description:Must get 2 points after 40 to win and no deuces (always shows advantage after 40) - code:EEVVIPEI + code:e1ed/d0/80 cheat description:Don't need to win by 2 to win tiebreaker - code:PEKVGPZA + code:e1cc/02/01 cheat description:2 points needed to win tiebreaker instead of 7 - code:ZEUVIPYA + code:e1bd/07/02 cheat description:3 points needed to win tiebreaker - code:LEUVIPYA + code:e1bd/07/03 cheat description:4 points needed to win tiebreaker - code:GEUVIPYA + code:e1bd/07/04 cheat description:5 points needed to win tiebreaker - code:IEUVIPYA + code:e1bd/07/05 cheat description:6 points needed to win tiebreaker - code:TEUVIPYA + code:e1bd/07/06 cheat description:10 points needed to win tiebreaker - code:ZEUVIPYE + code:e1bd/07/0a cartridge sha256:509f04b745d11b8d83afb42f084179a6f2ebc87f647927432a647f0e7ee51bb5 name:Joe & Mac (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESXIZTEY+ENXSGTEI + code:d6a2/f0/d0+d6ac/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZKVOKVK + code:ec49/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SZNXTEVK + code:a07e/ce/ad cheat description:Protection from most enemy hits - code:SZKVOKVK + code:ec49/ce/ad cheat description:Protection from water - code:SXUVYVVK + code:e6bf/ce/ad cheat description:Stone axe and flint do more damage to bosses - code:AAKUEAPE + code:b848/01/08 cheat description:Stone axe and flint do a lot more damage to bosses - code:YAKUEAPE + code:b848/01/0f cheat description:Stone wheel and boomerang do more damage to bosses - code:AASLOAZE + code:b851/02/08 cheat description:Stone wheel and boomerang do a lot more damage to bosses - code:APSLOAZA + code:b851/02/10 cheat description:Fire does more damage to bosses - code:APSLVAGA + code:b856/04/10 cheat description:Fire does a lot more damage to bosses - code:AZSLVAGA + code:b856/04/20 cheat description:Apple and hamburger worth nothing - code:SZVTKUSE + code:eb64/8d/ad cheat description:Apple and hamburger restore health to 1/2 - code:AAVTULAO + code:eb63/10/08 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (die when bar is 1/2 empty) - code:AEXZGLAO + code:a3a4/10/08 cheat description:Start with stone wheel instead of stone axe - P1 - code:OVUXZAET + code:a0ba/e0/e1 cheat description:Start with flint instead of stone axe - P1 - code:XVUXZAET + code:a0ba/e0/e2 cheat description:Start with fire instead of stone axe - P1 - code:UVUXZAET + code:a0ba/e0/e3 cheat description:Start with boomerang instead of stone axe - P1 - code:KVUXZAET + code:a0ba/e0/e4 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - P1 - code:PEUXYALA + code:a0bf/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - P1 - code:IEUXYALA + code:a0bf/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - P1 - code:YEUXYALA + code:a0bf/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PEUXYALE + code:a0bf/03/09 cheat description:Start somewhere in level 2 - code:ZEKZGAAA + code:a0c4/00/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0499:0F + code:0499/0f cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:064D:00 + code:064d/00 cartridge sha256:ec54ed32302aaeb2fa6e0d7e2ca3ea2d8df888e77859e158298ecb2fa322178e name:Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) (v6.0) (Unl) cheat description:Exit always open - code:075F:05+003F:FF + code:075f/05+003f/ff cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:003E:01 + code:003e/01 cheat description:Immune to explosions (disable at end of level) - code:004B:C2 + code:004b/c2 cartridge sha256:5b7afe0ff1fcf538fec60d085aa759522a2ab1cce511a6f210b672a256a87a8a name:Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) (v5.0) (Unl) cheat description:Exit always open - code:075F:05+003F:FF + code:075f/05+003f/ff cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:003E:01 + code:003e/01 cheat description:Immune to explosions (disable at end of level) - code:004B:C2 + code:004b/c2 cartridge sha256:0417d7caec593852823b94f5520caea3745a28c9dac68e30d2c5e6f5545a9757 name:Journey to Silius (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZXTSAAX+SXUTKAAX + code:e825/20/ad+e8b4/20/ad cheat description:Invincibility after first hit (blinking) - code:SZOAPAVG + code:8011/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZUVUZSA + code:ea3b/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite weapon power - code:SZUAUTSA + code:8e33/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNGYLVG + code:c3f7/c6/a5 cheat description:Protection against most aliens - code:OTUVOZSV + code:ea39/e5/e9 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:ad58/b0/a9+e761/b0/a9+e782/9d/ad+ad70/9d/ad + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:818d/04/00+81c9/cc/ac cheat description:Some aliens are tougher - code:AAXTKAZE + code:e824/02/08 cheat description:Some aliens are weaker - code:PAXTKAZA + code:e824/02/01 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:TOOETOLA + code:819e/0b/16 cheat description:Speed jump - code:AZVALPPA+EVNEYENY + code:8163/01/20+80ff/ff/e0 cheat description:Super speed - code:LPSEYPGA+KVNELEKN + code:815f/04/13+80fb/fc/ec cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PEVIULLA + code:dbe3/03/01 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:TEVIULLA + code:dbe3/03/06 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:PEVIULLE + code:dbe3/03/09 cheat description:Start with all six weapons - code:YOKSOGZE + code:dcc9/02/1f cheat description:Start with Machine Gun - code:PEKSOGZA + code:dcc9/02/01 cheat description:Start with Laser Gun - code:GEKSOGZA + code:dcc9/02/04 cheat description:Start with Homing Missiles - code:AEKSOGZE + code:dcc9/02/08 cheat description:Start with Grenade Launcher - code:AOKSOGZA + code:dcc9/02/10 cheat description:Start with Machine Gun and Laser Gun - code:IEKSOGZA + code:dcc9/02/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAOSOTLA + code:de19/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOSOTLA + code:de19/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAOSOTLE + code:de19/03/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00B0:0F + code:00b0/0f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0053:09 + code:0053/09 cheat description:Infinite weapon power (alt) - code:00B1:3F + code:00b1/3f cheat description:Have Machine Gun - code:00B8:01 + code:00b8/01 cheat description:Have Shot Gun - code:00B8:02 + code:00b8/02 cheat description:Have Laser Gun - code:00B8:03 + code:00b8/03 cheat description:Have Homing Missile - code:00B8:04 + code:00b8/04 cheat description:Have Grenade Launcher - code:00B8:05 + code:00b8/05 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:040F:00+04FF:00 + code:040f/00+04ff/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:0170:01 + code:0170/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:0170:02 + code:0170/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:0170:03 + code:0170/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (final stage) - code:0170:04 + code:0170/04 + +cartridge sha256:4b00fa0ae20030af3406e95eb08f42ec473ec03d9063798ccd6c249648409af3 + name:Journey to the West (Asia) (Unl) + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:b445/4c/00+b42c/65/00 + cheat + description:Climb anywhere (except in boss fights) + code:a55c/29/a9+a552/60/ea cartridge sha256:8471a6b7c7c7d6c7be0ee278778e2d25dc91462db22643395787eaaeb6e320c1 name:Joust (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXKKZVI + code:caac/d6/a5 cheat description:Turbo flying - code:PASGKGAA + code:cc54/00/01 cheat description:Heavens above? - code:GXVKOZSP + code:cae9/95/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOGLAIA + code:c093/05/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:ZEOGLAIE + code:c093/05/0a cheat description:Start on last level reached - code:GXSKTASA+GXSKGASA+GXVGGASA + code:c0de/85/24+c0dc/85/24+c0e4/85/24 cartridge sha256:8d36c0923103f370eb9fab5caeb2a8307cd1c7a30030db69bd5bc4f5ca46b1d2 name:Jovial Race (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNOUKVK + code:9c7b/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAVEZLLA + code:836a/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZAVEZLLE + code:836a/03/0a cheat description:Sart with 100 lives - code:GTVEZLLA + code:836a/03/64 cartridge sha256:a7bf6adcd838f055405963741dd3368730b0f9dc125ae7071832a9305a4c7292 name:Jovial Race (Unknown) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNOUKVK + code:9c7b/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAVEZLLA + code:836a/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZAVEZLLE + code:836a/03/0a cheat description:Sart with 100 lives - code:GTVEZLLA + code:836a/03/64 cartridge sha256:e5bcb8838f567f485c6f872e9695d2e3ef676f4bcda1c32d51d56008efb96e7a name:Jungle Book, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZVEOSSE + code:8d69/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite time - code:AAVEEYPA + code:8f68/01/00 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:PENEEIAA + code:8df8/00/01 cheat description:Need 2 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 - code:ZEKKULAP+SXXNLKOU + code:cbcb/10/02+f4ab/b9/ad cheat description:Need 4 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 - code:GEKKULAP+SXXNLKOU + code:cbcb/10/04+f4ab/b9/ad cheat description:Need 8 gems to finish levels 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 - code:AEKKULAO+SXXNLKOU + code:cbcb/10/08+f4ab/b9/ad cheat description:Start practice level with 1 life - code:PAEGVGTA + code:cc06/06/01 cheat description:Start practice level with 3 lives - code:LAEGVGTA + code:cc06/06/03 cheat description:Start practice level with 9 lives - code:PAEGVGTE + code:cc06/06/09 cheat description:Start normal level with 1 life - code:PAEGNGIA + code:cc07/05/01 cheat description:Start normal level with 3 lives - code:LAEGNGIA + code:cc07/05/03 cheat description:Start normal level with 9 lives - code:PAEGNGIE + code:cc07/05/09 cheat description:Start with 5 of each weapon - code:IAVYZLAA + code:f362/00/05 cheat description:Start with 10 of each weapon - code:APVYZLAA + code:f362/00/10 cheat description:Start with 20 of each weapon - code:AZVYZLAA + code:f362/00/20 cheat description:Start with 30 of each weapon - code:ALVYZLAA + code:f362/00/30 cheat description:Start with 90 of each weapon - code:EPVYZLAA + code:f362/00/90 cartridge sha256:49fe0c49cd0a2841ae9c8ae5aa19f710d187ee6931a1e531d3bff19772ca4af0 name:Jurassic Park (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIUZUAEY + code:a833/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZVGZOSE + code:c162/8d/ad cheat description:Immune to most attacks - code:ATVGZOSA + code:c162/8d/60 cheat description:Infinite lives (first two levels only) - code:GZEULOVK + code:b10b/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite ammo on pick-up - code:GZUXXKVS + code:ac3a/de/2c cheat description:More bullets picked up from small dinosaurs - code:PAVPAGZE + code:9460/02/09 cheat description:Fewer bullets picked up from small dinosaurs - code:PAVPAGZA + code:9460/02/01 cheat description:3-ball bolas picked up (from small dinosaurs instead of normal bullets) - code:VEXASASA+VEUAXASA + code:88a5/85/86+88b2/85/86 cheat description:Explosive multi-shots (from small dinosaurs instead of normal bullets) - code:NEXASASA+NEUAXASA + code:88a5/85/87+88b2/85/87 cartridge sha256:f40341cf7e76480465ba8ab2d09e44644c3e3af7d647dc04c8b38357b26e014a name:Just Breed (Japan) cheat description:No health - all enemies - code:69DA:00+69DB:00+69DC:00+69DD:00+69DE:00+69DF:00+69E0:00+69E1:00+69E2:00+69E3:00+69E4:00+69E5:00+69E6:00 + code:69da/00+69db/00+69dc/00+69dd/00+69de/00+69df/00+69e0/00+69e1/00+69e2/00+69e3/00+69e4/00+69e5/00+69e6/00 cheat description:Lots of EXP after battle - code:6F6E:FF + code:6f6e/ff cheat description:Max EXP after battle - code:6F6E:FF+6F6F:FF + code:6f6e/ff+6f6f/ff cheat description:Max gold after battle - code:6F6C:FF+6F6D:FF + code:6f6c/ff+6f6d/ff cheat description:Max Health (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 1) - code:69C4:FF + code:69c4/ff cheat description:Max Magic (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 1) - code:6A04:FF + code:6a04/ff cheat description:Max Health (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 2) - code:69C6:FF + code:69c6/ff cheat description:Max Magic (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 2) - code:6A06:FF + code:6a06/ff cheat description:Max Health (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 3) - code:69C5:FF + code:69c5/ff cheat description:Max Magic (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 3) - code:6A05:FF + code:6a05/ff cheat description:Max Health (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 4) - code:69C3:FF + code:69c3/ff cheat description:Max Magic (Swordsman/Archer, Etc. 4) - code:6A03:FF + code:6a03/ff cartridge sha256:2ae0a99b457a6d00ff0b241aa08f98d40c5c5ed45e634a7ed934b386bbd17a12 name:Kabuki - Quantum Fighter (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVUUZPSZ+ESUZGAEY + code:b1ba/a5/60+a0b4/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:VZNGNNSE + code:cf77/8d/ae cheat description:Infinite chip power - code:SXEUAESU + code:b088/bd/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVGSNSE + code:cf65/8d/ad cheat description:Don't lose a life from health loss - code:AAVGKYPA + code:cf64/01/00 cheat description:Don't lose a life from timer - code:AASSAAPA + code:d058/01/00 cheat description:1 continue - code:PENUXLZA + code:bbfa/02/01 cheat description:6 continues - code:IENUXLZA + code:bbfa/02/05 cheat description:9 continues - code:AENUXLZE + code:bbfa/02/08 cheat description:Slower timer - code:NYXIZEYU + code:d022/3f/ff cheat description:Faster timer - code:YZXIZEYU + code:d022/3f/2f cheat description:Special weapons use minimum chip power - code:SXEUAESU+AOEUPEYA + code:b088/bd/ad+b089/0f/10 cheat description:Start with maximum health - code:YENUNUZE+YEXLLUZE + code:bbff/0a/0f+b3a3/0a/0f cheat description:Start with less health - code:IENUNUZA+IEXLLUZA + code:bbff/0a/05+b3a3/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AENLSLZA + code:bbf5/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IENLSLZA + code:bbf5/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AENLSLZE + code:bbf5/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0089:03 + code:0089/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:068C:0A + code:068c/0a cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:06C0:09 + code:06c0/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0691:09 + code:0691/09 + +cartridge sha256:67123fe28cf5fbadeafc77400a0812f0135ab36706ec7d1267f84931d044e71d + name:Kai no Bouken - The Quest of Ki (Japan) + cheat + description:Exit always open + code:0053/01 cartridge sha256:204b5eb443dc8f599d54e242352ba299c05015e5571f74307d78748af3d5f960 name:Kame no Ongaeshi - Urashima Densetsu (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXNGYLEN+SENKPUVK + code:c3f7/f0/a9+c3f9/ce/8d cartridge sha256:d67817e44f3a421a78ce4217a0660ee375ea162f1465a28da77659dfa46f8f7c name:Karate Champ (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:One hit wins round - code:0069:20 + code:0069/20 cheat description:One hit wins stage - code:005D:02 + code:005d/02 cartridge sha256:54c366ec62c0faec3d5619f62bad73092996a26e674f58819e9b76433cc04e15 name:Karate Champ (USA) cheat description:One hit wins round - code:0069:20 + code:0069/20 cheat description:One hit wins stage - code:005D:02 + code:005d/02 cartridge sha256:8aa5c70100080adf0f6d8945ea10382f3986b99d41e010c356991dfe061eaa8d name:Karate Kid, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSUYZSA + code:b25f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite chances (lives) - code:SZOEKAVG + code:881c/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Crane Kicks - code:SXEXLYVG + code:a78b/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Drum Punches on pick-up - code:SZNXAYVG + code:a778/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ASVOKAEL+GXVOSALA + code:98ec/b0/50+98ed/03/24 cheat description:Prevent girl from moving in final stage - code:AAUXOGPA + code:ac39/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 chance - code:PENEZTLA + code:86fa/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 chances - code:TENEZTLA + code:86fa/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 chances - code:PENEZTLE + code:86fa/03/09 cheat description:Start with 8 Crane Kicks - 1P game - code:AAKVUGGE + code:ec4b/04/08 cheat description:Start with 8 Crane Kicks - 2P game - code:AAKVKGGE + code:ec4c/04/08 cheat description:Start with 5 Crane Kicks - P1, one on one game - code:IAKVSGAA + code:ec4d/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - 1P game - code:ZAKVVGPA + code:ec4e/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - 2P game - code:ZAKVNGPA + code:ec4f/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - 1P game - code:LAKVVGPA + code:ec4e/01/03 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - 2P game - code:LAKVNGPA + code:ec4f/01/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - 1P game - code:GAKVVGPA + code:ec4e/01/04 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - 2P game - code:GAKVNGPA + code:ec4f/01/04 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0085:0F + code:0085/0f cheat description:Infinite Drum Punches (alt) - code:0089:63 + code:0089/63 cheat description:Infinite Crane Kicks (alt) - code:008A:63 + code:008a/63 cheat description:Enemy has no health - code:008B:00 + code:008b/00 cartridge sha256:4ece74fde0b86ecef96d1909c517f55f2da71fd00e29102b8f2780606606e777 name:Karnov (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:ASENYZEI + code:f28f/d0/50 cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZVKNLSA+SXEGXLSA+SZNGULSA + code:cb6f/85/a5+cb82/85/a5+cb73/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKISXVK + code:dac5/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:GZVZNIVG + code:ad67/c6/24 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:ccdb/09/00+ccd1/b0/a9+cd4f/95/a5 cheat description:Jump higher - code:ZXLNTS + code:f5be/2a cheat description:Gain 3 of most items - code:LEEGOYPA + code:cf81/01/03 cheat description:Gain 97 of most items - code:NOEGOYPA + code:cf81/01/97 cheat description:Never lose most items - code:AEOKSYPA + code:cf9d/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAOSIAZA+AESIVTZA + code:d01d/02/00+ded6/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAOSIAZA+IESIVTZA + code:d01d/02/05+ded6/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAOSIAZE+AESIVTZE + code:d01d/02/08+ded6/02/08 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:GAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:IAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:TAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:YAUSAAAA + code:d038/00/07 cheat description:Start on stage 9 - code:AAUSAAAE + code:d038/00/08 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit (blinking) (alt) - code:0069:FA + code:0069/fa cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:040B:09 + code:040b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0094:A7 + code:0094/a7 cheat description:Have 99 Ks - code:00BA:99 + code:00ba/99 cheat description:Have Double Flame Shot - code:0065:01 + code:0065/01 cheat description:Have Triple Flame Shot - code:0065:02 + code:0065/02 cartridge sha256:7a406a58cf781b9ceb87f4266dca812a271bfe1f42aa392864e8bc404b2575e1 name:Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken (Japan) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZKNALVT + code:f348/e6/a5 + +cartridge sha256:07e1b14777f8f04d4bd7c85c74a6f9e0f5c43b8c31aa7b3214e53a659fd5a2d9 + name:Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi! (Japan) + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:8899/3b/00 cartridge sha256:23bf669afb3125d72f352848628e201607b4cece974cce86f2558a1812056ece name:Kick Master (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:APOSXTSA+SZOIOVSE+TAOSUTXI + code:de1a/85/10+de11/8d/ad+de1b/d2/06 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:OZVZOLEN + code:ab61/f0/a9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZOIOVSE + code:de11/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite magic points - code:SUELOISP + code:bd81/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXULYUVK+OXUSZLEN + code:b3b7/ce/ad+d3ba/f0/a9 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:a1bf/90/d0 + cheat + description:Quick level up + code:a6e7/03/00 cheat description:Don't flash at all after getting hit - code:AAOSOVGL + code:de19/3c/00 cheat description:Barely flash at all after getting hit - code:IAOSOVGL + code:de19/3c/05 cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:IPOSOVGL + code:de19/3c/15 cheat description:Start with more EXP and magic points - code:ITUSLLAT + code:d33b/60/65 cheat description:Start with twice as much health - code:EEVYEIAG + code:fde0/40/80 cheat description:Start with half health - code:AXVYEIAG + code:fde0/40/20 cheat description:Start with very little health - code:LEVYEIAG + code:fde0/40/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXSGLLA + code:d32c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAXSGLLA + code:d32c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXSGLLE + code:d32c/03/09 cartridge sha256:4a9544bb41869e88ec0610a799b5ce9c7d89bf9a48198923ea7ba22f385ea349 name:Kickle Cubicle (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SEEXPAOL+SANXAPOL + code:a089/b1/85+a178/b1/85 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEAATVG + code:8680/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXNGSVVK + code:cef5/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:ANTKVT + code:ceee/70 cheat description:Faster timer - code:YENKXVZA + code:cefa/0a/07 cheat description:Slower timer - code:YENKXVZE + code:cefa/0a/0f cheat description:Win level now - code:ESSATLEY + code:83d6/f0/d0 cheat description:Start on land 2 - code:GZKATXSE+GZUISOSE+PAUIOPAA + code:8246/8d/2c+d935/8d/2c+d931/00/01 cheat description:Start on land 3 - code:GZKATXSE+GZUISOSE+ZAUIOPAA + code:8246/8d/2c+d935/8d/2c+d931/00/02 cheat description:Start on land 4 - code:GZKATXSE+GZUISOSE+LAUIOPAA + code:8246/8d/2c+d935/8d/2c+d931/00/03 cartridge sha256:56f1fe3a7881b2e9d69cd33a0971b2f26247e964c3c7dd4a6019715425ff2256 name:Kid Icarus (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OTXSVLON + code:db2e/f1/e9 cheat description:No ordinary damage - code:SZUIKLSA + code:db34/85/a5 cheat description:No damage from floor hazards - code:SKXGUYVG + code:cfa3/c6/c5 cheat description:No damage from Medusa - code:SZSLAPSA + code:b150/85/a5 cheat description:Lava restores health - code:VVXGUYVG + code:cfa3/c6/e6 cheat description:Immune to becoming an eggplant - code:AAUEVAPA + code:883e/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AANIOPPP+AOEIEPZE+XTNSNPEU + code:d971/11/00+d980/02/18+d97f/b0/ea cheat description:99 Hammers on pick-up - code:EOSTEXOZ+KNSTOZPA + code:ead0/a9/90+ead1/01/f4 cheat description:Small hearts worth 2 - code:ZAKSXTPA + code:de4a/01/02 cheat description:Small hearts worth 5 - code:IAKSXTPA + code:de4a/01/05 cheat description:Small hearts worth 135 - code:NAKSXTPA + code:de4a/01/87 cheat description:Big hearts worth 20 - code:GPKSSVZA + code:de4d/0a/14 cheat description:Big hearts worth 255 - code:NYKSSVZA + code:de4d/0a/f7 cheat description:Get best ending with 8uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu code - code:PEEEZPAA + code:818a/00/01 cartridge sha256:a11eec5762a029c95a5d496c0671b73e663225be50a5b1e89f16f380637b6665 name:Kid Klown in Night Mayor World (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYNZVYEI + code:af76/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZKEOESE + code:8849/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AANAUAPA + code:8873/01/00 cheat description:Full health from hearts - code:AAEAUGLA + code:8c03/03/00 cheat description:Less health from hearts - code:ZENANLIA + code:8bf7/05/02 cheat description:More health from hearts - code:ZENANLIE + code:8bf7/05/0a cheat description:Mega-jump (don't hold jump down too long or you might get stuck) - code:GXEZYVVV + code:a687/ee/2c cheat description:Infinite chances in sub-game (press Start to re-enter the main game) - code:GZSEIYVG + code:875d/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:043F:19 + code:043f/19 cheat description:Infinite Chips - code:0117:63 + code:0117/63 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:043E:09 + code:043e/09 cartridge sha256:f85a689b4ff7a5e51703e5fabc73ca1af43e6519754c4a59c11a960baa323b47 name:Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SEVILPSZ + code:d1e3/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite time - code:VZOEOGVT + code:8c19/e6/a6 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKKXIVG + code:cd4a/c6/a5 cheat description:Press Start to complete the level - code:GEXGUALU+LEXGSALU+OXXGXAIK + code:c8a3/33/0c+c8a5/33/0b+c8a2/45/a9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - throwing - code:ELXKKESZ+TIXKSAYA + code:c82c/ad/b0+c82d/07/56 cheat description:Multi-jump when falling - code:ESXPZZEY+KOXPLZKS+OKOOYZOX+PEXPPXSG+PXXPAZES + code:92a2/f0/d0+92a3/d4/9c+929f/a1/c9+92a1/cd/01+92a0/d0/29 cheat description:One life after continue - code:PASKOILA + code:cd59/03/01 cheat description:Start with one life - code:PAVGIALA + code:c065/03/01 cheat description:Start with double lives - code:TAVGIALA + code:c065/03/06 cheat description:Start with triple lives - code:PAVGIALE + code:c065/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0031:09 + code:0031/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0015:09 + code:0015/09 cartridge sha256:81a77623adf819f10548052075555998c1ec1ef5f4dc4bf6ff6b6c3fa3541c1b name:Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility (glitchy) - code:SZEESTSA+SXVEUISA + code:8e0d/85/a5+8deb/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXSOKIVG + code:9ddc/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite time - code:AESUEGPA + code:bcd8/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AOUAESXE+ATOKTXSY+AVUAOSAG + code:8db0/8a/18+c21e/fd/60+8db1/48/60 cheat description:Higher jump - code:NYUEXOEV + code:893a/e8/ff cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AANOVZAP+AEEPKXZA+AEOOUXIZ+APEYXNNY+ATENUNNY+AZENENNY+GAEYUNNY+GZEYENNY+IZENONNN+KTEYSNNN+NNOOKXOE+OAENXNNN+OZEYKNNN+PPEYNNNN+SAEYVNNY+YIEYONNY + code:9a7e/10/00+9a84/0a/00+9a9b/2d/00+ff02/ff/10+ff0b/ff/60+ff08/ff/20+ff03/ff/04+ff00/ff/24+ff09/ff/2d+ff05/ff/ec+9a9c/89/ff+ff0a/ff/89+ff04/ff/a9+ff07/ff/19+ff06/ff/85+ff01/ff/57 cheat description:Less time - code:GAUELZTA+GEEPOTTA + code:823b/06/04+9e81/06/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAOATZLA + code:8216/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOATZLA + code:8216/03/06 cheat description:Start on round 2 - code:PEVAYPAA+PEUETPAA + code:81e7/00/01+81be/00/01 cheat description:Start on round 3 - code:ZEVAYPAA+ZEUETPAA + code:81e7/00/02+81be/00/02 cheat description:Start on round 4 - code:LEVAYPAA+LEUETPAA + code:81e7/00/03+81be/00/03 cheat description:Start on round 5 - code:GEVAYPAA+GEUETPAA + code:81e7/00/04+81be/00/04 cheat description:Start on round 6 - code:IEVAYPAA+IEUETPAA + code:81e7/00/05+81be/00/05 cheat description:Invincibility (glitchy) (alt) - code:0088:00+00F4:00 + code:0088/00+00f4/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00CC:03 + code:00cc/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0621:3B + code:0621/3b cartridge sha256:81e527e9c282f5078a3d08470ad3c032fea9a72f1559ee9d2702ea6b07fab45c name:Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EEKEPPAA + code:81c9/00/80 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AOOENSXE+ATUKLXSY+AVXAESAG + code:8d9f/8a/18+c23b/fd/60+8da0/48/60 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AANPXXLP+APEYXNNY+ATENUNNY+AZENENNY+GAEYUNNY+GZEYENNY+GZSOXZEY+GZSPKZEY+KTEYSNNN+LPENONNN+NYNPUXOE+OAENXNNN+OZEYKNNN+PPEYNNNN+SAEYVNNY+YIEYONNY + code:9a72/1b/00+ff02/ff/10+ff0b/ff/60+ff08/ff/20+ff03/ff/04+ff00/ff/24+9a5a/f0/24+9a54/f0/24+ff05/ff/ec+ff09/ff/1b+9a73/89/ff+ff0a/ff/89+ff04/ff/a9+ff07/ff/19+ff06/ff/85+ff01/ff/57 cheat description:Invincibility (glitchy) - code:0088:00+00F4:00 + code:0088/00+00f4/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00CC:03 + code:00cc/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0621:3B + code:0621/3b cartridge sha256:a8f2987d83253adb573aa760c1bb926e951f2c2d72daff4e2d2e125ec1a181c4 name:King Kong 2 - Ikari no Megaton Punch (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health and lives - code:SLSYTPSP + code:f156/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite Rocks - code:SZVEPSSE + code:8569/8d/ad cheat description:Start with max health - code:PESVAAPE+OOSTYAAE + code:e0d8/01/09+e0d7/00/99 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXVOPZE + code:e929/02/09 cartridge sha256:6cc3a973288a4c3c96a967bdf1be74eee909d3f5eb16ce0b405f20ce565c66cc name:King Neptune's Adventure (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXSTVVK+SXUILKVK+SZNIIVSE + code:d6ae/ce/ad+d4b3/ce/ad+d675/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSKVVVK + code:ce5e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bubble Bombs - code:SXXYSPVG + code:f9a5/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with all treasures (removes all items from level) - code:AEUGLKEY + code:c4b3/f8/00 cheat description:Start with 99 Bubble Bombs and Money - code:LVUKGGAA + code:c4bc/00/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Seahorses and Keys - code:LTUKSIAA + code:cd3d/00/63 cartridge sha256:3249d267ca17098077bb94eee437f354066971bc03c0d06eada05efd92b0fa52 name:King of Kings, The (USA) (v5.0) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0512:06 + code:0512/06 cartridge sha256:dc6859332ca69a8361bb3eb8ba1ff638f4bbbc7837a3a9f8a474e05f6bc379ea name:King of Kings, The (USA) (v1.3) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0512:06 + code:0512/06 cartridge sha256:9ae715b6f2400d21f5d1ec426ecf310aa68ca46f3b37b37d5ae115f34049676b name:King of Kings, The (USA) (v1.2) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0512:06 + code:0512/06 cartridge sha256:d1002d407b544d70b4ddf4515665f6e18ac9c8ee2efd4be184e5240119fd6f70 name:King of Kings, The (USA) (v1.1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0512:06 + code:0512/06 cartridge sha256:be97bca71e1bf099ef0f6ff91aed506df7b0506433c76e5deccea7b130e3a20f name:King's Knight (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZVXTPSA + code:a16e/85/24 cheat description:Only lose 1 HP when hit - code:OTVXAPSV+PAVXPPAP + code:a168/e5/e9+a169/10/01 cheat description:Start with double usual health - code:AOSUAOGE + code:b1d8/0c/18 cheat description:Start with half usual health - code:TESUAOGA + code:b1d8/0c/06 cheat description:Start with a better character - code:PESUTPAA + code:b1de/00/01 cheat description:Start with the best character normally possible - code:ZESUTPAA + code:b1de/00/02 cheat description:Start with a super character, better than normally Possible - code:IESUTPAA + code:b1de/00/05 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:009A:0C + code:009a/0c cartridge sha256:1250a80faf865aa5ee5585ad7639e5ef2b3fa541554effda5fad2cc5dc2acef5 name:Kirby's Adventure (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINELGEY + code:847b/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEPSVSE + code:9e05/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKTPKVG + code:e4c1/ce/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere (spitting) - code:AOOEIOOV+AOOETPYE+EANEZAAT+GGNEAESN+GXKEIPEL+VGNEPAGY + code:819d/e9/18+819e/07/18+807a/60/80+8078/fd/4c+81cd/b0/24+8079/74/c6 cheat description:Inhale from anywhere - code:AASELZZG+AINEYZEP+SZNEGXSV + code:825b/42/00+827f/90/50+827c/ed/ad cheat description:Less health from 'pep drinks' - code:ZAKLLXAA + code:b243/08/02 cheat description:More health from 'pep drinks' - code:APKLLXAA + code:b243/08/10 cheat description:Full health from 'pep drinks' - code:YZKLLXAE + code:b243/08/2f cheat description:Start with less health - code:YONZZNYX + code:a7f2/2f/1f cheat description:Start with more health - code:YKNZZNYX + code:a7f2/2f/4f cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEVXIYGA + code:a7ed/04/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEVXIYGE + code:a7ed/04/08 cheat description:Start with 17 lives - code:AOVXIYGA + code:a7ed/04/10 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:05F9:02 + code:05f9/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0597:2F + code:0597/2f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0599:09 + code:0599/09 cartridge sha256:a6b81fec11c24a33fd763db5c28005e760a1614e70c1bb5ccde0bd4242431000 name:Kirby's Adventure (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINELGEY + code:847b/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEPSVSE + code:9e05/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKTPKVG + code:e4c1/ce/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere (spitting) - code:AEKAIEIA+AEXAIPTL+AOOAGEOV+AOOAIAYE+GXKEIPEL + code:80c5/0d/00+81a5/36/00+8094/e9/18+8095/07/18+81cd/b0/24 cheat description:Inhale from anywhere - code:AASELZZG+GXEAGZEL + code:825b/42/00+8284/b0/24 cheat description:Less health from 'pep drinks' - code:ZAKLLXAA + code:b243/08/02 cheat description:More health from 'pep drinks' - code:APKLLXAA + code:b243/08/10 cheat description:Full health from 'pep drinks' - code:YZKLLXAE + code:b243/08/2f cheat description:Start with less health - code:YONZZNYX + code:a7f2/2f/1f cheat description:Start with more health - code:YKNZZNYX + code:a7f2/2f/4f cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEVXIYGA + code:a7ed/04/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEVXIYGE + code:a7ed/04/08 cheat description:Start with 17 lives - code:AOVXIYGA + code:a7ed/04/10 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:05F9:02 + code:05f9/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0597:2F + code:0597/2f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0599:09 + code:0599/09 cartridge sha256:9caa01a2b81ce1f98b17520aee09d415da7192382c1e47316998b6c1be6168eb name:Kiwi Kraze - A Bird-Brained Adventure! (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIUKGIEY + code:c53c/f0/d0 cheat description:Super-jump - code:XYKTISKN + code:e545/fc/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUSKLYVI + code:c7db/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:GZEKXPVS + code:c90a/d6/2c cheat description:1 life after continue - code:AAEGNPZA + code:c907/02/00 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:IAEGNPZA + code:c907/02/05 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:AAEGNPZE + code:c907/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life (and 1 continue) - code:AANGLLZA + code:c373/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives (and 6 continues) - code:IANGLLZA + code:c373/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives (and 9 continues) - code:AANGLLZE + code:c373/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:GZVKAUSE+GAVGYLAA + code:c368/8d/2c+c367/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:GZVKAUSE+AAVGYLAE + code:c368/8d/2c+c367/00/08 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:GZVKAUSE+GAVGYLAE + code:c368/8d/2c+c367/00/0c cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GZVKAUSE+PPVGYLAA + code:c368/8d/2c+c367/00/11 cartridge sha256:ef63df6bcbc7e13dace53f106a247485a09409799b99c8415e934ba532cdaa53 name:KlashBall (USA) cheat description:Very little team stamina - select the middle team - code:IAUUOOAZ + code:b939/28/05 cheat description:More team stamina - select the middle team - code:AGUUOOAZ + code:b939/28/40 cheat description:Mega team stamina - select the middle team - code:OPUUOOAX + code:b939/28/99 cheat description:Power is doubled for the whole team - select the middle team - code:GAUUKPZA + code:b93c/02/04 cheat description:Power is tripled for the whole team - select the middle team - code:TAUUKPZA + code:b93c/02/06 cheat description:Mega power for the whole team - select the middle team - code:PAUUKPZE + code:b93c/02/09 cheat description:Never lose stamina - select the middle team - code:GXEZAVSO + code:a680/9d/2c cheat description:Computer can't score - select the middle team - code:SZSEZGVT + code:845a/e6/a5 cheat description:Everyone including computer has 255 skill - select the middle team - code:GZSXTEAU+GZSXTESN + code:a05e/38/2c+a05e/fd/2c cartridge sha256:28b3f1dde1488dd83422da47300d2e31ffce811bf2be37bf6d510019c2289f40 name:Klax (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite drops - code:SXXLUGVT + code:bca3/e6/a5 cheat description:When starting on level 6, 0 drops allowed - code:PANENGGA + code:8c7f/04/01 cheat description:When starting on level 6, 5 drops allowed - code:IANENGGA + code:8c7f/04/05 cheat description:When starting on level 11, 0 drops allowed - code:PEOAXGIA + code:8c92/05/01 cheat description:When starting on level 11, 3 drops allowed - code:LEOAXGIA + code:8c92/05/03 cheat description:Start with 0 drops allowed - code:PAVESGLA + code:8c6d/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 drops allowed - code:IAVESGLA + code:8c6d/03/05 + cheat + description:Level select + code:0000/00 cartridge sha256:b66538543d3c4c74448e896130081c39112b14898beffbe95137a410394e5dc9 name:Knight Rider (USA) cheat description:Infinite shield - code:SZXSYTSA + code:d62f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:SZEXUNVK + code:af0b/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite laser - code:GXXZSVVK + code:aea5/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXEGEVK+SXKEIEVK + code:80ac/ce/ad+80cd/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life after continue - code:AEVALAZA + code:80e3/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives after continue - code:IEVALAZA + code:80e3/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives after continue - code:AEVALAZE + code:80e3/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AANKOAZA+VTNKSESE + code:c879/02/00+c87d/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IANKOAZA+VTNKSESE + code:c879/02/05+c87d/8d/ee cheat description:Start with 99 missiles - code:SZKZYOSU+LYKXAOTT + code:a147/bd/ad+a148/6e/73 cheat description:Start with 99 lasers - code:SZSZLOSU+PYSZGPGN + code:a153/bd/ad+a154/74/79 cheat description:Start with full gasoline - code:SZUZAOSU+ATUZPPTV + code:a130/bd/ad+a131/66/68 cheat description:Start with full shield - code:SZUXGOSU+ITUXIOZV + code:a13c/bd/ad+a13d/6a/6d cartridge sha256:e5673075301b0c84137d24aff0ffbfa0565d33c960968d9843d7bc57f1107417 name:Krion Conquest, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXNIVLSA + code:dbf6/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVLOIVG + code:bde1/c6/a5 cheat description:Float spell - code:AEOKYTTP + code:c69f/16/00 cheat description:Quicker supershot - code:PEVGOIGA + code:cde1/04/01 cheat description:Less energy used for fire spell - code:GEXYLEAA+IEOYTEPA + code:f0a3/08/04+f096/09/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAKAAPZA + code:8140/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAKAAPZA + code:8140/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAKAAPZE + code:8140/02/08 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAXEZPAA+EZXEPOOZ+KAXEIPSA + code:812a/00/01+8129/a9/a0+812d/85/84 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZAXEZPAA+EZXEPOOZ+KAXEIPSA + code:812a/00/02+8129/a9/a0+812d/85/84 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LAXEZPAA+EZXEPOOZ+KAXEIPSA + code:812a/00/03+8129/a9/a0+812d/85/84 cheat description:Invincibility - code:03DE:02+03E0:3A + code:03de/02+03e0/3a cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:004C:28 + code:004c/28 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0043:02 + code:0043/02 cheat description:Infinite oxygen in underwater stage - code:0318:05 + code:0318/05 cheat description:Moon-jump (disable in underwater stage) - code:0057:1F + code:0057/1f cartridge sha256:5f981ab1988614a96fd029c6fe3f103465dbf3219265bd8274bf8cd537adee34 name:Krusty's Fun House (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AAUXAEZA + code:a038/0a/00 cheat description:Infinite pies - first life only - code:GXKZPKVK + code:a4c1/ce/2c cheat description:Pick-up Super Balls instead of Custard Pies - code:AEOXSLPA + code:ab9d/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKATALA + code:8046/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAKATALA + code:8046/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAKATALE + code:8046/03/09 cheat description:Start with 6 pies - code:TAKELEPA + code:804b/09/06 cheat description:Start with 18 pies - code:ZPKELEPA + code:804b/09/12 cartridge sha256:0ba5e69962f6576d3729aa967092a7e8c98d00213cd98026dee343bff67b4177 name:Kung Fu (Japan, USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AUVZEGTA+VEVZOKSX + code:ace0/06/30+ace1/ad/8e cheat description:Infinite health and one hit kills - code:GPTGTG+UTYKTK + code:c466/14+c47e/eb cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUAOAAX + code:8831/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SUAAXA + code:8882/b5 cheat description:Invincibility against knives - code:GXSLVYEI + code:bfd6/d0/24 cheat description:Don't die when time runs out - code:GZVKIYSA+ATVKYNGG + code:c76d/85/24+c76f/4c/60 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AASGYXOG + code:c257/c9/00 cheat description:Enemies die when trying to grab you - code:GXKZTIEI+KVKXPSIK+SXKXZIVZ+AVOZLNGG + code:a5c6/d0/24+a5c9/4d/ec+a5ca/a6/a5+a793/4c/60 cheat description:Enemies easier to shrug off - code:AEVXLSPT + code:a5eb/69/00 cheat description:Enemies harder to shrug off - code:ZEVXPIGE + code:a5e9/04/0a cheat description:Give P2 an advantage - code:SEZEGG + code:84ac/85 cheat description:Knife thrower harder to beat - code:XYUXEUZK + code:ab38/4a/fa cheat description:Normal enemies do more damage - code:LEEXSYPA + code:af8d/01/03 cheat description:Walk 2X faster - code:VYNONUNN+ZANOVLPA + code:9b7f/ff/fe+9b7e/01/02 cheat description:Walk 4X faster - code:GANOVLPA+KYNONUNN + code:9b7e/01/04+9b7f/ff/fc cheat description:Start at last level reached - P1 - code:GZLATG + code:8436/24 cheat description:Start at last level reached - P2 - code:GZLEPG + code:8439/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PEZELG + code:84ab/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PEZELK + code:84ab/09 cheat description:Infinite health (disable at end of level) - code:04A6:1E + code:04a6/1e cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:005C:09 + code:005c/09 cheat description:Knife Thrower doesn't throw knives - code:03E8:00+03E9:00+03EA:00+03EB:00 + code:03e8/00+03e9/00+03ea/00+03eb/00 cheat description:Max score - code:0536:09+0535:09+0534:09+0533:09+0532:09+0531:09 + code:0536/09+0535/09+0534/09+0533/09+0532/09+0531/09 cheat description:Start on floor 2 - code:005F:01 + code:005f/01 cheat description:Start on floor 3 - code:005F:02 + code:005f/02 cheat description:Start on floor 4 - code:005F:03 + code:005f/03 cheat description:Start on floor 5 - code:005F:04 + code:005f/04 cartridge sha256:323d330cb50e0a4cd7855a3eedb0e97a08b31d9f7c638e4fa53ab58c1263154e name:Kung-Fu Heroes (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AAXGYOZA+AVUSPVSL + code:c127/0a/00+d6b9/bd/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AESLZLPA + code:b3d2/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Miracle Kicks - code:AEVSPAPA + code:d0e9/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere (most enemies) - code:SXNIALAX + code:d3f0/20/ad cheat description:2 E-balls for an extra life - code:ZAXUEGIA + code:bc28/05/02 cheat description:Use with warp to start with 1 life - code:PASZNPLA + code:a957/03/01 cheat description:Use with warp to start with 6 lives - code:TASZNPLA + code:a957/03/06 cheat description:Use with warp to start with 9 lives - code:PASZNPLE + code:a957/03/09 cheat description:Mega-jumps left and right - code:GAOKOGPA+KYXGOKNN + code:cc19/01/04+cc21/ff/fc cheat description:Start with 20 Miracle Kicks - code:GPVZXPAA + code:a962/00/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASXSPIA + code:a95d/05/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PASXSPIE + code:a95d/05/09 cheat description:Start on Castle 2 - code:OZSZXPSX+GASZUOSG + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/04 cheat description:Start on Castle 3 - code:OZSZXPSX+AASZUOSK + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/08 cheat description:Start on Castle 4 - code:OZSZXPSX+GASZUOSK + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/0c cheat description:Start on Castle 5 - code:OZSZXPSX+APSZUOSG + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/10 cheat description:Start on Castle 6 - code:OZSZXPSX+GPSZUOSG + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/14 cheat description:Start on Castle 7 - code:OZSZXPSX+APSZUOSK + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/18 cheat description:Start on Castle 8 - code:OZSZXPSX+GPSZUOSK + code:a952/a5/a9+a953/cd/1c cartridge sha256:f4b7d8d31c5bbfee69c117332fa3878d04dc3b6e693d1a343d3ef2f20b10a85e name:Last Action Hero (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXOLSGTG + code:bc95/46/a5 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:ESXZLAEY + code:a0a3/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXLOGVG + code:bca1/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZEVZIVG + code:e50a/c6/a5 cheat description:Red hearts worth nothing - code:VZSAEYVT + code:8f50/e6/a6 cheat description:Continue with 1 life - code:AASTAILA + code:e550/03/00 cheat description:Continue with 2 lives - code:PASTAILA + code:e550/03/01 cheat description:Continue with 3 lives - code:ZASTAILA + code:e550/03/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUVSTLA + code:ee3d/03/00 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TAUVSTLA + code:ee3d/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAUVSTLE + code:ee3d/03/09 cheat description:Start with 0 continues - code:AAKTOTZA + code:ee41/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:IAKTOTZA + code:ee41/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:PAKTOTZE + code:ee41/02/09 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Hamlet - code:ZENTAAAA + code:e0f0/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - The House - code:GENTAAAA + code:e0f0/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - The Freeway - code:IENTAAAA + code:e0f0/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - The Office block - code:TENTAAAA + code:e0f0/00/06 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - The Helicopter - code:YENTAAAA + code:e0f0/00/07 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - The Film Premiere - code:AENTAAAE + code:e0f0/00/08 cheat description:Start on Stage 8 - The Cinema - code:PENTAAAE + code:e0f0/00/09 cheat description:Start on the end-of-level bad guy - code:ZENTAAAE + code:e0f0/00/0a cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:008C:19 + code:008c/19 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:002E:2F + code:002e/2f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0092:09 + code:0092/09 cartridge sha256:f15382be46e474c596566c5a726ae39dadfa18289722bac2da44b6493bbabfec name:Last Ninja, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSEEZSA + code:8ad8/85/a5 cheat description:Press Select on controller 2 to skip to next level, A for next screen, B for previous screen - code:EYETYIEI + code:e507/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:007D:09 + code:007d/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:0369:00 + code:0369/00 cartridge sha256:54dd62754f48e39af39c3e8d645897af25aaba31523267bc41d4c95f2b0348d5 name:Last Starfighter, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SZVPATVG + code:9660/c6/a5 cheat description:Stop irritating shake - code:GXUPLGSA + code:94b3/85/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PANENLIA + code:8b7f/05/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TANENLIA + code:8b7f/05/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PANENLIE + code:8b7f/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:KEEAVLSA + code:8b86/85/84 cheat description:Start on level 5 - P1 - code:GAVEKLAA+GZVENLSA+GZNAOLSA + code:8b6c/00/04+8b6f/85/24+8b71/85/24 cheat description:Start on level 10 - P1 - code:PAVEKLAE+GZVENLSA+GZNAOLSA + code:8b6c/00/09+8b6f/85/24+8b71/85/24 cheat description:Start on level 14 - P1 - code:IAVEKLAE+GZVENLSA+GZNAOLSA + code:8b6c/00/0d+8b6f/85/24+8b71/85/24 cartridge sha256:53923dcb59afac40fbfed4aa2298be156b5b9763ec43956757ec44092ba799c5 name:Layla (Japan) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXSTTPVG + code:e1d6/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun ammo - code:SXVIPGVG + code:d4e1/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Dynamite Sticks - code:SXVSPIVG + code:d5e9/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:SZOSYIVG + code:d51f/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:203dc9486ba58e65f9a4289da476dc15ff34d6fd39d355b438ae4db2d182746d name:Legacy of the Wizard (USA) cheat description:Infinitel ife - code:GXVTZYSA + code:e7e2/85/24 cheat description:Infinite magic - code:GXNTYYVG + code:e7f7/c6/24 cheat description:Never lose items - code:GXSVLGVI + code:e4db/d6/24 cheat description:Shopkeeper forgets to charge - code:GZKVUASA + code:e84b/85/24 cheat description:No enemies - code:OUOVNPOP + code:e99f/91/b1 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:GKPSOS + code:dd99/4c cheat description:Lyll's strength tripled - code:LEUYKYPA + code:ffb4/01/03 cheat description:Lyll's jumping improved - code:AUUYUNZP + code:ffb3/1a/30 cheat description:Roas' strength tripled - code:LEUYEYPA + code:ffb0/01/03 cheat description:Roas' jumping improved - code:ZXXNNYGO + code:ffaf/14/2a cheat description:Xemn's strength tripled - code:PEXNEYLE + code:ffa8/03/09 cheat description:Xemn's jumping improved - code:AXXYNYZP + code:ffa7/12/20 cheat description:Menya's strength tripled - code:TEXNKYZA + code:ffac/02/06 cheat description:Menya's jumping improved - code:AXXNUYGP + code:ffab/14/20 cartridge sha256:d2a585ff6febf59447f9bd9fbb387ae4985385d6f6f61a70e145a5ee69523018 name:Legendary Wings (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:AAEEGLPA+AEEATIPA + code:830c/01/00+8586/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEEEELXY+AASEAUNT+AAUEZKKT+AEOEELXT+AEOAEUXT+SXEAZUOO+SXOEZUOO + code:8b88/f2/00+8358/ef/00+843a/ec/00+8b98/e2/00+8b90/ea/00+8382/99/ad+839a/99/ad cheat description:Gain double powers on pick-up - code:ZANAIZPA+ZEVAPIPA + code:8275/01/02+85e1/01/02 cheat description:Gain triple powers on pick-up - code:LANAIZPA+ZEVAPZPA + code:8275/01/03+82e1/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PEEALYLA + code:8783/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:TEEALYLA + code:8783/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PEEALYLE + code:8783/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PANEAYLA + code:8778/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TANEAYLA + code:8778/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PANEAYLE + code:8778/03/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0520:63 + code:0520/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0058:09 + code:0058/09 cheat description:Have Double shot - code:007A:01 + code:007a/01 cheat description:Have Rapid Fire shot - code:007A:02 + code:007a/02 cheat description:Have Crazy Ball shot - code:007A:03 + code:007a/03 cheat description:Have Firebird ability - code:007A:04 + code:007a/04 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:04B0:00 + code:04b0/00 cartridge sha256:3b5627bc1ebaa7a84953d7337c7684a93beaf973f4a8b3a42b513dc1e0ab0a09 name:Legends of the Diamond - The Baseball Championship Game (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:OZUUZSPX + code:b53a/29/a9 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:PEKLAIGA + code:b5c0/04/01 cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:ZEKLAIGA + code:b5c0/04/02 cheat description:6 balls to walk - code:TEKLAIGA + code:b5c0/04/06 cheat description:1 strike and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) - code:PASUGILA + code:b55c/03/01 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) - code:ZASUGILA + code:b55c/03/02 cheat description:5 strikes and you're out (fouls don't count as strikes) - code:IASUGILA + code:b55c/03/05 cartridge sha256:9d83796d8feba9713fa5a1354fd9253cda5cb33ab5bc6f1c6f97d5eb90aef6c3 name:Legend of Kage, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZNPVLSA + code:9b76/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SXVALZVG + code:82e3/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere with Shurikens - code:AESXNKZA+AESZUGTP+AEXXNKLT + code:acdf/0a/00+acd3/16/00+acaf/6b/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere with Sword - code:AAEZVIGP+AAOZXSAA+AEXXNKLT + code:ad06/14/00+ad12/08/00+acaf/6b/00 cheat description:Kill the white boss (you do not need to kill the butterfly) - code:AEXXNKLT + code:acaf/6b/00 cheat description:Super-ninja-power running ability - code:GASAOLZA + code:8b51/02/04 cheat description:Super-ninja-power jumping ability - code:YAKXYPGE+YASZAPGE+YASZPPGE + code:a14f/04/0f+a150/04/0f+a151/04/0f cheat description:Start with 28 lives - both players - code:KEOATAVA + code:8096/86/84 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:002B:63 + code:002b/63 cartridge sha256:1849bb687d038a43971651b13392481768ea0bc15f3d04b6898f052bbfa356e5 name:Legend of the Ghost Lion (USA) cheat description:Infinite Courage points - code:SZUPNNSE + code:9f37/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Dream points - code:SXXKTSSE + code:c5ae/8d/ad cheat description:Buy items for free in most shops (must have enough rubies to purchase item) - code:SXSKLKSE + code:c4db/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health - main character - code:04A1:FF + code:04a1/ff cheat description:Max Dream - main character - code:04A3:FF+04A4:FF + code:04a3/ff+04a4/ff cheat description:Max Dream total - main character - code:04A5:FF + code:04a5/ff cheat description:Max Hope - main character - code:04A0:FF + code:04a0/ff cheat description:Max Rubies - code:041A:FF + code:041a/ff cheat description:Have #2 Whip - code:0562:2A + code:0562/2a cheat description:Have F-Sword - code:0562:2B + code:0562/2b cartridge sha256:ec0d4ebf6d2fcecd1d95fef7329954efe79676959bc281ea908b226459bc6dc2 name:Legend of Zelda, The (USA) (Rev A) + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) + code:ec7d/b9 cheat description:Infinite life - code:AVVLAUSZ + code:b3e0/ad/60 cheat description:Have the Pink Ring (infinite life) - code:ZTSPSTIP + code:9e55/15/62 cheat description:Have Blue Ring effect - code:ESKUILTA + code:b3cd/06/d0 cheat description:Have Red Ring effect - code:OSKUILTA + code:b3cd/06/d1 cheat description:All items are free - code:SZVXASVK+AEVEVALG + code:a568/ce/ad+88ee/43/00 cheat description:Fewer enemies - code:AEOANAEG + code:8897/c0/00 cheat description:No dark rooms - code:AOEUYTEY + code:b68f/f0/10 cheat description:No Zolas - code:AEVATVAA + code:86e6/08/00 cheat description:Reset counter to zero - code:PALZZI + code:a532/01 cheat description:Speed writing - code:OPPEEA + code:8818/91 cheat description:Walk faster - code:OXELYLSX+EUEUALAA + code:b387/a5/a9+b388/00/b0 cheat description:Walk through walls in dungeons - code:SXXOPPSA+ATKOLPEY + code:91a9/85/a5+914b/f0/60 cheat description:Create character with 8 life hearts - code:YYKPOYZZ + code:9f41/22/77 cheat description:Create character with 16 life hearts - code:NYKPOYZX + code:9f41/22/ff cheat description:Invincibility - code:7B3A:60 + code:7b3a/60 cheat - description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:04F0:09 + description:Invincibility (blinking) (alt) + code:04f0/09 cheat description:Infinite life (alt) - code:0670:FF + code:0670/ff cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:7BF2:24+7C28:AD + code:7bf2/24+7c28/ad cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:7353:24+735F:24 + code:7353/24+735f/24 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:066E:03 + code:066e/03 cheat description:Infinite Rupies - code:066D:FF + code:066d/ff cheat description:Enemies don't shoot anything - code:034C:FF + code:034c/ff cheat description:Turbo Sword - code:03DD:01 + code:03dd/01 cheat description:Have all Tri-Force pieces - code:0671:FF + code:0671/ff cheat description:Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 - code:0668:FF+0669:FF + code:0668/ff+0669/ff cheat description:Have Map for Dungeon 9 - code:066A:FF + code:066a/ff cheat description:Have Arrows - code:0659:01 + code:0659/01 cheat description:Have Blue Candle - code:065B:01 + code:065b/01 cheat description:Have Bombs - code:0658:10 + code:0658/10 cheat description:Have Bow - code:065A:01 + code:065a/01 cheat description:Have Enemy Bait - code:065D:01 + code:065d/01 cheat description:Have Flute - code:065C:01 + code:065c/01 cheat description:Have Ladder - code:0663:01 + code:0663/01 cheat description:Have Magic Book - code:0661:01 + code:0661/01 cheat description:Have Magic Boomerang - code:0675:01 + code:0675/01 cheat description:Have Magic Wand - code:065F:01 + code:065f/01 cheat description:Have Magical Key - code:0664:01 + code:0664/01 cheat description:Have Magical Shield - code:0676:01 + code:0676/01 cheat description:Have Magical Sword - code:0657:03 + code:0657/03 cheat description:Have Power Bracelet - code:0665:01 + code:0665/01 cheat description:Have Raft - code:0660:01 + code:0660/01 cheat description:Have Red Candle - code:065B:02 + code:065b/02 cheat description:Have Silver Arrows - code:0659:02 + code:0659/02 cheat description:Have White Sword - code:0657:02 + code:0657/02 cheat description:Have Wooden Sword - code:0657:01 + code:0657/01 cartridge sha256:085e5397a3487357c263dfa159fb0fe20a5f3ea8ef82d7af6a7e848d3b9364e8 name:Legend of Zelda, The (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility (blinking) + code:ec7d/b9 cheat description:Infinite life - code:AVVLAUSZ + code:b3e0/ad/60 cheat description:Have the Pink Ring (infinite life) - code:ZTSOOTIP + code:9e59/15/62 cheat description:All items are free - code:SZVXASVK+AEVEVALG + code:a568/ce/ad+88ee/43/00 cheat description:Almost no enemies in Overworld - code:AAXPILGA+AAXPTLIA+AAXPYLTA + code:9325/04/00+9326/05/00+9327/06/00 cheat description:Fewer enemies - code:AEOANAEG + code:8897/c0/00 cheat description:No dark rooms - code:AOEUYTEY + code:b68f/f0/10 cheat description:No Zolas - code:AEVATVAA + code:86e6/08/00 cheat description:Reset counter to zero - code:PALZZI + code:a532/01 cheat description:Speed writing - code:OPPEEA + code:8818/91 cheat description:Walk faster - code:OXELYLSX+EUEUALAA + code:b387/a5/a9+b388/00/b0 cheat description:Walk through walls in dungeons - code:SXOOYPSA+ATKPPPEY + code:919f/85/a5+9141/f0/60 cheat description:Create character with 8 life hearts - code:YYKPOYZZ + code:9f41/22/77 cheat description:Create character with 16 life hearts - code:NYKPOYZX + code:9f41/22/ff cheat description:Invincibility - code:7B3A:60 + code:7b3a/60 cheat - description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:04F0:09 + description:Invincibility (blinking) (alt) + code:04f0/09 cheat description:Infinite life (alt) - code:0670:FF + code:0670/ff cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:7BF2:24+7C28:AD + code:7bf2/24+7c28/ad cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:7353:24+735F:24 + code:7353/24+735f/24 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:066E:03 + code:066e/03 cheat description:Infinite Rupies - code:066D:FF + code:066d/ff cheat description:Enemies don't shoot anything - code:034C:FF + code:034c/ff cheat description:Turbo Sword - code:03DD:01 + code:03dd/01 cheat description:Have all Tri-Force pieces - code:0671:FF + code:0671/ff cheat description:Have Maps for Dungeons 1-8 and Compass for Dungeon 9 - code:0668:FF+0669:FF + code:0668/ff+0669/ff cheat description:Have Map for Dungeon 9 - code:066A:FF + code:066a/ff cheat description:Have Arrows - code:0659:01 + code:0659/01 cheat description:Have Blue Candle - code:065B:01 + code:065b/01 cheat description:Have Bombs - code:0658:10 + code:0658/10 cheat description:Have Bow - code:065A:01 + code:065a/01 cheat description:Have Enemy Bait - code:065D:01 + code:065d/01 cheat description:Have Flute - code:065C:01 + code:065c/01 cheat description:Have Ladder - code:0663:01 + code:0663/01 cheat description:Have Magic Book - code:0661:01 + code:0661/01 cheat description:Have Magic Boomerang - code:0675:01 + code:0675/01 cheat description:Have Magic Wand - code:065F:01 + code:065f/01 cheat description:Have Magical Key - code:0664:01 + code:0664/01 cheat description:Have Magical Shield - code:0676:01 + code:0676/01 cheat description:Have Magical Sword - code:0657:03 + code:0657/03 cheat description:Have Power Bracelet - code:0665:01 + code:0665/01 cheat description:Have Raft - code:0660:01 + code:0660/01 cheat description:Have Red Candle - code:065B:02 + code:065b/02 cheat description:Have Silver Arrows - code:0659:02 + code:0659/02 cheat description:Have White Sword - code:0657:02 + code:0657/02 cheat description:Have Wooden Sword - code:0657:01 + code:0657/01 cartridge sha256:494aa7d49d3f4d66f01cac0f31a9bc7bc9626faa575a635f43e7caf19a832a48 name:Lemmings (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUTLAVG + code:e0b3/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite climbers - code:SZVVTPVG + code:e16e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite floaters - code:SXOVAPVG + code:e198/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite bombers - code:SXKTYPVG + code:e1c7/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite blockers - code:SZOTPZVG + code:e211/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite builders - code:SZVTPZVG + code:e261/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite bashers - code:SXXVLZVG + code:e2ab/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite miners - code:SZETGLVG + code:e304/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite diggers - code:SZSTYLVG + code:e357/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:97c67809c952bc25060a01dca224eedc5ed76cc770bac44452c92cd3a1d4a418 name:Lethal Weapon (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo when shooting on the ground - code:OLSSGSOO + code:d55c/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite ammo when shooting in the air - code:OUSSISOO+OUXIPSOO + code:d5dd/99/b9+d5a1/99/b9 cheat description:E restores health completely - code:AKVIXAAP + code:d8e2/10/40 cheat description:E worth nothing - code:AEVIXAAP + code:d8e2/10/00 cheat description:Extra ammo restores ammo completely - code:AKKSEAAP + code:d8c8/10/40 cheat description:Extra ammo worth nothing (if you run out of ammo you can't use gun till next stage) - code:AEKSEAAP + code:d8c8/10/00 cheat description:No health lost when falling off screen - code:AEUYXAAZ + code:f8b2/20/00 cheat description:Falling off screen is fatal - code:AKUYXAAZ + code:f8b2/20/40 cheat description:Bullet proof vest lasts longer - code:NNNISAAU + code:d8f5/30/ff cheat description:Bullet proof vest lasts until end of stage, except when you die from punches or falling off screen - code:XVUKOOXK + code:c9b9/ca/ea cheat description:Bullet proof vest does not last as long - code:ZENISAAU:or:AONISAAL + code:d8f5/30/0a+d8f5/30/10 cheat description:Start on Level 2 - code:XTUGTXXK + code:c236/ca/ea cheat description:Start on Level 3 - code:XZUGLXVL+LAUGGZNP+XTUGIZEK + code:c233/be/a2+c234/97/03+c235/c0/ea cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P1 - code:05ED:09 + code:05ed/09 cheat description:Infinite health - code:05C0:3F + code:05c0/3f cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:003F:3A + code:003f/3a cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:05C4:00 + code:05c4/00 cartridge sha256:dbd530e6ca07cc4b255b1b885cd5b6b2e23b8d3cac4733c3e4d96acd7d751c28 name:Life Force (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZKGILVI + code:c345/d6/24 cheat description:Keep pods after death - code:GZSGLTSP + code:c653/95/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAUIPXTP+AAUSTXIA+ATNILXOZ+EIKSZZEP + code:d231/1e/00+d23e/0d/00+d273/a9/60+d24a/90/d0 cheat description:One hit kills most enemies - code:OXOSPXOV + code:d299/e9/a9 cheat description:Press Start to finish the level - code:TKOYVIGX+ZEOYKIPA + code:fd96/24/4e+fd94/01/02 cheat description:Start with Speed - code:PEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/01 cheat description:Start with Missile - code:ZEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/02 cheat description:Start with Ripple - code:LEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/03 cheat description:Start with Laser - code:GEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/04 cheat description:Start with Option - code:IEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/05 cheat description:Start with Force Field - code:TEKGPTAA + code:c6c1/00/06 cheat description:Start at the volcanic stage - code:PEUTSTAA + code:eeb5/00/01 cheat description:Start at the prominence stage - code:ZEUTSTAA + code:eeb5/00/02 cheat description:Start at cell stage 2 - code:LEUTSTAA + code:eeb5/00/03 cheat description:Start at the temple stage - code:GEUTSTAA + code:eeb5/00/04 cheat description:Start at the mechanical city stage - code:IEUTSTAA + code:eeb5/00/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEKVNTLA + code:eecf/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEKVNTLA + code:eecf/03/06 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:0084:C0 + code:0084/c0 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:0085:C0 + code:0085/c0 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0034:63 + code:0034/63 cheat description:Complete the level - code:004E:02 + code:004e/02 cheat description:Progress through the level faster - code:003A:02 + code:003a/02 cheat description:Have 30 lives option - code:07EF:01 + code:07ef/01 cheat description:Have upgraded Laser - code:0076:03 + code:0076/03 cheat description:Have double Speed - code:0080:02 + code:0080/02 cheat description:Have triple Speed - code:0080:03 + code:0080/03 cheat description:Have Shield - code:0082:09 + code:0082/09 cheat description:Have double Missile - code:0086:02 + code:0086/02 cheat description:Have Option - code:0091:01 + code:0091/01 cartridge sha256:36769f543b6cfb08c5ef8673a11a7b27264bdd60323a62e9083b3da47eb33a8c name:Lightgun Game 2 in 1 - Cosmocop + Cyber Monster (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Cosmo Cop - Infinite lives - code:SXXKNUVK + code:cbaf/ce/ad cheat description:Cosmo Cop - Infinite ammo - code:SZXGXUSE + code:cb22/8d/ad cheat description:Cosmo Cop - Infinite energy - code:SZVKEUVK+SZVKUUVK + code:cb68/ce/ad+cb6b/ce/ad cheat description:Cyber Monster - Infinite misses - code:ATSPASVG + code:9550/ce/60 cartridge sha256:745164dee8e4af6a7150d21e9ef082f56a51b01c5c32f28cdf4cd211bed3714d name:Lightgun Game 2 in 1 - Tough Cop + Super Tough Cop (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:037A:06 + code:037a/06 cartridge sha256:cecc797ffc82c5764e89038262c00b325f44afc0d9fc4b5bef295ea227e1dd22 name:Lion King, The (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINEILEY+EIVLYGEY + code:837d/f0/d0+b467/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNEAKVK + code:84f8/ce/ad cartridge sha256:475c35c18b5e958122473bcca52d54438e1734b1b74dc295492eba6d29927193 name:Little League Baseball - Championship Series (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:OZUITLEN + code:d336/f0/a9 cheat description:Always hit a homerun (press B while the ball is in play) - code:AGOLPUNI+UPEUYLOG + code:b311/df/40+b30f/c1/93 cartridge sha256:68e98b1b8dc5da610321f92718b4b4c2b2b71b6c752ff25ca6926e26cd91c57f name:Little Mermaid, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESSGSPEY+ESEELPEY + code:c9d5/f0/d0+818b/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:SXSGNPVG + code:c9d7/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSSPLVG + code:d359/c6/a5 cheat description:Keep red pearls after dying - code:GZSILLSA + code:d353/85/24 cheat description:Keep green pearls after dying - code:GZSIILSA + code:d355/85/24 cheat description:Get all pearls after dying - code:LASIZLAA + code:d352/00/03 cheat description:Start with all red pearls - code:LAKKGTAA+ILKKTVOV + code:c64c/00/03+c64e/e9/3d cheat description:Start with all green pearls - code:LAKKGTAA+TLKKTVOV + code:c64c/00/03+c64e/e9/3e cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:PASGGTLA+PAXGAYLA + code:c654/03/01+c720/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - code:IASGGTLA+IAXGAYLA + code:c654/03/05+c720/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AASGATZA + code:c650/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IASGATZA + code:c650/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AASGATZE + code:c650/02/08 cheat description:Start on Ursula stage - code:IAKKGTAA + code:c64c/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAKKGTAA + code:c64c/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZAKKGTAA + code:c64c/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LAKKGTAA + code:c64c/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:GAKKGTAA + code:c64c/00/04 cartridge sha256:e95d3557fa60bacabe7a0b65277cdf2f084b6f58b55784d3d631ab030def0a91 name:Little Nemo - The Dream Master (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SXKTGEVK + code:e0c4/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOKSLVG + code:cb1d/c6/a5 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:TOKZKNZA + code:afc4/0a/16 cheat description:Speed jumps - code:GESLYPPA+UYUUIOVN + code:b1d7/01/04+b13d/fe/fb cheat description:Super speed - code:ZEXLLPPA+SYEUPOVN + code:b1a3/01/02+b109/fe/fd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEKKSZLA + code:cacd/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEKKSZLA + code:cacd/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEKKSZLE + code:cacd/03/09 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:GEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:IEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:TEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:YEUKOZAA + code:cab9/00/07 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0630:03 + code:0630/03 cheat description:Infinite life (alt) - code:05D0:05 + code:05d0/05 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:008E:09 + code:008e/09 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:008C:09 + code:008c/09 cheat description:Fly - code:0540:FF + code:0540/ff cartridge sha256:50badb618accf0ca28966c05ca4ff159aa9afa2fccd7f0354b8eff6af105a8f0 name:Little Ninja Brothers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AIULZPEI + code:b132/d0/50 cheat description:Invincibility to water - code:SXSZXNTS + code:afd2/5e/ad cheat description:Infinite Life - code:OLKUAOOO + code:b148/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite Dragon Kicks - code:AEUUYKIA + code:b4bf/0d/00 cheat description:Infinite money - code:AVSIOOSZ + code:d9d1/ad/60 cheat description:Mighty Ball always available - code:AEEOKZPA + code:9a8c/01/00 cheat description:T-Star always available - code:ATUOSUSZ + code:9b3d/ad/60 cheat description:All T-Stars - code:OZXONUPX + code:9b2f/29/a9 cheat description:Max money after fights - code:AEOSKPZA + code:d99c/02/00 cheat description:Quick level up - code:AAXIVOZP + code:d926/1a/00 cheat description:Start with 255 Life - code:NYUSKXZE + code:da3c/0a/ff cheat description:Start with 50 Attack - code:ZLUSSZPA + code:da3d/01/32 cheat description:Have Batteries - code:0449:02 + code:0449/02 cheat description:Have Marks - code:042A:06 + code:042a/06 cheat description:Have Meat Bun - code:044D:01 + code:044d/01 cheat description:Have Medicine - code:044B:01 + code:044b/01 cheat description:Have Prism Claw - code:0439:08 + code:0439/08 cheat description:Have Prism Sword - code:043B:05 + code:043b/05 cheat description:Have Prism Shield - code:043C:04 + code:043c/04 cheat description:Have Sacred Robe - code:043D:04 + code:043d/04 cheat description:Have Sweet Buns - code:044C:08 + code:044c/08 cheat description:Have T-Stars - code:042B:08 + code:042b/08 cheat description:Have Whirly Birds - code:044A:01 + code:044a/01 cartridge sha256:a5165565263eaf8bdc45a8e6a615704f9bf271cd6d547d22c098c80cbaffd879 name:Little Samson (USA) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:APSELZEI + code:825b/d0/10 cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZVEPXSN + code:8269/fd/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXOVAGVG + code:e498/c6/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALUAIGEL + code:8435/b0/30 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:AVKXSXVI + code:aacd/de/60 cheat description:Increase Samson's health gauge - code:AOKTPSAE + code:e5c1/08/18 cheat description:Increase Kikira's health gauge - code:AOKTZSAE + code:e5c2/08/18 cheat description:Increase Gamm's health gauge - code:AXKTLIAP + code:e5c3/10/20 cheat description:Increase K.O.'s health gauge - code:AOKTGIGA + code:e5c4/04/10 cheat description:Increase Samson's health - code:AOKTISAE + code:e5c5/08/18 cheat description:Increase Kikira's health - code:AOKTTSAE + code:e5c6/08/18 cheat description:Increase Gamm's health - code:AXKTYIAP + code:e5c7/10/20 cheat description:Increase K.O.'s health - code:AOKVAIGA + code:e5c8/04/10 cheat description:Crystal ball adds 4 units to health gauge - code:AAUZEZGE + code:aa30/04/08 cheat description:Small hearts give 4 health units - code:AESXVPZE + code:a9de/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - Little Samson - code:0097:08 + code:0097/08 cheat description:Infinite health - Dragon - code:0098:08 + code:0098/08 cheat description:Infinite health - Golem - code:0099:0F + code:0099/0f cheat description:Infinite health - Mouse - code:009A:04 + code:009a/04 cartridge sha256:33c362ea3dbce2ac449e0d877d85904c26fcaf4b197e27b23efe9cbe67f20e15 name:Locksmith (Asia) (PAL) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0573:23 + code:0573/23 cheat description:Infinite time - code:056A:01 + code:056a/01 cheat description:Instantly beat puzzle - code:0043:FF + code:0043/ff cartridge sha256:6c17c7bf2f7466eb43718305a0d74bd75f31b65429bc1fe406c34565e792310c name:Lode Runner (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GXOKIGEY+GXOGTGEY+GZNGLGEY + code:c49d/f0/24+c496/f0/24+c473/f0/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZNGYIVG + code:c577/c6/24 cheat description:Moonwalk - code:APOIGPAL + code:d114/30/10 cheat description:Heavy gravity - code:GAUGVGYA+AAKGEGGA + code:cc36/07/04+cc40/04/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASKLTIA + code:c65b/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZASKLTIE + code:c65b/05/0a cartridge sha256:622ef597b328a204fafcef55c9aef0de08489a43898a6c9adaa9d39971e06f69 name:Lone Ranger, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - side views only - code:GZKKYPSA + code:c14f/85/24 cheat description:Infinite regular and silver bullets - code:AASXUAPA + code:a85b/01/00 + cheat + description:Items are free + code:a50f/e5/60 cheat description:Cheaper silver bullets - code:IEUZTNZA + code:a7b6/0a/05 cheat description:Cheaper standard bullets - code:ZEUZIYIA + code:a7b5/05/02 cheat description:Don't lose money when shooting bystanders - code:GZSZNATG+GZSXOATT + code:a857/46/24+a859/66/24 + cheat + description:Walk anywhere - Overworld + code:a9d4/85/a5 cheat description:Start with 255 dollars - code:NNKNTIGV + code:f5ce/64/ff cheat description:Start with 10 silver bullet rounds - code:ZESYTIIE + code:f5d6/05/0a cheat description:Start with 15 silver bullet rounds - code:YESYTIIE + code:f5d6/05/0f cheat description:Start with 15 standard bullet rounds - code:YESYZSZE + code:f5d2/0a/0f cheat description:Start with 30 standard bullet rounds - code:TOSYZSZE + code:f5d2/0a/1e cheat description:Infinite health - code:005F:0C + code:005f/0c cheat description:Infinite money - code:0050:FF+DF30:FF + code:0050/ff+df30/ff cheat description:Infinite regular and silver bullets (alt) - code:0052:06 + code:0052/06 cheat description:Infinite T.N.T. - code:0055:63 + code:0055/63 cartridge sha256:4fb6c5c8359dcbabcb4d05cf36192c790e68a509ef8666c20ebdb81541df3243 name:Low G Man - The Low Gravity Man (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATOXTPEY+YZSXTKZZ + code:a11e/f0/60+a45e/2a/27 cheat description:Infinite life (blinking) - code:SZEENESE + code:880f/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite ammo - secondary weapon - code:SXUEKUVS + code:8bbc/de/ad cheat description:Infinite vehicle fuel - code:SZVSKOVK + code:d96c/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:GZKINOVK + code:d947/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNIEEVK + code:d870/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEXXZELP+SXVZLAAX + code:a0aa/1b/00+a0e3/20/ad cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:AEOXLOZA + code:a19b/0a/00 cheat description:Full life gained from capsules - code:AAEZATZE + code:a600/02/08 cheat description:Less life gained from capsules - code:PAEZATZA + code:a600/02/01 cheat description:Full EMDP on a new life - code:LAVSKAPA + code:d86c/01/03 cheat description:Full AGM on a new life - code:ZAVIKAAA + code:d864/00/02 cheat description:10 Boomerangs on pick-up - code:ZEOZZTLE + code:a692/03/0a cheat description:10 Fireballs on pick-up - code:ZAVXGTLE + code:a66c/03/0a cheat description:10 Bombs on pick-up - code:ZEUXATLE + code:a6b8/03/0a cheat description:10 Waves on pick-up - code:ZESXTTLE + code:a6de/03/0a cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PEOSKALA + code:d89c/03/01 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:TEOSKALA + code:d89c/03/06 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:PEOSKALE + code:d89c/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEXIZTLA + code:d6a2/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEXIZTLA + code:d6a2/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEXIZTLE + code:d6a2/03/09 cheat description:Infinite life - code:0639:08 + code:0639/08 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:06D6:09 + code:06d6/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0738:FF + code:0738/ff cheat description:Enemies die instantly - code:050A:00+050E:00 + code:050a/00+050e/00 cheat description:Jump higher - code:0647:35 + code:0647/35 cheat description:Rank is 03/03 - code:0651:03 + code:0651/03 cheat description:Rank left is 99/99 - code:0656:63+0657:63 + code:0656/63+0657/63 cartridge sha256:52812b55986f96fa77eb24a76e795dc8d79977eec7488c7b5b84ac3b47d60366 name:M.C. Kids (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXKSUOSE + code:d9cb/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:EGETYTIA + code:e607/05/c0 cheat description:Don't lose Golden Arches when hit - code:EKNVYIIA + code:e5ff/05/c0 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GLXEIPEK+OZXEGOSX+XTXETPGE + code:812d/c0/3c+812c/ad/a9+812e/04/ea cheat description:Super-jump - code:AOVEGTGE+AEVEPTLA + code:86ec/04/18+86e9/03/00 cheat description:1 heart per life - code:AAKSAYZA+AEKSNPZA + code:d748/02/00+d9cf/02/00 cheat description:8 hearts per life - code:YAKSAYZA+YEKSNPZA + code:d748/02/07+d9cf/02/07 cheat description:Always find all cards in level - code:AAVNIVGA+OZVNPVSX+PAVNZVPP+XTVNLTGE + code:f66d/0c/00+f669/ad/a9+f66a/19/01+f66b/04/ea cheat description:Access any level on the map - code:AEXALGPA + code:84a3/01/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PAKILYLA + code:d743/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TAKILYLA + code:d743/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAKILYLE + code:d743/03/09 cartridge sha256:345fe1e466b3e8d7a8b7f01f545808793b120ad17ed8497ddc306e205b2589a3 name:M.U.L.E. (USA) cheat description:4 'months' for beginner game - code:GEKALTTA + code:86c3/06/04 cheat description:9 'months' for beginner game - code:PEKALTTE + code:86c3/06/09 cheat description:6 'months' for standard game - code:TEXAIVGA + code:86a5/0c/06 cheat description:20 'months' for standard game - code:GOXAIVGA + code:86a5/0c/14 cheat description:Humanoids start with $400 - code:EPOEPNAI+PAOETYZA + code:8719/58/90+871e/02/01 cheat description:Humanoids start with $800 - code:AZOEPNAI+LAOETYZA + code:8719/58/20+871e/02/03 cheat description:Flappers start with $1300 - code:GPUAAYAG+IAUAIYTA + code:8730/40/14+8735/06/05 cheat description:Flappers start with $2000 - code:EIUAAYAG+YAUAIYTA + code:8730/40/d0+8735/06/07 cartridge sha256:d10e4280b6ca868142061ab731aeb378c983334b89a1727a524c57c241812d13 name:M.U.S.C.L.E. - Tag Team Match (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 team - code:OZUEPZSX+LTUEZXYG + code:8239/a5/a9+823a/4f/63 cheat description:Set bout length timer to 20 - code:ZESELPLA + code:81db/03/02 cheat description:Set bout length timer to 60 - code:TESELPLA + code:81db/03/06 cheat description:Set bout length timer to 90 - code:PESELPLE + code:81db/03/09 cheat description:Computer controlled players jump faster - code:ZEUOUPPA + code:99bb/01/02 cheat description:Computer controlled players speed up - code:ZASXAAPA + code:a058/01/02 + +cartridge sha256:944105c6dcc57314968d53a2e0dcdfc0e2b60678a53839ba25925416a7ac0e8c + name:Mach Rider (Japan, USA) (Rev A) + cheat + description:Infinite energy + code:ac87/c4+bfea/83 + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:d35a/a6 + cheat + description:Infinite time - solo and endurance courses + code:ac65/a5 + cheat + description:Infinite Shots + code:ca64/b6 + cheat + description:Bike Never Explode + code:bfc2/e4 + cheat + description:Never lose bike abilities (color) + code:bfc8/65 + cheat + description:Super Speed + code:83ad/a5+83b3/a5 + cheat + description:No winter + code:c677/ad + +cartridge sha256:ef238662a27934d6dbe1692e822786a74a9a2c8bc58c38aa0fd5cfb3e2f1abce + name:Mach Rider (Japan, USA) + cheat + description:Infinite energy + code:ac87/c4+bfea/83 + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:d35a/a6 + cheat + description:Infinite time - solo and endurance courses + code:ac65/a5 + cheat + description:Infinite Shots + code:ca64/b6 + cheat + description:Bike Never Explode + code:bfc2/e4 + cheat + description:Never lose bike abilities (color) + code:bfc8/65 + cheat + description:Super Speed + code:83ad/a5+83b3/a5 + cheat + description:No winter + code:c677/ad cartridge sha256:80757aa85fe4001123cb839db0fc72fc7e06020ecba5c89abb049b8490fd3d0b name:Mad Max (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SXVAEVVK + code:8ee0/ce/ad cheat description:No damage done to car - code:AENEPYAP + code:87f9/10/00 cheat description:Less damage done to car - code:GENEPYAP + code:87f9/10/04 cheat description:More damage done to car - code:AXNEPYAP + code:87f9/10/20 cheat description:No damage done to you - code:AAUAUEAA + code:8833/08/00 cheat description:Less damage done to you - code:GAUAUEAA + code:8833/08/04 cheat description:More damage done to you - code:APUAUEAA + code:8833/08/10 cheat description:A better tune-up - code:AVKVLPAZ + code:e1cb/20/60 cheat description:Dynamite is free - code:AANEPZPA + code:8279/01/00 cheat description:Ammo is free - code:AAVEGZPA + code:826c/01/00 cheat description:Cheaper arena pass - code:GEEATZYA+GLKELZYL + code:8286/07/04+824b/37/34 cheat description:Start with full food and water - code:NYEYVYAX + code:ff06/20/ff cheat description:Start with less ammo - code:AGOYUYEA + code:ff13/80/40 cartridge sha256:ab0a43bc7c33f0cdd8acf15c4da967ba2af56431de1a598b9767bd10e78cc8fa name:Mafat Conspiracy, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:GXOGZZVG + code:c292/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite time - code:XTNIVXXK + code:da76/ca/ea cheat description:Immune to physical damage - code:GZNGOTOY + code:ce71/f1/24 cheat description:Immune to weapon damage - code:GZOKSSON + code:cd1d/f9/2c cheat description:Immune to damage in maze - code:GXNGPOSN + code:c1f1/fd/2c cheat description:Fewer bullets on pick-up - code:IASGUSZA + code:cd53/0a/05 cheat description:More bullets on pick-up - code:GPSGUSZA + code:cd53/0a/14 cheat description:Faster timer - code:AZNIEXGL + code:da70/3c/20 cheat description:Slower timer - code:AYNIEXGL+AYVISXGL + code:da70/3c/70+da65/3c/70 cartridge sha256:2eee5b14a90458088ac18c36352ab605ae4fe452a59f2675937acee0d15e94b6 name:Magic Carpet 1001 (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVEAYKAL + code:8487/38/60 cartridge sha256:9a5d7367891f4d929fe5e3be5fe2988e3e6c0b0d70b7cd401976f16b3b5f0a9d name:Magic Jewelry (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Bypass checksum check - code:GXUTAYEI+GXXVAYEI + code:e7b0/d0/24+e7a8/d0/24 cheat description:Speed never increases - code:AEETNKIT+XXETVGVZ + code:ec87/6d/00+ec86/a6/a2 cheat description:Disable Game Over - code:GXUVYYEP + code:e7bf/90/24 cartridge sha256:caae56599689d4297c3be1afdc77d5bfc510d47d6e668244c308b9732eb41dea name:Magician (USA) cheat description:Start on area 2 - Wilderness - code:0051:01 + code:0051/01 cheat description:Start on area 3 - Lake - code:0051:02 + code:0051/02 cheat description:Start on area 4 - Forest - code:0051:03 + code:0051/03 cheat description:Start on area 5 - Caverns - code:0051:04 + code:0051/04 cheat description:Start on area 6 - Dungeons - code:0051:05 + code:0051/05 cheat description:Start on area 7 - Castle - code:0051:06 + code:0051/06 cheat description:Start on area 8 - Tower - code:0051:07 + code:0051/07 cheat description:Start on the Tower Top boss - code:0051:08 + code:0051/08 cartridge sha256:527faba646cd9e959a4df5d015cd14ac3fae461b06655be99d47c1a754384097 name:Magic of Scheherazade, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXUYZKPX + code:f4b2/29/a9 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:OTSXLGSV + code:a45b/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEVPLVG + code:e389/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEEYYGLA+ALNNIGEP+SZNNLGSG+TZNNTKPA+UGNNGKPE + code:f487/03/00+f47d/90/30+f47b/c5/a5+f47e/09/26+f47c/09/cb cheat description:Never lose Mashroobs - code:SZEAEKVK + code:8c00/ce/ad cheat description:Get coins from anywhere - code:TEXAXLLA + code:8ba2/03/06 cheat description:Less energy gained from Bread - code:POKAOZZU + code:8ac1/32/19 cheat description:Less magic gained from Mashroobs - code:ZAEEXGIA + code:8c0a/05/02 cheat description:Start with only 20 Gold Coins - code:ZAUTAZIA + code:e230/05/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKTAZLA + code:e240/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAKTAZLA + code:e240/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAKTAZLE + code:e240/03/09 cheat description:Infinite HP (alt) - code:0081:FF + code:0081/ff cheat description:Infinite MP - code:008D:18 + code:008d/18 cheat description:Infinite Bread - code:0306:25 + code:0306/25 cheat description:Infinite Carpets - code:0311:10 + code:0311/10 cheat description:Infinite Mashroob - code:0307:25 + code:0307/25 cheat description:Infinite R. Seeds - code:0310:05 + code:0310/05 cheat description:Infinite Troopers - code:03D7:08 + code:03d7/08 cheat description:Gain 65280 EXP for each kill - code:0086:FF + code:0086/ff cartridge sha256:daa1c7263a804920b2ebeb5b2041da0a207a49b5bcddbfdf51f02ba7e3d89092 name:Magmax (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:SZVVYTVG + code:e66f/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - 2P game - code:AEEVITPA + code:e68d/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AEKGKLZA + code:cbc4/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IEKGKLZA + code:cbc4/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AEKGKLZE + code:cbc4/02/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0058:02 + code:0058/02 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:0059:05 + code:0059/05 cheat description:Max upgrades - P1 - code:008B:05 + code:008b/05 cheat description:Max upgrades - P2 - code:008C:05 + code:008c/05 cartridge sha256:84f5377980d2fd44d71faec42f858b1e83540c2f55aba9236c3279d6dde8592a name:Maniac Mansion (USA) cheat description:All codes start out as 0000 - code:SEXGKASZ + code:c8a4/a5/85 cartridge sha256:6bc8f71a1d19cab1a1364c7e2988eaec25b2694aa29670360cab6c513f1c47ac name:Mappy (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ASSSXZEI+GXEIOZEY + code:dada/d0/50+da81/f0/24 cheat description:Disable Hurry! timer - code:GZENZLVT + code:f30a/e6/24 cheat description:Infinite time - Bonus stages - code:GZEKUZVG + code:ca0b/c6/24 cheat description:Press Start to complete stage - code:ATXKIZIA+OZXKAZIK+PAXKGZEY+SAXKZZSE+TLXKLZLX+VAXKPZLZ + code:c22d/05/60+c228/45/a9+c22c/f0/01+c22a/85/8d+c22b/23/3e+c229/23/86 cheat description:Ropes don't change color when jumping on them - code:SZOSNKVS+SZOVZXVS + code:dc1f/de/ad+e21a/de/ad cheat description:Disable trap floors - code:SXKYTEOO + code:f0c6/99/ad cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - normal stages - code:GXKNTPEI+GXSNPPEL + code:f1ce/d0/24+f1d9/b0/24 cheat description:Collect Red Balloons from anywhere - Bonus stages - code:GXKNTPEI+GXSNPPEL + code:f1ce/d0/24+f1d9/b0/24 cartridge sha256:7d07d335a873205964299b2735c14fe06170329523341a651f275cdf3ed96f18 name:Mappy-Land (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKXITVG + code:a64d/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 toy - code:PESXALLA + code:a3d8/03/01 cheat description:Start with coins, not toys - code:LESZALAA + code:a3d0/00/03 cheat description:Start with fish, not toys - code:PESZALAA + code:a3d0/00/01 cheat description:Start with pots, not toys - code:ZESZALAA + code:a3d0/00/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEXXTAZA + code:a0ae/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEXXTAZA + code:a0ae/02/05 cheat description:Start with 6 toys - code:TESXALLA + code:a3d8/03/06 cartridge sha256:d77ed527cf081019dc8e1cad72872ef3bd640114221b89f030e0c03229c54ddc name:Marble Madness (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:OXVXLZVS + code:a2eb/d6/a9 cheat description:Don't break from falling - code:EYNGALEI + code:c370/d0/f0 cheat description:Cannot fall into bottomless pits - code:OZGGYO+SZAEUA+SZEGPXOX + code:c147/a9+880b/a5+c201/a9/ad cheat description:Extra 20 seconds to complete beginner race - code:GOOZPLAA + code:a391/00/14 cheat description:Extra 40 seconds to complete beginner race - code:AXOZPLAE + code:a391/00/28 cheat description:Bonus time not added - code:GXEXTLEL + code:a38e/b0/24 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0044:3C + code:0044/3c cheat description:Max score - P1 - code:004A:63+004B:63+004C:63 + code:004a/63+004b/63+004c/63 cartridge sha256:0cc334007d3eae698cdcd034d12ec9bab2b5266e85bc703cf24ccb4e2d63b654 name:Mario Bros. (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVVIEGVI + code:dce0/d6/60 cheat description:Infinite time - bonus rounds - code:SZNTPUVK + code:e371/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite power blocks - code:SXNIIZVG + code:d2f5/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXTIEG + code:dce0/a5 cheat description:Stops green fireball from appearing - code:AVOTINSZ + code:e795/ad/60 cheat description:Stops red fireball from appearing - code:AEETXZPA + code:ea82/01/00 cheat description:Move faster - code:PENGSAAA + code:c8f5/00/01 cheat description:Move much faster - code:ZENGSAAA + code:c8f5/00/02 cheat description:Enemies move faster - code:EZEKEPKZ+ZAEKOPNG + code:c908/a4/a0+c909/c7/02 cheat description:Enemies move much faster - code:EZEKEPKZ+LAEKOPNG + code:c908/a4/a0+c909/c7/03 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:VYSYAUKY+VYSYPUKY + code:f350/fc/f6+f351/fc/f6 cheat description:Coins kill you - code:AEUIUGAG + code:dcb3/40/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAISPL + code:d359/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAISPL + code:d359/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAISPU + code:d359/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0048:04 + code:0048/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:004C:04 + code:004c/04 cartridge sha256:c9348c4e30ef0bc62c4fd119b5e38d85af493a1eb436c6c229b7a6a52af42681 name:Mario's Time Machine (USA) cheat description:Get an item after killing one Koopa - code:ZEUUGYAA + code:b7bc/00/02 cartridge sha256:a385f0bed8d9afd110e649b73084191d80f41728139494f8fcb92d4815cd5197 name:Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invinicibility - code:SUVOIEVN + code:90ed/fe/bd cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLUPANVS + code:9730/de/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLXOTYVI + code:972e/d6/b5 cheat description:Start on round 2 - code:ZAEALPPA + code:8103/01/02 cheat description:Start on round 3 - code:LAEALPPA + code:8103/01/03 cheat description:Start on round 4 - code:GAEALPPA + code:8103/01/04 cheat description:Start on round 5 - code:IAEALPPA + code:8103/01/05 cheat description:Start on round 6 - code:TAEALPPA + code:8103/01/06 cheat description:Start on round 7 - code:YAEALPPA + code:8103/01/07 cartridge sha256:c8486cd1a35950007a3ba671a128097d780084182a854d6115ddec7dad56e806 name:Mechanized Attack (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUNPEVK + code:f0b9/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite grenades - code:SZUNTOVK + code:f13e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:SZEYIOVK + code:f105/ce/ad cheat description:Reduce damage by half - code:AEVOAPLA + code:91e8/03/00 cheat description:Magazine holds half normal amount of bullets after first magazine used - code:GPONAOAZ+GPEYLEAZ + code:f118/28/14+f003/28/14 cheat description:Start with only 1 life - code:EZOKIAXZ+PAOKTAAA+KANKPEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/01+c079/8e/8c cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:EZOKIAXZ+TAOKTAAA+KANKPEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/06+c079/8e/8c cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:EZOKIAXZ+PAOKTAAE+KANKPEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/09+c079/8e/8c cheat description:Start with only 1 magazine - code:EZOKIAXZ+AAOKTAAA+KANKTEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/00+c07e/8e/8c cheat description:Start with 8 magazines - code:EZOKIAXZ+YAOKTAAA+KANKTEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/07+c07e/8e/8c cheat description:Start with only 1 grenade - code:EZOKIAXZ+PAOKTAAA+KEEGZEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/01+c082/8e/8c cheat description:Start with 8 grenades - code:EZOKIAXZ+AAOKTAAE+KEEGZEVE + code:c01d/a2/a0+c01e/00/08+c082/8e/8c cartridge sha256:5314ad0c406161195b6bb100ee11304bab8af121bba85992be896d5cb26b109e name:Mega Man (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZKZGZSA + code:a244/85/a5 cheat description:Invincibility (except against bosses) - code:AVVXLPSZ + code:a1eb/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite weapons on pick-up - code:IESZXESN + code:a8d2/fd/0d cheat description:Infinite weapons on pick-up (alt) - code:SUSZSASP + code:a8d5/95/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZSKPZVK + code:c259/c6/a9 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AAOGSOLA+ESSUNTEP + code:c915/0b/00+bedf/90/d0 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:AUZYGL + code:f3a4/30 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:SUULTVVN + code:b6b6/fe/bd cheat description:Climb up ladders faster - code:PENOAYAA + code:97f8/00/01 cheat description:Climb down ladders faster - code:VYXOXENN + code:982a/ff/fe cheat description:Disable boss invulnerability after hit - code:GZVKEPSA + code:c968/85/24 cheat description:Maximum points for shooting enemies - code:OXSLEEPV+AUSLOEAZ + code:b8d0/69/a9+b8d1/28/30 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:TAOOYTGA + code:961f/04/06 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GOUOTSAP+GXKPVGEL+SUEPLSPX+SOEPGIVP + code:95be/18/14+9cc6/b0/24+9583/29/bd+9584/96/95 cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:PGOUONLL+XTXLONEK + code:bf19/3b/41+bf21/c8/ea cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:AGOUONLL+XTXLONEK + code:bf19/3b/40+bf21/c8/ea cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:XTXLONEK+YLOUONLU + code:bf21/c8/ea+bf19/3b/3f cheat description:Start with half energy - code:TAXOIOGO + code:912d/1c/0e cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AASPLAZA + code:9053/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IASPLAZA + code:9053/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AASPLAZE + code:9053/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0055:5A + code:0055/5a cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:006A:1C + code:006a/1c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00A6:03 + code:00a6/03 cheat description:Have all weapons and all stages cleared - code:005D:FF + code:005d/ff cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:0056:00 + code:0056/00 cartridge sha256:1e588d435e75d80c5c0b578b4fa8d196f2cf4346c11c9a7b7e435d768828ad01 name:Mega Man 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIUGVTEY + code:ce36/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:AIUGVTEY+SAUGKTSZ + code:ce36/f0/50+ce34/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXTPSSE + code:e5a1/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUGTPVG + code:c1b6/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Heat Man - code:SXSSOISA + code:ddd9/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Air Man - code:SXSSNZSA + code:dadf/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Wood Man - code:SZVIUYSA + code:df63/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Bubble Man - code:SZUIKLVG + code:db34/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Quick Man - code:SZVSNLVG + code:db6f/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Metal Man - code:SXKSOLVG + code:dbc9/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Clash Man - code:SXESKLVG + code:db8c/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite 1 - code:SZNIVGVG + code:dc76/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite 2 - code:SZXTGZVG + code:e224/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite 3 - code:SZKTALVG + code:e340/c6/a5 cheat description:Burst-fire from normal weapon - code:LZVSSZYZ + code:da6d/27/23 cheat description:Maximum weapon energy on pick-up - code:GZKEYLAL + code:834f/30/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except bosses) - code:EIUTZTEP+GXETTTEL+GZSVPTEI+GZVTGTEY+GZXTPTEL + code:e632/90/d0+e686/b0/24+e659/d0/24+e664/f0/24+e621/b0/24 cheat description:One hit kills - code:GXETTTEL+GZUZGTEL + code:e686/b0/24+a634/b0/24 cheat description:Power-jumps - code:TANAOZGA + code:8a71/04/06 cheat description:Super power-jumps - code:AANAOZGE + code:8a71/04/08 cheat description:Mega power-jumps - code:APNAOZGA + code:8a71/04/10 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AXEAUUSZ+LXEEYIYZ+SEEASLGA+VEEAKLEX + code:8b83/ad/20+858f/27/23+8b85/04/85+8b84/a0/8e cheat description:Moonwalking - code:PGEAKOPX + code:8904/29/49 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:SSNLNKVS + code:bcf7/de/dd cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:ASUNZZEP+SSUNLXKK + code:f2ba/90/50+f2bb/cc/dd cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:ASUNZZEP+OSUNLXKK + code:f2ba/90/50+f2bb/cc/d9 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:ASUNZZEP+SSUNLXKG + code:f2ba/90/50+f2bb/cc/d5 cheat description:Special items re-appear after being collected - code:OUVVASOO + code:e5e8/99/b9 cheat description:Able to access already defeated boss stages - code:AEVAZEKI + code:80e2/dc/00 cheat description:Start with half health - code:TEKAIEGO + code:80c5/1c/0e cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PANALALA + code:8073/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TANALALA + code:8073/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PANALALE + code:8073/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:004B:02 + code:004b/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:06C0:1E + code:06c0/1e cheat description:Have all weapons and all stages cleared - code:009A:FF+009B:FF + code:009a/ff+009b/ff cheat description:Infinite Heat Man once obtained - code:009C:1E + code:009c/1e cheat description:Infinite Air Man once obtained - code:009D:1E + code:009d/1e cheat description:Infinite Wood Man once obtained - code:009E:1E + code:009e/1e cheat description:Infinite Bubble Man once obtained - code:009F:1E + code:009f/1e cheat description:Infinite Quick Man once obtained - code:00A0:1E + code:00a0/1e cheat description:Infinite Flash Man once obtained - code:00A1:1E + code:00a1/1e cheat description:Infinite Metal Man once obtained - code:00A2:1E + code:00a2/1e cheat description:Infinite Crash Man once obtained - code:00A3:1E + code:00a3/1e cheat description:Infinite 1 once obtained - code:00A4:1E + code:00a4/1e cheat description:Infinite 2 once obtained - code:00A5:1E + code:00a5/1e cheat description:Infinite 3 once obtained - code:00A6:1E + code:00a6/1e cheat description:Infinite energy tanks - code:00A7:03 + code:00a7/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00A8:04 + code:00a8/04 cheat description:Atomic Fire always fully charged - code:00AC:FF + code:00ac/ff cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:05A8:00 + code:05a8/00 cartridge sha256:5b85c1ff632c6ac34742ac87b9c8ddee9a13827caf1212ecfa1d11f1f9dece50 name:Mega Man 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENXETAEI + code:80ae/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXVAAASA + code:80e0/85/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SXVAAASA + code:80e0/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEEGXLPA + code:cb82/01/00 cheat description:Infinite weapons (except Top Man) - code:OUNIVVOO + code:def6/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite Top Man - code:SXOAZZSA + code:8292/85/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AOSYXUAU+AVSYUUSL + code:fbd2/38/18+fbd3/bd/60 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AEKEZPZA + code:81ca/02/00 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:YEUKOTGA + code:ceb9/04/07 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:TUOKUIYA+VKUGOIES+GZUKOTEP + code:cd9b/07/36+cdb1/d0/ce+ce39/90/24 cheat description:Longer slides - code:ASXSTLGP + code:d3ae/14/50 cheat description:Faster slides - code:NNKIALEE + code:d3c0/80/ff cheat description:Move faster - code:NYKGXSGK + code:cd42/4c/ff cheat description:Move mega-fast - code:ZAKGNIPA + code:cd47/01/02 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:SIUUNVVS + code:be3f/de/dd cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:EZNLXYEP+IANLUNPA+TANLVNEY + code:bf72/90/a0+bf73/09/05+bf76/f8/06 cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:EZNLXYEP+LANLUNPA+TANLVNEY + code:bf72/90/a0+bf73/09/03+bf76/f8/06 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:EZNLXYEP+PANLUNPA+TANLVNEY + code:bf72/90/a0+bf73/09/01+bf76/f8/06 cheat description:Special items re-appear after being collected - code:AEXOXGKI + code:9caa/d4/00 cheat description:Able to access already defeated boss stages - code:AAOOGLSI + code:931c/d5/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AENKKAZA + code:c8fc/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IENKKAZA + code:c8fc/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AENKKAZE + code:c8fc/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life after continue - code:PAOONPZA + code:991f/02/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives after continue - code:IAOONPZA + code:991f/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives after continue - code:AAOONPZE + code:991f/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0039:39 + code:0039/39 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:00A2:9C + code:00a2/9c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00AE:03 + code:00ae/03 cheat description:Infinite slide time - code:0033:FF + code:0033/ff cheat description:Mega-jump (alt) - code:CEB9:09 + code:ceb9/09 cheat description:Infinite Gemini Man - code:00A3:9C + code:00a3/9c cheat description:Infinite Needle Man - code:00A4:9C + code:00a4/9c cheat description:Infinite Hard Man - code:00A5:9C + code:00a5/9c cheat description:Infinite Magnet Man - code:00A6:9C + code:00a6/9c cheat description:Infinite Top Man (alt) - code:00A7:9C + code:00a7/9c cheat description:Infinite Snake Man - code:00A8:9C + code:00a8/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Coil - code:00A9:9C + code:00a9/9c cheat description:Infinite Spark Man - code:00AA:9C + code:00aa/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Sub - code:00AB:9C + code:00ab/9c cheat description:Infinite Shadow Man - code:00AC:9C + code:00ac/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:00AD:9C + code:00ad/9c cartridge sha256:ed8bc89c9cd44bf566666451779d7db2da3d9c211ff2a4824372c172b554e05b name:Mega Man 4 (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXVEIPSA + code:81ed/85/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SXVEIPSA + code:81ed/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:OUENESOO + code:fd88/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite weapon power - code:GXENESOO + code:fd88/99/2c cheat description:Always have 10 E-Tanks - code:VENOEASZ + code:98f8/a5/86 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGUAVG + code:c833/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite energy pods on pick-up - code:GXNPZTVG + code:96f2/c6/24 cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster - code:AEOAIEPA + code:8095/09/00 cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster (alt) - code:LXKESKAP + code:8ccd/18/23 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:APKYKXOU+ATKYSXAZ + code:fa44/b9/18+fa45/28/60 cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:APKYKXOU+ATKYSXAZ+GZKYXZEY + code:fa44/b9/18+fa45/28/60+fa42/f0/24 cheat description:Longer slides - code:YXEAIOZO + code:8185/1a/2f cheat description:Shorter slides - code:ZOEAIOZP + code:8185/1a/12 cheat description:Faster slides - code:GEOAGPZA + code:8194/02/04 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AAKEYPIE + code:814f/05/08 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AUNELEEG+OAEEYPXA+GZUALPEP + code:80fb/c8/30+810f/82/81+8133/90/24 cheat description:Move faster - code:ZANKPTPA+ZEVALLPA + code:c679/01/02+83e3/01/02 cheat description:Cosack can't hurt you - code:SXEAEASA + code:8880/85/a5 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:SIUUNVVS + code:be3f/de/dd cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03 cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY+ZEOLELGA + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03+bb90/04/02 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY+IEOLELGA + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03+bb90/04/05 cheat description:Special items re-appear after being collected - code:AEXOXGKI + code:9caa/d4/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUKZIZA + code:c53a/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUKZIZA + code:c53a/02/05 cheat description:Start with 79 lives - code:AAUKZIZE + code:c53a/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:003C:1F + code:003c/1f cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:00B0:9C + code:00b0/9c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00A1:03 + code:00a1/03 cheat description:Infinite Bright Man - code:00BC:9C + code:00bc/9c cheat description:Infinite Dive Man - code:00B7:9C + code:00b7/9c cheat description:Infinite Drill Man - code:00B9:9C + code:00b9/9c cheat description:Infinite Dust Man - code:00BA:9C + code:00ba/9c cheat description:Infinite Pharaoh Man - code:00BB:9C + code:00bb/9c cheat description:Infinite Ring Man - code:00B8:9C + code:00b8/9c cheat description:Infinite Skull Man - code:00BD:9C + code:00bd/9c cheat description:Infinite Toad Man - code:00B4:9C + code:00b4/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Coil - code:00B1:9C + code:00b1/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:00B2:9C + code:00b2/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Marine - code:00B3:9C + code:00b3/9c cheat description:Infinite Balloon - code:00B6:9C + code:00b6/9c cheat description:Infinite Wire - code:00B5:9C + code:00b5/9c cheat description:Infinite time for 1st Balloon - code:046B:FE + code:046b/fe cheat description:Infinite time for 2nd Balloon - code:046A:FE + code:046a/fe cheat description:Infinite time for 3rd Balloon - code:0469:FE + code:0469/fe cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster (alt 2) - code:0559:23 + code:0559/23 cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:05CF:00 + code:05cf/00 cartridge sha256:a1fda74d03a9dd0c168b1ecae66803d78723cf7ccd85a482dedf017b97e660e8 name:Mega Man 4 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXVEIPSA + code:81ed/85/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SXVEIPSA + code:81ed/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:OUENESOO + code:fd88/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite weapon power - code:GXENESOO + code:fd88/99/2c cheat description:Always have 10 E-Tanks - code:VENOEASZ + code:98f8/a5/86 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGUAVG + code:c833/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite energy pods on pick-up - code:GXNPZTVG + code:96f2/c6/24 cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster - code:AEOAIEPA + code:8095/09/00 cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster (alt) - code:LXKESKAP + code:8ccd/18/23 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:APKYKXOU+ATKYSXAZ + code:fa44/b9/18+fa45/28/60 cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:APKYKXOU+ATKYSXAZ+GZKYXZEY + code:fa44/b9/18+fa45/28/60+fa42/f0/24 cheat description:Longer slides - code:YXEAIOZO + code:8185/1a/2f cheat description:Shorter slides - code:ZOEAIOZP + code:8185/1a/12 cheat description:Faster slides - code:GEOAGPZA + code:8194/02/04 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AAKEYPIE + code:814f/05/08 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AUNELEEG+OAEEYPXA+GZUALPEP + code:80fb/c8/30+810f/82/81+8133/90/24 cheat description:Move faster - code:ZANKPTPA+ZEVALLPA + code:c679/01/02+83e3/01/02 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:SIUUNVVS + code:be3f/de/dd cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03 cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY+ZEOLELGA + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03+bb90/04/02 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:AEOLNLTA+LEOUXUEY+IEOLELGA + code:bb97/06/00+bb9a/f8/03+bb90/04/05 cheat description:Special items re-appear after being collected - code:AEXOXGKI + code:9caa/d4/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUKZIZA + code:c53a/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUKZIZA + code:c53a/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUKZIZE + code:c53a/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:003C:1F + code:003c/1f cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:00B0:9C + code:00b0/9c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00A1:03 + code:00a1/03 cheat description:Infinite Bright Man - code:00BC:9C + code:00bc/9c cheat description:Infinite Dive Man - code:00B7:9C + code:00b7/9c cheat description:Infinite Drill Man - code:00B9:9C + code:00b9/9c cheat description:Infinite Dust Man - code:00BA:9C + code:00ba/9c cheat description:Infinite Pharaoh Man - code:00BB:9C + code:00bb/9c cheat description:Infinite Ring Man - code:00B8:9C + code:00b8/9c cheat description:Infinite Skull Man - code:00BD:9C + code:00bd/9c cheat description:Infinite Toad Man - code:00B4:9C + code:00b4/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Coil - code:00B1:9C + code:00b1/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:00B2:9C + code:00b2/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Marine - code:00B3:9C + code:00b3/9c cheat description:Infinite Balloon - code:00B6:9C + code:00b6/9c cheat description:Infinite Wire - code:00B5:9C + code:00b5/9c cheat description:Infinite time for 1st Balloon - code:046B:FE + code:046b/fe cheat description:Infinite time for 2nd Balloon - code:046A:FE + code:046a/fe cheat description:Infinite time for 3rd Balloon - code:0469:FE + code:0469/fe cheat description:Instant full Mega Buster (alt 2) - code:0559:23 + code:0559/23 cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:05CF:00 + code:05cf/00 cartridge sha256:4ddb728c3a007f1aa7184b60a1355cfd376cae46edc007fd48e6bcf41207cdb7 name:Mega Man 5 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXSEYZSA + code:82df/85/24 cheat description:Invincible against spikes - code:SAKEZAIA + code:804a/05/85 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXXAAIVG + code:85a0/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:OLKOYSOO+OUNUZSOO+SZSAGZSA + code:954f/99/b9+b5fa/99/b9+8254/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite energy for most weapons - code:OVNLZISV+OTKPYISV + code:b5f2/e5/e9+9547/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite mega-tanks on pick-up - code:GXSEPZVG + code:82d9/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite energy tanks on pick-up - code:GZSATPVG + code:8156/c6/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:APOYYEOU+ATONAEAZ + code:f017/b9/18+f018/28/60 cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:APOYYEOU+ATONAEAZ+GZOYIAEY + code:f017/b9/18+f018/28/60+f015/f0/24 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AEUAZOIZ + code:81b2/2d/00 cheat description:Starting weapons use less energy - code:PEVLLPGA + code:b1e3/04/01 cheat description:Super-jump - code:YEXETAIA+ONUELEUN + code:80ae/05/07+80bb/fb/f9 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:PEXETAIA+NNUELEUY + code:80ae/05/01+80bb/fb/f7 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SAKATAIO+EAVEZAXA+GXOAAAEP + code:8046/15/8d+806a/82/80+8090/90/24 cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:ATKXOVVI + code:ae49/de/60 cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:ASEZVTEP+LEEZETGA + code:ae86/90/50+ae80/04/03 cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:ASEZVTEP+PEEZETGA + code:ae86/90/50+ae80/04/01 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:ASEZVTEP + code:ae86/90/50 cheat description:Special items re-appear after being collected - code:AEUOVPSI + code:99be/d5/00 cheat description:Start with at least 2 energy tanks - code:XAKSUTEA + code:de4b/80/82 cheat description:Start with at least 6 energy tanks - code:VAKSUTEA + code:de4b/80/86 cheat description:Start with at least 2 mega-tanks - code:XASIOTEA + code:de51/80/82 cheat description:Start with at least 6 mega-tanks - code:VASIOTEA + code:de51/80/86 cheat description:Invincibility - code:05B8:2D + code:05b8/2d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00B0:9C + code:00b0/9c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00BF:03 + code:00bf/03 cheat description:Infinite Beat - code:00BC:9C + code:00bc/9c cheat description:Infinite Charge Kick - code:00B8:9C + code:00b8/9c cheat description:Infinite Crystal Eye - code:00B3:9C + code:00b3/9c cheat description:Infinite Gravity Hold - code:00B7:9C + code:00b7/9c cheat description:Infinite Gyro Attack - code:00B2:9C + code:00b2/9c cheat description:Infinite Napalm Bomb - code:00B4:9C + code:00b4/9c cheat description:Infinite Power Stone - code:00B6:9C + code:00b6/9c cheat description:Infinite Star Crash - code:00B9:9C + code:00b9/9c cheat description:Infinite Super Arrow - code:00B5:9C + code:00b5/9c cheat description:Infinite Water Wave - code:00B1:9C + code:00b1/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Coil - code:00BA:9C + code:00ba/9c cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:00BB:9C + code:00bb/9c cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:05C0:00 + code:05c0/00 cartridge sha256:2037babe50fed7a13b6f6559914cb81497245c9477592e6f8da183df09a3609a name:Mega Man 6 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESXAKTEY + code:8ea4/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXEAVNSE + code:8f86/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health (except fires, falling into pits and spikes) - code:GXEAKYST + code:8f84/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:OUXPXVOO + code:9ea2/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:SZVAIZVG + code:8265/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives (can sometimes die and go to another part of the game) - code:SXEEXTVG + code:8e8a/c6/a5 cheat description:Normal shots do more damage - code:LOOEKGPP + code:8c9c/11/13 cheat description:Mega shots do more damage - code:TOKENGLP + code:8ccf/13/16 cheat description:Hit anywhere and shoot to pick-up items - code:LEVVNGIA + code:ecef/05/03 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AEVVUUZA+OXVVXLOU + code:ebeb/0a/00+ebea/b1/a9 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AGEEYOYA+EAOAPOEG+EIOAZPIA+PZOAAOSX+SZEETPEI+XGOALPAU+XTOAGOZE + code:810f/0f/40+8111/c8/80+8112/05/d0+8110/ad/29+810e/d0/a5+8113/30/ca+8114/0a/ea cheat description:Collectable items never disappear - code:UKXOTXVI + code:92ae/de/c3 cheat description:Enemies always drop extra lives - code:AENAIOPP+YLOEGXPG+YLOELXZG+YLOEPXPL+YLOEZXAL + code:81f5/19/00+821c/49/37+821b/4a/37+8219/39/37+821a/38/37 cheat description:Enemies always drop large health refill - code:AENAIOPP+PLOEGXPK+PLOEIZYU+PLOELXZK+PLOEZXAU + code:81f5/19/00+821c/49/39+821d/37/39+821b/4a/39+821a/38/39 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon refill - code:AENAIOPP+ZGOEGXPK+ZGOEIZYU+ZGOEPXPU+ZGOEZXAU + code:81f5/19/00+821c/49/4a+821d/37/4a+8219/39/4a+821a/38/4a cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUKVIZE + code:cd3e/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUKVIZA + code:cd3e/02/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUKVIZA + code:cd3e/02/00 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00A2:36 + code:00a2/36 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:03E5:1B + code:03e5/1b cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00A9:03 + code:00a9/03 cheat description:Super Moonwalk (enable during stages only) - code:05B1:00 + code:05b1/00 cheat description:Infinite Beat - code:0689:1B + code:0689/1b cheat description:Infinite C Flash - code:0690:1B + code:0690/1b cheat description:Infinite Centaur - code:0691:1B + code:0691/1b cheat description:Infinite F Blast - code:068C:1B + code:068c/1b cheat description:Infinite Knight - code:068E:1B + code:068e/1b cheat description:Infinite Plant B - code:068D:1B + code:068d/1b cheat description:Infinite W Storm - code:068B:1B + code:068b/1b cheat description:Infinite Yamato - code:068A:1B + code:068a/1b cheat description:Have the Energy Balancer - code:0696:01 + code:0696/01 cheat description:Bosses have no invulnerability time - code:0640:00 + code:0640/00 cartridge sha256:741fbfeeec83073cc3d8b407c0ddc9f78a0dc5b52d8196c6222bffb459b73ed1 name:Menace Beach (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health and one hit kills (levels 1-9, 11, 12 only) - code:ETVVPOAL+EYVVLPPP+TAVVGPEL+XTVVIPZE+AAVVZPST + code:e169/38/e0+e16b/11/f0+e16c/b0/06+e16d/02/ea+e16a/e5/00 cheat description:Infinite health and one hit kills (level 10 only) - code:ETVVPOAL+EYVVLPPP+TAVVGPEL+XTVVIPZE+PAVVZPST + code:e169/38/e0+e16b/11/f0+e16c/b0/06+e16d/02/ea+e16a/e5/01 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:OZKYPGSX+XAKYZGZT + code:f441/a5/a9+f442/62/82 cartridge sha256:1152961edf8d484f0e33294ae19fbcac8ab85099e6c8a59f1732c5f17b622885 name:Mendel Palace (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLSIXXVS + code:da52/de/bd cheat description:More stars on pick-up - code:IEXIAIPA + code:d5a0/01/05 cheat description:P1 gains P2's speed-ups - code:SZUIOOSU+VTUSEOVN + code:d931/bd/ad+d938/fe/ee cheat description:More lives - P1 - code:KEXLXKSE + code:bca2/8d/8c cheat description:More lives - P2 - code:KEXLSKSE + code:bca5/8d/8c cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAVZLPZA + code:a163/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAVZLPZA + code:a163/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAVZLPZE + code:a163/02/08 cheat description:Automatically finish level - code:051B:00 + code:051b/00 cartridge sha256:25f5359a73cac2d16ed98940f0b537f0392f232554d457ed476e21a5979419ff name:Metal Force (K) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENXTTYEI+EYNTZYEI+EYOTNAEI + code:e7a6/d0/f0+e772/d0/f0+e817/d0/f0 cheat description:Invincible against spikes - code:EYSTOAEI + code:e851/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:AONPTYAA+GONOLYZE + code:97f6/00/10+97fb/02/1c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVTZVSE + code:e6e2/8d/ad cheat description:Keep whatever weapon you started the level with - code:SXUITXSE + code:d2b6/8d/ad cheat description:Start with max weapon power - code:ZEOAPLAA + code:8391/00/02 cheat description:Start on Mission 7 - code:YEOATLPA + code:8396/01/07 cartridge sha256:f6d29afbd7ddad33672852232791a396695de2e77dccb83088a8d6b139d8c9cb name:Metal Gear (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXVTXZVG+SZUYPZVG + code:eae2/c6/a5+f231/c6/a5 cheat description:Invincible against Gas - code:SXELYGVG + code:b487/c6/a5 cheat description:Invincible against Electric Floors - code:SZSUVZVG + code:ba5e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Rations - code:SXXXETVG + code:aea8/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Handgun ammo - code:SZSVVYVG + code:ef5e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Mines - code:KXEVUTKA + code:ee8b/84/a4 cheat description:Infinite Explosives - code:VXXVETVA + code:eea8/86/a6 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:VXVVKTVA + code:eeec/86/a6 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun ammo - code:SZKVXYVG + code:ef4a/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:KZEVXYKA + code:ef0a/84/a4 cheat description:Infinite Rockets - code:VXKVNTVA + code:eecf/86/a6 cheat description:Have all weapons - code:OZSXKGXX+NYSXSGAE+SASXVGSZ + code:ac5c/a2/a9+ac5d/00/ff+ac5e/a5/85 cheat description:Enemies never attack or chase you - code:SLNIUGSP + code:dc73/95/b5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Punch - code:AAETIUUT+AAOTPUNI+AAOVPLNI+ASVVYZEP + code:e305/eb/00+e311/df/00+e319/d7/00+e2ef/90/50 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Weapons except Grenade Launcher - code:AISNYZEY + code:f25f/f0/50 cheat description:Start with a health boost - code:XZVSAYVZ+PAVSPNTT+AEKSZYIE + code:d768/a6/a2+d769/6e/01+d7ca/05/08 cheat description:Start with a super health boost - code:XZVSAYVZ+PAVSPNTT+GEKSZYIE + code:d768/a6/a2+d769/6e/01+d7ca/05/0c cheat description:Start at mystery location 1 - code:ZASILYPA + code:d753/01/02 cheat description:Start at mystery location 2 - code:GASILYPA + code:d753/01/04 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:006D:10 + code:006d/10 cheat description:Have all equipment - code:0075:FF+0076:FF+0077:FF+0078:0C + code:0075/ff+0076/ff+0077/ff+0078/0c cheat description:Have all weapons (alt) - code:0070:FF + code:0070/ff cheat description:Infinite Handgun ammo (alt) - code:0079:FF + code:0079/ff cheat description:Infinite Mines (alt) - code:007A:0E + code:007a/0e cheat description:Infinite Explosives (alt) - code:007B:0E + code:007b/0e cheat description:Infinite Missiles (alt) - code:007C:0E + code:007c/0e cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun ammo (alt) - code:007D:FF + code:007d/ff cheat description:Infinite Grenades (alt) - code:007E:3C + code:007e/3c cheat description:Infinite Rockets (alt) - code:007F:1E + code:007f/1e cheat description:Have Rank - 0 Stars - code:006E:00 + code:006e/00 cheat description:Have Rank - 1 Star - code:006E:01 + code:006e/01 cheat description:Have Rank - 2 Stars - code:006E:02 + code:006e/02 cheat description:Have Rank - 3 Stars - code:006E:03 + code:006e/03 cheat description:Have Rank - 4 Stars - code:006E:04 + code:006e/04 cartridge sha256:a00c77c3130316625403aeea9a0dbb02acf4a176740dac7b9e9a42452e574d4f name:Metal Mech - Man & Machine (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZUAXYAX + code:8f32/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXNPYNSE+SZVOEESE + code:97f7/8d/ad+9868/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - Tony - code:SZEYAVVK + code:f600/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Smart Bombs - code:SZVYISVK + code:f565/ce/ad cheat description:Super-jumping Tony - code:VNNXTENN + code:a0fe/ff/fe cheat description:Super-speeding Tony - code:ZEEXGAIA + code:a08c/05/02 cheat description:Mega-speeding Tony - code:PEEXGAIA + code:a08c/05/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life and 1 Smart Bomb - code:PEKSILLA + code:d3cd/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives and 6 Smart Bombs - code:TEKSILLA + code:d3cd/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives and 9 Smart Bombs - code:PEKSILLE + code:d3cd/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:AESSAUNY + code:d3d8/ff/00 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:PESSAUNY + code:d3d8/ff/01 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:ZESSAUNY + code:d3d8/ff/02 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:LESSAUNY + code:d3d8/ff/03 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:GESSAUNY + code:d3d8/ff/04 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:05DD:1F + code:05dd/1f cartridge sha256:2fbbc465fc239b483cb89582f75451b21276d97868d67f3d8d89c2269fec5e37 name:Metal Storm (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZNTGTSA+SZOUIYSA + code:e674/85/a5+b71d/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXKNAIVG + code:f5c8/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AASOYYPA + code:975f/01/00 cheat description:Slower timer - code:AVKYPSGL + code:f5c1/3c/60 cheat description:Faster timer - code:AXKYPSGL + code:f5c1/3c/20 cheat description:Permanent Fireball - code:AESTKXGA + code:ead4/0c/00 cheat description:Permanent Shield - code:AESXXNGY + code:afda/7c/00 cheat description:Start with extra weapons - code:NNNLOLAE + code:bbf1/00/ff cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEXUNLZA + code:bbaf/02/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEXUNLZE + code:bbaf/02/09 cartridge sha256:649db8035018f2512ccea70aca6606c3b3a6988cd9ed43953b38dc5103dec7bb name:Metroid (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:APKYKKKP+ATEPUVSZ+AVKYXTAZ+AVOYIXSL+AVUYTZAZ+AVVNYZAZ+EPKYUGAZ+EPNVLZKA+OXEPNOOK+PZNVGZZN + code:fc44/9c/10+9e03/ad/60+fec2/20/60+f295/bd/60+f2b6/20/60+f2ef/20/60+fc43/20/90+e27b/84/90+9987/c9/a9+e27c/72/29 cheat description:Minimum energy of 30 - code:SXSGNVSE + code:ced7/8d/ad cheat description:Always have Screw Attack effect - code:AOOKKSAU+AVXGESEA + code:cd9c/38/18+cda0/88/60 cheat description:Infinite Missiles on pick-up - code:SZUILUVK + code:d333/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAKYLLLA+GXKNZZEL+NYUNYIAX+SXSYZZAX + code:f343/03/00+f2ca/b0/24+f53f/20/ff+f2d2/20/ad cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AAKYPSPZ + code:f541/29/00 cheat description:Beam has longer range - code:IIAIII + code:d505/55 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:AEXSNLTG+GXENAGEY + code:dbaf/46/00+f488/f0/24 cheat description:Gain 10 Missiles on pick-up - code:ZENSXLIE + code:dbfa/05/0a cheat description:Gain 15 Missiles on pick-up - code:YENSXLIE + code:dbfa/05/0f cheat description:Gain 255 Missiles on pick-up - code:NNNSXLIE + code:dbfa/05/ff cheat description:High-jump without High Jump Boots - code:ZONGKNAP + code:cff4/18/12 cheat description:Mega-jump without High Jump Boots - code:GENGKNAO + code:cff4/18/0c cheat description:Mega-jump with High Jump Boots - code:GENKSYZO + code:cffd/12/0c cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GZUIAAEY+GZOGEIEY + code:d030/f0/24+cd10/f0/24 cheat description:No enemies - code:EATTOU + code:eb61/88 cheat description:Roll through walls, but loses energy (glitchy) - code:SSAEAI + code:8588/d5 cheat description:Start with 70 energy - code:YAXGVPLA + code:c926/03/07 cheat description:Have all items - code:6878:FF + code:6878/ff cheat description:Infinite energy, Missiles and all items - code:69B2:01 + code:69b2/01 cartridge sha256:77c9100f4d3f291dd751098d3291b14e824cc367696c9167d01051041e08b5cb name:Michael Andretti's World GP (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:0565:01 + code:0565/01 cartridge sha256:2d40d51736c2fa22f0cccf686e92efee3a7ebb8fa4eee5032206bab099a5aaf6 name:Mickey Mania 7 (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXEPTOVK + code:9186/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEPYSVK + code:9507/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Apples - code:SZKPPVVK + code:9641/ce/ad cartridge sha256:826ace604eb7a657acedd98cd3479dbe1d3ebb087dd7a1b2ad299ab854c0d519 name:Mickey Mouse 3 - Yume Fuusen (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYNXOYEI + code:af79/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health (life) - code:SZKEOESE + code:8849/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNAKESE + code:8874/8d/ad cartridge sha256:989243c99d6e58c4fbcc6999473e48a389eba22cf1d3cb95dbe4c8b1f3ce15d7 name:Mickey Mousecapade (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESEPKZEY+ESVPNZEY + code:9a84/f0/d0+9ae7/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:OVOPPTSV + code:9691/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSOPZVG + code:9259/c6/a5 cheat description:Mickey and Minnie can shoot on any level - code:GPSIEVGE+LAVSVTZA + code:de50/0c/1c+de6e/02/03 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PESOIPGA + code:91dd/04/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IESOIPGA + code:91dd/04/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AESOIPGE + code:91dd/04/08 cartridge sha256:1df64e9554fb9997ceeab9954b2b7f8aa6206509a15e09298014ba765d87c094 name:Micro Machines (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXSZZVVK + code:a6d2/ce/2c cheat description:Qualify every race - code:GEKYSZZA + code:fac5/02/04 cheat description:Play with 9 lives - code:PEKNAYLE + code:f7c8/03/09 cheat description:Ruff Trux after every race - code:PEUYXZLA + code:fab2/03/01 cheat description:Kid out of game after every race - code:PASYNALA + code:f857/03/01 cheat description:Win Championship race - code:GESYOZPA + code:fad1/01/04 cheat description:Faster Boat acceleration - code:AAOEIAIA + code:801d/05/00 cheat description:Faster Sports Car acceleration - code:AAOEGAIA + code:801c/05/00 cheat description:Faster Formula 1 acceleration - code:AAOETAIA + code:801e/05/00 cheat description:Faster Turbo Wheels(tm) acceleration - code:AAOEYAIA + code:801f/05/00 cheat description:Faster 4x4 acceleration - code:AAXAAAIA + code:8020/05/00 cheat description:Faster Tank acceleration - code:AAXAZAZA + code:8022/02/00 cheat description:Faster Chopper acceleration - code:AAXALAIA + code:8023/05/00 cheat description:Quicker Boat deceleration - code:AAXATEPA + code:8026/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Sports Car deceleration - code:AAXAIEPA + code:8025/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Formula 1 deceleration - code:AAXAYEPA + code:8027/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Turbo Wheels deceleration - code:AAXEAEPA + code:8028/09/00 cheat description:Quicker 4x4 deceleration - code:AAXEPEPA + code:8029/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Tank deceleration - code:AAXELAZA + code:802b/02/00 cheat description:Quicker Chopper deceleration - code:AAXEGEYA + code:802c/0f/00 cheat description:Higher bounce for Boats - code:YAEAZAPA + code:8002/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Sports cars - code:IAEAPAPA + code:8001/01/05 cheat description:Higher bounce for Formula 1's - code:YAEALAPA + code:8003/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Turbo Wheels - code:YAEAGAPA + code:8004/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for 4x4's - code:YAEAIAPA + code:8005/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Tanks - code:YAEAYAPA + code:8007/01/07 cheat description:Drive through vehicles - code:POLESS + code:8dbd/19 cheat description:Start on race 5 - code:GEKNIYAA + code:f7cd/00/04 cheat description:Start on race 10 - code:PEKNIYAE + code:f7cd/00/09 cheat description:Start on race 15 - code:TEKNIYAE + code:f7cd/00/0e cheat description:Start on race 20 - code:LOKNIYAA + code:f7cd/00/13 cheat description:Start on race 25 (Final Race) - code:AOKNIYAE + code:f7cd/00/18 cartridge sha256:31b8afd6e571d3ce8ddea49b813ceda2d350df3c84ceb5d8dd2c7a3a6de5ba88 name:Micro Machines (USA) (Aladdin Compact Cartridge) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZNXGVVK + code:a67c/ce/2c cheat description:Qualify every race - code:GAXYSZZA + code:fa25/02/04 cheat description:Play with 9 lives - code:PAXNAYLE + code:f728/03/09 cheat description:Ruff Trux after every race - code:PAOYXZLA + code:fa12/03/01 cheat description:Kid out of game after every race - code:PEUYYYLA + code:f7b7/03/01 cheat description:Win Championship race - code:GAUYOZPA + code:fa31/01/04 cheat description:Faster Boat acceleration - code:AAOEIAIA + code:801d/05/00 cheat description:Faster Sports Car acceleration - code:AAOEGAIA + code:801c/05/00 cheat description:Faster Formula 1 acceleration - code:AAOETAIA + code:801e/05/00 cheat description:Faster Turbo Wheels(tm) acceleration - code:AAOEYAIA + code:801f/05/00 cheat description:Faster 4x4 acceleration - code:AAXAAAIA + code:8020/05/00 cheat description:Faster Tank acceleration - code:AAXAZAZA + code:8022/02/00 cheat description:Faster Chopper acceleration - code:AAXALAIA + code:8023/05/00 cheat description:Quicker Boat deceleration - code:AAXATEPA + code:8026/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Sports Car deceleration - code:AAXAIEPA + code:8025/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Formula 1 deceleration - code:AAXAYEPA + code:8027/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Turbo Wheels deceleration - code:AAXEAEPA + code:8028/09/00 cheat description:Quicker 4x4 deceleration - code:AAXEPEPA + code:8029/09/00 cheat description:Quicker Tank deceleration - code:AAXELAZA + code:802b/02/00 cheat description:Quicker Chopper deceleration - code:AAXEGEYA + code:802c/0f/00 cheat description:Higher bounce for Boats - code:YAEAZAPA + code:8002/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Sports cars - code:IAEAPAPA + code:8001/01/05 cheat description:Higher bounce for Formula 1's - code:YAEALAPA + code:8003/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Turbo Wheels - code:YAEAGAPA + code:8004/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for 4x4's - code:YAEAIAPA + code:8005/01/07 cheat description:Higher bounce for Tanks - code:YAEAYAPA + code:8007/01/07 cheat description:Drive through vehicles - code:POLESS + code:8dbd/19 cheat description:Start on race 5 - code:GAXNIYAA + code:f72d/00/04 cheat description:Start on race 10 - code:PAXNIYAE + code:f72d/00/09 cheat description:Start on race 15 - code:TAXNIYAE + code:f72d/00/0e cheat description:Start on race 20 - code:LPXNIYAA + code:f72d/00/13 cheat description:Start on race 25 (Final Race) - code:APXNIYAE + code:f72d/00/18 cartridge sha256:a2b4b0fd54028f1bbbdef152d8f2a172270b60162802d298accd0c698d258c3d name:Mighty Bomb Jack (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXOOYNPX + code:979f/29/a9 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:SXUPPNSE+SZEOXUSE + code:97b1/8d/ad+9b0a/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VZUEZNVK + code:873a/ce/ae cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXXALNVK + code:87a3/ce/ad cheat description:Less time in game - code:AKOEGYAT + code:879c/60/40 cheat description:More time in game - code:EEOEGYAT + code:879c/60/80 cheat description:Enemies don't return from coin transformation - code:SXOESEVK + code:889d/ce/ad cheat description:Power coins are not used up - code:SZEEXUVK + code:8b0a/ce/ad cheat description:Disable torture room - code:OESPNTLA + code:9ed7/03/81 cheat description:Jump through walls - code:ZEUOUAPA + code:98bb/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAOEZZLA + code:821a/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOEZZLA + code:821a/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAOEZZLE + code:821a/03/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0295:09 + code:0295/09 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:0229:09 + code:0229/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:022D:09 + code:022d/09 cheat description:Infinite M's - code:0235:09 + code:0235/09 cartridge sha256:02d86ba60b7f43f9d04131522263e7560d9ad1d4cc474b909d487cc0d470ccc3 name:Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:PANPSEPX + code:9875/29/09 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:SXEPNESE+SXVPSUSE + code:9887/8d/ad+9be5/8d/ad cartridge sha256:ef8ccb38760604f5122e034ae0c4591362364632fe2dc2fa10f2660e15bd368f name:Mighty Final Fight (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EAXKNYAA + code:cf2f/00/80 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKSNIVG + code:dd4f/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SZOOLGVG + code:941b/c6/a5 cheat description:Protection from most hazards - code:SZXNUPSA + code:f92b/85/a5 cheat description:Cody is weaker - code:SZUEAVOU + code:8638/b9/ad cheat description:Cody is stronger - code:EXSEYIKZ+IEVAASLT + code:85df/a4/a0+85e0/6b/05 cheat description:Cody is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - code:EXSEYIKZ+IEVAASLT+AKEASELA + code:85df/a4/a0+85e0/6b/05+8885/0b/40 cheat description:Cody is much stronger - code:OZUEAVOU+AGUEPTVI+XTUEZTNE + code:8638/b9/a9+8639/d6/40+863a/87/ea cheat description:Guy is weaker - code:SZSATVOU + code:8656/b9/ad cheat description:Guy is stronger - code:EZEAYTKZ+IAEEAVLT + code:8607/a4/a0+8608/6b/05 cheat description:Guy is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - code:EZEAYTKZ+IAEEAVLT+AGUAKPZA + code:8607/a4/a0+8608/6b/05+8934/02/40 cheat description:Guy is much stronger - code:OZSATVOU+AGSAYVEZ+XTSEAVEE + code:8656/b9/a9+8657/a8/40+8658/88/ea cheat description:Haggar is weaker - code:SZNAGVOU + code:8674/b9/ad cheat description:Haggar is stronger - code:EZXAYTKZ+LAXEAVLT + code:8627/a4/a0+8628/6b/03 cheat description:Haggar is stronger and has a super-powerful normal punch - code:EZXAYTKZ+LAXEAVLT+AKKEUOIA + code:8627/a4/a0+8628/6b/03+89cb/0d/40 cheat description:Haggar is much stronger - code:OZNAGVOU+AGNAITYI+XTNATVOE + code:8674/b9/a9+8675/57/40+8676/89/ea cheat description:Gain EXP faster (10 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) - code:OXKAXZSX+AOKAUZIA + code:8ac2/a5/a9+8ac3/05/10 cheat description:Gain EXP much faster (20 pts at a time) (may be displayed incorrectly) - code:OXKAXZSX+AXKAUZIA + code:8ac2/a5/a9+8ac3/05/20 cheat description:Cody starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) - code:ALKGOAAG + code:c841/40/30 cheat description:Cody starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) - code:AZKGOAAG + code:c841/40/20 cheat description:Cody starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) - code:APKGOAAG + code:c841/40/10 cheat description:Cody starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) - code:ALKSKTAG + code:de4c/40/30 cheat description:Cody starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) - code:AZKSKTAG + code:de4c/40/20 cheat description:Cody starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) - code:APKSKTAG + code:de4c/40/10 cheat description:Guy starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) - code:GZKGXAAL + code:c842/30/24 cheat description:Guy starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) - code:APKGXAAU + code:c842/30/18 cheat description:Guy starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) - code:GAKGXAAU + code:c842/30/0c cheat description:Guy starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) - code:GZSIXTAL + code:de52/30/24 cheat description:Guy starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) - code:APSIXTAU + code:de52/30/18 cheat description:Guy starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) - code:GASIXTAU + code:de52/30/0c cheat description:Haggar starts with 3/4 health (1st life only) - code:GLKGUAAS + code:c843/50/3c cheat description:Haggar starts with 1/2 health (1st life only) - code:AZKGUAAS + code:c843/50/28 cheat description:Haggar starts with 1/4 health (1st life only) - code:GPKGUAAI + code:c843/50/14 cheat description:Haggar starts with 3/4 health (after 1st life) - code:GLSSETAS + code:de58/50/3c cheat description:Haggar starts with 1/2 health (after 1st life) - code:AZSSETAS + code:de58/50/28 cheat description:Haggar starts with 1/4 health (after 1st life) - code:GPSSETAI + code:de58/50/14 cheat description:Start with 2 lives (doesn't work on continues) - code:PEVKTYIA + code:c7ee/05/01 cheat description:Start with 4 lives (doesn't work on continues) - code:LEVKTYIA + code:c7ee/05/03 cheat description:Start with 8 lives (doesn't work on continues) - code:YEVKTYIA + code:c7ee/05/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives (doesn't work on continues) - code:PEVKTYIE + code:c7ee/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:PENGZYLA + code:c7f2/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - code:IENGZYLA + code:c7f2/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - code:YENGZYLA + code:c7f2/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:PENGZYLE + code:c7f2/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:003B:25 + code:003b/25 cheat description:Infinite health - code:003A:30 + code:003a/30 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:003E:09 + code:003e/09 cheat description:Max level - code:006B:05 + code:006b/05 cartridge sha256:5327792d8b5392cd5cec95ee254fc9f729777283c80f3d1f94d5147f3be73652 name:MiG 29 - Soviet Fighter (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Keep weapon after death - code:SZSSOLVG + code:db59/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with best weapon - code:LANKPPAA + code:c179/00/03 cheat description:More time to refuel - code:NNEOZAAE + code:908a/00/ff cheat description:Less time to refuel - code:LEEOZAAA + code:908a/00/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AANGGPLA + code:c174/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IANGGPLA + code:c174/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AANGGPLE + code:c174/03/08 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:VYNGGPLE + code:c174/03/fe cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:OZOOYPSX+PAXPAPIP+XIXPZPPS + code:911f/a5/a9+9120/15/01+9122/51/da cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:OZOOYPSX+ZAXPAPIP+XIXPZPPS + code:911f/a5/a9+9120/15/02+9122/51/da cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:OZOOYPSX+LAXPAPIP+XIXPZPPS + code:911f/a5/a9+9120/15/03+9122/51/da cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:OZOOYPSX+GAXPAPIP+XIXPZPPS + code:911f/a5/a9+9120/15/04+9122/51/da cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:OZOOYPSX+IAXPAPIP+XIXPZPPS + code:911f/a5/a9+9120/15/05+9122/51/da cartridge sha256:2ebab487204c42b0d9cf19c37bdc395e396226ca3eaa664907bf7f8216b3c4d3 name:Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AEEAAAST+INUAIZSY + code:8080/e5/00+82b5/f5/75 cheat description:Infinite health - code:ATEALIXZ + code:8503/a2/60 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:PAXEUPAE + code:892b/00/09 cheat description:Infinite hearts (alt) - code:GZKETGST + code:844e/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite stars - code:AAVEAOTP + code:8168/1e/00 cheat description:Infinite stars once obtained - code:ALNEVPEY + code:897e/f0/30 cheat description:Infinite time - code:XXXELNVA+SUSETNSO + code:87ab/8e/a2+87de/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:SUSETNSO + code:87de/9d/bd cheat description:Opponent cannot block punches - code:INUAIZSY + code:82b5/f5/75 cheat description:No health for opponent - code:ATOEXESA+SXKAYKSE + code:881a/8d/60+84c7/8d/ad cheat description:No health replenishment for opponent - code:SZSELPAX + code:815b/20/ad cheat description:Take less damage - code:SZVAAOIV + code:8160/6d/ad cheat description:Take even less damage - code:SZVALPAX + code:8163/20/ad cheat description:Normal punches do more damage - code:AAVETLGA + code:836e/04/00 cheat description:Instant win - code:YZLOSS + code:9d3d/2f cheat description:Instant loss - code:UZLOSS + code:9d3d/ab cheat description:First knockdown will be a TKO - code:AXIONS + code:9ddf/28 cheat description:Skip intro - code:ENOZAZPE + code:a290/01/f8 cheat description:Start with and have infinite stars - code:ALVAYPEY + code:8167/f0/30 cheat description:Start each round with 3 stars - code:LASAEPAA + code:8950/00/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0391:60 + code:0391/60 cheat description:Infinite hearts (alt 2) - code:0324:0A + code:0324/0a cheat description:Infinite time - code:0305:00+0306:00+0307:00 + code:0305/00+0306/00+0307/00 cheat description:No health for opponent (alt) - code:0398:00 + code:0398/00 cheat description:First knockdown will be a TKO - code:03CA:02+03D1:02 + code:03ca/02+03d1/02 cheat description:Start with and infinite stars - code:0342:03 + code:0342/03 cheat description:Start on match 02 - Von Keiser - code:0001:01 + code:0001/01 cheat description:Start on match 03 - Piston Honda - code:0001:02 + code:0001/02 cheat description:Start on match 04 - Don Flamenco - code:0001:03 + code:0001/03 cheat description:Start on match 05 - King Hippo - code:0001:04 + code:0001/04 cheat description:Start on match 06 - Great Tiger - code:0001:05 + code:0001/05 cheat description:Start on match 07 - Bald Bull - code:0001:06 + code:0001/06 cheat description:Start on match 08 - Piston Honda (2nd match) - code:0001:07 + code:0001/07 cheat description:Start on match 09 - Soda Popinski - code:0001:08 + code:0001/08 cheat description:Start on match 10 - Bald Bull (2nd match) - code:0001:09 + code:0001/09 cheat description:Start on match 11 - Don Flamenco (2nd match) - code:0001:0A + code:0001/0a cheat description:Start on match 12 - Mr. Sandman - code:0001:0B + code:0001/0b cheat description:Start on match 13 - Super Macho Man - code:0001:0C + code:0001/0c cheat description:Start on match 14 - Mike Tyson - code:0001:0D + code:0001/0d cartridge sha256:752f9d07450e6ec075b109f5be1b1933e8385ad687ceaf24f70a590767bb5a27 name:Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AEEAAAST+INUAIZSY + code:8080/e5/00+82b5/f5/75 cheat description:Infinite health - code:ATEALIXZ + code:8503/a2/60 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:PAXEUPAE + code:892b/00/09 cheat description:Infinite hearts (alt) - code:GZKETGST + code:844e/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite stars - code:AAVEAOTP + code:8168/1e/00 cheat description:Infinite stars once obtained - code:ALNEVPEY + code:897e/f0/30 cheat description:Infinite time - code:XXXELNVA+SUSETNSO + code:87ab/8e/a2+87de/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:SUSETNSO + code:87de/9d/bd cheat description:Opponent cannot block punches - code:INUAIZSY + code:82b5/f5/75 cheat description:No health for opponent - code:ATOEXESA+SXKAYKSE + code:881a/8d/60+84c7/8d/ad cheat description:No health replenishment for opponent - code:SZSELPAX + code:815b/20/ad cheat description:Take less damage - code:SZVAAOIV + code:8160/6d/ad cheat description:Take even less damage - code:SZVALPAX + code:8163/20/ad cheat description:Normal punches do more damage - code:AAVETLGA + code:836e/04/00 cheat description:Skip intro - code:ENOZAZPE + code:a290/01/f8 cheat description:Start with and have infinite stars - code:ALVAYPEY + code:8167/f0/30 cheat description:Start each round with 3 stars - code:LASAEPAA + code:8950/00/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0391:60 + code:0391/60 cheat description:Infinite hearts (alt 2) - code:0324:0A + code:0324/0a cheat description:Infinite time - code:0305:00+0306:00+0307:00 + code:0305/00+0306/00+0307/00 cheat description:No health for opponent (alt) - code:0398:00 + code:0398/00 cheat description:First knockdown will be a TKO - code:03CA:02+03D1:02 + code:03ca/02+03d1/02 cheat description:Start with and infinite stars - code:0342:03 + code:0342/03 cheat description:Start on match 02 - Von Keiser - code:0001:01 + code:0001/01 cheat description:Start on match 03 - Piston Honda - code:0001:02 + code:0001/02 cheat description:Start on match 04 - Don Flamenco - code:0001:03 + code:0001/03 cheat description:Start on match 05 - King Hippo - code:0001:04 + code:0001/04 cheat description:Start on match 06 - Great Tiger - code:0001:05 + code:0001/05 cheat description:Start on match 07 - Bald Bull - code:0001:06 + code:0001/06 cheat description:Start on match 08 - Piston Honda (2nd match) - code:0001:07 + code:0001/07 cheat description:Start on match 09 - Soda Popinski - code:0001:08 + code:0001/08 cheat description:Start on match 10 - Bald Bull (2nd match) - code:0001:09 + code:0001/09 cheat description:Start on match 11 - Don Flamenco (2nd match) - code:0001:0A + code:0001/0a cheat description:Start on match 12 - Mr. Sandman - code:0001:0B + code:0001/0b cheat description:Start on match 13 - Super Macho Man - code:0001:0C + code:0001/0c cheat description:Start on match 14 - Mike Tyson - code:0001:0D + code:0001/0d cartridge sha256:bd84b27f752aa568374e1c8a6df948340a1374478b754f2ddc32e37d75b4a2b9 name:Millipede (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SUKGETVI + code:cec0/d6/b5 cheat description:Increase territory to half screen - code:ASESIIEZ + code:d58d/a0/50 cheat description:Increase territory to full screen - code:AXESIIEZ + code:d58d/a0/20 cheat description:Shrink territory - code:NKESIIEZ + code:d58d/a0/c7 cheat description:Player's bullets move faster - code:ZEUSXYTE + code:dfba/06/0a cheat description:Player's bullets move slower - code:LEUSXYTA + code:dfba/06/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PAVKSPGA + code:c96d/04/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - P1 - code:ZAVKSPGE + code:c96d/04/0a cheat description:Invincibility - code:0071:00 + code:0071/00 cartridge sha256:6eea421f6c0738ff3abfd6e059e91c3409eedd2150093d3e01d49dfaad4dbf80 name:Milon's Secret Castle (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNSLZSA + code:d27b/85/a5 cheat description:More health on pick-up - code:AOKGNXAE + code:cac7/08/18 cheat description:No health on pick-up - code:AEKGNXAA + code:cac7/08/00 cheat description:Max power bubbles - code:ASEZZYEI + code:a782/d0/50 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ESUIGOOG+GXUIIOAA + code:d1b4/c9/d0+d1b5/08/24 cheat description:Floating Milon - code:ASNPVZLA + code:9af6/03/50 cheat description:Start with more health - code:AGSEEZAZ + code:8a58/20/40 cheat description:Start with a bigger health bar - code:AISAOXAL + code:8a51/38/50 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00B2:3F + code:00b2/3f cheat description:Doors always unlocked - code:07BF:FF + code:07bf/ff cheat description:Set money to $900 - code:00A1:09 + code:00a1/09 cheat description:Have all Crystals - code:07B7:FA + code:07b7/fa cheat description:Have Blimp Ship - code:07A6:FA + code:07a6/fa cheat description:Have Feather - code:07A4:FA + code:07a4/fa cheat description:Have Hammer - code:07A0:FA + code:07a0/fa cheat description:Have Ice Bottle - code:07A8:FA + code:07a8/fa cheat description:Have Jump Shoes - code:079A:FA + code:079a/fa cheat description:Have Lantern - code:079F:FA + code:079f/fa cheat description:Have Medicine - code:079D:FA + code:079d/fa cheat description:Have Roller Shoes - code:079B:FA + code:079b/fa cheat description:Have Saw - code:079C:FA + code:079c/fa cheat description:Have Sword - code:07A7:FA + code:07a7/fa cheat description:Have Tube - code:07A5:FA + code:07a5/fa cheat description:Have Vest - code:07A3:FA + code:07a3/fa cartridge sha256:61e4e0a38f23eec3e931f21ad89cc901ca9f709dccfec952ed0e478172f04441 name:Mission Cobra (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AANNZPGT+AAESVIGT+AAXIOLGT + code:f17a/64/00+dd0e/64/00+db21/64/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:009A:63 + code:009a/63 cartridge sha256:6b04b87ab30e885974844ad693cc39ba8c87e7e650e1f9cf22a054e0a385df4e name:Mission Impossible (USA) cheat description:Infinite Type B weapons for all - code:AAUPIZPA + code:9235/01/00 cheat description:Take less damage - code:SXUETVOU + code:86be/b9/ad cheat description:Take more damage - code:ZENETTPA + code:86fe/01/02 cheat description:2 Type B weapons for Nicholas - code:ZEULXGIA + code:bcb2/05/02 cheat description:9 Type B weapons for Nicholas - code:PEULXGIE + code:bcb2/05/09 cheat description:5 Type B weapons for Max and Grant - code:IEXUXKZA + code:bcaa/0a/05 cheat description:15 Type B weapons for Max and Grant - code:YEXUXKZE + code:bcaa/0a/0f cheat description:Longer disguise time - code:VKOAVOSX+GAEOPLPA + code:8996/ad/ce+9309/01/04 cheat description:Start with less health - code:TEOUNKGA + code:bc9f/0c/06 cheat description:Start with more health - code:AOOUNKGA + code:bc9f/0c/10 cheat description:Infinite health - code:03EC:0D+03ED:0D+03EE:0D + code:03ec/0d+03ed/0d+03ee/0d cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:03F5:0A+03F6:0A+03F7:09 + code:03f5/0a+03f6/0a+03f7/09 cartridge sha256:0bd6257a4566c57c582421bfbf8e81a5491a94e13f4e7a9378c3332c70884532 name:Mitsume ga Tooru (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEULXZLA + code:bab2/03/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:NNSLUZPE+OXSLXXOV + code:bad3/01/ff+bad2/e9/a9 cheat description:Collect money from anywhere - code:AIXALGEL+ALVEOIEL + code:8423/b0/50+8d69/b0/30 cheat description:Increase projectile limit to 13 - code:IEESTTLE + code:d68e/03/0d cheat description:Start a new game for hidden debug TEST MODE menu - code:LAKAPLGA + code:8341/04/03 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:YAKAPLGA + code:8341/04/07 cartridge sha256:f997fe34edf1d998694aa979c81fe0063480274b4284498f230fffe694fe87ac name:Monopoly (USA) cheat description:Collect $300 as you pass Go - code:YLSSOLPU + code:db59/31/3f cheat description:Collect $100 as you pass Go - code:IPSSOLPU + code:db59/31/1d cheat description:Pay $0 to get out of jail - code:AAVZKAYP + code:a864/17/00 cheat description:Pay $100 to get out of jail - code:IPVZKAYO + code:a864/17/1d cheat description:Pay $30 for luxury tax - code:LOOAVKZP + code:8c96/1a/13 cheat description:Pay $100 for luxury tax - code:IOOAVKZO + code:8c96/1a/1d cheat description:Pay $200 for luxury tax - code:PUOAVKZP + code:8c96/1a/31 cheat description:Pay $0 for income tax - code:AESAVGPL + code:8cd6/31/00 cheat description:Pay $30 for income tax - code:LOSAVGPL + code:8cd6/31/13 cheat description:Pay $100 for income tax - code:IOSAVGPU + code:8cd6/31/1d cheat description:Pay $300 for income tax - code:YUSAVGPU + code:8cd6/31/3f cheat description:$300 to buy Boardwalk - code:YLOSLKLK + code:d41b/4b/3f cheat description:$600 to buy Boardwalk - code:LIOSLKLG + code:d41b/4b/53 cheat description:$200 to buy Park Place - code:PLOIZGIG + code:d412/45/31 cheat description:$400 to buy Park Place - code:LGOIZGIK + code:d412/45/4b cheat description:$600 to buy Park Place - code:LIOIZGIG + code:d412/45/53 cheat description:Houses on Park Place cost $100 - code:IPOSZGPU + code:d41a/31/1d cheat description:Houses on Park Place cost $300 - code:YLOSZGPU + code:d41a/31/3f cheat description:Houses on Boardwalk cost $100 - code:IPXILGPU + code:d423/31/1d cheat description:Houses on Boardwalk cost $300 - code:YLXILGPU + code:d423/31/3f cheat description:Go Back 7 spaces instead of 3 on Chance - code:YAOAILLA + code:8315/03/07 cartridge sha256:08615e9e339bd2df713cdb15f6426895ba643fbd8f383758f7f5c06ebf7ac10b name:Monster in My Pocket (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:SUKEPSVS+OOVAPTEP + code:85c9/de/bd+86e1/90/91 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SUSEIVVS + code:86dd/de/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLSAASVS + code:8550/de/bd cartridge sha256:219c94a1f0801ee255f4c8df6d7d1120bdcfd882fcaecba2c858b1e4c66d060b name:Monster Party (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVOEZYSZ + code:879a/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite life against normal enemies - code:SXXAYYVG + code:87a7/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite life against Guardians - code:VVXAIYVG + code:87a5/c6/e6 cheat description:One hit kills normal enemies - code:EYEEIIEL + code:850d/b0/f0 cheat description:One hit kills Guardians - code:AAUEUIZA + code:8d3b/02/00 cheat description:Walk twice as fast - code:VNKETXNN+ZEUEAZPA + code:82ce/ff/fe+82b8/01/02 cheat description:Jump twice as far - code:VNNAZKNN+ZESEYGPA + code:84f2/ff/fe+84df/01/02 cheat description:Start with double life - code:APUPZSGE+AOKPTKGE + code:9532/0c/18+94c6/0c/18 cheat description:Start with full life - code:GZUPZSGE+GXKPTKGE + code:9532/0c/2c+94c6/0c/2c cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/06 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:YAKOZIAA + code:954a/00/07 cartridge sha256:ce493dcb4ba133d9a31e234a4c446a365bcf98c5f99c13968f1e1c777747ac29 name:Moon Crystal (Japan) cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AVSOGTTA+GESPTVGP+NOSOIVEP+SZNOLNSE + code:96dc/06/60+96d6/1c/04+96dd/98/97+977b/8d/ad cartridge sha256:66cb74efa264a285a541277b935d4b6cc9c49a18653bce90b65f0de98b05aec0 name:Moon Ranger (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUSGVVK + code:d6bc/ce/ad cartridge sha256:aa0fe1b0b1e0c3a0a01695f1914fbb5e92649db33b74a9bdcb51be1481221f49 name:Mother (Japan) cheat description:Start a new game with $1024 - code:GAOLOTAA + code:be11/00/04 cheat description:Start a new game with $16,384 - code:AGOLOTAA + code:be11/00/40 cartridge sha256:ed219a1b03be92e3ac4a2229e3e7663fd126eca6332f0564e5d3a12ec56f2142 name:MotorCity Patrol (USA) cheat description:Don't take damage - code:AEEXGTPA + code:a68c/01/00 cheat description:Slow down timer - code:ANOEIOGL + code:819d/3c/70 cheat description:Speed up timer - code:YOOEIOGU + code:819d/3c/1f cheat description:Free equipment - code:GXUESKVK+APUAUGEI + code:8cbd/ce/2c+8c33/d0/10 cheat description:Start with 5 merits - code:IAOXILAA + code:a31d/00/05 cartridge sha256:3264e4c57ffaf64df816cc97b1d6d278042545a4be248f5c195d82037f0a9bfd name:Mr. Gimmick (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIOAAGEY+VTOAZKVK + code:8410/f0/d0+8412/ce/ee cheat description:Infinite health - code:SKOEEKVK + code:8c98/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKVTTSVK + code:e5e6/ce/cd cheat description:Start with 3 Bombs - code:LEVTIAAA + code:e0e5/00/03 cheat description:Start with 3 Fireballs - code:ZEVTIAAA + code:e0e5/00/02 cheat description:Start with 3 Potions - code:PEVTIAAA + code:e0e5/00/01 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:038C:02 + code:038c/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0346:04 + code:0346/04 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0104:09 + code:0104/09 cartridge sha256:f7cc35a736ffd7804056b92ab92bfef02ded95d999ac126b680e87b573f18182 name:Ms. Pac-Man (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:003F:06 + code:003f/06 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:004F:06 + code:004f/06 cheat description:Power pill effect always active - code:00CF:0F + code:00cf/0f cheat description:Start on stage 02 - code:003E:02 + code:003e/02 cheat description:Start on stage 03 - code:003E:03 + code:003e/03 cheat description:Start on stage 04 - code:003E:04 + code:003e/04 cheat description:Start on stage 05 - code:003E:05 + code:003e/05 cheat description:Start on stage 06 - code:003E:06 + code:003e/06 cheat description:Start on stage 07 - code:003E:07 + code:003e/07 cheat description:Start on stage 08 - code:003E:08 + code:003e/08 cheat description:Start on stage 09 - code:003E:09 + code:003e/09 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - code:003E:0A + code:003e/0a cartridge sha256:3ec56ffa686a0e45dc5dfa02d3216b6c9302177b01a0bba506739a436c4ba730 name:Ms. Pac-Man (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives for both players in alternating type games - code:SXNETZVG + code:82fe/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives for P2 only, in other type games - code:SZEALUVK + code:8303/ce/ad cheat description:Super fast turbo speed - code:XVONINZK + code:f79d/4a/ea cheat description:Pinky out of game - code:AAUEZTZA + code:863a/02/00 cheat description:Sue out of game - code:AASEZTZA + code:865a/02/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AEUAYTZA + code:86b7/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IEUAYTZA + code:86b7/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AEUAYTZE + code:86b7/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life for P2 in 2P cooperative and competitive games - code:KEUEZVSE + code:86ba/8d/8c cheat description:Only pink ghost escapes from center - code:002A:1B+023D:0E+002C:0B + code:002a/1b+023d/0e+002c/0b cheat description:Max score - P1 - code:00D0:09+00D1:99+00D2:99 + code:00d0/09+00d1/99+00d2/99 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00D4:09 + code:00d4/09 cheat description:Ghosts stay blue until eaten - code:00C5:01 + code:00c5/01 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:0127:01 + code:0127/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:0127:02 + code:0127/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:0127:03 + code:0127/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:0127:04 + code:0127/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:0127:05 + code:0127/05 cartridge sha256:80f6f2b9cb2669e876328cf47ad94fd5288adeddaf45dee93087142ff589b6d6 name:Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the Carnival (USA) cheat description:Infinite power - code:SZKANZVG + code:8a47/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:ac2374bd4a5f7c87a7bd51e296f79800f84ea6c91a35e0c79dd9a3b2f923ef37 name:Mutant Virus, The - Crisis in a Computer World (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXEKXGVG + code:cc8a/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZKGNUSE + code:cb47/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:VXEITKVE + code:d486/8e/ae cheat description:Infinite lives - code:XVEITKVE + code:d486/8e/ea cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:AEESZKNY + code:d48a/ff/00 cheat description:Flash 1/2 as long after getting hit - code:LVESZKNY + code:d48a/ff/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEOGTAIA + code:c096/05/00 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:ZEOGTAIA + code:c096/05/02 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:SEOGTAIA + code:c096/05/85 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEOGTAIE + code:c096/05/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0119:0C + code:0119/0c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0110:06 + code:0110/06 cartridge sha256:61cb18d11771cffa08f79fd6973f634c8351703a2fe0f79858171d72a5a46582 name:Mystery Quest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GXNPYAVG + code:90f7/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite vitality - code:SXNPYAVG + code:90f7/c6/a5 cheat description:Immune to monster attacks - code:AEXOGEEY + code:90ac/f8/00 cheat description:Immune to shallow water - code:AEUOAENY + code:90b8/ff/00 cheat description:Never lose Key - code:GXVOOYSA + code:9fe9/85/24 cheat description:Never lose Raft - code:PENOPTAA + code:96f9/00/01 cheat description:Start with more vitality - code:ATSEUYAG + code:8f5b/40/60 cheat description:Start with less vitality - code:AZSEUYAG + code:8f5b/40/20 cheat description:Start with Raft and Key - code:PEUOKPAA + code:99bc/00/01 cartridge sha256:dc71dadc3f4eae03f26ac4afec8ef044e7874ad8fdee1567a9b9b9e2c112669e name:NARC (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - both players - code:AENXPOTA + code:a1f9/0e/00 cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:XVXVGLVN + code:e3ac/f6/ea cheat description:Infinite Bullets - code:AAOSUPPA + code:d91b/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:AEEILGPA + code:d483/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUKVTLVI + code:e3ce/d6/b5 cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:ASUSNYEY+PSKIEYUY + code:dfbf/f0/50+dfc0/f3/51 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:AASTAPLA+ASKIOYKZ+YKKIXYTS + code:e150/03/00+dfc1/a4/50+dfc2/56/4f cheat description:More missiles - code:PUVAGAIU + code:80e4/35/39 cheat description:1 Missile on pick-up - code:PEUZPZIA + code:a2b1/05/01 cheat description:9 Missiles on pick-up - code:PEUZPZIE + code:a2b1/05/09 cheat description:45 Bullets on pick-up - code:GASPTLZA + code:9356/02/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUAZPZA + code:8132/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUAZPZA + code:8132/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUAZPZE + code:8132/02/08 cartridge sha256:55efed163edb02abc2a344aba79edc5ad873a77ed92378ad0c3e62f1e1816d3e name:NES Open Tournament Golf (USA) cheat description:Always on first shot - code:PEUAGVSP + code:86b4/9d/01 cheat description:No wind - code:SZKINZSA + code:da47/85/a5 cartridge sha256:4b382baa70cbc52977fd766f49a3c7c9a3239f0d9581cd961b8b26700c53247d name:NES Play Action Football (USA) cheat description:30-minute quarters - code:TOKYLKYE + code:f4c3/0f/1e cheat description:10-minute quarters - code:ZEKYLKYE + code:f4c3/0f/0a cheat description:No timeouts - P2 - code:KEKLUNSE + code:bfc3/8d/8c cheat description:6 timeouts per half (ignore display) - code:TEUUNYLA + code:bfbf/03/06 cheat description:1 timeout per half - code:PEUUNYLA + code:bfbf/03/01 cartridge sha256:c03ffd0d5fb5439eb35f22f09df3cbd8f81f5cf3eb9b6718a4d7afb67c75c543 name:Nigel Mansell's World Championship Challenge (USA) cheat description:Almost no tire wear - code:SZSTLEVK+SZNNXEVK + code:e053/ce/ad+f87a/ce/ad cheat description:Only need 1 lap on all tracks - code:ZANKXZYA+SXNKSESU + code:ca7a/07/02+c8fd/bd/ad cheat description:Accelerate faster - code:IVSNIOIN + code:f1dd/7d/6d cheat description:Accelerate a lot faster - code:IVSNIOIN+AAKNALGE + code:f1dd/7d/6d+f348/04/08 cheat description:No extra time in the pits - code:GZSULOVV + code:b15b/ee/2c cheat description:Less tire wear - code:SZSTLEVK + code:e053/ce/ad cheat description:Only need 3 laps in South Africa instead of 6 - code:GANKXZYA + code:ca7a/07/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Mexico instead of 6 - code:GANKUZYA + code:ca7b/07/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Brazil instead of 5 - code:GANKKZTA + code:ca7c/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Spain instead of 4 - code:GANKSZIA + code:ca7d/05/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in San Marino instead of 6 - code:GANKVZYA + code:ca7e/07/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Monaco instead of 5 - code:GANKNZTA + code:ca7f/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Canada instead of 6 - code:GEEGEZYA + code:ca80/07/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in France instead of 4 - code:GEEGOZIA + code:ca81/05/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Great Britian instead of 5 - code:GEEGXZTA + code:ca82/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Germany instead of 5 - code:GEEGUZTA + code:ca83/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Hungary instead of 5 - code:GEEGKZTA + code:ca84/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Belgium instead of 5 - code:GEEGSZTA + code:ca85/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Italy instead of 6 - code:GEEGVZYA + code:ca86/07/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Portugal instead of 4 - code:GEEGNZIA + code:ca87/05/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Japan instead of 5 - code:GEEKEZTA + code:ca88/06/04 cheat description:Only need 3 laps in Australia instead of 5 - code:GEEKOZTA + code:ca89/06/04 cheat description:Full season ends after South Africa - code:PEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/01 cheat description:Full season ends after Mexico - code:ZEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/02 cheat description:Full season ends after Brazil - code:LEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/03 cheat description:Full season ends after Spain - code:GEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/04 cheat description:Full season ends after San Marino - code:IEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/05 cheat description:Full season ends after Monaco - code:TEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/06 cheat description:Full season ends after Canada - code:YEOXOZAP + code:aa99/10/07 cheat description:Full season ends after France - code:AEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/08 cheat description:Full season ends after Great Britian - code:PEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/09 cheat description:Full season ends after Germany - code:ZEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0a cheat description:Full season ends after Hungary - code:LEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0b cheat description:Full season ends after Belgium - code:GEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0c cheat description:Full season ends after Italy - code:IEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0d cheat description:Full season ends after Portugal - code:TEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0e cheat description:Full season ends after Japan - code:YEOXOZAO + code:aa99/10/0f cheat description:Start with 1/2 normal tire tread - code:AEEKXAAO + code:c88a/10/08 cartridge sha256:58be6a811ee3370882160115253b610581e8b4af7228669eb3fbd56e7a13117c name:Nightmare on Elm Street, A (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIOLILEY + code:b315/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUUUKNVN + code:bfbc/fe/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUELSUVS + code:bb85/de/bd cheat description:Infinite 'zzz' - code:SZUPPEVS + code:9031/de/ad cheat description:Have all characters - code:ESVLNPEY+ENSUOPEI + code:b9e7/f0/d0+b9d9/d0/f0 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAOKENIA+APXGEYEY+ASNKKTEY + code:cf18/0d/00+cf20/f0/10+cefc/f0/50 cheat description:One hit kills - code:EIVKKYEY + code:cf6c/f0/d0 cheat description:No enemies - code:AEOXAPIA+OXOZYOSX+XVOXPPPE + code:a198/05/00+a197/ad/a9+a199/01/ea cheat description:Always able to switch characters - code:AUKUVPEY + code:b9ce/f0/30 cheat description:Freddy will not show up in Nightmare World - code:SXNTPEVK + code:e0f1/ce/ad cheat description:Mega-jumping teenagers - code:IEULIGLA + code:b4b5/03/05 cheat description:Don't lose 'zzz' when hit - code:AESSLAEA + code:d0db/80/00 cheat description:Don't lose 'zzz' when standing still - code:AAXOLAPA + code:902b/01/00 cheat description:Lose 'zzz' quicker - code:ZAXOLAPA + code:902b/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:PAUVEZLA + code:ea38/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 continues - code:TAUVEZLA + code:ea38/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:PAUVEZLE + code:ea38/03/09 cartridge sha256:02caaf66cc43a4c5a8d54252fca7bcb929dad91c71f127eabe37f29ef9199105 name:Nightshade (USA) cheat description:Invincible in fights - code:TKISGT + code:d6dc/46 cheat description:Invincible out of fights - code:TKISAI + code:d5d8/46 cartridge sha256:b1c2ae757c5ec76f488893f130f0f7f1aacf36a25467b9012ca3a11ab52204ce name:Ninja Crusaders (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYSKYAEI + code:c05f/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLKKAOVS + code:c148/de/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GGNKNTEN+OSEGEVLP+VKEGOVOU + code:ce7f/f0/4c+ce80/1b/d1+ce81/b9/ce cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - code:GZOXLTEL+GZXXTTEL + code:a61b/b0/24+a62e/b0/24 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GZSXETEY + code:ae58/f0/24 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:IZNXNTZP + code:ae7f/12/25 cheat description:Super speed - code:SYXESUVN+ZAXEULPA + code:8b2d/fe/fd+8b2b/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOZEALA + code:a890/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOZEALA + code:a890/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOZEALE + code:a890/03/09 cheat description:Start on stage 1-2 - code:PAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 2-1 - code:ZAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/02 cheat description:Start on stage 2-2 - code:LAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 3-1 - code:GAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 3-2 - code:IAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 4-1 - code:TAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/06 cheat description:Start on stage 4-2 - code:YAEPTGAA + code:9406/00/07 cheat description:Start on stage 5-1 - code:AAEPTGAE + code:9406/00/08 cartridge sha256:6799437d4122b81c86ae35cefe5b6ae6e10e6f9a9c7b3140dd569f717ba32b3d name:Ninja Gaiden (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OZTTZO + code:e162/a9 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:ATNTYOOZ + code:e177/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXVYPSA + code:e1af/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZETPGVG + code:e401/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEIIST+AETIUT+AETSUT+AOYIUT+ESYINT + code:ded5/00+dee3/00+deeb/00+def3/10+def7/d0 cheat description:Enemies die instantly - code:AENIXILA+AESISTGZ+AEVIUTIP+AEVSUVPA+AONIUTEP+ESNINTEP + code:ddf2/03/00+ded5/24/00+dee3/15/00+deeb/09/00+def3/90/10+def7/90/d0 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AEEVSLEA+AEOTXSIP+GXVVSGEI+GZUTSTEI+SXNTVTSA + code:eb8d/80/00+ed92/1d/00+eced/d0/24+ee35/d0/24+eef6/85/a5 cheat description:Use windmill throwing-star without losing spiritual strength - code:AEXVVYIA + code:efae/05/00 cheat description:Use fire-wheel without losing spiritual strength - code:AAETUYIA + code:ef03/05/00 cheat description:Use shuriken without losing spiritual strength - code:AAVTNYLA + code:ef67/03/00 cheat description:Maximum strength regained from restorer - code:APEIKGTA + code:dc04/06/10 cheat description:Sound Test - hold down and press Start at Tecmo Presents screen - code:GASETAVT + code:805e/e6/04 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUVLIZE + code:e53b/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUVLIZA + code:e53b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAUVLIZA + code:e53b/02/00 cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:0092:02+0093:80 + code:0092/02+0093/80 cheat description:One hit kills bosses - code:0497:00 + code:0497/00 cheat description:Start on stage 1-2 - code:006D:01 + code:006d/01 cheat description:Start on stage 2-1 - code:006D:02 + code:006d/02 cheat description:Start on stage 2-2 - code:006D:03 + code:006d/03 cheat description:Start on stage 2-3 - code:006D:04 + code:006d/04 cheat description:Start on stage 3-1 - code:006D:05 + code:006d/05 cheat description:Start on stage 3-2 - code:006D:06 + code:006d/06 cheat description:Start on stage 3-3 - code:006D:07 + code:006d/07 cheat description:Start on stage 4-1 - code:006D:08 + code:006d/08 cheat description:Start on stage 4-2 - code:006D:09 + code:006d/09 cheat description:Start on stage 4-3 - code:006D:0A + code:006d/0a cheat description:Start on stage 4-4 - code:006D:0B + code:006d/0b cheat description:Start on stage 5-1 - code:006D:0C + code:006d/0c cheat description:Start on stage 5-2 - code:006D:0D + code:006d/0d cheat description:Start on stage 5-3 - code:006D:0E + code:006d/0e cheat description:Start on stage 5-4 - code:006D:0F + code:006d/0f cheat description:Start on stage 6-1 - code:006D:10 + code:006d/10 cheat description:Start on stage 6-2 - code:006D:11 + code:006d/11 cheat description:Start on stage 6-3 - code:006D:12 + code:006d/12 cheat description:Start on stage 6-4 (1st boss) - code:006D:13 + code:006d/13 cheat description:Start on stage 6-4 (2nd boss) - code:006D:14 + code:006d/14 cheat description:Start on stage 6-5 (final boss) - code:006D:15 + code:006d/15 cartridge sha256:21c51dc47a458a7de66544533d56eb9a69de0190d012b1645699e816d2cb5008 name:Ninja Gaiden II - The Dark Sword of Chaos (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZUGKGAI + code:cc34/50/a5 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:OPOKUXUG + code:ca1b/cb/91 cheat description:Infinite health - code:EANGKGSA + code:cc74/85/80 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZNGKGSA + code:cc74/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Ninja power - code:XXEOSZVZ+LOEOVXIY+PUOOSXLK + code:9a8d/a6/a2+9a8e/7d/13+9a9d/4b/39 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXVKLTVG + code:c6eb/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXXGXAVG + code:c8a2/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAVKXZUI+AEEGOXKL+AEOGXXIA+ENOKKZEL + code:ca6a/d3/00+ca81/bc/00+ca92/0d/00+ca9c/b0/f0 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:EASGAPAP+GZSGYPEI+LPKKTOYP+LPSGZPTE+SZESEOSE+SZKKIPEY+SZNSXOSE+VXSSIYVA + code:c150/10/80+c157/d0/24+c14e/1f/13+c152/06/1b+d908/8d/ad+c14d/f0/a5+d97a/8d/ad+d7dd/86/a6 cheat description:Half-energy from medicine - code:LEUOSATA + code:98bd/06/03 cheat description:Double energy from medicine - code:GEUOSATE + code:98bd/06/0c cheat description:Never lose Ninja power item - code:GXKKUIVA + code:cdcb/86/24 cheat description:Fast running Ryu - code:ZEXGYAPA+SNEKYEVN + code:c0a7/01/02+c08f/fe/fd cheat description:Mega-fast running Ryu - code:LEXGYAPA+KNEKYEVN + code:c0a7/01/03+c08f/fe/fc cheat description:Half-energy from Blue Ninja power - code:IAUONEZA+IAKOOEZA + code:983f/0a/05+9849/0a/05 cheat description:Double energy from Blue Ninja power - code:GPUONEZA+GPKOOEZA + code:983f/0a/14+9849/0a/14 cheat description:Double maximum Ninja power from scroll - code:GOEPOEZA+ZEOOEAPA + code:9881/0a/14+9898/01/02 cheat description:All powers use up only 5 points - code:SVOPXXSN+SVOOKXSN+SVXOXXSN + code:9a92/fd/ed+9a9c/fd/ed+9aaa/fd/ed cheat description:Less enemies - code:AAZVYL + code:e32f/00 cheat description:Start every life with two shadow ninjas - code:YAOIYOPE + code:d117/09/0f cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKGVTZA + code:cec6/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEKGVTZA+SEKKKTSP + code:cec6/02/05+cecc/95/85 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEKGVTZE+SEKKKTSP + code:cec6/02/08+cecc/95/85 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0068:09 + code:0068/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0080:16 + code:0080/16 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00A5:03 + code:00a5/03 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:00AB:04+00B1:F4 + code:00ab/04+00b1/f4 cartridge sha256:ba5968f14a02f1adf8a6144fcf9c4acde80bce8a3e01bae54b555f258540dd4b name:Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AEVPNYLA + code:9fe7/03/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEKVLVG + code:cb8e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEXILSA + code:a30d/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite time (timer will still countdown) - code:SZVZIIVG + code:a565/c6/a5 + cheat + description:Infinite continues + code:cba7/c6/a5 cheat description:Multi-jump and infinite time - code:AENXOAGP+AZSXGIZL+EPSXZSUA+GXUPZLEL+LASXLIEI+LPSXASNL+OZSXTSNK+SZNXIIVG+XISXIIVK+ZASXPIIE + code:a8f9/14/00+a55c/32/20+a55a/8b/90+93b2/b0/24+a55b/d0/03+a558/bf/13+a55e/cf/a9+a57d/c6/a5+a55d/c6/da+a559/05/0a cheat description:Less time - code:VPKGXKXY + code:cc42/fa/96 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AEKXTEYA + code:a0ce/0f/00 cheat description:Sword hits several areas of the screen at once (sword upgrade negates the effect) - code:YYXKEGAO+YYXKKGYE + code:cc28/10/7f+cc2c/07/7f cheat description:No power required for Windmill Throwing Star - code:AESPKYPA+AEKOXNZA + code:9fd4/01/00+9fca/0a/00 cheat description:No power required for Fire Wheel Art - code:AEKOUNAA+AESPENAA + code:9fcb/08/00+9fd0/08/00 cheat description:No power required for Invincible Fire Wheel - code:AEKOVYGP+AESOEYZA + code:9fce/14/00+9fd8/02/00 cheat description:No power required for Fire Dragon Balls - code:AEKOKNAA+AESPONAA + code:9fcc/08/00+9fd1/08/00 cheat description:No power required for Vacuum Wave Art - code:AEKOSNZA+AESPNYPA + code:9fcd/0a/00+9fd7/01/00 cheat description:Start with upgraded sword - code:PAXGKGAA+APXKEGAO+APXKKGYA + code:cc24/00/01+cc28/10/18+cc2c/07/10 + cheat + description:Start with 5 lives + code:cc06/02/04 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00AD:14 + code:00ad/14 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00A7:0A + code:00a7/0a cartridge sha256:648cf7ac553517573cc9b3955ab50566a91974b2348154910bfa53ef15d55b56 name:Ninja Jajamaru - Ginga Daisakusen (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZNPGTAX + code:9674/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SIVOGKVS + code:946c/de/dd + +cartridge sha256:bf546b0ce7fc60d89020ff7c0fadc7369925ba68a84d25b03de4190a91c46a95 + name:Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Japan) + cheat + description:Infinite time + code:002a/78 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:9a70/06/00+9a60/21/00+9aa2/8d/ad cartridge sha256:622c62d48aa244fb2427ce8d0cf45e5fc57d94ad82e47a3b5b45a0dd643c9cd7 name:Ninja Kid (USA) cheat description:Infinite Feathers - code:SZOZUPVG + code:a913/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Stars - code:SZXXITVG + code:a62d/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Boomerangs - code:SXNOGGVG + code:94fc/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Fireflames - code:SXUZZYVG + code:a7b2/c6/a5 cheat description:More Invincibility time - code:AZEILNYE + code:d703/0f/28 cheat description:Less Invincibility time - code:YAEILNYA + code:d703/0f/07 cheat description:1 Feather on pick-up - code:PAXSXALA + code:d82a/03/01 cheat description:6 Feathers on pick-up - code:TAXSXALA + code:d82a/03/06 cheat description:10 Stars on pick-up - code:ZAXSUAGO + code:d82b/14/0a cheat description:40 Stars on pick-up - code:AZXSUAGO + code:d82b/14/28 cheat description:1 Boomerang on pick-up - code:ZAXSKAGA + code:d82c/04/02 cheat description:10 Fireflames on pick-up - code:ZAXSSAGO + code:d82d/14/0a cheat description:40 Fireflames on pick-up - code:AZXSSAGO + code:d82d/14/28 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAVEZAZA + code:806a/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAVEZAZA + code:806a/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAVEZAZE + code:806a/02/08 cartridge sha256:b0e4d88db0b21db4a84e3c21d51898c686e9031dc138b2939877ecad20dd2350 name:Nintendo World Cup (USA) cheat description:1 minute in tournament mode - code:AAUVKZLA + code:ea3c/03/00 cheat description:6 minutes in tournament mode - code:IAUVKZLA + code:ea3c/03/05 cheat description:9 minutes in tournament mode - code:AAUVKZLE + code:ea3c/03/08 cheat description:6 minutes in match mode - code:IAKTXXPA + code:ea42/09/05 cheat description:3 minutes in match mode - code:ZAKTXXPA + code:ea42/09/02 cheat description:1 minutes in match mode - code:AAKTXXPA + code:ea42/09/00 cheat description:Faster players - code:PEXLUIAA + code:bda3/00/01 cheat description:More powerful 'normal' shots - code:AYXXNXAL + code:aa2f/38/70 cartridge sha256:6157c99fe7a214025c65fd3649e4afe9cd2d38c333e65af028b935e49fbeb500 name:Noah's Ark (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZUUNAAX + code:b83f/20/ad cheat description:Invincible against spikes - code:SXEKUYAX + code:cf8b/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKNEGUVK+SKSAVEVK + code:83fc/ce/cd+88d6/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZKUUGSA + code:bc4b/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SGEVZOVK + code:e10a/ce/cd cartridge sha256:55c2d10ae1b034b39533f780f6205f736735df1954c0eca6d147cfc13a224f82 name:North and South (USA) cheat description:Cannon has 5 shots - code:IEUATOPA + code:81b6/09/05 cheat description:Cannon has 15 shots - code:YEUATOPE + code:81b6/09/0f cheat description:Cannon has infinite shots - code:SZXPYUVS + code:9327/de/ad cheat description:No cannons allowed - code:GXXATOSO + code:81a6/9d/2c cheat description:Only 2 daggers in the fortress - code:ZAUAGPGA + code:8134/04/02 cheat description:Infinite daggers in the fortress - code:GXXPLKVS + code:94a3/de/2c cheat description:2 men in the fortress - code:ZAUETOZA + code:813e/0a/02 cheat description:5 men in the fortress - code:IAUETOZA + code:813e/0a/05 cheat description:2 men on the train - code:ZASAGOZA + code:8154/0a/02 cheat description:5 men on the train - code:IASAGOZA + code:8154/0a/05 cartridge sha256:106a9cd2acc3373bf2fae05158bdf7587d5f645402ba8073aaee65cb8b7b11cd name:Operation Secret Storm (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OLUVZUOO + code:e33a/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite Gun ammo - code:SLKVYSOO + code:e54f/99/bd cheat description:Infinite health - code:0520:17 + code:0520/17 cartridge sha256:36666e3314ee9e0a340b04ea8427aaefb6df8937425a016e78c26fb1fa77b017 name:Operation Wolf (USA) (Rev 0A) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:IEVUNSPA + code:bdef/09/05 cheat description:Never die - code:AESSLZTL + code:d2db/36/00 cheat description:Infinite magazines - code:AAVSIIPA + code:d56d/01/00 cheat description:Infinite grenades - code:AAEIATPA + code:d600/01/00 cheat description:Double bullets in each magazine - code:GANIYIZA + code:d577/02/04 cheat description:Heal completely between levels - code:NNESZALE + code:d08a/03/ff cheat description:Grenades inflict double damage - code:GANULZZA + code:b27b/02/04 cheat description:Super power drinks - code:ZAELGPIE + code:b104/05/0a cheat description:Increase magazines - code:PEVKVYYE+PAVSIIIE + code:cfee/07/09+d56d/05/09 cheat description:Increase grenades - code:PENGXYIE+PAVSIILE + code:cff2/05/09+d56d/03/09 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:PESZIGAA + code:a4d5/00/01 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:ZESZIGAA + code:a4d5/00/02 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:LESZIGAA + code:a4d5/00/03 cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:GESZIGAA + code:a4d5/00/04 cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:IESZIGAA + code:a4d5/00/05 cartridge sha256:4d2b5339703d2300539348e3aad055fd00828afcbd9f3a97565e37725221fc0a name:Orb 3D (USA) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:03FD:50 + code:03fd/50 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:03E2:09 + code:03e2/09 cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:03E2:13 + code:03e2/13 cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:03E2:1D + code:03e2/1d cartridge sha256:6d310d9f2249932c7187130ebd696c42ff05f678c3086ac727ee6a27fdad4f43 name:Otaku no Seiza - An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:AVEIXKOZ + code:dc82/a9/60 cartridge sha256:d50327afa539f4a5ccfd6e10f685326eb0f01915ccf305f752deae2bf17385a6 name:Over Horizon (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:SXNIETVG + code:def0/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXULESVK + code:bdb0/ce/ad cheat description:Enable alternate graphics - code:PEEIITAA + code:d685/00/01 cartridge sha256:b3a798ab7f2f237c7bd3c3e8b36cc752d850d10a8597e43771c82dcd654d5dae name:Overlord (USA) cheat description:Food not decreased - code:GPEAPOIE + code:8101/0d/1c cheat description:Hover tanks never decrease in battle - code:SXXUKVVK + code:beac/ce/ad cheat description:Ballistic Missiles never decrease in battle - code:SZKOPOVK + code:9149/ce/ad cheat description:Homing Missiles never decrease in battle - code:SZSPGOVK + code:9154/ce/ad cheat description:Enemy starts with 0 Missiles - code:NZVUKNNP + code:bf6c/9f/a7 cheat description:Constantly get 9999999 cash on all planets with 1% or higher tax - code:ESKALPEL + code:81c3/b0/d0 cheat description:View a planet's stats for high food - code:YYXLIYAE+OPXUPNOU + code:b725/00/7f+b729/b9/99 cheat description:View a planet's stats for high people - code:YYOLEAAE+OPOLKEOU + code:b810/00/7f+b814/b9/99 cheat description:View a planet's stats for high energy - code:YNKUYYAE+OOSLLNOU + code:b7cf/00/7f+b7d3/b9/99 cheat description:View a planet's stats for high fuel - code:YNEUTYAE+OOOLZNOU + code:b78e/00/7f+b792/b9/99 cartridge sha256:ae2dddda1f90b8f8e3a990a2247ab4e373f69e6599f4e63f531d3a541b54bd85 name:P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATVUUZSA + code:ba6b/85/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AENSLPPA + code:d1fb/01/00 cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:AAVGOTPA + code:ce61/01/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:OLEUSOSU + code:b90d/bd/b9 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:b8df/23/00+b8de/b0/4c+b8e0/c8/b9 cheat description:Take less damage when hit from behind - code:STOLOUON + code:bb11/f9/ed cheat description:Keep weapons after dying - code:GZUUNUSE+GZSLOSSE + code:bb3f/8d/2c+bd51/8d/2c cheat description:Start with half health - code:APKGPLAZ+APESYZAZ + code:c341/20/10+d20f/20/10 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUEIZZA + code:82bd/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUEIZZA + code:82bd/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUEIZZE + code:82bd/02/08 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:LVUEIZZA + code:82bd/02/63 cheat description:Have infinite Grenades, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest - code:0438:F9 + code:0438/f9 cheat description:Have infinite Knives, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest - code:0438:E5 + code:0438/e5 cheat description:Have infinite Gun, Brass Knuckles, Armor Vest - code:0438:DB + code:0438/db cheat description:Start on stage 2 (disable after stage begins) - code:0047:01 + code:0047/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (disable after stage begins) - code:0047:02 + code:0047/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (disable after stage begins) - code:0047:03 + code:0047/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (disable after stage begins) - code:0047:04 + code:0047/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (disable after stage begins) - code:0047:05 + code:0047/05 cartridge sha256:fa12a61eb787bf8346a81e5b6eaede75238a1735db24a6f4df51ac3a6b499f18 name:Pac-Man (USA) (Namco) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GZEIYLEY + code:d307/f0/24 cheat description:Get 8000+ points for eating ghosts - code:EZOSLLKZ+TAOSGUOI+SZXIYLVT + code:d31b/a4/a0+d31c/d9/06+d327/e6/a5 cheat description:Power Pill effect always active - code:0088:0F + code:0088/0f cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0067:03 + code:0067/03 cartridge sha256:1e60a181e1f89f2249a3e0d44a7765c2cdd9e0446f1671c63bf2c6f6df562d4c name:Pac-Man (USA) (Tengen) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GXKITZEY + code:d2c6/f0/24 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:AAVSYUAP+AIUSZGEI+AINILGEY+AYVSZGEY + code:d36f/18/00+d43a/d0/50+d473/f0/50+d46a/f0/70 cheat description:Get 8000+ points for eating ghosts - code:EXSSZZKZ+TESSLXOI+SXVITZVT + code:d2da/a4/a0+d2db/d9/06+d2e6/e6/a5 + cheat + description:Ghosts are re-eatable until Power Pill wears off + code:d648/85/a5 cheat description:Power pills last longer - code:AYVITOGL + code:d166/3c/70 cheat description:Power pills last extra long - code:NYVITOGU + code:d166/3c/ff cheat description:Power pills don't last as long - code:AZVITOGL + code:d166/3c/20 cheat description:Power pills don't work - code:ATXTZASZ + code:e022/a5/60 cheat description:Only 3 ghosts are edible - code:IAXVYEYE + code:e02f/0f/0d cheat description:Only 2 ghosts are edible - code:PAXVYEYE + code:e02f/0f/09 cheat description:Pac-Man moves manually - code:NZSSLLIU + code:d35b/35/af cheat description:Power Pill effect always active - code:0088:15 + code:0088/15 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0067:03 + code:0067/03 cartridge sha256:25506ac6d6413a73249d3ce6a4ecc40048982596e01d778eddb71baca084efa6 name:Pac-Man (USA) (Tengen) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:GXKITZEY + code:d2c6/f0/24 cheat description:Get 8000+ points for eating ghosts - code:EXSSZZKZ+TESSLXOI+SXVITZVT + code:d2da/a4/a0+d2db/d9/06+d2e6/e6/a5 + cheat + description:Ghosts are re-eatable until Power Pill wears off + code:d648/85/a5 cheat description:Power pills last longer - code:AYVITOGL + code:d166/3c/70 cheat description:Power pills last extra long - code:NYVITOGU + code:d166/3c/ff cheat description:Power pills don't last as long - code:AZVITOGL + code:d166/3c/20 cheat description:Power pills don't work - code:ATXTZASZ + code:e022/a5/60 cheat description:Only 3 ghosts are edible - code:IAXVYEYE + code:e02f/0f/0d cheat description:Only 2 ghosts are edible - code:PAXVYEYE + code:e02f/0f/09 cheat description:Power Pill effect always active - code:0088:15 + code:0088/15 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0067:03 + code:0067/03 cartridge sha256:acc561f57cfd0490fdce649deb16fa9df309bba1695608213a0ff8066d662492 name:Pac-Mania (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKIOPVG + code:d941/c6/a5 cheat description:Trapped ghosts - code:ANTGUN + code:cfe3/78 cheat description:Go through ghosts - code:SOLIVA + code:d8b6/95 cheat description:Ghosts worth 3200 points - code:PEASNA + code:d88f/01 cartridge sha256:6c47c73eb510fb0f71eeb2a3f5cca7c25eca8678ffe060aa17df6534dbd10ef1 name:Panic Restaurant (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENUPPAEI + code:90b1/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - except when you fall on spikes - code:OXVPPAVK + code:90e1/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SXVPPAVG + code:90e1/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:OZVKGZVK + code:c26c/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:SGVKGZVG + code:c26c/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SAOSAGVG + code:d418/c6/85 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SZOSAGVG + code:d418/c6/a5 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:92c7/be/00+92e4/a1/00 + cheat + description:Moon-jump + code:c303/29/00 cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - code:GASYZGZA + code:f452/02/04 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PAOZNIZA + code:ad17/02/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAOZNIZA + code:ad17/02/05 cheat description:Start with 6 hearts (heart meter will be distorted) - code:TASYZGZA + code:f452/02/06 cheat description:Start with 10 hearts (heart meter will be distorted) - code:ZASYZGZE + code:f452/02/0a cheat description:Start with 10 lives (meter will display 9) - code:ZAOZNIZE + code:ad17/02/0a cheat description:Start with 15 lives (meter will display 9) - code:YAOZNIZE + code:ad17/02/0f cheat description:Start with 80 on timer (1st level only) - code:AIVYGGLT+AIVKXYLT + code:f464/63/50+cf6a/63/50 cheat description:Start with 70 on timer (1st level only) - code:TGVYGGLT+TGVKXYLT + code:f464/63/46+cf6a/63/46 cheat description:Start with 60 on timer (1st level only) - code:GLVYGGLV+GLVKXYLV + code:f464/63/3c+cf6a/63/3c cartridge sha256:73f0f7b9150fb080541426cedc87bf528c63393e6112812112e8c1339d9bfbf5 name:Panda Prince, The (Shin-Shin) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOOLYSA + code:979b/85/a5 cartridge sha256:f1c9c4723190d6be5f1f683ad5fd8cc123abd70d42f486c175a25f1237db6199 name:Paperboy (USA) cheat description:Invincibility against moving objects - code:APNEOZEO+ATNEXZGA + code:8a79/90/18+8a7a/04/60 cheat description:Invincibility against non-moving objects - code:AAKPSGTA + code:9c45/06/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSEVZVG + code:8ade/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite papers - code:OZNOKAVK + code:987c/c6/a9 cheat description:Infinite time in training course - code:SZXOUESE + code:982b/8d/ad + cheat + description:Broken windows count as deliveries + code:9943/02/01 + cheat + description:Can deliver to houses with broken windows + code:9944/99/ad + cheat + description:Deliver from anywhere (must be within range of house) + code:98d9/f0/50+98da/50/77 + cheat + description:Hold down to stop moving + code:8fc3/3f/00+8fc1/06/0d cheat description:Gain 20 papers on pick-up - code:GPUONUZA + code:9b3f/0a/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUOEIGA + code:9d38/04/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUOEIGA + code:9d38/04/06 cheat description:Start with 20 papers - code:GOXAUOZA + code:89a3/0a/14 cartridge sha256:dec09033f68850bd25cf3e8bf0e05a44970301c4aaac2cbc27b8f9e96392b409 name:Paperboy 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AAKEZLPA + code:834a/01/00 cheat description:Infinite papers - code:AEVPNLPA + code:9be7/01/00 cheat description:5 papers on pick-up - code:IEOAEOZA + code:8990/0a/05 cheat description:15 papers on pick-up - code:YEOAEOZE + code:8990/0a/0f cheat description:20 papers on pick-up - code:GOOAEOZA + code:8990/0a/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - Paperboy only - code:PEOUYGIA + code:b49f/05/01 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - Paperboy only - code:LEOUYGIA + code:b49f/05/03 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - Paperboy only - code:ZEOUYGIE + code:b49f/05/0a cheat description:Start with 15 papers - code:YAELGVZE + code:b604/0a/0f cheat description:Start with 20 papers - code:GPELGVZA + code:b604/0a/14 cartridge sha256:25ae9f90412612715a254973006f0056016a840efc8af1fbdb6fc2eb7cd5eb7c name:Parasol Stars - Rainbow Islands II (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:005C:03 + code:005c/03 cheat description:Automatically finish levels - code:0320:00+0321:00+0322:00+0323:00+0324:00+0325:00+0326:00+0327:00 + code:0320/00+0321/00+0322/00+0323/00+0324/00+0325/00+0326/00+0327/00 cheat description:Make the Miracle Icon appear (enable then disable) - code:04FB:01 + code:04fb/01 cartridge sha256:f0d89b53126513e1df56b46bae3a43b4a4b87543d48974c9087ba94737249801 name:Parodius (Europe) cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:008B:02 + code:008b/02 cheat description:Infinite Shield on pick-up - code:64D0:0F + code:64d0/0f cartridge sha256:f1762c9f40e6e45a123b73a035841768e0132fa82c92f9d066a8718a7f99b6cc name:Pesterminator (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:VVOSPNVG + code:d799/ce/e6 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VXNIIEVK + code:d0f5/ce/ae cartridge sha256:1c598fe0b58811b1bedfc6f2cda05f0960b4a6e2770c8a2f73cd6da370ed2448 name:Phantom Fighter (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSZLUSE + code:a3d3/8d/ad cheat description:Take less damage when attacked - code:OVSZPLSV+PESZZLAA + code:a3d1/e5/e9+a3d2/00/01 cheat description:Start with Sacred Sword - code:VTVKEGSA+KAVKOGNA + code:cc68/85/e6+cc69/87/84 cheat description:Start with Bell - code:VTVKEGSA+SAVKOGNA + code:cc68/85/e6+cc69/87/85 cheat description:Start with Tonten - code:VTVKEGSA+UAVKOGNA + code:cc68/85/e6+cc69/87/83 cheat description:Start with Talisman - code:VTVKEGSA+XAVKOGNA + code:cc68/85/e6+cc69/87/82 cheat description:Start with 3 Scrolls - code:LASKNGAA+VAVKOGNA + code:cc5f/00/03+cc69/87/86 cheat description:Start with 6 Scrolls - code:TASKNGAA+VAVKOGNA + code:cc5f/00/06+cc69/87/86 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:0408:C8 + code:0408/c8 cheat description:Max HP - code:040A:C8 + code:040a/c8 cheat description:One hit kills - code:0448:01 + code:0448/01 cheat description:Have 99 Scrolls - code:0086:63 + code:0086/63 cheat description:Have 3 Crystal Balls - code:0087:03 + code:0087/03 cheat description:Have strongest punch - code:0076:03 + code:0076/03 cheat description:Have strongest kick - code:0077:03 + code:0077/03 cheat description:Have highest jump - code:0078:03 + code:0078/03 cheat description:Have best Tiger move - code:0079:03 + code:0079/03 cheat description:Have best Mirage move - code:007A:03 + code:007a/03 cheat description:Have Talisman - code:0082:01 + code:0082/01 cheat description:Have Tonten - code:0083:01 + code:0083/01 cheat description:Have Sacred Sword - code:0084:01 + code:0084/01 cheat description:Have Bell - code:0085:01 + code:0085/01 cartridge sha256:c701cffa5315b4375c0a71d2e7378137bcdeed0684f57bf7eb2fbed3b2c1b1da name:Pictionary - The Game of Video Quick Draw (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:0084:20 + code:0084/20 cartridge sha256:f4ddb0f1a02f823ebed30b55547344de3c8fb9d87254ff993584373ecadd9141 name:Pin Bot (USA) cheat description:Infinite balls - code:OZVVYZVV + code:e26f/e6/a9 cheat description:Start with only 1 ball - code:PANTGZLA + code:e274/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 balls - code:TANTGZLA + code:e274/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 balls - code:PANTGZLE + code:e274/03/09 cartridge sha256:910ba4505b46a99b3779d84fd22ba8b18f3a649b0c1a11706c4609d06ce0bc18 name:Pinball (World) cheat description:Infinite balls - code:SUXKLEVS + code:c0ab/de/bd cheat description:Start with lots of balls - code:YZSGPALE + code:c051/03/2f cheat description:Start with 1 ball - code:PASGPALA + code:c051/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 balls - code:TASGPALA + code:c051/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 balls - code:PASGPALE + code:c051/03/09 cartridge sha256:7dd47bac196af9874181e86f64402035e255814739828d5d00c03bac8689d40a name:Pipe 5 (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite time (disable to finish round) - code:0080:09 + code:0080/09 cheat description:1 distance needed - code:008E:01 + code:008e/01 cheat description:Automatically finish round - code:008E:00 + code:008e/00 cartridge sha256:a57f873ccb2c8842e9ef1a8380c87026a8ef0c6649f1cc02ce0743fae61ea120 name:Pipe Dream (USA) cheat description:Infinite wrenches - code:SZKTPUVK + code:e341/ce/ad cheat description:One-way pipes from level 1 - code:AAOGZZIA + code:c212/05/00 cheat description:One-way pipes from level 5 - code:IAOGAZLA + code:c210/03/05 cheat description:One-way pipes from level 10 - code:ZAOKPZLE + code:c219/03/0a cheat description:Tunnels galore - code:KEUAUVSE + code:8eb3/8d/8c cheat description:Pumps instead of reservoirs - code:GPKIEGZP + code:dc40/12/14 cheat description:Pumps before reservoirs - code:GPKIEGZP+ZPKINGGP + code:dc40/12/14+dc47/14/12 cheat description:Start with 1 wrench - code:PAOALPLA + code:8113/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 wrenches - code:TAOALPLA + code:8113/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 wrenches - code:PAOALPLE + code:8113/03/09 cartridge sha256:ac1215af2a3315f8bbff01987f24a85e9c1fe984287c05fc21246b0a66fd5dfd name:Platoon (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Stage 1 - Infinite grenades - code:SXKOZPVG + code:91ca/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 1 - Start with double capacity magazine - code:SZSPYAVG + code:9057/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 1 - Double hits - code:AEKESYGE + code:8fcd/04/08 cheat description:Stage 1 - Don't take damage - code:SXKAUYVT + code:8fc3/e6/a5 cheat description:Stage 2 - Don't take damage - code:SZVAXTVT + code:8e62/e6/a5 cheat description:Stage 4 - Infinite time - code:SXKEUZVG + code:8acb/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 4 - Play with more time - code:IEVEOPLA + code:89e9/03/05 cheat description:Stage 4 - Double hits - code:PAKOIPIE + code:914d/05/09 cheat description:Stage 4 - Halve hits - code:ZAKOIPIA + code:914d/05/02 cheat description:Stage 4 - Start with double ammo - code:GEXEUPTE + code:89ab/06/0c cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:GAKEAPIA + code:8148/05/04 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:LAEGGATA + code:c004/06/03 cartridge sha256:61ac77e84b4aa089115a682a2e8cfaa6811ba83b567ae1f13d8b644e0c42a2bf name:Platoon (USA) cheat description:Stage 1 - Infinite grenades - code:SXKOZPVG + code:91ca/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 1 - Start with double capacity magazine - code:SZSPYAVG + code:9057/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 1 - Double hits - code:AEKESYGE + code:8fcd/04/08 cheat description:Stage 1 - Don't take damage - code:SXKAUYVT + code:8fc3/e6/a5 cheat description:Stage 2 - Don't take damage - code:SZVAXTVT + code:8e62/e6/a5 cheat description:Stage 4 - Infinite time - code:SXKEUZVG + code:8acb/c6/a5 cheat description:Stage 4 - Play with more time - code:IEVEOPLA + code:89e9/03/05 cheat description:Stage 4 - Double hits - code:PAKOIPIE + code:914d/05/09 cheat description:Stage 4 - Halve hits - code:ZAKOIPIA + code:914d/05/02 cheat description:Stage 4 - Start with double ammo - code:GEXEUPTE + code:89ab/06/0c cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:GAKEAPIA + code:8148/05/04 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:LAEGGATA + code:c004/06/03 cartridge sha256:97f56ee3bcb0542996401a65c63a0e91c1c9c71da07f0619975e910946f9540d name:Popeye (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility against enemy - code:ATGIYP + code:d147/60 cheat description:Invincibility against shots - code:ATISTL + code:d35e/60 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAPKNA + code:c81f/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAPKNA + code:c81f/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAPKNE + code:c81f/09 cartridge sha256:23e457d854d5ce2bb8b81cef9fbbff0164171505a4d2d9e28ecbc2d062c81517 name:Popo Team (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:004F:01 + code:004f/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:003F:03 + code:003f/03 cheat description:Slower enemies - code:004D:01 + code:004d/01 cartridge sha256:4986c3862a04fcf5b22df58b1182ec2ad636e6083714ac7c069adc1639023ebf name:Power Blade (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:OTKESZSV + code:8a4d/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSIAAVG + code:d050/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEOANGZZ+ENEEUGEP + code:8c97/22/00+8c8b/90/f0 cheat description:Take minimum damage - code:SZKAKXOU + code:8a44/b9/ad cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AZXSAVAU + code:d628/38/28 cheat description:Don't lose boomerang strength when you die - code:GZUITAVG+GZVITASA + code:d036/c6/24+d066/85/24 cheat description:Don't lose multi-boomerangs when you die - code:GZUSGAVG+GZVSZASA + code:d03c/c6/24+d06a/85/24 cheat description:Press Start to finish the level (don't use on Protect level) - code:AEEIPPPE+AOEILOIK+AVEIGOOZ + code:d181/01/08+d183/4d/18+d184/a9/60 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:YANNLTZA + code:f67b/02/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAXYZYZA + code:f722/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAXYZYZA + code:f722/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAXYZYZE + code:f722/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:04AB:12 + code:04ab/12 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0027:09 + code:0027/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0095:09+0096:99 + code:0095/09+0096/99 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:005A:09 + code:005a/09 cheat description:Infinite health refills - code:005B:09 + code:005b/09 cheat description:Powered up Boomerang - code:005E:03 + code:005e/03 cheat description:Triple Boomerangs - code:0099:02 + code:0099/02 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:04BA:00 + code:04ba/00 cheat description:Moon jump (Can cause you to die in areas with no ceiling) - code:051D:C0 + code:051d/c0 cheat description:Have Suit - code:009C:03 + code:009c/03 cheat description:Start on last stage - code:0059:3F + code:0059/3f cartridge sha256:6c462c3fa07aab70759376fe6b59e9c91e808f79fae2960f869bafc9cf20dca2 name:Power Blade 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - except for spikes - code:OVSLZLSV + code:b3d2/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GZSILAVG + code:d053/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite time - code:ATKKXZSZ + code:ca4a/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite life tanks - code:GXEVXTVG + code:ee8a/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite energy tanks - code:GZEIPLVG + code:d301/c6/24 cheat description:Speed up timer - code:YPKGNXYU + code:ca47/3f/1f cheat description:Slow down timer - code:YYKGNXYU + code:ca47/3f/7f cheat description:Throw meter doesn't decrease when boomerang is thrown - code:SAKSZZSZ + code:d24a/a5/85 cheat description:Take minimal damage - code:OVSLZLSV+PESLLLAA + code:b3d2/e5/e9+b3d3/00/01 cheat description:Maximum throwing ability on pick-up - code:OZVULSOK+SANLZIVT + code:b56b/c9/a9+b572/e6/85 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:YAXTNTLA + code:ee27/03/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKEPTZA + code:86c9/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEKEPTZA + code:86c9/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEKEPTZE + code:86c9/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - code:049A:12 + code:049a/12 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:009F:99 + code:009f/99 cheat description:Have max POW - code:0054:0F + code:0054/0f cheat description:Have max energy - code:00A0:12 + code:00a0/12 cheat description:Have Dual Power-Blades - code:0099:01 + code:0099/01 cheat description:Have Red Power-Blades - code:00A2:01 + code:00a2/01 cheat description:View ending - code:0018:07 + code:0018/07 cartridge sha256:ae360d56679f179109ca7d07ad8b4da644ad53a39ffe1d47c8db00648af4bdb0 name:Power Punch II (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEYXGSA + code:fc02/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00CE:FF + code:00ce/ff cheat description:Instant win - code:00CD:00 + code:00cd/00 cheat description:Max Punch - code:00C3:FF + code:00c3/ff cheat description:max Stamina - code:00C4:FF + code:00c4/ff cartridge sha256:76cdd991b85e4a15c62275fe6b3ccd5132ee2d17e70fe4d2173b8ce5d1193ec0 name:Predator (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (normal mode) - code:VASAOASA+OGKKNGVK + code:8851/85/86+cc4f/c6/c9 cheat description:Infinite health (big mode) - code:VVVAXUVK + code:8be2/ce/ee cheat description:Infinite health in jungle mode - code:AVUGVGSA + code:ccb6/85/60 cheat description:Infinite lives in jungle mode - code:SZNGGXVK + code:c274/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives in big mode - code:SXXGZOVK + code:c1a2/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ATEVEISZ+ATVTEISZ+ATXTOISZ+AVNTKGSZ+AVOVSISZ + code:ed08/a5/60+ed60/a5/60+ed21/a5/60+ecf4/a5/60+ed9d/a5/60 cheat description:Mega-jumps in jungle mode - code:AEOETOPE + code:819e/09/08 cheat description:Don't die if you fall down holes - code:NTEENEGE+ATOAEEOZ + code:880f/0c/ef+8810/a9/60 cheat description:Start each life with Laser Rifle - code:LASEOELA+XLSEUEVX + code:8859/0b/03+885b/ae/ba cheat description:Start with double lives - code:AAVKGPGE + code:c16c/04/08 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0010:02 + code:0010/02 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0504:09 + code:0504/09 cartridge sha256:7b0899bfde9661d1af5c2d88c46a8a70f1623729bf52db654fb40cda4554820b name:Prince of Persia (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLXAINSO + code:8725/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZKLIXSE + code:b245/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health (except for deep sword hit or a long fall) (alt) - code:06CF:03 + code:06cf/03 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:04EF:80 + code:04ef/80 cartridge sha256:99f3ca1657ad48f9a4f128dce3e0e4efd2c4fee413a120a462055801c9581ebd name:Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom (USA) cheat description:Infinite gold coins - code:03CB:09 + code:03cb/09 cartridge sha256:3910ae7495a71e6a55f70ed31eb345d28d6e9d524fe88679719d831f8f2553ce name:Pro Sport Hockey (USA) cheat description:P1 goals worth 2 - code:ZESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/02 cheat description:P1 goals worth 3 - code:LESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/03 cheat description:P1 goals worth 4 - code:GESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/04 cheat description:P1 goals worth 5 - code:IESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/05 cheat description:P1 goals worth 6 - code:TESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/06 cheat description:P1 goals worth 7 - code:YESUZYPA + code:b7da/01/07 cheat description:P1 goals worth 8 - code:AESUZYPE + code:b7da/01/08 cheat description:P2 goals worth 2 - code:ZENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/02 cheat description:P2 goals worth 3 - code:LENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/03 cheat description:P2 goals worth 4 - code:GENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/04 cheat description:P2 goals worth 5 - code:IENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/05 cheat description:P2 goals worth 6 - code:TENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/06 cheat description:P2 goals worth 7 - code:YENLZYPA + code:b7f2/01/07 cheat description:P2 goals worth 8 - code:AENLZYPE + code:b7f2/01/08 cheat description:P1 starts with 1 point - code:VVNPTOSE + code:91f6/8d/ee cheat description:P2 starts with 1 point - code:VVNOPOSE + code:91f9/8d/ee cheat description:P1 starts with 2 points - code:ZENPIPAA+VVNOZPNT + code:91f5/00/02+91fa/e7/e6 cheat description:P1 starts with 4 points - code:GENPIPAA+VVNOZPNT + code:91f5/00/04+91fa/e7/e6 cheat description:P1 starts with 6 points - code:TENPIPAA+VVNOZPNT + code:91f5/00/06+91fa/e7/e6 cheat description:P1 starts with 8 points - code:AENPIPAE+VVNOZPNT + code:91f5/00/08+91fa/e7/e6 cheat description:P1 starts with 10 points - code:ZENPIPAE+VVNOZPNT + code:91f5/00/0a+91fa/e7/e6 cheat description:P2 starts with 2 points - code:ZENPIPAA+NVNPYPVT + code:91f5/00/02+91f7/e6/e7 cheat description:P2 starts with 4 points - code:GENPIPAA+NVNPYPVT + code:91f5/00/04+91f7/e6/e7 cheat description:P2 starts with 6 points - code:TENPIPAA+NVNPYPVT + code:91f5/00/06+91f7/e6/e7 cheat description:P2 starts with 8 points - code:AENPIPAE+NVNPYPVT + code:91f5/00/08+91f7/e6/e7 cheat description:P2 starts with 10 points - code:ZENPIPAE+NVNPYPVT + code:91f5/00/0a+91f7/e6/e7 cartridge sha256:e144020f37416f80f1a0da47aa9b3fbda338c61fcd175e8b2dc98df181e24b85 name:Pro Wrestling (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite health and time - code:NTSTIVLE+OZSTGTVS+SASTTTEY+YTSTYVZA + code:e655/0b/ef+e654/d6/a9+e656/f0/85+e657/0a/67 cheat description:Only have 5 seconds to get back into ring - code:IEETTZGP + code:e286/14/05 cheat description:Only have 10 seconds to get back into ring - code:ZEETTZGO + code:e286/14/0a cheat description:Have 30 seconds to get back into ring - code:TOETTZGO + code:e286/14/1e cheat description:Rounds are only 1 minute - code:PEXIKYIA + code:dfa4/05/01 cheat description:Rounds are only 3 minutes - code:LEXIKYIA + code:dfa4/05/03 cheat description:Rounds are 8 minutes - code:AEXIKYIE + code:dfa4/05/08 cheat description:Rounds are 10 minutes - code:ZEXIKYIE + code:dfa4/05/0a cheat description:2-second pin count - code:ZAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/02 cheat description:5-second pin count - code:IAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/05 cheat description:7-second pin count - code:YAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/07 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:0087:09 + code:0087/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:0086:3B + code:0086/3b cheat description:Pin once to win match - code:0077:00 + code:0077/00 cartridge sha256:96dafa1208bda2eaa601d6855d86cf670556018c2859805cae51a88f83e66e9e name:Pro Wrestling (USA) cheat description:Infinite health and time - code:NTSTIVLE+OZSTGTVS+SASTTTEY+YTSTYVZA + code:e655/0b/ef+e654/d6/a9+e656/f0/85+e657/0a/67 cheat description:Only have 5 seconds to get back into ring - code:IEETTZGP + code:e286/14/05 cheat description:Only have 10 seconds to get back into ring - code:ZEETTZGO + code:e286/14/0a cheat description:Have 30 seconds to get back into ring - code:TOETTZGO + code:e286/14/1e cheat description:Rounds are only 1 minute - code:PEXIKYIA + code:dfa4/05/01 cheat description:Rounds are only 3 minutes - code:LEXIKYIA + code:dfa4/05/03 cheat description:Rounds are 8 minutes - code:AEXIKYIE + code:dfa4/05/08 cheat description:Rounds are 10 minutes - code:ZEXIKYIE + code:dfa4/05/0a cheat description:2-second pin count - code:ZAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/02 cheat description:5-second pin count - code:IAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/05 cheat description:7-second pin count - code:YAVVTGLA + code:e46e/03/07 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:0087:09 + code:0087/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:0086:3B + code:0086/3b cheat description:Pin once to win match - code:0077:00 + code:0077/00 cartridge sha256:635271fe654636ec37c882f76c5f8cd39b7b3a476c9aa75cefb548d82de8f896 name:Punch-Out!! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:0391:60 + code:0391/60 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:0326:42 + code:0326/42 cheat description:Infinite Stars - code:0342:04 + code:0342/04 cheat description:One-hit knockdowns - code:0398:01 + code:0398/01 cartridge sha256:ea81de1a6d901d8d1ad229a6d8d88edcc8e1aeeae6146aa4cd01eb0310eb44d5 name:Punisher, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:ESKTGGEY+EVKTTKXK + code:e4c4/f0/d0+e4c6/ca/e8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNZKOSE+SZUZPVSE+VZKZNOVE + code:a974/8d/ad+a631/8d/ad+a947/8e/ae cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:XTSVSNXK + code:ef5d/ca/ea cheat description:Infinite bullets and Rockets - code:AESYAPPA + code:f1d0/01/00 cheat description:Never lose a life against normal enemy - code:XVOVGXXK + code:e29c/ca/ea cheat description:Never lose a life against end of level enemy - code:XVOEXOXK + code:899a/ca/ea cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AANZGXAZ+AAOXYXIA+AAXXAKPA+AAXXZPZL + code:a274/28/00+a21f/0d/00+a428/09/00+a12a/32/00 cheat description:Faster Punisher - code:GEUUYIZA + code:b5bf/02/04 cheat description:Stage scrolls 2x as fast - code:PANVGGAA + code:e47c/00/01 cheat description:Stage scrolls 3x as fast - code:ZANVGGAA + code:e47c/00/02 cheat description:Stage scrolls 4x as fast - code:LANVGGAA + code:e47c/00/03 cheat description:150 Machine Gun bullets on pick-up - code:PEUYNLAA + code:fbb7/00/01 cheat description:150 Assault Rifle bullets on pick-up - code:PEUNXLAA + code:fbba/00/01 cheat description:Less energy on pick-up - code:AAEUUPAO + code:b90b/10/08 cheat description:More energy on pick-up - code:APEUUPAO + code:b90b/10/18 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOTYTIA + code:e697/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEOTYTIE + code:e697/05/0a cartridge sha256:691ef0807cacd7032c52ff65ab1718c28be45c7220afcc13f20c645dfb40d4ed name:Puss n Boots - Pero's Great Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNGOISA + code:cd71/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOKZZVG + code:c21a/c6/a5 cheat description:Auto-fire and auto-jump - code:AAOVNENY + code:e81f/ff/00 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AAXGNUPA + code:cb27/09/00 cheat description:Start with less health - code:GOSTNUAU + code:ebd7/38/1c cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOGZALA + code:c092/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOGZALA + code:c092/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOGZALE + code:c092/03/09 cheat description:Start on stage 1 - code:GAEGAIAA + code:c500/00/04 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAEGAIAE + code:c500/00/09 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:TAEGAIAE + code:c500/00/0e cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0092:38 + code:0092/38 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:000A:09 + code:000a/09 cartridge sha256:0cf2fc17a59a0932ce43e6b2e9ea4e2570f03139784b5c9df429a499e734b92e name:Puzznic (USA) + cheat + description:Press A to destroy blocks (no need to match blocks) + code:a639/94/00+a63d/05/00 cheat description:Slower timer - code:ITKIPXGL + code:d241/3c/65 cheat description:Faster timer - code:TPKIPXGU + code:d241/3c/1e cheat description:Start on level 2-1 - code:ZEUAIPAE + code:81b5/00/0a cheat description:Start on level 3-1 - code:GOUAIPAA + code:81b5/00/14 cheat description:Start on level 4-1 - code:TOUAIPAE + code:81b5/00/1e cheat description:Start on level 5-1 - code:AXUAIPAE + code:81b5/00/28 cheat description:Start on level 6-1 - code:ZUUAIPAA + code:81b5/00/32 cheat description:Start on level 7-1 - code:GUUAIPAE + code:81b5/00/3c cheat description:Start on level 8-1 - code:TKUAIPAA + code:81b5/00/46 cheat description:Start on level 9-1 - code:ASUAIPAA + code:81b5/00/50 cartridge sha256:5fa346174b6b5a9dc2b5fe113ef8d8ac013a32b26dde6d5dfc9ed631d5e9af25 name:Q-bert (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSZGPVG + code:a1d4/c6/a5 + cheat + description:Clear level automatically + code:c142/a5/a9 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEUOOGIA+PAXZLLIA + code:9cb9/05/01+a323/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZAXZLLIE+ZEUOOGIE + code:a323/05/0a+9cb9/05/0a cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:AESPVGAE + code:9cd6/00/08 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:GOSPVGAA + code:9cd6/00/14 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:AXSPVGAA + code:9cd6/00/20 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:004C:63 + code:004c/63 cheat description:Start on level 1 round 2 - code:0049:01 + code:0049/01 cheat description:Start on level 1 round 3 - code:0049:02 + code:0049/02 cheat description:Start on level 1 round 4 - code:0049:03 + code:0049/03 cheat description:Start on level 2 round 1 - code:0049:04 + code:0049/04 cheat description:Start on level 2 round 2 - code:0049:05 + code:0049/05 cheat description:Start on level 2 round 3 - code:0049:06 + code:0049/06 cheat description:Start on level 2 round 4 - code:0049:07 + code:0049/07 cheat description:Start on level 3 round 1 - code:0049:08 + code:0049/08 cheat description:Start on level 3 round 2 - code:0049:09 + code:0049/09 cheat description:Start on level 3 round 3 - code:0049:0A + code:0049/0a cheat description:Start on level 3 round 4 - code:0049:0B + code:0049/0b cheat description:Start on level 4 round 1 - code:0049:0C + code:0049/0c cheat description:Start on level 4 round 2 - code:0049:0D + code:0049/0d cheat description:Start on level 4 round 3 - code:0049:0E + code:0049/0e cheat description:Start on level 4 round 4 - code:0049:0F + code:0049/0f cheat description:Start on level 5 round 1 - code:0049:10 + code:0049/10 cheat description:Start on level 5 round 2 - code:0049:11 + code:0049/11 cheat description:Start on level 5 round 3 - code:0049:12 + code:0049/12 cheat description:Start on level 5 round 4 - code:0049:13 + code:0049/13 cheat description:Start on level 6 round 1 - code:0049:14 + code:0049/14 cheat description:Start on level 6 round 2 - code:0049:15 + code:0049/15 cheat description:Start on level 6 round 3 - code:0049:16 + code:0049/16 cheat description:Start on level 6 round 4 - code:0049:17 + code:0049/17 cheat description:Start on level 7 round 1 - code:0049:18 + code:0049/18 cheat description:Start on level 7 round 2 - code:0049:19 + code:0049/19 cheat description:Start on level 7 round 3 - code:0049:1A + code:0049/1a cheat description:Start on level 7 round 4 - code:0049:1B + code:0049/1b cheat description:Start on level 8 round 1 - code:0049:1C + code:0049/1c cheat description:Start on level 8 round 2 - code:0049:1D + code:0049/1d cheat description:Start on level 8 round 3 - code:0049:1E + code:0049/1e cheat description:Start on level 8 round 4 - code:0049:1F + code:0049/1f cheat description:Start on level 9 round 1 - code:0049:20 + code:0049/20 cheat description:Start on level 9 round 2 - code:0049:21 + code:0049/21 cheat description:Start on level 9 round 3 - code:0049:22 + code:0049/22 cheat description:Start on level 9 round 4 - code:0049:23 + code:0049/23 cartridge sha256:882a02c538cb097531da74d0ad685f6896dcfb7fa9b1a0cd540b4274968a7c13 name:Q Boy (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSAKNVK + code:8f54/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite life - code:SXNZXOVK + code:a9f2/ce/ad cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:AVXPYIVG + code:95a7/c6/60 cheat description:Infinite Breath Power - code:SXEXVXVK+SXOZOXVK + code:aa8e/ce/ad+aa91/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Lift Power - code:SZXZXUVK+SZXZSUVK + code:ab22/ce/ad+ab25/ce/ad cartridge sha256:745050dec23a692e1e759eb3e291f58ad7739fadb3a1308ec8d60085fefaec69 name:QIX (USA) cheat description:1 life - P1 - code:PEEAPZGA + code:8281/04/01 cheat description:1 life - P2 - code:PEEEAZGA + code:8288/04/01 cheat description:Start on Level 5 - 1P game - code:IANAZZPA + code:8272/01/05 cheat description:Start on Level 10 - 1P game - code:ZANAZZPE + code:8272/01/0a cheat description:Start on Level 20 - 1P game - code:GPNAZZPA + code:8272/01/14 cheat description:Start on Level 5 - 2P game - code:IEEEGZPA + code:828c/01/05 cheat description:Start on Level 10 - 2P game - code:ZEEEGZPE + code:828c/01/0a cheat description:Start on Level 20 - 2P game - code:GOEEGZPA + code:828c/01/14 cartridge sha256:5dcea6d649f5ab79cf43dde76b92fb53b056fe92c6b49fd41f5158d9af0e9c32 name:Quattro Adventure (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Boomerang Kid - Infinite lives - code:SZOGXVVK + code:ce12/ce/ad cheat description:Boomerang Kid - Start with 6 lives - code:TAOGPTLA + code:c611/03/06 cheat description:Linus Spacehead - Increase oxygen - code:AZKKPNAP + code:c749/18/20 cheat description:Linus Spacehead - Never lose oxygen - code:AEULZIPA + code:b5b2/01/00 cheat description:Linus Spacehead - Never lose life in the water - code:SXEGLYVG + code:c783/c6/a5 cheat description:Linus Spacehead - Never lose life in the land - code:SZXIILVG + code:d325/c6/a5 cheat description:Linus Spacehead - Start with 9 lives - code:PEKGGLLE + code:c3c4/03/09 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - Invincibility - code:AVONISPG + code:f59d/49/60 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - Infinite lives - code:SXNKZIVG + code:c5fa/c6/a5 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - 9 energy hearts, you may lose some hearts when you pick up new ones - code:PAEGLTLE + code:c603/03/09 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - Start with 1 life - code:PAVGILLA + code:c365/03/01 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - Start with 6 lives - code:TAVGILLA + code:c365/03/06 cheat description:Super Robin Hood - Start with 9 lives - code:PAVGILLE + code:c365/03/09 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Invincible Dizzy Starts you in the Island In The Sky, walk left to arrive at the original starting point - - code:PEXSZYAA + code:d7aa/00/01 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Walk backwards - code:OZNTKASX + code:e874/a5/a9 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with snorkel - code:PEUSYYAA + code:d7bf/00/01 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with axe - code:PEUSYYAA+PEKNIZZP + code:d7bf/00/01+f2cd/12/01 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with dynamite - code:PEUSYYAA+ZEKNIZZP + code:d7bf/00/01+f2cd/12/02 cheat description:Treasure Island Dizzy - Start with heavy weight - code:PEUSYYAA+IEKNIZZP + code:d7bf/00/01+f2cd/12/05 cartridge sha256:a537916d210a97e41e669c77f3ebcccb681dc44db4d8b758c2109baf8590d918 name:Quattro Arcade (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Always kill monsters - code:XVTISU+XVTIVU + code:dbe5/ea+dbe6/ea cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Walk through walls - code:XVTILU + code:d3e3/ea cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 1 life - code:PAVGZILA + code:c562/03/01 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 6 lives - code:TAVGZILA + code:c562/03/06 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start with 9 lives - code:PAVGZILE + code:c562/03/09 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 1, stage 3 - code:ZEEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/02 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 1, stage 5 - code:GEEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/04 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 2, stage 2 - code:TEEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/06 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 2, stage 4 - code:AEEKGIPE + code:c58c/01/08 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 4, stage 2 - code:AOEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/10 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 4, stage 4 - code:ZOEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/12 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 1 - code:GOEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/14 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 3 - code:TOEKGIPA + code:c58c/01/16 cheat description:Go! Dizzy Go! - Start on world 5, stage 5 - code:AOEKGIPE + code:c58c/01/18 cheat description:Sunt Buggies - Infinite lives - code:SXOXZEVK + code:a09a/ce/ad cheat description:Sunt Buggies - Start with 1 life - code:PAKVXGLA + code:ec4a/03/01 cheat description:Sunt Buggies - Start with 6 lives - code:TAKVXGLA + code:ec4a/03/06 cheat description:Sunt Buggies - Start with 9 lives - code:PAKVXGLE + code:ec4a/03/09 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start with 2 lives - 1P game - code:PEUGEALA + code:c8b0/03/01 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start with 7 lives - 1P game - code:TEUGEALA + code:c8b0/03/06 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start with 10 lives - 1P game - code:PEUGEALE + code:c8b0/03/09 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start on level 3 - code:LEUGSAPA+PEKGXAAA + code:c8b5/01/03+c8c2/00/01 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start on level 5 - code:IEUGSAPA+ZEKGXAAA + code:c8b5/01/05+c8c2/00/02 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start on level 7 - code:YEUGSAPA+LEKGXAAA + code:c8b5/01/07+c8c2/00/03 cheat description:F-16 Renegade - Start on level 9 - code:PEUGSAPE+GEKGXAAA + code:c8b5/01/09+c8c2/00/04 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Infinite lives - code:SUKTZUVS + code:e3c2/de/bd cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Switzerland - code:PAEYOAAA + code:f801/00/01 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Egypt - code:ZAEYOAAA + code:f801/00/02 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start in Africa - code:LAEYOAAA + code:f801/00/03 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Always run fast after losing all lives - code:PAONILAA + code:f31d/00/01 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Super C.J. after losing all lives - code:YAONILAE + code:f31d/00/0f cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 1 life - code:PASTSVPA + code:ee55/09/01 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 5 lives - code:IASTSVPA + code:ee55/09/05 cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 15 lives - code:YASTSVPE + code:ee55/09/0f cheat description:C.J.'s Elephant Antics - Start with 20 lives - code:GPSTSVPA - -cartridge sha256:67123fe28cf5fbadeafc77400a0812f0135ab36706ec7d1267f84931d044e71d - name:Quest of Ki, The (Japan) - cheat - description:Exit always open - code:0053:01 + code:ee55/09/14 cartridge sha256:d4f1650059a011455577561ea607993a5046d452ba987b1c7381cad56550be0a name:R.B.I. Baseball (USA) cheat description:Perfectly straight pitches - both players - code:EESLUZTL+OXSLXZPN + code:bad3/36/80+bad2/71/a9 cheat description:Super slow pitches - both players - code:AEXUKZTL+OXXUUZOU + code:baac/36/00+baab/b1/a9 cheat description:Slow pitches - both players - code:LEXUKZTL+OXXUUZOU + code:baac/36/03+baab/b1/a9 cheat description:Fast pitches - both players - code:OXXUUZOU+YEXUKZTL + code:baab/b1/a9+baac/36/07 cheat description:Super fast pitches - both players - code:OXXUUZOU+YEXUKZTU + code:baab/b1/a9+baac/36/0f cheat description:All missed pitches are strikes - both players - code:AOVLSLEI + code:bbe5/d0/10 cartridge sha256:3f9e3d3b48a897d94003df004ab4b332d749f85ea5d0e1a1b29b6d4f5634049a name:R.C. Pro-Am (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:AAEIPPPA + code:d101/01/00 cheat description:Max turbo on first pick-up - code:GEUGAPPA + code:c1b0/01/04 cheat description:Max tires on first pick-up - code:GEKKGPPA + code:c1cc/01/04 cheat description:Max speed on first pick-up - code:GAVGIPPA + code:c165/01/04 cheat description:Double turbo on first pick-up - code:ZEUGAPPA + code:c1b0/01/02 cheat description:Double tires on first pick-up - code:ZEKKGPPA + code:c1cc/01/02 cheat description:Double speed on first pick-up - code:ZAVGIPPA + code:c165/01/02 cheat description:Computer cars go crazy - code:SXVLGZAK + code:b2e4/40/ad cheat description:Always win as 1st place - code:005C:00 + code:005c/00 cheat description:Auto race at 128 MPH (disable if you get stuck) - code:05DC:80 + code:05dc/80 cheat description:Max Super Sticky Tires - code:0453:04 + code:0453/04 cheat description:Max Turbo Acceleration - code:0454:04 + code:0454/04 cheat description:Max higher top speed - code:0455:04 + code:0455/04 cheat description:Infinite ammo for weapons - code:0459:63 + code:0459/63 cheat description:Have Bombs - code:045A:01 + code:045a/01 cheat description:Have Missiles - code:045A:02 + code:045a/02 cheat description:Have pick-up truck as vehicle - code:03F9:00 + code:03f9/00 cheat description:Have off-road vehicle as vehicle - code:03F9:01 + code:03f9/01 cheat description:Have race car as vehicle - code:03F9:02 + code:03f9/02 cheat description:NINTENDO already spelled out (enable then disable) - code:03F7:08 + code:03f7/08 cheat description:Computer cars go crazy (alt) - code:B2E4:AD + code:b2e4/ad cartridge sha256:aec6beb5b7e4d291a2bef75cb6dc43dc4db34f0313d26a8582ddf61b5b6a67c5 name:R.C. Pro-Am (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:AASIUAPA + code:d853/01/00 cheat description:Max turbo on first pick-up - code:GAOGOAPA + code:c811/01/04 cheat description:Max tires on first pick-up - code:GAXKSAPA + code:c82d/01/04 cheat description:Max speed on first pick-up - code:GEKGTYPA + code:c7c6/01/04 cheat description:Double turbo on first pick-up - code:ZAOGOAPA + code:c811/01/02 cheat description:Double tires on first pick-up - code:ZAXKSAPA + code:c82d/01/02 cheat description:Double speed on first pick-up - code:ZEKGTYPA + code:c7c6/01/02 cheat description:Computer cars go crazy - code:SZKLOPAK + code:b941/40/ad cheat description:Always win as 1st place - code:005C:00 + code:005c/00 cheat description:Auto race at 128 MPH (disable if you get stuck) - code:05DC:80 + code:05dc/80 cheat description:Max Super Sticky Tires - code:0453:04 + code:0453/04 cheat description:Max Turbo Acceleration - code:0454:04 + code:0454/04 cheat description:Max higher top speed - code:0455:04 + code:0455/04 cheat description:Infinite ammo for weapons - code:0459:63 + code:0459/63 cheat description:Have Bombs - code:045A:01 + code:045a/01 cheat description:Have Missiles - code:045A:02 + code:045a/02 cheat description:Have pick-up truck as vehicle - code:03F9:00 + code:03f9/00 cheat description:Have off-road vehicle as vehicle - code:03F9:01 + code:03f9/01 cheat description:Have race car as vehicle - code:03F9:02 + code:03f9/02 cheat description:NINTENDO already spelled out (enable then disable) - code:03F7:08 + code:03f7/08 cheat description:Computer cars go crazy (alt) - code:B2E4:AD + code:b2e4/ad cartridge sha256:730399227c1566636f2e3475c398924165b21d88fc3321f60b29f4e6321a3c9c name:R.C. Pro-Am II (USA) cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SUEEGXVS + code:828c/de/bd cheat description:Infinite Lazers on purchase - code:SXKVLVVS + code:e6cb/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs on purchase - code:SXSTZKVS + code:e4d2/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Freezes on purchase - code:SXOVGVVS + code:e69c/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Buckshot on purchase - code:SZXVGSVS + code:e52c/de/ad cheat description:Infinite Missiles on purchase - code:SZSTTSVS + code:e556/de/ad cheat description:Items in the Model Shop are free if you have enough money - code:ATUXYGSZ + code:a43f/a5/60 cheat description:Buckshot costs 10 instead of 2,000 - code:PEETEOEG + code:e980/c8/01 cheat description:Mega Pulse costs 2,080 instead of 20,000 - code:AEEVUPYA + code:e98b/07/00 cheat description:Scoopers costs 2,200 instead of 15,000 - code:AANTSPIA + code:e975/05/00 cheat description:Dynafit tires costs 2,320 instead of 10,000 - code:AANTUPLA + code:e973/03/00 cheat description:Mega Motor costs 1,360 instead of 50,000 - code:AAVVUPLP + code:e96b/13/00 cheat description:Hyper Motor costs 1,840 instead of 30,000 - code:AAVVOOLA + code:e969/0b/00 cheat description:Freeze costs 2,200 instead of 15,000 - code:AEEVOPIA + code:e989/05/00 cheat description:Lazer costs 1,200 instead of 14,000 - code:AEETNPIA + code:e987/05/00 cheat description:Bombs costs 1,760 instead of 12,000 - code:AEETSPGA + code:e985/04/00 cheat description:Nobbies costs 1,880 instead of 7,000 - code:AANTOPZA + code:e971/02/00 cheat description:Missile costs 2,320 instead of 10,000 - code:AEETUPLA + code:e983/03/00 cheat description:Nitro costs 10 instead of 1000 - code:PANVKPGT + code:e97c/64/01 cheat description:Oil slicks costs 10 instead of 500 - code:PANVXPZL + code:e97a/32/01 cheat description:Skinny tires costs 10 instead of 2,000 - code:PAVVVOEG + code:e96e/c8/01 cheat description:Gold Motor costs 10 instead of 16,000 - code:AAVTNPTA+PAVTVPAG + code:e967/06/00+e966/40/01 cheat description:Start with 1 credit instead of 3 - code:AESOLAZA + code:90db/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - code:GESOLAZA + code:90db/02/04 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - code:TESOLAZA + code:90db/02/06 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:AESOLAZE + code:90db/02/08 cheat description:Start on Track 02 - code:PEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/01 cheat description:Start on Track 03 - code:ZEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/02 cheat description:Start on Track 04 - code:LEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/03 cheat description:Start on Track 05 - code:GEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/04 cheat description:Start on Track 06 - code:IEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/05 cheat description:Start on Track 07 - code:TEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/06 cheat description:Start on Track 08 - code:YEOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/07 cheat description:Start on Track 09 - code:PEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/09 cheat description:Start on Track 10 - code:ZEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0a cheat description:Start on Track 11 - code:LEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0b cheat description:Start on Track 12 - code:GEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0c cheat description:Start on Track 13 - code:IEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0d cheat description:Start on Track 14 - code:TEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0e cheat description:Start on Track 15 - code:YEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/0f cheat description:Start on Track 16 - code:AOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/10 cheat description:Start on Track 17 - code:ZOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/12 cheat description:Start on Track 18 - code:LOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/13 cheat description:Start on Track 19 - code:GOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/14 cheat description:Start on Track 20 - code:IOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/15 cheat description:Start on Track 21 - code:TOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/16 cheat description:Start on Track 22 - code:YOOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/17 cheat description:Start on Track 23 - code:AOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/18 cheat description:Start on Track 24 - code:POOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/19 cheat description:Start on Track 25 - code:LOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1b cheat description:Start on Track 26 - code:GOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1c cheat description:Start on Track 27 - code:IOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1d cheat description:Start on Track 28 - code:TOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1e cheat description:Start on Track 29 - code:YOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1f cheat description:Start on first Tug-O-Truck Challenge - code:AEOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/08 cheat description:Start on Drag Race - code:POOGNTAA + code:ce97/00/11 cheat description:Start on second Tug-O-Truck Challenge - code:ZOOGNTAE + code:ce97/00/1a cheat description:Infinite continues - code:0771:09 + code:0771/09 cheat description:Infinite time at continue screen - code:0431:63 + code:0431/63 cartridge sha256:5cb8d03a90732d01737a401e8dc87a3d594ab2f901970f309fe551c0013ac5da name:Race America (USA) cheat description:Can't down shift - code:SGSUGLVI + code:b35c/d6/c5 cheat description:Cars only have 4 gears - code:IAVUILYA+IAKXAIYA + code:b36d/07/05+a548/07/05 cheat description:Go super fast in 6th gear - code:OZNOAAEN+NYNOPAIE+SAXPGZVT + code:9078/f0/a9+9079/05/ff+9224/e6/85 cartridge sha256:2e14f4481b5b762ba1ff0e7a25b07f316f7bdef0574a1704856f92823874f4e6 name:Rad Racer (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:NYZINV + code:de27/ff cheat description:Never crash from things outside of the road - code:AAKSYIPA + code:d54f/01/00 cheat description:Less time to finish each stage - code:GZXIUVIZ + code:de23/2d/24 cheat description:More time to finish each stage - code:GLXIUVIX + code:de23/2d/3c cheat description:Turbo acceleration - code:ALXGAIAA + code:c520/00/30 cheat description:Super Turbo acceleration - code:YYUKGIAU + code:c53c/30/7f cheat description:Ultra Turbo acceleration - code:PEEGPIAA + code:c581/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:PAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/01+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:ZAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/02+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:LAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/03+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:GAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/04+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:IAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/05+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:TAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/06+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:YAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA + code:c029/00/07+cec4/85/24 cheat description:Start on stage 2 (alt) - code:00E5:01 + code:00e5/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (alt) - code:00E5:02 + code:00e5/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (alt) - code:00E5:03 + code:00e5/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (alt) - code:00E5:04 + code:00e5/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (alt) - code:00E5:05 + code:00e5/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 (alt) - code:00E5:06 + code:00e5/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 (alt) - code:00E5:07 + code:00e5/07 cartridge sha256:bcc8a24ab99f85933ff2cd0787daab6093710ef04f95b4c7bec842961ee0e3ad name:Rad Racer II (USA) cheat description:Instant Boost - code:005F:FF + code:005f/ff cheat description:Don't wipeout when you hit something - code:005B:00 + code:005b/00 cartridge sha256:879ada5f1aa0282d81f9f13e91de53e181ed1030242029fcce002dfb8847c0c9 name:Radia Senki - Reimei Hen (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:SXUYSZSA + code:fab5/85/a5 cartridge sha256:5d9f7deb09c9de8725c293366c943e6fef0a505a72bb1bc92be7a7a055cde464 name:Raf World (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:PAEVXXPX+PAOVEXPX + code:ea0a/29/09+ea18/29/09 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SZUVUZSA + code:ea3b/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SZUAUTSA + code:8e33/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKNGYLVG + code:c3f7/c6/c5 cheat description:Double-jump - code:AVKEIOOZ + code:81cd/a9/60 cartridge sha256:d79be89ff83550ba185d19fb586d2b5f988ad6743125b5233ab3bfe2cb814c94 name:Raid 2020 (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSSESVK+SZKSVSVK + code:ddd8/ce/ad+dd4e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVSIVVK + code:d6ed/ce/ad cartridge sha256:b7b5fdf2b31c4b8c5340f93f166fb56aecf598f7c43a24b4334502bb81065143 name:Raid on Bungeling Bay (USA) cheat description:Infinite Damage - code:SXVVPIAX + code:e5e9/20/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXSIASVK + code:d5d0/ce/ad cheat description:Can only carry 5 Bombs - code:AZOIIEGX + code:d015/2c/28 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PENGZYIE + code:c7f2/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PENGZYIA + code:c7f2/05/01 cheat description:Start on round 3 - code:LEVKTYPA + code:c7ee/01/03 cheat description:Start on round 6 - code:TEVKTYPA + code:c7ee/01/06 cheat description:Start on round 9 - code:PEVKTYPE + code:c7ee/01/09 cheat description:Infinite Bombs (alt) - code:0254:2C + code:0254/2c cheat description:0 Damage - code:024D:23+024E:23 + code:024d/23+024e/23 cartridge sha256:9866b51b16b503aa515967929060eb100ae4cbd851229a3125ecf3ee7c88346e name:Rally Bike (USA) cheat description:Infinite gas - code:SIUKLUVV + code:c33b/ee/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:SZEITKVV + code:d406/ee/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - 2P game, both players - code:SZOSIKVN + code:d41d/fe/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - 1P game - code:PAUIKTIA + code:de34/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - 1P game - code:ZAUIKTIE + code:de34/05/0a cheat description:Start with 1 life - 2P game, both players - code:PAUIKITA+ZAXSTGTA + code:dd34/06/01+d42e/06/02 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - 2P game, both players - code:ZAUIKTIE+LAXSTGIE + code:de34/05/0a+d42e/05/0b cartridge sha256:2596cf1e1a9b09dac24aeffea708807173ec81fa7093b2a729f1539aec3b5764 name:Rambo (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATOSXISL + code:dd1a/b5/60 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SXOVXKVS + code:ec9a/de/ad cheat description:Gain double amount on pick-up - code:GOXTZXZA + code:e2a2/0a/14 cheat description:Gain maximum amount on pick-up - code:GNXTZXZA + code:e2a2/0a/74 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEVSNOZL + code:d9ef/3a/00 cheat description:Start with 2 Medicine Bottles - code:ZEEEITIA + code:868d/05/02 cheat description:Start with 9 Medicine Bottles - code:ZVEEITIA + code:868d/05/62 cheat description:Start with Hand Grenades - code:IPNEITPP+IOEALTPP + code:867d/11/15+8683/11/15 cheat description:Infinite health - code:010C:64 + code:010c/64 cheat description:Max EXP - code:010F:23 + code:010f/23 cheat description:Infinite Throwing Knives - code:011D:99 + code:011d/99 cheat description:Infinite Missiles type 1 - code:011E:99 + code:011e/99 cheat description:Infinite Missiles type 2 - code:011F:99 + code:011f/99 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun - code:0120:99 + code:0120/99 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:0121:99 + code:0121/99 cheat description:Infinite Red Potions - code:0122:99 + code:0122/99 cartridge sha256:94e0d73bfaa7dca6d117d8d6f92637ace17816bb37807152baa8978396fe8d46 name:Rambo (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATOSXISL + code:dd1a/b5/60 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SXOVXKVS + code:ec9a/de/ad cheat description:Gain double amount on pick-up - code:GOXTZXZA + code:e2a2/0a/14 cheat description:Gain maximum amount on pick-up - code:GNXTZXZA + code:e2a2/0a/74 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEVSNOZL + code:d9ef/3a/00 cheat description:Start with 2 Medicine Bottles - code:ZEEEITIA + code:868d/05/02 cheat description:Start with 9 Medicine Bottles - code:ZVEEITIA + code:868d/05/62 cheat description:Start with hand grenades - code:IPNEITPP+IOEALTPP + code:867d/11/15+8683/11/15 cheat description:Infinite health - code:010C:64 + code:010c/64 cheat description:Max EXP - code:010F:23 + code:010f/23 cheat description:Infinite Throwing Knives - code:011D:99 + code:011d/99 cheat description:Infinite Missiles type 1 - code:011E:99 + code:011e/99 cheat description:Infinite Missiles type 2 - code:011F:99 + code:011f/99 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun - code:0120:99 + code:0120/99 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:0121:99 + code:0121/99 cheat description:Infinite Red Potions - code:0122:99 + code:0122/99 cartridge sha256:bbe150f50bd11f5aa4e3edab47541261c58ab9899b6d9329450b3c77df172823 name:Rampage (USA) cheat description:No harm from attacks or bad food - code:GXXLALOP + code:b3a0/91/24 cheat description:No harm from falling - code:AEXLPGAP + code:b4a1/10/00 cheat description:No harm from water - code:AAOUOPPA+AASLSPPA + code:b919/01/00+b955/01/00 cheat description:Buildings collapse automatically - code:ASUTPIEL + code:e5b1/b0/50 cheat description:Buildings collapse faster - code:ASSZGTEY+IOOZUXIA + code:a6d4/f0/50+aa93/0d/15 cheat description:One hit to destroy buildings - code:EEKXYPIA + code:a1cf/05/80 cheat description:More health - P1 - code:NYSGLUYN + code:c353/7f/ff cheat description:More health - P2 - code:NYVKTUYN + code:c36e/7f/ff cheat description:Less health - P1 - code:YLSGLUYN + code:c353/7f/3f cheat description:Less health - P2 - code:YLVKTUYN + code:c36e/7f/3f cheat description:More health after continue - both players - code:NNNGKNYN + code:cff4/7f/ff cheat description:Less health after continue - both players - code:YUNGKNYN + code:cff4/7f/3f cheat description:More damage done from falling - code:AXXLPGAP + code:b4a1/10/20 cheat description:Double health from food - code:GEULLLIA + code:b3b3/05/04 cheat description:Half health from food - code:AEULLLIA+ZKULTUZE + code:b3b3/05/00+b3b6/0a/4a cartridge sha256:501e921616931e4796c44b1e80c7112c881eb1e9a3190d0e6a3b4b199ee368e3 name:Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroo$! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:NYOYXLYE + code:fb12/07/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:NYUVOZTE + code:ea39/06/ff cheat description:Infinite collectibles - code:OUEAXXOO + code:8a82/99/b9 cheat description:Shorter invincibility after getting hit - code:YPEYOUGU + code:fb01/3c/1f cheat description:Longer invincibility after getting hit - code:ITEYOUGL + code:fb01/3c/65 cheat description:2 custard pies on pick-up - code:ZAXNPZIA + code:f229/05/02 cheat description:9 custard pies on pick-up - code:PAXNPZIE + code:f229/05/09 cheat description:Start with $11 instead of 0 - code:VNXELSSO + code:85ab/9d/fe cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEUAPZLA + code:82b1/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUAPZLA + code:82b1/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:YEUAPZLA + code:82b1/03/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEUAPZLE + code:82b1/03/09 cheat description:Start on Rescue the Maiden level - code:OZEEPYES+PAEEZYZZ + code:8709/d0/a9+870a/22/01 cheat description:Start on Out West level - code:OZEEPYES+PAEEZYZZ+SAEELNVV + code:8709/d0/a9+870a/22/01+870b/ee/8d cheat description:Start on Robin Hoek level - code:OZEEPYES+ZAEEZYZZ+SAEELNVV + code:8709/d0/a9+870a/22/02+870b/ee/8d cartridge sha256:b4856061c9310015101c461aef744e9dcf3b158bd13d5d9cb4a76d3ca18a6864 name:Renegade (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUIOTVG + code:deb1/c6/a5 cheat description:Timer runs faster - code:TOSVOXTU + code:ead9/3e/1e cheat description:Timer runs slower - code:EXSVOXTL + code:ead9/3e/a0 cheat description:Start with a super energy boost - code:AIUOZUAZ + code:933a/28/50 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AEOSLYZA + code:d79b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IEOSLYZA + code:d79b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AEOSLYZE + code:d79b/02/08 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:PEXSYYAA + code:d7af/00/01 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:ZEXSYYAA + code:d7af/00/02 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:LEXSYYAA + code:d7af/00/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0472:59 + code:0472/59 cheat description:Enemies have no health - code:007E:00+007F:00+0080:00 + code:007e/00+007f/00+0080/00 cartridge sha256:f17df83a3e714c9f839dcd428d31a0b8b3cdb5fe1a78f24f43f158cb379720c1 name:Ring King (USA) cheat description:Infinite power points - 1P game - code:GZEIPVVK + code:d601/ce/2c cheat description:Don't lose stamina from fighting - code:GXKZXYOP + code:afc2/91/24 cheat description:Rounds are 30 seconds - code:LEOSLYTA + code:d79b/06/03 cheat description:Rounds are 90 seconds - code:PEOSLYTE + code:d79b/06/09 cheat description:Players can't hurt each other - code:GXOZOIOP + code:ad91/91/24 cheat description:No health - P2 / CPU - code:0319:00 + code:0319/00 cheat description:Infinite power (ten's digit) - P1 - code:038D:09 + code:038d/09 cheat description:Infinite power (one's digit) - P1 - code:038E:09 + code:038e/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:06E4:09 + code:06e4/09 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:06E5:09 + code:06e5/09 cheat description:Max punch (ten's digit) - P1 - code:038F:09 + code:038f/09 cheat description:Max punch (one's digit) - P1 - code:0390:09 + code:0390/09 cheat description:Max speed (ten's digit) - P1 - code:0391:09 + code:0391/09 cheat description:Max speed (one's digit) - P1 - code:0392:09 + code:0392/09 cheat description:Max stamina (ten's digit) - P1 - code:0393:09 + code:0393/09 cheat description:Max stamina (one's digit) - P1 - code:0394:09 + code:0394/09 cheat description:No hits (hundred's digit) - P1 - code:06EC:00 + code:06ec/00 cheat description:No hits (ten's digit) - P1 - code:06ED:00 + code:06ed/00 cheat description:No hits (one's digit) - P1 - code:06EE:00 + code:06ee/00 cartridge sha256:54cdc8b6fab804339c44601663585c8e7a8b01ef35b49754eb13a767b57c7d07 name:River City Ransom (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUNEUKSO + code:8cfb/9d/bd cheat description:Start with max stats - code:LVSNAVYA + code:f6d8/0f/63 cheat description:Infinite money - code:SUKOOXSO+SUSPEXSO+SUSPNXSO + code:9ac9/9d/bd+9ad0/9d/bd+9ad7/9d/bd cheat description:Coins worth max amount of money - code:LZXTXGLP + code:ec22/13/23 cheat description:Infinite Stamina - code:OOELVUOU+OXVUVUOV + code:bb86/b9/99+bbee/e9/a9 cheat description:Infinite Will Power - code:SLOXNNSO + code:af1f/9d/bd cheat description:Max Punch - code:YYVOIUYU + code:936d/3f/7f cheat description:Max Kick - code:YYVOTUYU + code:936e/3f/7f cheat description:Max Weapon - code:YYVOYUYU + code:936f/3f/7f cheat description:Max Throw - code:YYNPAUYU + code:9370/3f/7f cheat description:Max Agility - code:YYNPPUYU + code:9371/3f/7f cheat description:Max Defense - code:YYNPZUYU + code:9372/3f/7f cheat description:Max Strength - code:YYNPLUYU + code:9373/3f/7f cheat description:Max Will Power - code:YYNPGUYU + code:9374/3f/7f cheat description:Max Stamina - code:NYNPTUYN + code:9376/7f/ff cheat description:View the credits - code:ENVYZZEI + code:f2e2/d0/f0 cheat description:Start with double every attribute - code:TOSNAVYE + code:f6d8/0f/1e cheat description:Start with 127 of all stats - code:YNSNAVYE + code:f6d8/0f/7f cheat description:Start with 99 Stamina - code:LVNYIVYL + code:f6f5/3f/63 cheat description:Start with double money - P1 - code:AGENAYAZ + code:f708/20/40 cheat description:Start with double money - P2 - code:AGOYYYAZ + code:f717/20/40 cheat description:Start with $100 extra - P1 - code:PAENIYAA + code:f70d/00/01 cheat description:Start with $100 extra - P2 - code:PAONGYAA + code:f71c/00/01 cartridge sha256:46361c5b4007e6ef855430934b5a205aa19c885857a7eb31072646753d06e321 name:RoadBlasters (USA) cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SZEIGEVK + code:d004/ce/ad cheat description:Double credits - code:GAVLUTZA + code:be63/02/04 cheat description:Extend lifetime of UZ Cannon - code:PEEAEIIE + code:8d80/05/09 cheat description:Extend lifetime of Nitro Injector - code:NNSEOIEE + code:8dd9/80/ff cheat description:Reduce lifetime of Nitro Injector - code:AKSEOIEA + code:8dd9/80/40 cheat description:Infinite Cruise missiles - code:SXVEKSVK+ETOENSTP + code:8dec/ce/ad+8d1f/1e/e0 cheat description:Infinite UZ Cannon - code:ATNEEISZ+LZOENSTO + code:8d78/a5/60+8d1f/1e/2b cheat description:Infinite Nitro Injectors - code:AVSEKSVG+SAOENSTO+GXKEOIEY + code:8ddc/ce/60+8d1f/1e/8d+8dc9/f0/24 cheat description:Infinite Electro Shield - code:SZSEKVVK+PIOENSTP+VAXAESSE + code:8e5c/ce/ad+8d1f/1e/51+8d20/8d/8e cheat description:Infinite Fuel - code:0085:CF + code:0085/cf cheat description:Infinite Reserve Fuel - code:0086:6D + code:0086/6d cheat description:Max speed - code:009A:FF + code:009a/ff cartridge sha256:46a38baf9067869e8ecdf227c3cd33f14df20998d0d27e645e47f6c57fd9703d name:Road Runner (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOVUUVK + code:eb1b/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose seed - code:XVUGAOEK+XVXTSUEK + code:c1b0/c8/ea+eba5/c8/ea cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAEVTGIA + code:e40e/05/00 cheat description:Start with 12 lives - code:LAEVTGIE + code:e40e/05/0b cheat description:Start with 18 lives - code:PPEVTGIA + code:e40e/05/11 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IAOTLGPA + code:e413/01/05 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:ZAOTLGPE + code:e413/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:YAOTLGPE + code:e413/01/0f cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:GPOTLGPA + code:e413/01/14 cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:PPOTLGPE + code:e413/01/19 cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:TPOTLGPE + code:e413/01/1e cartridge sha256:687e4129be3b8e224a9748cba9687b8c10e5feb234a727bdf2dcb8d3c8c47097 name:Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite HP for Robin in main combat - code:VAXEOLSA + code:8b29/85/86 cheat description:Infinite HP for Robin in dueling combat - code:EYXAOPAL + code:8921/30/f0 cheat description:Infinite Arrows - code:AASPIZPA + code:9255/01/00 cheat description:Bandages give more HP back - code:GOXLLNAA + code:b7a3/08/14 cheat description:Food gives more HP back - Except the Leg of meat - code:AOULIUAE + code:b3b5/08/18 cheat description:Infinite Arrows (alt) - code:0179:FF + code:0179/ff cheat description:Max Exp points - code:0604:FF + code:0604/ff cheat description:Max Level - code:0176:FF + code:0176/ff cheat description:Max Attack - code:0170:FF+0171:FF + code:0170/ff+0171/ff cheat description:Max Agility - code:016E:FF+016F:FF + code:016e/ff+016f/ff cheat description:Max Defense - code:0172:FF + code:0172/ff cheat description:Max Gold - code:0177:FF + code:0177/ff cheat description:Load zero - code:016C:00 + code:016c/00 cartridge sha256:bb0ed60fd8e83b56f23de16018696817cf8030b4898db6abe9dfc343e646e753 name:Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP for Robin in main combat - code:VAXEOLSA + code:8b29/85/86 cheat description:Infinite HP for Robin in dueling combat - code:EYXAOPAL + code:8921/30/f0 cheat description:Infinite Arrows - code:AASPIZPA + code:9255/01/00 cheat description:Bandages give more HP back - code:GOXLLNAA + code:b7a3/08/14 cheat description:Food gives more HP back - Except the Leg of meat - code:AOULIUAE + code:b3b5/08/18 cheat description:Infinite Arrows (alt) - code:0179:FF + code:0179/ff cheat description:Max Exp points - code:0604:FF + code:0604/ff cheat description:Max Level - code:0176:FF + code:0176/ff cheat description:Max Attack - code:0170:FF+0171:FF + code:0170/ff+0171/ff cheat description:Max Agility - code:016E:FF+016F:FF + code:016e/ff+016f/ff cheat description:Max Defense - code:0172:FF + code:0172/ff cheat description:Max Gold - code:0177:FF + code:0177/ff cheat description:Load zero - code:016C:00 + code:016c/00 cartridge sha256:5431ed49f22ee8188871be088da433c26b1ddeac972ef4b8f89df4eacd5e42c2 name:Robo Warrior (USA) cheat description:No damage from bomb blast - code:GZUNYXTK + code:f23f/4e/2c cheat description:No damage from monsters and no power drain - code:GZNNIXTK + code:f27d/4e/2c cheat description:Infinite Barrier after pick-up - code:XTXGKPVV + code:c924/e6/ea cheat description:Infinite Mega Bombs after pick-up - code:SUXSNIVI + code:ddaf/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite Super Bombs - code:SZKTYPVG + code:e147/c6/a5 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:EONGELAP + code:cbf0/10/90 cheat description:5 Super Bombs on pick-up - code:IAVTPSZA + code:e561/0a/05 cheat description:20 Super Bombs on pick-up - code:GPVTPSZA + code:e561/0a/14 cheat description:Set firing range to 5 - code:IANGAPPA + code:c170/01/05 cheat description:Set firing range to 10 - code:ZANGAPPE + code:c170/01/0a cheat description:Start with 5 of everything - code:IEVKLPAA + code:c1eb/00/05 cheat description:Start with 10 of everything - code:ZEVKLPAE + code:c1eb/00/0a cheat description:Start with defense level at 5 - code:IEVGIPPA + code:c1e5/01/05 cheat description:Start with defense level at 8 - code:AEVGIPPE + code:c1e5/01/08 cheat description:Always have 99 Medals - code:0058:63 + code:0058/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Super Boots - code:0061:63 + code:0061/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Clocks - code:0062:63 + code:0062/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Flash - code:0063:63 + code:0063/63 cheat description:Always have 99 CrossFires - code:0064:63 + code:0064/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Candles - code:0065:63 + code:0065/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Energy Capsule - code:0066:63 + code:0066/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Missles - code:0067:63 + code:0067/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Megaton Bombs - code:004D:63 + code:004d/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Life Vest - code:004E:63 + code:004e/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Lanterns - code:004F:63 + code:004f/63 cartridge sha256:100c394264b40c17f635a6356c884135558bf2aee1a7f60c9ce43441e48a06cb name:Robocco Wars (Japan) cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GLUZOAAE + code:a831/00/3c cartridge sha256:d04b445ac57cccb3a31a3bf83d002dc9a9765f15313e96f67be077b6114d2411 name:RoboCop (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:LLNTTZIU+SLXUYTAX + code:e276/35/3b+b62f/20/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXKXYIVT + code:a5cf/e6/a5 cheat description:Infinite ammunition - code:SGOTKLIA + code:eb14/05/c5 cheat description:No damage from touching enemies - code:SZKVOTSA + code:ee49/85/a5 cheat description:No damage from enemy bullets - code:SZVVVYSA + code:ef6e/85/a5 cheat description:Bosses die automatically - code:AEOXIXLL + code:a29d/3b/00 cheat description:Can't harm civilian at the end of level 1 - code:SOKZLNSU + code:a7c3/bd/9d cheat description:Triple normal power on power food pick-up - code:PAOYNILE + code:fd17/03/09 cheat description:Triple normal time on battery pick-up - code:PAXNEILE + code:fd28/03/09 cheat description:Max time on battery pick-up - code:TPXNEILA + code:fd28/03/16 cheat description:Full power on power food pick-up - code:TPOYNILA + code:fd17/03/16 cheat description:Use with COP Code 2 to start with machine gun and Cobra gun - code:YAXSAPPE + code:d128/01/0f cheat description:Press Start to finish the level (may cause graphical glitches in later levels) - code:YAXIGXTE + code:d224/0e/0f cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAESZPAA+SAESLPSP+TTESGPSA + code:d10a/00/01+d10b/95/85+d10c/85/66 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAESZPAA+SAESLPSP+TTESGPSA + code:d10a/00/02+d10b/95/85+d10c/85/66 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LAESZPAA+SAESLPSP+TTESGPSA + code:d10a/00/03+d10b/95/85+d10c/85/66 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GAESZPAA+SAESLPSP+TTESGPSA + code:d10a/00/04+d10b/95/85+d10c/85/66 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IAESZPAA+SAESLPSP+TTESGPSA + code:d10a/00/05+d10b/95/85+d10c/85/66 cheat description:Infinite health - code:006E:00 + code:006e/00 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0082:00 + code:0082/00 cartridge sha256:8ed3cb0046caecbefdc6c6b3ad8dae013442136f6a65c1a21b54586b0275e615 name:RoboCop 2 (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENVEUYEI + code:8feb/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:AVKTPNOP + code:e7c1/99/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SINKIPVI + code:c17d/d6/d5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SGETGYVG+SKNVGTVG + code:e704/c6/c5+e6fc/c6/c5 cheat description:No enemies - code:EINAXLEY + code:8b72/f0/d0 cheat description:Each N (Nuke) is worth 10 - code:AAEVKALA + code:e80c/03/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0054:09+0055:09 + code:0054/09+0055/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0058:04 + code:0058/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0091:FF + code:0091/ff cheat description:Infinite N - code:0052:09+0053:09 + code:0052/09+0053/09 cartridge sha256:b65361b45eef137a57152dd8f64531c26e34d728e72800d1bdf8e4be9bff49e7 name:RoboCop 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENVEUYEI + code:8feb/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SINKIPVI + code:c17d/d6/d5 cheat description:No enemies - code:EINAXLEY + code:8b72/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0054:09+0055:09 + code:0054/09+0055/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0058:04 + code:0058/04 cheat description:Infinite time - code:0091:FF + code:0091/ff cheat description:Infinite N - code:0052:09+0053:09 + code:0052/09+0053/09 cartridge sha256:a0f18e729a7ee6be9035e9691f4bac32c1b202afcb44100479a431055b15eee6 name:RoboCop 3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite efficiency - code:OXONLPSV+POONGPXV + code:f19b/e5/a9+f19c/e2/19 cheat description:Infinite efficiency (alt) - code:OUXYPOSO + code:f1a1/9d/b9 cheat description:One hit kills - code:GNUNAEKN + code:f0b8/fc/7c cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEENAEUT + code:f088/eb/00 cheat description:Lots of repair icons - code:VVKGLATE + code:c0c3/06/ee cheat description:Start with 2x health - code:ZLVGIXPP + code:c265/19/32 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:GAVGIXPO + code:c265/19/0c cheat description:Infinite P - code:06A4:09 + code:06a4/09 cheat description:Have main weapon - regular - code:001C:00 + code:001c/00 cheat description:Have main weapon - Rapid - code:001C:01 + code:001c/01 cheat description:have main weapon - 3-Way - code:001C:02 + code:001c/02 cheat description:have secondary weapon - Missiles - code:001D:00 + code:001d/00 cheat description:Have secondary weapon - Homing Missiles - code:001D:01 + code:001d/01 cheat description:Have secondary weapon - Bang - code:001D:02 + code:001d/02 cartridge sha256:92b1bde12ac860a385416b92529c15d149db54e53a56bd2a82ab97f517e67f86 name:RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKIZKSE + code:d442/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEVGOSE + code:e10c/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:04EE:0A + code:04ee/0a cartridge sha256:d0e5899cf6b756d697be9ad6700d1f612b1604496374da9606478d5cdbceebf1 name:Robodemons (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:051B:14 + code:051b/14 cartridge sha256:e1a3d949b9bf258b4d2c92104cedd7957a311f142dc2cb32eb92ce559837377f name:Rocketeer, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZSSINSV + code:d75d/ed/2c cheat description:Have all weapons with infinite ammo - code:AAVLKIIA + code:bd64/05/00 cheat description:1/2 normal bullets on pick-up - code:IAOZZXZA + code:a212/0a/05 cheat description:2x normal bullets on pick-up - code:GPOZZXZA + code:a212/0a/14 cheat description:3x normal bullets on pick-up - code:TPOZZXZE + code:a212/0a/1e cheat description:1/2 silver bullets on pick-up - code:ZAEZGZGO + code:a204/14/0a cheat description:2x silver bullets on pick-up - code:AZEZGZGO + code:a204/14/28 cheat description:3x silver bullets on pick-up - code:GLEZGZGO + code:a204/14/3c cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:GESLNKAA + code:bcd7/08/04 cheat description:Start with 2x health - code:AOSLNKAA + code:bcd7/08/10 cheat description:Start with 3x health - code:AOSLNKAE + code:bcd7/08/18 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:05C5:0A + code:05c5/0a cheat description:Infinite Rocket power - code:05B0:27 + code:05b0/27 cheat description:Have all weapons with infinite ammo (alt) - code:05BF:63 + code:05bf/63 cartridge sha256:a0d60fe16b09d2018e32c277f8a297adc71acdd9e851591625b2d460e96266c8 name:Rocket Ranger (USA) cheat description:Double amount of Lunarium in storage - code:ZEOGSYPA + code:cf95/01/02 cheat description:Triple amount of Lunarium in storage - code:LEOGSYPA + code:cf95/01/03 cheat description:Lunarium level in backpack at 99 - code:LVOKXNGL + code:cf9a/3c/63 cheat description:Never lose Lunarium in backpack - code:SZSGPUSE + code:c351/8d/ad cheat description:Half amount of Lunarium in storage - code:AEOGSYPA+ZUOKNYAA + code:cf95/01/00+cf9f/00/32 cartridge sha256:683c49e4ea3f4b179065deccecd3e4a86a4e355e13924872571e7b7c79205d0c name:Rockin' Kats (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIXVATEY + code:e628/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKVZVSE + code:e6ca/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKOKOSVK + code:cd99/ce/cd + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:e6f6/16/00 cheat description:Can select any item (you will not be able to see it) - code:AEOEYZOI + code:829f/d1/00 cheat description:Can always select channel 5 - code:AEXEELAP + code:8ba8/10/00 cheat description:Can always buy items - code:OXEEOYSX + code:8f89/a5/a9 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0423:0A + code:0423/0a cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:041F:09 + code:041f/09 cheat description:Have all items - code:0105:0F + code:0105/0f cheat description:Infinite high cash - code:0104:0E + code:0104/0e cheat description:Channels 1-4 completed - code:0102:FF + code:0102/ff cartridge sha256:2bd31df34f925d030ceceb944c1ac973ccf892358de75c35fd77d61372d23a3b name:Rock 'n' Ball (USA) cheat description:Infinite balls - code:SLNXYEVS + code:a07f/de/bd cartridge sha256:9fdbaa2877363948b466a6e3e11a1bce02d2a6490cb90808be4d788fe4630eba name:Rod Land (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SLOPOOTS + code:9911/5e/bd cheat description:Infinite time in extra game - code:SXOTAGVG + code:e490/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with invincibility - code:ESVSELEY + code:dbe8/f0/d0 cheat description:Start on scene 31 - code:TOSKYIAE + code:c5df/00/1e cartridge sha256:1a35607e218d68106367e7b87735aa9f10bf330c3a71f607a21de2d7fc763ef8 name:Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (USA) cheat description:Infinite balls (balls are not called) - code:OONIALAA + code:d3f0/00/91 cheat description:Infinite balls and strikes - code:SLNALPVY + code:8173/f6/b5 cheat description:Strikes are not called when batter doesn't swing - code:OOVSLLPA + code:d3eb/01/91 cheat description:Strikes are not called when batter swings - code:GANAAPZA + code:8170/02/04 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:ZANEAPLA+ZEOUYPLA+ZEVKGPLA + code:8178/03/02+b19f/03/02+c1ec/03/02 cheat description:1 strike and you're out - code:PANEAPLA+PEOUYPLA+PEVKGPLA + code:8178/03/01+b19f/03/01+c1ec/03/01 cheat description:1 ball for a walk - code:PENKLPGA + code:c1fb/04/01 cheat description:2 balls for a walk - code:ZENKLPGA + code:c1fb/04/02 cheat description:3 balls for walk - code:LENKLPGA + code:c1fb/04/03 cartridge sha256:942c802c34627c969c49dae94fb8b48c7b1e873a65803caad559324e2a54b4c8 name:Rollerblade Racer (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OXVSAYVK + code:d7e8/c6/a9 cheat description:1 fall and you're dead - code:PEVIPYGA + code:d7e1/04/01 cheat description:6 falls and you're dead - code:TEVIPYGA + code:d7e1/04/06 cheat description:8 falls and you're dead - code:AEVIPYGE + code:d7e1/04/08 cheat description:Start on the City Street - code:ZAUKNZAA + code:ca3f/00/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUKUZLA + code:ca3b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUKUZLA + code:ca3b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUKUZLE + code:ca3b/03/09 cheat description:Start on Hit the Beach - code:GAUKNZAA + code:ca3f/00/04 cheat description:Start on Panic Park - code:TAUKNZAA + code:ca3f/00/06 cartridge sha256:7ddc56bf2b8d8f3f980837bbc48284fd7241e111a9f51599c6e358518d3469dc name:Rollergames (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXENAYVG + code:f788/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite special moves - code:GXVPAZVG + code:92e0/c6/24 cheat description:9 special moves - code:PASAZALE + code:8052/03/09 cheat description:6 special moves - code:TASAZALA + code:8052/03/06 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:PAKAAGAE + code:8440/00/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:GZOENISA + code:8d1f/85/24 cheat description:Faster timer - code:YPOAUSYU + code:8d13/3f/1f cheat description:Slower timer - code:YYOAUSYU + code:8d13/3f/7f cheat description:Start with less energy - code:TASATEGA + code:8056/0c/06 cheat description:Start with more energy - code:APSATEGE + code:8056/0c/18 cheat description:Infinite health - code:04CE:0C + code:04ce/0c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0082:10 + code:0082/10 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0032:03 + code:0032/03 cartridge sha256:e91bb35c7a95388c06f978c6cee73b1169fa7ec66b1808de5f504dcfefafbaab name:Rolling Thunder (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZSZGVSE + code:a654/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNTULVG+SZSTULVG + code:eb73/c6/a5+eb53/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZEVYZVG + code:e20f/c6/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AKSZANEL+ATUILYEI+OXSZPNEX + code:a7d0/b8/40+d733/d0/60+a7d1/a8/a9 cheat description:200 Machine Gun bullets on pick-up - code:EKSTEAGV + code:e8d0/64/c8 cheat description:300 Machine Gun bullets and 300 bullets on pick-up - code:SUOZPXVS + code:a291/de/bd cheat description:Gain fewer bullets on pick-up - code:GOKVNAZL + code:e8cf/32/14 cheat description:Self-replenishing bullets - code:ZLVITYPA + code:d766/01/32 cheat description:Start with 200 bullets - code:EKXVZAZU + code:e0aa/32/c8 cheat description:Start with 200 bullets on each new life - code:EGKVKLZU + code:eb4c/32/c8 cheat description:Start with loads of ammunition - code:LEXTZAAA+LAKTKLAA + code:e0a2/00/03+eb44/00/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOVLALA + code:e09b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOVLALA + code:e09b/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOVLALE + code:e09b/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life after continue - code:PASPYZLA + code:9257/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives after continue - code:TASPYZLA + code:9257/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives after continue - code:PASPYZLE + code:9257/03/09 cheat description:Start with increased life meter - code:AEEVSAZE + code:e88d/02/08 cheat description:Start on story 1 area 02 - code:PAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/01+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 1 area 03 - code:ZAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/02+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 1 area 04 - code:LAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/03+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 1 area 05 - code:GAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/04+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 2 area 06 - code:IAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/05+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 2 area 07 - code:TAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/06+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 2 area 08 - code:YAVEUYAA+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/07+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 2 area 09 - code:AAVEUYAE+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/08+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 2 area 10 - code:PAVEUYAE+ALVESYOL + code:8f6b/00/09+8f6d/b1/30 cheat description:Start on story 3 area 01 - code:PEKEXIAA + code:8dca/00/01 cheat description:Infinite health (not versus bullets) - code:0089:02 + code:0089/02 cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:00A0:32 + code:00a0/32 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:059B:09+059C:09+059D:09 + code:059b/09+059c/09+059d/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:05BC:09 + code:05bc/09 cartridge sha256:644291444ae16a02a128c613fa4e10559a45e4740e3614fb57b73b8c736bdbef name:Roundball - 2-on-2 Challenge (USA) cheat description:Start with 1 ball - all players - code:PANGIPLA + code:c175/03/01 cheat description:Infinite balls - all players - code:SZKGPXVS + code:c241/de/ad cartridge sha256:fade44d9c76173afe098fbe02d859735e06b2c509fd80da08b1cc85bfc01a556 name:Rush'n Attack (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (star effect) - code:KAXAGYIA+KAXEYYIA + code:8724/05/84+872f/05/84 cheat description:Invincibility (except vs bullets) - code:AIUAPPEI + code:8131/d0/50 cheat description:Infinite POW - code:AENASIPA + code:8df5/01/00 cheat description:Always have 255 POW - code:SAVSNNSX + code:df6f/ad/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ASKELZEL+GGXAAIEU+LUKEGXLV+SAXAZSOL+YLXAPSGI + code:82cb/b0/50+8520/b0/4c+82cc/6b/3b+8522/b9/85+8521/5c/37 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:GZOEAYVG + code:8718/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:GZOEIYVG + code:871d/c6/24 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AAUZUNNN+ATUXKNNY+AUSALYOY+AZUXONNY+AZUZVNNY+EYUZKNNY+EYUZNNNN+GAUZONNY+LAUZSNNY+NXSAGNUE+OAUXENNN+OYUXXNNY+PZUZXNNN+SZUZENNY+UAUXUNNN + code:af33/ff/08+af3c/ff/60+87d3/f1/30+af39/ff/20+af36/ff/20+af34/ff/f0+af37/ff/f8+af31/ff/04+af35/ff/03+87d4/8b/af+af38/ff/89+af3a/ff/f1+af32/ff/29+af30/ff/a5+af3b/ff/8b cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PAVSTPIA + code:d16e/05/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PANITPIA + code:d176/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - P1 - code:ZAVSTPIE + code:d16e/05/0a cheat description:Start with 10 lives - P2 - code:ZANITPIE + code:d176/05/0a cheat description:Start on stage 2 (disable when stage begins) - code:0020:01 + code:0020/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 (disable when stage begins) - code:0020:02 + code:0020/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 (disable when stage begins) - code:0020:03 + code:0020/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 (disable when stage begins) - code:0020:04 + code:0020/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 (disable when stage begins) - code:0020:05 + code:0020/05 cartridge sha256:9bef1813dbcfa003b3b1978a66a8da3ff59c93dd74f1332801515aa4b633c51e name:Rygar (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATEZOTKA + code:ae01/84/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXUZXTSA + code:aeb2/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Mind points - code:AAZEZZ + code:822a/00 cheat description:Have first three items after pressing B once - code:IEKZPLIZ + code:a3c1/25/05 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALOXKIEL+ALUZUIEL+ALXZXIEL+EYUXOIEL + code:ad1c/b0/30+ad33/b0/30+ad22/b0/30+ad39/b0/f0 cheat description:One hit kills - code:POXXVYSA + code:afae/85/11 cheat description:Pits aren't fatal (side view) - code:AAOZLEAA + code:a013/08/00 cheat description:Walk on water (side view) - code:ASSOSGEI + code:9cdd/d0/50 cheat description:Enemies always drop a health potion - code:EPSLYIEL+LANUYIYA+OZNUTSPX + code:b557/b0/90+b57f/07/03+b57e/29/a9 cheat description:Enemies always drop a Mind unit - code:EPSLYIEL+GANUYIYA+OZNUTSPX + code:b557/b0/90+b57f/07/04+b57e/29/a9 cheat description:Don't be pushed after being hit - code:AVOXVTIA + code:ae9e/05/60 cheat description:Jump higher - code:LAVOLTGA + code:966b/04/03 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:APKXSIEY+ATOZTEOZ+AZKXXIGE+GASZOIIA+IZKXUSPZ+SAKXNSSX+SZKXOIXP+XGSZEIZL+XTKXESSX+ZZKXKIAX + code:ad4d/f0/10+a016/a9/60+ad4a/04/28+ad51/05/04+ad4b/29/25+ad4f/ad/8d+ad49/92/a5+ad50/32/c2+ad48/ad/ea+ad4c/20/2a cheat description:Grappling Hook continues until it finds something - code:SZUPOOVK+SZXXGZSA + code:9931/ce/ad+a22c/85/a5 cheat description:Start with 12 units of health - code:AOUGPATE+AOUGZATE + code:c0b1/06/18+c0b2/06/18 cheat description:Infinite Attack & Assail - code:00CD:FF + code:00cd/ff cheat description:Have all equipment - code:00C0:FF+00C1:FF + code:00c0/ff+00c1/ff cheat description:Always have Power Up - code:00C0:10 + code:00c0/10 cheat description:Lots of Tone - code:00C7:FF + code:00c7/ff cheat description:Lots of Last - code:00C8:FF + code:00c8/ff cartridge sha256:e3a7e0b559b18e8e2fd6f2bf0fdadbf9094be63a01bac50e5505413e1d7697a4 name:Rygar (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATEZOTKA + code:ae01/84/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXUZXTSA + code:aeb2/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Mind points - code:AAZEZZ + code:822a/00 cheat description:Have first three items after pressing B once - code:IEKZPLIZ + code:a3c1/25/05 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ALOXKIEL+ALUZUIEL+ALXZXIEL+EYUXOIEL + code:ad1c/b0/30+ad33/b0/30+ad22/b0/30+ad39/b0/f0 cheat description:One hit kills - code:POXXVYSA + code:afae/85/11 cheat description:Pits aren't fatal (side view) - code:AAOZLEAA + code:a013/08/00 cheat description:Walk on water (side view) - code:ASSOSGEI + code:9cdd/d0/50 cheat description:Enemies always drop a health potion - code:EPSLYIEL+LANUYIYA+OZNUTSPX + code:b557/b0/90+b57f/07/03+b57e/29/a9 cheat description:Enemies always drop a Mind unit - code:EPSLYIEL+GANUYIYA+OZNUTSPX + code:b557/b0/90+b57f/07/04+b57e/29/a9 cheat description:Don't be pushed after being hit - code:AVOXVTIA + code:ae9e/05/60 cheat description:Jump higher - code:LAVOLTGA + code:966b/04/03 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:APKXSIEY+ATOZTEOZ+AZKXXIGE+GASZOIIA+IZKXUSPZ+SAKXNSSX+SZKXOIXP+XGSZEIZL+XTKXESSX+ZZKXKIAX + code:ad4d/f0/10+a016/a9/60+ad4a/04/28+ad51/05/04+ad4b/29/25+ad4f/ad/8d+ad49/92/a5+ad50/32/c2+ad48/ad/ea+ad4c/20/2a cheat description:Grappling Hook continues until it finds something - code:SZUPOOVK+SZXXGZSA + code:9931/ce/ad+a22c/85/a5 cheat description:Start with 12 units of health - code:AOUGPATE+AOUGZATE + code:c0b1/06/18+c0b2/06/18 cheat description:Infinite Attack & Assail - code:00CD:FF + code:00cd/ff cheat description:Have all equipment - code:00C0:FF+00C1:FF + code:00c0/ff+00c1/ff cheat description:Always have Power Up - code:00C0:10 + code:00c0/10 cheat description:Lots of Tone - code:00C7:FF + code:00c7/ff cheat description:Lots of Last - code:00C8:FF + code:00c8/ff cartridge sha256:9579a2b5a4083420d9bc3788cae39b068c0752ac68e7b7dc1be1d748cb2b7133 name:S.C.A.T. - Special Cybernetic Attack Team (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AANSUGPA + code:dc7b/01/00 cheat description:More energy on pick-up - code:ZANVNGLE + code:ec7f/03/0a cheat description:Don't lose speed-ups when hit - code:AEESVKAA + code:dc8e/08/00 cheat description:Longer immunity - code:NNEIKGAK + code:dc84/40/ff cheat description:Shorter immunity - code:APKSEGAG + code:dc48/40/10 cheat description:Faster maximum speed-up - code:PAEIKTTE+NYEISVXY + code:de04/06/09+de05/fa/f7 cheat description:Faster normal speed-up - code:TENIKIGA+XNNISSKN + code:ddf4/04/06+ddf5/fc/fa cheat description:Start with more health - code:ZUXGKTTA + code:cea4/06/32 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:001C:09 + code:001c/09 cartridge sha256:4d6e58f232dc1a592583889f858eac230b8e8921e715276e580073ab2dd18546 name:Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu (Japan) cheat description:Fly - code:008B:C8 + code:008b/c8 cheat description:Infinite health (damage) - code:0689:40+068A:40 + code:0689/40+068a/40 cheat description:Infinite Cosmos - code:0685:40+0686:40 + code:0685/40+0686/40 cartridge sha256:3ad57c83631233530bb421b14236fdba70d18f70ce46a8410ec7c2f156b559ab name:Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen (Japan) cheat description:Start with infinite health (life) - code:0063:40+0040:40 + code:0063/40+0040/40 cheat description:Start with infinite Cosmos - code:0059:40+005A:40 + code:0059/40+005a/40 cheat description:Infinite Seven Sense - code:05AA:40+05AB:40 + code:05aa/40+05ab/40 cartridge sha256:9e8eb95ec2917597650131db254067ff59bc3669417563165518927357812c73 name:Salamander (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:0074:20 + code:0074/20 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0034:09 + code:0034/09 cheat description:Option always on Speed - code:0068:01 + code:0068/01 cheat description:Option always on Missile - code:0068:02 + code:0068/02 cheat description:Option always on Ripple - code:0068:03 + code:0068/03 cheat description:Option always on Laser - code:0068:04 + code:0068/04 cheat description:Option always on Option - code:0068:05 + code:0068/05 cheat description:Option always on Force - code:0068:06 + code:0068/06 cheat description:Start with and keep Missiles - code:0076:02 + code:0076/02 cartridge sha256:7ee2b81ef8ab8e9c009ecd42ed5fa5a34e3e48896c3567fac1ca7520c1de870e name:Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OUXTYKOO + code:e4a7/99/b9 cheat description:View the ending - code:ASVIYIAE + code:d5e7/00/58 cartridge sha256:c33611fb6b3ced6cf0ab4cd8e6795be44dc164efd453a69bad404c95837ec420 name:Secret Ties (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SKNKUEKK + code:c8fb/cc/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZVGEPSA + code:c960/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKVNKZVG + code:faec/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite Gun - code:SZVGLYVG + code:c763/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Shield - code:SZOKSPVG + code:c91d/c6/a5 cheat description:Super-jump - code:YONGAIIE+AXVGYGTA + code:c5f0/05/1f+c4e7/06/20 cheat description:Allways able to use Gun - code:AIXTXYEI + code:ef22/d0/50 cheat description:Allways able to use Shield - code:AIOVKYEI + code:ef1c/d0/50 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:GVVTAPLA + code:e1e0/03/64 cheat description:Start with double health - code:ZENVPPIE + code:e1f9/05/0a cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:03CC:00 + code:03cc/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0009:07 + code:0009/07 cheat description:Infinite Gun (alt) - code:000A:63 + code:000a/63 cheat description:Infinite Shield (alt) - code:000B:63 + code:000b/63 cartridge sha256:a98e48a26c104375ae45e5c1bc4eb7b2a446e0e9ffa7ed3923c3cf5eec9a549a name:Section-Z (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOPUIVG + code:9d93/c6/a5 cheat description:Energy tube gives full energy boost - code:ZAUNUZAE + code:fa3b/00/0a cheat description:Autofiring capability - code:NNNOUTSY + code:9efb/f5/f7 cheat description:Autofire without having to hold the button down - code:NNNOUTSN + code:9efb/f5/ff cheat description:Press Start to complete current mission (do not use past sector 40) - code:AEOIILYA+OXOIPUPK+PUOIGUSN+ZEOIZLPA + code:d395/07/00+d391/49/a9+d394/fd/39+d392/01/02 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:LAEAZYPA + code:8702/01/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEXSIZLA + code:d2ad/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEXSIZLA + code:d2ad/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEXSIZLE + code:d2ad/03/09 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:005B:09+005A:09 + code:005b/09+005a/09 cartridge sha256:afc7ce7262cc03039481b9338a94db35a1f4e9e54ee3dd34f979a7921d4a5e29 name:Seicross (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SUTEEX + code:8ae8/bd cheat description:Slow motion - code:PEGEUG + code:8ccb/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PELAGA + code:80b4/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TELAGA + code:80b4/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PELAGE + code:80b4/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0078:BD + code:0078/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0615:99 + code:0615/99 cartridge sha256:2395a8a102bfc403bb2c474f77035483792ec15bce37695c9f2d96d62bc8fe10 name:Shadow of the Ninja (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZSNIIVG + code:f55d/c6/a5 cheat description:9 continues - code:PEEVZAIE + code:e08a/05/09 cheat description:1 continue - code:PEEVZAIA + code:e08a/05/01 cheat description:Don't lose energy from enemy attacks - code:GZVXSKSO + code:ac6d/9d/2c cheat description:Don't lose energy from falling - code:AAVPGIGA + code:9564/04/00 cheat description:Maximum energy gained from potion - code:APOEOGGA + code:8c19/04/10 cheat description:Less energy gained from potion - code:PAOEOGGA + code:8c19/04/01 cheat description:40 Throwing Stars on pick-up - code:AZUAOGGO + code:8c31/14/28 cheat description:20 Bombs on pick-up - code:GPKAVGIA + code:8c46/05/14 cartridge sha256:fbc69cdaf7c1419906d8cf2a74ab70d11520b2f3877387b8fd70460b6e6dd542 name:Shadowgate (USA) cheat description:Infinite torches - code:XVESZNVK + code:d78a/ce/ea cartridge sha256:c3f361c4a1441101d6a3eb42f5776073c712198e7ed45d6ab5350816ea15aee4 name:Shatterhand (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AIOEPIEL+GXNALGEL+GXNEYGEP+GXSELGEP + code:8519/b0/50+84f3/b0/24+84ff/90/24+84db/90/24 cheat description:Power-ups don't use up gold - code:AAKKSPPA + code:c94d/01/00 cheat description:Big coins worth double - code:AXXAZZGO + code:82a2/14/28 cheat description:Big coins worth half - code:ZEXAZZGO + code:82a2/14/0a cheat description:Small coins worth triple - code:YEEAYZIE + code:8287/05/0f cheat description:Start with less health - code:GENNZSAA + code:f5fa/08/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEVNAIZA + code:f5e8/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEVNAIZA + code:f5e8/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEVNAIZE + code:f5e8/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility - Robot Suit - code:05C2:7E + code:05c2/7e cheat description:Powered up - Red Vest - code:05C8:03 + code:05c8/03 cartridge sha256:2b85e6411f42597ceab01f5eb3ba9fd362b07340c0665fd533a3c3d5f2b1e972 name:Shinobi (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SZNIPNVK + code:d771/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEOLXVK + code:920b/ce/ad cheat description:Turbo running - code:IEKONILA + code:9dcf/03/05 cheat description:Start with double life - code:GAXOTATE+GENPGPTE + code:902e/06/0c+91f4/06/0c cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AANOLAZA + code:907b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IANOLAZA + code:907b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AANOLAZE + code:907b/02/08 cartridge sha256:0df6a7a16af6cffc9a54a3de1ab14225f2ce5d5a269a691f16a22d3fd42b942b name:Shinsenden (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:ATXUPAAL + code:b029/30/60 cartridge sha256:6c705f7980a08b7a7a5d74ddfd175155492168248f65c7d9e3cef1a6b14a2886 name:Shooting Range (USA) cheat description:Double bonus time for hourglasses - code:GTEPOAZL + code:9801/32/64 cheat description:Half bonus time for hourglasses - code:PPEPOAZU + code:9801/32/19 cheat description:More time for level 1 - code:GEKAILLA+GAEETTLA + code:83c5/03/04+860e/03/04 cheat description:Less time for level 1 - code:ZEKAILLA+ZAEETTLA + code:83c5/03/02+860e/03/02 cheat description:More time for level 2 - code:GAOAATZA+AAOAPTZL + code:8610/02/04+8611/32/00 cheat description:Less time for level 2 - code:PAOAATZA+ZLOAPTZL + code:8610/02/01+8611/32/32 cheat description:More time for level 3 - code:GAOAZTZA+ZLOALTAA + code:8612/02/04+8613/00/32 cheat description:Less time for level 3 - code:PAOAZTZA+AAOALTAA + code:8612/02/01+8613/00/00 cheat description:Double usual shots per round - code:ASUAIVAZ+ASXOVXAZ+SXVONOOU + code:86b5/28/50+9aae/28/50+99ef/b9/ad cheat description:Triple usual shots per round - code:ASUAIVAZ+ANXOVXAX+SXVONOOU + code:86b5/28/50+9aae/28/78+99ef/b9/ad cheat description:Quadruple usual shots per round - code:ASUAIVAZ+EXXOVXAZ+SXVONOOU + code:86b5/28/50+9aae/28/a0+99ef/b9/ad cartridge sha256:648f68ae58f3420096e052a68255d8e453ae1fc09a4214adbeaa66ff841aaa33 name:Side Pocket (USA) cheat description:Infinite turns - P1 - code:SXKXNLSA + code:abcf/85/a5 + +cartridge sha256:69399633df5ea1baf37d3e47087257e245fca1f260cac0f539e8e4437ddf2a28 + name:Silent Assault (USA) (Unl) + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:002e/08 + cheat + description:Infinite Grenades + code:00d9/04 cartridge sha256:37a5cfb1aacd9bb42746f20923441b5f613971d4dc99de68c216b10a8d7bcbfc name:Silent Service (USA) cheat description:Infinite deck gun shells - code:SZXVOPVG + code:e929/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite bow torpedoes - code:SZSVUPVG + code:e95b/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite aft torpedoes - code:SXETUPVG + code:e983/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 50 deck gun shells - code:ZLEPOIAI + code:9d01/50/32 cheat description:Start with 99 deck gun shells - code:LTEPOIAI + code:9d01/50/63 cartridge sha256:28f0444e178830edf654eb72e54c7920296156524295b5a4f4418fc4d33f42fd name:Silk Worm (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives using helicopter - code:SXSVIZVG + code:e2dd/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives using jeep - code:SZVVGTVG + code:e66c/c6/a5 cheat description:Keep firepower and speed-ups for helicopter - code:SZETZLSA + code:e302/85/a5 cheat description:Keep firepower and speed-ups for jeep - code:SXOTPTSA + code:e691/85/a5 cheat description:Restrict movement area for helicopter - code:EEOVYUEI + code:e39f/d8/80 cheat description:Restrict movement area for jeep - code:EEOVGYEV + code:e79c/e0/88 cheat description:1 life using helicopter after continue - code:PEEGSPLA + code:c985/03/01 cheat description:6 lives using helicopter after continue - code:TEEGSPLA + code:c985/03/06 cheat description:9 lives using helicopter after continue - code:PEEGSPLE + code:c985/03/09 cheat description:1 life using jeep after continue - code:PEOKNPLA + code:c99f/03/01 cheat description:6 lives using jeep after continue - code:TEOKNPLA + code:c99f/03/06 cheat description:9 lives using jeep after continue - code:PEOKNPLE + code:c99f/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXGXALA + code:c822/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXGXALA + code:c822/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXGXALE + code:c822/03/09 cheat description:Start at stage 2 - code:PAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/01 cheat description:Start at stage 3 - code:ZAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/02 cheat description:Start at stage 4 - code:LAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/03 cheat description:Start at stage 5 - code:GAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/04 cheat description:Start at stage 6 - code:IAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/05 cheat description:Start at stage 7 - code:TAXKEAAA + code:c828/00/06 cartridge sha256:718dce0398dba4f8968969fe3e078f55ea0a5b3cff91895fd9ac0225fe4c437e name:Silver Surfer (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SXEKSNVK + code:cf8d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Smart Bombs - both players - code:NYVTLVGO + code:e663/1c/ff cheat description:Keep cosmic weapons after losing a life - code:GXEITSSE + code:d586/8d/2c cheat description:Keep Orbs after losing a life - code:GXEILSSE+GXKIOUSE + code:d583/8d/2c+dbc1/8d/2c cheat description:Have 5 Smart Bombs on a new life - code:IEESIIPA + code:d58d/01/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PAOILIIA + code:d513/05/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PAKSGIIA + code:d54c/05/01 cheat description:Start with 5 Smart Bombs - P1 - code:IAXSGIPA + code:d52c/01/05 cheat description:Start with 5 Smart Bombs - P2 - code:IAVIIIPA + code:d565/01/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:05E6:09 + code:05e6/09 cartridge sha256:ce1fd1fcf89d2d6334cc3d96101c7b995ff4959257ed04df92f0afad711d08da name:Simpsons, The - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXXNPLAX + code:f3a9/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:AAUY-PYGA + code:f731/04/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZUYZNSE + code:f732/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Eyes on pick-up - code:SKNNVEVK + code:f8fe/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite Eyes on pick-up (alt) - code:SXNNVEVK + code:f8fe/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Cold on pick-up - code:AAKYKPPA + code:f944/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OLVYAZOP + code:f260/91/b1 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:SZENNEVK + code:f80f/ce/ad cheat description:Eyes worth more on pick-up - code:ASVTOZAZ + code:eae1/20/50 cheat description:Cold worth more on pick-up - code:AXUVSZIA + code:eabd/05/20 cheat description:Start with 2 lives and 2 credits - code:PAVAYYLA + code:8767/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives and 6 credits - code:IAVAYYLA + code:8767/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 lives and 8 credits - code:YAVAYYLA + code:8767/03/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives and 10 credits - code:PAVAYYLE + code:8767/03/09 cheat description:Start in chapter 1 level 2 - code:ZAUZAYAA + code:a730/00/02 cheat description:Start in chapter 1 level 3 - code:IAUZAYAA + code:a730/00/05 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:0787:20 + code:0787/20 cheat description:Infinite Eyes on pick-up (alt 2) - code:0788:99 + code:0788/99 cheat description:Infinite Cold on pick-up (alt) - code:789:99 + code:0789/99 cartridge sha256:7e8a3accbd57c9fea4f86fb9f99d9adc579bacec52fc68d547125067f8e50816 name:Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite time - code:XVOYLXXK + code:f293/ca/ea cheat description:Slow down time - code:AYNNIXGU + code:f27d/3c/78 cheat description:Speed up time - code:AZNNIXGL + code:f27d/3c/20 cheat description:Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected - code:PAENGYAA + code:f70c/00/01 cheat description:Only 10 coins needed to get an extra life - code:PAOYZNTE + code:f712/0e/09 cheat description:Buy items for free - code:GXOXIXVK+GXXLIEVK + code:a29d/ce/2c+b0a5/ce/2c cheat description:Super-jump - code:IPUYVUGA + code:fb36/0c/15 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:04BD:FF + code:04bd/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:04B2:01 + code:04b2/01 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:066C:09 + code:066c/09 cartridge sha256:346fd8061a0b09c057855536012b146256bfbe386e304ef950ad93603048933c name:Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESOINPEY + code:d997/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZOTESVK + code:ed10/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:XVONYXXK + code:f29f/ca/ea cheat description:Slow down time - code:ANENPXGU + code:f289/3c/78 cheat description:Speed up time - code:AXENPXGL + code:f289/3c/20 cheat description:Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected - code:PAONAYAA + code:f718/00/01 cheat description:Only 10 coins needed to get an extra life - code:PAONTNTE + code:f71e/0e/09 cheat description:Buy items for free - code:GXXZZOVK+GXXULEVK + code:a1a2/ce/2c+b0ab/ce/2c cheat description:Get all items by selecting them (be sure to get the Paint Can in level 1 and Gun in the Museum) - code:SPKTLESU + code:e043/bd/9d cheat description:Super-jump - code:IPKYXUGA + code:fb42/0c/15 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:04BD:FF + code:04bd/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:04B2:01 + code:04b2/01 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:066C:09 + code:066c/09 cartridge sha256:678565338a9efa2d9d4bd399b314b62864d486a4e9f4c314bf11ae5a240cdab8 name:Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the World (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ZOXVGLIE + code:e3ac/05/1a cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZVVEKVK + code:ec68/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZONIPST + code:f11d/e5/a5 cheat description:Infinite Firecracker Balls - code:OLUNPPOP + code:f139/91/b1 cheat description:Infinite tries for the card match game - code:SZNZPEVK + code:a071/ce/ad cheat description:Bart flies - code:KLYUKA + code:b87c/b4 cheat description:Lose lives more easily - code:EISVNGEY + code:ec5f/f0/d0 cheat description:Start with 99 Firecracker Balls - code:PAEZPAAE + code:a001/00/09 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXXVGLE + code:ac2e/03/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:06BC:05 + code:06bc/05 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:06C1:09 + code:06c1/09 cheat description:Infinite Firecracker Balls (alt) - code:06BF:09 + code:06bf/09 cartridge sha256:fe4043430276177b739137ee7ed8e6cb75e751732a3f796ce03708d3ef1755e8 name:Skate or Die (USA) cheat description:Snowball Blast - More snowballs picked up - code:ZENXTTPA + code:a6fe/01/02 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with more time - code:OOEPVAAV + code:9886/60/99 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with less time - code:AKEPVAAT + code:9886/60/40 cheat description:Snowball Blast - More time gained - code:IOKXITAP + code:a6cd/10/15 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Less time gained - code:IEKXITAP + code:a6cd/10/05 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with more ammo - code:GAUPVAZA + code:9836/02/04 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with less ammo - code:PAUPVAZA + code:9836/02/01 cheat description:Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed - code:IAVVNILA+IESTEYLA + code:ed6f/03/05+efd0/03/05 cartridge sha256:3626bb5ce3035b39d70ed5f2941b69801c1a95629609f1ebd90a5a6a9e16794f name:Skate or Die 2 - The Search for Double Trouble (USA) cheat description:Adventure Game - Infinite health - code:SXUXZPVG + code:a1ba/c6/a5 cheat description:Adventure Game - Infinite Paint Clips - code:SXVPTVVK + code:96e6/ce/ad cheat description:Adventure Game - Infinite Eggs - code:AANPZPPA+AAXOZLPA + code:9172/01/00+932a/01/00 cheat description:Adventure Game - Infinite M-80's - code:AAVPTLPA+AEEOAPPA + code:9366/01/00+9188/01/00 cheat description:Adventure Game - Skate at any speed - code:AEESAAPG+AAKATAPG + code:d088/41/00+8046/41/00 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - Only 1 skateboard - code:PAUYLLLA + code:f333/03/01 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - 6 skateboards - code:TAUYLLLA + code:f333/03/06 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - 9 skateboards - code:PAUYLLLE + code:f333/03/09 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - More time - code:TAONILLA + code:f31d/03/06 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - Less time - code:ZAONILLA + code:f31d/03/02 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - Infinite time - code:SZUAKZVG + code:8a34/c6/a5 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - Super speed - code:TEKOKZIA + code:9acc/05/06 cheat description:Stunt Ramp - Infinite skateboards - code:SXKPVYVG+SXUZGAVG + code:9fc6/c6/a5+a0b4/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:a29461c583ec03909c1dbc4e7d783de0aaf2f391ae8329b3d8bf06e06cfdd2fa name:Ski or Die (USA) cheat description:Snowball Blast - More snowballs picked up - code:ZENXTTPA + code:a6fe/01/02 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with more time - code:OOEPVAAV + code:9886/60/99 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with less time - code:AKEPVAAT + code:9886/60/40 cheat description:Snowball Blast - More time gained - code:IOKXITAP + code:a6cd/10/15 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Less time gained - code:IEKXITAP + code:a6cd/10/05 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with more ammo - code:GAUPVAZA + code:9836/02/04 cheat description:Snowball Blast - Start with less ammo - code:PAUPVAZA + code:9836/02/01 cheat description:Acro Aerials - More jumps allowed - code:IESTEYLA+IAVVNILA + code:efd0/03/05+ed6f/03/05 cartridge sha256:06fddd300a6d1cbe1be92e851e3d5d2defcc7e682903b569bc9fe71a26addd74 name:Skull & Crossbones (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZNOTNVK + code:977e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SUOEIVVS + code:869d/de/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZONGXVK + code:f21c/ce/ad cheat description:Faster timer - code:AZONAXGL + code:f218/3c/20 cheat description:Slower timer - code:AYONAXGL + code:f218/3c/70 cheat description:Half energy for Red Dog and One Eye - code:POVPLYZU+POEPZYZU + code:97e3/32/19+9782/32/19 cheat description:Double energy for Red Dog and One Eye - code:LVVPLYZL+POEPZYZU + code:97e3/32/63+9782/32/19 cheat description:Better super-jump - code:EUVEYNEK+EUVAGNEK + code:87ef/c8/b8+87e4/c8/b8 cheat description:1 continue - code:PEXPTYIA + code:97a6/05/01 cheat description:9 continues - code:PEXPTYIE + code:97a6/05/09 cartridge sha256:51958d12a19e7c573fab26b85fe81d57330ff6668d630c6bc95c7c563c441e93 name:Sky Kid (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEKGZVI + code:c28c/d6/a5 cheat description:P1 has more lives than P2 - code:VANNVZSA + code:fa7e/85/86 cheat description:Shoot more bullets - code:AAOKIZPA + code:c21d/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PANYNZLA + code:fa77/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TANYNZLA + code:fa77/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PANYNZLE + code:fa77/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:IAVNNZPA+GAVNUZAA + code:fa6f/01/05+fa6b/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:ZAVNNZPE+PAVNUZAE + code:fa6f/01/0a+fa6b/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:APVNNZPA+YAVNUZAE + code:fa6f/01/10+fa6b/00/0f cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:GPVNNZPA+LPVNUZAA + code:fa6f/01/14+fa6b/00/13 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:00BB:00 + code:00bb/00 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:00CB:00 + code:00cb/00 cartridge sha256:f845ee19cbe21f5b463073f3716659f9c82ef6342a20879165ed21f219f6653b name:Sky Shark (USA) (Rev 0A) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZNEAAVS + code:8078/d6/a9 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:GXUEALVI + code:83b8/d6/24 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:GZNEIOVS + code:817d/de/2c cheat description:Autofire - code:AAEELOGI + code:810b/5c/00 cheat description:Double Bombs - code:TAVPSTLA + code:9e65/03/06 cheat description:Double credits - code:TAUAYALA + code:8037/03/06 cheat description:1 life after continue - both players - code:AANEZPGA + code:817a/04/00 cheat description:9 lives after continue - both players - code:AANEZPGE + code:817a/04/08 cheat description:Start with maximum firepower - code:EZXAPPKZ+TAXAZOIL + code:8121/a4/a0+8122/3d/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:GZXATEOZ + code:8026/a9/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:AAUALAGA + code:8033/04/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:TAXEZAXZ+PZXELENY + code:802a/a2/06+802b/ff/21 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:AAUALAGE + code:8033/04/08 cartridge sha256:f7f6d714c7758f679db8f0c7869ef19353fdcc49c267494bb41bfefda0f152d6 name:Slalom (USA) cheat description:Ski super fast - code:PAOULZAA + code:b21b/00/01 cheat description:No track obstacles - code:AAEPLIPA + code:9503/01/00 cheat description:Timer at 5 minutes for all tracks - code:XZXPATVZ+PAXPPVPN + code:9620/a6/a2+9621/79/09 cartridge sha256:6dde1137253e7e41972dd04e09dc736efee82cc7f41f8deac8d0dcb111301616 name:Smash T.V. (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:UIVYGXVS + code:f264/de/db cheat description:Touch and kill most enemies - code:EAOZPZEY + code:a211/f0/80 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:OXXUUYVS + code:bfab/d6/a9 cheat description:Get a lot more Grenades - code:OPNXVTTE + code:ae7e/06/99 cartridge sha256:8df9c1a7a3806873db908604bb99749673241ccd58e1b32a6d7bf2fafc97d9d4 name:Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIEAELEY+ESNXPLEY + code:8b00/f0/d0+a3f9/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKPLVVK + code:96c3/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOLXUSE + code:bb92/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SUKPSOSO + code:99c5/9d/bd cartridge sha256:c85ed147e6da0da5ef02c930cc52621ae38d66971a332d168bf31126a3a740ce name:Snake's Revenge (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZEVEPSA + code:e908/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKVKASA + code:e8cc/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite ammo for all weapons - code:XTNTZVEE + code:e672/88/ea cheat description:Infinite Beretta ammo - code:SZEEOUSE + code:8b09/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Shotgun ammo - code:SXOASKSE + code:8c95/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:SZKAKKSE + code:8c44/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:SXVEOKSE + code:8ce9/8d/ad cheat description:Reduce your injuries by up to 50% - code:AEUVOAYA + code:e8b9/07/00 cheat description:Play with less health - code:XVUYTUZE+XTKZXKZE + code:f3b6/0a/ea+ac42/0a/ea cheat description:Infinite time for Metal Gear battle - code:SXSZTEVK + code:a0d6/ce/ad cheat description:One hit defeats Metal Gear - code:ESXALLEY + code:83a3/f0/d0 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:PPUGASTA + code:c530/0e/11 cheat description:Start with half bullets for Beretta M92 - code:AXXVGYAG + code:e7ac/40/20 cheat description:Start with double bullets for Beretta M92 - code:EEXVGYAG + code:e7ac/40/80 cheat description:Start with Machine Gun instead of Beretta - code:ZEOVAYPA+XKXVTYEG + code:e798/01/02+e7ae/c0/c2 cheat description:Start with Shotgun instead of Beretta - code:GEOVAYPA+KKXVTYEG + code:e798/01/04+e7ae/c0/c4 cheat description:Start with Grenades instead of Beretta - code:AXOVAYPA+VKXVTYEG + code:e798/01/20+e7ae/c0/c6 cheat description:Start with Missiles instead of Beretta - code:EEOVAYPA+EKXVTYEK + code:e798/01/80+e7ae/c0/c8 cartridge sha256:98691aea357072f901095e47db056a01887083fd81710d425b9171db1cd1ad1b name:Snake Rattle n Roll (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SLOUSVVS + code:be1d/de/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXEYOZVG + code:fa81/c6/a5 cheat description:Faster timer - code:AGNNVXTT + code:fa7e/6e/40 cheat description:Slower timer - code:EPNNVXTT + code:fa7e/6e/90 cheat description:Super-jump - code:ZAXOSGPA + code:9c2d/01/02 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:LAXOSGPA + code:9c2d/01/03 cheat description:1 life - both players - code:AEXAYZZA + code:82a7/02/00 cheat description:6 lives - both players - code:IEXAYZZA + code:82a7/02/05 cheat description:9 lives - both players - code:AEXAYZZE + code:82a7/02/08 cheat description:1 life - both players, after continue - code:AEUAETZA + code:8eb0/02/00 cheat description:6 lives - both players, after continue - code:IEUAETZA + code:8eb0/02/05 cheat description:9 lives - both players, after continue - code:AEUAETZE + code:8eb0/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TEUEGXNY + code:82bc/ff/06 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:040D:11 + code:040d/11 cheat description:Infinite health - code:059F:1C + code:059f/1c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:03DF:03 + code:03df/03 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:00CF:09 + code:00cf/09 cheat description:Easy win - code:0062:09 + code:0062/09 cheat description:Max tongue height - code:0499:07 + code:0499/07 cartridge sha256:fbd7caadaf77c2b191e74328b9b836155f8498500f7e5af44edfc0ec53b15fee name:Snow Brothers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SUUAVVVS + code:8eb6/de/bd cheat description:Infinite number of chances - code:SXNEUYVI + code:8ffb/d6/a5 cheat description:Always get 10 chances after a continue (count restarts at 9) - code:PAOAYLZE + code:8317/02/09 cheat description:Always get 1 chance after a continue (count restarts at 0) - code:AAOAYLZA + code:8317/02/00 cheat description:Don't lose super ability after you lose a chance - code:OUOOGEOO + code:909c/99/b9 cheat description:Start with 10 chances instead of 3 (count starts at 9 instead of 2) - code:PAXXPLZE + code:a329/02/09 cheat description:Start with 1 chance (count starts at 0) - code:AAXXPLZA + code:a329/02/00 cheat description:Start with Speed Skates, Power Shots and super snow-throwing - code:YAEEYAAE + code:800f/00/0f cheat description:Start with Speed Skates (don't use with other "start with" codes) - code:PAEEYAAA + code:800f/00/01 cheat description:Start with Power Shots (don't use with other "start with" codes) - code:ZAEEYAAA + code:800f/00/02 cheat description:Start with super snow-throwing ability (don't use with other "start with" codes) - code:GAEEYAAA + code:800f/00/04 cheat description:Start on 5th floor - code:GEVZTZAA + code:a2e6/00/04 cheat description:Start on 10th floor - code:PEVZTZAE + code:a2e6/00/09 cheat description:Start on 20th floor - code:LOVZTZAA + code:a2e6/00/13 cheat description:Start on 30th floor - code:IOVZTZAE + code:a2e6/00/1d cheat description:Start on 40th floor - code:YXVZTZAA + code:a2e6/00/27 cheat description:Start on 50th floor - code:PUVZTZAA + code:a2e6/00/31 cartridge sha256:6a0c8be0f6445d9d777080955c7aa8fbff7497633b878a36c8139ec13dabfb8b name:Soccer (World) cheat description:Each half lasts only 10 minutes - code:APOOKZIP + code:9a1c/15/10 cheat description:Each half lasts for 50 minutes - code:AIOOKZIP + code:9a1c/15/50 cheat description:Start 1 goal up - code:PASLVTAA+KASUOTSA+KASUUVSE + code:be56/00/01+be59/85/84+be5b/8d/8c cheat description:Start 3 goals up - code:LASLVTAA+KASUOTSA+KASUUVSE + code:be56/00/03+be59/85/84+be5b/8d/8c cartridge sha256:45a0fd35f3141c140fb8d1f652876011f28d772b987da123c597aa8c924437b2 name:Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship (USA) cheat description:No damage taken from walls - code:AEXZGVSY+AEXXAVNY + code:a6a4/fd/00+a6a8/ff/00 cheat description:Minimum damage taken from walls - code:AEXXAVNY + code:a6a8/ff/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZXONIVG + code:9d2f/c6/a5 cheat description:Weapons use up no energy - code:SVEKOVON + code:ce89/f9/ed cheat description:Items for free - code:AEUIOXYA+GXKSOZSA + code:dab1/0f/00+dac9/85/24 cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 1 - code:UNSPLSLE + code:95d3/0b/fb cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 2 - code:VTSOZVTO + code:965a/1e/ee cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 3 - code:KVOPATGP + code:9690/14/e4 cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 4 - code:XNVOTSZE + code:95ee/0a/fa cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 5 - code:ETXPGTAZ + code:9624/20/e0 cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 6 - code:OTUOYVPX + code:963f/29/e9 cheat description:Reversed gravity for planet 7 - code:UTEOPTLZ + code:9609/23/e3 cheat description:Normal gravity for planet 8 - code:AOXOLVEV + code:96ab/e8/18 cheat description:Start with 1 ship and 1 life - code:PAKSZLGA + code:d34a/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 ships and 8 lives - code:AAKSZLGE + code:d34a/04/08 cheat description:Start with more money - code:AASSZLPE + code:d35a/01/08 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZASSTLAA + code:d35e/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IASSTLAA + code:d35e/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:AASSTLAE + code:d35e/00/08 cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:ZASSTLAE + code:d35e/00/0a cartridge sha256:842478f0d9f01c6c547672a7e4dc4a33ed2c900f92e4b318f4d5941ba548b355 name:Solomon's Key (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZVAIAAX + code:8065/20/ad cheat description:Infinite life - code:OUXZYPOP + code:a1a7/91/b1 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:XTKKKEXK + code:c84c/ca/ea cheat description:Indestructible fireball - code:GZOXLAAX + code:a01b/20/2c cheat description:Continuous fairies - code:AAXZIALZ + code:a025/23/00 cheat description:Start with 40,000 life points - code:KAXOOEVE + code:9829/8e/8c cheat description:Start on last level reached - code:GZUPTOSE + code:9136/8d/2c cheat description:Start on next level - code:VTUPTOSE + code:9136/8d/ee cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:SZUOPOSE+UPUOLPGA+PAUPIPAE + code:9139/8d/ad+913b/04/93+9135/00/09 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:SZUOPOSE+UPUOLPGA+LPUPIPAA + code:9139/8d/ad+913b/04/93+9135/00/13 cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:SZUOPOSE+UPUOLPGA+IPUPIPAE + code:9139/8d/ad+913b/04/93+9135/00/1d cheat description:Start on level 40 - code:SZUOPOSE+UPUOLPGA+YZUPIPAA + code:9139/8d/ad+913b/04/93+9135/00/27 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0028:80 + code:0028/80 cheat description:Infinite life (alt) - code:0438:09 + code:0438/09 cheat description:Infinite fireballs - code:042F:80 + code:042f/80 cartridge sha256:e437dbafa7e20dd72412c869b9433901c3e9302cfa16b6e8379ecc56ae8dcc22 name:Solstice - The Quest for the Staff of Demnos (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSESXVK + code:8a5d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Potions - code:SUSPIXVS + code:92d5/de/bd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SXUXYGAX + code:a4bf/20/ad cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PAXELPLA + code:812b/03/01 cheat description:8 lives after continue - code:AAXELPLE + code:812b/03/08 cheat description:Start with full flasks of Potions - code:GAOEUIZA + code:8d1b/02/04 cheat description:Start with no Potions - code:AAOEUIZA + code:8d1b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAKAVIGA + code:8d46/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:AAKAVIGE + code:8d46/04/08 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0789:09 + code:0789/09 cheat description:Infinite Green Potion - code:0784:04 + code:0784/04 cheat description:Infinite Yellow Potion - code:0785:04 + code:0785/04 cheat description:Infinite Light Purple Potion - code:0786:04 + code:0786/04 cheat description:Infinite Dark Purple Potion - code:0787:04 + code:0787/04 + +cartridge sha256:69569bebb916fcd78f904abd28aa4ed69fde0467c050c539c5359409305ca4ea + name:Space Invaders (Japan) + cheat + description:Infinite lives - P1 + code:0029/09 + cheat + description:Infinite lives - P2 + code:002a/09 cartridge sha256:cce92c9404d5dd48680b0b505acbbbce279a4f09606167f0aacfb6da991aac4c name:Space Hunter (Japan) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SZOLGNVK+SXOLYVSO + code:b714/ce/ad+b697/9d/ad cartridge sha256:dbd587ef5a12e03a336cda61cd120b4e8c585f45d82821e144ee8afdea9ee84e name:Spartan X 2 (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXEIXKVK+SZUSVKSE + code:dc82/ce/ad+dc3e/8d/ad cartridge sha256:6f58c6fb427cf18b4c28f07909db642abac09fac2d7ae7dc9c99f1cd79263d95 name:Spelunker (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATKPAIAZ+TUEEYKNN+GXOAPKIX + code:9540/20/60+848f/ff/3e+8491/2d/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:IXOOPSVK + code:9599/ce/2d cheat description:Invisibility - code:AEXAYTAP + code:86a7/10/00 cheat description:Jump higher - code:SNEAKEVN+EANEEAAA + code:8884/fe/fd+8878/00/80 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AANATPZA + code:8176/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IANATPZA + code:8176/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AANATPZE + code:8176/02/08 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0234:63 + code:0234/63 cheat description:Have a high score - code:022F:FF + code:022f/ff cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:0237:09 + code:0237/09 cheat description:Infinite Flares - code:0238:09 + code:0238/09 cartridge sha256:1104d574711a103745aed2407997275e1ac43fd4d5c7ff96bde0af5bfa014c2d name:Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXNUIZAX + code:b2fd/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXOKVVSE + code:ce9e/8d/ad cartridge sha256:3c74b191d7d4cb6c34e6b2d5f76d9c86be63f8ebb61581c49810f0dd58c538c1 name:Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v6.1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXVGLGSA + code:c4e3/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath - code:SXKGXIVG + code:cdc2/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds - code:NYEUYIAE + code:b50f/00/ff cheat description:Start with max energy - code:APKLZITE + code:b542/06/18 cartridge sha256:5a82a1b0386407f1036c3d0ae750741c0835336f062d77480e1dd5b4da507386 name:Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v6.0) (Unl) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:ed9a/02/00 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXUKLGSA + code:c4bb/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath - code:NNSUYGAE + code:b4df/00/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Vials + code:cd9a/c6/a5 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere with fruits + code:cc5c/06/24 + cheat + description:Items are free + code:9161/b0/50 + cheat + description:Any answer is correct + code:929e/4c/ad + cheat + description:Walk through walls (not diagonally) + code:e5d4/c9/60 cheat description:Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds - code:NNSUYGAE + code:b4df/00/ff cheat description:Start with max energy - code:APOLZITE + code:b512/06/18 cartridge sha256:14a86d409cc9e6ae2428f301e4aaa77290fe38ec3e660d971af9abda772747e2 name:Spiritual Warfare (USA) (v5.1) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SXNKPGSA + code:c4f9/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite Vial Of God's Wrath - code:SXSKEIVG + code:cdd8/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with all armors, 7 of each fruit, all items, 99 Keys, 255 God's Wrath, 99 Birds - code:NYXLIIAE + code:b525/00/ff cheat description:Start with max energy - code:APSUAITE + code:b558/06/18 cartridge sha256:387d82471ca5f54e70b3c4d445ae5c692640d99c47b30a6bf67f5a17b6236c85 name:Splatter House - Wanpaku Graffiti (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAKXGPLA+AAUXPOLP+GZUZGPEL + code:a14c/03/00+a139/1b/00+a134/b0/24 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:AXXKLGAX+EEXGILIA+PXXGGUOK+YVXGLUNA + code:c4ab/20/28+c3a5/05/80+c3a4/c9/29+c3a3/8f/67 cheat description:Start a new game to view ending - code:IEVXVTZA + code:aeee/02/05 cartridge sha256:17da401495807145c9d4db275d429b7fe94be45dde00edc40aca885911cfd138 name:Spy Hunter (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXVPEZSA + code:9ae0/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKAYOVK + code:81c7/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SZEUSGVG + code:bc0d/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:SZKUANVK + code:b748/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite smoke - code:VXELTVSE + code:b686/8d/ae cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AENOKIIP+AENOESTA+AESXEUYA+AEVOSIGZ+SXNONISA + code:9dfc/15/00+9df8/0e/00+abd8/0f/00+9ded/24/00+9dff/85/a5 cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:AAUEASTA+AESXEUYA+XVSZXLAV + code:8538/0e/00+abd8/0f/00+abd2/60/ea cheat description:No enemies - code:SXSOOZSA+SZUOVLSA + code:9ad9/85/a5+9b3e/85/a5 cheat description:Double missiles on pick-up - code:TEEXLILA + code:a58b/03/06 cheat description:Slow down timer - code:YAEZNIYE + code:ad07/07/0f cheat description:Keep special weapons - code:GXSAKUSE+GXSANUSE + code:8bd4/8d/2c+8bd7/8d/2c cheat description:Start with 2 extra lives - code:ZEEXKIAA + code:ad8c/00/02 cheat description:Start with 6 extra lives - code:TEEXKIAA + code:ad8c/00/06 cartridge sha256:91c61066a9b6b5ed169449b175190d75d38834e07da263f637af05801bc2f5ae name:Spy vs Spy (USA) cheat description:Stop black spy's clock - code:SZVAYUVK + code:8367/ce/ad cheat description:Stop white spy's clock - code:SXUELUVK + code:83bb/ce/ad cheat description:Black spy has 100 seconds in a minute - code:PUEAPLIU + code:8381/35/39 cheat description:White spy has 100 seconds in a minute - code:PUSAILIU + code:83d5/35/39 cheat description:Black spy has deadly punches - code:ONVZYNUT + code:a7e7/eb/f1 cheat description:White spy has deadly punches - code:IEVZLYIE + code:a7e3/05/0d cartridge sha256:687963e7fd12834543da99c60a533fcdfedacd27f8a67c0c9c4007c1263a79b3 name:Sqoon (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AEEAAIPA + code:8580/01/00 cheat description:Never lose your special weapon - code:SZEEOSVK + code:8d09/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose humans on dying - code:GXEAKKSE+GXSUZXSE + code:8c84/8d/2c+b2da/8d/2c cheat description:Gain main weapon on rescuing 9 humans - code:ZEOOEYPA + code:9f98/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUESLZA + code:8bbd/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUESLZA + code:8bbd/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUESLZE + code:8bbd/02/08 cheat description:Start at phase 3 - code:LASEXLPA + code:8b5a/01/03 cheat description:Start at phase 5 - code:IASEXLPA + code:8b5a/01/05 cheat description:Start at phase 8 - code:AASEXLPE + code:8b5a/01/08 cartridge sha256:b2e222df4d50fb75b108eac25e2beb671e37881bb357aa89bde7ef73d8d670f2 name:Squashed (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXOOZTAX + code:969a/20/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SINPTKVS + code:9476/de/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SGVTIVVK + code:e665/ce/cd cartridge sha256:d9a666f7b122bff2db329d346e20d9708ad58471ea80fbd032aa4600e86ad8f1 name:Stanley - The Search for Dr. Livingston (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEGYUSE + code:c307/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time on continue screen - code:XTSXXYVK + code:af5a/c6/ea cheat description:Start a new game with complete map - code:NNXGVZAE + code:caa6/00/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:057E:26 + code:057e/26 cheat description:Have all weapons - code:049E:5F+049D:5F+049C:5F+049B:5F+049A:5F+0499:5F+0498:01+0497:5F+0496:5F + code:049e/5f+049d/5f+049c/5f+049b/5f+049a/5f+0499/5f+0498/01+0497/5f+0496/5f cartridge sha256:581851e22e8d499ada19e621c93571fba279fe9c8446ed2ee566b16128f13874 name:Star Force (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKEVTVG + code:8e4e/c6/a5 cheat description:Turbo speed - code:VYVEGONN + code:816c/ff/fe cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUAUIZA + code:8db3/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUAUIZA + code:8db3/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUAUIZE + code:8db3/02/08 cartridge sha256:7b7ccdcda705c2c3215c646b479c5d5868b72f3cd3eff97291d608756e5f3230 name:Starship Hector (USA) cheat description:Take minimum damage - code:OVUYEGSV+PEUYOGTA + code:fcb0/e5/e9+fcb1/06/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKIOGVG + code:dc41/c6/a5 cheat description:Extra health from capsules - code:GEVVGIPA + code:e5ec/01/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AANSOGZA + code:dc79/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IANSOGZA + code:dc79/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AANSOGZE + code:dc79/02/08 cheat description:Start at stage 2 - code:PENYGIAA + code:f5f4/00/01 cheat description:Start at stage 3 - code:ZENYGIAA + code:f5f4/00/02 cheat description:Start at stage 4 - code:LENYGIAA + code:f5f4/00/03 cheat description:Start at stage 5 - code:GENYGIAA + code:f5f4/00/04 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00B0:10 + code:00b0/10 cheat description:Play as Bomberking - code:005F:01 + code:005f/01 cartridge sha256:025abe5ae4e1610fac2507296184f64173fd960adfc79d456001adec29c546a5 name:Star Soldier (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZOEAPVG + code:8118/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite shield power - code:GXVPXTVG + code:9ee2/c6/24 cheat description:Double shield power - code:ZAOOOYIE+ZENOGLIE + code:9f19/05/0a+93fc/05/0a cheat description:Start with laser - code:PEOAPPAA + code:8191/00/01 cartridge sha256:a3d132f118c0d95590579c6d6b89b6bbe448a93aab93b3a29490f985b821a42c name:Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (USA) cheat description:Kirk has more energy - code:LEOOVGYE + code:9c9e/07/0b cheat description:Kirk has less energy - code:GEOOVGYA + code:9c9e/07/04 cheat description:McCoy has more energy - code:LAUXYAYE + code:a03f/07/0b cheat description:McCoy has less energy - code:GAUXYAYA + code:a03f/07/04 cheat description:Spock has more energy - code:LAUZTAYE + code:a036/07/0b cheat description:Spock has less energy - code:GAUZTAYA + code:a036/07/04 cheat description:Security has more energy - code:LAVZLAYE + code:a063/07/0b cheat description:Geologist has more energy - code:LAKXAAYE + code:a048/07/0b cheat description:Geologist has less energy - code:GAKXAAYA + code:a048/07/04 cheat description:Biologist has more energy - code:LASXZAYE + code:a05a/07/0b cheat description:Biologist has less energy - code:GASXZAYA + code:a05a/07/04 cheat description:Historian has more energy - code:LASZPAYE + code:a051/07/0b cheat description:Historian has less energy - code:GASZPAYA + code:a051/07/04 cheat description:McCoy gives full energy to injured party - code:YEKUYPGA + code:b1cf/04/07 cartridge sha256:8271542561a71830886e88ac74e6eda309440920b3607e950d5f2cd1a7edd5ca name:Star Trek - The Next Generation (USA) cheat description:All systems are immune to damage - shields down - code:OUXTPYOP + code:e7a1/91/b1 cheat description:Shields are immune to damage - shields up - code:SXUVTNSE + code:e7be/8d/ad cheat description:Quicker damage repair - code:AGKVTTEP + code:e64e/90/40 cheat description:Very quick damage repair - code:APKVTTEP + code:e64e/90/10 cheat description:Slower damage repair - code:EGKVTTEP + code:e64e/90/c0 cheat description:Enemy does less damage - code:ZKNVLEZE + code:e0fb/0a/4a cheat description:Stop game time ticking over - code:ATETISVT + code:e505/ee/60 cheat description:Photon Torpedoes always work - code:AAUZPAGY + code:a031/74/00 cheat description:Phasers always work - code:AAEXTPNY + code:a10e/f7/00 cheat description:Phasers fire for longer - code:AAOXPOKT + code:a119/ec/00 cheat description:Damage is repaired immediately - code:AAVTZVIL + code:e662/3d/00 cheat description:Transporter power does not decrease most of the time - code:SXVUSTVG + code:beed/c6/a5 cheat description:Less transporter power required most of the time - code:IANUXTAZ + code:be7a/20/05 cheat description:Stardate does not advance - code:GVNZOZIT + code:aaf1/65/64 cartridge sha256:2e366cb5ebcce2cd7be431b84bbbb401104e2717322b15e5368707b4eddeb11a name:Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (Unknown) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:EINONZEY + code:9a7f/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZEPYSSE+SZNAXOSE + code:9507/8d/ad+8972/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Phasers - code:SXOPVSSE + code:9d96/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXNXLXVK + code:a2fb/ce/ad cartridge sha256:69de2c7552fa81ca5921da0e457abf1be35f18ffbad159788a76141be59c9f6b name:StarTropics (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:VZVZLOSV + code:a163/ed/ae cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXETAKVK + code:e480/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SUXXPSVS + code:a5a9/de/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:ASNUGXPZ+ASNUIZYE+GKXLAUOK+NVXLPLZE+UUXLZLEP + code:b2fc/29/50+b2fd/07/58+b3a0/c9/4c+b3a1/02/ef+b3a2/90/b3 cheat description:Enemies can't move - code:NOPSTU + code:d39e/9f cheat description:1 star needed to restore health - code:PEXXYTIA+PEUZLTIA + code:a6af/05/01+a6b3/05/01 cheat description:9 stars needed to restore health - code:PEXXYTIE+PEUZLTIE + code:a6af/05/09+a6b3/05/09 cheat description:1 life with a new character - code:PASTYZLA + code:e257/03/01 cheat description:6 lives with a new character - code:TASTYZLA + code:e257/03/06 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PAUTGILA + code:e534/03/01 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:TAUTGILA + code:e534/03/06 cheat description:Gain 50 fire weapons on pick-up - code:ZUVLZEPP + code:b0e2/19/32 cheat description:Gain 50 bat weapons on pick-up - code:ZUSUYETP + code:b0df/1e/32 cheat description:Only 3 hearts needed to use shooting-star - code:IEUZZNGA + code:a7b2/0c/05 cheat description:Only 8 hearts needed to use super-nova - code:AEOZPYTO + code:a791/16/08 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:077B:2E + code:077b/2e cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0112:17 + code:0112/17 cheat description:Infinite Blue Stars - code:011C:09 + code:011c/09 cheat description:Permanent Anklet (can jump 2 spaces) - code:005B:02+0180:01 + code:005b/02+0180/01 cartridge sha256:c4c139d2c349a513d4ccc724daee3fd37099c3c0d2742fad777a0edbe3d042ce name:Star Voyager (USA) cheat description:Infinite life support pods - code:GZSZSTVG + code:ae55/c6/24 cheat description:Start with double life support pods - code:GPKIASZA + code:d540/0a/14 cheat description:Start with triple life support pods - code:TPKIASZE + code:d540/0a/1e cheat description:Barrier won't take damage - code:AASLSLLA + code:bb55/03/00 cheat description:Radar won't take damage - code:AOKLVLEI + code:bbc6/d0/10 cheat description:Cannon won't take damage - code:ENXLXLEI + code:bba2/d0/f0 cheat description:Engine won't take damage - code:AAXUXLLA + code:bb2a/03/00 cartridge sha256:b9116f11828e39d3e201c878a874f0d88fa0eae9dece0469bf94a7e9c8616775 name:Star Wars (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEAYXVK + code:8207/ce/ad cheat description:Immune to spikes, you can get stuck on them - code:GZSYLSSO + code:f553/9d/2c cheat description:Immune to most bullets - code:SLVUYNSO + code:b76f/9d/bd cheat description:Immune to most collisions - code:GXNUZIST+SLKLYVSO + code:b5fa/e5/24+b647/9d/bd cheat description:Full energy on big energy pick-ups - code:AAKLNGZA + code:bc47/02/00 cheat description:Less energy on big energy pick-ups - code:AAKLUGAX + code:bc43/20/08 cheat description:More energy on big energy pick-ups - code:AGKLUGAZ + code:bc43/20/40 cheat description:Always running - code:ZEOKOIPA+ZEKKXIPA + code:cd99/01/02+cdca/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAXAGAZA + code:8024/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAXAGAZA + code:8024/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAXAGAZE + code:8024/02/08 cartridge sha256:01b1bc93f72286a10ac62869ebe1bf2493ca24b3386e01447b0ccac50acdee94 name:Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA) cheat description:Don't take damage from most enemies - code:GZVZTNOO + code:a766/99/2c cheat description:9 harpoons - scene 2 - code:PESZYPIE + code:a1d7/05/09 cheat description:1 harpoons - scene 2 - code:PESZYPIA + code:a1d7/05/01 cheat description:Infinite harpoons - scene 2 - code:GZVZVKVK + code:ac66/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite energy for ship - scene 2 - code:GXSLIISA + code:b5d5/85/24 cheat description:Always have Lightsaber - code:AEXOETYL + code:9ea8/37/00 cheat description:Start with 14 continues - code:TENLGIYE + code:b5f4/07/0e cheat description:Start on scene 2 - code:PAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/01 cheat description:Start on scene 3 - code:ZAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/02 cheat description:Start on scene 4 - code:LAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/03 cheat description:Start on scene 5 - code:GAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/04 cheat description:Start on scene 6 - code:IAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/05 cheat description:Start on scene 7 - code:TAEGXLAA + code:cb02/00/06 cartridge sha256:8093144834f1153e95076a76dbc720cec37a31412b422c8adf9f5bcea1b642e8 name:Stealth ATF (USA) cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:SZVZSSVK + code:ad65/ce/ad cheat description:Start with double missiles - code:AOUXXEAA + code:a8ba/08/10 cheat description:No damage taken from enemy's bullets - code:SZVPXNVV + code:9f62/ee/ad cheat description:Start with less fuel - code:AVUXNAVP + code:a8bf/96/60 cheat description:More enemy planes on the screen - code:AEKZZLZE + code:a3c2/02/08 cartridge sha256:5ca7cb3c4168bb021a67b50fa071afe7679f4e79c5c46e229fbe7b88004bf51a name:Stinger (USA) cheat description:Keep weapons after death - code:GZNGNLSP + code:cb77/95/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZVKKLVS + code:cb6c/d6/a9 cheat description:Skip intro - code:IESKLLAA + code:c3db/00/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXKPGLA + code:c429/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAXKPGLA + code:c429/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXKPGLE + code:c429/03/09 cheat description:Start with Dual Cannons - code:YGNGAKTL+PAVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/01 cheat description:Start with Laser - code:YGNGAKTL+ZAVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/02 cheat description:Start with Shoot Right - code:YGNGAKTL+GAVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/04 cheat description:Start with Shoot Left - code:YGNGAKTL+AAVKTGAO + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/08 cheat description:Start with Five Direction Firing - code:YGNGAKTL+APVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/10 cheat description:Start with Three Direction Firing - code:YGNGAKTL+AZVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/20 cheat description:Start with Force field - code:YGNGAKTL+AGVKTGAP + code:c470/3e/47+c46e/10/40 cheat description:Start at stage 2 (wait for demo game then press start) - code:GZOGIGSA+PAEGPLPA + code:c415/85/24+c301/01/01 cheat description:Start at stage 3 - code:GZOGIGSA+ZAEGPLPA + code:c415/85/24+c301/01/02 cheat description:Start at stage 4 - code:GZOGIGSA+LAEGPLPA + code:c415/85/24+c301/01/03 cheat description:Start at stage 5 - code:GZOGIGSA+GAEGPLPA + code:c415/85/24+c301/01/04 cheat description:Start at stage 6 - code:GZOGIGSA+IAEGPLPA + code:c415/85/24+c301/01/05 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0056:50 + code:0056/50 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0038:09 + code:0038/09 cartridge sha256:d8a12772ddcb35d66a6518096c8415961cb43ceb9ffb96e5c7f83fe3a8e7f2c1 name:Street Cop (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXESTZST + code:d28e/e5/24 cheat description:Take minimum damage - code:OVESTZSV+PEESYZAP + code:d28e/e5/e9+d28f/10/01 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZSNTAVG + code:f05e/c6/a5 cheat description:Have less time - code:TAOVTXPA + code:e21e/09/06 cheat description:Have more time - code:ZPOVTXPA + code:e21e/09/12 cheat description:Start with less health - code:AONGNAAU + code:c8f7/30/18 cheat description:Start with more health - code:AVNGNAAL + code:c8f7/30/60 cheat description:Start at level 2 - code:PAXTPPAA + code:e121/00/01 cheat description:Start at level 3 - code:ZAXTPPAA + code:e121/00/02 cheat description:Start at level 4 - code:LAXTPPAA + code:e121/00/03 cartridge sha256:885cfd4396e0ade5f3abbbdb5055bc48ef166f86207db631bac83c51c0844f08 name:Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYSSLGEI + code:d45b/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:AEUIPGZA + code:d4b1/02/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUATPVG + code:8136/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SLUKAZSP + code:c238/95/b5 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:d57f/11/20+d57e/b0/d0+d57b/d9/ad cheat description:Take less damage - code:PEUIPGZA + code:d4b1/02/01 cheat description:Take more damage - code:LEUIPGZA + code:d4b1/02/03 cheat description:Keep power-ups after losing a life - code:GZOAZPSA + code:8112/85/24 cheat description:Keep power-ups when hit - code:AEKIYGZA + code:d4c7/02/00 cheat description:Faster Ken - code:ZESESPPA + code:89dd/01/02 cheat description:Portal always stays open - code:SXVTVUVK + code:ebe6/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAEETAGA + code:800e/04/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAEETAGE + code:800e/04/09 cartridge sha256:07401bfb725c61711ce0a1d5eade14e09cd0f1b90991691339077a0b7dea5e58 name:Street Heroes (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:00D6:59 + code:00d6/59 cheat description:One hit kills - code:00D7:00 + code:00d7/00 cheat description:Only one win needed to advance - code:0059:02 + code:0059/02 cartridge sha256:d4fc5610f1355c545d1ecf21502c31a9d21a31e0d4f0043c7c8d8f199bea2a73 name:Strider (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:OXNAUKPX+PVNAVGIU + code:8cf3/29/a9+8cf6/35/69 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AANVSZTZ+AEEVXXPP + code:ea7d/26/00+ea8a/19/00 cheat description:More energy from small capsules (10) - code:ZAUXEYPE + code:af38/01/0a cheat description:More energy from big capsules (20) - code:GPUXXNZA + code:af3a/0a/14 cheat description:Health from small capsules (10) - code:ZAUXKYPE + code:af3c/01/0a cheat description:Health from big capsules (20) - code:GPUXVNZA + code:af3e/0a/14 cheat description:Double health and energy from all capsules - code:ZAEXVNAO + code:af0e/18/0a cheat description:Have all Keys and start on Red Dragon level - code:048C:FF + code:048c/ff cheat description:Have all Data Files - code:048E:FF + code:048e/ff cheat description:Max stats, all tricks, Slide In, Plasma Arrow - code:048B:09+048D:01 + code:048b/09+048d/01 cheat description:Infinite power - code:056B:63 + code:056b/63 cheat description:High-jump - code:0538:0A + code:0538/0a cheat description:Plasma Sword is instantly charged - code:055D:89 + code:055d/89 cartridge sha256:9aa6ced81adbfb09730591efa9aea369ec7bf57d8a1504dfd5f77ff5696b0427 name:Strike Wolf (MGC-014) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:SZKUNISA + code:bd4f/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:SZSONEVK + code:985f/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SXXPLNVK + code:97a3/ce/ad cartridge sha256:f3a140c16012c4e4fb0deda64cbee7d9ebe78d2fb717b80b12a9f938d57b78bb name:Stunt Kids (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite time - P1 - code:SLNOYXVS + code:927f/de/bd cheat description:Infinite time - P2 - code:SLXOYUVS + code:932f/de/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSZSKVK + code:ac55/ce/ad cheat description:Always have 9 coins after a race - code:VANILVKE + code:d673/8c/8e cheat description:Coins worth nothing on pick-up - code:SZKOEOVV + code:9948/ee/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:AESGNZZA + code:cad7/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IESGNZZA + code:cad7/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PESGNZZE + code:cad7/02/09 cheat description:Start with 0 turbos instead of 3 - code:AEESPALA + code:d089/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 turbos - code:TEESPALA + code:d089/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 turbos - code:PEESPALE + code:d089/03/09 cartridge sha256:4d16627301ff5def67247039b3a4b1cce4d20fbb867f4c5b7bcab43a8575f59f name:Sunday Funday - The Ride (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Enable level skip (press B then Select) - code:ESNNUZEY + code:fafb/f0/d0 + +cartridge sha256:a387a17294bb440eb821fa096bfe476f772c7f9f79c5fb251f6b0a50bdeda53d + name:Super Arabian (Japan) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:a930/ad + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:9c8d/07/00+9cba/95/cc cartridge sha256:3edd803db1cc88155720625ed8f3e362a5e3c660e7faf3285bbe3a2c6571511c name:Super C (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:LLLXZO + code:a13a/3b cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZOVXZVG + code:ea1a/c6/a5 cheat description:Activates 10 lives code - code:AEXVAIZA + code:e5a8/02/00 cheat description:10 lives code give you 30 - code:IOXVZSPE + code:e5aa/09/1d cheat description:Extra life for each enemy killed - code:AENTTTZA + code:e6f6/02/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:POXXIOIA + code:a1ad/0d/11 cheat description:One hit kills - code:AAAZPZ + code:a201/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - both players - code:GXVAATEI+ZUVEPVIV + code:86e0/d0/24+86e9/6d/3a + cheat + description:Keep equiped weapon after dying + code:8662/95/24 cheat description:Run faster to the right - code:EYYAEA + code:8870/f0 cheat description:Stage select after title screen - code:ENXVYGEI + code:e4af/d0/f0 cheat description:Press Start to complete current level - code:AUOVNXPU+GEOVSZPA + code:ea9f/39/38+ea9d/01/04 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:AEKTLGAE + code:e4c3/00/08 cheat description:Start with Spray Gun - code:EUUTGIYS+YSXTPSEL+ZEUTZIAA + code:e5b4/57/b8+e5a1/b8/57+e5b2/00/02 cheat description:Start with Fireball Gun - code:EUUTGIYS+YSXTPSEL+GEUTZIAA + code:e5b4/57/b8+e5a1/b8/57+e5b2/00/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AEXTLIZA + code:e5a3/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IEXTLIZA + code:e5a3/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AEXTLIZE + code:e5a3/02/08 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - both players - code:NNXTLIZE + code:e5a3/02/ff cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:TEEVIIZA + code:e58d/02/06 cheat description:Start at area 2 - code:PEETLIAA + code:e583/00/01 cheat description:Start at area 3 - code:ZEETLIAA + code:e583/00/02 cheat description:Start at area 4 - code:LEETLIAA + code:e583/00/03 cheat description:Start at area 5 - code:GEETLIAA + code:e583/00/04 cheat description:Start at area 6 - code:IEETLIAA + code:e583/00/05 cheat description:Start at area 7 - code:TEETLIAA + code:e583/00/06 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:00D4:55 + code:00d4/55 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0053:03 + code:0053/03 cheat description:Have the Machine Gun - code:00B8:81 + code:00b8/81 cheat description:Have the Spread Gun - code:00B8:82 + code:00b8/82 cheat description:Have the Laser Gun - code:00B8:83 + code:00b8/83 cheat description:Have the Fireball Gun - code:00B8:84 + code:00b8/84 cheat description:Have the Single Shot MG - code:00B8:85 + code:00b8/85 cheat description:Have the Super Fireball Gun - code:00B8:86 + code:00b8/86 cartridge sha256:fcb6a0ef3a20c19b356005fbb21dc8009563b1cb5a9aaebc8e9386b4a8c5912e name:Super Mario Bros. (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SEVVOVSX+ESVVKTEY + code:eee9/ad/8d+eeec/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:SSASSA + code:d88d/d5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:VZTLTN + code:b766/ae cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:SZTLTN + code:b766/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SXIOPO + code:91d9/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SKSOPOVK + code:91d9/ce/cd cheat description:Always Big Mario - code:OZTLLX+AATLGZ+SZLIVO + code:b263/a9+b264/00+d936/ad cheat description:Always Fiery Mario - code:ZZZLTT + code:b626/22 cheat description:Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage - code:GPAIIU + code:d305/1c cheat description:Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage - code:VENITZYA + code:d2f6/07/86 cheat description:After falling down a hole, you drop from above - code:OXNLUYSO + code:bff3/95/a9 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:GZXIPYEP + code:d721/90/24 cheat description:Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained - code:AEVAIGYA + code:84e5/07/00 cheat description:Goombas don't walk off ledges - code:LETTTE + code:e0e6/0b cheat description:Mega-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGG + code:b424/10 cheat description:Mega-jump from running only - code:APZLTG + code:b426/10 cheat description:Mega-jump from turbo running only - code:GAZUAG + code:b428/04 cheat description:Moon Gravity from a standing start - code:YAZULG + code:b42b/07 cheat description:Moon Gravity from a running start - code:YAZUIG + code:b42d/07 cheat description:Moon Gravity from turbo running only - code:YAZUYG + code:b42f/07 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AOAUIG + code:b48d/10 cheat description:Super-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGK + code:b424/18 cheat description:Super-jump from running only - code:TPZLTG + code:b426/16 cheat description:Super-jump from turbo running only - code:GPZUAG + code:b428/14 cheat description:Turn all enemies into Toad - code:NULTKA + code:e8b4/b7 cheat description:Can control Mario in demo and title screen - code:PEUEGZAA+ANUETXKY+YEUEYZTA + code:82bc/00/01+82be/fc/70+82bf/06/07 cheat description:Can control Mario in entrances that lead to underground - code:SNAULA + code:b08b/f5 cheat description:Can move left or right while crouched - code:APXLLPEY + code:b123/f0/10 cheat description:Can walk through pipes and blocks - code:GIIIVY + code:df56/54 cheat description:Small Mario can break bricks - code:AAOUEIPA+AENLNGZA+EZOLNIEI + code:bd18/01/00+bcf7/02/00+bd17/d0/a0 cheat description:Fireballs can kill Bowser's Fire - code:AEOIGNTZ + code:d794/2e/00 cheat description:Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:AEESGYTL + code:d78c/36/00 cheat description:Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:AASIYNLT + code:d757/6b/00 cheat description:Fireballs can kill Podoboo - code:AAXVZAGA+AEOIAYZL + code:e02a/04/00+d790/32/00 cheat description:Enable level select - code:AAYAAZ + code:8270/00 cheat description:Press Start to finish current world - code:ANUEZPEA+GXUAIPKA+OXUAYOPK+SEUEPOPE+XVUEGPIE+YEUELPEI+ZEUEAPPA + code:81ba/80/70+81b5/84/24+81b7/49/a9+81b9/09/8d+81bc/05/ea+81bb/d0/07+81b8/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:AATOZA + code:906a/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IATOZA + code:906a/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AATOZE + code:906a/08 cheat description:Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives - code:VATOLE + code:906b/8e cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+PEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+ZEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+LEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+GEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+IEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+TEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/06 cheat description:Start on World 8 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/07 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:079E:06 + code:079e/06 cheat description:Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt) - code:079F:18 + code:079f/18 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:075A:09 + code:075a/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt 2) - code:0787:0C + code:0787/0c cheat description:Always Big Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:01 + code:0754/00+0756/01 cheat description:Always Fiery Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:02 + code:0754/00+0756/02 cartridge sha256:5dde385041aa7364c78205f2ba49615f416c701b6025e38aa1d7b9c4f99a62db name:Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt (USA) cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo - code:SZNIPPVG + code:d171/c6/a5 cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo (alt) - code:00BA:03 + code:00ba/03 cheat description:DH - Hit anywhere - code:AAXSGZSY + code:d22c/f5/00 cheat description:DH - Always get the perfect bonus - code:AASIAUZA+ALSIPLEI + code:d350/0a/00+d351/d0/30 cheat description:DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A - code:IAVKKZVG + code:ca6c/c6/05 cheat description:DH - Enable game "D" (press Select three times) - code:GEOKTPLA + code:c19e/03/04 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility - code:SEVVOVSX+ESVVKTEY + code:eee9/ad/8d+eeec/f0/d0 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:SSASSA + code:d88d/d5 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time - code:VZTLTN + code:b766/ae cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt) - code:SZTLTN + code:b766/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - both players - code:SXIOPO + code:91d9/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - code:SKSOPOVK + code:91d9/ce/cd cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario - code:OZTLLX+AATLGZ+SZLIVO + code:b263/a9+b264/00+d936/ad cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario - code:ZZZLTT + code:b626/22 cheat description:SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage - code:GPAIIU + code:d305/1c cheat description:SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage - code:VENITZYA + code:d2f6/07/86 cheat description:SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above - code:OXNLUYSO + code:bff3/95/a9 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:GZXIPYEP + code:d721/90/24 cheat description:SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained - code:AEVAIGYA + code:84e5/07/00 cheat description:SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges - code:LETTTE + code:e0e6/0b cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGG + code:b424/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from running only - code:APZLTG + code:b426/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only - code:GAZUAG + code:b428/04 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start - code:YAZULG + code:b42b/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start - code:YAZUIG + code:b42d/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only - code:YAZUYG + code:b42f/07 cheat description:SMB - Multi-jump - code:AOAUIG + code:b48d/10 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGK + code:b424/18 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from running only - code:TPZLTG + code:b426/16 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only - code:GPZUAG + code:b428/14 cheat description:SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad - code:NULTKA + code:e8b4/b7 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in demo and title screen - code:PEUEGZAA+ANUETXKY+YEUEYZTA + code:82bc/00/01+82be/fc/70+82bf/06/07 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in entrances that lead to underground - code:SNAULA + code:b08b/f5 cheat description:SMB - Can move left or right while crouched - code:APXLLPEY + code:b123/f0/10 cheat description:SMB - Can walk through pipes and blocks - code:GIIIVY + code:df56/54 cheat description:SMB - Small Mario can break bricks - code:AAOUEIPA+AENLNGZA+EZOLNIEI + code:bd18/01/00+bcf7/02/00+bd17/d0/a0 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's Fire - code:AEOIGNTZ + code:d794/2e/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:AEESGYTL + code:d78c/36/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:AASIYNLT + code:d757/6b/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo - code:AAXVZAGA+AEOIAYZL + code:e02a/04/00+d790/32/00 cheat description:SMB - Enable level select - code:AAYAAZ + code:8270/00 cheat description:SMB - Press Start to finish current world - code:ANUEZPEA+GXUAIPKA+OXUAYOPK+SEUEPOPE+XVUEGPIE+YEUELPEI+ZEUEAPPA + code:81ba/80/70+81b5/84/24+81b7/49/a9+81b9/09/8d+81bc/05/ea+81bb/d0/07+81b8/01/02 cheat description:SMB - Start with 1 life - both players - code:AATOZA + code:906a/00 cheat description:SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IATOZA + code:906a/05 cheat description:SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AATOZE + code:906a/08 cheat description:SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives - code:VATOLE + code:906b/8e cheat description:SMB - Start on World 2 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+PEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/01 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 3 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+ZEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/02 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 4 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+LEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/03 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 5 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+GEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/04 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 6 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+IEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/05 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 7 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+TEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/06 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 8 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/07 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (blinking) - code:079E:06 + code:079e/06 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt) - code:079F:18 + code:079f/18 cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives (alt) - code:075A:09 + code:075a/09 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt 2) - code:0787:0C + code:0787/0c cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:01 + code:0754/00+0756/01 cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:02 + code:0754/00+0756/02 cartridge sha256:26977a6c51a6f1e1af895b8863e8e7d57c5321621f29cf58ebfbf85163a999dd name:Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo - code:SZNIPPVG + code:d171/c6/a5 cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo (alt) - code:00BA:03 + code:00ba/03 cheat description:DH - Hit anywhere - code:AAXSGZSY + code:d22c/f5/00 cheat description:DH - Always get the perfect bonus - code:AASIAUZA+ALSIPLEI + code:d350/0a/00+d351/d0/30 cheat description:DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A - code:IAVKKZVG + code:ca6c/c6/05 cheat description:DH - Enable game "D" (press Select three times) - code:GEOKTPLA + code:c19e/03/04 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility - code:SEVVOVSX+ESVVKTEY + code:eee9/ad/8d+eeec/f0/d0 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:SSASSA + code:d88d/d5 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time - code:VZTLTN + code:b766/ae cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt) - code:SZTLTN + code:b766/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - both players - code:SXIOPO + code:91d9/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - code:SKSOPOVK + code:91d9/ce/cd cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario - code:OZTLLX+AATLGZ+SZLIVO + code:b263/a9+b264/00+d936/ad cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario - code:ZZZLTT + code:b626/22 cheat description:SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage - code:GPAIIU + code:d305/1c cheat description:SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage - code:VENITZYA + code:d2f6/07/86 cheat description:SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above - code:OXNLUYSO + code:bff3/95/a9 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:GZXIPYEP + code:d721/90/24 cheat description:SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained - code:AEVAIGYA + code:84e5/07/00 cheat description:SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges - code:LETTTE + code:e0e6/0b cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGG + code:b424/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from running only - code:APZLTG + code:b426/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only - code:GAZUAG + code:b428/04 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start - code:YAZULG + code:b42b/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start - code:YAZUIG + code:b42d/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only - code:YAZUYG + code:b42f/07 cheat description:SMB - Multi-jump - code:AOAUIG + code:b48d/10 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGK + code:b424/18 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from running only - code:TPZLTG + code:b426/16 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only - code:GPZUAG + code:b428/14 cheat description:SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad - code:NULTKA + code:e8b4/b7 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in demo and title screen - code:PEUEGZAA+ANUETXKY+YEUEYZTA + code:82bc/00/01+82be/fc/70+82bf/06/07 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in entrances that lead to underground - code:SNAULA + code:b08b/f5 cheat description:SMB - Can move left or right while crouched - code:APXLLPEY + code:b123/f0/10 cheat description:SMB - Can walk through pipes and blocks - code:GIIIVY + code:df56/54 cheat description:SMB - Small Mario can break bricks - code:AAOUEIPA+AENLNGZA+EZOLNIEI + code:bd18/01/00+bcf7/02/00+bd17/d0/a0 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's Fire - code:AEOIGNTZ + code:d794/2e/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:AEESGYTL + code:d78c/36/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:AASIYNLT + code:d757/6b/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo - code:AAXVZAGA+AEOIAYZL + code:e02a/04/00+d790/32/00 cheat description:SMB - Enable level select - code:AAYAAZ + code:8270/00 cheat description:SMB - Press Start to finish current world - code:ANUEZPEA+GXUAIPKA+OXUAYOPK+SEUEPOPE+XVUEGPIE+YEUELPEI+ZEUEAPPA + code:81ba/80/70+81b5/84/24+81b7/49/a9+81b9/09/8d+81bc/05/ea+81bb/d0/07+81b8/01/02 cheat description:SMB - Start with 1 life - both players - code:AATOZA + code:906a/00 cheat description:SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IATOZA + code:906a/05 cheat description:SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AATOZE + code:906a/08 cheat description:SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives - code:VATOLE + code:906b/8e cheat description:SMB - Start on World 2 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+PEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/01 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 3 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+ZEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/02 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 4 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+LEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/03 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 5 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+GEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/04 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 6 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+IEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/05 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 7 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+TEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/06 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 8 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/07 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (blinking) - code:079E:06 + code:079e/06 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt) - code:079F:18 + code:079f/18 cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives (alt) - code:075A:09 + code:075a/09 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt 2) - code:0787:0C + code:0787/0c cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:01 + code:0754/00+0756/01 cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:02 + code:0754/00+0756/02 cartridge sha256:968cf4ae63fddf6a0d379bb12add5563f468e57ddddb69e00e1379a839234f95 name:Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt + World Class Track Meet (USA) cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo - code:SZNIPPVG + code:d171/c6/a5 cheat description:DH - Infinite ammo (alt) - code:00BA:03 + code:00ba/03 cheat description:DH - Hit anywhere - code:AAXSGZSY + code:d22c/f5/00 cheat description:DH - Always get the perfect bonus - code:AASIAUZA+ALSIPLEI + code:d350/0a/00+d351/d0/30 cheat description:DH - Ducks never fly away - Game A - code:IAVKKZVG + code:ca6c/c6/05 cheat description:DH - Enable game "D" (press Select three times) - code:GEOKTPLA + code:c19e/03/04 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility - code:SEVVOVSX+ESVVKTEY + code:eee9/ad/8d+eeec/f0/d0 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:SSASSA + code:d88d/d5 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time - code:VZTLTN + code:b766/ae cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt) - code:SZTLTN + code:b766/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - both players - code:SXIOPO + code:91d9/ad cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - code:SKSOPOVK + code:91d9/ce/cd cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario - code:OZTLLX+AATLGZ+SZLIVO + code:b263/a9+b264/00+d936/ad cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario - code:ZZZLTT + code:b626/22 cheat description:SMB - Always get 3 fireworks at end of stage - code:GPAIIU + code:d305/1c cheat description:SMB - Always get 6 fireworks at end of stage - code:VENITZYA + code:d2f6/07/86 cheat description:SMB - After falling down a hole, you drop from above - code:OXNLUYSO + code:bff3/95/a9 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:GZXIPYEP + code:d721/90/24 cheat description:SMB - Gain a 1-up when an enemy is killed or power-up is gained - code:AEVAIGYA + code:84e5/07/00 cheat description:SMB - Goombas don't walk off ledges - code:LETTTE + code:e0e6/0b cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGG + code:b424/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from running only - code:APZLTG + code:b426/10 cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump from turbo running only - code:GAZUAG + code:b428/04 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a standing start - code:YAZULG + code:b42b/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from a running start - code:YAZUIG + code:b42d/07 cheat description:SMB - Moon Gravity from turbo running only - code:YAZUYG + code:b42f/07 cheat description:SMB - Multi-jump - code:AOAUIG + code:b48d/10 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from a standing start only - code:APZLGK + code:b424/18 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from running only - code:TPZLTG + code:b426/16 cheat description:SMB - Super-jump from turbo running only - code:GPZUAG + code:b428/14 cheat description:SMB - Turn all enemies into Toad - code:NULTKA + code:e8b4/b7 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in demo and title screen - code:PEUEGZAA+ANUETXKY+YEUEYZTA + code:82bc/00/01+82be/fc/70+82bf/06/07 cheat description:SMB - Can control Mario in entrances that lead to underground - code:SNAULA + code:b08b/f5 cheat description:SMB - Can move left or right while crouched - code:APXLLPEY + code:b123/f0/10 cheat description:SMB - Can walk through pipes and blocks - code:GIIIVY + code:df56/54 cheat description:SMB - Small Mario can break bricks - code:AAOUEIPA+AENLNGZA+EZOLNIEI + code:bd18/01/00+bcf7/02/00+bd17/d0/a0 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bowser's Fire - code:AEOIGNTZ + code:d794/2e/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:AEESGYTL + code:d78c/36/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:AASIYNLT + code:d757/6b/00 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Podoboo - code:AAXVZAGA+AEOIAYZL + code:e02a/04/00+d790/32/00 cheat description:SMB - Enable level select - code:AAYAAZ + code:8270/00 cheat description:SMB - Press Start to finish current world - code:ANUEZPEA+GXUAIPKA+OXUAYOPK+SEUEPOPE+XVUEGPIE+YEUELPEI+ZEUEAPPA + code:81ba/80/70+81b5/84/24+81b7/49/a9+81b9/09/8d+81bc/05/ea+81bb/d0/07+81b8/01/02 cheat description:SMB - Start with 1 life - both players - code:AATOZA + code:906a/00 cheat description:SMB - Start with 6 lives - both players - code:IATOZA + code:906a/05 cheat description:SMB - Start with 9 lives - both players - code:AATOZE + code:906a/08 cheat description:SMB - Start P1 with 8 lives and P2 with 3 lives - code:VATOLE + code:906b/8e cheat description:SMB - Start on World 2 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+PEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/01 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 3 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+ZEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/02 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 4 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+LEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/03 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 5 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+GEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/04 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 6 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+IEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/05 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 7 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+TEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/06 cheat description:SMB - Start on World 8 - code:YSAOPE+YEAOZA+YEAPYA + code:9089/5f+908a/07+9087/07 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (blinking) - code:079E:06 + code:079e/06 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) (alt) - code:079F:18 + code:079f/18 cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives (alt) - code:075A:09 + code:075a/09 cheat description:SMB - Infinite time (alt 2) - code:0787:0C + code:0787/0c cheat description:SMB - Always Big Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:01 + code:0754/00+0756/01 cheat description:SMB - Always Fiery Mario (alt) - code:0754:00+0756:02 + code:0754/00+0756/02 cartridge sha256:728d0ca6751b0c039fc3e34f2e7f27a870afcab30f5e270244ac40979c5f69ca name:Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OZXYGLES+SAXYTLSZ + code:f324/d0/a9+f326/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite health (except if you hit a spike) - code:GZELVXSE + code:ba06/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZELVXSE + code:ba06/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNESXVK + code:8a7d/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEXLATGA+EVOUYVPZ+GKXLZVIG + code:b6a0/04/00+b69f/29/e0+b6a2/4d/44 cheat description:All characters can float - code:ANNEEGEY + code:8cf8/f0/70 cheat description:More sub-space time - code:YPZOTN + code:972e/1f cheat description:Quick pick-up - code:SXUASXOU + code:8ab5/b9/ad cheat description:Twice as much time in sub-space - code:NNXPZIAV + code:95a2/60/ff cheat description:Infinite magic carpet time - code:SLNZZLVI + code:a372/d6/b5 cheat description:Jump as high as a squat jump - code:AEUEKKGL + code:8cbc/3c/00 cheat description:Princess has mega-float - code:PPXAOIAA + code:8d21/00/11 cheat description:Princess has mega-float and lunar descent - code:PAXAOIAA + code:8d21/00/01 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Mario - code:PESEGLGA + code:83dc/04/01 cheat description:Mega moon-jumps - Luigi - code:AAEEZGPA + code:840a/01/00 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Toad - code:PENALLGA + code:83f3/04/01 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Princess - code:PAXAPGGA + code:8421/04/01 cheat description:Speed up enemies - code:AEXALGZA + code:84a3/02/00 cheat description:Super speed enemies - code:AXNAZSAA+EVNALSEY + code:85f2/08/20+85f3/f8/e0 cheat description:Walk backwards - code:GOEANKAO+USEEEKKA + code:8c87/18/1c+8c88/8c/d3 cheat description:Super turbo running - code:XVVANSZK+XVNEXSZV + code:8de7/4a/ea+8dfa/6a/ea cheat description:Permanent turbo running - code:AEVAVIIA+AENEEITA + code:8de6/05/00+8df8/06/00 cheat description:Fast run - Toad - code:AXNAIUAO+ESNEAUEV + code:83f5/18/28+83f8/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Mario - code:AXSETUAO+ESVAPUEV + code:83de/18/28+83e1/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Luigi - code:AZEEGKAO+EIEEYKEV + code:840c/18/28+840f/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Princess - code:AZXALKAO+EIXATKEV + code:8423/18/28+8426/e8/d8 cheat description:Weak Birdo - code:AAVENYZA + code:8f6f/02/00 cheat description:Strong Birdo - code:IAVENYZE + code:8f6f/02/0d cheat description:Strong Wart - code:YESUAPTE + code:b1d8/06/0f cheat description:Birdo spits eggs instead of fireballs (in late levels of the game) - code:TPEPLAAX + code:9003/20/1e cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:PEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/01+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:ZEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/02+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:LEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/03+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:GEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/04+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:IEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/05+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:TEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/06+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0085:FA + code:0085/fa cheat description:Infinite coins - code:062B:09 + code:062b/09 cheat description:Infinite sub-space time - code:04B7:FA + code:04b7/fa cheat description:Infinite magic carpet time (alt) - code:00B9:FA + code:00b9/fa cheat description:All characters can float (alt) - code:04C9:FA + code:04c9/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:0099:00 + code:0099/00 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:0468:00 + code:0468/00 cheat description:Only 1 Cherry needed for Starman - code:062A:04 + code:062a/04 cheat description:Only 1 big Radish needed for Stopwatch - code:062C:04 + code:062c/04 cheat description:Receive small heart for every enemy defeated - code:04AD:09 + code:04ad/09 cheat description:Stopwatch always active - code:04FF:FA + code:04ff/fa cheat description:Start on World 2 (alt) - code:0635:01 + code:0635/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 (alt) - code:0635:02 + code:0635/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 (alt) - code:0635:03 + code:0635/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 (alt) - code:0635:04 + code:0635/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 (alt) - code:0635:05 + code:0635/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 (alt) - code:0635:06 + code:0635/06 cartridge sha256:cba920f9394733c82253685d7783f26a3033ba58a94623e9abf7892329b969b9 name:Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OZXYGLES+SAXYTLSZ + code:f324/d0/a9+f326/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite health (except if you hit a spike) - code:GZELVXSE + code:ba06/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:SZELVXSE + code:ba06/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNESXVK + code:8a7d/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEXLATGA+EVOUYVPZ+GKXLZVIG + code:b6a0/04/00+b69f/29/e0+b6a2/4d/44 cheat description:Quick pick-up - code:SXUASXOU + code:8ab5/b9/ad cheat description:Twice as much time in sub-space - code:NNXPZIAV + code:95a2/60/ff cheat description:Jump as high as a squat jump - code:AEUEKKGL + code:8cbc/3c/00 cheat description:Princess has mega-float - code:PPXAOIAA + code:8d21/00/11 cheat description:Princess has mega-float and lunar descent - code:PAXAOIAA + code:8d21/00/01 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Mario - code:PESEGLGA + code:83dc/04/01 cheat description:Mega moon-jumps - Luigi - code:AAEEZGPA + code:840a/01/00 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Toad - code:PENALLGA + code:83f3/04/01 cheat description:Super moon-jumps - Princess - code:PAXAPGGA + code:8421/04/01 cheat description:Speed up enemies - code:AEXALGZA + code:84a3/02/00 cheat description:Super speed enemies - code:AXNAZSAA+EVNALSEY + code:85f2/08/20+85f3/f8/e0 cheat description:Walk backwards - code:GOEANKAO+USEEEKKA + code:8c87/18/1c+8c88/8c/d3 cheat description:Super turbo running - code:XVVANSZK+XVNEXSZV + code:8de7/4a/ea+8dfa/6a/ea cheat description:Permanent turbo running - code:AEVAVIIA+AENEEITA + code:8de6/05/00+8df8/06/00 cheat description:Fast run - Toad - code:AXNAIUAO+ESNEAUEV + code:83f5/18/28+83f8/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Mario - code:AXSETUAO+ESVAPUEV + code:83de/18/28+83e1/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Luigi - code:AZEEGKAO+EIEEYKEV + code:840c/18/28+840f/e8/d8 cheat description:Super fast run - Princess - code:AZXALKAO+EIXATKEV + code:8423/18/28+8426/e8/d8 cheat description:Hawkeye at end of level always open - code:GXUESIEY + code:8dbd/f0/24 cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:PEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/01+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:ZEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/02+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:LEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/03+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:GEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/04+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:IEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/05+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:TEEPUZAG+IUEPSZAA+TEEPVZPA + code:9a83/40/06+9a85/00/35+9a86/01/06 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0085:FA + code:0085/fa cheat description:Infinite coins - code:062B:09 + code:062b/09 cheat description:Infinite sub-space time - code:04B7:FA + code:04b7/fa cheat description:Infinite magic carpet time (alt) - code:00B9:FA + code:00b9/fa cheat description:All characters can float (alt) - code:04C9:FA + code:04c9/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:0099:00 + code:0099/00 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:0468:00 + code:0468/00 cheat description:Only 1 Cherry needed for Starman - code:062A:04 + code:062a/04 cheat description:Only 1 big Radish needed for Stopwatch - code:062C:04 + code:062c/04 cheat description:Receive small heart for every enemy defeated - code:04AD:09 + code:04ad/09 cheat description:Stopwatch always active - code:04FF:FA + code:04ff/fa cheat description:Start on World 2 (alt) - code:0635:01 + code:0635/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 (alt) - code:0635:02 + code:0635/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 (alt) - code:0635:03 + code:0635/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 (alt) - code:0635:04 + code:0635/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 (alt) - code:0635:05 + code:0635/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 (alt) - code:0635:06 + code:0635/06 cartridge sha256:ff8afb9ae6b705b4e51dbcb193dcebadf4c049800a71003d3a45052648e52eda name:Super Mario Brothers 2 (Japan) (FDS) cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:PUTGGI + code:c5e4/31 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AETGGS + code:c5e4/08 cheat description:Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:079F:09 + code:079f/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:701B:AD + code:701b/ad cartridge sha256:959fdd32c71735d6fb2bd16a646d39f4ee65623273dd035e6a968e991bd13ef8 name:Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:AEVGEVZZ + code:cee0/2a/00 cheat description:Invincibility after changing up from Super Mario (Raccoon, Frog, ect.) - code:SZKIKXSE + code:da44/8d/ad cheat description:Invincibility as miniture stone Mario - code:EXKXGLIA + code:a3cc/05/a0 cheat description:Invincibility as Super Mario - code:XUKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/ba cheat description:Invincibility as Fire Mario - code:UXKXGLIA + code:a3cc/05/a3 cheat description:Invincibility as Raccoon Mario - code:NXKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/af cheat description:Invincibility as Frog Mario - code:OUKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/b9 cheat description:Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario - code:XNKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SLXPLOVS + code:9123/de/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUZENVK + code:afb0/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite items - Mario - code:YPXXLVGE + code:a62b/0c/1f cheat description:Infinite tries at card match game - code:GZVSSEVK + code:d86d/ce/2c cheat description:Always win at line up the pictures game (prize is based on the top picture) - code:AESSYPAZ + code:d1df/20/00 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:AEXZAVUG+AEXXYVIG + code:a6a0/cb/00+a6af/4d/00 cheat description:Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins - code:AAKXTIYP+AAVZAIIA + code:a54e/17/00+a560/05/00 cheat description:Tail hits anywhere - code:GZSSOLEP + code:db59/90/24 cheat description:1-up for each enemy you stomp - code:ZITGAG + code:c460/52 cheat description:1-up for each coin - code:PEEULAGT+PEOLAAGT + code:b08b/64/01+b090/64/01 cheat description:1-up for each 10 coins - code:ZEEULAGV+ZEOLAAGV + code:b08b/64/0a+b090/64/0a cheat description:Change to Super Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+PAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/01 cheat description:Change to Fire Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+ZAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/02 cheat description:Change to Raccoon Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+LAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/03 cheat description:Change to Frog Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+GAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/04 cheat description:Change to Tanooki Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+IAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/05 cheat description:Change to Sledgehammer Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+TAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/06 cheat description:Move anywhere on the map - code:OXKIPZOS+APKSALAZ + code:d2c1/d1/a9+d348/20/10 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SXEZSKOZ + code:ac85/a9/a5 cheat description:Multi-jump (alt) - code:SXEZSKOX + code:ac85/a9/ad cheat description:Multi-jump (alt 2) - code:GZUXNGEI + code:ac3f/d0/24 cheat description:Power-jumps - code:ELKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/b8 cheat description:Super power-jumps - code:EZKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/a8 cheat description:Mega power-jumps - code:EAKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/88 cheat description:Super speed running - code:OXKZELSX + code:abc0/a5/a9 cheat description:Turbo-charged running - code:XVUXNUEE + code:abbf/88/ea cheat description:Raise P meter while standing still (hold B) - code:AANZKLLA + code:ab74/03/00 cheat description:Restore powers after playing an action scene - code:SZUEXNSO + code:8f3a/9d/ad cheat description:Card match game always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY + code:ac92/f0/24 cheat description:Small white ship level always appears after a level - code:GEKXSKYK+GXOZXGEY+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX + code:accd/4f/0c+ac92/f0/24+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea cheat description:White money ship always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY+LEKXSKYK+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX + code:ac92/f0/24+accd/4f/0b+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea cheat description:White toad house always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX+ZEKXSKYK + code:ac92/f0/24+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea+accd/4f/0a cheat description:Press Start to complete current level (do not use on final ship/castle levels for each map) - code:AANAOTLA+GPNAETTY + code:8e71/03/00+8e70/76/14 cheat description:1 life after continue - both players - code:AEKPTZGA + code:92c6/04/00 cheat description:9 lives after continue - both players - code:AEKPTZGE + code:92c6/04/08 cheat description:Start a new game as Fire Mario - code:ZEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/02 cheat description:Start a new game as Raccoon Mario - code:LEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/03 cheat description:Start a new game as Frog Mario - code:GEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/04 cheat description:Start a new game as Tanooki Mario - code:IEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/05 cheat description:Start a new game as Sledgehammer Mario - code:TEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/06 cheat description:Start a new game to see the ending - code:NKGZSO + code:a9c5/cf cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:PEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:ZEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:LEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:GEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:IEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:TEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/06 cheat description:Start on World 8 - code:YEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/07 cheat description:Unused level - Plains 1 - code:GGNUGGXE+NZNUIKUL + code:b47c/82/4c+b47d/bb/a7 cheat description:Unused level - Plains 2 - code:KZNUGGXE+OZNUIKUL + code:b47c/82/ac+b47d/bb/a1 cheat description:Unused level - Dungeon - code:ZZXUAGPZ+GINUGGXA+NLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/22+b47c/82/54+b47d/bb/b7 cheat description:Unused level - Underground 2 - code:LZXUAGPZ+ZGNUGGXA+KLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/23+b47c/82/42+b47d/bb/b4 cheat description:Unused level - Sky 1 - code:GZXUAGPZ+SGNUGGXE+SZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/24+b47c/82/cd+b47d/bb/ad cheat description:Unused level - Sky 3 (level cannot be completed) - code:GZXUAGPZ+KGNUGGXA+ELNUIKUL + code:b428/21/24+b47c/82/c4+b47d/bb/b0 cheat description:Unused level - Cloudy 1 - code:IZXUAGPX+OZNUGGXE+KZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/2d+b47c/82/a9+b47d/bb/ac cheat description:Unused level - Pipe level - code:AZXUAGPX+APNUGGXE+NZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/28+b47c/82/18+b47d/bb/af cheat description:Unused level - Hilly level - code:LZXUAGPZ+SINUGGXE+ELNUIKUL + code:b428/21/23+b47c/82/dd+b47d/bb/b0 cheat description:Unused level - Ice/Water - code:GZXUAGPX+XLNUGGXE+NLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/2c+b47c/82/ba+b47d/bb/b7 cheat description:Unused level - Cloudy (level cannot be completed) - code:IZXUAGPX+UZNUGGXE+SZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/2d+b47c/82/ab+b47d/bb/ad cheat description:P meter always full - code:03DD:7F + code:03dd/7f cheat description:Invincibility as Super Mario (alt) - code:00ED:01 + code:00ed/01 cheat description:Invincibility as Fire Mario (alt) - code:00ED:02 + code:00ed/02 cheat description:Invincibility as Raccoon Mario (alt) - code:00ED:03 + code:00ed/03 cheat description:Invincibility as Frog Mario (alt) - code:00ED:04 + code:00ed/04 cheat description:Invincibility as Tanooki - code:00ED:05 + code:00ed/05 cheat description:Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario (alt) - code:00ED:06 + code:00ed/06 cartridge sha256:d77d17d34af24871d7ce1160ccd3330555835c8e940b7100e095ac38973d927a name:Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:AEVGEVZZ + code:cee0/2a/00 cheat description:Invincibility after changing up from Super Mario (Raccoon, Frog, ect.) - code:SZKIKXSE + code:da44/8d/ad cheat description:Invincibility as miniture stone Mario - code:EXKXGLIA + code:a3cc/05/a0 cheat description:Never die from being hit while little (changes music) - code:GOZSXX + code:daaa/1c cheat description:Invincibility as Super Mario - code:XUKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/ba cheat description:Invincibility as Fire Mario - code:UXKXGLIA + code:a3cc/05/a3 cheat description:Invincibility as Raccoon Mario - code:NXKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/af cheat description:Invincibility as Frog Mario - code:OUKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/b9 cheat description:Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario - code:XNKXGLIE + code:a3cc/05/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SLXPLOVS + code:9123/de/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUZENVK + code:afb0/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite items - Mario - code:YPXXLVGE + code:a62b/0c/1f cheat description:Infinite tries at card match game - code:GZVSSEVK + code:d86d/ce/2c cheat description:Always win at line up the pictures game (prize is based on the top picture) - code:AESSYPAZ + code:d1df/20/00 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:AEXZAVUG+AEXXYVIG + code:a6a0/cb/00+a6af/4d/00 cheat description:Fireballs turn most solid objects into coins - code:AAKXTIYP+AAVZAIIA + code:a54e/17/00+a560/05/00 cheat description:Tail hits anywhere - code:GZSSOLEP + code:db59/90/24 cheat description:1-up for each enemy you stomp - code:ZITGAG + code:c460/52 cheat description:1-up for each coin - code:PEEULAGT+PEOLAAGT + code:b08b/64/01+b090/64/01 cheat description:1-up for each 10 coins - code:ZEEULAGV+ZEOLAAGV + code:b08b/64/0a+b090/64/0a cheat description:Change to Super Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+PAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/01 cheat description:Change to Fire Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+ZAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/02 cheat description:Change to Raccoon Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+LAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/03 cheat description:Change to Frog Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+GAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/04 cheat description:Change to Tanooki Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+IAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/05 cheat description:Change to Sledgehammer Mario if you fall off screen and die - code:AEOSSZPA+TAOZTGAA + code:da9d/01/00+a416/00/06 cheat description:Move anywhere on the map - code:OXKIPZOS+APKSALAZ + code:d2c1/d1/a9+d348/20/10 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SXEZSKOZ + code:ac85/a9/a5 cheat description:Multi-jump (alt) - code:SXEZSKOX + code:ac85/a9/ad cheat description:Multi-jump (alt 2) - code:GZUXNGEI + code:ac3f/d0/24 cheat description:Power-jumps - code:ELKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/b8 cheat description:Super power-jumps - code:EZKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/a8 cheat description:Mega power-jumps - code:EAKZYVEK + code:a647/c8/88 cheat description:Super speed running - code:OXKZELSX + code:abc0/a5/a9 cheat description:Turbo-charged running - code:XVUXNUEE + code:abbf/88/ea cheat description:Raise P meter while standing still (hold B) - code:AANZKLLA + code:ab74/03/00 cheat description:Restore powers after playing an action scene - code:SZUEXNSO + code:8f3a/9d/ad cheat description:Card match game always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY + code:ac92/f0/24 cheat description:Small white ship level always appears after a level - code:GEKXSKYK+GXOZXGEY+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX + code:accd/4f/0c+ac92/f0/24+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea cheat description:White money ship always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY+LEKXSKYK+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX + code:ac92/f0/24+accd/4f/0b+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea cheat description:White toad house always appears after a level - code:GXOZXGEY+OXKXKKSU+XVKXVKKX+ZEKXSKYK + code:ac92/f0/24+accc/bd/a9+acce/ac/ea+accd/4f/0a cheat description:Press Start to complete current level (do not use on final ship/castle levels for each map) - code:AANAOTLA+GPNAETTY + code:8e71/03/00+8e70/76/14 cheat description:1 life after continue - both players - code:AEKPTZGA + code:92c6/04/00 cheat description:9 lives after continue - both players - code:AEKPTZGE + code:92c6/04/08 cheat description:Start a new game as Fire Mario - code:ZEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/02 cheat description:Start a new game as Raccoon Mario - code:LEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/03 cheat description:Start a new game as Frog Mario - code:GEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/04 cheat description:Start a new game as Tanooki Mario - code:IEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/05 cheat description:Start a new game as Sledgehammer Mario - code:TEUXKGAA + code:acbc/00/06 cheat description:Start a new game to see the ending - code:NKGZSO + code:a9c5/cf cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:PEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:ZEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:LEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:GEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:IEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:TEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/06 cheat description:Start on World 8 - code:YEUZUGAA + code:acb3/00/07 cheat description:Unused level - Plains 1 - code:GGNUGGXE+NZNUIKUL + code:b47c/82/4c+b47d/bb/a7 cheat description:Unused level - Plains 2 - code:KZNUGGXE+OZNUIKUL + code:b47c/82/ac+b47d/bb/a1 cheat description:Unused level - Dungeon - code:ZZXUAGPZ+GINUGGXA+NLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/22+b47c/82/54+b47d/bb/b7 cheat description:Unused level - Underground 2 - code:LZXUAGPZ+ZGNUGGXA+KLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/23+b47c/82/42+b47d/bb/b4 cheat description:Unused level - Sky 1 - code:GZXUAGPZ+SGNUGGXE+SZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/24+b47c/82/cd+b47d/bb/ad cheat description:Unused level - Sky 3 (level cannot be completed) - code:GZXUAGPZ+KGNUGGXA+ELNUIKUL + code:b428/21/24+b47c/82/c4+b47d/bb/b0 cheat description:Unused level - Cloudy 1 - code:IZXUAGPX+OZNUGGXE+KZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/2d+b47c/82/a9+b47d/bb/ac cheat description:Unused level - Pipe level - code:AZXUAGPX+APNUGGXE+NZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/28+b47c/82/18+b47d/bb/af cheat description:Unused level - Hilly level - code:LZXUAGPZ+SINUGGXE+ELNUIKUL + code:b428/21/23+b47c/82/dd+b47d/bb/b0 cheat description:Unused level - Ice/Water - code:GZXUAGPX+XLNUGGXE+NLNUIKUL + code:b428/21/2c+b47c/82/ba+b47d/bb/b7 cheat description:Unused level - Cloudy (level cannot be completed) - code:IZXUAGPX+UZNUGGXE+SZNUIKUU + code:b428/21/2d+b47c/82/ab+b47d/bb/ad cheat description:P meter always full - code:03DD:7F + code:03dd/7f cheat description:Invincibility as Super Mario (alt) - code:00ED:01 + code:00ed/01 cheat description:Invincibility as Fire Mario (alt) - code:00ED:02 + code:00ed/02 cheat description:Invincibility as Raccoon Mario (alt) - code:00ED:03 + code:00ed/03 cheat description:Invincibility as Frog Mario (alt) - code:00ED:04 + code:00ed/04 cheat description:Invincibility as Tanooki - code:00ED:05 + code:00ed/05 cheat description:Invincibility as Sledgehammer Mario (alt) - code:00ED:06 + code:00ed/06 cartridge sha256:fe019a7da7fb7ecd2e6478bde546e6c5d6bba185d53e5c8692522ed8fdd617a2 name:Super Pitfall (USA) cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:AEOYILPA + code:f395/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:SZKSASVK + code:d548/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:SXESTSVK + code:d58e/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:SXXSZSVK + code:d5aa/ce/ad cheat description:30 bullets gained on pick-up - code:LENLELZA + code:bbf0/02/03 cheat description:10 bullets gained on pick-up - code:PENLELZA + code:bbf0/02/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PAVIPALA + code:d061/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - both players - code:TAVIPALA + code:d061/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:PAVIPALE + code:d061/03/09 cheat description:Start with 30 bullets - code:LEXKNYZA + code:cfaf/02/03 cheat description:Start with 10 bullets - code:PEXKNYZA + code:cfaf/02/01 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - both players - code:00DC:FF + code:00dc/ff cartridge sha256:7c14c7e39943e7247c92d907f3362eab09a7306fb606d4a899a918fc6afd356a name:Super Shinobi, The (unl) cheat description:Infinite health - code:04F5:09 + code:04f5/09 cheat description:Infinite magic - code:010D:09 + code:010d/09 cheat description:Infinite Shurikens - code:0109:09+010B:09 + code:0109/09+010b/09 cheat description:Always have powered-up Shurikens - code:00AF:01 + code:00af/01 cartridge sha256:d1defc7a6c6f96f89386c79ac887aa41a72fefa93ba22a8a08159ac891f73613 name:Super Sprint (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZETVUVK + code:eb06/ce/ad cheat description:6 continues - code:YASSPALA + code:d059/03/07 cheat description:No continues - code:PASSPALA + code:d059/03/01 cheat description:More obstacles on tracks - code:IEKKNTAA+GXSGUVSE + code:cecf/00/05+ced3/8d/2c cheat description:Even more obstacles on tracks - code:ZEKKNTAE+GXSGUVSE + code:cecf/00/0a+ced3/8d/2c cheat description:Lots and lots of obstacles on tracks - code:YEKKNTAE+GXSGUVSE + code:cecf/00/0f+ced3/8d/2c cartridge sha256:7806ee6afcdf88ef6364da23af8b28f359ef7d850fe55224e188b8a01d5ade67 name:Super Spy Hunter (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXVPEZSA + code:9ae0/85/a5 cheat description:Start with max health gauge - code:GEXUOIGE + code:bda9/04/0c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0074:05 + code:0074/05 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:007B:40 + code:007b/40 + +cartridge sha256:639d5b9dad2f4eae48559dadc708d396f50f898a5912631c0a3c1715a5eab729 + name:Super Turrican (Europe) + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:038a/06 + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:7051/09 cartridge sha256:9ffc36dfc772e1020a9648949aecebab687d6b386d6f02526916d1d49973a78a name:Superman (USA) cheat description:Never die when out of super power - code:AAXSEIEA + code:dd28/80/00 cheat description:Never lose super power - code:SXNSSKSE + code:dcfd/8d/ad cheat description:Start with lots of super power - code:XVUVYZIA + code:e2bf/05/e2 cheat description:Double max power of all items at start - code:AVEOUIAL + code:9d8b/30/60 cheat description:Double usual item power on item power crystal pick-up - code:AXUPYLAP + code:93b7/10/20 cheat description:Full item power on item power crystal pick-up - code:EXUPYLAP + code:93b7/10/a0 cheat description:Start at mission 2 - code:EZVPKSOZ+PAVPSIAA+KANPXSSE + code:9d64/a9/a0+9d65/00/01+9d72/8d/8c cheat description:Start at mission 3 - code:EZVPKSOZ+ZAVPSIAA+KANPXSSE + code:9d64/a9/a0+9d65/00/02+9d72/8d/8c cheat description:Start at mission 4 - code:EZVPKSOZ+LAVPSIAA+KANPXSSE + code:9d64/a9/a0+9d65/00/03+9d72/8d/8c cheat description:Start at mission 5 - code:EZVPKSOZ+GAVPSIAA+KANPXSSE + code:9d64/a9/a0+9d65/00/04+9d72/8d/8c cartridge sha256:d138aba5eb5c8cf1218abc7b57ad10709041fd68b6a6c47dd30432f8b33470e9 name:Swamp Thing (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:PEVOTKPX+ESVOZGEY + code:94ee/29/09+94ea/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNVZVVK + code:e67a/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNTIKVK + code:e475/ce/ad cartridge sha256:553d6db3959c8ae3e3cfa598a33c57756b06653ce434fddd0de92bafb460cb05 name:Sword Master (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ALKZVZAP + code:aa46/10/30 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXSKNXSE+SZSGNXSE + code:cadf/8d/ad+ca57/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SZNTVUSE + code:eb76/8d/ad cheat description:Gain a level for every EXP point gained - code:AAEGKGPZ + code:cc04/21/00 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:042E:8F + code:042e/8f cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:042EF:0F + code:042f/0f cartridge sha256:cdd148ebf43ed8918b4cd5d03e685fe0f38b434a59ffb38f0d9ceb2ee7ca9d89 name:Swords and Serpents (USA) cheat description:All characters have Scale Armor - code:VANGKTVE + code:ce74/86/8e cheat description:Warriors start with a Great Sword - code:UEEKSTOE + code:ce8d/81/8b cheat description:Warriors start with a Great Axe - code:KEEKSTOE + code:ce8d/81/8c cheat description:Magicians start with a Wizard's Wand - code:SEEGETSE + code:ce80/85/8d cheat description:Magicians start with more spells - code:YPKGSTLE + code:ce45/03/1f cheat description:Magicians have greater spells - code:LAKKXTAA + code:ce4a/00/03 cheat description:Spells use up no magic points - code:GZKYLGOY + code:f443/f1/24 cheat description:Thieves start with a Long Sword - code:XEOGVTXE + code:ce96/82/8a cheat description:Thieves start with an Axe - code:KEOGVTXA + code:ce96/82/84 cheat description:Start with 30 health points each - code:TPXGNVZE+TPXKSVZE + code:ce27/0a/1e+ce2d/0a/1e cheat description:Start with 50 health points each - code:ZLXGNVZA+ZLXKSVZA + code:ce27/0a/32+ce2d/0a/32 cartridge sha256:f3955370fe7ecc99afc27cdccf3482f75f06e0f431e42823c95982bb553ad6b9 name:Town & Country Surf Designs - Wood & Water Rage (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives for skating - code:GXUZZZVG + code:a2b2/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives for surfing - code:GXNKALVG + code:c3f8/c6/24 cheat description:When surfing lose only 1 symbol - code:PEOGILZA + code:c395/02/01 cheat description:When skating lose only 1 symbol if you fall into the ocean or a crack - code:PAEZYALA + code:a007/03/01 cheat description:Infinite time - code:GXKLXAVG + code:b8c2/c6/24 cheat description:Increase time - code:LESPGZPA + code:92d4/01/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0047:04 + code:0047/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:0037:09 + code:0037/09 cartridge sha256:cfa1cc0f40cf139b1ba61794838d52c029b40ea12194b4248178d8ae59c69b7a name:Town & Country Surf Designs - Thrilla's Surfari (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OZSIZYVK + code:d752/c6/a9 cheat description:Can't collect Coconuts - code:OXEVIIVV + code:e58d/e6/a9 cheat description:Start with 5 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game - code:IAUALPAA + code:8133/00/05 cheat description:Start with 10 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game - code:ZAUALPAE + code:8133/00/0a cheat description:Start with 15 Coconuts plus what you've collected in sub-game - code:YAUALPAE + code:8133/00/0f cheat description:Start with less health - code:PAXEIPZA + code:812d/02/01 cheat description:Start with a little more health - code:LAXEIPZA + code:812d/02/03 cheat description:Start with 2x health - code:GAXEIPZA + code:812d/02/04 cheat description:Start with a lot more health - code:PAXEIPZE + code:812d/02/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAXEPPLA + code:8129/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:IAXEPPLA + code:8129/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:YAXEPPLA + code:8129/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAXEPPLE + code:8129/03/09 cheat description:Start with mega lives - code:OPXEPPLE + code:8129/03/99 cheat description:Start on level 1-3 (can't advance to next level) - code:ZENUATIA+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/02+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Start on level 1-4 (can't advance to next level) - code:LENUATIA+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/03+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Watch the level 2 Cinema (can't advance to next level) - code:GENUATIA+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/04+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Start on level 2-2 (can't advance to next level) - code:TENUATIA+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/06+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Start on level 2-3 (can't advance to next level) - code:YENUATIA+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/07+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Start on level 2-4 (can't advance to next level) - code:AENUATIE+GENUZTKL + code:b6f8/05/08+b6fa/b4/04 cheat description:Have all 8 health slots - code:0006:08 + code:0006/08 cartridge sha256:b002d1ebee16a5fd2bcae480df8ccc7b8dc7a6f96a80f5fac8b76e078e4f42f0 name:Tag Team Wrestling (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (glitchy) - code:OOUSLZSO + code:d2bb/95/99 cheat description:Never give up - code:SUNKXTVI + code:cefa/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0048:18 + code:0048/18 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:0058:18 + code:0058/18 cheat description:Infinite health - tag team partner - code:005D:18 + code:005d/18 cartridge sha256:65d11519c8bc1435a994e4f71362dbc734ca808ac3048b66e87c5a80475e3f5e name:Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima IV (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIEXYZEY + code:a20f/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXKGYZSA + code:c2c7/85/a5 cartridge sha256:6d10e95fcbf4cd1179293106d526373ea43a0c2b8531e694288b147310d617c6 name:TaleSpin (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AAXEGPTA + code:812c/06/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SXNKXLVG + code:cbfa/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives from getting trapped by obstacles - code:GZKGNKVK + code:cc47/ce/2c cheat description:Add $1,000,000 to end-of-level bonus - code:PYVGUAAY + code:c863/70/71 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:ANNGVLLY + code:cbf6/73/70 cheat description:7 lives after continue - code:TNNGVLLY + code:cbf6/73/76 cheat description:10 lives after continue - code:PNNGVLLN + code:cbf6/73/79 cheat description:1 continue - code:PYEGITLY + code:c605/73/71 cheat description:6 continues - code:TYEGITLY + code:c605/73/76 cheat description:9 continues - code:PYEGITLN + code:c605/73/79 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AYVKZYLY + code:c76a/73/70 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TYVKZYLY + code:c76a/73/76 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PYVKZYLN + code:c76a/73/79 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:007C:5B + code:007c/5b cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:05B6:60 + code:05b6/60 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:05DB:79 + code:05db/79 cartridge sha256:f6e88113b5f64cf7ffd915dd60b49e55d7015aaeb8b232c87e9855d4b9759cbd name:Target Renegade (USA) cheat description:Don't take most damage - code:SXVZVTSA + code:aee6/85/a5 cheat description:Take half damage from bosses - code:TASPSPGP + code:9955/14/06 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZEAOZVG + code:8a01/c6/a5 cheat description:Set timer to 5:00 for all levels - code:SXEATXSU + code:8286/bd/ad cheat description:Hearts replenish health to maximum - code:AEKESZZA + code:8acd/02/00 cheat description:Set timer to 3:00 for all levels - code:SXEATXSU+NKEEAZEE + code:8286/bd/ad+8288/80/cf cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:ZAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:GAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:TAOOYZAA + code:921f/00/06 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00DA:40+00DB:40 + code:00da/40+00db/40 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:00EB:09 + code:00eb/09 cartridge sha256:efb93dcae29f1ff85b58ccb9450c23d528073a019493d88a9abcabe4ca9aca4f name:Tatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers - Convoy no Nazo (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AIUKAZEY+AVXGPGSZ + code:c238/f0/50+c4a1/a5/60 cheat description:Hit anywhere (enemies and platforms) - code:AEKGYZGZ+ASVKZZEP+SLEKLUSO + code:c2c7/24/00+c2ea/90/50+c30b/9d/bd cheat description:Moon jump - code:AAEOTOTZ+AAEPZOZL+AENOAAYZ + code:910e/2e/00+9102/3a/00+90f8/27/00 cheat description:Solve level 9 maze using any path - code:AYNEAZEY + code:8278/f0/70 cartridge sha256:d088f4b91a03dd6a618245fffb492bcda127c7faa6d880596aa5e751fdac0181 name:Tecmo Bowl (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Instant touchdowns - P1 - code:AAVELPLA + code:816b/03/00 cheat description:Instant touchdowns - P2 - code:AAEEKILA + code:8d0c/03/00 cheat description:Always kick with max power - P1 - code:IVXOKLZA+OXXOUUPV + code:9bac/02/65+9bab/69/a9 cheat description:Only 2 downs allowed - code:ZAXAYIGA+ZAXOTPGA + code:8527/04/02+912e/04/02 cheat description:6 downs allowed - code:TAXAYIGA+TAXOTPGA + code:8527/04/06+912e/04/06 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:008B:09 + code:008b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:008A:99 + code:008a/99 cheat description:CPU/P2 has 0 points - code:0048:00 + code:0048/00 cartridge sha256:d2b56b27912cfc03756c94df6667fdf923c8a3746fa37e4632eeb4134ef4c200 name:Tecmo Bowl (USA) cheat description:Instant touchdowns - P1 - code:AAVELPLA + code:816b/03/00 cheat description:Instant touchdowns - P2 - code:AAEEKILA + code:8d0c/03/00 cheat description:Always kick with max power - P1 - code:IVXOKLZA+OXXOUUPV + code:9bac/02/65+9bab/69/a9 cheat description:Only 2 downs allowed - code:ZAXAYIGA+ZAXOTPGA + code:8527/04/02+912e/04/02 cheat description:6 downs allowed - code:TAXAYIGA+TAXOTPGA + code:8527/04/06+912e/04/06 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:008B:09 + code:008b/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:008A:99 + code:008a/99 cheat description:CPU/P2 has 0 points - code:0048:00 + code:0048/00 cartridge sha256:54d809b38573248ff73e104505a57f71f8b4356c8a7983a363c2ee242f878205 name:Tecmo NBA Basketball (USA) cheat description:Infinite timeouts - code:SLVUPUVS + code:b369/de/bd cheat description:2-pt. shots worth 1, 3-pt. shots worth 2 - code:AEOLVPPA + code:b996/01/00 cheat description:2-pt. shots worth 3, 3-pt. shots worth 4 - code:ZEOLVPPA + code:b996/01/02 cheat description:2-pt. shots worth 4, 3-pt. shots worth 5 - code:LEOLVPPA + code:b996/01/03 cheat description:2-pt. shots worth 5, 3-pt. shots worth 6 - code:GEOLVPPA + code:b996/01/04 cheat description:2-pt. shots worth 6, 3-pt. shots worth 7 - code:IEOLVPPA + code:b996/01/05 cheat description:3-pt. shots worth 2 pts. - code:AVNUVOVT + code:b9fe/ee/60 cheat description:5-second violations become 10-second violations - code:NYSENZYE + code:8a5f/07/ff cheat description:No 10-second violations - code:NYOPTNZE + code:9716/0a/ff cheat description:Longer shot clock after getting ball on rebound - code:ASOLSEAO + code:b895/18/58 cheat description:Shorter shot clock after getting ball on rebound - code:AEOLSEAO + code:b895/18/08 cartridge sha256:cd5ad84e6bba35c19098c6f9783b568e4f1218582a12ec0513e5fafbdabb0303 name:Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) cheat description:Infinite time (continuous play) - code:SXNXPZVG + code:a2f9/c6/a5 cheat description:Almost every player has their skill level at 100 - code:ZXTISS + code:dde5/2a cheat description:10 minutes per quarter instead of 5 - code:APUXLZIA + code:a23b/05/10 cheat description:20 minutes per quarter - code:AZUXLZIA + code:a23b/05/20 cheat description:2 minutes per quarter - code:ZAUXLZIA + code:a23b/05/02 cheat description:Touchdown scores 0 instead of 6 - P1 - code:AAOATTTA + code:8616/06/00 cheat description:Touchdown scores 0 - P2 or computer - code:AEOEVITA + code:8d9e/06/00 cheat description:Touchdown scores 3 - P1 - code:LAOATTTA + code:8616/06/03 cheat description:Touchdown scores 3 - P2 or computer - code:LEOEVITA + code:8d9e/06/03 cheat description:Touchdown scores 9 - P1 - code:PAOATTTE + code:8616/06/09 cheat description:Touchdown scores 9 - P2 or computer - code:PEOEVITE + code:8d9e/06/09 cheat description:Touchdown scores 12 - P1 - code:GAOATTTE + code:8616/06/0c cheat description:Touchdown scores 12 - P2 or computer - code:GEOEVITE + code:8d9e/06/0c cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 0 instead of 1 - P1 - code:AAEALYPA + code:8703/01/00 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 0 - P2 or computer - code:AEEEUTPA + code:8e8b/01/00 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 2 - P1 - code:ZAEALYPA + code:8703/01/02 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 2 - P2 or computer - code:ZEEEUTPA + code:8e8b/01/02 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 3 - P1 - code:LAEALYPA + code:8703/01/03 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 3 - P2 or computer - code:LEEEUTPA + code:8e8b/01/03 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 6 - P1 - code:TAEALYPA + code:8703/01/06 cheat description:Extra-point kick scores 6 - P2 or computer - code:TEEEUTPA + code:8e8b/01/06 cheat description:Field goal scores 0 instead of 3 - P1 - code:AEKAGGLA + code:84c4/03/00 cheat description:Field goal scores 0 - P2 or computer - code:AAKEKGLA + code:8c4c/03/00 cheat description:Field goal scores 1 - P1 - code:PEKAGGLA + code:84c4/03/01 cheat description:Field goal scores 1 - P2 or computer - code:PAKEKGLA + code:8c4c/03/01 cheat description:Field goal scores 6 - P1 - code:TEKAGGLA + code:84c4/03/06 cheat description:Field goal scores 6 - P2 or computer - code:TAKEKGLA + code:8c4c/03/06 cheat description:Field goal scores 9 - P1 - code:PEKAGGLE + code:84c4/03/09 cheat description:Field goal scores 9 - P2 or computer - code:PAKEKGLE + code:8c4c/03/09 cheat description:Safety scores 0 instead of 2 - P1 - code:AASASIZA + code:8d55/02/00 cheat description:Safety scores 0 - P2 or computer - code:AEKEIIZA + code:85cd/02/00 cheat description:Safety scores 1 - P1 - code:PASASIZA + code:8d55/02/01 cheat description:Safety scores 1 - P2 or computer - code:PEKEIIZA + code:85cd/02/01 cheat description:Safety scores 4 - P1 - code:GASASIZA + code:8d55/02/04 cheat description:Safety scores 4 - P2 or computer - code:GEKEIIZA + code:85cd/02/04 cheat description:Safety scores 6 - P1 - code:TASASIZA + code:8d55/02/06 cheat description:Safety scores 6 - P2 or computer - code:TEKEIIZA + code:85cd/02/06 cartridge sha256:b6adca3680ba28efd41b2216cfcb9af66ed175e4359f0fbd5eda90e6cb6380e8 name:Tecmo World Cup Soccer (Europe) cheat description:Never lose guts - code:OXUEPTOO + code:86b9/91/a9 cheat description:Everyone has more guts - code:ASNIEIAZ+TENIOILA + code:ddf0/20/50+ddf1/03/06 cartridge sha256:daf07341c80a866333d69c7560f8402123adbb345b15185480393f0db6822b16 name:Tecmo World Wrestling (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:SXKIIYSA + code:d7c5/85/a5 cheat description:Half training time allowed - code:IEUSTOZA + code:d1be/0a/05 cheat description:Double training time allowed - code:GOUSTOZA + code:d1be/0a/14 cheat description:Lose all energy after being on the receiving end of a move - code:OOPSYY + code:d79f/91 cartridge sha256:892468d05a1097769d14e0ed4822267760d85dbfc79d83a0235878109f839dd1 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXOPPIAX + code:9591/20/ad cheat description:Infinite health - code:AOSOUAST + code:98db/e5/10 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:OUVPUEOO + code:98e3/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:GXSOUAST + code:98db/e5/24 cheat description:10 weapons on pick-up - code:ZENOATGO + code:96f8/14/0a cheat description:50 weapons on pick-up - code:ZUNOATGP + code:96f8/14/32 cheat description:99 weapons on pick-up - code:LVNOATGP + code:96f8/14/63 cheat description:20 missiles on pick-up - code:GPUOLNZA + code:973b/0a/14 cheat description:99 missiles on pick-up - code:YTUOLNZA + code:973b/0a/67 cheat description:Don't take damage from non-killing seaweed - code:SXVZGSOO + code:a5e4/99/ad cheat description:Full health boost from pizza slices - code:AEOOGTZA + code:969c/02/00 cheat description:Double rope on pick-up - code:TAKOPYLA + code:9749/03/06 cheat description:Never lose rope - code:SXVXTLVG + code:a3ee/c6/a5 cheat description:Reduce recovery time - code:SXOZTVSE + code:a696/8d/ad cheat description:No sound - code:IIIPAP + code:9150/55 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:IAXGPTZA + code:c621/02/05 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0500:15 + code:0500/15 cheat description:Infinite health - Leonardo - code:0077:80 + code:0077/80 cheat description:Infinite health - Raphael - code:0078:80 + code:0078/80 cheat description:Infinite health - Michaelangelo - code:0079:80 + code:0079/80 cheat description:Infinite health - Donatello - code:007A:80 + code:007a/80 cheat description:Infinite Ropes - code:00A7:09 + code:00a7/09 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:00BF:63 + code:00bf/63 cheat description:Infinite time on water level - code:00BB:32 + code:00bb/32 cheat description:Have Scrolls - Leonardo - code:0073:04 + code:0073/04 cheat description:Have Scrolls - Raphael - code:0074:04 + code:0074/04 cheat description:Have Scrolls - Michaelangelo - code:0075:04 + code:0075/04 cheat description:Have Scrolls - Donatello - code:0076:04 + code:0076/04 cheat description:99 weapons - Leonardo - code:00A8:63 + code:00a8/63 cheat description:99 weapons - Raphael - code:00A9:63 + code:00a9/63 cheat description:99 weapons - Michaelangelo - code:00AA:63 + code:00aa/63 cheat description:99 weapons - Donatello - code:00AB:63 + code:00ab/63 cheat description:Permanent rolling power-up (disable on water level) - code:0540:91 + code:0540/91 cartridge sha256:368d7ea3a066d4dc937473ca6cfc3e0d79d928b2308fff5ddd6ff199c7da153d name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except grabs from behind) - both players - code:ESUEPZEY + code:82b9/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:SUVASVSO+SLETOKSO + code:8ee5/9d/bd+ec01/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:AAEAULPA + code:8b03/01/00 cheat description:One hit kills - both players - code:AOXVXZEI + code:eaaa/d0/10 cheat description:Stronger turtle weapon - code:PEXTKZZE + code:eaa4/02/09 cheat description:Stronger jump + attack - code:PEOVKZGE + code:ea9c/04/09 cheat description:Stronger jump + attack - code:ZEOVKZGA + code:ea9c/04/02 cheat description:Stronger kick - code:PEXTEZLE + code:eaa0/03/09 cheat description:Weaker kick - code:PEXTEZLA + code:eaa0/03/01 cheat description:In two-turtle mode, when one player is revived the other player's spare life won't get used - code:SXEAPZVG+SZUAYZVG + code:8281/c6/a5+8237/c6/a5 cheat description:Enable stage select and 10 lives code - code:OEVKNZAA + code:caef/00/81 cheat description:Press Start to finish the level - code:GESSGLPA+GUSSTUIU + code:d3dc/01/04+d3de/3d/3c cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEOIAPZA + code:d190/02/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEOIAPZA + code:d190/02/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEOIAPZE + code:d190/02/09 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:0093:2B + code:0093/2b cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:0094:2B + code:0094/2b cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0568:37 + code:0568/37 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:056A:37 + code:056a/37 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:004D:09 + code:004d/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:004E:09 + code:004e/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:03D3:03 + code:03d3/03 cheat description:One hit kills - both players (alt) - code:EAAA:10 + code:eaaa/10 cheat description:Enable stage select after choosing your turtle - code:0025:81 + code:0025/81 cartridge sha256:9f671090ffd2bb1dc95b9d413c3627f7aa0d576435eeb5b868fa7ca9c29c1190 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - The Manhattan Project (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except grabs from behind) - code:ENSKKIEI + code:cddc/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SLXUTXVS+SLKXPKSO + code:b22e/de/bd+a449/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:AENKLZPA + code:c2fb/01/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SXNSKKVK + code:dcfc/ce/ad cheat description:No health loss from using turbo attack - code:AAESYXAA + code:d20f/08/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:AAEZVETP+AANXNZNI+AAOZEAGP+APXZXEUX+XTXZEEOS+XTXZOEAN + code:a806/1e/00+aa7f/d7/00+a810/14/00+a822/ab/18+a820/d9/ea+a821/78/ea cheat description:High-jump - code:ALUGVYAG + code:cf36/40/30 cheat description:Super-jump - code:AZUGVYAK + code:cf36/40/28 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AZUGVYAG + code:cf36/40/20 cheat description:1 continue - code:PAUZOGLA + code:ac31/03/01 cheat description:9 continues - code:PAUZOGLE + code:ac31/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 4 - code:AEOAALLA + code:8390/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEOAALLA + code:8390/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEOAALLE + code:8390/03/08 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:04F1:7F + code:04f1/7f cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:04F2:7F + code:04f2/7f cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:006A:05 + code:006a/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:006B:05 + code:006b/05 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:07B0:05 + code:07b0/05 cheat description:Enemies automatically die - code:0626:00+0627:00+0628:00 + code:0626/00+0627/00+0628/00 cheat description:Start on scene 02 - Ocean - code:0058:01 + code:0058/01 cheat description:Start on scene 03 - Battleship - code:0058:02 + code:0058/02 cheat description:Start on scene 04 - Bridge - code:0058:03 + code:0058/03 cheat description:Start on scene 05 - N.Y. - code:0058:04 + code:0058/04 cheat description:Start on scene 06 - Platform - code:0058:05 + code:0058/05 cheat description:Start on scene 07 - Sewer - code:0058:06 + code:0058/06 cheat description:Start on scene 08 - Sewer 2 - code:0058:07 + code:0058/07 cheat description:Start on scene 09 - Technodrome - code:0058:08 + code:0058/08 cheat description:Start on scene 10 - Technodrome 2 - code:0058:09 + code:0058/09 cheat description:Start on scene 11 - Building - code:0058:0A + code:0058/0a cheat description:Start on scene 12 - Roof - code:0058:0B + code:0058/0b cheat description:Start on scene 13 - Spaceship - code:0058:0C + code:0058/0c cheat description:Start on scene 14 - Spaceship 2 - code:0058:0D + code:0058/0d cheat description:Start on scene 15 - Spaceship 3 - code:0058:0E + code:0058/0e cartridge sha256:10e2091a1c5e3ff3f636944fb274cd61db09dc25d0c14868710675cf1f86fd0b name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:OZVVVTEO+ELVVNVLP+SANTOVSU + code:ee6e/90/a9+ee6f/1b/b0+ee71/bd/8d cheat description:Infinite time - code:GXKVKXVK + code:eacc/ce/2c cheat description:Select ultra strength (ignore strength meter and keep pushing to the right) - both players code:NYUEESPYE cheat description:Select any character in story mode - code:YAVAZLGA + code:8362/04/07 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:OKKEZTVG + code:86ca/c6/c1 cheat description:First hit wins round - code:PEXAGAEL + code:80a4/b0/01 cheat description:One round wins match - code:OZNEOXPV+ZANEXZPA + code:8a79/69/a9+8a7a/01/02 cheat description:Start with 1/3 health - both players - code:AUXAGAEL + code:80a4/b0/30 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:LEXYLGZE + code:f4a3/02/0b cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0590:B0 + code:0590/b0 cheat description:No health - P2 / CPU - code:0591:00 + code:0591/00 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:0673:09 + code:0673/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:0672:09 + code:0672/09 cheat description:Turn off CPU's jumping, blocking and fighting routine - code:06C3:00+06C7:00+06C9:00+06CB:00 + code:06c3/00+06c7/00+06c9/00+06cb/00 cartridge sha256:dd89b8e08738243d20740194ef814b011df138d820844ee4e53d3a6e536b1c83 name:Terminator, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXNLNESE + code:b8f7/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:SXVYIEVK + code:f0e5/ce/ad cartridge sha256:6f66d14e5f17ca244444e74538afe31f8abda8376b5b0205afaeb86075407c45 name:Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:GXVTXZAX + code:eae2/20/2c cheat description:Take minimal damage - code:OXNVKXPK+VNNVSXNN + code:eafc/49/a9+eafd/ff/fe cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXOATOVK + code:8196/ce/ad cheat description:Super-jump - code:XNVOSOKN + code:99ed/fc/fa cheat description:Slower running - code:PAOOVZZA+PAUOXZZA + code:9a1e/02/01+9a3a/02/01 cheat description:Faster running - code:LAOOVZZA+LAUOXZZA + code:9a1e/02/03+9a3a/02/03 cheat description:Faster and longer jumping - code:LESPKGZA+LEVPEGZA + code:9cd4/02/03+9ce0/02/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PANXPLGA + code:a379/04/01 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PANXPLGE + code:a379/04/09 cartridge sha256:667bcf3ca1ebcf6f71fccd412ced546f4aba3b8cd2fc30d173cf6d3b4c15846a name:Terra Cresta (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:KTKSLGAZ + code:d44b/20/e4 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKVPTVG + code:e649/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite "ship formation" splits - code:SXSTULVG + code:ebd3/c6/a5 cheat description:9 "ship formation" splits - code:PEOTEALE+PEKGETLE + code:e890/03/09+cec0/03/09 cheat description:A secret mega-weapon - code:AEVKNYLA + code:cfef/03/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAKSPGZA + code:d449/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAKSPGZA + code:d449/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAKSPGZE + code:d449/02/08 cartridge sha256:2ae5fb18a1bf841077e3872ba05060f030ea0bfc573994b2f8fe2fb570dc7853 name:Tetris (USA) cheat description:Lines are cleared when a piece is dropped - code:AEOPKZYL + code:9a94/37/00 cheat description:Disable Game Over (press start) - code:GAOPEILA+GGOPSZEN+XPOPNZSX+YGOPVZAL + code:9d10/03/04+9a15/f0/4c+9a17/a5/9a+9a16/30/47 cheat description:999999 score with one piece dropped - code:AEEOUKAA + code:9c8b/08/00 cheat description:Puzzle area doesn't disappear on pause - code:TOUZYLTO + code:a3b7/16/1e cheat description:2P interactive game - code:ENEALYNN + code:8783/f7/f8 cheat description:Need only complete 10 lines in game B - code:APSEGYIZ + code:875c/25/10 cheat description:Faster forced fall rate - code:PASAUPPE + code:8953/01/09 cheat description:Must complete 50 lines in game B - code:AISEGYIZ + code:875c/25/50 cheat description:Must complete 80 lines in game B - code:EASEGYIZ + code:875c/25/80 + cheat + description:Next piece is a T-block + code:00bf/02 + cheat + description:Next piece is a J-block + code:00bf/07 + cheat + description:Next piece is a Z-block + code:00bf/08 + cheat + description:Next piece is a square block + code:00bf/0a + cheat + description:Next piece is a S-block + code:00bf/0b + cheat + description:Next piece is a L-block + code:00bf/0e + cheat + description:Next piece is a straight line block + code:00bf/12 cartridge sha256:9daa4bec3013ae7ef498318432f438d70374af294d1dce28edd3c466aaf6b740 name:Tetris (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Lines are cleared when a piece is dropped - code:AEXELNZZ+AEXEYYTZ + code:87ab/2a/00+87af/26/00 cheat description:Always get straight pieces - code:OZKPEPEN+PAKPOOOY + code:9940/f0/a9+9941/f9/01 cheat description:Speed stays the same - code:OZXPKLGX+PZXPSUYZ + code:9b24/24/a9+9b25/2f/21 cheat description:Press down to stop blocks from falling - code:GAAEPP + code:8109/04 cheat description:Press down to rotate block very fast - code:PPAEPO + code:8109/19 + cheat + description:Next piece is a straight line block - P1 + code:0066/01 + cheat + description:Next piece is a T-block - P1 + code:0066/02 + cheat + description:Next piece is a square block - P1 + code:0066/03 + cheat + description:Next piece is a J-block - P1 + code:0066/04 + cheat + description:Next piece is a L-block - P1 + code:0066/05 + cheat + description:Next piece is a S-block - P1 + code:0066/06 + cheat + description:Next piece is a Z-block - P1 + code:0066/07 + cheat + description:Next piece is a straight line block - P2 + code:0067/01 + cheat + description:Next piece is a T-block - P2 + code:0067/02 + cheat + description:Next piece is a square block - P2 + code:0067/03 + cheat + description:Next piece is a J-block - P2 + code:0067/04 + cheat + description:Next piece is a L-block - P2 + code:0067/05 + cheat + description:Next piece is a S-block - P2 + code:0067/06 + cheat + description:Next piece is a Z-block - P2 + code:0067/07 + cheat + description:Start at level 0 + code:042c/30+042d/30 + cheat + description:Start at level 1 + code:042c/30+042d/31 + cheat + description:Start at level 2 + code:042c/30+042d/32 + cheat + description:Start at level 3 + code:042c/30+042d/33 + cheat + description:Start at level 4 + code:042c/30+042d/34 + cheat + description:Start at level 5 + code:042c/30+042d/35 + cheat + description:Start at level 6 + code:042c/30+042d/36 + cheat + description:Start at level 7 + code:042c/30+042d/37 + cheat + description:Start at level 8 + code:042c/30+042d/38 + cheat + description:Start at level 9 + code:042c/30+042d/39 + cheat + description:Start at level 10 + code:042c/31+042d/30 + cheat + description:Start at level 11 + code:042c/31+042d/31 + cheat + description:Start at level 12 + code:042c/31+042d/32 + cheat + description:Start at level 13 + code:042c/31+042d/33 + cheat + description:Start at level 14 + code:042c/31+042d/34 + cheat + description:Start at level 15 + code:042c/31+042d/35 + cheat + description:Start at level 16 + code:042c/31+042d/36 + cheat + description:Start at level 17 + code:042c/31+042d/37 + cheat + description:Max score at 999,999 - P1 + code:0418/39+0419/39+041a/39+041b/39+041c/39+041d/39 + cheat + description:Max score at 999,999 - P2 + code:041e/39+041f/39+0420/39+0421/39+0422/39+0423/39 cartridge sha256:dd77dc88d380807990f55d0b1b55c151f78c480a0a0895e91d6edfb945ad71d7 name:Tetris 2 (USA) cheat description:(1P game) Speed doesn't increase - code:AAUEUSSO + code:8d3b/9d/08 cheat description:(1P game) Speed increases much faster - code:VNUEUSSO + code:8dbb/9d/fe cheat description:(1P game) Start and stay at speed of 25 - code:TEXAKYPA + code:8fa4/01/06 cheat description:(1P game) Max speed is 2 - code:ZEKESSPP+PESAOSAP + code:8dcd/19/02+8dd1/18/01 cheat description:(1P game) Max speed is 10 - code:ZEKESSPO+PESAOSAO + code:8dcd/19/0a+8dd1/18/09 cheat description:(1P game) Max speed is 15 - code:YEKESSPO+TESAOSAO + code:8dcd/19/0f+8dd1/18/0e cheat description:(1P game) Max speed is 20 - code:GOKESSPP+LOSAOSAP + code:8dcd/19/14+8dd1/18/13 cheat description:(1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 4 fixed blocks - code:OZNETPOU+PANEYPAA + code:817e/b1/a9+817f/00/01 cheat description:(1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 10 fixed blocks - code:OZNETPOU+YANEYPAA + code:817e/b1/a9+817f/00/07 cheat description:(1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 15 fixed blocks - code:OZNETPOU+GANEYPAE + code:817e/b1/a9+817f/00/0c cheat description:(1P vs 2P or 1P vs Com) Every round starts with 20 fixed blocks - code:OZNETPOU+PPNEYPAA + code:817e/b1/a9+817f/00/11 cheat description:(All game types) Cannot pause game - code:AAVZVYEA + code:af66/80/00 cheat description:(All game types) Don't hide remaining pieces during pause - code:AVEXOYXZ + code:af89/a2/60 cartridge sha256:18d41a2dc65d8afce295eaf29c391539a69d7cfe6dd32503713ae13d4495a545 name:Thexder (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXEPSISA + code:9d85/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite shield - code:SZEOKAVG + code:980c/c6/a5 cheat description:Start on last level - code:0074:63 + code:0074/63 cartridge sha256:e3be0290f198fceed633b037d9201aa4b95460617551b3a9fb5bb212b153a2d4 name:Thunder & Lightning (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:SINPPLVI + code:9371/d6/d5 cartridge sha256:c0c3d7c2682dd2e0dd2122682e2ae3a9ee7aa3d095bd22a36c759c29b5d05615 name:Thunderbirds (USA) cheat description:Don't lose life points when colliding with enemy - code:SXNTOVVK + code:eef1/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose life points when hit - code:SZUVUNVK + code:ef3b/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose energy points when colliding with enemy - code:SXNVVVVK + code:eefe/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose energy points when hit - code:SZKVENVK + code:ef48/ce/ad cheat description:81 Days to defeat Hood - code:PSEKIVGL + code:c68d/3c/51 cheat description:30 Days to defeat Hood - code:TOEKIVGU + code:c68d/3c/1e cheat description:Limited forward movement - code:ATXEANAA+ATXEGNAA + code:8728/08/60+872c/08/60 cheat description:Faster craft - code:GEXETTZA+GEXEZTZA + code:86ae/02/04+86aa/02/04 cheat description:Full firepower on first pick-up - code:EZUAETEG+XTUAKVEK + code:8e30/c0/a0+8e34/c8/ea cartridge sha256:c56af43761cb601a068cdc88c2fc36f715921dbae9a8a9d8c10479146c47ccb9 name:Thundercade (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXVYPZVI + code:f2e1/d6/24 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:AAUNLIPP + code:f53b/11/00 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:GZXYZTVI + code:f622/d6/24 cheat description:Autofire - code:ZANYGSZA + code:f574/0a/02 cheat description:Start with double Bombs - code:TENNPZLA + code:f2f9/03/06 cheat description:Start with triple Bombs - code:PENNPZLE + code:f2f9/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAOYIILA + code:f515/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOYIILA + code:f515/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAOYIILE + code:f515/03/09 cartridge sha256:e115dbf3de0a4e674ff3f9081d7f97b89f636d81ce524119c0af4ef799490695 name:Thunder Warrior (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ESUUTLEY+ESKLLLEY + code:b3be/f0/d0+b3c3/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXPGUVK + code:93a4/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite magic - code:SXKAEOVK + code:89c0/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNEIEVK + code:807d/ce/ad cheat description:Keep weapon after losing a life - code:AVSPOUSA + code:9bd1/8d/60 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUXAGLE + code:a438/03/09 cartridge sha256:403fe1c4454dc1e23fb272c88f70ba30dd5e860ab48ecff59420a09fc84e9a2d name:Tiger-Heli (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SZSYAEGK + code:f050/4c/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:SLXLGNVS + code:b724/de/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:SUKLINVS+SUVULNVS + code:b7c5/de/bd+b7eb/de/bd cheat description:Autofire capability - code:TEKNAXIA + code:f2c8/0d/06 cheat description:Burstfire capability - code:ZEKNAXIA + code:f2c8/0d/02 cheat description:Turbo boost - code:GXVNZLZP + code:f3ea/12/24 cheat description:Extra life every 5 bonus blocks - code:LASNVVZA + code:fe5e/0a/03 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - 1P game - code:AEUUYTZA + code:b6bf/02/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - 1P game - code:AEUUYTZE + code:b6bf/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 in a 2P game - code:IASUYYZA + code:b75f/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 in a 2P game - code:AASUYYZE + code:b75f/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P2 - code:IANLZYZA + code:b772/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:AANLZYZE + code:b772/02/08 cheat description:Start with 2 little-helis after dying - code:XTVLUEZK + code:b863/4a/ea cartridge sha256:13353e4e94633eba066e024ea7050b0801a8ccbe4c03bd97656852df4d2f3359 name:Time Lord (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZVSLOSE + code:d16b/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUKSKVK + code:cc3d/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEESPNAP+EPEYSLEL + code:d789/18/00+fb05/b0/90 cheat description:Moonwalking (don't combine with super speed) - code:AAXKXTPA+PAUGVTAA + code:ce2a/01/00+ce36/00/01 cheat description:Super speed (don't combine with moonwalking) - code:PESKOTAA+PEOGSTAA + code:ced9/00/01+ce95/00/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEEKYPLA + code:c18f/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEEKYPLA + code:c18f/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEEKYPLE + code:c18f/03/09 cartridge sha256:c47a01c9b32642ad3145316804e64b0475a20863e42e81d17c664d03dcdde3c5 name:Tiny Toon Adventures (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EYKEGPEI + code:814c/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health after collecting one heart - code:SZOOSVVK + code:9e1d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health and one Carrot - code:SEOEYXKX + code:829f/ac/8d cheat description:Infinite time - code:SIKINXVS + code:da47/de/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZNOUNVK + code:9f7b/ce/ad cheat description:Slow down timer - code:YYXIXXLU + code:da22/3b/7f cheat description:Speed up timer - code:YPXIXXLU + code:da22/3b/1f cheat description:Multi-jump - code:AASPPVPZ + code:9651/29/00 cheat description:Pick-up more hearts - code:AEEPPYPA + code:9781/01/00 cheat description:Power decreases slower when using Dizzy Devil's spin attack - code:PEVOIPZA + code:91ed/02/01 cheat description:Press Start to finish the level (don't use on 6-3) - code:GENIVPPE+GKNSEOIK + code:d9f6/01/0c+d9f8/4d/4c cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:AOOKSYAA + code:cf9d/00/10 cheat description:1 life after continue - code:AEXZNZZA + code:aaa7/02/00 cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:IEXZNZZA + code:aaa7/02/05 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:AEXZNZZE + code:aaa7/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAXKUYZA + code:cf2b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAXKUYZA + code:cf2b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAXKUYZE + code:cf2b/02/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:VASGOYSA+XZXKNNOZ+IAUGEYPA + code:cf51/85/86+cf2f/a9/a2+cf30/01/05 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:VASGOYSA+XZXKNNOZ+ZAUGEYPE + code:cf51/85/86+cf2f/a9/a2+cf30/01/0a cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:VASGOYSA+XZXKNNOZ+YAUGEYPE + code:cf51/85/86+cf2f/a9/a2+cf30/01/0f cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:VASGOYSA+XZXKNNOZ+GPUGEYPA + code:cf51/85/86+cf2f/a9/a2+cf30/01/14 cartridge sha256:d4a94fd07859485fc2aac73d627933b70e1977c93b744ec3d71b66d4365ab7f7 name:Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Trouble in Wackyland (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SAOAZASZ+EIOAGAEY + code:8012/a5/85+8014/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZUYAZAX + code:f230/20/ad cheat description:Protection against hits on log ride - code:SXUXVXVK + code:aabe/ce/ad cheat description:Protection against hits on train - code:SZSEASVK + code:8558/ce/ad cheat description:Protection against hits on bumper cars - code:SZOOUXVK + code:9a1b/ce/ad cheat description:Protection against hits on roller coaster - code:SXKAYUVK + code:83c7/ce/ad cheat description:Protection against hits in fun house - code:SZSALOVK + code:8153/ce/ad cheat description:Log ride costs nothing instead of 3 tickets - code:AANPYPLA + code:9177/03/00 cheat description:Log ride costs 5 tickets - code:IANPYPLA + code:9177/03/05 cheat description:Train costs nothing instead of 2 tickets - code:AANPIPZA + code:9175/02/00 cheat description:Train costs 5 tickets - code:IANPIPZA + code:9175/02/05 cheat description:Roller coaster costs nothing instead of 4 tickets - code:AANPPPGA + code:9171/04/00 cheat description:Roller coaster costs 6 tickets - code:TANPPPGA + code:9171/04/06 cheat description:Bumper cars cost nothing instead of 1 ticket - code:AANPLPPA + code:9173/01/00 cheat description:Bumper cars cost 4 tickets - code:GANPLPPA + code:9173/01/04 cheat description:Fun house costs nothing instead of 50 normal tickets - code:AANOZPIA + code:917a/05/00 cheat description:Fun house costs 10 normal tickets - code:PANOZPIA + code:917a/05/01 cheat description:Fun house costs 90 normal tickets - code:PANOZPIE + code:917a/05/09 cheat description:Start a new game to view the ending - code:PAKYINAE + code:f745/08/09 cheat description:Start with 20 tickets instead of 10 - code:ZAEYPYPA + code:f701/01/02 cheat description:Start with 50 tickets instead of 10 - code:IAEYPYPA + code:f701/01/05 cheat description:Start with 90 tickets instead of 10 - code:PAEYPYPE + code:f701/01/09 cheat description:Start with 110 tickets instead of 10 - code:VVVNAVSE + code:f6e8/8d/ee cartridge sha256:f80e57788e32f73852d7d2aa4831edfe4c4bd5b8a02a322995263a13597c2f0c name:Titan Warriors (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:SZSNSGSA + code:fc5d/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSPLKVK + code:9453/ce/ad cartridge sha256:44569cef71a0b859bd0390e0155b19077ddef4a684f6fba6569a5f918910d4a2 name:To the Earth (USA) cheat description:Shots use up no energy - code:AAEUXTGA + code:be0a/04/00 cheat description:Shots use up less energy - code:ZAEUXTGA + code:be0a/04/02 cheat description:Shots use up more energy - code:AAEUXTGE + code:be0a/04/08 cheat description:Enemy bombs do no damage - code:AEUVEYGP + code:efb8/14/00 cheat description:Enemy bombs do half damage - code:AEUVEYGO + code:efb8/14/08 cheat description:Enemy bombs do more damage - code:AXUVEYGO + code:efb8/14/28 cheat description:Bonus energy for shooting enemy - code:GOEUEVZA + code:be88/0a/14 cheat description:Less energy for shooting enemy - code:GEEUEVZA + code:be88/0a/04 cheat description:No energy for shooting enemy - code:AEEUEVZA + code:be88/0a/00 cartridge sha256:e580f51b06217b102e56ec98fff7c4ebad5b925fa3a28042d67433cffa8c5cdc name:Toki (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:EESEYEVG + code:80df/ce/80 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SZNOGUVV+SXEOLUVV+SXOOZUSE + code:937c/ee/ad+938b/ee/ad+939a/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:AAKEVYPA + code:8f4e/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXNYZSVK + code:f5f2/ce/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal enemies - code:SXSETVSO+XVEAPTAV + code:86de/9d/ad+8681/60/ea cheat description:When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the double weapon - code:PEOPTLAA + code:9396/00/01 cheat description:When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the wave weapon - code:ZEOPTLAA + code:9396/00/02 cheat description:When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the 3-way weapon - code:LEOPTLAA + code:9396/00/03 cheat description:When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the flame weapon - code:GEOPTLAA + code:9396/00/04 cheat description:When weapon runs out of ammo it's replaced with the fireball weapon - code:IEOPTLAA + code:9396/00/05 cheat description:Start with less time - code:PAEIKALA+PAKAGALA + code:d804/03/01+8044/03/01 cheat description:Start with more time - code:IAEIKALA+IAKAGALA + code:d804/03/05+8044/03/05 cheat description:Start with even more time - code:PAEIKALE+PAKAGALE + code:d804/03/09+8044/03/09 cheat description:Start with one heart - first life only - code:PAENPIZA + code:f509/02/01 cheat description:Start with one heart - after first life - code:AENYTIZA + code:f5f6/02/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKYXYZA + code:ffc2/02/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEKYXYZA + code:ffc2/02/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:GEKYXYZA + code:ffc2/02/04 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEKYXYZE + code:ffc2/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:011C:02 + code:011c/02 cheat description:Infinite time (hundred's digit) - code:0576:09 + code:0576/09 cheat description:Infinite time (ten's digit) - code:0577:09 + code:0577/09 cheat description:Infinite time (one's digit) - code:0578:09 + code:0578/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:0114:09 + code:0114/09 cheat description:Infinite Coins (ten's digit) - code:0118:09 + code:0118/09 cheat description:Infinite Coins (one's digit) - code:0119:09 + code:0119/09 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Lake Neptune - code:0116:01 + code:0116/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - Cavern Of Fire - code:0116:02 + code:0116/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Ice Palace - code:0116:03 + code:0116/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Dark Jungle - code:0116:04 + code:0116/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - Golden Palace - code:0116:05 + code:0116/05 cartridge sha256:b49e3b3c2a307e9c24715ea5863d6c80b805f9566eb1f468a4c701cf54605a5a name:Tom & Jerry - The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AEXYPAPA + code:f0a1/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXSNYEVK + code:f0df/ce/ad cheat description:Minimum health (one touch kills) - code:LEXYPAPA + code:f0a1/01/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASNVZLA + code:fa5e/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TASNVZLA + code:fa5e/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PASNVZLE + code:fa5e/03/09 cheat description:Start on world 2 - code:AEVYKPAE + code:f9e4/00/08 cheat description:Start on world 3 - code:AOVYKPAA + code:f9e4/00/10 cheat description:Start on world 4 - code:AOVYKPAE + code:f9e4/00/18 cheat description:Start on world 5 - code:AXVYKPAA + code:f9e4/00/20 cartridge sha256:fe052f7f6b4b41dcbc009860e0c997c31e2e236eb46d713137ee773cce96105e name:Toobin' (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXUTGIVG + code:e5b4/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite cans - code:SZEZZIVG + code:a502/c6/a5 cheat description:Turbo left and right movement - code:ALKXTAAZ+ALVXLAAZ + code:a04e/20/30+a06b/20/30 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PAOTZTLA + code:e612/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAOTZTLA + code:e612/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAOTZTLE + code:e612/03/09 cheat description:Start with 18 cans - code:ZPOTTTTA + code:e616/06/12 cheat description:Start with 12 cans - code:GAOTTTTE + code:e616/06/0c cheat description:Start with 1 can - code:PAOTTTTA + code:e616/06/01 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:PAOZEAAA + code:a810/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:LAOZEAAA + code:a810/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:IAOZEAAA + code:a810/00/05 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:YAOZEAAA + code:a810/00/07 cheat description:Invincibility (glitchy) - code:02D3:00 + code:02d3/00 cheat description:Infinite patches - code:006E:09 + code:006e/09 cheat description:Infinite cans (alt) - code:004C:FF + code:004c/ff cheat description:Have all letters - code:006D:7F + code:006d/7f cheat description:Faster shots - code:003F:02 + code:003f/02 cheat description:Don't go into dying animation (use with invincibility) - code:004A:00+004B:00 + code:004a/00+004b/00 cartridge sha256:e788ae1dff1b868795395e19357525b93ddd52ac86f6a505d14eac5fa323b023 name:Top Gun (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Immune to Bullets (not Missiles) - code:AEKSNLLA + code:dbcf/03/00 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:GXUSNGVG + code:dcbf/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:GXKIKIVG + code:ddc4/c6/24 cheat description:Take off with double Hound Missiles - code:ASEKTOAZ + code:c18e/28/50 cheat description:Take off with double Wolf Missiles - code:AXEKYPGO + code:c18f/14/28 cheat description:Take off with double Tiger Missiles - code:GOOGAOZA + code:c190/0a/14 cheat description:Start with half fuel - code:IANKLOZA + code:c17b/0a/05 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:ZAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/02 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:LAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/03 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:GAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/04 cheat description:Infinite health - code:004E:0C + code:004e/0c cheat description:Infinite fuel (alt) - code:0036:0A + code:0036/0a cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0031:02 + code:0031/02 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:003C:3F + code:003c/3f cartridge sha256:aa43f3138d4f731e5e8df530dbf8fc1f6f45303b84589f7a0715e392887f3dff name:Top Gun (USA) cheat description:Immune to Bullets (not Missiles) - code:AEKSNLLA + code:dbcf/03/00 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:GXUSNGVG + code:dcbf/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:GXKIKIVG + code:ddc4/c6/24 cheat description:Always land safely on Aircraft Carrier - code:AAXLIYGA+SZXLLTSA + code:b725/04/00+b623/85/a5 cheat description:Take off with double Hound Missiles - code:ASEKTOAZ + code:c18e/28/50 cheat description:Take off with double Wolf Missiles - code:AXEKYPGO + code:c18f/14/28 cheat description:Take off with double Tiger Missiles - code:GOOGAOZA + code:c190/0a/14 cheat description:Start with half fuel - code:IANKLOZA + code:c17b/0a/05 cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:ZAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/02 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:LAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/03 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:GAEGLPPA + code:c103/01/04 cheat description:Infinite health - code:004E:0C + code:004e/0c cheat description:Infinite fuel (alt) - code:0036:0A + code:0036/0a cheat description:Infinite lives - code:0031:02 + code:0031/02 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:003C:3F + code:003c/3f cartridge sha256:55375474cdebdb05eeec27494761b686a7df63b8f874516004f1739760665c87 name:Top Gun - The Second Mission (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ASEAVLEY + code:8b86/f0/50 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVYLIVG + code:f563/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite missiles - 1P game - code:AAKEUYPA + code:8f4b/01/00 cheat description:Infinite missiles - 2P game - code:AENAZIPA + code:85f2/01/00 cheat description:60 Phoenix missiles - 1P game - code:KUVZTIKO + code:a5e6/94/bc cheat description:20 Phoenix missiles - 2P game - code:KOVXTISA + code:a5ee/85/94 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASYALLA + code:f350/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TASYALLA + code:f350/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PASYALLE + code:f350/03/09 cartridge sha256:45067f85328eabb3b8cb2bceec72192bfa8d73494521660f171b9ed6d151fdea name:Total Recall (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AVNVOAKZ + code:e8f9/a4/60 cheat description:Most enemies easier to kill - code:GXUIIXSO + code:d2b5/9d/2c cheat description:Take less damage - code:PENVKEGE + code:e8fc/0c/09 cheat description:Gain maximum health from canisters - code:XYUVNUXT + code:eb3f/ea/f2 cheat description:Start with less health - code:OZNKEPSX+ALNKOOLZ + code:c978/a5/a9+c979/2b/30 cheat description:Start with more health - code:OZNKEPSX+NYNKOOLX + code:c978/a5/a9+c979/2b/ff cheat description:Invincibility - code:007F:03 + code:007f/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:02C0:FA + code:02c0/fa cartridge sha256:0bd29c5b583570e195e05a4272e69b74257db1f4ff928d59c8eb1022bad871ce name:Totally Rad (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SVVNTKON + code:f4ee/f9/ed cheat description:Infinite magic - code:GXXAPKSN + code:84a1/fd/2c cheat description:Immune to fire and water - code:SZVAYIVG + code:8567/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSEYXVK + code:825f/ce/ad cheat description:Super-jump - code:AOOAYGAO + code:8497/10/18 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:YOOAYGAO + code:8497/10/1f cheat description:Half a life or half magic give full health or magic - code:TEEONALA + code:988f/03/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUXSTZA + code:aebd/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUXSTZA + code:aebd/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUXSTZE + code:aebd/02/08 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:006E:0C + code:006e/0c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:05D4:63 + code:05d4/63 cartridge sha256:5ec7c3e91bfd5800073286ee978b1d152c19f924837788eb72700c7c01261fa4 name:Tower of Druaga, The (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:OXNUATSX+OZELLGSX + code:b6f8/a5/a9+b403/a5/a9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00CB:03 + code:00cb/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00B7:69 + code:00b7/69 cheat description:Doors are always open - code:0099:40 + code:0099/40 cheat description:Treasure instantly appears - code:00E5:01 + code:00e5/01 cartridge sha256:c3fec0650f1709911432e8953a6075cb5883601a209323ba0744cb19d82b7f80 name:Toxic Crusaders (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:KXKLTIKA + code:b5c6/84/a4 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXXVYGSA + code:e4af/85/a5 cheat description:Never lose Mop - code:SXXTXNSE+PASLEAAA + code:efa2/8d/ad+b850/00/01 cheat description:Invincibility - code:020F:00 + code:020f/00 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00DE:08 + code:00de/08 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00DD:09 + code:00dd/09 cheat description:Never lose weapon - code:020B:01 + code:020b/01 cartridge sha256:a2812d80b3057aac9753f48247a7a46b29bea0b9aec04ca4c327180085c25b58 name:Track & Field (USA) cheat description:Almost always qualify in Skeet Shooting and Archery - code:NTXKTNKT + code:c72e/ec/e7 cheat description:You don't have to score any points to qualify for Skeet Shooting, Triple Jump and Archery - code:UKUKIGKG + code:c4bd/c4/c3 cartridge sha256:58d2f6abe4445dadc332f37a34af54e78b6af47a8c0e6313ef898ef6db046f4f name:Treasure Master (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:KVNPUXEL+LENPKZIA + code:9af3/b8/e4+9af4/05/03 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SGKTSGVG + code:ec45/c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXEETAVG + code:808e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite oxygen - code:SKVXYOVK + code:a1ef/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00F6:07 + code:00f6/07 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00F5:07 + code:00f5/07 cheat description:Infinite Oxygen (alt) - code:0435:FF + code:0435/ff cheat description:Infinite Fuse - code:04A2:80 + code:04a2/80 cartridge sha256:6b2004f30e7de67dfb86db7446f2204695a3a9b9b367bacf401dbf14bb1a74f2 name:Trog! (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:XTXATOVS + code:8126/de/ea cartridge sha256:a5ae39359aa5b16961a98a7aaeeb278787382d5282ee80b5b3a2de954283ebb7 name:Trojan (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:SZVSZXVK + code:d26a/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite health - both players (alt) - code:NNUZGKYU+NYVNEKYU + code:a4b4/3f/ff+fc68/3f/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:GXEPGKVS + code:9484/de/2c cheat description:One hit kills - code:VTESLOSX + code:d10b/ad/ee cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAKENATI+AANNIKLP+AAOZLYIZ+AAVAXALG+AEENPKYA+AENIEUAP+AEUNIUUI+AEUYPLNT+AEVIULIZ+GZOXYYEL + code:884f/56/00+f47d/1b/00+a713/25/00+8862/43/00+f489/0f/00+dbf0/18/00+f3bd/db/00+f3b1/e7/00+dbe3/25/00+a71f/b0/24 cheat description:Keep High-jump Boots on pick-up - code:SXKVKXVK + code:eacc/ce/ad cheat description:Always have High-jump Boots - code:AENIAUYP + code:d3f0/1f/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - both players - code:AAUSAUGP+AESIZUEI+GXKIILEY + code:d338/1c/00+d3d2/d8/00+d3c5/f0/24 cheat description:Start with a health boost - code:YASGUUAE + code:cb53/08/0f cheat description:Start with a super health boost - code:TPSGUUAE + code:cb53/08/1e cheat description:Start with half usual health - code:GASGUUAA + code:cb53/08/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PENKXPLA + code:c9fa/03/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PAOKNZLA + code:ca1f/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:TENKXPLA + code:c9fa/03/06 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P2 - code:TAOKNZLA + code:ca1f/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PENKXPLE + code:c9fa/03/09 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:PAOKNZLE + code:ca1f/03/09 cheat description:Start with 187 lives - P1 - code:ENNKXPLA + code:c9fa/03/f0 cheat description:Start with 196 lives - P2 - code:EYOKNZLA + code:ca1f/03/f0 cheat description:Start with 100 seconds - code:PASKELZA + code:cb58/02/01 cheat description:Start with 900 seconds - code:PASKELZE + code:cb58/02/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0335:08 + code:0335/08 cheat description:Have Key - code:0386:02 + code:0386/02 cheat description:Have High-jump Boots - code:03CB:0E + code:03cb/0e cheat description:Have Speed-Up - code:03CC:FF + code:03cc/ff cheat description:Have Power-Up - code:03CD:FF + code:03cd/ff cheat description:Start on level 2-1 - code:03D1:02 + code:03d1/02 cheat description:Start on level 2-2 - code:03D1:03 + code:03d1/03 cheat description:Start on level 3-1 - code:03D1:04 + code:03d1/04 cheat description:Start on level 3-2 - code:03D1:05 + code:03d1/05 cheat description:Start on level 4-1 - code:03D1:06 + code:03d1/06 cheat description:Start on level 4-2 - code:03D1:07 + code:03d1/07 cheat description:Start on level 5-1 - code:03D1:08 + code:03d1/08 cheat description:Start on level 5-2 - code:03D1:09 + code:03d1/09 cheat description:Start on level 6-1 - code:03D1:0A + code:03d1/0a cheat description:Start on level 6-2 - code:03D1:0B + code:03d1/0b cheat description:Start on level 7-1 - code:03D1:0C + code:03d1/0c + +cartridge sha256:5699da9924f31e0f1b7d5cacd05111786881b7a87da38a99aee092fc855ab353 + name:Trolls in Crazyland, The (Europe) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:92ee/f0/60 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:a268/02/00 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:9133/1c/00 cartridge sha256:0b5d1465b23e31f24e1caecf1490f97a60deb97ba873a36fa948adb016e9c0d2 name:Trolls on Treasure Island (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SIOGUTVE + code:ce13/86/dd cheat description:Only one jewel needed to clear stage - code:EYNINYEI + code:df77/d0/f0 cartridge sha256:e2b26560d326cc626736efa2addf1c66f5af77913968fcf5cde738188c4a0132 name:Twin Cobra (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZVSGXVK + code:d26c/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:SZNYXOVK + code:f972/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite continues - code:AAKKYTPA + code:c64f/01/00 cheat description:Autofire - code:AAOYVOLP + code:f916/1b/00 cheat description:Keep weapon type after death - code:GZNITZSA + code:d276/85/24 cheat description:Keep super chargers after death - code:GZNSAZSA + code:d278/85/24 cheat description:9 Bombs after dying - code:ZANIAZLE + code:d270/03/0a cheat description:20 Bombs after dying - code:GPNIAZLA + code:d270/03/14 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEUGZIZA + code:c5b2/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEUGZIZA + code:c5b2/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEUGZIZE + code:c5b2/02/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life after a continue - code:AANKLTZA + code:c67b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives after a continue - code:IANKLTZA + code:c67b/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives after a continue - code:AANKLTZE + code:c67b/02/08 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:PEOKIIIE + code:c59d/05/09 cheat description:Start with 9 Bombs - code:ZAEGKILE + code:cd04/03/0a cheat description:Start with 20 Bombs - code:GPEGKILA + code:cd04/03/14 cartridge sha256:8eb6aa7818f1cac84af0f91350b167f2884dba45073c9f00510f47d0a38e4192 name:Twin Eagle (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:SXOSVPVG + code:d99e/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs on pick-up - P1 - code:SXNSXSVK + code:ddfa/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Bombs on pick-up - P2 - code:SZSIXNVK + code:df52/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose weapons - P1 - code:EYKVVUSA+YAKVNLKZ + code:eb4e/8d/f0+eb4f/a4/07 cheat description:Never lose weapons - P2 - code:ENXVKUSA+YEXVSLSZ + code:ebac/8d/f0+ebad/a5/07 cheat description:1 life after a continue - P1 - code:PAEKXTLA + code:ce0a/03/01 cheat description:4 lives after a continue - P1 - code:GAEKXTLA + code:ce0a/03/04 cheat description:7 lives after a continue - P1 - code:YAEKXTLA + code:ce0a/03/07 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - both players - code:YEETIPLA + code:e185/03/07 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - both players - code:GEETIPLA + code:e185/03/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PEETIPLA + code:e185/03/01 cartridge sha256:4b9c46714fa085d61ad1177b72bdaa9428d104a171eb6335a03bf06ad9782389 name:TwinBee (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:0093:10 + code:0093/10 cartridge sha256:ef818c90f326383d13087b6e0131bf36563d76c3c1a3c13821c79368e377cf8d name:Ufouria - The Saga (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EIVETAEY+EIKELYEY + code:806e/f0/d0+874b/f0/d0 cheat description:Start with all characters - code:PESVYNYP+YEVTPYAA + code:e7df/1f/01+e7e1/00/07 cartridge sha256:af5ac55d6283b709bcd96889708a6e7ad3c77e3bdd377aae796fd87b4b90dc4b name:Ultima - Exodus (USA) cheat description:Take no damage from most monsters - code:GZUKOGST + code:cc39/e5/24 cheat description:No limit on stat points - code:AEOAKVAA + code:8e94/08/00 cheat description:Never lose tools - code:AAXIAPPA + code:d120/01/00 cheat description:Never lose magic - code:KPVSUZOP + code:da6b/91/94 cheat description:Never miss with the Fight command - code:AKNSPAEE + code:d0f9/80/48 cheat description:Can always attack with the Fight command - code:AESSGETP + code:d0dc/1e/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:EIXUUPEP + code:b92b/90/d0 cheat description:Rapid magic recovery - code:AAUEPYPA+OLUAGYOI + code:8739/01/00+8734/d1/b1 cheat description:Start with 5 of each item - code:IEOPTPPA + code:9196/01/05 cheat description:Start with 10 of each item - code:ZEOPTPPE + code:9196/01/0a cheat description:Start with 40 of each item - code:ENOPTPPA + code:9196/01/f0 cheat description:Start with 35,328 gold - code:XEEOAPGV+PUEPTPAL + code:9188/64/8a+9186/30/31 cheat description:Start with 512 gold - code:ZEEOAPGT+PUEPTPAL + code:9188/64/02+9186/30/31 cheat description:Start with 200 gold - code:EKEOAPGV + code:9188/64/c8 cheat description:Start with 75 stat points - code:YKEAUVTZ+LKUAVYZU+LGSOPAZU + code:8e83/2e/47+8fb6/32/4b+9059/32/4b cheat description:Start with 5F stat points - code:LSEAUVTX+YSUAVYZU+YISOPAZU + code:8e83/2e/5b+8fb6/32/5f+9059/32/5f cartridge sha256:bb625b8df6ddbeb991bb1cbf9b818a5352dcd4856d84640612b2df66148c442f name:Ultima - Quest of the Avatar (USA) cheat description:Infinite MP - code:OLUZZEOO + code:a032/99/b9 cheat description:Infinite Herbs - code:SUOVNKVS + code:ec9f/de/bd cheat description:Infinite Oil - code:SZNLKKVK + code:bc74/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Torches - code:SUEUIXVS + code:b28d/de/bd cheat description:Infinite Gems - code:SXVUGSVK + code:b5ec/ce/ad cheat description:No random battles - code:SZSTXPSA + code:e952/85/a5 cheat description:Heal costs nothing instead of 70 - code:AEKITITG + code:d5c6/46/00 cheat description:Cure poison costs nothing - code:AAVILSZA + code:d563/0a/00 cheat description:Axe costs 1 instead of 225 - code:PAEENYOT + code:8f0f/e1/01 cheat description:Staff costs 1 instead of 20 - code:PAEEUYGP + code:8f0b/14/01 cheat description:Sword costs 144 instead of 400 - code:AAOAXYPA + code:8f12/01/00 cheat description:Bow costs 168 instead of 680 - code:AAEAKYZA + code:8f04/02/00 cheat description:Leather costs 1 instead of 200 - code:PAXAONEG + code:8f21/c8/01 cheat description:Chain costs 88 instead of 600 - code:AAXAKYZA + code:8f24/02/00 cheat description:Plate costs 196 instead of 2500 - code:AAXEXNPA + code:8f2a/09/00 cheat description:Start with perfect virtues (worthy of Avatarhood) - code:LTVPZIZL + code:9562/32/63 cheat description:Start with 8336 Gold Pieces - code:AZKPTIPA + code:9546/01/20 cheat description:Start with 4240 Gold Pieces - code:APKPTIPA + code:9546/01/10 cheat description:Start with 144 Gold Pieces (for experts) - code:AAKPTIPA + code:9546/01/00 cheat description:Start with 100 Ash instead of 8 - code:GTXPIVAA + code:9625/08/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Ginseng instead of 8 - code:GTXPTVAA + code:9626/08/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Garlic instead of 9 - code:GTXPYVPA + code:9627/09/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Silkweb instead of 7 - code:GTXOATYA + code:9628/07/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Moss instead of 8 - code:GTXOPVAA + code:9629/08/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Pearl instead of 4 - code:GTXOZTGA + code:962a/04/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Fungus instead of none - code:GTXOLTAA + code:962b/00/64 cheat description:Start with 100 Manroot instead of none - code:GTXOGTAA + code:962c/00/64 cheat description:Mage starts with 712 HP - code:ZEVPTIAA + code:95e6/00/02 cheat description:Mage starts with 381 EXP - code:PAOPTTAA + code:9616/00/01 cheat description:Mage starts with Strength of 32 - code:AXNOIIAP + code:95fd/10/20 cheat description:Fighter starts with Strength of 48 - code:AUNOYSLP + code:95ff/1b/30 cheat description:Fighter starts with 255 EXP - code:NYOOPVSK + code:9619/cd/ff cheat description:Fighter starts with 812 HP - code:LEVOZIPA + code:95ea/01/03 cheat description:Fighter starts with 75 MP - code:LKNPYIAE + code:95f7/00/4b cartridge sha256:1e8966fd8c9baf57c514fbf4d67ddd8c1ffd184be164f99342ccdec62def8db2 name:Ultima - Warriors of Destiny (USA) cheat description:Infinite consumable items such as food and torches - May not be able to discard some items - code:SUSTXSVS + code:edd2/de/bd cheat description:A night at the Wayfarer Inn is free - code:AAEZIPZL + code:a105/32/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - Sulfurous ash is free instead of 1 GP - code:AEUZPAPA + code:a0b1/01/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP - code:AEUZGAZA + code:a0b4/02/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - Garlic is free instead of 2 GP - code:AEUZYAZA + code:a0b7/02/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - An Tym Scroll is free instead of 100 GP - code:AEUXIAGT + code:a0bd/64/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - Spellbook is free instead of 150 GP - code:AEKZAAVP + code:a0c0/96/00 cheat description:At Healer's Herbs - Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP - code:AEUXZAGA + code:a0ba/04/00 cheat description:From Pendra - Spidersilk is free instead of 4 GP - code:AEEXZAGA + code:a08a/04/00 cheat description:From Pendra - Black Pearl is free instead of 3 GP - code:AEEZYALA + code:a087/03/00 cheat description:From Pendra - Garlic is free instead of 2 GP - code:AEEZGAZA + code:a084/02/00 cheat description:From Pendra - Ginseng is free instead of 2 GP - code:AEEZPAZA + code:a081/02/00 cheat description:From Pendra - Sant Talisman is free instead of 75 GP - code:AEEXIELG + code:a08d/4b/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Bow is free instead of 75 GP - code:AAEXIELG + code:a00d/4b/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Wooden shield is free instead of 25 GP - code:AAEXZEPP + code:a00a/19/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Dagger is free instead of 3 GP - code:AAEZGALA + code:a004/03/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Short sword is free instead of 40 GP - code:AAEZYEAZ + code:a007/28/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Crossbow is free instead of 150 GP - code:AAOZAAVP + code:a010/96/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Arrow is free instead of 1 GP - code:AAOZTAPA + code:a016/01/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Bolt is free instead of 2 GP - code:AAOXPAZA + code:a019/02/00 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Sell Dagger for 2,305 instead of 1 GP - code:PAOZAPAE + code:a110/00/09 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Sell Short sword for 2,848 instead of 20 GP - code:LAOZLPAG + code:a113/40/03 cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Sell Wooden shield for 3,850 instead of 10 GP - code:YAOZTPAE + code:a116/00/0f cheat description:At Iolo's Bows - Magic bow is free instead of 800 GP - code:AAOZLAAZ+AAOZGALA + code:a013/20/00+a014/03/00 cheat description:Start new game with 201 instead of 1,225 GP - code:AESXEZGA + code:aad8/04/00 cheat description:Start new game with 4,297 instead of 1,225 GP - code:AOSXEZGA + code:aad8/04/10 cheat description:Start new game with 32,713 instead of 1,225 GP - code:YNSXEZGE + code:aad8/04/7f cheat description:Infinite Health - Avatar - code:6A06:0F + code:6a06/0f cheat description:Infinite Health - Shamino - code:6A07:0F + code:6a07/0f cheat description:Infinite Health - Iolo - code:6A08:0F + code:6a08/0f cartridge sha256:8dda0b6bcb5d66fd6983f71f9257225ce053822cbb5edda5d072feeddec9358e name:Ultimate Air Combat (USA) cheat description:Infinite Chaff - code:SZOXIEVK + code:a01d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:SXVZZSVK+SZEXGVVK + code:a5e2/ce/ad+a60c/ce/ad cartridge sha256:f4de2a91acb2eb3024fb75231859a30c130c0169be0e6ad24330805c8f766e03 name:Ultimate Stuntman, The (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXNSYXVK + code:d2ff/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite 'Crez' weapon until end of stage - code:SXXSNUVK + code:dbaf/ce/ad cheat description:Minimum damage taken - code:OVUZKPSV+PEUZSONY + code:a9b4/e5/e9+a9b5/ff/01 cheat description:Don't lose a life on Ground Pursuit, Boat and Hang Glider stages - code:GXUAOKVK + code:8cb1/ce/2c cheat description:9 seconds on clock pick-up - code:PEXXSATE + code:a8ad/06/09 cheat description:Full energy on pick-up - code:AEOZXPZA + code:a992/02/00 cheat description:Shield lasts longer on Human Fly stages - code:NYXXVVAN + code:ae2e/78/ff cheat description:Shield lasts a shorter time on Human Fly stages - code:AGXXVVAY + code:ae2e/78/40 cheat description:Don't lose a life against end-of-stage bosses and on street combat stages - code:SXNXKNVK + code:affc/ce/ad cheat description:Don't lose a life on Human Fly stages - code:SXXUXSVK + code:bdaa/ce/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life (first credit only) - code:AENVNGZA + code:ecff/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives (first credit only) - code:IENVNGZA + code:ecff/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives (first credit only) - code:AENVNGZE + code:ecff/02/08 cartridge sha256:c7ad19e926809adc47c0b44c852e19be7a95e7235ee58cb753e68d7cdee9c89c name:Uncanny X-Men, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite life - code:SXEEXIST + code:8d8a/e5/a5 cheat description:Half life - Wolverine - code:GVUZPOEG + code:a1b1/c8/64 cheat description:Half life - Cyclops - code:GVUZYOEG + code:a1b7/c8/64 cheat description:Half life - Nightcrawler - code:PKUXIPXA + code:a1bd/82/41 cheat description:Half life - Iceman - code:YSKZLOVU + code:a1c3/be/5f cheat description:Half life - Colossus - code:YNKXPONN + code:a1c9/ff/7f cheat description:Half life - Storm - code:ASKXYPEZ + code:a1cf/a0/50 cartridge sha256:018f8a4f35d15af7891070cbfe6232791d603e92cbd95a49527e80f3825e770d name:Untouchables, The (USA) (Rev B) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:0092:40 + code:0092/40 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:00C6:02+00C8:02 + code:00c6/02+00c8/02 cheat description:Infinite time - code:009A:09 + code:009a/09 cartridge sha256:9048cc77abdfd688395b2f8d1889d3d295d378c649cccbdf79f364fc73217051 name:Untouchables, The (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite energy on scenes 1 and 4 - code:SLOEAGVI + code:8418/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite energy on scene 2 - code:SXKAATVG + code:86c0/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time on scenes 1 and 4 - code:SXUAZGVG + code:84b2/c6/a5 cheat description:More time on scene 1 - code:GEXELPZA + code:81ab/02/04 cheat description:Less time on scene 1 - code:PEXELPZA + code:81ab/02/01 cheat description:More time on scene 2 - code:TAXELAGA + code:802b/04/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 2 - code:ZAXELAGA + code:802b/04/02 cheat description:More time on scene 3 - code:TAXEYAGA + code:802f/04/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 3 - code:ZAXEYAGA + code:802f/04/02 cheat description:More time on scene 5 - code:TAXAPAIA + code:8021/05/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 5 - code:LAXAPAIA + code:8021/05/03 cheat description:More time on scene 7 - code:ZAOEAAPA + code:8018/01/02 cheat description:More ammo picked up on scene 2 - code:AZNETGAP + code:847e/10/20 cheat description:Less ammo picked up on scene 2 - code:IANETGAP + code:847e/10/05 cheat description:More ammo picked up on scene 7 - code:PAOEGATE + code:801c/06/09 cheat description:Start on scene 2 - code:AAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/00 cheat description:Start on scene 3 - code:ZAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/02 cheat description:Start on scene 4 - code:GAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/04 cheat description:Start on scene 5 - code:TAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/06 cheat description:Start on scene 7 - code:ZAXKTEGE + code:c02e/0c/0a cheat description:Infinite energy - code:0092:40 + code:0092/40 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:00C6:02+00C8:02 + code:00c6/02+00c8/02 cheat description:Infinite time - code:009A:09 + code:009a/09 cartridge sha256:43198592f96005c1492165d5af8d41859dc164a99e39e37eff264ae5e0c63b75 name:Untouchables, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy on scenes 1 and 4 - code:SLOEAGVI + code:8418/d6/b5 cheat description:Infinite energy on scene 2 - code:SXKAATVG + code:86c0/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite time on scenes 1 and 4 - code:SXUAZGVG + code:84b2/c6/a5 cheat description:More time on scene 1 - code:GEXELPZA + code:81ab/02/04 cheat description:Less time on scene 1 - code:PEXELPZA + code:81ab/02/01 cheat description:More time on scene 2 - code:TAXELAGA + code:802b/04/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 2 - code:ZAXELAGA + code:802b/04/02 cheat description:More time on scene 3 - code:TAXEYAGA + code:802f/04/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 3 - code:ZAXEYAGA + code:802f/04/02 cheat description:More time on scene 5 - code:TAXAPAIA + code:8021/05/06 cheat description:Less time on scene 5 - code:LAXAPAIA + code:8021/05/03 cheat description:More time on scene 7 - code:ZAOEAAPA + code:8018/01/02 cheat description:More ammo picked up on scene 2 - code:AZNETGAP + code:847e/10/20 cheat description:Less ammo picked up on scene 2 - code:IANETGAP + code:847e/10/05 cheat description:More ammo picked up on scene 7 - code:PAOEGATE + code:801c/06/09 cheat description:Start on scene 2 - code:AAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/00 cheat description:Start on scene 3 - code:ZAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/02 cheat description:Start on scene 4 - code:GAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/04 cheat description:Start on scene 5 - code:TAXKTEGA + code:c02e/0c/06 cheat description:Start on scene 7 - code:ZAXKTEGE + code:c02e/0c/0a cheat description:Infinite energy - code:0092:40 + code:0092/40 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:00C6:02+00C8:02 + code:00c6/02+00c8/02 cheat description:Infinite time - code:009A:09 + code:009a/09 cartridge sha256:7255ab27932f7c07fa61c230a51342b0441ea9b24ba094ae3129ec7453de2449 name:Urban Champion (World) cheat description:Infinite time - code:GZOTZLVG + code:e312/c6/24 cheat description:Powerful quick punches - code:AEEIZGGE + code:d482/04/08 cheat description:Super powerful quick punch - code:TOEIZGGA + code:d482/04/16 cheat description:Speed up the timer - code:LENVTZTA + code:e2fe/06/03 cheat description:Become a stronger fighter - code:AAXSLLPA + code:d32b/01/00 cheat description:Become a weaker fighter - code:LAXSLLPA + code:d32b/01/03 cheat description:Infinite stamina - code:00CA:99 + code:00ca/99 cartridge sha256:433f6bcbd59a9d5916d2209ddeacd39d24810c1ed21a33366171b4991fc7e844 name:Vice - Project Doom (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AANSEIYP + code:dd78/17/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSKIOVK + code:c15d/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZNNNSVK + code:fd7f/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite grenades - code:SZVYXKVK + code:fc62/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:SZKNXKVK + code:fc4a/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite power - code:SXVYVKSE + code:fce6/8d/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AEEYXEET + code:f882/e8/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:XVVKISZK + code:c5ed/4a/ea cheat description:10 coins for an extra life - code:ZEOYNGGV + code:fc97/64/0a cheat description:25 coins for an extra life - code:POOYNGGV + code:fc97/64/19 cheat description:20 extra Grenades on pick-up - code:GOENELIA + code:fb88/05/14 cheat description:25 extra Bullets on pick-up - code:POXYXUZE + code:fba2/0a/19 cheat description:Start timer for round 1 at 150 - code:VPOEPKXY + code:8419/fa/96 cheat description:Start timer for round 2 at 150 - code:VPUAZKXY + code:8432/fa/96 cheat description:Start with 99 grenades - code:LTNNXLIA + code:fb7a/05/63 cartridge sha256:8104dc7acdaea42b027b2cc7b05dc6a1ffdba6e74b35581c2bb0250df89a28fa name:Vindicators (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:KLUAGTVI + code:8634/d6/b4 cheat description:Automatic fuel replenishment - code:VYUKEIVI + code:cd38/d6/f6 cheat description:Never lose Stars - code:GZOEVXON + code:8a1e/f9/2c cheat description:Quicker shot re-load - code:ZAUKYTZP + code:c63f/12/02 cheat description:Turbo speed - code:LPKKLVGE + code:c64b/0c/1b cheat description:Start with increased shot range - code:AZKGYVAA + code:c647/08/20 cheat description:Start with 10 Stars - code:VVVAAPSA + code:81e0/85/e6 cheat description:Start with 80 Shots - code:AAUKYTZO+VIKGPTEI + code:c63f/12/08+c641/d0/d6 cheat description:Start with 80 Bombs - code:AAUKYTZO+KIKGPTEI + code:c63f/12/08+c641/d0/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAKKYTZA + code:c64f/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAKKYTZA + code:c64f/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAKKYTZE + code:c64f/02/08 cartridge sha256:2e312fc327c1e569eccf14eee5a00c41f676c1492035d99af0873681da0f034d name:Volleyball (USA, Europe) cheat description:Computer doesn't get points for scoring - code:YEYIAV + code:d6f0/0f cheat description:3 points - team 1 - code:0063:03 + code:0063/03 cartridge sha256:f38b9681b53008d32813880c2f28a8969a228a4b3b485ce09f7c0a4334f4abcc name:VS. Castlevania (VS) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:ESOTOPEY + code:e991/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SXNVZYSA + code:e7fa/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVKGZVG + code:c2ec/c6/a5 cartridge sha256:60098a93322a9e07a2b164a02e5517bc22664ca33f6323c2ae23a62941ad393b name:VS. Super Mario Bros. (VS) cheat description:Invincibility - code:VONUPOOE+EISTOTEY + code:b1f9/89/9e+ee51/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXAOUE + code:988b/ad cheat description:Go to minus world - code:LZPOAY+YIPOZN+YAPOLY + code:9718/23+971a/5f+971b/07 cartridge sha256:8589b1dc55e04d23e56e864f1b001c6eecf18b7dcb7a0c4a9c4a40cbcc451601 name:Wacky Races (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINSUPEY+ESUISPEY+ESEKSIEY + code:d97b/f0/d0+d9b5/f0/d0+cd8d/f0/d0 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SKSGSVVK+SKUKUSVK + code:ced5/ce/cd+cdbb/ce/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:GXSGSVVK+GZNKVVVK+GXUKUSVK + code:ced5/ce/2c+ce7e/ce/2c+cdbb/ce/2c cheat description:Don't take most damage - code:GXSGSVVK + code:ced5/ce/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SASSZEVK+SEKIYEVK + code:d05a/ce/8d+d0c7/ce/8d cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:APSIGESZ+AASIIEIS + code:d054/ad/10+d055/5d/08 cheat description:Infinite Bones after obtaining one - code:SXOILNSE + code:d793/8d/ad cheat description:Go straight to level boss - code:XNUVKIKG + code:edbc/c4/f2 cheat description:Start at race 1, end of stage 1 - code:EKUVKIKK + code:edbc/c4/c8 cheat description:Start at race 1, end of stage 2 - code:NKUVKIKK + code:edbc/c4/cf cheat description:Start at race 1, end of stage 3 - code:KSUVKIKG + code:edbc/c4/d4 cheat description:Start at race 2, end of stage 1 - code:ESUVVIVS + code:edbe/d6/d8 cheat description:Start at race 2, end of stage 2 - code:KSUVVIVS + code:edbe/d6/dc cheat description:Start at race 2, end of stage 3 - code:EVUVVIVI + code:edbe/d6/e0 cheat description:Start at race 3, end of stage 1 - code:KVKTEIXT + code:edc0/e2/e4 cheat description:Start at race 3, end of stage 2 - code:EVKTEIXV + code:edc0/e2/e8 cheat description:Start at race 3, end of stage 3 - code:KVKTEIXV + code:edc0/e2/ec cheat description:Start at race 3, end of stage 4 - code:ENKTEIXT + code:edc0/e2/f0 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AAKVEIZA + code:ed48/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:GAKVEIZA + code:ed48/02/04 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TAKVEIZA + code:ed48/02/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAKVEIZE + code:ed48/02/08 cheat description:Start with 6 hearts - code:TASTOILA + code:ed51/03/06 cheat description:Start with 8 hearts - code:AASTOILE + code:ed51/03/08 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:0453:01 + code:0453/01 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0452:11 + code:0452/11 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:0459:03 + code:0459/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00A4:59 + code:00a4/59 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt 2) - code:045D:63 + code:045d/63 cheat description:Infinite Gems - code:042F:63 + code:042f/63 cartridge sha256:60667bc0ed1c0c6355f59b5716c678954c5f3915064bdbfbb8e0195f2643eda8 name:Wall Street Kid (USA) cheat description:Infinite money - code:OUSNVLOP + code:fbde/91/b1 cheat description:Sart a new game with $16,777,215 - code:NYEELPYE+NYEEZPOX+NYEEPPAX + code:810b/07/ff+810a/a1/ff+8109/20/ff cheat description:Infinite money (alt) - code:03E1:FF + code:03e1/ff cartridge sha256:50b6f1f87fb14c8ff74a54e60b85139e11adcaecb62eb24174aeb58a20b7698f name:Wally Bear and the No! Gang (USA) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AOUXYYEI + code:a7bf/d0/10 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GZNXZISA + code:a57a/85/24 cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - code:AANLINGI+AANULYTI + code:b775/5c/00+b77b/56/00 cartridge sha256:c12771e8155b030eff0081bfabd98e57a162d6592899f29dd16f141f0e6e08a3 name:Wario's Woods (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:XTNXLOVK + code:a17b/ce/ea cheat description:Clear round A data to complete round A and B - code:LTKPOLAA+PGKPVLZG + code:9b41/00/63+9b46/42/41 cheat description:Each coin gives you a credit - code:PAVOEXTP + code:9a68/1e/01 cheat description:Always get blue monsters - code:OZSUNAOU+EYVLEAUL + code:b85f/b1/a9+b860/b3/f0 cheat description:Always get 1 line of monsters - code:VTSLEESE + code:b850/8d/ee cheat description:Wario doesn't cause ceiling to fall, no enemies fall - code:OXNATNSE + code:87f6/8d/a9 cheat description:One bomb in Birdo time only - code:XTKXGXVK + code:a24c/ce/ea cheat description:Invisible Toad - code:SXOIOASA + code:d891/85/a5 cheat description:Invisible coins - code:ENXPSPEI + code:99a5/d0/f0 cheat description:Coins worth 5 - code:XVXPSESE + code:98a5/8d/ea cheat description:Infinite coins fall - code:XVXOEEVK + code:98a8/ce/ea cheat description:Only 1 coin falls - code:VXSOTNVK + code:97de/ce/ae cheat description:No Coins fall - code:EESOTNVG + code:97de/ce/80 cheat description:Diamonds don't form in lesson mode - code:NYSZUSOO + code:ad53/99/ff cartridge sha256:059409954035963f1f13029dfa25468100a8e6a90d9388c4a225f235ade97a45 name:Wayne's World (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:VXKESXVK + code:8acd/ce/ae cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXSALOVK + code:81d3/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Worthiness - code:SZSEXUSE + code:8b5a/8d/ad cheat description:More time in level 1 - code:NNSLYYKU + code:b7d7/b4/ff cheat description:More time in Donut shop in level 1 - code:NNNLIYZU + code:b7f5/32/ff cheat description:Power-up restores all Worthiness - code:AANAKLZA + code:8b74/02/00 cheat description:Power-up worth nothing - code:SZNANUSE + code:8b77/8d/ad cheat description:Getting all donuts is worth no extra lives - code:SZOOSUVV + code:9b1d/ee/ad cheat description:Faster timer - code:YOKEZOLU + code:81ca/3b/1f cheat description:Slower timer - code:AVKEZOLL + code:81ca/3b/60 cheat description:5 special moves on pick-up - code:IAEZXAGP + code:a802/14/05 cheat description:40 special moves on pick-up - code:AZEZXAGO + code:a802/14/28 cheat description:Start with less Worthiness - code:EANEZAEL + code:807a/b0/80 cheat description:Start with much less Worthiness - code:AGNEZAEL + code:807a/b0/40 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PANEYAGA + code:807f/04/01 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:YANEYAGA + code:807f/04/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PANEYAGE + code:807f/04/09 cartridge sha256:a00db4c89bfd12704c53768b62b4f09d57d28891093447d81a0678b059629e59 name:WCW World Championship Wrestling (USA) cheat description:Always win - P1 - code:EGOZINIP+PAOZTNPA+XTOZYYIE + code:a715/1d/c0+a716/09/01+a717/05/ea cartridge sha256:ab6f1bbcda6f0c0bbe1450b5f2ab2b21a5e01ec39143a455701862965cdbd7b4 name:Werewolf - The Last Warrior (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:SZXTTLVG + code:e326/c6/a5 cheat description:Only 1 anger point needed to become Super-Werewolf - code:PAENGTIA + code:f60c/05/01 cheat description:Blue "W" won't change you back to a man - code:SZXNPVVK + code:f629/ce/ad cheat description:Gain maximum energy from small hearts - code:ESKNTIKI + code:f5ce/d4/d0 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAVGVYGT+AAVKKNTI+AEXGXNAZ+AEXKEYZZ + code:cf66/64/00+cf6c/5e/00+cfa2/28/00+cfa8/22/00 cheat description:Don't lose energy from blue "W" - code:AAUNGVZA+AAUNPVAA + code:f63c/0a/00+f639/08/00 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:00BC:14 + code:00bc/14 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:00BF:F4 + code:00bf/f4 cheat description:Always Werewolf - code:044E:01+042E:01 + code:044e/01+042e/01 cheat description:Always Super Werewolf - code:044E:02 + code:044e/02 cheat description:Have Gun in Werewolf form - code:044F:01+044D:01 + code:044f/01+044d/01 cartridge sha256:84e3a018cbaaf2311d7e9414112cb05cf3b43608de0b9f8a2f77bc4da33ce8e6 name:Wheel of Fortune - Junior Edition (USA) cheat description:Always spin $1000 - All players - code:0071:AA + code:0071/aa cartridge sha256:a66195e11e38bee9f602abd279b7c04367528380dfa5b915dce0fa6fd272c23c name:Where's Waldo (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:AEETLZPA + code:e283/01/00 cheat description:Guesses cost nothing - code:VTSVYYTE + code:e75f/06/ee cartridge sha256:700ebc3c2dd27420bbdcccb987ba60d3f0680469101353de15a1b2bd565ac701 name:Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATKTIPEI+ATVIKLEI+ATXGOPEI+AVOVAIEI + code:e145/d0/60+db64/d0/60+c921/d0/60+e598/d0/60 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:SXKELNVK + code:87cb/ce/ad cheat description:Never lose a life except in Punch lines - code:SXVOYIVG + code:95ef/c6/a5 cheat description:Never lose a life in Punch lines - code:SZSZXYVG + code:af52/c6/a5 cheat description:Harder to build strength - code:PAUKXTGA + code:ce3a/04/01 cheat description:Strength to full instantly - code:EPUKXTGA + code:ce3a/04/90 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PESSSYLA + code:dfdd/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TESSSYLA + code:dfdd/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PESSSYLE + code:dfdd/03/09 cartridge sha256:b9a4542417439619239cdb2cefd8c7eced2407ba2954f026c0ab1ea7d4def3d3 name:Whomp 'Em (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATSELPEY + code:815b/f0/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:SZNATPSA + code:8176/85/a5 cheat description:Don't lose a life from health loss - code:SXEEZPVG + code:818a/c6/a5 cheat description:Creatures can't steal extra lives - code:SXXOUPVG + code:99ab/c6/a5 cheat description:Keep Buffalo Headdress for present level - code:SZKEGPVG + code:814c/c6/a5 cheat description:Always have Buffalo Headdress - code:ZAKELOAA + code:814b/08/02 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEKKGALA + code:c0cc/03/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:LAVKYAAA + code:c06f/00/03 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:AAVKYAAE + code:c06f/00/08 cartridge sha256:9d875583dbdf80a0631ce4ffb3099064454d80568b5e9fe748a5e850f8fa0161 name:Widget (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ENNVEZEI + code:eaf8/d0/f0 cheat description:Infinite health (not against spikes) - code:SXSLEKSE + code:bcd0/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite health (only against spikes) - code:SXUVOEVK + code:e8b9/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXUAVXVK+SXXANXVK + code:8ab6/ce/ad+8aa7/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite MP - code:SXXPPVSE + code:96a1/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZUGSXVK + code:ca35/ce/ad cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:00B9:01 + code:00b9/01 cheat description:Infinite health - code:0581:06 + code:0581/06 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:04F5:02 + code:04f5/02 cheat description:Infinite special - code:058B:06 + code:058b/06 cheat description:Have Mouse Widget - code:0331:01 + code:0331/01 cheat description:Have Rock-Man Widget - code:0332:01 + code:0332/01 cheat description:Have Bird-Man Widget - code:0333:01 + code:0333/01 cheat description:Have Dolphin Widget - code:0334:01 + code:0334/01 cheat description:Have powered-up Gun - code:0594:03+0595:03 + code:0594/03+0595/03 cartridge sha256:adff304553b64384f86f6c2b63571f43972b9d087f92359a1b9b93b54d523542 name:Wild Gunman (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite lives in Gang Mode - code:GZOGVYVG + code:cf16/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite ammo in Gang Mode - code:GZNIPAVG + code:d071/c6/24 cheat description:Shoot 5 enemies to finish level - code:IENSUOZA+IEUSSUZA + code:d9fb/0a/05+dbbd/0a/05 cheat description:Start with double normal ammo - code:AXVIEOYA + code:d9e0/0f/20 cheat description:Start with triple normal ammo - code:AUVIEOYA + code:d9e0/0f/30 cheat description:Start with half normal ammo - code:AEVIEOYE + code:d9e0/0f/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:YEUISPLE+PENGVALA + code:d9b5/03/0f+c8f6/03/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEUISPLE+ZENGVALE + code:d9b5/03/0a+c8f6/03/0a cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:YEUISPLE+YENGVALE + code:d9b5/03/0f+c8f6/03/0f cartridge sha256:62aec65696ecf24a487b7cdd19bad5cbd19f4229a89a7888634d468c67da378a name:Wild Gunman (Japan, USA) cheat description:Infinite lives in Gang Mode - code:EIAGNY + code:cf07/d0 cheat description:Infinite ammo in Gang Mode - code:EYTIZA + code:d062/f0 cheat description:Shoot 5 enemies to finish level - code:IENSUOZA+IEUSSUZA + code:d9fb/0a/05+dbbd/0a/05 cheat description:Start with double normal ammo - code:AXVIEOYA + code:d9e0/0f/20 cheat description:Start with triple normal ammo - code:AUVIEOYA + code:d9e0/0f/30 cheat description:Start with half normal ammo - code:AEVIEOYE + code:d9e0/0f/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:YEUISPLE+PENGVALA + code:d9b5/03/0f+c8f6/03/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:ZEUISPLE+ZENGVALE + code:d9b5/03/0a+c8f6/03/0a cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:YEUISPLE+YENGVALE + code:d9b5/03/0f+c8f6/03/0f cartridge sha256:adb1a1a9e853c2390a702e40573d145d08ca6c649cc789e4c8b41fcb63503bb6 name:Willow (USA) cheat description:Infinite magic - code:ZASEGOUI + code:815c/db/02 cheat description:Don't take any hits - code:TGNILGSA + code:d473/85/46 cheat description:Start with all items - code:XZKYILKP+AVUOXSOZ + code:f345/94/a2+9dba/a9/60 cheat description:Start at EXP Level 5 - code:GEKISVZA+PNKINTSL + code:dec5/0a/04+dec7/b5/71 cheat description:Start at EXP Level 10 - code:PEKISVZE+PNKINTSL + code:dec5/0a/09+dec7/b5/71 cheat description:Start at EXP Level 15 - code:TEKISVZE+PNKINTSL + code:dec5/0a/0e+dec7/b5/71 cartridge sha256:e9539f088b4463e36c2a0d324d6a184fc1ecc3aa26ca4c5675ad9dc948bba5e5 name:Wing of Madoola, The (Japan) (Sample) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SXKGXTSA + code:cec2/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite hits and magic - code:SLUUVYSP + code:bf3e/95/b5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AAOGEVPA+AAOGSVZI+PZOGKTSN + code:ce10/09/00+ce15/5a/00+ce14/f5/29 cheat description:One hit kills - code:APXKETSV+APXKOVEE + code:ce28/e5/18+ce29/88/18 cheat description:Start with 9999 hits - code:OOKZKPAE+OOKXEPAO + code:a9c4/00/99+a9c8/10/99 cheat description:Start with 9999 max hits - code:OOKXKPAE+OOSZEPAO + code:a9cc/00/99+a9d0/10/99 cheat description:Start with 9999 magic - code:OOSXEPAO+OOSZKPAE + code:a9d8/10/99+a9d4/00/99 cartridge sha256:c3136379fc4e9401dec41be356fd6963e79dd46193c61cc03b59d9935835401f name:Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (USA) cheat description:Annointed Mace costs nothing instead of 30 - code:AEVEIPAL + code:81ed/30/00 cheat description:Long Sword costs nothing instead of 25 - code:AAVEIPIZ + code:816d/25/00 cheat description:Short Sword costs nothing instead of 15 - code:AEXEIPIP + code:81ad/15/00 cheat description:Small Shield costs nothing instead of 20 - code:AEVEIZAZ + code:82ed/20/00 cheat description:Staff costs nothing instead of 10 - code:AAVEIZAP + code:826d/10/00 cheat description:Dagger costs nothing instead of 15 - code:AEXEIZIA + code:82ad/05/00 cheat description:Robes costs nothing instead of 15 - code:AAVEILIP + code:836d/15/00 cheat description:S of Pain costs nothing instead of 500 - code:AEVEGYIA + code:87ec/05/00 cheat description:S of Fire costs nothing instead of 500 - code:AAXEKAIA + code:882c/05/00 cheat description:Body Armor costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AEXEGYIP + code:87ac/15/00 cheat description:Large Shield costs nothing instead of 40 - code:AAXEILAG + code:832d/40/00 cheat description:Leather Armor costs nothing instead of 50 - code:AEXEILAI + code:83ad/50/00 cheat description:Chain Mail costs nothing instead of 90 - code:AEVEILEP + code:83ed/90/00 cheat description:Breast Plate costs nothing instead of 200 - code:AAXEGGZA + code:842c/02/00 cheat description:Helm costs nothing instead of 100 - code:AEXEGGPA + code:84ac/01/00 cheat description:S of Curing costs nothing instead of 500 - code:AEVEGGIA + code:84ec/05/00 cheat description:Rod of Iron costs nothing instead of 3000 - code:AAXEGTAL + code:862c/30/00 cheat description:Padded Leather costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AEXEGTIP + code:86ac/15/00 cheat description:Shiny Chain costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AEVEGTIP + code:86ec/15/00 cheat description:Sturdy Plate costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AAXEGYIP + code:872c/15/00 cheat description:Iron Shield costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AAVEGYIP + code:876c/15/00 cheat description:Gloves of Copper costs nothing instead of 6000 - code:AEVEKGAT + code:8cec/60/00 cheat description:S of Glass costs nothing instead of 1500 - code:AAVEKLIP + code:8b6c/15/00 cheat description:Studly Staff costs nothing instead of 2500 - code:AAXEKPIZ + code:892c/25/00 cheat description:S of Neutralizing costs nothing instead of 300 - code:AAXEGILA + code:852c/03/00 cheat description:Plate Mail costs nothing instead of 750 - code:AAVEIGAI+AAVEGGYA + code:846d/50/00+846c/07/00 cheat description:Blade of Biting costs nothing instead of 15000 - code:AEXEGIAI+AEXELIPA + code:85ac/50/00+85ab/01/00 cartridge sha256:d30e480e7a99b5c3d8fe8faecf0bc0a14a9b163025eca9bf787f600fa927bb89 name:Wizards & Warriors (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINVTIEY + code:e57e/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (flashes) - code:AUATPI + code:e581/30 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXVUZGVG + code:b4ea/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SXVUZGVG + code:b4ea/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZNVILST + code:e37d/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:OXOVATES+GEOVPVGU+SEOVZTSZ + code:e698/d0/a9+e699/3c/0c+e69a/a5/85 cheat description:Potions last longer - code:NTEINNYK + code:df07/4f/ef cheat description:Meat gives half health - code:PEEVAGZA + code:e488/02/01 cheat description:Meat gives double health - code:GEEVAGZA + code:e488/02/04 cheat description:Enter doors without needing a key - code:ALGYPL + code:f341/30 cheat description:Jump higher - code:KYISTO + code:d15e/fc cheat description:Jump to the top of the scren - code:KGTITO + code:d166/cc cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUUKAZA+IAXGGAZA + code:b83c/02/05+c024/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUUKAZE+AAXGGAZE + code:b83c/02/08+c024/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00FC:02 + code:00fc/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:0076:0C + code:0076/0c cheat description:Super-jump (disable if you get stuck) - code:0148:40 + code:0148/40 cartridge sha256:3ba4f6fd63a74338e438df43ddd1195f8913d69c11f6668d3bbf23a2a3cea459 name:Wizards & Warriors (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EINVTIEY + code:e57e/f0/d0 cheat description:Invincibility (flashes) - code:AUATPI + code:e581/30 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:GXVUZGVG + code:b4ea/c6/24 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:SXVUZGVG + code:b4ea/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZNVILST + code:e37d/e5/24 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:OXOVATES+GEOVPVGU+SEOVZTSZ + code:e698/d0/a9+e699/3c/0c+e69a/a5/85 cheat description:Potions last longer - code:NTEINNYK + code:df07/4f/ef cheat description:Meat gives half health - code:PEEVAGZA + code:e488/02/01 cheat description:Meat gives double health - code:GEEVAGZA + code:e488/02/04 cheat description:Enter doors without needing a key - code:ALGYPL + code:f341/30 cheat description:Jump higher - code:KYISTO + code:d15e/fc cheat description:Jump to the top of the scren - code:KGTITO + code:d166/cc cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IAUUKAZA+IAXGGAZA + code:b83c/02/05+c024/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AAUUKAZE+AAXGGAZE + code:b83c/02/08+c024/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00FC:02 + code:00fc/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:0076:0C + code:0076/0c cheat description:Super-jump (disable if you get stuck) - code:0148:40 + code:0148/40 cartridge sha256:2fa3ee5f9ef17dcd63f2f3936dc79b95a71f9e58521080250d4b4e7efbd471d2 name:Wizards & Warriors III - Kuros...Visions of Power (USA) cheat description:Infinite keys - code:SXXNITVG + code:f6ad/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite gold - code:EYYYYY + code:f777/f0 cheat description:Shopkeeper sometimes forgets to charge - code:SZNYZNSE + code:f772/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXVTGLVG + code:e3e4/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives (except boss stages) - code:SXNTPLVG + code:e3f1/c6/a5 cheat description:Coins worth 25 - code:POSAGGZU + code:84d4/32/19 cheat description:Coins worth 100 - code:GVSAGGZL + code:84d4/32/64 cheat description:Coins worth 255 - code:NNSAGGZU + code:84d4/32/ff cheat description:Bags worth 5 - code:IESAZKZA + code:84d2/0a/05 cheat description:Bags worth 50 - code:ZUSAZKZA + code:84d2/0a/32 cheat description:Bags worth 255 - code:NNSAZKZE + code:84d2/0a/ff cheat description:Less health after death (except boss stages) - code:AGELLZEA + code:b203/80/40 cheat description:More health after death (except boss stages) - code:ELELLZEA + code:b203/80/b0 cheat description:Start with Less health - code:AGKZGYEA + code:a744/80/40 cheat description:Start with More health - code:ELKZGYEA + code:a744/80/b0 cheat description:Start with very little life force - code:PAKZGYEA + code:a744/80/01 cheat description:Start with about half life force - code:AGKZGYEA + code:a744/80/40 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PAXXPYLA + code:a729/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TAXXPYLA + code:a729/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PAXXPYLE + code:a729/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility - code:008B:2B + code:008b/2b cheat description:Infinite health - code:00EB:80 + code:00eb/80 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:0087:02 + code:0087/02 cheat description:Infinite money - code:0669:09 + code:0669/09 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies/bosses - code:049D:01+049E:01+049F:01+04A0:01+04A1:01 + code:049d/01+049e/01+049f/01+04a0/01+04a1/01 cheat description:Have the Orb in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:01 + code:0657/01 cheat description:Have the Orb in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:01 + code:0658/01 cheat description:Have the Orb in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:01 + code:0659/01 cheat description:Have the Orb in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:01 + code:065a/01 cheat description:Have the Scepter in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:02 + code:0657/02 cheat description:Have the Scepter in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:02 + code:0658/02 cheat description:Have the Scepter in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:02 + code:0659/02 cheat description:Have the Scepter in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:02 + code:065a/02 cheat description:Have the Coin in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:03 + code:0657/03 cheat description:Have the Coin in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:03 + code:0658/03 cheat description:Have the Coin in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:03 + code:0659/03 cheat description:Have the Coin in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:03 + code:065a/03 cheat description:Have the Chalice in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:04 + code:0657/04 cheat description:Have the Chalice in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:04 + code:0658/04 cheat description:Have the Chalice in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:04 + code:0659/04 cheat description:Have the Chalice in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:04 + code:065a/04 cheat description:Have the Amulet in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:05 + code:0657/05 cheat description:Have the Amulet in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:05 + code:0658/05 cheat description:Have the Amulet in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:05 + code:0659/05 cheat description:Have the Amulet in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:05 + code:065a/05 cheat description:Have the Crown in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:06 + code:0657/06 cheat description:Have the Crown in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:06 + code:0658/06 cheat description:Have the Crown in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:06 + code:0659/06 cheat description:Have the Crown in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:06 + code:065a/06 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:07 + code:0657/07 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:07 + code:0658/07 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:07 + code:0659/07 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 1 in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:07 + code:065a/07 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:08 + code:0657/08 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:08 + code:0658/08 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:08 + code:0659/08 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 2 in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:08 + code:065a/08 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:09 + code:0657/09 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:09 + code:0658/09 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:09 + code:0659/09 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 3 in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:09 + code:065a/09 cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0A + code:0657/0a cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0A + code:0658/0a cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0A + code:0659/0a cheat description:Have the Crown Jewel 4 in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0A + code:065a/0a cheat description:Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0B + code:0657/0b cheat description:Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0B + code:0658/0b cheat description:Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0B + code:0659/0b cheat description:Have the Bronze Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0B + code:065a/0b cheat description:Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0C + code:0657/0c cheat description:Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0C + code:0658/0c cheat description:Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0C + code:0659/0c cheat description:Have the Silver Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0C + code:065a/0c cheat description:Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0D + code:0657/0d cheat description:Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0D + code:0658/0d cheat description:Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0D + code:0659/0d cheat description:Have the Gold Knight Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0D + code:065a/0d cheat description:Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0E + code:0657/0e cheat description:Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0E + code:0658/0e cheat description:Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0E + code:0659/0e cheat description:Have the Bronze Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0E + code:065a/0e cheat description:Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:0F + code:0657/0f cheat description:Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:0F + code:0658/0f cheat description:Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:0F + code:0659/0f cheat description:Have the Silver Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:0F + code:065a/0f cheat description:Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:10 + code:0657/10 cheat description:Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:10 + code:0658/10 cheat description:Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:10 + code:0659/10 cheat description:Have the Gold Thief Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:10 + code:065a/10 cheat description:Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:11 + code:0657/11 cheat description:Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:11 + code:0658/11 cheat description:Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:11 + code:0659/11 cheat description:Have the Bronze Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:11 + code:065a/11 cheat description:Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:12 + code:0657/12 cheat description:Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:12 + code:0658/12 cheat description:Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:12 + code:0659/12 cheat description:Have the Silver Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:12 + code:065a/12 cheat description:Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 1 (enable then disable) - code:0657:13 + code:0657/13 cheat description:Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 2 (enable then disable) - code:0658:13 + code:0658/13 cheat description:Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 3 (enable then disable) - code:0659:13 + code:0659/13 cheat description:Have the Gold Wizard Statue in slot 4 (enable then disable) - code:065A:13 + code:065a/13 cartridge sha256:2d62114f3f139e8dd01c3e6e56d83a848a236ebb0c146fac5d372ba40ae456d5 name:Wolverine (USA) cheat description:No enemies - code:ISISYU + code:d3df/5d cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:GZEXAOVK + code:a108/ce/2c cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AXXLNUIE + code:bba7/0d/28 cheat description:Claws use up no health - code:AAXGYLPA + code:c327/01/00 cheat description:Super speed - code:KYXUVUVN+GAUUELZA + code:bb2e/fe/fc+bb38/02/04 cheat description:Take less damage from bullets - code:ZAXLISAA+ZAEKAKAA + code:b525/08/02+c408/08/02 cheat description:Start each new life as a berserker - code:AGNIZAAA + code:d072/00/40 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P1 - code:PEUSZALA + code:d0ba/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P1 - code:TEUSZALA + code:d0ba/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P1 - code:PEUSZALE + code:d0ba/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 life - P2 - code:PEVIYALA + code:d0e7/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - P2 - code:TEVIYALA + code:d0e7/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - P2 - code:PEVIYALE + code:d0e7/03/09 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - P1 - code:PEXIZAAA + code:d0a2/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - P1 - code:LEXIZAAA + code:d0a2/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - P1 - code:IEXIZAAA + code:d0a2/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - P1 - code:YEXIZAAA + code:d0a2/00/07 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - P2 - code:PEKSYAAA + code:d0cf/00/01 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - P2 - code:LEKSYAAA + code:d0cf/00/03 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - P2 - code:IEKSYAAA + code:d0cf/00/05 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - P2 - code:YEKSYAAA + code:d0cf/00/07 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00CD:1E + code:00cd/1e cheat description:Infinite lives - code:04DA:03 - -cartridge sha256: - name:World Hero (Unl) [!] - cheat - description:Hit anywhere - code:AASSVEIG+AGUTUYPL+AZUTSNNV+ETUTXYSG + code:04da/03 cartridge sha256:3950d679fd6bbd5b59b720ef0284cb916f916a985103ccec60de2f256bcd8786 name:Wrath of the Black Manta (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0589:FA + code:0589/fa cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:054A:01 + code:054a/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:054A:03 + code:054a/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:054A:04 + code:054a/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:054A:05 + code:054a/05 cartridge sha256:545a5533481f4f7bd8f7e9d6c7ccad9195f870522d7d2a9d83c18958804da008 name:Wrath of the Black Manta (USA) cheat description:Take no damage from most enemies - code:SXSLXUVK + code:bbd2/ce/ad cheat description:Never die from falling off screen - code:SZVOKEVK + code:986c/ce/ad cheat description:Mega-jump when stationary - code:GZUZSUSO + code:ab35/9d/2c cheat description:Start with extra energy - code:AEOAZTLE + code:8692/03/08 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AEOAYTZA + code:8697/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IEOAYTZA + code:8697/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:AEOAYTZE + code:8697/02/08 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:0589:FA + code:0589/fa cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:054A:01 + code:054a/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:054A:03 + code:054a/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:054A:04 + code:054a/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:054A:05 + code:054a/05 cartridge sha256:f1eb29dd1c7b2b29f4932df853f32a7560bbfe64997281aa79f61ba9f131fb17 name:Wrecking Crew (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATNKYZAZ + code:c27f/20/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:SXGXGL + code:a3cc/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:SXIXZL + code:a3da/a5 cheat description:Annoying guy doesn't bother you - code:SZXILXSO+SXKILOSO + code:d223/9d/ad+d1c3/9d/ad cheat description:Start with Golden Hammer - code:VVUXGPSA + code:a1bc/85/e6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:PELXYP + code:a1bf/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - both players - code:PELXYO + code:a1bf/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - both players - code:YELXYO + code:a1bf/0f cheat description:Start with 250 lives - code:ENLXYO + code:a1bf/f8 cartridge sha256:a0354fb9c1c29e25b8bd2bd45735e8af2263cde66b56cc2e61eb5d9295a42de1 name:Wurm - Journey to the Center of the Earth! (USA) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:SZSGYNSE + code:c757/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite shields and life - code:SXNGZTSA + code:c6f2/85/a5 cheat description:Start on Act 2 - Dyna Crystal - code:ZEXITGPA + code:d4a6/01/02 cheat description:Start on Act 3 - Magma Falls - code:LEXITGPA + code:d4a6/01/03 cheat description:Start on Act 4 - Ziggy - code:GEXITGPA + code:d4a6/01/04 cheat description:Start on Act 5 - Dual Duel - code:IEXITGPA + code:d4a6/01/05 cartridge sha256:e5de4656729ffa37f7f6afdccb7c207ca7b867768369cc1a2817626919bff8dc name:WWF King of the Ring (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:VZUUIVOO + code:b63d/99/ae cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:0168:BF + code:0168/bf cheat description:No health - P2 - code:0194:00 + code:0194/00 cartridge sha256:a6f98e57ffb4544152138f109b00d1016ae957f7d842f29b41e118045fd54056 name:WWF Wrestlemania (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:OZXGNYEU+XGXKEYZE+SAXKOYVT + code:cf27/b0/a9+cf28/02/ca+cf29/e6/85 cheat description:One hit drains all health - code:ENOGVIEP + code:cd96/90/f0 cheat description:Opponent is idle after a body slam - code:SXZTSO + code:e9a5/ad cheat description:Countdown starts on 3 - code:LAKTLLPA + code:e343/01/03 cheat description:1 minute tournament rounds - code:PAXGXPLA + code:c922/03/01 cheat description:6 minute tournament rounds - code:TAXGXPLA + code:c922/03/06 cheat description:9 minute tournament rounds - code:PAXGXPLE + code:c922/03/09 cartridge sha256:89df74e7b275929c91a64580c5b1733bee26bcaf3a923dcca9fffdda835b2964 name:WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (USA) cheat description:Pin count extended to 9 seconds - code:ZEELLGGE + code:b483/04/0a cheat description:10-count reduced to 5 seconds - code:TESGYOLA + code:c1d7/0b/06 cheat description:All counts slower - code:IVNKGOGL + code:c1fc/3c/65 cheat description:All counts faster - code:YONKGOGU + code:c1fc/3c/1f cartridge sha256:b0e4bcb63416c32fc247ff8afc28915ba15906a9b02aaed77a41e8109eab91fc name:WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (USA) cheat description:P1 cannot lose (constant 1 count) - code:VXSASUVK + code:8bd5/ce/ae cheat description:Infinite energy refills (press select when energy is low) - code:SUXIXNSO + code:dfa2/9d/bd cheat description:1 minute tournament rounds - code:PAXGXPLA + code:c922/03/01 cheat description:6 minute tournament rounds - code:TAXGXPLA + code:c922/03/06 cheat description:9 minute tournament rounds - code:PAXGXPLE + code:c922/03/09 cartridge sha256:4b11689be770a7dd6ef560568ba1fd70d6c585babedd8c9088769a0d63d89cf1 name:Xenophobe (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:AAKIYNUT + code:d747/eb/00 cheat description:Increase starting health - both players - code:LASIZOPA + code:d152/09/03 cheat description:More health - P1 - code:LAVILONY+AIVIIOGI + code:d163/ff/03+d165/5c/50 cheat description:No health pick-ups allowed - code:SXNITVOO + code:d6f6/99/ad cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:TAKSAPYA + code:d148/07/06 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:IAKSAPYA + code:d148/07/05 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:GAKSAPYA + code:d148/07/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:LAKSAPYA + code:d148/07/03 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (one's digit) - code:0753:09 + code:0753/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (ten's digit) - code:0752:0A + code:0752/0a cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (hundred's digit) - code:0751:09 + code:0751/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (thousand's digit) - code:0750:09 + code:0750/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 (one's digit) - code:0757:0B + code:0757/0b cheat description:Infinite health - P2 (ten's digit) - code:0756:0B + code:0756/0b cheat description:Infinite health - P2 (hundred's digit) - code:0755:09 + code:0755/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 (thousand's digit) - code:0754:09 + code:0754/09 cheat description:Character modifier - Dr. Kwack - code:0795:00 + code:0795/00 cheat description:Character modifier - Mr. Frogg - code:0795:01 + code:0795/01 cheat description:Character modifier - Dr. Zordirz - code:0795:02 + code:0795/02 cartridge sha256:9112f5b30c8a8d0dbd967973e84357860b5f0cf37ab3511b39128b5d37fa86ff name:Xevious - The Avenger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:SEKYKISZ + code:fdc4/a5/85 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZLNZY + code:f73a/a5 cheat description:Hit anywere - code:AAOIUILP+AAXIOIIA+AVEVVUSL + code:dd13/13/00+dd21/05/00+eb8e/bd/60 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAZYOG + code:fc21/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAZYOG + code:fc21/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAZYOK + code:fc21/09 cartridge sha256:2508e4eada73f233b2df86af2248a370b2d40ec2de590c8886a8750ddfb5b79c name:Xexyz (USA) cheat description:Immune to enemy bullets - code:OTNGGYSV + code:c774/e5/e9 cheat description:Immune to monsters - code:OTNGGTSV + code:c674/e5/e9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEXTKVK + code:a40e/ce/ad cheat description:Become a whirlwind on new life - code:VTOXAKSE + code:a418/8d/ee cheat description:1 life after continue - code:PAUXLILA + code:a53b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PAUZTZLA + code:a236/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TAUZTZLA + code:a236/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PAUZTZLE + code:a236/03/09 cheat description:Start with and keep foot-wing - code:AAOLPNAA + code:b711/08/00 cartridge sha256:1f349392d49c60c3e52a06be6ab4d914bf71ffd5b73857964ec9d604806b131b name:Xybots (USA) (Proto) (Unl) cheat description:Infinite lives and second shots - code:SUEYIUVS + code:f385/de/bd cheat description:Infinite Keys - both players - code:SZEPGEVS + code:9004/de/ad cheat description:Infinite money - both players - code:SUEAVOSO + code:8986/9d/bd cheat description:Infinite Slow Energy Drain and Zap power - code:SZVVUOSO + code:e96b/9d/ad cheat description:Infinite Warning Arrows and Level Mappers - code:SXUULVSO + code:b6bb/9d/ad cheat description:Infinite Enemy Mappers and Guard Mapper - code:OLSTEOOO + code:e950/99/b9 cheat description:Start with 6 lives and 6 second shots - code:TTSVGPZP + code:e15c/12/66 cheat description:Start with 3 Slow Energy Drain and 4 Zap power - P1 - code:GZSTZPZA + code:e152/02/24 cheat description:Start with 3 Slow Energy Drain and 4 Zap power - P2 - code:GZSTYPZP + code:e157/12/24 cheat description:Start with 6 Warning Arrows and Level Mappers - code:TTVTGPPZ + code:e164/21/66 cheat description:Start with 6 Enemy Mappers and have Guard Mapper - code:TPVVGPPA + code:e16c/01/16 cheat description:Start with 99 Keys, $99 and 2,544,300 points - code:LVXVGGAA + code:e4ac/00/63 cheat description:Start with 4 extra Speed, extra Armor, extra Shot Speed, extra Shot Power and Wide Shot - code:GGUTAPAA + code:e130/00/44 cheat description:Start at last level - code:TLNTTPPA + code:e176/01/36 + cheat + description:Infinite health - P1 + code:0192/ff + cheat + description:Infinite health - P2 + code:0193/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Keys - P1 + code:0196/09 + cheat + description:Infinite Keys - P2 + code:0197/09 + cheat + description:Infinite Money - P1 + code:0194/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Money - P2 + code:0195/ff cartridge sha256:0624c93899a588232f9193db0d560291b15636727813a4cd6c3dab8b7f74badb name:Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) (Rev 1.4) cheat description:Infinite health - code:SUOIUIVT + code:dd93/e6/b5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:00DB:00 + code:00db/00 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:de21/25/00 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:dc49/d0/f0+dc39/d0/f0 cartridge sha256:dbe10104fc90c36ff7c95424cb192dfd9619fb7c1238bbae8da87e0bc9cc5a4e name:Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) (Rev 1.2) cheat description:Invincible against punches and kicks - code:SZUIXISA + code:dd32/85/a5 cheat description:Tao does not throw fireballs - code:SXNVLTSA + code:e6fb/85/a5 cheat description:Chen does not hit you with his chain - code:SXNTSASA + code:e8f5/85/a5 cheat description:Lang does not throw shurikens - code:OZVVATEK + code:e668/c0/a9 cheat description:Bonus doesn't end when you're hit with a sword or fan - code:AVOSOVOZ + code:de99/a9/60 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00DB:00 + code:00db/00 cartridge sha256:62a3551ce546fa7df5fd4970e725e36f1ca269be62b1e33f92546d6e649b8371 name:Yo! Noid (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AVZUSZ + code:baad/60 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:SZULPTAX + code:b631/20/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:SXXLIGVG + code:b4a5/c6/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKTTUVK+SXKVPUVK + code:e3c6/ce/ad+e3c9/ce/ad cheat description:More magic from small scrolls - code:IAKUVGPA + code:bc4e/01/05 cheat description:Multi-mega-jumps - code:AEUGSKTZ + code:ccb5/2e/00 cheat description:1 continue - code:PAXSNZLA + code:da2f/03/01 cheat description:6 continues - code:TAXSNZLA + code:da2f/03/06 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:AUUIVPZL+AKUSOPZG + code:d9b6/32/30+d9b9/42/40 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:IUUIVPZL+IKUSOPZG + code:d9b6/32/35+d9b9/42/45 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PUUIVPZU+PKUSOPZK + code:d9b6/32/39+d9b9/42/49 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:ZEVSKPPA + code:d9ec/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:GEVSKPPA + code:d9ec/01/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:TEVSKPPA + code:d9ec/01/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:AEVSKPPE + code:d9ec/01/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - code:ZEVSKPPE + code:d9ec/01/0a cheat description:Start on stage 12 - code:GEVSKPPE + code:d9ec/01/0c cartridge sha256:56a169bb3a6101057fb278f2febd58cb1dbf056e5aaeb709c51a55ce4cfac20d name:Yoshi (USA) cheat description:Short wait for next characters - code:GOUYPEAZ + code:f0b1/28/14 cheat description:Really short wait for next characters - code:ZEUYPEAZ + code:f0b1/28/02 cheat description:Really long wait for next characters - code:NNUYPEAX + code:f0b1/28/ff cheat description:Freeze characters for a short time (press Down) - code:AVSULYZA + code:b7db/02/60 cheat description:Need only 1 Victory Egg to win - code:PAVAAPLA+PESTAZLA+PEXTZLLA + code:8160/03/01+e2d0/03/01+e3a2/03/01 cheat description:Need only 2 Victory Eggs to win - code:ZAVAAPLA+ZESTAZLA+ZEXTZLLA + code:8160/03/02+e2d0/03/02+e3a2/03/02 cartridge sha256:fd4884c98d9412eb362c0654c8f5475e7f24266984f11e19961495c2d642d38a name:Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:XVSEGPSE + code:81dc/85/ea cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZEOUGVG + code:9c0b/c6/a5 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:PEKSVGLA + code:dcce/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:TEKSVGLA + code:dcce/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:PEKSVGLE + code:dcce/03/09 cartridge sha256:c79202082042baeb3a45e747a1675c9530137f847c357c393270715efc32217e name:Ys II - Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter (Japan) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:SXOVXISA + code:ed9a/85/a5 cheat description:Infinite gold - code:SZXELISA+SZUAZISA + code:852b/85/a5+8532/85/a5 cheat description:Lots of EXP - code:AEOSNSPE+AEXISSZE + code:dd9f/09/08+dda5/0a/08 cheat description:Start with all equipment - code:YYKSKIPE + code:dd4c/01/7f cartridge sha256:ec1d85479d72847d3adbd76e2e79221143e6c9324d5647be2c4a11aa87123f75 name:Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:XTKXSAAV+XTNXUAAV+XTVZKAAV+XVOZXAAV + code:a84d/60/ea+a87b/60/ea+a864/60/ea+a892/60/ea cheat description:One hit kills - code:AAEZYYGA + code:a707/04/00 cartridge sha256:91d281ee84a71483cd9b8e8021222ef509a8c0ea4be0a4fa675140a91b65c2da name:Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic (Japan) [b] (FDS) cheat description:Multi-jump - code:GZUEITEI + code:863d/d0/24 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0085:FA + code:0085/fa cheat description:Infinite coins - code:062B:09 + code:062b/09 cheat description:Infinite sub-space time - code:04B7:FA + code:04b7/fa cheat description:Infinite magic carpet time - code:00B9:FA + code:00b9/fa cheat description:All characters can float - code:04C9:FA + code:04c9/fa cheat description:Multi-jump (alt) - code:0099:00 + code:0099/00 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:0468:00 + code:0468/00 cheat description:Only 1 Cherry needed for Starman - code:062A:04 + code:062a/04 cheat description:Only 1 big Radish needed for Stopwatch - code:062C:04 + code:062c/04 cheat description:Receive small heart for every enemy defeated - code:04AD:09 + code:04ad/09 cheat description:Stopwatch always active - code:04FF:FA + code:04ff/fa cheat description:Start on World 2 - code:0635:01 + code:0635/01 cheat description:Start on World 3 - code:0635:02 + code:0635/02 cheat description:Start on World 4 - code:0635:03 + code:0635/03 cheat description:Start on World 5 - code:0635:04 + code:0635/04 cheat description:Start on World 6 - code:0635:05 + code:0635/05 cheat description:Start on World 7 - code:0635:06 + code:0635/06 cartridge sha256:bdc9dfed1b03db470a1453da0252b3e9fcd0869d02a48622476ddaa350e53374 name:Zanac (USA) cheat description:Invincibility + Hit anywhere - code:ALSEGZEU+ATSEIZPL+SZOELXOO + code:825c/b0/38+825d/31/60+821b/99/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OXEENYVK + code:8f8f/c6/a9 cheat description:Start with Straight Crusher - code:PEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/01 cheat description:Start with Field Shutter - code:ZEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/02 cheat description:Start with the Circular - code:LEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/03 cheat description:Start with the Vibrator - code:GEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/04 cheat description:Start with the Rewinder - code:IEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/05 cheat description:Start with the Plasma Flash - code:TEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/06 cheat description:Start with rapid fire - code:YEOPAGAA + code:9490/00/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PEEKOLLA + code:cb89/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TEEKOLLA + code:cb89/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PEEKOLLE + code:cb89/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility - code:0764:00 + code:0764/00 cartridge sha256:4cfc55e1521e58039d502f2a5ff16c233b84c0a05b1048185c75c971f3814c16 name:Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:XTLTILSV+XTLTTUGE + code:e335/e5/ea+e336/0c/ea cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:XTLTAL + code:e330/e2 cheat description:Infinite magic - code:GXNAESON + code:8df0/f9/2c cheat description:Infinite magic (alt) - code:SXNASSSE + code:8df5/8d/ad cheat description:Infinite magic and health in battle - code:AEYSAU + code:d3f8/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZKGKXVK + code:ca44/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite Keys after obtaining one - code:SXVIKOVK + code:d9e4/ce/ad cheat description:Keys not necessary to open doors - code:XVTIUO+XVTIXP + code:d9e3/ea+d9e2/e2 cheat - description:Gain over 2048 EXP wen you defeat an enemy most of the time - code:AAVIIGAE + description:Gain over 2048 EXP when you defeat an enemy most of the time + code:d465/00/08 cheat description:Gain 256 EXP when you defeat an enemy most of the time - code:XTSSTKSE + code:d45e/8d/ea cheat description:Gain more than 256 EXP for every EXP - code:PAVIIGAA + code:d465/00/01 cheat description:Don't lose EXP points while leveling up - code:SZVOUNSE+SZNPKNSE + code:9f6b/8d/ad+9f74/8d/ad + cheat + description:All sword levels do massive damage + code:e732/f9/ed cheat description:Hit anywhere (press up if you get stuck at a Palace entrance) - code:ASXTGTEL + code:e6a4/b0/50 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:SYUPAINY+OZUPISSX+UYUPTSIN+SAUPYIIE+IYUOAIAO+IAUOPIZA + code:9530/f7/f5+9535/ad/a9+9536/7d/fb+9537/05/8d+9538/10/7d+9539/02/05 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:AZUOLIAL + code:953b/30/20 cheat description:Link can fly (hold A) - code:AAUOLIAL + code:953b/30/00 cheat description:Walk through walls in Overworld - code:AAOETYZA + code:871e/02/00 cheat description:Swap Shield spell for Fire spell - code:OYKEEVSA+NPKEOVVA + code:8e48/8d/f1+8e49/8e/97 cheat description:Swap Shield spell for Spell spell - code:LYKEEVSA+VAKEOVVE + code:8e48/8d/73+8e49/8e/8e cheat description:Swap Shield spell for Fairy spell - code:LZKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA + code:8e48/8d/23+8e49/8e/91 cheat description:Swap Shield spell for Life spell - code:IIKEEVSE+VAKEOVVE + code:8e48/8d/5d+8e49/8e/8e cheat description:Swap Shield spell for Thunder spell - code:VTKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA + code:8e48/8d/e6+8e49/8e/91 cheat description:Start with all spells - code:VIEXIVSU + code:a60d/bd/de cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:PASKPLLA + code:c359/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:TASKPLLA + code:c359/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:PASKPLLE + code:c359/03/09 cheat description:Invincibility (disable when fighting your shadow) - code:0518:03 + code:0518/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:0774:FF + code:0774/ff cheat description:Infinite magic (alt 2) - code:0773:FF + code:0773/ff cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:0700:04 + code:0700/04 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:0793:09 + code:0793/09 cheat description:No enemies in overworld - code:0086:00+0087:00+0088:00+0089:00 + code:0086/00+0087/00+0088/00+0089/00 cheat description:Jump spell always on - code:076F:02 + code:076f/02 cheat description:Max sword level - code:0777:FF + code:0777/ff cheat description:Max magic level - code:0778:FF + code:0778/ff cheat description:Max life level - code:0779:FF + code:0779/ff cheat description:Have up/down thrust - code:0796:FF + code:0796/ff cheat description:Have Shield spell - code:077B:01 + code:077b/01 cheat description:Have Jump spell - code:077C:01 + code:077c/01 cheat description:Have Life spell - code:077D:01 + code:077d/01 cheat description:Have Fairy spell - code:077E:01 + code:077e/01 cheat description:Have Fire spell - code:077F:01 + code:077f/01 cheat description:Have Reflect spell - code:0780:01 + code:0780/01 cheat description:Have Spell spell - code:0781:01 + code:0781/01 cheat description:Have Thunder spell - code:0782:01 + code:0782/01 cheat description:Max magic jars - code:0783:08 + code:0783/08 cheat description:Have Boots - code:0788:01 + code:0788/01 cheat description:Have Candle - code:0785:01 + code:0785/01 cheat description:Have Cross - code:078A:01 + code:078a/01 cheat description:Have Flute - code:0789:01 + code:0789/01 cheat description:Have Glove - code:0786:01 + code:0786/01 cheat description:Have Hammer - code:078B:01 + code:078b/01 cheat description:Have Key - code:078C:01 + code:078c/01 cheat description:Have Raft - code:0787:01 + code:0787/01 cheat description:Can enter final palace - code:0794:00 + code:0794/00 cheat description:One hit kill on final boss - code:00C2:01 + code:00c2/01 cartridge sha256:939dcb88fce04f9c91e1ce49016b12e301afc4861684576ab5862eada5860db7 name:Zen - Intergalactic Ninja (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:8849/11/00 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:b281/2f/00+b297/19/00+b2ac/b0/a9 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:b4c7/02/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:GZNLYUSE + code:b377/8d/2c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SZSPGTVG+SZOZYTVG + code:9654/c6/a5+a617/c6/a5 cheat description:9 lives allowed in options menu - code:ZAELNGIE + code:bc07/05/0a cheat description:Slower timer - code:NYNXVTOE + code:ae7e/81/ff cheat description:Faster timer - code:YTNXVTOE + code:ae7e/81/6f cheat description:Even faster timer - code:YINXVTOE + code:ae7e/81/5f cheat description:Zen does increased damage - isometric stages - code:AEUAOLGE + code:8bb1/04/08 cheat description:Zen does mega damage - isometric stages - code:GOUAOLGA + code:8bb1/04/14 cheat description:Jab attack does more damage - horizontal stages - code:AAKXUIGE + code:ad4b/04/08 cheat description:Mega jab attack damage - horizontal stages - code:GPKXUIGA + code:ad4b/04/14 cheat description:Fewer hits in shield - code:PAEUGGLA+PAXUNTLA + code:b40c/03/01+be2f/03/01 cheat description:Double hits in shield - code:TAEUGGLA+TAXUNTLA + code:b40c/03/06+be2f/03/06 cheat description:Triple hits in shield - code:PAEUGGLE+PAXUNTLE + code:b40c/03/09+be2f/03/09 cartridge sha256:d0850075065ecbd125a33accc952de5d012527be45aa14a1b8223a9adf1643ae name:Zoda's Revenge - StarTropics II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:VZKZAOSV + code:a140/ed/ae cheat description:Infinite lives - code:SXKVPKVK + code:e4c9/ce/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:SLUZTSVS + code:a536/de/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:GGEUIKOU+KLEUYGAY+UAEUTGKU + code:b40d/b9/4c+b40f/70/b4+b40e/b4/8b cheat description:Walk faster - battle mode - code:ZAUXKAPA + code:a83c/01/02 cheat description:Jump faster and further - battle mode - code:PAUXKAAA + code:a83c/00/01 cheat description:Throw Tink's axe further - code:AVKULAAG + code:b0cb/40/60 cheat description:1 star gives energy - code:PASZPTIA+PASZITIA + code:a651/05/01+a655/05/01 cheat description:Throw Tink's Axe faster (can't be combined with other Axe code) - code:OYUUAAPG + code:b038/41/f1 cheat description:Tink's Axe splits into 3 little ones when thrown (can't be combined with other Axe code) - code:LGUUAAPG + code:b038/41/43 cheat description:Throw Tink's splitting-Axe faster (can't be combined with other Axe code) - code:UYUUAAOY + code:b038/f1/f3 cheat description:Start with 1 life (Only effective in battle mode on first life) - code:PAVTTZLA + code:e266/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives (Only effective in battle mode on first life) - code:TAVTTZLA + code:e266/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives (Only effective in battle mode on first life) - code:PAVTTZLE + code:e266/03/09 cartridge sha256:91eae4e0e59dadd5de7cdbe71fe57e304d741ae5107928e29e0f6ff8813151a9 name:Zombie Nation (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:AVXTEISZ + code:eda0/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:053B:05 + code:053b/05 cartridge sha256:061d1c3865ad62ae883bb30b9f0071e8f7aa572f15f61bfb91b3a755eeeb5eb0 name:Zunou Senkan Galg (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ATEEIVAT+ATSKOYSZ + code:860d/68/60+cf59/a5/60 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:OXNEAAVK - -database revision=2013-06-09 + code:80f8/c6/a9 cartridge sha256:8808783f789ca6413364a7abea240f6f7291b5906026f360ba8cfdd2791fc179 name:2020 Super Baseball (USA) cheat description:Have lots of money - P1 - code:7F80CA:63+7F80CC:63+7F80CB:63 + code:7f80ca/63+7f80cc/63+7f80cb/63 cheat description:Have 9 points - P1 - code:7FC13B:09 + code:7fc13b/09 cheat description:Have no outs - code:7FC138:00 + code:7fc138/00 cheat description:Have no strikes - code:7FC136:00 + code:7fc136/00 cheat description:Have no balls - code:7FC137:00 + code:7fc137/00 cartridge sha256:2ffe8828480f943056fb1ab5c3c84d48a0bf8cbe3ed7c9960b349b59adb07f3b name:3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EDEA-1F6B+2DBF-4F6F + code:b2edae/ed+b3bcfe/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C235-C768 + code:02ef7e/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0A2A:06 + code:7e0a2a/06 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1E51:14 + code:7e1e51/14 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1E6B:14 + code:7e1e6b/14 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E1E63:14+7E1E65:14 + code:7e1e63/14+7e1e65/14 cheat description:Max coins - code:7E1E5B:14+7E1E59:14 + code:7e1e5b/14+7e1e59/14 cheat description:Have throwing weapon - code:7E1E5B:14+7E1E59:14 + code:7e1e5b/14+7e1e59/14 cheat description:Less enemies to pass trials (disable then enable) - code:7E1FE0:02 + code:7e1fe0/02 cartridge sha256:4dd631433c867ba920997fd3add2c838b62e70e06e0ef55c53884b8b68b0dd27 name:7th Saga, The (USA) cheat description:Human fighter has 50 HP - code:7417-87AD + code:cb663e/32 cheat description:Human fighter has 100 HP - code:1017-87AD + code:cb663e/64 cheat description:Human fighter has 200 HP - code:A617-87AD + code:cb663e/a8 cheat description:Tetujin has 50 HP - code:7416-8FAD + code:fb668e/32 cheat description:Tetujin has 100 HP - code:1016-8FAD + code:fb668e/64 cheat description:Tetujin has 200 HP - code:A616-8FAD + code:fb668e/a8 cheat description:Dwarf has 50 HP - code:7419-8D0D + code:f36655/32 cheat description:Dwarf has 100 HP - code:1019-8D0D + code:f36655/64 cheat description:Dwarf has 200 HP - code:A619-8D0D + code:f36655/a8 cheat description:Human mage has 50 HP - code:741B-840D + code:c366b9/32 cheat description:Human mage has 100 HP - code:101B-840D + code:c366b9/64 cheat description:Human mage has 200 HP - code:A61B-840D + code:c366b9/a8 cheat description:Elf has 50 HP - code:7411-8DAD + code:fb6666/32 cheat description:Elf has 100 HP - code:1011-8DAD + code:fb6666/64 cheat description:Elf has 200 HP - code:A611-8DAD + code:fb6666/a8 cheat description:Demon has 50 HP - code:741C-84AD + code:cb66ca/32 cheat description:Demon has 100 HP - code:101C-84AD + code:cb66ca/64 cheat description:Demon has 200 HP - code:A61C-84AD + code:cb66ca/a8 cheat description:Alien has 50 HP - code:7415-8F0D + code:f3667d/32 cheat description:Alien has 100 HP - code:1015-8F0D + code:f3667d/64 cheat description:Alien has 200 HP - code:A615-8F0D + code:f3667d/a8 cheat description:Human fighter has 20 power - code:F010-8DAD + code:fb6646/f4 cheat description:Tetujin has 20 power - code:F016-84AD + code:cb668a/f4 cheat description:Dwarf has 20 power - code:F019-8F0D + code:f3665d/f4 cheat description:Human mage has 20 power - code:F01B-870D + code:c366bd/f4 cheat description:Elf has 20 power - code:F011-8FAD + code:fb666e/f4 cheat description:Demon has 20 power - code:F01C-87AD + code:cb66ce/f4 cheat description:Alien has 20 power - code:F015-840D + code:c36679/f4 cheat description:Human fighter has 30 MP - code:F310-8D0D + code:f36645/fe cheat description:Tetujin has 30 MP - code:F316-840D + code:c36689/fe cheat description:Dwarf has 30 MP - code:F319-8DAD + code:fb6656/fe cheat description:Human mage has 30 MP - code:F31B-84AD + code:cb66ba/fe cheat description:Elf has 30 MP - code:F311-8F0D + code:f3666d/fe cheat description:Demon has 30 MP - code:F31C-870D + code:c366cd/fe cheat description:Alien has 30 MP - code:F315-8FAD + code:fb667e/fe cheat description:Human fighter has 20 speed - code:F010-8F6D + code:f3664e/f4 cheat description:Tetujin has 20 speed - code:F016-876D + code:c3668e/f4 cheat description:Dwarf has 20 speed - code:F019-84DD + code:c7665b/f4 cheat description:Human mage has 20 speed - code:F01C-8DDD + code:f766c7/f4 cheat description:Elf has 20 speed - code:F011-846D + code:c3666a/f4 cheat description:Demon has 20 speed - code:F018-8D6D + code:f366b6/f4 cheat description:Alien has 20 speed - code:F015-87DD + code:c7667f/f4 cheat description:Enemies aren't generated - code:18F6-EDDF + code:b7ff87/6b cheat description:Touching an enemy doesn't cause a battle - code:18F7-EF67 + code:b0ff3e/6b cheat description:Sell an item for maximum gold - code:6D87-540D + code:c3b539/8d cheat description:Get 999 Max HP when you use a 'V Seed' - code:DDC1-7FBD + code:ffc46e/dd cheat description:Get 999 Max MP when you use an 'M Seed' - code:DDC2-7F2D + code:f7c4df/dd cheat description:Get 999 Power when you use a 'P Seed' - code:DDC0-54FD + code:cfc54b/dd cheat description:Get 999 Guard when you use a 'Pr Seed' - code:DDC8-549D + code:c7c5b9/dd cheat description:Get 255 Magic when you use an 'I Seed' - code:DDC4-8FBD + code:ffc62e/dd cheat description:Get 255 Speed when you use an 'A Seed' - code:DDCB-8DBD + code:ffc6b6/dd cheat description:Human fighter starts with Sword of Anger - code:1B10-870D + code:c3664d/6b cheat description:Human fighter starts with Sword of Courage - code:1A10-870D + code:c3664d/6a cheat description:Human fighter starts with Sword of Fire - code:1E10-870D + code:c3664d/6e cheat description:Dwarf starts with Sword of Nature - code:1C19-87AD + code:cb665e/6c cheat description:Dwarf starts with Sword of Courage - code:1A19-87AD + code:cb665e/6a cheat description:Dwarf starts with Sword of Fire - code:1E19-87AD + code:cb665e/6e cheat description:Human mage starts with petrified staff - code:631C-8FAD + code:fb66ce/8e cheat description:Human mage starts with Rod of Tide - code:6E1C-8FAD + code:fb66ce/8e cheat description:Elf starts with petrified staff - code:6315-8D0D + code:f36675/8e cheat description:Elf starts with Staff of Brilliance - code:BF15-8D0D + code:f36675/bf cheat description:Demon starts with Sword of Anger - code:1B18-840D + code:c366b9/6b cheat description:Demon starts with Sword of Despair - code:1218-840D + code:c366b9/6d cheat description:Demon starts with Sword of Fire - code:1E18-840D + code:c366b9/6e cheat description:Start with 297 gold - code:4ABD-84AD+DFBD-87DD + code:cbb6da/2a+c7b6df/df cheat description:Start with 62,708 gold - code:E0BD-84AD+DFBD-87DD + code:cbb6da/e4+c7b6df/df cheat description:Start with 2000 gold - code:2DBD-84AD+D5BD-87DD + code:cbb6da/dd+c7b6df/d7 cartridge sha256:69c5805ad0494703e7d636d3d40d615d33e79bebef9d2cdb4a23b73d44c7b6f9 name:A.S.P. - Air Strike Patrol (USA) cheat description:No damage from enemy fire - code:C22A-CD01+C534-CDD0 + code:31dba5/cd+35e327/c7 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C2B1-3765 + code:81bf6e/cd cheat description:Infinite flares - code:C237-CFA1 + code:39eb3e/cd cheat description:Infinite missles for F-15 Strike Eagle - code:C2B8-4DA9 + code:b9b4b6/cd cheat description:Infinite missles for A-10 Thunderbolt II - code:C2B7-C4D9 + code:05b73b/cd cartridge sha256:ce164872c4f5814bce04cf0565edcdb5b7969ae95a3b5cd515cfb626b5cde7b3 name:Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:62BE-0767 + code:00bdee/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:C282-04A7 + code:08bdda/cd cheat description:Infinite Fish - code:C28E-DD67 + code:70bfe6/cd cheat description:Infinite Books - code:82AA-0F04 + code:30a9ad/bd cheat description:Infinite Garbage - code:DD8E-4DD7 + code:b4bce7/dd cheat description:Infinite Scares - code:DDAA-1464 + code:80a9aa/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDC0-3FDF + code:b7cf4f/dd cheat description:Get nothing for each Trash Bag - code:DDC8-0FAF + code:3bcdbe/dd cheat description:Get 20 for each Trash Bag - code:4DC8-0FAF + code:3bcdbe/2d cheat description:Get 100 for each Trash Bag - code:88C8-0FAF + code:3bcdbe/bb cheat description:1-ups worth nothing - code:DDCE-6F6D + code:33c6ee/dd cheat description:1-ups worth 3 - code:D7CE-6F6D + code:33c6ee/d3 cheat description:1-ups worth 5 - code:D9CE-6F6D + code:33c6ee/d5 cheat description:Monster books are worth nothing - code:DDCA-AF0D + code:b3c6ad/dd cheat description:Monster books are worth 2 - code:D4CA-AF0D + code:b3c6ad/d2 cheat description:Monster books are worth 10 - code:FDCA-AF0D + code:b3c6ad/fd cheat description:Most health power-ups worth nothing - code:DDCB-A7DD + code:87c6bf/dd cheat description:Most health power-ups worth more - code:D4CB-A7DD + code:87c6bf/d2 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFC7-17FC + code:8fc13f/df cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBC7-17FC + code:8fc13f/db cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:0BC7-17FC + code:8fc13f/4b cheat description:Start with 0 special scares - code:DD69-37BF + code:8f8f5e/dd cheat description:Start with 10 special scares - code:FD69-37BF + code:8f8f5e/fd cheat description:Start with 20 special scares - code:4D69-37BF + code:8f8f5e/2d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0B7A:0D + code:7e0b7a/0d cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E13C8:09 + code:7e13c8/09 cartridge sha256:bb83f982961c33b81fefc1f545e18ab572d1c43cf6c241948544f05a1a71f2ba name:ABC Monday Night Football (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:7E119C:01 + code:7e119c/01 cheat description:1 yard to go for 1st down - code:7E119D:01 + code:7e119d/01 cheat description:Infinite time - minutes - code:7E11A6:09 + code:7e11a6/09 cheat description:Infinite time - seconds - code:7E11A6:09 + code:7e11a6/09 cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - diving tackles - code:0732-A469+C932-A409+DC32-A4A9+FD32-A7D9 + code:81e6da/43+81e6d9/c5+89e6da/dc+85e6df/fd cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - normal tackles - code:0032-A400+4732-A7D0+7D32-A4A0+C932-A4D0+DC32-A460 + code:81e2d9/44+85e2df/23+89e2da/3d+85e2db/c5+81e2da/dc cheat description:Have 0 points - Team 1 - code:7E1182:00 + code:7e1182/00 cheat description:Have 0 points - Team 2 - code:7E118C:00 + code:7e118c/00 cheat description:Have 7 points - Team 1 - code:7E1182:07 + code:7e1182/07 cheat description:Have 7 points - Team 2 - code:7E118C:07 + code:7e118c/07 cheat description:Have 14 points - Team 1 - code:7E1182:14 + code:7e1182/14 cheat description:Have 14 points - Team 2 - code:7E118C:14 + code:7e118c/14 cheat description:Have 21 points - Team 1 - code:7E1182:21 + code:7e1182/21 cheat description:Have 21 points - Team 2 - code:7E118C:21 + code:7e118c/21 cheat description:Have 99 points - Team 1 - code:7E1182:99 + code:7e1182/99 cheat description:Have 99 points - Team 2 - code:7E118C:99 + code:7e118c/99 cartridge sha256:d07e8802a6d9c777247874e05ec08fce7e0fa1bf122cc1ab9913f7d828e4072b name:ACME Animation Factory (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - game mode - code:7E1BA4:3C + code:7e1ba4/3c cartridge sha256:555ff99acb1b02e67ae7da12b776cdbfa9a56b8ddf248258158ec58a151554ef name:Acrobat Mission (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3CC2-A766 + code:82c2de/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82C2-64DB + code:06cedb/bd cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E042A:30 + code:7e042a/30 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0412:04 + code:7e0412/04 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt 2) - code:7E0412:0B + code:7e0412/0b cheat description:Most Powerful gun [00-10] (don't pick any weapon icons) - code:7E0424:?? + code:7e0424/00 cheat description:Score Modifier [00-99] - code:7E02B3:??+7E02B4:?? + code:7e02b3/00+7e02b4/00 cartridge sha256:41af71166f509b0e615b00e7dc3cf2dc660d1701014ecadfd1629257b18471b9 name:Action Pachio (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ED60-1FC9 + code:b1854f/ed cheat description:Infinite health - code:C96B-30DD + code:9787b3/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C922-CFF3 + code:3fdbdf/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C963-4D9A + code:b688e5/c5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E00CC:0A + code:7e00cc/0a cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E00C8:09 + code:7e00c8/09 cheat description:Infinite Coins - code:7E00C2:99 + code:7e00c2/99 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E00C0:63+7E00C1:63 + code:7e00c0/63+7e00c1/63 cheat description:Infinite continue time - code:7E1E12:09 + code:7e1e12/09 cheat description:Max score - code:7E00C4:99+7E00C5:99+7E00C6:99+7E00C7:99 + code:7e00c4/99+7e00c5/99+7e00c6/99+7e00c7/99 cartridge sha256:b8055844825653210d252d29a2229f9a3e7e512004e83940620173c57d8723f0 name:ActRaiser (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:1DBB-D4D7 + code:44bfbb/6d cheat description:Infinite health in action sequences - code:2264-6FD4 + code:348a2f/dd cheat description:Infinite MP (Magic Points) - code:C9BD-6467 + code:00beda/c5 cheat description:Infinite SP (Spell Points) - code:CEA5-6DA3 + code:3baa76/ce cheat description:Infinite time - code:C98B-D468 + code:42bfba/c5 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:DD8B-D4D8 + code:46bfbb/dd cheat description:Faster timer - code:FD86-D4A8 + code:4abf8a/fd cheat description:Slower timer - code:9D86-D4A8 + code:4abf8a/5d cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:4062-6F64+4063-6D04+4063-6F64+6D68-6464+6D6A-64D4 + code:308ade/24+308ae5/24+308aee/24+008aba/8d+048aab/8d cheat description:Monster lairs are always empty - code:B38B-07D3 + code:07b9bf/be cheat description:Towns always able to grow - code:DD60-07A2 + code:0b854e/dd cheat description:Unlock professional mode - code:DD67-D7AD + code:4b873e/dd cheat description:Unlock action mode (press start at title screen) - code:DD60-DD0D + code:738745/dd cheat description:Have Fire magic and 24 MP in professional mode - code:69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+DFC4-A4AC + code:b3c22e/85+87c22f/8d+83c22a/cb+8bc22a/df cheat description:Have Stardust and 24 MP in professional mode - code:69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+D4C4-A4AC + code:b3c22e/85+87c22f/8d+83c22a/cb+8bc22a/d2 cheat description:Have Aura magic and 24 MP in professional mode - code:69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+D7C4-A4AC + code:b3c22e/85+87c22f/8d+83c22a/cb+8bc22a/d3 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (first game only) - code:D081-6DD8 + code:36be67/d4 cheat description:Infinite health in action sequences (alt) - code:7E001D:08 + code:7e001d/08 cheat description:Infinite health in sim mode - code:7E0286:08 + code:7e0286/08 cheat description:Infinite magic in action sequences - code:7E0021:05 + code:7e0021/05 cheat description:Infinite time (alt 2) - code:02BC98:00 + code:02bc98/00 cheat description:Level 99 - code:7E0291:63 + code:7e0291/63 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:7E0BCC:00 + code:7e0bcc/00 cheat description:Have Aura magic - code:7E02AC:03 + code:7e02ac/03 cheat description:Have Fire magic - code:7E02AC:01 + code:7e02ac/01 cheat description:Have Stardust magic - code:7E02AC:02 + code:7e02ac/02 cheat description:Have Sword Shot - code:7E00E4:80 + code:7e00e4/80 cheat description:Have Light magic - code:7E02AC:04 + code:7e02ac/04 cheat description:Slot 1 - Source of Life - code:7E02A2:05 + code:7e02a2/05 cheat description:Slot 1 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A2:06 + code:7e02a2/06 cheat description:Slot 1 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A2:07 + code:7e02a2/07 cheat description:Slot 1 - Wheat - code:7E02A2:08 + code:7e02a2/08 cheat description:Slot 1 - Herb - code:7E02A2:09 + code:7e02a2/09 cheat description:Slot 1 - Bridge - code:7E02A2:0A + code:7e02a2/0a cheat description:Slot 1 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A2:0B + code:7e02a2/0b cheat description:Slot 1 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A2:0C + code:7e02a2/0c cheat description:Slot 1 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A2:0E + code:7e02a2/0e cheat description:Slot 1 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A2:0F + code:7e02a2/0f cheat description:Slot 1 - Bomb - code:7E02A2:10 + code:7e02a2/10 cheat description:Slot 1 - Compass - code:7E02A2:13 + code:7e02a2/13 cheat description:Slot 1 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A2:14 + code:7e02a2/14 cheat description:Slot 2 - Source of Life - code:7E02A3:05 + code:7e02a3/05 cheat description:Slot 2 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A3:06 + code:7e02a3/06 cheat description:Slot 2 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A3:07 + code:7e02a3/07 cheat description:Slot 2 - Wheat - code:7E02A3:08 + code:7e02a3/08 cheat description:Slot 2 - Herb - code:7E02A3:09 + code:7e02a3/09 cheat description:Slot 2 - Bridge - code:7E02A3:0A + code:7e02a3/0a cheat description:Slot 2 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A3:0B + code:7e02a3/0b cheat description:Slot 2 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A3:0C + code:7e02a3/0c cheat description:Slot 2 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A3:0E + code:7e02a3/0e cheat description:Slot 2 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A3:0F + code:7e02a3/0f cheat description:Slot 2 - Bomb - code:7E02A3:10 + code:7e02a3/10 cheat description:Slot 2 - Compass - code:7E02A3:13 + code:7e02a3/13 cheat description:Slot 2 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A3:14 + code:7e02a3/14 cheat description:Slot 3 - Source of Life - code:7E02A4:05 + code:7e02a4/05 cheat description:Slot 3 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A4:06 + code:7e02a4/06 cheat description:Slot 3 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A4:07 + code:7e02a4/07 cheat description:Slot 3 - Wheat - code:7E02A4:08 + code:7e02a4/08 cheat description:Slot 3 - Herb - code:7E02A4:09 + code:7e02a4/09 cheat description:Slot 3 - Bridge - code:7E02A4:0A + code:7e02a4/0a cheat description:Slot 3 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A4:0B + code:7e02a4/0b cheat description:Slot 3 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A4:0C + code:7e02a4/0c cheat description:Slot 3 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A4:0E + code:7e02a4/0e cheat description:Slot 3 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A4:0F + code:7e02a4/0f cheat description:Slot 3 - Bomb - code:7E02A4:10 + code:7e02a4/10 cheat description:Slot 3 - Compass - code:7E02A4:13 + code:7e02a4/13 cheat description:Slot 3 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A4:14 + code:7e02a4/14 cheat description:Slot 4 - Source of Life - code:7E02A5:05 + code:7e02a5/05 cheat description:Slot 4 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A5:06 + code:7e02a5/06 cheat description:Slot 4 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A5:07 + code:7e02a5/07 cheat description:Slot 4 - Wheat - code:7E02A5:08 + code:7e02a5/08 cheat description:Slot 4 - Herb - code:7E02A5:09 + code:7e02a5/09 cheat description:Slot 4 - Bridge - code:7E02A5:0A + code:7e02a5/0a cheat description:Slot 4 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A5:0B + code:7e02a5/0b cheat description:Slot 4 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A5:0C + code:7e02a5/0c cheat description:Slot 4 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A5:0E + code:7e02a5/0e cheat description:Slot 4 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A5:0F + code:7e02a5/0f cheat description:Slot 4 - Bomb - code:7E02A5:10 + code:7e02a5/10 cheat description:Slot 4 - Compass - code:7E02A5:13 + code:7e02a5/13 cheat description:Slot 4 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A5:14 + code:7e02a5/14 cheat description:Slot 5 - Source of Life - code:7E02A6:05 + code:7e02a6/05 cheat description:Slot 5 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A6:06 + code:7e02a6/06 cheat description:Slot 5 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A6:07 + code:7e02a6/07 cheat description:Slot 5 - Wheat - code:7E02A6:08 + code:7e02a6/08 cheat description:Slot 5 - Herb - code:7E02A6:09 + code:7e02a6/09 cheat description:Slot 5 - Bridge - code:7E02A6:0A + code:7e02a6/0a cheat description:Slot 5 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A6:0B + code:7e02a6/0b cheat description:Slot 5 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A6:0C + code:7e02a6/0c cheat description:Slot 5 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A6:0E + code:7e02a6/0e cheat description:Slot 5 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A6:0F + code:7e02a6/0f cheat description:Slot 5 - Bomb - code:7E02A6:10 + code:7e02a6/10 cheat description:Slot 5 - Compass - code:7E02A6:13 + code:7e02a6/13 cheat description:Slot 5 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A6:14 + code:7e02a6/14 cheat description:Slot 6 - Source of Life - code:7E02A7:05 + code:7e02a7/05 cheat description:Slot 6 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A7:06 + code:7e02a7/06 cheat description:Slot 6 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A7:07 + code:7e02a7/07 cheat description:Slot 6 - Wheat - code:7E02A7:08 + code:7e02a7/08 cheat description:Slot 6 - Herb - code:7E02A7:09 + code:7e02a7/09 cheat description:Slot 6 - Bridge - code:7E02A7:0A + code:7e02a7/0a cheat description:Slot 6 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A7:0B + code:7e02a7/0b cheat description:Slot 6 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A7:0C + code:7e02a7/0c cheat description:Slot 6 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A7:0E + code:7e02a7/0e cheat description:Slot 6 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A7:0F + code:7e02a7/0f cheat description:Slot 6 - Bomb - code:7E02A7:10 + code:7e02a7/10 cheat description:Slot 6 - Compass - code:7E02A7:13 + code:7e02a7/13 cheat description:Slot 6 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A7:14 + code:7e02a7/14 cheat description:Slot 7 - Source of Life - code:7E02A8:05 + code:7e02a8/05 cheat description:Slot 7 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A8:06 + code:7e02a8/06 cheat description:Slot 7 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A8:07 + code:7e02a8/07 cheat description:Slot 7 - Wheat - code:7E02A8:08 + code:7e02a8/08 cheat description:Slot 7 - Herb - code:7E02A8:09 + code:7e02a8/09 cheat description:Slot 7 - Bridge - code:7E02A8:0A + code:7e02a8/0a cheat description:Slot 7 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A8:0B + code:7e02a8/0b cheat description:Slot 7 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A8:0C + code:7e02a8/0c cheat description:Slot 7 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A8:0E + code:7e02a8/0e cheat description:Slot 7 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A8:0F + code:7e02a8/0f cheat description:Slot 7 - Bomb - code:7E02A8:10 + code:7e02a8/10 cheat description:Slot 7 - Compass - code:7E02A8:13 + code:7e02a8/13 cheat description:Slot 7 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A8:14 + code:7e02a8/14 cheat description:Slot 8 - Source of Life - code:7E02A9:05 + code:7e02a9/05 cheat description:Slot 8 - Source of Magic - code:7E02A9:06 + code:7e02a9/06 cheat description:Slot 8 - Loaf of Bread - code:7E02A9:07 + code:7e02a9/07 cheat description:Slot 8 - Wheat - code:7E02A9:08 + code:7e02a9/08 cheat description:Slot 8 - Herb - code:7E02A9:09 + code:7e02a9/09 cheat description:Slot 8 - Bridge - code:7E02A9:0A + code:7e02a9/0a cheat description:Slot 8 - Harmonious Music - code:7E02A9:0B + code:7e02a9/0b cheat description:Slot 8 - Ancient Tablet - code:7E02A9:0C + code:7e02a9/0c cheat description:Slot 8 - Magic Skull - code:7E02A9:0E + code:7e02a9/0e cheat description:Slot 8 - Sheep's Fleece - code:7E02A9:0F + code:7e02a9/0f cheat description:Slot 8 - Bomb - code:7E02A9:10 + code:7e02a9/10 cheat description:Slot 8 - Compass - code:7E02A9:13 + code:7e02a9/13 cheat description:Slot 8 - Strength of Angel - code:7E02A9:14 + code:7e02a9/14 cartridge sha256:71bdd448a30b88725864e55594ebb67a118b1f197a3f9e5dd39dbf23399efa15 name:ActRaiser 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health from most enemies - code:C2B0-CF07 + code:30bf4d/cd cheat description:Infinite health from some ground hazards - code:C2B2-C7D3 + code:07bbdf/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD33-476F + code:83ecee/dd cheat description:Infinite MP (must have one to cast) - code:3C65-CFA8 + code:3a8f7e/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DD67-4468 + code:828c3a/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40B5-17A4+40B6-14A4+40BB-17D4+40BC-1DA4 + code:88b97e/24+88b98a/24+84b9bf/24+b8b9c6/24 cheat description:One hit kills - code:DDB3-C764 + code:00bbee/dd cheat description:Small magic power-up adds 3 instead of 1 - code:D7C0-37A7 + code:88cf4e/d3 cheat description:Small magic power-up adds 5 - code:D9C0-37A7 + code:88cf4e/d5 cheat description:Small magic power-up adds 9 - code:DBC0-37A7 + code:88cf4e/db cheat description:Large magic power-up adds 1 instead of 3 - code:DFC9-3407 + code:80cf59/df cheat description:Large magic power-up adds 5 - code:D9C9-3407 + code:80cf59/d5 cheat description:Large magic power-up adds 9 - code:DBC9-3407 + code:80cf59/db cheat description:Small health power-ups add 1 instead of 2 - code:DFC7-3D67 + code:b0cf36/df cheat description:Small health power-ups add 4 - code:D0C7-3D67 + code:b0cf36/d4 cheat description:Small health power-ups add 15 - code:F9C7-3D67 + code:b0cf36/f5 cheat description:Small health power-ups heal completely - code:F0C7-3D67 + code:b0cf36/f4 cheat description:Medium health power-ups add 2 instead of 5 - code:D4C9-3FD7 + code:b4cf5f/d2 cheat description:Medium health power-ups add 8 - code:D6C9-3FD7 + code:b4cf5f/d8 cheat description:Medium health power-ups add 15 - code:F9C9-3FD7 + code:b4cf5f/f5 cheat description:Medium health power-ups heal completely - code:F0C9-3FD7 + code:b4cf5f/f4 cheat description:Large health power-ups add 2 instead of 10 - code:D4C7-3FA7 + code:b8cf3e/d2 cheat description:Large health power-ups add 5 - code:D0C7-3FA7 + code:b8cf3e/d4 cheat description:Large health power-ups add 15 - code:F9C7-3FA7 + code:b8cf3e/f5 cheat description:Large health power-ups heal completely - code:F0C7-3FA7 + code:b8cf3e/f4 cheat description:Start with 3 lives on Easy - code:D727-4DD1 + code:b5d837/d3 cheat description:Start with 10 lives on Easy - code:FD27-4DD1 + code:b5d837/fd cheat description:Start with 50 lives on Easy - code:9D27-4DD1 + code:b5d837/5d cheat description:Start with 1 life on Normal - code:DF27-4D61 + code:b1d836/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives on Normal - code:D927-4D61 + code:b1d836/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives on Normal - code:FD27-4D61 + code:b1d836/fd cheat description:Start with 50 lives on Normal - code:9D27-4D61 + code:b1d836/5d cheat description:Start with 1 life on Hard - code:DF27-4FD1 + code:b5d83f/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives on Hard - code:D927-4FD1 + code:b5d83f/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives on Hard - code:FD27-4FD1 + code:b5d83f/fd cheat description:Start with 50 lives on Hard - code:9D27-4FD1 + code:b5d83f/5d cheat description:Start with 2 MP on Easy - code:D484-1F66 + code:b2b12e/d2 cheat description:Start with 7 MP on Easy - code:D584-1F66 + code:b2b12e/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 MP on Easy - code:DB84-1F66 + code:b2b12e/db cheat description:Start with 1 MP on Normal or Hard - code:DF8F-1766 + code:82b1fe/df cheat description:Start with 5 MP on Normal or Hard - code:D98F-1766 + code:82b1fe/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 MP on Normal or Hard - code:D58F-1766 + code:82b1fe/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 MP on Normal or Hard - code:DB8F-1766 + code:82b1fe/db cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:DC8F-1F06 + code:b2b1fd/dc cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:DE8F-1F06 + code:b2b1fd/de cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7F205E:18 + code:7f205e/18 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E091D:16 + code:7e091d/16 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) (disable at end of level) - code:7E094D:63 + code:7e094d/63 cartridge sha256:e645310d2406ace85523ed91070ee7ff6aa245217267dacb158ae9fc75109692 name:Addams Family, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DA7-670D + code:03a63d/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:3CA7-A467 + code:80ae3a/ec cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:1DA7-A4A7 + code:88ae3a/6d cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:C9A7-A4A7 + code:88ae3a/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDA1-A4A7 + code:88ae6a/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C9A1-A7D7 + code:84ae6f/c5 cheat description:Double-jump - code:DD87-0FA7 + code:38bd3e/dd cheat description:Each $ worth 5 - code:D9CF-DDAF + code:7bcff6/d5 cheat description:Each $ worth 10 - code:FDCF-DDAF + code:7bcff6/fd cheat description:Each $ worth 25 - code:49CF-DDAF + code:7bcff6/25 cheat description:Have Fezi-copter - code:6DAC-6FDD + code:37a6cf/8d cheat description:Start with and keep Fezi-copter (disable after defeating a boss, land before password screen) - code:3CAD-A46D+60BA-6704 + code:83a6da/ec+00baad/84 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:DF61-0F0D+DF61-0F6D + code:33856d/df+33856e/df cheat description:Start with 3 hearts - code:D761-0F0D+D761-0F6D + code:33856d/d3+33856e/d3 cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - code:D061-0F0D+D061-0F6D + code:33856d/d4+33856e/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - code:D961-0F0D+D961-0F6D + code:33856d/d5+33856e/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFB8-6F04 + code:30babd/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D7B8-6F04 + code:30babd/d3 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBB8-6F04 + code:30babd/db cheat description:Start with 20 lives - code:4DB8-6F04 + code:30babd/2d cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:9DB8-6F04 + code:30babd/5d cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:BBB8-6F04 + code:30babd/bb cheat description:Infinite health and max hearts - code:7E00C3:05 + code:7e00c3/05 cheat description:Always throw Balls - code:7E00EF:01 + code:7e00ef/01 cheat description:Have Fezi-copter (alt) - code:7E0064:FF + code:7e0064/ff cheat description:Have Foil (Sword) - code:7E00EE:01 + code:7e00ee/01 cartridge sha256:b6957bae7fd97ba681afbf8962fe2138e209649fd88ed9add2d5233178680aaa name:Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:3CCC-446D + code:83c4ca/ec cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:3CCC-446D + code:83c4ca/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDB6-1FA7 + code:b8bd8e/dd cheat description:Each $ worth 5 - code:D9C9-476D + code:83c45e/d5 cheat description:Each $ worth 25 - code:49C9-476D + code:83c45e/25 cheat description:Higher jump - code:3BA5-37D4+D9A5-3704 + code:84ab7f/eb+80ab7d/d5 cheat description:Super-jump - code:3BA5-37D4+D5A5-3704 + code:84ab7f/eb+80ab7d/d7 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:3BA5-37D4+DBA5-3704 + code:84ab7f/eb+80ab7d/db cheat description:Longer invulnerability time after being hit - code:5EC8-4DDD + code:b7c4b7/7e cheat description:Shorter invulnerability time after being hit - code:D6C8-4DDD + code:b7c4b7/d8 cheat description:Get 0 lives for each $100 and 1-Up - code:DDB0-C767 + code:00bf4e/dd cheat description:Get 2 lives for each $100 and 1-Up - code:D4B0-C767 + code:00bf4e/d2 cheat description:Start with 1 heart (don't edit hearts in options menu) - code:DDED-D76D + code:43e7de/dd cheat description:Start with 2 hearts (don't edit hearts in options menu) - code:DFED-D76D + code:43e7de/df cheat description:Start with 5 hearts (don't edit hearts in options menu) - code:D0ED-D76D + code:43e7de/d4 cheat description:Start with 4 lives (don't edit lives in options menu) - code:DDED-D40D + code:43e7d9/dd cheat description:Start with 16 lives (don't edit lives in options menu) - code:DBED-D40D + code:43e7d9/db cheat description:Start with 64 lives (don't edit lives in options menu) - code:7DED-D40D + code:43e7d9/3d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0095:03 + code:7e0095/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E004D:09 + code:7e004d/09 cheat description:Infinite Cash - code:7E004E:99 + code:7e004e/99 cartridge sha256:f59a0a8ed11ea2ba6217b1640e74bab8d8d8161a4585f5ae4a02edd7958ad9a3 name:Addams Family Values (USA) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Infinite health against enemies - code:FFBD-C767 + code:00bfde/ff cheat description:Infinite health against everything - code:3C8F-C40D + code:03b7f9/ec cheat description:Infinite Small Rocks - code:DD24-3D0F + code:b3df25/dd cheat description:Infinite Blue Marbles - code:DD2C-C7AF + code:0bdfce/dd cheat description:Infinite Magic Seeds - code:DD22-CF0F + code:33dfdd/dd cheat description:Infinite Swamp Slime - code:DD2E-C4AF + code:0bdfea/dd cheat description:Infinite cookies - code:8E2A-1D6D + code:b3d5a6/be cheat description:Start with full skull meter - code:FA62-3F0D + code:b387dd/fa cheat description:Start with all items - code:EE6C-320D + code:b387c5/ee cheat description:Have Amulet of True Sight - code:7EE9FC:FF + code:7ee9fc/ff cheat description:Have Big Book of Bisquits - code:7EE9F0:FF + code:7ee9f0/ff cheat description:Have Black Beetle Cookies - code:7EE9E0:FF+7EE9E4:FF + code:7ee9e0/ff+7ee9e4/ff cheat description:Have Black Egg - code:7EEA05:FF + code:7eea05/ff cheat description:Have Black Rose - code:7EE9FA:FF + code:7ee9fa/ff cheat description:Have Bone Spoon - code:7EE9F7:FF + code:7ee9f7/ff cheat description:Have Book of Flying - code:7EE9F9:FF + code:7ee9f9/ff cheat description:Have Candle - code:7EE9F6:FF + code:7ee9f6/ff cheat description:Have Clyde's Cookie Compendium - code:7EE9EF:FF + code:7ee9ef/ff cheat description:Have Crumble Cookies - code:7EE9E2:FF+7EE9E6:FF + code:7ee9e2/ff+7ee9e6/ff cheat description:Have Crusty Cookies - code:7EE9E1:FF+7EE9E5:FF + code:7ee9e1/ff+7ee9e5/ff cheat description:Have Dragon Belch Cookies - code:7EE9DF:FF+7EE9E3:FF + code:7ee9df/ff+7ee9e3/ff cheat description:Have Firefly - code:7EEA03:FF + code:7eea03/ff cheat description:Have Gold Coin - code:7EEA06:FF + code:7eea06/ff cheat description:Have Green Key - code:7EE9D8:FF + code:7ee9d8/ff cheat description:Have Greenhouse Key - code:7EE9D7:FF + code:7ee9d7/ff cheat description:Have Headless Teddy - code:7EE9F4:FF + code:7ee9f4/ff cheat description:Have Iron Key - code:7EE9DE:FF + code:7ee9de/ff cheat description:Have Jewelled Key - code:7EE9DB:FF + code:7ee9db/ff cheat description:Have Journal - code:7EE9F2:FF + code:7ee9f2/ff cheat description:Have Large Vine - code:7EEA02:FF + code:7eea02/ff cheat description:Have Lurch's Bowling Ball - code:7EEA04:FF + code:7eea04/ff cheat description:Have Magnet - code:7EE9FF:FF + code:7ee9ff/ff cheat description:Have Max's Munch Manual - code:7EE9F1:FF + code:7ee9f1/ff cheat description:Have Money - code:7E004E:63 + code:7e004e/63 cheat description:Have Musical Box - code:7EE9FB:FF + code:7ee9fb/ff cheat description:Have Plant Food - code:7EE9EA:FF + code:7ee9ea/ff cheat description:Have Portal Potion - code:7EE9E8:FF + code:7ee9e8/ff cheat description:Have Pumpkin - code:7EE9F3:FF + code:7ee9f3/ff cheat description:Have Red Potion - code:7EE9E7:FF + code:7ee9e7/ff cheat description:Have Sack of Gold - code:7EE9F5:FF + code:7ee9f5/ff cheat description:Have Slimming Potion - code:7EE9E9:FF + code:7ee9e9/ff cheat description:Have Shockwave - code:7EE9FD:FF + code:7ee9fd/ff cheat description:Have Skull Rattle - code:7EE9F8:FF + code:7ee9f8/ff cheat description:Have Skull Key - code:7EE9D9:FF + code:7ee9d9/ff cheat description:Have Spider Key - code:7EE9DD:FF + code:7ee9dd/ff cheat description:Have Spider's Eye - code:7EE9FE:FF + code:7ee9fe/ff cheat description:Have Stone Button - code:7EEA01:FF + code:7eea01/ff cheat description:Have Stone Key - code:7EE9DC:FF + code:7ee9dc/ff cheat description:Have Stone Twig Key - code:7EE9DA:FF + code:7ee9da/ff cheat description:Have Strange Black Cube - code:7EEA00:FF + code:7eea00/ff cartridge sha256:0a8cd5101f849ccd4e40d55fdc4edce914b2825b69eb76ec31cf53b59719e79e name:Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:8285-6D2C+82DE-049B + code:37b277/bd+06dde9/bd cheat description:No waiting to hit again - code:828D-A798 + code:86bedd/bd cheat description:One hit kills (works for enemies also) - code:CBAA-A726+3CA2-AD96 + code:86a2af/cb+b6a2d5/ec cheat description:Pick a lawful, human male fighter and he will be at Level 8 - code:D68B-A474 + code:8cbab8/d8 cheat description:Pick a lawful, human male fighter and he will be at level 6 - code:D18B-A474 + code:8cbab8/d6 cheat description:999,999 EXP 1st class - code:7E0533:3F+7E0534:42+7E0535:0F + code:7e0533/3f+7e0534/42+7e0535/0f cartridge sha256:8083307f3f4b7df9e5bf53d5f25877c2e548f0f677540d4ee62d60ccca3098f8 name:Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except after being grabbed) - code:2DC7-1DAD + code:bbc536/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C982-4F0D + code:b3b4dd/c5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:DD8A-4D6D + code:b3b4a6/dd cheat description:Get full health from hearts - code:466B-4494 + code:8488b9/28 cheat description:Infinite Stars - code:C9A1-34AF + code:8baf6a/c5 cheat description:Infinite Spray Gun ammo - code:C9A5-34DF + code:87af7b/c5 cheat description:Infinite Plastic Explosives - code:C9AB-3D6F + code:b3afb6/c5 cheat description:Infinite Smoke Bombs - code:C9A6-3F0F + code:b3af8d/c5 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:DDA1-34AF + code:8baf6a/dd cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:DDAB-3D6F + code:b3afb6/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C988-340D + code:83b7b9/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C9B8-349A+C9BD-4FB2+DDBB-34BA+DDC6-44AF+DDB3-3F2A+DDE9-4D02 + code:86bbb9/c5+bfb4de/c5+8ebbba/dd+8bcc8a/dd+b6bbef/dd+b3e455/dd cheat description:Moon-jump - code:4DAF-14DF + code:87adfb/2d cheat description:Super-jump - code:E6C7-34DF + code:87cf3b/e8 cheat description:Move slower - code:DD8D-C765+EE8F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/dd+35bff7/ee cheat description:Move faster - code:D08D-C765+E88F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/d4+35bff7/eb cheat description:Move even faster - code:D58D-C765+E68F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/d7+35bff7/e8 cheat description:Moon-walk - code:E38D-C765+DF8F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/ee+35bff7/df cheat description:Moon-walk faster - code:E88D-C765+D08F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/eb+35bff7/d4 cheat description:Moon-walk even faster - code:E68D-C765+E58F-CDD5 + code:01bfde/e8+35bff7/e7 cheat description:No credits - code:DD86-4D19 + code:b9b485/dd cheat description:Don't start with any Explosives and Smoke Bomb ammo - code:DDBE-3F0F + code:b3bfed/dd cheat description:Don't start with any Stars and Spray Gun ammo - code:DDB3-376F + code:83bfee/dd cheat description:Start with 25 Stars and Spray Gun ammo - code:FBB3-376F + code:83bfee/fb cheat description:Start with 50 Stars and Spray Gun ammo - code:77B3-376F + code:83bfee/33 cheat description:Start with 25 Explosives and Smoke Bomb ammo - code:FBBE-3F0F + code:b3bfed/fb cheat description:Start with 50 Explosives and Smoke Bomb ammo - code:77BE-3F0F + code:b3bfed/33 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - not on easy mode - code:DB86-4FC9 + code:b1b48f/db cheat description:Start with 6 lives - not on easy mode - code:D186-4FC9 + code:b1b48f/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - not on easy mode - code:DD86-4FC9 + code:b1b48f/dd cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:DB86-4D19 + code:b9b485/db cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D186-4D19 + code:b9b485/d6 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:7E0098:28 + code:7e0098/28 cheat description:Infinite item #3 - code:7E00A0:09 + code:7e00a0/09 cheat description:Infinite item #4 - code:7E00A2:09 + code:7e00a2/09 cheat description:Infinite item #5 - code:7E00A4:09 + code:7e00a4/09 cheat description:Infinite item #6 - code:7E00A6:09 + code:7e00a6/09 cartridge sha256:ecd964ae44e61203bc8759cfc6441365bf0c6e7bae6ad2a0fd553d4c7efab71e name:Adventures of Dr. Franken, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3CBB-CDD7 + code:34bfb7/ec cheat description:Health power-ups give a full health bar - code:D3A0-1404+62A5-1464 + code:80a949/de+80a97a/8d cheat description:Infinite health (glitchy) - code:C2BB-4F0F+C2BB-44DF + code:b3bcbd/cd+87bcbb/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C220-C7A4 + code:08db4e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B9-C4AD + code:0bb75a/cd cheat description:Infinite Power Balls - code:3CB5-14AF + code:8bbd7a/ec cheat description:Infinite Freeze - code:3CBB-1F0F + code:b3bdbd/ec cheat description:Infinite Fire - code:3CBB-1D0F + code:b3bdb5/ec cheat description:Infinite Lightning - code:3CB5-1FAF + code:bbbd7e/ec cartridge sha256:670d898bdcf97d7ca3aab6c2dd1641f1270fcc2a070bbd3028ab413aef2b2ecc name:Adventures of Kid Kleets, The (USA) (En,Fr,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DA6-14A0 + code:89a18a/6d cheat description:Infinite time - code:C26A-3709 + code:8187ad/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2A6-1700 + code:81a18d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C282-34A1 + code:89bbda/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DDA0-476A+DDA9-4F6A + code:82a84e/dd+b2a85e/dd cheat description:Moon jump - code:5C88-1D09+7D88-1DA9+DD83-17A9 + code:b1b5b5/7c+b9b5b6/3d+89b5ee/dd cartridge sha256:b70099186d3774355ac5db370240e370c73f9ce5341f6c805cf9f771374b43ae name:Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DCA-19E4+EDCA-1554 + code:98c9a7/dd+9cc9ad/ed cheat description:Infinite chances - code:C28C-1F44 + code:b8b9cc/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2CE-CF61 + code:31cbee/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2CF-CF01 + code:31cbfd/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2CF-308D + code:9fc7f2/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2E3-47C6 + code:82e0ef/cd cheat description:Don't lose ammo when you die - code:C2C9-35ED + code:9bc75f/cd cheat description:Don't lose collected flags when you die - code:C2C7-C18D + code:1fc73a/cd cheat description:1-Up with every flag collected - code:DFCA-1761 + code:81c9ae/df cartridge sha256:8049175767eddbc3e21ca5b94ee23fc225f834ccfab4ded30d2e981b0ef73ab6 name:Adventures of Yogi Bear (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2CD-1404 + code:80c9d9/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C269-47DD + code:87845f/cd cartridge sha256:b737de81315eef8ded7cfd5df6b37aba01d9e6e14566486db7ec83eb0c1aa85e name:Aero Fighters (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:82C2-4D64 + code:b0c8d6/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:8229-37A0 + code:89d35e/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for American F-18 - P1 - code:8237-47A1 + code:89e83e/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for Japanese FSX - P1 - code:8237-47A9 + code:89e43e/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for Swedish AJ-37 - P1 - code:8237-1D09 + code:b1e535/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for British AV-8 - P1 - code:8237-17A9 + code:89e53e/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for American F-15 - P2 - code:823E-3D60 + code:b1e3e6/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for Japanese F-15 - P2 - code:823A-4D09 + code:b1e4a5/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for Swedish JAS-39 - P2 - code:8239-1FD9 + code:b5e55f/bd cheat description:Infinite Bombs for British IDS - P2 - code:823D-C769 + code:01e7de/bd cheat description:Don't lose power-ups when you die - both players - code:8229-37D0 + code:85d35f/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere + one hit kills - code:40CA-14DD+40CA-17AD+40C2-1FDD+40C2-14DD+40C2-17DD+6DC5-1F0D+6DCB-1DAD + code:87c5ab/24+8bc5ae/24+b7c5df/24+87c5db/24+87c5df/24+b3c57d/8d+bbc5b6/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:6DCB-1DAD + code:bbc5b6/8d cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7FB78C:02 + code:7fb78c/02 cheat description:Max Cannon power - code:7FB794:03 + code:7fb794/03 cheat description:Infinite Bombs / Specials - code:7FB790:02 + code:7fb790/02 cartridge sha256:18a553dafd4980cc2869180b05f9fdf6e980bf092cc683e498ec6373c9701c6e name:Aero the Acro-Bat (USA) cheat description:Infinite health from most enemies - code:3CED-3DDC + code:b7e3d7/ec cheat description:Start with more health - code:1A27-4D03 + code:b3d835/6a cheat description:Infinite time - code:DDEC-146A + code:82e9ca/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DD6B-37AF + code:8b8fbe/dd cheat description:Start with 19 lives - code:5D68-4FDD + code:b784bf/7d cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C26E-3724 + code:848bef/cd cheat description:Each star platform is worth 4 - code:D034-C7AD + code:0be72e/d4 cartridge sha256:fc5df5db0a96d39d3df651f63993adf0f5cb5a6b92a36211f3a05d460d92c72d name:Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DB0-4D6D + code:b3b446/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:A287-CFAE + code:3bbb3e/ad cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C287-CFAE + code:3bbb3e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26C-4D0F + code:b38cc5/cd cheat description:Infinite Stars - code:C227-4DDE + code:b7d837/cd cheat description:Infinite Shots - code:DD24-476E + code:83d82e/dd cheat description:Stars worth 3 - code:D7C8-17D3 + code:87c9bf/d3 cheat description:Stars worth 5 - code:D9C8-17D3 + code:87c9bf/d5 cheat description:Stars worth 7 - code:D5C8-17D3 + code:87c9bf/d7 cheat description:Double Drill icon lasts 99 seconds - code:BBC2-C463 + code:03cbda/bb cheat description:Double Drill icon lets you drill 4 times instead of 2 - code:D0C2-CD03 + code:33cbd5/d4 cheat description:Double Drill icon lets you drill 9 times instead of 2 - code:DBC2-CD03 + code:33cbd5/db cheat description:Can drill 5 times in the air until you pick-up a drill icon - code:D936-4DF1 + code:bde887/d5 cheat description:Can drill 9 times in the air until you pick-up a drill icon - code:DB36-4DF1 + code:bde887/db cheat description:Drill as many times as you want without hitting the ground - code:C26E-4F03 + code:b388ed/cd cheat description:Move faster - code:D468-CDAA+E26A-CD0A + code:3a8bb6/d2+328ba5/ed cheat description:Move even faster - code:D768-CDAA+EA6A-CD0A + code:3a8bb6/d3+328ba5/ea cheat description:Jump higher - code:FD67-3DD2 + code:b78737/fd cheat description:Super-jump when standing still - code:E66E-4F62+E661-C762 + code:b384ee/e8+03876e/e8 cheat description:Flying icon worth 99 seconds of flight time - code:BBC3-3D63 + code:b3cbe6/bb cheat description:Start each life with max health - code:D939-14F1 + code:8de95b/d5 cartridge sha256:d5f0fbeed3774bbccbd769698fc4051487a0a5eb699790a8a094451595600f60 name:Aerobiz (USA) cheat description:In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with $649,280,000 - code:DDA6-0DFD + code:3fa587/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with $7,202,880,000 - code:D9A6-0DFD + code:3fa587/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Beijing starts with $420,160,000 - code:94A6-0D2D + code:37a587/52 cheat description:In scenario 1, Beijing starts with $7,393,600,000 - code:D9A6-0FFD + code:3fa58f/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with $449,440,000 - code:95A6-0F2D + code:37a58f/57 cheat description:In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with $7,453,600,000 - code:D9A6-04FD + code:0fa58b/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Singapore starts with $400,640,000 - code:03A6-042D + code:07a58b/4e cheat description:In scenario 1, Singapore starts with $7,353,600,000 - code:D9A6-07FD + code:0fa58f/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Sydney starts with $297,920,000 - code:7CA6-072D + code:07a58f/3c cheat description:In scenario 1, Sydney starts with $7,153,600,000 - code:D9AB-0DFD + code:3fa5b7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Delhi starts with $317,440,000 - code:73AB-0D2D + code:37a5b7/3e cheat description:In scenario 1, Delhi starts with $7,193,600,000 - code:D9AB-0FFD + code:3fa5bf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Tehran starts with $239,360,000 - code:43AB-0F2D + code:37a5bf/2e cheat description:In scenario 1, Tehran starts with $7,033,600,000 - code:D9AB-04FD + code:0fa5bb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Cairo starts with $249,120,000 - code:7DAB-042D + code:07a5bb/3d cheat description:In scenario 1, Cairo starts with $7,053,600,000 - code:D9AB-07FD + code:0fa5bf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with $200,320,000 - code:45AB-072D + code:07a5bf/27 cheat description:In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with $6,953,600,000 - code:D9AC-0DFD + code:3fa5c7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Lagos starts with $229,600,000 - code:4AAC-0D2D + code:37a5c7/2a cheat description:In scenario 1, Lagos starts with $7,013,600,000 - code:D9AC-0FFD + code:3fa5cf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Moscow starts with $289,280,000 - code:DDAC-04FD + code:0fa5cb/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, Moscow starts with $6,842,880,000 - code:D9AC-04FD + code:0fa5cb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, London starts with $949,280,000 - code:DDAC-07FD + code:0fa5cf/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, London starts with $7,502,880,000 - code:D9AC-07FD + code:0fa5cf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Paris starts with $289,280,000 - code:DDA8-0DFD + code:3fa5b7/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, Paris starts with $6,842,880,000 - code:D9A8-0DFD + code:3fa5b7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Rome starts with $371,360,000 - code:06A8-0D2D + code:37a5b7/48 cheat description:In scenario 1, Rome starts with $7,293,600,000 - code:D9A8-0FFD + code:3fa5bf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, New York starts with $189,280,000 - code:DDA8-04FD + code:0fa5bb/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, New York starts with $6,742,880,000 - code:D9A8-04FD + code:0fa5bb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with $258,880,000 - code:74A8-042D + code:07a5bb/32 cheat description:In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with $7,073,600,000 - code:D9A8-07FD + code:0fa5bf/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with $649,280,000 - code:DDAA-0DFD + code:3fa5a7/dd cheat description:In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with $7,202,880,000 - code:D9AA-0DFD + code:3fa5a7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with $268,640,000 - code:70AA-0D2D + code:37a5a7/34 cheat description:In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with $7,093,600,000 - code:D9AA-0FFD + code:3fa5af/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with $258,880,000 - code:74AA-0F2D + code:37a5af/32 cheat description:In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with $7,073,600,000 - code:D9AA-04FD + code:0fa5ab/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Lima starts with $180,800,000 - code:47AA-042D + code:07a5ab/23 cheat description:In scenario 1, Lima starts with $6,913,600,000 - code:D9AA-07FD + code:0fa5af/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with $317,440,000 - code:73AA-072D + code:07a5af/3e cheat description:In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with $7,193,600,000 - code:D9A2-0DFD + code:3fa5d7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with $210,080,000 - code:4BA2-0D2D + code:37a5d7/2b cheat description:In scenario 1, Buenos Aires starts with $6,973,600,000 - code:D9A2-0FFD + code:3fa5df/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with $1,149,280,000 - code:DDA2-04FD + code:0fa5db/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with $7,702,880,000 - code:D9A2-04FD + code:0fa5db/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Beijing starts with $498,240,000 - code:1FA2-042D + code:07a5db/6f cheat description:In scenario 2, Beijing starts with $7,553,600,000 - code:D9A2-07FD + code:0fa5df/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with $649,760,000 - code:53A2-072D + code:07a5df/7e cheat description:In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with $7,853,600,000 - code:D9A3-0DFD + code:3fa5e7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Singapore starts with $552,160,000 - code:18A3-0D2D + code:37a5e7/6b cheat description:In scenario 2, Singapore starts with $7,653,600,000 - code:D9A3-0FFD + code:3fa5ef/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Sydney starts with $581,440,000 - code:5FA3-0F2D + code:37a5ef/7f cheat description:In scenario 2, Sydney starts with $7,713,600,000 - code:D9A3-04FD + code:0fa5eb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Delhi starts with $517,760,000 - code:19A3-042D + code:07a5eb/65 cheat description:In scenario 2, Delhi starts with $7,593,600,000 - code:D9A3-07FD + code:0fa5ef/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Tehran starts with $297,920,000 - code:7CA3-072D + code:07a5ef/3c cheat description:In scenario 2, Tehran starts with $7,153,600,000 - code:D9AE-0DFD + code:3fa5e7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Cairo starts with $390,880,000 - code:0AAE-0D2D + code:37a5e7/4a cheat description:In scenario 2, Cairo starts with $7,333,600,000 - code:D9AE-0FFD + code:3fa5ef/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with $249,120,000 - code:7DAE-0F2D + code:37a5ef/3d cheat description:In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with $7,053,600,000 - code:D9AE-04FD + code:0fa5eb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Lagos starts with $299,040,000 - code:7CAE-042D + code:07a5eb/3c cheat description:In scenario 2, Lagos starts with $7,149,600,000 - code:D9AE-07FD + code:0fa5ef/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Moscow starts with $689,280,000 - code:DDAD-6DFD + code:3fa6d7/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, Moscow starts with $7,242,880,000 - code:D9AD-6DFD + code:3fa6d7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, London starts with $38,560,000 - code:DDAD-6FFD + code:3fa6df/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, London starts with $6,592,160,000 - code:D9AD-6FFD + code:3fa6df/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Paris starts with $909,280,000 - code:DDAD-64FD + code:0fa6db/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, Paris starts with $7,462,880,000 - code:D9AD-64FD + code:0fa6db/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Rome starts with $571,680,000 - code:1EAD-642D + code:07a6db/6e cheat description:In scenario 2, Rome starts with $7,693,600,000 - code:D9AD-67FD + code:0fa6df/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, New York starts with $829,280,000 - code:DDAF-6DFD + code:3fa6f7/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, New York starts with $7,382,880,000 - code:D9AF-6DFD + code:3fa6f7/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with $420,160,000 - code:94AF-6D2D + code:37a6f7/52 cheat description:In scenario 2, Vancouver starts with $7,393,600,000 - code:D9AF-6FFD + code:3fa6ff/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with $1,109,280,000 - code:DDAF-64FD + code:0fa6fb/dd cheat description:In scenario 2, Los Angeles starts with $7,662,880,000 - code:D9AF-64FD + code:0fa6fb/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with $381,120,000 - code:0CAF-642D + code:07a6fb/4c cheat description:In scenario 2, Honolulu starts with $7,313,600,000 - code:D9AF-67FD + code:0fa6ff/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with $468,960,000 - code:98AF-672D + code:07a6ff/5b cheat description:In scenario 2, Mexico City starts with $7,493,600,000 - code:D9A4-6DFD + code:3fa627/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Lima starts with $258,880,000 - code:74A4-6D2D + code:37a627/32 cheat description:In scenario 2, Lima starts with $7,073,600,000 - code:D9A4-6FFD + code:3fa62f/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with $630,240,000 - code:58A4-6F2D + code:37a62f/7b cheat description:In scenario 2, Rio de Janeiro starts with $7,813,600,000 - code:D9A4-64FD + code:0fa62b/d5 cheat description:In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with $361,600,000 - code:01A4-642D + code:07a62b/46 cheat description:In scenario 2, Buenos Aires starts with $7,273,600,000 - code:D9A4-67FD + code:0fa62f/d5 cheat description:Key Code - code:BDE3-D463 + code:43ebea/bd cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:DDDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:D9DF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:D6DF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:FDDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:4DDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 1 - code:0DDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:DDD9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:D9D9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:D6D9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:FDD9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:4DD9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 1 - code:0DD9-FEDD + code:f7d75b/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:DDDB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:D9DB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:D6DB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:FDDB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:4DDB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 1 - code:0DDB-FEDD + code:f7d7bb/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:DDD2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:D9D2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:D6D2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:FDD2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:4DD2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 1 - code:0DD2-FEDD + code:f7d7db/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:DDFF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:D9FF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:D6FF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:FDFF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:4DFF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P1, saved game 2 - code:0DFF-FEDD + code:f7f7fb/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:DDF9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:D9F9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:D6F9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:FDF9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:4DF9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P2, saved game 2 - code:0DF9-FEDD + code:f7f75b/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:DDFB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:D9FB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:D6FB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:FDFB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:4DFB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P3, saved game 2 - code:0DFB-FEDD + code:f7f7bb/4d cheat description:Set money to less than $655,350,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:DDF2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/dd cheat description:Set money to over $327,680,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:D9F2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/d5 cheat description:Set money to over $5,242,880,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:D6F2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/d8 cheat description:Set money to over $10,485,760,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:FDF2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/fd cheat description:Set money to over $20,971,520,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:4DF2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/2d cheat description:Set money to over $41,943,040,000 (must have Key) - P4, saved game 2 - code:0DF2-FEDD + code:f7f7db/4d cartridge sha256:1f5738552c51de25ffe8aa44ff396c1ab238435296f1e8f99f8cf335483c03d5 name:Air Cavalry (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3DE8-AD64 + code:b0eab6/ed cheat description:Infinite 7.62mm rounds - code:82B7-D7A7 + code:48bf3e/bd cheat description:Infinite 2.75 rockets - code:89E1-D7D4+89E6-DDD4+82B5-DF07 + code:44eb6f/b5+74eb87/b5+70bf7d/bd cartridge sha256:aa768b8b00123717c8d49f2c6731cdbfd80ab6a54128bae7594e93f45e38a19e name:Aladdin (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D3A-4D01 + code:b1e8a5/dd cheat description:Almost invincible - code:C267-4D0A + code:b28835/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:A267-4D0A + code:b28835/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A221-4FA5+C221-4FA5 + code:b9dc6e/ad+b9dc6e/cd cheat description:Infinite Apples - code:C2A9-C7D5+3CA9-C4A5 + code:05af5f/cd+09af5a/ec cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C283-37DD + code:87b7ef/cd cheat description:Level select on main menu - code:DDB5-3467+DDBA-3FA7 + code:80bf7a/dd+b8bfae/dd cheat description:Emeralds worth 2 instead of 1 - code:FA80-44AE + code:8bb84a/fa cheat description:Emeralds worth 3 - code:FB80-44AE + code:8bb84a/fb cheat description:Rubies worth 1 instead of 3 - code:A381-4F0E + code:b3b86d/ae cheat description:Rubies worth 2 - code:C281-4F0E + code:b3b86d/cd cheat description:Bonus round played after every level - code:DDA7-4DD5 + code:b5ac37/dd cheat description:Only 10 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:FD86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/fd cheat description:Only 20 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:4D86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/2d cheat description:Only 30 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:7D86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/3d cheat description:Only 40 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:0D86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/4d cheat description:Only 50 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:9D86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/5d cheat description:Only 60 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:1D86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/6d cheat description:Only 90 gems needed for health increase/free life - code:BD86-4F6E + code:b3b88e/bd cheat description:Apple power-ups worth 20 instead of 10 - code:4D8B-4DD3 + code:b7b8b7/2d cheat description:Apple power-ups worth 50 - code:9D8B-4DD3 + code:b7b8b7/5d cheat description:Apple power-ups worth 90 - code:BD8B-4DD3 + code:b7b8b7/bd cheat description:Start with 5 Apples - code:D967-1F60 + code:b1813e/d5 cheat description:Start with 20 Apples - code:4D67-1F60 + code:b1813e/2d cheat description:Start with 2 health - code:D464-14A0 + code:89812a/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 health - code:D964-14A0 + code:89812a/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 health - code:D564-14A0 + code:89812a/d7 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF64-1DD0 + code:b58127/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D964-1DD0 + code:b58127/d5 cheat description:Start with 20 lives - code:F064-1DD0 + code:b58127/f4 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DFB8-3F07 + code:b0bfbd/df cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D9B8-3F07 + code:b0bfbd/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DCB8-3F07 + code:b0bfbd/dc cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E0347:04 + code:7e0347/04 cheat description:Infinite Apples (alt) - code:7E0369:99 + code:7e0369/99 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:7E08FB:16 + code:7e08fb/16 cartridge sha256:e637b8241d55ee334a3452888df5e30d72c520dbb55c498db1a984438bab3e55 name:Alien 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DD69-1FD0 + code:b5815f/dd cheat description:Infinite energy - code:6D64-1D60 + code:b18126/8d cheat description:Take less damage - code:D464-1D60 + code:b18126/d2 cheat description:Most attacks do no damage - code:DD64-1D60 + code:b18126/dd cheat description:Longer invulnerability after being hit - code:EE6B-CD00 + code:3183b5/ee cheat description:Slower fuel consumption for flame thrower - code:EE26-37D4 + code:84db8f/ee cheat description:Faster fuel consumption for flame thrower - code:7D26-37D4 + code:84db8f/3d cheat description:Infinite oil for flame thrower - code:3C25-3704 + code:80db7d/ec cheat description:Infinite flame thrower - code:C22A-17D1 + code:85d9af/cd cheat description:Infinite machine-gun - code:8B28-4404 + code:80d8b9/bb cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:8B22-3DA4 + code:b8dbd6/bb cheat description:Infinite ammo for pulse rifle - code:3C28-44D4 + code:84d8bb/ec cheat description:Infinite ammo for grenade launcher - code:3C22-3D64 + code:b0dbd6/ec cheat description:Less ammo in rifle clips (works with extra clips only, not the ones you start with) - code:742A-44A4 + code:88d8aa/32 cheat description:More ammo in rifle clips (works with extra clips only, not the ones you start with) - code:CD2A-44A4 + code:88d8aa/cd cheat description:Less ammo in grenade clips (works with extra clips only, not the ones you start with) - code:D923-3D64 + code:b0dbe6/d5 cheat description:More ammo in grenade clips (works with extra clips only, not the ones you start with) - code:F023-3D64 + code:b0dbe6/f4 cheat description:Maximum energy from medi-kits - code:DD6D-1700 + code:8181dd/dd cheat description:Less energy from medi-kits - code:D76D-1DA0 + code:b981d6/d3 cheat description:Start with more rifle clips - code:FD36-44D1 + code:85e88b/fd cheat description:Start with even more rifle clips - code:4D36-44D1 + code:85e88b/2d cheat description:Start with fewer rifle clips - code:D036-44D1 + code:85e88b/d4 cheat description:Start with more grenade clips - code:FD3B-4F01 + code:b1e8bd/fd cheat description:Start with even more grenade clips - code:4D3B-4F01 + code:b1e8bd/2d cheat description:Start with fewer grenade clips - code:D03B-4F01 + code:b1e8bd/d4 cheat description:Mission 1 completed - code:7E0FDE:FF + code:7e0fde/ff cheat description:Mission 2 completed - code:7E0FF0:FF + code:7e0ff0/ff cheat description:Mission 3 completed - code:7E0FF2:FF + code:7e0ff2/ff cheat description:Mission 4 completed - code:7E0FF4:FF + code:7e0ff4/ff cheat description:Mission 5 completed - code:7E0FF6:FF + code:7e0ff6/ff cheat description:Mission 6 completed - code:7E0FF8:FF + code:7e0ff8/ff cheat description:Mission 7 completed - code:7E0FFA:FF + code:7e0ffa/ff cheat description:Mission 8 completed - code:7E0FFC:FF + code:7e0ffc/ff cartridge sha256:05eb897d7696555790591c431c9d55a43ff9a1c12162443c17c5fcddfa5eb3c5 name:Alien vs Predator (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1D3B-0FAD+6D22-D4D7 + code:3be5be/6d+44dfdb/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:C238-0FDD+C236-0DDD + code:37e5bf/cd+37e587/cd cheat description:No damage taken from punches - code:C236-0DDD + code:37e587/cd cheat description:No damage taken from jumping attacks, tail attacks, rushes - code:C238-0FDD + code:37e5bf/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C286-A70D + code:83b68d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:DD86-A70D + code:83b68d/dd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:3CEA-67D8 + code:06eeaf/ec cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D2D-AFA7+6D37-64DD+6DB8-A765+6D39-DD6F + code:b8dede/8d+07e63b/8d+81bebe/8d+73ef56/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:402B-6FD7+D12B-0D07+D12D-0D67+D13A-A4DD + code:34debf/24+30ddb5/d6+30ddd6/d6+87e6ab/d6 cheat description:Disc power-ups give 1 disc instead of 6 (handicap) - code:DF83-64AF + code:0bbeea/df cheat description:Disc power-ups give 3 discs - code:D783-64AF + code:0bbeea/d3 cheat description:Disc power-ups give 10 discs - code:DC83-64AF + code:0bbeea/dc cheat description:Disc power-ups give 25 discs - code:FB83-64AF + code:0bbeea/fb cheat description:Spear power-ups give 1 spear instead of 6 - code:DF8E-6D6F + code:33bee6/df cheat description:Spear power-ups give 3 spears - code:D78E-6D6F + code:33bee6/d3 cheat description:Spear power-ups give 10 spears - code:DC8E-6D6F + code:33bee6/dc cheat description:Spear power-ups give 25 spears - code:FB8E-6D6F + code:33bee6/fb cheat description:Spear and disc power-ups last until end of level (can't pick up other power-ups) - code:EDCA-0DD4 + code:34c9a7/ed cheat description:Rhynth meat doesn't add to your maximum health - code:C282-6FDF + code:37bedf/cd cheat description:Rhynth meat adds 1/2 as much to maximum health (handicap) - code:D08A-6F6F + code:33beae/d4 cheat description:Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to maximum health - code:FD8A-6F6F + code:33beae/fd cheat description:Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to maximum health - code:4D8A-6F6F + code:33beae/2d cheat description:Rhynth meat adds nothing to your current health - code:DD82-67DF + code:07bedf/dd cheat description:Rhynth meat adds half as much to current health - code:D082-67DF + code:07bedf/d4 cheat description:Rhynth meat adds 2x as much to current health - code:FD82-67DF + code:07bedf/fd cheat description:Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to current health - code:4D82-67DF + code:07bedf/2d cheat description:Ptera meat doesn't heal - code:C28D-A40F + code:83bed9/cd cheat description:Blue bottles don't heal at all - code:1D8D-A7AF + code:8bbede/6d cheat description:Blue bottles heal 1/2 of your health instead of 1/4 - code:3C8F-A76F + code:83befe/ec cheat description:Blue bottles heal completely - code:DD84-A4DF + code:87be2b/dd cheat description:Light laser can be fired instantly - code:DFB1-A4D7 + code:84be6b/df cheat description:Medium laser is fired above 3rd line instead of 2nd - code:F6B1-A707 + code:80be6d/f8 cheat description:Medium laser can be fired above 1st line - code:D9B5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/d5 cheat description:Medium laser can be fired below 1st line - eliminates light laser - code:DCB1-A4A7 + code:88be6a/dc cheat description:No damage is taken from using heavy laser - code:F6B5-AF07 + code:b0be7d/f8 cheat description:Heavy laser can be fired above 2nd line - eliminates medium laser - code:DFB5-AD67 + code:b0be76/df cheat description:Start with full health bar on Standard level - code:EEB5-6404+EEB5-64A4 + code:00ba79/ee+08ba7a/ee cheat description:Start with full health bar on Novice level - code:EEB5-6704+EEB5-67A4 + code:00ba7d/ee+08ba7e/ee cheat description:Start with full health bar on Advanced level - code:EEB6-6D04+EEB6-6DA4 + code:30ba85/ee+38ba86/ee cheat description:Start with full health bar on Expert level - code:EEB6-6F04+EEB6-6FA4 + code:30ba8d/ee+38ba8e/ee cheat description:Start with up to 9 lives on Options screen (selecting downward from 1 goes to 6) - code:DB8F-AD9D + code:b7b6f5/db cheat description:Start with up to 30 continues on Options screen (selecting downward from 0 goes to 3) - code:F38F-AD2D + code:b7b6f7/fe cheat description:Start on level 1-2 - code:D4EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d2 cheat description:Start on level 2-1 - code:D7EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d3 cheat description:Start on level 3-1 - code:D0EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d4 cheat description:Start on level 4-1 - code:D9EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d5 cheat description:Start on level 5-1 - code:D1EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d6 cheat description:Start on level 5-2 - code:D5EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d7 cheat description:Start on level 5-3 - code:D6EE-A766 + code:82e2ee/d8 cheat description:Start on level 6-1 - code:DBEE-A766 + code:82e2ee/db cheat description:Start on level 6-2 - code:DCEE-A766 + code:82e2ee/dc cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1024:64 + code:7e1024/64 cartridge sha256:5c4e283efc338958b8dd45ebd6daf133a9eb280420a98e2e1df358ae0242c366 name:Amazing Spider-Man, The - Lethal Foes (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0E0C:40 + code:7e0e0c/40 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1C23:09 + code:7e1c23/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1C22:63 + code:7e1c22/63 cartridge sha256:dc9cefb4dd50dce2e9d626ac71d4a06306516cba4bc784c90e4a30fe4e7ff4ef name:American Gladiators (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E00B2:59 + code:7e00b2/59 cheat description:Always have 9 points - P1 - code:7E0306:09 + code:7e0306/09 cheat description:Always have 9 points in ball game - P1 - code:7E0304:09 + code:7e0304/09 cartridge sha256:6931a3eacb7ab3c2f2fb57ba7d59c6da56fe6c7d60484cebec9332e6caca3ae9 name:American Tail, An - Fievel Goes West (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D6D-D4EF + code:4b8fdb/dd cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:CB6D-D47F + code:4f8fd8/cb cheat description:Infinite health - code:2D60-DD8F + code:7f8f46/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C5-6FDF + code:37ce7f/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:3CC4-A4DF + code:87ce2b/ec cheat description:Walk left faster - code:E867-AF5D + code:bf863d/eb cheat description:Walk right faster - code:D06E-6DED + code:3b86e7/d4 cheat description:Multi-jumps - code:DD65-0D84 + code:3c8976/dd cartridge sha256:626f1fe52b0df0f8ede23f0062cd842321c8dabf14aefdca12e526876ecf383a name:Animaniacs (USA) cheat description:Every coin gives 999 saved slot rotations - code:DFC8-3D0C + code:b3c3b5/df cheat description:Every second coin gives 99 continues - code:D4CE-37AC + code:8bc3ee/d2 cheat description:Every slot machine roll gives 99 continues - code:D9CE-37AC + code:8bc3ee/d5 cheat description:Super-jump and float - code:CBBF-47DA+D6BF-470A+DFBF-476A + code:86b8ff/cb+82b8fd/d8+82b8fe/df cheat description:Invincibility - code:0CFCC0:90 + code:0cfcc0/90 cheat description:99 Coins - code:7F0016:63 + code:7f0016/63 cheat description:Every coin gives 999 saved slot rotations (alt) - code:82ABB1:01 + code:82abb1/01 cheat description:Every second coin gives 99 continues (alt) - code:82ABFF:02 + code:82abff/02 cheat description:Every slot machine roll gives 99 continues (alt) - code:82ABFF:05 + code:82abff/05 cheat description:Hold up or down against some walls to climb them - code:8390D1:FF + code:8390d1/ff cheat description:Higher jump - code:839011:FF + code:839011/ff cheat description:Super jump and float (alt) - code:83901C:A9+83901D:08+83901E:01 + code:83901c/a9+83901d/08+83901e/01 cheat description:Moon-jump (enable to rise slowly, disable to fall back down) - code:7E0415:FF + code:7e0415/ff cartridge sha256:31569bef662bc438194726967970bf19f504101060763cbd649350362fb6ef2f name:Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 (USA) cheat description:Asteroids - Invincibility - code:1D63-34AE + code:8b8bea/6d cheat description:Asteroids - Infinite lives - both players - code:896E-3D6E + code:b38be6/b5 cheat description:Battlezone - Invincibility - code:ADB3-4FF9+DDB3-4F99+2DB3-4FB9+1DBF-4D95 + code:bdb4ef/ad+b5b4ed/dd+bdb4ee/dd+b5bcf5/6d cheat description:Battlezone - Infinite lives - code:C9BE-47B9 + code:8db4ee/c5 cheat description:Centipede - Infinite lives - both players - code:8262-C7DB + code:068fdf/bd cheat description:Super Breakout - Infinite serves - both players - code:C2AB-CDD1 + code:35abb7/cd cheat description:Tempest - Infinite lives - both players - code:82A6-C49B + code:06af89/bd cartridge sha256:aac9d6f2b8408e4bbdc83ebbba755428caf8021fefbfac7220fb4c772abd9944 name:Arcana (USA) cheat description:Infinite money for weapons - code:C225-0F02 + code:33d57d/cd cheat description:Infinite money for items - code:C22A-0402 + code:03d5a9/cd cheat description:Infinite money for rooms - code:C229-640E + code:03da59/cd cheat description:Infinite money for elixir - code:C22F-A7DE + code:87daff/cd cheat description:Level and statistics for all characters in group are increased after each battle - code:B387-DFF2 + code:7fb73f/be cheat description:Magic points don't decrease - code:828B-AF2E + code:b7babf/bd cheat description:Start with 60,000 gold pieces - code:1D69-AFD0+3C69-AF00 + code:b5825f/6d+b1825d/ec cheat description:Start with 250 gold pieces - code:EC69-AFD0+DD69-AF00 + code:b5825f/ec+b1825d/dd cartridge sha256:41084f83e269d46b9d589f11c802a15e84fede57d604c7986053f2858f757adc name:Archer Maclean's Super Dropzone (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0025:04 + code:7e0025/04 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:7E0026:04 + code:7e0026/04 cartridge sha256:0f474dafe5a26f3dea491d18073dd490d2f1f91313a7e91086565510d38d9a09 name:Ardy Lightfoot (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D3F-446D+2D8F-3407 + code:83e4fa/dd+80bff9/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C268-CF0D + code:3387bd/cd cheat description:Get Stars from anywhere - code:6D8B-4D29+FB8B-4FF9 + code:b5b4b7/8d+bdb4bf/fb cartridge sha256:14d3ece30898587eda20c661a4a55ec595ba6352ca1f0bfc177542aa0eef0039 name:Arkanoid - Doh It Again (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82B8-1704 + code:80b9bd/bd cheat description:Paddle hits ball anywhere - code:6DBE-C460+DDBE-CFD0 + code:01b3ea/8d+35b3ef/dd cheat - description:S" capsule gives you the longest paddle - code:D762-14D5 + description:"S" capsule gives you the longest paddle + code:858ddb/d3 cheat - description:S" capsule gives you the laser paddle - code:D062-14D5 + description:"S" capsule gives you the laser paddle + code:858ddb/d4 cheat description:Force field lasts until end of level - code:C2BD-3F60 + code:b1b3de/cd cheat description:Keep current paddle when you get force field - code:DD66-CFA5 + code:398f8e/dd cartridge sha256:55e57c5e012583ff0fafd1aee16b3f8269ee2b34fe10f10b93ba0dde72f2b78d name:Art of Fighting (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except projectiles) - code:3D17-7464+DD17-74A4+DD17-77D4 + code:c0683a/ed+c8683a/dd+c4683f/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:CB3C-57AF+3E38-5DDF+6238-5D0F + code:cbedce/cb+f7edb7/ee+f3edb5/8d cheat description:Infinite time - code:C235-5DA4 + code:f8e976/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:6D14-7DD4 + code:f46827/8d cartridge sha256:59f217912f4dbfb3dd0844f46128e71d6ddd522d7e246eb687000adeaa38d13d name:Ashita no Joe (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:DD81-64AF + code:0bbe6a/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:DD8A-A46D + code:83b6aa/dd cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:6D8A-6DDD + code:37b6a7/8d cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:6D81-0FDF + code:37bd6f/8d cartridge sha256:d54d2703e474d7f469766d2d095ffcbbcab893e3fe58bbbcc57e24082a44bb40 name:Asterix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D68-ADAD+A968-AF0D + code:bb86b6/dd+b386bd/a5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:82E9-6F64 + code:30ea5e/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82E0-6D04 + code:30ea45/bd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E05F0:03 + code:7e05f0/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E05FC:09+7E05FD:09 + code:7e05fc/09+7e05fd/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E05F7:09+7E05F8:09+7E05F9:09 + code:7e05f7/09+7e05f8/09+7e05f9/09 cheat description:Infinite coins - code:7E05EE:09+7E05EF:09 + code:7e05ee/09+7e05ef/09 cartridge sha256:d9127808fb02c47dd74fd22f39582c69f19936a794a8efc153cc0e51a0d4d782 name:Asterix & Obelix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E008C:28 + code:7e008c/28 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E101D:09 + code:7e101d/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1076:27 + code:7e1076/27 cheat description:Always Magic Chicken - code:7E008E:04 + code:7e008e/04 cheat description:Moon jump (disable to drop back down) - code:7E007D:C0 + code:7e007d/c0 cartridge sha256:2431f8dc067ba27c6c3a846929f3deac6a45aa53a9a9ac20ede8ec5ca6854ea2 name:Axelay (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D87-AD04 + code:b0ba35/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2AE-DF6D + code:73a7ee/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2AE-DF6D+C28F-04D7 + code:73a7ee/cd+04bdfb/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C2C5-DDDF + code:77cf77/cd cheat description:Don't lose weapon when hit - code:8285-AF07+82AA-676D + code:b0be7d/bd+03a6ae/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C93C-DD0F+C9BD-D408+DD36-D70F+DD3B-DF0F + code:73efc5/c5+42bfd9/c5+43ef8d/dd+73efbd/dd cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:D766-D7A7 + code:488f8e/d3 cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:D066-D7A7 + code:488f8e/d4 cheat description:Start with 3 credits - code:D966-D7A7 + code:488f8e/d5 cheat description:Start with 4 credits - code:D166-D7A7 + code:488f8e/d6 cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D666-D7A7 + code:488f8e/d8 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - code:DB66-D7A7 + code:488f8e/db cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:DC66-D7A7 + code:488f8e/dc cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:D866-D7A7 + code:488f8e/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF21-AD04 + code:b0da65/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D421-AD04 + code:b0da65/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D921-AD04 + code:b0da65/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D521-AD04 + code:b0da65/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB21-AD04 + code:b0da65/db cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:DE21-AD04 + code:b0da65/de cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FB21-AD04 + code:b0da65/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7421-AD04 + code:b0da65/32 cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:0821-AD04 + code:b0da65/4b cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:1721-AD04 + code:b0da65/63 cheat description:Start on Stage 2 - code:CBB7-AFA7+DFB7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 + code:b8be3e/cb+84be3b/df+80be39/dd cheat description:Start on Stage 3 - code:CBB7-AFA7+D4B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 + code:b8be3e/cb+84be3b/d2+80be39/dd cheat description:Start on Stage 4 - code:CBB7-AFA7+D7B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 + code:b8be3e/cb+84be3b/d3+80be39/dd cheat description:Start on Stage 5 - code:CBB7-AFA7+D0B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 + code:b8be3e/cb+84be3b/d4+80be39/dd cheat description:Start on Stage 6 - code:CBB7-AFA7+D9B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 + code:b8be3e/cb+84be3b/d5+80be39/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt 2) - code:7E005E:02 + code:7e005e/02 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Straight Laser - code:7E0330:02 + code:7e0330/02 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Round Vulcan - code:7E0330:03 + code:7e0330/03 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Wind Laser - code:7E0330:05 + code:7e0330/05 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Explosion Bomb - code:7E0330:06 + code:7e0330/06 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Macro Missiles - code:7E0330:07 + code:7e0330/07 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Cluster Bomb - code:7E0330:09 + code:7e0330/09 cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Morning Star - code:7E0330:0A + code:7e0330/0a cheat description:Have 1st weapon - Needle Cracker - code:7E0330:0B + code:7e0330/0b cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Straight Laser - code:7E0332:02 + code:7e0332/02 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Round Vulcan - code:7E0332:03 + code:7e0332/03 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Wind Laser - code:7E0332:05 + code:7e0332/05 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Explosion Bomb - code:7E0332:06 + code:7e0332/06 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Macro Missiles - code:7E0332:07 + code:7e0332/07 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Cluster Bomb - code:7E0332:09 + code:7e0332/09 cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Morning Star - code:7E0332:0A + code:7e0332/0a cheat description:Have 2nd weapon - Needle Cracker - code:7E0332:0B + code:7e0332/0b cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Straight Laser - code:7E0334:02 + code:7e0334/02 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Round Vulcan - code:7E0334:03 + code:7e0334/03 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Wind Laser - code:7E0334:05 + code:7e0334/05 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Explosion Bomb - code:7E0334:06 + code:7e0334/06 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Macro Missiles - code:7E0334:07 + code:7e0334/07 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Cluster Bomb - code:7E0334:09 + code:7e0334/09 cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Morning Star - code:7E0334:0A + code:7e0334/0a cheat description:Have 3rd weapon - Needle Cracker - code:7E0334:0B + code:7e0334/0b cheat description:Start a new game to view ending - code:DAB1-AFA7 + code:b8be6e/da cartridge sha256:9e6ebebcf14609c2a38a5f4409d0c8c859949cded70c5b6fd16fd15d9983d9d3 name:B.O.B. (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (P) - code:C221-0D6D + code:33d566/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:826E-0F0D + code:3385ed/bd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:4A6E-0F0D + code:3385ed/2a cheat description:Infinite time - code:C267-C0DD + code:178733/cd cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:8B37-A704 + code:80ea3d/bb cheat description:Infinite Remotes - code:8BC7-3FE5 + code:b9cf3f/bb cheat description:Infinite Remotes (alt) - code:3CC7-3F85 + code:bdcf3e/ec cheat description:Infinite weapons (except for Flame) - code:3C37-A7D4 + code:84ea3f/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DDE2-6D04+DDEF-AD04 + code:30ead5/dd+b0eaf5/dd cheat description:Max weapons on pick-up - code:DDC0-C770 + code:0dc34c/dd cheat description:Slow down timer - code:CD61-0D64 + code:308966/cd cheat description:Speed up timer - code:7961-0D64 + code:308966/35 cheat description:Start with 20 3-way - code:F0A6-1D59 + code:bda585/f4 cheat description:Start with 20 Flame - code:F0A6-1FE9 + code:b9a58f/f4 cheat description:Start with 20 Rocket - code:F0A6-1759 + code:8da58d/f4 cheat description:Start with 20 Bolt - code:F0AB-1DE9 + code:b9a5b7/f4 cheat description:Start with 20 Wave - code:F0AB-1459 + code:8da5b9/f4 cheat description:Start with 3 Flash Remotes - code:DDA8-1F89 + code:bda5be/dd cheat description:Start with 3 Shield Remotes - code:DFA8-1F89 + code:bda5be/df cheat description:Start with 3 Umbrella Remotes - code:D4A8-1F89 + code:bda5be/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 Helicopter Hat Remotes - code:D0A8-1F89 + code:bda5be/d4 cheat description:Start with 3 Floating Bomb Remotes - code:D9A8-1F89 + code:bda5be/d5 cheat description:Start with 6 of selected remote - code:D1A8-1479 + code:8da5b8/d6 cheat description:Start with 15 of selected remote - code:DEA8-1479 + code:8da5b8/de cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD66-0DDD + code:378587/dd cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D666-0DDD + code:378587/d8 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D966-0DDD + code:378587/d5 cheat description:Infinite health (P) (alt) - code:7E0221:30 + code:7e0221/30 cheat description:Infinite E - code:7E0222:30 + code:7e0222/30 cheat description:Infinite weapons (except for Flame) (alt) - code:00EB3C:EA + code:00eb3c/ea cheat description:Infinite Remotes (alt 2) - code:8DAF36:EA + code:8daf36/ea cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0F42:3B + code:7e0f42/3b cheat description:Infinite Flash Remotes - code:7E0209:63 + code:7e0209/63 cheat description:Infinite Shield Remotes - code:7E020A:63 + code:7e020a/63 cheat description:Infinite Umbrella Remotes - code:7E020B:63 + code:7e020b/63 cheat description:Infinite Spring Remotes - code:7E020C:63 + code:7e020c/63 cheat description:Infinite Helicopter Hat Remotes - code:7E020D:63 + code:7e020d/63 cheat description:Infinite Floating Bomb Remotes - code:7E020E:63 + code:7e020e/63 cheat description:Max weapons on pick-up (alt) - code:8DA24C:00 + code:8da24c/00 cartridge sha256:e25d052d25264a14c4904aebc383482577bb5d2bb135f3ece88b1b7b0456a6bc name:Ballz 3D - Fighting at Its Ballziest (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C295-ED64+C296-E7D4 + code:b05b76/cd+845b8f/cd cheat description:Always fight Kronk - code:CB82-EF0D+D082-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/d4+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Boomer - code:CB82-EF0D+D682-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/d8+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Bruiser - code:CB82-EF0D+DA82-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/da+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Turbo - code:CB82-EF0D+FD82-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/fd+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Tsunami - code:CB82-EF0D+F082-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/f4+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Yoko - code:CB82-EF0D+F682-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/f8+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Divine - code:CB82-EF0D+FA82-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/fa+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Always fight Crusher - code:CB82-EF0D+4D82-EF6D+DD82-EFAD + code:b3b7dd/cb+b3b7de/2d+bbb7de/dd cheat description:Death match - code:CDE8-87AF + code:cbeebe/cd cheat description:Start rounds with 10 seconds - code:DC78-E7AD + code:8b37be/dc cheat description:Start rounds with 20 seconds - code:F078-E7AD + code:8b37be/f4 cheat description:Start rounds with 30 seconds - code:F378-E7AD + code:8b37be/fe cheat description:Start rounds with 40 seconds - code:4678-E7AD + code:8b37be/28 cheat description:Start rounds with 50 seconds - code:7478-E7AD + code:8b37be/32 cheat description:Start rounds with 60 seconds - code:7A78-E7AD + code:8b37be/3a cheat description:Start rounds with 70 seconds - code:0178-E7AD + code:8b37be/46 cheat description:Start with with 1/4 energy - code:4EDC-7760 + code:c1d0ce/2e cheat description:Start with with 1/2 energy - code:9EDC-7760 + code:c1d0ce/5e cheat description:Start with with 3/4 energy - code:BEDC-7760 + code:c1d0ce/be cartridge sha256:865919b25a9d241c907bcda18b380e3c704f33f4997ad44559046f0f08c4968b name:Barbie Super Model (USA) cheat description:Infinite chances - code:C229-DF07 + code:70df5d/cd cartridge sha256:fe1ad128313b2b9a47f89cf0d95d4c0cc2cb35a817ac5d915ee6c4d98d47d675 name:Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0780:47 + code:7e0780/47 cartridge sha256:e2be173c77bd1957787be36d13334f655e14d32dad99cacb0fd5e5fc65d96fa1 name:Bassin's Black Bass (USA) cheat description:Always catch a 60.32 pound fish - code:CBCA-A4D3 + code:87caab/cb cheat description:Always catch a 75.68 pound fish - code:CBCA-A4D3+D3CA-A463 + code:87caab/cb+83caaa/de cheat description:Always catch a largemouth bass - code:CBC8-A403+DDC8-A463+3CC8-A4A3 + code:83cab9/cb+83caba/dd+8bcaba/ec cheat description:Always have all lures (open the lure menu, close it, open it again to have all lures) - code:CBEA-DF60+DFEA-DFA0+B2EA-D4D0+4BEA-D4A0 + code:71e3ae/cb+79e3ae/df+45e3ab/bd+49e3aa/2b cartridge sha256:db1ac03cc8b7daaa812da239029bcf999b30b2afe1c03d51f7ae849a796617ea name:Bass Masters Classic - Pro Edition (USA) cheat description:Start with $65,380 - code:EE40-BA86 + code:ee224a/ee cheat description:Infinite money - code:7E2242:FF + code:7e2242/ff cartridge sha256:e36aaba64be016cabc33a2dcf88913341e2edacc722e2a1ebe04eccda2a5d6e7 name:Batman Forever (USA) cheat description:Straight low punches are super strong - code:EE22-C70B + code:02dfdd/ee cheat description:Straight high punches are super strong - code:EE20-3D0B + code:b2df45/ee cheat description:Straight low kicks are super strong - code:EE29-4F0B + code:b2dc5d/ee cheat description:Straight high kicks are super strong - code:EE2C-44AB + code:8adcca/ee cheat description:Crouching low punches are super strong - code:EE26-14AC + code:8bd18a/ee cheat description:Crouching high punches are super strong - code:EE30-3FA6 + code:bae34e/ee cheat description:Crouching low kicks are super strong - code:EE3F-3D06 + code:b2e3f5/ee cheat description:Crouching high kicks are super strong - code:EE3A-CF06 + code:32e3ad/ee cheat description:Straight low punches do no damage - code:DD22-C70B + code:02dfdd/dd cheat description:Straight high punches do no damage - code:DD20-3D0B + code:b2df45/dd cheat description:Straight low kicks do no damage - code:DD29-4F0B + code:b2dc5d/dd cheat description:Straight high kicks do no damage - code:DD2C-44AB + code:8adcca/dd cheat description:Crouching low punches do no damage - code:DD26-14AC + code:8bd18a/dd cheat description:Crouching high punches do no damage - code:DD30-3FA6 + code:bae34e/dd cheat description:Crouching low kicks do no damage - code:DD3F-3D06 + code:b2e3f5/dd cheat description:Crouching high kicks do no damage - code:DD3A-CF06 + code:32e3ad/dd cheat description:Start with half energy after your first life - code:4D2C-4D07+4DCE-1465 + code:b0dcc5/2d+81cdea/2d cheat description:Play as an Inmate - code:F43C-3B10 + code:a9e3cd/f2 cheat description:Play as a Clown - code:F03C-3B10 + code:a9e3cd/f4 cheat description:Play as Two-Face - code:F63C-3B10 + code:a9e3cd/f8 cheat description:Play as a Riddler Thug - code:FC3C-3B10 + code:a9e3cd/fc cheat description:Play as the Muscle Riddler - code:FA3C-3B10 + code:a9e3cd/fa cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDB3-47D4 + code:84b8ef/dd cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D4B3-47D4 + code:84b8ef/d2 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBB3-47D4 + code:84b8ef/db cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E132C:FF + code:7e132c/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E132E:FF + code:7e132e/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0017:09 + code:7e0017/09 cheat description:One hit kills enemy #1 - code:7E1330:00 + code:7e1330/00 cartridge sha256:f8d5c51f74df33edc827fbf8df7aab70160770ab0a896db6e59438ad9208cc6e name:Batman Returns (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DAA-1FA4+40A7-4F0D + code:b8a9ae/dd+b3a43d/24 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9A7-C7A4 + code:08ab3e/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives (3/4 view levels) - code:C9A5-1764 + code:80a97e/c5 cheat description:Infinite special moves - code:C92D-4FDD + code:b7d4df/c5 cheat description:Protection from some hazards - code:C9A7-C404 + code:00ab39/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD3E-3FD7+DDAE-C7A6+DDE5-1F22+DDE6-1792 + code:b4efef/dd+0aa3ee/dd+b7e57f/dd+87e58d/dd cheat description:Cape sweep uses up no health - code:DDAE-3707 + code:80afed/dd cheat description:Spear gun uses up no health - code:DD2F-4FAD + code:bbd4fe/dd cheat description:Cape sweep uses up more health - code:FDAE-3707 + code:80afed/fd cheat description:Spear gun uses up more health - code:FD2F-4FAD + code:bbd4fe/fd cheat description:Maximum health from hearts - code:DD2E-3D6B + code:b2dfe6/dd cheat description:Cape sweep does more damage - code:F9CF-4F05 + code:b1ccfd/f5 cheat description:Normal punch does more damage - code:F9CD-4705 + code:81ccdd/f5 cheat description:Normal knee does more damage - code:F9CD-4765 + code:81ccde/f5 cheat description:Jump kick does more damage - code:F9CF-4D05+F9CF-4DD5 + code:b1ccf5/f5+b5ccf7/f5 cheat description:Cape sweep does mega-damage - code:7DCF-4F05 + code:b1ccfd/3d cheat description:Normal punch does mega-damage - code:7DCD-4705 + code:81ccdd/3d cheat description:Normal knee does mega-damage - code:7DCD-4765 + code:81ccde/3d cheat description:Jump kick does mega-damage - code:7DCF-4D05+7DCF-4DD5 + code:b1ccf5/3d+b5ccf7/3d cheat description:Cape sweep does less damage - code:D4CF-4F05 + code:b1ccfd/d2 cheat description:Normal punch does less damage - code:D4CD-4705 + code:81ccdd/d2 cheat description:Normal knee does less damage - code:D4CD-4765 + code:81ccde/d2 cheat description:Jump kick does less damage - code:D4CF-4D05+D4CF-4DD5 + code:b1ccf5/d2+b5ccf7/d2 cheat description:Enable stage select - code:F76C-1FDF+616C-1F0F+CEC8-376F+C2E8-1078 + code:b78dcf/f3+b38dcd/86+83cfbe/ce+9eedb0/cd cheat description:Start with 9 - code:DB68-4F00 + code:b180bd/db cheat description:Start with 6 test tubes - code:D16F-4464+D1C0-4DD7 + code:8088fa/d6+b4cc47/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 test tubes - code:DB6F-4464+DBC0-4DD7 + code:8088fa/db+b4cc47/db cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 health - code:7E0567:00 + code:7e0567/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 health - code:7E0576:00 + code:7e0576/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 health - code:7E0666:00 + code:7e0666/00 cheat description:Enemy 4 has 0 health - code:7E0756:00 + code:7e0756/00 cartridge sha256:51cc42c58145f3e33b762e8ff36e9a9b7016ca831306d0d5f84830948a1a5967 name:Batman - Revenge of the Joker (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DA7-4460 + code:81a03a/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2EF-1FA8 + code:baedfe/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:8263-44DD + code:8784eb/bd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0353:07+7E0355:07 + code:7e0353/07+7e0355/07 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0356:03+7E0358:03 + code:7e0356/03+7e0358/03 cartridge sha256:983022203546e031773db0d1af7552c489187954882843f13ff123f09064c1d3 name:Battle Blaze (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C285-D4AB + code:4abf7a/cd cheat description:Infinite health (disable at end of round) - P1 - code:7E06DC:C0 + code:7e06dc/c0 cheat description:Infinite health (disable at end of round) - P2 - code:7E0704:C0 + code:7e0704/c0 cheat description:No health - P1 - code:7E06DC:00 + code:7e06dc/00 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0704:00 + code:7e0704/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:04E8-D40F+6DE8-D4DF + code:43efb9/42+47efbb/8d cartridge sha256:32f42fda0667d9435a2de84c7ce7b067bcbab1164f8f6d837992ad6cfac4f8de name:Battle Clash (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C234-3FD3 + code:b7eb2f/cd cheat description:Protection from most enemy attacks - code:C234-3FD3 + code:b7eb2f/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C268-CFA5 + code:398fbe/cd cheat description:Weapon charges faster - code:D9A9-1DA7 + code:b8ad56/d5 cheat description:Weapon charges much faster - code:FDA9-1DA7 + code:b8ad56/fd cheat description:Once charged, weapon always stays charged - code:1DAA-3FAF + code:bbafae/6d cheat description:Start in Cairo instead of New York - code:33EE-3D1F + code:bbefe5/ee cheat description:Fight Garam at New York - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+DDAB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/dd cheat description:Fight Scarab at Cairo - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+DFAB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/df cheat description:Fight Lorca at London - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D4AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d2 cheat description:Fight Artemis at Andes - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D7AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d3 cheat description:Fight Schneider at Kyoto - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D0AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d4 cheat description:Fight Ivan at Oceania - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D9AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d5 cheat description:Fight Valius at Babel - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D1AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d6 cheat description:Fight Baron at Moonbase Luna - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D5AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d7 cheat description:Fight Thanatos at last stage - code:CBAB-CDA0+DDAB-CF00+D6AB-CFD0 + code:39a3b6/cb+31a3bd/dd+35a3bf/d8 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E15C0:80 + code:7e15c0/80 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E15A0:00 + code:7e15a0/00 cartridge sha256:36cbc43a3ec85f235ecb6e0d5b134f069b619d3cc51e475427d3fcf8abb6ba44 name:Battle Zeque Den (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:D781-B386+FC3C-34A9 + code:feb26a/d3+89e7ca/fc cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7EB26A:03 + code:7eb26a/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CE35-C7A9 + code:09e77e/ce cheat description:Infinite Special - code:82C2-C7D0 + code:05c3df/bd cheat description:One hit kills - code:3D6E-C4D5+436E-C405+846E-C465+2D6E-C4A5 + code:058feb/ed+018fe9/2e+018fea/b2+098fea/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EB246:4E + code:7eb246/4e cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0329:0A + code:7e0329/0a cheat description:Infinite Special (Red) - code:7EB24C:02 + code:7eb24c/02 cheat description:Infinite Special (Blue) - code:7EB24C:04 + code:7eb24c/04 cheat description:Infinite Special (Green) - code:7EB24C:06 + code:7eb24c/06 cartridge sha256:c7f0269498d190e4fd0f6f880a148fbe3713cd3a632083bac1e5bd18f8172371 name:Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:40B8-04AF + code:0bbdba/24 cheat description:Enemies have less health - code:DE6E-1466 + code:8281ea/de cheat description:Abobo has less health - code:4EB7-1DD6 + code:b6b137/2e cheat description:Big Blag has less health - code:4EB3-C4DB + code:06bfeb/2e cheat description:Roper has less health - code:D7BA-3FA8 + code:babfae/d3 cheat description:Robo-Manus has less health - code:D7C5-3F66 + code:b2c37e/d3 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF60-D76D + code:43874e/df cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB60-D76D + code:43874e/db cheat description:Start on level 2 with 11 lives - code:DD65-DD0D+CB66-D46D+DF66-D4AD + code:738775/dd+43878a/cb+4b878a/df cheat description:Start on level 3 with 11 lives - code:DD65-DD0D+CB66-D46D+D466-D4AD + code:738775/dd+43878a/cb+4b878a/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 with 11 lives - code:DD65-DD0D+CB66-D46D+D766-D4AD + code:738775/dd+43878a/cb+4b878a/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 with 11 lives - code:DD65-DD0D+CB66-D46D+D066-D4AD + code:738775/dd+43878a/cb+4b878a/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 with 11 lives - code:DD65-DD0D+CB66-D46D+D966-D4AD + code:738775/dd+43878a/cb+4b878a/d5 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P1 - code:7E1112:7F + code:7e1112/7f cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E003A:2F + code:7e003a/2f cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0026:05 + code:7e0026/05 + cheat + description:Stage select enabled + code:7e00fd/10 cartridge sha256:b0dbd4d7e5689c32234e80b0c5362ef67c425ab72d6ddb49d1cb1133ef630ef7 name:Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D20-34A8 + code:8adf4a/dd cheat description:Invincibility in motorcycle levels - code:C2B4-3F68 + code:b2bf2e/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:228E-34A0+2280-4DD9 + code:89b3ea/dd+b5b447/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:8286-CF01 + code:31bb8d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players (except level 2, doesnï¾’t work on falling) - code:8986-CF01 + code:31bb8d/b5 cheat description:Infinite continues - P1 - code:C96A-346F + code:838faa/c5 cheat description:Infinite continues - P2 - code:C96B-34DF + code:878fbb/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives when falling - code:8026-CD08 + code:32df85/b4 cheat description:Longer invincibility after getting hit - code:6D20-34A8 + code:8adf4a/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:3D87-44A9+DD87-47D9+DD87-4709+CB80-4DD9+EE80-4D09+EE80-4D69+B280-4DA9 + code:89b43a/ed+85b43f/dd+81b43d/dd+b5b447/cb+b1b445/ee+b1b446/ee+b9b446/bd cheat description:Take less damage from hits - code:8280-4DD9 + code:b5b447/bd cheat description:Protection against most strength level 1 hits - code:82A7-3FAF + code:bbaf3e/bd cheat description:Protection against most strength level 2 hazards - code:8982-CFD1 + code:35bbdf/b5 cheat description:Easy finish on motorcycle levels. The turtle will keep going on until the end of the level. - code:C220-CF0C + code:33d34d/cd cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF6D-0D0D + code:3385d5/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D96D-0D0D + code:3385d5/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB6D-0D0D + code:3385d5/db cheat description:Start with 0 continues - code:DD6D-04AD + code:0b85da/dd cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D96D-04AD + code:0b85da/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DB6D-04AD + code:0b85da/db cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E108E:0A + code:7e108e/0a cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1090:0A + code:7e1090/0a cartridge sha256:0960f1de179f90e3d8488dacf09d5fe246fdb314913c370b3698dfdce58aa8ba name:Bazooka Blitzkrieg (USA) cheat description:Immune to most damage - code:4AB5-3DAF + code:bbbf76/2a cheat description:Fewer Missiles on pick-up - code:D9AC-1706 + code:82a1cd/d5 cheat description:More Missiles on pick-up - code:F0AC-1706 + code:82a1cd/f4 cheat description:Only 10 Missiles on pick-up (set Missiles to 10) - code:DCAB-14A6+DCAB-17A6 + code:8aa1ba/dc+8aa1be/dc cheat description:30 Missiles allowed - code:F3AB-14A6+F3AB-17A6 + code:8aa1ba/fe+8aa1be/fe cheat description:Less energy on pick-up from 'L' pods - code:D4AF-1406 + code:82a1f9/d2 cheat description:More energy on pick-up from 'L' pods - code:DCAF-1406 + code:82a1f9/dc cheat description:A lot more energy on pick-up from 'L' pods - code:4EAF-1406 + code:82a1f9/2e cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0305:FF + code:7e0305/ff cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:7E0304:14 + code:7e0304/14 cartridge sha256:d7271ca08400bbf5ae165b0aaa6e8a8a1b266f72e6e0ae10aae529732a472f7c name:Beauty and the Beast (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (disable to pick up rocks, spikes still do damage) - code:3CC0-376A+3CC0-37AA + code:82cb4e/ec+8acb4e/ec cheat description:Invincibility (but you can't pick up objects) - code:2D6F-4DA0 + code:b980f6/dd cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:3C6F-4F00 + code:b180fd/ec cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2C8-3D0A + code:b2cbb5/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C269-6407 + code:008e59/cd cheat description:Infinite flower time - code:C265-6407 + code:008e79/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2E0-DF0F + code:73ef4d/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:4061-1706+4065-17A6+4065-1FD6+4066-1F66 + code:82816d/24+8a817e/24+b6817f/24+b2818e/24 cheat description:Don't take damage from some enemies - code:3CC8-3D0A + code:b2cbb5/ec cheat description:No loss of light when the candle runs off the screen - code:4AC8-47A8 + code:8accbe/2a cheat description:Death flash time is longer - code:EE66-4FAA + code:ba888e/ee cartridge sha256:15d4fc90cb202a9391718cd40b9f0384165aef03018ed932540e8f7c18b397dd name:Beavis and Butt-Head (USA) cheat description:Start with half health (1st life) - code:D16C-0D0D + code:3385c5/d6 cheat description:Start with half health (after 1st life) - code:D161-AF0D + code:b3866d/d6 cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C22C-AF08 + code:b2decd/cd cheat description:Gun power-ups worth 30 - code:7DA8-C7DC + code:07a3bf/3d cheat description:Gun power-ups worth 5 - code:D9A8-C7DC + code:07a3bf/d5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C267-A70D + code:83863d/cd cheat description:Start with 2 life - code:DF6C-040D + code:0385c9/df cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D76C-040D + code:0385c9/d3 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB6C-040D + code:0385c9/db cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:82EA-A4D1 + code:85eaab/bd cheat description:Everyone is invincible, including enemies - code:DDEA-AFA1+DDA0-04A8 + code:b9eaae/dd+0aad4a/dd cartridge sha256:4958eda26f2419f473449017c64121caee5e49c480ffa205422e7dd45cd23e31 name:Bebe's Kids (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E047B:00 + code:7e047b/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0470:63 + code:7e0470/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E03C9:09 + code:7e03c9/09 cartridge sha256:4d22279e534848012e0f1595468687742ae18cabc3fe44eeef938bc3a4dd08bf name:Beethoven - The Ultimate Canine Caper! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:823F-3D01 + code:b1ebf5/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:8224-1705 + code:81dd2d/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82C8-3464 + code:80cbba/bd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1628:04 + code:7e1628/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E1654:63 + code:7e1654/63 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E15C6:09 + code:7e15c6/09 cartridge sha256:e4e9beaeeb3e968af772d1c4c9e4c1b4dfdba4e47c0205b458e1ab3a62a96060 name:Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:D68F-AD65 + code:b1bef6/d8 cheat description:Infinite special moves - code:828D-D409 + code:41b7d9/bd cheat description:No special moves - P2 - code:BAC3-6F69 + code:31c6ee/ba cheat description:Can play with any boxer (can't use special moves or get password) - P1 - code:D4C3-0DAD + code:3bc5e6/d2 cheat description:Less strength - code:DCC3-0FDD + code:37c5ef/dc cheat description:Less resistance - code:DCC3-0F0D + code:33c5ed/dc cheat description:Less reflexes - code:DCC3-0F6D + code:33c5ee/dc cheat description:More strength - code:74C3-0FDD + code:37c5ef/32 cheat description:More resistance - code:74C3-0F0D + code:33c5ed/32 cheat description:More reflexes - code:74C3-0F6D + code:33c5ee/32 cheat description:Start with 1 special move - code:DFC3-6D69 + code:31c6e6/df cheat description:Start with 8 special moves - code:D6C3-6D69 + code:31c6e6/d8 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1A39:09 + code:7e1a39/09 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0222:00 + code:7e0222/00 cheat description:Max Reflexes - code:7E0459:63 + code:7e0459/63 cheat description:Max Resistance - code:7E0455:63 + code:7e0455/63 cheat description:Max Strength - code:7E0457:63 + code:7e0457/63 cartridge sha256:4cb601168c91fa0608c16a8cf2f292d991c6a5615d51861dee2f9b91c8d6bb19 name:Big Sky Trooper (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E1E0A:20 + code:7e1e0a/20 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:7E1E10:99 + code:7e1e10/99 cheat description:Infinite Power Pack meter - code:7E1E0C:20 + code:7e1e0c/20 cartridge sha256:91ba5691dea3cdf103177ae5779110fc372fce8229cf91f263073667e7a8b5b7 name:Biker Mice from Mars (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:3CB8-4F63 + code:b3b8be/ec cheat description:Infinite cash - code:8E89-C7DB + code:06bf5f/be cheat description:Infinite Shield/Armor - code:82B8-C76D + code:03b7be/bd cheat description:Infinite Skull effect - code:C263-CDDA + code:368be7/cd cheat description:Infinite Star effect - code:8289-4F03 + code:b3b85d/bd cheat description:Infinite Stopwatch effect - code:C26C-47D2 + code:8784cf/cd cheat - description:Infinite ammo (alt) - code:7E17C6:03 + description:Infinite Money - P1 + code:7efe30/99+7efe31/99 cheat - description:Max Engines - code:7EFE38:05 + description:Infinite Ammo - P1 + code:7e17c6/12 cheat - description:Max Tires - code:7EFE3C:05 + description:Infinite Armor - P1 + code:7e179e/03 cheat - description:Max Armor - code:7EFE40:05 + description:Infinite Money - P2 + code:7efe32/99+7efe33/99 cheat - description:Max Tornado Shots - code:7E1F88:63 + description:Infinite Ammo - P1 + code:7e1816/12 + cheat + description:Infinite Armor - P1 + code:7e17ee/03 cheat description:Always finish 1st - code:7E0928:00 + code:7e0928/00 + cheat + description:Max Engine upgrade - P1 + code:7efe38/05 + cheat + description:Max Tire upgrade - P1 + code:7efe3c/05 + cheat + description:Max Armor upgrade - P1 + code:7efe40/05 + cheat + description:Max Shot upgrade - P1 + code:7efe44/05 + cheat + description:Max Engine upgrade - P2 + code:7efe3a/05 + cheat + description:Max Tire upgrade - P2 + code:7efe3e/05 + cheat + description:Max Armor upgrade - P2 + code:7efe42/05 + cheat + description:Max Shot upgrade - P2 + code:7efe46/05 + cheat + description:Have Nitro item - P1 + code:7e17ce/01 + cheat + description:Have Star item - P1 + code:7e17ce/02 + cheat + description:Have Skull item - P1 + code:7e17ce/03 + cheat + description:Have Clock item - P1 + code:7e17ce/04 + cheat + description:Have Money Bag item - P1 + code:7e17ce/05 + cheat + description:Have Nitro item - P2 + code:7e181e/01 + cheat + description:Have Star item - P2 + code:7e181e/02 + cheat + description:Have Skull item - P2 + code:7e181e/03 + cheat + description:Have Clock item - P2 + code:7e181e/04 + cheat + description:Have Money Bag item - P2 + code:7e181e/05 cartridge sha256:6fa6b8a8804ff6544bdedf94339a86ba64ce0b6dbf059605abb1cd6f102d3483 name:Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball (USA) cheat description:2-point shots worth 3, 3-point shots worth 4 - code:76BF-A4AF + code:8bbefa/38 cheat description:All shots worth 1 point - code:1BBF-A7DF+DFBF-A70F + code:87beff/6b+83befd/df cheat description:All shots worth 3 points - code:1BBF-A7DF+D7BF-A70F + code:87beff/6b+83befd/d3 cheat description:All shots worth 4 points - code:1BBF-A7DF+D0BF-A70F + code:87beff/6b+83befd/d4 cheat description:All shots worth 5 points - code:1BBF-A7DF+D9BF-A70F + code:87beff/6b+83befd/d5 cheat description:All shots worth 6 points - code:1BBF-A7DF+D1BF-A70F + code:87beff/6b+83befd/d6 cheat description:Each half is 0:30 instead of 1:30 - code:DDB4-67DF + code:07be2f/dd cheat description:Each half is 2:30 - code:D4B4-67DF + code:07be2f/d2 cheat description:Each half is 3:30 - code:D7B4-67DF + code:07be2f/d3 cheat description:Each half is 4:30 - code:D0B4-67DF + code:07be2f/d4 cheat description:Start with $65,296 instead of $10,000 - code:EEC5-6F16 + code:3ac27d/ee cheat description:Start with $8,398,608 - code:6DC5-64C6 + code:02c27b/8d cheat description:Start with $16,721,680 - code:EEC5-64C6 + code:02c27b/ee cheat description:No money is deducted from your total when you trade a player (but you must have enough money to make the trade) - code:C2BE-6D4B+C2BE-644B + code:3abee4/cd+0abee8/cd cheat description:Trade players for free - code:C2BE-6D4B+C2BE-644B+6DBE-AD4B + code:3abee4/cd+0abee8/cd+babee4/8d cheat description:Timer continues to count when it is normally stopped (time-out by pressing start) - code:DDB7-67DF + code:07be3f/dd cartridge sha256:ec2d91e238c26a5ddf7067d104b3b3e2eaee89255377e1eb6c4df8f301300e64 name:Bill Walsh College Football (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:57D3-546F+7DD3-57DF+C9D3-540F+DCD3-54AF+E9D3-570F + code:c3ddea/73+c7ddef/3d+c3dde9/c5+cbddea/dc+c3dded/e5 cartridge sha256:de1de85ad549a6aaf0431cceb47cbd07e1f6e81f9e16fd62575305e2c1f06240 name:BioMetal (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:406D-DDD2 + code:7787d7/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26E-6D02 + code:3386e5/cd cheat description:Infinite charge - code:C262-0D62 + code:3385d6/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:462E-0767+6D2E-0707+C927-6FD7 + code:00ddee/28+00dded/8d+34de3f/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E029D:0A + code:7e029d/0a cartridge sha256:3f030b6c6aa86bc4ab3d39568740d8c6b0ec3422a1964fe1b56e94de47dfa420 name:Bishin Densetsu Zoku (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E122C:50 + code:7e122c/50 cheat description:No car damage - code:7E0D9B:2F + code:7e0d9b/2f cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0C96:00 + code:7e0c96/00 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0C97:09 + code:7e0c97/09 cartridge sha256:ff936a073032205daadfea3738526a381daf7e402e8216d08561ddca8ceaf526 name:Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan) cheat description:One hit kills - code:40FD-8FD0+40F8-ED69+40F9-74A1 + code:f5f2df/24+b1f7b6/24+c9f85a/24 cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D0D-E765 + code:814fde/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:8BFF-5F00+C9F9-87D1 + code:f1f1fd/bb+c5fa5f/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C991-7FA0 + code:f9506e/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DF6-54D0 + code:c5f18b/8d cartridge sha256:8860380ae0afa280619fdca8723aed1393485a22bec442880acc75249cab37f4 name:Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D0D-EFA5+2D0D-E4A5 + code:b94fde/dd+894fda/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:8BDC-7D61 + code:f1d8c6/bb cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C992-5460 + code:c151da/c5 cheat description:Infinite Special - code:C90F-E400 + code:8143f9/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DDD-5461 + code:c1d9da/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:40D3-5FA1+400D-7F05+40F5-5D00 + code:f9d9ee/24+f14cdd/24+f1f175/24 cartridge sha256:328c8f57e2ea371f6fd5b8a9834c56e35eb3bfe710502dd80f370739f9ccb7e1 name:Blackthorne (USA) cheat description:Infinite items (enable after obtaining first item, disable before getting next item, repeat this process) - code:89C6-1FD4 + code:b4c98f/b5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0FC5:18 + code:7e0fc5/18 cheat description:3rd slot item mod - code:7E187A:03 + code:7e187a/03 cheat description:Standard Shotgun - code:7E021C:00 + code:7e021c/00 cheat description:Unrestricted manual Shotgun without reload (more presses, more shots) - code:7E021C:01 + code:7e021c/01 cheat description:Very fast automatic Shotgun - code:7E021C:02 + code:7e021c/02 cheat description:Very fast automatic Shotgun with explosive shells - code:7E021C:03 + code:7e021c/03 cheat description:Normal automatic Shotgun - code:7E021C:04 + code:7e021c/04 cheat description:Infinite Iron Keys - code:7E1876:02 + code:7e1876/02 cheat description:Infinite Potions - code:7E1878:04 + code:7e1878/04 cheat description:Infinite Hover Bombs - code:7E187A:05 + code:7e187a/05 cheat description:Infinite Levitators - code:7E187C:06 + code:7e187c/06 cheat description:Infinite Bridge Keys - code:7E187E:07 + code:7e187e/07 cheat description:Infinite Remote Wasps - code:7E1880:08 + code:7e1880/08 cheat description:Infinite Fire Bombs - code:7E1882:0A + code:7e1882/0a cartridge sha256:0d4e0d134396bd1c7254cdc1da356eb944ca14910b6690f484a75a9c3a8106e7 name:BlaZeon - The Bio-Cyborg Challenge (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D6D-A700 + code:8182dd/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82B4-D4DD + code:47b72b/bd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2B4-D4DD+C2BD-64AD + code:47b72b/cd+0bb6da/cd cheat description:Infinite Atomic Shields - Mars - code:C2C7-D7A7 + code:48cf3e/cd cheat description:Infinite Hyper Bombs - Neptune - code:C2C3-DF67 + code:70cfee/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:1D85-AD0F+1D8B-ADAF+C28A-D7A4+7685-ADDF+768B-AD6F + code:b3be75/6d+bbbeb6/6d+48bbae/cd+b7be77/38+b3beb6/38 cheat description:Start with 1 ship - code:DD6E-6707 + code:008eed/dd cheat description:Start with 2 ships - code:DF6E-6707 + code:008eed/df cheat description:Start with 4 ships - code:D76E-6707 + code:008eed/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 ships - code:D06E-6707 + code:008eed/d4 cheat description:Start with 7 ships - code:D16E-6707 + code:008eed/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 ships - code:DB6E-6707 + code:008eed/db cheat description:Start with 26 ships - code:FB6E-6707 + code:008eed/fb cheat description:Start on Stage 2 - code:DF6D-6D07 + code:308ed5/df cheat description:Start on Stage 3 - code:D46D-6D07 + code:308ed5/d2 cheat description:Start on Stage 4 - code:D76D-6D07 + code:308ed5/d3 cheat description:Start on Stage 5 - code:D06D-6D07 + code:308ed5/d4 cartridge sha256:99f40f06fa4dbeeea4fe67d2de5b4c1bf301bedac1958ba1c239dcaf39b0a998 name:Blues Brothers, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DB3-14DF + code:87bdeb/6d cheat description:Infinite health (1P game) - code:82A3-3F0D + code:b3a7ed/bd cheat description:Infinite health (2P game) - code:82AE-14D7 + code:84adeb/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:828F-34DF + code:87bffb/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2B3-3764 + code:80bbee/cd cheat description:Infinite Discs - code:8289-CFDF + code:37bf5f/bd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6D21-CFAF+6D29-CD6F + code:3bdf6e/8d+33df56/8d cartridge sha256:d50ef11383d78544dbad4d350cfd1486fb28e459e208d1553acdecbd84a808b8 name:Bobby's World (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DB7-1DD8 + code:b6bd37/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:82BC-1468 + code:82bdca/bd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) code:7E139B03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:822D-17AF + code:8bddde/bd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) code:7E139509 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:DDB3-17AC + code:8bb1ee/dd cartridge sha256:854d2492d1cb059749bb0904ca5f92a5eeec09167abf84f7cca4023b1819e4f0 name:Bonkers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DCD-C404 + code:00cbd9/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:89C4-1DDF + code:b7cd27/b5 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:C9AB-CFDD + code:37a7bf/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C963-CD0F + code:338fe5/c5 cheat description:Infinite dash - code:C98C-CD0F + code:33bfc5/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DE1-1F04+9DE1-1F64 + code:b0e96d/8d+b0e96e/5d cartridge sha256:8f131182b286bd87f12cf4f00453336538ce690d0e1f0972ac0be98df4d48987 name:Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:CDF7-57AD + code:cbf53e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDF0-740D + code:c3f449/dd cheat description:Infinite Loogies - code:DD5C-74A9 + code:c974ca/dd cheat description:Infinite Boogers - code:DD53-E760 + code:8173ee/dd cheat description:Infinite Belches - code:DD55-5F09 + code:f1757d/dd cheat description:Infinite Super Belches - code:DD51-8FA9 + code:f9766e/dd cheat description:Infinite Farts - code:DD54-87D1 + code:c57a2f/dd cheat description:Infinite Super Farts - code:DD54-ED61 + code:b17b26/dd cheat description:Infinite Chili Belches and Farts - code:DDB8-5DD5 + code:f5bdb7/dd cheat description:Infinite Super Chili Belches and Farts - code:DDBB-8765 + code:c1bebe/dd cheat description:Infinite Rocket Farts - code:DDFE-7FD1 + code:f5f8ef/dd cheat description:Get chili when hit - code:DFF2-7D05 + code:f1fcd5/df cheat description:Get Milk when hit - code:DFFA-74A5 + code:c9fcaa/df cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0EF8:02 + code:7e0ef8/02 cheat description:Infinite Boogers (alt) - code:7E0224:20 + code:7e0224/20 cheat description:Infinite Belches and Farts (both kinds) - code:7E0226:20 + code:7e0226/20 cartridge sha256:e67940a2106c1507f3a8d38790f263bbbf814578ebf3dbc4e3eb6007d310793c name:Boxing Legends of the Ring (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:6D6A-C4A9 + code:0987aa/8d cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:6D66-3D05 + code:b18f85/8d cheat description:Infinite super punches - P1 - code:C26D-3F05 + code:b18fdd/cd cheat description:Infinite super punches - P2 or CPU - code:C260-C4A9 + code:09874a/cd cheat description:Infinite strength beads - code:DD2B-17D9+C229-C4D9 + code:85d5bf/dd+05d75b/cd cheat description:Infinite time per round - code:C2BA-A7A7 + code:88beae/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:1DBD-4460+F6BD-4400 + code:81b0da/6d+81b0d9/f8 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:1D69-3FD9+F669-3DA9 + code:b5875f/6d+b98756/f8 cheat description:Blocking disabled - P1 - code:DD62-CD09 + code:3187d5/dd cheat description:Blocking disabled - P2 - code:DD66-3FA5 + code:b98f8e/dd cheat description:Each round is 1 minute - code:DF8D-CDA7 + code:38bfd6/df cheat description:Each round is 2 minutes - code:D48D-CDA7 + code:38bfd6/d2 cheat description:Each round is 4 minutes - code:D08D-CDA7 + code:38bfd6/d4 cheat description:Each round is 5 minutes - code:D98D-CDA7 + code:38bfd6/d5 cheat description:Each round is 6 minutes - code:D18D-CDA7 + code:38bfd6/d6 cheat description:Both fighters start with no super punches - code:DD87-C4D4 + code:04bb3b/dd cheat description:Both fighters start with 2 super punches - code:D487-C4D4 + code:04bb3b/d2 cheat description:Both fighters start with 3 super punches - code:D787-C4D4 + code:04bb3b/d3 cheat description:Create a stronger left jab - code:6DEE-CF4E + code:3bebec/8d cheat description:Create a stronger left hook body - code:6DEE-CFCE + code:33ebef/8d cheat description:Create a stronger left hook head - code:6DEE-C44E + code:0bebe8/8d cheat description:Create a stronger left uppercut - code:6DEE-C4CE + code:03ebeb/8d cheat description:Create a stronger right cross body - code:6DEE-C74E + code:0bebec/8d cheat description:Create a stronger right cross head - code:6DEE-C7CE + code:03ebef/8d cheat description:Create a stronger right uppercut - code:6DED-3D4E + code:bbebd4/8d cheat description:Start on round 5 - code:338F-C7A4 + code:08bbfe/ee cheat description:Start on round 12 - code:A38F-C7A4 + code:08bbfe/ae cheat description:Infinite full stanima - code:7E05AF:0F + code:7e05af/0f cartridge sha256:f4666355e7fea434843dc6d5119673bd6c23e69b884aac0b382ff036997e52b5 name:Brain Lord (USA) cheat description:9999 HP - code:7E08C2:0F+7E08C3:27 + code:7e08c2/0f+7e08c3/27 cheat description:9999 Max HP - code:7E08C4:0F+7E08C5:27 + code:7e08c4/0f+7e08c5/27 cheat description:255 Power - code:7E08CA:FF + code:7e08ca/ff cheat description:Have the best status - code:7E08DD:00 + code:7e08dd/00 cheat description:Move faster, same effect as wearing the Cloak - code:7E08D4:07 + code:7e08d4/07 cheat description:Infinite G - code:7E0376:97 + code:7e0376/97 cheat description:Can access 13 spells - code:7E08D1:0D + code:7e08d1/0d cheat description:Have Magic Shot spell - code:7E0910:02 + code:7e0910/02 cheat description:Have Magic Shield spell - code:7E0911:03 + code:7e0911/03 cheat description:Have Flame Ring spell - code:7E0912:04 + code:7e0912/04 cheat description:Have Fireball spell - code:7E0913:05 + code:7e0913/05 cheat description:Have Impulse spell - code:7E0914:06 + code:7e0914/06 cheat description:Have Lightning spell - code:7E0915:07 + code:7e0915/07 cheat description:Have Magic Missile spell - code:7E0916:08 + code:7e0916/08 cheat description:Have Bound spell - code:7E0917:09 + code:7e0917/09 cheat description:Have Ice spell - code:7E0918:0A + code:7e0918/0a cheat description:Have Phaser spell - code:7E0919:0B + code:7e0919/0b cheat description:Have Slow spell - code:7E091A:0E + code:7e091a/0e cheat description:Have Stop spell - code:7E091B:0F + code:7e091b/0f cheat description:Have Ghost spell - code:7E091C:10 + code:7e091c/10 cheat description:Quick spell charge - code:7E08C7:01 + code:7e08c7/01 cheat description:Have the Iron Sword - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:02 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/02 cheat description:Have the Steel Buster - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:03 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/03 cheat description:Have the Platinum Sword - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:05 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/05 cheat description:Have the Battle Axe - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:06 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/06 cheat description:Have the Tomahawk - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:07 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/07 cheat description:Have the Rock Breaker - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:08 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/08 cheat description:Have the Great Axe - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:09 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/09 cheat description:Have the Boomerang - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0A + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0a cheat description:Have the Chuckler - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0B + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0b cheat description:Have the Mornin Star - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0C + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0c cheat description:Have the Heavy Mall - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0D + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0d cheat description:Have the Long Bow - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0E + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0e cheat description:Have the Silver Bow - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:0F + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/0f cheat description:Have the Lightning Bow - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:10 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/10 cheat description:Have the Fire Sword - code:7E0921:01+7E0920:12 + code:7e0921/01+7e0920/12 cheat description:Have the Iron Helmet - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:02 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/02 cheat description:Have the Cross Helmet - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:03 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/03 cheat description:Have the Blackgold Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:04 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/04 cheat description:Have the Warrior's Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:05 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/05 cheat description:Have the Platinum Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:06 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/06 cheat description:Have the Nameless Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:07 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/07 cheat description:Have the Nameless Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:08 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/08 cheat description:Have the Nameless Helm - code:7E0923:02+7E0922:09 + code:7e0923/02+7e0922/09 cheat description:Have the Chain Mail - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:02 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/02 cheat description:Have the Banded Mail - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:03 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/03 cheat description:Have the Bone Mail - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:04 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/04 cheat description:Have the Plate Armor - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:05 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/05 cheat description:Have the Royal Armor - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:06 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/06 cheat description:Have the Cape - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:07 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/07 cheat description:Have the Nameless Armor - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:08 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/08 cheat description:Have the Nameless Armor - code:7E0925:03+7E0924:09 + code:7e0925/03+7e0924/09 cheat description:Have the Round Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:02 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/02 cheat description:Have the Kite Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:03 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/03 cheat description:Have the Bone Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:04 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/04 cheat description:Have the Warrior Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:05 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/05 cheat description:Have the Battle Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:06 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/06 cheat description:Have the Shield - code:7E0927:04+7E0926:07 + code:7e0927/04+7e0926/07 cheat description:Have the Reviving Mirror - code:7E0929:05+7E0928:01 + code:7e0929/05+7e0928/01 cheat description:Have the Debug Mirror (a debug item) - code:7E0929:05+7E0928:02 + code:7e0929/05+7e0928/02 cheat description:Have the Wind Shoes - code:7E0929:05+7E0928:03 + code:7e0929/05+7e0928/03 cheat description:Have the Spike Boots - code:7E0929:05+7E0928:04 + code:7e0929/05+7e0928/04 cheat description:Have the Life Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:01 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/01 cheat description:Have the Crimson Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:02 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/02 cheat description:Have the Foundation Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:03 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/03 cheat description:Have the Power Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:04 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/04 cheat description:Have the Lightning Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:05 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/05 cheat description:Have the Anger Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:06 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/06 cheat description:Have the Water Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:07 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/07 cheat description:Have the Deceased Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:08 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/08 cheat description:Have the Light Jade - code:7E092B:06+7E092A:09 + code:7e092b/06+7e092a/09 cheat description:Have the Key to the Seal - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:01 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/01 cheat description:Have the 3rd floor Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:02 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/02 cheat description:Have the 4th floor Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:03 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/03 cheat description:Have the Puzzle Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:04 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/04 cheat description:Have the Crossroads Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:05 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/05 cheat description:Have the Sky Room Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:06 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/06 cheat description:Have the Cave Room Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:07 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/07 cheat description:Have the Dark Room Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:08 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/08 cheat description:Have the Basement Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:09 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/09 cheat description:Have the Detour Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0A + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0a cheat description:Have the Bottomless Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0B + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0b cheat description:Have the Distance Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0C + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0c cheat description:Have the Office Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0D + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0d cheat description:Have the Flyer's Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0E + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0e cheat description:Have the Steel Sky Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:0F + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/0f cheat description:Have the Invisible Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:10 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/10 cheat description:Have the Underground Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:11 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/11 cheat description:Have the Control Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:12 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/12 cheat description:Have the Preparation Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:13 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/13 cheat description:Have the Laboratory Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:14 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/14 cheat description:Have the Power Room Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:15 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/15 cheat description:Have the Oblivion Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:16 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/16 cheat description:Have the Western Sky Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:1F + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/1f cheat description:Have the Ocean Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:20 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/20 cheat description:Have the Under Ice Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:21 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/21 cheat description:Have the Waterfall Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:22 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/22 cheat description:Have the Flood Gate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:23 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/23 cheat description:Have the Wave Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:24 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/24 cheat description:Have the Ice Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:25 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/25 cheat description:Have the Water-Air Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:26 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/26 cheat description:Have the Red Wing Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:27 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/27 cheat description:Have the 1st Gate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:28 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/28 cheat description:Have the 2nd Gate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:29 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/29 cheat description:Have the 3rd Gate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:2A + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/2a cheat description:Have the Sky Dragon Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:2B + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/2b cheat description:Have the Land Dragon Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:2C + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/2c cheat description:Have the Sea Dragon Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:2D + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/2d cheat description:Have the Dead Dragon Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:2E + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/2e cheat description:Have the Silence Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:33 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/33 cheat description:Have the Castle Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:34 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/34 cheat description:Have the Endless Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:35 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/35 cheat description:Have the Spirit Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:36 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/36 cheat description:Have the Destruction Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:37 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/37 cheat description:Have the Platinum Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:38 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/38 cheat description:Have the Night Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:39 + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/39 cheat description:Have the Afterworld Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:3A + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/3a cheat description:Have the Entropy Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:3B + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/3b cheat description:Have the Fountain Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:3C + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/3c cheat description:Have the Duplicate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:3E + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/3e cheat description:Have the Duplicate Key - code:7E092D:07+7E092C:3F + code:7e092d/07+7e092c/3f cartridge sha256:5f1912fdac09cd60d3a8962cad3875c6221b38347f0e98abc5800c73214678a9 name:Brainies, The (Europe) cheat description:Timer disable cheat to get score then re-enable - code:7E091C:17 + code:7e091c/17 cartridge sha256:9885ca148d32c4df6230642bcfa153f7e51b9559415042a831db14d07b3e6c3d name:Brainies, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C262-0DD4 + code:3489d7/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C262-67AF + code:0b8ede/cd cheat description:Start with and always have 9 Jokers - code:DBCC-6F6D + code:33c6ce/db cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:FC63-AF6D + code:b386ee/fc cheat description:Start on level 50 - code:7763-AF6D + code:b386ee/33 cheat description:Start on level 75 - code:0A63-AF6D + code:b386ee/4a cheat description:Start on level 100 - code:1963-AF6D + code:b386ee/65 cartridge sha256:bbde8b46c7262f9d4a5b3926a00850cb00b4f7711f6421f0adf4e2b0c847a5d6 name:Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C263-0F2F + code:378def/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C268-ADBF + code:bf8eb6/cd cheat description:Infinite pistol ammo - code:C92B-A4DA + code:86dabb/c5 cheat description:Infinite shotgun ammo - code:C926-64AA + code:0ada8a/c5 cheat description:Turbo walking - code:3CC2-6F6D + code:33c6de/ec cheat description:Infinite missile weapon - code:C927-D762 + code:43d73e/c5 cheat description:One hit kills all enemies, except bosses - code:6D68-DFFF + code:7f8fbf/8d cheat description:Freeze most ground enemies - code:4AA8-64D4 + code:04aabb/2a cheat description:Freeze most aerial enemies - code:4AAB-6F64 + code:30aabe/2a cheat description:Start at the final battle - code:FDEC-0F03 + code:33e9cd/fd cartridge sha256:130a74e76369b0ec4d6378a014550921433f1ae1ac1dddffb51f77c9f21a818f name:Brandish (USA) cheat description:Have over 10,000,000 gold - code:FD53-A3D7 + code:b47eeb/fd cheat description:Sell an item for max gold - code:D484-1405+6D84-14D5 + code:81bd29/d2+85bd2b/8d cheat description:Luck stays maxed out - code:6D3B-4FD2 + code:b7e4bf/8d cheat description:Map gets filled when entering a level - code:6D02-770B+3C02-776B + code:c24cdd/8d+c24cde/ec cartridge sha256:044b61613ed66eae08abd5fa5dcd13b24aab11a942e3309cdff624d198c47440 name:Brawl Brothers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility and infinite special attack - code:6D63-1791+DF63-17B1 + code:8589ed/8d+8d89ee/df cheat description:Infinite health - code:A961-3DB1 + code:bd8b66/a5 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies - code:EE6B-CF21+EE6B-C4F1+406B-C4B1 + code:358bbf/ee+0d8bbb/ee+0d8bba/24 cheat description:Bosses die immediately - code:EE6E-1D21+EE6E-1FF1+406E-1FB1 + code:b589e7/ee+bd89ef/ee+bd89ee/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:40C2-44B9+40C2-4729+40CC-4D99+40CD-1DF9+40CE-4429 + code:8dc4da/24+85c4df/24+b5c4c5/24+bdc5d7/24+85c4eb/24 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E0908:01 + code:7e0908/01 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E09D8:01 + code:7e09d8/01 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0924:50 + code:7e0924/50 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E09F4:50 + code:7e09f4/50 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0946:09 + code:7e0946/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0A16:09 + code:7e0a16/09 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies (alt) - code:7E0B94:00+7E0919:00+7E0D34:00+7E0C64:00+7E0AC4:00 + code:7e0b94/00+7e0919/00+7e0d34/00+7e0c64/00+7e0ac4/00 cheat description:Have Lots of Kills - P1 - code:7E0C34:FF + code:7e0c34/ff cheat description:Play as Dieter (glitchy) - P1 - code:7E0920:0A + code:7e0920/0a cheat description:Play as Dieter (glitchy) - P2 - code:7E09F0:0A + code:7e09f0/0a cartridge sha256:aad8c9be1b7a9662256b0c3d76f5b7a273bcd497aa838232d307e9f2e80cf699 name:BreakThru! (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E125B:FF + code:7e125b/ff cartridge sha256:cbc496a7879ba78f32c51c3df4ba1a1a42f17d78d48a39ea9c709d1ad18cb8df name:Breath of Fire (USA) cheat description:9999 EXP after every battle - code:336F-172D + code:8785ff/ee cheat description:Infinite usable items in menu - code:DEEE-C0B4 + code:1cebe2/de cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:8EE1-C7F3+8EE5-CD23+8EEE-CF23 + code:0feb6f/be+37eb77/be+37ebef/be cheat description:Create a new character at level 5 - code:D9BF-CD69 + code:31b7f6/d5 cheat description:Create a new character with 153 max HP - code:BBBF-CFD9 + code:35b7ff/bb cheat description:Create a new character with 153 HP - code:BBBF-CF69 + code:31b7fe/bb cheat description:Create a new character with 20 max AP - code:F0BF-C4D9 + code:05b7fb/f4 cheat description:Create a new character with 20 AP - code:F0BF-C469 + code:01b7fa/f4 cheat description:Create a new character with INT at 22 - code:F1B4-CD09 + code:31b725/f6 cheat description:Create a new character with Agility at 22 - code:F1B4-CD69 + code:31b726/f6 cheat description:Create a new character with Fate at 40 - code:46B4-CFD9 + code:35b72f/28 cheat description:Create a new character with strength at 50 - code:74BF-C7A9 + code:09b7fe/32 cheat description:Create a new character with Vigor at 50 - code:74B4-CDD9 + code:35b727/32 cheat description:Ryu starts with Tri-Rang - code:9EB7-CDD9 + code:35b737/5e cheat description:Ryu starts with EmporSD - code:D6B7-CDD9 + code:35b737/d8 cheat description:Ryu starts with DragonSH - code:90B7-CD69 + code:31b736/54 cheat description:Ryu starts with LifeAR - code:F2B7-CFD9 + code:35b73f/fd cheat description:Ryu starts with DragonHT - code:6CB7-CF69 + code:31b73e/8c cheat description:Nina starts with PowerRP - code:F2BB-CDD9 + code:35b7b7/fd cheat description:Nina starts with MaskSH - code:97BB-CD69+4FBB-CDA9 + code:31b7b6/53+39b7b6/2f cheat description:Nina starts with ClearCL - code:43BB-CFD9 + code:35b7bf/2e cheat description:Nina starts with LoveHT - code:56BB-CF69+4FBB-CFA9 + code:31b7be/78+39b7be/2f cheat description:Bo starts with HeroBW - code:98B1-CDD9 + code:35b767/5b cheat description:Bo starts with IcyAR - code:FFB1-CD69 + code:31b766/ff cheat description:Bo starts with CursedHT - code:18B1-CFD9 + code:35b76f/6b cheat description:Ox starts with Mallet - code:41BA-CDD9 + code:35b7a7/26 cheat description:Ox starts with StarSH - code:60BA-CD69 + code:31b7a6/84 cheat description:Ox starts with WorldAR - code:49BA-CFD9 + code:35b7af/25 cheat description:Ox starts with CursedHT - code:18BA-CF69 + code:31b7ae/6b cheat description:Gobi starts with Sleeper - code:76BE-CDD9 + code:35b7e7/38 cheat description:Gobi starts with StarSH - code:60BE-CD69+4FBE-CDA9 + code:31b7e6/84+39b7e6/2f cheat description:Gobi starts with SpineCL - code:F0BE-CFD9 + code:35b7ef/f4 cheat description:Gobi starts with CursedHT - code:18BE-CF69 + code:31b7ee/6b cheat description:Karn starts with DarkDR - code:0AB4-3DD9 + code:b5b727/4a cheat description:Karn starts with StarSH - code:60B4-3D69+4FB4-3DA9 + code:b1b726/84+b9b726/2f cheat description:Karn starts with QuartzAR - code:FEB4-3FD9 + code:b5b72f/fe cheat description:Karn starts with CursedHT - code:18B4-3F69 + code:b1b72e/6b cheat description:Mogu starts with MystCW - code:7EB9-3DD9 + code:b5b757/3e cheat description:Mogu starts with StarSH - code:60B9-3D69+4FB9-3DA9 + code:b1b756/84+b9b756/2f cheat description:Mogu starts with FlameAR - code:D3B9-3FD9 + code:b5b75f/de cheat description:Mogu starts with CursedHT - code:18B9-3F69+4FB9-3FA9 + code:b1b75e/6b+b9b75e/2f cheat description:Bleu starts with GlowCN - code:4EB6-3DD9 + code:b5b787/2e cheat description:Bleu starts with MaskSH - code:97B6-3D69 + code:b1b786/53 cheat description:Bleu starts with ClearCL - code:43B6-3FD9 + code:b5b78f/2e cheat description:Bleu starts with CursedHT - code:18B6-3F69 + code:b1b78e/6b cheat description:Character 1 - Max LEVEL - code:7E104A:FF + code:7e104a/ff cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite HP - code:7E104E:E7+7E104F:03 + code:7e104e/e7+7e104f/03 cheat description:Character 1 - Max HP - code:7E104C:E7+7E104D:03 + code:7e104c/e7+7e104d/03 cheat description:Character 1 - 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Max LEVEL - code:7E10EA:FF + code:7e10ea/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite HP - code:7E10EE:E7+7E10EF:03 + code:7e10ee/e7+7e10ef/03 cheat description:Character 2 - Max HP - code:7E10EC:E7+7E10ED:03 + code:7e10ec/e7+7e10ed/03 cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite AP - code:7E10F2:E7+7E10F3:03 + code:7e10f2/e7+7e10f3/03 cheat description:Character 2 - Max AP - code:7E10F0:E7+7E10F1:03 + code:7e10f0/e7+7e10f1/03 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Str - code:7E10F7:FF + code:7e10f7/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max Vigor - code:7E10F8:FF + code:7e10f8/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max Wisdom - code:7E10F9:FF + code:7e10f9/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max Agil - code:7E10FA:FF + code:7e10fa/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max MAG - code:7E10FB:FF + code:7e10fb/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max Luck - code:7E10FC:FF + code:7e10fc/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Max ATK - code:7E10FD:E7+7E10FE:03 + code:7e10fd/e7+7e10fe/03 cheat description:Character 2 - 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code:EED3-8404 + code:c0dae9/ee cheat description:Start with Mega EXP - code:EED3-87D4 + code:c4daef/ee cheat description:No random battles - code:7E12DC:00 + code:7e12dc/00 cheat description:Infinite Fishing Rod power - code:7E128C:60 + code:7e128c/60 cheat description:Have all warp points - code:7E5670:FF+7E5671:FF+7E5672:FF+7E5673:FF + code:7e5670/ff+7e5671/ff+7e5672/ff+7e5673/ff cheat description:Have all Shamans - code:7E5695:FF + code:7e5695/ff cheat description:Infinite Shaman use - code:7E5696:00+7E5697:00+7E5698:00+7E5699:00+7E569A:00+7E569B:00 + code:7e5696/00+7e5697/00+7e5698/00+7e5699/00+7e569a/00+7e569b/00 cheat description:Have all non-shop tenants - code:7E55EB:DE+7E55EC:7B+7E55ED:77+7E55EE:0B + code:7e55eb/de+7e55ec/7b+7e55ed/77+7e55ee/0b cheat description:Character 1 - No Status Effects - code:7E51E5:00 + code:7e51e5/00 cheat description:Character 1 - Level 99 - code:7E51E7:63 + code:7e51e7/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite HP - code:7E51E8:0F+7E51E9:27 + code:7e51e8/0f+7e51e9/27 cheat description:Character 1 - 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code:7E520C:FF + code:7e520c/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 255 Permanant Luck (next time you change equipment) - code:7E520D:FF + code:7e520d/ff cheat description:Character 1 - Maximum Guts - code:7E520B:FF + code:7e520b/ff cheat description:Character 1 - 9999999 EXP - code:7E520E:7F+7E520F:96+7E5210:98 + code:7e520e/7f+7e520f/96+7e5210/98 cheat description:Character 1 - Maximum Jewel color - code:7E520A:FF + code:7e520a/ff cheat description:Character 2 - No Status Effects - code:7E5225:00 + code:7e5225/00 cheat description:Character 2 - Level 99 - code:7E5227:63 + code:7e5227/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite HP - code:7E5228:0F+7E5229:27 + code:7e5228/0f+7e5229/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Maximum HP - code:7E522A:0F+7E522B:27 + code:7e522a/0f+7e522b/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite AP - code:7E522C:0F+7E522D:27 + code:7e522c/0f+7e522d/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Maximum AP - code:7E522E:0F+7E522F:27 + code:7e522e/0f+7e522f/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Str - code:7E5231:FF + code:7e5231/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Stmna - code:7E5232:FF + code:7e5232/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Agil - code:7E5233:FF + code:7e5233/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 Off - code:7E5242:0F+7E5243:27 + code:7e5242/0f+7e5243/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 Def - code:7E5244:0F+7E5245:27 + code:7e5244/0f+7e5245/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 Vigor - code:7E5246:0F+7E5247:27 + code:7e5246/0f+7e5247/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Temporary Wisdom - code:7E5248:FF + code:7e5248/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Temporary Luck - code:7E5249:FF + code:7e5249/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Permanant Wisdom (next time you change equipment) - code:7E524C:FF + code:7e524c/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 255 Permanant Luck (next time you change equipment) - code:7E524D:FF + code:7e524d/ff cheat description:Character 2 - Maximum Guts - code:7E524B:FF + code:7e524b/ff cheat description:Character 2 - 9999999 EXP - code:7E524E:7F+7E524F:96+7E5250:98 + code:7e524e/7f+7e524f/96+7e5250/98 cheat description:Character 2 - Maximum Jewel color - code:7E524A:FF + code:7e524a/ff cheat description:Character 3 - No Status Effects - code:7E5265:00 + code:7e5265/00 cheat description:Character 3 - Level 99 - code:7E5267:63 + code:7e5267/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Infinite HP - code:7E5268:0F+7E5269:27 + code:7e5268/0f+7e5269/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Maximum HP - code:7E526A:0F+7E526B:27 + code:7e526a/0f+7e526b/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Infinite AP - code:7E526C:0F+7E526D:27 + code:7e526c/0f+7e526d/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Maximum AP - code:7E526E:0F+7E526F:27 + code:7e526e/0f+7e526f/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Str - code:7E5271:FF + code:7e5271/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Stmna - code:7E5272:FF + code:7e5272/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Agil - code:7E5273:FF + code:7e5273/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 9999 Off - code:7E5282:0F+7E5283:27 + code:7e5282/0f+7e5283/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 9999 Def - code:7E5284:0F+7E5285:27 + code:7e5284/0f+7e5285/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 9999 Vigor - code:7E5286:0F+7E5287:27 + code:7e5286/0f+7e5287/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Temporary Wisdom - code:7E5288:FF + code:7e5288/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Temporary Luck - code:7E5289:FF + code:7e5289/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Permanant Wisdom (next time you change equipment) - code:7E528C:FF + code:7e528c/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 255 Permanant Luck (next time you change equipment) - code:7E528D:FF + code:7e528d/ff cheat description:Character 3 - Maximum Guts - code:7E528B:FF + code:7e528b/ff cheat description:Character 3 - 9999999 EXP - code:7E528E:7F+7E528F:96+7E5290:98 + code:7e528e/7f+7e528f/96+7e5290/98 cheat description:Character 3 - Maximum Jewel color - code:7E528A:FF + code:7e528a/ff cheat description:Character 4 - No Status Effects - code:7E52A5:00 + code:7e52a5/00 cheat description:Character 4 - Level 99 - code:7E52A7:63 + code:7e52a7/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Infinite HP - code:7E52A8:0F+7E52A9:27 + code:7e52a8/0f+7e52a9/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Maximum HP - code:7E52AA:0F+7E52AB:27 + code:7e52aa/0f+7e52ab/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Infinite AP - code:7E52AC:0F+7E52AD:27 + code:7e52ac/0f+7e52ad/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Maximum AP - code:7E52AE:0F+7E52AF:27 + code:7e52ae/0f+7e52af/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Str - code:7E52B1:FF + code:7e52b1/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Stmna - code:7E52B2:FF + code:7e52b2/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Agil - code:7E52B3:FF + code:7e52b3/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 9999 Off - code:7E52C2:0F+7E52C3:27 + code:7e52c2/0f+7e52c3/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 9999 Def - code:7E52C4:0F+7E52C5:27 + code:7e52c4/0f+7e52c5/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 9999 Vigor - code:7E52C6:0F+7E52C7:27 + code:7e52c6/0f+7e52c7/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Temporary Wisdom - code:7E52C8:FF + code:7e52c8/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Temporary Luck - code:7E52C9:FF + code:7e52c9/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Permanant Wisdom (next time you change equipment) - code:7E52CC:FF + code:7e52cc/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 255 Permanant Luck (next time you change equipment) - code:7E52CD:FF + code:7e52cd/ff cheat description:Character 4 - Maximum Guts - code:7E52CB:FF + code:7e52cb/ff cheat description:Character 4 - 9999999 EXP - code:7E52CE:7F+7E52CF:96+7E52D0:98 + code:7e52ce/7f+7e52cf/96+7e52d0/98 cheat description:Character 4 - Maximum Jewel color - code:7E52CA:FF + code:7e52ca/ff cartridge sha256:0a07808939e77d8c4a13a6ec7bbc008ee758cd209f8404411bf15d225453beee name:BS Zelda no Densetsu - Dai-3-wa (Japan) (BS) cheat description:Disable the 57 minute time limit - code:3CDD-7F5D+3CDD-7F8D+6DDD-7FED + code:ffd4dd/ec+ffd4de/ec+fbd4df/8d cartridge sha256:811cbc3287c0959e8eb242e817684d36de664ebebc5873a1fa9958693857c438 name:Bubsy in - Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDB1-175C + code:8fb16d/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:DDB4-3404 + code:80bb29/dd cheat description:Numbered t-shirts worth one more - code:766C-1766 + code:8281ce/38 cheat description:Bogus jump - code:946B-1D8B + code:be8db6/52 cheat description:Super-jump - code:716B-1D8B + code:be8db6/36 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:436B-1D8B + code:be8db6/2e cheat description:Each yarn ball worth 0 - code:DD60-1FD6 + code:b6814f/dd cheat description:Each yarn ball worth 5 - code:D960-1FD6 + code:b6814f/d5 cheat description:Each yarn ball worth 10 - code:FD60-1FD6 + code:b6814f/fd cheat description:Crate of yarn holds 0 instead of 25 - code:DD69-4F6C + code:b3805e/dd cheat description:Crate of yarn holds 50 - code:9D69-4F6C + code:b3805e/5d cheat description:Crate of yarn holds 75 - code:5969-4F6C + code:b3805e/75 cheat description:Crate of yarn holds 99 - code:BB69-4F6C + code:b3805e/bb cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD34-4D6D + code:b3e426/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D034-4D6D + code:b3e426/d4 cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:4034-4D6D + code:b3e426/24 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:9D34-4D6D + code:b3e426/5d cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:5934-4D6D + code:b3e426/75 cheat description:Start on chapter 2 - code:DF6D-472A + code:8688df/df cheat description:Start on chapter 3 - code:D46D-472A + code:8688df/d2 cheat description:Start on chapter 4 - code:D76D-472A + code:8688df/d3 cheat description:Start on chapter 5 - code:D06D-472A + code:8688df/d4 cheat description:Start on chapter 6 - code:D96D-472A + code:8688df/d5 cheat description:Start on chapter 7 - code:D16D-472A + code:8688df/d6 cheat description:Start on chapter 8 - code:D66D-472A + code:8688df/d8 cheat description:Start on chapter 9 - code:DC6D-472A + code:8688df/dc cheat description:Start on chapter 10 - code:DA6D-472A + code:8688df/da cheat description:Start on chapter 11 - code:D26D-472A + code:8688df/dd cheat description:Start on chapter 12 - code:D36D-472A + code:8688df/de cheat description:Start on chapter 13 - code:DE6D-472A + code:8688df/de cheat description:Start on chapter 14 - code:FD6D-472A + code:8688df/fd cheat description:Start on Chapter 15 - code:FF6D-472A + code:8688df/ff cheat description:Start on Chapter 16 - code:F46D-472A + code:8688df/f2 cartridge sha256:2357d344af77d25dda030520ce203045fd9060f83e3b9609a228dba859d9017b name:Bubsy II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:62E5-5F0F + code:f3ed7d/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:8FD5-EDD4 + code:b4db77/bf cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2D8-7DAF + code:fbdcb6/cd cheat description:Infinite time in most main levels - code:C217-8DD7+C21F-87A7 + code:f46e37/cd+c86efe/cd cheat description:Infinite time in some bonus levels - code:C25C-740D + code:c374c9/cd cheat description:Infinite Warp Holes - code:C2DE-54D0 + code:c5d1eb/cd cheat description:Infinite Diving Suits - code:C212-57AD + code:cb65de/cd cheat description:Infinite Smart Bombs - code:C271-7DD0 + code:f53067/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo for Nerf Gun - code:C247-5465 + code:c12d3a/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1188:04 + code:7e1188/04 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E3422:09 + code:7e3422/09 cartridge sha256:49020695a017acc3dfadea97a60e28609e583571f69c5abeb3c6b1c2db8113fa name:Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Rampage (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D6A-17AF + code:8b8dae/dd cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C28C-4FAF + code:bbbcce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDA3-3D07 + code:b0afe5/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2A3-3DA7 + code:b8afe6/cd cheat description:Take minimal damage - code:A38C-4FAF + code:bbbcce/ae cheat description:Full energy from carrots - code:DD88-476F + code:83bcbe/dd cheat description:Moon jumping Bugs - code:F0B4-1404 + code:80b929/f4 cheat description:Super-jumping Bugs - code:0DB4-1404+E0B7-1DD4 + code:80b929/4d+b4b937/e4 cheat description:Start and continue with 10 lives - code:DC60-CD0D + code:338745/dc cheat description:Start and continue with 2 lives - code:D460-CD0D + code:338745/d2 cartridge sha256:ba4f31353e0e1233b574391ad97a80901d7de212e2c55d7be2af11a9a57c8225 name:Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (USA) cheat description:Never miss a shot - code:DD66-C4BD + code:0f878a/dd cartridge sha256:d6f6c30732dae8d00cd83628c3156acbdf26f99df701f779522e21de74dae5fe name:Bust-A-Move (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C281-DFE2 + code:7bb76f/cd cheat description:Infinite time to shoot each ball - code:3C38-A764 + code:80eabe/ec cheat description:Always get max bonus in shooting rounds - code:3C83-D467 + code:40bfea/ec cheat description:Shot guide is always on (new 1P game) - code:338B-0DA4 + code:38b9b6/ee cheat description:Shot guide is always on (password game) - code:338D-07A4 + code:08b9de/ee cheat description:Shot guide is always on ("challenge record" mode) - code:333E-D721 + code:45ebef/ee cartridge sha256:9590110a990e90f525d5c8d70fc2a3da10879378003173b6761afb8bf042ee0d name:Capcom's MVP Football (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold B) - code:3DA3-DF09+7DA3-DFD9+C2A3-DD09+D5A3-DD69+F7A3-DDA9 + code:71a7ed/ed+75a7ef/3d+71a7e5/cd+71a7e6/d7+79a7e6/f3 cartridge sha256:2a117951adcfbc4298763673a834d502c3f7a3964db1e59650f113c07bb831fb name:Captain America and the Avengers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:1D38-CFA1+6DAA-CD00+82A6-3D60 + code:39ebbe/6d+31a3a5/8d+b1a386/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:C283-34A0 + code:89b3ea/cd cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E16A8:20 + code:7e16a8/20 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E16A9:63 + code:7e16a9/63 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0226:63 + code:7e0226/63 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0227:63 + code:7e0227/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0229:09 + code:7e0229/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E022A:09 + code:7e022a/09 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C28E-1F60+DC8E-14D0+EC8E-1FA0+ED8E-1400 + code:b1b1ee/cd+85b1eb/dc+b9b1ee/ec+81b1e9/ed cartridge sha256:d9b7f9356be0780f0037093a86ef8450f15e569cbd3680073d1cd345dfadb709 name:Captain Commando (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - p1 - code:CB4E-7FD4+D04E-7F04+B24E-7F64 + code:f428ef/cb+f028ed/d4+f028ee/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere (throws are disabled) - code:6DF1-846D+6DF9-74DF+6DFA-7D0F+95F9-740F + code:c3f66a/8d+c7fc5b/8d+f3fca5/8d+c3fc59/57 cheat description:One hit kills - Both players - code:76F4-57DF+3BF4-570F+6DF4-576F + code:c7fd2f/38+c3fd2d/eb+c3fd2e/8d cheat description:Invincibility - P1 (alt) - code:7E0404:03 + code:7e0404/03 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0895:32 + code:7e0895/32 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0893:32 + code:7e0893/32 cheat description:9 lives - P1 - code:7E0B15:09 + code:7e0b15/09 cheat description:9 lives - P2 - code:7E0B13:09 + code:7e0b13/09 cheat description:9 continues - code:7E1D5A:39 + code:7e1d5a/39 cartridge sha256:8784614896e2b3e8d98c8166613ca5d2329643795a4dc107791c58c6c51e1268 name:Captain Novolin (USA) (En,Fr,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0C02:29 + code:7e0c02/29 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0BDA:04 + code:7e0bda/04 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E16F2:00 + code:7e16f2/00 cartridge sha256:be2bdb03549665136cc91173ac538b41b3085e0f1f6b02d6567d174b5b78e435 name:Caravan Shooting Collection (Japan) cheat description:Hector 87 - Infinite health - code:7E00E5:10 + code:7e00e5/10 cheat description:Hector 87 - Infinite lives - code:7E00E4:02 + code:7e00e4/02 cheat description:Star Force - Invincibility - code:7E09CA:01 + code:7e09ca/01 cheat description:Star Force - Always have powered-up weapon - code:7E099E:01 + code:7e099e/01 cheat description:Star Force - Infinite lives - code:7E094D:02 + code:7e094d/02 cheat description:Star Force - No enemies (disable before reaching the boss) - code:7E0963:05 + code:7e0963/05 cheat description:Star Soldier - Invincibility - code:7E0086:39 + code:7e0086/39 cheat description:Star Soldier - Infinite lives - code:7E062F:02 + code:7e062f/02 cheat description:Star Soldier - Rapid fire - code:7E0630:00 + code:7e0630/00 cheat description:Star Soldier - Ship is always blue - code:7E0087:00 + code:7e0087/00 cheat description:Star Soldier - No enemies except bosses - code:7E062E:00 + code:7e062e/00 cartridge sha256:ee5fc27dd19a2ecb3c3c7c73d558a18ffd5ff365710c18b88150e277f08d587e name:Carrier Aces (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (works for dogfights and ship fire) - code:DDED-670F+6DEE-64DD + code:03eedd/dd+07e6eb/8d cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C2B3-6F64 + code:30baee/cd cheat description:Infinite rockets - code:3CC9-D764 + code:40cb5e/ec cartridge sha256:b9b982cd8f91c51089d49b550f11882b1ee785ebddcb7355cfc465916d61a042 name:Casper (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C225-1071 + code:9dd970/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C221-1981 + code:9dd966/cd + cheat + description:Infinite health (alt) + code:7e1ab7/06 cheat description:Have all items and 5 lives after you leave the first room - code:2DAC-CD44 + code:38abc4/dd + cheat + description:Do not need the girl in the room to transform + code:7e1a47/00 cartridge sha256:367725a149a471411e4f72ad77603b61fb101c9cab4521be5647e13708cc97ba name:Castlevania - Dracula X (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D69-CD9D + code:378755/dd cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:C969-CD2D + code:378757/c5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C96D-17FF + code:8f8ddf/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9AF-47A7 + code:88acfe/c5 cheat description:All hearts worth 99 - code:2D25-1FD3+DD25-1F03 + code:b7d97f/dd+b3d97d/dd cheat description:Keep sub-weapon after dying - code:C9A4-47D7 + code:84ac2f/c5 cheat description:Keep sub-weapon after continue - code:C985-17DF + code:87bd7f/c5 cheat description:Item Crash doesn't use hearts - code:C9A6-3D94 + code:b4ab85/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD20-34D3+DD24-3403 + code:87db4b/dd+83db29/dd cheat description:Small hearts worth 0 - code:DD29-1763 + code:83d95e/dd cheat description:Small hearts worth 10 - code:FD29-1763 + code:83d95e/fd cheat description:Small hearts worth 25 - code:4929-1763 + code:83d95e/25 cheat description:No Invincibility after getting hit - code:DD6F-CFBF + code:3f8ffe/dd cheat description:More invincibility after getting hit - code:EE6F-CFBF + code:3f8ffe/ee cheat description:Super jump - code:EB87-C7BD + code:0fb73e/eb cheat description:Super-Duper jump - code:E687-C7BD + code:0fb73e/e8 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:E587-C7BC + code:0fb33e/e7 cheat description:Have the Axe - code:DFDC-F276 + code:fed3c4/df cheat description:Have the Cross - code:D4DC-F276 + code:fed3c4/d2 cheat description:Have the Holy Water - code:D7DC-F276 + code:fed3c4/d3 cheat description:Have the Knife - code:D0DC-F276 + code:fed3c4/d4 cheat description:Have the Clock - code:D9DC-F276 + code:fed3c4/d5 cheat description:Have the Key - code:D1DC-F276 + code:fed3c4/d6 cheat description:Start with half energy - code:4D21-1707 + code:80dd6d/2d cheat description:Start with 1/4 energy - code:F421-1707 + code:80dd6d/f2 cheat description:Start with 3/4 energy - code:7D21-1707 + code:80dd6d/3d cheat description:Start with 99 hearts - code:6D81-170F + code:83bd6d/8d cheat description:Start with 50 hearts - code:9D81-170F + code:83bd6d/5d cheat description:Start with 25 hearts - code:4981-170F + code:83bd6d/25 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD85-1D6F + code:b3bd76/dd cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB85-1D6F + code:b3bd76/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:4085-1D6F + code:b3bd76/24 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:0B85-1D6F + code:b3bd76/4b cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:BB85-1D6F + code:b3bd76/bb cheat description:Start with 25 hearts after you die - code:49A4-44D7 + code:84ac2b/25 cheat description:Start with 50 hearts after you die - code:9DA4-44D7 + code:84ac2b/5d cheat description:Start with 99 hearts after you die - code:BBA4-44D7 + code:84ac2b/bb cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:DFD5-F376 + code:fed378/df cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D4D5-F376 + code:fed378/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D7D5-F376 + code:fed378/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:D0D5-F376 + code:fed378/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:D9D5-F376 + code:fed378/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:D1D5-F376 + code:fed378/d6 cartridge sha256:aa69d4e19c2eb206fe88eba65994c830256c220e5506f59824aefa0a75dd44d5 name:Chavez (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1F93:15 + code:7e1f93/15 cartridge sha256:ee0e51d922d1cf8abe3dfc6b0d84a988a6635dc96b2a96962007c41aaa542774 name:Chessmaster, The (USA) cheat description:White player's timer is stopped - code:C9C7-D76F + code:43cf3e/c5 cheat description:Black player's timer is stopped - code:C9C9-DFDF + code:77cf5f/c5 cheat description:Timers count 2x as slow - code:56C4-D46F + code:43cf2a/78 cheat description:Timers count 3x times as slow - code:80C4-D46F + code:43cf2a/b4 cheat description:Timers count 2x as fast - code:F3C4-D46F + code:43cf2a/fe cheat description:Timers count 3x times as fast - code:F0C4-D46F + code:43cf2a/f4 cartridge sha256:c7e7df8932bf0056aa530f3dc3c913c1171a359af4c197094c2b972946dc6051 name:Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) (you may freeze if you get the guitar and fall in water) - code:3C60-04D9 + code:05854b/ec cheat description:Infinite life points - code:3CBF-0D69 + code:31b5f6/ec cheat description:Infinite credits - code:A26F-04D4 + code:0489fb/ad cheat description:Badges worth 5 - code:D965-D7DB + code:468f7f/d5 cheat description:Badges worth 25 - code:4965-D7DB + code:468f7f/25 cheat description:Badges worth 50 - code:9D65-D7DB + code:468f7f/5d cheat description:Start with 2 life points - code:D469-DFD9 + code:75875f/d2 cheat description:Start with 0 life points - code:DD69-DFD9 + code:75875f/dd cartridge sha256:21a2aa488cb8140ca318f7d1f513103d14e758181aa336a594097d32ba0a7587 name:Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (once you eat a bag of Cheetos) - code:C3CC-6D07 + code:30cec5/ce cheat description:Infinite Cheetos bags (once you collect one) - code:C282-DFD4 + code:74bbdf/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2B2-A4AD + code:8bb6da/cd cheat description:Infinte lives - code:C2BC-D7AF + code:4bbfce/cd cartridge sha256:9a064b67f522b75b82d0857519c0e33b4dbbe494c2ef79a44fdc913d605d0b26 name:Choplifter III - Rescue-Survive (USA) cheat description:Have all weapons and infinte ammo - code:DD67-CDA7+DD60-CF67 + code:388f36/dd+308f4e/dd cheat description:Infinite secondary weapons - code:3C60-34D7 + code:848f4b/ec cheat description:Infinite choppers - code:C26D-1767 + code:808dde/cd cheat description:Chopper can carry 30 hostages - code:F3C7-3D53+F3C1-1F5E + code:bfcb35/fe+bfc96d/fe cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0CEB:5A + code:7e0ceb/5a cartridge sha256:224572832b988f31a81c907f751f0292f5702a3acea5866ce6742387c7c6239d name:Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C268-4F64+C269-47A4 + code:b088be/cd+88885e/cd cheat description:Infinite absorb charge - code:C2B2-C4D1 + code:05bbdb/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD6B-3FD7+DD65-3467+DD66-34D7 + code:b48fbf/dd+808f7a/dd+848f8b/dd cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0A90:FF + code:7e0a90/ff cheat description:Infinite continues - code:7E02AA:09 + code:7e02aa/09 cartridge sha256:06d1c2b06b716052c5596aaa0c2e5632a027fee1a9a28439e509f813c30829a9 name:Chrono Trigger (USA) cheat description:Use "organize" to get 90 of all items - code:B6C6-E76C+DDCB-E7DC+9CCB-E76C + code:83c38e/b8+87c3bf/dd+83c3be/5c cheat description:Maxed out abilities for all characters - code:65EB-E4A9 + code:89e7ba/87 cheat description:Every attack causes 9999 damage - code:B323-7405 + code:c1dce9/be cheat description:Can open sealed chests - code:6D1C-770F + code:c36ccd/8d cheat description:Start with a higher max HP - code:EEDD-7F5D + code:ffd4dd/ee cheat description:Start with a higher max MP - code:63DD-745D + code:cfd4d9/8e cheat description:Start with max power - code:BDDD-74ED + code:cbd4db/bd cheat description:Start with max stamina - code:BDDD-777D + code:cfd4dc/bd cheat description:Start with max speed - code:BDDD-775D + code:cfd4dd/bd cheat description:Start with max magic - code:BDDD-778D + code:cfd4de/bd cheat description:Start with max hit ratio - code:BDDD-77ED + code:cbd4df/bd cheat description:Start with max evade - code:BDDF-7D7D + code:ffd4f4/bd cheat description:Start with max magic defense - code:BDDF-7D5D + code:ffd4f5/bd cheat description:Position 1 - Infinite health - code:7E5E30:E7+7E5E31:03 + code:7e5e30/e7+7e5e31/03 cheat description:Position 1 - Infinite Magic - code:7E5E34:63 + code:7e5e34/63 cheat description:Position 1 - Attack bar always full - code:7EAFAB:00 + code:7eafab/00 cheat description:Position 2 - Infinite health - code:7E5EB0:E7+7E5EB1:03 + code:7e5eb0/e7+7e5eb1/03 cheat description:Position 2 - Infinite Magic - code:7E5EB4:63 + code:7e5eb4/63 cheat description:Position 2 - Attack bar always full - code:7EAFAC:00 + code:7eafac/00 cheat description:Position 3 - Infinite health - code:7E5F30:E7+7E5F31:03 + code:7e5f30/e7+7e5f31/03 cheat description:Position 3 - Infinite Magic - code:7E5F34:63 + code:7e5f34/63 cheat description:Position 3 - Attack bar always full - code:7EAFAD:00 + code:7eafad/00 cheat description:Infinite Speed Boosts - code:7E009A:03 + code:7e009a/03 cheat description:Instantly enable next Speed Boost - code:7E00BA:00 + code:7e00ba/00 cartridge sha256:63ab79e86ea13e2cf9bb67aec971febb68450db9865b00b5f412610653822393 name:Chuck Rock (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9A1-A70D + code:83a66d/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9AB-AF0D + code:b3a6bd/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DDAC-040D+DDAE-076D + code:03a5c9/dd+03a5ee/dd cheat description:Jump higher - code:70C9-A7DD + code:87c65f/34 cheat description:Super-jump - code:49C9-A7DD + code:87c65f/25 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:F5C9-A7DD + code:87c65f/f7 cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0BAA:25 + code:7e0baa/25 cartridge sha256:8b7525b2aa30cbea9e3deee601dd26e0100b8169c1948f19866be15cae0ac00d name:Clay Fighter (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:C20B-7916+C256-E536 + code:da40b5/cd+9a738f/cd cheat description:Enable Blob's Bomb move (away, away + down, down, towards + down, towards, punch) - code:6280-DD6F + code:73bf46/8d cheat description:Always fight Bad Mr. Frosty after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+DD9C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/dd cheat description:Always fight Taffy after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+DF9C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/df cheat description:Always fight Tiny after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D49C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d2 cheat description:Always fight The Blob after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D79C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d3 cheat description:Always fight Blue Suede Goo after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D09C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d4 cheat description:Always fight Ickybod Clay after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D99C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d5 cheat description:Always fight Helga after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D19C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d6 cheat description:Always fight Bonker after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D59C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d7 cheat description:Always fight N. Boss after 1st match - code:DD4A-8548+D69C-E53E + code:da2eac/dd+9b5bcf/d8 cheat description:Start with 1/6 health - 1st round - code:FDF7-E5CE + code:93fb3f/fd cheat description:Start with 1/3 health - 1st round - code:4DF7-E5CE + code:93fb3f/2d cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - 1st round - code:7DF7-E5CE + code:93fb3f/3d cheat description:Start with 2/3 health - 1st round - code:0DF7-E5CE + code:93fb3f/4d cheat description:Start with 5/6 health - 1st round - code:9DF7-E5CE + code:93fb3f/5d cheat description:Start with 1/6 health - 2nd and later rounds - code:FD4A-E01C + code:9b23a1/fd cheat description:Start with 1/3 health - 2nd and later rounds - code:4D4A-E01C + code:9b23a1/2d cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - 2nd and later rounds - code:7D4A-E01C + code:9b23a1/3d cheat description:Start with 2/3 health - 2nd and later rounds - code:0D4A-E01C + code:9b23a1/4d cheat description:Start with 5/6 health - 2nd and later rounds - code:9D4A-E01C + code:9b23a1/5d cheat description:Bad Mr. Frosty's Brutal Punches do more damage - 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code:7D4E-E032+7D4E-E942+7D4E-E912+7D4E-E9C2+7D4E-E932 + code:9b27e3/3d+9b27e4/3d+9b27e5/3d+9327e7/3d+9b27e7/3d cheat description:Tiny's Medicine Ball Does more damage - code:7D4E-E142 + code:9b27e8/3d cheat description:Tiny's Sucker Punch does more damage - code:7D4E-E512 + code:9b27ed/3d cheat description:Blob's Brutal Punches do more damage - code:7D4D-70C3+7D4D-7033+7D4D-7943+7D4D-7913+7D4D-79C3 + code:d328d3/3d+db28d3/3d+db28d4/3d+db28d5/3d+d328d7/3d cheat description:Blob's Medium Punches do more damage - code:7D4D-7933+7D4D-7143+7D4D-7113+7D4D-71C3+7D4D-7133 + code:db28d7/3d+db28d8/3d+db28d9/3d+d328db/3d+db28db/3d cheat description:Blob's Quick Punches do more damage - code:7D4D-7543+7D4D-7513+7D4D-75C3+7D4D-7533+7D4F-7043 + code:db28dc/3d+db28dd/3d+d328df/3d+db28df/3d+db28f0/3d cheat description:Blob's Brutal kick does more damage - code:7D4F-7013+7D4F-70C3+7D4F-7033+7D4F-7943+7D4F-7913 + code:db28f1/3d+d328f3/3d+db28f3/3d+db28f4/3d+db28f5/3d cheat description:Blob's Medium Kicks do more damage - code:7D4F-79C3+7D4F-7933+7D4F-7143+7D4F-7113+7D4F-71C3 + code:d328f7/3d+db28f7/3d+db28f8/3d+db28f9/3d+d328fb/3d cheat description:Blob's Quick Kicks do more damage - code:7D4F-7133+7D4F-7543+7D4F-7513+7D4F-75C3+7D4F-7533 + code:db28fb/3d+db28fc/3d+db28fd/3d+d328ff/3d+db28ff/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Brutal Punches do more damage - code:7D44-71C3+7D44-7133+7D44-7543+7D44-7513+7D44-75C3 + code:d3282b/3d+db282b/3d+db282c/3d+db282d/3d+d3282f/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Medium Punches do more damage - code:7D44-7533+7D47-7043+7D47-7013+7D47-70C3+7D47-7033 + code:db282f/3d+db2830/3d+db2831/3d+d32833/3d+db2833/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Quick Punches do more damage - code:7D47-7943+7D47-7913+7D47-79C3+7D47-7933+7D47-7143 + code:db2834/3d+db2835/3d+d32837/3d+db2837/3d+db2838/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Brutal Kicks do more damage - code:7D47-7113+7D47-71C3+7D47-7133+7D47-7543+7D47-7513 + code:db2839/3d+d3283b/3d+db283b/3d+db283c/3d+db283d/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Medium Kicks do more damage - code:7D47-75C3+7D47-7533+7D40-7043+7D40-7013+7D40-70C3 + code:d3283f/3d+db283f/3d+db2840/3d+db2841/3d+d32843/3d cheat description:Blue Suede Goo's Quick Kicks do more damage - code:7D40-7033+7D40-7943+7D40-7913+7D40-79C3+7D40-7933 + code:db2843/3d+db2844/3d+db2845/3d+d32847/3d+db2847/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Brutal Punches do more damage - code:7D49-70C3+7D49-7033+7D49-7943+7D49-7913+7D49-79C3 + code:d32853/3d+db2853/3d+db2854/3d+db2855/3d+d32857/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Medium Punches do more damage - code:7D49-7933+7D49-7143+7D49-7113+7D49-71C3+7D49-7133 + code:db2857/3d+db2858/3d+db2859/3d+d3285b/3d+db285b/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Quick Punches do more damage - code:7D49-7543+7D49-7513+7D49-75C3+7D49-7533+7D41-7043 + code:db285c/3d+db285d/3d+d3285f/3d+db285f/3d+db2860/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Brutal Kicks do more damage - code:7D41-7013+7D41-70C3+7D41-7033+7D41-7943+7D41-7913 + code:db2861/3d+d32863/3d+db2863/3d+db2864/3d+db2865/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Medium Kicks do more damage - code:7D41-79C3+7D41-7933+7D41-7143+7D41-7113+7D41-71C3 + code:d32867/3d+db2867/3d+db2868/3d+db2869/3d+d3286b/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Quick Kicks do more damage - code:7D41-7133+7D41-7543+7D41-7513+7D41-75C3+7D41-7533 + code:db286b/3d+db286c/3d+db286d/3d+d3286f/3d+db286f/3d cheat description:Ickybod Clay's Ecto Punch does more damage - code:7D45-7013 + code:db2871/3d cheat description:Helga's Brutal Punches do more damage - code:7D45-71C3+7D45-7133+7D45-7543+7D45-7513+7D45-75C3 + code:d3287b/3d+db287b/3d+db287c/3d+db287d/3d+d3287f/3d cheat description:Helga's Medium Punches do more damage - code:7D45-7533+7D46-7043+7D46-7013+7D46-70C3+7D46-7033 + code:db287f/3d+db2880/3d+db2881/3d+d32883/3d+db2883/3d cheat description:Helga's Quick Punches do more damage - code:7D46-7943+7D46-7913+7D46-79C3+7D46-7933+7D46-7143 + code:db2884/3d+db2885/3d+d32887/3d+db2887/3d+db2888/3d cheat description:Helga's Brutal Kicks do more damage - code:7D46-7113+7D46-71C3+7D46-7133+7D46-7543+7D46-7513 + code:db2889/3d+d3288b/3d+db288b/3d+db288c/3d+db288d/3d cheat description:Helga's Medium Kicks do more damage - code:7D46-75C3+7D46-7533+7D4B-7043+7D4B-7013+7D4B-70C3 + code:d3288f/3d+db288f/3d+db28b0/3d+db28b1/3d+d328b3/3d cheat description:Helga's Quick Kicks do more damage (not far away) - code:7D46-5033+7D4B-7943+7D4B-7913+7D4B-79C3+7D4B-7933 + code:db2983/3d+db28b4/3d+db28b5/3d+d328b7/3d+db28b7/3d cheat description:Helga's Viking Ram does more damage - code:7D4B-71C3 + code:d328bb/3d cheat description:Bonker's Brutal Punches do more damage - code:7D4C-70C3+7D4C-7033+7D4C-7943+7D4C-7913+7D4C-79C3 + code:d328c3/3d+db28c3/3d+db28c4/3d+db28c5/3d+d328c7/3d cheat description:Bonker's Medium Punches do more damage - code:7D4C-7933+7D4C-7143+7D4C-7113+7D4C-71C3+7D4C-7133 + code:db28c7/3d+db28c8/3d+db28c9/3d+d328cb/3d+db28cb/3d cheat description:Bonker's Quick Punches do more damage - code:7D4C-7543+7D4C-7513+7D4C-75C3+7D4C-7533+7D48-7043 + code:db28cc/3d+db28cd/3d+d328cf/3d+db28cf/3d+db28b0/3d cheat description:Bonker's Brutal Kicks do more damage - code:7D48-7013+7D48-70C3+7D48-7033+7D48-7943+7D48-7913 + code:db28b1/3d+d328b3/3d+db28b3/3d+db28b4/3d+db28b5/3d cheat description:Bonker's Medium Kicks do more damage - code:7D48-79C3+7D48-7933+7D48-7143+7D48-7113+7D48-71C3 + code:d328b7/3d+db28b7/3d+db28b8/3d+db28b9/3d+d328bb/3d cheat description:Bonker's Quick Kicks do more damage - code:7D48-7133+7D48-7543+7D48-7513+7D48-75C3+7D48-7533 + code:db28bb/3d+db28bc/3d+db28bd/3d+d328bf/3d+db28bf/3d cheat description:Bonker's Cutting Cartwheel does more damage - code:7D4A-7043 + code:db28a0/3d cartridge sha256:2d40c86bc19d85555bf2672acf515b04dbf56a6a59b29ad503e672310b0fae3b name:Clay Fighter 2 - Judgment Clay (USA) cheat description:Select more speed in options - code:4D08-E4A1 + code:894bba/2d cheat description:Select more difficulty in options - code:DB0B-E4D1 + code:854bbb/db cheat description:Both players jump off the screen - code:8F59-EDA7 + code:b87f56/bf cheat description:Infinite health and time - code:CB51-7D64+6251-7F04+4651-7F64+F651-7FA4 + code:f07866/cb+f0786d/8d+f0786e/28+f8786e/f8 cheat description:Blob - Blob spit kills - code:EE0C-77E9 + code:c944cf/ee cheat description:Blob - Buzz saw kills - code:EE0E-7479 + code:cd44e8/ee cheat description:Blob - Rocket-anvil attack kills - code:EE09-5789 + code:cd455e/ee cheat description:Hoppy - Spinning carrot kills - code:EEB0-5D7C + code:ffb144/ee cheat description:Hoppy - Spin kick towards (special move) kills - code:EEBB-5F8C + code:ffb1be/ee cheat description:Octo - Brutal cartwheel kills (when close) - code:EE1C-5785 + code:cd6dce/ee cheat description:Octo - Ground spin kills - code:EE15-8DE5 + code:f96e77/ee cartridge sha256:1d19e7fbe32eb26181c95fcbb028a5d64797ab65b86568eb059c60b8acf0d702 name:Claymates (USA) (Sample) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C2D4-8F50 + code:fdd22d/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C216-E779 + code:8d678c/cd cheat description:Multi-jump (tap jump button) - code:89DA-87E9 + code:c9d6af/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C218-8479 + code:cd66b8/cd cartridge sha256:e5980b990605a9c91fa89101c440b2ec9993329296ba09a9538042d724a080fb name:Cliffhanger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ED60-1761 + code:81894e/ed cheat description:Infinite health - code:C28E-44A9 + code:89b4ea/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2CD-34A5 + code:89cfda/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C8B-1D69 + code:b1b5b6/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD8F-CF60 + code:31b3fe/dd cheat description:One hit kills on normal enemies - code:CBBC-3F6B+DFBC-3FAB + code:b2bfce/cb+babfce/df cheat description:Stop snow avalanche (run into it) - code:1882-4D69 + code:b1b4d6/6b cartridge sha256:03f6c69aef92d36b5ea25a6023368da0e1da9fa160e8316ebd533d4f358ffacf name:Clue (USA) cheat description:Always roll a 1 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+DDBC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/dd cheat description:Always roll a 2 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+DFBC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/df cheat description:Always roll a 3 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+D4BC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/d2 cheat description:Always roll a 4 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+D7BC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/d3 cheat description:Always roll a 5 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+D0BC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/d4 cheat description:Always roll a 6 - code:CBBC-0D07+3CBC-0DA7+D9BC-0D67 + code:30bdc5/cb+38bdc6/ec+30bdc6/d5 cheat description:Allow no interrogations instead of 2 - code:BDBA-D464 + code:40bbaa/bd cheat description:Allow only 1 interrogation - code:DFBA-D4D4 + code:44bbab/df cheat description:Allow 3 interrogations - code:D7BA-D4D4 + code:44bbab/d3 cheat description:Allow 4 interrogations - code:D0BA-D4D4 + code:44bbab/d4 cheat description:Allow 5 interrogations - code:D9BA-D4D4 + code:44bbab/d5 cheat description:Infinite interrogations - code:8B83-070F + code:03bded/bb cartridge sha256:5536cea2da39f2572abe3b0fcf71f8fcd981376b470b174969772aae4a7a1845 name:College Football USA 97 (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:7E1836:05 + code:7e1836/05 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1828:FF + code:7e1828/ff cheat description:Have 50 points - P1 - code:7FB140:32+7FB726:32 + code:7fb140/32+7fb726/32 cheat description:Have 50 time outs - P1 - code:7FB1C7:32 + code:7fb1c7/32 cartridge sha256:c88a882ad72dfa07a9b1eb8a2183aa10057d60877a02edf90cf2cd8c78abe65e name:Combatribes, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:2DB1-A7D4 + code:84ba6f/dd cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:3CB5-6F64+CBB5-6FA4+A6B5-64D4+62B5-6464 + code:30ba7e/ec+38ba7e/cb+04ba7b/a8+00ba7a/8d cheat description:Infinite credits - code:A2B3-A404 + code:80bae9/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:3DBB-076D+70BC-0D6D+DDBB-07AD+DDBC-0DDD+EDBC-0D0D + code:03b5be/ed+33b5c6/34+0bb5be/dd+37b5c7/dd+33b5c5/ed cheat description:One hit kills - both players - code:3DA3-64AF+DDA3-67DF+DDA3-670F+40AE-6FAF + code:0baeea/ed+07aeef/dd+03aeed/dd+3baeee/24 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E1934:01 + code:7e1934/01 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1794:C8 + code:7e1794/c8 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1796:C8 + code:7e1796/c8 cheat description:Infinite credits (alt) - code:7E1564:09 + code:7e1564/09 cheat description:Unlock all characters in vs mode - code:7E1EE7:10 + code:7e1ee7/10 cartridge sha256:26e09f5bc2bde28d57aeca0bf5be7f7fb8e3b3887af975bcbf2e6f29b07df56f name:Congo's Caper (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDEC-CF6D + code:33e7ce/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD6B-ADA4 + code:b88ab6/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:DDA2-DDDF + code:77afd7/dd cheat description:Stay as Super Congo (you may change if you walk on spikes) - code:CB69-34D7 + code:848f5b/cb cheat description:1 life after continue - code:DDB0-44D4 + code:84b84b/dd cheat description:6 lives after continue - code:D9B0-44D4 + code:84b84b/d5 cheat description:9 lives after continue - code:D6B0-44D4 + code:84b84b/d8 cheat description:1 ruby turns you into Super Congo - code:CBB2-340D+D4B2-346D + code:83b7d9/cb+83b7da/d2 cheat description:Start as Super Congo - code:64B9-4FD4 + code:b4b85f/82 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDAC-4F09 + code:b1a4cd/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D9AC-4F09 + code:b1a4cd/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D6AC-4F09 + code:b1a4cd/d8 cartridge sha256:a93ea87fc835c530b5135c5294433d15eef6dbf656144b387e89ac19cf864996 name:Contra III - The Alien Wars (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (top-view levels) - code:8961-6F08 + code:328e6d/b5 cheat description:Invincibility (side-view levels) - P1 - code:89B3-6F01+89C0-6D09 + code:31baed/b5+31c645/b5 cheat description:Invincibility (side-view levels) - P2 - code:89C5-6FD9+89B6-AFA1 + code:35c67f/b5+b9ba8e/b5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2CA-0F04 + code:30c9ad/cd cheat description:Infinite lives (side-view levels) - code:22BB-AD01 + code:b1bab5/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (top-view levels) - code:22BB-6F0B+6DBB-64DB + code:32bebd/dd+06bebb/8d cheat description:Infinite bombs (side-view levels) - code:2264-D760 + code:41832e/dd cheat description:Infinite bombs (top-view levels) - code:22B8-0766 + code:02b1be/dd cheat description:Enable 30 and 99 lives in option menu (99 actually gives 35,081 lives) - code:D987-AFA4 + code:b8ba3e/d5 cheat description:Keep main weapon when you die (side-view levels) - code:82BA-6FA1 + code:39baae/bd cheat description:Keep main weapon when you die (top-view levels) - code:82BC-646B + code:02beca/bd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:EE61-04A9+B961-07D9+F361-0709+C961-0D69+4661-0DA9+4B61-0FD9+DD61-0F09+6D61-0F69+ED61-0FA9+D961-04D9+CB61-0409+EC61-0469 + code:09856a/ee+05856f/b5+01856d/fe+318566/c5+398566/28+35856f/2b+31856d/dd+31856e/8d+39856e/ed+05856b/d5+018569/cb+01856a/ec cheat description:Enable stage select - code:40CC-67DF + code:07cecf/24 cheat description:Start with 5 bombs on each life (side-view levels) - code:D9BB-AFA1+D9CE-6D0D + code:b9babe/d5+33c6e5/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 bombs on each life (side-view levels) - code:DBBB-AFA1+DBCE-6D0D + code:b9babe/db+33c6e5/db cheat description:Start with 5 bombs on each life (top-view levels) - code:D963-6708+D9CE-6D0F + code:028eed/d5+33cee5/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 bombs on each life (top-view levels) - code:DB63-6708+DBCE-6D0F + code:028eed/db+33cee5/db cheat description:Always have Scatter Blaster for gun 1 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F84:01 + code:7e1f84/01 cheat description:Always have Missile Launcher for gun 1 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F84:02 + code:7e1f84/02 cheat description:Always have Homing Missile for gun 1 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F84:03 + code:7e1f84/03 cheat description:Always have Torch for gun 1 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F84:04 + code:7e1f84/04 cheat description:Always have Laser for gun 1 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F84:05 + code:7e1f84/05 cheat description:Always have Scatter Blaster for gun 2 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F86:01 + code:7e1f86/01 cheat description:Always have Missile Launcher for gun 2 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F86:02 + code:7e1f86/02 cheat description:Always have Homing Missile for gun 2 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F86:03 + code:7e1f86/03 cheat description:Always have Torch for gun 2 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F86:04 + code:7e1f86/04 cheat description:Always have Laser for gun 2 (disable during bonus stages) - code:7E1F86:05 + code:7e1f86/05 cheat description:Enable stage select (alt) - code:7E1E60:01 + code:7e1e60/01 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:7E0086:02 + code:7e0086/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:7E0086:03 + code:7e0086/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:7E0086:04 + code:7e0086/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:7E0086:05 + code:7e0086/05 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:7E0086:06 + code:7e0086/06 cartridge sha256:c7d622391f7699fb0dc6367e141c894e700cc9bd8abca69f36785e7bc2f42a49 name:Cool Spot (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E00D0:07 + code:7e00d0/07 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:402C-D7D1 + code:45dbcf/24 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E00D4:09 + code:7e00d4/09 cheat description:Infinite time (disable after completing stage) - code:7E00CE:68 + code:7e00ce/68 cheat description:100% Coolness (disable after completing stage) - code:7E00D2:64 + code:7e00d2/64 cheat description:Less invincibility time - code:FE89-DF69 + code:71b75e/fe cheat description:More invincibility time - code:EE89-DF69 + code:71b75e/ee cheat description:5 seconds picked up - code:D98C-0D05 + code:31bdc5/d5 cheat description:1 minute picked up - code:7A8C-0D05 + code:31bdc5/3a cheat description:16% picked up from '7up' - code:FD89-07D5 + code:05bd5f/fd cheat description:Be able to free fellow spot right away - code:DD26-D4D9 + code:45d78b/dd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF28-D404 + code:40dbb9/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D128-D404 + code:40dbb9/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB28-D404 + code:40dbb9/db cartridge sha256:9674cc269d89a52d1719a487b44acf004fb777cbd58d76b19a2cd25749728215 name:Cool World (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B6-D4DC + code:47b38b/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2B2-DF67 + code:70bfde/cd cheat description:A Nickel for a life costs nothing (must have 1 Nickel) - code:DD8D-046F+DD8D-04AF + code:03bdda/dd+0bbdda/dd cheat description:Bank deposits cost nothing (must have 5 Nickels) - code:DD8C-0F6F+DD8C-0FAF + code:33bdce/dd+3bbdce/dd cheat description:Opening a bank account costs nothing (must have 10 Nickels) - code:DDA6-DFA4+DDA6-D4D4 + code:78ab8e/dd+44ab8b/dd cheat description:High-Low game at the Gold Rush costs nothing (must have 5 Nickels) - code:DDC8-ADA5+DDC8-AFD5 + code:b9ceb6/dd+b5cebf/dd cheat description:Most Nickels worth 2 on pick-up (must have 5 Nickels) - code:D4BE-07A1+D4B4-6761 + code:09b9ee/d2+01ba2e/d2 cheat description:Most Nickels worth 10 on pick-up (must have 5 Nickels) - code:DCBE-07A1+DCB4-6761 + code:09b9ee/dc+01ba2e/dc cheat description:Continue with 9 lives - code:DB8F-6DAD + code:3bb6f6/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFBE-DD07 + code:70bfe5/df cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBBE-DD07 + code:70bfe5/db cheat description:Start with 10 Nickels - code:3187-64DD+3387-640D + code:07b63b/e6+03b639/ee cheat description:Start with 1 Nickel - code:3187-64DD + code:07b63b/e6 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E02BF:FF + code:7e02bf/ff cheat description:Infinite Nickels - code:7E00ED:63 + code:7e00ed/63 + +cartridge sha256:b9d2483ba547b22cb1173ca0895e4fb20b33d1c4cca62526b12d75280dd8501b + name:Cosmo Gang - The Puzzle (Japan) + cheat + description:Clear level automatically + code:89daba/dd cartridge sha256:73533c37fcd3eddce4804eb4c016214d1741c348c349f00d8e6838d341a50df9 name:Cosmo Gang - The Video (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0200:05 + code:7e0200/0a + cheat + description:Weapon modifier + code:7e0d0b/00 cartridge sha256:2602f6e598c711aedb2e3a22414b7869a8490993aef32f53127c408e549afc6d name:Cosmo Police Galivan II - Arrow of Justice (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:CBB4-6DAF+DFB4-6FDF+62B4-6F0F+55B4-6F6F+F4B4-6FAF + code:3bbe26/cb+37be2f/df+33be2d/8d+33be2e/77+3bbe2e/f2 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C23F-6D67 + code:30eef6/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2B1-6FA7 + code:38be6e/ad cheat description:One hit kills - code:B33A-67A4 + code:08eaae/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:403D-64D4+6D33-0464+6D3D-6FA4 + code:04eadb/24+00e9ea/8d+38eade/8d cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E1277:DF + code:7e1277/df cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E126C:60 + code:7e126c/60 cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:7E126C:61 + code:7e126c/61 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1485:03 + code:7e1485/03 + +cartridge sha256:0ac2b8d84a7cd1801d8fb6cb03c07273df4b02c0445e9d69a952bd7ac92eac64 + name:Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu Enji (Japan) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:7E00BA09 + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:7E046104 + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:7E00B209 + cheat + description:Infinite time + code:7E00AC7F+7E00AD7F+7E00AE7F+7E00AF7F + cheat + description:Infinite Invincibility Cards + code:7E00B609 + cheat + description:Infinite Guard Dog Cards + code:7E00B709 + cheat + description:Infinite Elephant Dance Cards + code:7E00B809 + cheat + description:Infinite Health Restore Cards + code:7E00B909 + cheat + description:Always carry an item to throw + code:7E00B401 + cheat + description:Enemies are always stunned (Elephant Card effect) + code:7E00C07F + cheat + description:Guard Dog stay indefinitely + code:7E00C87F+7E00C97F + cheat + description:Golden Card exists + code:7E00CC02 + cheat + description:Moon-jump + code:7E00CD01 + cheat + description:Walk through most walls + code:7E00CEFF + cheat + description:Always make a choice - Rock, Paper, Scissors minigame + code:7E1F0001 + cheat + description:Infinite tries - Card Matching minigame + code:7E194303 + cheat + description:Infinite time - Jumbled Picture minigame + code:7E19207F+7E19217F+7E19227F + cheat + description:Infinite tries - Card Search minigame + code:7E191A00 + cheat + description:No blur - Playground Fountain minigame + code:7E190F01 + cheat + description:Losing still allows you to move forward + code:7E1F0701 + cheat + description:Instant win - TV Flags minigame + code:7E191A00 + cheat + description:Very easy wins + code:7E192501 + cheat + description:Only need 1 Star to win + code:7E193501 + cheat + description:Enemy can't win (0 Stars) + code:7E193700 + cheat + description:Enemy always raise both flags + code:7E193001+7E193101 cartridge sha256:7c722f9941957630467c1784d0eb3f92fbfc0a2a1da3c8f5c27f593eca2a5a04 name:Cutthroat Island (USA) cheat description:Stage select menu after character select screen - code:3C6B-479E + code:8788bd/ec cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E09F4:28 + code:7e09f4/28 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0A53:28 + code:7e0a53/28 cheat description:Stage select menu after character select screen (alt) - code:878C9D:EA + code:878c9d/ea cheat description:9 lives - P1 - code:7E1EF7:09 + code:7e1ef7/09 cheat description:9 lives - P2 - code:7E1EF9:09 + code:7e1ef9/09 cartridge sha256:c4ae2797fac2586b8640064be6398f2b4f2b3158a07f26c66912b29f7fd197de name:Cyber Spin (USA) cheat description:Infinite power - code:C2B9-ADA1+C2B5-AF01+C2BB-AFA1 + code:b9ba56/cd+b1ba7d/cd+b9babe/cd cartridge sha256:ad31b94ce928ecff605e2b89082154671691509e95d38370ed381437f2c36698 name:Cybernator (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:82C7-4FDC+82C9-470C+C9B3-34A6 + code:b7c03f/bd+83c05d/bd+8ab3ea/c5 cheat description:Protection against some hazards - code:82C9-470C+82C7-4FDC + code:83c05d/bd+b7c03f/bd cheat description:Infinite Vulcan - code:C264-3D2F+C264-3DFF + code:b78f27/cd+bf8f27/cd cheat description:Never overheat - code:C2B5-3D66 + code:b2b376/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C234-4FDD + code:b7e42f/cd cheat description:Only 2 P's needed for level 2 Vulcan - code:D461-4D62 + code:b38466/d2 cheat description:Only 4 P's needed for level 3 Vulcan - code:D061-4FD2 + code:b7846f/d4 cheat description:Only 3 P's needed for level 3 Laser - code:D761-4462 + code:83846a/d3 cheat description:Only 3 P's needed for level 3 Missile - code:D765-4DD2 + code:b78477/d3 cheat description:Only 2 P's needed for level 2 Napalm - code:D465-4FD2 + code:b7847f/d2 cheat description:Only 4 P's needed for level 3 Napalm - code:D065-4F62 + code:b3847e/d4 cheat description:Only 2 P's needed for level 2 Punch - code:D465-4462 + code:83847a/d2 cheat description:Only 3 P's needed for level 3 Punch - code:D765-47D2 + code:87847f/d3 cheat description:Energy chip worth nothing - code:DD3F-1406 + code:82e1f9/dd cheat description:Energy chip worth more - code:CD3F-1406 + code:82e1f9/cd cheat description:Weapons start at level 2 - code:D4BF-1FDF + code:b7bdff/d2 cheat description:Weapons start at level 3 - code:D7BF-1FDF + code:b7bdff/d3 cheat description:Start with Lasers - code:62BF-17AF + code:8bbdfe/8d cheat description:Start with Homing Missiles - code:62BF-17DF + code:87bdff/8d cheat description:Start with Napalm - code:62B4-1D6F + code:b3bd26/8d cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:DFB1-17AF + code:8bbd6e/df cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D9B1-17AF + code:8bbd6e/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 credits - code:DBB1-17AF + code:8bbd6e/db cheat description:Start on level 3.1 - code:D4BD-176F + code:83bdde/d2 cheat description:Start on level 3.2 - code:D7BD-176F + code:83bdde/d3 cheat description:Start on level 3.3 - code:D0BD-176F + code:83bdde/d4 cheat description:Start on level 4.1 - code:D9BD-176F + code:83bdde/d5 cheat description:Start on level 4.2 - code:D1BD-176F + code:83bdde/d6 cheat description:Start on level 5.1 - code:D5BD-176F + code:83bdde/d7 cheat description:Start on level 5.2 - code:D6BD-176F + code:83bdde/d8 cheat description:Start on level 6.1 - code:DBBD-176F + code:83bdde/db cheat description:Start on level 7.3 - code:FDBD-176F + code:83bdde/fd cheat description:Start on level 7.4 - code:FFBD-176F + code:83bdde/ff cheat description:View the failed ending - code:F4BD-176F + code:83bdde/f2 cheat description:View the successful ending - code:F7BD-176F + code:83bdde/f3 cartridge sha256:71e77fdbd9c865ae07e907549b02549ebe87fa8d436401c485e588c61797754a name:Cyborg 009 (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0AE1:3C + code:7e0ae1/3c cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1A31:02 + code:7e1a31/02 cheat description:Infinite Super Power - code:7E0AE3:3C + code:7e0ae3/3c cartridge sha256:4068add412571bd85adac32dff9835e4a4886077d752adb104fee3908e42b7ef name:Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C283-3D6F + code:b3bfe6/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo (must have some ammo for the gun to be selectable) - code:DD85-17DD + code:87b57f/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDB3-3404 + code:80bbe9/dd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:DDA2-C76C + code:03a3de/dd cheat description:Infinite Nutty attacks - code:C287-34AD + code:8bb73a/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD33-1DDF + code:b7ede7/dd cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:DD20-C7A4+DD26-1FD4+DD27-CFA7+DD3C-1D6D + code:08db4e/dd+b4d98f/dd+38df3e/dd+b3e5c6/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D86-17DF + code:87bd8f/8d cheat description:Disable recoil - code:DD89-CFAD + code:3bb75e/dd cheat description:Juice cans set health to 1/2 - code:D121-CD64 + code:30db66/d6 cheat description:Juice cans set health to 3/4 - code:DB21-CD64 + code:30db66/db cheat description:Gem power-ups worth 0 - code:DD3C-446D + code:83e4ca/dd cheat description:Gem power-ups worth 5 (1 continue) - code:D93C-446D + code:83e4ca/d5 cheat description:Gems are free - code:DDA8-44D6 + code:86a0bb/dd cheat description:Freeze Gun ammo is free - code:DDAC-4406 + code:82a0c9/dd cheat description:Freeze Gun ammo is $200 - code:4DAC-4406 + code:82a0c9/2d cheat description:Electricity Gun ammo is free - code:DDAC-44A6 + code:8aa0ca/dd cheat description:Electricity Gun ammo is $150 - code:F9AC-44A6 + code:8aa0ca/f5 cheat description:3-way Gun ammo is free - code:DDAC-4706 + code:82a0cd/dd cheat description:3-way Gun ammo is $150 - code:F9AC-4706 + code:82a0cd/f5 cheat description:Bomb Gun ammo is free - code:DDAC-47A6 + code:8aa0ce/dd cheat description:Bomb Gun ammo is $150 - code:F9AC-47A6 + code:8aa0ce/f5 cheat description:Antimatter Gun ammo is free - code:DDA8-4D06 + code:b2a0b5/dd cheat description:Antimatter Gun ammo is $200 - code:4DA8-4D06 + code:b2a0b5/2d cheat description:Freeze Gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 - code:4D28-4FA7 + code:b8dcbe/2d cheat description:Electricity Gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 - code:4D26-1DA7 + code:b8dd86/2d cheat description:Three-way Gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 - code:4D20-C7A7 + code:08df4e/2d cheat description:Bomb Gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 - code:4D2F-34A7 + code:88dffa/2d cheat description:Antimatter Gun ammo power-ups are worth 20 - code:4D23-3FA7 + code:b8dfee/2d cheat description:Nutty attacks are free - code:DDA8-4F06 + code:b2a0bd/dd cheat description:Nutty attacks are $400 - code:0DA8-4F06 + code:b2a0bd/4d cheat description:Jetpack fuel is free - code:DDA8-4DA6 + code:baa0b6/dd cheat description:Fuel is consumed at 1/4 normal rate - code:D1C8-14A7 + code:88cdba/d6 cheat description:Fuel is consumed at 1/2 normal rate - code:DAC8-14A7 + code:88cdba/da cheat description:Fuel is consumed at 3/4 normal rate - code:F4C8-14A7 + code:88cdba/f2 cheat description:Fuel power-ups are worth 1/2 as much - code:D12B-17D4 + code:84d9bf/d6 cheat description:Fuel power-ups are worth 2x - code:FC2B-17D4 + code:84d9bf/fc cheat description:Buy a life and get a ton of money - code:6DA8-3766 + code:82a3be/8d cheat description:Bought Freeze Gun ammo is worth 20 - code:4DAE-44D6 + code:86a0eb/2d cheat description:Bought gems worth 0 - code:DDA6-34A6 + code:8aa38a/dd cheat description:Bought gems worth 5 (1 continue) - code:D9A6-34A6 + code:8aa38a/d5 cheat description:Bought Electricity Gun ammo is worth 20 - code:4DA9-1406 + code:82a159/2d cheat description:Bought Three-way Gun ammo is worth 20 - code:4DA8-1466 + code:82a1ba/2d cheat description:Bought Bomb Gun ammo is worth 20 - code:4DAF-C4A6 + code:0aa3fa/2d cheat description:Bought Anti matter Gun ammo is worth 20 - code:4DA5-C7D6 + code:06a37f/2d cheat description:Bought fuel is worth 1/2 as much - code:D1A2-C7A6 + code:0aa3de/d6 cheat description:Bought fuel is worth 2x as much - code:FCA2-C7A6 + code:0aa3de/fc cheat description:Extra lives cost $500 - code:DDA8-4466 + code:82a0ba/dd cheat description:Extra lives cost $1,500 - code:DFA8-4466 + code:82a0ba/df cheat description:Extra life power-ups don't work - code:DD23-34D4 + code:84dbeb/dd cheat description:Extra life power-ups worth 2 - code:D423-34D4 + code:84dbeb/d2 cheat description:Extra life power-ups worth 5 - code:D923-34D4 + code:84dbeb/d5 cheat description:Extra lives can't be bought - code:DDA3-3FA6 + code:baa3ee/dd cheat description:2 extra lives for each one purchased - code:D4A3-3FA6 + code:baa3ee/d2 cheat description:5 extra lives for each one purchased - code:D9A3-3FA6 + code:baa3ee/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFBD-1DA4 + code:b8b9d6/df cheat description:Start with 9 lives (don't set lives in options menu) - code:DBBD-1DA4 + code:b8b9d6/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives (don't set lives in options menu) - code:49BD-1DA4 + code:b8b9d6/25 cheat description:Start with 51 lives (don't set lives in options menu) - code:9FBD-1DA4 + code:b8b9d6/5f cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:D1B4-3DD7 + code:b4bf27/d6 cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:DBB4-3DD7 + code:b4bf27/db cheat description:Start with no nutty attacks - code:DDBD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/dd cheat description:Start with 3 nutty attacks - code:D7BD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 nutty attacks - code:D9BD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 nutty attacks - code:D5BD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/d7 cheat description:Start with 0 gems - code:DDB4-C764 + code:00bb2e/dd cheat description:Start with 10 gems (2 continues) - code:FDB4-C764 + code:00bb2e/fd cheat description:Start with 25 gems (5 continues) - code:49B4-C764 + code:00bb2e/25 cheat description:Start with 10 ammo for all Guns (except blaster) - code:FDBF-CF64 + code:30bbfe/fd cheat description:Start with 50 ammo for all Guns - code:9DBF-CF64 + code:30bbfe/5d cheat description:Start with 90 ammo for all Guns - code:BDBF-CF64 + code:30bbfe/bd cheat description:Start with almost no fuel - code:DDB4-C404 + code:00bb29/dd cheat description:Start with 2x fuel - code:F8B4-C404 + code:00bb29/fb cheat description:Start with 3x fuel - code:45B4-C404 + code:00bb29/27 cheat description:Start with $2,500 - code:D4BD-C7D4 + code:04bbdf/d2 cheat description:Start with $3,500 - code:D7BD-C7D4 + code:04bbdf/d3 cheat description:Start with $9,500 - code:DBBD-C7D4 + code:04bbdf/db cheat description:Start with $30,500 - code:7DBD-C7D4 + code:04bbdf/3d cheat description:Start on level 1-2 - code:DFB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/df cheat description:Start on level 1-3 - code:D4B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d2 cheat description:Start on level 1-4 - code:D7B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d3 cheat description:Start on level 2-1 - code:D0B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d4 cheat description:Start on level 2-2 - code:D9B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d5 cheat description:Start on level 2-3 - code:D1B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d6 cheat description:Start on level 2-4 - code:D5B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d7 cheat description:Start on level 3-1 - code:D6B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/d8 cheat description:Start on level 3-2 - code:DBB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/db cheat description:Start on level 3-3 - code:DCB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/dc cheat description:Start on level 3-4 - code:D8B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/db cheat description:Start on level 4-1 - code:DAB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/da cheat description:Start on level 4-2 - code:D2B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/dd cheat description:Start on level 4-3 - code:D3B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/de cheat description:Start on level 4-4 - code:DEB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/de cheat description:Start on level 5-1 - code:FDB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/fd cheat description:Start on level 5-2 - code:FFB9-1D04 + code:b0b955/ff cheat description:Start on level 5-3 - code:F4B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/f2 cheat description:Start on level 5-4 - code:F7B9-1D04 + code:b0b955/f3 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E1F12:05 + code:7e1f12/05 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1F0E:0C + code:7e1f0e/0c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1F10:99 + code:7e1f10/99 cheat description:Infinite continues (alt) - code:7E1F82:99 + code:7e1f82/99 cheat description:Infinite Nutty attacks (alt) - code:7E1F16:07 + code:7e1f16/07 cheat description:Infinite Fuel - code:7E1F45:10 + code:7e1f45/10 cheat description:Infinite money - code:7E00F7:99+7E00F8:99 + code:7e00f7/99+7e00f8/99 cheat description:Infinite ammo for Freeze Gun - code:7E1F2A:99 + code:7e1f2a/99 cheat description:Infinite ammo for Electricity Gun - code:7E1F2C:99 + code:7e1f2c/99 cheat description:Infinite ammo for 3-way Gun - code:7E1F2E:99 + code:7e1f2e/99 cheat description:Infinite ammo for Bomb Gun - code:7E1F30:99 + code:7e1f30/99 cheat description:Infinite ammo for Antimatter Gun - code:7E1F32:99 + code:7e1f32/99 cartridge sha256:f3527855afea87b29406700b9dab45ebbb48edcb5a01d59cc2b0986abd3b1dd7 name:Darius Force (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (can make the screen flash if you use both weapons) - code:7E1000:81 + code:7e1000/81 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0111:03 + code:7e0111/03 cartridge sha256:ceb470157576eac3b8b8c16e8ab6b59672409681ffb4232e4ec39dd0cb37ef91 name:Darius Twin (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:C22D-67D9 + code:05d6df/cd cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:C23C-AF60 + code:b1e2ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:DD35-6FA5 + code:39ee7e/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:DD3B-6FA5 + code:39eebe/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:6D23-6FA4+C22D-A764+DD28-67A4+DD2E-6D04 + code:38daee/8d+80dade/cd+08dabe/dd+30dae5/dd cheat description:Start with the strongest main weapon and 8 lives - both players - code:3CC3-6DA7+62C3-6467+62C3-6707+CBC3-6D07+D6C3-6D67 + code:38cee6/ec+00ceea/8d+00ceed/8d+30cee5/cb+30cee6/d8 cheat description:Start with 1 Green Power Cube - P1 - code:62CD-AF67+4ACE-64D7 + code:b0cede/8d+04ceeb/2a cheat description:Start with 1 Green Power Cube - P2 - code:62CD-A407+4ACE-64D7 + code:80ced9/8d+04ceeb/2a cheat description:Start with 10 lives - both players - code:FDC3-6D67+CBC3-6D07+3CC3-6DA7 + code:30cee6/fd+30cee5/cb+38cee6/ec cheat description:Start with 15 lives - both players - code:F9C3-6D67+CBC3-6D07+3CC3-6DA7 + code:30cee6/f5+30cee5/cb+38cee6/ec cheat description:Start with 20 lives - both players - code:4DC3-6D67+CBC3-6D07+3CC3-6DA7 + code:30cee6/2d+30cee5/cb+38cee6/ec cheat description:Start with 25 lives - both players - code:49C3-6D67+CBC3-6D07+3CC3-6DA7 + code:30cee6/25+30cee5/cb+38cee6/ec cheat description:Start on planet B - code:DFB0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/df+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet C - code:D4B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d2+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet D - code:D7B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d3+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet E - code:D0B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d4+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet F - code:D9B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d5+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet G - code:D1B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d6+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet H - code:D5B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d7+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet I - code:D6B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/d8+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet J - code:DBB0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/db+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet K - code:DCB0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/dc+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Start on planet L - code:D8B0-A7DD+CDB0-A4AD+DDB0-A70D+6AB0-A76D + code:87b64f/db+8bb64a/cd+83b64d/dd+83b64e/8a cheat description:Invincibility - P1 (alt) - code:01D60C:AD + code:01d60c/ad cheat description:Invincibility - P2 (alt) - code:01E3A6:AD + code:01e3a6/ad cheat description:Start with 99 lives - both players - code:7E1067:99 + code:7e1067/99 cheat description:Infinite Shield - P1 - code:7E177B:FF + code:7e177b/ff cheat description:Infinite Shield - P2 - code:7E188B:FF + code:7e188b/ff cheat description:Max 1st Gun - P1 - code:7E17A4:08 + code:7e17a4/08 cheat description:Max 1st Gun - P2 - code:7E1835:08 + code:7e1835/08 cheat description:Max 2nd Gun - P1 - code:7E17EB:08 + code:7e17eb/08 cheat description:Max 2nd Gun - P2 - code:7E177C:08 + code:7e177c/08 cheat description:Start with 1 Green Power Cube - P1 (alt) - code:00AEF8:2C+00AF06:8D + code:00aef8/2c+00af06/8d cheat description:Start with 1 Green Power Cube - P2 (alt) - code:00AEF8:2C+00AF09:8D + code:00aef8/2c+00af09/8d cartridge sha256:6c1749b24124f74d3aceefa24297b836b6ee7598fc2094f4d065b3c762c898a4 name:Dark Law - Meaning of Death (Japan) cheat description:Sell an item to get maximum cash - code:6D53-7468+D653-74A8 + code:c27cea/8d+ca7cea/d8 cheat description:Fewer random battles - code:6D7E-7DA3 + code:fb38e6/8d cheat description:Any code will open locked doors - code:DD4C-7909 + code:d124c5/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:6DC1-8D10 + code:f9c265/8d cheat description:Infinite walking range in battle - code:DD98-5F19 + code:f955bd/dd cartridge sha256:e6efb6361af04963f22c772f879a466543f56b3b6a084204fef2dcb4659d82d9 name:David Crane's Amazing Tennis (USA) cheat description:Faster side-to-side movement - code:EA8B-AFDD+D085-A7DD + code:b7b6bf/ea+87b67f/d4 cheat description:Even faster side-to-side movement - code:EC8B-AFDD+D185-A7DD + code:b7b6bf/ec+87b67f/d6 cartridge sha256:6ce516e3d1a7068cc9732cd3517cfd1e92179f2340c63a244625a1ff49815085 name:Daze Before Christmas (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E06F9:05 + code:7e06f9/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1E68:04 + code:7e1e68/04 cartridge sha256:300c1937e4b68108302e9b0f49974d1ec6b6c45dd8da69dddc19443f9562ecf4 name:Death and Return of Superman, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D6B-CF6D+ED6C-CFAD + code:3387be/dd+3b87ce/ed cheat description:Infinite health - code:C92D-C7DD+992D-C70D+622D-C76D+242D-C7AD+D32F-CDDD + code:07d7df/c5+03d7dd/55+03d7de/8d+0bd7de/d2+37d7f7/de cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3324-3F6D + code:b3d72e/ee cheat description:Infinite special attacks - code:3323-C76D+D323-C7AD + code:03d7ee/ee+0bd7ee/de cartridge sha256:a33af57e62a46282e3755824cc5fc39870a8eab8a28aaeb1c3817ba2c8e8655e name:Death Brade (Japan) cheat description:Infinite heath - P1 - code:7E0A10:50 + code:7e0a10/50 cartridge sha256:752d24fab240f4dd1dfbfea5ec83438998316806ad44488bf8c84430ca5a2cd0 name:Demolition Man (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:F989-376F + code:83bf5e/f5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E9F30:7F + code:7e9f30/7f cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2AC-1FDD + code:b7a5cf/cd cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:82A2-4DA1 + code:b9a8d6/bd cheat description:Infinite ammo - Shotgun and Magnum - code:82AA-17AF + code:8badae/bd cheat description:Infinite ammo - Shotgun - code:DFAA-14DF + code:87adab/df cheat description:Infinite ammo - Magnum - code:D4BF-1FF0 + code:bdb1ff/d2 cheat description:Jump 2x higher - code:4D80-67DF + code:07be4f/2d cheat description:Jump 4x higher - code:FD80-67DF + code:07be4f/fd cheat description:Jump 8x higher - code:D680-67DF + code:07be4f/d8 cartridge sha256:248217975279bbf9db8e74da11a906a6dd867a3ec88441b0b031ecf900466618 name:Demon's Blazon - Makai Mura Monshou Hen (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E103C:5A + code:7e103c/5a cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1062:15 + code:7e1062/15 cheat description:Maximum health bar - code:7E1E50:15 + code:7e1e50/15 cheat description:999 ZAM - code:7E1063:E7+7E1064:03 + code:7e1063/e7+7e1064/03 cartridge sha256:18d40a807d5f88c5b6a1ad849eec7e0f189225d9a1586037c850f6680b5844de name:Demon's Crest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:C92A-44A7 - cheat - description:Hit anywhere - code:DD66-47DC+DD6C-4D6C+6D6D-3DDC+6D64-3DAC - cheat - description:Get GP from anywhere - code:DDA5-176C - cheat - description:Large health refills full health - code:C9AC-176C - cheat - description:Rapid fire - code:C939-37D7 - cheat - description:Enemies always drop the 20 coin - code:C9A5-370B - cheat - description:First enemy takes longer to kill - code:DB67-C703 - cheat - description:First enemy take less time to kill - code:D467-C703 - cheat - description:More flash time - code:EE3A-1DAF - cheat - description:Die after one hit - code:6927-CDA7 - cheat - description:Super-jump - code:D635-1F0D - cheat - description:Ginseng costs nothing - code:DD38-CFD9 - cheat - description:20 coin worth 999 - code:C9A2-17DC - cheat - description:1 coin worth 999 - code:C9A2-170C - cheat - description:Start a new game with all items - code:A363-44F4+A363-4424+A363-47B4 - cheat - description:Disable anti-cheat (enable to use codes) - code:7E0EEE:00+7E0EED:00 - cheat - description:Invincibility - code:7E103C:30 + code:88dcaa/c5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1062:14 + code:83edb9/c5 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:87808f/dd+b380c6/dd+b783d7/8d+bb8326/8d + cheat + description:Get GP from anywhere + code:83a17e/dd + cheat + description:Large health refills full health + code:83a1ce/c5 + cheat + description:Rapid fire + code:84ef5f/c5 + cheat + description:Enemies always drop the 20 coin + code:82af7d/c5 + cheat + description:First enemy takes longer to kill + code:038b3d/db + cheat + description:First enemy take less time to kill + code:038b3d/d2 + cheat + description:More flash time + code:bbeda6/ee + cheat + description:Die after one hit + code:38df36/85 + cheat + description:Super-jump + code:b3e57d/d8 + cheat + description:Ginseng costs nothing + code:35e7bf/dd + cheat + description:20 coin worth 999 + code:87a1df/c5 + cheat + description:1 coin worth 999 + code:83a1dd/c5 + cheat + description:Start a new game with all items + code:8c88eb/ae+8488eb/ae+8c88ee/ae + cheat + description:Disable anti-cheat (enable to use codes) + code:7e0eee/00+7e0eed/00 + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:7e103c/30 + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:7e1062/14 cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7E1063:E7+7E1064:03 + code:7e1063/e7+7e1064/03 cheat description:Infinite Hold spells - code:7E1E30:02 + code:7e1e30/02 cheat description:Infinite Death spells - code:7E1E31:04 + code:7e1e31/04 cheat description:Infinite Shock spells - code:7E1E32:06 + code:7e1e32/06 cheat description:Infinite Imp spells - code:7E1E33:08 + code:7e1e33/08 cheat description:Infinite Shadow spells - code:7E1E34:0A + code:7e1e34/0a cheat description:Infinite Herb potions - code:7E1E35:0C + code:7e1e35/0c cheat description:Infinite Ginseng potions - code:7E1E36:0E + code:7e1e36/0e cheat description:Infinite Mercury potions - code:7E1E37:10 + code:7e1e37/10 cheat description:Infinite Sulfer potions - code:7E1E38:12 + code:7e1e38/12 cheat description:Infinite Elixer potions - code:7E1E39:14 + code:7e1e39/14 cheat description:Have all Powers, Crests, Talismen, Jewels, can hold 5 Spells/Potions - code:7E1E51:FF+7E1E52:FF+7E1E53:FF + code:7e1e51/ff+7e1e52/ff+7e1e53/ff cartridge sha256:a362033d0d7e754d79202b255679186ad799b9e784719614b913ec8c9857ae33 name:Dennis the Menace (USA) cheat description:Infinite courage - code:C9B7-4FD7+C9B7-44A7 + code:b4bc3f/c5+88bc3a/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C92F-3D9E + code:b7dbf5/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9CB-44AF + code:8bccba/c5 cartridge sha256:606abf536440173ae36466db360c7db6b474beb7a105c8a62bc74a54cbe1c38b name:Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:223B-07D9 + code:05e5bf/dd cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:DD63-A409 + code:8186e9/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:4A68-04A1 + code:0989ba/2a cheat description:2x fuel consumption - code:D063-A409 + code:8186e9/d4 cheat description:Faster gun auto-repeat speed - code:DF3C-676F + code:03eece/df cheat description:Slower gun auto-repeat speed - code:F63C-676F + code:03eece/f8 cheat description:Missiles fly faster - code:D032-6D6F + code:33eed6/d4 cheat description:Hydras fly faster - code:D03E-6DDF + code:37eee7/d4 cheat description:Guns do as much damage as missiles - code:1038-6D6F + code:33eeb6/64 cheat description:Hydras do as much damage as missiles - code:1032-6DDF + code:37eed7/64 cheat description:Missiles do 250 points of damage - code:EC33-676F + code:03eeee/ec cheat description:AK47's do 1 point of damage - code:DF39-DF64 + code:70eb5e/df cheat description:AK47's do 1/2x damage - code:D439-DF64 + code:70eb5e/d2 cheat description:AK47's do 2x damage - code:DC39-DF64 + code:70eb5e/dc cheat description:APHIDs do 1 point of damage - code:DF3E-A7DF + code:87eeef/df cheat description:APHIDs do 1/2x damage - code:493E-A7DF + code:87eeef/25 cheat description:APHIDs do 2x damage - code:B13E-A7DF + code:87eeef/b6 cheat description:AAA's do 1 point of damage - code:DF3D-A7DF + code:87eedf/df cheat description:AAA's do 1/2x damage - code:DC3D-A7DF + code:87eedf/dc cheat description:AAA's do 2x damage - code:463D-A7DF + code:87eedf/28 cheat description:Rapiers do 1 point of damage - code:DF3C-AD6F + code:b3eec6/df cheat description:Rapiers do 1/2x damage - code:743C-AD6F + code:b3eec6/32 cheat description:Rapiers do 2x damage - code:A63C-AD6F + code:b3eec6/a8 cheat description:VDA's do 1 point of damage - code:DF34-A46F + code:83ee2a/df cheat description:VDA's do 1/2x damage - code:DA34-A46F + code:83ee2a/da cheat description:VDA's do 2x damage - code:7434-A46F + code:83ee2a/32 cheat description:ZSU's do 1 point of damage - code:DF31-AF6F + code:b3ee6e/df cheat description:ZSU's do 1/2x damage - code:F031-AF6F + code:b3ee6e/f4 cheat description:ZSU's do 2x damage - code:9D31-AF6F + code:b3ee6e/5d cheat description:Speedboats do 1 point of damage - code:DF3F-D464 + code:40ebfa/df cheat description:Speedboats do 1/2x damage - code:FB3F-D464 + code:40ebfa/fb cheat description:Speedboats do 2x damage - code:103F-D464 + code:40ebfa/64 cheat description:Choppers do 1 point of damage - code:DF37-D4D4 + code:44eb3b/df cheat description:Choppers do 1/2x damage - code:7437-D4D4 + code:44eb3b/32 cheat description:Choppers do 2x damage - code:A637-D4D4 + code:44eb3b/a8 cheat description:M48's do 1 point of damage - code:DF32-A76F + code:83eede/df cheat description:M48's do 1/2x damage - code:7432-A76F + code:83eede/32 cheat description:M48's do 2x damage - code:A632-A76F + code:83eede/a8 cheat description:Crotales do 1 point of damage - code:DF3A-ADDF + code:b7eea7/df cheat description:Crotales do 1/2x damage - code:743A-ADDF + code:b7eea7/32 cheat description:Crotales do 2x damage - code:A63A-ADDF + code:b7eea7/a8 cheat description:AK47's have 1 armor point - code:DF29-0FDD + code:37d55f/df cheat description:AK47's have 1/2x armor points - code:D929-0FDD + code:37d55f/d5 cheat description:AK47's have 2x armor points - code:F029-0FDD + code:37d55f/f4 cheat description:APHIDs have 1 armor points - code:DFA7-D76D + code:43a73e/df cheat description:APHIDs have 1/2x armor points - code:DAA7-D76D + code:43a73e/da cheat description:APHIDs have 2x armor points - code:74A7-D76D + code:43a73e/32 cheat description:AAA's have 1 armor points - code:DF83-ADD7 + code:b4bee7/df cheat description:AAA's have 1/2x armor points - code:FB83-ADD7 + code:b4bee7/fb cheat description:AAA's have 2x armor points - code:1083-ADD7 + code:b4bee7/64 cheat description:Rapiers have 1 armor points - code:DFAE-6F6D + code:33a6ee/df cheat description:Rapiers have 1/2x armor points - code:49AE-6F6D + code:33a6ee/25 cheat description:Rapiers have 2x armor points - code:B1AE-6F6D + code:33a6ee/b6 cheat description:VDA's have 1 armor points - code:DFA9-AFDD + code:b7a65f/df cheat description:VDA's have 1/2x armor points - code:74A9-AFDD + code:b7a65f/32 cheat description:VDA's have 2x armor points - code:A6A9-AFDD + code:b7a65f/a8 cheat description:ZSU's have 1 armor points - code:DFAD-DFDF + code:77afdf/df cheat description:ZSU's have 1/2x armor points - code:08AD-DFDF + code:77afdf/4b cheat description:ZSU's have 2x armor points - code:EEAD-DFDF + code:77afdf/ee cheat description:Speedboats have 1 armor points - code:DFAB-DDDD + code:77a7b7/df cheat description:Speedboats have 1/2x armor points - code:08AB-DDDD + code:77a7b7/4b cheat description:Speedboats have 2x armor points - code:EEAB-DDDD + code:77a7b7/ee cheat description:Choppers have 1 armor points - code:DFA7-0DDD + code:37a537/df cheat description:Choppers have 1/2x armor points - code:08A7-0DDD + code:37a537/4b cheat description:Choppers have 2x armor points - code:EEA7-0DDD + code:37a537/ee cheat description:M48's have 1 armor points - code:DFA0-646D + code:03a64a/df cheat description:M48's have 1/2x armor points - code:10A0-646D + code:03a64a/64 cheat description:M48's have 2x armor points - code:DFA0-64AD + code:0ba64a/df cheat description:Crotales have 1 armor points - code:DFA3-07DD + code:07a5ef/df cheat description:Crotales have 1/2x armor points - code:52A3-07DD + code:07a5ef/7d cheat description:Crotales have 2x armor points - code:DFA3-070D + code:03a5ed/df cheat description:AK47 bullets fly slower - code:DD39-D4D4 + code:44eb5b/dd cheat description:APHID bullets fly slower - code:DD3E-A76F + code:83eeee/dd cheat description:AAA bullets fly slower - code:DD3D-A76F + code:83eede/dd cheat description:Rapier bullets fly slower - code:DD3C-AFDF + code:b7eecf/dd cheat description:VDA bullets fly slower - code:DD34-A7DF + code:87ee2f/dd cheat description:ZSU bullets fly slower - code:DD31-A4DF + code:87ee6b/dd cheat description:Speedboat bullets fly slower - code:DD3F-D7D4 + code:44ebff/dd cheat description:Chopper bullets fly slower - code:DD37-D464 + code:40eb3a/dd cheat description:M48 bullets fly slower - code:DD33-ADDF + code:b7eee7/dd cheat description:Armor starts at 344 - code:DFBC-64A9+DF64-64D1 + code:09b6ca/df+058a2b/df cheat description:Armor starts at 856 - code:D7BC-64A9+D764-64D1 + code:09b6ca/d3+058a2b/d3 cheat description:Armor starts at 1,112 - code:D0BC-64A9+D064-64D1 + code:09b6ca/d4+058a2b/d4 cheat description:Armor starts at 2,136 - code:D6BC-64A9+D664-64D1 + code:09b6ca/d8+058a2b/d8 cheat description:Armor starts at 5,208 - code:F0BC-64A9+F064-64D1 + code:09b6ca/f4+058a2b/f4 cheat description:Fuel starts at 25 - code:FBB1-07DC + code:07b16f/fb cheat description:Fuel starts at 50 - code:74B1-07DC + code:07b16f/32 cheat description:Fuel starts at 75 - code:08B1-07DC + code:07b16f/4b cheat description:Fuel starts at 150 - code:B1B1-07DC + code:07b16f/b6 cheat description:Fuel starts at 200 - code:A6B1-07DC + code:07b16f/a8 cheat description:Fuel starts at 868 - code:D7B1-070C + code:03b16d/d3 cheat description:Guns start at 154 rounds remaining - code:DD38-6D0F + code:33eeb5/dd cheat description:Guns start at 666 rounds remaining - code:D438-6D0F + code:33eeb5/d2 cheat description:Guns start at 2,458 rounds remaining - code:DB38-6D0F + code:33eeb5/db cheat description:Guns start at 5,018 rounds remaining - code:F738-6D0F + code:33eeb5/f3 cheat description:Guns start at 9,882 rounds remaining - code:4138-6D0F + code:33eeb5/26 cheat description:Start with 10 hydras - code:DC3A-676F + code:03eeae/dc cheat description:Start with 50 hydras - code:743A-676F + code:03eeae/32 cheat description:Start with 100 hydras - code:103A-676F + code:03eeae/64 cheat description:Start with 250 hydras - code:EC3A-676F + code:03eeae/ec cheat description:Start with 1 missile - code:DF33-67DF + code:07eeef/df cheat description:Start with 20 missiles - code:F033-67DF + code:07eeef/f4 cheat description:Start with 50 missiles - code:7433-67DF + code:07eeef/32 cheat description:Start with 100 missiles - code:1033-67DF + code:07eeef/64 cheat description:Start with 250 missiles - code:EC33-67DF + code:07eeef/ec cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFB1-0F6C + code:33b16e/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D9B1-0F6C + code:33b16e/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D5B1-0F6C + code:33b16e/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DCB1-0F6C + code:33b16e/dc cheat description:Start with 20 lives - code:F0B1-0F6C + code:33b16e/f4 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:74B1-0F6C + code:33b16e/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:17B1-0F6C + code:33b16e/63 + cheat + description:Infinite lives (alt) + code:7e209e/09 + cheat + description:Infinite fuel (alt) + code:7e2098/64 + cheat + description:Infinite Load (carry unlimited number of passengers) + code:7e209c/01 + cheat + description:Landing with infinite load (use with Infinite Load code, only when landing, then disable) + code:7e209c/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Chaingun + code:7eb0c6/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Hydras + code:7eb0ea/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Hellfire Missiles + code:7eb10e/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Hellfire Missiles + code:7eb132/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Armor - Level 1 + code:7e5d00/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Armor - Level 2 + code:7e5da2/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Armor - Level 3 + code:7e5e44/ff + cheat + description:Infinite Armor - Level 4 + code:7e5d00/ff + cheat + description:Crotales do little or no damage in level 4 + code:00e7c0/01 cartridge sha256:337e643d3e63915de06429992f306e8d2b73aed6849b795f9c855c2d03c18180 name:D-Force (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3CCA-D4DD + code:47c7ab/ec cheat description:Continue equipped with unguided missiles - code:7D6C-D40F+2C6C-D46F+FD6C-D7DF + code:438fc9/3d+438fca/dc+478fcf/fd cheat description:Loss of a life does not decrease cannon power at normal difficulty (except on continues) - code:DDC7-DD0F + code:73cf35/dd cheat description:Loss of a life does not decrease cannon power at hard difficulty (except on continues) - code:DDC0-D4DF + code:47cf4b/dd cheat description:Pink power-up increases missile power along with cannon power - code:DA3D-6464 + code:00eada/da cheat description:Continue with 10 lives - code:7168-D70F+C668-D76F + code:438fbd/36+438fbe/c8 cheat description:Continue with 12 lives - code:C868-D70F+C068-D76F + code:438fbd/cb+438fbe/c4 cheat description:Continue with 14 lives - code:CF68-D70F+EF68-D76F + code:438fbd/cf+438fbe/ef cheat description:Continue with 16 lives - code:9E68-D70F+C068-D76F + code:438fbd/5e+438fbe/c4 cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 2 - code:DF68-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/df+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 3 - code:D468-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/d2+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 4 - code:D768-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/d3+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 6 - code:D968-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/d5+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 8 - code:D568-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/d7+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 10 - code:DB68-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/db+738fb6/de cheat description:Continue with cannon power at level 12 - code:D868-DF0F+DE68-DD6F + code:738fbd/db+738fb6/de cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 2 - code:DFB6-DF6D + code:73b78e/df cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 3 - code:D4B6-DF6D + code:73b78e/d2 cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 4 - code:D7B6-DF6D + code:73b78e/d3 cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 6 - code:D9B6-DF6D + code:73b78e/d5 cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 8 - code:D5B6-DF6D + code:73b78e/d7 cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 10 - code:DBB6-DF6D + code:73b78e/db cheat description:Start with cannon power at level 12 - code:D8B6-DF6D + code:73b78e/db cheat description:Start equipped with unguided missiles - code:DAB6-D76D+FDB6-D4AD + code:43b78e/da+4bb78a/fd cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:7168-D5F6+C668-D596 + code:5e83bf/36+5683bd/c8 cheat description:Start with 12 lives - code:C868-D5F6+C068-D596 + code:5e83bf/cb+5683bd/c4 cheat description:Start with 14 lives - code:CF68-D5F6+EF68-D596 + code:5e83bf/cf+5683bd/ef cheat description:Start with 16 lives - code:9E68-D5F6+C068-D596 + code:5e83bf/5e+5683bd/c4 cartridge sha256:7dbfc44d28a46e6d399628e43086aa9fd0b2abeda4c108751a5ad91c102c3aaf name:Dino City (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:8BA6-67A9 + code:09a68e/bb cheat description:No harm from most enemies - code:6DA6-6D69 + code:31a686/8d cheat description:No harm if swallowed by a monster - code:C23B-A7F9+C232-67B1 + code:8de6bf/cd+0deade/cd cheat description:Infinite plays - both players - code:C26E-6D2D + code:3786e7/cd cheat description:Infinite time (disable in bonus stage) - code:8269-DF90 + code:75835d/bd cheat description:Infinite credits - both players - code:C260-67F7 + code:0c8e4f/cd cheat description:Hit and stomp anywhere - code:6DAE-6469+F9AE-64A9 + code:01a6ea/8d+09a6ea/f5 cheat description:Clock runs faster - code:7A64-D420 + code:45832b/3a cheat description:Clock runs slower - code:ED64-D420 + code:45832b/ed cheat description:Clock runs much slower - code:ED64-D420+DF64-D7F0 + code:45832b/ed+4d832f/df cheat description:Rex jumps higher - code:EC6B-DFBE + code:7f8bbe/ec cheat description:Rex jumps much higher - code:E66B-DFBE + code:7f8bbe/e8 cheat description:Tops jumps higher - code:EC8A-D793 + code:47bbad/ec cheat description:Tops jumps much higher - code:E68A-D793 + code:47bbad/e8 cheat description:Timmy and Jamie jump higher - code:EC22-DF22 + code:77d7df/ec cheat description:Timmy and Jamie jump much higher - code:E622-DF22 + code:77d7df/e8 cheat description:Collect 2 eggs for extra play instead of 50 - code:D427-6D2D + code:37d637/d2 cheat description:Collect 5 eggs for extra play - code:D927-6D2D + code:37d637/d5 cheat description:Collect 10 eggs for extra play - code:FD27-6D2D + code:37d637/fd cheat description:Collect 15 eggs for extra play - code:F927-6D2D + code:37d637/f5 cheat description:Collect 25 eggs for extra play - code:4927-6D2D + code:37d637/25 cheat description:Collect 75 eggs for extra play - code:5927-6D2D + code:37d637/75 cheat description:Collect 99 eggs for extra play - code:BB27-6D2D + code:37d637/bb cheat description:1 play per game instead of 3 - both players - code:DF6D-D7BD + code:4f87de/df cheat description:2 plays per game - both players - code:D46D-D7BD + code:4f87de/d2 cheat description:4 plays per game - both players - code:D06D-D7BD + code:4f87de/d4 cheat description:5 plays per game - both players - code:D96D-D7BD + code:4f87de/d5 cheat description:7 plays per game - both players - code:D56D-D7BD + code:4f87de/d7 cheat description:9 plays per game - both players - code:DB6D-D7BD + code:4f87de/db cheat description:Start with 1 credit instead of 3 - P1 - code:DFC2-A494 + code:84cad9/df cheat description:Start with 2 credits - P1 - code:D4C2-A494 + code:84cad9/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - P1 - code:D9C2-A494 + code:84cad9/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - P1 - code:D5C2-A494 + code:84cad9/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - P1 - code:DBC2-A494 + code:84cad9/db cheat description:Start with No credits - P1 - code:DDC2-A494 + code:84cad9/dd cheat description:Start with 1 credit instead of 3 - P2 - code:DFCF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/df cheat description:Start with 2 credits - P2 - code:D4CF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - P2 - code:D9CF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - P2 - code:D5CF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - P2 - code:DBCF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/db cheat description:Start with No credits - P2 - code:DDCF-DFF7 + code:7ccfff/dd cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E16ED:03 + code:7e16ed/03 cartridge sha256:10e07e9e094e77a2b71bab3bac1d79a62b7a7bfdb80111044b1f9c64645c622f name:Donald in Maui Mallard (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0DD3:64 + code:7e0dd3/64 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1F4A:03 + code:7e1f4a/03 cheat description:Infinite Zapps - code:7E0DDB:0A + code:7e0ddb/0a cheat description:Infinite Homers - code:7E0DDD:0A + code:7e0ddd/0a cartridge sha256:fa8cacf5bbfc39ee6bbaa557adf89133d60d42f6cf9e1db30d5a36a469f74d15 name:Donkey Kong Country (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (no lockup) - code:1DCC-CA7A+F6CF-13EA+F6CC-3E7A + code:2ecbc8/6d+bac9fb/f8+becbc8/f8 cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DCC-CA7A + code:2ecbc8/6d cheat description:Almost invincible (disable if you get stuck) - code:1DCC-CA7A+1DCA-C2EA + code:2ecbc8/6d+3acba7/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C1-4A9C + code:a7c069/cd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2C9-4E2C+C2C1-4A9C + code:b7c05b/cd+a7c069/cd cheat description:Get Life Balloons from anywhere - code:6DC7-3ABB + code:aecf3a/8d cheat description:Get KONG letters from anywhere - code:6D2B-C272 + code:3fd7b4/8d cheat description:Get Banana bunches from anywhere - code:6D20-3E52 + code:bfd749/8d cheat description:Get Midway Barrel from anywhere - code:6DEA-CEBB + code:3eefaa/8d cheat description:Get most single Bananas from anywhere - code:6D88-3A14+DD80-3E34+DD89-32C4 + code:a8bbb9/8d+b8bb4b/dd+b0bb57/dd cheat description:10 Bananas needed for extra life - code:DBC1-3D6D+DCC1-34AD+DBC9-340D+DCC1-3D6D + code:b3c766/db+8bc76a/dc+83c759/db+b3c766/dc cheat description:25 Bananas needed for extra life - code:F6C1-3D6D+FBC1-34AD+F6C9-340D+FBC1-3D6D + code:b3c766/f8+8bc76a/fb+83c759/f8+b3c766/fb cheat description:50 Bananas needed for extra life - code:7FC1-3D6D+74C1-34AD+7FC9-340D+74C1-3D6D + code:b3c766/3f+8bc76a/32+83c759/3f+b3c766/32 cheat description:75 Bananas needed for extra life - code:0CC1-3D6D+08C1-34AD+0CC9-340D+08C1-3D6D + code:b3c766/4c+8bc76a/4b+83c759/4c+b3c766/4b cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) - code:DDB9-3DD4 + code:b4bb57/dd cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) (alt) - code:DDB9-3DD4+DDB0-34A4 + code:b4bb57/dd+88bb4a/dd cheat description:Bad buddy code (In 2P team mode, the inactive player can press select to gain control) - code:DD8B-C28A + code:3ebbb6/dd cheat description:Bad buddy code (In 2P team mode, the inactive player can press select to gain control) (alt) - code:DD8B-C28A+DD88-CE5A + code:3ebbb6/dd+3ebbb9/dd cheat description:Both Kongs return (get both Kongs back on map screen after dying, doesn't work when you fall off the screen) - code:D76B-337E + code:bf8bb8/d3 cheat description:Return of Kong (when your last Kong gets hit, the other one returns (reset if you get stuck). Must have had both Kongs at some point). - code:EE65-C37E + code:3f8b78/ee cheat description:Keep Animals between stages - code:1D6B-3FDD+196A-333D + code:b787bf/6d+bb87ab/65 cheat description:Keep Animals between stages (alt) - code:D76B-3FDD+196A-333D + code:b787bf/d3+bb87ab/65 cheat description:Keep Animals between stages (alt) - code:1D6B-3FDD+196A-333D+1D6B-3D6D+166A-3ECD + code:b787bf/6d+bb87ab/65+b387b6/6d+b387ab/68 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6D84-33EA+4084-1273+6D84-1353+2D87-1273 + code:babb2b/8d+bfb924/24+bfb929/8d+bfb934/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - Expresso (the Ostrich) - code:EE80-C373 + code:3fbb48/ee cheat description:High-jump - Donkey Kong - code:A081-1273 + code:bfb964/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Donkey Kong - code:2D81-1273 + code:bfb964/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Donkey Kong - code:3D81-1273 + code:bfb964/ed cheat description:Moon-jump - Donkey Kong - code:EE81-1273 + code:bfb964/ee cheat description:High-jump - Diddy Kong - code:8081-1E73 + code:bfb968/b4 cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy Kong - code:AD81-1E73 + code:bfb968/ad cheat description:Mega-jump - Diddy Kong - code:2D81-1E73 + code:bfb968/dd cheat description:Moon-jump - Diddy Kong - code:EE81-1E73 + code:bfb968/ee cheat description:High-jump - Animals - code:A08F-C273 + code:3fbbf4/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Animals - code:2D8F-C273 + code:3fbbf4/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Animals - code:3D8F-C273 + code:3fbbf4/ed cheat description:Moon-jump - Animals - code:EE8F-C273 + code:3fbbf4/ee cheat description:High-jump - Donkey Kong - code:A081-1273+A086-13E3 + code:bfb964/a4+bbb98b/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Donkey Kong - code:2D81-1273+2D86-13E3 + code:bfb964/dd+bbb98b/dd cheat description:Mega-Jump - Donkey Kong - code:3D81-1273+3D86-13E3 + code:bfb964/ed+bbb98b/ed cheat description:High-jump - Diddy Kong - code:8081-1E73+808B-1AE3 + code:bfb968/b4+abb9bb/b4 cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy Kong - code:AD81-1E73+AD8B-1AE3 + code:bfb968/ad+abb9bb/ad cheat description:Mega-Jump - Diddy Kong - code:2D81-1E73+2D8B-1AE3 + code:bfb968/dd+abb9bb/dd cheat description:High-jump - all Animals - code:A08F-C273+A087-C3E3 + code:3fbbf4/a4+3bbb3b/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - all Animals - code:2D8F-C273+2D87-C3E3 + code:3fbbf4/dd+3bbb3b/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - all Animals - code:3D8F-C273+3087-C3E3 + code:3fbbf4/ed+3bbb3b/e4 cheat description:See the ending - code:CD68-3FDD+226A-333D + code:b787bf/cd+bb87ab/dd cheat description:Start With 8 lives - code:D568-C34D+D568-C33D + code:3b87b8/d7+3b87bb/d7 cheat description:Start With 11 lives - code:DC68-C34D+DC68-C33D + code:3b87b8/dc+3b87bb/dc cheat description:Start With 16 lives - code:DE68-C34D+DE68-C33D + code:3b87b8/de+3b87bb/de cheat description:Start With 26 lives - code:FB68-C34D+FB68-C33D + code:3b87b8/fb+3b87bb/fb cheat description:Start With 51 lives - code:7468-C34D+7468-C33D + code:3b87b8/32+3b87bb/32 cheat description:Start With 76 lives - code:0868-C34D+0868-C33D + code:3b87b8/4b+3b87bb/4b cheat description:Start With 100 lives - code:1768-C34D+1768-C33D + code:3b87b8/63+3b87bb/63 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EE68-C34D + code:3b87b8/ee cheat description:Return of Kong (alt) - code:7E0579:01 + code:7e0579/01 cartridge sha256:df2644d435330192a13768cc1f79c5aa3084a64217a5250c6dd4ffdbe2175be4 name:Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Invincibility (no lockup) - code:1DCA-C2EA+F6C0-1A8A+F6C2-3AEA + code:3acba7/6d+aec94a/f8+aacbdb/f8 cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DCA-C2EA + code:3acba7/6d cheat description:Almost invincible (disable if you get stuck) - code:1DCA-C2EA + code:3acba7/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C1-4A2C + code:a7c06b/cd cheat description:Get Life Balloons from anywhere - code:6DC7-32FB + code:becf37/8d cheat description:Get KONG letters from anywhere - code:6D28-CE52 + code:3fd7b9/8d cheat description:Get Banana bunches from anywhere - code:6D25-3282 + code:bfd776/8d cheat description:Get Midway Barrel from anywhere - code:6DE3-CABB + code:2eefea/8d cheat description:Get most single Bananas from anywhere - code:6D80-3E44+6D88-3244+DD89-3314 + code:b8bb48/8d+b8bbb4/8d+b8bb59/dd cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) - code:DDB0-34A4 + code:88bb4a/dd cheat description:Bad buddy code (In 2P team mode, the inactive player can press select to gain control) - code:DD88-CE5A + code:3ebbb9/dd cheat description:Both Kongs return (get both Kongs back on map screen after dying, doesn't work when you fall off the screen) - code:D76C-327E + code:bf8bc4/d3 cheat description:Return of Kong (when your last Kong gets hit, the other one returns (reset if you get stuck). Must have had both Kongs at some point). - code:EE66-C27E + code:3f8b84/ee cheat description:Keep Animals - code:1D6B-3D6D+166A-3ECD + code:b387b6/6d+b387ab/68 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6D89-3A8A+4080-13E3+6D89-1A73+2D89-13E3 + code:aebb5a/8d+bbb94b/24+afb958/8d+bbb95b/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - Expresso (the Ostrich) - code:EE81-CEE3 + code:3bbb6b/ee cheat description:High-jump - Donkey Kong - code:A086-13E3 + code:bbb98b/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Donkey Kong - code:2D86-13E3 + code:bbb98b/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Donkey Kong - code:3D86-13E3 + code:bbb98b/ed cheat description:Moon-jump - Donkey Kong - code:EE86-13E3 + code:bbb98b/ee cheat description:High-jump - Diddy Kong - code:808B-1AE3 + code:abb9bb/b4 cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy Kong - code:AD8B-1AE3 + code:abb9bb/ad cheat description:Mega-jump - Diddy Kong - code:2D8B-1AE3 + code:abb9bb/dd cheat description:Moon-jump - Diddy Kong - code:EE8B-1AE3 + code:abb9bb/ee cheat description:High-jump - Animals - code:A087-C3E3 + code:3bbb3b/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Animals - code:2D87-C3E3 + code:3bbb3b/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Animals - code:3087-C3E3 + code:3bbb3b/e4 cheat description:Moon-jump - Animals - code:EE87-C3E3 + code:3bbb3b/ee cheat description:Land animals roll attack - code:C4A2-CA7A + code:2eabd8/c2 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EE68-C33D + code:3b87bb/ee cheat description:Return of Kong (alt) - code:7E0579:01 + code:7e0579/01 cartridge sha256:628147468c3539283197f58f03b94df49758a332831857481ea9cc31645f0527 name:Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Rev 2) cheat description:Invincibility (no lockup) - code:1DC2-C3EA+F6C9-128A+F6C3-32EA + code:3acbdb/6d+bec956/f8+bacbe7/f8 cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DC2-C3EA + code:3acbdb/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C5-4A2C + code:a7c07b/cd cheat description:Get Life Balloons from anywhere - code:6DC0-32FB + code:becf47/8d cheat description:Get KONG letters from anywhere - code:6D2D-3E52 + code:bfd7d9/8d cheat description:Get Banana bunches from anywhere - code:6D2A-3282 + code:bfd7a6/8d cheat description:Get Midway Barrel from anywhere - code:6DEF-32FB + code:beeff7/8d cheat description:Get most single Bananas from anywhere - code:6D82-4E17+6D85-4217+DD86-4AC7 + code:b8bcd9/8d+b8bc75/8d+a0bc8b/dd cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) - code:DDB9-3764 + code:80bb5e/dd cheat description:Bad buddy code (In 2P team mode, the inactive player can press select to gain control) - code:DD82-CEEA + code:3abbdb/dd cheat description:Both Kongs return (get both Kongs back on map screen after dying, doesn't work when you fall off the screen) - code:D76C-337E + code:bf8bc8/d3 cheat description:Return of Kong (when your last Kong gets hit, the other one returns (reset if you get stuck). Must have had both Kongs at some point). - code:EE66-C37E + code:3f8b88/ee cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6D85-327A+4081-1E53+6D85-1A83+2D85-1E53 + code:bebb74/8d+bfb969/24+afb97a/8d+bfb979/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - Expresso (the Ostrich) - code:EE8B-CA53 + code:2fbbb9/ee cheat description:High-jump - Donkey Kong - code:A08C-1E53 + code:bfb9c9/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Donkey Kong - code:2D8C-1E53 + code:bfb9c9/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Donkey Kong - code:308C-1E53 + code:bfb9c9/e4 cheat description:Moon-jump - Donkey Kong - code:EE8C-1E53 + code:bfb9c9/ee cheat description:High-jump - Diddy Kong - code:8088-1253 + code:bfb9b5/b4 cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy Kong - code:AD88-1253 + code:bfb9b5/ad cheat description:Mega-jump - Diddy Kong - code:2D88-1253 + code:bfb9b5/dd cheat description:Moon-jump - Diddy Kong - code:EE88-1253 + code:bfb9b5/ee cheat description:High-jump - Animals - code:A089-CE53 + code:3fbb59/a4 cheat description:Super-jump - Animals - code:2D89-CE53 + code:3fbb59/dd cheat description:Mega-jump - Animals - code:3089-CE53 + code:3fbb59/e4 cheat description:Moon-jump - Animals - code:EE89-CE53 + code:3fbb59/ee cheat description:Land animals can roll attack - code:A98B-327A + code:bebbb4/a5 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EE63-333D + code:bb87eb/ee cheat description:Return of Kong (alt) - code:7E0579:01 + code:7e0579/01 cartridge sha256:b79c2bb86f6fc76e1fc61c62fc16d51c664c381e58bc2933be643bbc4d8b610c name:Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (En,Fr) (Rev 1) cheat description:Master code - Must be entered - code:E6EE-A7D7+6DA4-1A8B+6D8F-C33E + code:84eeef/e8+aead2a/8d+3bbbfb/8d cheat description:Invincibility - code:CB2C-1A4D+FD2C-1A1D+DD2C-1ACD + code:abd5c8/cb+abd5c9/fd+a3d5cb/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2A1-CE5B+C2A5-C37B + code:3eaf69/cd+3eaf78/cd cheat description:Get 2 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:D4A1-437C+D4A5-4AEC + code:bfa068/d2+aba07b/d2 cheat description:Get 5 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:D9A1-437C+D9A5-4AEC + code:bfa068/d5+aba07b/d5 cheat description:Get 255 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:EEA1-437C + code:bfa068/ee cheat description:When your last Kong is hit, the other returns - code:EEC2-1A1D+EECC-CA4D + code:abc5d9/ee+2bc7c8/ee cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) - code:DD6C-C7D4+DD62-C4A4 + code:048bcf/dd+088bda/dd cheat description:Kong family coins don't get used up - code:C2B9-13B7+C2B1-13F7 + code:bcbd5a/cd+bcbd6b/cd cheat description:Kremcoins don't get used up - code:C2B9-1297+C2B1-1A27 + code:b4bd55/cd+a4bd6b/cd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:DDBD-CA44+D5BD-3214+DBB2-3244+DD8E-121D+6787-C334 + code:28bbd8/dd+b8bbd5/d7+b8bbd4/db+bbb5e5/dd+38bb3b/83 cheat description:Mega-jump for Diddy - code:EDD0-735A + code:fed849/ed cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy - code:E7D0-735A + code:fed849/e3 cheat description:Jump higher - Diddy - code:E1D0-735A + code:fed849/e6 cheat description:Jump lower - Diddy - code:EBD0-735A + code:fed849/eb cheat description:Jump much lower - Diddy - code:ECD0-735A + code:fed849/ec cheat description:Mega-jump - Dixie - code:EDD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/ed cheat description:Super-jump - Dixie - code:E7D7-5AEA + code:ead93b/e3 cheat description:Jump higher - Dixie - code:E5D7-5AEA + code:ead93b/e7 cheat description:Jump lower - Dixie - code:EBD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/eb cheat description:Jump much lower - Dixie - code:ECD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/ec cheat description:Mega-jump - Rambi with Diddy riding - code:EFDD-535A + code:fed9d9/ef cheat description:Super-jump - Rambi with Diddy riding - code:E7DD-535A + code:fed9d9/e3 cheat description:Rambi jumps higher with Diddy riding - code:E5DD-535A + code:fed9d9/e7 cheat description:Rambi doesn't jump as high with Diddy riding - code:ECDD-535A + code:fed9d9/ec cheat description:Start with more kong family coins - code:626D-4EBD + code:bf84da/8d cheat description:Start with more Kremcoins - code:626D-432D + code:b784db/8d cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D465-3D67+D46C-3D07 + code:b08f76/d2+b08fc5/d2 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB65-3D67+DB6C-3D07 + code:b08f76/db+b08fc5/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F665-3D67+F66C-3D07 + code:b08f76/f8+b08fc5/f8 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7F65-3D67+7F6C-3D07 + code:b08f76/3f+b08fc5/3f cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:1765-3D67+176C-3D07 + code:b08f76/63+b08fc5/63 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EE65-3D67 + code:b08f76/ee cartridge sha256:35421a9af9dd011b40b91f792192af9f99c93201d8d394026bdfb42cbf2d8633 name:Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (USA) (En,Fr) cheat description:Master code - Must be entered - code:E6EE-A7D7+6DAF-12EB+6D8D-C33E + code:84eeef/e8+baadf7/8d+3bbbdb/8d cheat description:Invincibility - code:4028-434D + code:bbd4b8/24 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2A1-CE5B+C2A5-C37B + code:3eaf69/cd+3eaf78/cd cheat description:When your last Kong is hit, the other returns - code:EEC2-1A1D+EECC-CA4D + code:abc5d9/ee+2bc7c8/ee cheat description:Easy level exit (press start and select) - code:DD6C-C7D4+DD62-C4A4 + code:048bcf/dd+088bda/dd cheat description:Kong family coins don't get used up - code:C2B9-13B7+C2B1-13F7 + code:bcbd5a/cd+bcbd6b/cd cheat description:Kremcoins don't get used up - code:C2B9-1297+C2B1-1A27 + code:b4bd55/cd+a4bd6b/cd cheat description:Get single Bananas from almost anywhere - code:6DEC-33F9+6DED-43F1+DDE8-32B9 + code:bde7cb/8d+bde8db/8d+bde7b6/dd cheat description:Get Banana bunches from anywhere - code:6DA7-33AA + code:baab3a/8d cheat description:Get DK and Banana Coins from anywhere - code:6D85-42EC + code:bbb077/8d cheat description:Get KONG letters from anywhere - code:6D88-C38C + code:3fb3ba/8d cheat description:Get Krem Koins from anywhere - code:6D83-125C + code:bfb1e5/8d cheat description:Get Life balloons from anywhere - code:6DAE-336A + code:b2abea/8d cheat description:Get Midway Barrel from anywhere - code:6D3A-42A2 + code:bbe4a6/8d cheat description:Get 2 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:D4A1-437C+D4A5-4AEC + code:bfa068/d2+aba07b/d2 cheat description:Get 5 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:D9A1-437C+D9A5-4AEC + code:bfa068/d5+aba07b/d5 cheat description:Get 255 lives per 100 bananas collected - code:EEA1-437C + code:bfa068/ee cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4DAF-121F+54AF-12CF+A0AF-123F+1DAF-134F + code:bbadf5/2d+b3adf7/72+bbadf7/a4+bbadf8/6d cheat description:Mega-jump for Diddy - code:EDD0-735A + code:fed849/ed cheat description:Super-jump - Diddy - code:E7D0-735A + code:fed849/e3 cheat description:Jump higher - Diddy - code:E1D0-735A + code:fed849/e6 cheat description:Jump lower - Diddy - code:EBD0-735A + code:fed849/eb cheat description:Jump much lower - Diddy - code:ECD0-735A + code:fed849/ec cheat description:Mega-jump - Dixie - code:EDD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/ed cheat description:Super-jump - Dixie - code:E7D7-5AEA + code:ead93b/e3 cheat description:Jump higher - Dixie - code:E5D7-5AEA + code:ead93b/e7 cheat description:Jump lower - Dixie - code:EBD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/eb cheat description:Jump much lower - Dixie - code:ECD7-5AEA + code:ead93b/ec cheat description:Mega-jump - Rambi with Diddy riding - code:EFDD-535A + code:fed9d9/ef cheat description:Super-jump - Rambi with Diddy riding - code:E7DD-535A + code:fed9d9/e3 cheat description:Rambi jumps higher with Diddy riding - code:E5DD-535A + code:fed9d9/e7 cheat description:Rambi doesn't jump as high with Diddy riding - code:ECDD-535A + code:fed9d9/ec cheat description:Start with more kong family coins - code:626D-4EBD + code:bf84da/8d cheat description:Start with more Kremcoins - code:626D-432D + code:b784db/8d cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D465-3D67+D46C-3D07 + code:b08f76/d2+b08fc5/d2 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB65-3D67+DB6C-3D07 + code:b08f76/db+b08fc5/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F665-3D67+F66C-3D07 + code:b08f76/f8+b08fc5/f8 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7F65-3D67+7F6C-3D07 + code:b08f76/3f+b08fc5/3f cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:1765-3D67+176C-3D07 + code:b08f76/63+b08fc5/63 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EE65-3D67 + code:b08f76/ee cartridge sha256:2277a2d8dddb01fe5cb0ae9a0fa225d42b3a11adccaeafa18e3c339b3794a32b name:Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (USA) (En,Fr) cheat description:Invincibility - code:B768-C34D + code:3b87b8/b3 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:CBA0-CECF+DBA0-CE3F+DDA9-CA4F + code:33af4b/cb+3baf4b/db+2baf58/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CB6E-73CD + code:f384eb/cb cheat description:Infinite bear coins - code:DBB8-729D + code:f7b4b5/db cheat description:Get Funky's Gyrocopter with no need for DK coins - code:6D6C-7EFF+6D62-722F + code:ff8ccb/8d+f78cd7/8d cheat description:Get Single Bananas from almost anywhere - code:6D3C-33F3+6D3D-43FE+DD38-32B3 + code:bfebcb/8d+bfe8db/8d+bfebb6/dd cheat description:Get Banana Bunches from anywhere - code:6D24-434A + code:bad828/8d cheat description:Get Bear Coins from anywhere - code:6D29-C3CA + code:32db5b/8d cheat description:Get KONG letters from anywhere - code:6DAF-123E + code:bba9f7/8d cheat description:Get Midway Barrel from anywhere - code:6D20-4388 + code:bedc4a/8d cheat description:Get Bonus Coins from anywhere - code:6D2E-CE1A + code:3adbe9/8d cheat description:Get Life Balloons from anywhere - code:6D22-1ACA + code:a2d9db/8d cheat description:Get DK Coins from anywhere - code:DDC0-33BB + code:becf4a/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4D2B-3E1F+5F2B-3ECF+BD2B-3E3F+1D2C-3A4F + code:bbdfb9/2d+b3dfbb/7f+bbdfbb/bd+abdfc8/6d cartridge sha256:d45e26eb10c323ecd480e5f2326b223e29264c3adde67f48f0d2791128e519e8 name:Doom (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:6EDE-955D+C3DE-958D+9CDE-95ED+5DDD-B07D+6DDD-B05D2 + code:5fd5ed/8e+5fd5ee/ce+5bd5ef/5c+dfd6d0/7d+6DDD-B05D2 cheat description:Start with mega health and mega armor - code:BDEA-B053+62EA-B953 + code:dfeaa1/bd+dfeaa5/8d cheat description:Start with more ammo - code:E3EA-B153 + code:dfeaa9/ee cheat description:Heat vision/color blind mode - code:CBD3-B17F + code:dfdee8/cb cheat description:Select "The Shores of Hell" or "Inferno" in any skill level - code:D7CF-F953 + code:dfcbf5/d3 cartridge sha256:8d4ada4f98464d176ae7f0fb8a20032056680f3241637a0f903f23f31f41ff36 name:Doom Troopers - Mutant Chronicles (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0C99:01 + code:7e0c99/01 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0C31:64 + code:7e0c31/64 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0CB3:03+7E0102:03 + code:7e0cb3/03+7e0102/03 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:7E00E6:63 + code:7e00e6/63 cheat description:Infinite special weapon ammo - code:7E00EA:0A + code:7e00ea/0a cheat description:Die to complete level (don't use with infinite lives code) - code:7E0102:01 + code:7e0102/01 cartridge sha256:bb915b286b33842e39e9022366169233a4041515c7ecc60ac428420b28e48dd5 name:Doomsday Warrior (USA) cheat description:Infinite health and matches last forever - code:82C7-046F + code:03cd3a/bd cheat description:Always get 4 bonus points for improving abilities - code:CBB2-ADDD+D0B2-AD0D+6DB2-A46D + code:b7b6d7/cb+b3b6d5/d4+83b6da/8d cheat description:On normal level, start with all stats at 2 bars instead of 0 - code:D9B9-64DD + code:07b65b/d5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Sledge - code:DDB0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/dd+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Layban - code:DFB0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/df+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Amon - code:D4B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d2+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Daisy - code:D7B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d3+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against P-Lump - code:D0B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d4+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Grimrock - code:D9B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d5+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Nuform - code:D1B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d6+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 7 fights are against Shadow - code:D5B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d7+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Ashura - code:D6B0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/d8+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:First 6 fights are against Main - code:DBB0-ADAD+6DB0-AFDD+E9B0-AF0D + code:bbb646/db+b7b64f/8d+b3b64d/e5 cheat description:All fights are in order (you don't choose your opponent) - code:DDB7-AFAD + code:bbb63e/dd cheat description:You can heal completely, not just to the top of each segment - code:DD83-D4AF + code:4bbfea/dd cheat description:Don't heal at all - code:3C8E-DDAF + code:7bbfe6/ec cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E02C6:64 + code:7e02c6/64 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E03C6:64 + code:7e03c6/64 cheat description:No health - P1 - code:7E02C6:00 + code:7e02c6/00 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E03C6:00 + code:7e03c6/00 cartridge sha256:b32aa9cbf8f6baacc84f6418fa6fbc33b9ce71458fecc91275aafdbf6f743a99 name:Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (USA) cheat description:Always win - P1 - code:DDAB-3DAE + code:bbabb6/dd cheat description:Can't perform special moves - P2/CPU - code:B3C8-CFBF+B3C6-CDBF+BAC9-3FBF + code:3fcfbe/be+3fcf86/be+bfcf5e/ba cheat description:Pick up to 9 points of any attribute instead of 5 - code:DBBC-1F27 + code:b4bdcf/db cheat description:Harder to recover from dizziness - code:3C85-CF07 + code:30bf7d/ec cheat description:Dizziness doesn't last long - code:D685-C407 + code:00bf79/d8 cheat description:Start with 50% health - both characters - code:46C6-340D + code:83c789/28 cheat description:Start with 25% health - both characters - code:F0C6-340D + code:83c789/f4 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1B8D:50 + code:7e1b8d/50 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1C8A:50 + code:7e1c8a/50 cheat description:No health - P1 - code:7E1B8D:00 + code:7e1b8d/00 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E1C8A:00 + code:7e1c8a/00 cheat description:Bosses unlocked cheat enabled - code:7F0068:01 + code:7f0068/01 cheat description:Stuns disabled cheat enabled - code:7F006A:01 + code:7f006a/01 cheat description:Throwing disabled cheat enabled - code:7F006C:01 + code:7f006c/01 cheat description:P1 is Billy Lee - code:7E0632:00 + code:7e0632/00 cheat description:P1 is Jimmy Lee - code:7E0632:01 + code:7e0632/01 cheat description:P1 is Jawbreaker - code:7E0632:02 + code:7e0632/02 cheat description:P1 is Icepick - code:7E0632:03 + code:7e0632/03 cheat description:P1 is S Master - code:7E0632:04 + code:7e0632/04 cheat description:P1 is Bones - code:7E0632:05 + code:7e0632/05 cheat description:P1 is Sickle - code:7E0632:06 + code:7e0632/06 cheat description:P1 is Blade - code:7E0632:07 + code:7e0632/07 cheat description:P1 is T Happy - code:7E0632:08 + code:7e0632/08 cheat description:P1 is Countdown - code:7E0632:09 + code:7e0632/09 cheat description:P1 is Dominique - code:7E0632:0A + code:7e0632/0a cheat description:P1 is Sekka - code:7E0632:0B + code:7e0632/0b cheat description:P2 is Billy Lee - code:7E0633:00 + code:7e0633/00 cheat description:P2 is Jimmy Lee - code:7E0633:01 + code:7e0633/01 cheat description:P2 is Jawbreaker - code:7E0633:02 + code:7e0633/02 cheat description:P2 is Icepick - code:7E0633:03 + code:7e0633/03 cheat description:P2 is S Master - code:7E0633:04 + code:7e0633/04 cheat description:P2 is Bones - code:7E0633:05 + code:7e0633/05 cheat description:P2 is Sickle - code:7E0633:06 + code:7e0633/06 cheat description:P2 is Blade - code:7E0633:07 + code:7e0633/07 cheat description:P2 is T Happy - code:7E0633:08 + code:7e0633/08 cheat description:P2 is Countdown - code:7E0633:09 + code:7e0633/09 cheat description:P2 is Dominique - code:7E0633:0A + code:7e0633/0a cheat description:P2 is Sekka - code:7E0633:0B + code:7e0633/0b cartridge sha256:d98d7da1e7636e067563e2e480d7dfbc013b7e9bdf1329fd61c5cacac0293e1d name:Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (disable before stage ends) - code:7E00D9:FF + code:7e00d9/ff cheat description:Infinite fighting power - code:7E00DB:FF + code:7e00db/ff cheat description:0 HP - Enemy 1 - code:7E01D9:00 + code:7e01d9/00 cheat description:0 HP - Enemy 2 - code:7E02D9:00 + code:7e02d9/00 cheat description:Infinite time (turn on only in a timed fight and off after defeating your opponent) - code:7E2082:63 + code:7e2082/63 cheat description:Hyper Mode - P1 - code:7E003E:01 + code:7e003e/01 cheat description:Hyper Mode - P2/Enemy 1 - code:7E013E:01 + code:7e013e/01 cheat description:Hyper Mode - P3/Enemy 2 - code:7E023E:01 + code:7e023e/01 cheat description:P1 Knocks Out Easier - code:7E0093:02 + code:7e0093/02 cheat description:P2 Knocks Out Easier - code:7E0193:02 + code:7e0193/02 cheat description:P3 Knocks Out Easier - code:7E0293:02 + code:7e0293/02 cheat description:P1 Can't Be Hit - code:7E0095:44 + code:7e0095/44 cheat description:P2 Can't Be Hit - code:7E0195:44 + code:7e0195/44 cheat description:P3 Can't Be Hit - code:7E0295:44 + code:7e0295/44 cheat description:Start in Alley outside kitchen (version 2) - code:7E539E:01 + code:7e539e/01 cheat description:Start in Alley outside kitchen - code:7E539E:02 + code:7e539e/02 cheat description:Start in the Seattle Gym - code:7E539E:03 + code:7e539e/03 cheat description:Start in the George Wu Gym - code:7E539E:04 + code:7e539e/04 cheat description:Start in Film Set - code:7E539E:05 + code:7e539e/05 cheat description:Start in Bruce's Kwoon - code:7E539E:06 + code:7e539e/06 cheat description:Start in Virgin Gym - code:7E539E:07 + code:7e539e/07 cheat description:Start in the Big Boss Film set (version 2) - code:7E539E:08 + code:7e539e/08 cheat description:Start in the Big Boss Film set - code:7E539E:09 + code:7e539e/09 cheat description:Start in the Enter The Dragon set - code:7E539E:0A + code:7e539e/0a cheat description:Start in the Armored Boss Arena - code:7E539E:0B + code:7e539e/0b cheat description:Start in the Machine - code:7E539E:0C + code:7e539e/0c cartridge sha256:32226fb8b126261dfec279aea51b2fe01e0c7bfbf26699ddcceb750a0d3a9fc0 name:Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension (Japan) cheat description:One hit kills - code:CBAB-0D0F+DFAB-0D6F+DDAB-0DAF+62AB-04AF+1DAB-07DF + code:33adb5/cb+33adb6/df+3badb6/dd+0badba/8d+07adbf/6d cartridge sha256:b698dd6e1db1a3fb2026dbc78c2cfbfd834f7c64fccb76139d5075c8b5233f28 name:Dragon Quest I & II (Japan) cheat description:DQ I & II - Infinite MP in battle - code:82C0-6F43 + code:3bca4c/bd cheat description:DQ I & II - Infinite MP ouside battle - code:8BA6-DDD7 + code:74af87/bb cheat description:DQ I & II - Keep gold after deposit in the vault - code:44E0-DFDD + code:77e74f/22 cheat description:DQ I & II - Take no damage from poison swamps - code:3C67-0913 + code:1b8935/ec cheat description:DQ I & II - Take no damage from barriers - code:8265-01C3 + code:13897b/bd cheat description:DQ I & II - Take no damage from monster hits or magic - code:1D6A-AD4E + code:bb8aa4/6d cheat description:DQ I & II - Take no damage from monster fire - code:6DB6-DD43+DCB6-DD13 + code:7bbb84/8d+7bbb85/dc cheat description:DQ I & II - Inns don't take your money - code:C2E3-DF6F + code:73efee/cd cheat description:DQ I & II - All equipment in shops is free - code:6DA6-A7AF + code:8bae8e/8d cheat description:DQ I - Infinite medical herbs - code:C261-A7C0 + code:81826f/cd cheat description:DQ I - Key shops don't take your money - code:C2A0-6DD4 + code:34aa47/cd cheat description:DQ I - Fairy water shops don't take your money - code:C2AE-0FA4 + code:38a9ee/cd cartridge sha256:a3b1cae3fe55fe52c035ab122e7f850640b0935524496d45b1915ca3c8a934f4 name:Dragon View (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (may crash at the end of Ortah Temple if using an emulator) - code:CE65-4586 + code:9e807e/ce cheat description:Infinite Jade - code:CE34-3106 + code:92e329/ce cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:E23-C9:A2 + code:7e0e23/a2 cheat description:Infinite Potions - code:CE26-41A3 + code:9bd88a/ce cheat description:Infinite magic for rings - code:C237-4116 + code:9ae039/cd cheat description:Max level after killing a Demon - code:7834-1F67 + code:b0ed2e/3b cheat description:Sell a fruit to get 254 fruit - code:6D37-196B+7534-C0AB + code:92ed36/8d+1aef22/37 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E6FCA:B8 + code:7e6fca/b8 cheat description:Max HP - code:7E6FCB:BE+7E6FCB:BE + code:7e6fcb/be+7e6fcb/be cheat description:Max EXP - code:7E7095:E7+7E7096:03 + code:7e7095/e7+7e7096/03 cheat description:Max money (Jade) - code:7E2131:0F+7E2132:27 + code:7e2131/0f+7e2132/27 cheat description:Max attack power - code:7E98E9:FF + code:7e98e9/ff cheat description:Max defense power - code:7E98EA:FF + code:7e98ea/ff cartridge sha256:49a1f9f5e6084b3daa1b13ab5a37ebe8bd3cf20e1c7429fbf722298092893e81 name:Dragon's Lair (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:3C8C-0FA4 + code:38b9ce/ec cheat description:Infinite time - code:4A84-64D4 + code:04ba2b/2a cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C62-D70F + code:438fdd/ec cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD89-0404 + code:00b959/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D989-0404 + code:00b959/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D689-0404 + code:00b959/d8 cheat description:Start with the Dagger - code:DF86-0DD4 + code:34b987/df cheat description:Start with the Shuriken - code:D486-0DD4 + code:34b987/d2 cheat description:Slow timer - code:5D89-6D04 + code:30ba55/7d cheat description:Faster timer - code:4989-6D04 + code:30ba55/25 cheat description:1 coin gives 10 - code:DF88-0F64 + code:30b9be/df cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1036:04 + code:7e1036/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E1033:09 + code:7e1033/09 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1028:03 + code:7e1028/03 cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:7E1030:09 + code:7e1030/09 cartridge sha256:74910ce01d19d25cb97a243a51f21c3d522f02fb116682f60440da3292bb14f7 name:Drakkhen (USA) cheat description:Protection from some attacks - code:8E3D-696D+8E30-A408+8EA2-0113 + code:13e6d6/be+82ee49/be+1ba9d9/be cheat description:Magic points restored 50 points at a time while player is on screen - code:7433-6FD8 + code:36eeef/32 cheat description:Magic points restored 10 points at a time while player is on screen - code:DC33-6FD8 + code:36eeef/dc cheat description:Magic points don't decrease except in battle - code:8E27-6D28 + code:36de37/be cartridge sha256:1a79d51a2ad7dd4848205a07ff8e5d873b155dc420de5e52158c9bab935e05c3 name:Dream T.V. (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:8FA6-3DA8+8FAA-3FA8 + code:baaf86/bf+baafae/bf cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDCE-C7DC + code:07c3ef/dd cheat description:One hit kills, except skeletons - code:8F23-3768 + code:82dfee/bf cheat description:Mega-jump (disable to land again) - code:8F84-17D8 + code:86bd2f/bf cheat description:Can't get hit - some characters are white - code:DDC7-1DD8 + code:b6cd37/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D9B8-1F04 + code:b0b9bd/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFB8-1F04 + code:b0b9bd/df cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D6B8-1F04 + code:b0b9bd/d8 cheat description:Start with 2/3 health - 1st life - code:4DBD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/2d cheat description:Start with 2/3 health - after 1st life - code:4DCE-CD0C + code:33c3e5/2d cheat description:Start with 1/3 health - 1st life - code:FDBD-CF04 + code:30bbdd/fd cheat description:Start with 1/3 health - after 1st life - code:FDCE-CD0C + code:33c3e5/fd cartridge sha256:c509e957873d6cff232bc360ae1795ea74e86bf4fa09c686f6cfc83bd8bac3d7 name:Dual Orb II (Japan) cheat description:Gain 65,535 EXP from each battle - code:CEF7-8F9F+A8F7-84FF + code:f7fe3d/ce+cffe3b/ab cheat description:Sell one item for maximum money - code:DD4F-8FD4 + code:f42aff/dd cheat description:Can skip barrel puzzle - code:544E-7FD6 + code:f620ef/72 cheat description:No random battles - code:6D7B-77D6 + code:c630bf/8d cheat description:Enemies start with 10 HP - code:CE2C-540D+7B2C-546D + code:c3d5c9/ce+c3d5ca/3b cheat description:Enemies start with 100 HP - code:CE2C-540D + code:c3d5c9/ce cartridge sha256:2dfc2e037679a62a960dab9682bca6d1b2737f603edd336c8b2fdf05db10cc07 name:Dungeon Master (USA) cheat description:Almost no mana loss (must have enough to cast) - code:85B5-07D9 + code:05b57f/b7 cheat description:Food meter doesn't go down - code:85CF-0F29 + code:35c5ff/b7 cheat description:Water meter doesn't go down - code:85C5-0FB9 + code:3dc57e/b7 cheat description:1st character has 250 maximum hit points - code:ECDC-F26F + code:f3dfc6/ec cheat description:2nd character has 250 maximum hit points - code:ECDA-220F + code:73dfa5/ec cheat description:3rd character has 250 maximum hit points - 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code:17D2-230F + code:73dfd9/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current strength - code:17DE-B3D4 + code:f4daeb/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current strength - code:17DF-B2A7 + code:f8def6/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum strength - code:17D8-F30F + code:f3dfb9/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum strength - code:17D2-23DF + code:77dfdb/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum strength - code:17DE-B2A4 + code:f8dae6/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum strength - code:17DF-B267 + code:f0def6/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 current dexterity - code:17D8-FE0F + code:f3dfb9/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 current dexterity - code:17D2-2EDF + code:77dfdb/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current dexterity - code:17DE-B3A4 + code:f8daea/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current dexterity - code:17DF-B367 + code:f0defa/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum dexterity - code:17D8-FEDF + code:f7dfbb/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum dexterity - code:17D2-23AF + code:7bdfda/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum dexterity - code:17DE-B364 + code:f0daea/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum dexterity - code:17DF-B307 + code:f0def9/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 current wisdom - code:17DA-FADF + code:e7dfab/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 current wisdom - code:17D2-2EAF + code:7bdfda/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current wisdom - code:17DE-BE64 + code:f0daea/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current wisdom - code:17DF-BE07 + code:f0def9/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum wisdom - code:17D8-FEAF + code:fbdfba/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum wisdom - code:17D2-2E6F + code:73dfda/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum wisdom - code:17DE-BE04 + code:f0dae9/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum wisdom - code:17DF-BED7 + code:f4defb/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 current vitality - code:17DA-FAAF + code:ebdfaa/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 current vitality - code:17D3-2A6F + code:63dfea/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current vitality - code:17DD-2A04 + code:60dbd9/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current vitality - code:17D4-BAD7 + code:e4de2b/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum vitality - code:17DA-FA6F + code:e3dfaa/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum vitality - code:17D3-2A0F + code:63dfe9/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum vitality - code:17DD-2AD4 + code:64dbdb/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum vitality - code:17DF-BEA7 + code:f8defa/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 current anti-magic - code:17DA-F26F + code:f3dfa6/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 current anti-magic - code:17D3-220F + code:73dfe5/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current anti-magic - code:17DD-22D4 + code:74dbd7/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current anti-magic - code:17D4-BAA7 + code:e8de2a/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum anti-magic - code:17DA-F20F + code:f3dfa5/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum anti-magic - code:17D3-22DF + code:77dfe7/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum anti-magic - code:17DD-2AA4 + code:68dbda/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum anti-magic - code:17D4-BA67 + code:e0de2a/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 current anti-fire - code:17DA-F30F + code:f3dfa9/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 current anti-fire - code:17D3-23DF + code:77dfeb/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 current anti-fire - code:17DD-22A4 + code:78dbd6/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 current anti-fire - code:17D4-B267 + code:f0de26/63 cheat description:1st character has 99 maximum anti-fire - code:17DA-F3DF + code:f7dfab/63 cheat description:2nd character has 99 maximum anti-fire - code:17D3-22AF + code:7bdfe6/63 cheat description:3rd character has 99 maximum anti-fire - code:17DD-2264 + code:70dbd6/63 cheat description:4th character has 99 maximum anti-fire - code:17D4-B207 + code:f0de25/63 cheat description:1st character is a level 15 fighter - code:5EDA-FEAF + code:fbdfaa/7e cheat description:1st character is a level 15 ninja - code:5ED2-F20F + code:f3dfd5/7e cheat description:1st character is a level 15 healer - code:5ED2-F3AF + code:fbdfda/7e cheat description:1st character is a level 15 wizard - code:5ED3-FA0F + code:e3dfe9/7e cheat description:2nd character is a level 15 fighter - code:5ED3-2E6F + code:73dfea/7e cheat description:2nd character is a level 15 ninja - code:5EDE-22DF + code:77dfe7/7e cheat description:2nd character is a level 15 healer - code:5EDE-236F + code:73dfea/7e cheat description:2nd character is a level 15 wizard - code:5EDD-FAD4 + code:e4dbdb/7e cheat description:3rd character is a level 15 fighter - code:5EDD-2E04 + code:70dbd9/7e cheat description:3rd character is a level 15 ninja - code:5EDF-2AA4 + code:68dbfa/7e cheat description:3rd character is a level 15 healer - code:5EDF-2304 + code:70dbf9/7e cheat description:3rd character is a level 15 wizard - code:5EDF-2EA4 + code:78dbfa/7e cheat description:4th character is a level 15 fighter - code:5ED4-BED7 + code:f4de2b/7e cheat description:4th character is a level 15 ninja - code:5ED7-BA67 + code:e0de3a/7e cheat description:4th character is a level 15 healer - code:5ED7-B3D7 + code:f4de3b/7e cheat description:4th character is a level 15 wizard - code:5ED7-BE67 + code:f0de3a/7e cheat description:1st character has a nearly full food meter - code:D5D8-FAAF + code:ebdfba/d7 cheat description:1st character has a nearly full water meter - code:D5D8-F20F + code:f3dfb5/d7 cheat description:2nd character has a nearly full food meter - code:D5D2-2A6F + code:63dfda/d7 cheat description:2nd character has a nearly full water meter - code:D5D2-22DF + code:77dfd7/d7 cheat description:3rd character has a nearly full food meter - code:D5DE-BA04 + code:e0dae9/d7 cheat description:3rd character has a nearly full water meter - code:D5DE-BAA4 + code:e8daea/d7 cheat description:4th character has a nearly full food meter - code:D5DF-BAD7 + code:e4defb/d7 cheat description:4th character has a nearly full water meter - code:D5DF-BA67 + code:e0defa/d7 cartridge sha256:8481e47381bd98c27b9782b5727a5d5f0976fbb3aa3df25c2c42aa37e0586815 name:E.V.O. - Search for Eden (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1D66-072B + code:068d8f/6d cheat description:Infinite EVO points - code:6D27-6FAF + code:3bde3e/8d cheat description:Infinite EP - code:FDD2-FA86+45D2-FAE6 + code:eed3da/fd+ead3db/27 cheat description:Protection from most hazards - code:C96E-07FB + code:0e8def/c5 cheat description:Food replenishes hit points to full - code:DD60-D18B + code:5e8f4a/dd cheat description:Less damage from stronger creatures - code:D566-A7F8 + code:8e8e8f/d7 cheat description:Horn never breaks - code:C964-A726 + code:86822f/c5 cheat description:Collect one health to max it out - code:DD61-D97B + code:5e8f64/dd cheat description:One-hit kills - code:DD6C-AFF2 + code:bf86cf/dd cartridge sha256:0408e3d9f2259044344a3bfbd7a7ca3c3427f82108fbecd6e5c4c41e80cd303b name:Earth Defense Force (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:406A-676F + code:038eae/24 cheat description:Infinite shields - code:C263-6FAF + code:3b8eee/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C268-A491 + code:858ab9/cd cheat description:Continually hit anywhere - code:4064-09DA+406A-676F+406D-01DA+406E-D16A+406F-096A + code:168927/24+038eae/24+1689db/24+528bea/24+1289f6/24 cheat description:Advancing experience levels is easier - code:4D21-6F0F + code:33de6d/2d cheat description:Advancing experience levels is much easier - code:DA21-6F0F + code:33de6d/da cheat description:Keep current score when game is continued - code:C223-AFD7+C223-AFA7 + code:b4deef/cd+b8deee/cd cheat description:1 credit - code:DD2E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/dd+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:2 credits - code:DF2E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/df+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:3 credits - code:D42E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/d2+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:6 credits - code:D92E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/d5+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:8 credits - code:D52E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/d7+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:10 credits - code:DB2E-AF67+CB2E-AF07+DD2E-AFA7 + code:b0deee/db+b0deed/cb+b8deee/dd cheat description:Start with 4 shields - code:7123-A4A7+3D23-A7D7 + code:88deea/36+84deef/ed cheat description:Start with 5 shields - code:2B23-A4A7+B823-A7D7 + code:88deea/db+84deef/bb cheat description:Start at experience level 2 - code:D42E-A7A7 + code:88deee/d2 cheat description:Start at experience level 3 - code:D72E-A7A7 + code:88deee/d3 cheat description:Start at experience level 4 - code:D02E-A7A7 + code:88deee/d4 cheat description:Start at experience level 5 - code:D92E-A7A7 + code:88deee/d5 cheat description:Start at stage 2 - code:DF37-DDDD+CB34-D7AD+DD37-DD0D + code:77e737/df+4be72e/cb+73e735/dd cheat description:Start at stage 3 - code:D437-DDDD+CB34-D7AD+DD37-DD0D + code:77e737/d2+4be72e/cb+73e735/dd cheat description:Start at stage 4 - code:D737-DDDD+CB34-D7AD+DD37-DD0D + code:77e737/d3+4be72e/cb+73e735/dd cheat description:Start at stage 5 - code:D037-DDDD+CB34-D7AD+DD37-DD0D + code:77e737/d4+4be72e/cb+73e735/dd cheat description:Start at stage 6 - code:D937-DDDD+CB34-D7AD+DD37-DD0D + code:77e737/d5+4be72e/cb+73e735/dd cheat description:Start a new game to view ending - code:D667-6F0D + code:33863d/d8 cartridge sha256:a8fe2226728002786d68c27ddddf0b90a894db52e4dfe268fdf72a68cae5f02e name:EarthBound (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (all characters) - code:8251-57D6 + code:c6716f/bd cheat description:Get to level 99 after one battle (all characters) - code:EE2E-54A1 + code:c9d9ea/ee cheat description:Fast money (buy a bread with the code disabled, enable and sell it for $32,646) - code:EE9A-E5F5 + code:9d5faf/ee cheat description:Dad never calls - code:E395-87DD + code:c7567f/ee cheat description:Massive numbers of enemies (piracy check) - code:6D4F-7704 + code:c028fd/8d cheat description:Start with a level 9 character - code:DB23-77D1 + code:c5d8ef/db cheat description:Start with a level 15 character - code:DE23-77D1 + code:c5d8ef/de cheat description:Start with a level 50 character - code:7423-77D1 + code:c5d8ef/32 cheat description:Start with a level 100 character - code:1723-77D1 + code:c5d8ef/63 cheat description:Start with a level 255 character - code:EE23-77D1 + code:c5d8ef/ee cheat description:Start with a super strong character - code:EE2E-7D01 + code:f1d8e5/ee cheat description:Start with a lot of HP - code:BB2D-5461 + code:c1d9da/bb cheat description:Start with a lot of PSI - code:BB2F-54A1 + code:c9d9fa/bb cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E9A13:E7+7E9A14:03 + code:7e9a13/e7+7e9a14/03 cheat description:9999 current PP - code:7E9A1B:0F+7E9A1C:27 + code:7e9a1b/0f+7e9a1c/27 cartridge sha256:4579e437279f79eedd6b9cf648a814df2ab2c83d937a1bcec1578d28965fb9a0 name:Earthworm Jim (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:A21F-7464 + code:c068fa/ad cheat description:Infinite Ammo - code:2215-EFAF + code:bb6f7e/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2DA-87A7 + code:c8deae/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere (Gun) - code:6D01-776D+6D63-7401+F901-77AD + code:c3446e/8d+c188e9/8d+cb446e/f5 cheat description:Die after one hit - code:7D17-7F64 + code:f0683e/3d cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:7D13-8FDF + code:f76eef/3d cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:7013-8FDF + code:f76eef/34 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:7B13-8FDF + code:f76eef/3b cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:0613-8FDF + code:f76eef/48 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:1F13-8FDF + code:f76eef/6f cheat description:Start with 300% health - code:7717-7F64 + code:f0683e/33 cheat description:Start with 500% health - code:7917-7F64 + code:f0683e/35 cheat description:Start with 900% health - code:7B17-7F64 + code:f0683e/3b cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:7E682A:3D + code:7e682a/3d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E6627:39 + code:7e6627/39 cheat description:Infinite shields - code:7E6B48:63 + code:7e6b48/63 cheat description:Super shot always active - code:7E661C:FF+7E69A0:09 + code:7e661c/ff+7e69a0/09 cheat description:Infinite time in Sub - code:7E6752:63 + code:7e6752/63 cheat description:Always win race in Andy Asteroids stages (glitchy graphics) - code:7E6B46:FF + code:7e6b46/ff cheat description:Start on What The Heck? - code:7E512A:01 + code:7e512a/01 cheat description:Start on What The Heck? (Snowman Boss) - code:7E512A:02 + code:7e512a/02 cheat description:Start on What The Heck? (Boss Fight With Evil The Cat) - code:7E512A:03 + code:7e512a/03 cheat description:Start on Snot A Problem Round 1 - code:7E512A:04 + code:7e512a/04 cheat description:Start on Snot A Problem Round 2 - code:7E512A:05 + code:7e512a/05 cheat description:Start on Snot A Problem Round 3 - code:7E512A:06 + code:7e512a/06 cheat description:Start on For Pete's Sake - code:7E512A:07 + code:7e512a/07 cheat description:Start on Buttville, Part 2 - code:7E512A:08 + code:7e512a/08 cheat description:Start on Buttville, Part 1 - code:7E512A:09 + code:7e512a/09 cheat description:Start on Level 5, Part 1 - code:7E512A:0A + code:7e512a/0a cheat description:Start on Level 5 (Chicken Boss) - code:7E512A:0B + code:7e512a/0b cheat description:Start on Level 5, Part 2 - code:7E512A:0C + code:7e512a/0c cheat description:Start on Down The Tubes - code:7E512A:0D + code:7e512a/0d cheat description:Start on Tube Race - code:7E512A:0E + code:7e512a/0e cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 1 - code:7E512A:0F + code:7e512a/0f cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 2 - code:7E512A:10 + code:7e512a/10 cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 3 - code:7E512A:11 + code:7e512a/11 cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 4 - code:7E512A:12 + code:7e512a/12 cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 5 - code:7E512A:13 + code:7e512a/13 cheat description:Start on Andy Asteroids?, Course 6 - code:7E512A:14 + code:7e512a/14 cheat description:Start on Who Turned Out The Light?, Part 1 - code:7E512A:15 + code:7e512a/15 cheat description:Start on Who Turned Out The Light?, Part 2 - code:7E512A:16 + code:7e512a/16 cheat description:Start on Who Turned Out The Light?, Part 3 - code:7E512A:17 + code:7e512a/17 cheat description:Start on Who Turned Out The Light?, Part 4 - code:7E512A:18 + code:7e512a/18 cheat description:Start on Who Turned Out The Light?, Part 5 - code:7E512A:19 + code:7e512a/19 cheat description:Start on Psycrow - code:7E512A:1A + code:7e512a/1a cartridge sha256:10eadaab168707829418702386e1bcedd2619d9bbefc37cf31c4118313bcf6de name:Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:CB57-7D0B + code:f27c35/cb cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CBF0-7464 + code:c0f84a/cb cheat description:Hit anywhere (Gun) - code:6D5C-EF08+F95C-EF68 + code:b27fcd/8d+b27fce/f5 cheat description:Infinite time - Lorenzen's Soil level - code:C2FA-8D0C + code:f3f2a5/cd cheat description:Get 1000 bullets on pick-up - code:D798-74F7+3B98-7F27 + code:cc5cbb/d3+f45cbf/eb cheat description:Get 2000 bullets on pick-up - code:D598-74F7+3D98-7F27 + code:cc5cbb/d7+f45cbf/ed cheat description:Start with 200% health - code:7450-770B + code:c27c4d/32 cheat description:Start with 300% health - code:7750-770B + code:c27c4d/33 cheat description:Start with 400% health - code:7050-770B + code:c27c4d/34 cheat description:Start with 500% health - code:7950-770B + code:c27c4d/35 cheat description:Start with 700% health - code:7550-770B + code:c27c4d/37 cheat description:Start with 900% health - code:7B50-770B + code:c27c4d/3b cheat description:Start with 1 life and no continues - code:7D55-5F06 + code:f2717d/3d cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:7055-5F06 + code:f2717d/34 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:7155-5F06 + code:f2717d/36 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:7655-5F06 + code:f2717d/38 cheat description:Start with 2000 bullets - code:749E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/32 cheat description:Start with 3000 bullets - code:779E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/33 cheat description:Start with 4000 bullets - code:709E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/34 cheat description:Start with 5000 bullets - code:799E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/35 cheat description:Start with 7000 bullets - code:759E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/37 cheat description:Start with 9000 bullets - code:7B9E-54B4 + code:cc59ea/3b cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E653C:10 + code:7e653c/10 cartridge sha256:5d658b63d35e2e0baf48ae3bb04ea5e1553855b34bb39fc2c7ca41fbd3894d52 name:Eek! The Cat (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E004E:BF + code:7e004e/bf cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1FE5:09 + code:7e1fe5/09 cartridge sha256:a6eec3329d956e1ddc4acfe3c738387622c10fc95fb9ab63dd5f45be8bec0b16 name:Emerald Dragon (Japan) cheat description:Max level after one battle - code:6DDA-E707 + code:80dfad/8d cheat description:Max Parus after one battle - code:6DD6-E4D7 + code:84df8b/8d cheat description:No random battles - code:F6C0-57D0 + code:c5c14f/f8 cartridge sha256:f14e30ee452ec930a6d08094094b287d0c40c8108f2017c418015242987649b3 name:Emmitt Smith Football (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold B) - code:3EAF-1404+99AF-1F64+C2AF-1F04+DFAF-1FA4 + code:80a9f9/ee+b0a9fe/55+b0a9fd/cd+b8a9fe/df cartridge sha256:cfd666f0bbabec59613d9fe189db7d0a060a78047bc084c0c365840769047bf2 name:Equinox (USA) cheat description:Invincibility against most small monsters - code:C28F-AF4D + code:bbb6fc/cd cheat description:Infinite life - code:3CA0-0DC7 + code:30ad47/ec cheat description:Infinite magic (must have enough MP for spell to work) - code:CEAE-0D17 + code:38ade5/ce cheat description:More life from Apples - code:CB2A-C4D9 + code:05d7ab/cb cheat description:Super-jump - code:4F27-1F00+4020-1FD0 + code:b1d13d/2f+b5d14f/24 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:FC27-1F00+4020-1FD0 + code:b1d13d/fc+b5d14f/24 cheat description:Super speed - code:B32C-4FA0+CD2C-4700 + code:b9d0ce/be+81d0cd/cd cheat description:Colored doors don't need keys - code:DD86-674F+3C86-671F + code:0bbe8c/dd+0bbe8d/ec cheat description:Walk through objects (hold L) - code:2D85-674D+4D85-64CD+4B85-6F3D+C285-6FCD+DA81-674D + code:0bb67c/dd+03b67b/2d+3bb67f/2b+33b67f/cd+0bb66c/da cheat description:Slow spell lasts 2x as long - code:D9AC-6437 + code:08aecb/d5 cheat description:Slow spell lasts 3x as long - code:D6AC-6437 + code:08aecb/d8 cheat description:Freeze spell lasts 2x as long - code:D9AB-6FC7 + code:30aebf/d5 cheat description:Freeze spell lasts 3x as long - code:D6AB-6FC7 + code:30aebf/d8 cartridge sha256:1576066e0cb771a91caf79e7d4f6dc00eb0daa47f0786f1604b32537429a7f45 name:Extra Innings (USA) cheat description:Game lasts 1 inning - code:DFBE-ADAD+DFBF-DF6F+DFB4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/df+73bffe/df+37bd2f/df cheat description:Game lasts 2 innings - code:D4BE-ADAD+D4BF-DF6F+D4B4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/d2+73bffe/d2+37bd2f/d2 cheat description:Game lasts 3 innings - code:D7BE-ADAD+D7BF-DF6F+D7B4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/d3+73bffe/d3+37bd2f/d3 cheat description:Game lasts 4 innings - code:D0BE-ADAD+D0BF-DF6F+D0B4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/d4+73bffe/d4+37bd2f/d4 cheat description:Game lasts 5 innings - code:D9BE-ADAD+D9BF-DF6F+D9B4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/d5+73bffe/d5+37bd2f/d5 cheat description:Game lasts 7 innings - code:D5BE-ADAD+D5BF-DF6F+D5B4-0FDF + code:bbb6e6/d7+73bffe/d7+37bd2f/d7 cheat description:1 strike and batter's out - code:DF67-DF07+DD60-A4D7 + code:708f3d/df+848e4b/dd cheat description:2 strikes and batter's out - code:D467-DF07+DF60-A4D7 + code:708f3d/d2+848e4b/df cheat description:Batter never strikes out - code:C264-D767+C260-A4A7 + code:408f2e/cd+888e4a/cd cheat description:1 ball and batter walks - code:DF6A-DFA7 + code:788fae/df cheat description:2 balls and batter walks - code:D46A-DFA7 + code:788fae/d2 cheat description:3 balls and batter walks - code:D76A-DFA7 + code:788fae/d3 cheat description:Batter never walks - code:C26A-DDD7 + code:748fa7/cd cheat description:1 out per inning - code:DF67-AD67+DF61-D4A7 + code:b08e36/df+488f6a/df cheat description:2 outs per inning - code:D467-AD67+D461-D4A7 + code:b08e36/d2+488f6a/d2 cartridge sha256:1d38e3af9e3a6409e93f4705b68c42558f558c68f3e83ef2a40e46cf560b26cc name:F-1 ROC - Race of Champions (USA) cheat description:No damage when hitting walls - code:C9A8-07DD + code:07a5bf/c5 cheat description:No damage when hitting other cars - code:C922-0FDD + code:37d5df/c5 cheat description:Normal tires are free - code:DDEE-6F21 + code:35eaef/dd cheat description:Hi-grip tires are free - code:DDEE-6491 + code:05eae9/dd cheat description:Rain tires are free - code:DDEE-6F91 + code:35eaed/dd cheat description:2L nitro is free - code:DDED-A491 + code:85ead9/dd cheat description:3L nitro is free - code:DDED-A421 + code:85eadb/dd cheat description:4L nitro is free - code:DDED-A791 + code:85eadd/dd cheat description:Ford V-8 engine is free - code:DDEE-6721+DDED-ADF1 + code:05eaef/dd+bdead7/dd cheat description:Ilmoa V-8 engine is free - code:DDED-AD91+DDED-ADB1 + code:b5ead5/dd+bdead6/dd cheat description:Remart V-10 engine is free - code:DDED-AD21+DDED-AFF1 + code:b5ead7/dd+bdeadf/dd cheat description:Low DF rear wing is free - code:DDE3-6791 + code:05eaed/dd cheat description:High DF rear wing is free - code:DDEE-6D91+DDEE-6DB1 + code:35eae5/dd+3deae6/dd cheat description:Low DF front wing is free - code:DDE3-6D21 + code:35eae7/dd cheat description:High DF front wing is free - code:DDE3-6F21+DDE3-64F1 + code:35eaef/dd+0deaeb/dd cheat description:Special-L front wing is free - code:DDE3-6491+DDE3-64B1 + code:05eae9/dd+0deaea/dd cheat description:Small diffuser is free - code:DDE2-6421 + code:05eadb/dd cheat description:Large diffuser is free - code:DDE2-6721 + code:05eadf/dd cheat description:Special diffuser is free - code:DDE3-6D91+DDE3-6DB1 + code:35eae5/dd+3deae6/dd cheat description:Hard suspension is free - code:DDE2-6F21 + code:35eadf/dd cheat description:Active suspension is free - code:DDE2-6491+DDE2-64B1 + code:05ead9/dd+0deada/dd cheat description:Carbon brakes are free - code:DDE2-6D91 + code:35ead5/dd cheat description:Antilock brakes are free - code:DDE2-6D21+DDE2-6FF1 + code:35ead7/dd+3deadf/dd cheat description:5-speed transmission is free - code:DDEA-6491 + code:05eaa9/dd cheat description:6-speed transmission is free - code:DDEA-6421+DDEA-67F1 + code:05eaab/dd+0deaaf/dd cheat description:7-speed transmission is free - code:DDEA-6791+DDEA-67B1 + code:05eaad/dd+0deaae/dd cheat description:Type 2 chassis is free - code:DDEA-6D21+DDEA-6FF1 + code:35eaa7/dd+3deaaf/dd cheat description:Type 3 chassis is free - code:DDEA-6F91+DDEA-6FB1 + code:35eaad/dd+3deaae/dd cheat description:Start with no money instead of $500 - code:BA26-A44F + code:8bde88/ba cheat description:Start with $5,240 - code:3C26-AF4F+CB26-AF1F+D426-AF3F + code:bbde8c/ec+bbde8d/cb+bbde8f/d2 cheat description:Start with $20,600 - code:3C26-AF4F+CB26-AF1F+D626-AF3F + code:bbde8c/ec+bbde8d/cb+bbde8f/d8 cheat description:Start with $163,960 - code:3C26-AF4F+CB26-AF1F+0D26-AF3F + code:bbde8c/ec+bbde8d/cb+bbde8f/4d cheat description:Start with $327,800 - code:3C26-AF4F+CB26-AF1F+6D26-AF3F + code:bbde8c/ec+bbde8d/cb+bbde8f/8d cheat description:Start with $652,920 - code:3C26-AF4F+CB26-AF1F+EE26-AF3F + code:bbde8c/ec+bbde8d/cb+bbde8f/ee cartridge sha256:d689392884df91c2bb84b1411a96f3919b6c9cc8a583dff901a98f0d86d31c30 name:Faceball 2000 (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:89AB-D708 + code:42afbd/b5 cheat description:Only need 8 tags to win in arena mode instead of 10 (start with 2 instead of 0) - code:B9B1-6F01 + code:31ba6d/b5 cheat description:Allow 98 seconds in zone 1 bonus level - code:1061-DD52 + code:7f8765/64 cheat description:Allow 98 seconds in zone 2 bonus level - code:1069-6752 + code:0f865d/64 cheat description:Allow 98 seconds in zone 3 bonus level - code:1068-DDE3 + code:7b8bb7/64 cheat description:Allow 98 seconds in zone 4 bonus level - code:1061-A473 + code:8f8a68/64 cheat description:Allow 198 seconds in zone 5 bonus level - code:A66C-047E + code:0f89c8/a8 cheat description:Allow 198 seconds in zone 6 bonus level - code:A6B1-D45A + code:4ebb69/a8 cheat description:Allow 198 seconds in zone 7 bonus level - code:A6B0-AF7A + code:beba4c/a8 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DFB6-6461 + code:01ba8a/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D9B6-6461 + code:01ba8a/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D5B6-6461 + code:01ba8a/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBB6-6461 + code:01ba8a/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FBB6-6461 + code:01ba8a/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:74B6-6461 + code:01ba8a/32 cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:08B6-6461 + code:01ba8a/4b cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:17B6-6461 + code:01ba8a/63 cheat description:Start with 255 lives - code:EEB6-6461 + code:01ba8a/ee cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 1 tag required - code:CBB5-6406+DFB5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/df cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 5 tags required - code:CBB5-6406+D9B5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/d5 cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 20 tags required - code:CBB5-6406+F0B5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/f4 cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 30 tags required - code:CBB5-6406+F3B5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/fe cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 60 tags required - code:CBB5-6406+7AB5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/3a cheat description:Start each Cyberzone level with 90 tags required - code:CBB5-6406+9CB5-6466 + code:02b279/cb+02b27a/5c cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 1 level 2 - code:C282-0706+DFCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/df cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 1 level 3 - code:C282-0706+D4CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d2 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 1 level 4 - code:C282-0706+D7CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d3 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 1 level 5 - code:C282-0706+D0CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d4 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 1 bonus level - code:C282-0706+D9CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d5 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 level 6 - code:C282-0706+D1CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d6 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 level 7 - code:C282-0706+D5CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d7 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 level 8 - code:C282-0706+D6CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/d8 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 level 9 - code:C282-0706+DBCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/db cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 level 10 - code:C282-0706+DCCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/dc cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 2 bonus level - code:C282-0706+D8CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/db cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 level 11 - code:C282-0706+DACE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/da cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 level 12 - code:C282-0706+D2CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/dd cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 level 13 - code:C282-0706+D3CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/de cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 level 14 - code:C282-0706+DECE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/de cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 level 15 - code:C282-0706+FDCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fd cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 3 bonus level - code:C282-0706+FFCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/ff cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 level 16 - code:C282-0706+F4CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f2 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 level 17 - code:C282-0706+F7CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f3 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 level 18 - code:C282-0706+F0CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f4 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 level 19 - code:C282-0706+F9CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f5 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 level 20 - code:C282-0706+F1CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f6 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 4 bonus level - code:C282-0706+F5CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f7 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 level 21 - code:C282-0706+F6CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/f8 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 level 22 - code:C282-0706+FBCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fb cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 level 23 - code:C282-0706+FCCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fc cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 level 24 - code:C282-0706+F8CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fb cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 level 25 - code:C282-0706+FACE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fa cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 5 bonus level - code:C282-0706+F2CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fd cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 level 26 - code:C282-0706+F3CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fe cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 level 27 - code:C282-0706+FECE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/fe cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 level 28 - code:C282-0706+4DCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2d cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 level 29 - code:C282-0706+4FCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2f cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 level 30 - code:C282-0706+44CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/22 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 6 bonus level - code:C282-0706+47CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/23 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 level 31 - code:C282-0706+40CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/24 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 level 32 - code:C282-0706+49CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/25 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 level 33 - code:C282-0706+41CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/26 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 level 34 - code:C282-0706+45CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/27 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 level 35 - code:C282-0706+46CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/28 cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 7 bonus level - code:C282-0706+4BCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2b cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 36 - code:C282-0706+4CCE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2c cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 37 - code:C282-0706+48CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2b cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 38 - code:C282-0706+4ACE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2a cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 39 - code:C282-0706+42CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2d cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 40 - code:C282-0706+43CE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2e cheat description:Start Cyberzone mode on zone 8 level 41 - code:C282-0706+4ECE-0468 + code:02b1dd/cd+02cdea/2e cartridge sha256:2891f1eab285133364ecc379a5c9e1d0026d60f425f1a458d149014f386cfa50 name:Family Dog (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (except against vacuum or falls) - code:82C6-37D5 + code:85cf8f/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2A8-C7D9 + code:05a7bf/cd cheat description:Infinite Super Barks - code:C2AE-CD69 + code:31a7e6/cd cheat description:Start with 90 Super Barks - code:DB6F-17AD + code:8b85fe/db cheat description:Cheese Treats worth 10 Super Barks - code:DCA2-CDA9 + code:39a7d6/dc cheat description:Start in the Hallway - code:9DA0-CF67 + code:30af4e/5d cheat description:Start in the Living Room - code:10A0-CF67 + code:30af4e/64 cheat description:Start in the Hallway to the Kitchen - code:13A0-CF67 + code:30af4e/6e cheat description:Start in the Kitchen - code:64A0-CF67 + code:30af4e/82 cheat description:Start in the Hallway to the Backdoor - code:6AA0-CF67 + code:30af4e/8a cheat description:Start outside the Yard - code:B1A0-CF67 + code:30af4e/b6 cheat description:Start in the Kennel Interior - code:83A0-CF67 + code:30af4e/be cheat description:Start in the Kennel Exterior - code:3DA0-CF67+DFA0-CFA7 + code:30af4e/ed+38af4e/df cheat description:Start in the Woods and Trees - code:E0A0-CF67+DFA0-CFA7 + code:30af4e/e4+38af4e/df cheat description:View the ending - code:FAA0-CF67+D4A0-CFA7 + code:30af4e/fa+38af4e/d2 cartridge sha256:c92f389d25870aada3002775838ec9f69a988120c0238af885fd08d46bd94930 name:Fatal Fury (USA) cheat description:Take minimum damage - P1 - code:C2A9-D40F + code:43af59/cd cheat description:Take minimum damage - P2/CPU - code:C2A2-DF6F + code:73afde/cd cheat description:Win 1 bout to win the match instead of 2 out of 3 (disable on bonus rounds) - code:DFA5-64DF + code:07ae7b/df cheat description:10 seconds to complete bonus rounds - code:FDC7-AFAF + code:bbce3e/fd cheat description:30 seconds to complete bonus rounds - code:7DC7-AFAF + code:bbce3e/3d cheat description:45 seconds to complete bonus rounds - code:09C7-AFAF + code:bbce3e/45 cheat description:60 seconds to complete bonus rounds - code:1DC7-AFAF + code:bbce3e/6d cheat description:90 seconds to complete bonus rounds - code:BDC7-AFAF + code:bbce3e/bd cheat description:Always fight Richard Myer on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D7BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d3 cheat description:Always fight Michael Max on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D0BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d4 cheat description:Always fight Duck King on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D9BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d5 cheat description:Always fight Tung Fu Rue on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D1BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d6 cheat description:Always fight Hwa Jai on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D5BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d7 cheat description:Always fight Raiden on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+D6BC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/d8 cheat description:Always fight Billy Kane on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+DBBC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/db cheat description:Always fight Geese Howard on the West Subway - code:BAB4-6DAD+DCBC-A46D + code:3bb626/ba+83b6ca/dc cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - both players - code:F6CD-A4AF + code:8bceda/f8 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - both players - code:7DCD-A4AF + code:8bceda/3d cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - both players - code:06CD-A4AF + code:8bceda/48 cartridge sha256:a0c554d46034caef231c36dd6849828ca39703678fb7fdd15a11f292b93bcd6b name:Fatal Fury 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:6D7D-54AD + code:cb35da/8d cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD7E-7FDD + code:f734ef/dd cheat description:Timer is 2x fast - code:D47E-7FDD + code:f734ef/d2 cheat description:Timer is 3x fast - code:D77E-7FDD + code:f734ef/d3 cheat description:Computer can't win a round, except last round, game ends after 4 rounds - code:C250-7FA7 + code:f87c4e/cd cheat description:P1 is Billy Kane - code:CB85-E40F+D685-E46F+DD85-E4AF + code:83bf79/cb+83bf7a/d8+8bbf7a/dd cheat description:P1 is Axel Hawk - code:DB85-E46F+CB85-E40F+DD85-E4AF + code:83bf7a/db+83bf79/cb+8bbf7a/dd cheat description:P1 is Lawrence B - code:CB85-E40F+DD85-E4AF+DC85-E46F + code:83bf79/cb+8bbf7a/dd+83bf7a/dc cheat description:P1 is Wolfgang Krauser - code:D885-E46F+CB85-E40F+DD85-E4AF + code:83bf7a/db+83bf79/cb+8bbf7a/dd cheat description:P2 is Billy Kane - code:CB82-E40F+D682-E46F+DD82-E4AF + code:83bfd9/cb+83bfda/d8+8bbfda/dd cheat description:P2 is Axel Hawk - code:DB82-E46F+CB82-E40F+DD82-E4AF + code:83bfda/db+83bfd9/cb+8bbfda/dd cheat description:P2 is Lawrence B - code:DC82-E46F+CB82-E40F+DD82-E4AF + code:83bfda/dc+83bfd9/cb+8bbfda/dd cheat description:P2 is Wolfgang Krauser - code:D882-E46F+CB82-E40F+DD82-E4AF + code:83bfda/db+83bfd9/cb+8bbfda/dd cheat description:Super vertical jump - P1 - code:FDD5-EFCB + code:b2df7f/fd cheat description:Bogus vertical jump - P1 - code:EED5-EFCB + code:b2df7f/ee cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:7D78-770D + code:c334bd/3d cartridge sha256:410e90db3d38507ccc85ad3bca6b27a080123fd5160e82b5de4d914d4b6d6e61 name:Fatal Fury Special (USA) cheat description:Instant win - P1 - code:7FF9FD:00 + code:7ff9fd/00 cheat description:Almost infinite time - code:7FFCC1:63 + code:7ffcc1/63 cheat description:Win 1 round to win the match - P1 - code:7FFC49:02 + code:7ffc49/02 cheat description:Play as Ryo Sakazaki - code:7FF703:0F + code:7ff703/0f cartridge sha256:b9594d588816ae570ea5fea14577ed47de4db9ac9a40a116c84e0ad7a2ce58f8 name:Fighter's History (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0A56:C8 + code:7e0a56/c8 cheat description:Enable Clown and Karnov - code:7E09A4:01 + code:7e09a4/01 cheat description:Enable sound test - code:3CDE-E469+4DDE-E409+CBDE-E4D9 + code:81d7ea/ec+81d7e9/2d+85d7eb/cb cartridge sha256:f71817f55febd32fd1dce617a326a77b6b062dd0d4058ecd289f64af1b7a1d05 name:Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite cure potions - code:83AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/be cheat description:Use a cure, gain a cure - code:E3AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/ee cheat description:Gain 198 cures after one is used - code:03AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/4e cheat description:Cure restores life points to maximum - code:DDA4-D40D + code:43a729/dd cheat description:Infinite life points - can make enemies invincible - code:C96B-64AB + code:0a8eba/c5 cheat description:Infinite ninja stars - code:C9B8-D4A6 + code:4ab3ba/c5 cheat description:Infinite bombs in battle - code:C9B0-D7A6 + code:4ab34e/c5 cheat description:Quick level gain - code:6D2A-DD8D + code:7fd7a6/8d cheat description:Infinite Cure potions - code:7E0E9E:10+7E0E9F:62 + code:7e0e9e/10+7e0e9f/62 cheat description:Infinite Heal potions - code:7E0EA0:10+7E0EA1:62 + code:7e0ea0/10+7e0ea1/62 cheat description:Infinite Seeds - code:7E0EA2:10+7E0EA3:62 + code:7e0ea2/10+7e0ea3/62 cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7E0E86:97 + code:7e0e86/97 cheat description:Have most items - code:7E0EA6:FE+7E0EA7:7F + code:7e0ea6/fe+7e0ea7/7f cheat description:Have all weapons - code:7E1032:FF+7E1033:FF + code:7e1032/ff+7e1033/ff cheat description:Have all spells - code:7E1038:FF+7E1039:FF + code:7e1038/ff+7e1039/ff cheat description:Cure potions restore full health - code:00A040:44+15C049:D5 + code:00a040/44+15c049/d5 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 1 - code:7E0E9F:63 + code:7e0e9f/63 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 2 - code:7E0E91:63 + code:7e0e91/63 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 3 - code:7E0E93:63 + code:7e0e93/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 HP - code:7E1014:0F+7E1015:27 + code:7e1014/0f+7e1015/27 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 maximum HP - code:7E1016:0F+7E1017:27 + code:7e1016/0f+7e1017/27 cheat description:Character 1 - max level - code:7E1010:29 + code:7e1010/29 cheat description:Character 1 - max experience - code:7E1011:7F+7E1012:96+7E1013:98 + code:7e1011/7f+7e1012/96+7e1013/98 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 White MP - code:7E1018:63 + code:7e1018/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum White MP - code:7E101B:63 + code:7e101b/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 Black MP - code:7E1019:63 + code:7e1019/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum Black MP - code:7E101C:63 + code:7e101c/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 Wizard MP - code:7E101A:63 + code:7e101a/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum Wizard MP - code:7E101D:63 + code:7e101d/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite Bombs - code:7E1030:63 + code:7e1030/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Sword level 3 - code:7E1031:22 + code:7e1031/22 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Axe level 3 - code:7E1031:25 + code:7e1031/25 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Claw level 3 - code:7E1031:28 + code:7e1031/28 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Bombs level 3 - code:7E1031:2B + code:7e1031/2b cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 HP - code:7E1096:0F+7E1097:27 + code:7e1096/0f+7e1097/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 White MP - code:7E1098:63 + code:7e1098/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum White MP - code:7E109B:63 + code:7e109b/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 Black MP - code:7E1099:63 + code:7e1099/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum Black MP - code:7E109C:63 + code:7e109c/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 Wizard MP - code:7E109A:63 + code:7e109a/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum Wizard MP - code:7E109D:63 + code:7e109d/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite weapon - code:7E10B0:62 + code:7e10b0/62 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Sword level 3 - code:7E10B1:22 + code:7e10b1/22 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Axe level 3 - code:7E10B1:25 + code:7e10b1/25 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Claw level 3 - code:7E10B1:28 + code:7e10b1/28 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Bombs level 3 - code:7E10B1:2B + code:7e10b1/2b cheat description:Character 2 - Have Bow And Arrows - code:7E10B1:2D + code:7e10b1/2d cheat description:Character 2 - Have Throwing Star - code:7E10B1:2E + code:7e10b1/2e cartridge sha256:6151389f33ce2e53db3cd99592440c0020f5f4668f581ce3bd615bc92077f255 name:Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (USA) cheat description:Infinite life points (can make enemies invincible, disable to defeat them) - code:C96B-64AB + code:0a8eba/c5 cheat description:Infinite cure potions - code:83AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/be cheat description:Infinite ninja stars - code:C9B8-D4A6 + code:4ab3ba/c5 cheat description:Infinite bombs in battle - code:C9B0-D7A6 + code:4ab34e/c5 cheat description:Use a cure, gain a cure - code:E3AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/ee cheat description:Gain 198 cures after one is used - code:03AF-D40D + code:43a7f9/4e cheat description:Cure restores life points to maximum - code:DDA4-D40D + code:43a729/dd cheat description:Quick level gain - code:6D2A-DD8D + code:7fd7a6/8d cheat description:Infinite Cure potions - code:7E0E9E:10+7E0E9F:62 + code:7e0e9e/10+7e0e9f/62 cheat description:Infinite Heal potions - code:7E0EA0:10+7E0EA1:62 + code:7e0ea0/10+7e0ea1/62 cheat description:Infinite Seeds - code:7E0EA2:10+7E0EA3:62 + code:7e0ea2/10+7e0ea3/62 cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7E0E86:97 + code:7e0e86/97 cheat description:Have most items - code:7E0EA6:FE+7E0EA7:7F + code:7e0ea6/fe+7e0ea7/7f cheat description:Have all weapons - code:7E1032:FF+7E1033:FF + code:7e1032/ff+7e1033/ff cheat description:Have all spells - code:7E1038:FF+7E1039:FF + code:7e1038/ff+7e1039/ff cheat description:Cure potions restore full health - code:00A040:44+15C049:D5 + code:00a040/44+15c049/d5 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 1 - code:7E0E9F:63 + code:7e0e9f/63 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 2 - code:7E0E91:63 + code:7e0e91/63 cheat description:99 items in row 1 slot 3 - code:7E0E93:63 + code:7e0e93/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 HP - code:7E1014:0F+7E1015:27 + code:7e1014/0f+7e1015/27 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 maximum HP - code:7E1016:0F+7E1017:27 + code:7e1016/0f+7e1017/27 cheat description:Character 1 - max level - code:7E1010:29 + code:7e1010/29 cheat description:Character 1 - max experience - code:7E1011:7F+7E1012:96+7E1013:98 + code:7e1011/7f+7e1012/96+7e1013/98 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 White MP - code:7E1018:63 + code:7e1018/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum White MP - code:7E101B:63 + code:7e101b/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 Black MP - code:7E1019:63 + code:7e1019/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum Black MP - code:7E101C:63 + code:7e101c/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 Wizard MP - code:7E101A:63 + code:7e101a/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 maximum Wizard MP - code:7E101D:63 + code:7e101d/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Infinite Bombs - code:7E1030:63 + code:7e1030/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Sword level 3 - code:7E1031:22 + code:7e1031/22 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Axe level 3 - code:7E1031:25 + code:7e1031/25 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Claw level 3 - code:7E1031:28 + code:7e1031/28 cheat description:Character 1 - Have Bombs level 3 - code:7E1031:2B + code:7e1031/2b cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 HP - code:7E1096:0F+7E1097:27 + code:7e1096/0f+7e1097/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 White MP - code:7E1098:63 + code:7e1098/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum White MP - code:7E109B:63 + code:7e109b/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 Black MP - code:7E1099:63 + code:7e1099/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum Black MP - code:7E109C:63 + code:7e109c/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 Wizard MP - code:7E109A:63 + code:7e109a/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 maximum Wizard MP - code:7E109D:63 + code:7e109d/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Infinite weapon - code:7E10B0:62 + code:7e10b0/62 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Sword level 3 - code:7E10B1:22 + code:7e10b1/22 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Axe level 3 - code:7E10B1:25 + code:7e10b1/25 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Claw level 3 - code:7E10B1:28 + code:7e10b1/28 cheat description:Character 2 - Have Bombs level 3 - code:7E10B1:2B + code:7e10b1/2b cheat description:Character 2 - Have Bow And Arrows - code:7E10B1:2D + code:7e10b1/2d cheat description:Character 2 - Have Throwing Star - code:7E10B1:2E + code:7e10b1/2e cartridge sha256:414bacc05a18a6137c0de060b4094ab6d1b75105342b0bb36a42e45d945a0e4d name:Final Fantasy II (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Almost infinite HP (can make big and sometimes normal monsters invincible, disable to defeat them) - code:82AE-6F63 + code:33aaee/bd cheat description:Infinite MP during battles, doesn't work on twin attacks - code:8267-0D62 + code:338536/bd cheat description:Infinite items outside of battle except for the Whistle - code:C3CE-6F09 + code:31c6ed/ce cheat description:Infinite Whistles - code:C3C4-A4D0 + code:85c22b/ce cheat description:Money doesn't decrease if you run away from a battle - code:C262-DF03+C262-D763 + code:738bdd/cd+438bde/cd cheat description:Money doesn't decrease in shops - code:C2AD-AD69+C3AD-AFA9 + code:b1a6d6/cd+b9a6de/ce cheat description:No random battles - code:DDD6-B28B + code:fede86/dd cheat description:No random battles (alt) - code:1D60-0704 + code:00894d/6d cheat description:Always fight the rarest enemy in that area - code:DA6E-6FD4 + code:348aef/da cheat description:Always get a treasure from each enemy defeated - code:6D3E-DD0E + code:73ebe5/8d cheat description:When treasures are awarded after battle, receive 5 instead of 1 - code:D926-D4D9 + code:45d78b/d5 cheat description:When arrows are awarded after battle, receive 50 instead of 10 - code:7425-D769 + code:41d77e/32 cheat description:When treasures are awarded after battle, receive the rarest - code:D737-0F0E + code:33e93d/d3 cheat description:Sumon the Big Chocobo anywhere by using a Carrot instead of the Whistle - code:38C4-AF00 + code:b1c22d/eb cheat description:The quantity of items don't decrease when selling them - code:82A9-6FD1 + code:35aa5f/bd cheat description:No music while traveling or in a town - code:1D67-A7A4 + code:888a3e/6d cheat description:Gunslinger code - code:00CE-6D69 + code:31c6e6/44 cheat description:Save anywhere - code:CBBA-07A4 + code:08b9ae/cb cheat description:Get at least 150 GP after each battle - code:1B35-0D6E+B135-0DAE+3C35-0FDE + code:33e976/6b+3be976/b6+37e97f/ec cheat description:Get at least 255 GP after each battle - code:3335-076E + code:03e97e/ee cheat description:Get at least 65,536 GP after each battle - code:3336-0FAE + code:3be98e/ee cheat description:Get 99 of items that you are given or find in a pot, treasure chest, ect - code:17BF-D404 + code:40bbf9/63 cheat description:Get 99 arrows when you find them in a pot or treasure chest - code:17B4-D4D4 + code:44bb2b/63 cheat description:Cure2 is ultra strong - code:A6B7-A4E2 + code:8bb63b/a8 cheat description:Cure2 restores HP to all members in the party during battle - code:0DB7-A482 + code:8fb63a/4d cheat description:Cure2 restores all HP/MP during battle - code:F1B7-A752 + code:8fb63d/f6 cheat description:Fire1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B0-D7E3 + code:4bbb4f/a8 cheat description:Fire1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB0-D783 + code:4fbb4e/af cheat description:Ice1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B1-DD53 + code:7fbb65/a8 cheat description:Ice1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB1-DD73 + code:7fbb64/af cheat description:Lit1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B5-DDE3 + code:7bbb77/a8 cheat description:Lit1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB5-DD83 + code:7fbb76/af cheat description:Automatically win battles (no EXP or gold gained) - code:7E1801:02+7E1800:08 + code:7e1801/02+7e1800/08 cheat description:65,000+ exp points after each battle - code:7E3592:FF+7E359E:FF + code:7e3592/ff+7e359e/ff cheat description:Character 1 - Max HP - code:7E1047:0F+7E1048:27+7E1049:0F+7E104A:27 + code:7e1047/0f+7e1048/27+7e1049/0f+7e104a/27 cheat description:Character 1 - Max MP - code:7E104B:0F+7E104C:27+7E104D:0F+7E104E:27 + code:7e104b/0f+7e104c/27+7e104d/0f+7e104e/27 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Agility - code:7E1050:63+7E1055:63 + code:7e1050/63+7e1055/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Strength - code:7E104F:63+7E1054:63 + code:7e104f/63+7e1054/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Vitality - code:7E1051:63+7E1056:63 + code:7e1051/63+7e1056/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Will - code:7E1053:63+7E1058:63 + code:7e1053/63+7e1058/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1052:63+7E1057:63 + code:7e1052/63+7e1057/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max HP - code:7E10C7:0F+7E10C8:27+7E10C9:0F+7E10CA:27 + code:7e10c7/0f+7e10c8/27+7e10c9/0f+7e10ca/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Max MP - code:7E10CB:0F+7E10CC:27+7E10CD:0F+7E10CE:27 + code:7e10cb/0f+7e10cc/27+7e10cd/0f+7e10ce/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Agility - code:7E10D0:63+7E10D5:63 + code:7e10d0/63+7e10d5/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Strength - code:7E10CF:63+7E10D4:63 + code:7e10cf/63+7e10d4/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Vitality - code:7E10D1:63+7E10D6:63 + code:7e10d1/63+7e10d6/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Will - code:7E10D3:63+7E10D8:63 + code:7e10d3/63+7e10d8/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Wisdom - code:7E10D2:63+7E10D7:63 + code:7e10d2/63+7e10d7/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max HP - code:7E1007:0F+7E1008:27+7E1009:0F+7E100A:27 + code:7e1007/0f+7e1008/27+7e1009/0f+7e100a/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Max MP - code:7E100B:0F+7E100C:27+7E100D:0F+7E100E:27 + code:7e100b/0f+7e100c/27+7e100d/0f+7e100e/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Agility - code:7E1010:63+7E1015:63 + code:7e1010/63+7e1015/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Strength - code:7E100F:63+7E1014:63 + code:7e100f/63+7e1014/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Vitality - code:7E1011:63+7E1016:63 + code:7e1011/63+7e1016/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Will - code:7E1013:63+7E1018:63 + code:7e1013/63+7e1018/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1012:63+7E1017:63 + code:7e1012/63+7e1017/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max HP - code:7E1107:0F+7E1108:27+7E1109:0F+7E110A:27 + code:7e1107/0f+7e1108/27+7e1109/0f+7e110a/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Max MP - code:7E110B:0F+7E110C:27+7E110D:0F+7E110E:27 + code:7e110b/0f+7e110c/27+7e110d/0f+7e110e/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Agility - code:7E1110:63+7E1115:63 + code:7e1110/63+7e1115/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Strength - code:7E110F:63+7E1114:63 + code:7e110f/63+7e1114/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Vitality - code:7E1111:63+7E1116:63 + code:7e1111/63+7e1116/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Will - code:7E1113:63+7E1118:63 + code:7e1113/63+7e1118/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1112:63+7E1117:63 + code:7e1112/63+7e1117/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max HP - code:7E1087:0F+7E1088:27+7E1089:0F+7E108A:27 + code:7e1087/0f+7e1088/27+7e1089/0f+7e108a/27 cheat description:Character 5 - Max MP - code:7E108B:0F+7E108C:27+7E108D:0F+7E108E:27 + code:7e108b/0f+7e108c/27+7e108d/0f+7e108e/27 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Agility - code:7E1090:63+7E1095:63 + code:7e1090/63+7e1095/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Strength - code:7E108F:63+7E1094:63 + code:7e108f/63+7e1094/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Vitality - code:7E1091:63+7E1096:63 + code:7e1091/63+7e1096/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Will - code:7E1093:63+7E1098:63 + code:7e1093/63+7e1098/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1092:63+7E1097:63 + code:7e1092/63+7e1097/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 1 - code:7E1441:63 + code:7e1441/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 2 - code:7E1443:63 + code:7e1443/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 3 - code:7E1445:63 + code:7e1445/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 4 - code:7E1447:63 + code:7e1447/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 5 - code:7E1449:63 + code:7e1449/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 6 - code:7E144B:63 + code:7e144b/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 7 - code:7E144D:63 + code:7e144d/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 8 - code:7E144F:63 + code:7e144f/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 9 - code:7E1451:63 + code:7e1451/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 10 - code:7E1453:63 + code:7e1453/63 cheat description:Have Cure3 in slot 1 - code:7E1440:D0 + code:7e1440/d0 cheat description:Have Cure3 in slot 2 - code:7E1442:D0 + code:7e1442/d0 cheat description:Have Ether2 in slot 3 - code:7E1444:D2 + code:7e1444/d2 cheat description:Have Elixer in slot 4 - code:7E1446:D3 + code:7e1446/d3 cheat description:Have Life in slot 5 - code:7E1448:D4 + code:7e1448/d4 cheat description:Have Cabin in slot 6 - code:7E144A:E3 + code:7e144a/e3 cheat description:Have Spoon in slot 7 - code:7E144C:3E + code:7e144c/3e cheat description:Have Adamant Armor in slot 8 - code:7E144E:9A + code:7e144e/9a cartridge sha256:680535dc1c4196c53b40dc9c2c9bc159a77802ab8d4b474bef5dc0281c15ad06 name:Final Fantasy II (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite HP (can make big and sometimes normal monsters invincible, disable to defeat them) - code:82A3-6F63 + code:33aaee/bd cheat description:Infinite MP during battles, doesn't work on twin attacks - code:8267-0D62 + code:338536/bd cheat description:Infinite items outside of battle except for the Whistle - code:C3CE-6F09 + code:31c6ed/ce cheat description:Infinite Whistles - code:C3C4-A4D0 + code:85c22b/ce cheat description:Money doesn't decrease if you run away from a battle - code:C262-DF03+C262-D763 + code:738bdd/cd+438bde/cd cheat description:Money doesn't decrease in shops - code:C2AD-AD69+C3AD-AFA9 + code:b1a6d6/cd+b9a6de/ce cheat description:No random battles - code:DDD6-B28B + code:fede86/dd cheat description:No random battles (alt) - code:1D60-0704 + code:00894d/6d cheat description:Always fight the rarest enemy in that area - code:DA6E-6FD4 + code:348aef/da cheat description:Always get a treasure from each enemy defeated - code:6D32-D7DE + code:47ebdf/8d cheat description:When treasures are awarded after battle, receive 5 instead of 1 - code:D926-D4D9 + code:45d78b/d5 cheat description:When arrows are awarded after battle, receive 50 instead of 10 - code:7425-D769 + code:41d77e/32 cheat description:When treasures are awarded after battle, receive the rarest - code:D734-0DDE + code:37e927/d3 cheat description:Sumon the Big Chocobo anywhere by using a Carrot instead of the Whistle - code:38C4-AF00 + code:b1c22d/eb cheat description:The quantity of items don't decrease when selling them - code:82A9-6FD1 + code:35aa5f/bd cheat description:No music while traveling or in a town - code:1D67-A7A4 + code:888a3e/6d cheat description:Gunslinger code - code:00CE-6D69 + code:31c6e6/44 cheat description:Save anywhere - code:CBBA-07A4 + code:08b9ae/cb cheat description:Get at least 150 GP after each battle - code:1B39-070E+B139-076E+3C39-07AE + code:03e95d/6b+03e95e/b6+0be95e/ec cheat description:Get at least 255 GP after each battle - code:1B39-070E+EE39-076E+3C39-07AE + code:03e95d/6b+03e95e/ee+0be95e/ec cheat description:Get at least 65,536 GP after each battle - code:3335-0D6E + code:33e976/ee cheat description:Get 99 of items that you are given or find in a pot, treasure chest, ect - code:17BF-D404 + code:40bbf9/63 cheat description:Get 99 arrows when you find them in a pot or treasure chest - code:17B4-D4D4 + code:44bb2b/63 cheat description:Cure2 is ultra strong - code:A6B7-A4E2 + code:8bb63b/a8 cheat description:Cure2 restores HP to all members in the party during battle - code:0DB7-A482 + code:8fb63a/4d cheat description:Cure2 restores all HP/MP during battle - code:F1B7-A752 + code:8fb63d/f6 cheat description:Fire1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B0-D7E3 + code:4bbb4f/a8 cheat description:Fire1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB0-D783 + code:4fbb4e/af cheat description:Ice1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B1-DD53 + code:7fbb65/a8 cheat description:Ice1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB1-DD73 + code:7fbb64/af cheat description:Lit1 spell is ultra strong - code:A6B5-DDE3 + code:7bbb77/a8 cheat description:Lit1 spell hits every enemy - code:AFB5-DD83 + code:7fbb76/af cheat description:Infinite HP - code:03CAE6:BD + code:03cae6/bd cheat description:Automatically win battles (no EXP or gold gained) - code:7E1801:02+7E1800:08 + code:7e1801/02+7e1800/08 cheat description:65,000+ exp points after each battle - code:7E3592:FF+7E359E:FF + code:7e3592/ff+7e359e/ff cheat description:Character 1 - Max HP - code:7E1047:0F+7E1048:27+7E1049:0F+7E104A:27 + code:7e1047/0f+7e1048/27+7e1049/0f+7e104a/27 cheat description:Character 1 - Max MP - code:7E104B:0F+7E104C:27+7E104D:0F+7E104E:27 + code:7e104b/0f+7e104c/27+7e104d/0f+7e104e/27 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Agility - code:7E1050:63+7E1055:63 + code:7e1050/63+7e1055/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Strength - code:7E104F:63+7E1054:63 + code:7e104f/63+7e1054/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Vitality - code:7E1051:63+7E1056:63 + code:7e1051/63+7e1056/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Will - code:7E1053:63+7E1058:63 + code:7e1053/63+7e1058/63 cheat description:Character 1 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1052:63+7E1057:63 + code:7e1052/63+7e1057/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max HP - code:7E10C7:0F+7E10C8:27+7E10C9:0F+7E10CA:27 + code:7e10c7/0f+7e10c8/27+7e10c9/0f+7e10ca/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Max MP - code:7E10CB:0F+7E10CC:27+7E10CD:0F+7E10CE:27 + code:7e10cb/0f+7e10cc/27+7e10cd/0f+7e10ce/27 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Agility - code:7E10D0:63+7E10D5:63 + code:7e10d0/63+7e10d5/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Strength - code:7E10CF:63+7E10D4:63 + code:7e10cf/63+7e10d4/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Vitality - code:7E10D1:63+7E10D6:63 + code:7e10d1/63+7e10d6/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Will - code:7E10D3:63+7E10D8:63 + code:7e10d3/63+7e10d8/63 cheat description:Character 2 - Max Wisdom - code:7E10D2:63+7E10D7:63 + code:7e10d2/63+7e10d7/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max HP - code:7E1007:0F+7E1008:27+7E1009:0F+7E100A:27 + code:7e1007/0f+7e1008/27+7e1009/0f+7e100a/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Max MP - code:7E100B:0F+7E100C:27+7E100D:0F+7E100E:27 + code:7e100b/0f+7e100c/27+7e100d/0f+7e100e/27 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Agility - code:7E1010:63+7E1015:63 + code:7e1010/63+7e1015/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Strength - code:7E100F:63+7E1014:63 + code:7e100f/63+7e1014/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Vitality - code:7E1011:63+7E1016:63 + code:7e1011/63+7e1016/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Will - code:7E1013:63+7E1018:63 + code:7e1013/63+7e1018/63 cheat description:Character 3 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1012:63+7E1017:63 + code:7e1012/63+7e1017/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max HP - code:7E1107:0F+7E1108:27+7E1109:0F+7E110A:27 + code:7e1107/0f+7e1108/27+7e1109/0f+7e110a/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Max MP - code:7E110B:0F+7E110C:27+7E110D:0F+7E110E:27 + code:7e110b/0f+7e110c/27+7e110d/0f+7e110e/27 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Agility - code:7E1110:63+7E1115:63 + code:7e1110/63+7e1115/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Strength - code:7E110F:63+7E1114:63 + code:7e110f/63+7e1114/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Vitality - code:7E1111:63+7E1116:63 + code:7e1111/63+7e1116/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Will - code:7E1113:63+7E1118:63 + code:7e1113/63+7e1118/63 cheat description:Character 4 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1112:63+7E1117:63 + code:7e1112/63+7e1117/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max HP - code:7E1087:0F+7E1088:27+7E1089:0F+7E108A:27 + code:7e1087/0f+7e1088/27+7e1089/0f+7e108a/27 cheat description:Character 5 - Max MP - code:7E108B:0F+7E108C:27+7E108D:0F+7E108E:27 + code:7e108b/0f+7e108c/27+7e108d/0f+7e108e/27 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Agility - code:7E1090:63+7E1095:63 + code:7e1090/63+7e1095/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Strength - code:7E108F:63+7E1094:63 + code:7e108f/63+7e1094/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Vitality - code:7E1091:63+7E1096:63 + code:7e1091/63+7e1096/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Will - code:7E1093:63+7E1098:63 + code:7e1093/63+7e1098/63 cheat description:Character 5 - Max Wisdom - code:7E1092:63+7E1097:63 + code:7e1092/63+7e1097/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 1 - code:7E1441:63 + code:7e1441/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 2 - code:7E1443:63 + code:7e1443/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 3 - code:7E1445:63 + code:7e1445/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 4 - code:7E1447:63 + code:7e1447/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 5 - code:7E1449:63 + code:7e1449/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 6 - code:7E144B:63 + code:7e144b/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 7 - code:7E144D:63 + code:7e144d/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 8 - code:7E144F:63 + code:7e144f/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 9 - code:7E1451:63 + code:7e1451/63 cheat description:Have 99 of slot 10 - code:7E1453:63 + code:7e1453/63 cheat description:Have Cure3 in slot 1 - code:7E1440:D0 + code:7e1440/d0 cheat description:Have Cure3 in slot 2 - code:7E1442:D0 + code:7e1442/d0 cheat description:Have Ether2 in slot 3 - code:7E1444:D2 + code:7e1444/d2 cheat description:Have Elixer in slot 4 - code:7E1446:D3 + code:7e1446/d3 cheat description:Have Life in slot 5 - code:7E1448:D4 + code:7e1448/d4 cheat description:Have Cabin in slot 6 - code:7E144A:E3 + code:7e144a/e3 cheat description:Have Spoon in slot 7 - code:7E144C:3E + code:7e144c/3e cheat description:Have Adamant Armor in slot 8 - code:7E144E:9A + code:7e144e/9a cartridge sha256:10eccc5d2fab81346dd759f6be478dcb682eef981e8d3d662da176e1f9a996bc name:Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Party has almost max HP and MP - code:EEDB-EDA8 + code:badfb6/ee cheat description:Activate Terra's Morph command - code:DAF2-9A58 + code:6efdd9/da cheat description:Infinite Morph time out of battle - code:EEFE-F288 + code:feffe6/ee cheat description:Infinite Morph time in battle - code:EE77-2A58 + code:6e3f39/ee cheat description:All items in shops are free (disable to sell items) - code:108C-EF03+108C-E4A3 + code:b3bbcd/64+8bbbca/64 cheat description:Infinite item use - code:3CB8-5DAE + code:fbb9b6/ec cheat description:Infinite item use (alt) - code:3CBC-576E + code:c3b9ce/ec cheat description:Protect from all status ailments - code:3513-5147+E613-5117 + code:d86de8/e7+d86de9/e8 cheat description:Learn all spells after one battle - code:8D17-54A6 + code:ca613a/bd cheat description:Earn 65,000+ exp points after each battle - code:0793-54D8 + code:c65deb/43 cheat description:Earn tons of EXP after a battle (level 99 takes two battles) - code:0493-54D8 + code:c65deb/42 cheat description:Auto cast Float, Regen, Haste, Shell, Safe and Rflect - code:3813-51C7 + code:d06deb/eb cheat description:Remove curse from Cursed Shield after only 1 battle - code:DD1D-7D66 + code:f260d6/dd cheat description:Steal command always gets the more rare item an enemy has - code:DD72-57AC + code:cb31de/dd cheat description:Mog never stumbles when he dances - code:DDFC-ED0B + code:b2ffc5/dd cheat description:Party has Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effect - code:AADC-EF08 + code:b2dfcd/aa cheat description:Party has Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effect (alt) - code:AADC-EDA8 + code:badfc6/aa cheat description:Party has Offering effect - code:FC47-570C+3C47-576C + code:c3213d/fc+c3213e/ec cheat description:Party has Merit Award effect - code:DDB9-746E + code:c3b85a/dd cheat description:Party has Economizer effect - code:DD97-5FDA+DD90-EFDB + code:f6593f/dd+b65f4f/dd cheat description:Offering gives character instant kill attacks - code:7EF4-8F0B + code:f2fe2d/3e cheat description:Enable all characters (once you are able to switch) - code:EEF2-BE88+EEF2-BEE8 + code:fefeda/ee+fafedb/ee cheat description:Have 94 of all items when arrange is used - code:CB48-8462+6C48-87D2+CE44-E7A2+2347-ED62 + code:c326ba/cb+c726bf/8c+8b272e/ce+b32736/de cheat description:Have all Blitz's - code:EEF4-9378 + code:7efd28/ee cheat description:Have all Dance's - code:EEF0-9E78 + code:7efd48/ee cheat description:Have all Lore's - code:EEF4-9358+EEF4-9388+EEF4-93E8 + code:7efd29/ee+7efd2a/ee+7afd2b/ee cheat description:Have all SwdTech's - code:EEFE-F2E8 + code:faffe7/ee cheat description:Have all Espers - code:EEF1-B35C+EEF1-B38C+EEF1-B3EC+EEF1-BE7C + code:fff269/ee+fff26a/ee+fbf26b/ee+fff268/ee cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 HP - code:DD7E-2E7C+DD7E-2E5C + code:7f33e8/dd+7f33e9/dd cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 HP - code:DD7E-2E8C+DD7E-2EEC + code:7f33ea/dd+7b33eb/dd cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-FA78+DD7D-FA58 + code:ee3fd8/dd+ee3fd9/dd cheat description:Enemy 4 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-FA88+DD7D-FAE8 + code:ee3fda/dd+ea3fdb/dd cheat description:Enemy 5 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-F278+DD7D-F258 + code:fe3fd4/dd+fe3fd5/dd cheat description:Enemy 6 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-F288+DD7D-F2E8 + code:fe3fd6/dd+fa3fd7/dd cheat description:Faster up/down movement on world map - code:4DFB-EB88+3DF3-E6E8 + code:aeffbe/2d+aaffe3/ed cheat description:Faster left/right movement on world map - code:4DFE-8C88+3DF0-EC78 + code:fefee2/2d+beff40/ed cheat description:Save anywhere - code:6DDD-BA56 + code:eed2d9/8d cheat description:Start Terra with Man-eater equipped - code:D15C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/d6 cheat description:Start Terra with Excalibur equipped - code:F65C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/f8 cheat description:Start Terra with Illumina equipped - code:FC5C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/fc cheat description:Start Terra with Atma equipped - code:FA5C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/fa cheat description:Start Terra with Tempest equipped - code:435C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/2e cheat description:Start Terra with Blizzard equipped - code:D35C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/de cheat description:Start Terra with Enhancer equipped - code:F75C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/f3 cheat description:Start Terra with Mithril shield equipped - code:9A58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/5a cheat description:Start Terra with Gold shield equipped - code:9258-7675 + code:ed7cb0/5d cheat description:Start Terra with Ice shield equipped - code:1F58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/6f cheat description:Start Terra with Fire shield equipped - code:1D58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/6d cheat description:Start Terra with Hairband equipped - code:1C58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/6c cheat description:Start Terra with Leather hat equipped - code:1B58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/6b cheat description:Start Terra with Circlet equipped - code:5C58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/7c cheat description:Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped - code:5B58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/7b cheat description:Start Terra with Red cap equipped - code:5658-7655 + code:ed7cb1/78 cheat description:Start Terra with Silk robe equipped - code:6658-7685 + code:ed7cb2/88 cheat description:Start Terra with Mithril vest equipped - code:6B58-7685 + code:ed7cb2/8b cheat description:Start Terra with White dress equipped - code:6858-7685 + code:ed7cb2/8b cheat description:Start Terra with Genji armor equipped - code:BC58-7685 + code:ed7cb2/bc cheat description:Start Terra with Force armor equipped - code:B058-7685 + code:ed7cb2/b4 cheat description:Party has Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effect (alt 2) - code:7E11DF:22 + code:7e11df/22 cheat description:Have 99 Sprint Shoes in slot 10 - code:7E1872:E6+7E1972:63 + code:7e1872/e6+7e1972/63 cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3BFC:00+7E3BFD:00 + code:7e3bfc/00+7e3bfd/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3BFE:00+7E3BFF:00 + code:7e3bfe/00+7e3bff/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C00:00+7E3C01:00 + code:7e3c00/00+7e3c01/00 cheat description:Enemy 4 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C02:00+7E3C03:00 + code:7e3c02/00+7e3c03/00 cheat description:Enemy 5 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C04:00+7E3C05:00 + code:7e3c04/00+7e3c05/00 cheat description:Enemy 6 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C06:00+7E3C07:00 + code:7e3c06/00+7e3c07/00 cheat description:Save anywhere (alt) - code:7E0201:80 + code:7e0201/80 cheat description:Have all Rage's - code:7E1D35:FF+7E1D36:FF+7E1D37:FF+7E1D3F:FF+7E1D38:FF+7E1D40:FF+7E1D39:FF+7E1D41:FF+7E1D3A:FF+7E1D49:FF+7E1D42:FF+7E1D3B:FF+7E1D4A:FF+7E1D43:FF+7E1D3C:FF+7E1D4B:FF+7E1D44:FF+7E1D3D:FF+7E1D45:FF+7E1D3E:FF+7E1D46:FF+7E1D47:FF+7E1D48:FF+7E1D2C:FF+7E1D2D:FF+7E1D2E:FF+7E1D2F:FF+7E1D30:FF+7E1D31:FF+7E1D32:FF+7E1D33:FF+7E1D34:FF + code:7e1d35/ff+7e1d36/ff+7e1d37/ff+7e1d3f/ff+7e1d38/ff+7e1d40/ff+7e1d39/ff+7e1d41/ff+7e1d3a/ff+7e1d49/ff+7e1d42/ff+7e1d3b/ff+7e1d4a/ff+7e1d43/ff+7e1d3c/ff+7e1d4b/ff+7e1d44/ff+7e1d3d/ff+7e1d45/ff+7e1d3e/ff+7e1d46/ff+7e1d47/ff+7e1d48/ff+7e1d2c/ff+7e1d2d/ff+7e1d2e/ff+7e1d2f/ff+7e1d30/ff+7e1d31/ff+7e1d32/ff+7e1d33/ff+7e1d34/ff cheat description:Celes - Level 99 - code:7E16E6:63 + code:7e16e6/63 cheat description:Celes - 9999 HP - code:7E16E7:0F+7E16E8:27 + code:7e16e7/0f+7e16e8/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 Max HP - code:7E16E9:0F+7E16EA:27 + code:7e16e9/0f+7e16ea/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 MP - code:7E16EB:0F+7E16EC:27 + code:7e16eb/0f+7e16ec/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16ED:0F+7E16EE:27 + code:7e16ed/0f+7e16ee/27 cheat description:Celes - No Ailments - code:7E16F2:00 + code:7e16f2/00 cheat description:Celes - Float always on - code:7E16F3:FF + code:7e16f3/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Vigor - code:7E16F8:FF + code:7e16f8/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Speed - code:7E16F9:FF + code:7e16f9/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Stamina - code:7E16FA:FF + code:7e16fa/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16FB:FF + code:7e16fb/ff cheat description:Cyan - Level 99 - code:7E1652:63 + code:7e1652/63 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 HP - code:7E1653:0F+7E1654:27 + code:7e1653/0f+7e1654/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1655:0F+7E1656:27 + code:7e1655/0f+7e1656/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 MP - code:7E1657:0F+7E1658:27 + code:7e1657/0f+7e1658/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1659:0F+7E165A:27 + code:7e1659/0f+7e165a/27 cheat description:Cyan - No Ailments - code:7E165E:00 + code:7e165e/00 cheat description:Cyan - Float always on - code:7E165F:FF + code:7e165f/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Vigor - code:7E1664:FF + code:7e1664/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Speed - code:7E1665:FF + code:7e1665/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Stamina - code:7E1666:FF + code:7e1666/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1667:FF + code:7e1667/ff cheat description:Edgar - Level 99 - code:7E169C:63 + code:7e169c/63 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 HP - code:7E169D:0F+7E169E:27 + code:7e169d/0f+7e169e/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 Max HP - code:7E169F:0F+7E16A0:27 + code:7e169f/0f+7e16a0/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 MP - code:7E16A1:0F+7E16A2:27 + code:7e16a1/0f+7e16a2/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16A3:0F+7E16A4:27 + code:7e16a3/0f+7e16a4/27 cheat description:Edgar - No Ailments - code:7E16A8:00 + code:7e16a8/00 cheat description:Edgar - Float always on - code:7E16A9:FF + code:7e16a9/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Vigor - code:7E16AE:FF + code:7e16ae/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Speed - code:7E16AF:FF + code:7e16af/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Stamina - code:7E16B0:FF + code:7e16b0/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16B1:FF + code:7e16b1/ff cheat description:Gau - Level 99 - code:7E179F:63 + code:7e179f/63 cheat description:Gau - 9999 HP - code:7E17A0:0F+7E17A1:27 + code:7e17a0/0f+7e17a1/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17A2:0F+7E17A3:27 + code:7e17a2/0f+7e17a3/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 MP - code:7E17A4:0F+7E17A5:27 + code:7e17a4/0f+7e17a5/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17A6:0F+7E17A7:27 + code:7e17a6/0f+7e17a7/27 cheat description:Gau - No Ailments - code:7E17AB:00 + code:7e17ab/00 cheat description:Gau - Float always on - code:7E17AC:FF + code:7e17ac/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Vigor - code:7E17B1:FF + code:7e17b1/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Speed - code:7E17B2:FF + code:7e17b2/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Stamina - code:7E17B3:FF + code:7e17b3/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17B4:FF + code:7e17b4/ff cheat description:Gogo - Level 99 - code:7E17C4:63 + code:7e17c4/63 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 HP - code:7E17C5:0F+7E17C6:27 + code:7e17c5/0f+7e17c6/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17C7:0F+7E17C8:27 + code:7e17c7/0f+7e17c8/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 MP - code:7E17C9:0F+7E17CA:27 + code:7e17c9/0f+7e17ca/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17CB:0F+7E17CC:27 + code:7e17cb/0f+7e17cc/27 cheat description:Gogo - No Ailments - code:7E17D0:00 + code:7e17d0/00 cheat description:Gogo - Float always on - code:7E17D1:FF + code:7e17d1/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Vigor - code:7E17D6:FF + code:7e17d6/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Speed - code:7E17D7:FF + code:7e17d7/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Stamina - code:7E17D8:FF + code:7e17d8/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17D9:FF + code:7e17d9/ff cheat description:Locke - Level 99 - code:7E162D:63 + code:7e162d/63 cheat description:Locke - 9999 HP - code:7E162E:0F+7E162F:27 + code:7e162e/0f+7e162f/27 cheat description:Locke - 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9999 Max MP - code:7E1781:0F+7E1782:27 + code:7e1781/0f+7e1782/27 cheat description:Mog - No Ailments - code:7E1786:00 + code:7e1786/00 cheat description:Mog - Float always on - code:7E1787:FF + code:7e1787/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Vigor - code:7E178C:FF + code:7e178c/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Speed - code:7E178D:FF + code:7e178d/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Stamina - code:7E178E:FF + code:7e178e/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Magic Power - code:7E178F:FF + code:7e178f/ff cheat description:Relm - Level 99 - code:7E1730:63 + code:7e1730/63 cheat description:Relm - 9999 HP - code:7E1731:0F+7E1732:27 + code:7e1731/0f+7e1732/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1733:0F+7E1734:27 + code:7e1733/0f+7e1734/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 MP - code:7E1735:0F+7E1736:27 + code:7e1735/0f+7e1736/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1737:0F+7E1738:27 + code:7e1737/0f+7e1738/27 cheat description:Relm - No Ailments - code:7E173C:00 + code:7e173c/00 cheat description:Relm - Float always on - code:7E173D:FF + code:7e173d/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Vigor - code:7E1742:FF + code:7e1742/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Speed - code:7E1743:FF + code:7e1743/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Stamina - code:7E1744:FF + code:7e1744/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1745:FF + code:7e1745/ff cheat description:Sabin - Level 99 - code:7E16C1:63 + code:7e16c1/63 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 HP - code:7E16C2:0F+7E16C3:27 + code:7e16c2/0f+7e16c3/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 Max HP - code:7E16C4:0F+7E16C5:27 + code:7e16c4/0f+7e16c5/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 MP - code:7E16C6:0F+7E16C7:27 + code:7e16c6/0f+7e16c7/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16C8:0F+7E16C9:27 + code:7e16c8/0f+7e16c9/27 cheat description:Sabin - No Ailments - code:7E16CD:00 + code:7e16cd/00 cheat description:Sabin - Float always on - code:7E16CE:FF + code:7e16ce/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Vigor - code:7E16D3:FF + code:7e16d3/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Speed - code:7E16D4:FF + code:7e16d4/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Stamina - code:7E16D5:FF + code:7e16d5/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16D6:FF + code:7e16d6/ff cheat description:Setzer - Level 99 - code:7E1755:63 + code:7e1755/63 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 HP - code:7E1756:0F+7E1757:27 + code:7e1756/0f+7e1757/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1758:0F+7E1759:27 + code:7e1758/0f+7e1759/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 MP - code:7E175A:0F+7E175B:27 + code:7e175a/0f+7e175b/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 Max MP - code:7E175C:0F+7E175D:27 + code:7e175c/0f+7e175d/27 cheat description:Setzer - No Ailments - code:7E1761:00 + code:7e1761/00 cheat description:Setzer - Float always on - code:7E1762:FF + code:7e1762/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Vigor - code:7E1767:FF + code:7e1767/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Speed - code:7E1768:FF + code:7e1768/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Stamina - code:7E1769:FF + code:7e1769/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Magic Power - code:7E176A:FF + code:7e176a/ff cheat description:Shadow - Level 99 - code:7E1677:63 + code:7e1677/63 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 HP - code:7E1678:0F+7E1679:27 + code:7e1678/0f+7e1679/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 Max HP - code:7E167A:0F+7E167B:27 + code:7e167a/0f+7e167b/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 MP - code:7E167C:0F+7E167D:27 + code:7e167c/0f+7e167d/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 Max MP - code:7E167E:0F+7E167F:27 + code:7e167e/0f+7e167f/27 cheat description:Shadow - No Ailments - code:7E1683:00 + code:7e1683/00 cheat description:Shadow - Float always on - code:7E1684:FF + code:7e1684/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Vigor - code:7E1689:FF + code:7e1689/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Speed - code:7E168A:FF + code:7e168a/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Stamina - code:7E168B:FF + code:7e168b/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Magic Power - code:7E168C:FF + code:7e168c/ff cheat description:Strago - Level 99 - code:7E170B:63 + code:7e170b/63 cheat description:Strago - 9999 HP - code:7E170C:0F+7E170D:27 + code:7e170c/0f+7e170d/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 Max HP - code:7E170E:0F+7E170F:27 + code:7e170e/0f+7e170f/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 MP - code:7E1710:0F+7E1711:27 + code:7e1710/0f+7e1711/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1712:0F+7E1713:27 + code:7e1712/0f+7e1713/27 cheat description:Strago - No Ailments - code:7E1717:00 + code:7e1717/00 cheat description:Strago - Float always on - code:7E1718:FF + code:7e1718/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Vigor - code:7E171D:FF + code:7e171d/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Speed - code:7E171E:FF + code:7e171e/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Stamina - code:7E171F:FF + code:7e171f/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1720:FF + code:7e1720/ff cheat description:Terra - Level 99 - code:7E1608:63 + code:7e1608/63 cheat description:Terra - 9999 HP - code:7E1609:0F+7E160A:27 + code:7e1609/0f+7e160a/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 Max HP - code:7E160B:0F+7E160C:27 + code:7e160b/0f+7e160c/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 MP - code:7E160D:0F+7E160E:27 + code:7e160d/0f+7e160e/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 Max MP - code:7E160F:0F+7E1610:27 + code:7e160f/0f+7e1610/27 cheat description:Terra - No ailments - code:7E1614:00 + code:7e1614/00 cheat description:Terra - Float always on - code:7E1615:FF + code:7e1615/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Vigor - code:7E161A:FF + code:7e161a/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Speed - code:7E161B:FF + code:7e161b/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Stamina - code:7E161C:FF + code:7e161c/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Magic Power - code:7E161D:FF + code:7e161d/ff cheat description:Umaro - Level 99 - code:7E17E9:63 + code:7e17e9/63 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 HP - code:7E17EA:0F+7E17EB:27 + code:7e17ea/0f+7e17eb/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17EC:0F+7E17ED:27 + code:7e17ec/0f+7e17ed/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 MP - code:7E17EE:0F+7E17EF:27 + code:7e17ee/0f+7e17ef/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17F0:0F+7E17F1:27 + code:7e17f0/0f+7e17f1/27 cheat description:Umaro - No Ailments - code:7E17F5:00 + code:7e17f5/00 cheat description:Umaro - Float always on - code:7E17F6:FF + code:7e17f6/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Vigor - code:7E17FB:FF + code:7e17fb/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Speed - code:7E17FC:FF + code:7e17fc/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Stamina - code:7E17FD:FF + code:7e17fd/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17FE:FF + code:7e17fe/ff cartridge sha256:0f51b4fca41b7fd509e4b8f9d543151f68efa5e97b08493e4b2a0c06f5d8d5e2 name:Final Fantasy III (USA) cheat description:Party has almost max HP and MP - code:EEDB-EDA8 + code:badfb6/ee cheat description:Activate Terra's Morph command - code:DAF2-9A58 + code:6efdd9/da cheat description:Infinite Morph time out of battle - code:EEFE-F288 + code:feffe6/ee cheat description:Infinite Morph time in battle - code:EE77-2A58 + code:6e3f39/ee cheat description:All items in shops are free (disable to sell items) - code:108C-EF03+108C-E4A3 + code:b3bbcd/64+8bbbca/64 cheat description:Infinite item use - code:3CB8-5DAE + code:fbb9b6/ec cheat description:Protect from all status ailments - code:3513-5147+E613-5117 + code:d86de8/e7+d86de9/e8 cheat description:Learn all spells after one battle - code:8D17-54A6 + code:ca613a/bd cheat description:Earn 65,000+ exp points after each battle - code:0793-54D8 + code:c65deb/43 cheat description:Earn tons of EXP after a battle (level 99 takes two battles) - code:0493-54D8 + code:c65deb/42 cheat description:Auto Cast Float, Regen, Haste, Shell, Safe and Rflect - code:3813-51C7 + code:d06deb/eb cheat description:Vigor/Speed/Stamina/MagPwr becomes 255 - code:D762-EF68 + code:b28fde/d3 cheat description:Remove curse from Cursed Shield after only 1 battle - code:DD1D-7D66 + code:f260d6/dd cheat description:Steal command always gets the more rare item an enemy has - code:DD72-57AC + code:cb31de/dd cheat description:Mog never stumbles when he dances - code:DDFC-ED0B + code:b2ffc5/dd cheat description:Party has Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effect - code:44F2-9EE6 + code:7af1db/22 cheat description:Party has Offering effect - code:FC47-570C+3C47-576C + code:c3213d/fc+c3213e/ec cheat description:Party has Merit Award effect - code:DDB9-746E + code:c3b85a/dd cheat description:Party has Economizer effect - code:DD97-5FDA+DD90-EFDB + code:f6593f/dd+b65f4f/dd cheat description:Offering gives character instant kill attacks - code:7EF4-8F0B + code:f2fe2d/3e cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 HP - code:DD7E-2E7C+DD7E-2E5C + code:7f33e8/dd+7f33e9/dd cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 HP - code:DD7E-2E8C+DD7E-2EEC + code:7f33ea/dd+7b33eb/dd cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-FA78+DD7D-FA58 + code:ee3fd8/dd+ee3fd9/dd cheat description:Enemy 4 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-FA88+DD7D-FAE8 + code:ee3fda/dd+ea3fdb/dd cheat description:Enemy 5 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-F278+DD7D-F258 + code:fe3fd4/dd+fe3fd5/dd cheat description:Enemy 6 has 0 HP - code:DD7D-F288+DD7D-F2E8 + code:fe3fd6/dd+fa3fd7/dd cheat description:Have 94 of all items when arrange is used - code:CB48-8462+6C48-87D2+CE44-E7A2+2347-ED62 + code:c326ba/cb+c726bf/8c+8b272e/ce+b32736/de cheat description:Have all Blitz's - code:EEF4-9378 + code:7efd28/ee cheat description:Have all Dance's - code:EEF0-9E78 + code:7efd48/ee cheat description:Have all Lore's - code:EEF4-9358+EEF4-9388+EEF4-93E8 + code:7efd29/ee+7efd2a/ee+7afd2b/ee cheat description:Have all SwdTech's - code:EEFE-F2E8 + code:faffe7/ee cheat description:Have all Espers - code:EEF1-B35C+EEF1-B38C+EEF1-B3EC+EEF1-BE7C + code:fff269/ee+fff26a/ee+fbf26b/ee+fff268/ee cheat description:Faster up/down movement on world map - code:4DFB-EB88+3DF3-E6E8 + code:aeffbe/2d+aaffe3/ed cheat description:Faster left/right movement on world map - code:4DFE-8C88+3DF0-EC78 + code:fefee2/2d+beff40/ed cheat description:Enable all characters (once you are able to switch) - code:EEF2-BE88+EEF2-BEE8 + code:fefeda/ee+fafedb/ee cheat description:Save anywhere - code:6DDD-BA56 + code:eed2d9/8d cheat description:Start Terra with Man-eater equipped - code:D15C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/d6 cheat description:Start Terra with Excalibur equipped - code:F65C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/f8 cheat description:Start Terra with Illumina equipped - code:FC5C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/fc cheat description:Start Terra with Atma equipped - code:FA5C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/fa cheat description:Start Terra with Tempest equipped - code:435C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/2e cheat description:Start Terra with Blizzard equipped - code:D35C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/de cheat description:Start Terra with Enhancer equipped - code:F75C-78E5 + code:e97ccf/f3 cheat description:Start Terra with Mithril shield equipped - code:9A58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/5a cheat description:Start Terra with Gold shield equipped - code:9258-7675 + code:ed7cb0/5d cheat description:Start Terra with Ice shield equipped - code:1F58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/6f cheat description:Start Terra with Fire shield equipped - code:1D58-7675 + code:ed7cb0/6d cheat description:Start Terra with Hairband equipped - code:1C58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/6c cheat description:Start Terra with Leather hat equipped - code:1B58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/6b cheat description:Start Terra with Circlet equipped - code:5C58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/7c cheat description:Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped - code:5B58-7655 + code:ed7cb1/7b cheat description:Start Terra with Red cap equipped - code:5658-7655 + code:ed7cb1/78 cheat description:Start Terra with Silk robe equipped - code:6658-7685 + code:ed7cb2/88 cheat description:Start Terra with Mithril vest equipped - code:6B58-7685 + code:ed7cb2/8b cheat description:Start Terra with White dress equipped - code:6858-7685 + code:ed7cb2/8b cheat description:Start Terra with Genji armor equipped - code:BC58-7685 + code:ed7cb2/bc cheat description:Start Terra with Force armor equipped - code:B058-7685 + code:ed7cb2/b4 cheat description:Party has Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effect (alt) - code:7E11DF:22 + code:7e11df/22 cheat description:Have 99 Sprint Shoes in slot 10 - code:7E1872:E6+7E1972:63 + code:7e1872/e6+7e1972/63 cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3BFC:00+7E3BFD:00 + code:7e3bfc/00+7e3bfd/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3BFE:00+7E3BFF:00 + code:7e3bfe/00+7e3bff/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C00:00+7E3C01:00 + code:7e3c00/00+7e3c01/00 cheat description:Enemy 4 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C02:00+7E3C03:00 + code:7e3c02/00+7e3c03/00 cheat description:Enemy 5 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C04:00+7E3C05:00 + code:7e3c04/00+7e3c05/00 cheat description:Enemy 6 has 0 HP (alt) - code:7E3C06:00+7E3C07:00 + code:7e3c06/00+7e3c07/00 cheat description:Have all Rage's - code:7E1D35:FF+7E1D36:FF+7E1D37:FF+7E1D3F:FF+7E1D38:FF+7E1D40:FF+7E1D39:FF+7E1D41:FF+7E1D3A:FF+7E1D49:FF+7E1D42:FF+7E1D3B:FF+7E1D4A:FF+7E1D43:FF+7E1D3C:FF+7E1D4B:FF+7E1D44:FF+7E1D3D:FF+7E1D45:FF+7E1D3E:FF+7E1D46:FF+7E1D47:FF+7E1D48:FF+7E1D2C:FF+7E1D2D:FF+7E1D2E:FF+7E1D2F:FF+7E1D30:FF+7E1D31:FF+7E1D32:FF+7E1D33:FF+7E1D34:FF + code:7e1d35/ff+7e1d36/ff+7e1d37/ff+7e1d3f/ff+7e1d38/ff+7e1d40/ff+7e1d39/ff+7e1d41/ff+7e1d3a/ff+7e1d49/ff+7e1d42/ff+7e1d3b/ff+7e1d4a/ff+7e1d43/ff+7e1d3c/ff+7e1d4b/ff+7e1d44/ff+7e1d3d/ff+7e1d45/ff+7e1d3e/ff+7e1d46/ff+7e1d47/ff+7e1d48/ff+7e1d2c/ff+7e1d2d/ff+7e1d2e/ff+7e1d2f/ff+7e1d30/ff+7e1d31/ff+7e1d32/ff+7e1d33/ff+7e1d34/ff cheat description:Celes - Level 99 - code:7E16E6:63 + code:7e16e6/63 cheat description:Celes - 9999 HP - code:7E16E7:0F+7E16E8:27 + code:7e16e7/0f+7e16e8/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 Max HP - code:7E16E9:0F+7E16EA:27 + code:7e16e9/0f+7e16ea/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 MP - code:7E16EB:0F+7E16EC:27 + code:7e16eb/0f+7e16ec/27 cheat description:Celes - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16ED:0F+7E16EE:27 + code:7e16ed/0f+7e16ee/27 cheat description:Celes - No Ailments - code:7E16F2:00 + code:7e16f2/00 cheat description:Celes - Float always on - code:7E16F3:FF + code:7e16f3/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Vigor - code:7E16F8:FF + code:7e16f8/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Speed - code:7E16F9:FF + code:7e16f9/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Stamina - code:7E16FA:FF + code:7e16fa/ff cheat description:Celes - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16FB:FF + code:7e16fb/ff cheat description:Cyan - Level 99 - code:7E1652:63 + code:7e1652/63 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 HP - code:7E1653:0F+7E1654:27 + code:7e1653/0f+7e1654/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1655:0F+7E1656:27 + code:7e1655/0f+7e1656/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 MP - code:7E1657:0F+7E1658:27 + code:7e1657/0f+7e1658/27 cheat description:Cyan - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1659:0F+7E165A:27 + code:7e1659/0f+7e165a/27 cheat description:Cyan - No Ailments - code:7E165E:00 + code:7e165e/00 cheat description:Cyan - Float always on - code:7E165F:FF + code:7e165f/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Vigor - code:7E1664:FF + code:7e1664/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Speed - code:7E1665:FF + code:7e1665/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Stamina - code:7E1666:FF + code:7e1666/ff cheat description:Cyan - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1667:FF + code:7e1667/ff cheat description:Edgar - Level 99 - code:7E169C:63 + code:7e169c/63 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 HP - code:7E169D:0F+7E169E:27 + code:7e169d/0f+7e169e/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 Max HP - code:7E169F:0F+7E16A0:27 + code:7e169f/0f+7e16a0/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 MP - code:7E16A1:0F+7E16A2:27 + code:7e16a1/0f+7e16a2/27 cheat description:Edgar - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16A3:0F+7E16A4:27 + code:7e16a3/0f+7e16a4/27 cheat description:Edgar - No Ailments - code:7E16A8:00 + code:7e16a8/00 cheat description:Edgar - Float always on - code:7E16A9:FF + code:7e16a9/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Vigor - code:7E16AE:FF + code:7e16ae/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Speed - code:7E16AF:FF + code:7e16af/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Stamina - code:7E16B0:FF + code:7e16b0/ff cheat description:Edgar - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16B1:FF + code:7e16b1/ff cheat description:Gau - Level 99 - code:7E179F:63 + code:7e179f/63 cheat description:Gau - 9999 HP - code:7E17A0:0F+7E17A1:27 + code:7e17a0/0f+7e17a1/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17A2:0F+7E17A3:27 + code:7e17a2/0f+7e17a3/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 MP - code:7E17A4:0F+7E17A5:27 + code:7e17a4/0f+7e17a5/27 cheat description:Gau - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17A6:0F+7E17A7:27 + code:7e17a6/0f+7e17a7/27 cheat description:Gau - No Ailments - code:7E17AB:00 + code:7e17ab/00 cheat description:Gau - Float always on - code:7E17AC:FF + code:7e17ac/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Vigor - code:7E17B1:FF + code:7e17b1/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Speed - code:7E17B2:FF + code:7e17b2/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Stamina - code:7E17B3:FF + code:7e17b3/ff cheat description:Gau - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17B4:FF + code:7e17b4/ff cheat description:Gogo - Level 99 - code:7E17C4:63 + code:7e17c4/63 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 HP - code:7E17C5:0F+7E17C6:27 + code:7e17c5/0f+7e17c6/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17C7:0F+7E17C8:27 + code:7e17c7/0f+7e17c8/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 MP - code:7E17C9:0F+7E17CA:27 + code:7e17c9/0f+7e17ca/27 cheat description:Gogo - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17CB:0F+7E17CC:27 + code:7e17cb/0f+7e17cc/27 cheat description:Gogo - No Ailments - code:7E17D0:00 + code:7e17d0/00 cheat description:Gogo - Float always on - code:7E17D1:FF + code:7e17d1/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Vigor - code:7E17D6:FF + code:7e17d6/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Speed - code:7E17D7:FF + code:7e17d7/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Stamina - code:7E17D8:FF + code:7e17d8/ff cheat description:Gogo - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17D9:FF + code:7e17d9/ff cheat description:Locke - Level 99 - code:7E162D:63 + code:7e162d/63 cheat description:Locke - 9999 HP - code:7E162E:0F+7E162F:27 + code:7e162e/0f+7e162f/27 cheat description:Locke - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1630:0F+7E1631:27 + code:7e1630/0f+7e1631/27 cheat description:Locke - 9999 MP - code:7E1632:0F+7E1633:27 + code:7e1632/0f+7e1633/27 cheat description:Locke - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1634:0F+7E1635:27 + code:7e1634/0f+7e1635/27 cheat description:Locke - No Ailments - code:7E1639:00 + code:7e1639/00 cheat description:Locke - Float always on - code:7E163A:FF + code:7e163a/ff cheat description:Locke - 255 Vigor - code:7E163F:FF + code:7e163f/ff cheat description:Locke - 255 Speed - code:7E1640:FF + code:7e1640/ff cheat description:Locke - 255 Stamina - code:7E1641:FF + code:7e1641/ff cheat description:Locke - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1642:FF + code:7e1642/ff cheat description:Mog - Level 99 - code:7E177A:63 + code:7e177a/63 cheat description:Mog - 9999 HP - code:7E177B:0F+7E177C:27 + code:7e177b/0f+7e177c/27 cheat description:Mog - 9999 Max HP - code:7E177D:0F+7E177E:27 + code:7e177d/0f+7e177e/27 cheat description:Mog - 9999 MP - code:7E177F:0F+7E1780:27 + code:7e177f/0f+7e1780/27 cheat description:Mog - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1781:0F+7E1782:27 + code:7e1781/0f+7e1782/27 cheat description:Mog - No Ailments - code:7E1786:00 + code:7e1786/00 cheat description:Mog - Float always on - code:7E1787:FF + code:7e1787/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Vigor - code:7E178C:FF + code:7e178c/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Speed - code:7E178D:FF + code:7e178d/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Stamina - code:7E178E:FF + code:7e178e/ff cheat description:Mog - 255 Magic Power - code:7E178F:FF + code:7e178f/ff cheat description:Relm - Level 99 - code:7E1730:63 + code:7e1730/63 cheat description:Relm - 9999 HP - code:7E1731:0F+7E1732:27 + code:7e1731/0f+7e1732/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1733:0F+7E1734:27 + code:7e1733/0f+7e1734/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 MP - code:7E1735:0F+7E1736:27 + code:7e1735/0f+7e1736/27 cheat description:Relm - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1737:0F+7E1738:27 + code:7e1737/0f+7e1738/27 cheat description:Relm - No Ailments - code:7E173C:00 + code:7e173c/00 cheat description:Relm - Float always on - code:7E173D:FF + code:7e173d/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Vigor - code:7E1742:FF + code:7e1742/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Speed - code:7E1743:FF + code:7e1743/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Stamina - code:7E1744:FF + code:7e1744/ff cheat description:Relm - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1745:FF + code:7e1745/ff cheat description:Sabin - Level 99 - code:7E16C1:63 + code:7e16c1/63 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 HP - code:7E16C2:0F+7E16C3:27 + code:7e16c2/0f+7e16c3/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 Max HP - code:7E16C4:0F+7E16C5:27 + code:7e16c4/0f+7e16c5/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 MP - code:7E16C6:0F+7E16C7:27 + code:7e16c6/0f+7e16c7/27 cheat description:Sabin - 9999 Max MP - code:7E16C8:0F+7E16C9:27 + code:7e16c8/0f+7e16c9/27 cheat description:Sabin - No Ailments - code:7E16CD:00 + code:7e16cd/00 cheat description:Sabin - Float always on - code:7E16CE:FF + code:7e16ce/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Vigor - code:7E16D3:FF + code:7e16d3/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Speed - code:7E16D4:FF + code:7e16d4/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Stamina - code:7E16D5:FF + code:7e16d5/ff cheat description:Sabin - 255 Magic Power - code:7E16D6:FF + code:7e16d6/ff cheat description:Setzer - Level 99 - code:7E1755:63 + code:7e1755/63 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 HP - code:7E1756:0F+7E1757:27 + code:7e1756/0f+7e1757/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 Max HP - code:7E1758:0F+7E1759:27 + code:7e1758/0f+7e1759/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 MP - code:7E175A:0F+7E175B:27 + code:7e175a/0f+7e175b/27 cheat description:Setzer - 9999 Max MP - code:7E175C:0F+7E175D:27 + code:7e175c/0f+7e175d/27 cheat description:Setzer - No Ailments - code:7E1761:00 + code:7e1761/00 cheat description:Setzer - Float always on - code:7E1762:FF + code:7e1762/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Vigor - code:7E1767:FF + code:7e1767/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Speed - code:7E1768:FF + code:7e1768/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Stamina - code:7E1769:FF + code:7e1769/ff cheat description:Setzer - 255 Magic Power - code:7E176A:FF + code:7e176a/ff cheat description:Shadow - Level 99 - code:7E1677:63 + code:7e1677/63 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 HP - code:7E1678:0F+7E1679:27 + code:7e1678/0f+7e1679/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 Max HP - code:7E167A:0F+7E167B:27 + code:7e167a/0f+7e167b/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 MP - code:7E167C:0F+7E167D:27 + code:7e167c/0f+7e167d/27 cheat description:Shadow - 9999 Max MP - code:7E167E:0F+7E167F:27 + code:7e167e/0f+7e167f/27 cheat description:Shadow - No Ailments - code:7E1683:00 + code:7e1683/00 cheat description:Shadow - Float always on - code:7E1684:FF + code:7e1684/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Vigor - code:7E1689:FF + code:7e1689/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Speed - code:7E168A:FF + code:7e168a/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Stamina - code:7E168B:FF + code:7e168b/ff cheat description:Shadow - 255 Magic Power - code:7E168C:FF + code:7e168c/ff cheat description:Strago - Level 99 - code:7E170B:63 + code:7e170b/63 cheat description:Strago - 9999 HP - code:7E170C:0F+7E170D:27 + code:7e170c/0f+7e170d/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 Max HP - code:7E170E:0F+7E170F:27 + code:7e170e/0f+7e170f/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 MP - code:7E1710:0F+7E1711:27 + code:7e1710/0f+7e1711/27 cheat description:Strago - 9999 Max MP - code:7E1712:0F+7E1713:27 + code:7e1712/0f+7e1713/27 cheat description:Strago - No Ailments - code:7E1717:00 + code:7e1717/00 cheat description:Strago - Float always on - code:7E1718:FF + code:7e1718/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Vigor - code:7E171D:FF + code:7e171d/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Speed - code:7E171E:FF + code:7e171e/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Stamina - code:7E171F:FF + code:7e171f/ff cheat description:Strago - 255 Magic Power - code:7E1720:FF + code:7e1720/ff cheat description:Terra - Level 99 - code:7E1608:63 + code:7e1608/63 cheat description:Terra - 9999 HP - code:7E1609:0F+7E160A:27 + code:7e1609/0f+7e160a/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 Max HP - code:7E160B:0F+7E160C:27 + code:7e160b/0f+7e160c/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 MP - code:7E160D:0F+7E160E:27 + code:7e160d/0f+7e160e/27 cheat description:Terra - 9999 Max MP - code:7E160F:0F+7E1610:27 + code:7e160f/0f+7e1610/27 cheat description:Terra - No ailments - code:7E1614:00 + code:7e1614/00 cheat description:Terra - Float always on - code:7E1615:FF + code:7e1615/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Vigor - code:7E161A:FF + code:7e161a/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Speed - code:7E161B:FF + code:7e161b/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Stamina - code:7E161C:FF + code:7e161c/ff cheat description:Terra - 255 Magic Power - code:7E161D:FF + code:7e161d/ff cheat description:Umaro - Level 99 - code:7E17E9:63 + code:7e17e9/63 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 HP - code:7E17EA:0F+7E17EB:27 + code:7e17ea/0f+7e17eb/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 Max HP - code:7E17EC:0F+7E17ED:27 + code:7e17ec/0f+7e17ed/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 MP - code:7E17EE:0F+7E17EF:27 + code:7e17ee/0f+7e17ef/27 cheat description:Umaro - 9999 Max MP - code:7E17F0:0F+7E17F1:27 + code:7e17f0/0f+7e17f1/27 cheat description:Umaro - No Ailments - code:7E17F5:00 + code:7e17f5/00 cheat description:Umaro - Float always on - code:7E17F6:FF + code:7e17f6/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Vigor - code:7E17FB:FF + code:7e17fb/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Speed - code:7E17FC:FF + code:7e17fc/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Stamina - code:7E17FD:FF + code:7e17fd/ff cheat description:Umaro - 255 Magic Power - code:7E17FE:FF + code:7e17fe/ff cartridge sha256:c6858d5c02894a6cc71f4dd452c7f288b319d1952ca56fdb185b4bf5e26244a2 name:Final Fantasy V (Japan) cheat description:Max / infinite Gil - code:7E0947:7F+7E0948:96+7E0949:98 + code:7e0947/7f+7e0948/96+7e0949/98 cheat description:No random battles (overworld) - code:7E16A9:00 + code:7e16a9/00 cheat description:No random battles (dungeons) - code:7E0B4F:00 + code:7e0b4f/00 cheat description:Walk faster - code:7E0AFA:7F + code:7e0afa/7f cheat description:Walk through walls in overworld - code:C011B0:70 + code:c011b0/70 cheat description:Save anywhere - code:7E0A53:20 + code:7e0a53/20 cartridge sha256:60cca2592d0756b8c4c7a0a254fafa5ac47aa752521fd1f77dcbf4b6ee1bee90 name:Final Fight (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DCD-AF6B + code:b2cede/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:89A1-0DA1+C9C4-AD6C + code:39a966/b5+b3c226/c5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:9DDF-9278 + code:7eddf4/5d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A9C3-6F66+D433-0D6F + code:32c2ee/a5+33ede6/d2 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:CE33-076F + code:03edee/ce cheat description:Infinite time - code:A2C0-A7D0 + code:85c24f/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3CA4-0FD0+40AD-04A0+7DA4-0F00+89A4-0D60+F9A4-0DA0 + code:35a12f/ec+09a1da/24+31a12d/3d+31a126/b5+39a126/f5 cheat description:Slower timer - code:D4C9-AFD0 + code:b5c25f/d2 cheat description:Faster timer - code:DDC9-AFD0 + code:b5c25f/dd cheat description:Any food restores all health - code:DD8D-6F06 + code:32b2dd/dd cheat description:Attack speed greatly increased - code:DFDF-9E88 + code:7eddfa/df cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:DFC8-D4A1 + code:49cbba/df cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D9C8-D4A1 + code:49cbba/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 credits - code:DBC8-D4A1 + code:49cbba/db cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Subway - code:DFEE-2E88 + code:7eefea/df cheat description:Start on stage 3 - West Side - code:D4EE-2E88 + code:7eefea/d2 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Bay Area - code:D0EE-2E88 + code:7eefea/d4 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Uptown - code:D9EE-2E88 + code:7eefea/d5 cheat description:Start on bonus stage - Car - code:D1EE-2E88 + code:7eefea/d6 cheat description:Start on bonus stage - Glass - code:D5EE-2E88 + code:7eefea/d7 cheat description:Enemies never get knocked down, attack until they die - code:7E0D70:00 + code:7e0d70/00 cheat description:Enemy 1 has no health - code:7E1014:00 + code:7e1014/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has no health - code:7E10B4:00 + code:7e10b4/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has no health - code:7E1154:00 + code:7e1154/00 cheat description:Bosses have no health - code:7E11F4:00+7E11F5:00 + code:7e11f4/00+7e11f5/00 cheat description:Always get Knife - code:7E1C11:00 + code:7e1c11/00 cheat description:Always get Sword - code:7E1C11:02 + code:7e1c11/02 cheat description:Always get Pipe - code:7E1C11:04 + code:7e1c11/04 cartridge sha256:744d1a16c3f99970283597ae8f43b7c3621c5f995c4566ef24b8d70b0692007b name:Final Fight 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D65-3706 + code:82837d/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9E1-446F+C9C8-CFDB + code:83ec6a/c5+36cfbf/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9CE-1DAB + code:bacde6/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:DDCE-1D6B + code:b2cde6/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2A0-1F0C + code:b3a14d/cd cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:DDA0-1DDC + code:b7a147/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:CBE8-47AF+EEEA-4DDF + code:8becbe/cb+b7eca7/ee cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:4062-1DA6+4062-14D6+406C-1DA6 + code:ba81d6/24+8681db/24+ba81c6/24 cheat description:Faster timer - code:D4A0-1DDC + code:b7a147/d2 cheat description:Barbecue restores vitality 50% instead of 95% - code:0DED-1DAC + code:bbe1d6/4d cheat description:Barbecue worth nothing - code:DDED-1DAC + code:bbe1d6/dd cheat description:Soft drink restores vitality 95% - code:6DEE-470C + code:83e0ed/8d cheat description:Soft drink worth nothing - code:DDEE-470C + code:83e0ed/dd cheat description:Both players can select same character - code:33C5-1404 + code:80c979/ee cheat description:P1 and P2 can't harm each other in a 2P game - code:DDB4-4708 + code:82bc2d/dd cheat description:Slow motion (disable until play begins) - code:D46A-14AF + code:8b8daa/d2 cheat description:Hitting someone with your super move makes you invincible - code:DFCC-C4DB + code:06cfcb/df cheat description:Hitting someone with your super move uses all your health - code:0DCC-C4DB + code:06cfcb/4d cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDCF-C7D6 + code:06c3ff/dd cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D4CF-C7D6 + code:06c3ff/d2 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1CF-C7D6 + code:06c3ff/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBCF-C7D6 + code:06c3ff/db cartridge sha256:f9dac709b2c2859f828103a0dd980716817e2bde3b9d7e2fdea36e9bb9bed7f2 name:Final Fight 3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2F9-84DF + code:c7fe5b/cd cheat description:Instant super energy - code:CBB5-5D07+46B5-5D67+DDB5-5DA7+4BB5-5F07 + code:f0bd75/cb+f0bd76/28+f8bd76/dd+f0bd7d/2b + cheat + description:Can always do super special + code:836fda/dd+f4684f/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C6C-84AF + code:cb8eca/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:3DA7-E76D+D5A0-EDDD+DDA7-E7AD + code:83a73e/ed+b7a747/d7+8ba73e/dd cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P1 - code:7E0520:02 + code:7e0520/02 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P2 - code:7E0620:02 + code:7e0620/02 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0558:47 + code:7e0558/47 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0658:47 + code:7e0658/47 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0515:05 + code:7e0515/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0615:05 + code:7e0615/05 cheat description:Infinite super energy - P1 - code:7E0516:63 + code:7e0516/63 cheat description:Infinite super energy - P2 - code:7E0616:63 + code:7e0616/63 cheat description:Infinite throw time - P1 - code:7E0580:10 + code:7e0580/10 cheat description:Infinite throw time - P2 - code:7E0680:10 + code:7e0680/10 cheat description:Have the Pipe - P1 - code:7E0514:01 + code:7e0514/01 cheat description:Have the Pipe - P2 - code:7E0614:01 + code:7e0614/01 cheat description:Have the Nunchaku - P1 - code:7E0514:02 + code:7e0514/02 cheat description:Have the Nunchaku - P2 - code:7E0614:02 + code:7e0614/02 cheat description:Have the Club - P1 - code:7E0514:03 + code:7e0514/03 cheat description:Have the Club - P2 - code:7E0614:03 + code:7e0614/03 cheat description:Have the Hammer - P1 - code:7E0514:04 + code:7e0514/04 cheat description:Have the Hammer - P2 - code:7E0614:04 + code:7e0614/04 cartridge sha256:8c47f9dc79748c0ae6c648f8480614d22eaefade065612ad1fe749fc3db4d1bc name:Final Fight Guy (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:89AF-0401 + code:01a9f9/b5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:9DDF-9278 + code:7eddf4/5d cheat description:Infinite time - code:1DC3-6409 + code:01c6e9/6d cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:DBD8-FE78 + code:fedfb8/db cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40A3-DD00+40AA-DFA0 + code:71a3e5/24+79a3ae/24 cheat description:Gain 9 lives every time you die - code:DDC0-ADA6 + code:bac246/dd cheat description:No energy lost from spin kick - code:89CB-AD0C + code:b3c2b5/b5 cheat description:Attack speed greatly increased - code:DFDF-9E88 + code:7eddfa/df cheat description:Any food restores all health - code:DDBD-6F06 + code:32b2dd/dd cheat description:Enemies never get knocked down, hit them until they die - code:7E0D70:00 + code:7e0d70/00 cheat description:Enemy 1 has no health - code:7E1014:00 + code:7e1014/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has no health - code:7E10B4:00 + code:7e10b4/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has no health - code:7E1154:00 + code:7e1154/00 cheat description:Bosses have no health - code:7E11F4:00+7E11F5:00 + code:7e11f4/00+7e11f5/00 cheat description:Always get Knife - code:7E1C11:00 + code:7e1c11/00 cheat description:Always get Sword - code:7E1C11:02 + code:7e1c11/02 cheat description:Always get Pipe - code:7E1C11:04 + code:7e1c11/04 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Subway - code:7EFFFE:01 + code:7efffe/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - West Side - code:7EFFFE:02 + code:7efffe/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Bay Area - code:7EFFFE:04 + code:7efffe/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Uptown - code:7EFFFE:05 + code:7efffe/05 cheat description:Start on bonus stage - Car - code:7EFFFE:06 + code:7efffe/06 cheat description:Start on bonus stage - Glass - code:7EFFFE:07 + code:7efffe/07 cartridge sha256:6f32355bef68d4ad58822f50074b46bcc9a68357cd2c6a5470c96bf5344f84d8 name:FireStriker (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1333:07 + code:7e1333/07 cheat description:Infinite Power - code:7E1335:03 + code:7e1335/03 cheat description:Infinite Rest - code:7E152D:03 + code:7e152d/03 cartridge sha256:a0106f9cff7abbf25e081e2531f6d4b4aedf6f0dc8d155a66506817bff267d12 name:Firemen, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E08C9:01 + code:7e08c9/01 cheat description:Infinite life - code:7E15C7:31 + code:7e15c7/31 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1980:09 + code:7e1980/09 cheat description:Infinite Water Bombs - code:7E091A:03 + code:7e091a/03 cartridge sha256:003dba0193acc5336840307194643ca3b1f848dcfc77580b4e17c605105b27f5 name:Firepower 2000 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - Jeep - code:7E612A:C7 + code:7e612a/c7 cheat description:Invincibility - Heli - code:7E612C:C7 + code:7e612c/c7 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:8263-4DDF + code:b78ce7/bd cheat description:Loss of vehicle does not reduce bullet strength - code:8267-170F + code:838d3d/bd cheat description:Loss of vehicle does not reduce flame strength - code:826E-470F + code:838ced/bd cheat description:Loss of vehicle does not reduce plasma strength - code:826D-170F + code:838ddd/bd cheat description:Loss of vehicle does not reduce laser strength - code:826F-170F + code:838dfd/bd cheat description:Loss of vehicle does not reduce ionic strength - code:8264-170F + code:838d2d/bd cheat description:Bubble shield lasts for 4 seconds instead of 12 - code:DF8B-CD07 + code:30bfb5/df cheat description:Bubble shield lasts for 8 seconds - code:D48B-CD07 + code:30bfb5/d2 cheat description:Bubble shield lasts for 16 seconds - code:D08B-CD07 + code:30bfb5/d4 cheat description:Bubble shield lasts for 32 seconds - code:D68B-CD07 + code:30bfb5/d8 cheat description:Bubble shield lasts for 64 seconds - code:FD8B-CD07 + code:30bfb5/fd cheat description:Bubble shield on jeep lasts until end of level - code:C2CB-3FD4 + code:b4cbbf/cd cheat description:Bubble shield on helicopter lasts until end of level - code:C2CF-1464 + code:80c9fa/cd cheat description:Start with bullet strength at 3 instead of 1 - code:D765-146F + code:838d7a/d3 cheat description:Start with bullet strength at 6 - code:D165-146F + code:838d7a/d6 cheat description:Start with flame strength at 3 instead of 1 - code:D761-14DF + code:878d6b/d3 cheat description:Start with flame strength at 6 - code:D161-14DF + code:878d6b/d6 cheat description:Start with flame strength at 0 - code:DD61-14DF + code:878d6b/dd cheat description:Start with plasma strength at 3 instead of 1 - code:D761-176F + code:838d6e/d3 cheat description:Start with plasma strength at 6 - code:D161-176F + code:838d6e/d6 cheat description:Start with plasma strength at 0 - code:DD61-176F + code:838d6e/dd cheat description:Start with laser strength at 1 instead of 0 - code:DF65-1FDF + code:b78d7f/df cheat description:Start with laser strength at 3 - code:D765-1FDF + code:b78d7f/d3 cheat description:Start with laser strength at 6 - code:D165-1FDF + code:b78d7f/d6 cheat description:Start with ionic strength at 1 instead of 0 - code:DF66-1DDF + code:b78d87/df cheat description:Start with ionic strength at 3 - code:D766-1DDF + code:b78d87/d3 cheat description:Start with ionic strength at 6 - code:D166-1DDF + code:b78d87/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 4 - code:DF69-1DAF + code:bb8d56/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D469-1DAF + code:bb8d56/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D769-1DAF + code:bb8d56/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D969-1DAF + code:bb8d56/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D569-1DAF + code:bb8d56/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DC69-1DAF + code:bb8d56/dc cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:DE69-1DAF + code:bb8d56/de cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FB69-1DAF + code:bb8d56/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7469-1DAF + code:bb8d56/32 cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:0869-1DAF + code:bb8d56/4b cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:1069-1DAF + code:bb8d56/64 cheat description:Start at level 2 - code:D4B3-1764 + code:80b9ee/d2 cheat description:Start at level 3 - code:D7B3-1764 + code:80b9ee/d3 cheat description:Start at level 4 - code:D0B3-1764 + code:80b9ee/d4 cheat description:Start at level 5 - code:D9B3-1764 + code:80b9ee/d5 cheat description:Start at level 6 - code:D1B3-1764 + code:80b9ee/d6 cartridge sha256:4c1354337efa788169387458fa6bdbcf4be0c98369920af2bd876ad98d29070f name:First Samurai (USA) cheat description:Infinite life and force - code:C9BF-D4D1 + code:45bbfb/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:406E-D461 + code:418bea/24 cheat description:Infinite Axe, Dagger, Grendade (slot 2 item) - code:C9B6-6700+C9BE-6D00 + code:01b28d/c5+31b2e5/c5 cheat description:Infinite Warp Lanterns - code:C96D-04A5 + code:098dda/c5 cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - code:4086-0F09 + code:31b58d/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere Sword/Punch/Kick - code:40B9-AD00 + code:b1b255/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere Axe/Tri-blades - code:4088-D760 + code:41b3be/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere Knife/Dual Knives - code:408F-DD60 + code:71b3f6/24 cheat description:Full weapon power for Dagger on pick-up - code:D783-0F09 + code:31b5ed/d3 cheat description:Less force picked up from enemies - code:D4C5-AFA5 + code:b9ce7e/d2 cheat description:More force picked up from enemies - code:D6C5-AFA5 + code:b9ce7e/d8 cheat description:Lots more power picked up from enemies - code:F9C5-AFA5 + code:b9ce7e/f5 cheat description:Less life force from food - code:D789-AFA9 + code:b9b65e/d3 cheat description:More life force from food - code:FD89-AFA9 + code:b9b65e/fd cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB6A-676F + code:038eae/db cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D46A-676F + code:038eae/d2 cheat description:Infinite life and force (alt) - code:7E006E:3F+7E006F:3F + code:7e006e/3f+7e006f/3f cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0072:09 + code:7e0072/09 cheat description:Infinite Axe, Dagger, Grendade (slot 2 item) (alt) - code:7E0073:99 + code:7e0073/99 cheat description:Infinite Warp Lanterns (alt) - code:7E0078:05 + code:7e0078/05 cheat description:Infinite Bells (slot 1 item) - code:7E0074:09 + code:7e0074/09 cheat description:Have all Rune Stones - code:7E0075:05 + code:7e0075/05 cartridge sha256:064a880a8dfcf576f74ae8a17c3ec7b0a27e8cb0300a5e5959452fcc30422f14 name:Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:C2D7-8DAC + code:fbd236/cd cheat description:Infinite shield - code:7EC746:05 + code:7ec746/05 cheat description:Never lose a shield when shot (disable to kill enemies) - code:3C1F-EDAC + code:bb63f6/ec cheat description:Don't die from most falls - code:8511-ED6C + code:b36366/b7 cheat description:Start with 1 shield - code:D4D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/d2 cheat description:Start with 2 shields - code:D7D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/d3 cheat description:Start with 3 shields - code:D0D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 shields - code:D1D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 shields - code:D8D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/db cheat description:Start with 20 shields - code:F9D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/f5 cheat description:Start with 50 shields - code:77D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/33 cheat description:Start with 100 shields - code:19D4-5F78 + code:fedd2c/65 cheat description:Start with 50 credits - code:74F0-5F7B + code:fefd4c/32 cheat description:Start with 100 credits - code:10F0-5F7B + code:fefd4c/64 cheat description:Start with 250 credits - code:ECF0-5F7B + code:fefd4c/ec cheat description:Start with 512 credits - code:D4F0-5DEB + code:fafd47/d2 cheat description:Start with 1024 credits - code:D0F0-5DEB + code:fafd47/d4 cartridge sha256:ff09d72d6241b331dc429d1cf27c04c26546f23312a22c7a14e6a4bf41ed1069 name:Flintstones, The (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DB9-3D62+2DB3-CD02 + code:b3b756/dd+33b7e5/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:82BB-C402+C9B9-37D2 + code:03b7b9/bd+87b75f/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:226A-ADDD + code:b786a7/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:A2EE-CFD6 + code:36e3ef/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:418E-3DD2+6D83-37A2 + code:b7b7e7/26+8bb7ee/8d cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:DDB3-C4D0+DDB4-1760+DDC4-CFD9 + code:05b3eb/dd+81b12e/dd+35c72f/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:DDB4-1F0E + code:b3b92d/dd + cheat + description:Level skip enabled (Pause + X) + code:7e0622/01 cartridge sha256:3d5bbc06e7e9797d937c803610c40b262c14c3f0a39e8048dd6b0b052a040fc1 name:Flintstones, The - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DDCF-1DB7 + code:bccdf6/dd cheat description:Infinite stamina - code:C28D-44FD + code:8fb4db/cd cheat description:Infinite time - 1P game - code:C2A9-3D64 + code:b0ab56/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - 1P game - code:C2CF-17A4 + code:88c9fe/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3DBD-CFA7+74BD-C4A7+76BD-C4D7+DDBD-C407+EDBD-C467 + code:38bfde/ed+08bfda/32+04bfdb/38+00bfd9/dd+00bfda/ed cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:6DE3-179F+6DE7-C7BD + code:87eded/8d+0fe73e/8d cheat description:Multi-jump - code:C2A9-C72F + code:07af5f/cd cartridge sha256:204ecb9b809408c23d5f5772026fc248c70612d9bf6952e6b952ed7a85640867 name:Flying Hero - Bugyuru no Daibouken (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FCC4-D4D0+62C4-D400+7EC4-D460+FDC4-D4A0 + code:45c32b/fc+41c329/8d+41c32a/3e+49c32a/fd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:4064-67A9+4064-64D9+4067-6F69+4067-6709+6D61-64D9 + code:09862e/24+05862b/24+31863e/24+01863d/24+05866b/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:4064-64D9+4067-6F69+6D61-64D9+6D6F-64D9 + code:05862b/24+31863e/24+05866b/8d+0586fb/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D61-64D9+DDE3-0FAC + code:05866b/8d+3be1ee/dd cartridge sha256:bc6b0344a434644c391ac69a53c7720c51e2d3c5c082b8d78598ae4df100c464 name:Foreman for Real (USA) cheat description:Infinite stamina - P1 - code:7E11AE:64+7E1072:27+7E043A:78+7E045A:64 + code:7e11ae/64+7e1072/27+7e043a/78+7e045a/64 cartridge sha256:25b380f529f5a9295df7c0adcc5213d67f131f552d078a3d8f545f988047c90a name:Frantic Flea (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1E92:1E + code:7e1e92/1e cartridge sha256:1ce72767795f41049a1f4d2829e837a8885eb91e1c14faf1ca62d05839ebe3c9 name:Frogger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E17F4:00 + code:7e17f4/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E183D:04 + code:7e183d/04 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E078C:95 + code:7e078c/95 cheat description:Cars don't move - code:7E1886:00+7E1887:00+7E1888:00+7E1889:00+7E188A:00 + code:7e1886/00+7e1887/00+7e1888/00+7e1889/00+7e188a/00 cheat description:River objects don't move - code:7E1880:04+7E1881:04+7E1882:04+7E1883:04+7E1884:04 + code:7e1880/04+7e1881/04+7e1882/04+7e1883/04+7e1884/04 cartridge sha256:dcceb5be536c9b91bf34f65e7fcec4b55a78af0192323cf86f3b9555072037ee name:Fun 'n Games (USA) cheat description:Style mode - nude legs - code:7E0F80:FE + code:7e0f80/fe cheat description:Style mode - nude top - code:7E0FA3:FF + code:7e0fa3/ff cheat description:Style mode - nude feet - code:7E0FC6:63 + code:7e0fc6/63 cheat description:Style mode - nude head - code:7E0F5D:05 + code:7e0f5d/05 cartridge sha256:37fe99a0da8c2ca2296c35e6a08e48b9195074b2aa1955c1eed715d12196001b name:Fushigi no Dungeon 2 - Fuurai no Shiren (Japan) cheat description:Gain any EXP for maximum - code:DD79-5F0B + code:f23d5d/dd cheat description:Enemies start with 1 HP (If enabled when starting a new game, die, you'll restart with 1 HP, when you gain a level it should correct itself) - code:DD7D-770C+CE7D-776C+FF7D-77AC + code:c330dd/dd+c330de/ce+cb30de/ff cheat description:Collect any Gitan for maximum - code:DD9F-7FA8 + code:fa5cfe/dd cheat description:Never lose Satiation - code:DD72-ED66 + code:b233d6/dd cheat description:One Arrow gains 99 - code:DD75-EFD3 + code:b73b7f/dd cheat description:Smith a weapon to make it +99 - code:CBD1-8FD2+14D1-8F02 + code:f7d66f/cb+f3d66d/62 cheat description:Items from bartender get +99 Refinement - code:CBD8-840A+17D8-846A + code:c2dab9/cb+c2daba/63 cartridge sha256:bf16c3c867c58e2ab061c70de9295b6930d63f29f81cc986f5ecae03e0ad18d2 name:F-Zero (USA) cheat description:Always rank 1st - code:CB3C-0FA4+DF3C-04D4 + code:38e9ce/cb+04e9cb/df cheat description:Infinite turbos - code:D484-D404 + code:40bb29/d2 cheat description:Infinite spare machines - code:A96E-A4A4 + code:888aea/a5 cheat description:Start with 1 spare machine - code:DF6C-0F0A + code:3289cd/df cheat description:Start with 5 spare machines - code:D96C-0F0A + code:3289cd/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 spare machines - code:DB6C-0F0A + code:3289cd/db cheat description:Infinite power - code:7E00C9:00+7E00CA:08 + code:7e00c9/00+7e00ca/08 cheat description:Infinite turbos (alt) - code:7E0CF3:03 + code:7e0cf3/03 cheat description:Always rank 1st (alt) - code:7E1150:00 + code:7e1150/00 cheat description:Always boosted - code:7E0D51:08 + code:7e0d51/08 cheat description:Low timer - code:7E00C1:00 + code:7e00c1/00 cartridge sha256:17b24fbda9103cd8cb6f31bd6beccb4a7dfff87c8aef5e79bcc9c7d3a27623fc name:Galaxy Wars (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0630:05 + code:7e0630/05 cartridge sha256:ca3dd4620c692b2b8d3dd49b7dbdb1daa251ee0f7943050cc8a036e209cd7a07 name:Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health vs enemies/bullets - code:C266-3FBA + code:be8b8e/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo for picked up guns - code:C281-4DAC + code:bbb066/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo for picked up hand weapons - code:C286-4FAC + code:bbb08e/cd cheat description:Always have stronger attacks - code:DD66-14B2 + code:8f858a/dd cheat description:Always have super strong attacks - code:CB66-1FB2+7E66-14F2+6966-1422 + code:bf858e/cb+8f858b/3e+87858b/85 cheat description:Easily get max money - code:DD68-4422 + code:8784bb/dd cheat description:Easily get max score - code:DD6D-1FB2 + code:bf85de/dd cheat description:Always have Starmine Bombs (if you have none, fire 3 off) - code:DDB5-3FFD+D42F-1F47 + code:bfb77f/dd+b8ddfc/d2 cheat description:Always get Rank S for dungeons, regardless of time taken - code:BA2B-3FC4 + code:b0dbbf/ba cartridge sha256:1735f790ebcfa1bed2430aecde3abaf24c88ff99aa0186736f8f36b674bc9350 name:Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies and mines - code:C9AC-0D67 + code:30adc6/c5 cheat description:Infinite weapon ammo (except Smoke Screens and Machine Gun) - code:4ABD-DDA4 + code:78bbd6/2a cheat description:More Machine Gun ammo on stages 1-4 - code:EE2E-D4D4 + code:44dbeb/ee cheat description:Less Machine Gun ammo on stages 1-4 - code:482E-D4D4 + code:44dbeb/2b cheat description:More Cannon ammo on each mission - code:1022-D7D4 + code:44dbdf/64 cheat description:Less Cannon ammo on each mission - code:FB22-D7D4 + code:44dbdf/fb cheat description:More Laser Shells on each mission - code:D923-DF04 + code:70dbed/d5 cheat description:No Laser Shells on each mission - code:DD23-DF04 + code:70dbed/dd cheat description:More Smoke Screens on each mission - code:D923-D7A4 + code:48dbee/d5 cheat description:No Smoke Screens on each mission - code:DD23-D7A4 + code:48dbee/dd cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies and mines (alt) - code:00CDA2:A5 + code:00cda2/a5 cheat description:Infinite Fuel - code:7E05C4:FF + code:7e05c4/ff cheat description:Infinite 120mm Cannon - code:7E049E:42 + code:7e049e/42 cheat description:Infinite Laser Missiles - code:7E04A0:01 + code:7e04a0/01 cheat description:Infinite Smoke Screens - code:7E04A1:01 + code:7e04a1/01 cheat description:Infinite 7.62mm Machine Gun - code:7E04A2:96 + code:7e04a2/96 cartridge sha256:94496e73fc7fdf2f72f16bf2becb0c3935db2ebd97555eac73b63400acbceec6 name:Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies and mines - code:C9AC-0D67 + code:30adc6/c5 cheat description:Infinite weapon ammo (except Smoke Screens and Machine Gun) - code:4ABD-DDA4 + code:78bbd6/2a cheat description:More Machine Gun ammo on stages 1-4 - code:EE2E-D4D4 + code:44dbeb/ee cheat description:Less Machine Gun ammo on stages 1-4 - code:482E-D4D4 + code:44dbeb/2b cheat description:More Cannon ammo on each mission - code:1022-D7D4 + code:44dbdf/64 cheat description:Less Cannon ammo on each mission - code:FB22-D7D4 + code:44dbdf/fb cheat description:More Laser Shells on each mission - code:D923-DF04 + code:70dbed/d5 cheat description:No Laser Shells on each mission - code:DD23-DF04 + code:70dbed/dd cheat description:More Smoke Screens on each mission - code:D923-D7A4 + code:48dbee/d5 cheat description:No Smoke Screens on each mission - code:DD23-D7A4 + code:48dbee/dd cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies and mines (alt) - code:00CDA2:A5 + code:00cda2/a5 cheat description:Infinite Fuel - code:7E05C4:FF + code:7e05c4/ff cheat description:Infinite 120mm Cannon - code:7E049E:42 + code:7e049e/42 cheat description:Infinite Laser Missiles - code:7E04A0:01 + code:7e04a0/01 cheat description:Infinite Smoke Screens - code:7E04A1:01 + code:7e04a1/01 cheat description:Infinite 7.62mm Machine Gun - code:7E04A2:96 + code:7e04a2/96 cartridge sha256:b87874a2292fe045385a2888e33009d5d2eabf55e379059aa5ef6c73b0475ff2 name:Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousha Kessen - Battle Mobile (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:B989-04A9+898B-AFD5+8988-AFA5 + code:09b55a/b5+b5bebf/b5+b9bebe/b5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:898B-AFD5+8988-AFA5 + code:b5bebf/b5+b9bebe/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C282-AF65 + code:b1bede/cd cheat description:Infinite Shields - code:8BBF-A7A5 + code:89befe/bb cartridge sha256:fdafaa77f01a9a692411e27b3fb6045b247e5d625679b941d317a7b105f437d2 name:George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite time - code:CB62-040F+5662-046F + code:038dd9/cb+038dda/78 cheat description:Infinite super punch after obtaining it - code:6D25-A464 + code:80da7a/8d cheat description:Time goes slower - code:566D-07DD + code:0785df/78 cheat description:Time speeds up - code:DC6D-07DD + code:0785df/dc cheat description:Damage inflicted by your opponent affects him (your health may slightly decrease) - code:C228-A764+5728-A7A4+622A-AFA4+572A-A4D4 + code:80dabe/cd+88dabe/73+b8daae/8d+84daab/73 cheat description:Start with 1/2x health - both players - code:4D6C-D70D + code:4387cd/2d cartridge sha256:b248b2122a0caf99298ebd9a4f66ad8047dbfce1e4bbac8219ba3ea9fb7488b5 name:Ghost Chaser Densei (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D83-14AD + code:8bb5ea/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:82A9-3D6F + code:b3af56/bd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2A4-47D1 + code:85a82f/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3D87-CFA4+7D87-C464+7D87-C4A4+D487-C404 + code:38bb3e/ed+00bb3a/3d+08bb3a/3d+00bb39/d2 cheat description:99 hits in bonus round - code:7E0516:63 + code:7e0516/63 cartridge sha256:a4ceb31b82ea532e6eb640fa2eda61625758e72251efa5f0ae9a984f4a98a8a0 name:Ghoul Patrol (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DC0-1461+1DCC-1401 + code:81c94a/6d+81c9c9/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2BD-3DD9 + code:b5b7d7/cd cheat description:Super powered normal arrows - code:EE61-C4A3 + code:0b8b6a/ee cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1D09:0A + code:7e1d09/0a cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1DA1:63 + code:7e1da1/63 cheat description:Always have weapon - code:7E1CFE:01 + code:7e1cfe/01 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:7E1D5D:63 + code:7e1d5d/63 cheat description:Infinite Shot 1 - code:7E1D21:63 + code:7e1d21/63 cheat description:Infinite Shot 2 - code:7E1D29:63 + code:7e1d29/63 cheat description:Infinite Shot 3 - code:7E1D23:63 + code:7e1d23/63 cheat description:Infinite Shot 4 - code:7E1D1F:63 + code:7e1d1f/63 cheat description:Infinite Blue Potions - code:7E1D63:63 + code:7e1d63/63 cheat description:Infinite Red Potions - code:7E1D61:63 + code:7e1d61/63 cheat description:Infinite Green Potions - code:7E1D65:63 + code:7e1d65/63 cheat description:Infinite Medipaks - code:7E1D71:63 + code:7e1d71/63 cheat description:Infinite ? Potions - code:7E1D69:63 + code:7e1d69/63 cheat description:Infinite Vials - code:7E1D67:63 + code:7e1d67/63 cheat description:All victims already rescued - code:7E1E05:00 + code:7e1e05/00 cartridge sha256:8796ca4de3aeffd3a494fe28e7d7e2aeb220ca652b43684f29e2cc94f02c20c4 name:Gods (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C268-3576 + code:9e83bc/cd cheat description:Continually hit anywhere - code:40A2-49E8+40A3-4988+40AF-1188+6DAD-1988 + code:9aacd7/24+9eace6/24+9eadfa/24+9eadd6/8d cheat description:Shields last until at least end of the world (disable if you get stuck) - code:1DE7-31E8 + code:9aef3b/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C269-C1EB + code:1a8f5b/cd cheat description:Items you can afford in the shops are free - code:A284-35EC + code:9bb32f/ad cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF3C-4073 + code:9fe8c0/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D93C-4073 + code:9fe8c0/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB3C-4073 + code:9fe8c0/db cartridge sha256:2bb368c47189ce813ad716eef16c01cd47685cb98e2c1cb35fa6f0173c97dd7c name:Goof Troop (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:692F-1FA7 + code:b8ddfe/85 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C96F-3F6C + code:b383fe/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD23-3FDF+DD2F-176F + code:b7dfef/dd+83ddfe/dd cheat description:Get fruits and gems from anywhere - code:DDCD-CF06+DDCF-CD06 + code:32c3dd/dd+32c3f5/dd cheat description:Walk through walls - code:6D61-146B+6D66-CF06 + code:828d6a/8d+32838d/8d cheat description:4 hearts give you a life - code:D0C0-3FA8+B3C9-3DD8 + code:bacf4e/d4+b6cf57/be cheat description:2 hearts give you a life - code:D4C0-3FA8+B3C9-3DD8 + code:bacf4e/d2+b6cf57/be cheat description:2 hearts from cherries - code:D4A8-4762 + code:83a4be/d2 cheat description:4 hearts from bananas - code:D0A8-47A2 + code:8ba4be/d4 cheat description:1 heart from bananas - code:DFA8-47A2 + code:8ba4be/df cheat description:Goofy has quicker left-right movement - code:D46F-C70E+E264-C70E + code:038bfd/d2+038b2d/ed cheat description:Max has quicker left-right movement - code:D46E-170E+E26D-C70E + code:8389ed/d2+038bdd/ed cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBCD-146D + code:83c5da/db cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D1CD-146D + code:83c5da/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFCD-146D + code:83c5da/df cartridge sha256:93da752a0c76167d0907efa832367e5d14aab8e835b864f345c386071a9af718 name:Gradius III (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6D2D-D464 + code:40dbda/8d cheat description:Infinite Konami code use (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A) - code:C2A9-0DDD + code:37a557/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C8E-DDD7+3C8E-DD07 + code:74bfe7/ec+70bfe5/ec cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C227-6DDD + code:37d637/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:4034-A704 + code:80ea2d/24 cheat description:Makes Earwig Scorpion (Stage 1 mayor) much easier to defeat - code:DFBB-A766 + code:82b2be/df cheat description:Makes Bubble Brain (Stage 2 mayor) easier to defeat - code:DFB1-6F6C + code:33b26e/df cheat description:Weapons status gauge remains at current level after a weapon is selected - code:3C29-0704+3C29-0764 + code:00d95d/ec+00d95e/ec cheat description:Enemies shoot at you more - code:CBAF-D7AD+DFA4-DDDD + code:4ba7fe/cb+77a727/df cheat description:Enables Arcade option in options menu - code:D78F-D4AF + code:4bbffa/d3 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD8B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/dd cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF8B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/df cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D78B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D08B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/d4 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D68B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/d8 cheat description:Start with 16 lives - code:DE8B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/de cheat description:Start with 31 lives - code:F38B-6DA4 + code:38bab6/fe cheat description:Start with 1 credit (1P game) - code:DFC3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/df cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:D4C3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/d2 cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D1C3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/d6 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - code:D5C3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/d7 cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:D6C3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/d8 cheat description:Start with 9 credits - code:DBC3-DF0D + code:73c7ed/db cheat description:Infinite credits (alt) - code:00D230:AD + code:00d230/ad cheat description:Infinite continues - code:7E1E06:03 + code:7e1e06/03 cheat description:Infinite Forcefield - code:7E0346:02+7E0350:02 + code:7e0346/02+7e0350/02 cheat description:Weapons status gauge remains at current level after a weapon is selected (alt) - code:00D95D:EA+00D95E:EA + code:00d95d/ea+00d95e/ea cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:7E00DC:0B + code:7e00dc/0b cheat description:Have Mega Crush - code:7E00B0:07 + code:7e00b0/07 cheat description:Have Max Speed - code:7E00B2:05 + code:7e00b2/05 cheat description:Have support upgrade - Missile - code:7E00B4:0B + code:7e00b4/0b cheat description:Have support upgrade - Spread Bomb - code:7E00B4:0C + code:7e00b4/0c cheat description:Have support upgrade - 2-Way Missile - code:7E00B4:0D + code:7e00b4/0d cheat description:Have gun - Double - code:7E00B6:02 + code:7e00b6/02 cheat description:Have gun - Tailgun - code:7E00B6:03 + code:7e00b6/03 cheat description:Have gun - Back Double - code:7E00B6:04 + code:7e00b6/04 cheat description:Have gun - Verticle - code:7E00B6:05 + code:7e00b6/05 cheat description:Have gun - Twin Laser - code:7E00B6:06 + code:7e00b6/06 cheat description:Have gun - Laser - code:7E00B6:07 + code:7e00b6/07 cheat description:Have gun - Charged Laser - code:7E00B6:09 + code:7e00b6/09 cheat description:Have gun - Laser (2nd) - code:7E00B6:0A + code:7e00b6/0a cheat description:Have 99 million points - P1 - code:7E1F47:99 + code:7e1f47/99 cheat description:Have 99 million points - P2 - code:7E1F4B:99 + code:7e1f4b/99 cartridge sha256:f8c02a0b996d33c0a64c30fb76b80f8e441d67b8ecebb6940bb1171760aa444c name:Great Battle II, The - Last Fighter Twin (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:CB30-07AD+DF39-0DDD+6239-0D0D+9839-0D6D+D039-0DAD + code:0be54e/cb+37e557/df+33e555/8d+33e556/5b+3be556/d4 cheat description:Infinite health - code:89BB-AFAF + code:bbbebe/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:29C8-670D + code:03c6bd/d5 cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D88-04DF + code:07bdbb/8d cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E045B:01 + code:7e045b/01 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0454:60 + code:7e0454/60 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E00D4:03 + code:7e00d4/03 cartridge sha256:10a8d4a4eeefb124693ea72d4613cfd210a332d8ec2fdfcd64695427bf2f65d0 name:Great Battle III, The (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D80-0DDF+2D80-0F0F + code:37bd47/dd+33bd4d/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:8985-D76D + code:43b77e/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:2981-04A7 + code:08bd6a/d5 cheat description:One hit kills - code:6DAC-DDA7 + code:78afc6/8d cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E00D4:03 + code:7e00d4/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0464:48 + code:7e0464/48 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E00E4:03 + code:7e00e4/03 cartridge sha256:b5492aea296ee4bfcd2c677fbec5153fd4c4db758c835b372ef750cf2399649b name:Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:6D94-E764 + code:805b2e/8d cheat description:Invincibility against ground hazards - code:6DF3-5FA0 + code:f9f1ee/8d cheat description:Infinite Vacuum - code:C9FB-5769 + code:c1f5be/c5 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - code:C9FB-8FA9 + code:f9f6be/c5 cheat description:Collect one coin for 999 - code:DD9D-5D07 + code:f05dd5/dd cartridge sha256:f921297c361f16ad3f1257e91829638fc795f9323172015d7237ed648c8f7515 name:GunForce (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:69BD-A4A1+CBBD-A401 + code:89bada/85+81bad9/cb cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2E7-AFAF + code:bbee3e/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C2B7-AFD4+DDB8-070F+DDB8-0F6F+DDBB-04AF+DDBC-0D0F + code:b4ba3f/cd+03bdbd/dd+33bdbe/dd+0bbdba/dd+33bdc5/dd cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E0055:B1 + code:7e0055/b1 cheat description:Infinite time (enable during gameplay) - code:7E0028:09+7E0029:09 + code:7e0028/09+7e0029/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0051:09 + code:7e0051/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0052:09 + code:7e0052/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - P1 - code:7E0053:09 + code:7e0053/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - P2 - code:7E0054:09 + code:7e0054/09 cheat description:Have Rapid Fire - code:7E0057:FF + code:7e0057/ff cheat description:Have regular gun - code:7E9015:01 + code:7e9015/01 cheat description:Have Laser gun - code:7E9015:04 + code:7e9015/04 cheat description:Have Bazooka - code:7E9015:07 + code:7e9015/07 cheat description:Have Flamethrower - code:7E9015:0E + code:7e9015/0e cartridge sha256:5a6deb5617e86a9f4b981031e939510e30c5c8ad047f5f012e40442113fd28c2 name:Hagane - The Final Conflict (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1D0B-576D + code:c345be/6d cheat description:Infinite time - code:6D6F-8D0F + code:f38ef5/8d cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:3CBF-8FDD + code:f7b6ff/ec cheat description:Infinite Daggers - code:3CB9-5F6D + code:f3b55e/ec cheat description:Infinite special attacks - code:3C68-EDD4 + code:b48bb7/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C62-540F + code:c38dd9/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD76-E407+DD76-ED67+DD7B-EDD7+DD7B-EFA7 + code:803f89/dd+b03f86/dd+b43fb7/dd+b83fbe/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:DD0D-770D + code:c344dd/dd cheat description:Jump higher - code:E29D-8DD4 + code:f45ad7/ed cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB63-57DD + code:c785ef/db cheat description:Start with 9 special attack points - code:DB6E-5DDD + code:f785e7/db cheat description:Start with maximum health points - code:D963-5FDD + code:f785ef/d5 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Fortress Of Doom - code:CB6A-5D0D+DF6A-5D6D + code:f385a5/cb+f385a6/df cheat description:Start on stage 3 - Violated Heavens - code:CB6A-5D0D+D46A-5D6D + code:f385a5/cb+f385a6/d2 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Cry Of The Spirits - code:CB6A-5D0D+D76A-5D6D + code:f385a5/cb+f385a6/d3 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Into The Darkness - code:CB6A-5D0D+D06A-5D6D + code:f385a5/cb+f385a6/d4 cartridge sha256:de1cf1512e48473b03adb87b7504f394e8b330b346bac24044f833d83609799a name:HAL's Hole in One Golf (USA) cheat description:No penalty if you land in water or out of bounds - code:4A6C-6D69 + code:3186c6/2a cheat description:Always start hole with 1-shot penalty - code:DF6F-0D00 + code:3181f5/df cheat description:Max 7 strokes per hole - code:D56C-A401 + code:818ac9/d7 cheat description:Max 5 strokes per hole - code:D96C-A401 + code:818ac9/d5 cartridge sha256:6e2a02a8944c19db3da76d2646f232fbe3ed039bc7d44cc03910814fa77a7acf name:Harley's Humongous Adventure (USA) cheat description:Protection against some hazards - code:C2C0-0DB5 + code:3dcd46/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:DD87-A4B0 + code:8db23a/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C8-07B5 + code:0dcdbe/cd cheat description:Infinite Jet Fuel on pick-up - code:DDCD-6DF5 + code:3dced7/dd cheat description:Infinite time on Vent level - code:3C83-ADA4 + code:b8bae6/ec cheat description:Any fuel power-up gives maximum amount - code:DDC4-6495 + code:05ce29/dd cheat description:Press X on the title screen with the house to get level select menu - code:D43E-046F + code:03edea/d2 cheat description:Get only 5 ammo from a weapon power-up - code:D98D-DDB9 + code:7db7d6/d5 cheat description:Get 20 ammo from a weapon power-up - code:4D8D-DDB9 + code:7db7d6/2d cheat description:Get 30 ammo from a weapon power-up - code:7D8D-DDB9 + code:7db7d6/3d cheat description:Get 40 ammo from a weapon power-up - code:0D8D-DDB9 + code:7db7d6/4d cheat description:Get 50 ammo from a weapon power-up - code:9D8D-DDB9 + code:7db7d6/5d cheat description:20 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1 - code:F08C-A704 + code:80bacd/f4 cheat description:60 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1 - code:7A8C-A704 + code:80bacd/3a cheat description:90 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1 - code:9C8C-A704 + code:80bacd/5c cheat description:60 seconds to complete the Vent level - code:7A88-A7D4 + code:84babf/3a cheat description:Start with maximum fuel on every level - code:6DCF-04B1 + code:0dc9fa/8d cheat description:Start with 4 hearts - code:D6CF-ADB1 + code:bdcaf6/d8 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - code:DCCF-ADB1 + code:bdcaf6/dc cheat description:Start with 10 of every weapon - code:FD22-6415 + code:09ded9/fd cheat description:Start with 25 of every weapon - code:4922-6415 + code:09ded9/25 cheat description:Start with 50 of every weapon - code:9D22-6415 + code:09ded9/5d cheat description:Start with 99 of every weapon - code:BB22-6415 + code:09ded9/bb cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DFCF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D9CF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/d5 cheat description:Start with 11 lives - code:FDCF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/fd cheat description:Start with 26 lives - code:49CF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/25 cheat description:Start with 51 lives - code:9DCF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/5d cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:BBCF-A7F1 + code:8dcaff/bb cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies - code:7EAB45:32 + code:7eab45/32 cheat description:Start with all weapons - code:09DED9:FF + code:09ded9/ff cheat description:Infinite weapons on pick-up - code:7EAB54:9A + code:7eab54/9a cheat description:Infinite Air - code:7E24B2:FF + code:7e24b2/ff cheat description:Infinite Fuel on pick-up (disable to complete level) - code:7E24BC:FF + code:7e24bc/ff cheat description:Infinte Nuts - code:7E24AC:99 + code:7e24ac/99 cheat description:Infinite Invincibility Spray - code:7EAB44:84 + code:7eab44/84 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1C3B:64 + code:7e1c3b/64 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:7E0283:02 + code:7e0283/02 cartridge sha256:73a3aa87ddd5ce5df5ba51292316f42b6e128280179b0a1b11b4dcddc17d4163 name:Harvest Moon (USA) cheat description:Can access all items temporarily - code:C980-3460 + code:81b34a/c5 cheat description:Don't lose stamina - code:C22E-4DD0 + code:b5d0e7/cd cheat description:Go to bed to get 200 stamina - code:CB68-34A6+A668-37D6+3C68-3706 + code:8a83ba/cb+8683bf/a8+8283bd/ec cheat description:With 1 or more wood, take some to get 999 - code:6D87-CFDA + code:36bb3f/8d cheat description:With 0 wood, take some to get 999 - code:F987-CDDA + code:36bb37/f5 cheat description:Fencing doesn't break when it storms - code:6DC5-3DAB + code:bacf76/8d cheat description:Go to sleep to put a bell plant next to the stable - code:FD69-47DB + code:868c5f/fd cheat description:Go to sleep to enable the egg festival prize - code:DB6B-3F6B+DD6B-3FAB+FD6B-34DB + code:b28fbe/db+ba8fbe/dd+868fbb/fd cheat description:Town always performs Flower Festival - code:DD2D-37AA+242F-3D0A + code:8adbde/dd+b2dbf5/d2 cartridge sha256:7c34908526db2a634216fab0276c42a8e4e22d59c728cd586200142a12dd2c2c name:Home Alone (USA) cheat description:Infinite power - code:C220-D464 + code:40db4a/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DD21-DFD4 + code:74db6f/dd cheat description:Infinite Baseballs, Slingshot and Rifle ammo - code:DD2A-A76F + code:83deae/dd cheat description:Power boost on jumps - code:3DB1-07D5 + code:05bd6f/ed cheat description:Super power boost on jumps - code:ADB1-07D5 + code:05bd6f/ad cheat description:Need 1 item (instead of 24) to complete level 1 - code:DF23-A764 + code:80daee/df cheat description:Need 5 items to complete level 1 - code:D923-A764 + code:80daee/d5 cheat description:Need 10 items to complete level 1 - code:FD23-A764 + code:80daee/fd cheat description:Need 15 items to complete level 1 - code:F923-A764 + code:80daee/f5 cheat description:Need 20 items to complete level 1 - code:4D23-A764 + code:80daee/2d cheat description:Need 1 item (instead of 30) to complete level 2 - code:DF23-A7A4 + code:88daee/df cheat description:Need 5 items to complete level 2 - code:D923-A7A4 + code:88daee/d5 cheat description:Need 10 items to complete level 2 - code:FD23-A7A4 + code:88daee/fd cheat description:Need 15 items to complete level 2 - code:F923-A7A4 + code:88daee/f5 cheat description:Need 20 items to complete level 2 - code:4D23-A7A4 + code:88daee/2d cheat description:Need 25 items to complete level 2 - code:4923-A7A4 + code:88daee/25 cheat description:Need 1 item (instead of 35) to complete level 3 - code:DF2E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/df cheat description:Need 5 items to complete level 3 - code:D92E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/d5 cheat description:Need 10 items to complete level 3 - code:FD2E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/fd cheat description:Need 15 items to complete level 3 - code:F92E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/f5 cheat description:Need 20 items to complete level 3 - code:4D2E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/2d cheat description:Need 25 items to complete level 3 - code:492E-ADD4 + code:b4dae7/25 cheat description:Need 1 item (instead of 35) to complete level 4 - code:DF2E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/df cheat description:Need 5 items to complete level 4 - code:D92E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/d5 cheat description:Need 10 items to complete level 4 - code:FD2E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/fd cheat description:Need 15 items to complete level 4 - code:F92E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/f5 cheat description:Need 20 items to complete level 4 - code:4D2E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/2d cheat description:Need 25 items to complete level 4 - code:492E-AD04 + code:b0dae5/25 cheat description:Extra life with 1 pizza slice instead of 8 - code:DF66-04A7 + code:088d8a/df cheat description:Extra life with 2 pizza slices - code:D466-04A7 + code:088d8a/d2 cheat description:Extra life with 3 pizza slices - code:D766-04A7 + code:088d8a/d3 cheat description:Extra life with 4 pizza slices - code:D066-04A7 + code:088d8a/d4 cheat description:Extra life with 5 pizza slices - code:D966-04A7 + code:088d8a/d5 cheat description:Extra life with 6 pizza slices - code:D166-04A7 + code:088d8a/d6 cheat description:Extra life with 7 pizza slices - code:D566-04A7 + code:088d8a/d7 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DF2B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D42B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D92B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB2B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:492B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/25 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:9D2B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/5d cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:BB2B-AFD4 + code:b4dabf/bb cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:DF69-DFAD+AB69-D40D+D769-D46D + code:7b875e/df+438759/ab+43875a/d3 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D469-DFAD+AB69-D40D+D769-D46D + code:7b875e/d2+438759/ab+43875a/d3 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D769-DFAD+AB69-D40D+D769-D46D + code:7b875e/d3+438759/ab+43875a/d3 cartridge sha256:27eaccb4eea93832639565a664bf3561ed5a11ac025d377a3f33262d851c1b2b name:Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) cheat description:Infinite power (some things can still kill you) - code:C22E-AF9D + code:b7d6ed/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:3CB7-6DA4 + code:38ba36/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C264-D464 + code:408b2a/cd cheat description:Dart guns have 50 shots - code:7427-AF2F+7429-AD9F + code:b7de3f/32+b7de55/32 cheat description:Extra life from 1 pizza slice instead of 6 - code:DF2B-AFBF + code:bfdebe/df cheat description:Extra life from 2 pizza slices - code:D42B-AFBF + code:bfdebe/d2 cheat description:Extra life from 3 pizza slices - code:D72B-AFBF + code:bfdebe/d3 cheat description:Extra life from 4 pizza slices - code:D02B-AFBF + code:bfdebe/d4 cheat description:Extra life from 5 pizza slices - code:D92B-AFBF + code:bfdebe/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DFB5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D9B5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBB5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FBB5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:74B5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:17B5-6FA7 + code:38be7e/63 cartridge sha256:48a3ac52e2c9128abc2dc60e07817a51898e8a93be0d51d6f541a8635263a089 name:Home Improvement - Power Tool Pursuit! (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6D62-4B82+6D69-1CEA + code:af84de/8d+ba8953/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CB69-1FDE + code:b7895f/cb cheat description:Infinite Nut Bolts - code:C9BC-3673+C9C4-4683+C26F-468A + code:afbbc0/c5+afc822/c5+ae88f2/cd cartridge sha256:acad4c594f156e0f30dec2532b35fcb3bab800e08263377634e2d96dfd055f3e name:Hook (USA) cheat description:Infinite power (disable if you get stuck) - code:3CA5-D70F + code:43af7d/ec cheat description:Infinite time - code:A268-6F03 + code:338abd/ad cheat description:Time starts at 7 min - stage 1 - code:D56B-ADA2 + code:bb86b6/d7 cheat description:Time starts at 3 min - stage 1 - code:D76B-ADA2 + code:bb86b6/d3 cheat description:Start with 3 power leaves - code:D066-0FDD + code:37858f/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 leaf (shows 2, but you can only fill 1) - code:D466-0FDD + code:37858f/d2 cheat description:Infinite power (alt) - code:7EF7C1:03 + code:7ef7c1/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1F00:03 + code:7e1f00/03 cheat description:Infinite flying - code:7E1F07:80+7E1F08:01 + code:7e1f07/80+7e1f08/01 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E1F14:59 + code:7e1f14/59 cartridge sha256:ba6cb0d64cef410c5dd517ce0424fc0942a15b0df0274903939c043f3ac79d39 name:Humans, The (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E010B:0C + code:7e010b/0c cheat description:Infinite time (disable at end of level) - code:7E0122:78+7E0123:00 + code:7e0122/78+7e0123/00 + +cartridge sha256:0f6fc06bab813b9654de97fafd4f140368714c58e79130d15046a5a955fc3083 + name:Hungry Dinosaurs (Europe) + cheat + description:Walk anywhere on the grid + code:c36c89/8d + cheat + description:Move faster + code:f0da4d/dd+c0da4d/dd + cheat + description:Change CPU's eggs to your own by walking over them + code:f8ddf6/dd+f4ddff/dd cartridge sha256:a03528344d40bf800cdbde2dd240b30442cec7aea6026fbbe312a7c36bf0f74a name:Hunt for Red October, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:C2AE-1404 + code:80a9e9/cd cheat description:Infinite ECMs - code:C2AC-34D4 + code:84abcb/cd cheat description:Infinite SAMs - code:C2AB-CFD4 + code:34abbf/cd cheat description:Infinite SSMs - code:C2A7-3D64 + code:b0ab36/cd cheat description:Infinite Torpedoes - code:C2A0-1D64 + code:b0a946/cd cheat description:Start with 0 Bombs instead of 40 - code:DD34-4761 + code:81e82e/dd cheat description:Start with 99 Bombs - code:1734-4761 + code:81e82e/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Torpedoes instead of 60 - code:DD3F-47D1 + code:85e8ff/dd cheat description:Start with 99 Torpedoes - code:173F-47D1 + code:85e8ff/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) instead of 25 - code:DD34-44D1 + code:85e82b/dd cheat description:Start with 50 SAMs - code:7434-44D1 + code:85e82b/32 cheat description:Start with 99 SAMs - code:1734-44D1 + code:85e82b/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Surface-to-Surface Missiles (SSMs) instead of 25 - code:DD34-4D61 + code:b1e826/dd cheat description:Start with 50 SSMs - code:7434-4D61 + code:b1e826/32 cheat description:Start with 99 SSMs - code:1734-4D61 + code:b1e826/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Electronic Countermeasures (ECMs) instead of 2 - code:DD3F-4F61 + code:b1e8fe/dd cheat description:Start with 50 ECMs - code:743F-4F61 + code:b1e8fe/32 cheat description:Start with 99 ECMs - code:173F-4F61 + code:b1e8fe/63 cheat description:Start in theatre I - Caribbean - code:D4BA-1F64 + code:b0b9ae/d2 cheat description:Start in theatre II - North Pacifi - code:D1BA-1F64 + code:b0b9ae/d6 cheat description:Start in theatre III - Mediterranean - code:DABA-1F64 + code:b0b9ae/da cheat description:Start on the final mission - Return to the USSR - code:FDBA-1F64 + code:b0b9ae/fd cartridge sha256:41cc900d2461a8dc4706640e493885ddf85db04d8dffceebf7a0ed89cc983d8d name:Hurricanes (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0CA2:FF + code:7e0ca2/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0D0E:2C + code:7e0d0e/2c cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1252:09 + code:7e1252/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0D16:09 + code:7e0d16/09 cartridge sha256:f57c49cc3e4c5e34929e12658db0de8794265c517e42f3c518bb1466ba46f14a name:HyperZone (USA) cheat description:Infinite power - code:4A8A-DFD1 + code:75bbaf/2a cheat description:Restore energy more quickly - code:D76A-D7D5 + code:458faf/d3 cheat description:Restore energy more slowly - code:DD6A-D7D5 + code:458faf/dd cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D5C4-DFD1 + code:75cb2f/d7 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDC4-DFD1 + code:75cb2f/dd cartridge sha256:fa143784fd20721d61101920e6aae9b7f5012b8157b1ce0c7ea83ea6c875d84d name:Ignition Factor, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0669:F9 + code:7e0669/f9 cheat description:Max health - code:7E069A:F9 + code:7e069a/f9 cheat description:Always have full abilities regardless of how many items you carry - code:7E0698:00 + code:7e0698/00 cheat description:Infinite Air Tank - code:7E0690:B4 + code:7e0690/b4 cheat description:Infinite CO2 Bombs - code:7E0695:B4 + code:7e0695/b4 cheat description:Infinite Fire Trucks - code:7E0697:03 + code:7e0697/03 cheat description:Infinite Blue (electrical) Extinguisher - code:7E068F:B4 + code:7e068f/b4 cheat description:Infinite Green (chemical) Extinguisher - code:7E068E:B4 + code:7e068e/b4 cheat description:Infinite Red Extinguisher - code:7E068D:B4 + code:7e068d/b4 cheat description:Infinite Plastic Explosives - code:7E0696:B4 + code:7e0696/b4 cheat description:Infinite time - minutes - code:7E1CBA:00 + code:7e1cba/00 cheat description:Infinite time - seconds - code:7E1CB9:00 + code:7e1cb9/00 cheat description:Infinite time - milliseconds - code:7E1CB8:00 + code:7e1cb8/00 cheat description:Have Green (chemical) Extinguisher in slot 1 - code:7E14C2:02 + code:7e14c2/02 cheat description:Have Blue (electrical) Extinguisher in slot 2 - code:7E14C6:04 + code:7e14c6/04 cheat description:Have Oxygen Tank and Mask in slot 3 - code:7E14CA:06 + code:7e14ca/06 cheat description:Have Chainsaw in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:08 + code:7e14ce/08 cheat description:Have Rope in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:0A + code:7e14ce/0a cheat description:Have Axe in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:0C + code:7e14ce/0c cheat description:Have Pole in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:0E + code:7e14ce/0e cheat description:Have CO2 Bombs in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:10 + code:7e14ce/10 cheat description:Have Plastic Explosives in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:12 + code:7e14ce/12 cheat description:Haev Fossile in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:14 + code:7e14ce/14 cheat description:Have First Aid Kit in slot 4 - code:7E14CE:26 + code:7e14ce/26 cartridge sha256:32adc048fd89228a4310c03df243e83de7d436cdb2460b4cc83ade20d359b2bd name:Illusion of Gaia (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:C2A5-44A2 + code:8ba47a/cd cheat description:Less charge time for psycho dash - code:D98F-4F0C + code:b3b0fd/d5 cheat description:Less charge time for dark friar - code:D98B-4DDC + code:b7b0b7/d5 cheat description:Super run left/right only - code:D9AA-1F0B+E8A5-14AB + code:b2adad/d5+8aad7a/eb cheat description:Super run up/down only - code:EAA7-1D6B+D0A3-446B + code:b2ad36/ea+82acea/d4 cheat description:Get 2x the energy from herbs - code:FD6B-47A3 + code:8b88be/fd cheat description:Get 3x the energy from herbs - code:F66B-47A3 + code:8b88be/f8 cheat description:Red Jewel 50 check passes - code:DDA0-3D37 + code:b8af47/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 30 check passes - code:DDA7-3447 + code:88af38/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 20 check passes - code:DDA4-3F37 + code:b8af2f/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 12 check passes - code:DDAF-3FC7 + code:b0afff/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 08 check passes - code:DDAD-3F17 + code:b8afdd/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 05 check passes - code:DDAE-CF47 + code:38afec/dd cheat description:Red Jewel 03 check passes - code:DDA3-CD37 + code:38afe7/dd cheat description:Start with max HP - code:EE61-440D + code:838469/ee cheat description:Start with a lot more energy - code:F061-44DD + code:87846b/f4 cheat description:Start with 20 strength points - code:F065-4D0D + code:b38475/f4 cheat description:Start with 50 strength points - code:7465-4D0D + code:b38475/32 cheat description:Start with 80 strength points - code:9D65-4D0D + code:b38475/5d cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E0ACD:32+7E0ACE:32 + code:7e0acd/32+7e0ace/32 cheat description:Max HP - code:7E0ACA:32+7E0ACB:03 + code:7e0aca/32+7e0acb/03 cheat description:Max Strength - code:7E0ADE:63 + code:7e0ade/63 cheat description:Max Defense - code:7E0ADC:63 + code:7e0adc/63 cheat description:Can always attack - code:7E09AE:00 + code:7e09ae/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E0ADE:FF+7E0ADF:FF + code:7e0ade/ff+7e0adf/ff cheat description:Play as Will - code:7E0AD4:00 + code:7e0ad4/00 cheat description:Play as Knight - code:7E0AD4:01 + code:7e0ad4/01 cheat description:Play as Shade - code:7E0AD4:02 + code:7e0ad4/02 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:82E301:AF+82E304:9B + code:82e301/af+82e304/9b cheat description:Can always attack - code:7E09AE:00 + code:7e09ae/00 cheat description:Have all Statues - code:7E0A1F:BF + code:7e0a1f/bf cheat description:Have Red Jewel - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:01 + code:7e0ab4/01 cheat description:Have Red Jewel - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:01 + code:7e0ac3/01 cheat description:Have Prison Key - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:02 + code:7e0ab4/02 cheat description:Have Prison Key - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:02 + code:7e0ac3/02 cheat description:Have Incan Statue A - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:03 + code:7e0ab4/03 cheat description:Have Incan Statue A - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:03 + code:7e0ac3/03 cheat description:Have Incan Statue B - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:04 + code:7e0ab4/04 cheat description:Have Incan Statue B - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:04 + code:7e0ac3/04 cheat description:Have Incan Melody - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:05 + code:7e0ab4/05 cheat description:Have Incan Melody - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:05 + code:7e0ac3/05 cheat description:Have Herb - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:06 + code:7e0ab4/06 cheat description:Have Herb - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:06 + code:7e0ac3/06 cheat description:Have Blue Block - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:07 + code:7e0ab4/07 cheat description:Have Blue Block - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:07 + code:7e0ac3/07 cheat description:Have Wind Melody - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:08 + code:7e0ab4/08 cheat description:Have Wind Melody - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:08 + code:7e0ac3/08 cheat description:Have Lola's Melody - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:09 + code:7e0ab4/09 cheat description:Have Lola's Melody - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:09 + code:7e0ac3/09 cheat description:Have Meat - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0A + code:7e0ab4/0a cheat description:Have Meat - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0A + code:7e0ac3/0a cheat description:Have Mine Key A - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0B + code:7e0ab4/0b cheat description:Have Mine Key A - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0B + code:7e0ac3/0b cheat description:Have Mine Key B - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0C + code:7e0ab4/0c cheat description:Have Mine Key B - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0C + code:7e0ac3/0c cheat description:Have Memory Melody - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0D + code:7e0ab4/0d cheat description:Have Memory Melody - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0D + code:7e0ac3/0d cheat description:Have Crystal Ball - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0E + code:7e0ab4/0e cheat description:Have Crystal Ball - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0E + code:7e0ac3/0e cheat description:Have Elevator Key - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:0F + code:7e0ab4/0f cheat description:Have Elevator Key - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:0F + code:7e0ac3/0f cheat description:Have Palace Key - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:10 + code:7e0ab4/10 cheat description:Have Palace Key - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:10 + code:7e0ac3/10 cheat description:Have Purify Stone - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:11 + code:7e0ab4/11 cheat description:Have Purify Stone - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:11 + code:7e0ac3/11 cheat description:Have Statue of Hope - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:12 + code:7e0ab4/12 cheat description:Have Statue of Hope - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:12 + code:7e0ac3/12 cheat description:Have Rama Statue - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:13 + code:7e0ab4/13 cheat description:Have Rama Statue - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:13 + code:7e0ac3/13 cheat description:Have Magic Dust - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:14 + code:7e0ab4/14 cheat description:Have Magic Dust - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:14 + code:7e0ac3/14 cheat description:Have Blue Journal - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:15 + code:7e0ab4/15 cheat description:Have Blue Journal - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:15 + code:7e0ac3/15 cheat description:Have Lance's Leter - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:16 + code:7e0ab4/16 cheat description:Have Lance's Leter - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:16 + code:7e0ac3/16 cheat description:Have Necklace Stone - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:17 + code:7e0ab4/17 cheat description:Have Necklace Stone - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:17 + code:7e0ac3/17 cheat description:Have Will - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:18 + code:7e0ab4/18 cheat description:Have Will - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:18 + code:7e0ac3/18 cheat description:Have Tea Pot - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:19 + code:7e0ab4/19 cheat description:Have Tea Pot - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:19 + code:7e0ac3/19 cheat description:Have Mushroom Drop - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1A + code:7e0ab4/1a cheat description:Have Mushroom Drop - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1A + code:7e0ac3/1a cheat description:Have Bag of Gold - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1B + code:7e0ab4/1b cheat description:Have Bag of Gold - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1B + code:7e0ac3/1b cheat description:Have Black Glasses - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1C + code:7e0ab4/1c cheat description:Have Black Glasses - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1C + code:7e0ac3/1c cheat description:Have Gorgon Flower - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1D + code:7e0ab4/1d cheat description:Have Gorgon Flower - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1D + code:7e0ac3/1d cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 1 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1E + code:7e0ab4/1e cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 1 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1E + code:7e0ac3/1e cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 2 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:1F + code:7e0ab4/1f cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 2 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:1F + code:7e0ac3/1f cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 3 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:20 + code:7e0ab4/20 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 3 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:20 + code:7e0ac3/20 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 4 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:21 + code:7e0ab4/21 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 4 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:21 + code:7e0ac3/21 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 5 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:22 + code:7e0ab4/22 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 5 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:22 + code:7e0ac3/22 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 6 - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:23 + code:7e0ab4/23 cheat description:Have Heiroglyph 6 - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:23 + code:7e0ac3/23 cheat description:Have Aura - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:24 + code:7e0ab4/24 cheat description:Have Aura - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:24 + code:7e0ac3/24 cheat description:Have Lola's Letter - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:25 + code:7e0ab4/25 cheat description:Have Lola's Letter - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:25 + code:7e0ac3/25 cheat description:Have Father's Journal - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:26 + code:7e0ab4/26 cheat description:Have Father's Journal - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:26 + code:7e0ac3/26 cheat description:Have Crystal Ring - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:27 + code:7e0ab4/27 cheat description:Have Crystal Ring - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:27 + code:7e0ac3/27 cheat description:Have Red Apple - slot 1 - code:7E0AB4:28 + code:7e0ab4/28 cheat description:Have Red Apple - slot 16 - code:7E0AC3:28 + code:7e0ac3/28 cartridge sha256:4dc2b5de98e9109583d9b61b38d26a8216af4dba246ef71350122213630562d0 name:Imperium (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6DCC-DD27+DD38-AFA9 + code:74cfc7/8d+b9e6be/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6D31-DDA1+C236-DD01 + code:79eb66/8d+71eb85/cd cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:C2A9-D46F + code:43af5a/cd cheat description:Start with 1 life point - code:DFA2-D4A4 + code:48abda/df cheat description:Start with 3 life points - code:D7A2-D4A4 + code:48abda/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 bombs - code:D9BD-64D7 + code:04bedb/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 bombs - code:DBBD-64D7 + code:04bedb/db cartridge sha256:c41150c0e84055801377fb7cb273cc51ca442b269ca6287cadf514f553e34750 name:Incantation (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C234-CFD7 + code:34ef2f/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2A0-3FD7 + code:b4af4f/cd cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E07FC:5F + code:7e07fc/5f cheat description:Infinite energy (alt) - code:7E1115:30 + code:7e1115/30 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0846:64 + code:7e0846/64 cheat description:Super-jump with lunar descent - code:7E163D:00 + code:7e163d/00 cheat description:3 wheat for toll - code:7E0E69:03 + code:7e0e69/03 cheat description:Max bonus - code:7E083C:5A+7E083E:63 + code:7e083c/5a+7e083e/63 cheat description:Have larger shot - code:7E07E8:D4+7E07EA:1A + code:7e07e8/d4+7e07ea/1a cartridge sha256:0415adfe80977485f84cdffaaa79f18c91c004c7dba202b4cf9a94eb11adeada name:Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E1338:37 + code:7e1338/37 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E03B6:05 + code:7e03b6/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E03B5:05 + code:7e03b5/05 cheat description:Infinite time (disable at end of level) - code:7E04A6:3B + code:7e04a6/3b cheat description:Infinite spanners - code:7E04A0:0A + code:7e04a0/0a cheat description:Infinite wrenches (disable at end of level) - code:7E04A0:05 + code:7e04a0/05 cheat description:Infinite airbag once obtained - code:7E0492:C7 + code:7e0492/c7 cheat description:Infinite lightning once obtained - code:7E0490:C7 + code:7e0490/c7 cheat description:Start at Parking Level 1 - code:7E03B9:01 + code:7e03b9/01 cheat description:Start at Crash Center - code:7E03B9:02 + code:7e03b9/02 cheat description:Start at Crash Center Boss - code:7E03B9:03 + code:7e03b9/03 cheat description:Start at Construction Site 1 - code:7E03B9:04 + code:7e03b9/04 cheat description:Start at Construction Site 2 - code:7E03B9:05 + code:7e03b9/05 cheat description:Start at Construction Site Boss - code:7E03B9:06 + code:7e03b9/06 cheat description:Start at Artillery Range 1 - code:7E03B9:07 + code:7e03b9/07 cheat description:Start at Military Complex - code:7E03B9:08 + code:7e03b9/08 cheat description:Start at Military Complex Boss - code:7E03B9:09 + code:7e03b9/09 cheat description:Start at Junk Kastle - code:7E03B9:0A + code:7e03b9/0a cheat description:Start at Junk Kastle Boss - code:7E03B9:0B + code:7e03b9/0b cheat description:Start at Title Screen - code:7E03B9:0C + code:7e03b9/0c cheat description:Start at Credits - code:7E03B9:0D + code:7e03b9/0d cheat description:Start at Parking Level 2 - code:7E03B9:0E + code:7e03b9/0e cheat description:Start at Vehicle Crash Test 1 'car' - code:7E03B9:0F + code:7e03b9/0f cheat description:Start at Vehicle Crash Test 2 'bulldozer' - code:7E03B9:10 + code:7e03b9/10 cheat description:Start at Artillery Range 2 - code:7E03B9:11 + code:7e03b9/11 cheat description:Start at Vehicle Crash Test 3 'tank' - code:7E03B9:12 + code:7e03b9/12 cartridge sha256:8d170628d2d2fdf142bb82ad80e908bba54c45fa33241c779b8eafaf1b21171f name:Incredible Hulk, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:8260-1465+C2E9-44DF + code:818d4a/bd+87ec5b/cd cheat description:Infinite transformation capsules on pick-up - code:C96D-CDC6 + code:3283d7/c5 cheat description:Health doesn't decrease when Hulked-out - code:C260-4746 + code:8a804c/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0AB3-4D00+2DB3-4DD0+3DB2-4700+DDB2-4760+DDB2-47A0 + code:b1b0e5/4a+b5b0e7/dd+81b0dd/ed+81b0de/dd+89b0de/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:DDBF-47D0 + code:85b0ff/dd cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:6DBF-17CB + code:82bdff/8d cheat description:Get 4 shots from gun - code:D0BC-173B + code:8abdcf/d4 cheat description:Get 9 shots from gun - code:DBBC-173B + code:8abdcf/db cheat description:Get 20 shots from gun - code:F0BC-173B + code:8abdcf/f4 cheat description:Get 20 seconds from time icon - code:4DB0-1F4B + code:babd4c/2d cheat description:Get 40 seconds from time icon - code:0DB0-1F4B + code:babd4c/4d cheat description:2x energy from gamma capsules - code:F3BE-144B + code:8abde8/fe cheat description:Gamma capsules act as mega-gamma capsules - code:DDB8-171B + code:8abdbd/dd cheat description:Super-jump (sometimes) - code:DA25-34A7+DA34-47AD + code:88df7a/da+8be42e/da cheat description:Mega-jump (sometimes) - code:FB25-34A7+FB34-47AD + code:88df7a/fb+8be42e/fb cheat description:Mega damage from Hulk's uppercut - code:DCB7-44D0 + code:85b03b/dc cheat description:Mega damage from Hulk's head butt - code:DCB1-4FD0 + code:b5b06f/dc cheat description:4x damage from Hulk's uppercut - code:D0B7-44D0 + code:85b03b/d4 cheat description:4x damage from Hulk's head-butt - code:D0B1-4FD0 + code:b5b06f/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFBD-CD6F + code:33bfd6/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D1BD-CD6F + code:33bfd6/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBBD-CD6F + code:33bfd6/db cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:DDB2-1F0F + code:b3bddd/dd cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:4DB2-1F0F + code:b3bddd/2d cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:0DB2-1F0F + code:b3bddd/4d cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:6DB2-1F0F + code:b3bddd/8d cheat description:Infinite and max health - code:7E0718:63 + code:7e0718/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E00C0:09 + code:7e00c0/09 cartridge sha256:cf611b40f9570e8fcfdc21db623965da62561e8ca82ded59e432ba6fb0bfb562 name:Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:62A7-1764+2D80-CDDF + code:80a93e/8d+37bf47/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C2-37A4 + code:88cbde/cd cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:C2B6-370F + code:83bf8d/cd cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:C2B6-370F + code:83bf8d/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:3CAB-CE82+F0BC-173B + code:3fa7ba/ec+8abdcf/f4 cheat description:Hearts don't restore health - code:C2B6-440F + code:83bc89/cd cheat description:Can't collect Grenades - code:C2B9-37DF + code:87bf5f/cd cheat description:Start with very little health - code:DFC1-3707 + code:80cf6d/df cheat description:Start with about 1/2 health - code:D7C1-3707 + code:80cf6d/d3 cheat description:Start with more health (ignore health meter) - code:DEC1-3701 + code:81cb6d/de cheat description:Start with 5 Grenades - code:D9C7-CF0F + code:33cf3d/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 Grenades - code:DBC7-CF0F + code:33cf3d/db cheat description:Start with 15 Grenades - code:DEC7-CF0F + code:33cf3d/de cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DFCC-1E83 + code:bfc9ca/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D0CC-1E83 + code:bfc9ca/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBCC-1E83 + code:bfc9ca/db cheat description:Start with no continues - code:D1C8-13E3 + code:bbc9bb/d6 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0120:06 + code:7e0120/06 cartridge sha256:5e5cac64fdcf09a52a9c0ab1ebc8bd309dcb1256faf1405284443569b5284fe5 name:Inindo - Way of the Ninja (USA) cheat description:Max defend - code:7EF0C8:FF + code:7ef0c8/ff cheat description:Max intelligence - code:7EF0C3:FF + code:7ef0c3/ff cheat description:Max luck - code:7EF0C5:FF + code:7ef0c5/ff cheat description:Max power - code:7EF0CA:FF + code:7ef0ca/ff cheat description:Max resist - code:7EF0C9:FF + code:7ef0c9/ff cheat description:Max speed - code:7EF0C4:FF + code:7ef0c4/ff cheat description:Start with 50,000 gold - code:A0ED-D460 + code:41e3da/a4 cheat description:Start with 250 health after the first battle - code:ECEC-DFD0 + code:75e3cf/ec cheat description:Start with 100 energy after the first level up - code:10EC-D4D0 + code:45e3cb/64 cheat description:Infinite HP in battle - code:7E9606:E7+7E9607:03 + code:7e9606/e7+7e9607/03 cheat description:Max HP - code:7EF0B6:E7+7EF0B7:03 + code:7ef0b6/e7+7ef0b7/03 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:7EF0BC:E7+7EF0BD:03 + code:7ef0bc/e7+7ef0bd/03 cheat description:Max energy - code:7EF0BA:E7+7EF0BB:03 + code:7ef0ba/e7+7ef0bb/03 cheat description:Infinite chips - code:7EF076:FF+7EF077:FF + code:7ef076/ff+7ef077/ff cartridge sha256:c7b1706a0ee96f3e0d65cd043c05966bfe3d5c57d08bbd2df3118817424adf82 name:Inspector Gadget (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (keep coat in collisions) - code:C269-5D0D + code:f38555/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C297-8F0F + code:f35e3d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C216-5DD4 + code:f46987/cd cheat description:Start with 3 plungers - code:D74B-E7D7 + code:842fbf/d3 + +cartridge sha256:6443fecebcdc2ff7061a40432f3ad1db6dfd354909a5f306972cf6afa122752c + name:International Superstar Soccer (USA) + cheat + description:Opponent's Goals don't count + code:7e1774/00 + cheat + description:Infinite time + code:7e1a46/55 + cheat + description:3 minute game instead of 5 (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1fa2/00 + cheat + description:7 Minute game (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1fa2/02 + cheat + description:No Fouls (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f96/01 + cheat + description:No Cards (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f98/01 + cheat + description:No Offside (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f90/01 + cheat + description:Always Sunny (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f92/00 + cheat + description:Always Rain (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f92/01 + cheat + description:Always Snow (International Cup and World Series modes) + code:7e1f92/02 + cheat + description:Stop Clock (Training mode) + code:7e1e38/30 + cheat + description:Stop Bonus Clock (Training mode) + code:7e1e3c/30 + cheat + description:Black Ball and Noob Saibot referee (Open Game mode) + code:7e1f9f/03 cartridge sha256:8304d8bc55aa9e64bdd144d384f4b185af2426e7d64888c6c23dd41366a53981 name:Irem Skins Game, The (USA) cheat description:Ball goes in from anywhere - code:6DA2-676F+6DA6-6FAF+6DA8-046F+6DA8-64AF+DDAE-0FA4 + code:03aede/8d+3bae8e/8d+03adba/8d+0baeba/8d+38a9ee/dd cartridge sha256:8e0d620a307a225a757bbc9ef2a2a666792e5d533aa0279d3c0060a1b93ead82 name:Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - Bicycle stages - code:18EA-CDA1 + code:39eba6/6b cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2A1-4D61 + code:b1a866/cd cheat description:One hit kills (most enemies) - code:40EF-4461+B3C9-4406+BAC9-47D6 + code:81e8fa/24+82c059/be+86c05f/ba cartridge sha256:39bfe828571cdb23e7c85c23cf5b175979dcc2042c5841add58f5ae6492168a9 name:Itchy & Scratchy Game, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2E1-402E + code:97e863/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2BB-CDD4 + code:34bbb7/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C28A-CD55 + code:3dbfa5/cd cheat description:Infinite Bones - code:C28A-3DDF + code:b7bfa7/cd cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E022B:46 + code:7e022b/46 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E023A:03 + code:7e023a/03 cheat description:Infinite Cheese speed boost - code:7E023B:03 + code:7e023b/03 cheat description:Infinite Boss weapons - code:7E023C:0F + code:7e023c/0f cartridge sha256:183af7d642b55d52cd594786ec2f031d033cc6c8c1a2a84a834e4ada04301b26 name:Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (disable then enable when bored in sub games) - code:7E9EB0:03 + code:7e9eb0/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E9E90:0A + code:7e9e90/0a cheat description:Start on Greek Village I - code:7E0394:05+7E0398:05 + code:7e0394/05+7e0398/05 cheat description:Start on Rocket Ride I - code:7E0394:06+7E0398:06 + code:7e0394/06+7e0398/06 cheat description:Start on Greek Village II - code:7E0394:07+7E0398:07 + code:7e0394/07+7e0398/07 cheat description:Start on Space Walk I - code:7E0394:08+7E0398:08 + code:7e0394/08+7e0398/08 cheat description:Start on Greek Village III - code:7E0394:09+7E0398:09 + code:7e0394/09+7e0398/09 cheat description:Start on Rocket Ride II - code:7E0394:0A+7E0398:0A + code:7e0394/0a+7e0398/0a cheat description:Start on Lava Dome I - code:7E0394:0B+7E0398:0B + code:7e0394/0b+7e0398/0b cheat description:Start on Space Walk II - code:7E0394:0C+7E0398:0C + code:7e0394/0c+7e0398/0c cheat description:Start on Lava Dome II - code:7E0394:0D+7E0398:0D + code:7e0394/0d+7e0398/0d cheat description:Start on Rocket Ride III - code:7E0394:0E+7E0398:0E + code:7e0394/0e+7e0398/0e cheat description:Start on Lava Dome III - code:7E0394:0F+7E0398:0F + code:7e0394/0f+7e0398/0f cheat description:Start on Space Walk III - code:7E0394:10+7E0398:10 + code:7e0394/10+7e0398/10 cheat description:Start on Exit to Atlanta I - code:7E0394:11+7E0398:11 + code:7e0394/11+7e0398/11 cheat description:Start on Exit to Atlanta II - code:7E0394:12+7E0398:12 + code:7e0394/12+7e0398/12 cheat description:Start on Round Ends - code:7E0394:13+7E0398:13 + code:7e0394/13+7e0398/13 cheat description:Start on Game Ending - code:7E0394:14+7E0398:14 + code:7e0394/14+7e0398/14 cartridge sha256:62557ee2a3fc3b5a3f59431f966eb61bb380ba983ef6c7742cb55cf075f15f6c name:J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume 1 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - all characters - code:82A2-CF6D + code:33a7de/bd cheat description:Start with 908 HP - code:DBCE-C360+DBCE-C4A0 + code:31c3ea/db+09c3ea/db cheat description:Start with 9908 HP - code:BBCE-C360+BBCE-C4A0 + code:31c3ea/bb+09c3ea/bb cheat description:Start the game with more strength - code:62CD-34D0 + code:85c3db/8d cheat description:9999 HP - character 1 - code:7E0224:99+7E0225:99 + code:7e0224/99+7e0225/99 cheat description:9999 max HP - character 1 - code:7E0236:99+7E0237:99 + code:7e0236/99+7e0237/99 cheat description:9999 EXP - character 1 - code:7E0246:99+7E0247:99 + code:7e0246/99+7e0247/99 cheat description:Level 98 - character 1 - code:7E0256:98 + code:7e0256/98 cheat description:9999 HP - character 2 - code:7E0226:99+7E0227:99 + code:7e0226/99+7e0227/99 cheat description:9999 max HP - character 2 - code:7E0238:99+7E0239:99 + code:7e0238/99+7e0239/99 cheat description:9999 EXP - character 2 - code:7E0248:99+7E0249:99 + code:7e0248/99+7e0249/99 cheat description:Level 98 - character 2 - code:7E0258:98 + code:7e0258/98 cheat description:Have all items - code:7E02B3:FF+7E02B4:FF+7E02B5:01+7E02AA:FF+7E02AB:FF+7E02AC:FF+7E02AD:FF+7E02AE:FF+7E02AF:FF+7E02B0:FF+7E02B1:FF+7E02B2:FF + code:7e02b3/ff+7e02b4/ff+7e02b5/01+7e02aa/ff+7e02ab/ff+7e02ac/ff+7e02ad/ff+7e02ae/ff+7e02af/ff+7e02b0/ff+7e02b1/ff+7e02b2/ff cartridge sha256:3ffbb6e0ccf8e9f5e4c72d9fe526a16371e562b71a91d6430e562bf358a5126b name:Jack Nicklaus Golf (USA) cheat description:Ball goes in from anywhere - code:03AC-D407+6DAC-D4D7 + code:40afc9/4e+44afcb/8d cheat description:Infinite mulligans - code:82BF-6707 + code:00befd/bd cheat description:Mulligan can be taken after any stroke - code:6DB2-0D07 + code:30bdd5/8d cheat description:No mulligans allowed - code:DDBA-0467 + code:00bdaa/dd cheat description:Each round ends after hole 1 - code:DF33-076F+DDEB-D40A + code:03edee/df+42ebb9/dd cheat description:Each round ends after hole 2 - code:D433-076F+DFEB-D40A + code:03edee/d2+42ebb9/df cheat description:Each round ends after hole 3 - code:D733-076F+D4EB-D40A + code:03edee/d3+42ebb9/d2 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 4 - code:D033-076F+D7EB-D40A + code:03edee/d4+42ebb9/d3 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 5 - code:D933-076F+D0EB-D40A + code:03edee/d5+42ebb9/d4 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 6 - code:D133-076F+D9EB-D40A + code:03edee/d6+42ebb9/d5 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 7 - code:D533-076F+D1EB-D40A + code:03edee/d7+42ebb9/d6 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 8 - code:D633-076F+D5EB-D40A + code:03edee/d8+42ebb9/d7 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 9 - code:DB33-076F+D6EB-D40A + code:03edee/db+42ebb9/d8 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 10 - code:DC33-076F+DBEB-D40A + code:03edee/dc+42ebb9/db cheat description:Each round ends after hole 11 - code:D833-076F+DCEB-D40A + code:03edee/db+42ebb9/dc cheat description:Each round ends after hole 12 - code:DA33-076F+D8EB-D40A + code:03edee/da+42ebb9/db cheat description:Each round ends after hole 13 - code:D233-076F+DAEB-D40A + code:03edee/dd+42ebb9/da cheat description:Each round ends after hole 14 - code:D333-076F+D2EB-D40A + code:03edee/de+42ebb9/dd cheat description:Each round ends after hole 15 - code:DE33-076F+D3EB-D40A + code:03edee/de+42ebb9/de cheat description:Each round ends after hole 16 - code:FD33-076F+DEEB-D40A + code:03edee/fd+42ebb9/de cheat description:Each round ends after hole 17 - code:FF33-076F+FDEB-D40A + code:03edee/ff+42ebb9/fd cartridge sha256:9cf82dd9a851cdc38bf2afc286c077ff18a0a5d3bb301eba606cc52db62f8965 name:James Bond Jr (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (can still be hurt by some things) - code:CE2B-D4B6 + code:4ed3ba/ce cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:C22A-6FBC + code:3fd2ae/cd cheat description:Infinite Darts - code:C227-DDF8 + code:7edf37/cd cheat description:Infinite lives on the ground - code:C2E0-6F0D + code:33e64d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives in the air - code:C26C-6F08 + code:328ecd/cd cheat description:Hearts worth 0 - code:C23D-6FBC + code:3fe2de/cd cheat description:Large red Grenade worth 0 instead of 5 - code:DD34-679C + code:07e22d/dd cheat description:Large red Grenade worth 10 - code:DC34-679C + code:07e22d/dc cheat description:Large red Grenade worth 20 - code:F034-679C + code:07e22d/f4 cheat description:Large red Grenade worth 30 - code:F334-679C + code:07e22d/fe cheat description:Large red Grenade worth 40 - code:4634-679C + code:07e22d/28 cheat description:Small silver Grenade worth 0 instead of 1 - code:3C3A-ADFC + code:bfe2a7/ec cheat description:Start with 1 life on the ground instead of 5 - code:DFA0-670D + code:03a64d/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives on the ground - code:D7A0-670D + code:03a64d/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives on the ground - code:D5A0-670D + code:03a64d/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives on the ground - code:DBA0-670D + code:03a64d/db cheat description:Start with 1 life in the air instead of 5 - code:DF68-DDAD + code:7b87b6/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives in the air - code:D768-DDAD + code:7b87b6/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives in the air - code:D568-DDAD + code:7b87b6/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives in the air - code:DB68-DDAD + code:7b87b6/db cheat description:Start with 0 Grenades and Darts instead of 10 - code:DDE7-6F6D + code:33e63e/dd cheat description:Start with 5 Grenades and Darts - code:D9E7-6F6D + code:33e63e/d5 cheat description:Start with 25 Grenades and Darts - code:FBE7-6F6D + code:33e63e/fb cheat description:Start with 50 Grenades and Darts - code:74E7-6F6D + code:33e63e/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Grenades and Darts - code:17E7-6F6D + code:33e63e/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Darts instead of 10 - code:DDA9-640D+CEE7-64AD + code:03a659/dd+0be63a/ce cheat description:Start with 5 Darts - code:D9A9-640D+CEE7-64AD + code:03a659/d5+0be63a/ce cheat description:Start with 25 Darts - code:FBA9-640D+CEE7-64AD + code:03a659/fb+0be63a/ce cheat description:Start with 50 Darts - code:74A9-640D+CEE7-64AD + code:03a659/32+0be63a/ce cheat description:Start with 99 Darts - code:17A9-640D+CEE7-64AD + code:03a659/63+0be63a/ce cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:CBAC-6D0D+DFAC-6D6D + code:33a6c5/cb+33a6c6/df cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:CBAC-6D0D+D4AC-6D6D + code:33a6c5/cb+33a6c6/d2 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:CBAC-6D0D+D7AC-6D6D + code:33a6c5/cb+33a6c6/d3 cheat description:Start on level 3, part 2 - code:CBAB-67AD+D0AC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/d4+33a6c5/8d cheat description:Start on level 3, part 3 - code:CBAB-67AD+D5AC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/d7+33a6c5/8d cheat description:Start on level 5, part 2 - code:CBAB-67AD+D9AC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/d5+33a6c5/8d cheat description:Start on level 5, part 3 - code:CBAB-67AD+D6AC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/d8+33a6c5/8d cheat description:Start on level 7, part 2 - code:CBAB-67AD+D1AC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/d6+33a6c5/8d cheat description:Start on level 7, part 3 - code:CBAB-67AD+DBAC-6DDD+6DAC-6D0D + code:0ba6be/cb+37a6c7/db+33a6c5/8d cartridge sha256:f5e74f09c485d58b444ef2b168d041a1d451056b5feb295901974ca73190dbdb name:Jelly Boy (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C228-3FD4 + code:b4dbbf/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2E3-1D05 + code:b1ede5/cd cheat description:Don't lose Music Notes when hit (can get stuck) - code:C226-4FA7 + code:b8dc8e/cd cartridge sha256:bc09f97cb988f6e445fc92e438fff4bf97aa56cb7bbecaa234ffe93bb285d915 name:Jelly Boy 2 (Japan) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E026B:03 + code:7e026b/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0269:03 + code:7e0269/03 cartridge sha256:85e5f6fedc420925557092d728e1dc6b4e2042368fb78bf93c0df447f8c9c0c0 name:Jeopardy! (USA) cheat description:Always get the correct answer - code:6DC8-6D67+6DCE-64A7 + code:30ceb6/8d+08ceea/8d cartridge sha256:ee7a29eb9c302ea2bb235ef990fd8344a6beb9817499941c40a8a94ad5f7c964 name:Jetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3C62-1761 + code:8189de/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26D-4767 + code:808cde/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2AD-4D6F + code:b3acd6/cd cheat description:Maximum vacuum power - code:D0BB-146D + code:83b5ba/d4 cartridge sha256:6a2f280ed1ef5166d95e3b0eb1a6665564f7ddcfd3feaf53344a1268b54b85c6 name:Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E00AC:04 + code:7e00ac/04 cartridge sha256:a314583b11d594b8245b5177aa64a4d3b7497d096edabbea7c1842c57aa2ad2b name:Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S - Covert-Action-Teams (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C2C5-CDCB + code:32cf77/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:826C-C7C6 + code:0283cf/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3CB7-1F1C + code:bbb13d/ec cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E401E:48 + code:7e401e/48 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1F93:03 + code:7e1f93/03 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:7E1F95:09 + code:7e1f95/09 cartridge sha256:6f0bec87ece503b0fbe108cd159ed6f5fa7711b1c4fe31e982af41ad5c638093 name:Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:CEAB-1D0D + code:b3a5b5/ce cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9AD-CF0D + code:33a7dd/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C920-3FA5 + code:b9df4e/c5 cheat description:Infinite SB - code:C93F-4764 + code:80e8fe/c5 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E074E:39 + code:7e074e/39 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E003F:09 + code:7e003f/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0043:FF + code:7e0043/ff cheat description:Infinite SB (alt) - code:7E0041:09 + code:7e0041/09 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:01e73e/ee+09e73e/ee+b1e73e/cd cheat description:Jump as high as you want and jump through walls (disable to come back down) - code:7E077E:10 + code:7e077e/10 cartridge sha256:3b2b8b813b58049a4a86ce1c42d2a651f19fd9bbab2407a494e20cf343d3c1a4 name:Joe & Mac (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:892C-64D4 + code:04dacb/b5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:2BBA-64D7 + code:04beab/db cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:8BBA-64D7 + code:04beab/bb cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DD36-D40D + code:43e789/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:8936-D46D + code:43e78a/b5 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:C936-D708 + code:42ef8d/c5 cheat description:All food fully restores health - code:DDE0-0F6F + code:33ed4e/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DC3-0DAD+C9E5-DDDD+DDC4-076D + code:3bc5e6/8d+77e777/c5+03c52e/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:40CC-07DD + code:07c5cf/24 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:CBC8-6404+DFC8-6464 + code:00cab9/cb+00caba/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:CBC8-6404+D9C8-6464 + code:00cab9/cb+00caba/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:CBC8-6404+DBC8-6464 + code:00cab9/cb+00caba/db cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E081C:14 + code:7e081c/14 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E085C:0F + code:7e085c/0f cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0822:05 + code:7e0822/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0862:05 + code:7e0862/05 cheat description:Have no weapon - P1 - code:7E081A:B8 + code:7e081a/b8 cheat description:Have no weapon - P2 - code:7E085A:B8 + code:7e085a/b8 cheat description:Have Bone - P1 - code:7E081A:B9 + code:7e081a/b9 cheat description:Have Bone - P2 - code:7E085A:B9 + code:7e085a/b9 cheat description:Have Boomerang - P1 - code:7E081A:BA + code:7e081a/ba cheat description:Have Boomerang - P2 - code:7E085A:BA + code:7e085a/ba cheat description:Have Fire - P1 - code:7E081A:BB + code:7e081a/bb cheat description:Have Fire - P2 - code:7E085A:BB + code:7e085a/bb cheat description:Have Wheel - P1 - code:7E081A:BC + code:7e081a/bc cheat description:Have Wheel - P2 - code:7E085A:BC + code:7e085a/bc cartridge sha256:38451dcbbcd7069ba232e704dcb747a1438bab0a9508218611a027a7f8dfd547 name:Joe & Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics (USA) (Beta) cheat description:Infinite health - code:B982-176D + code:83b5de/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:893D-3FAD + code:bbe7de/b5 cheat description:Start with $2020 - code:A73B-370D + code:83e7bd/a3 cartridge sha256:c9889799a9ae8558f26d66ae546db930c99acb78d921b4395afbbc38da6272aa name:Joe & Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:B987-CD6D + code:33b736/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:B9C1-3467 + code:80cf6a/b5 cheat description:Hit anywhere (disable to enter stores and houses) - code:DD33-1707+DD34-3DA7+DD66-C7AC + code:80eded/dd+b8ef26/dd+0b838e/dd cheat description:Start with $2020 - code:A73F-47AF + code:8becfe/a3 cartridge sha256:5a76347672ea7d27bb334b1e30bbc73e06f92373883bed499245377327a8f0cf name:John Madden Football (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:C2AB-64A4 + code:08aaba/cd cheat description:Infinite time-outs - code:3C24-A70D + code:83d62d/ec cheat description:Play clock is 20 seconds instead of 45 - code:F0A2-A4DD + code:87a6db/f4 cheat description:Play clock is 30 seconds - code:F3A2-A4DD + code:87a6db/fe cheat description:Play clock is 60 seconds (CPU will run down the play clock) - code:7AA2-A4DD + code:87a6db/3a cheat description:Play clock is 90 seconds (CPU will run down the play clock) - code:9CA2-A4DD + code:87a6db/5c cheat description:Only have 3 plays to get a first down or TD (down counter starts at 2) - code:D4A3-6D04 + code:30aae5/d2 cheat description:Only have 2 plays to get a first down or TD (down counter starts at 3) - code:D7A3-6D04 + code:30aae5/d3 cheat description:Only have 1 play to get a first down or TD (down counter starts at 4) - code:D0A3-6D04 + code:30aae5/d4 cheat description:No time-outs instead of 3 - P1 - code:DD69-A407 + code:808e59/dd cheat description:6 time-outs - P1 - code:D169-A407 + code:808e59/d6 cheat description:9 time-outs - P1 - code:DB69-A407 + code:808e59/db cheat description:No time-outs - P2 - code:DD69-A467 + code:808e5a/dd cheat description:6 time-outs - P2 - code:D169-A467 + code:808e5a/d6 cheat description:9 time-outs - P2 - code:DB69-A467 + code:808e5a/db cheat description:Safeties worth 1 point instead of 2 - code:82A6-AF64 + code:b0aa8e/bd cheat description:Safeties worth 0 points - code:82A6-AF64+82A6-A404 + code:b0aa8e/bd+80aa89/bd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 0 points instead of 6 - code:DDA4-0767 + code:00ad2e/dd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 1 point - code:DFA4-0767 + code:00ad2e/df cheat description:Touchdowns worth 2 points - code:D4A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d2 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 3 points - code:D7A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d3 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 4 points - code:D0A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d4 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 5 points - code:D9A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d5 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 7 points - code:D5A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d7 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 8 points - code:D6A4-0767 + code:00ad2e/d8 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 9 points - code:DBA4-0767 + code:00ad2e/db cheat description:Extra points and field goals worth 0 - code:3CA7-A707+3CA7-A767 + code:80ae3d/ec+80ae3e/ec cheat description:Extra point or field goal resets score to 0 - code:B3A7-A7A7 + code:88ae3e/be cheat description:Start with 3 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467+D76C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed+308ec6/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed cheat description:Start with 9 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DB6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed+308ec6/db cheat description:Start with 12 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DA6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed+308ec6/da cheat description:Start with 15 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DE6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed+308ec6/de cheat description:Start with 20 points - P1 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+416C-6F07+ED6C-6467+F06C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/26+008eca/ed+308ec6/f4 cheat description:Start with 3 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467+D76C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed+308ec6/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed cheat description:Start with 9 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DB6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed+308ec6/db cheat description:Start with 12 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DA6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed+308ec6/da cheat description:Start with 15 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467+DE6C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed+308ec6/de cheat description:Start with 20 points - P2 - code:CB6C-6D07+626C-6FD7+486C-6F07+ED6C-6467+F06C-6D67 + code:308ec5/cb+348ecf/8d+308ecd/2b+008eca/ed+308ec6/f4 cartridge sha256:3e62872bf69ea90dd7093608268f8defa2c6016adb1011745dab3c2af45d69b7 name:John Madden Football '93 (USA) cheat description:Infinite timeouts - both players - code:3C3A-0FAD + code:3be5ae/ec cheat description:9 timeouts - P1 - code:DB30-D43A + code:4aeb4b/db cheat description:6 timeouts - P1 - code:D130-D43A + code:4aeb4b/d6 cheat description:1 timeout - P1 - code:DF30-D43A + code:4aeb4b/df cheat description:9 timeouts - P2 - code:DB30-D74A + code:4aeb4c/db cheat description:6 timeouts - P2 - code:D130-D74A + code:4aeb4c/d6 cheat description:1 timeout - P2 - code:DF30-D74A + code:4aeb4c/df cartridge sha256:67fa7115eb6bf292c024c3a8b06ce9bd457c4d46de182a06a573afff968cc0f1 name:Judge Dredd (USA) cheat description:Invincible after first hit - code:C22C-1B2D + code:a7d5cf/cd cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C2A9-1627 + code:a4ad53/cd cheat description:Almost infinite ammo - code:C2BE-4A4B + code:aabce8/cd cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:DDA9-1CB7 + code:bcad52/dd cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:74A9-1CB7 + code:bcad52/32 cheat description:Flash longer after getting hit - code:EEA9-1CB7 + code:bcad52/ee cheat description:Start with all weapons and almost infinite ammo - code:EE63-1318 + code:ba8de9/ee cheat description:Start with very little energy on your first life - code:DE6D-C338 + code:3a8fdb/de cheat description:Start with half energy on your first life - code:6D6D-C338 + code:3a8fdb/8d cheat description:Start with about 3/4 energy on your first life - code:A16D-C338 + code:3a8fdb/a6 cheat description:Start with very little energy after first life - code:DE3A-48B7 + code:acecae/de cheat description:Start with half energy after first life - code:6D3A-48B7 + code:acecae/8d cheat description:Start with about 3/4 energy after first life - code:A13A-48B7 + code:acecae/a6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF62-1A38 + code:aa8ddb/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D962-1A38 + code:aa8ddb/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB62-1A38 + code:aa8ddb/db cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1A91:01 + code:7e1a91/01 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1B11:FF + code:7e1b11/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1AF7:09 + code:7e1af7/09 cheat description:Infinte Grenades - code:7E1B01:99 + code:7e1b01/99 cheat description:Infinite Boing - code:7E1B0D:99 + code:7e1b0d/99 cheat description:Infinite Richochet - code:7E1AFF:99 + code:7e1aff/99 cheat description:Infinite Seeker - code:7E1B09:99 + code:7e1b09/99 cheat description:Infinite Double Whammie - code:7E1B0B:99 + code:7e1b0b/99 cheat description:Infinite Incindiary - code:7E1B05:99 + code:7e1b05/99 cheat description:Infinte High Explosive - code:7E1B03:99 + code:7e1b03/99 cheat description:Infinte Armor Piercing - code:7E1B07:99 + code:7e1b07/99 cheat description:Infinite Flare - code:7E1B0F:99 + code:7e1b0f/99 cheat description:Infinite Hover Board and Hover Boots - code:7E1AA5:F9 + code:7e1aa5/f9 cartridge sha256:02cb423199be3368fc2b40148f83b7a48900394983e04d43f94bb7d76ce44e94 name:Judge Dredd (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1A91:01 + code:7e1a91/01 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1B11:FF + code:7e1b11/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1AF7:09 + code:7e1af7/09 cheat description:Infinte Grenades - code:7E1B01:99 + code:7e1b01/99 cheat description:Infinite Boing - code:7E1B0D:99 + code:7e1b0d/99 cheat description:Infinite Richochet - code:7E1AFF:99 + code:7e1aff/99 cheat description:Infinite Seeker - code:7E1B09:99 + code:7e1b09/99 cheat description:Infinite Double Whammie - code:7E1B0B:99 + code:7e1b0b/99 cheat description:Infinite Incindiary - code:7E1B05:99 + code:7e1b05/99 cheat description:Infinte High Explosive - code:7E1B03:99 + code:7e1b03/99 cheat description:Infinte Armor Piercing - code:7E1B07:99 + code:7e1b07/99 cheat description:Infinite Flare - code:7E1B0F:99 + code:7e1b0f/99 cheat description:Infinite Hover Board and Hover Boots - code:7E1AA5:F9 + code:7e1aa5/f9 cartridge sha256:771a0322d9f5f8e13a52d01e80257a1f75cc693cf4abf74793520eb5f8b5580e name:Jungle Book, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:DD6F-4DD4 + code:b488f7/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2CC-4704 + code:80c8cd/cd cheat description:Hearts from big jungle fruit restore all energy - code:DDCF-3F6D + code:b3c7fe/dd cheat description:Super-jump - Mowgli - code:E8CA-3DA4 + code:b8cba6/eb cheat description:Mega-jump - Mowgli - code:ECCA-3DA4 + code:b8cba6/ec cheat description:20 seconds from hourglass - code:D4C0-1FAF + code:bbcd4e/d2 cheat description:30 seconds from hourglass - code:D7C0-1FAF + code:bbcd4e/d3 cheat description:Bonus gems worth 2 (don't collect over 100) - code:D4CA-4DDF + code:b7cca7/d2 cheat description:Bonus gems worth 3 (don't collect over 100) - code:D7CA-4DDF + code:b7cca7/d3 cheat description:Bonus gems worth 4 (don't collect over 100) - code:D0CA-4DDF + code:b7cca7/d4 cheat description:Red gems worth 2 (don't collect over 100) - code:D4C2-4FAF + code:bbccde/d2 cheat description:Red gems worth 3 (don't collect over 100) - code:D7C2-4FAF + code:bbccde/d3 cheat description:Red gems worth 4 (don't collect over 100) - code:D0C2-4FAF + code:bbccde/d4 cheat description:The amazing rock (just for fun) - code:DD65-47AD + code:8b847e/dd cheat description:Start with 9 hearts (normal game) - code:DBEF-1F67 + code:b0edfe/db cheat description:Start with 6 hearts (normal game) - code:D1EF-1F67 + code:b0edfe/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 heart (normal game) - code:DFEF-1F67 + code:b0edfe/df cheat description:Start with 10 lives (normal game) - code:DBEF-1DD7 + code:b4edf7/db cheat description:Start with 2 lives (normal game) - code:DFEF-1DD7 + code:b4edf7/df cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E068C:31 + code:7e068c/31 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E010B:04 + code:7e010b/04 cheat description:Have 99 green gems - code:7E015D:99 + code:7e015d/99 cheat description:Have 99 red gems - code:7E015E:99 + code:7e015e/99 cartridge sha256:8d812ea4fa897274116f7f43bc689e110f1cfbd3f7eb3a1737c2a85d36369159 name:Jungle Strike (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2A5-476F + code:83ac7e/cd cheat description:Infinite armor - code:C2A9-4FA7 + code:b8ac5e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CEBE-C4D4 + code:04bbeb/ce cheat description:Start with less fuel - code:7485-C7D1 + code:05bb7f/32 cheat description:Start with more fuel - code:7485-C7D1 + code:05bb7f/32 cheat description:Start with mega fuel - code:7485-C701 + code:01bb7d/32 cheat description:Start with 0 hellfires - code:DD86-C761 + code:01bb8e/dd cheat description:Start with more hellfires - code:B186-C761 + code:01bb8e/b6 cheat description:Start with mega hellfires - code:B186-C7A1 + code:09bb8e/b6 cheat description:Start with less gun ammo - code:DD8B-C4A1 + code:09bbba/dd cheat description:Start with more gun ammo - code:F18B-C4A1 + code:09bbba/f6 cheat description:Start with mega gun ammo - code:748B-C4A1 + code:09bbba/32 cheat description:Start with less hydras - code:FB8B-CFD1 + code:35bbbf/fb cheat description:Start with more hydras - code:EE8B-CFD1 + code:35bbbf/ee cheat description:Start with mega hydras - code:748B-CF01 + code:31bbbd/32 cartridge sha256:0a4e9d6fa2ac16aa51da5538d93280734de480e44c430173ed14826c84553c7d name:Jurassic Park (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26A-4700 + code:8180ad/cd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 3/4 full when outside - code:F682-CFAD + code:3bb7de/f8 cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/2 full when outside - code:FD82-CFAD + code:3bb7de/fd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/4 full when outside - code:D682-CFAD + code:3bb7de/d8 cheat description:Infinite Cattle Prod energy when outside - code:C285-C76D + code:03b77e/cd cheat description:Infinite 1st weapons when outside - code:C2CB-3407 + code:80cfb9/cd cheat description:Infinite 2nd weapons when outside (except gas grenade) - code:8289-4DAD + code:bbb456/bd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to 1/2 full when inside - code:EDEA-4767 + code:80ecae/ed cheat description:Infinite Cattle Prod energy when inside - code:C282-4B65 + code:a1bcde/cd cheat description:Infinite 1st weapons when inside - code:3CC4-3C65+3CCA-36D5 + code:b1cf22/ec+a5cfa3/ec cheat description:Infinite 2nd weapons when inside (except gas grenade) - code:C2C6-3BD1 + code:a5cb8f/cd cheat description:Infinite continues with 4 lives - code:C2B8-C4D0 + code:05b3bb/cd cheat description:Continue 1st time with 5 lives - code:D0BC-CDA0 + code:39b3c6/d4 cheat description:Continue with 5 lives after 1st continue - code:D0BC-C7D0 + code:05b3cf/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 egg needed - code:DF23-3469 + code:81d7ea/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF2E-3DD9 + code:b5d7e7/df cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D72E-3DD9 + code:b5d7e7/d3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E02EB:03 + code:7e02eb/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E02A3:03 + code:7e02a3/03 cheat description:Infinite ammo - all weapons - code:7E028B:20+7E0295:20+7E029F:20 + code:7e028b/20+7e0295/20+7e029f/20 cheat description:Generator on - code:7E00F0:EF + code:7e00f0/ef cheat description:Have level 1 security card - code:7E0265:01 + code:7e0265/01 cheat description:Have level 2 security card - code:7E0267:01 + code:7e0267/01 cheat description:Have all 18 Eggs - code:7E0E0F:00+7E0E10:00 + code:7e0e0f/00+7e0e10/00 cheat description:Have John Hammond ID Card - code:7E0253:01 + code:7e0253/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Ellie Sattler ID Card - code:7E0255:01 + code:7e0255/01 cheat description:Have Robert Muldoon ID Card - code:7E0257:01 + code:7e0257/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Allen Grant ID Card - code:7E0259:01 + code:7e0259/01 cheat description:Have Donald Gennaro ID Card - code:7E025B:01 + code:7e025b/01 cheat description:Have Ray Arnold ID Card - code:7E025E:01 + code:7e025e/01 cheat description:Have Dennis Nedry ID Card - code:7E0260:01 + code:7e0260/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Henry Wu ID Card - code:7E0261:01 + code:7e0261/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Ian Malcolm ID Card - code:7E0263:01 + code:7e0263/01 cartridge sha256:fe91d45201753ae9655d5ce38838e352f478b26b2d933c1bcb5bd8330121f9ff name:Jurassic Park (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26A-4700 + code:8180ad/cd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 3/4 full when outside - code:F682-CFAD + code:3bb7de/f8 cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/2 full when outside - code:FD82-CFAD + code:3bb7de/fd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/4 full when outside - code:D682-CFAD + code:3bb7de/d8 cheat description:Infinite Cattle Prod energy when outside - code:C285-C76D + code:03b77e/cd cheat description:Infinite 1st weapons when outside - code:C2CB-3407 + code:80cfb9/cd cheat description:Infinite 2nd weapons when outside (except gas grenade) - code:8289-4DAD + code:bbb456/bd cheat description:Cattle Prod energy recharges to 1/2 full when inside - code:EDEA-4767 + code:80ecae/ed cheat description:Infinite Cattle Prod energy when inside - code:C282-4B65 + code:a1bcde/cd cheat description:Infinite 1st weapons when inside - code:3CC4-3C65+3CCA-36D5 + code:b1cf22/ec+a5cfa3/ec cheat description:Infinite 2nd weapons when inside (except gas grenade) - code:C2C6-3BD1 + code:a5cb8f/cd cheat description:Infinite continues with 4 lives - code:C2B8-C4D0 + code:05b3bb/cd cheat description:Continue 1st time with 5 lives - code:D0BC-CDA0 + code:39b3c6/d4 cheat description:Continue with 5 lives after 1st continue - code:D0BC-C7D0 + code:05b3cf/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 egg needed - code:DF23-3469 + code:81d7ea/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF2E-3DD9 + code:b5d7e7/df cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D72E-3DD9 + code:b5d7e7/d3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E02EB:03 + code:7e02eb/03 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E02A3:03 + code:7e02a3/03 cheat description:Infinite ammo - all weapons - code:7E028B:20+7E0295:20+7E029F:20 + code:7e028b/20+7e0295/20+7e029f/20 cheat description:Generator on - code:7E00F0:EF + code:7e00f0/ef cheat description:Have level 1 security card - code:7E0265:01 + code:7e0265/01 cheat description:Have level 2 security card - code:7E0267:01 + code:7e0267/01 cheat description:Have all 18 Eggs - code:7E0E0F:00+7E0E10:00 + code:7e0e0f/00+7e0e10/00 cheat description:Have John Hammond ID Card - code:7E0253:01 + code:7e0253/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Ellie Sattler ID Card - code:7E0255:01 + code:7e0255/01 cheat description:Have Robert Muldoon ID Card - code:7E0257:01 + code:7e0257/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Allen Grant ID Card - code:7E0259:01 + code:7e0259/01 cheat description:Have Donald Gennaro ID Card - code:7E025B:01 + code:7e025b/01 cheat description:Have Ray Arnold ID Card - code:7E025E:01 + code:7e025e/01 cheat description:Have Dennis Nedry ID Card - code:7E0260:01 + code:7e0260/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Henry Wu ID Card - code:7E0261:01 + code:7e0261/01 cheat description:Have Dr. Ian Malcolm ID Card - code:7E0263:01 + code:7e0263/01 cartridge sha256:5eff7c27f69b3ebc1ec1294ffcd1debf3512bc3e6c1c75fbdc5e778dcaaba1c9 name:Jurassic Park Part 2 - The Chaos Continues (USA) (En,Fr,De,It) cheat description:Almost invincible - code:8BEB-C22D+8B65-1C67 + code:37e7b7/bb+b08d72/bb cheat description:Invincibility after one hit until you enter a new screen - code:82B6-C704 + code:00bb8d/bd cheat description:Infinite health against some larger dinosaurs - code:6DED-3A9D + code:a7e7d9/8d cheat description:One hit kills on some dinosaurs - code:D462-48DD + code:a784df/d2 cheat description:Regular Gun is super strong - code:0D6A-106E + code:9389a2/4d cheat description:Flash longer after getting hit - code:EE30-1DAF + code:bbed46/ee cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:DD30-1DAF + code:bbed46/dd cheat description:Velociraptor takes more damage - code:4DC5-C67C + code:2fc370/2d cheat description:Start with less Machine Gun ammo - code:DEC0-397D + code:9fc744/de cheat description:Start with more Shotgun ammo - code:10C0-31ED + code:9bc74b/64 cheat description:Start with less Tranquilizer Gun ammo - code:FDC9-315D + code:9fc759/fd cheat description:Start with more Tranquilizer Missiles - code:10C1-307D + code:9fc760/64 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7EB04A:0E + code:7eb04a/0e cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7EB032:28 + code:7eb032/28 cheat description:Infinite Machine Gun ammo - code:7EA9B0:FF + code:7ea9b0/ff cheat description:Infinite Shotgun ammo - code:7EA9B2:FF + code:7ea9b2/ff cheat description:Infinite Grenade Launcher - code:7EA9B6:FF + code:7ea9b6/ff cheat description:Infinite Dino stock - code:7E0008:64 + code:7e0008/64 cheat description:Have Rifle - code:7EB040:00 + code:7eb040/00 cheat description:Have Machine Gun - code:7EB040:01 + code:7eb040/01 cheat description:Have Shotgun - code:7EB040:02 + code:7eb040/02 cheat description:Have Charge Gun - code:7EB040:03 + code:7eb040/03 cheat description:Have Tranquilizer Gun - code:7EB040:04 + code:7eb040/04 cheat description:Have Big Bomb Gun - code:7EB040:05 + code:7eb040/05 cheat description:Have Big Bomb Gun with Dinosaur icon - code:7EB040:07 + code:7eb040/07 cheat description:Have Needle Gun with clock icon - code:7EB040:08 + code:7eb040/08 cartridge sha256:7f05959f423bc656091ea3bddfbc89c877ae243dca346f63233e27973f34e0eb name:Justice League Task Force (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0CF7:60 + code:7e0cf7/60 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0CF9:00 + code:7e0cf9/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0335:99 + code:7e0335/99 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - Normal Attacks - P1 + code:b3afe5/8d+b3afe6/fe + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - Normal Attacks - P2 + code:84a85f/8d+80a85d/fe + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - Projectiles - both players + code:338f8d/8d+338f8e/fe cheat description:Win match after one round - code:7E0547:02+7E0EFB:02 + code:7e0547/02+7e0efb/02 cartridge sha256:05152bcf9bf086e7bcdbfa7dd8edfe2085f1339c4d7e193e0071c49a10471ef4 name:Ka-blooey (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C261-0F0D + code:33856d/cd cheat description:Bonus timer doesn't count down - code:3C27-6D0D + code:33d635/ec cheat description:Level is completed after only one bomb goes off - code:BAC8-07D4 + code:04c9bf/ba cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - code:DF6B-D76D + code:4387be/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D76B-D76D + code:4387be/d3 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DC6B-D76D + code:4387be/dc cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FB6B-D76D + code:4387be/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:746B-D76D + code:4387be/32 cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:086B-D76D + code:4387be/4b cheat description:Start with 98 lives - code:146B-D76D + code:4387be/62 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:BA25-07D7+DF25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/df cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:BA25-07D7+D425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:BA25-07D7+D725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:BA25-07D7+D025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:BA25-07D7+D925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:BA25-07D7+D125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d6 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:BA25-07D7+D525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d7 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:BA25-07D7+D625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/d8 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:BA25-07D7+DB25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/db cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:BA25-07D7+DC25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/dc cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:BA25-07D7+D825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/db cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:BA25-07D7+DA25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/da cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:BA25-07D7+D225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/dd cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:BA25-07D7+D325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/de cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:BA25-07D7+DE25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/de cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:BA25-07D7+FD25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fd cheat description:Start on level 18 - code:BA25-07D7+FF25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/ff cheat description:Start on level 19 - code:BA25-07D7+F425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f2 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:BA25-07D7+F725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f3 cheat description:Start on level 21 - code:BA25-07D7+F025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f4 cheat description:Start on level 22 - code:BA25-07D7+F925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f5 cheat description:Start on level 23 - code:BA25-07D7+F125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f6 cheat description:Start on level 24 - code:BA25-07D7+F525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f7 cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:BA25-07D7+F625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/f8 cheat description:Start on level 26 - code:BA25-07D7+FB25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fb cheat description:Start on level 27 - code:BA25-07D7+FC25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fc cheat description:Start on level 28 - code:BA25-07D7+F825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fb cheat description:Start on level 29 - code:BA25-07D7+FA25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fa cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:BA25-07D7+F225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fd cheat description:Start on level 31 - code:BA25-07D7+F325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fe cheat description:Start on level 32 - code:BA25-07D7+FE25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/fe cheat description:Start on level 33 - code:BA25-07D7+4D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2d cheat description:Start on level 34 - code:BA25-07D7+4F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2f cheat description:Start on level 35 - code:BA25-07D7+4425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/22 cheat description:Start on level 36 - code:BA25-07D7+4725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/23 cheat description:Start on level 37 - code:BA25-07D7+4025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/24 cheat description:Start on level 38 - code:BA25-07D7+4925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/25 cheat description:Start on level 39 - code:BA25-07D7+4125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/26 cheat description:Start on level 40 - code:BA25-07D7+4525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/27 cheat description:Start on level 41 - code:BA25-07D7+4625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/28 cheat description:Start on level 42 - code:BA25-07D7+4B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2b cheat description:Start on level 43 - code:BA25-07D7+4C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2c cheat description:Start on level 44 - code:BA25-07D7+4825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2b cheat description:Start on level 45 - code:BA25-07D7+4A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2a cheat description:Start on level 46 - code:BA25-07D7+4225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2d cheat description:Start on level 47 - code:BA25-07D7+4325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2e cheat description:Start on level 48 - code:BA25-07D7+4E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/2e cheat description:Start on level 49 - code:BA25-07D7+7D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3d cheat description:Start on level 50 - code:BA25-07D7+7F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3f cheat description:Start on level 51 - code:BA25-07D7+7425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/32 cheat description:Start on level 52 - code:BA25-07D7+7725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/33 cheat description:Start on level 53 - code:BA25-07D7+7025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/34 cheat description:Start on level 54 - code:BA25-07D7+7925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/35 cheat description:Start on level 55 - code:BA25-07D7+7125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/36 cheat description:Start on level 56 - code:BA25-07D7+7525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/37 cheat description:Start on level 57 - code:BA25-07D7+7625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/38 cheat description:Start on level 58 - code:BA25-07D7+7B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3b cheat description:Start on level 59 - code:BA25-07D7+7C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3c cheat description:Start on level 60 - code:BA25-07D7+7825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3b cheat description:Start on level 61 - code:BA25-07D7+7A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3a cheat description:Start on level 62 - code:BA25-07D7+7225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3d cheat description:Start on level 63 - code:BA25-07D7+7325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3e cheat description:Start on level 64 - code:BA25-07D7+7E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/3e cheat description:Start on level 65 - code:BA25-07D7+0D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4d cheat description:Start on level 66 - code:BA25-07D7+0F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4f cheat description:Start on level 67 - code:BA25-07D7+0425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/42 cheat description:Start on level 68 - code:BA25-07D7+0725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/43 cheat description:Start on level 69 - code:BA25-07D7+0025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/44 cheat description:Start on level 70 - code:BA25-07D7+0925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/45 cheat description:Start on level 71 - code:BA25-07D7+0125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/46 cheat description:Start on level 72 - code:BA25-07D7+0525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/47 cheat description:Start on level 73 - code:BA25-07D7+0625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/48 cheat description:Start on level 74 - code:BA25-07D7+0B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4b cheat description:Start on level 75 - code:BA25-07D7+0C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4c cheat description:Start on level 76 - code:BA25-07D7+0825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4b cheat description:Start on level 77 - code:BA25-07D7+0A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4a cheat description:Start on level 78 - code:BA25-07D7+0225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4d cheat description:Start on level 79 - code:BA25-07D7+0325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4e cheat description:Start on level 80 - code:BA25-07D7+0E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/4e cheat description:Start on level 81 - code:BA25-07D7+9D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5d cheat description:Start on level 82 - code:BA25-07D7+9F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5f cheat description:Start on level 83 - code:BA25-07D7+9425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/52 cheat description:Start on level 84 - code:BA25-07D7+9725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/53 cheat description:Start on level 85 - code:BA25-07D7+9025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/54 cheat description:Start on level 86 - code:BA25-07D7+9925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/55 cheat description:Start on level 87 - code:BA25-07D7+9125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/56 cheat description:Start on level 88 - code:BA25-07D7+9525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/57 cheat description:Start on level 89 - code:BA25-07D7+9625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/58 cheat description:Start on level 90 - code:BA25-07D7+9B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5b cheat description:Start on level 91 - code:BA25-07D7+9C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5c cheat description:Start on level 92 - code:BA25-07D7+9825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5b cheat description:Start on level 93 - code:BA25-07D7+9A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5a cheat description:Start on level 94 - code:BA25-07D7+9225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5d cheat description:Start on level 95 - code:BA25-07D7+9325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5e cheat description:Start on level 96 - code:BA25-07D7+9E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/5e cheat description:Start on level 97 - code:BA25-07D7+1D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6d cheat description:Start on level 98 - code:BA25-07D7+1F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6f cheat description:Start on level 99 - code:BA25-07D7+1425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/62 cheat description:Start on level 100 - code:BA25-07D7+1725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/63 cheat description:Start on level 101 - code:BA25-07D7+1025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/64 cheat description:Start on level 102 - code:BA25-07D7+1925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/65 cheat description:Start on level 103 - code:BA25-07D7+1125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/66 cheat description:Start on level 104 - code:BA25-07D7+1525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/67 cheat description:Start on level 105 - code:BA25-07D7+1625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/68 cheat description:Start on level 106 - code:BA25-07D7+1B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6b cheat description:Start on level 107 - code:BA25-07D7+1C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6c cheat description:Start on level 108 - code:BA25-07D7+1825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6b cheat description:Start on level 109 - code:BA25-07D7+1A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6a cheat description:Start on level 110 - code:BA25-07D7+1225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6d cheat description:Start on level 111 - code:BA25-07D7+1325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6e cheat description:Start on level 112 - code:BA25-07D7+1E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/6e cheat description:Start on level 113 - code:BA25-07D7+5D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7d cheat description:Start on level 114 - code:BA25-07D7+5F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7f cheat description:Start on level 115 - code:BA25-07D7+5425-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/72 cheat description:Start on level 116 - code:BA25-07D7+5725-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/73 cheat description:Start on level 117 - code:BA25-07D7+5025-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/74 cheat description:Start on level 118 - code:BA25-07D7+5925-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/75 cheat description:Start on level 119 - code:BA25-07D7+5125-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/76 cheat description:Start on level 120 - code:BA25-07D7+5525-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/77 cheat description:Start on level 121 - code:BA25-07D7+5625-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/78 cheat description:Start on level 122 - code:BA25-07D7+5B25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7b cheat description:Start on level 123 - code:BA25-07D7+5C25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7c cheat description:Start on level 124 - code:BA25-07D7+5825-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7b cheat description:Start on level 125 - code:BA25-07D7+5A25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7a cheat description:Start on level 126 - code:BA25-07D7+5225-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7d cheat description:Start on level 127 - code:BA25-07D7+5325-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7e cheat description:Start on level 128 - code:BA25-07D7+5E25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/7e cheat description:Start on level 129 - code:BA25-07D7+6D25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/8d cheat description:Start on level 130 - code:BA25-07D7+6F25-04D7 + code:04dd7f/ba+04dd7b/8f cartridge sha256:6f2dc2486d680fe557ed6e2e7082480aad6537c6a04845bb6a6b8ef5e3d698ef name:Kamen Rider (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C268-3DD4 + code:b48bb7/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:0D68-34D4+6E68-3464+1C68-34A4+DA68-37D4+5368-3704 + code:848bbb/4d+808bba/8e+888bba/6c+848bbf/da+808bbd/7e cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2EF-1FD5 + code:b5edff/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0C6A:40 + code:7e0c6a/40 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0038:02 + code:7e0038/02 cartridge sha256:f9ec39546e18b15b8f6a738204d0227c1542cd8157e3e0ea16934e76f39e288c name:Karura Ou (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0065:9E + code:7e0065/9e cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EF801:04 + code:7ef801/04 cheat description:Infinite special power - code:7E1F0D:08 + code:7e1f0d/08 cheat description:Infinite Warrior Force - code:7E0089:FF + code:7e0089/ff cheat description:Have 99 gems - code:7E1F0E:63 + code:7e1f0e/63 cheat description:Have Aura Attack - code:7E1F0B:01 + code:7e1f0b/01 cheat description:Have Comet Flash - code:7E1F0B:02 + code:7e1f0b/02 cheat description:Have Lightning Strike - code:7E1F0B:03 + code:7e1f0b/03 cheat description:Have Time Stop - code:7E1F0B:04 + code:7e1f0b/04 cheat description:Have Star Fire - code:7E1F0B:05 + code:7e1f0b/05 cheat description:Have Warrior Force - code:7E1F0B:06 + code:7e1f0b/06 cheat description:Have Heal - code:7E1F0B:07 + code:7e1f0b/07 cheat description:Have Fiery Phoenix - code:7E1F0B:08 + code:7e1f0b/08 cheat description:All enemies frozen - code:7EFA60:8D+7EFA61:8D+7EFA62:8D+7EFA63:8D+7EFA64:8D+7EFA65:8D+7EFA66:8D+7EFA67:8D+7EFA68:8D+7EFA69:8D+7EFA6A:8D+7EFA6B:8D+7EFA6C:8D+7EFA6D:8D+7EFA6E:8D+7EFA6F:8D+7EFA70:8D+7EFA71:8D+7EFA72:8D+7EFA73:8D+7EFA74:8D+7EFA75:8D+7EFA76:8D+7EFA77:8D+7EFA78:8D+7EFA79:8D+7EFA7A:8D+7EFA7B:8D+7EFA7C:8D+7EFA7D:8D+7EFA7E:8D+7EFA7F:8D + code:7efa60/8d+7efa61/8d+7efa62/8d+7efa63/8d+7efa64/8d+7efa65/8d+7efa66/8d+7efa67/8d+7efa68/8d+7efa69/8d+7efa6a/8d+7efa6b/8d+7efa6c/8d+7efa6d/8d+7efa6e/8d+7efa6f/8d+7efa70/8d+7efa71/8d+7efa72/8d+7efa73/8d+7efa74/8d+7efa75/8d+7efa76/8d+7efa77/8d+7efa78/8d+7efa79/8d+7efa7a/8d+7efa7b/8d+7efa7c/8d+7efa7d/8d+7efa7e/8d+7efa7f/8d cartridge sha256:7cc3693cc5e1e834d57795f04b048fab27864a898a9507e7ca383771e2035414 name:Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge (USA) cheat description:Only 1 lap required to qualify instead of 2 - code:DF6F-64AD + code:0b86fa/df cheat description:Races are 1 lap instead of 5 - code:DF67-676D + code:03863e/df cheat description:Races are 2 laps - code:D467-676D + code:03863e/d2 cheat description:Races are 3 laps - code:D767-676D + code:03863e/d3 cheat description:Races are 4 laps - code:D067-676D + code:03863e/d4 cheat description:Coming in first is worth 9 points instead of 5 - code:DB82-0DD7 + code:34bdd7/db cheat description:Coming in last is worth 5 points instead of 0 - code:D982-0FD7 + code:34bddf/d5 cheat description:Coming in last is worth 9 points - code:DB82-0FD7 + code:34bddf/db cheat description:Always advance to the next island regardless of points - code:6D80-DD04 + code:70bb45/8d cheat description:Each island requires 3 points instead of 5 - code:D7C2-0F04 + code:30c9dd/d3 cheat description:Each island requires 4 points - code:D0C2-0F04 + code:30c9dd/d4 cheat description:Each island requires 6 points - code:D1C2-0F04 + code:30c9dd/d6 cheat description:Each island requires 7 points - code:D5C2-0F04 + code:30c9dd/d7 cheat description:Opponents drive erratically - player is guaranteed 1st place - code:6967-07AD + code:0b853e/85 cheat description:Start the Challenge with the 2nd motorcycle and jet ski - code:6967-070D + code:03853d/85 cartridge sha256:3104d6c06c8909c56f6adb2faecf1b4382f2490370798b605631da926c5306d8 name:Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA) cheat description:Can't strike out - code:C2BE-179D + code:87b5ed/cd cheat description:No outs except strike outs - code:C2A2-4D94+C2AA-47B4 + code:b4a8d5/cd+8ca8ae/cd cheat description:Can't walk a player - code:CBB3-1D2D + code:b7b5e7/cb cheat description:Invisible baserunners - code:DF27-CFA4 + code:38db3e/df cheat description:2 outs and whole team is out - code:D4C3-170F + code:83cded/d2 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:DFC3-170F + code:83cded/df cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:D4C3-170F + code:83cded/d2 cheat description:1 strike and you're out - code:DFCE-1F0F + code:b3cded/df cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:D4CE-1F0F + code:b3cded/d2 cheat description:Computer can't score - code:C28A-3FA7 + code:b8bfae/cd cheat description:Computer can't score - code:CBB0-4797 + code:84bc4d/cb cheat description:Computer can't score - code:C283-34D7 + code:84bfeb/cd cartridge sha256:b16661d5151d73cea5ac46d7c899531c7b2cdee2558092c23a5460c8092b80b8 name:Kendo Rage (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1476:03 + code:7e1476/03 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E148E:40 + code:7e148e/40 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0CE2:03 + code:7e0ce2/03 cheat description:Infinite PSY power - code:7E148A:40 + code:7e148a/40 + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:5f8bda/dd cheat description:Have 9 Yellow Balls - code:7E1494:09 + code:7e1494/09 cheat description:Have Triple Shot - code:7E1492:00 + code:7e1492/00 cheat description:Have Multi-Attack - code:7E1492:08 + code:7e1492/08 cheat description:Have Flame Shot - code:7E1492:10 + code:7e1492/10 cheat description:Start on round 1 - Cliff Hanger - code:7E0CE4:00 + code:7e0ce4/00 cheat description:Start on round 2 - Ice Queen - code:7E0CE4:01 + code:7e0ce4/01 cheat description:Start on round 3 - The Pond - code:7E0CE4:02 + code:7e0ce4/02 cheat description:Start on round 4 - Technodvne - code:7E0CE4:03 + code:7e0ce4/03 cheat description:Start on round 5 - The Commute - code:7E0CE4:04 + code:7e0ce4/04 cheat description:Start on round 6 - Triathalon - code:7E0CE4:05 + code:7e0ce4/05 cheat description:Start on round 7 - School Daze - code:7E0CE4:06 + code:7e0ce4/06 cartridge sha256:914652f72d6ceb83b8b43414d6c42581ec12e9b3f45259b8b2768d26b8d4f073 name:Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C229-1D67 + code:b0dd56/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C238-1F27 + code:b4edbf/cd cartridge sha256:317e25d731bbfec30bfdc5fbe4ed825cd08613a4d62d98247bae5ec85783074c name:Kidou Butouden G Gundam (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E07D4:80 + code:7e07d4/80 cartridge sha256:1b50f8aa5ae75c4b01e237b29b0a1ec1f1f809bdbe76a23d9c204541ccbf403d name:Kidou Senshi V Gundam (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0522:69 + code:7e0522/69 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E06A2:00+7E0822:00 + code:7e06a2/00+7e0822/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0306:63 + code:7e0306/63 cartridge sha256:a1c04fc26c65a6ae3c3a496410290e7f437d19ac24a930286521ce04c887212a name:Kidou Soukou Dion (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E0A50:4C + code:7e0a50/4c cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0B48:05 + code:7e0b48/05 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:7E0B14:09 + code:7e0b14/09 cartridge sha256:2b27e9bceb646a300566248fcdcbd582435f50bd6132b0f0025cc146a9d62bd9 name:Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ED88-A467 + code:80beba/ed cheat description:Infinite health - code:C983-A9CF + code:93bee7/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9A7-A76D + code:83a63e/c5 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0060:31 + code:7e0060/31 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0061:09 + code:7e0061/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0031:06+7E0032:00 + code:7e0031/06+7e0032/00 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:7E006B:63 + code:7e006b/63 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:7E005F:01 + code:7e005f/01 cheat description:Moon-jump when attacking - code:7E0072:20 + code:7e0072/20 cheat description:Can't walk - code:7E006C:03 + code:7e006c/03 cartridge sha256:7a5261f1a5e84b67483c79fb002ce1539f2360f88333bda60f12e617d86e0def name:Killer Instinct (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:3DBB-3F07+A7BB-3407+DDBB-3F67+EDBB-34D7 + code:b0bfbd/ed+80bfb9/a3+b0bfbe/dd+84bfbb/ed cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:0AB6-3D67+CAB6-3DA7+CFB6-3FD7+D2B6-3D07+EDB6-3DD7 + code:b0bf86/4a+b8bf86/ca+b4bf8f/cf+b0bf85/dd+b4bf87/ed cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0D24:78+7E0D26:78 + code:7e0d24/78+7e0d26/78 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0D28:78+7E0D2A:78 + code:7e0d28/78+7e0d2a/78 cheat description:No health - P1 - code:7E0D24:00+7E0D26:00 + code:7e0d24/00+7e0d26/00 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0D28:00+7E0D2A:00 + code:7e0d28/00+7e0d2a/00 cheat description:One button finishes and humiliations - code:DD84-C40D + code:03b729/dd cheat description:CPU cannot move from starting position - code:7E0E08:01 + code:7e0e08/01 cheat description:CPU cannot perform special or danger moves - code:CB2A-170F+DD2A-176F + code:83ddad/cb+83ddae/dd cheat description:Play as Eyedol - code:7E024E:0A + code:7e024e/0a cartridge sha256:618a23636e07110e094277ec1d1e60c3620a6e9a5f386292808267593fa803ad name:Killer Instinct (USA) cheat description:Master code - must be entered - code:3C61-D4DF + code:478f6b/ec cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:3DB6-3467+A7B6-3767+DDB6-34A7+EDB6-3707 + code:80bf8a/ed+80bf8e/a3+88bf8a/dd+80bf8d/ed cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:0AB5-3FA7+CFB5-3407+CFB5-34D7+D2B5-3F67+EDB5-3F07 + code:b8bf7e/4a+80bf79/cf+84bf7b/cf+b0bf7e/dd+b0bf7d/ed cheat description:One button finishes and humiliations - code:DD84-CD6D + code:33b726/dd cheat description:CPU cannot perform special or danger moves - code:CB24-CFDF+DD24-CF0F + code:37df2f/cb+33df2d/dd cheat description:P1 takes all damage - code:EEC1-34AF + code:8bcf6a/ee cheat description:Always fight Jago - code:C265-1467+60E6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/84 cheat description:Always fight Combo - code:C265-1467+6EE6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/8e cheat description:Always fight Thunder - code:C265-1467+6BE6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/8b cheat description:Always fight Glacius - code:C265-1467+6FE6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/8f cheat description:Always fight Cinder - code:C265-1467+6DE6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/8d cheat description:Always fight Orchid - code:C265-1467+64E6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/82 cheat description:Always Fight Riptor - code:C265-1467+B0E6-47D2 + code:808d7a/cd+87e48f/b4 cheat description:Always fight Sabrewulf - code:C265-1467+CBE6-4702 + code:808d7a/cd+83e48d/cb cheat description:Always fight Spinal - code:C265-1467+CBEC-4702 + code:808d7a/cd+83e4cd/cb cheat description:Always fight Fulgore - code:C265-1467+CBE8-4D62 + code:808d7a/cd+b3e4b6/cb cheat description:Always fight Eyedol - code:C265-1467+CBE8-4FA2 + code:808d7a/cd+bbe4be/cb cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0D24:78+7E0D26:78 + code:7e0d24/78+7e0d26/78 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0D28:78+7E0D2A:78 + code:7e0d28/78+7e0d2a/78 cheat description:No health - P1 - code:7E0D24:00+7E0D26:00 + code:7e0d24/00+7e0d26/00 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0D28:00+7E0D2A:00 + code:7e0d28/00+7e0d2a/00 cheat description:CPU cannot move from starting position - code:7E0E08:01 + code:7e0e08/01 cheat description:Play as Eyedol - code:7E024E:0A + code:7e024e/0a cartridge sha256:1b58d0aed4510811c73d267244a7e915aa0b334c86e68f3fa5883f5cb534e4d7 name:King Arthur & The Knights of Justice (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:8B6B-14F4 + code:8c89bb/bb cheat description:Infinite attack power - code:33BD-14AF+33B9-176F + code:8bbdda/ee+83bd5e/ee cheat description:Infinite healing herbs - code:C28A-4DAC + code:bbb0a6/cd cheat description:Start with 99 healing herbs - code:14E6-37D4 + code:84eb8f/62 cheat description:Start with 99 shield attacks - code:14EB-3764 + code:80ebbe/62 cartridge sha256:aca9eb59d6783e2cae3787c69053888fea98f5dfe4c8af8b5a6360e0afb3b5d7 name:King Arthur's World (USA) cheat description:Infinite men - if you have at least one of that type - code:8EA8-642F+8EAC-6F2F + code:07aebb/be+37aecf/be cheat description:Infinite spells - must have at least one to use - code:8EBC-6DEC + code:3bb2c7/be cheat description:Start with 4 of each type of spell - code:C4EE-6D79+7DEE-6D59+D4EE-6D89 + code:3de6e4/c2+3de6e5/3d+3de6e6/d2 cheat description:Start with many men - code:CBEB-6405+F0EB-6465+DDEB-64A5 + code:01eeb9/cb+01eeba/f4+09eeba/dd cheat description:Start on training level 2 - code:F561-DD86 + code:7e8366/f7 cheat description:Start on training level 3 - code:FB61-DD86 + code:7e8366/fb cheat description:Start on training level 4 - code:F161-DD86 + code:7e8366/f6 cheat description:Start on training level 5 - code:F261-DD86 + code:7e8366/fd cheat description:Start on training level 6 - code:F361-DD86 + code:7e8366/fe cheat description:Start on training level 7 - code:FE61-DD86 + code:7e8366/fe cheat description:Start on training level 8 - code:4D61-DD86 + code:7e8366/2d cheat description:Start on training level 9 - code:FC61-DD86 + code:7e8366/fc cheat description:Start on real world level 1 - code:DF61-DD86 + code:7e8366/df cheat description:Start on real world level 2 - code:D461-DD86 + code:7e8366/d2 cheat description:Start on real world level 3 - code:D761-DD86 + code:7e8366/d3 cheat description:Start on real world level 4 - code:D061-DD86 + code:7e8366/d4 cheat description:Start on goblin underworld level 1 - code:D961-DD86 + code:7e8366/d5 cheat description:Start on goblin underworld level 2 - code:D161-DD86 + code:7e8366/d6 cheat description:Start on goblin underworld level 3 - code:D561-DD86 + code:7e8366/d7 cheat description:Start on goblin underworld level 4 - code:D661-DD86 + code:7e8366/d8 cheat description:Start on cloud world level 1 - code:DA61-DD86 + code:7e8366/da cheat description:Start on cloud world level 2 - code:D261-DD86 + code:7e8366/dd cheat description:Start on cloud world level 3 - code:D361-DD86 + code:7e8366/de cheat description:Start on cloud world level 4 - code:DE61-DD86 + code:7e8366/de cheat description:Start on cloud world level 5 - code:FD61-DD86 + code:7e8366/fd cheat description:Start on cloud world level 6 - code:FF61-DD86 + code:7e8366/ff cheat description:Start on cloud world level 7 - code:F461-DD86 + code:7e8366/f2 cartridge sha256:6638b5541059814d4c34574e5e277ef613aebf81c91d3def557a7642fb5840e1 name:King of Dragons (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:ED76-E4AF + code:8b3f8a/ed cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:C9B5-7FDD + code:f7b47f/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD0E-EF0D + code:b347ed/dd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:CE05-8F0D + code:f3467d/ce cheat description:One hit kills - code:4069-EF64+4069-E4D4 + code:b08b5e/24+848b5b/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6D61-8DA4+6D64-87A4+6D66-87A4+6D6E-54D4+6D6E-5D04 + code:f88a66/8d+c88a2e/8d+c88a8e/8d+c489eb/8d+f089e5/8d cheat description:Start with level 6 Sword - code:6351-E40D+6955-EDDD + code:837769/8e+b77777/85 cheat description:Start with level 6 Shield - code:6355-E7AD+6956-EF6D + code:8b777e/8e+b3778e/85 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P1 - code:7E0BB4:FF + code:7e0bb4/ff cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P2 - code:7E0CB4:FF + code:7e0cb4/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0B9A:09 + code:7e0b9a/09 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0C9A:09 + code:7e0c9a/09 cheat description:Max attack - P1 - code:7E0BEE:07 + code:7e0bee/07 cheat description:Max attack - P2 - code:7E0CEE:07 + code:7e0cee/07 cheat description:Max defense - P1 - code:7E0BF0:07 + code:7e0bf0/07 cheat description:Max defense - P2 - code:7E0CF0:07 + code:7e0cf0/07 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0BEC:09 + code:7e0bec/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0CEC:09 + code:7e0cec/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E1F94:98 + code:7e1f94/98 cheat description:Infinite time for player select screen - code:7E5C24:0A + code:7e5c24/0a cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Treasure In An Old Castle - code:7E0658:01 + code:7e0658/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - Battle On Mountain Peak - code:7E0658:02 + code:7e0658/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Cave Of Hydra - code:7E0658:03 + code:7e0658/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - To The Norde Isle - code:7E0658:04 + code:7e0658/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - The Giant In The Shrine - code:7E0658:05 + code:7e0658/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - Trent Woods - code:7E0658:06 + code:7e0658/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - To The Castle - code:7E0658:07 + code:7e0658/07 cheat description:Start on stage 9 - In The Castle - code:7E0658:08 + code:7e0658/08 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - Underpass - code:7E0658:09 + code:7e0658/09 cheat description:Start on stage 11 - Battle In The Front - code:7E0658:0A + code:7e0658/0a cheat description:Start on stage 12 - Castle Garenos - code:7E0658:0B + code:7e0658/0b cheat description:Start on stage 13 - Dark Wizard - code:7E0658:0C + code:7e0658/0c cheat description:Start on stage 14 - A Cave In The Woods - code:7E0658:0D + code:7e0658/0d cheat description:Start on stage 15 - Underground Labyrinth - code:7E0658:0E + code:7e0658/0e cheat description:Start on stage 16 - Golden Limestone Cave - code:7E0658:0F + code:7e0658/0f cartridge sha256:1135858a1ce686a0a163bb0e6f3a4d7cd71c0cd56efbc79677372f2624cf2306 name:King of the Monsters (USA) cheat description:Faster timer - code:F5AF-D5A1 + code:59abfe/f7 cheat description:Slower timer - code:1DAF-DFA1 + code:79abfe/6d cheat description:3 power points needed to get to next power level - code:D7A1-0DA1 + code:39a966/d3 cheat description:Start with less health - P1 - code:6DB2-AF67 + code:b0bede/8d cheat description:Start with less health - P2 - code:6DC4-D764 + code:40cb2e/8d cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0A50:FF + code:7e0a50/ff cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0B40:00 + code:7e0b40/00 cheat description:Infinite time - minutes - code:7E29F3:09 + code:7e29f3/09 cheat description:Infinite time - seconds - code:7E29F2:54 + code:7e29f2/54 cartridge sha256:a9729d049ce580839bbfef1836a13dc16f2fc934d203ebf7390e0b1c47ea9a2d name:King of the Monsters 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1A3A:18 + code:7e1a3a/18 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E09CC:03 + code:7e09cc/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0942:69 + code:7e0942/69 cheat description:Always have 2 power-ups - code:7E1CB4:02 + code:7e1cb4/02 cartridge sha256:4e095fbbdec4a16b075d7140385ff68b259870ca9e3357f076dfff7f3d1c4a62 name:Kirby Super Star (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:62E2-AD61 + code:b1ead6/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C263-AF02 + code:b386ed/cd cheat description:Always have invincibility - code:3035F1:0A + code:3035f1/0a cheat description:Infinite health (friend) - code:40137E:30 + code:40137e/30 cartridge sha256:67937dd7a29a93b1aaabb6df89f0748369ff47f3f6c655a402c00d5657973140 name:Kirby's Avalanche (USA) cheat description:Boulder warnings don't appear - code:80A8-C4CD + code:03a7bb/b4 cheat description:Only red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/dd cheat description:Only yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/df cheat description:Only green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only red and yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/df cheat description:Only red and green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only red and purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only red and blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only red blobs with a boulder fall - code:CB60-C737+DD69-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/dd+388f55/d6 cheat description:Only yellow and red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/dd cheat description:Only yellow and green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only yellow and purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only yellow and blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only yellow blobs with a boulder fall - code:CB60-C737+DF69-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/df+388f55/d6 cheat description:Only green and yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/df cheat description:Only green and red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/dd cheat description:Only green and purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only green and blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only green blobs with a boulder fall - code:CB60-C737+D769-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d3+388f55/d6 cheat description:Only purple and yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/df cheat description:Only purple and green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only purple and red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/dd cheat description:Only purple and blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only purple blobs with a boulder fall - code:CB60-C737+D069-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d4+388f55/d6 cheat description:Only blue and yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/df cheat description:Only blue and green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only blue and purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only blue and red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/dd cheat description:Only blue blobs with a boulder fall - code:CB60-C737+D969-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d5+388f55/d6 cheat description:Only a boulder and yellow blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+DF69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/df cheat description:Only a boulder and green blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+D769-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/d3 cheat description:Only a boulder and purple blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+D069-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/d4 cheat description:Only a boulder and blue blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+D969-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/d5 cheat description:Only a boulder and red blobs fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+DD69-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/dd cheat description:Only boulders fall - code:CB60-C737+D169-CD47+D169-CD17 + code:088f4f/cb+388f54/d6+388f55/d6 cheat description:Disable the next box - code:CBB7-4D4D+3CB7-4DCD+CBB7-4F1D+3CB7-4F3D + code:bbb434/cb+b3b437/ec+bbb43d/cb+bbb43f/ec cartridge sha256:0f984dc5fe8293f75e3b8fad98b0cb564706d9b1e3902b56415aa399c2d4df2b name:Kirby's Dream Course (USA) cheat description:Infinite Strawberries - code:82CF-4D6E + code:b3c8f6/bd cheat description:Don't lose a life from falling out of bounds - code:82E2-4DD4 + code:b4e8d7/bd cheat description:Don't ever gain any Strawberries - code:82CD-4D0E + code:b3c8d5/bd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D0A9-4F6D + code:b3a45e/d4 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1A9-4F6D + code:b3a45e/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D6A9-4F6D + code:b3a45e/d8 cheat description:Start with 1 Strawberry - code:DFAD-1F0D + code:b3a5dd/df cheat description:Start with 2 Strawberries - code:D4AD-1F0D + code:b3a5dd/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 Strawberries - code:D7AD-1F0D + code:b3a5dd/d3 cheat description:Infinite Tomatoes - code:83AC12:BD + code:83ac12/bd cartridge sha256:b50bf9d95485e8aeb7a6730e9f9f9c9c4ec23a85b336a4fb2e3b63034531e36f name:Kirby's Dream Land 3 (USA) cheat description:Always have Invincibility - Kirby - code:4054B2:01 + code:4054b2/01 cheat description:Infinite life - Kirby - code:4039D1:0A + code:4039d1/0a cheat description:Infinite life - Partner - code:4039D3:08 + code:4039d3/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:4039CF:0A + code:4039cf/0a cheat description:Infinite Mouth Shot - code:4054ED:02 + code:4054ed/02 cheat description:Always have No Mouth power - code:4054A9:00 + code:4054a9/00 cheat description:Always have Fireball Mouth power - code:4054A9:01 + code:4054a9/01 cheat description:Always have Stone Mouth power - code:4054A9:02 + code:4054a9/02 cheat description:Always have Ice Mouth power - code:4054A9:03 + code:4054a9/03 cheat description:Always have Needle Mouth power - code:4054A9:04 + code:4054a9/04 cheat description:Always have Broom Mouth power - code:4054A9:05 + code:4054a9/05 cheat description:Always have Parasol Mouth power - code:4054A9:06 + code:4054a9/06 cheat description:Always have Spark Mouth power - code:4054A9:07 + code:4054a9/07 cheat description:Always have Boomerang Mouth power - code:4054A9:08 + code:4054a9/08 cheat description:Have all level 1 Stars - code:4053A7:01+4053A8:01+4053A9:01+4053AA:01+4053AB:01+4053AC:01 + code:4053a7/01+4053a8/01+4053a9/01+4053aa/01+4053ab/01+4053ac/01 cheat description:Have all level 2 Stars - code:4053AE:01+4053AF:01+4053B0:01+4053B1:01+4053B2:01+4053B3:01 + code:4053ae/01+4053af/01+4053b0/01+4053b1/01+4053b2/01+4053b3/01 cheat description:Have all level 3 Stars - code:4053B5:01+4053B6:01+4053B7:01+4053B8:01+4053B9:01+4053BA:01 + code:4053b5/01+4053b6/01+4053b7/01+4053b8/01+4053b9/01+4053ba/01 cheat description:Have all level 4 Stars - code:4053BC:01+4053BD:01+4053BE:01+4053BF:01+4053C0:01+4053C1:01 + code:4053bc/01+4053bd/01+4053be/01+4053bf/01+4053c0/01+4053c1/01 cheat description:Have all level 5 Stars - code:4053C3:01+4053C4:01+4053C5:01+4053C6:01+4053C7:01+4053C8:01 + code:4053c3/01+4053c4/01+4053c5/01+4053c6/01+4053c7/01+4053c8/01 cheat description:Start a new game with 9 lives - code:DC85-64D4 + code:04ba7b/dc cheat description:Start a new game with 25 lives - code:FC85-64D4 + code:04ba7b/fc cheat description:Start a new game with 98 lives - code:1785-64D4 + code:04ba7b/63 cartridge sha256:fb601ead645edce139b0483d3155b4e3d7ab245bf87a3a66cb88c0a617c0a526 name:Knights of the Round (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:ED2F-3FD9 + code:b5d7ff/ed cheat description:More invincibility time after successful block - code:EE2C-C7DC + code:07d3cf/ee cheat description:Infinite health - code:8B29-4D65 + code:b1dc56/bb cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:4029-4DD5+4022-1DD5 + code:b5dc57/24+b5ddd7/24 cheat description:Maximum health from most food - code:DDAD-17BF + code:8fadde/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:8B27-4F68 + code:b2dc3e/bb cheat description:Infinite time - code:C26C-47AF + code:8b8cce/cd cheat description:One hit kills - code:4027-37A5+4038-C760+4033-4760 + code:89df3e/24+01e3be/24+81e0ee/24 cheat description:No health lost from special move - code:DD2A-3406 + code:82d3a9/dd cheat description:No health lost from special move (alt) - code:8B2A-34A6 + code:8ad3aa/bb cheat description:Less health lost from special move - code:D12A-3406 + code:82d3a9/d6 cheat description:More health lost from special move - code:F02A-3406 + code:82d3a9/f4 cheat description:Super-jump - Arthur - code:DAC9-1DDB + code:b6cd57/da cheat description:Super-jump - Lancelot - code:DAC0-17DB + code:86cd4f/da cheat description:Super-jump - Percival - code:DAC9-1FDB + code:b6cd5f/da cheat description:Slower timer - code:1D6B-47AF + code:8b8cbe/6d cheat description:Faster timer - code:F36B-47AF + code:8b8cbe/fe cheat description:Enable hidden options screen in the options menu - code:4DA1-14DD+84A1-140D+ABA1-146D+1DA8-14D4 + code:87a56b/2d+83a569/b2+83a56a/ab+84a9bb/6d cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:3C81-4461+CB81-44A1+DF81-47D1 + code:81b86a/ec+89b86a/cb+85b86f/df cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:3C81-4461+CB81-44A1+D481-47D1 + code:81b86a/ec+89b86a/cb+85b86f/d2 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:3C81-4461+CB81-44A1+D781-47D1 + code:81b86a/ec+89b86a/cb+85b86f/d3 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:3C81-4461+CB81-44A1+D081-47D1 + code:81b86a/ec+89b86a/cb+85b86f/d4 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:3C81-4461+CB81-44A1+D981-47D1 + code:81b86a/ec+89b86a/cb+85b86f/d5 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P1 - code:7E4136:02 + code:7e4136/02 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - P2 - code:7E4336:02 + code:7e4336/02 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E4008:50 + code:7e4008/50 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0C4A:59 + code:7e0c4a/59 cheat description:Quick level gain - P1 - code:7E4149:00+7E414A:00+7E414B:00+7E414C:00 + code:7e4149/00+7e414a/00+7e414b/00+7e414c/00 cheat description:Quick level gain - P2 - code:7E4349:00+7E434A:00+7E434B:00+7E434C:00 + code:7e4349/00+7e434a/00+7e434b/00+7e434c/00 cartridge sha256:6a37a20a4880b9ec38b1b7e17e42ea93a1bf826630ccbe5f8257f0d928f13953 name:Kouryuu no Mimi (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:CB6D-1F24+0D6D-14F4+DD6D-1494+626D-17F4 + code:b489df/cb+8c89db/4d+8489d9/dd+8c89df/8d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E09C0:40 + code:7e09c0/40 cheat description:Infinite Ring power - code:7E008C:20 + code:7e008c/20 cartridge sha256:e36322697c48baae6492db91e6cbf3844a420f6e0cc8a75f3a73556026ddbbb8 name:Krusty's Super Fun House (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E11A3:03 + code:7e11a3/03 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:7E032C:0A + code:7e032c/0a cartridge sha256:bed18c968aee0eb0c866c1964c28135364cd6d65fff7bcb5873342c04e63750d name:Krusty's Super Fun House (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - Krusty - code:8725-0D64 + code:30d976/b3 cheat description:Infinite Custard Pies - code:C1E1-D7DD + code:47e76f/c6 cheat description:Infinite Superballs - code:C1E2-D76D + code:43e7de/c6 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C265-0FA7 + code:388d7e/cd cheat description:Custard Pie bonus worth 2 pies instead of 10 - code:D43D-67D7 + code:04eedf/d2 cheat description:Custard Pie bonus worth 5 pies - code:D93D-67D7 + code:04eedf/d5 cheat description:Custard Pie bonus same as Superball bonus (disable is game freezes) - code:D03D-6767 + code:00eede/d4 cheat description:Superball bonus worth 2 balls instead of 5 (disable is game freezes) - code:D43F-6F67 + code:30eefe/d2 cheat description:Superball bonus worth 10 balls (disable is game freezes) - code:DC3F-6F67 + code:30eefe/dc cheat description:Superball bonus same as Custard Pie bonus (disable is game freezes) - code:6D3F-6DA7+E03F-6FD7 + code:38eef6/8d+34eeff/e4 cheat description:Food bonuses restore less strength - code:D53E-0407 + code:00ede9/d7 cheat description:Food bonuses restore more strength - code:F33E-0407 + code:00ede9/fe cheat description:Food bonuses restore Krusty to full strength - code:173E-0407 + code:00ede9/63 cheat description:Food bonuses also get Custard Pie bonus - code:D03D-6FD7 + code:34eedf/d4 cheat description:Food bonuses also get Superball bonus - code:D33D-6FD7 + code:34eedf/de cheat description:Doll bonus same as Custard Pie bonus - code:3134-6D67+6D34-6D07 + code:30ee26/e6+30ee25/8d cheat description:Doll bonus same as Superball bonus - code:ED34-6D67+6D34-6D07 + code:30ee26/ed+30ee25/8d cheat description:Doll bonus same as food bonus - code:2F34-6D67+6D34-6D07 + code:30ee26/df+30ee25/8d cheat description:Jump higher - Krusty - code:FD3C-D704 + code:40ebcd/fd cheat description:Jump much higher - Krusty - code:D63C-D704 + code:40ebcd/d8 cheat description:Start with section 1 finished - code:DD65-67DF+6D65-670F+D965-676F + code:078e7f/dd+038e7d/8d+038e7e/d5 cheat description:Start with section 2 finished - code:DF65-67DF+6D65-670F+D965-676F + code:078e7f/df+038e7d/8d+038e7e/d5 cheat description:Start with section 3 finished - code:D465-67DF+6D65-670F+D965-676F + code:078e7f/d2+038e7d/8d+038e7e/d5 cheat description:Start with section 4 finished - code:D765-67DF+6D65-670F+D965-676F + code:078e7f/d3+038e7d/8d+038e7e/d5 cheat description:Start with access to all sections - code:D065-67DF+6D65-670F+D965-676F + code:078e7f/d4+038e7d/8d+038e7e/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DF6C-D704 + code:408bcd/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D46C-D704 + code:408bcd/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D96C-D704 + code:408bcd/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D56C-D704 + code:408bcd/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB6C-D704 + code:408bcd/db cheat description:Start with 0 Custard Pies - code:DD6B-D764 + code:408bbe/dd cheat description:Start with 2 Custard Pies - code:D46B-D764 + code:408bbe/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 Custard Pies - code:D96B-D764 + code:408bbe/d5 cheat description:Start with 2 Superballs instead of 10 Custard Pies - code:D46B-D764+DF6C-DDA4 + code:408bbe/d2+788bc6/df cheat description:Start with 5 Superballs - code:D96B-D764+DF6C-DDA4 + code:408bbe/d5+788bc6/df cheat description:Start with 10 Superballs - code:DF6C-DDA4 + code:788bc6/df cartridge sha256:46c811f0cacffe8f20e1d63072d25d7c47e9bb3fd5124851fd05aca9884d21fb name:Lagoon (USA) cheat description:HP always recovers instantly - code:CBB0-0FA0+EEB0-04D0 + code:39b14e/cb+05b14b/ee cheat description:MP always recovers instantly - code:CBB0-07A0+EEB9-0DD0 + code:09b14e/cb+35b157/ee cheat description:Save always available - code:6D8A-6FA8+F78A-64D8 + code:3abeae/8d+06beab/f3 cheat description:Pit death disabled - code:1DA9-04D1 + code:05a95b/6d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD84-64D9 + code:05b62b/dd cheat description:Get 1 gold for each creature killed - code:1BB5-D769+DFB5-D7A9+3CB6-DDD9 + code:41b77e/6b+49b77e/df+75b787/ec cheat description:Get 100 gold for each creature killed - code:1BB5-D769+10B5-D7A9+3CB6-DDD9 + code:41b77e/6b+49b77e/64+75b787/ec cheat description:Get 200 gold for each creature killed - code:1BB5-D769+A6B5-D7A9+3CB6-DDD9 + code:41b77e/6b+49b77e/a8+75b787/ec cheat description:Start with 0 STR - code:DD23-07DC + code:07d1ef/dd cheat description:Start with 100 STR - code:1023-07DC + code:07d1ef/64 cheat description:Start with 255 STR - code:EE23-07DC + code:07d1ef/ee cheat description:Start with 0 DEF - code:DD2E-04AC + code:0bd1ea/dd cheat description:Start with 100 DEF - code:102E-04AC + code:0bd1ea/64 cheat description:Start with 255 DEF - code:EE2E-04AC + code:0bd1ea/ee cheat description:Start with 999 DEF - code:E12E-07DC+F52E-04AC + code:07d1ef/e6+0bd1ea/f7 cheat description:Start with 612 gold - code:D42D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/d2 cheat description:Start with 1,380 gold - code:D92D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/d5 cheat description:Start with 2,148 gold - code:D62D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/d8 cheat description:Start with 8,292 gold - code:4D2D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/2d cheat description:Start with 22,116 gold - code:912D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/56 cheat description:Start with 65,380 gold - code:EE2D-6D6C + code:33d2d6/ee cheat description:Start on level 2, MP = 8/8, HP = 17/17, EXP = 0/40 - code:D422-040C + code:03d1d9/d2 cheat description:Start on level 3, MP = 10/10, HP = 23/23, EXP = 0/90 - code:D722-040C + code:03d1d9/d3 cheat description:Start on level 4, MP = 12/12, HP = 28/28, EXP = 0/170 - code:D022-040C + code:03d1d9/d4 cheat description:Start on level 5, MP = 19/19, HP =36/36, EXP = 0/280 - code:D922-040C + code:03d1d9/d5 cheat description:Start on level 241, HP = 255, MP = 255, EXP = 22859, walk at a regular speed - code:EF22-040C + code:03d1d9/ef cheat description:Start on level 242, HP = 220, MP = 221, EXP = 30560, walk at a medium speed - code:E422-040C + code:03d1d9/e2 cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E0520:FF + code:7e0520/ff cheat description:Infinite MP - code:7E0522:FF + code:7e0522/ff cheat description:Have all equipment and magic - code:7E04D0:FF+7E04D1:FF+7E04D2:FF+7E04D3:F8 + code:7e04d0/ff+7e04d1/ff+7e04d2/ff+7e04d3/f8 cheat description:Have all items - code:7E04D4:FF+7E04D5:FF+7E04D6:FF+7E04D7:80 + code:7e04d4/ff+7e04d5/ff+7e04d6/ff+7e04d7/80 cheat description:Shop item 1 free - code:7E045C:00+7E045D:00 + code:7e045c/00+7e045d/00 cheat description:Shop item 2 free - code:7E045E:00+7E045F:00 + code:7e045e/00+7e045f/00 cheat description:Shop item 3 free - code:7E0460:00+7E0461:00 + code:7e0460/00+7e0461/00 cheat description:Max EXP - code:7E052A:FF+7E052B:FF + code:7e052a/ff+7e052b/ff cheat description:Max level (level 35) - code:7E052C:23 + code:7e052c/23 cheat description:Max STR - code:7E0525:02 + code:7e0525/02 cheat description:Max DEF - code:7E0527:02 + code:7e0527/02 cheat description:Max Gold - code:7E0529:FF + code:7e0529/ff cartridge sha256:48cd9476fef1ed685b9c30dd1669b46048f7295cbbb2abcfa5b1a48699346ea3 name:Lamborghini American Challenge (USA) cheat description:Always finish first - code:DDE6-CDC8+D4E6-CF48+E360-C7CC+F1E6-C418+FCE6-CFC8+1DE6-C4C8+2DE6-CD38+4D60-C74C+53E6-C448+58E6-CF18+6D60-C71C+ADE6-CD48+BBE6-CF38+DDE6-CD18 + code:32ef87/dd+3aef8c/d2+03834f/ee+0aef89/f6+32ef8f/fc+02ef8b/6d+3aef87/dd+0b834c/2d+0aef88/7e+3aef8d/7b+0b834d/8d+3aef84/ad+3aef8f/bb+3aef85/dd cheat description:Don't take damage in races - code:8B81-34D7 + code:84bf6b/bb cheat description:Free turbos - code:C22A-377D + code:8fd7ac/cd cheat description:Repair 10% of car for $100 - code:C224-CF8F + code:3fdf2e/cd cheat description:Repair 10% of car for free - code:3324-C45F + code:0fdf29/ee cheat description:Turbos for $1000 - code:DC28-348D+DD28-34ED + code:8fd7ba/dc+8bd7bb/dd cheat description:Turbos for $2000 - code:F028-348D+DD28-34ED + code:8fd7ba/f4+8bd7bb/dd cheat description:Start with 6-speed transmission - code:D169-443B + code:8a8c5b/d6 cheat description:Start with $128,000 - code:DD6E-440D+D96E-446D + code:8384e9/dd+8384ea/d5 cheat description:Start with $88,000 - code:5D6E-440D+D76E-446D + code:8384e9/7d+8384ea/d3 cheat description:Start with $12,800 - code:6D6E-440D + code:8384e9/8d cheat description:Always finish first (alt) - code:7E167E:01 + code:7e167e/01 cheat description:Infinite money - code:7E0D21:FF+7E0D22:FF + code:7e0d21/ff+7e0d22/ff cheat description:Infinite Boost - code:7E0DDD:09 + code:7e0ddd/09 cartridge sha256:314d53f409b66ba3f4426a6f1bb7c69f6779aeed277ce2e19535f94d7c8ca586 name:Last Action Hero (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:62AF-140D + code:83a5f9/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2A0-1D6D + code:b3a546/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2BF-1FAF + code:bbbdfe/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2CB-4FAF + code:bbccbe/ad cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E03B7:FF + code:7e03b7/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E031F:FF + code:7e031f/ff cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0315:99 + code:7e0315/99 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0316:04 + code:7e0316/04 cheat description:Hit anywhere continually - code:4022-440F+4023-470F + code:83dcd9/24+83dced/24 cheat description:One hit kills - enemy 1 - code:7E0822:00 + code:7e0822/00 cheat description:One hit kills - enemy 2 - code:7E0880:00 + code:7e0880/00 cheat description:One hit kills - enemy 3 - code:7E08DE:00 + code:7e08de/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:7E030F:02 + code:7e030f/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:7E030F:03 + code:7e030f/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:7E030F:04 + code:7e030f/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:7E030F:05 + code:7e030f/05 cartridge sha256:a179a1188220b59787c49a78a0dde79b89380e3a8a8a0ab558f0102c5796f873 name:Lawnmower Man, The (USA) cheat description:Invincible in Cyber Run level - code:C268-17AC + code:8b81be/cd cheat description:Invincible in Cyber Tube level - code:C26A-CD6C + code:3383a6/cd cheat description:Invincible in Cyber Jobe level - code:C223-1DD5 + code:b5dde7/cd cheat description:Invincible in Cyber Space level - code:C2A2-479C + code:87a0dd/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:40BE-1DAD + code:bbb5e6/24 cheat description:After you die, your main weapon is fully powered up from then on - code:D0B5-CDAD+CBB5-CD6D + code:3bb776/d4+33b776/cb cheat description:Super-jump - code:ECB6-4FD7 + code:b4bc8f/ec cheat description:Energize icon effect lasts 2x longer - code:D785-376F + code:83bf7e/d3 cheat description:Energize icon effect lasts 4x longer - code:D985-376F + code:83bf7e/d5 cheat description:Bitstream powers up instantly (don't shoot too many bitstreams at once) - code:D1BB-4F64 + code:b0b8be/d6 cheat description:Keep weapon power ups once gained - code:DDB5-CDAD + code:3bb776/dd cheat description:Never lose homing bullets once gained - code:CEB7-CFAD + code:3bb73e/ce cheat description:Never lose rear bullets once gained - code:CEB7-CDAD + code:3bb736/ce cartridge sha256:c7814cee0fc95d6422cf19a3dc8c9a65b60f6f56da75f09cebea02cc5f99261b name:Legend (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:62A6-3FAD+29A6-34DD+F7A6-340D + code:bba78e/8d+87a78b/d5+83a789/f3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2EB-1709 + code:81e5bd/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C23F-1DDD + code:b7e5f7/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C289-1DD7 + code:b4bd57/cd cheat description:One hit kills - code:40C6-C469+4081-1F69 + code:01c78a/24+b1b56e/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40E4-37A0+40ED-37D0+40E0-3DD0+40E0-3FA0+6DED-3FD0+6DEF-3DA0 + code:89e32e/24+85e3df/24+b5e347/24+b9e34e/24+b5e3df/8d+b9e3f6/8d cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E130D:08 + code:7e130d/08 cheat description:Infinite magic - P1 - code:7E1315:09 + code:7e1315/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E1309:09 + code:7e1309/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E15EF:09 + code:7e15ef/09 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P1 - code:7E12F1:63 + code:7e12f1/63 cartridge sha256:c865fb17e8c59a21d32b9a605319241fa74ec732e3f0ee58f5d7fcbd8ee57c6b name:Legend of the Mystical Ninja, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:4081-AFAF + code:bbbe6e/24 cheat description:Infinite health - code:89CF-0729 + code:05c5ff/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - top-view - code:3CA6-A764 + code:80aa8e/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - top view - code:4086-0D02+408D-670A + code:33b585/24+02badd/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - side view - code:4081-070A+4089-0D62 + code:02b96d/24+33b556/24 cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - top view - code:408D-0F02 + code:33b5dd/24 cheat description:Don't lose most weapons when hit - code:40C0-04F9 + code:0dc54b/24 cheat description:Pick-up more coins from enemies - code:9DAF-DD6E + code:73abf6/5d cheat description:No coins used up when thrown - code:DDED-D4D4 + code:44ebdb/dd cheat description:Faster timer - code:F0BE-AF20 + code:b5b2ef/f4 cheat description:Slower timer - code:1DBE-AF20 + code:b5b2ef/6d cheat description:Die after one hit - code:DDCF-0429 + code:05c5fb/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D927-A464 + code:80da3a/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D627-A464 + code:80da3a/d8 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E0592:02 + code:7e0592/02 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1AB2:10 + code:7e1ab2/10 cheat description:Infinite money - P1 - code:7E1AAC:99+7E1AAD:99+7E1AAE:09 + code:7e1aac/99+7e1aad/99+7e1aae/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E1AB0:04 + code:7e1ab0/04 cheat description:Have Jutsu technique 1 - code:7E1AD6:01 + code:7e1ad6/01 cheat description:Have Jutsu technique 2 - code:7E1AD8:01 + code:7e1ad8/01 cheat description:Have Jutsu technique 3 - code:7E1ADA:01 + code:7e1ada/01 cheat description:Have Jutsu technique 4 - code:7E1ADC:01 + code:7e1adc/01 cheat description:Have 1st upgraded weapon - code:7E1AB6:01+7E1AB8:01 + code:7e1ab6/01+7e1ab8/01 cheat description:Have 2nd upgraded weapon - code:7E1AB6:02+7E1AB8:02 + code:7e1ab6/02+7e1ab8/02 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E1ABA:30 + code:7e1aba/30 cheat description:Have Gold Helmet - code:7E1AE0:08 + code:7e1ae0/08 cheat description:Have Iron Helmet - code:7E1AE2:06 + code:7e1ae2/06 cheat description:Have Straw Hat - code:7E1AE4:04 + code:7e1ae4/04 cheat description:Have Gold Armor - code:7E1AF0:08 + code:7e1af0/08 cheat description:Have Chain Armor - code:7E1AF2:06 + code:7e1af2/06 cheat description:Have Straw Coat - code:7E1AF4:04 + code:7e1af4/04 cheat description:Have whole Pizza - code:7E1B10:01 + code:7e1b10/01 cheat description:Have slice of Pizza - code:7E1B12:01 + code:7e1b12/01 cheat description:Have Burger - code:7E1B14:01 + code:7e1b14/01 cheat description:Have Pass - code:7E1B20:01 + code:7e1b20/01 cheat description:Have Text - code:7E1B22:01 + code:7e1b22/01 cheat description:Max walking speed - code:7E1AC2:02+7E1B00:03 + code:7e1ac2/02+7e1b00/03 cartridge sha256:66871d66be19ad2c34c927d6b14cd8eb6fc3181965b6e517cb361f7316009cfb name:Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1CDF-2EE6 + code:7ad3fb/6c cheat description:Infinite rupees - code:35E1-2A76 + code:6ee368/e7 cheat description:Infinite health and all heart containers - code:CDE1-2E56 + code:7ee369/cd cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:AE6E-DF2A + code:768bef/ae cheat description:Infinite magic - code:6DE1-2E86 + code:7ee36a/8d cheat description:Almost infinite magic - code:AE8A-D4FA+AE8D-0D9A + code:4ebbab/ae+36b9d5/ae cheat description:Max heart containers - code:CDEE-DDBF + code:7fefe6/cd cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:AE67-0D30 + code:398137/ae cheat description:Infinite Bombs (alt) - code:17E0-2AE6 + code:6ae34b/63 cheat description:Infinite Arrows - code:17E5-22E6 + code:7ae377/63 cheat description:Hit anywhere (disable before fighting Ganon, use the Boomerang instead of Sword to hit switches) - code:40E2-6D96+6D3E-A7FC+403F-DD28+40EC-AF26+6D34-D7F8+4068-A0E6 + code:36e2d5/24+8fe2ef/8d+76eff7/24+b6e2cf/24+4eef2f/8d+9a82b3/24 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:402F-07B6 + code:0ed1fe/24 cheat description:Regular sword is very strong (100 damage instead of 2) - code:108E-D481 + code:4dbbea/64 cheat description:Blue Boomerang has much longer reach - code:82BD-6F4D + code:3bb6dc/bd cheat description:Enemies frozen by Boomerang or Hookshot stay frozen - code:8234-AD96 + code:b6e225/bd cheat description:Sword can destroy solid objects in Overworld - code:6D87-611E + code:1bba39/8d cheat description:Objects that you can pick up and throw never break away - code:FD37-6FF6 + code:3ee23f/fd cheat description:Dash without having the Pegasus Boots - code:EEE5-2356 + code:7ee379/ee cheat description:Dash without charge up - code:45B8-D49A + code:46bbb9/27 cheat description:Walk on deep water - code:106A-A422+2327-6423+9827-64B3 + code:8786ab/64+07da3b/de+0fda3a/5b cheat description:Use the Magic Mirror to warp between the Light and Dark Worlds freely - code:6DC9-0D23 + code:37c957/8d cheat description:Some shops don't take your money - code:AEEC-A586 + code:9ee2ce/ae cheat description:Spin attack needs nearly no time to charge - code:D6B5-049E + code:07b979/d8 cheat description:Spin attack needs no time at all to charge - code:DDB5-049E + code:07b979/dd cheat description:100% enemy drop rate (from enemies that normally drop items) - code:DDE8-142C + code:87e1bb/dd cheat description:No enemies in dungeons - code:D9D7-9A78+D9D7-9A58+D9D7-9A88 + code:6edd38/d5+6edd39/d5+6edd3a/d5 cheat description:Dark rooms are fully lit - code:D7D9-F38B + code:fedf5a/d3 cheat description:Trigger doors are open (works with most dungeon doors, some that even look closed) - code:EED6-BE5B + code:fede89/ee cheat description:Have Bombos Medallion - code:DFE0-22E6 + code:7ae347/df cheat description:Have Book Of Mudora - code:DFE0-2E86 + code:7ee34a/df cheat description:Have Bug-Catching Net - code:DFE0-2E56 + code:7ee349/df cheat description:Have Cane Of Byrna - code:DFE9-2A56 + code:6ee359/df cheat description:Have Cane Of Somaria - code:DFE9-2A76 + code:6ee358/df cheat description:Have Ether Medallion - code:DFE0-2376 + code:7ee348/df cheat description:Have Fire Rod - code:DFE0-2256 + code:7ee345/df cheat description:Have Flute - code:D4E0-2E76 + code:7ee348/d2 cheat description:Have Flute with Duck - code:D7E0-2E76 + code:7ee348/d3 cheat description:Have Golden Sword (level 4) - code:D0E9-2356 + code:7ee359/d4 cheat description:Have Hookshot - code:DFE0-2A86 + code:6ee34a/df cheat description:Have Ice Rod - code:DFE0-2286 + code:7ee346/df cheat description:Have Lamp - code:DFE0-2386 + code:7ee34a/df cheat description:Have Magic Boomerang - code:D4E0-2A56 + code:6ee349/d2 cheat description:Have Magic Cape - code:DFE9-2A86 + code:6ee35a/df cheat description:Have Magic Hammer - code:DFE0-23E6 + code:7ae34b/df cheat description:Have Magic Mirror - code:D4E9-2AE6 + code:6ae35b/d2 cheat description:Have Magic Powder - code:D4E0-2276 + code:7ee344/d2 cheat description:Have Mirror Shield - code:D7E9-2386 + code:7ee35a/d3 cheat description:Have Moon Pearl - code:DFE9-22E6 + code:7ae357/df cheat description:Have Pegasus Boots - code:D4E9-2256 + code:7ee355/d2 cheat description:Have Quake Medallion - code:DFE0-2356 + code:7ee349/df cheat description:Have Red Mail - code:D4E9-23E6 + code:7ae35b/d2 cheat description:Have Shovel - code:DFE0-2E76 + code:7ee348/df cheat description:Have Titan's Mitten - code:D4E9-2276 + code:7ee354/d2 cheat description:Have Zora's Flippers - code:DFE9-2286 + code:7ee356/df cheat description:Have 1/2 Magic curse - code:DFE5-23E6 + code:7ae37b/df cheat description:Have all abilities except Lift - code:1EE5-2356 + code:7ee379/6e cheat description:Have all Maps, Compasses and Big Keys - code:EEE1-2276+EEE1-2256+EEE1-2286+EEE1-22E6+EEE1-2376+EEE1-2356 + code:7ee364/ee+7ee365/ee+7ee366/ee+7ae367/ee+7ee368/ee+7ee369/ee cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E031F:10 + code:7e031f/10 cheat description:Invincibility (alt 2) - code:7E031F:01 + code:7e031f/01 cheat description:Infinite rupees (alt) - code:7EF360:E7+7EF361:03 + code:7ef360/e7+7ef361/03 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:7EF36F:09 + code:7ef36f/09 cheat description:Bombs full - code:7EF375:01 + code:7ef375/01 cheat description:Play chest game for free and able to open all chests - code:7E04C4:01 + code:7e04c4/01 cheat description:Infinite time for digging game in the Dark World - code:7E04B4:1E + code:7e04b4/1e cheat description:Always get Faerie at the Pond Of Happiness (as if you threw in 100 rupees) - code:7EF36A:64 + code:7ef36a/64 cheat description:Luck modifier - Great - code:7E0CF9:01 + code:7e0cf9/01 cheat description:Luck modifier - Big Trouble - code:7E0CF9:02 + code:7e0cf9/02 cheat description:Turn rain on - code:7E001D:01 + code:7e001d/01 cheat description:Turn rain off - code:7E001D:00 + code:7e001d/00 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:07CB9A:EA+07CB9B:EA+07C1FA:EA+07C1FB:EA + code:07cb9a/ea+07cb9b/ea+07c1fa/ea+07c1fb/ea cheat description:Walk faster - code:7E005E:16 + code:7e005e/16 cheat description:Walk much faster - code:7E005E:10 + code:7e005e/10 cheat description:Have 20 Heart Containers and infinite health - code:7EF36D:A0 + code:7ef36d/a0 cheat description:Have Blue Mail - code:7EF35B:02 + code:7ef35b/02 cheat description:Have Boomerang - code:7EF341:01 + code:7ef341/01 cheat description:Have Bow - code:7EF340:01 + code:7ef340/01 cheat description:Have Bow with Arrows - code:7EF340:02 + code:7ef340/02 cheat description:Have Bow with Silver Arrows - code:7EF340:04 + code:7ef340/04 cheat description:Have all Lift abilities - code:D7E9-2276 + code:7ee354/d3 cheat description:Have all Crystals - code:7EF37A:7F + code:7ef37a/7f cheat description:Have all Pendants - code:7EF374:47 + code:7ef374/47 cheat description:Have Small Key In dungeons - code:7EF36F:09 + code:7ef36f/09 cheat description:Have Big Key in dungeons - code:7EF366:FF+7EF367:FF + code:7ef366/ff+7ef367/ff cheat description:Have Compass in dungeons - code:7EF365:FF + code:7ef365/ff cheat description:Have bottle 1 - code:7EF35C:02 + code:7ef35c/02 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Mushrooms - code:7EF35C:01 + code:7ef35c/01 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Red Medicine (life) - code:7EF35C:03 + code:7ef35c/03 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Green Medicine (magic) - code:7EF35C:04 + code:7ef35c/04 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Blue Medicine (cure all) - code:7EF35C:05 + code:7ef35c/05 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Faeries - code:7EF35C:06 + code:7ef35c/06 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Bees - code:7EF35C:07 + code:7ef35c/07 cheat description:Have bottle 1 with infinite Good Bees - code:7EF35C:08 + code:7ef35c/08 cheat description:Have bottle 2 - code:7EF35D:02 + code:7ef35d/02 cheat description:Have bottle 2 with infinite Mushrooms - code:7EF35D:01 + code:7ef35d/01 cheat description:Have bottle 2 with infinite Red Medicine (life) - code:7EF35D:03 + code:7ef35d/03 cheat description:Have bottle 2 with infinite Green Medicine (magic) - code:7EF35D:04 + code:7ef35d/04 cheat description:Have bottle 2 with infinite Blue Medicine (cure all) - 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code:CBCC-DD05+D2CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/dd+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 15; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+D3CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/de+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 16; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+DECC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/de+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 17; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+FDCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/fd+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 18; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+FFCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/ff+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 19; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+F4CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/f2+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 20; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+F7CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/f3+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 21; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+F0CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/f4+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 22; rating: Fun - code:CBCC-DD05+F9CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/f5+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 23; rating: Fun - 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code:CBCC-DD05+FECC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/fe+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 3; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+4DCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 4; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+4FCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2f+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 5; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+44CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/22+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 6; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+47CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/23+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 7; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+40CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/24+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 8; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+49CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/25+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 9; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+41CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/26+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 10; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+45CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/27+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 11; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+46CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/28+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 12; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+4BCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 13; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+4CCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2c+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 14; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+48CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 15; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+4ACC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2a+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 16; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+42CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 17; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+43CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/2e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 18; rating: Tricky - 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code:CBCC-DD05+75CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/37+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 27; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+76CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/38+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 28; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+7BCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 29; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+7CCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3c+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 30; rating: Tricky - code:CBCC-DD05+78CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 1; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+7ACC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3a+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 2; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+72CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 3; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+73CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 4; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+7ECC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/3e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 5; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+0DCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/4d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 6; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+0FCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/4f+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 7; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+04CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/42+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 8; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+07CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/43+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 9; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+00CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/44+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 10; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+09CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/45+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 11; rating: Taxing - code:CBCC-DD05+01CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/46+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 12; rating: Taxing - 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code:CBCC-DD05+9ECC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/5e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 7; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1DCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 8; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1FCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6f+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 9; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+14CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/62+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 10; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+17CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/63+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 11; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+10CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/64+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 12; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+19CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/65+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 13; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+11CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/66+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 14; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+15CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/67+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 15; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+16CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/68+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 16; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1BCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 17; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1CCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6c+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 18; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+18CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 19; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1ACC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6a+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 20; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+12CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 21; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+13CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 22; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+1ECC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/6e+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 23; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+5DCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7d+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 24; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+5FCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7f+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 25; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+54CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/72+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 26; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+57CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/73+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 27; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+50CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/74+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 28; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+59CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/75+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 29; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+51CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/76+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 30; rating: Mayhem - code:CBCC-DD05+55CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/77+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 1; rating: Sunsoft - code:CBCC-DD05+56CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/78+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 2; rating: Sunsoft - code:CBCC-DD05+5BCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 3; rating: Sunsoft - code:CBCC-DD05+5CCC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7c+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 4; rating: Sunsoft - code:CBCC-DD05+58CC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7b+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Start on Level 5; rating: Sunsoft - code:CBCC-DD05+5ACC-DD65+C9C8-0FD5 + code:71cfc5/cb+71cfc6/7a+35cdbf/c5 cheat description:Have a lot of time - code:7E0094:FF + code:7e0094/ff cheat description:Open all 'Fun' levels - code:7FFFC0:1E + code:7fffc0/1e cheat description:Open all 'Tricky' levels - code:7FFFC1:1E + code:7fffc1/1e cheat description:Open all 'Taxing' levels - code:7FFFC2:1E + code:7fffc2/1e cheat description:Open all 'Mayhem' levels - code:7FFFC3:1E + code:7fffc3/1e cheat description:Open all 'SUNSOFT' levels - code:7FFFC4:05 + code:7fffc4/05 cheat description:Instantly win levels - code:7E0091:00 + code:7e0091/00 cheat description:0% Lemmings needed - code:7E0092:00 + code:7e0092/00 cheat description:Have 99 Climbers left - code:7E0095:63 + code:7e0095/63 cheat description:Have 99 Floaters left - code:7E0096:63 + code:7e0096/63 cheat description:Have 99 Exploders left - code:7E0097:63 + code:7e0097/63 cheat description:Have 99 Blockers left - code:7E0098:63 + code:7e0098/63 cheat description:Have 99 Builders left - code:7E0099:63 + code:7e0099/63 cheat description:Have 99 Bashers left - code:7E009A:63 + code:7e009a/63 cheat description:Have 99 Miners left - code:7E009B:63 + code:7e009b/63 cheat description:Have 99 Diggers left - code:7E009C:63 + code:7e009c/63 cheat description:Have 0 Lemmings left in level - code:7E0069:00 + code:7e0069/00 cheat description:Have 0 Lemmings left to enter level - code:7E006A:00 + code:7e006a/00 cheat description:Always rescued 100% of Lemmings - code:7E006B:64 + code:7e006b/64 cartridge sha256:a2c1970670e2831e47e24ced01bf4ba5aba05cac3773bf524c62d689c35687e1 name:Lester the Unlikely (USA) cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies - code:C2C2-8DEB + code:faced7/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C6-7F58 + code:fecc8d/cd cheat description:Flashing lasts a long time after getting hit - code:D0C2-848B + code:ceceda/d4 cheat description:Flashing lasts a really long time after getting hit - code:DAC2-848B + code:ceceda/da cheat description:Lighter gravity effect (disable right after pressing start, donï¾’t enable until first game play screen) - code:0DCA-5D5B + code:fecda5/4d cheat description:Even lighter gravity effect - code:49CA-5D5B + code:fecda5/25 cheat description:Amazingly lighter gravity effect - code:F9CA-5D5B + code:fecda5/f5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E859B:03 + code:7e859b/03 cartridge sha256:3bc5f296c3dbee012e93a5cf25568f9288ce87b34d74085401a560350eaca03f name:Lethal Enforcers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:6DC2-CF24 + code:34cbdf/8d cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:3CCE-C4AB + code:0acfea/ec cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:3CB5-140C + code:83b179/ec cheat description:No health loss when you hit civilians - code:3CB2-446C + code:83b0da/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:6D23-47BD+6DBA-446C+6D67-472F+7925-1FFD + code:8fd4ee/8d+83b0aa/8d+878c3f/8d+bfd57f/35 cheat description:1/2 health lost when you hit civilians - code:3CB2-446C + code:83b0da/ec cheat description:Play with more health - code:F365-CF64+F362-CD64 + code:308b7e/fe+308bd6/fe cheat description:Keep weapon until you die - code:6DBF-1FAC + code:bbb1fe/8d cheat description:Magnum - more shots per round - code:DAA3-4F60 + code:b1a0ee/da cheat description:Normal gun - more shots per round - code:DAA3-4D60 + code:b1a0e6/da cheat description:Shotgun - more shots per round - code:DAA3-4460 + code:81a0ea/da cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E00B2:07 + code:7e00b2/07 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E00B4:07 + code:7e00b4/07 cheat description:Infinite ammo for all guns - P1 - code:7E1FC0:06 + code:7e1fc0/06 cheat description:Infinite ammo for all guns - P2 - code:7E1FC2:06 + code:7e1fc2/06 cheat description:Have Grenade Launcher - P1 - code:7E1FBC:02 + code:7e1fbc/02 cheat description:Have Grenade Launcher - P2 - code:7E1FBE:02 + code:7e1fbe/02 cheat description:Have Magnum - P1 - code:7E1FBC:04 + code:7e1fbc/04 cheat description:Have Magnum - P2 - code:7E1FBE:04 + code:7e1fbe/04 cheat description:Have Shotgun - P1 - code:7E1FBC:06 + code:7e1fbc/06 cheat description:Have Shotgun - P2 - code:7E1FBE:06 + code:7e1fbe/06 cheat description:Have Automatic - P1 - code:7E1FBC:08 + code:7e1fbc/08 cheat description:Have Automatic - P2 - code:7E1FBE:08 + code:7e1fbe/08 cheat description:Have Glock 45 - P1 - code:7E1FBC:0A + code:7e1fbc/0a cheat description:Have Glock 45 - P2 - code:7E1FBE:0A + code:7e1fbe/0a cheat description:Have Uzi - P1 - code:7E1FBC:0C + code:7e1fbc/0c cheat description:Have Uzi - P2 - code:7E1FBE:0C + code:7e1fbe/0c cheat description:Start a new game to enter the Konami Gun System Check Mode - code:D562-1F04 + code:b089dd/d7 cheat description:Start a new game to enter the Sound Check Mode - code:FD62-1F04 + code:b089dd/fd cheat description:Start a new game to enter the Object Test - code:FF62-1F04 + code:b089dd/ff cartridge sha256:80c22cc92d51a54de9cd9fd00db5ff58a35fff35e822169c94e445d50834fba3 name:Lethal Weapon (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:4ABE-AFD7 + code:b4beef/2a cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:DD8D-D7A4 + code:48bbde/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C285-670F + code:03be7d/cd cheat description:More bullets in magazine - code:DB8F-DF64 + code:70bbfe/db cheat description:2 magazines on pick-up - code:D4CA-A7AF + code:8bceae/d2 cheat description:4 magazines on pick-up - code:D0CA-A7AF + code:8bceae/d4 cheat description:Slower timer - code:148B-6F0F + code:33bebd/62 cheat description:Faster timer - code:FE8B-6F0F + code:33bebd/fe cheat description:Super-jump (can get stuck) - code:3CBD-04DF + code:07bddb/ec cheat description:Start with more badges - code:D162-A7DF + code:878edf/d6 cheat description:Start with fewer badges - code:DD62-A7DF + code:878edf/dd cheat description:Start with more magazine clips - code:DB6A-AF6F + code:b38eae/db cheat description:Start with fewer magazine clips - code:DF6A-AF6F + code:b38eae/df cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E025E:50 + code:7e025e/50 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0226:06 + code:7e0226/06 cheat description:Infinite ammo (alt) - code:7E021E:07 + code:7e021e/07 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0D28:99+7E0D29:09 + code:7e0d28/99+7e0d29/09 cheat description:Play as Riggs - code:7E0246:00 + code:7e0246/00 cheat description:Play as Murtaugh - code:7E0246:01 + code:7e0246/01 cartridge sha256:457abe634e0a8be03e29513a3dca8f3e9d0ddc6bf97d8931f2316094260f3712 name:Lion King, The (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C298-7DDE + code:f758b7/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CE6E-8464 + code:c08aea/ce cheat description:Roaring doesn't decrease your roar meter - code:C291-5763 + code:c3596e/cd cheat description:Roar meter doesn't fill up with time - code:C289-5D6F + code:f3bd56/cd cheat description:Don't lose roar power when you get hit - code:C293-E703 + code:835bed/cd cheat description:higher-jump - code:CBF9-5D6A+E1F9-5DAA+EEF9-5FDA + code:f2f956/cb+faf956/e6+f6f95f/ee cheat description:Mega-jump - code:CBF9-5D6A+E0F9-5DAA+EEF9-5FDA + code:f2f956/cb+faf956/e4+f6f95f/ee cheat description:Walk through walls - code:6D6C-5D2D+DD67-5FBD+DDA2-EDAF + code:f785c7/8d+ff853e/dd+bbafd6/dd cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7EB259:3D + code:7eb259/3d cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E2004:04 + code:7e2004/04 cheat description:Infinite Roar meter - code:7E2002:10 + code:7e2002/10 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7FFFAA:09 + code:7fffaa/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:7FFFA8:09 + code:7fffa8/09 cheat description:Infinite time - Bug Hunt I - code:7EC0C1:28 + code:7ec0c1/28 cheat description:Infinite time - Bug Hunt II - code:7ECB41:28 + code:7ecb41/28 cheat description:Infinite time - Bug Hunt III - code:7EBBC1:28 + code:7ebbc1/28 cheat description:Play as young Simba - code:7E2000:00 + code:7e2000/00 cheat description:Play as adult Simba - code:7E2001:FF + code:7e2001/ff cheat description:Start on The Pride Lands - code:7FFF9E:00 + code:7fff9e/00 cheat description:Start on Roar At Monkeys - code:7FFF9E:01 + code:7fff9e/01 cheat description:Start on The Elephant Graveyard - code:7FFF9E:02 + code:7fff9e/02 cheat description:Start on The Stampede - code:7FFF9E:03 + code:7fff9e/03 cheat description:Start on Simba's Exile - code:7FFF9E:04 + code:7fff9e/04 cheat description:Start on Hakuna Matata - code:7FFF9E:05 + code:7fff9e/05 cheat description:Start on Simba's Destiny - code:7FFF9E:06 + code:7fff9e/06 cheat description:Start on Be Prepared - code:7FFF9E:07 + code:7fff9e/07 cheat description:Start on Simba's Return - code:7FFF9E:08 + code:7fff9e/08 cheat description:Start on Pride Rock - code:7FFF9E:09 + code:7fff9e/09 cheat description:Start on Bug Toss - code:7FFF9E:0A + code:7fff9e/0a cheat description:Start on Bug Hunt I - code:7FFF9E:0B + code:7fff9e/0b cheat description:Start on Bug Hunt II - code:7FFF9E:0C + code:7fff9e/0c cheat description:Start on Bug Hunt III - code:7FFF9E:0D + code:7fff9e/0d cheat description:Start on Game Begins - code:7FFF9E:0E + code:7fff9e/0e cheat description:Start on Kill Him - code:7FFF9E:0F + code:7fff9e/0f cartridge sha256:52dbfdaca87debdf181b87d55192b0f8dd07e8aeb43afa4b04df16d44ec998e5 name:Little Magic (Japan) cheat description:Infinite Mays / Retries - code:7E0059:09 + code:7e0059/09 cartridge sha256:7e1d6242ae2ec2c23afb876becdcf778098edd4d853234222dc16471cb51df9e name:Lock On (USA) cheat description:Infinite Flares - code:7E1113:46 + code:7e1113/46 cheat description:Infinite Missile A - code:7E1115:46 + code:7e1115/46 cheat description:Infinite Missile B - code:7E1116:46 + code:7e1116/46 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1106:0A + code:7e1106/0a cartridge sha256:9f7782a92fda789f9d119b1f0a2f7da0f35606357556a48eca9487797ee1a888 name:Lost Vikings, The (USA) cheat description:Start with infinite health - all Vikings - code:7E0FE9:08 + code:7e0fe9/08 cartridge sha256:ab3d97c1a3a979e1680a428ec65df54cfb72997bbfe2173292248a4fa8c51ba1 name:Lost Vikings 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - 1st viking - code:7E1037:06 + code:7e1037/06 cheat description:Infinite health - 2nd viking - code:7E1039:06 + code:7e1039/06 cheat description:Infinite health - 3rd viking - code:7E103B:06 + code:7e103b/06 cartridge sha256:8510491f99400115ccf33570269bc4e484fb56370f7ac36f12e73eec19d342da name:Lucky Luke (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0526:48 + code:7e0526/48 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E059F:04 + code:7e059f/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E05A0:09 + code:7e05a0/09 cheat description:Infinite rounds - code:7E05A2:09 + code:7e05a2/09 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:7E05A3:09 + code:7e05a3/09 cartridge sha256:73731a5a7932965de02a9e98055dcf88b4d17b8f710a6ecfde3e36a1f248773b name:Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (USA) cheat description:Move around caves and world map quicker (except when leaving a vehicle) - code:4DB4-D401 + code:41bb29/2d cheat description:Infinite HP (hit points) - code:8236-0F34 + code:38e98f/bd cheat description:Infinite magic points in battle mode - code:823A-0FC4 + code:30e9af/bd cheat description:No HP lost when walking over swamp ground - code:DDB8-6FD9 + code:35b6bf/dd cheat description:More HP lost when walking over swamp ground - code:D0B8-6FD9 + code:35b6bf/d4 cheat description:Cheap bombs - 1 gold each - code:DF30-A718 + code:8aee4d/df cheat description:Cheap smokeballs - 1 gold each - code:DF3C-0D18 + code:3aedc5/df cheat description:Immune to all petrifying effects (stone, poison, confused, etc.) - code:6D8F-0DC4 + code:30b9f7/8d cheat description:Shopkeepers don't charge for purchases - some shops only - code:95A8-67A4 + code:08aabe/57 cheat description:More agility points from speed potion - code:FD34-0448 + code:0aed28/fd cheat description:More intelligence points from mind potion - code:FD30-0438 + code:0aed4b/fd cheat description:More strength points from great potion - code:FD31-07C8 + code:02ed6f/fd cheat description:Higher max level of magic points from spell potion - code:FD3D-0F18 + code:3aeddd/fd cheat description:Higher max level of hit points from power potion - code:FD33-DDC8 + code:72efe7/fd cheat description:99 of item in slot 1 - code:7E14F8:63 + code:7e14f8/63 cheat description:99 of item in slot 2 - code:7E14FA:63 + code:7e14fa/63 cheat description:99 of item in slot 3 - code:7E14FC:63 + code:7e14fc/63 cheat description:No random battles - code:7E149E:00 + code:7e149e/00 cheat description:Slot 1 - Nothing - code:7E14F7:00 + code:7e14f7/00 cheat description:Slot 1 - Knife - code:7E14F7:01 + code:7e14f7/01 cheat description:Slot 1 - Club - code:7E14F7:02 + code:7e14f7/02 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mace - code:7E14F7:03 + code:7e14f7/03 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dagger - code:7E14F7:04 + code:7e14f7/04 cheat description:Slot 1 - Long Knife - code:7E14F7:05 + code:7e14f7/05 cheat description:Slot 1 - Short Sword - code:7E14F7:06 + code:7e14f7/06 cheat description:Slot 1 - Rod - code:7E14F7:07 + code:7e14f7/07 cheat description:Slot 1 - Gladius - code:7E14F7:08 + code:7e14f7/08 cheat description:Slot 1 - Glass Robe - code:7E14F7:09 + code:7e14f7/09 cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Sword - code:7E14F7:0A + code:7e14f7/0a cheat description:Slot 1 - Staff - code:7E14F7:0B + code:7e14f7/0b cheat description:Slot 1 - Scimitar - code:7E14F7:0C + code:7e14f7/0c cheat description:Slot 1 - Rapier - code:7E14F7:0D + code:7e14f7/0d cheat description:Slot 1 - Long Sword - code:7E14F7:0E + code:7e14f7/0e cheat description:Slot 1 - Long Staff - code:7E14F7:0F + code:7e14f7/0f cheat description:Slot 1 - Axe - code:7E14F7:10 + code:7e14f7/10 cheat description:Slot 1 - Spear - code:7E14F7:11 + code:7e14f7/11 cheat description:Slot 1 - Morning Star - code:7E14F7:12 + code:7e14f7/12 cheat description:Slot 1 - Catwhip - code:7E14F7:13 + code:7e14f7/13 cheat description:Slot 1 - Battle Axe - code:7E14F7:14 + code:7e14f7/14 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hammer Rod - code:7E14F7:15 + code:7e14f7/15 cheat description:Slot 1 - Trident - code:7E14F7:16 + code:7e14f7/16 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Rod - code:7E14F7:17 + code:7e14f7/17 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Sword - code:7E14F7:18 + code:7e14f7/18 cheat description:Slot 1 - Buster Sword - code:7E14F7:19 + code:7e14f7/19 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Rod - code:7E14F7:1A + code:7e14f7/1a cheat description:Slot 1 - Great Axe - code:7E14F7:1B + code:7e14f7/1b cheat description:Slot 1 - Great Blade - code:7E14F7:1C + code:7e14f7/1c cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Axe - code:7E14F7:1D + code:7e14f7/1d cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Sword - code:7E14F7:1E + code:7e14f7/1e cheat description:Slot 1 - Broad Sword - code:7E14F7:1F + code:7e14f7/1f cheat description:Slot 1 - Broad Rod - code:7E14F7:20 + code:7e14f7/20 cheat description:Slot 1 - Luck Blade - code:7E14F7:21 + code:7e14f7/21 cheat description:Slot 1 - Gloom Pick - code:7E14F7:22 + code:7e14f7/22 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dual Blade - code:7E14F7:23 + code:7e14f7/23 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dress - code:7E14F7:24 + code:7e14f7/24 cheat description:Slot 1 - Cloth - code:7E14F7:25 + code:7e14f7/25 cheat description:Slot 1 - Cloth Armor - code:7E14F7:26 + code:7e14f7/26 cheat description:Slot 1 - Robe - code:7E14F7:27 + code:7e14f7/27 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tan Armor - code:7E14F7:28 + code:7e14f7/28 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tan Robe - code:7E14F7:29 + code:7e14f7/29 cheat description:Slot 1 - Light Armor - code:7E14F7:2A + code:7e14f7/2a cheat description:Slot 1 - Light Robe - code:7E14F7:2B + code:7e14f7/2b cheat description:Slot 1 - Chain Mail - code:7E14F7:2C + code:7e14f7/2c cheat description:Slot 1 - Chain Cloth - code:7E14F7:2D + code:7e14f7/2d cheat description:Slot 1 - Plate Cloth - code:7E14F7:2E + code:7e14f7/2e cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Armor - code:7E14F7:2F + code:7e14f7/2f cheat description:Slot 1 - Quilted Silk - code:7E14F7:30 + code:7e14f7/30 cheat description:Slot 1 - Half Mail - code:7E14F7:31 + code:7e14f7/31 cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Robe - code:7E14F7:32 + code:7e14f7/32 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Armor - code:7E14F7:33 + code:7e14f7/33 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Robe - code:7E14F7:34 + code:7e14f7/34 cheat description:Slot 1 - Plate Mail - code:7E14F7:35 + code:7e14f7/35 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Robe - code:7E14F7:36 + code:7e14f7/36 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Armor - code:7E14F7:37 + code:7e14f7/37 cheat description:Slot 1 - Clear Silk - code:7E14F7:38 + code:7e14f7/38 cheat description:Slot 1 - Bracelet - code:7E14F7:39 + code:7e14f7/39 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tan Shield - code:7E14F7:3A + code:7e14f7/3a cheat description:Slot 1 - Wood Shield - code:7E14F7:3B + code:7e14f7/3b cheat description:Slot 1 - Buckler - code:7E14F7:3C + code:7e14f7/3c cheat description:Slot 1 - Wood Wrist - code:7E14F7:3D + code:7e14f7/3d cheat description:Slot 1 - Kite Shield - code:7E14F7:3E + code:7e14f7/3e cheat description:Slot 1 - Round Shield - code:7E14F7:3F + code:7e14f7/3f cheat description:Slot 1 - Round Wrist - code:7E14F7:40 + code:7e14f7/40 cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Shield - code:7E14F7:41 + code:7e14f7/41 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tower Shield - code:7E14F7:42 + code:7e14f7/42 cheat description:Slot 1 - Large Shield - code:7E14F7:43 + code:7e14f7/43 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Wrist - code:7E14F7:44 + code:7e14f7/44 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Plate - code:7E14F7:45 + code:7e14f7/45 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Wrist - code:7E14F7:46 + code:7e14f7/46 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Plate - code:7E14F7:47 + code:7e14f7/47 cheat description:Slot 1 - Cloth Helm - code:7E14F7:48 + code:7e14f7/48 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tan Helm - code:7E14F7:49 + code:7e14f7/49 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hair Band - code:7E14F7:4A + code:7e14f7/4a cheat description:Slot 1 - Wood Helm - code:7E14F7:4B + code:7e14f7/4b cheat description:Slot 1 - Glass Cap - code:7E14F7:4C + code:7e14f7/4c cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Helm - code:7E14F7:4D + code:7e14f7/4d cheat description:Slot 1 - Red Beret - code:7E14F7:4E + code:7e14f7/4e cheat description:Slot 1 - Iron Helm - code:7E14F7:4F + code:7e14f7/4f cheat description:Slot 1 - Plate Cap - code:7E14F7:50 + code:7e14f7/50 cheat description:Slot 1 - Plate Helm - code:7E14F7:51 + code:7e14f7/51 cheat description:Slot 1 - Glass Beret - code:7E14F7:52 + code:7e14f7/52 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Helm - code:7E14F7:53 + code:7e14f7/53 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sakret - code:7E14F7:54 + code:7e14f7/54 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Beret - code:7E14F7:55 + code:7e14f7/55 cheat description:Slot 1 - Zircon Helm - code:7E14F7:56 + code:7e14f7/56 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sandal - code:7E14F7:57 + code:7e14f7/57 cheat description:Slot 1 - Cloth Shoes - code:7E14F7:58 + code:7e14f7/58 cheat description:Slot 1 - Tan Shoes - code:7E14F7:59 + code:7e14f7/59 cheat description:Slot 1 - Spike Shoes - code:7E14F7:5A + code:7e14f7/5a cheat description:Slot 1 - Heeled Shoes - code:7E14F7:5B + code:7e14f7/5b cheat description:Slot 1 - Wind Shoes - code:7E14F7:5C + code:7e14f7/5c cheat description:Slot 1 - Wind Heels - code:7E14F7:5D + code:7e14f7/5d cheat description:Slot 1 - Knife Shoes - code:7E14F7:5E + code:7e14f7/5e cheat description:Slot 1 - Needle Heels - code:7E14F7:5F + code:7e14f7/5f cheat description:Slot 1 - Sonic Shoes - code:7E14F7:60 + code:7e14f7/60 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sonic Heels - code:7E14F7:61 + code:7e14f7/61 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sword Shoes - code:7E14F7:62 + code:7e14f7/62 cheat description:Slot 1 - Cat Heels - code:7E14F7:63 + code:7e14f7/63 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mach Shoes - code:7E14F7:64 + code:7e14f7/64 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mach Heels - code:7E14F7:65 + code:7e14f7/65 cheat description:Slot 1 - Power Ring - code:7E14F7:66 + code:7e14f7/66 cheat description:Slot 1 - HiPower Ring - code:7E14F7:67 + code:7e14f7/67 cheat description:Slot 1 - Daze Ring - code:7E14F7:68 + code:7e14f7/68 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hi Daze Ring - code:7E14F7:69 + code:7e14f7/69 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mind Ring - code:7E14F7:6A + code:7e14f7/6a cheat description:Slot 1 - Sonic Ring - code:7E14F7:6B + code:7e14f7/6b cheat description:Slot 1 - Mach Ring - code:7E14F7:6C + code:7e14f7/6c cheat description:Slot 1 - Undead Ring - code:7E14F7:6D + code:7e14f7/6d cheat description:Slot 1 - Ghost Ring - code:7E14F7:6E + code:7e14f7/6e cheat description:Slot 1 - Dragon Ring - code:7E14F7:6F + code:7e14f7/6f cheat description:Slot 1 - Sea Ring - code:7E14F7:70 + code:7e14f7/70 cheat description:Slot 1 - Fly Ring - code:7E14F7:71 + code:7e14f7/71 cheat description:Slot 1 - Water Ring - code:7E14F7:72 + code:7e14f7/72 cheat description:Slot 1 - Fire Ring - code:7E14F7:73 + code:7e14f7/73 cheat description:Slot 1 - Ice Ring - code:7E14F7:74 + code:7e14f7/74 cheat description:Slot 1 - Electro Ring - code:7E14F7:75 + code:7e14f7/75 cheat description:Slot 1 - Flash Ring - code:7E14F7:76 + code:7e14f7/76 cheat description:Slot 1 - Flame Ring - code:7E14F7:77 + code:7e14f7/77 cheat description:Slot 1 - Water Ring - code:7E14F7:78 + code:7e14f7/78 cheat description:Slot 1 - Blast Ring - code:7E14F7:79 + code:7e14f7/79 cheat description:Slot 1 - Frost Ring - code:7E14F7:7A + code:7e14f7/7a cheat description:Slot 1 - Might Armor - code:7E14F7:7B + code:7e14f7/7b cheat description:Slot 1 - Might Shield - code:7E14F7:7C + code:7e14f7/7c cheat description:Slot 1 - Might Helmet - code:7E14F7:7D + code:7e14f7/7d cheat description:Slot 1 - Gloom Ring - code:7E14F7:7E + code:7e14f7/7e cheat description:Slot 1 - Gloom Voice - code:7E14F7:7F + code:7e14f7/7f cheat description:Slot 1 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F7:80 + code:7e14f7/80 cheat description:Slot 1 - Brone Breast - code:7E14F7:81 + code:7e14f7/81 cheat description:Slot 1 - Carbo Sword - code:7E14F7:82 + code:7e14f7/82 cheat description:Slot 1 - Carbo Plate - code:7E14F7:83 + code:7e14f7/83 cheat description:Slot 1 - Carbo Shield - code:7E14F7:84 + code:7e14f7/84 cheat description:Slot 1 - Carbo Helm - code:7E14F7:85 + code:7e14f7/85 cheat description:Slot 1 - Carbo Cap - code:7E14F7:86 + code:7e14f7/86 cheat description:Slot 1 - Gloom Guard - code:7E14F7:87 + code:7e14f7/87 cheat description:Slot 1 - Diamond Ring - code:7E14F7:88 + code:7e14f7/88 cheat description:Slot 1 - Engage Ring - code:7E14F7:89 + code:7e14f7/89 cheat description:Slot 1 - Monster Ring - code:7E14F7:8A + code:7e14f7/8a cheat description:Slot 1 - Blue Ring - code:7E14F7:8B + code:7e14f7/8b cheat description:Slot 1 - Yellow Ring - code:7E14F7:8C + code:7e14f7/8c cheat description:Slot 1 - Red Ring - code:7E14F7:8D + code:7e14f7/8d cheat description:Slot 1 - Purple Ring - code:7E14F7:8E + code:7e14f7/8e cheat description:Slot 1 - Green Ring - code:7E14F7:8F + code:7e14f7/8f cheat description:Slot 1 - White Ring - code:7E14F7:90 + code:7e14f7/90 cheat description:Slot 1 - Black Ring - code:7E14F7:91 + code:7e14f7/91 cheat description:Slot 1 - Heavy Ring - code:7E14F7:92 + code:7e14f7/92 cheat description:Slot 1 - Wave Ring - code:7E14F7:93 + code:7e14f7/93 cheat description:Slot 1 - Potion - code:7E14F7:94 + code:7e14f7/94 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hi Potion - code:7E14F7:95 + code:7e14f7/95 cheat description:Slot 1 - Ex Potion - code:7E14F7:96 + code:7e14f7/96 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hi Magic - code:7E14F7:97 + code:7e14f7/97 cheat description:Slot 1 - Ex Magic - code:7E14F7:98 + code:7e14f7/98 cheat description:Slot 1 - Antidote - code:7E14F7:99 + code:7e14f7/99 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sweet Water - code:7E14F7:9A + code:7e14f7/9a cheat description:Slot 1 - Foul Water - code:7E14F7:9B + code:7e14f7/9b cheat description:Slot 1 - Awaken - code:7E14F7:9C + code:7e14f7/9c cheat description:Slot 1 - Stone Cure - code:7E14F7:9D + code:7e14f7/9d cheat description:Slot 1 - Mystery Pin - code:7E14F7:9E + code:7e14f7/9e cheat description:Slot 1 - Shriek - code:7E14F7:9F + code:7e14f7/9f cheat description:Slot 1 - Swing Wing - code:7E14F7:A0 + code:7e14f7/a0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Magic Guard - code:7E14F7:A1 + code:7e14f7/a1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Power Gourd - code:7E14F7:A2 + code:7e14f7/a2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mind Gourd - code:7E14F7:A3 + code:7e14f7/a3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Power Potion - code:7E14F7:A4 + code:7e14f7/a4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Spell Potion - code:7E14F7:A5 + code:7e14f7/a5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Speed Potion - code:7E14F7:A6 + code:7e14f7/a6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Mind Potion - code:7E14F7:A7 + code:7e14f7/a7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Great Potion - code:7E14F7:A8 + code:7e14f7/a8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Float - code:7E14F7:A9 + code:7e14f7/a9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Smoke Ball - code:7E14F7:AA + code:7e14f7/aa cheat description:Slot 1 - Arrow - code:7E14F7:AB + code:7e14f7/ab cheat description:Slot 1 - Mid Arrow - code:7E14F7:AC + code:7e14f7/ac cheat description:Slot 1 - Big Arrow - code:7E14F7:AD + code:7e14f7/ad cheat description:Slot 1 - Arrows - code:7E14F7:AE + code:7e14f7/ae cheat description:Slot 1 - Hi Arrows - code:7E14F7:AF + code:7e14f7/af cheat description:Slot 1 - Ex Arrows - code:7E14F7:B0 + code:7e14f7/b0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dragon Arrow - code:7E14F7:B1 + code:7e14f7/b1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Sleep Arrow - code:7E14F7:B2 + code:7e14f7/b2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Puzzle Arrow - code:7E14F7:B3 + code:7e14f7/b3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Stun Arrow - code:7E14F7:B4 + code:7e14f7/b4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Gloom Arrow - code:7E14F7:B5 + code:7e14f7/b5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Bomb - code:7E14F7:B6 + code:7e14f7/b6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Hi Bomb - code:7E14F7:B7 + code:7e14f7/b7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Ex Bomb - code:7E14F7:B8 + code:7e14f7/b8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Miracle - code:7E14F7:B9 + code:7e14f7/b9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Revive - code:7E14F7:BA + code:7e14f7/ba cheat description:Slot 1 - Pear Cider - code:7E14F7:BB + code:7e14f7/bb cheat description:Slot 1 - Sour Cider - code:7E14F7:BC + code:7e14f7/bc cheat description:Slot 1 - Lime Cider - code:7E14F7:BD + code:7e14f7/bd cheat description:Slot 1 - Plum Cider - code:7E14F7:BE + code:7e14f7/be cheat description:Slot 1 - Apple Cider - code:7E14F7:BF + code:7e14f7/bf cheat description:Slot 1 - Hair Band - code:7E14F7:C0 + code:7e14f7/c0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Brooch - code:7E14F7:C1 + code:7e14f7/c1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Earring - code:7E14F7:C2 + code:7e14f7/c2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Necklace - code:7E14F7:C3 + code:7e14f7/c3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Stuffed Bear - code:7E14F7:C4 + code:7e14f7/c4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Stuffed Dog - code:7E14F7:C5 + code:7e14f7/c5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Stuffed Pig - code:7E14F7:C6 + code:7e14f7/c6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Emerald - code:7E14F7:C7 + code:7e14f7/c7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Opal - code:7E14F7:C8 + code:7e14f7/c8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Goblet - code:7E14F7:C9 + code:7e14f7/c9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Ear Tip - code:7E14F7:CA + code:7e14f7/ca cheat description:Slot 1 - Empty Bottle - code:7E14F7:CB + code:7e14f7/cb cheat description:Slot 1 - Gown - code:7E14F7:CC + code:7e14f7/cc cheat description:Slot 1 - Ribbon - code:7E14F7:CD + code:7e14f7/cd cheat description:Slot 1 - Fry Pan - code:7E14F7:CE + code:7e14f7/ce cheat description:Slot 1 - Small Knife - code:7E14F7:CF + code:7e14f7/cf cheat description:Slot 1 - Pot - code:7E14F7:D0 + code:7e14f7/d0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Chop Block - code:7E14F7:D1 + code:7e14f7/d1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Apron - code:7E14F7:D2 + code:7e14f7/d2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dragon Egg - code:7E14F7:D3 + code:7e14f7/d3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Crown - code:7E14F7:D4 + code:7e14f7/d4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Secret Map - code:7E14F7:D5 + code:7e14f7/d5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Miracle Gem - code:7E14F7:D6 + code:7e14f7/d6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Wick - code:7E14F7:D7 + code:7e14f7/d7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Royal Statue - code:7E14F7:D8 + code:7e14f7/d8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Silver Tarot - code:7E14F7:D9 + code:7e14f7/d9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Golden Pawn - code:7E14F7:DA + code:7e14f7/da cheat description:Slot 1 - Crown Jewels - code:7E14F7:DB + code:7e14f7/db cheat description:Slot 1 - Wind Flute - code:7E14F7:DC + code:7e14f7/dc cheat description:Slot 1 - Escape - code:7E14F7:DD + code:7e14f7/dd cheat description:Slot 1 - Magic Jar - code:7E14F7:DE + code:7e14f7/de cheat description:Slot 1 - Dragon Tooth - code:7E14F7:DF + code:7e14f7/df cheat description:Slot 1 - Grilled Newt - code:7E14F7:E0 + code:7e14f7/e0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Poison Pin - code:7E14F7:E1 + code:7e14f7/e1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Might Sword - code:7E14F7:E2 + code:7e14f7/e2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Straw Doll - code:7E14F7:E3 + code:7e14f7/e3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Long Nail - code:7E14F7:E4 + code:7e14f7/e4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Bomb - code:7E14F7:E5 + code:7e14f7/e5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Alumina - code:7E14F7:E6 + code:7e14f7/e6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Power Oil - code:7E14F7:E7 + code:7e14f7/e7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Elven Bow - code:7E14F7:E8 + code:7e14f7/e8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Artea's Bow - code:7E14F7:E9 + code:7e14f7/e9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Might Bow - code:7E14F7:EA + code:7e14f7/ea cheat description:Slot 1 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F7:EB + code:7e14f7/eb cheat description:Slot 1 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F7:EC + code:7e14f7/ec cheat description:Slot 1 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F7:ED + code:7e14f7/ed cheat description:Slot 1 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F7:EE + code:7e14f7/ee cheat description:Slot 1 - Free Door - code:7E14F7:EF + code:7e14f7/ef cheat description:Slot 1 - Sheran Key - code:7E14F7:F0 + code:7e14f7/f0 cheat description:Slot 1 - Letter - code:7E14F7:F1 + code:7e14f7/f1 cheat description:Slot 1 - Dais Key - code:7E14F7:F2 + code:7e14f7/f2 cheat description:Slot 1 - Shrine Key - code:7E14F7:F3 + code:7e14f7/f3 cheat description:Slot 1 - Pirate Key - code:7E14F7:F4 + code:7e14f7/f4 cheat description:Slot 1 - Light Key - code:7E14F7:F5 + code:7e14f7/f5 cheat description:Slot 1 - Oil Key - code:7E14F7:F6 + code:7e14f7/f6 cheat description:Slot 1 - Green Jade - code:7E14F7:F7 + code:7e14f7/f7 cheat description:Slot 1 - Red Sapphire - code:7E14F7:F8 + code:7e14f7/f8 cheat description:Slot 1 - Blue Jade - code:7E14F7:F9 + code:7e14f7/f9 cheat description:Slot 1 - Purple Newt - code:7E14F7:FA + code:7e14f7/fa cheat description:Slot 1 - Glasdar Key - code:7E14F7:FB + code:7e14f7/fb cheat description:Slot 1 - Magic Flavor - code:7E14F7:FC + code:7e14f7/fc cheat description:Slot 1 - Fairy Kiss - code:7E14F7:FD + code:7e14f7/fd cheat description:Slot 2 - Nothing - code:7E14F9:00 + code:7e14f9/00 cheat description:Slot 2 - Knife - code:7E14F9:01 + code:7e14f9/01 cheat description:Slot 2 - Club - code:7E14F9:02 + code:7e14f9/02 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mace - code:7E14F9:03 + code:7e14f9/03 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dagger - code:7E14F9:04 + code:7e14f9/04 cheat description:Slot 2 - Long Knife - code:7E14F9:05 + code:7e14f9/05 cheat description:Slot 2 - Short Sword - code:7E14F9:06 + code:7e14f9/06 cheat description:Slot 2 - Rod - code:7E14F9:07 + code:7e14f9/07 cheat description:Slot 2 - Gladius - code:7E14F9:08 + code:7e14f9/08 cheat description:Slot 2 - Glass Robe - code:7E14F9:09 + code:7e14f9/09 cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Sword - code:7E14F9:0A + code:7e14f9/0a cheat description:Slot 2 - Staff - code:7E14F9:0B + code:7e14f9/0b cheat description:Slot 2 - Scimitar - code:7E14F9:0C + code:7e14f9/0c cheat description:Slot 2 - Rapier - code:7E14F9:0D + code:7e14f9/0d cheat description:Slot 2 - Long Sword - code:7E14F9:0E + code:7e14f9/0e cheat description:Slot 2 - Long Staff - code:7E14F9:0F + code:7e14f9/0f cheat description:Slot 2 - Axe - code:7E14F9:10 + code:7e14f9/10 cheat description:Slot 2 - Spear - code:7E14F9:11 + code:7e14f9/11 cheat description:Slot 2 - Morning Star - code:7E14F9:12 + code:7e14f9/12 cheat description:Slot 2 - Catwhip - code:7E14F9:13 + code:7e14f9/13 cheat description:Slot 2 - Battle Axe - code:7E14F9:14 + code:7e14f9/14 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hammer Rod - code:7E14F9:15 + code:7e14f9/15 cheat description:Slot 2 - Trident - code:7E14F9:16 + code:7e14f9/16 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Rod - code:7E14F9:17 + code:7e14f9/17 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Sword - code:7E14F9:18 + code:7e14f9/18 cheat description:Slot 2 - Buster Sword - code:7E14F9:19 + code:7e14f9/19 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Rod - code:7E14F9:1A + code:7e14f9/1a cheat description:Slot 2 - Great Axe - code:7E14F9:1B + code:7e14f9/1b cheat description:Slot 2 - Great Blade - code:7E14F9:1C + code:7e14f9/1c cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Axe - code:7E14F9:1D + code:7e14f9/1d cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Sword - code:7E14F9:1E + code:7e14f9/1e cheat description:Slot 2 - Broad Sword - code:7E14F9:1F + code:7e14f9/1f cheat description:Slot 2 - Broad Rod - code:7E14F9:20 + code:7e14f9/20 cheat description:Slot 2 - Luck Blade - code:7E14F9:21 + code:7e14f9/21 cheat description:Slot 2 - Gloom Pick - code:7E14F9:22 + code:7e14f9/22 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dual Blade - code:7E14F9:23 + code:7e14f9/23 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dress - code:7E14F9:24 + code:7e14f9/24 cheat description:Slot 2 - Cloth - code:7E14F9:25 + code:7e14f9/25 cheat description:Slot 2 - Cloth Armor - code:7E14F9:26 + code:7e14f9/26 cheat description:Slot 2 - Robe - code:7E14F9:27 + code:7e14f9/27 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tan Armor - code:7E14F9:28 + code:7e14f9/28 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tan Robe - code:7E14F9:29 + code:7e14f9/29 cheat description:Slot 2 - Light Armor - code:7E14F9:2A + code:7e14f9/2a cheat description:Slot 2 - Light Robe - code:7E14F9:2B + code:7e14f9/2b cheat description:Slot 2 - Chain Mail - code:7E14F9:2C + code:7e14f9/2c cheat description:Slot 2 - Chain Cloth - code:7E14F9:2D + code:7e14f9/2d cheat description:Slot 2 - Plate Cloth - code:7E14F9:2E + code:7e14f9/2e cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Armor - code:7E14F9:2F + code:7e14f9/2f cheat description:Slot 2 - Quilted Silk - code:7E14F9:30 + code:7e14f9/30 cheat description:Slot 2 - Half Mail - code:7E14F9:31 + code:7e14f9/31 cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Robe - code:7E14F9:32 + code:7e14f9/32 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Armor - code:7E14F9:33 + code:7e14f9/33 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Robe - code:7E14F9:34 + code:7e14f9/34 cheat description:Slot 2 - Plate Mail - code:7E14F9:35 + code:7e14f9/35 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Robe - code:7E14F9:36 + code:7e14f9/36 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Armor - code:7E14F9:37 + code:7e14f9/37 cheat description:Slot 2 - Clear Silk - code:7E14F9:38 + code:7e14f9/38 cheat description:Slot 2 - Bracelet - code:7E14F9:39 + code:7e14f9/39 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tan Shield - code:7E14F9:3A + code:7e14f9/3a cheat description:Slot 2 - Wood Shield - code:7E14F9:3B + code:7e14f9/3b cheat description:Slot 2 - Buckler - code:7E14F9:3C + code:7e14f9/3c cheat description:Slot 2 - Wood Wrist - code:7E14F9:3D + code:7e14f9/3d cheat description:Slot 2 - Kite Shield - code:7E14F9:3E + code:7e14f9/3e cheat description:Slot 2 - Round Shield - code:7E14F9:3F + code:7e14f9/3f cheat description:Slot 2 - Round Wrist - code:7E14F9:40 + code:7e14f9/40 cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Shield - code:7E14F9:41 + code:7e14f9/41 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tower Shield - code:7E14F9:42 + code:7e14f9/42 cheat description:Slot 2 - Large Shield - code:7E14F9:43 + code:7e14f9/43 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Wrist - code:7E14F9:44 + code:7e14f9/44 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Plate - code:7E14F9:45 + code:7e14f9/45 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Wrist - code:7E14F9:46 + code:7e14f9/46 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Plate - code:7E14F9:47 + code:7e14f9/47 cheat description:Slot 2 - Cloth Helm - code:7E14F9:48 + code:7e14f9/48 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tan Helm - code:7E14F9:49 + code:7e14f9/49 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hair Band - code:7E14F9:4A + code:7e14f9/4a cheat description:Slot 2 - Wood Helm - code:7E14F9:4B + code:7e14f9/4b cheat description:Slot 2 - Glass Cap - code:7E14F9:4C + code:7e14f9/4c cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Helm - code:7E14F9:4D + code:7e14f9/4d cheat description:Slot 2 - Red Beret - code:7E14F9:4E + code:7e14f9/4e cheat description:Slot 2 - Iron Helm - code:7E14F9:4F + code:7e14f9/4f cheat description:Slot 2 - Plate Cap - code:7E14F9:50 + code:7e14f9/50 cheat description:Slot 2 - Plate Helm - code:7E14F9:51 + code:7e14f9/51 cheat description:Slot 2 - Glass Beret - code:7E14F9:52 + code:7e14f9/52 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Helm - code:7E14F9:53 + code:7e14f9/53 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sakret - code:7E14F9:54 + code:7e14f9/54 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Beret - code:7E14F9:55 + code:7e14f9/55 cheat description:Slot 2 - Zircon Helm - code:7E14F9:56 + code:7e14f9/56 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sandal - code:7E14F9:57 + code:7e14f9/57 cheat description:Slot 2 - Cloth Shoes - code:7E14F9:58 + code:7e14f9/58 cheat description:Slot 2 - Tan Shoes - code:7E14F9:59 + code:7e14f9/59 cheat description:Slot 2 - Spike Shoes - code:7E14F9:5A + code:7e14f9/5a cheat description:Slot 2 - Heeled Shoes - code:7E14F9:5B + code:7e14f9/5b cheat description:Slot 2 - Wind Shoes - code:7E14F9:5C + code:7e14f9/5c cheat description:Slot 2 - Wind Heels - code:7E14F9:5D + code:7e14f9/5d cheat description:Slot 2 - Knife Shoes - code:7E14F9:5E + code:7e14f9/5e cheat description:Slot 2 - Needle Heels - code:7E14F9:5F + code:7e14f9/5f cheat description:Slot 2 - Sonic Shoes - code:7E14F9:60 + code:7e14f9/60 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sonic Heels - code:7E14F9:61 + code:7e14f9/61 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sword Shoes - code:7E14F9:62 + code:7e14f9/62 cheat description:Slot 2 - Cat Heels - code:7E14F9:63 + code:7e14f9/63 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mach Shoes - code:7E14F9:64 + code:7e14f9/64 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mach Heels - code:7E14F9:65 + code:7e14f9/65 cheat description:Slot 2 - Power Ring - code:7E14F9:66 + code:7e14f9/66 cheat description:Slot 2 - HiPower Ring - code:7E14F9:67 + code:7e14f9/67 cheat description:Slot 2 - Daze Ring - code:7E14F9:68 + code:7e14f9/68 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hi Daze Ring - code:7E14F9:69 + code:7e14f9/69 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mind Ring - code:7E14F9:6A + code:7e14f9/6a cheat description:Slot 2 - Sonic Ring - code:7E14F9:6B + code:7e14f9/6b cheat description:Slot 2 - Mach Ring - code:7E14F9:6C + code:7e14f9/6c cheat description:Slot 2 - Undead Ring - code:7E14F9:6D + code:7e14f9/6d cheat description:Slot 2 - Ghost Ring - code:7E14F9:6E + code:7e14f9/6e cheat description:Slot 2 - Dragon Ring - code:7E14F9:6F + code:7e14f9/6f cheat description:Slot 2 - Sea Ring - code:7E14F9:70 + code:7e14f9/70 cheat description:Slot 2 - Fly Ring - code:7E14F9:71 + code:7e14f9/71 cheat description:Slot 2 - Water Ring - code:7E14F9:72 + code:7e14f9/72 cheat description:Slot 2 - Fire Ring - code:7E14F9:73 + code:7e14f9/73 cheat description:Slot 2 - Ice Ring - code:7E14F9:74 + code:7e14f9/74 cheat description:Slot 2 - Electro Ring - code:7E14F9:75 + code:7e14f9/75 cheat description:Slot 2 - Flash Ring - code:7E14F9:76 + code:7e14f9/76 cheat description:Slot 2 - Flame Ring - code:7E14F9:77 + code:7e14f9/77 cheat description:Slot 2 - Water Ring - code:7E14F9:78 + code:7e14f9/78 cheat description:Slot 2 - Blast Ring - code:7E14F9:79 + code:7e14f9/79 cheat description:Slot 2 - Frost Ring - code:7E14F9:7A + code:7e14f9/7a cheat description:Slot 2 - Might Armor - code:7E14F9:7B + code:7e14f9/7b cheat description:Slot 2 - Might Shield - code:7E14F9:7C + code:7e14f9/7c cheat description:Slot 2 - Might Helmet - code:7E14F9:7D + code:7e14f9/7d cheat description:Slot 2 - Gloom Ring - code:7E14F9:7E + code:7e14f9/7e cheat description:Slot 2 - Gloom Voice - code:7E14F9:7F + code:7e14f9/7f cheat description:Slot 2 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F9:80 + code:7e14f9/80 cheat description:Slot 2 - Brone Breast - code:7E14F9:81 + code:7e14f9/81 cheat description:Slot 2 - Carbo Sword - code:7E14F9:82 + code:7e14f9/82 cheat description:Slot 2 - Carbo Plate - code:7E14F9:83 + code:7e14f9/83 cheat description:Slot 2 - Carbo Shield - code:7E14F9:84 + code:7e14f9/84 cheat description:Slot 2 - Carbo Helm - code:7E14F9:85 + code:7e14f9/85 cheat description:Slot 2 - Carbo Cap - code:7E14F9:86 + code:7e14f9/86 cheat description:Slot 2 - Gloom Guard - code:7E14F9:87 + code:7e14f9/87 cheat description:Slot 2 - Diamond Ring - code:7E14F9:88 + code:7e14f9/88 cheat description:Slot 2 - Engage Ring - code:7E14F9:89 + code:7e14f9/89 cheat description:Slot 2 - Monster Ring - code:7E14F9:8A + code:7e14f9/8a cheat description:Slot 2 - Blue Ring - code:7E14F9:8B + code:7e14f9/8b cheat description:Slot 2 - Yellow Ring - code:7E14F9:8C + code:7e14f9/8c cheat description:Slot 2 - Red Ring - code:7E14F9:8D + code:7e14f9/8d cheat description:Slot 2 - Purple Ring - code:7E14F9:8E + code:7e14f9/8e cheat description:Slot 2 - Green Ring - code:7E14F9:8F + code:7e14f9/8f cheat description:Slot 2 - White Ring - code:7E14F9:90 + code:7e14f9/90 cheat description:Slot 2 - Black Ring - code:7E14F9:91 + code:7e14f9/91 cheat description:Slot 2 - Heavy Ring - code:7E14F9:92 + code:7e14f9/92 cheat description:Slot 2 - Wave Ring - code:7E14F9:93 + code:7e14f9/93 cheat description:Slot 2 - Potion - code:7E14F9:94 + code:7e14f9/94 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hi Potion - code:7E14F9:95 + code:7e14f9/95 cheat description:Slot 2 - Ex Potion - code:7E14F9:96 + code:7e14f9/96 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hi Magic - code:7E14F9:97 + code:7e14f9/97 cheat description:Slot 2 - Ex Magic - code:7E14F9:98 + code:7e14f9/98 cheat description:Slot 2 - Antidote - code:7E14F9:99 + code:7e14f9/99 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sweet Water - code:7E14F9:9A + code:7e14f9/9a cheat description:Slot 2 - Foul Water - code:7E14F9:9B + code:7e14f9/9b cheat description:Slot 2 - Awaken - code:7E14F9:9C + code:7e14f9/9c cheat description:Slot 2 - Stone Cure - code:7E14F9:9D + code:7e14f9/9d cheat description:Slot 2 - Mystery Pin - code:7E14F9:9E + code:7e14f9/9e cheat description:Slot 2 - Shriek - code:7E14F9:9F + code:7e14f9/9f cheat description:Slot 2 - Swing Wing - code:7E14F9:A0 + code:7e14f9/a0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Magic Guard - code:7E14F9:A1 + code:7e14f9/a1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Power Gourd - code:7E14F9:A2 + code:7e14f9/a2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mind Gourd - code:7E14F9:A3 + code:7e14f9/a3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Power Potion - code:7E14F9:A4 + code:7e14f9/a4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Spell Potion - code:7E14F9:A5 + code:7e14f9/a5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Speed Potion - code:7E14F9:A6 + code:7e14f9/a6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Mind Potion - code:7E14F9:A7 + code:7e14f9/a7 cheat description:Slot 2 - Great Potion - code:7E14F9:A8 + code:7e14f9/a8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Float - code:7E14F9:A9 + code:7e14f9/a9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Smoke Ball - code:7E14F9:AA + code:7e14f9/aa cheat description:Slot 2 - Arrow - code:7E14F9:AB + code:7e14f9/ab cheat description:Slot 2 - Mid Arrow - code:7E14F9:AC + code:7e14f9/ac cheat description:Slot 2 - Big Arrow - code:7E14F9:AD + code:7e14f9/ad cheat description:Slot 2 - Arrows - code:7E14F9:AE + code:7e14f9/ae cheat description:Slot 2 - Hi Arrows - code:7E14F9:AF + code:7e14f9/af cheat description:Slot 2 - Ex Arrows - code:7E14F9:B0 + code:7e14f9/b0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dragon Arrow - code:7E14F9:B1 + code:7e14f9/b1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Sleep Arrow - code:7E14F9:B2 + code:7e14f9/b2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Puzzle Arrow - code:7E14F9:B3 + code:7e14f9/b3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Stun Arrow - code:7E14F9:B4 + code:7e14f9/b4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Gloom Arrow - code:7E14F9:B5 + code:7e14f9/b5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Bomb - code:7E14F9:B6 + code:7e14f9/b6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Hi Bomb - code:7E14F9:B7 + code:7e14f9/b7 cheat description:Slot 2 - Ex Bomb - code:7E14F9:B8 + code:7e14f9/b8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Miracle - code:7E14F9:B9 + code:7e14f9/b9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Revive - code:7E14F9:BA + code:7e14f9/ba cheat description:Slot 2 - Pear Cider - code:7E14F9:BB + code:7e14f9/bb cheat description:Slot 2 - Sour Cider - code:7E14F9:BC + code:7e14f9/bc cheat description:Slot 2 - Lime Cider - code:7E14F9:BD + code:7e14f9/bd cheat description:Slot 2 - Plum Cider - code:7E14F9:BE + code:7e14f9/be cheat description:Slot 2 - Apple Cider - code:7E14F9:BF + code:7e14f9/bf cheat description:Slot 2 - Hair Band - code:7E14F9:C0 + code:7e14f9/c0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Brooch - code:7E14F9:C1 + code:7e14f9/c1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Earring - code:7E14F9:C2 + code:7e14f9/c2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Necklace - code:7E14F9:C3 + code:7e14f9/c3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Stuffed Bear - code:7E14F9:C4 + code:7e14f9/c4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Stuffed Dog - code:7E14F9:C5 + code:7e14f9/c5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Stuffed Pig - code:7E14F9:C6 + code:7e14f9/c6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Emerald - code:7E14F9:C7 + code:7e14f9/c7 cheat description:Slot 2 - Opal - code:7E14F9:C8 + code:7e14f9/c8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Goblet - code:7E14F9:C9 + code:7e14f9/c9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Ear Tip - code:7E14F9:CA + code:7e14f9/ca cheat description:Slot 2 - Empty Bottle - code:7E14F9:CB + code:7e14f9/cb cheat description:Slot 2 - Gown - code:7E14F9:CC + code:7e14f9/cc cheat description:Slot 2 - Ribbon - code:7E14F9:CD + code:7e14f9/cd cheat description:Slot 2 - Fry Pan - code:7E14F9:CE + code:7e14f9/ce cheat description:Slot 2 - Small Knife - code:7E14F9:CF + code:7e14f9/cf cheat description:Slot 2 - Pot - code:7E14F9:D0 + code:7e14f9/d0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Chop Block - code:7E14F9:D1 + code:7e14f9/d1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Apron - code:7E14F9:D2 + code:7e14f9/d2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dragon Egg - code:7E14F9:D3 + code:7e14f9/d3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Crown - code:7E14F9:D4 + code:7e14f9/d4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Secret Map - code:7E14F9:D5 + code:7e14f9/d5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Miracle Gem - code:7E14F9:D6 + code:7e14f9/d6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Wick - code:7E14F9:D7 + code:7e14f9/d7 cheat description:Slot 2 - Royal Statue - code:7E14F9:D8 + code:7e14f9/d8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Silver Tarot - code:7E14F9:D9 + code:7e14f9/d9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Golden Pawn - code:7E14F9:DA + code:7e14f9/da cheat description:Slot 2 - Crown Jewels - code:7E14F9:DB + code:7e14f9/db cheat description:Slot 2 - Wind Flute - code:7E14F9:DC + code:7e14f9/dc cheat description:Slot 2 - Escape - code:7E14F9:DD + code:7e14f9/dd cheat description:Slot 2 - Magic Jar - code:7E14F9:DE + code:7e14f9/de cheat description:Slot 2 - Dragon Tooth - code:7E14F9:DF + code:7e14f9/df cheat description:Slot 2 - Grilled Newt - code:7E14F9:E0 + code:7e14f9/e0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Poison Pin - code:7E14F9:E1 + code:7e14f9/e1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Might Sword - code:7E14F9:E2 + code:7e14f9/e2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Straw Doll - code:7E14F9:E3 + code:7e14f9/e3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Long Nail - code:7E14F9:E4 + code:7e14f9/e4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Bomb - code:7E14F9:E5 + code:7e14f9/e5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Alumina - code:7E14F9:E6 + code:7e14f9/e6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Power Oil - code:7E14F9:E7 + code:7e14f9/e7 cheat description:Slot 2 - Elven Bow - code:7E14F9:E8 + code:7e14f9/e8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Artea's Bow - code:7E14F9:E9 + code:7e14f9/e9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Might Bow - code:7E14F9:EA + code:7e14f9/ea cheat description:Slot 2 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F9:EB + code:7e14f9/eb cheat description:Slot 2 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F9:EC + code:7e14f9/ec cheat description:Slot 2 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F9:ED + code:7e14f9/ed cheat description:Slot 2 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14F9:EE + code:7e14f9/ee cheat description:Slot 2 - Free Door - code:7E14F9:EF + code:7e14f9/ef cheat description:Slot 2 - Sheran Key - code:7E14F9:F0 + code:7e14f9/f0 cheat description:Slot 2 - Letter - code:7E14F9:F1 + code:7e14f9/f1 cheat description:Slot 2 - Dais Key - code:7E14F9:F2 + code:7e14f9/f2 cheat description:Slot 2 - Shrine Key - code:7E14F9:F3 + code:7e14f9/f3 cheat description:Slot 2 - Pirate Key - code:7E14F9:F4 + code:7e14f9/f4 cheat description:Slot 2 - Light Key - code:7E14F9:F5 + code:7e14f9/f5 cheat description:Slot 2 - Oil Key - code:7E14F9:F6 + code:7e14f9/f6 cheat description:Slot 2 - Green Jade - code:7E14F9:F9 + code:7e14f9/f9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Red Sapphire - code:7E14F9:F8 + code:7e14f9/f8 cheat description:Slot 2 - Blue Jade - code:7E14F9:F9 + code:7e14f9/f9 cheat description:Slot 2 - Purple Newt - code:7E14F9:FA + code:7e14f9/fa cheat description:Slot 2 - Glasdar Key - code:7E14F9:FB + code:7e14f9/fb cheat description:Slot 2 - Magic Flavor - code:7E14F9:FC + code:7e14f9/fc cheat description:Slot 2 - Fairy Kiss - code:7E14F9:FD + code:7e14f9/fd cheat description:Slot 3 - Nothing - code:7E14FB:00 + code:7e14fb/00 cheat description:Slot 3 - Knife - code:7E14FB:01 + code:7e14fb/01 cheat description:Slot 3 - Club - code:7E14FB:02 + code:7e14fb/02 cheat description:Slot 3 - Mace - code:7E14FB:03 + code:7e14fb/03 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dagger - code:7E14FB:04 + code:7e14fb/04 cheat description:Slot 3 - Long Knife - code:7E14FB:05 + code:7e14fb/05 cheat description:Slot 3 - Short Sword - code:7E14FB:06 + code:7e14fb/06 cheat description:Slot 3 - Rod - code:7E14FB:07 + code:7e14fb/07 cheat description:Slot 3 - Gladius - code:7E14FB:08 + code:7e14fb/08 cheat description:Slot 3 - Glass Robe - code:7E14FB:09 + code:7e14fb/09 cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Sword - code:7E14FB:0A + code:7e14fb/0a cheat description:Slot 3 - Staff - code:7E14FB:0B + code:7e14fb/0b cheat description:Slot 3 - Scimitar - code:7E14FB:0C + code:7e14fb/0c cheat description:Slot 3 - Rapier - code:7E14FB:0D + code:7e14fb/0d cheat description:Slot 3 - Long Sword - code:7E14FB:0E + code:7e14fb/0e cheat description:Slot 3 - Long Staff - code:7E14FB:0F + code:7e14fb/0f cheat description:Slot 3 - Axe - code:7E14FB:10 + code:7e14fb/10 cheat description:Slot 3 - Spear - code:7E14FB:11 + code:7e14fb/11 cheat description:Slot 3 - Morning Star - code:7E14FB:12 + code:7e14fb/12 cheat description:Slot 3 - Catwhip - code:7E14FB:13 + code:7e14fb/13 cheat description:Slot 3 - Battle Axe - code:7E14FB:14 + code:7e14fb/14 cheat description:Slot 3 - Hammer Rod - code:7E14FB:15 + code:7e14fb/15 cheat description:Slot 3 - Trident - code:7E14FB:16 + code:7e14fb/16 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Rod - code:7E14FB:17 + code:7e14fb/17 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Sword - code:7E14FB:18 + code:7e14fb/18 cheat description:Slot 3 - Buster Sword - code:7E14FB:19 + code:7e14fb/19 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Rod - code:7E14FB:1A + code:7e14fb/1a cheat description:Slot 3 - Great Axe - code:7E14FB:1B + code:7e14fb/1b cheat description:Slot 3 - Great Blade - code:7E14FB:1C + code:7e14fb/1c cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Axe - code:7E14FB:1D + code:7e14fb/1d cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Sword - code:7E14FB:1E + code:7e14fb/1e cheat description:Slot 3 - Broad Sword - code:7E14FB:1F + code:7e14fb/1f cheat description:Slot 3 - Broad Rod - code:7E14FB:20 + code:7e14fb/20 cheat description:Slot 3 - Luck Blade - code:7E14FB:21 + code:7e14fb/21 cheat description:Slot 3 - Gloom Pick - code:7E14FB:22 + code:7e14fb/22 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dual Blade - code:7E14FB:23 + code:7e14fb/23 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dress - code:7E14FB:24 + code:7e14fb/24 cheat description:Slot 3 - Cloth - code:7E14FB:25 + code:7e14fb/25 cheat description:Slot 3 - Cloth Armor - code:7E14FB:26 + code:7e14fb/26 cheat description:Slot 3 - Robe - code:7E14FB:27 + code:7e14fb/27 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tan Armor - code:7E14FB:28 + code:7e14fb/28 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tan Robe - code:7E14FB:29 + code:7e14fb/29 cheat description:Slot 3 - Light Armor - code:7E14FB:2A + code:7e14fb/2a cheat description:Slot 3 - Light Robe - code:7E14FB:2B + code:7e14fb/2b cheat description:Slot 3 - Chain Mail - code:7E14FB:2C + code:7e14fb/2c cheat description:Slot 3 - Chain Cloth - code:7E14FB:2D + code:7e14fb/2d cheat description:Slot 3 - Plate Cloth - code:7E14FB:2E + code:7e14fb/2e cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Armor - code:7E14FB:2F + code:7e14fb/2f cheat description:Slot 3 - Quilted Silk - code:7E14FB:30 + code:7e14fb/30 cheat description:Slot 3 - Half Mail - code:7E14FB:31 + code:7e14fb/31 cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Robe - code:7E14FB:32 + code:7e14fb/32 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Armor - code:7E14FB:33 + code:7e14fb/33 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Robe - code:7E14FB:34 + code:7e14fb/34 cheat description:Slot 3 - Plate Mail - code:7E14FB:35 + code:7e14fb/35 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Robe - code:7E14FB:36 + code:7e14fb/36 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Armor - code:7E14FB:37 + code:7e14fb/37 cheat description:Slot 3 - Clear Silk - code:7E14FB:38 + code:7e14fb/38 cheat description:Slot 3 - Bracelet - code:7E14FB:39 + code:7e14fb/39 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tan Shield - code:7E14FB:3A + code:7e14fb/3a cheat description:Slot 3 - Wood Shield - code:7E14FB:3B + code:7e14fb/3b cheat description:Slot 3 - Buckler - code:7E14FB:3C + code:7e14fb/3c cheat description:Slot 3 - Wood Wrist - code:7E14FB:3D + code:7e14fb/3d cheat description:Slot 3 - Kite Shield - code:7E14FB:3E + code:7e14fb/3e cheat description:Slot 3 - Round Shield - code:7E14FB:3F + code:7e14fb/3f cheat description:Slot 3 - Round Wrist - code:7E14FB:40 + code:7e14fb/40 cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Shield - code:7E14FB:41 + code:7e14fb/41 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tower Shield - code:7E14FB:42 + code:7e14fb/42 cheat description:Slot 3 - Large Shield - code:7E14FB:43 + code:7e14fb/43 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Wrist - code:7E14FB:44 + code:7e14fb/44 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Plate - code:7E14FB:45 + code:7e14fb/45 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Wrist - code:7E14FB:46 + code:7e14fb/46 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Plate - code:7E14FB:47 + code:7e14fb/47 cheat description:Slot 3 - Cloth Helm - code:7E14FB:48 + code:7e14fb/48 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tan Helm - code:7E14FB:49 + code:7e14fb/49 cheat description:Slot 3 - Hair Band - code:7E14FB:4A + code:7e14fb/4a cheat description:Slot 3 - Wood Helm - code:7E14FB:4B + code:7e14fb/4b cheat description:Slot 3 - Glass Cap - code:7E14FB:4C + code:7e14fb/4c cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Helm - code:7E14FB:4D + code:7e14fb/4d cheat description:Slot 3 - Red Beret - code:7E14FB:4E + code:7e14fb/4e cheat description:Slot 3 - Iron Helm - code:7E14FB:4F + code:7e14fb/4f cheat description:Slot 3 - Plate Cap - code:7E14FB:50 + code:7e14fb/50 cheat description:Slot 3 - Plate Helm - code:7E14FB:51 + code:7e14fb/51 cheat description:Slot 3 - Glass Beret - code:7E14FB:52 + code:7e14fb/52 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Helm - code:7E14FB:53 + code:7e14fb/53 cheat description:Slot 3 - Sakret - code:7E14FB:54 + code:7e14fb/54 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Beret - code:7E14FB:55 + code:7e14fb/55 cheat description:Slot 3 - Zircon Helm - code:7E14FB:56 + code:7e14fb/56 cheat description:Slot 3 - Sandal - code:7E14FB:57 + code:7e14fb/57 cheat description:Slot 3 - Cloth Shoes - code:7E14FB:58 + code:7e14fb/58 cheat description:Slot 3 - Tan Shoes - code:7E14FB:59 + code:7e14fb/59 cheat description:Slot 3 - Spike Shoes - code:7E14FB:5A + code:7e14fb/5a cheat description:Slot 3 - Heeled Shoes - code:7E14FB:5B + code:7e14fb/5b cheat description:Slot 3 - Wind Shoes - code:7E14FB:5C + code:7e14fb/5c cheat description:Slot 3 - Wind Heels - code:7E14FB:5D + code:7e14fb/5d cheat description:Slot 3 - Knife Shoes - code:7E14FB:5E + code:7e14fb/5e cheat description:Slot 3 - Needle Heels - code:7E14FB:5F + code:7e14fb/5f cheat description:Slot 3 - Sonic Shoes - code:7E14FB:60 + code:7e14fb/60 cheat description:Slot 3 - Sonic Heels - code:7E14FB:61 + code:7e14fb/61 cheat description:Slot 3 - Sword Shoes - code:7E14FB:62 + code:7e14fb/62 cheat description:Slot 3 - Cat Heels - code:7E14FB:63 + code:7e14fb/63 cheat description:Slot 3 - Mach Shoes - code:7E14FB:64 + code:7e14fb/64 cheat description:Slot 3 - Mach Heels - code:7E14FB:65 + code:7e14fb/65 cheat description:Slot 3 - Power Ring - code:7E14FB:66 + code:7e14fb/66 cheat description:Slot 3 - HiPower Ring - code:7E14FB:67 + code:7e14fb/67 cheat description:Slot 3 - Daze Ring - code:7E14FB:68 + code:7e14fb/68 cheat description:Slot 3 - Hi Daze Ring - code:7E14FB:69 + code:7e14fb/69 cheat description:Slot 3 - Mind Ring - code:7E14FB:6A + code:7e14fb/6a cheat description:Slot 3 - Sonic Ring - code:7E14FB:6B + code:7e14fb/6b cheat description:Slot 3 - Mach Ring - code:7E14FB:6C + code:7e14fb/6c cheat description:Slot 3 - Undead Ring - code:7E14FB:6D + code:7e14fb/6d cheat description:Slot 3 - Ghost Ring - code:7E14FB:6E + code:7e14fb/6e cheat description:Slot 3 - Dragon Ring - code:7E14FB:6F + code:7e14fb/6f cheat description:Slot 3 - Sea Ring - code:7E14FB:70 + code:7e14fb/70 cheat description:Slot 3 - Fly Ring - code:7E14FB:71 + code:7e14fb/71 cheat description:Slot 3 - Water Ring - code:7E14FB:72 + code:7e14fb/72 cheat description:Slot 3 - Fire Ring - code:7E14FB:73 + code:7e14fb/73 cheat description:Slot 3 - Ice Ring - code:7E14FB:74 + code:7e14fb/74 cheat description:Slot 3 - Electro Ring - code:7E14FB:75 + code:7e14fb/75 cheat description:Slot 3 - Flash Ring - code:7E14FB:76 + code:7e14fb/76 cheat description:Slot 3 - Flame Ring - code:7E14FB:77 + code:7e14fb/77 cheat description:Slot 3 - Water Ring - code:7E14FB:78 + code:7e14fb/78 cheat description:Slot 3 - Blast Ring - code:7E14FB:79 + code:7e14fb/79 cheat description:Slot 3 - Frost Ring - code:7E14FB:7A + code:7e14fb/7a cheat description:Slot 3 - Might Armor - code:7E14FB:7B + code:7e14fb/7b cheat description:Slot 3 - Might Shield - code:7E14FB:7C + code:7e14fb/7c cheat description:Slot 3 - Might Helmet - code:7E14FB:7D + code:7e14fb/7d cheat description:Slot 3 - Gloom Ring - code:7E14FB:7E + code:7e14fb/7e cheat description:Slot 3 - Gloom Voice - code:7E14FB:7F + code:7e14fb/7f cheat description:Slot 3 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14FB:80 + code:7e14fb/80 cheat description:Slot 3 - Brone Breast - code:7E14FB:81 + code:7e14fb/81 cheat description:Slot 3 - Carbo Sword - code:7E14FB:82 + code:7e14fb/82 cheat description:Slot 3 - Carbo Plate - code:7E14FB:83 + code:7e14fb/83 cheat description:Slot 3 - Carbo Shield - code:7E14FB:84 + code:7e14fb/84 cheat description:Slot 3 - Carbo Helm - code:7E14FB:85 + code:7e14fb/85 cheat description:Slot 3 - Carbo Cap - code:7E14FB:86 + code:7e14fb/86 cheat description:Slot 3 - Gloom Guard - code:7E14FB:87 + code:7e14fb/87 cheat description:Slot 3 - 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code:7E14FB:A4 + code:7e14fb/a4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Spell Potion - code:7E14FB:A5 + code:7e14fb/a5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Speed Potion - code:7E14FB:A6 + code:7e14fb/a6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Mind Potion - code:7E14FB:A7 + code:7e14fb/a7 cheat description:Slot 3 - Great Potion - code:7E14FB:A8 + code:7e14fb/a8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Float - code:7E14FB:A9 + code:7e14fb/a9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Smoke Ball - code:7E14FB:AA + code:7e14fb/aa cheat description:Slot 3 - Arrow - code:7E14FB:AB + code:7e14fb/ab cheat description:Slot 3 - Mid Arrow - code:7E14FB:AC + code:7e14fb/ac cheat description:Slot 3 - Big Arrow - code:7E14FB:AD + code:7e14fb/ad cheat description:Slot 3 - Arrows - code:7E14FB:AE + code:7e14fb/ae cheat description:Slot 3 - Hi Arrows - code:7E14FB:AF + code:7e14fb/af cheat description:Slot 3 - Ex Arrows - code:7E14FB:B0 + code:7e14fb/b0 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dragon Arrow - code:7E14FB:B1 + code:7e14fb/b1 cheat description:Slot 3 - Sleep Arrow - code:7E14FB:B2 + code:7e14fb/b2 cheat description:Slot 3 - Puzzle Arrow - code:7E14FB:B3 + code:7e14fb/b3 cheat description:Slot 3 - Stun Arrow - code:7E14FB:B4 + code:7e14fb/b4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Gloom Arrow - code:7E14FB:B5 + code:7e14fb/b5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Bomb - code:7E14FB:B6 + code:7e14fb/b6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Hi Bomb - code:7E14FB:B7 + code:7e14fb/b7 cheat description:Slot 3 - Ex Bomb - code:7E14FB:B8 + code:7e14fb/b8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Miracle - code:7E14FB:B9 + code:7e14fb/b9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Revive - code:7E14FB:BA + code:7e14fb/ba cheat description:Slot 3 - Pear Cider - code:7E14FB:BB + code:7e14fb/bb cheat description:Slot 3 - Sour Cider - code:7E14FB:BC + code:7e14fb/bc cheat description:Slot 3 - Lime Cider - code:7E14FB:BD + code:7e14fb/bd cheat description:Slot 3 - Plum Cider - code:7E14FB:BE + code:7e14fb/be cheat description:Slot 3 - Apple Cider - code:7E14FB:BF + code:7e14fb/bf cheat description:Slot 3 - Hair Band - code:7E14FB:C0 + code:7e14fb/c0 cheat description:Slot 3 - Brooch - code:7E14FB:C1 + code:7e14fb/c1 cheat description:Slot 3 - Earring - code:7E14FB:C2 + code:7e14fb/c2 cheat description:Slot 3 - Necklace - code:7E14FB:C3 + code:7e14fb/c3 cheat description:Slot 3 - Stuffed Bear - code:7E14FB:C4 + code:7e14fb/c4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Stuffed Dog - code:7E14FB:C5 + code:7e14fb/c5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Stuffed Pig - code:7E14FB:C6 + code:7e14fb/c6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Emerald - code:7E14FB:C7 + code:7e14fb/c7 cheat description:Slot 3 - Opal - code:7E14FB:C8 + code:7e14fb/c8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Goblet - code:7E14FB:C9 + code:7e14fb/c9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Ear Tip - code:7E14FB:CA + code:7e14fb/ca cheat description:Slot 3 - Empty Bottle - code:7E14FB:CB + code:7e14fb/cb cheat description:Slot 3 - Gown - code:7E14FB:CC + code:7e14fb/cc cheat description:Slot 3 - Ribbon - code:7E14FB:CD + code:7e14fb/cd cheat description:Slot 3 - Fry Pan - code:7E14FB:CE + code:7e14fb/ce cheat description:Slot 3 - Small Knife - code:7E14FB:CF + code:7e14fb/cf cheat description:Slot 3 - Pot - code:7E14FB:D0 + code:7e14fb/d0 cheat description:Slot 3 - Chop Block - code:7E14FB:D1 + code:7e14fb/d1 cheat description:Slot 3 - Apron - code:7E14FB:D2 + code:7e14fb/d2 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dragon Egg - code:7E14FB:D3 + code:7e14fb/d3 cheat description:Slot 3 - Crown - code:7E14FB:D4 + code:7e14fb/d4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Secret Map - code:7E14FB:D5 + code:7e14fb/d5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Miracle Gem - code:7E14FB:D6 + code:7e14fb/d6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Wick - code:7E14FB:D7 + code:7e14fb/d7 cheat description:Slot 3 - Royal Statue - code:7E14FB:D8 + code:7e14fb/d8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Silver Tarot - code:7E14FB:D9 + code:7e14fb/d9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Golden Pawn - code:7E14FB:DA + code:7e14fb/da cheat description:Slot 3 - Crown Jewels - code:7E14FB:DB + code:7e14fb/db cheat description:Slot 3 - Wind Flute - code:7E14FB:DC + code:7e14fb/dc cheat description:Slot 3 - Escape - code:7E14FB:DD + code:7e14fb/dd cheat description:Slot 3 - Magic Jar - code:7E14FB:DE + code:7e14fb/de cheat description:Slot 3 - Dragon Tooth - code:7E14FB:DF + code:7e14fb/df cheat description:Slot 3 - Grilled Newt - code:7E14FB:E0 + code:7e14fb/e0 cheat description:Slot 3 - Poison Pin - code:7E14FB:E1 + code:7e14fb/e1 cheat description:Slot 3 - Might Sword - code:7E14FB:E2 + code:7e14fb/e2 cheat description:Slot 3 - Straw Doll - code:7E14FB:E3 + code:7e14fb/e3 cheat description:Slot 3 - Long Nail - code:7E14FB:E4 + code:7e14fb/e4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Bomb - code:7E14FB:E5 + code:7e14fb/e5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Alumina - code:7E14FB:E6 + code:7e14fb/e6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Power Oil - code:7E14FB:E7 + code:7e14fb/e7 cheat description:Slot 3 - Elven Bow - code:7E14FB:E8 + code:7e14fb/e8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Artea's Bow - code:7E14FB:E9 + code:7e14fb/e9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Might Bow - code:7E14FB:EA + code:7e14fb/ea cheat description:Slot 3 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14FB:EB + code:7e14fb/eb cheat description:Slot 3 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14FB:EC + code:7e14fb/ec cheat description:Slot 3 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14FB:ED + code:7e14fb/ed cheat description:Slot 3 - Dummy (?) - code:7E14FB:EE + code:7e14fb/ee cheat description:Slot 3 - Free Door - code:7E14FB:EF + code:7e14fb/ef cheat description:Slot 3 - Sheran Key - code:7E14FB:F0 + code:7e14fb/f0 cheat description:Slot 3 - Letter - code:7E14FB:F1 + code:7e14fb/f1 cheat description:Slot 3 - Dais Key - code:7E14FB:F2 + code:7e14fb/f2 cheat description:Slot 3 - Shrine Key - code:7E14FB:F3 + code:7e14fb/f3 cheat description:Slot 3 - Pirate Key - code:7E14FB:F4 + code:7e14fb/f4 cheat description:Slot 3 - Light Key - code:7E14FB:F5 + code:7e14fb/f5 cheat description:Slot 3 - Oil Key - code:7E14FB:F6 + code:7e14fb/f6 cheat description:Slot 3 - Green Jade - code:7E14FB:FB + code:7e14fb/fb cheat description:Slot 3 - Red Sapphire - code:7E14FB:F8 + code:7e14fb/f8 cheat description:Slot 3 - Blue Jade - code:7E14FB:F9 + code:7e14fb/f9 cheat description:Slot 3 - Purple Newt - code:7E14FB:FA + code:7e14fb/fa cheat description:Slot 3 - Glasdar Key - code:7E14FB:FB + code:7e14fb/fb cheat description:Slot 3 - Magic Flavor - code:7E14FB:FC + code:7e14fb/fc cheat description:Slot 3 - Fairy Kiss - code:7E14FB:FD + code:7e14fb/fd cartridge sha256:7c34ecb16c10f551120ed7b86cfbc947042f479b52ee74bb3c40e92fdd192b3a name:Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals (USA) cheat description:Infinite 999 MP in and out of battle - code:EEEE-44D9 + code:85e4eb/ee cheat description:Level 99 after one battle - code:6EEB-17A1 + code:89e9be/8e cheat description:Level 83 after one battle - code:EEEB-17A1 + code:89e9be/ee cheat description:Gain 35,000 gold after a battle - code:EEED-4F05 + code:b1ecdd/ee cheat description:Enemies always miss - code:EEE5-4FD5 + code:b5ec7f/ee cheat description:One hit kills - code:EEE7-44D5 + code:85ec3b/ee cheat description:No random battles on world map - code:7E11E3:00 + code:7e11e3/00 cheat description:9999999 GP - code:7E0A8A:7F+7E0A8B:96+7E0A8C:98 + code:7e0a8a/7f+7e0a8b/96+7e0a8c/98 cheat description:9999999 Coins - code:7E0B55:7F+7E0B56:96+7E0B57:98 + code:7e0b55/7f+7e0b56/96+7e0b57/98 cheat description:All warps - code:7E0986:FF+7E0988:FF+7E0989:FF+7E0991:FF+7E098A:FF+7E0992:FF+7E098B:FF+7E0996:FF+7E098C:FF+7E098D:FF+7E098E:FF+7E098F:FF+7E0990:FF+7E097B:FF+7E097C:FF+7E097D:FF+7E097E:FF+7E097F:FF+7E0980:FF+7E0981:FF+7E0982:FF+7E0983:FF + code:7e0986/ff+7e0988/ff+7e0989/ff+7e0991/ff+7e098a/ff+7e0992/ff+7e098b/ff+7e0996/ff+7e098c/ff+7e098d/ff+7e098e/ff+7e098f/ff+7e0990/ff+7e097b/ff+7e097c/ff+7e097d/ff+7e097e/ff+7e097f/ff+7e0980/ff+7e0981/ff+7e0982/ff+7e0983/ff cheat description:P1 - 999 HP - code:7E0BBE:E7+7E0BBF:03 + code:7e0bbe/e7+7e0bbf/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 MP - code:7E0BC0:E7+7E0BC1:03 + code:7e0bc0/e7+7e0bc1/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0BD4:E7+7E0BD5:03 + code:7e0bd4/e7+7e0bd5/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 STP - code:7E0BFE:E7+7E0BFF:03 + code:7e0bfe/e7+7e0bff/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 DFP - code:7E0C00:E7+7E0C01:03 + code:7e0c00/e7+7e0c01/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 STR - code:7E0C02:E7+7E0C03:03 + code:7e0c02/e7+7e0c03/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 AGL - code:7E0C04:E7+7E0C05:03 + code:7e0c04/e7+7e0c05/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 INT - code:7E0C06:E7+7E0C07:03 + code:7e0c06/e7+7e0c07/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 GUT - code:7E0C08:E7+7E0C09:03 + code:7e0c08/e7+7e0c09/03 cheat description:P1 - 999 MGR - code:7E0C0A:E7+7E0C0B:03 + code:7e0c0a/e7+7e0c0b/03 cheat description:P1 - Max IP - code:7E0C69:FF + code:7e0c69/ff cheat description:P2 - 999 HP - code:7E0C7C:E7+7E0C7D:03 + code:7e0c7c/e7+7e0c7d/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 MP - code:7E0C7E:E7+7E0C7F:03 + code:7e0c7e/e7+7e0c7f/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0C92:E7+7E0C93:03 + code:7e0c92/e7+7e0c93/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 STP - code:7E0CBC:E7+7E0CBD:03 + code:7e0cbc/e7+7e0cbd/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 DFP - code:7E0CBE:E7+7E0CBF:03 + code:7e0cbe/e7+7e0cbf/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 STR - code:7E0CC0:E7+7E0CC1:03 + code:7e0cc0/e7+7e0cc1/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 AGL - code:7E0CC2:E7+7E0CC3:03 + code:7e0cc2/e7+7e0cc3/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 INT - code:7E0CC4:E7+7E0CC5:03 + code:7e0cc4/e7+7e0cc5/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 GUT - code:7E0CC6:E7+7E0CC7:03 + code:7e0cc6/e7+7e0cc7/03 cheat description:P2 - 999 MGR - code:7E0CC8:E7+7E0CC9:03 + code:7e0cc8/e7+7e0cc9/03 cheat description:P2 - Max IP - code:7E0D27:FF + code:7e0d27/ff cheat description:P3 - 999 HP - code:7E0D3A:E7+7E0D3B:03 + code:7e0d3a/e7+7e0d3b/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 MP - code:7E0D3C:E7+7E0D3D:03 + code:7e0d3c/e7+7e0d3d/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0D50:E7+7E0D51:03 + code:7e0d50/e7+7e0d51/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 STP - code:7E0D7A:E7+7E0D7B:03 + code:7e0d7a/e7+7e0d7b/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 DFP - code:7E0D7C:E7+7E0D7D:03 + code:7e0d7c/e7+7e0d7d/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 STR - code:7E0D7E:E7+7E0D7F:03 + code:7e0d7e/e7+7e0d7f/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 AGL - code:7E0D80:E7+7E0D81:03 + code:7e0d80/e7+7e0d81/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 INT - code:7E0D82:E7+7E0D83:03 + code:7e0d82/e7+7e0d83/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 GUT - code:7E0D84:E7+7E0D85:03 + code:7e0d84/e7+7e0d85/03 cheat description:P3 - 999 MGR - code:7E0D86:E7+7E0D87:03 + code:7e0d86/e7+7e0d87/03 cheat description:P3 - Max IP - code:7E0DE5:FF + code:7e0de5/ff cheat description:P4 - 999 HP - code:7E0DF8:E7+7E0DF9:03 + code:7e0df8/e7+7e0df9/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 MP - code:7E0DFA:E7+7E0DFB:03 + code:7e0dfa/e7+7e0dfb/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0E0E:E7+7E0E0F:03 + code:7e0e0e/e7+7e0e0f/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 STP - code:7E0E38:E7+7E0E39:03 + code:7e0e38/e7+7e0e39/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 DFP - code:7E0E3A:E7+7E0E3B:03 + code:7e0e3a/e7+7e0e3b/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 STR - code:7E0E3C:E7+7E0E3D:03 + code:7e0e3c/e7+7e0e3d/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 AGL - code:7E0E3E:E7+7E0E3F:03 + code:7e0e3e/e7+7e0e3f/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 INT - code:7E0E40:E7+7E0E41:03 + code:7e0e40/e7+7e0e41/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 GUT - code:7E0E42:E7+7E0E43:03 + code:7e0e42/e7+7e0e43/03 cheat description:P4 - 999 MGR - code:7E0E44:E7+7E0E45:03 + code:7e0e44/e7+7e0e45/03 cheat description:P4 - Max IP - code:7E0EA3:FF + code:7e0ea3/ff cheat description:P5 - 999 HP - code:7E0EB6:E7+7E0EB7:03 + code:7e0eb6/e7+7e0eb7/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 MP - code:7E0EB8:E7+7E0EB9:03 + code:7e0eb8/e7+7e0eb9/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0ECC:E7+7E0ECC:03 + code:7e0ecc/e7+7e0ecc/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 STP - code:7E0EF6:E7+7E0EF7:03 + code:7e0ef6/e7+7e0ef7/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 DFP - code:7E0EF8:E7+7E0EF9:03 + code:7e0ef8/e7+7e0ef9/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 STR - code:7E0EFA:E7+7E0EFB:03 + code:7e0efa/e7+7e0efb/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 AGL - code:7E0EFC:E7+7E0EFD:03 + code:7e0efc/e7+7e0efd/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 INT - code:7E0EFE:E7+7E0EFF:03 + code:7e0efe/e7+7e0eff/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 GUT - code:7E0F00:E7+7E0F01:03 + code:7e0f00/e7+7e0f01/03 cheat description:P5 - 999 MGR - code:7E0F02:E7+7E0F03:03 + code:7e0f02/e7+7e0f03/03 cheat description:P5 - Max IP - code:7E0F61:FF + code:7e0f61/ff cheat description:P6 - 999 HP - code:7E0F74:E7+7E0F75:03 + code:7e0f74/e7+7e0f75/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 MP - code:7E0F76:E7+7E0F77:03 + code:7e0f76/e7+7e0f77/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E0F8A:E7+7E0F8B:03 + code:7e0f8a/e7+7e0f8b/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 STP - code:7E0FB4:E7+7E0FB5:03 + code:7e0fb4/e7+7e0fb5/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 DFP - code:7E0FB6:E7+7E0FB7:03 + code:7e0fb6/e7+7e0fb7/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 STR - code:7E0FB8:E7+7E0FB9:03 + code:7e0fb8/e7+7e0fb9/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 AGL - code:7E0FBA:E7+7E0FBB:03 + code:7e0fba/e7+7e0fbb/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 INT - code:7E0FBC:E7+7E0FBD:03 + code:7e0fbc/e7+7e0fbd/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 GUT - code:7E0FBE:E7+7E0FBF:03 + code:7e0fbe/e7+7e0fbf/03 cheat description:P6 - 999 MGR - code:7E0FC0:E7+7E0FC1:03 + code:7e0fc0/e7+7e0fc1/03 cheat description:P6 - Max IP - code:7E101F:FF + code:7e101f/ff cheat description:P7 - 999 HP - code:7E1032:E7+7E1033:03 + code:7e1032/e7+7e1033/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 MP - code:7E1034:E7+7E1035:03 + code:7e1034/e7+7e1035/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 MAX MP - code:7E1048:E7+7E1049:03 + code:7e1048/e7+7e1049/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 STP - code:7E1072:E7+7E1073:03 + code:7e1072/e7+7e1073/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 DFP - code:7E1074:E7+7E1075:03 + code:7e1074/e7+7e1075/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 STR - code:7E1076:E7+7E1077:03 + code:7e1076/e7+7e1077/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 AGL - code:7E1078:E7+7E1079:03 + code:7e1078/e7+7e1079/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 INT - code:7E107A:E7+7E107B:03 + code:7e107a/e7+7e107b/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 GUT - code:7E107C:E7+7E107D:03 + code:7e107c/e7+7e107d/03 cheat description:P7 - 999 MGR - code:7E107E:E7+7E107F:03 + code:7e107e/e7+7e107f/03 cheat description:P7 - Max IP - code:7E10DD:FF + code:7e10dd/ff cartridge sha256:7e77e196db47e87a5b297e60f0dfa7ce41df8d2d1fdd9152e06628d0b0e586af name:Madden NFL '94 (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:3CAC-5DDD + code:f7a5c7/ec cheat description:1 play to get a 1st down - code:D4A8-54AD + code:cba5ba/d2 cheat description:2 plays to get a 1st down - code:D7A8-54AD + code:cba5ba/d3 cheat description:3 plays to get a 1st down - code:D0A8-54AD + code:cba5ba/d4 cheat description:5 plays to get a 1st down - code:D1A8-54AD + code:cba5ba/d6 cheat description:7 plays to get a 1st down - code:D6A8-54AD + code:cba5ba/d8 cheat description:Extra points worth 0 points - code:DDAE-ED0F + code:b3afe5/dd cheat description:Extra points worth 3 points - code:D7AE-ED0F + code:b3afe5/d3 cheat description:Extra points worth 5 points - code:D9AE-ED0F + code:b3afe5/d5 cheat description:Extra points worth 7 points - code:D5AE-ED0F + code:b3afe5/d7 cheat description:Field goals worth 0 points - code:DDAE-E76F + code:83afee/dd cheat description:Field goals worth 2 points - code:D4AE-E76F + code:83afee/d2 cheat description:Field goals worth 5 points - code:D9AE-E76F + code:83afee/d5 cheat description:Field goals worth 7 points - code:D5AE-E76F + code:83afee/d7 cheat description:Field goals worth 9 points - code:DBAE-E76F + code:83afee/db cheat description:Safeties worth 0 points - code:DDAB-8DAD + code:fba6b6/dd cheat description:Safeties worth 3 points - code:D7AB-8DAD + code:fba6b6/d3 cheat description:Safeties worth 5 points - code:D9AB-8DAD + code:fba6b6/d5 cheat description:Safeties worth 7 points - code:D5AB-8DAD + code:fba6b6/d7 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 0 points - code:DDAA-5D0F + code:f3ada5/dd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 3 points - code:D7AA-5D0F + code:f3ada5/d3 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 5 points - code:D9AA-5D0F + code:f3ada5/d5 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 9 points - code:DBAA-5D0F + code:f3ada5/db cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 1 point - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+DFA2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/df cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 3 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+D7A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/d3 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 5 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+D9A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/d5 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 7 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+D5A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/d7 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 14 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+D3A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/de cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 21 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+F9A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/f5 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 35 points - home team - code:CBA2-8F6D+47A2-8FAD + code:f3a6de/cb+fba6de/23 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 3 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+DFAD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/df cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 5 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+D9AD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/d5 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 7 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+D5AD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/d7 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 14 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+D3AD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/de cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 21 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+F9AD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/f5 cheat description:TD, FG, PAT, S worth 35 points - visitor - code:CBAD-ED0D+47AD-ED6D + code:b3a7d5/cb+b3a7d6/23 cheat description:Home team starts with a 3-point lead - code:D73F-7D0F+DE3F-7F6F + code:f3ecf5/d3+f3ecfe/de cheat description:Home team starts with a 7-point lead - code:D53F-7D0F+DE3F-7F6F + code:f3ecf5/d7+f3ecfe/de cheat description:Home team starts with a 10-point lead - code:DC3F-7D0F+DE3F-7F6F + code:f3ecf5/dc+f3ecfe/de cheat description:Home team starts with a 14-point lead - code:D33F-7D0F+DE3F-7F6F + code:f3ecf5/de+f3ecfe/de cheat description:Home team starts with a 35-point lead - code:473F-7D0F+DE3F-7F6F + code:f3ecf5/23+f3ecfe/de cheat description:Visitors start with a 5-point lead - code:D93F-7D0F+DE3F-7D6F + code:f3ecf5/d5+f3ecf6/de cheat description:Visitors start with a 7-point lead - code:D53F-7D0F+DE3F-7D6F + code:f3ecf5/d7+f3ecf6/de cheat description:Visitors start with a 10-point lead - code:DC3F-7D0F+DE3F-7D6F + code:f3ecf5/dc+f3ecf6/de cheat description:Visitors start with a 14-point lead - code:D33F-7D0F+DE3F-7D6F + code:f3ecf5/de+f3ecf6/de cheat description:Visitors start with a 35-point lead - code:473F-7D0F+DE3F-7D6F + code:f3ecf5/23+f3ecf6/de cartridge sha256:0ad77ae7af231313e1369a52d1622b88e3751aa5ec774628df7071f9e4244abc name:Madden NFL 95 (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:C267-E46D + code:83873a/cd cheat description:Infinite timeouts - both players (slightly glitchy) - code:8250-5700 + code:c1714d/bd cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:6D59-7FD7+7D59-7F67+C959-7DA7+DC59-7F07+E959-7FA7 + code:f47c5f/8d+f07c5e/3d+f87c56/c5+f07c5d/dc+f87c5e/e5 cheat description:Field goals worth 0 points - code:DD6F-8404 + code:c08af9/dd cheat description:Field goals worth 1 points - code:DF6F-8404 + code:c08af9/df cheat description:Field goals worth 5 points - code:D06F-8404 + code:c08af9/d4 cheat description:Field goals worth 9 points - code:DB6F-8404 + code:c08af9/db cheat description:Safetys worth 0 points - code:DD6F-77AF + code:cb8cfe/dd cheat description:Safetys worth 1 points - code:DF6F-77AF + code:cb8cfe/df cheat description:Safetys worth 5 points - code:D06F-77AF + code:cb8cfe/d4 cheat description:Safetys worth 7 points - code:D56F-77AF + code:cb8cfe/d7 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 0 points - code:DD62-E4DF + code:878fdb/dd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 1 points - code:DF62-E4DF + code:878fdb/df cheat description:Touchdowns worth 5 points - code:D062-E4DF + code:878fdb/d4 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 9 points - code:DB62-E4DF + code:878fdb/db cheat description:Start with 15 seconds on the play clock - code:DE55-84DF + code:c77e7b/de cheat description:Start with 1 timeout - P1 - code:DFD0-7DAD + code:fbd446/df cheat description:Start with 1 timeout - P2 - code:DFD0-7FDD + code:f7d44f/df cartridge sha256:3059d86cdc383985c564a7a891fe18e08f5222ead7ede9fa309159d60cde13a1 name:Madden NFL 96 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time (2P mode only) - code:C2D2-8F0D + code:f3d6dd/cd cheat description:Infinite downs - code:C26A-8767 + code:c08eae/cd cheat description:Infinite timeouts - code:8297-7F09 + code:f1543d/bd cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:6D6C-EFDF+7D6C-EF6F+C96C-EDAF+DC6C-EF0F+E96C-EFAF + code:b78fcf/8d+b38fce/3d+bb8fc6/c5+b38fcd/dc+bb8fce/e5 cheat description:Safeties are worth 0 points - code:DD62-EFA7 + code:b88fde/dd cheat description:Safeties are worth 1 point - code:DF62-EFA7 + code:b88fde/df cheat description:Safeties are worth 3 points - code:D462-EFA7 + code:b88fde/d2 cheat description:Safeties are worth 5 points - code:D962-EFA7 + code:b88fde/d5 cheat description:Safeties are worth 7 points - code:D562-EFA7 + code:b88fde/d7 cheat description:Safeties are worth 9 points - code:DB62-EFA7 + code:b88fde/db cheat description:Field Goals are worth 0 points - code:DDBB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/dd cheat description:Field Goals are worth 1 point - code:DFBB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/df cheat description:Field Goals are worth 2 points - code:D4BB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/d2 cheat description:Field Goals are worth 5 points - code:D9BB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/d5 cheat description:Field Goals are worth 7 points - code:D5BB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/d7 cheat description:Field Goals are worth 9 points - code:DBBB-8DAF + code:fbbeb6/db cheat description:Start with 5 downs each possession - code:DD65-E7A7 + code:888f7e/dd cheat description:Start with 3 downs each possession - code:D765-E7A7 + code:888f7e/d3 cheat description:Start with 2 downs each possession - code:D465-E7A7 + code:888f7e/d2 cheat description:Start with 1 down each possession - code:DF65-E7A7 + code:888f7e/df cartridge sha256:6874568d985f65dd817d4b03998e71c8cbacc8d8707411fde7bffee350605a88 name:Madden NFL 97 (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:6D66-7767+7D6B-7DD7+C966-7707+DC66-77A7+E96B-7D07 + code:c08c8e/8d+f48cb7/3d+c08c8d/c5+c88c8e/dc+f08cb5/e5 cartridge sha256:e3c62c9fe55d2311aa6a264f41b45d6cbc7b1b069ed3aa82ee57d381c062547d name:Madden NFL 98 (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:6D6F-5407+7D6F-54A7+C96F-54D7+DC6F-5467+E96F-57D7 + code:c08df9/8d+c88dfa/3d+c48dfb/c5+c08dfa/dc+c48dff/e5 cartridge sha256:c01fb8989d391d3e343003934937f02bd8ef9aacdad68c32c3d3f56feb72f5b0 name:Magic Boy (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:bbbc86/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E9BB6:03 + code:7e9bb6/03 + +cartridge sha256:9b6b0099f2b97ec3a18fef7a4935bfad235fdb83669dd99c3731a69506322cbe + name:Magic Knight Rayearth (Japan) + cheat + description:Infinite Gold + code:7E0D8A3F+7E0D8B42+7E0D8C0F + cheat + description:No random battles + code:f42ab7/8d + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:f82946/cd + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 01 + code:7E0D8F63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 02 + code:7E0D9163 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 03 + code:7E0D9363 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 04 + code:7E0D9563 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 05 + code:7E0D9763 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 06 + code:7E0D9963 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 07 + code:7E0D9B63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 08 + code:7E0D9D63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 09 + code:7E0D9F63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 10 + code:7E0DA163 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 11 + code:7E0DA363 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 12 + code:7E0DA563 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 13 + code:7E0DA763 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 14 + code:7E0DA963 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 15 + code:7E0DAB63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 16 + code:7E0DAD63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 17 + code:7E0DAF63 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 18 + code:7E0DB163 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 19 + code:7E0DB363 + cheat + description:Infinite items - slot 20 + code:7E0DB563 cartridge sha256:1d3cceaa05e054b002caeb09fd5fb9e718ec446764f4169d97bc185da76fdf4d name:Magic Sword (USA) cheat description:No health loss on collision with enemies - code:C2BC-D7A5+C280-D7DD + code:49bfce/cd+47b74f/cd cheat description:No health loss when magic is used - code:C2B4-6FD9 + code:35b62f/cd cheat description:No magic counter countdown - code:C2CC-0F67 + code:30cdce/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3C67-046A+C267-0FAA+D667-04DA+ED67-04AA+F167-040A + code:02893a/ec+3a893e/cd+06893b/d8+0a893a/ed+028939/f6 cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D63-D40A + code:428be9/8d cheat description:Slower magic counter countdown - code:5ECC-0D67 + code:30cdc6/7e cheat description:Faster magic counter countdown - code:EECC-0D67 + code:30cdc6/ee cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E831C:09 + code:7e831c/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:7E042D:09 + code:7e042d/09 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0432:09 + code:7e0432/09 cheat description:Infinite support health - code:7E0423:04 + code:7e0423/04 cheat description:Infinite magic - code:7E040C:09+7E040D:09 + code:7e040c/09+7e040d/09 cheat description:Have powered-up attack - code:7E068A:06 + code:7e068a/06 cheat description:Infinite Silver Keys - code:7E040F:09 + code:7e040f/09 cheat description:Infinite Gold Keys - code:7E0410:09 + code:7e0410/09 cheat description:Infinite Platinum Keys - code:7E0411:09 + code:7e0411/09 cheat description:Have optimum sword - code:7E040A:06 + code:7e040a/06 cheat description:Have optimum shield - code:7E040B:04 + code:7e040b/04 cheat description:Never lose shield - code:7E0435:02 + code:7e0435/02 cheat description:Barrier Invincibility - code:7E06D6:FF + code:7e06d6/ff cheat description:Set score to 90,000,000 - code:7E0448:09 + code:7e0448/09 cheat description:Support modifier - Amazon - code:7E0424:03 + code:7e0424/03 cheat description:Support modifier - Big Man - code:7E0424:07 + code:7e0424/07 cheat description:Support modifier - Wizard - code:7E0424:09 + code:7e0424/09 cheat description:Support modifier - Knight - code:7E0424:0C + code:7e0424/0c cheat description:Support modifier - Lizardman - code:7E0424:0F + code:7e0424/0f cheat description:Support modifier - Ninja - code:7E0424:12 + code:7e0424/12 cheat description:Support modifier - Thief - code:7E0424:15 + code:7e0424/15 cheat description:Support modifier - Cleric - code:7E0424:18 + code:7e0424/18 cheat description:Max power for Amazon's Crossbow - code:7E0413:07 + code:7e0413/07 cheat description:Max power for Big Man's Axe - code:7E0414:07 + code:7e0414/07 cheat description:Max power for Wizard's Magic Missile - code:7E0415:07 + code:7e0415/07 cheat description:Max power for Knight's Spear - code:7E0416:07 + code:7e0416/07 cheat description:Max power for Lizardman's Sword - code:7E0417:07 + code:7e0417/07 cheat description:Max power for Ninja's Throwing Star - code:7E0418:07 + code:7e0418/07 cheat description:Max power for Thief's Bomb - code:7E0419:07 + code:7e0419/07 cheat description:Max power for Cleric's Magic Bullet - code:7E041A:07 + code:7e041a/07 cartridge sha256:ed617ad12c865fc9c9c5c75de840d3afeded57d13ca3a3062bf8e30095629414 name:Magical Pop'n (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E051A:06 + code:7e051a/06 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0516:02 + code:7e0516/02 cheat description:Infinite stars - code:7E0508:09 + code:7e0508/09 cartridge sha256:f301bb8ea867e530ecb64e8eff504ed5b9697cf076c70e2036ecf2ffbe6c487a name:Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The (USA) cheat description:Protection from most hits (lose no hearts) (disable if you get stuck) - code:C2E7-D462 + code:43e73a/cd cheat description:Infinite magic - wizard's costume only - code:C23E-6405 + code:01eee9/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C22B-ADA5 + code:b9deb6/cd cheat description:Small heart fill health completely - code:622F-DDD6+C22F-DF06 + code:76d3f7/8d+72d3fd/cd cheat description:Each gold coin worth 10 (if too many are collected you may go back to 0) - code:DFE7-0708 + code:02ed3d/df cheat description:Longer invincibility after getting hit - code:C23D-6FA0 + code:39e2de/cd cheat description:No invincibility after getting hit - code:CB3D-6D60 + code:31e2d6/cb cheat description:Super-jump - code:1B2D-6765+4A2D-67A5 + code:01dede/6b+09dede/2a cheat description:Mega-jump - code:1B2D-6765+4D2D-67A5 + code:01dede/6b+09dede/2d cheat description:Ultra-jump - code:1B2D-6765+F02D-67A5 + code:01dede/6b+09dede/f4 cheat description:Items in general store are free if you can afford them - code:6DE6-04A8+48E6-07D8 + code:0aed8a/8d+06ed8f/2b cheat description:Start with 1 heart instead of 3 - code:DFAE-D4D7 + code:44afeb/df cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - code:D9AE-D4D7 + code:44afeb/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 hearts - code:D5AE-D4D7 + code:44afeb/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 hearts - code:DCAE-D4D7 + code:44afeb/dc cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DD69-07A0 + code:09815e/dd cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D169-07A0 + code:09815e/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB69-07A0 + code:09815e/db cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:7E033F:03 + code:7e033f/03 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E02B1:0A + code:7e02b1/0a cheat description:Infinite magic - code:7E02B7:20 + code:7e02b7/20 cheat description:Infinite water for Fireman costume - code:7E02B9:17 + code:7e02b9/17 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:01DF93:AD + code:01df93/ad cheat description:Have all costumes - code:7E02C1:01+7E02C2:01+7E02C3:01 + code:7e02c1/01+7e02c2/01+7e02c3/01 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:7E04B0:1A + code:7e04b0/1a cheat description:Ultra-jump - code:7E04B0:06 + code:7e04b0/06 cartridge sha256:78d0f6dd9ce0813e0532c7b25c7fa0b6b945d12a4ace21aa940e98babf4dacb1 name:Majuu Ou (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E009F:50 + code:7e009f/50 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E00A3:01 + code:7e00a3/01 cartridge sha256:8267e2f092c86d5a29c9a826db82c7473638e28e2507cdaf5c86981f07cd0bef name:Mario Is Missing! (USA) cheat description:Talk to someone once to learn all they know (all four checks appear on computer for that person) - code:CB8D-17DF+EE8D-170F+3C8D-176F + code:87bddf/cb+83bddd/ee+83bdde/ec cheat description:Use computer to access any facts except pamphlets (no checks appear on computer) - code:6D8D-C4AF+DD80-C70F+DD85-C4DF + code:0bbfda/8d+03bf4d/dd+07bf7b/dd cheat description:Use computer to view pamphlets on any artifact (no checks appear on computer) - code:6D82-17AF + code:8bbdde/8d cheat description:Always get Yoshi after using Globulator - code:DFED-4D04 + code:b0e8d5/df cheat description:Pick up one artifact and get all three - code:CB8E-47AF+EE8D-1DDF+3C8D-1D0F + code:8bbcee/cb+b7bdd7/ee+b3bdd5/ec cheat description:Have all three arifacts - code:7E050A:07 + code:7e050a/07 cheat description:Always have Yoshi (Globulator doesn't automatically pick your location) - code:7E06DB:01 + code:7e06db/01 cheat description:No waiting on wrong answer - code:7E0565:00 + code:7e0565/00 cartridge sha256:e842cac1a4301be196f1e137fbd1a16866d5c913f24dbca313f4dd8bd7472f45 name:Mario Paint (Japan, USA) cheat description:Invincibility in bug swatting game - code:CBCF-0769+62C4-0DA9+EECF-07A9 + code:01c5fe/cb+39c526/8d+09c5fe/ee cheat description:Infinite lives in bug swatting game - code:A2C3-6409 + code:01c6e9/ad cheat description:Have all icons in bug swatting game - code:CBC4-A400 + code:81c229/cb cheat description:Star easier to get under "P" on title screen - code:DD69-1F52+DD69-1452+DF69-1482 + code:bf855d/dd+8f8559/dd+8f855a/df cheat description:Invincibility in bug swatting game (alt) - code:7F0040:FF + code:7f0040/ff cheat description:Infinite lives in bug swatting game (alt) - code:7F0018:63 + code:7f0018/63 cheat description:Have all icons in bug swatting game (alt) - code:7F0012:0F + code:7f0012/0f cheat description:Only need to swat once to move around and kill flies - code:7F001E:02 + code:7f001e/02 cheat description:Enable all rotate/flip options - code:7E099F:01 + code:7e099f/01 cheat description:One hit to kill boss - code:7F00C9:14 + code:7f00c9/14 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:7F0014:01 + code:7f0014/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:7F0014:02 + code:7f0014/02 cartridge sha256:4b69d4958e099c3b3f6ae45e153ced9b24755d8c161dfee06c9f67886a7c0f09 name:Mario's Time Machine (USA) cheat description:Bonus timer doesn't count down in the whole game - code:DD6A-1405 + code:818da9/dd cheat description:Don't lose mushrooms in collisions - code:CB64-3FA9+DD64-34D7+DD64-3409 + code:b9872e/cb+848f2b/dd+818729/dd cheat description:1 wrong answer to questions allowed - code:DF24-1704 + code:80d92d/df cheat description:255 wrong answers allowed (ignore sad face icon) - code:EE24-1704 + code:80d92d/ee cartridge sha256:49dd77b310b476c875633335243553be59ecfb0bffae62e46f2e53ff05c20fcd name:Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:B9D9-74D4 + code:c4d85b/b5 cheat description:Infinite Air - code:B9D9-74D4 + code:c4d85b/b5 cheat description:Infinite Air (alt) - code:E15A-5F66 + code:f271ae/e6 cheat description:Infinite equipment, all Gems selectable on pick-up - code:FA85-7464+6D85-7704+FE85-7764 + code:c0b87a/fa+c0b87d/8d+c0b87e/fe cheat description:One hit kills - code:CB1F-EF0D + code:b367fd/cb cheat description:Always have a Gem - code:B354-E4D8 + code:867f2b/be cheat description:Always have 9 Gem power items - code:E916-740D + code:c36489/e5 cheat description:Always have 9 Revive items - code:E15A-5F66 + code:f271ae/e6 cheat description:Invincibility - Boston Aquarium - code:7E042D:03+7E042F:00 + code:7e042d/03+7e042f/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Alaska - code:7E02CD:03+7E02CF:00 + code:7e02cd/03+7e02cf/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Dr. Doom's Castle - code:7E02BD:03+7E02BF:00 + code:7e02bd/03+7e02bf/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Amazon - code:7E02FD:03+7E02FF:00 + code:7e02fd/03+7e02ff/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Magus' Spaceship and Asteroid Belt - code:7E026D:03+7E026F:00 + code:7e026d/03+7e026f/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Egypt - code:7E02DD:03+7E02DF:00 + code:7e02dd/03+7e02df/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Arizona Mining Facility - code:7E031D:03+7E031F:00 + code:7e031d/03+7e031f/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Mt. Vezuvius - code:7E039D:03+7E039F:00 + code:7e039d/03+7e039f/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Nebula's Level - code:7E033D:03+7E033F:00 + code:7e033d/03+7e033f/00 cheat description:Invincibility - Thanos' Level - code:7E034D:03+7E034F:00 + code:7e034d/03+7e034f/00 cheat description:Infinite health - Dr. Doom's Castle - code:7E026B:64 + code:7e026b/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Alaska - code:7E027B:64 + code:7e027b/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Mt. Vesuvius - code:7E034B:64 + code:7e034b/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Egypt - code:7E028B:64 + code:7e028b/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Arizona Mining Facility - code:7E02CB:64 + code:7e02cb/64 cheat description:Always have 9 Big energy Tanks - code:7FFF1A:09 + code:7fff1a/09 cheat description:Always have 9 Small energy Tanks - code:7FFF1B:09 + code:7fff1b/09 cartridge sha256:2731f0bd1c87e75121f41d1ed5cc9fbf177f414b8bf831c76fd9c4b58c86ed08 name:Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B9-1DA4+8533-3F0D + code:b8b956/cd+b3e7ed/b7 cheat description:Energy balls don't deplete health - code:DDE5-3FB0+DDE5-3F20 + code:bde37e/dd+b5e37f/dd cheat description:Cool effects - code:??86-146D + code:7e0000/00 cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E200D:09 + code:7e200d/09 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E2043:1D + code:7e2043/1d cartridge sha256:44cc113ce1e7616cc737adea9e8f140436c9f1c3fba57e8e9db48025d4ace632 name:Mask, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:40C0-47DF+40C9-4F6F + code:87cc4f/24+b3cc5e/24 cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:82C0-476F + code:83cc4e/bd cheat description:Infinite mask power - code:C282-1F0D + code:b3b5dd/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C961-146F + code:838d6a/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere + collect items from anywhere) - code:40C5-14A7+40C6-14A7+40C6-17A7+40C9-1467+40C9-1767 + code:88cd7a/24+88cd8a/24+88cd8e/24+80cd5a/24+80cd5e/24 cheat description:Mallet doesn't use any power - code:8EBF-3DD4 + code:b4bbf7/be cheat description:Walk through walls - code:C287-4DAF + code:bbbc36/cd cheat description:Green hearts worth 10 - code:FDC6-3707 + code:80cf8d/fd cheat description:Green hearts worth 30 - code:7DC6-3707 + code:80cf8d/3d cheat description:Green hearts worth 100 - code:CDC6-3707 + code:80cf8d/cd cheat description:Green hearts worth 0 - code:C2CC-3F07 + code:b0cfcd/cd cheat description:Flash longer - code:EE88-140D + code:83b5b9/ee cheat description:Don't flash at all - code:DD88-140D + code:83b5b9/dd cheat description:M's worth 0 - code:C9C4-3467 + code:80cf2a/c5 cheat description:M's worth 10 - code:FDCF-37A7 + code:88cffe/fd cheat description:M's worth 30 - code:7DCF-37A7 + code:88cffe/3d cheat description:M's worth 100 - code:CDCF-37A7 + code:88cffe/cd cheat description:Start with 100 mask energy - code:DF6E-44AD + code:8b84ea/df cheat description:Start with 300 mask energy - code:D76E-44AD + code:8b84ea/d3 cheat description:Start with 900 mask energy - code:DB6E-44AD + code:8b84ea/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:CB63-446D+DD63-44AD+DD63-47DD + code:8384ea/cb+8b84ea/dd+8784ef/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:CB63-446D+D963-44AD+DD63-47DD + code:8384ea/cb+8b84ea/d5+8784ef/dd cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:CB63-446D+DB63-44AD+DD63-47DD + code:8384ea/cb+8b84ea/db+8784ef/dd cheat description:Infinite life - code:7E18AF:20+7E18B0:03 + code:7e18af/20+7e18b0/03 cheat description:Infinite mask power (alt) - code:7E008F:84+7E0090:03 + code:7e008f/84+7e0090/03 + cheat + description:Cheat menu enabled (in options menu) + code:7e0104/01 cartridge sha256:2a08704748f5ef6488348c4099729feca600412d331bda3756e51efd8b94e113 name:MechWarrior (USA) cheat description:Protection from most hazards - code:628C-4F20 + code:b5b0cf/8d cheat description:Infinite short-range missiles - code:EE2F-C7A4 + code:08dbfe/ee cheat description:Infinite short-range homing missiles - code:EE24-CD04 + code:30db25/ee cheat description:Infinite medium-range missiles - code:EE24-CDA4 + code:38db26/ee cheat description:Infinite medium-range homing missiles - code:EE24-CF04 + code:30db2d/ee cheat description:Infinite long-range missiles - code:EE24-CFA4 + code:38db2e/ee cheat description:Infinite long-range homing missiles - code:EE24-C404 + code:00db29/ee cheat description:Infinite machine gun ammo - code:EE24-C4A4 + code:08db2a/ee cheat description:Never run out of any ammo - code:3CCD-4404 + code:80c8d9/ec cheat description:Getting any money sets money to 32 million C-bills - code:DD38-146D + code:83e5ba/dd cheat description:100 ammo for short-range missiles - code:102F-C7A4 + code:08dbfe/64 cheat description:100 ammo for short-range homing missiles - code:1024-CD04 + code:30db25/64 cheat description:80 ammo for medium-range missiles - code:9D24-CDA4 + code:38db26/5d cheat description:80 ammo for medium-range homing missiles - code:9D24-CF04 + code:30db2d/5d cheat description:40 ammo for long-range missiles - code:4624-CFA4 + code:38db2e/28 cheat description:40 ammo for long-range homing missiles - code:4624-C404 + code:00db29/28 cheat description:200 short-range missiles - code:A62F-C7A4 + code:08dbfe/a8 cheat description:200 short-range homing missiles - code:A624-CD04 + code:30db25/a8 cheat description:100 medium-range missiles - code:1024-CDA4 + code:38db26/64 cheat description:100 medium-range homing missiles - code:1024-CF04 + code:30db2d/64 cheat description:100 long-range missiles - code:1024-CFA4 + code:38db2e/64 cheat description:100 long-range homing missiles - code:1024-C404 + code:00db29/64 cheat description:Mech isn't slowed down as much by most obstacles - code:CBED-34F7+3CED-34B7 + code:8cefdb/cb+8cefda/ec cheat description:Start with 100,000 C-bills - code:103E-C4AD + code:0be7ea/64 cheat description:Start with 250,000 C-bills - code:EC3E-C4AD + code:0be7ea/ec cheat description:Start with 562,000 C-bills - code:D43E-C7DD + code:07e7ef/d2 cheat description:Start with 1,074,000 C-bills - code:D03E-C7DD + code:07e7ef/d4 cheat description:Start with 5,170,000 C-bills - code:F03E-C7DD + code:07e7ef/f4 cheat description:Start with 10,290,000 C-bills - code:463E-C7DD + code:07e7ef/28 cartridge sha256:7bffa1dc31604fa3d61e06ce2c59168098cc8dd7e59998e1d5f30c49bdf8d617 name:MechWarrior 3050 (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite ammo - code:C295-5FAD + code:fb557e/cd cheat description:Almost invincible (disable to kill some enemies) - code:1D9E-ED6D + code:b357e6/6d cheat description:Coolant does nothing - code:CB6B-5464+CB6B-5704 + code:c089ba/cb+c089bd/cb cheat description:Guass Rifle starts at 10 - code:DC09-7998 + code:d64c55/dc cheat description:Guass Rifle starts at 50 - code:7409-7998 + code:d64c55/32 cheat description:Guass Rifle starts at 100 - code:1009-7998 + code:d64c55/64 cheat description:Arrow VI Missiles start at 20 - code:F009-7028 + code:d64c53/f4 cheat description:Arrow VI Missiles start at 50 - code:7409-7028 + code:d64c53/32 cheat description:Arrow VI Missiles start at 100 - code:1009-7028 + code:d64c53/64 cheat description:Particle Projection Cannon start at 10 - code:DC00-7528 + code:d64c4f/dc cheat description:Particle Projection Cannon start at 50 - code:7400-7528 + code:d64c4f/32 cheat description:Particle Projection Cannon start at 100 - code:1000-7528 + code:d64c4f/64 cheat description:Machine Gun starts at 100 - code:DD00-79B8+1000-7998 + code:de4c46/dd+d64c45/64 cheat description:Machine Gun starts at 1,000 - code:D700-79B8+3600-7998 + code:de4c46/d3+d64c45/e8 cheat description:Machine Gun starts at 10,000 - code:4100-79B8+FD00-7998 + code:de4c46/26+d64c45/fd cheat description:Auto Cannon starts at 50 - code:7400-7928 + code:d64c47/32 cheat description:Auto Cannon starts at 100 - code:1000-7928 + code:d64c47/64 cheat description:Auto Cannon starts at 250 - code:EC00-7928 + code:d64c47/ec cheat description:Large Laser starts at 50 - code:7400-7128+DD00-75F8 + code:d64c4b/32+de4c4f/dd cheat description:Large Laser starts at 1,000 - code:3600-7128+D700-75F8 + code:d64c4b/e8+de4c4f/d3 cheat description:Large Laser starts at 10,000 - code:FD00-7128+4100-75F8 + code:d64c4b/fd+de4c4f/26 cheat - description:Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 10 - code:DC00-7198 + description:"Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 10 + code:d64c49/dc cheat - description:Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 50 - code:7400-7198 + description:"Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 50 + code:d64c49/32 cheat - description:Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 250 - code:EC00-7198 + description:"Inferno" Short-Range Missiles start at 250 + code:d64c49/ec cheat - description:Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 20 - code:F009-7098 + description:"Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 20 + code:d64c51/f4 cheat - description:Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 100 - code:1009-7098 + description:"Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 100 + code:d64c51/64 cheat - description:Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 250 - code:EC09-7098 + description:"Maelstrom" Long-Range Missiles start at 250 + code:d64c51/ec cheat - description:Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 10 - code:DC00-7598 + description:"Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 10 + code:d64c4d/dc cheat - description:Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 100 - code:1000-7598 + description:"Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 100 + code:d64c4d/64 cheat - description:Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 250 - code:EC00-7598 + description:"Thunder" Time-Delay Mines start at 250 + code:d64c4d/ec cartridge sha256:ee1a030f30f3ab06361921447b3fcf84c987dd13d76e62964e44720e0ec82c56 name:Mega lo Mania (Europe) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Infinite number of people to use - code:7EE8D9:64 + code:7ee8d9/64 cartridge sha256:a255fec32453739903a1954149f19bc9658f4a415600b44badf1d4e5e13a16f9 name:Mega Man 7 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit (blinking) - code:6D79-84A0 + code:c9325a/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2DB-5F62 + code:f3d5be/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:D9DB-5DA2 + code:fbd5b6/d5 cheat description:Infinite E-Tanks - code:C209-7DA4 + code:f84856/cd cheat description:Infinite W-Tanks - code:C20B-7DD4 + code:f448b7/cd cheat description:Infinite S-Tanks - code:C20E-7D04 + code:f048e5/cd cheat description:Infinite Beat Whistles - code:C277-8F00 + code:f1323d/cd cheat description:Infinite weapon energy - code:FE42-E405 + code:812fd9/fe cheat description:One hit kills - code:40DE-7FD2 + code:f7d4ef/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DD8-7DD2 + code:f7d4b7/8d cheat description:Multi-jump - code:7451-EFA5+4D51-E4D5+BC51-E405+FF51-E465+1D51-E4A5+1DFC-E400+5EFC-E460+C951-EDD5+0951-ED05+DC51-ED65+BD51-EDA5+D751-EFD5+4D51-EF05+8551-EF65 + code:b97f6e/32+857f6b/2d+817f69/bc+817f6a/ff+897f6a/6d+81f3c9/6d+81f3ca/7e+b57f67/c5+b17f65/45+b17f66/dc+b97f66/bd+b57f6f/d3+b17f6d/2d+b17f6e/b7 cheat description:Always Shoot Shots - code:FF40-E405 + code:812f49/ff cheat description:Always shoot Freeze Cracker - code:4040-E405 + code:812f49/24 cheat description:Always shoot Scorch Wheel - code:4140-E405 + code:812f49/26 cheat description:Always shoot Danger Wrap Bombs - code:4340-E405 + code:812f49/2e cheat description:Always shoot Noise Crush - code:1140-E405 + code:812f49/66 cheat description:Always shoot Fully Charged Mega Buster Blasts - code:5240-E405 + code:812f49/7d cheat description:Always shoot Slash Claw - code:BA40-E405 + code:812f49/ba cheat description:Always shoot Thunder Bolt - code:8940-E405 + code:812f49/b5 cheat description:Always shoot Wild Coil - code:E740-E405 + code:812f49/e3 cheat description:Always shoot Charged Wild Coils - code:EE40-E405 + code:812f49/ee cheat description:White Shots/Special Weapons - code:EE02-E465 + code:814fda/ee cheat description:Infinite E-Tanks (alt) - code:7E0BA0:FF + code:7e0ba0/ff cheat description:Infinite W-Tanks (alt) - code:7E0BA1:FF + code:7e0ba1/ff cheat description:Infinite S-Tanks (alt) - code:7E0BA2:FF + code:7e0ba2/ff cheat description:Infinite Beat Whistles (alt) - code:7E0BA3:84 + code:7e0ba3/84 cheat description:Infinite Bolts - code:7E0BA6:E7+7E0BA7:03 + code:7e0ba6/e7+7e0ba7/03 cheat description:Infinite slide - code:7E0C61:FF + code:7e0c61/ff cheat description:Moon-jump - code:7E0C1A:F4 + code:7e0c1a/f4 cheat description:Have exit - code:7E0BA4:FF + code:7e0ba4/ff cheat description:Have S.Adapt - code:7E0B9F:FF + code:7e0b9f/ff cheat description:Have Super Fist upgrade for S.Adapt - code:7E0BA4:4F + code:7e0ba4/4f cheat description:Have Proto Shield - code:7E0B95:FF + code:7e0b95/ff cheat description:Infinite Feeze Cracker - code:7E0B85:FF + code:7e0b85/ff cheat description:Infinite Junk Shield - code:7E0B89:FF + code:7e0b89/ff cheat description:Infinite Scorch Wheel - code:7E0B8B:FF + code:7e0b8b/ff cheat description:Infinite Slash Claw - code:7E0B8D:FF + code:7e0b8d/ff cheat description:Infinite Thunder Bolt - code:7E0B87:FF + code:7e0b87/ff cheat description:Infinite Noise Crush - code:7E0B8F:FF + code:7e0b8f/ff cheat description:Infinite Danger Wrap - code:7E0B91:FF + code:7e0b91/ff cheat description:Infinite Wild Coil - code:7E0B93:FF + code:7e0b93/ff cheat description:Infinite Rush Coil - code:7E0B9B:FF + code:7e0b9b/ff cheat description:Infinite Rush Search - code:7E0B97:FF + code:7e0b97/ff cheat description:Infinite Rush Jet - code:7E0B99:FF + code:7e0b99/ff cartridge sha256:b8f70a6e7fb93819f79693578887e2c11e196bdf1ac6ddc7cb924b1ad0be2d32 name:Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite weapons once obtained - code:DDB3-4FA9 + code:b9b4ee/dd cheat description:Immune to drain attack - code:C2AD-4401 + code:81a8d9/cd cheat description:One hit kills (most enemies) - code:6DB5-CD97 + code:34bf75/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40B1-34F4 + code:8cbb6b/24 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4065-17A9+EA66-1409+B966-1469 + code:89857e/24+818589/ea+81858a/b5 cheat description:Enemies always drop large energy - code:C4CB-3DBD+D4CB-3D2D + code:bfc7b6/c2+b7c7b7/d2 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon energy - code:C4CB-3DBD+D0CB-3D2D + code:bfc7b6/c2+b7c7b7/d4 cheat description:Bogus jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:D08A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/d4 cheat description:Super-jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:D58A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/d7 cheat description:Mega-jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:DB8A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/db cheat description:Start with less health - code:D6BE-47AF + code:8bbcee/d8 cheat description:Start with more health - code:4DBE-47AF + code:8bbcee/2d cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBBE-446F + code:83bcea/db cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1BE-446F + code:83bcea/d6 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D0BE-446F + code:83bcea/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDBE-446F + code:83bcea/dd cheat description:Max health containers - code:7E1F9A:20 + code:7e1f9a/20 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1F80:09 + code:7e1f80/09 cheat description:Have all equipment - code:7E1F99:FF + code:7e1f99/ff cheat description:Enable Hadoken - code:7E1F7E:85 + code:7e1f7e/85 cheat description:Have sub-tank 1 full - code:7E1F83:FF + code:7e1f83/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 2 full - code:7E1F84:FF + code:7e1f84/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 3 full - code:7E1F85:FF + code:7e1f85/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 4 full - code:7E1F86:FF + code:7e1f86/ff cartridge sha256:3e1209f473bff8cd4bcbf71d071e7f8df17a2d564e9a5c4c427ee8198cebb615 name:Mega Man X (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B9-1FF7 + code:bcbd5f/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B9-3404 + code:80bb59/cd cheat description:Infinite weapons once obtained - code:C9B3-4769 + code:81b4ee/c5 cheat description:One hit kills (most enemies) - code:6DB5-CD97 + code:34bf75/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40B1-34F4 + code:8cbb6b/24 cheat description:Weapon charges to 1st power level faster - code:DDB1-4F61 + code:b1b86e/dd cheat description:Disable weapon charging - code:DDB0-4FA1 + code:b9b84e/dd cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4065-1F09+E465-17A9+B966-1DD9 + code:b1857d/24+89857e/e2+b58587/b5 cheat description:Enemies always drop large energy - code:C4C6-379D+D4C6-37BD + code:87c78d/c2+8fc78e/d2 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon energy - code:C4C6-379D+D0C6-37BD + code:87c78d/c2+8fc78e/d4 cheat description:Bogus jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:D08A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/d4 cheat description:Super-jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:D58A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/d7 cheat description:Mega-jump (may go back to normal jumps) - code:DB8A-1FBC + code:bfb1ae/db cheat description:Start with all weapons and all enemies defeated (except Sigma) - code:23BD-3F07 + code:b0bfdd/de cheat description:Start with less health - code:D6BE-47AF + code:8bbcee/d8 cheat description:Start with more health - code:4DBE-47AF + code:8bbcee/2d cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBBE-446F + code:83bcea/db cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1BE-446F + code:83bcea/d6 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D0BE-446F + code:83bcea/d4 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDBE-446F + code:83bcea/dd cheat description:Max health containers - code:7E1F9A:20 + code:7e1f9a/20 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1F80:09 + code:7e1f80/09 cheat description:Have all equipment - code:7E1F99:FF + code:7e1f99/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 1 full - code:7E1F83:FF + code:7e1f83/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 2 full - code:7E1F84:FF + code:7e1f84/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 3 full - code:7E1F85:FF + code:7e1f85/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 4 full - code:7E1F86:FF + code:7e1f86/ff cartridge sha256:f3246755f608a1e1dc9c848b61da3b824c7853b29b3be40df6fc7f2793a887ed name:Mega Man X2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:D6B0-DD4F + code:7bbf44/d8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C223-0414 + code:08d9e9/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:BA23-0FC4 + code:30d9ef/ba cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D2D-AF14 + code:b8dadd/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:4028-A73F+C222-6734+D4E7-DDFB + code:8bdebf/24+08dadf/cd+7eef37/d2 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:40BE-DD44+26BE-D4C4+8BBE-D434 + code:78bbe4/24+40bbeb/d8+48bbeb/bb cheat description:Infinite health (alt 2) - code:7E09FF:20 + code:7e09ff/20 cheat description:Max health containers - code:7E1FD1:20 + code:7e1fd1/20 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1FB3:09 + code:7e1fb3/09 cheat description:Have Shouryuken (F, D, DF + Fire) (must have max health and health containers) - code:7E1FB1:80 + code:7e1fb1/80 cheat description:Infinite L.Tracer - code:7E1FCD:5C + code:7e1fcd/5c cheat description:Infinite Bubble.S - code:7E1FBD:5C + code:7e1fbd/5c cheat description:Infinite Crystal.H - code:7E1FBB:5C + code:7e1fbb/5c cheat description:Infinite Magnet.M - code:7E1FC7:5C + code:7e1fc7/5c cheat description:Infinite S.Burner - code:7E1FC9:5C + code:7e1fc9/5c cheat description:Infinite S.Chain - code:7E1FC5:5C + code:7e1fc5/5c cheat description:Infinite S.Slicer - code:7E1FC3:5C + code:7e1fc3/5c cheat description:Infinite S.Wheel - code:7E1FC1:5C + code:7e1fc1/5c cheat description:Infinite Silk.S - code:7E1FBF:5C + code:7e1fbf/5c cheat description:Infinite G.Crush - code:7E1FCB:5C + code:7e1fcb/5c cheat description:Infinite Dash - code:7E0A2A:16 + code:7e0a2a/16 cheat description:Have all equipment - code:7E1FD0:FF + code:7e1fd0/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 1 full - code:7E1FB6:FF + code:7e1fb6/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 2 full - code:7E1FB7:FF + code:7e1fb7/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 3 full - code:7E1FB8:FF + code:7e1fb8/ff cheat description:Have sub-tank 4 full - code:7E1FB9:FF + code:7e1fb9/ff cheat description:Have Zero's Head, Body and Legs - code:7E1FD6:80+7E1FD7:80+7E1FD8:80 + code:7e1fd6/80+7e1fd7/80+7e1fd8/80 cartridge sha256:65b03268afac296330e8ff8d60dd0825879e13ed658b37713c034a3bd074f1d7 name:Mega Man X3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2AD-6FF7 + code:3caedf/cd cheat description:Infinite special weapons on pick-up - code:82CB-0D2F+82CA-0F2F + code:37cdb7/bd+37cdaf/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40AC-A7B4+6DA0-ADF7+6DAF-AD97 + code:8caace/24+bcae47/8d+b4aef5/8d cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4064-042F+D367-0F9F+C567-0FBF + code:078d2b/24+378d3d/de+3f8d3e/c7 cheat description:Enemies always drop large energy - code:C42E-0D2F+D42E-0FFF + code:37dde7/c2+3fddef/d2 cheat description:Enemies always drop large weapon energy - code:C42E-0D2F+D02E-0FFF + code:37dde7/c2+3fddef/d4 cheat description:Super-jump - code:D586-6F26 + code:36b28f/d7 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:DB86-6F26 + code:36b28f/db cheat description:Ultra mega-jump - code:D886-6F26 + code:36b28f/db cheat description:Normal weapon is much more powerful - code:6DA0-ADF7 + code:bcae47/8d cheat description:Skip bosses at start of game and proceed to stage select - code:B933-DF6C + code:73e3ee/b5 cheat description:Start with max health bar - code:F02A-ADF4 + code:bcdaa7/f4 cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0A08:08 + code:7e0a08/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1FB4:09 + code:7e1fb4/09 cheat description:Infinite Boosts - code:7E0A9A:01 + code:7e0a9a/01 cheat description:Get all equipment when you enter the start menu - code:00CD80:A9+00CD81:FF+00CD82:8D+00CD83:D7 + code:00cd80/a9+00cd81/ff+00cd82/8d+00cd83/d7 cheat description:Always have Super Shot - code:7E0A67:02 + code:7e0a67/02 cheat description:Infinite Air Dash - code:7E0A34:78 + code:7e0a34/78 cheat description:Have Zero-Saber - code:7E1FB2:FC + code:7e1fb2/fc cheat description:Have all upgrades - code:7E1FD1:4F + code:7e1fd1/4f cheat description:Invincible Ride Armor - code:7E0CF8:01 + code:7e0cf8/01 cartridge sha256:cf4d603dc0a3759da571224c671a9bfd29f9e52ca8dbb61bcc8ac8be5481e9b2 name:Mega Man Soccer (USA) cheat description:Choose any character to play as Dr. Willy - code:CBCA-3F60+F0CA-3FA0+DDCA-34D0 + code:b1c3ae/cb+b9c3ae/f4+85c3ab/dd cheat description:View ending (select Capcom Championship) - code:81829B:EE+81829C:E0 + code:81829b/ee+81829c/e0 cheat description:Unlock Capcom Championship mode ending - code:82D1F0:EA+82D1F1:EA+82D1F2:EA+82D1F3:EA + code:82d1f0/ea+82d1f1/ea+82d1f2/ea+82d1f3/ea cheat description:Unlock Tournament mode ending - code:82D29C:EA+82D29D:EA+82D29E:EA+82D29F:EA + code:82d29c/ea+82d29d/ea+82d29e/ea+82d29f/ea + +cartridge sha256:8815a2e8b26450053d43f2450936eced005d81ee9e33faa5aea2dd8d1e3e7d65 + name:Melfand Stories (Japan) + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:b5cc87/8d+b1cc85/f8 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:b1b06e/8d cartridge sha256:d4f2cb6b209db29f7aec62e5a23846681c14665fb007e94d7bcfc7b5611e938b name:Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1968:7F + code:7e1968/7f cheat description:No time - code:7E03C5:00+7E03C7:00 + code:7e03c5/00+7e03c7/00 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E03FE:08 + code:7e03fe/08 cheat description:Infinite Energy Bolt charge - code:7E1B13:96 + code:7e1b13/96 cheat description:Infinite Treble Energy Bolts - code:7E1B17:03 + code:7e1b17/03 cartridge sha256:0a9609a505dd1555006b16f53d961b3ce50c518aa1597a77dcd46e55ecc716ff name:Metal Marines (USA) cheat description:Building an ICBM only takes up one space - code:6DA1-67AD + code:0ba66e/8d cheat description:Can view entire enemy map - code:6DCE-DD03 + code:73cbe5/8d cheat description:Enemy has no attack phase - code:1D25-64A8 + code:0ade7a/6d cheat description:Instant maximum energy - code:DD25-04AD + code:0bd57a/dd cheat description:Instant maximum war funds - code:DD28-0D0D + code:33d5b5/dd cheat description:Enemy always has 0 energy - code:BA21-07AD + code:0bd56e/ba cheat description:Enemy always has 0 war funds - code:BA2C-0F0D + code:33d5cd/ba cartridge sha256:057484558ebd18165f98e556b994080535e31cefdd98b5edb190516f7040fc9d name:Metal Morph (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo for all weapons (disable to change weapons) - code:C926-C7A1 + code:09db8e/c5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C9A9-4F65 + code:b1ac5e/c5 cheat description:Infinite time on continue screen - code:C2AD-4D65 + code:b1acd6/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere (side-scrolling mode) - code:40E0-1F61+40E7-14D1 + code:b1e94e/24+85e93b/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere (flying mode) - code:4084-3FA0+408E-CD00 + code:b9b32e/24+31b3e5/24 cheat description:Start with 255 continues - code:EE6C-1FDD + code:b785cf/ee cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0387:03 + code:7e0387/03 cartridge sha256:0d7f875877fe856066cfb39b4ecdbbe7d48393a75770720876c94419f809bb1c name:Metal Warriors (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (Mech) - code:C38F-4DD0 + code:b5b0f7/ce cheat description:Infinite health (Human) - code:C9A9-3D60 + code:b1a356/c5 cheat description:Infinite Gun ammo on pick-up - code:306C-1D65 + code:b18dc6/e4 cheat description:Press L to go Hyper (Mech) - code:C168-1F05 + code:b18dbd/c6 cartridge sha256:1b425ea5a883b7464637b74c2937fde699ffff52b53ad6940a66285e0663194a name:Michael Jordan - Chaos in the Windy City (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1427:05 + code:7e1427/05 cheat description:Infinite Flame Balls - code:7E594E:05 + code:7e594e/05 cheat description:Infinite Grenade(?) Balls - code:7E5948:05 + code:7e5948/05 cheat description:Infinite Homing Balls - code:7E5950:05 + code:7e5950/05 cheat description:Infinite Bounce Balls - code:7E594C:05 + code:7e594c/05 cheat description:Invincibility and hit anywhere - code:4008-57AD+4008-5FAD+400A-5FAD+6DF0-57AD + code:cb45be/24+fb45be/24+fb45ae/24+cbf54e/8d cartridge sha256:0773eb741ce28f963f767fc7dd44678eb3d37ed4dc7fc82bb9cce7d55f1cfc64 name:Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B8-CAC3 + code:23bbbb/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B3-C313 + code:3bbbe9/cd cheat description:Infinite Marbles - code:C2A8-CA32 + code:2ba7bb/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:2CBB-4AE7+2DBB-4257+C2BB-4A87+D1BB-4277+F1BB-4287 + code:a8bcbb/dc+bcbcb5/dd+acbcba/cd+bcbcb4/d6+bcbcb6/f6 cheat description:Each Marble worth 99 - code:CB8C-C27A + code:3ebbc4/cb cheat description:One hit and you're dead - code:DDAA-3869 + code:a1a7ae/dd cheat description:Start with less health - code:D4AA-3869 + code:a1a7ae/d2 cheat description:Start with more health - code:DBAA-3869 + code:a1a7ae/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDA3-36D9 + code:a5a7e3/dd cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1A3-36A9 + code:a9a7e2/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBA3-36A9 + code:a9a7e2/db cheat description:Start on stage - the Wharf - code:DFAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/df cheat description:Start on stage - Mad Doc 1 - code:D4AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d2 cheat description:Start on stage - Mad Doc 2 - code:D7AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d3 cheat description:Start on stage - Ride The Gurney - code:D0AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d4 cheat description:Start on stage - Mad Doc 4 - code:D9AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d5 cheat description:Start on stage - Elevator - code:D1AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d6 cheat description:Start on stage - Mad Doc Eol - code:D5AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d7 cheat description:Start on stage - Moose Hunt - code:D6AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/d8 cheat description:Start on stage - Moose Chase - code:DBAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/db cheat description:Start on stage - Haunted House - code:DCAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/dc cheat description:Start on stage - Haunted Basement - code:D8AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/db cheat description:Start on stage - Haunted Halls - code:DAAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/da cheat description:Start on stage - Garden - code:D2AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/dd cheat description:Start on stage - Tunnel - code:D3AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/de cheat description:Start on stage - Steps - code:DEAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/de cheat description:Start on stage - Table - code:FDAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/fd cheat description:Start on stage - Library - code:FFAB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/ff cheat description:Start on stage - Kitchen - code:F4AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/f2 cheat description:Start on stage - Dungeon - code:F7AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/f3 cheat description:Start on stage - Tower Escape - code:F0AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/f4 cheat description:Start on stage - Dungeon 2 - code:F9AB-3669 + code:a1a7b2/f5 cartridge sha256:453359b20f78787fcfea0dafe715238f0ff3f1d6f4d729285dc72a8004131a3b name:Mickey to Donald - Magical Adventure 3 (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E0454:FF + code:7e0454/ff cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E0554:FF + code:7e0554/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E046F:03 + code:7e046f/03 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E056F:03 + code:7e056f/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0486:04 + code:7e0486/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0586:04 + code:7e0586/04 cheat description:Infinite Oxygen - P1 - code:7E0481:0F + code:7e0481/0f cheat description:Infinite Oxygen - P2 - code:7E0581:0F + code:7e0581/0f cheat description:Max power bar - P1 - code:7E048A:FF + code:7e048a/ff cheat description:Max power bar - P2 - code:7E058A:FF + code:7e058a/ff cartridge sha256:a2adeb4bf0e7cc943611ac726e5578da404373a79e91436c9bbd15480688b15c name:Micro Machines (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0323:09 + code:7e0323/09 cartridge sha256:889beb58d2a48a05a6230cabda14555cb030e2e986c0293bdf396e85af5c6798 name:Mighty Max (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0254:A1 + code:7e0254/a1 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:7E0294:03 + code:7e0294/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E028C:09 + code:7e028c/09 cartridge sha256:624a66607caef2ca34920ea15b84b28cdd1916ee089d496cec4f1d43621fdbb3 name:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C280-AD2F + code:b7be47/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C286-6DF4 + code:3cba87/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3CAA-DFDF + code:77afaf/ec cheat description:Infinite bombs on pick-up - code:C2B7-0FF7 + code:3cbd3f/cd cheat description:Collect items from anywhere - code:4084-D794+6D8A-0724+F282-0DF4 + code:44bb2d/24+04b9af/8d+3cb9d7/fd cheat description:Mega-jump - code:EC6A-ADF7 + code:bc8ea7/ec cheat description:More health from capsule - code:AD64-6465 + code:018e2a/ad cheat description:Trini moves faster before morphing - code:D468-04BF + code:0f8dba/d2 cheat description:Billy moves faster before morphing - code:D46C-0DBF + code:3f8dc6/d2 cheat description:Jason moves faster before morphing - code:D46B-04BF + code:0f8dba/d2 cheat description:Kimberley moves faster before morphing - code:AD6C-049F + code:078dc9/ad cheat description:Zach moves faster before morphing - code:D468-0DBF + code:3f8db6/d2 cheat description:Trini moves faster after morphing - code:EE62-0DBF + code:3f8dd6/ee cheat description:Billy moves faster after morphing - code:EE6A-049F + code:078da9/ee cheat description:Jason moves faster after morphing - code:D46A-0D9F + code:378da5/d2 cheat description:Kimberley moves faster after morphing - code:AD62-0D9F + code:378dd5/ad cheat description:Zach moves faster, but the wrong way - code:EE62-04BF + code:0f8dda/ee cheat description:Start game with full health - code:AD82-64DD + code:07b6db/ad cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD8A-6DDD + code:37b6a7/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D98A-6DDD + code:37b6a7/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D68A-6DDD + code:37b6a7/d8 cheat description:Infinite health (Megazord) - code:7E04C0:71 + code:7e04c0/71 cheat description:Infinite power (Megazord) - code:7E04C2:71 + code:7e04c2/71 cartridge sha256:1b85c0690aa156a255c7f79e133e453345452698fa98abf8df744c262d0cf865 name:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1A22:70 + code:7e1a22/70 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1A26:70 + code:7e1a26/70 cheat description:Special maxed - P1 - code:7E06A0:30 + code:7e06a0/30 cheat description:Special maxed -P2 - code:7E06A6:30 + code:7e06a6/30 cheat description:Play As Ivan Ooze - P1 - code:7E1A68:10 + code:7e1a68/10 cheat description:Play as Ivan Ooze - P2 - code:7E1A6C:10 + code:7e1a6c/10 cheat description:Infinite round time - code:7E06B8:06+7E06BA:00 + code:7e06b8/06+7e06ba/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E06BC:01 + code:7e06bc/01 cheat description:Special 1 - P1 - code:7E1B00:07+7E1B02:0C + code:7e1b00/07+7e1b02/0c cheat description:Special 2 - P1 - code:7E1B08:07+7E1B0A:0C + code:7e1b08/07+7e1b0a/0c cheat description:Special 3 - P1 - code:7E1B10:07+7E1B12:0C + code:7e1b10/07+7e1b12/0c cheat description:Special 4 - P1 - code:7E1B18:07+7E1B1A:0C + code:7e1b18/07+7e1b1a/0c cheat description:Special 5 - P1 - code:7E1B20:07+7E1B22:0C + code:7e1b20/07+7e1b22/0c cheat description:Special 1 - P2 - code:7E1B04:07+7E1B06:0C + code:7e1b04/07+7e1b06/0c cheat description:Special 2 - P2 - code:7E1B0C:07+7E1B0E:0C + code:7e1b0c/07+7e1b0e/0c cheat description:Special 3 - P2 - code:7E1B14:07+7E1B16:0C + code:7e1b14/07+7e1b16/0c cheat description:Special 4 - P2 - code:7E1B1C:07+7E1B1E:0C + code:7e1b1c/07+7e1b1e/0c cheat description:Special 5 - P2 - code:7E1B24:07+7E1B26:0C + code:7e1b24/07+7e1b26/0c cheat description:Super move - P2 - code:7E1B34:03+7E1B36:18 + code:7e1b34/03+7e1b36/18 cartridge sha256:c706b70097c679f6f0ced6f77a30620807d0b2555fc3c683c0ec2fc791176039 name:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6286-D46A + code:42bb8a/8d cheat description:Infinite life force - code:C226-07A2 + code:0bd58e/cd cheat description:Almost infinite life force - code:8B26-07A2 + code:0bd58e/bb cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C229-0D6A + code:32d956/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - 1P mode - code:C2E0-DF0A + code:72eb4d/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - 2P mode - code:C2B1-AFAA + code:baba6e/cd cheat description:Large main power-up box gives max power - code:F620-0FA2 + code:3bd54e/f8 cheat description:Main collectable power doesn't go down after ranger powerup as fast - code:3C8D-6D67+3CA4-64DA + code:30bed6/ec+06aa2b/ec cheat description:One hit kills - code:6D27-AD6A + code:b2da36/8d cheat description:No continues - code:DDA8-0DDD + code:37a5b7/dd cheat description:Start with mega-points - code:D7AA-0DDD + code:37a5a7/d3 cheat description:Start with a lot of energy - first life only - code:DBA2-04AD + code:0ba5da/db cheat description:Start with very little energy - first life only - code:DFA2-04AD + code:0ba5da/df cheat description:Start with very little energy after first life - code:DF29-07DA + code:06d95f/df cheat description:Start with more energy after first life - code:DB29-07DA + code:06d95f/db cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBA8-0DDD + code:37a5b7/db cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB6E-0D6D + code:3385e6/db cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D96E-0D6D + code:3385e6/d5 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF6E-0D6D + code:3385e6/df cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E1C28:01 + code:7e1c28/01 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0628:05 + code:7e0628/05 cheat description:Infinite power - P1 - code:7E062A:18 + code:7e062a/18 cheat description:Infinite time - P1 - code:FF4139:09 + code:ff4139/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E060A:09 + code:7e060a/09 cartridge sha256:2828e4485357585714f16f5bf96910794e22e4dfd19f2a22ce20d0a599f25878 name:Miracle Girls (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1D3F-E4AD + code:8be7fa/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C243-7707 + code:c02ced/cd cartridge sha256:8715a641f2e4dd8b6066be7f2683d9129fff3fcccaf0a09cc8bdd2aa56460764 name:Mohawk & Headphone Jack (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0308:03 + code:7e0308/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0306:05 + code:7e0306/05 cartridge sha256:6b0ac4d52d24536cdb7d9d0dc7d19ee30d08ac34363983290c5912ccc850fa0d name:Monopoly (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Land, rent and some other things are free - all players - code:1D85-6FDF + code:37be7f/6d cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $50 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+7485-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/32+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $100 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+1085-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/64+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $200 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+A685-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/a8+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $500 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+E085-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/e4+33be7e/dd cheat description:Always throw double 6's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D1B3-AF6D+D1B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d6+bbb6ee/d6 cheat description:Always throw double 5's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D9B3-AF6D+D9B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d5+bbb6ee/d5 cheat description:Always throw double 4's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D0B3-AF6D+D0B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d4+bbb6ee/d4 cheat description:Always throw double 3's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D4B3-AF6D+D7B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d2+bbb6ee/d3 cheat description:Always throw double 2's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D4B3-AF6D+D4B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d2+bbb6ee/d2 cheat description:Always throw double 1's - code:CBB3-AF0D+DFB3-AF6D+DFB3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/df+bbb6ee/df cheat description:P1 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F2:01 + code:7e08f2/01 cheat description:P2 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F4:01 + code:7e08f4/01 cheat description:P3 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F6:01 + code:7e08f6/01 cheat description:P4 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F8:01 + code:7e08f8/01 cheat description:P5 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FA:01 + code:7e08fa/01 cheat description:P6 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FC:01 + code:7e08fc/01 cheat description:P7 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FE:01 + code:7e08fe/01 cheat description:P8 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E0900:01 + code:7e0900/01 cartridge sha256:480ae7186fd5b28200cd88e136b9cd3b6600d32508e280a0bc27ea0ed8d3c0bb name:Monopoly (USA) cheat description:Land, rent and some other things are free - all players - code:1D85-6FDF + code:37be7f/6d cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $50 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+7485-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/32+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $100 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+1085-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/64+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $200 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+A685-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/a8+33be7e/dd cheat description:Land, rent, and some other things are $500 - all players - code:3B85-6FDF+E085-6F0F+DD85-6F6F + code:37be7f/eb+33be7d/e4+33be7e/dd cheat description:Always throw double 6's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D1B3-AF6D+D1B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d6+bbb6ee/d6 cheat description:Always throw double 5's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D9B3-AF6D+D9B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d5+bbb6ee/d5 cheat description:Always throw double 4's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D0B3-AF6D+D0B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d4+bbb6ee/d4 cheat description:Always throw double 3's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D4B3-AF6D+D7B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d2+bbb6ee/d3 cheat description:Always throw double 2's - code:CBB3-AF0D+D4B3-AF6D+D4B3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/d2+bbb6ee/d2 cheat description:Always throw double 1's - code:CBB3-AF0D+DFB3-AF6D+DFB3-AFAD + code:b3b6ed/cb+b3b6ee/df+bbb6ee/df cheat description:P1 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F2:01 + code:7e08f2/01 cheat description:P2 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F4:01 + code:7e08f4/01 cheat description:P3 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F6:01 + code:7e08f6/01 cheat description:P4 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08F8:01 + code:7e08f8/01 cheat description:P5 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FA:01 + code:7e08fa/01 cheat description:P6 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FC:01 + code:7e08fc/01 cheat description:P7 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E08FE:01 + code:7e08fe/01 cheat description:P8 has a Get Out Of Jail card - code:7E0900:01 + code:7e0900/01 cartridge sha256:3c6d3e4a9c9af160f1c1cf11ce4ead531d9500c1f58f1cbe682c90a5eaa3efb2 name:Mortal Kombat (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except against throws) - code:40C2-4FDF+40C2-446F+3DC2-476F+55C2-47AF+F5C3-4DDF+1DB9-34AF + code:b7ccdf/24+83ccda/24+83ccde/ed+8bccde/77+b7cce7/f7+8bbf5a/6d cheat description:Infinite health - code:CF30-CFAF+6230-C40F+8B30-C46F + code:3bef4e/cf+03ef49/8d+03ef4a/bb cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9B2-17AF + code:8bbdde/c5 cheat description:Have much more fatality time - code:5EB5-3F64 + code:b0bb7e/7e cheat description:Always get Flawless Victory bonus - code:6DB8-3D67 + code:b0bfb6/8d cheat description:First strike of any kind wins round - code:DDBC-370F + code:83bfcd/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:3DBF-3D0F+27BF-3D6F+F6BF-3DAF+74BF-3F0F + code:b3bff5/ed+b3bff6/d3+bbbff6/f8+b3bffd/32 cheat description:All strikes do minimal damage (all equal to 1 hit point) (2P game only, donï¾’t choose handicap for either player) - code:DDBF-1FA4 + code:b8b9fe/dd cheat description:P1 nearly invincible in 2P game (go to options, move P1ï¾’s handicap bar all the way to the right) - code:D881-404F + code:9bbc60/db cheat description:One button fatalities - Liu Kang (Press Down) - code:DD2D-146D + code:83d5da/dd cheat description:One button fatalities - Johnny Cage (Press Y) - code:D6A0-C404 + code:00ab49/d8 cheat description:One button fatalities - Kano (Press B) - code:D62D-44AF + code:8bdcda/d8 cheat description:One button fatalities - Sonya (Press L or R) - code:DD2A-CDD4 + code:34dba7/dd cheat description:One button fatalities - Sub Zero (Press Y) - code:D6AE-4DD7 + code:b4ace7/d8 cheat description:One button fatalities - Raiden (Press Y) - code:D6AD-3D04 + code:b0abd5/d8 cheat description:One button fatalities - Scorpion (Press Up, L or R) - code:D227-47AD + code:8bd43e/dd cheat description:All throws do more damage - code:56B9-4DAD + code:bbb456/78 cheat description:Kano's High Punch does more damage - code:F320-1914 + code:98d945/fe cheat description:Kano's Low Punch does more damage - code:F320-15C4 + code:90d94f/fe cheat description:Kano's High Kick does more damage - code:0626-1514 + code:98d98d/48 cheat description:Kano's Low Kick does more damage - code:062B-19C4 + code:90d9b7/48 cheat description:Kano's Head Blow does more damage - code:0621-1044 + code:98d960/48 cheat description:Kano's Knee does more damage - code:0629-1934 + code:98d957/48 cheat description:Kano's Crouched Kick does more damage - code:7A26-1944 + code:98d984/3a cheat description:Kano's Uppercut does more damage - code:5625-1134 + code:98d97b/78 cheat description:Kano's Roundhouse Kick does more damage - code:1D27-1544 + code:98d93c/6d cheat description:Kano's Foot Sweep does more damage - code:7A25-10C4 + code:90d973/3a cheat description:Kano's Flying Punch does more damage - code:082C-1144 + code:98d9c8/4b cheat description:Kano's Knife does more damage (only at close distance) - code:0824-11C4 + code:90d92b/4b cheat description:Johnny Cage's High Punch does more damage - code:F32C-4944 + code:98d8c4/fe cheat description:Johnny Cage's Low Punch does more damage - code:F32C-4514 + code:98d8cd/fe cheat description:Johnny Cage's High Kick does more damage - code:062B-40C4 + code:90d8b3/48 cheat description:Johnny Cage's Low Kick does more damage - code:042B-4134 + code:98d8bb/42 cheat description:Johnny Cage's Head Blow does more damage - code:7A2A-4144 + code:98d8a8/3a cheat description:Johnny Cage's Knee does more damage - code:0622-4014 + code:98d8d1/48 cheat description:Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does more damage - code:F628-4534 + code:98d8bf/f8 cheat description:Johnny Cage's Uppercut does more damage - code:5622-41C4 + code:90d8db/78 cheat description:Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does more damage - code:1D26-4114 + code:98d889/6d cheat description:Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does more damage - code:7A28-49C4 + code:90d8b7/3a cheat description:Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does more damage - code:0826-4044 + code:98d880/4b cheat description:Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does more damage - code:9C20-41C4 + code:90d84b/5c cheat description:Johnny Cage's Fireball does more damage (only at close distance) - code:0821-4914 + code:98d865/4b cheat description:Johnny Cage's Split Punch does more damage - code:1129-4544 + code:98d85c/66 cheat description:Liu Kang's High Punch does more damage - code:F323-C034 + code:18dbe3/fe cheat description:Liu Kang's Low Punch does more damage - code:F323-C544 + code:18dbec/fe cheat description:Liu Kang's High Kick does more damage - code:0624-30C4 + code:90db23/48 cheat description:Liu Kang's Low Kick does more damage - code:0624-3134 + code:98db2b/48 cheat description:Liu Kang's Head Blow does more damage - code:7A28-C534 + code:18dbbf/3a cheat description:Liu Kang's Knee does more damage - code:062E-C914 + code:18dbe5/48 cheat description:Liu Kang's Crouched Kick does more damage - code:7A2F-3114 + code:98dbf9/3a cheat description:Liu Kang's Uppercut does more damage - code:562F-3044 + code:98dbf0/78 cheat description:Liu Kang's Roundhouse Kick does more damage - code:1D22-C1C4 + code:10dbdb/6d cheat description:Liu Kang's Foot Sweep does more damage - code:7A2D-3934 + code:98dbd7/3a cheat description:Liu Kang's Flying Punch does more damage - code:0827-3514 + code:98db3d/4b cheat description:Liu Kang's Special Flying Kick does more damage - code:9C28-C9C4 + code:10dbb7/5c cheat description:Liu Kang's Fireball does more damage (only at close distance) - code:082A-C144 + code:18dba8/4b cheat description:Sonya Blade's High Punch does more damage - code:F32F-393F + code:9bdff7/fe cheat description:Sonya Blade's Low Punch does more damage - code:F324-304F + code:9bdf20/fe cheat description:Sonya Blade's High Kick does more damage - code:9023-C01F + code:1bdfe1/54 cheat description:Sonya Blade's Low Kick does more damage - code:9F23-C1CF + code:13dfeb/5f cheat description:Sonya Blade's Head Blow does more damage - code:7A2E-C03F + code:1bdfe3/3a cheat description:Sonya Blade's Knee does more damage - code:062E-C54F + code:1bdfec/48 cheat description:Sonya Blade's Crouched Kick does more damage - code:7A2D-35CF + code:93dfdf/3a cheat description:Sonya Blade's Uppercut does more damage - code:5624-311F + code:9bdf29/78 cheat description:Sonya Blade's Roundhouse Kick does more damage - code:1122-C14F + code:1bdfd8/66 cheat description:Sonya Blade's Foot Sweep does more damage - code:7A2A-C53F + code:1bdfaf/3a cheat description:Sonya Blade's Flying Punch does more damage - code:0827-313F + code:9bdf3b/4b cheat description:Sonya Blade's Leg Grab does more damage - code:5620-17A7 + code:88dd4e/78 cheat description:Sonya Blade's Sonic Rings does more damage (only at close distance) - code:0822-C13F + code:1bdfdb/4b cheat description:Sonya Blade's Special Flying Kick does more damage - code:0827-313F + code:9bdf3b/4b cheat description:Rayden's High Punch does more damage - code:F324-C914 + code:18db25/fe cheat description:Rayden's Low Punch does more damage - code:F327-C934 + code:18db37/fe cheat description:Rayden's High Kick does more damage - code:092F-C034 + code:18dbf3/45 cheat description:Rayden's Low Kick does more damage - code:042F-C544 + code:18dbfc/42 cheat description:Rayden's Head Blow does more damage - code:7A29-C0C4 + code:10db53/3a cheat description:Rayden's Knee does more damage - code:0629-C134 + code:18db5b/48 cheat description:Rayden's Crouched Kick does more damage - code:F620-C114 + code:18db49/f8 cheat description:Rayden's Uppercut does more damage - code:5621-C944 + code:18db64/78 cheat description:Rayden's Roundhouse Kick does more damage - code:9C2D-C1C4 + code:10dbdb/5c cheat description:Rayden's Foot Sweep does more damage - code:7A20-C044 + code:18db40/3a cheat description:Rayden's Flying Punch does more damage - code:082D-C014 + code:18dbd1/4b cheat description:Rayden's Flying Thunderbolt does more damage - code:9C22-1514 + code:98d9dd/5c cheat description:Rayden's Lightning does more damage (only at close distance) - code:0823-19C4 + code:90d9e7/4b cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Punch do more damage - code:F328-3934 + code:98dbb7/fe cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Punch do more damage - code:F32A-3044 + code:98dba0/fe cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's High Kick do more damage - code:062E-39C4 + code:90dbe7/48 cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Low Kick do more damage - code:062E-3534 + code:98dbef/48 cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Head Blow do more damage - code:7A22-30C4 + code:90dbd3/3a cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Knee do more damage - code:062A-3114 + code:98dba9/48 cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Crouched Kick do more damage - code:F62F-41C7 + code:90dcfb/f8 cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Uppercut do more damage - code:562C-35C4 + code:90dbcf/78 cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Roundhouse Kick do more damage - code:1D2F-4017 + code:98dcf1/6d cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Foot Sweep do more damage - code:7A2D-4147 + code:98dcd8/3a cheat description:Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Flying Punch do more damage - code:0823-3944 + code:98dbe4/4b cheat description:Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Deep Freeze do damage - code:462C-3914 + code:98dbc5/28 cheat description:Sub-Zero's and Reptile's Slide do more damage - code:4525-3144 + code:98db78/27 cheat description:Scorpion's and Reptile's Harpoon do more damage - code:F626-31C4 + code:90db8b/f8 cheat description:Scorpion's and Reptile's Scorpion Split do more damage - code:0823-3944 + code:98dbe4/4b cheat description:Each round is 199 seconds (time counts down twice) - code:D466-3D04 + code:b08b85/d2 cheat description:Each round is 90 seconds - code:BF66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/bf+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 80 seconds - code:6F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/8f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 70 seconds - code:5F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/7f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 60 seconds - code:1F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/6f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 50 seconds - code:9F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/5f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 40 seconds - code:0F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/4f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 30 seconds - code:7F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/3f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 20 seconds - code:4F66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/2f+b08b85/dd cheat description:Each round is 10 seconds - code:FF66-3DD4+DD66-3D04 + code:b48b87/ff+b08b85/dd cheat description:Always fight in the the Courtyard - code:DD6A-47AF + code:8b8cae/dd cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight at the Palace Gates - code:CB6A-44AF+DF6A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/df cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight in the Warrior Shrine - code:CB6A-44AF+D46A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/d2 cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight in the Pit - code:CB6A-44AF+D76A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/d3 cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight in the Throne Room - code:CB6A-44AF+D06A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/d4 cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight in Goro's Lair - code:CB6A-44AF+D96A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/d5 cheat description:After 1st match, almost always fight in the bottom of the pit (screen says Goro's Lair) - code:CB6A-44AF+D16A-47DF + code:8b8caa/cb+878caf/d6 cheat description:Almost always fight Johnny Cage - code:CBBA-394F+DDBA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/dd cheat description:Almost always fight Kano - code:CBBA-394F+DFBA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/df cheat description:Almost always fight Rayden - code:CBBA-394F+D4BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d2 cheat description:Almost always fight Liu Kang - code:CBBA-394F+D7BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d3 cheat description:Almost always fight Scorpion - code:CBBA-394F+D0BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d4 cheat description:Almost always fight Sub-Zero - code:CBBA-394F+D9BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d5 cheat description:Almost always fight Sonya Blade - code:CBBA-394F+D1BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d6 cheat description:Almost always fight Goro (don't use Kano's or Johnny Cage's finishing move on Goro) - code:CBBA-394F+D5BA-391F + code:9bbfa4/cb+9bbfa5/d7 cheat description:Start on Match 2 - code:DF61-14DD + code:87856b/df cheat description:Start on Match 3 - code:D461-14DD + code:87856b/d2 cheat description:Start on Match 4 - code:D761-14DD + code:87856b/d3 cheat description:Start on Match 5 - code:D061-14DD + code:87856b/d4 cheat description:Start on Match 6 - code:D961-14DD + code:87856b/d5 cheat description:Start on Mirror Match - code:D161-14DD + code:87856b/d6 cheat description:Start on Endurance 1 match - code:D561-14DD + code:87856b/d7 cheat description:Start on Endurance 2 match - code:D661-14DD + code:87856b/d8 cheat description:Start on Endurance 3 match - code:DB61-14DD + code:87856b/db cheat description:Start on match with Goro - code:DC61-14DD + code:87856b/dc cheat description:Start on match with Shang Tsung - code:D861-14DD + code:87856b/db cartridge sha256:6caa0ab221a3e690a104baa4935fc86dbc385d4272e88afb46b999bf6c6edb36 name:Mortal Kombat - Shinken Kourin Densetsu (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:CF31-4F64+6231-44D4+EB31-4404+D031-4464 + code:b0e86e/cf+84e86b/8d+80e869/eb+80e86a/d4 cheat description:One hit kill - P1 - code:DD3C-44D4+623C-4464+E83C-44A4+D03C-47D4 + code:84e8cb/dd+80e8ca/8d+88e8ca/eb+84e8cf/d4 cartridge sha256:43e36a74fb73a7efc46b380599e269b1fff8f55ecf80f5cf50c34d02ceda041a name:Mortal Kombat II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:C2B1-14F7 + code:8cbd6b/cd cheat description:Invincibility - P2/CPU - code:C2B5-14F7 + code:8cbd7b/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:CB89-4FAA+CF89-44DA+DD89-440A+EA89-44AA+4389-47DA + code:bab85e/cb+86b85b/cf+82b859/dd+8ab85a/ea+86b85f/2e cheat description:Infinite time - code:6DC7-1DAA + code:bac936/8d cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2C4-47AA + code:8ac82e/cd cheat description:No health - P1 - code:DDB1-1FF7 + code:bcbd6f/dd cheat description:No health - P2/CPU - code:DDB5-1FF7 + code:bcbd7f/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:0DB0-4F97+2DB0-4FF7+3DB0-4D97+DDB0-4DB7 + code:b4bc4d/4d+bcbc4f/dd+b4bc45/ed+bcbc46/dd cheat description:Have 127x more fatality time - code:5EC2-CF02 + code:33c7dd/7e cheat description:Disable throws - 2P mode - code:622B-C7AC + code:0bd3be/8d cheat description:Mileena's Sai Throw does massive damage - code:06E1-17D4 + code:84e96f/48 cheat description:Liu Kang's High Fireball does massive damage - code:06E9-1DD7 + code:b4ed57/48 cheat description:Kung Lao's Hat Throw does massive damage - code:06E2-1767 + code:80edde/48 cheat description:Cage's Shadow Kick does massive damage - code:06EF-4767 + code:80ecfe/48 cheat description:Reptile's Force Ball does massive damage - code:06EB-17AF + code:8bedbe/48 cheat description:Shang Tsung's Flaming Skull attack does massive damage - code:06E0-4FA4 + code:b8e84e/48 cheat description:Kitana's Fan Throw does massive damage - code:06E9-17A4 + code:88e95e/48 cheat description:Baraka's Blade Spark does massive damage - code:06EE-C4A4 + code:08ebea/48 cheat description:Rayden's Lightning Bolt does massive damage - code:06E4-34DF + code:87ef2b/48 cheat description:Enable all 2P rules/moves when fighting computer - code:6DCF-4D9D + code:b7c4f5/8d cheat description:Always fight Kung Lao - code:CBC6-3D6E+DDC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/dd cheat description:Always fight Liu Kang - code:CBC6-3D6E+DFC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/df cheat description:Always fight Cage - code:CBC6-3D6E+D4C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d2 cheat description:Always fight Baraka - code:CBC6-3D6E+D7C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d3 cheat description:Always fight Kitana - code:CBC6-3D6E+D0C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d4 cheat description:Always fight Mileena - code:CBC6-3D6E+D9C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d5 cheat description:Always fight Shang Tsung - code:CBC6-3D6E+D1C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d6 cheat description:Always fight Rayden - code:CBC6-3D6E+D5C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d7 cheat description:Always fight Sub-Zero - code:CBC6-3D6E+D6C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/d8 cheat description:Always fight Reptile - code:CBC6-3D6E+DBC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/db cheat description:Always fight Scorpion - code:CBC6-3D6E+DCC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/dc cheat description:Always fight Jax - code:CBC6-3D6E+D8C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/db cheat description:Always fight Kintaro - code:CBC6-3D6E+DAC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/da cheat description:Always fight Shao Kahn - code:CBC6-3D6E+D2C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/dd cheat description:Always fight Smoke - code:CBC6-3D6E+D3C6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/de cheat description:Always fight Noob Saibot - code:CBC6-3D6E+DEC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/de cheat description:Always fight Jade - code:CBC6-3D6E+FDC6-3DAE + code:b3cb86/cb+bbcb86/fd cheat description:Start with 0 continues - code:DF8C-CDDA + code:36bbc7/df cheat description:Start with 2 continues - code:D78C-CDDA + code:36bbc7/d3 cheat description:Start with 6 continues - code:D58C-CDDA + code:36bbc7/d7 cheat description:Start with 8 continues - code:DB8C-CDDA + code:36bbc7/db cheat description:Invincibility - P1 (alt) - code:849C68:80+849C69:09+849C7B:00+85AA52:60+85AB1C:60+85AC2A:60 + code:849c68/80+849c69/09+849c7b/00+85aa52/60+85ab1c/60+85ac2a/60 cheat description:Invincibility - P2/CPU (alt) - code:849C68:80+849C69:06+849C76:00+85AA52:60+85AB1C:60+85AC2A:60 + code:849c68/80+849c69/06+849c76/00+85aa52/60+85ab1c/60+85ac2a/60 cartridge sha256:ca2f86ca77f822fcd8e86f5a287f2a76d0becbb81a7bce73ae22909beb2f834c name:Mortal Kombat II (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:P1 is killed by one hit - code:DDB1-1FF7 + code:bcbd6f/dd cheat description:P2/CPU is killed by one hit - code:DDB5-1FF7 + code:bcbd7f/dd cheat description:Have 127x more fatality time - code:5EC3-CF02 + code:33c7ed/7e cheat description:Disable throws - 2P mode - code:622B-C7AC + code:0bd3be/8d cheat description:Enable all 2P rules/moves when fighting computer - code:6DCF-4D9D + code:b7c4f5/8d cartridge sha256:417874aa57856fe93eefdb24066fa1a9ca3f23c72c09d5247ae2b3ab4b3d09d1 name:Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:C230-CD62 + code:33e746/cd cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:C239-CD62 + code:33e756/cd cheat description:P1 takes all damage - code:DD37-CF62 + code:33e73e/dd cheat description:P2 takes all damage - code:6D37-CF02 + code:33e73d/8d cheat description:Infinite continues - code:A220-3FB6 + code:bed34e/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:DDE6-3D6E+EDE6-3DAE+D7E6-3FDE+EE30-14A2+0AE6-3F0E+0AE6-340E+0AE6-34DE+39E6-346E+39E6-3FAE+3DE6-3DDE+6D30-1462+C4E6-3F6E+D4E6-3D0E + code:b3eb86/dd+bbeb86/ed+b7eb8f/d3+8be54a/ee+b3eb8d/4a+83eb89/4a+87eb8b/4a+83eb8a/e5+bbeb8e/e5+b7eb87/ed+83e54a/8d+b3eb8e/c2+b3eb85/d2 cheat description:Press A on main menu for Sound Test - code:D42E-44D8 + code:86dceb/d2 cheat description:Press Up on main menu for Kool Stuff Menu - code:D424-17D8 + code:86dd2f/d2 cheat description:Press Select on main menu for Kooler Stuff Menu - code:D421-1DD8 + code:b6dd67/d2 cheat description:Press X on main menu for Scott's Menu - code:D42B-1FD8 + code:b6ddbf/d2 cheat description:Always fight Kano in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DDAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/dd cheat description:Always fight Sonya in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DFAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/df cheat description:Always fight Jax in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D4AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d2 cheat description:Always fight Nightwolf in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D7AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d3 cheat description:Always fight Sub-Zero in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D0AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d4 cheat description:Always fight Stryker in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D9AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d5 cheat description:Always fight Sindel in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D1AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d6 cheat description:Always fight Sektor in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D5AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d7 cheat description:Always fight Cyrax in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D6AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/d8 cheat description:Always fight Kung Lao in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DBAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/db cheat description:Always fight Kabal in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DCAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/dc cheat description:Always fight Sheeva in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D8AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/db cheat description:Always fight Shang Tsung in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DAAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/da cheat description:Always fight Liu Kang in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D2AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/dd cheat description:Always fight Smoke in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+D3AE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/de cheat description:Always fight Motaro in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+DEAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/de cheat description:Always fight Shao Kahn in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+FDAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/fd cheat description:Always fight Noob-Saibot in Master mode - code:CE8F-3FB7+BA23-3727+FFAE-4FFF + code:bcbffe/ce+84dfef/ba+bfacef/ff cheat description:Invincibility (except throws and uppercuts) - P1 - code:7E5447:01 + code:7e5447/01 cheat description:Invincibility (except throws and uppercuts) - P2 - code:7E5449:01 + code:7e5449/01 cheat description:First round / one button fatalities - code:7E3AF0:01 + code:7e3af0/01 cartridge sha256:340293c06536d7b6981ad7c681e404f4390ff6c62340f844a4558877c1b82af0 name:Mr. Do! (USA) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:82ee8d/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E18B2:09 + code:7e18b2/09 cheat description:Two enemies on screen at most - code:7E1440:00 + code:7e1440/00 + cheat + description:Only one Cherry needed to clear level + code:42cfd9/ba cheat description:Level modifier (level is always one less than entered) - code:7E189E:??+7E18A0:??+7E18B4:?? + code:7e189e/00+7e18a0/00+7e18b4/00 cartridge sha256:3472dd574b50aed2fa998f464398db4fbb00f5a300a672c3737ee9336a008a16 name:Mr. Nutz (USA) (En,Fr) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E008D:2D + code:7e008d/2d cheat description:Infinite Nuts - code:7E0A29:99 + code:7e0a29/99 cheat description:Infinite coins - code:7E1894:99 + code:7e1894/99 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:7E05D0:00 + code:7e05d0/00 cartridge sha256:44f0f159e1d56a703baa08d648a0d871c037e18198ec119c07795a3757c9e163 name:Mr. Tuff (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Proto) (1994-12-05) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7EEB1C:39 + code:7eeb1c/39 cheat description:Infinite time on item pick-ups and flame-thrower fuel - code:7EEB93:27 + code:7eeb93/27 cheat description:Enable auto-hit - code:7EEB79:03 + code:7eeb79/03 cheat description:Easy bosses (except Octopod) - code:7EF4F8:00 + code:7ef4f8/00 cheat description:Jump higher - code:7E0421:00 + code:7e0421/00 cheat description:Have drill - code:7EEAF4:01 + code:7eeaf4/01 cheat description:Have super attack - code:7EEAF4:02 + code:7eeaf4/02 cheat description:Have bowling ball - code:7EEAF4:03 + code:7eeaf4/03 cheat description:Have fire smash - code:7EEAF4:04 + code:7eeaf4/04 cheat description:Have regular punch - code:7EEAF4:05 + code:7eeaf4/05 cheat description:Have crescent blast - code:7EEAF4:06 + code:7eeaf4/06 cheat description:Have mace - code:7EEAF4:07 + code:7eeaf4/07 cheat description:Have jet pack special - code:7EEB68:01 + code:7eeb68/01 cheat description:Have missiles special - code:7EEB68:02 + code:7eeb68/02 cheat description:Have flame thrower special - code:7EEB68:03 + code:7eeb68/03 cartridge sha256:4f172253946ae29ddbf1e8169b48d55fe1aed8d007adafc6fa3e62685ed45de0 name:Mr. Tuff (USA) (En,Fr,De) (Proto) (1994-07-12) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7EEB46:FE + code:7eeb46/fe cheat description:Infinite health - code:7ED580:03 + code:7ed580/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7ED580:03 + code:7ed580/03 cheat description:No targets to smash - code:7EEB2E:00 + code:7eeb2e/00 cartridge sha256:007735e68a91cab403f1c955d9d562e9311124e660fa5b32e5c5d0a2e052160e name:Ms. Pac-Man (USA) cheat description:Ghosts eatable at start and infinite power pill time - code:7E029E:03 + code:7e029e/03 cheat description:Infinite Power Pellet time - code:7E029E:01 + code:7e029e/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E028C:03 + code:7e028c/03 cheat description:Level modifier - code:7E039E:?? + code:7e039e/00 cartridge sha256:f292598ac462fdfcd32ad9b6b35ac01d4bab020391dff92bfe94780ec604289a name:Musya - The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E103C:0A + code:7e103c/0a cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E101A:10 + code:7e101a/10 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1033:03 + code:7e1033/03 cheat description:Infinite Fire magic - code:7E102F:04 + code:7e102f/04 cheat description:Infinite Heal magic - code:7E1032:33 + code:7e1032/33 cheat description:Infinite Help magic - code:7E1030:33 + code:7e1030/33 cheat description:Infinite Lightning magic - code:7E102E:04 + code:7e102e/04 cheat description:Infinite Web magic - code:7E1031:33 + code:7e1031/33 cheat description:Have strongest weapon - code:7E102C:06 + code:7e102c/06 cartridge sha256:a19337da953f63c806754b90af7ff9fbea1bf090618dae732ee3a546882b8700 name:Mystic Ark (Japan) cheat description:999 HP for hero - code:7EB004:0F+7EB005:27 + code:7eb004/0f+7eb005/27 cheat description:999 MP for Hero - code:7EB008:E7+7EB009:03 + code:7eb008/e7+7eb009/03 cheat description:Have enough gold - code:7EB120:FF+7EB121:FF + code:7eb120/ff+7eb121/ff cheat description:Quick gain EXP - code:7E0551:FF+7E0552:FF + code:7e0551/ff+7e0552/ff cartridge sha256:c70b812a9d2df7f95b279e4050e03a4b8a68588a370816e645f378296b84e5d1 name:NBA All-Star Challenge (USA) cheat description:P1 can't score in the 1-on-1, free throw or tournament stages - code:123B-3F0D + code:b3e7bd/6d cheat description:P2 or computer can't score in the 1-on-1, free throw or tournament events - code:A238-340D + code:83e7b9/ad cheat description:P1 can't score in 3-point shootout - code:A239-1F0D+A237-176D + code:b3e55d/ad+83e53e/ad cheat description:P2 or computer can't score in 3-point shootout - code:A23F-176D+A23D-1FAD + code:83e5fe/ad+bbe5de/ad cheat description:Stop shot clock (1-on-1 and 1-on-1 tournament modes) - code:A2C6-3F07+6DC6-3DA7 + code:b0cf8d/ad+b8cf86/8d cheat description:12-second shot clock (1-on-1 and 1-on-1 tournament modes) - code:DFC3-34D7+D4C3-3DA7 + code:84cfeb/df+b8cfe6/d2 cheat description:48-second shot clock - after the 1st shot (1-on-1 and 1-on-1 tournament modes) - code:D0C3-34D7+D6C3-3DA7 + code:84cfeb/d4+b8cfe6/d8 cartridge sha256:b257cffb3484e6be051a56268cb99ee888bd6d3e9c0e8d6d0779ff66c411f6ba name:NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (USA) cheat description:Infinite shot clock time - code:C2C9-1467 + code:80cd5a/cd cheat description:Ability to set shot clock option down to 1 - code:DF62-1B1B + code:aa8ddd/df cheat description:Have almost Infinite Turbo - P1 - code:C28B-1DA5 + code:b9bdb6/cd cheat description:Have almost Infinite Turbo - P2 - code:C286-1B2B + code:a6bd8f/cd cheat description:Turbo recharges quicker - P1 - code:DF8A-1D65 + code:b1bda6/df cheat description:Turbo recharges quicker - P2 - code:DF88-1BBB + code:aebdbe/df cheat description:Twice as much turbo - P1 - code:0D8A-1FA5 + code:b9bdae/4d cheat description:Twice as much turbo - P2 - code:0D88-1C2B + code:b6bdb3/4d cheat description:Shots worth more - P1 - code:76C2-6DDF + code:37ced7/38 cheat description:Shots worth more - P2 - code:76C3-DF04 + code:70cbed/38 cheat description:Player is On Fire after 2 baskets instead of 3 - code:D0BF-11C8 + code:92bdfb/d4 cheat description:No turbo (except in tournament mode) - P1 - code:CB88-1565 + code:91bdbe/cb cheat description:No turbo (except in tournament mode) - P2 - code:CB88-16BB + code:aebdb2/cb cheat description:Move much faster (except in tournament mode) - all players - code:DDE4-0B28+D1E4-08F8 + code:26ed2f/dd+2eed2f/d6 cheat description:Move super fast (except in tournament mode) - all players - code:DDE4-0B28+DBE4-08F8 + code:26ed2f/dd+2eed2f/db cheat description:Hot spots and Power ups are on in tournament mode automatically (don't select the special features menu) - code:D1E9-DC98 + code:76ef51/d6 cheat description:Have all secret power-ups except slippery floors on - all players - code:DDE5-C74C+6DEB-CD4C+41E5-F47D + code:0be37c/dd+3be3b4/8d+cfe778/26 cheat description:Have Power Push, Powered Up 3pts, Infinite Turbo, Always On Fire, Super Dunks, Max Power, Powered Up Goal Tending and Quick Hands - P1 - code:EEEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/ee cheat description:Have Power Block, Powered Up 3pts, Infinite Turbo, Always On Fire, Super Dunks, Max Power, Powered Up Goal Tending and Quick Hands - P2 - code:EEE1-C46C + code:03e36a/ee cheat description:Have Power Block, Powered Up 3pts, Infinite Turbo, Always On Fire, Super Dunks, Max Power, Powered Up Goal Tending and Quick Hands - P3 - code:EEEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/ee cheat description:Have Power Block, Powered Up 3pts, Infinite Turbo, Always On Fire, Super Dunks, Max Power, Powered Up Goal Tending and Quick Hands - P4 - code:EEE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/ee cheat description:Have Power-up offense, Speed Up, block opponent to make both fall, Teleport Pass and High Shots - P1 - code:EEEA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/ee cheat description:Have Power-up offense, Speed Up, block opponent to make both fall, Teleport Pass and High Shots - P2 - code:EEE1-C4AC + code:0be36a/ee cheat description:Have Power-up offense, Speed Up, block opponent to make both fall, Teleport Pass and High Shots - P3 - code:EEEF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/ee cheat description:Have Power-up offense, Speed Up, block opponent to make both fall, Teleport Pass and High Shots - P4 - code:EEE8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/ee cheat description:Have all secret power-ups - all players - code:DDE5-C74C+6DEB-CD4C + code:0be37c/dd+3be3b4/8d cheat description:Have all secret power-ups on - P1 - code:EEEA-1FDC+EEEA-1F0C + code:b7e1af/ee+b3e1ad/ee cheat description:Have all secret power-ups on - P2 - code:EEE1-C46C+EEE1-C4AC + code:03e36a/ee+0be36a/ee cheat description:Have all secret power-ups on - P3 - code:EEEF-3DDC+EEEF-3D0C + code:b7e3f7/ee+b3e3f5/ee cheat description:Have all secret power-ups on - P4 - code:EEE8-3F6C+EEE8-3FAC + code:b3e3be/ee+bbe3be/ee cheat description:Have Power Push - P1 - code:DFEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/df cheat description:Have Powered Up 3 pointers - P1 - code:D4EA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/d2 cheat description:Have Powered Up 3 pointers - P2 - code:D4E1-C46C + code:03e36a/d2 cheat description:Have Powered Up 3 pointers - P3 - code:D4EF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/d2 cheat description:Have Powered Up 3 pointers - P4 - code:D4E8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/d2 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - P1 - code:D0EA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/d4 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - P2 - code:D0E1-C46C + code:03e36a/d4 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - P3 - code:D0EF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/d4 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - P4 - code:D0E8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/d4 cheat description:Always On Fire - P1 - code:D6EA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/d8 cheat description:Always On Fire - P2 - code:D6E1-C46C + code:03e36a/d8 cheat description:Always On Fire - P3 - code:D6EF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/d8 cheat description:Always On Fire - P4 - code:D6E8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/d8 cheat description:Have Super Dunks - P1 - code:FDEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/fd cheat description:Have Super Dunks - P2 - code:FDE1-C46C + code:03e36a/fd cheat description:Have Super Dunks - P3 - code:FDEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/fd cheat description:Have Super Dunks - P4 - code:FDE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/fd cheat description:Have Max Power - P1 - code:4DEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/2d cheat description:Have Max Power - P2 - code:4DE1-C46C + code:03e36a/2d cheat description:Have Max Power - P3 - code:4DEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/2d cheat description:Have Max Power - P4 - code:4DE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/2d cheat description:Have Powered Up Goal Tending - P1 - code:0DEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/4d cheat description:Have Powered Up Goal Tending - P2 - code:0DE1-C46C + code:03e36a/4d cheat description:Have Powered Up Goal Tending - P3 - code:0DEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/4d cheat description:Have Powered Up Goal Tending - P4 - code:0DE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/4d cheat description:Have Quick Hands - P1 - code:6DEA-1FDC + code:b7e1af/8d cheat description:Have Quick Hands - P2 - code:6DE1-C46C + code:03e36a/8d cheat description:Have Quick Hands - P3 - code:6DEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/8d cheat description:Have Quick Hands - P4 - code:6DE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/8d cheat description:Have Powered Up Offense - P1 - code:DFEA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/df cheat description:Have Powered Up Offense - P2 - code:DFE1-C4AC + code:0be36a/df cheat description:Have Powered Up Offense - P3 - code:DFEF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/df cheat description:Have Powered Up Offense - P4 - code:DFE8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/df cheat description:Move very quickly - P1 - code:D4EA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/d2 cheat description:Move very quickly - P2 - code:D4E1-C4AC + code:0be36a/d2 cheat description:Move very quickly - P3 - code:D4EF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/d2 cheat description:Move very quickly - P4 - code:D4E8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/d2 cheat description:Knock down both opponents by pushing one - P1 - code:D0EA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/d4 cheat description:Knock down both opponents by pushing two - P2 - code:D0E1-C4AC + code:0be36a/d4 cheat description:Knock down both opponents by pushing three - P3 - code:D0EF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/d4 cheat description:Knock down both opponents by pushing four - P4 - code:D0E8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/d4 cheat description:Knock down opposite opponent - P1 - code:FDEA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/fd cheat description:Knock down opposite opponent - P2 - code:FDE1-C4AC + code:0be36a/fd cheat description:Knock down opposite opponent - P3 - code:FDEF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/fd cheat description:Knock down opposite opponent - P4 - code:FDE8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/fd cheat description:Have High Shots - P1 - code:4DEA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/2d cheat description:Have High Shots - P2 - code:4DE1-C4AC + code:0be36a/2d cheat description:Have High Shots - P3 - code:4DEF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/2d cheat description:Have High Shots - P4 - code:4DE8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/2d cheat description:Have Power Block - P2 - code:DFE1-C46C + code:03e36a/df cheat description:Have Power Block - P3 - code:DFEF-3DDC + code:b7e3f7/df cheat description:Have Power Block - P4 - code:DFE8-3F6C + code:b3e3be/df cheat description:Have Teleport Passes - P1 - code:D6EA-1F0C + code:b3e1ad/d8 cheat description:Have Teleport Passes - P2 - code:D6E1-C4AC + code:0be36a/d8 cheat description:Have Teleport Passes - P3 - code:D6EF-3D0C + code:b3e3f5/d8 cheat description:Have Teleport Passes - P4 - code:D6E8-3FAC + code:bbe3be/d8 cheat description:Start with 1 point - P1 - code:33E0-4DAC + code:bbe046/ee cheat description:Start with 1 point - P2 - code:33E0-47AC + code:8be04e/ee cartridge sha256:3ef9d4b537ea83c8ba9ec8be7aba37ddac22a71c73d0aec46fe8e5a8f5b34a7c name:NBA Jam (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Always On Fire - all players - code:D6E2-CFC8 + code:32efdf/d8 cheat description:Always On Fire (alt) - all players - code:D6E9-CD18 + code:3aef55/d8 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - all players - code:D6E3-C748 + code:0aefec/d8 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo (alt) - all players - code:D6E1-CF38 + code:3aef6f/d8 cheat description:Have Super Dunk ability - all players - code:D8E8-C718 + code:0aefbd/db cheat description:Have Super Dunk ability (alt) - all players - code:D8E7-C448 + code:0aef38/db cheat description:Have Super Interception ability - all players - code:D8E6-C7C8 + code:02ef8f/db cheat description:Have Super Interception ability (alt) - all players - code:D8ED-C418 + code:0aefd9/db cheat description:Juice mode - code:D6ED-3DC8 + code:b2efd7/d8 cheat description:Juice mode (alt) - code:D6E5-C718 + code:0aef7d/d8 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 1 - code:BBCC-0F6F + code:33cdce/bb cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 2 - code:34CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e2 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 3 - code:30CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e4 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 4 - code:39CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e5 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 5 - code:35CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e7 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 6 - code:36CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e8 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 7 - code:3CCC-0F6F + code:33cdce/ec cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 8 - code:3ACC-0F6F + code:33cdce/ea cheat description:Home's baskets worth 1 - code:BBC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/bb cheat description:Home's baskets worth 2 - code:34C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e2 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 3 - code:30C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e4 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 4 - code:39C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e5 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 5 - code:35C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e7 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 6 - code:36C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e8 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 7 - code:3CC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/ec cheat description:Home's baskets worth 8 - code:3AC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/ea cheat description:Shot success percentages displayed for non-dunk shots - code:D6EC-CF38 + code:3aefcf/d8 cheat description:Shot success percentages displayed for non-dunk shots (alt) - code:D6E4-CDC8 + code:32ef27/d8 cheat description:Need 2 baskets to be On Fire - code:D4BD-3038+D4BA-C948 + code:9abfd3/d2+1abfa4/d2 cheat description:Need 4 baskets to be On Fire - code:D0BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d4 cheat description:Need 5 baskets to be On Fire - code:D9BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d5 cheat description:Need 6 baskets to be On Fire - code:D1BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d6 cheat description:Need 7 baskets to be On Fire - code:D5BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d7 cheat description:Need 8 baskets to be On Fire - code:D6BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d8 cheat description:Need 9 baskets to be On Fire - code:DBBD-3038 + code:9abfd3/db cheat description:Need 10 baskets to be On Fire - code:DCBD-3038 + code:9abfd3/dc cheat description:Need 2 baskets to stay On Fire until an opponent goes On Fire - code:D4BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d2 cheat description:Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) - code:DDE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/dd cheat description:Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) (alt) - code:DDE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/dd cheat description:Turbo bar restores very slowly - code:D3E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/de cheat description:Turbo bar restores very slowly (alt) - code:D3E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/de cheat description:Turbo bar restores much slower - code:F9E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/f5 cheat description:Turbo bar restores much slower (alt) - code:F9E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/f5 cheat description:Turbo bar restores slower - code:F2E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/fd cheat description:Turbo bar restores slower (alt) - code:F2E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/fd cheat description:Turbo bar restores faster - code:0DE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/4d cheat description:Turbo bar restores faster (alt) - code:0DE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/4d cheat description:Turbo bar restores much faster - code:9DE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/5d cheat description:Turbo bar restores much faster (alt) - code:9DE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/5d cheat description:Turbo bar restores extremely fast - code:6FE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/8f cheat description:Turbo bar restores extremely fast (alt) - code:6FE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/8f cheat description:Turbo drains very slowly - code:D0E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/d4 cheat description:Turbo drains very slowly (alt) - code:D0E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/d4 cheat description:Turbo drains slower - code:D6E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/d8 cheat description:Turbo drains slower (alt) - code:D6E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/d8 cheat description:Turbo drains slightly slower - code:FDE5-3CFA + code:beeb73/fd cheat description:Turbo drains slightly slower (alt) - code:FDE9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/fd cheat description:Turbo drains slightly faster - code:44E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/22 cheat description:Turbo drains slightly faster (alt) - code:44E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/22 cheat description:Turbo drains faster - code:42E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/2d cheat description:Turbo drains faster (alt) - code:42E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/2d cheat description:Turbo drains very fast - code:76E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/38 cheat description:Turbo drains very fast (alt) - code:76E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/38 cheat description:Always On Fire - P1 - code:7E0A96:01 + code:7e0a96/01 cheat description:Always On Fire - P2 - code:7E0A96:03 + code:7e0a96/03 cartridge sha256:0f18c496426bb97fe5e8b91ad5299f0b1c3898ac17047b745c86b167c212ab7a name:NBA Jam (USA) cheat description:Always On Fire - all players - code:D6E2-CFC8 + code:32efdf/d8 cheat description:Always On Fire (alt) - all players - code:D6E9-CD18 + code:3aef55/d8 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo - all players - code:D6E3-C748 + code:0aefec/d8 cheat description:Have Infinite Turbo (alt) - all players - code:D6E1-CF38 + code:3aef6f/d8 cheat description:Have Super Dunk ability - all players - code:D8E8-C718 + code:0aefbd/db cheat description:Have Super Dunk ability (alt) - all players - code:D8E7-C448 + code:0aef38/db cheat description:Have Super Interception ability - all players - code:D8E6-C7C8 + code:02ef8f/db cheat description:Have Super Interception ability (alt) - all players - code:D8ED-C418 + code:0aefd9/db cheat description:Juice mode - code:D6ED-3DC8 + code:b2efd7/d8 cheat description:Juice mode (alt) - code:D6E5-C718 + code:0aef7d/d8 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 1 - code:BBCC-0F6F + code:33cdce/bb cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 2 - code:34CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e2 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 3 - code:30CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e4 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 4 - code:39CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e5 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 5 - code:35CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e7 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 6 - code:36CC-0F6F + code:33cdce/e8 cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 7 - code:3CCC-0F6F + code:33cdce/ec cheat description:Visitor's baskets worth 8 - code:3ACC-0F6F + code:33cdce/ea cheat description:Home's baskets worth 1 - code:BBC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/bb cheat description:Home's baskets worth 2 - code:34C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e2 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 3 - code:30C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e4 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 4 - code:39C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e5 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 5 - code:35C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e7 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 6 - code:36C6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/e8 cheat description:Home's baskets worth 7 - code:3CC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/ec cheat description:Home's baskets worth 8 - code:3AC6-A7AF + code:8bce8e/ea cheat description:Shot success percentages displayed for non-dunk shots - code:D6EC-CF38 + code:3aefcf/d8 cheat description:Shot success percentages displayed for non-dunk shots (alt) - code:D6E4-CDC8 + code:32ef27/d8 cheat description:Need 2 baskets to be On Fire - code:D4BD-3038+D4BA-C948 + code:9abfd3/d2+1abfa4/d2 cheat description:Need 4 baskets to be On Fire - code:D0BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d4 cheat description:Need 5 baskets to be On Fire - code:D9BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d5 cheat description:Need 6 baskets to be On Fire - code:D1BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d6 cheat description:Need 7 baskets to be On Fire - code:D5BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d7 cheat description:Need 8 baskets to be On Fire - code:D6BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d8 cheat description:Need 9 baskets to be On Fire - code:DBBD-3038 + code:9abfd3/db cheat description:Need 10 baskets to be On Fire - code:DCBD-3038 + code:9abfd3/dc cheat description:Need 2 baskets to stay On Fire until an opponent goes On Fire - code:D4BD-3038 + code:9abfd3/d2 cheat description:Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) - code:DDE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/dd cheat description:Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) (alt) - code:DDE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/dd cheat description:Turbo bar restores very slowly - code:D3E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/de cheat description:Turbo bar restores very slowly (alt) - code:D3E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/de cheat description:Turbo bar restores much slower - code:F9E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/f5 cheat description:Turbo bar restores much slower (alt) - code:F9E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/f5 cheat description:Turbo bar restores slower - code:F2E6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/fd cheat description:Turbo bar restores slower (alt) - code:F2E1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/fd cheat description:Turbo bar restores faster - code:0DE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/4d cheat description:Turbo bar restores faster (alt) - code:0DE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/4d cheat description:Turbo bar restores much faster - code:9DE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/5d cheat description:Turbo bar restores much faster (alt) - code:9DE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/5d cheat description:Turbo bar restores extremely fast - code:6FE6-3B2A + code:a6eb8f/8f cheat description:Turbo bar restores extremely fast (alt) - code:6FE1-3C2A + code:b6eb63/8f cheat description:Turbo drains very slowly - code:D0E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/d4 cheat description:Turbo drains very slowly (alt) - code:D0E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/d4 cheat description:Turbo drains slower - code:D6E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/d8 cheat description:Turbo drains slower (alt) - code:D6E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/d8 cheat description:Turbo drains slightly slower - code:FDE5-3CFA + code:beeb73/fd cheat description:Turbo drains slightly slower (alt) - code:FDE9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/fd cheat description:Turbo drains slightly faster - code:44E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/22 cheat description:Turbo drains slightly faster (alt) - code:44E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/22 cheat description:Turbo drains faster - code:42E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/2d cheat description:Turbo drains faster (alt) - code:42E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/2d cheat description:Turbo drains very fast - code:76E5-3CFA + code:beeb73/38 cheat description:Turbo drains very fast (alt) - code:76E9-38FA + code:aeeb5f/38 cheat description:Always On Fire - P1 - code:7E0A96:01 + code:7e0a96/01 cheat description:Always On Fire - P2 - code:7E0A96:03 + code:7e0a96/03 cartridge sha256:6a7324734004d99206439430243b51a05fa8c25ffa314dafc7f127235d1a730f name:NBA Showdown (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C224-4DA4 + code:b8d826/cd cheat description:Infinite time-outs - code:C239-1F6D + code:b3e55e/cd cheat description:No personal fouls - both teams - code:C23B-44A8 + code:8aecba/cd cheat description:Infinite shot clock - computer - code:C220-4FDF + code:b7dc4f/cd cheat description:12-sec. shot clock when ball is in-bounded - P1 - code:DAE3-14AA+DAB7-37DA+DA3F-140F + code:8ae9ea/da+86bb3f/da+83edf9/da cheat description:12-sec. shot clock when ball is in-bounded - computer - code:DAE3-14AA+DA6E-47D8+DA84-CDDB + code:8ae9ea/da+868cef/da+36bf27/da cheat description:1-min. quarters - code:DFED-342C + code:87e3db/df cheat description:3 time-outs - code:D7E1-1D6A + code:b2e966/d3 cartridge sha256:8ef5d5c50ffeca1e62e88e4fe2909eaf191e28fbb5a9faf98b7b10bea72c9ed9 name:NCAA Basketball (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite time to shoot - code:C2B5-DDA9 + code:79b776/cd cheat description:Infinite timeouts - P1 - code:C224-6FDF + code:37de2f/cd cheat description:Infinite timeouts - P2 - code:C224-676F + code:03de2e/cd cheat description:Shot timer starts at 10 sec. instead of 45 - code:FDBB-DDD9 + code:75b7b7/fd cheat description:Shot timer starts at 20 sec. - code:4DBB-DDD9 + code:75b7b7/2d cheat description:Shot timer starts at 30 sec. - code:7DBB-DDD9 + code:75b7b7/3d cheat description:Shot timer starts at 60 sec. - code:1DBB-DDD9 + code:75b7b7/6d cheat description:Shot timer starts at 90 sec. - code:BDBB-DDD9 + code:75b7b7/bd cheat description:3-point shots worth 0 - both players - code:DD34-A767 + code:80ee2e/dd cheat description:3-point shots worth 1 point - code:DF34-A767 + code:80ee2e/df cheat description:3-point shots worth 2 points - code:D434-A767 + code:80ee2e/d2 cheat description:3-point shots worth 4 points - code:D034-A767 + code:80ee2e/d4 cheat description:3-point shots worth 5 points - code:D934-A767 + code:80ee2e/d5 cheat description:3-point shots worth 6 points - code:D134-A767 + code:80ee2e/d6 cheat description:3-point shots worth 7 points - code:D534-A767 + code:80ee2e/d7 cheat description:3-point shots worth 8 points - code:D634-A767 + code:80ee2e/d8 cheat description:3-point shots worth 9 points - code:DB34-A767 + code:80ee2e/db cheat description:P1 shots worth 1 extra point (2-pt. shots worth 3, 3-pt. shots worth 4) - code:76BA-A404+76B9-6FA7 + code:80baa9/38+38be5e/38 cheat description:P2 shots worth 1 extra point (2-pt. shots worth 3, 3-pt. shots worth 4) - code:76B0-64A7+76B8-A704 + code:08be4a/38+80babd/38 cheat description:P1 free throws worth 2 instead of 1 - code:76BD-0D07 + code:30bdd5/38 cheat description:P2 free throws worth 2 - code:76BE-DF07 + code:70bfed/38 cheat description:No 5-second violations - code:C265-D4D7 + code:448f7b/cd cartridge sha256:6a59115a9958d4a9fa167095505a2ddf222ca6291209d07618319e39a2be8b61 name:NFL Quarterback Club (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:4EB6-4F08+C9B6-4FD8+DCB6-4F68+FDB6-4FA8 + code:b2bc8d/2e+b6bc8f/c5+b2bc8e/dc+babc8e/fd cartridge sha256:f43f8ec546b8060e9d191fca860c38caf5a43eda86a304f0073647c6fad7b2c9 name:NFL Quarterback Club 96 (USA) cheat description:Cannot be tackled (hold X) - code:136C-14AC+C96C-146C+DC6C-17DC+FD6C-170C + code:8b81ca/6e+8381ca/c5+8781cf/dc+8381cd/fd cartridge sha256:5132e1c0d466963e6adc09e8a608ebd90619ab94f7fc908d626bbaf6a99dfa19 name:NHL '94 (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X) - code:59BC-45E6+D3BC-4586+D5B8-4076+DEB8-4976+FDB8-4056 + code:9ab0cf/75+9eb0ce/de+9eb0b0/d7+9eb0b4/de+9eb0b1/fd cartridge sha256:01c0b58d5fd5d5484fea988455a55a71ed9e606538d2b3ce3f216159cc6929b0 name:NHL 95 (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X while in the opponent's half of the rink) - code:0900-77FF+AD00-7FBF+C100-742F+C900-7F9F+DC00-7F2F+FD00-74FF + code:cf4c4f/45+ff4c4e/ad+c74c4b/c6+f74c4d/c5+f74c4f/dc+cf4c4b/fd cartridge sha256:d24c0175ee4eafed88e277691c5f5dafd4e197723097e2eb68aa6b40f449fff2 name:NHL 96 (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X while in the opponent's half of the rink) - code:8F08-EDF6+C90C-E726+DC08-ED96+DC08-EF96+FD08-EDB6 + code:be43b7/bf+8643cf/c5+b643b5/dc+b643bd/dc+be43b6/fd cartridge sha256:2a2dc2ef84efd9a773d1e8231b7e3e57f0de7e4528968670963f2f1f358eef39 name:NHL 97 (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X while in the opponent's half of the rink) - code:0904-7FFB+8F0F-77BB+5604-7D2B+C90F-779B+DC0F-772B+FD04-7DFB + code:fe4c2f/45+ce4cfe/bf+f64c27/78+c64cfd/c5+c64cff/dc+fe4c27/fd cartridge sha256:8113c2cedafc8fd5a56c8638ae340fb275f263ff5c5e18d04dc6c3ebc5cfffee name:NHL 98 (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X while in the opponent's half of the rink) - code:0501-879B+8F01-8F2B+AF01-87FB+C901-8FBB+DC01-84FB+FD01-849B + code:c64e6d/47+f64e6f/bf+ce4e6f/af+fe4e6e/c5+ce4e6b/dc+c64e69/fd cartridge sha256:d44f487d84f5bb761955b7b70a5464b2f094e199875f595f312c88e04ac647ff name:NHL Stanley Cup (USA) (En,Fr) cheat description:Visitor starts with 1 point (exhibition mode) - code:DF67-CDA4+D667-CFA4+E667-CF64 + code:388b36/df+388b3e/d8+308b3e/e8 cheat description:Home starts with 1 point (exhibition mode) - code:DF67-CDA4+D667-CFA4+EC67-CF64 + code:388b36/df+388b3e/d8+308b3e/ec cheat description:Visitor starts with 3 points (exhibition mode) - code:D767-CDA4+D667-CFA4+E667-CF64 + code:388b36/d3+388b3e/d8+308b3e/e8 cheat description:Home starts with 3 points (exhibition mode) - code:D767-CDA4+D667-CFA4+EC67-CF64 + code:388b36/d3+388b3e/d8+308b3e/ec cheat description:Visitor starts with 5 points (exhibition mode) - code:D967-CDA4+D667-CFA4+E667-CF64 + code:388b36/d5+388b3e/d8+308b3e/e8 cheat description:Home starts with 5 points (exhibition mode) - code:D967-CDA4+D667-CFA4+EC67-CF64 + code:388b36/d5+388b3e/d8+308b3e/ec cheat description:Visitor starts with 7 points (exhibition mode) - code:D567-CDA4+D667-CFA4+E667-CF64 + code:388b36/d7+388b3e/d8+308b3e/e8 cheat description:Home starts with 7 points (exhibition mode) - code:D567-CDA4+D667-CFA4+EC67-CF64 + code:388b36/d7+388b3e/d8+308b3e/ec cheat description:Visitor starts with 9 points (exhibition mode) - code:DB67-CDA4+D667-CFA4+E667-CF64 + code:388b36/db+388b3e/d8+308b3e/e8 cheat description:Home starts with 9 points (exhibition mode) - code:DB67-CDA4+D667-CFA4+EC67-CF64 + code:388b36/db+388b3e/d8+308b3e/ec cheat description:Visitor scores 1 point for goals, Home scores 3 - code:1BA1-4D01 + code:b1a865/6b cheat description:Periods are 1 min (choose 5 minutes from Options) - code:DFE0-CD0F + code:33ef45/df cheat description:Periods are 3 min (choose 5 minutes from Options) - code:D7E0-CD0F + code:33ef45/d3 cheat description:Periods are 7 min (choose 5 minutes from Options) - code:D5E0-CD0F + code:33ef45/d7 cheat description:Periods are 9 min (choose 5 minutes from Options) - code:DBE0-CD0F + code:33ef45/db cheat description:Periods are 15 min (choose 10 minutes from Options) - code:94ED-C46F + code:03efda/52 cheat description:Periods are 30 min (choose 10 minutes from Options) - code:D7E0-C76F + code:03ef4e/d3 cheat description:Penalty for charging is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A2B-3F00 + code:b1d3bd/3a cheat description:Penalty for holding is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A2B-3760 + code:81d3be/3a cheat description:Penalty for tripping is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A2C-3FA0 + code:b9d3ce/3a cheat description:Penalty for high sticking is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A28-3DD0 + code:b5d3b7/3a cheat description:Penalty for elbowing is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A28-3400 + code:81d3b9/3a cheat description:Penalty for hooking is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A2A-3D60 + code:b1d3a6/3a cheat description:Penalty for roughing is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A2A-34A0 + code:89d3aa/3a cheat description:Penalty for slashing is 1 minute instead of 4 - code:7A22-3FD0 + code:b5d3df/3a cheat description:Penalty for spearing is 1 minute instead of 2 - code:7A22-3700 + code:81d3dd/3a cheat description:Penalty for charging is 30 seconds - code:F32B-3F00 + code:b1d3bd/fe cheat description:Penalty for holding is 30 seconds - code:F32B-3760 + code:81d3be/fe cheat description:Penalty for tripping is 30 seconds - code:F32C-3FA0 + code:b9d3ce/fe cheat description:Penalty for high sticking is 30 seconds - code:F328-3DD0 + code:b5d3b7/fe cheat description:Penalty for elbowing is 30 seconds - code:F328-3400 + code:81d3b9/fe cheat description:Penalty for hooking is 30 seconds - code:F32A-3D60 + code:b1d3a6/fe cheat description:Penalty for roughing is 30 seconds - code:F32A-34A0 + code:89d3aa/fe cheat description:Penalty for slashing is 30 seconds - code:F322-3FD0 + code:b5d3df/fe cheat description:Penalty for spearing is 30 seconds - code:F322-3700 + code:81d3dd/fe cheat description:Penalty for charging is 3 minutes - code:802B-3F00 + code:b1d3bd/b4 cheat description:Penalty for holding is 3 minutes - code:802B-3760 + code:81d3be/b4 cheat description:Penalty for tripping is 3 minutes - code:802C-3FA0 + code:b9d3ce/b4 cheat description:Penalty for high sticking is 3 minutes - code:8028-3DD0 + code:b5d3b7/b4 cheat description:Penalty for elbowing is 3 minutes - code:8028-3400 + code:81d3b9/b4 cheat description:Penalty for hooking is 3 minutes - code:802A-3D60 + code:b1d3a6/b4 cheat description:Penalty for roughing is 3 minutes - code:802A-34A0 + code:89d3aa/b4 cheat description:Penalty for slashing is 3 minutes - code:8022-3FD0 + code:b5d3df/b4 cheat description:Penalty for spearing is 3 minutes - code:8022-3700 + code:81d3dd/b4 cartridge sha256:55f3432a130085c112d65aa6443c41eb7a8aeec59aad2c2b4b2ac536b604b449 name:NHLPA Hockey 93 (USA) cheat description:Period clock runs faster - code:F160-4776 + code:8e804c/f6 cheat description:Period clock runs slower - code:D060-4776 + code:8e804c/d4 cheat description:Period clock runs much faster - code:0D60-4776 + code:8e804c/4d cheat description:Period clock runs much slower - code:DF60-4776 + code:8e804c/df cheat description:Period clock is frozen (no time limit) - code:C269-4D86 + code:be8056/cd cheat description:Each period lasts 1 minute instead of 10 minutes - code:7AE8-4D98+DDE8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/3a+beecb6/dd cheat description:Each period lasts 2 minutes - code:56E8-4D98+DDE8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/78+beecb6/dd cheat description:Each period lasts 3 minutes - code:80E8-4D98+DDE8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/b4+beecb6/dd cheat description:Each period lasts 4 minutes - code:EDE8-4D98+DDE8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/ed+beecb6/dd cheat description:Each period lasts 15 minutes - code:60E8-4D98+D7E8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/84+beecb6/d3 cheat description:Each period lasts 30 minutes - code:D6E8-4D98+D5E8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/d8+beecb6/d7 cheat description:Each period lasts 40 minutes - code:1DE8-4D98+DBE8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/6d+beecb6/db cheat description:Each period lasts 60 minutes - code:FDE8-4D98+D3E8-4DB8 + code:b6ecb5/fd+beecb6/de cheat description:All penalties last 1 minute - code:DF31-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/df+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 2 minutes - code:D431-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/d2+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 3 minutes - code:D731-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/d3+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 4 minutes - code:D031-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/d4+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 5 minutes - code:D931-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/d5+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 7 minutes - code:D531-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/d7+b0eb6d/cb cheat description:All penalties last 9 minutes - code:DB31-3F64+CB31-3F04 + code:b0eb6e/db+b0eb6d/cb + cheat + description:CPU Always Pulls Goalie + code:7e13f5/ff cartridge sha256:d7ad6f67860da78fe25d9e79dd13af7ac7efaa0c8e0103898a4849ab4af9e438 name:Nickelodeon GUTS (USA) cheat description:Gain lots of points in Slam Dunk / Attack levels - code:7E126D:FF + code:7e126d/ff cartridge sha256:ce9c819d6496e58901b39d9b04558a89e09ccc3aac33690b8d02bb0406682a57 name:Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (USA) cheat description:Almost no tire wear (graphic distortion in the pits) - code:C96B-1705+C9B1-4D61 + code:818dbd/c5+b1b866/c5 cheat description:Only 1 lap required on all tracks - code:E481-3467 + code:80bf6a/e2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in South Africa - code:D461-4FBA + code:be886e/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Mexico - code:D461-44FA + code:8e886b/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Brazil - code:D461-44BA + code:8e886a/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Spain - code:D461-47FA + code:8e886f/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in San Marino - code:D461-47BA + code:8e886e/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Monaco - code:D465-4DFA + code:be8877/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Canada - code:D465-4DBA + code:be8876/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in France - code:D465-4FFA + code:be887f/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Britain - code:D465-4FBA + code:be887e/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Germany - code:D465-44FA + code:8e887b/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Hungary - code:D465-44BA + code:8e887a/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Belgium - code:D465-47FA + code:8e887f/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Italy - code:D465-47BA + code:8e887e/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Portugal - code:D466-4DFA + code:be8887/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Japan - code:D466-4DBA + code:be8886/d2 cheat description:Only 3 laps required in Australia - code:D466-4FFA + code:be888f/d2 cheat description:Full season ends after South Africa - code:DF3E-015A + code:1ee9e9/df cheat description:Full season ends after Mexico - code:D43E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d2 cheat description:Full season ends after Brazil - code:D73E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d3 cheat description:Full season ends after Spain - code:D03E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d4 cheat description:Full season ends after San Marino - code:D93E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d5 cheat description:Full season ends after Monaco - code:D13E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d6 cheat description:Full season ends after Canada - code:D53E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d7 cheat description:Full season ends after France - code:D63E-015A + code:1ee9e9/d8 cheat description:Full season ends after Britain - code:DB3E-015A + code:1ee9e9/db cheat description:Full season ends after Germany - code:DC3E-015A + code:1ee9e9/dc cheat description:Full season ends after Hungary - code:D83E-015A + code:1ee9e9/db cheat description:Full season ends after Belgium - code:DA3E-015A + code:1ee9e9/da cheat description:Full season ends after Italy - code:D23E-015A + code:1ee9e9/dd cheat description:Full season ends after Portugal - code:D33E-015A + code:1ee9e9/de cheat description:Full season ends after Japan - code:DE3E-015A + code:1ee9e9/de cheat description:Start in Mexico in the Full Season - code:DF62-0953 + code:1f89d5/df cheat description:Start in Brazil - code:D462-0953 + code:1f89d5/d2 cheat description:Start in Spain - code:D762-0953 + code:1f89d5/d3 cheat description:Start in San Marino - code:D062-0953 + code:1f89d5/d4 cheat description:Start in Monaco - code:D962-0953 + code:1f89d5/d5 cheat description:Start in Canada - code:D162-0953 + code:1f89d5/d6 cheat description:Start in France - code:D562-0953 + code:1f89d5/d7 cheat description:Start in Britain - code:D662-0953 + code:1f89d5/d8 cheat description:Start in Germany - code:DB62-0953 + code:1f89d5/db cheat description:Start in Hungary - code:DC62-0953 + code:1f89d5/dc cheat description:Start in Belgium - code:D862-0953 + code:1f89d5/db cheat description:Start in Italy - code:DA62-0953 + code:1f89d5/da cheat description:Start in Portugal - code:D262-0953 + code:1f89d5/dd cheat description:Start in Japan - code:D362-0953 + code:1f89d5/de cheat description:Start in Australia - code:DE62-0953 + code:1f89d5/de cheat description:Start on extra course (stats are for South Africa but the course is different) - code:FD62-0953 + code:1f89d5/fd cartridge sha256:fccc96af24a2463b1c53253e1c5c8ef63641355fae53c0fb410427f29743262b name:Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (USA) cheat description:(NG) Invincibility - code:6DB5-3797 + code:84bf7d/8d cheat description:(NG) Infinite health - code:C9C3-3F2D + code:b7c7ef/c5 cheat description:(NG) Infinite lives - code:C9CF-CFBF + code:3fcffe/c5 cheat description:(NG) Infinite time - code:DD81-1F97 + code:b4bd6d/dd cheat description:(NG) Start with very little time - code:B1C8-3DF8 + code:becfb7/b6 cheat description:(NG) Start with lots of time - code:EEC8-3DF8 + code:becfb7/ee cheat description:(NG) Start with very little health (after first life) - code:DFCE-142F + code:87cdeb/df cheat description:(NG) Start with about half health (after first life) - code:DFCE-142F + code:87cdeb/df cheat description:(NG) Start with 1 life - code:DDC5-4DF4 + code:bcc877/dd cheat description:(NG) Start with 5 lives - code:D7C5-4DF4 + code:bcc877/d3 cheat description:(NG) Start with 9 lives - code:D6C5-4DF4 + code:bcc877/d8 cheat description:(NGII) Invincibility - code:1DB4-CD4D + code:3bb724/6d cheat description:(NGII) Infinite health - code:C9BB-441F + code:8bbcb9/c5 cheat description:(NGII) Infinite lives - code:C961-3D37 + code:b88f67/c5 cheat description:(NGII) Infinite time - code:C96F-1FC7 + code:b08dff/c5 cheat description:(NGII) Start with very little health - code:DFB3-144F + code:8bbde8/df cheat description:(NGII) Start with about half health - code:D6B3-144F + code:8bbde8/d8 cheat description:(NGII) Start every life with two Shadow Ninjas - code:DEB9-14C4 + code:80b95b/de cheat description:(NGII) Throwing stars don't use Ninja Power (ignore counter) - code:DFC4-1F47 + code:b8cd2c/df cheat description:(NGII) Start with 1 life - code:DDB3-C4CF + code:03bfeb/dd cheat description:(NGIII) Invincibility - code:DDAB-3FE7 + code:b8afbf/dd cheat description:(NGIII) Infinite health - code:C92A-CFED + code:3bd7af/c5 cheat description:(NGIII) Infinite lives - code:CB69-CD57 + code:3c8f55/cb cheat description:(NGIII) Infinite time - code:C927-17EF + code:8bdd3f/c5 cheat description:(NGIII) Almost infinite Ninja Power - code:C9A7-C757 + code:0caf3d/c5 cheat description:(NGIII) Start with 99 Ninja Power (ignore the counter) - code:176C-CDE7 + code:388fc7/63 cheat description:(NGIII) Start with 1 life - code:DD6B-CF87 + code:3c8fbe/dd cheat description:(NGIII) Start with 5 lives - code:D76B-CF87 + code:3c8fbe/d3 cheat description:(NGIII) Start with 9 lives - code:D66B-CF87 + code:3c8fbe/d8 cheat description:(NGIII) Start with very little health - code:DF68-CD77 + code:3c8fb4/df cheat description:(NGIII) Start with about half health - code:D668-CD77 + code:3c8fb4/d8 cheat description:(NG) Invincibility after first hit - code:7E0093:01 + code:7e0093/01 cheat description:(NG) Infinite Ninja Power - code:7E0064:63 + code:7e0064/63 cheat description:(NG) Auto kill enemies that are close by - code:849F92:80+849F9F:80 + code:849f92/80+849f9f/80 cheat description:(NGII) Invincibility (alt) - code:7E0068:25 + code:7e0068/25 cheat description:(NGII) Infinite Ninja Power - code:7E00AE:63 + code:7e00ae/63 cheat description:(NGII) Always have Fireball - code:7E007D:02 + code:7e007d/02 cheat description:(NGIII) Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E00C4:03 + code:7e00c4/03 cheat description:(NGIII) Infinite Ninja Power - code:7E00CD:63 + code:7e00cd/63 cartridge sha256:3c109e50b91ec6df3bb8509778ae544c99433fb40dda9b801178dfe513053618 name:Ninjawarriors (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EDB0-D768+ED8D-AD0B+2DB1-DDD8+2DB1-DF08+2D8D-A70B + code:42bf4e/ed+b2bed5/ed+76bf67/dd+72bf6d/dd+82bedd/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B0-DD6C + code:73b346/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:62C4-6DD7 + code:34ce27/8d cheat description:Infinite specials once you obtain one - code:CECB-A467 + code:80ceba/ce cheat description:One hit kills - code:CB68-D7AE+DD6A-DDDE+DD6A-DD0E+CBCE-ADD6+DDCE-AD06+DDCE-AD66 + code:4b8bbe/cb+778ba7/dd+738ba5/dd+b6c2e7/cb+b2c2e5/dd+b2c2e6/dd cartridge sha256:f099937ac4c8afb38c517c5d85475224985fb8f345dacb44994a617ea05bf4e5 name:No Escape (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:852A-CF67 + code:30dfae/b7 cheat description:Infinite time - code:CBB4-C75F + code:0fbf2d/cb cheat description:Infinite lives - code:842F-44A7 + code:88dcfa/b2 cartridge sha256:7f3d0ebac6ecfb99cfd1d5b13210e989df9e8b2f2319a63c42faef8ad115a964 name:Nolan Ryan's Baseball (USA) cheat description:1 strike and batter is out - code:A3BF-6DD1 + code:35baf7/ae cheat description:Batter never strikes out - code:C2BF-6DD1 + code:35baf7/cd cheat description:1 ball and batter walks - code:A3BE-0D61 + code:31b9e6/ae cheat description:Batter never walks - code:C2BE-0D61 + code:31b9e6/cd cheat description:Each run worth 2 - P1 - code:76AC-0D65 + code:31adc6/38 cheat description:Each run worth 2 - P2 - code:76A8-04D5 + code:05adbb/38 cheat description:Short game (play only odd-numbered innings) - code:766D-67A5 + code:098ede/38 cheat description:Increasing a player's power setting does not decrease the power number excess (use to maximize stats for a player) - code:DDC8-D706 + code:42c3bd/dd cheat description:Maximum power for a player is 32 instead of 25 - code:4DBF-A7A8 + code:8abefe/2d cheat description:Maximum power for a player is 40 instead of 25 - code:46BF-A7A8 + code:8abefe/28 cheat description:Maximum power for a player is 48 - code:7DBF-A7A8 + code:8abefe/3d cartridge sha256:9712829b38f23229d4e3d65da78237659c790235f425c6b12487e4d9e9a37ae9 name:Nosferatu (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C9BA-1F04 + code:b0b9ad/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C127-4D67 + code:b0dc36/c6 cheat description:Don't lose crystals when you get hit - code:C265-3DBD + code:bf8776/cd cheat description:Start with very little health - code:DFB2-34D7 + code:84bfdb/df cheat description:Start with less health - code:D7B2-34D7 + code:84bfdb/d3 cheat description:Start with more health - code:DBB2-34D7 + code:84bfdb/db cheat description:Start with a lot more health - code:DEB2-34D7 + code:84bfdb/de cheat description:Start with more time - code:CBCE-CDAD+44CE-CFDD+DDCE-CF0D + code:3bc7e6/cb+37c7ef/22+33c7ed/dd cheat description:Start on stage 1-2 - code:D1B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/d6 cheat description:Start on stage 1-3 - code:DBB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/db cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:DCB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/dc cheat description:Start on stage 2-2 - code:FDB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/fd cheat description:Start on stage 2-3 - code:FFB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/ff cheat description:Start on stage 2-4 - code:F5B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/f7 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:F6B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/f8 cheat description:Start on stage 3-2 - code:4DB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/2d cheat description:Start on stage 3-3 - code:40B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/24 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:45B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/27 cheat description:Start on stage 4-2 - code:42B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/2d cheat description:Start on stage 4-3 - code:43B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/2e cheat description:Start on stage 4-4 - code:70B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/34 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:79B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/35 cheat description:Start on stage 5-2 - code:78B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/3b cheat description:Start on stage 5-3 - code:7AB3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/3a cheat description:Start on stage 5-4 - code:09B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/45 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:01B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/46 cheat description:Start on stage 6-2 - code:03B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/4e cheat description:Start on the final stage - code:90B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/54 cheat description:Start on the final stage with more crystals - code:90B3-3DA7+62B3-3FA7 + code:b8bfe6/54+b8bfee/8d cheat description:View the ending - code:91B3-3DA7 + code:b8bfe6/56 cartridge sha256:31bc862ab0a8eabf23b5124e13940cb3501e7ecdd3f15e34142248ceb4aa139a name:Obitus (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1113:20 + code:7e1113/20 cheat description:Infinite Stamina - code:7E1117:20 + code:7e1117/20 cheat description:Infinite Daggers (keep off until you obtain one) - code:7F132E:02 + code:7f132e/02 cheat description:Infinite Silver Keys (keep off until you obtain one) - code:7F0ED8:02 + code:7f0ed8/02 cheat description:Infinite Gold Coins (keep off until you obtain one) - code:7F0E8E:63 + code:7f0e8e/63 cartridge sha256:b766c26498d0afd63f44aefdef42642d2483b54f18d2b81a4f1d67a57f641044 name:Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (USA) cheat description:Level up after every battle (even if you run away) - code:DD2F-AFF4 + code:bcdaff/dd cheat description:View 'Edit Units' screen to give everyone 2778 max HP (2000 of it won't be visible, and you won't get your HP restored. It will go down to 999 max HP if it tries to update the amount) - code:CBE7-A70C+B2E0-AD6C+2CE0-ADAC+DCE0-AFDC + code:83e23d/cb+b3e246/bd+bbe246/dc+b7e24f/dc cheat description:View someone's stats from 'Edit Units' screen to give them max Luck - code:CB67-ADFB+EE67-AD9B+3C67-ADBB+BE67-AD2B + code:be8e37/cb+b68e35/ee+be8e36/ec+b68e37/be cheat description:View someone's stats from 'Edit Units' screen to give them max Cha - code:CB6F-A7FB+196F-A79B+3C6F-A7BB+BE6F-A72B + code:8e8eff/cb+868efd/65+8e8efe/ec+868eff/be cheat description:Every hidden thing is visible when you first enter an area - code:CB6A-AD20+CB6A-AF90+EE6A-AFB0 + code:b582a7/cb+b582ad/cb+bd82ae/ee cheat description:Leader's group moves 'Sky High' - code:DDE6-1D68 + code:b2ed86/dd cheat description:Lans' group moves 'Sky High' - code:DDE7-1F68 + code:b2ed3e/dd cheat description:Judgement tarot card is stronger - code:EE20-070E + code:03d94d/ee cartridge sha256:e153195de7b59dd5b9854952cccca6bb93164e5fdff8292124bee6bbe5dbf16f name:On the Ball (USA) cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C2AE-DF65 + code:71afee/cd cheat description:Faster timer - code:D4BB-D404 + code:40bbb9/d2 cheat description:Stop timer - not lap timer (can still lose time by hitting hazards) - code:DDBB-D404 + code:40bbb9/dd cheat description:Minus blocks and bricks worth 0 (don't combine with other minus codes) - code:C2BA-D7D4 + code:44bbaf/cd cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth 0 - code:DDB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/dd cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 1 - code:FDB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/fd cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 3 - code:7DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/3d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 4 - code:0DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/4d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 5 - code:9DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/5d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 6 - code:1DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/6d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 7 - code:5DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/7d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 8 - code:6DB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/8d cheat description:Minus 2 second block worth minus 9 - code:BDB7-0DA5 + code:39bd36/bd cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth 0 - code:DDB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/dd cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 1 - code:FDB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/fd cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 2 - code:4DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/2d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 3 - code:7DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/3d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 4 - code:0DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/4d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 6 - code:1DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/6d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 7 - code:5DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/7d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 8 - code:6DB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/8d cheat description:Minus 5 second block worth minus 9 - code:BDB0-0F65 + code:31bd4e/bd cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth 0 - code:DDB9-0405 + code:01bd59/dd cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 1 - code:FDB9-0405 + code:01bd59/fd cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 2 - code:4DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/2d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 4 - code:0DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/4d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 5 - code:9DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/5d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 6 - code:1DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/6d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 7 - code:5DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/7d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 8 - code:6DB9-0405 + code:01bd59/8d cheat description:Minus 3 second brick worth minus 9 - code:BDB9-0405 + code:01bd59/bd cheat description:Plus bricks worth 0 (don't combine with other plus bricks codes) - code:C2B8-DFA4 + code:78bbbe/cd cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth 0 - code:DDBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/dd cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 1 - code:FDBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/fd cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 2 - code:4DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/2d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 4 - code:0DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/4d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 5 - code:9DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/5d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 6 - code:1DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/6d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 7 - code:5DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/7d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 8 - code:6DBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/8d cheat description:Plus 3 bricks worth plus 9 - code:BDBB-0DA5 + code:39bdb6/bd cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth 0 - code:DDBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/dd cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 1 - code:FDBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/fd cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 2 - code:4DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/2d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 3 - code:7DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/3d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 4 - code:0DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/4d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 6 - code:1DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/6d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 7 - code:5DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/7d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 8 - code:6DBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/8d cheat description:Plus 5 bricks worth plus 9 - code:BDBC-0F65 + code:31bdce/bd cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:DF66-DDA0 + code:798386/df cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D966-DDA0 + code:798386/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:D566-DDA0 + code:798386/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 credits - code:DB66-DDA0 + code:798386/db cartridge sha256:190742792a950a112f893cba0e083eb787cf24293f698967defff929635ba0e7 name:Operation Logic Bomb - The Ultimate Search & Destroy (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B5-4DD0 + code:b5b077/cd cheat description:Take minimal damage - code:33C6-C704 + code:00cb8d/ee cheat description:Faster left-to-right movement - code:E2B2-1F00+D4BA-1700 + code:b1b1dd/ed+81b1ad/d2 cheat description:Faster up-and-down movement - code:E2BD-CFA0+D4B3-1FA0 + code:39b3de/ed+b9b1ee/d2 cheat description:Reflecting laser fire travels longer - code:1DB2-44D9 + code:85b4db/6d cheat description:Reflecting laser fire travels a lot longer - code:EEB2-44D9 + code:85b4db/ee cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DFB4-1FD4 + code:b4b92f/df cheat description:Start with 6 continues - code:D1B4-1FD4 + code:b4b92f/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBB4-1FD4 + code:b4b92f/db cheat description:Start with tracking missiles - code:D7BD-1D64+4DBE-4DD4+40BD-1FD4 + code:b0b9d6/d3+b4b8e7/2d+b4b9df/24 cheat description:Start with reflecting laser - code:D0BD-1D64+4DBE-4DD4+40BD-1FD4 + code:b0b9d6/d4+b4b8e7/2d+b4b9df/24 cheat description:Start with flame thrower - code:D9BD-1D64+4DBE-4DD4+40BD-1FD4 + code:b0b9d6/d5+b4b8e7/2d+b4b9df/24 cheat description:Start with hologram weapon - code:DFBF-1FD4+BABF-14D4+BABF-14A4 + code:b4b9ff/df+84b9fb/ba+88b9fa/ba cheat description:Start with directional mines - code:D4BF-1FD4+BABF-14D4+BABF-14A4 + code:b4b9ff/d2+84b9fb/ba+88b9fa/ba cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:819070:AD + code:819070/ad cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:03ED4E:01 + code:03ed4e/01 cheat description:Start with Tracking Missiles (alt) - code:8098F0:20+809902:03+809904:24 + code:8098f0/20+809902/03+809904/24 cheat description:Start with Reflecting Laser (alt) - code:8098F0:20+809902:04+809904:24 + code:8098f0/20+809902/04+809904/24 cheat description:Start with Flame Thrower (alt) - code:8098F0:20+809902:05+809904:24 + code:8098f0/20+809902/05+809904/24 cheat description:Start with Hologram weapon (alt) - code:809914:01+809918:9C+80991B:9C + code:809914/01+809918/9c+80991b/9c cheat description:Start with Directional Mines (alt) - code:809914:02+809918:9C+80991B:9C + code:809914/02+809918/9c+80991b/9c cheat description:Faster left-to-right movement (alt) - code:8191CD:02+8191D5:FD + code:8191cd/02+8191d5/fd cheat description:Faster up-and-down movement (alt) - code:8191E7:02+819207:FD + code:8191e7/02+819207/fd cheat description:Reflecting laser fire travels a lot longer (alt) - code:8194D8:FF + code:8194d8/ff cartridge sha256:2ec71aca4efc3791b6b3e65956df3eafd2a46e223d5ea71aead07d30ca48b6c9 name:Operation Starfi5h (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EFB05:03 + code:7efb05/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7EFB03:03 + code:7efb03/03 cartridge sha256:5cbed0401734142184166917427d24f9e5f107a7adea665e2f4b4101491ad54b name:Operation Thunderbolt (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E36EA:63 + code:7e36ea/63 cheat description:Infinite Bullets - code:7E36ED:09 + code:7e36ed/09 cheat description:Infinite Rockets - code:7E36EF:09 + code:7e36ef/09 cheat description:Infinite Clips - code:7E36EE:09 + code:7e36ee/09 cartridge sha256:0c08e6b817e4d0b333acb910a0bde3d79bd2dc188defc5df9a7c1233fa81c98d name:Oscar (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0320:03 + code:7e0320/03 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E05B6:FF + code:7e05b6/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0322:0A + code:7e0322/0a cheat description:All Oscars found - code:7E0324:00 + code:7e0324/00 cheat description:No Oscars to find - code:7E0324:00 + code:7e0324/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:7E0C7E:00+7E0C7F:00 + code:7e0c7e/00+7e0c7f/00 cartridge sha256:db44f8b58a31b640a47aa4390101c3c6a5f613e4e49c636d44786278033dec19 name:Outlander (USA) cheat description:Infinite health while in the car - code:C260-CF07+C260-6F07 + code:308f4d/cd+308e4d/cd cheat description:Almost infinite health while out of the car (except when you eat poisonous food) - code:C9B6-450D + code:93b48d/c5 cheat description:Infinite handgun ammo - code:DD69-45A4 + code:98885e/dd cheat description:Infinite surface-to-air missiles on pick-up - code:C285-C7D9 + code:05b77f/cd cheat description:Car ammo worth nothing on pick-up - code:DD67-C1A4 + code:188b3a/dd cheat description:Car ammo worth more on pick-up - code:D467-C5D4 + code:148b3f/d2 cheat description:Water worth nothing on pick-up - code:DD63-C0A4 + code:188be2/dd cheat description:Water worth more on pick-up - code:DF63-C9D4 + code:148be7/df cheat description:Hand gun ammo worth nothing on pick-up - code:DD66-C064 + code:108b82/dd cheat description:Food worth nothing on pick-up - code:DD6A-C0D4 + code:148ba3/dd cheat description:Gas can worth nothing on pick-up - code:DD6F-C004 + code:108bf1/dd cheat description:Gas can worth more on pick-up - code:D46F-C064 + code:108bf2/d2 cheat description:Start with more car ammo - code:D980-47A1 + code:89b84e/d5 cheat description:Start with less car ammo - code:DD80-47A1 + code:89b84e/dd cheat description:Start with more handgun ammo - code:1A89-4FD1 + code:b5b85f/6a cheat description:Start with less handgun ammo - code:FD89-4FD1 + code:b5b85f/fd cheat description:Start with more fuel - code:D480-4F61 + code:b1b84e/d2 cartridge sha256:582548dc86598a3557e9e3c27285c81964b006a954affe5c73948da5375ea11c name:Out of this World (USA) cheat description:First three shields are infinite - code:7E0D84:E7+7E0D8A:E7+7E0D90:E7 + code:7e0d84/e7+7e0d8a/e7+7e0d90/e7 cheat description:Infinite ammo in levels that have guns - code:7E0C4E:80+7E0C4F:80 + code:7e0c4e/80+7e0c4f/80 cartridge sha256:54b2f03393109ac7fd36d8c7752f15a44d9607ab0187a371b853191db3592c01 name:Out to Lunch (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0002:C8 + code:7e0002/c8 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0088:63 + code:7e0088/63 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E008A:A9 + code:7e008a/a9 cheat description:Score modifier - code:7E0009:63 + code:7e0009/63 cheat description:Start with Net - code:7E009E:01 + code:7e009e/01 cheat description:Start with Bag Of Flour (choose one) - code:7E009F:01 + code:7e009f/01 cheat description:Start with hot sauce attack (choose one) - code:7E009F:02 + code:7e009f/02 cheat description:Start with spoon (choose one) - code:7E009F:03 + code:7e009f/03 cheat description:Start with Cleats - code:7E00A2:01 + code:7e00a2/01 cheat description:Exit is open - code:7E00BE:00 + code:7e00be/00 cheat description:Hidden warp is open (whenever available) - code:7E000B:01 + code:7e000b/01 cartridge sha256:10c8abce67b49f8afbe880d2f13e0fd6d5efc162df34d5941e4a94851f23b2ff name:Pac-Attack (USA) cheat description:Fairy bar is always full (normal mode) - code:7E160E:FF + code:7e160e/ff cartridge sha256:7fe4cb9c294d66589ff78e225774471ecb7db80df25f2b6199ca25671358072b name:Pac-In-Time (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1533:BF + code:7e1533/bf cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0AD5:02 + code:7e0ad5/02 cheat description:Instant exit - code:7E0B03:00 + code:7e0b03/00 cartridge sha256:4cb52ba751c42d9e12ca429e5d657622a370b608002880a997f64de453f0de20 name:Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA) cheat description:Infinite power pellets - code:C288-3FDB + code:b6bfbf/cd cheat description:Have Rope-Way and Train Pass - code:7E0500:04 + code:7e0500/04 cheat description:Have all 3 Power Pellets - code:7E0506:03 + code:7e0506/03 cheat description:Have all 3 Cartridges - code:7E0507:07 + code:7e0507/07 cheat description:Have all 3 I.D. Cards - code:7E0508:07 + code:7e0508/07 cheat description:Have Milk - code:7E0509:01 + code:7e0509/01 cartridge sha256:46286d0839a4397fc4c067b39783f98d2aefeca870a468bae601a1434f1dde90 name:Paladin's Quest (USA) cheat description:Level 99 after one battle - code:6D63-6701+6D6E-6401 + code:018aed/8d+018ae9/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:10B5-6405 + code:01be79/64 cheat description:Spells use up no HP - code:108E-AF00 + code:b1b2ed/64 cheat description:No money needed in toolhouse and weapon shop - code:BA88-6481 + code:0dbaba/ba cheat description:No money needed in learning center - code:BA3A-04BE + code:0fe9aa/ba cheat description:Spell power increases at 2x normal rate - code:D063-D401 + code:418be9/d4 cheat description:Spell power increases at 3x normal rate - code:D163-D401 + code:418be9/d6 cheat description:Chezni starts with 255 max HP - code:EEEB-6D1F + code:3beeb5/ee cheat description:Chezni starts with 255 present HP - code:EEE6-673F + code:0bee8f/ee cheat description:Chezni starts with 40 Power, 42 Attack - code:46EB-6D3F + code:3beeb7/28 cheat description:Chezni starts with 60 Power, 62 Attack - code:7AEB-6D3F + code:3beeb7/3a cheat description:Chezni starts with 42 Defense, 30 Endurance - code:F3EB-6F3F + code:3beebf/fe cheat description:Chezni starts with 72 Defense, 60 Endurance - code:7AEB-6F3F + code:3beebf/3a cheat description:Chezni starts with 30 Speed - code:F3EB-6F1F + code:3beebd/fe cheat description:Chezni starts with 60 Speed - code:7AEB-6F1F + code:3beebd/3a cheat description:Chezni starts with a bow - code:D6EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/d8 cheat description:Chezni starts with a light sword - code:D2EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/dd cheat description:Chezni starts with a mid sword - code:FDEA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/fd cheat description:Chezni starts with a Aybro Spear - code:FCEA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/fc cheat description:Chezni starts with a heavy sword - code:F5EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/f7 cheat description:Chezni starts with a wind sword - code:7DEA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/3d cheat description:Chezni starts with HST - code:70EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/34 cheat description:Chezni starts with Gomutai - code:9FEA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/5f cheat description:Chezni starts with a Psych Beam - code:54EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/72 cheat description:Chezni starts with a flame thrower - code:57EA-6F1D + code:3be6ad/73 cheat description:Chezni starts with light armor - code:D8EA-6FCD + code:33e6af/db cheat description:Chezni starts with mid armor - code:DEEA-6FCD + code:33e6af/de cheat description:Chezni starts with heavy armor - code:FAEA-6FCD + code:33e6af/fa cheat description:Chezni starts with storm armor - code:7FEA-6FCD + code:33e6af/3f cheat description:Chezni starts with bib - code:77EA-6FCD + code:33e6af/33 cheat description:Chezni starts with wood boots - code:D4EA-6F3D + code:3be6af/d2 cheat description:Chezni starts with long boots - code:F8EA-6F3D + code:3be6af/fb cheat description:Chezni starts with knife boots - code:40EA-6F3D + code:3be6af/24 cheat description:Chezni starts with mid boots - code:F9EA-6F3D + code:3be6af/f5 cheat description:Chezni starts with sun helm - code:74EA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/32 cheat description:Chezni starts with leather helm - code:D9EA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/d5 cheat description:Chezni starts with helmet - code:DAEA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/da cheat description:Chezni starts with rage helmet - code:4AEA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/2a cheat description:Chezni starts with power helmet - code:F1EA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/f6 cheat description:Chezni starts with cosmo helmet - code:55EA-6D3D + code:3be6a7/77 cheat description:Chezni starts with gabni shield - code:79EA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/35 cheat description:Chezni starts with leather shield - code:71EA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/36 cheat description:Chezni starts with pick-axe - code:DBEA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/db cheat description:Chezni starts with gauntlet - code:F0EA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/f4 cheat description:Chezni starts with fire shield - code:FBEA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/fb cheat description:Chezni starts with Rft shield - code:59EA-6F4D + code:3be6ac/75 cheat description:No random battles - code:7E1868:09 + code:7e1868/09 cheat description:Infinite high gold - code:7E17C3:0E + code:7e17c3/0e cheat description:Character 1 - level 99 - code:7E15FA:63 + code:7e15fa/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 current HP - code:7E15FE:0F+7E15FF:27 + code:7e15fe/0f+7e15ff/27 cheat description:Character 1 - 9999 max HP - code:7E1600:0F+7E1601:27 + code:7e1600/0f+7e1601/27 cheat description:Character 1 - 999 Power/Attack - code:7E1602:E7+7E1603:03 + code:7e1602/e7+7e1603/03 cheat description:Character 1 - 999 SP/Attack SP - code:7E1604:E7+7E1605:03 + code:7e1604/e7+7e1605/03 cheat description:Character 1 - 999 Defense/Endurance - code:7E1606:E7+7E1607:03 + code:7e1606/e7+7e1607/03 cheat description:Character 1 - 999 Luck - code:7E1608:E7+7E1608:03 + code:7e1608/e7+7e1608/03 cheat description:Character 1 - 99 available Magic - code:7E160F:63 + code:7e160f/63 cheat description:Character 1 - 127 E Spirit - code:7E1610:7F + code:7e1610/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 W Spirit - code:7E1611:7F + code:7e1611/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 F Spirit - code:7E1612:7F + code:7e1612/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 Sk Spirit - code:7E1613:7F + code:7e1613/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 L Spirit - code:7E1614:7F + code:7e1614/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 A Spirit - code:7E1615:7F + code:7e1615/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 MT Spirit - code:7E1616:7F + code:7e1616/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 127 SP Spirit - code:7E1617:7F + code:7e1617/7f cheat description:Character 1 - 25 spells - code:7E16DD:25 + code:7e16dd/25 cheat description:Character 2 - level 99 - code:7E1620:63 + code:7e1620/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 current HP - code:7E1624:0F+7E1625:27 + code:7e1624/0f+7e1625/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 9999 max HP - code:7E1626:0F+7E1627:27 + code:7e1626/0f+7e1627/27 cheat description:Character 2 - 999 Power/Attack - code:7E1628:E7+7E1629:03 + code:7e1628/e7+7e1629/03 cheat description:Character 2 - 999 SP/Attack SP - code:7E162A:E7+7E162B:03 + code:7e162a/e7+7e162b/03 cheat description:Character 2 - 999 Defense/Endurance - code:7E162C:E7+7E162D:03 + code:7e162c/e7+7e162d/03 cheat description:Character 2 - 999 Luck - code:7E162E:E7+7E162E:03 + code:7e162e/e7+7e162e/03 cheat description:Character 2 - 99 available Magic - code:7E1635:63 + code:7e1635/63 cheat description:Character 2 - 127 E Spirit - code:7E1636:7F + code:7e1636/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 W Spirit - code:7E1637:7F + code:7e1637/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 F Spirit - code:7E1638:7F + code:7e1638/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 Sk Spirit - code:7E1639:7F + code:7e1639/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 L Spirit - code:7E163A:7F + code:7e163a/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 A Spirit - code:7E163B:7F + code:7e163b/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 MT Spirit - code:7E163C:7F + code:7e163c/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 127 SP Spirit - code:7E163D:7F + code:7e163d/7f cheat description:Character 2 - 25 spells - code:7E1703:25 + code:7e1703/25 cheat description:Character 3 - level 99 - code:7E1646:63 + code:7e1646/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 9999 current HP - code:7E164A:0F+7E164B:27 + code:7e164a/0f+7e164b/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 9999 max HP - code:7E164C:0F+7E164D:27 + code:7e164c/0f+7e164d/27 cheat description:Character 3 - 999 Power/Attack - code:7E164E:E7+7E164F:03 + code:7e164e/e7+7e164f/03 cheat description:Character 3 - 999 SP/Attack SP - code:7E1650:E7+7E1651:03 + code:7e1650/e7+7e1651/03 cheat description:Character 3 - 999 Defense/Endurance - code:7E1652:E7+7E1653:03 + code:7e1652/e7+7e1653/03 cheat description:Character 3 - 999 Luck - code:7E1654:E7+7E1654:03 + code:7e1654/e7+7e1654/03 cheat description:Character 3 - 99 available Magic - code:7E165B:63 + code:7e165b/63 cheat description:Character 3 - 127 E Spirit - code:7E165C:7F + code:7e165c/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 W Spirit - code:7E165D:7F + code:7e165d/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 F Spirit - code:7E165E:7F + code:7e165e/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 Sk Spirit - code:7E165F:7F + code:7e165f/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 L Spirit - code:7E1660:7F + code:7e1660/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 A Spirit - code:7E1661:7F + code:7e1661/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 MT Spirit - code:7E1662:7F + code:7e1662/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 127 SP Spirit - code:7E1663:7F + code:7e1663/7f cheat description:Character 3 - 25 spells - code:7E1729:25 + code:7e1729/25 cheat description:Character 4 - level 99 - code:7E166C:63 + code:7e166c/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 9999 current HP - code:7E1670:0F+7E1671:27 + code:7e1670/0f+7e1671/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 9999 max HP - code:7E1672:0F+7E1673:27 + code:7e1672/0f+7e1673/27 cheat description:Character 4 - 999 Power/Attack - code:7E1674:E7+7E1675:03 + code:7e1674/e7+7e1675/03 cheat description:Character 4 - 999 SP/Attack SP - code:7E1676:E7+7E1677:03 + code:7e1676/e7+7e1677/03 cheat description:Character 4 - 999 Defense/Endurance - code:7E1678:E7+7E1679:03 + code:7e1678/e7+7e1679/03 cheat description:Character 4 - 999 Luck - code:7E167A:E7+7E167A:03 + code:7e167a/e7+7e167a/03 cheat description:Character 4 - 99 available Magic - code:7E1681:63 + code:7e1681/63 cheat description:Character 4 - 127 E Spirit - code:7E1682:7F + code:7e1682/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 W Spirit - code:7E1683:7F + code:7e1683/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 F Spirit - code:7E1684:7F + code:7e1684/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 Sk Spirit - code:7E1685:7F + code:7e1685/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 L Spirit - code:7E1686:7F + code:7e1686/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 A Spirit - code:7E1687:7F + code:7e1687/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 MT Spirit - code:7E1688:7F + code:7e1688/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 127 SP Spirit - code:7E1689:7F + code:7e1689/7f cheat description:Character 4 - 25 spells - code:7E174F:25 + code:7e174f/25 cartridge sha256:7cec4ffc3eda0441561717cf55927901b5fbbd669c254079f78ca74c67c4a17b name:Paperboy 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite papers - code:DD88-D464 + code:40bbba/dd cheat description:Infinite time in training course - code:DD67-D4D9 + code:45873b/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (game still ends when all subscriptions are canceled) - code:DDBE-6404 + code:00bae9/dd cheat description:Paper bundles worth 0 if you have less than 10 - code:DD6D-6F60 + code:3182de/dd cheat description:Paper bundles worth 5 if you have less than 10 - code:D96D-6F60 + code:3182de/d5 cheat description:Paper bundles worth 20 if you have less than 10 - code:F06D-6F60 + code:3182de/f4 cheat description:Paper bundles worth 30 if you have less than 10 - code:F36D-6F60 + code:3182de/fe cheat description:Paper bundles worth 40 if you have less than 10 - code:466D-6F60 + code:3182de/28 cheat description:Paper bundles worth 50 if you have less than 10 - code:746D-6F60 + code:3182de/32 cheat description:Continue next life with 1 paper if you had less than 10 - code:DFC1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/df cheat description:Continue next life with 5 papers if you had less than 10 - code:D9C1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/d5 cheat description:Continue next life with 20 papers if you had less than 10 - code:F0C1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/f4 cheat description:Continue next life with 30 papers if you had less than 10 - code:F3C1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/fe cheat description:Continue next life with 40 papers if you had less than 10 - code:46C1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/28 cheat description:Continue next life with 50 papers if you had less than 10 - code:74C1-0FAF + code:3bcd6e/32 cheat description:Start with 79 seconds instead of 39 in Week 1 training course - code:DB6A-ADA0 + code:b982a6/db cheat description:Start with 59 seconds in Week 1 training course - code:D56A-ADA0 + code:b982a6/d7 cheat description:Start with 19 seconds in Week 1 training course - code:D76A-ADA0 + code:b982a6/d3 cheat description:Start with 25 papers instead of 10 - code:FBC6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/fb cheat description:Start with 50 papers - code:74C6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/32 cheat description:Start with 99 papers - code:17C6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - Paperboy - code:DFBF-A767 + code:80befe/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - Paperboy - code:D7BF-A767 + code:80befe/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - Paperboy - code:D5BF-A767 + code:80befe/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - Paperboy - code:DBBF-A767 + code:80befe/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - Paperboy - code:FBBF-A767 + code:80befe/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - Paperboy - code:74BF-A767 + code:80befe/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - Paperboy - code:17BF-A767 + code:80befe/63 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - Papergirl - code:DFB5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - Papergirl - code:D7B5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - Papergirl - code:D5B5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - Papergirl - code:DBB5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - Papergirl - code:FBB5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - Papergirl - code:74B5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - Papergirl - code:17B5-ADD7 + code:b4be77/63 cartridge sha256:14ad9d2fb8e6bb0f49bc9e53f3c472177653d1c24102169ade308a2fab8a8888 name:Parodius Da! - Shinwa kara Owarai e (Japan) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0098:03 + code:7e0098/03 cartridge sha256:c414a4084b3d03aba19496d2efdd68fcf826194d8f1308f5c98e3a7af2fcc063 name:Peace Keepers, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C229-CF07 + code:30df5d/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:6E31-4DAD+B031-4FDD+D131-4F0D+5331-4F6D + code:bbe466/8e+b7e46f/b4+b3e46d/d6+b3e46e/7e cheat description:One hit kills - code:102C-C7D3 + code:07dbcf/64 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3DA1-C7D1+58A5-CDD1+DDA1-C701+D5A1-C761+FDA1-C7A1 + code:05ab6f/ed+35ab77/7b+01ab6d/dd+01ab6e/d7+09ab6e/fd cartridge sha256:5c0b5266a191852ca593235f07180e673cb79e3f0b0dd31f65808eef83bf6e90 name:PGA Tour Golf (USA) cheat description:Ball goes in from anywhere - code:6D85-67AD+6DCC-ADD7 + code:0bb67e/8d+b4cec7/8d cheat description:Allow 14 clubs for full set instead of 13 - code:D235-6D07+D22A-D40F + code:30ee75/dd+43dfa9/dd cheat description:Allow 15 clubs for full set - code:D335-6D07+D32A-D40F + code:30ee75/de+43dfa9/de cheat description:Allow 16 clubs for full set - code:DE35-6D07+DE2A-D40F + code:30ee75/de+43dfa9/de cheat description:No wind - code:6DC8-6DD7 + code:34ceb7/8d cheat description:Constant wind of 10 mph - code:CBC8-6DD7+DDC8-6D67+DCC8-6D07 + code:34ceb7/cb+30ceb6/dd+30ceb5/dc cheat description:Constant wind direction to the left - code:BACA-64D7 + code:04ceab/ba cheat description:Each round ends after hole 1 - code:DFA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/df cheat description:Each round ends after hole 2 - code:D4A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d2 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 3 - code:D7A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d3 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 4 - code:D0A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d4 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 5 - code:D9A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d5 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 6 - code:D1A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d6 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 7 - code:D5A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d7 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 8 - code:D6A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/d8 cheat description:Each round ends after hole 9 - code:DBA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/db cheat description:Each round ends after hole 10 - code:DCA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/dc cheat description:Each round ends after hole 11 - code:D8A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/db cheat description:Each round ends after hole 12 - code:DAA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/da cheat description:Each round ends after hole 13 - code:D2A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/dd cheat description:Each round ends after hole 14 - code:D3A7-A704 + code:80aa3d/de cheat description:Each round ends after hole 15 - code:DEA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/de cheat description:Each round ends after hole 16 - code:FDA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/fd cheat description:Each round ends after hole 17 - code:FFA7-A704 + code:80aa3d/ff cartridge sha256:0663330bc061f4b768fa1806610878ef6e6cf546f36041ae087c8e55703693b8 name:Phalanx (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:3C21-AD0F + code:b3de65/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DD2A-64AF + code:0bdeaa/dd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:DD63-DD04 + code:708be5/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C230-6DDD+DD34-64DD+DD34-670D+DD3F-640D+DD3F-676D + code:37e647/cd+07e62b/dd+03e62d/dd+03e6f9/dd+03e6fe/dd cheat description:Once power-up has been obtained, it is not lost until you continue (doesn't work for weapon, only power-ups) - code:C229-D7A4 + code:48db5e/cd cheat description:Power capsule restores armor to full strength - code:9D23-6DAF+6723-6FDF + code:3bdee6/5d+37deef/83 cheat description:Power capsule has no effect on armor or power-up - code:1D23-6D6F + code:33dee6/6d cheat description:Start with 1 credit instead of 4 - code:DFA8-05E3+DF2D-015A + code:1ba9bf/df+1ed9d9/df cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:D4A8-05E3+D42D-015A + code:1ba9bf/d2+1ed9d9/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 credits - code:D7A8-05E3+D72D-015A + code:1ba9bf/d3+1ed9d9/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - code:D9A8-05E3+D92D-015A + code:1ba9bf/d5+1ed9d9/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 credits - code:D5A8-05E3+D52D-015A + code:1ba9bf/d7+1ed9d9/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 credits - code:FDA8-05E3+FD2D-015A + code:1ba9bf/fd+1ed9d9/fd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFA8-00E3+DF2D-008A + code:1ba9b3/df+1ed9d2/df cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D4A8-00E3+D42D-008A + code:1ba9b3/d2+1ed9d2/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D7A8-00E3+D72D-008A + code:1ba9b3/d3+1ed9d2/d3 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D0A8-00E3+D02D-008A + code:1ba9b3/d4+1ed9d2/d4 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D1A8-00E3+D12D-008A + code:1ba9b3/d6+1ed9d2/d6 cheat description:Start with 11 lives - code:FFA8-00E3+FF2D-008A + code:1ba9b3/ff+1ed9d2/ff cheat description:Start with 26 lives - code:41A8-00E3+412D-008A + code:1ba9b3/26+1ed9d2/26 cheat description:Start with 51 lives - code:9FA8-00E3+9F2D-008A + code:1ba9b3/5f+1ed9d2/5f cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:BCA8-00E3+BC2D-008A + code:1ba9b3/bc+1ed9d2/bc cheat description:Start on mission 2 - code:D42F-007A+D4AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d2+1ba9ab/d2 cheat description:Start on mission 3 - code:D72F-007A+D7AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d3+1ba9ab/d3 cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:D02F-007A+D0AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d4+1ba9ab/d4 cheat description:Start on mission 5 - code:D92F-007A+D9AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d5+1ba9ab/d5 cheat description:Start on mission 6 - code:D12F-007A+D1AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d6+1ba9ab/d6 cheat description:Start on mission 7 - code:D52F-007A+D5AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d7+1ba9ab/d7 cheat description:Start on mission 8 - code:D62F-007A+D6AA-01E3 + code:1ed9f0/d8+1ba9ab/d8 cheat description:After losing a life automatically finish level, gain 99 lives and retain all power-ups - code:00D83A:AD + code:00d83a/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00D6CB:00 + code:00d6cb/00 cartridge sha256:be1bf238d76b74bfcc0b86a899b8caedd0a49c105576c659b56045c85512a166 name:Phantom 2040 (USA) (Beta) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:3367-3760 + code:81833e/ee cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2AF-CFD9 + code:35a7ff/cd cheat description:Infinite weapon energy - code:C2AA-14A9 + code:89a5aa/cd cheat description:Access all weapons (highlight weapon and press X to equip) - code:B23B-34D9 + code:85e7bb/bd cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0410:DC + code:7e0410/dc cheat description:Moonjump - code:7E0294:06 + code:7e0294/06 cheat description:Have Wave Gun - code:7E0CD3:01 + code:7e0cd3/01 cheat description:Have Blank Space - code:7E0CD4:01 + code:7e0cd4/01 cheat description:Have Spread - code:7E0CD5:01 + code:7e0cd5/01 cheat description:Have Devestator - code:7E0CD6:01 + code:7e0cd6/01 cheat description:Have Homing Missile - code:7E0CD7:01 + code:7e0cd7/01 cheat description:Have Breaker - code:7E0CD8:01 + code:7e0cd8/01 cheat description:Have Boomerang - code:7E0CD9:01 + code:7e0cd9/01 cheat description:Have Explosive Pellets - code:7E0CDA:01 + code:7e0cda/01 cheat description:Have Super Explosive Pellets - code:7E0CDB:01 + code:7e0cdb/01 cheat description:Have Flash Pellets - code:7E0CDC:01 + code:7e0cdc/01 cheat description:Have Fire Retardant Pellets - code:7E0CDD:01 + code:7e0cdd/01 cheat description:Have Shadow Panther - code:7E0CDE:01 + code:7e0cde/01 cheat description:Have Invisibility - code:7E0CDF:01 + code:7e0cdf/01 cheat description:Have Armor - code:7E0CE0:01 + code:7e0ce0/01 cheat description:Have First Aid Kit - code:7E0CE1:01 + code:7e0ce1/01 cheat description:Have Energy Aid Kit - code:7E0CE2:01 + code:7e0ce2/01 cartridge sha256:b7291088f5c49e1fc55bf932076ec03f7b39f6e409ae06e884b57024c56cdc87 name:Phantom 2040 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3365-3DD0+3361-34A0 + code:b58377/ee+89836a/ee cheat description:Infinite lives - code:62AF-34D9 + code:85a7fb/8d cheat description:Infinite weapon energy - code:C2A2-CF69 + code:31a7de/cd cheat description:Access all weapons (highlight weapon and press X to equip) - code:233E-3FD9 + code:b5e7ef/de cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E0410:DC + code:7e0410/dc cheat description:Moonjump - code:7E0294:06 + code:7e0294/06 cheat description:Have Wave Gun - code:7E0FD3:01 + code:7e0fd3/01 cheat description:Have Blank Space - code:7E0FD4:01 + code:7e0fd4/01 cheat description:Have Spread - code:7E0FD5:01 + code:7e0fd5/01 cheat description:Have Devestator - code:7E0FD6:01 + code:7e0fd6/01 cheat description:Have Homing Missile - code:7E0FD7:01 + code:7e0fd7/01 cheat description:Have Breaker - code:7E0FD8:01 + code:7e0fd8/01 cheat description:Have Boomerang - code:7E0FD9:01 + code:7e0fd9/01 cheat description:Have Explosive Pellets - code:7E0FDA:01 + code:7e0fda/01 cheat description:Have Super Explosive Pellets - code:7E0FDB:01 + code:7e0fdb/01 cheat description:Have Flash Pellets - code:7E0FDC:01 + code:7e0fdc/01 cheat description:Have Fire Retardant Pellets - code:7E0FDD:01 + code:7e0fdd/01 cheat description:Have Shadow Panther - code:7E0FDE:01 + code:7e0fde/01 cheat description:Have Invisibility - code:7E0FDF:01 + code:7e0fdf/01 cheat description:Have Armor - code:7E0FE0:01 + code:7e0fe0/01 cheat description:Have First Aid Kit - code:7E0FE1:01 + code:7e0fe1/01 cheat description:Have Energy Aid Kit - code:7E0FE2:01 + code:7e0fe2/01 cartridge sha256:03d0127f5de3237e22ad00de0c20763274da7b71142dde693240ac96d10983a3 name:Pilotwings (USA) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:108D-0FA7 + code:38bdde/64 cheat description:Infinite time (disable to detach hang glider from plane) - code:DD8E-AFD5 + code:b5beef/dd cheat description:Reduce gravity - code:4DE7-CD0F + code:33ef35/2d cheat description:Increase gravity - code:CDE7-CD0F + code:33ef35/cd cheat description:Increase rocket pack thrust power 3x - code:E2EF-6F0F + code:33eefd/ed cartridge sha256:3a52bf09850aa054dca443f7ea74d43f201dffecc40326924ecba9b0f1450e43 name:Pinball Dreams (USA) cheat description:Slow motion - code:C763-3DD4 + code:b48be7/c3 cheat description:Ball attracts to the top - code:13C9-CDDF + code:37cf57/6e cheat description:Ball attracts to the side - code:13CF-CDDF + code:37cff7/6e cheat description:Spastic ball - code:BECC-CD0F + code:33cfc5/be cartridge sha256:0888d20ab2f834c77b0a2dc2162c43890a1640adc78c6b0bb5892ca8d5008ad3 name:Pinball Fantasies (USA) cheat description:Infinite balls - code:7E00B8:03 + code:7e00b8/03 cartridge sha256:d0f4a5040ecf96dc49aa0084160e291a38f2ee75319750db4d6687ab36828da9 name:Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DB0-C7AA+1DB9-3F62+1DB1-CFA2 + code:0abb4e/6d+b3b75e/6d+3bb76e/6d cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E0201:FF + code:7e0201/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E01FF:03 + code:7e01ff/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0203:09 + code:7e0203/09 cheat description:Have 99 tricks - code:7E0217:99 + code:7e0217/99 cheat description:Have 9 of every token - code:7E01B9:09+7E01BB:09+7E01BD:09+7E01BF:09+7E01C1:09 + code:7e01b9/09+7e01bb/09+7e01bd/09+7e01bf/09+7e01c1/09 cartridge sha256:fe7b861504886b40207d777cfc0dce76778b5fd8e679a67d04c9ded98cd1e59e name:Pinocchio (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E03D8:28 + code:7e03d8/28 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E03DE:03 + code:7e03de/03 cartridge sha256:98c51c3bb577600fe79577c323333a791baa30904f37c695890e6e380b75e3c8 name:Pinocchio (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E03D8:50 + code:7e03d8/50 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E03DE:05 + code:7e03de/05 cheat description:Enable level select - code:7E201C:FF + code:7e201c/ff cartridge sha256:447dfa710e69479159e9d407474fbf5f67d3a3330ab0c7627afd123ded3fdb3a name:Pirates of Dark Water, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C28B-47D4 + code:84b8bf/cd cheat description:Health refills about every 15 seconds - code:4F82-17AF+D583-1DDF + code:8bbdde/2f+b7bde7/d7 cheat description:Infinite health - code:DD82-14AF + code:8bbdda/dd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:622B-37D8+CB2B-3468+962B-34A8 + code:86dfbf/8d+82dfba/cb+8adfba/58 cheat description:Infinite special attacks (no health loss) - code:DDA5-1DDF + code:b7ad77/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C280-1F6F + code:b3bd4e/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40A0-C7DD+40AA-370D+62A4-C70D+6DA9-CFDD+6DA9-34DD+6DAF-CFAD+75A4-C76D+D5A4-C7AD+F0AF-C4DD + code:07a74f/24+83a7ad/24+03a72d/8d+37a75f/8d+87a75b/8d+3ba7fe/8d+03a72e/37+0ba72e/d7+07a7fb/f4 cheat description:One hit kills - code:3CAF-3DAF+3CAF-3FDF+CBAF-3F0F+5EAF-3F6F + code:bbaff6/ec+b7afff/ec+b3affd/cb+b3affe/7e cheat description:1/2 health after 1st hit (1st life only) - code:4D65-1FF5+4D63-440E + code:bd8d7f/2d+8388e9/2d cheat description:Start with less health (after 1st life) - code:4DB0-CFDF + code:37bf4f/2d cheat description:Start with 6 lives (not when joining in) - code:D9C8-4DA4 + code:b8c8b6/d5 cheat description:Start with 2 lives (not when joining in) - code:DFC8-4DA4 + code:b8c8b6/df cartridge sha256:c2a1a66648a0a0bfe2f201cf4f926d138e410fbf85ecf436ccb9aac70c0df3de name:Pit-Fighter (USA) cheat description:Infinite super powers after gaining one - code:DD32-6700 + code:01e2dd/dd cheat description:Executioner in match 1 has less health - code:10C6-07DF + code:07cd8f/64 cheat description:Executioner in match 1 has more health - code:DFC6-070F + code:03cd8d/df cheat description:C.C. has less health in match 2 - code:10CB-07DF+DDCB-070F + code:07cdbf/64+03cdbd/dd cheat description:C.C. has more health in match 2 - code:D4CB-070F + code:03cdbd/d2 cheat description:Angel has less health in match 3 - code:10C8-07DF + code:07cdbf/64 cheat description:Angel has more health in match 3 - code:DFC8-070F + code:03cdbd/df cheat description:All opponents have less health - code:C485-0DD7+DD85-0D07+10C6-07DF + code:34bd77/c2+30bd75/dd+07cd8f/64 cheat description:All opponents have more health - code:C485-0DD7+DD85-0D07+10C6-07DF+D4C6-070F + code:34bd77/c2+30bd75/dd+07cd8f/64+03cd8d/d2 cheat description:Start with more health - code:EEBF-A4D0 + code:85b2fb/ee cheat description:Start with less health - code:74BF-A4D0 + code:85b2fb/32 cheat description:Start with a lot more health - code:D4BF-A760 + code:81b2fe/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 super powers - code:D7B3-D769 + code:41b7ee/d3 cartridge sha256:e03d117d8b3093b0bbad5224638f85378b254b81eb304e506a732b4338802e0f name:Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite Stones of Pacal - code:DDA6-3D69 + code:b1a786/dd cheat description:Infinite Sling Stones - code:DDA5-1709 + code:81a57d/dd cheat description:Infinite Boomerangs - code:DDA5-3700 + code:81a37d/dd cheat description:Walk through walls - code:6D64-CDAF + code:3b8f26/8d cheat description:Jump through ceilings - code:6D68-1FD4 + code:b489bf/8d cheat description:Get 2x energy from sacred hearts - code:746B-4D6A + code:b288b6/32 cheat description:Get 3x energy from sacred hearts - code:086B-4D6A + code:b288b6/4b cheat description:Sling stones do mega-damage - code:74A4-CF69 + code:31a72e/32 cheat description:Time keeper power-up lasts longer - code:ED6C-CDDA+D46C-CD0A + code:368bc7/ed+328bc5/d2 cheat description:20 Stones of Pacal on pick-up - code:F06D-1D0A + code:b289d5/f4 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:DD6F-C7A1 + code:098bfe/dd cheat description:Reset game to play original Pitfall infinitely - code:D3B5-1F0F + code:b3bd7d/de cheat description:Replaces main game with original Pitfall - code:D389-4FAA + code:bab85e/de cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB6B-C4A1+DBC6-34DE + code:098bba/db+87cb8b/db cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D16B-C4A1+D1C6-34DE + code:098bba/d6+87cb8b/d6 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF6B-C4A1+DFC6-34DE + code:098bba/df+87cb8b/df cheat description:Invincibility and invisibility - code:7E03CD:19 + code:7e03cd/19 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E10C1:FF + code:7e10c1/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E00C0:03 + code:7e00c0/03 cartridge sha256:72b2b3bead3fcd27a1610ad5d4d8be3235efeaff96df2e7858911992a5892d21 name:Pocky & Rocky (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - Pocky - code:C933-A794 + code:84eaed/c5 cheat description:Infinite health - Rocky - code:C93E-A797 + code:84eeed/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:CB2D-DFDF + code:77dfdf/cb cheat description:Infinite lives - Pocky - code:DDA7-AD65 + code:b1ae36/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - Rocky - code:DD35-0761 + code:01e97e/dd cheat description:Weapons don't deplete when hit - Pocky - code:4032-A4F4 + code:8ceadb/24 cheat description:Weapons don't deplete when hit - Pocky - code:4033-AFF7 + code:bceeef/24 cheat description:Blue ball acts as red ball - Pocky - code:D43F-6FF4 + code:3ceaff/d2 cheat description:Red ball acts as blue ball - Pocky - code:DF3D-6424 + code:04eadb/df cheat description:Blue ball acts as red ball - Rocky - code:D43B-6F27 + code:34eebf/d2 cheat description:Red ball acts as blue ball - Rocky - code:DF36-67B7 + code:0cee8e/df cheat description:9 lives stolen from Rocky (must have one life remaining) - code:DBAA-AD60 + code:b1a2a6/db cheat description:9 lives stolen from Pocky (must have one life remaining) - code:DB3A-DD69 + code:71e7a6/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - Pocky - code:DF62-A7D4 + code:848adf/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - Pocky - code:D162-A7D4 + code:848adf/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - Pocky - code:DB62-A7D4 + code:848adf/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - Rocky - code:DF62-A704 + code:808add/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - Rocky - code:D162-A704 + code:808add/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - Rocky - code:DB62-A704 + code:808add/db cheat description:Invincibility - code:01B67F:D0+01B67D:85 + code:01b67f/d0+01b67d/85 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0068:08 + code:7e0068/08 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0F12:9A + code:7e0f12/9a cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E006A:03 + code:7e006a/03 cheat description:Infinite Special - code:7E0066:02 + code:7e0066/02 cheat description:Infinite Shield - code:7E00E4:02 + code:7e00e4/02 cartridge sha256:cc33ae02114ea18a86592de327b2b4bcc80728b11a5e4c61666dca71480d4169 name:Pocky & Rocky 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:039731:60+069739:60 + code:039731/60+069739/60 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E7064:76 + code:7e7064/76 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E7064:79+7E7062:79+7E7060:79 + code:7e7064/79+7e7062/79+7e7060/79 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E19F4:03 + code:7e19f4/03 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:7E05B2:99 + code:7e05b2/99 cheat description:Max Card - code:7E19F6:02 + code:7e19f6/02 cheat description:Infinite hearts when riding Spirit Dog - code:7E19F2:05 + code:7e19f2/05 cartridge sha256:000f4534a0376958edcc7ae3e6c5a7ea0dd6a775646207f60ad3923e27f110f3 name:Pop'n TwinBee - Rainbow Bell Adventures (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E02EC:64 + code:7e02ec/64 cartridge sha256:5e580f220ed16281df8ee9a5f450b553f39f8c4078d3f3048d66bda15f98e19f name:Populous (USA) cheat description:Allows you to select any world from the Conquer screen with the B and X buttons - code:DD30-64DD + code:07e64b/dd cheat description:Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0-4 - code:DC6C-6F09 + code:3186cd/dc cheat description:Your population starts at 20 for battles 0-4 - code:F06C-6F09 + code:3186cd/f4 cheat description:Your population starts at 30 for battles 0-4 - code:F36C-6F09 + code:3186cd/fe cheat description:His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0-4 - code:DC6C-6F69 + code:3186ce/dc cheat description:His population starts at 20 for battles 0-4 - code:F06C-6F69 + code:3186ce/f4 cheat description:His population starts at 30 for battles 0-4 - code:F36C-6F69 + code:3186ce/fe cheat description:You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 0-4 - code:DD6C-6D69 + code:3186c6/dd cheat description:He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 0-4 - code:7E6C-6D09 + code:3186c5/3e cheat description:Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5-9 - code:DC6C-67A9 + code:0986ce/dc cheat description:Your population starts at 20 for battles 5-9 - code:F06C-67A9 + code:0986ce/f4 cheat description:Your population starts at 30 for battles 5-9 - code:F36C-67A9 + code:0986ce/fe cheat description:His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5-9 - code:DC68-6DD9 + code:3586b7/dc cheat description:His population starts at 20 for battles 5-9 - code:F068-6DD9 + code:3586b7/f4 cheat description:His population starts at 30 for battles 5-9 - code:F368-6DD9 + code:3586b7/fe cheat description:You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 5-9 - code:DD6C-67D9 + code:0586cf/dd cheat description:He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 5-9 - code:7E6C-64A9 + code:0986ca/3e cheat description:Your population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10-14 - code:DC68-6409 + code:0186b9/dc cheat description:Your population starts at 20 for battles 10-14 - code:F068-6409 + code:0186b9/f4 cheat description:Your population starts at 30 for battles 10-14 - code:F368-6409 + code:0186b9/fe cheat description:His population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10-14 - code:DC68-6469 + code:0186ba/dc cheat description:His population starts at 20 for battles 10-14 - code:F068-6469 + code:0186ba/f4 cheat description:His population starts at 30 for battles 10-14 - code:F368-6469 + code:0186ba/fe cheat description:You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 10-14 - code:DD68-6F69 + code:3186be/dd cheat description:He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 10-14 - code:7E68-6F09 + code:3186bd/3e cartridge sha256:ee9759fdb590ba908f569c2bb8a63703d282b58b84bd1fe0a472ea47685acdc5 name:Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:C9C3-D708 + code:42cfed/c5 cheat description:Don't flash after geting hit - code:DD26-D4DB + code:46df8b/dd cheat description:Don't flash as long after geting hit - code:F426-D4DB + code:46df8b/f2 cheat description:Flash longer after geting hit - code:EE26-D4DB + code:46df8b/ee cheat description:Cupcakes are worth 0 - code:DD6F-6FDE + code:378aff/dd cheat description:Cupcakes are worth 2 - code:D46F-6FDE + code:378aff/d2 cheat description:Cupcakes are worth 5 - code:D96F-6FDE + code:378aff/d5 cheat description:Cupcakes are worth 10 - code:DC6F-6FDE + code:378aff/dc cheat description:Cupcakes are worth 15 - code:DE6F-6FDE + code:378aff/de cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDC6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/dd cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D1C6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBC6-DFAD + code:7bc78e/db cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:DFC6-D46D + code:43c78a/df cheat description:Start with 2 hearts - code:D4C6-D46D + code:43c78a/d2 cheat description:Start with 8 hearts - code:D6C6-D46D + code:43c78a/d8 cheat description:Start with 10 hearts - code:DCC6-D46D + code:43c78a/dc cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0EAA:04 + code:7e0eaa/04 cheat description:Infinite Cupcakes - code:7E0E9F:63 + code:7e0e9f/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0E9E:09 + code:7e0e9e/09 cartridge sha256:06c8fc466805f97c9147711b2d8370d4f4d05d9fa3a916f17aa1682f73c9a63b name:Power Instinct (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:3DA2-E4BF+DDA2-E7FF+EDA2-E79F+FAA2-E7BF + code:8fafda/ed+8fafdf/dd+87afdd/ed+8fafde/fa cartridge sha256:0288ec049723cd0c7f1148cdc1aef0b6922b8a756affe373c99d5690e0dfceaa name:Power Piggs of the Dark Age (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DB7-C40F+6DB1-CF0D + code:03bf39/6d+33b76d/8d cheat description:Multi-jump - code:4066-CFA7+D5EA-44DC + code:388f8e/24+87e0ab/d7 cheat description:Partial invincibility - code:7E06A4:3F + code:7e06a4/3f cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E147E:00 + code:7e147e/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1500:09 + code:7e1500/09 cheat description:Infinite Doughnuts - code:7E1505:09 + code:7e1505/09 cheat description:Start on level Beautiful Downtown Pigg - code:7E1874:00 + code:7e1874/00 cheat description:Start on level Dark Age Donut - code:7E1874:01 + code:7e1874/01 cheat description:Start on level North Blowhole Forest - code:7E1874:02 + code:7e1874/02 cheat description:Start on level Road to Wolff Castle - code:7E1874:03 + code:7e1874/03 cartridge sha256:982a56e543995ca2221a4a58431cdeb03ac178e2874c2d6ac00be15bddc6eb02 name:Power Soukoban (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DD3F-17D9 + code:85e5ff/dd cartridge sha256:8f387d083de1399bb79e5312c31a6f1757f2a536bfa25cecf1aea77bfd77058b name:Prehistorik Man (USA) (En,Fr,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E00B6:03 + code:7e00b6/03 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0558:03 + code:7e0558/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0556:03 + code:7e0556/03 cheat description:Infinite Shout - code:7E056C:0A + code:7e056c/0a cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:7E0564:99 + code:7e0564/99 cheat description:Level modifier (first level must be cleared before the code actually works) - code:7E052A:## + code:7e052a/00 cheat description:Lots of bones - code:7E0560:99+7E0561:09 + code:7e0560/99+7e0561/09 cheat description:Have 99 diamonds (disable after you finish the level) - code:7E0814:99 + code:7e0814/99 cartridge sha256:55376715f243b1bacd9aeecf1092bbc7837fe512592a2c1703d24b0829fc1934 name:Primal Rage (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C20F-E767 + code:804ffe/cd cheat description:Press down 3 times then start at the Start/Options screen for a hidden menu - code:D925-846F + code:c3de7a/d5 cheat description:Able to select as many credits as you want in the options screen - code:BB54-87AB + code:ca7e2e/bb cheat description:Select different times in the options screen - code:FD1D-7DD4 + code:f468d7/fd cheat description:Start with less health - code:0DA5-876D + code:c3a67e/4d cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1926:00 + code:7e1926/00 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1928:00 + code:7e1928/00 cheat description:One hit kills - P1 - code:7E210C:01 + code:7e210c/01 cheat description:One hit kills - P2 - code:7E210E:01 + code:7e210e/01 cheat description:Infinite fatality time - code:7E0270:00+7E02CE:54 + code:7e0270/00+7e02ce/54 cheat description:Freeplay activated - code:7E2114:01 + code:7e2114/01 cartridge sha256:494190cd6d7fd68882cbe255a6e237d9c4bdaf3988615ede0297a5e285ad5dd9 name:Prince of Persia (USA) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:C2BA-AFD0 + code:b5b2af/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:6D32-0FA1+DC32-04D1 + code:39e9de/8d+05e9db/dc cheat description:Non-fatal injuries do no damage - code:BAA6-ADA5 + code:b9ae86/ba cheat description:Non-fatal falls do no damage - code:43C9-6D61 + code:31ca56/2e cheat description:Non-fatal falls do 2 points of damage instead of 1 - code:D4C1-6701 + code:01ca6d/d2 cheat description:Falls do no damage except spikes (if you get stuck choose End Game and use a password to start the level over) - code:6DC0-6701 + code:01ca4d/8d cheat description:Walk on air (Can walk over pits. Run to any wall to fall down or walk to the edge of any floor to climb down.) - code:6DCE-ADD1 + code:b5cae7/8d cheat description:All enemies have 1 health point - code:C260-A701+DF6C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/df cheat description:All enemies have 2 health points - code:C260-A701+D46C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/d2 cheat description:All enemies have 3 health points - code:C260-A701+D76C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/d3 cheat description:All enemies have 4 health points - code:C260-A701+D06C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/d4 cheat description:All enemies have 5 health points - code:C260-A701+D96C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/d5 cheat description:All enemies have 10 health points - code:C260-A701+DC6C-DFA0 + code:818a4d/cd+7983ce/dc cheat description:Enemies defeated immediately (disable on bosses) - code:BA69-ADA1 + code:b98a56/ba cheat description:Start with 2 health points instead of 3 - code:D430-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 health points - code:D030-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 health points - code:D930-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d5 cheat description:Start with 6 health points - code:D130-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d6 cheat description:Start with 7 health points - code:D530-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d7 cheat description:Start with 8 health points - code:D630-04A5 + code:09ed4a/d8 cheat description:Start with 9 health points - code:DB30-04A5 + code:09ed4a/db cheat description:Start with 15 health points - code:FD30-04A5 + code:09ed4a/fd cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:DFB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/df cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D4B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D7B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:D0B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:D9B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:D1B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d6 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:D5B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d7 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:D6B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/d8 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:DBB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/db cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:DCB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/dc cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:D8B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/db cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:DAB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/da cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:D2B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/dd cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:D3B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/de cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:DEB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/de cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:FDB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/fd cheat description:Start on level 18 - code:FFB7-D46E + code:43bb3a/ff cheat description:Start on level 19 - code:F4B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/f2 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:F7B7-D46E + code:43bb3a/f3 + cheat + description:Cheat menu enabled (Start+Select) + code:7e106f/02 cartridge sha256:04ca1a481093c4a7e12f18b33697d6e05e50e30e0f5b1655aa265abd14719bba name:Prince of Persia 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0957:03 + code:7e0957/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0B98:69 + code:7e0b98/69 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40E0-C46F+40E0-C7AF+40E0-CD6F+40E1-C4AF+40E7-CF6F+40E7-C7DF+40E9-CFDF+40EA-1FAF + code:03ef4a/24+0bef4e/24+33ef46/24+0bef6a/24+33ef3e/24+07ef3f/24+37ef5f/24+bbedae/24 + cheat + description:Cheat mode enabled (level skip = Select, kills = X) + code:7e0206/01 cartridge sha256:65f7123ab4fc9bad24b1976da8e84976cc6977861626a05d4e2cce132ef3fd42 name:Psycho Dream (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:DDB7-8D6D + code:f3b636/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD7F-7407 + code:c03cf9/dd cheat description:Infinite magic - code:69BE-77DF + code:c7bcef/85 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DDD-E71F+6DD4-EDCF+6DD7-EF3F+6DD0-E74F + code:8bdfdd/8d+b3df27/8d+bbdf3f/8d+8bdf4c/8d cheat description:Best weapon on pick-up - code:CBC7-74AD + code:cbc43a/cb cartridge sha256:475c9baa1c2b76a6b3119e47d32814dc1c08e84e23250ae015bb0bccea915637 name:Push-Over (USA) cheat description:Still can complete level even if time runs out - code:6D6B-6F0F + code:338ebd/8d cheat description:Tokens aren't lost when used to undo a push - code:3366-6F0F + code:338e8d/ee cheat description:Tokens aren't lost when used to advance when time runs out - code:3367-A4AF + code:8b8e3a/ee cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+DF66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/df cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D466-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D766-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D066-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D966-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D166-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d6 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D566-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d7 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D666-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/d8 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+DB66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/db cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+DC66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/dc cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D866-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/db cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+DA66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/da cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D266-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/dd cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+D366-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/de cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+DE66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/de cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+FD66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/fd cheat description:Start on level 18 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+FF66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/ff cheat description:Start on level 19 - 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code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7D66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3d cheat description:Start on level 50 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7F66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3f cheat description:Start on level 51 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7466-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/32 cheat description:Start on level 52 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7766-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/33 cheat description:Start on level 53 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7066-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/34 cheat description:Start on level 54 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7966-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/35 cheat description:Start on level 55 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7166-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/36 cheat description:Start on level 56 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7566-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/37 cheat description:Start on level 57 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7666-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/38 cheat description:Start on level 58 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7B66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3b cheat description:Start on level 59 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7C66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3c cheat description:Start on level 60 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7866-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3b cheat description:Start on level 61 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7A66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3a cheat description:Start on level 62 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7266-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3d cheat description:Start on level 63 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7366-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3e cheat description:Start on level 64 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+7E66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/3e cheat description:Start on level 65 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0D66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4d cheat description:Start on level 66 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0F66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4f cheat description:Start on level 67 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0466-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/42 cheat description:Start on level 68 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0766-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/43 cheat description:Start on level 69 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0066-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/44 cheat description:Start on level 70 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0966-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/45 cheat description:Start on level 71 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0166-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/46 cheat description:Start on level 72 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0566-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/47 cheat description:Start on level 73 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0666-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/48 cheat description:Start on level 74 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0B66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4b cheat description:Start on level 75 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0C66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4c cheat description:Start on level 76 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0866-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4b cheat description:Start on level 77 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0A66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4a cheat description:Start on level 78 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0266-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4d cheat description:Start on level 79 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0366-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4e cheat description:Start on level 80 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+0E66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/4e cheat description:Start on level 81 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9D66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/5d cheat description:Start on level 82 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9F66-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/5f cheat description:Start on level 83 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9466-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/52 cheat description:Start on level 84 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9766-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/53 cheat description:Start on level 85 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9066-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/54 cheat description:Start on level 86 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9966-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/55 cheat description:Start on level 87 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9166-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/56 cheat description:Start on level 88 - code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+9566-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/57 cheat description:Start on level 89 - 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code:CB66-AD6F+6266-AF0F+1466-ADAF + code:b38e86/cb+b38e8d/8d+bb8e86/62 cartridge sha256:ba135ad37fef9932c2f840cf6cf82d559c232dfe0f85ba068a34755f3ad5f778 name:Putty Squad (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0026:4E + code:7e0026/4e cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0035:99 + code:7e0035/99 cheat description:99 Stars - code:7E004F:99 + code:7e004f/99 cheat description:All Putties saved - code:7E0024:00 + code:7e0024/00 cartridge sha256:89d57bf308033ef17f770a80080cbeed2d112244635d5b5f860f2016398cd2f6 name:Q-bert 3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C5-AF6F + code:b3ce7e/cd cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - code:DF66-D7DD + code:47878f/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D766-D7DD + code:47878f/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D566-D7DD + code:47878f/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB66-D7DD + code:47878f/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FB66-D7DD + code:47878f/fb cheat description:Start with 100 lives - 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code:F361-D76D + code:43876e/fe cheat description:Start on level 8-4 - code:FE61-D76D + code:43876e/fe cheat description:Start on level 9-1 - code:4D61-D76D + code:43876e/2d cheat description:Start on level 9-2 - code:4F61-D76D + code:43876e/2f cheat description:Start on level 9-3 - code:4461-D76D + code:43876e/22 cheat description:Start on level 9-4 - code:4761-D76D + code:43876e/23 cheat description:Start on level 10-1 - code:4061-D76D + code:43876e/24 cheat description:Start on level 10-2 - code:4961-D76D + code:43876e/25 cheat description:Start on level 10-3 - code:4161-D76D + code:43876e/26 cheat description:Start on level 10-4 - code:4561-D76D + code:43876e/27 cheat description:Start on level 11-1 - code:4661-D76D + code:43876e/28 cheat description:Start on level 11-2 - code:4B61-D76D + code:43876e/2b cheat description:Start on level 11-3 - code:4C61-D76D + code:43876e/2c cheat description:Start on level 11-4 - code:4861-D76D + code:43876e/2b cheat description:Start on level 12-1 - code:4A61-D76D + code:43876e/2a cheat description:Start on level 12-2 - code:4261-D76D + code:43876e/2d cheat description:Start on level 12-3 - code:4361-D76D + code:43876e/2e cheat description:Start on level 12-4 - code:4E61-D76D + code:43876e/2e cheat description:Start on level 13-1 - code:7D61-D76D + code:43876e/3d cheat description:Start on level 13-2 - code:7F61-D76D + code:43876e/3f cheat description:Start on level 13-3 - code:7461-D76D + code:43876e/32 cheat description:Start on level 13-4 - code:7761-D76D + code:43876e/33 cheat description:Start on level 14-1 - code:7061-D76D + code:43876e/34 cheat description:Start on level 14-2 - code:7961-D76D + code:43876e/35 cheat description:Start on level 14-3 - code:7161-D76D + code:43876e/36 cheat description:Start on level 14-4 - code:7561-D76D + code:43876e/37 cheat description:Start on level 15-1 - code:7661-D76D + code:43876e/38 cheat description:Start on level 15-2 - code:7B61-D76D + code:43876e/3b cheat description:Start on level 15-3 - code:7C61-D76D + code:43876e/3c cheat description:Start on level 15-4 - code:7861-D76D + code:43876e/3b cheat description:Start on level 16-1 - code:7A61-D76D + code:43876e/3a cheat description:Start on level 16-2 - code:7261-D76D + code:43876e/3d cheat description:Start on level 16-3 - code:7361-D76D + code:43876e/3e cheat description:Start on level 16-4 - code:7E61-D76D + code:43876e/3e cheat description:Start on level 17-1 - code:0D61-D76D + code:43876e/4d cheat description:Start on level 17-2 - code:0F61-D76D + code:43876e/4f cheat description:Start on level 17-3 - code:0461-D76D + code:43876e/42 cheat description:Start on level 17-4 - code:0761-D76D + code:43876e/43 cheat description:Start on level 18-1 - code:0061-D76D + code:43876e/44 cheat description:Start on level 18-2 - code:0961-D76D + code:43876e/45 cheat description:Start on level 18-3 - code:0161-D76D + code:43876e/46 cheat description:Start on level 18-4 - code:0561-D76D + code:43876e/47 cheat description:Start on level 19-1 - code:0661-D76D + code:43876e/48 cheat description:Start on level 19-2 - code:0B61-D76D + code:43876e/4b cheat description:Start on level 19-3 - code:0C61-D76D + code:43876e/4c cheat description:Start on level 19-4 - code:0861-D76D + code:43876e/4b cheat description:Start on level 20-1 - code:0A61-D76D + code:43876e/4a cheat description:Start on level 20-2 - code:0261-D76D + code:43876e/4d cheat description:Start on level 20-3 - code:0361-D76D + code:43876e/4e cheat description:Start on level 20-4 - code:0E61-D76D + code:43876e/4e cheat description:Start on level x1 - code:9D61-D76D + code:43876e/5d cheat description:Start on level x2 - code:9F61-D76D + code:43876e/5f cheat description:Start on level x3 - code:9461-D76D + code:43876e/52 cheat description:Start on level x4 - code:9761-D76D + code:43876e/53 cheat description:Start on level x5 - code:9061-D76D + code:43876e/54 cheat description:Start on level x6 - code:9961-D76D + code:43876e/55 cheat description:Start on level x7 - code:9161-D76D + code:43876e/56 cheat description:Start on level x8 - code:9561-D76D + code:43876e/57 cheat description:Start on level x9 - code:9661-D76D + code:43876e/58 cheat description:Start on level x10 - code:9B61-D76D + code:43876e/5b cheat description:Start on level x11 - code:9C61-D76D + code:43876e/5c cheat description:Start on level x12 - code:9861-D76D + code:43876e/5b cheat description:Start on level x13 - code:9A61-D76D + code:43876e/5a cheat description:Start on level x14 - code:9261-D76D + code:43876e/5d cheat description:Start on level x15 - code:9361-D76D + code:43876e/5e cheat description:Start on level x16 - code:9E61-D76D + code:43876e/5e cheat description:Start on level x17 - code:1D61-D76D + code:43876e/6d cheat description:Start on level x18 - code:1F61-D76D + code:43876e/6f cheat description:Start on level x19 - code:1461-D76D + code:43876e/62 cheat description:Start on level x20 - code:1761-D76D + code:43876e/63 cartridge sha256:4d6c7d6d2693d8d43bafaff7582f9a94885362dadd9ee4012bbbdce1ba10c30e name:R-Type III (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DD62-33DD + code:b787db/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26B-C7D0 + code:0583bf/cd cheat description:Start at speed level 3 - code:DA6F-CE0D + code:3387f9/da cheat description:Start at speed level 4 - code:FD6F-CE0D + code:3387f9/fd cheat description:Start at speed level 5 - code:F06F-CE0D + code:3387f9/f4 cartridge sha256:edf990e502c646a2fe83fcd1d359ca0ed5003ace06cb4c3de5a51a0c56d6ec54 name:Radical Psycho Machine Racing (USA) cheat description:Sturdy tires are free - code:DDB8-0465 + code:01bdba/dd cheat description:4-liter high output engine is free - code:DDB1-0F65 + code:31bd6e/dd cheat description:Sell sturdy tires for $4,910 instead of $10 - code:0BBA-0FA5 + code:39bdae/4b cheat description:Sell 4-liter high output engine for $9,925 instead of $25 - code:BBB5-0DA5 + code:39bd76/bb cheat description:Start new game with $9,910 instead of $4,910 - code:BBCB-DF61 + code:71cbbe/bb cheat description:Start new game with $49,104,910 - code:62CB-D701 + code:41cbbd/8d cheat description:Start new game with $99,109,910 - code:BBCB-DF61+62CB-D701 + code:71cbbe/bb+41cbbd/8d cartridge sha256:dd0feb78e2d5d81f59241baf3bca5e2edaebbe98f0ac860a4eb6d448718f1ca5 name:Race Drivin' (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:A266-07AD + code:0b858e/ad cheat description:Slow timer - code:8066-04DD + code:07858b/b4 cheat description:Fast timer - code:4266-04DD + code:07858b/2d cheat description:Freeze lap timer - code:2B6C-07AD + code:0b85ce/db cheat description:Slow lap timer - code:1968-0DAD + code:3b85b6/65 cartridge sha256:1869c0faf93bf21b7ff965f1925fad4b2924a64b1e48f4837221eebdf741226c name:Radical Rex (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:89B4-C4D1 + code:05bb2b/b5 cheat description:Infinite roar - code:C28C-1FD5+C2C9-D7A4 + code:b5bdcf/cd+48cb5e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C221-3D94 + code:b4db65/cd cheat description:Don't loose breath level when you die - code:C2B2-4D04+C2BA-4F04 + code:b0b8d5/cd+b0b8ad/cd cartridge sha256:5fd7666e509f9d3cf1fd6b209dc22f2f3848f74eae7b83239d1090e031fc6df2 name:Raiden Trad (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:DDEF-0F1B + code:3aedfd/dd cheat description:Infinite bombs - P1 - code:EDE8-67A4+D9EA-6DD4+3CEA-6D04+23EA-6DA4 + code:08eabe/ed+34eaa7/d5+30eaa5/ec+38eaa6/de cheat description:Infinite bombs - P2 - code:2DE8-67A4+D9EA-6DD4+3CEA-6D04+23EA-6DA4 + code:08eabe/dd+34eaa7/d5+30eaa5/ec+38eaa6/de cheat description:Infinite bombs - both players - code:3CEA-6D64 + code:30eaa6/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:3CBD-DDD7 + code:74bfd7/ec cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:3CB5-0467 + code:00bd7a/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:44E8-6446+6DE8-6F36+C9E3-6446 + code:0ae2b8/22+3ae2bf/8d+0ae2e8/c5 cheat description:Replacement planes carry 0 bombs - P1 - code:CEB7-DFD7+62B7-DF07 + code:74bf3f/ce+70bf3d/8d cheat description:Replacement planes carry 6 bombs - P1 - code:91B7-DFD7+6BB7-DF07 + code:74bf3f/56+70bf3d/8b cheat description:Replacement planes carry 9 bombs - P1 - code:8FB7-DFD7+62B7-DF07 + code:74bf3f/bf+70bf3d/8d cheat description:Replacement planes carry 0 bombs - P2 - code:CEBC-0707+62BC-0767 + code:00bdcd/ce+00bdce/8d cheat description:Replacement planes carry 6 bombs - P2 - code:91BC-0707+6BBC-0767 + code:00bdcd/56+00bdce/8b cheat description:Replacement planes carry 9 bombs - P2 - code:8FBC-0707+62BC-0767 + code:00bdcd/bf+00bdce/8d cheat description:Start with 1 life - both players - code:B6BD-D76F + code:43bfde/b8 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - both players - code:8BBD-D70F+60BD-D76F + code:43bfdd/bb+43bfde/84 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - both players - code:8FBD-D70F+62BD-D76F + code:43bfdd/bf+43bfde/8d cheat description:Start with 0 bombs - P1 - code:CEBF-D7AF+62B4-DDDF + code:4bbffe/ce+77bf27/8d cheat description:Start with 6 bombs - P1 - code:91BF-D7AF+6BB4-DDDF + code:4bbffe/56+77bf27/8b cheat description:Start with 9 bombs - P1 - code:8FBF-D7AF+62B4-DDDF + code:4bbffe/bf+77bf27/8d cheat description:Start with 0 bombs - P2 - code:CEB7-D7DF+62B7-D70F + code:47bf3f/ce+43bf3d/8d cheat description:Start with 6 bombs - P2 - code:91B7-D7DF+6BB7-D70F + code:47bf3f/56+43bf3d/8b cheat description:Start with 9 bombs - P2 - code:8FB7-D7DF+62B7-D70F + code:47bf3f/bf+43bf3d/8d cheat description:Start with 3 credits - code:D4BF-6F6F + code:33befe/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 credits - code:D7BF-6F6F + code:33befe/d3 cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D9BF-6F6F + code:33befe/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:D5BF-6F6F + code:33befe/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 credits - code:DBBF-6F6F + code:33befe/db cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:DDBF-6F6F + code:33befe/dd cartridge sha256:e19f7d8d5c3e4cefeff5889380d8780495e01f0553d13be4182a15a5d4b615bb name:Rampart (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C284-DD07 + code:70bf25/cd cheat description:Infinite cannons - code:3C6B-D467 + code:408fba/ec cheat description:Start on battlefield 2 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+DFAA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/df cheat description:Start on battlefield 3 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+D4AA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/d2 cheat description:Start on battlefield 4 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+D7AA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/d3 cheat description:Start on battlefield 5 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+D0AA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/d4 cheat description:Start on battlefield 6 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+D9AA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/d5 cheat description:Start on battlefield 7 - code:CBAA-67DD+DDAA-676D+D1AA-670D + code:07a6af/cb+03a6ae/dd+03a6ad/d6 cartridge sha256:32d32ef56af83887cdc2c04b3da4be1cd82a473988deaa2e7dd50d38ef79c3a1 name:Ranma 1-2 - Hard Battle (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:6D45-E7DD + code:87277f/8d cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:6D42-E7AD + code:8b27de/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:6D42-E7AD+F443-EDDD + code:8b27de/8d+b727e7/f2 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:6D45-E7DD+F445-E70D + code:87277f/8d+83277d/f2 cheat description:Ranma moves faster - code:D7B4-0DA9+EABF-04D9 + code:39b526/d3+05b5fb/ea cheat description:Ranma jumps faster - code:E8B7-07D9+D0B7-0769 + code:05b53f/eb+01b53e/d4 cheat description:Ranma's diagonal jumps are higher - code:E1B7-0769 + code:01b53e/e6 cheat description:Ranma's diagonal kicks are harder - code:F6B7-AD60 + code:b1b236/f8 cheat description:Ranma's dragon blast kills with 1 hit - code:1DB1-D4D9 + code:45b76b/6d cheat description:Genma moves faster - code:D78F-6DD5+EA8D-DFD5 + code:35bef7/d3+75bfdf/ea cheat description:Genma's paternal anger (running at enemy) is faster - code:E48C-6DD5 + code:35bec7/e2 cheat description:Genma's verbal punishment is stronger - code:4689-0465 + code:01bd5a/28 cheat description:Genma's verbal punishment kills with 1 hit - code:1D89-0465 + code:01bd5a/6d cheat description:Ryoga moves faster - code:EA81-6760+D7B5-6460 + code:01b26e/ea+01b27a/d3 cheat description:Ryoga jumps faster - code:EA8B-6D60+D78B-6760 + code:31b2b6/ea+01b2be/d3 cheat description:Ryoga's bandana throw kills with 1 hit - code:1DD8-DD05 + code:71dfb5/6d cheat description:Shampoo moves faster - code:EAC9-D765+D7C1-D465 + code:41cf5e/ea+41cf6a/d3 cheat description:Shampoo's dragon sky kick is faster - code:E9CF-0765 + code:01cdfe/e5 cheat description:Shampoo's super fury charge goes farther - code:E9CE-D465 + code:41cfea/e5 cheat description:Shampoo's fury charge 1 hit kill - code:1DCB-A4A1 + code:89caba/6d cheat description:Shampoo's kick is faster - code:41C5-67D1 + code:05ca7f/26 cheat description:Akane moves faster - code:EA84-D4D1+D787-DFD1 + code:45bb2b/ea+75bb3f/d3 cheat description:Akane jumps faster - code:E880-D7D1+D089-6760 + code:45bb4f/eb+01b25e/d4 cheat description:Akane's 2-step whip kick is faster - code:E68E-DFD1 + code:75bbef/e8 cheat description:Akane's 2-step whip kick is stronger - code:418B-6D69 + code:31b6b6/26 cheat description:Akane's 2-step whip kick kills with 1 hit - code:1D8B-6D69 + code:31b6b6/6d cheat description:Akane's dust devil uppercut is faster - code:3E8A-DF61+EE8A-D401 + code:71bbae/ee+41bba9/ee cheat description:Gosunkugi moves faster - code:ECC5-64D9+D0C6-6FD9 + code:05c67b/ec+35c68f/d4 cheat description:Gosunkugi jumps faster - code:E8CB-67D9+D0CC-64D9 + code:05c6bf/eb+05c6cb/d4 cheat description:Gosunkugi's straw man throw does more damage - code:40D8-DD05 + code:71dfb5/24 cheat description:Gosunkugi's straw man throw kills with 1 hit - code:1DD8-DD05 + code:71dfb5/6d cheat description:Ukkyo moves faster - code:ECB8-64D1+D0BA-6FD1 + code:05babb/ec+35baaf/d4 cheat description:Ukkyo jumps faster - code:E8B2-67D1+D0B3-64D1 + code:05badf/eb+05baeb/d4 cheat description:Mousse's flying egg bombs are faster - code:EBC5-0FD0 + code:35c17f/eb cheat description:Mousse's eagle claw strike - 1 hit kill - code:1DB1-AF65 + code:b1be6e/6d cheat description:Mousse's claw strike is quicker - code:D6C1-0460 + code:01c16a/d8 cheat description:Every move kills every opponent with 1 hit - code:DDD7-8407 + code:c0de39/dd cheat description:No knock back when opponent is cornered - code:DD6B-D700 + code:4183bd/dd cartridge sha256:097cbe9720903bc14599158b80e0cc314ef2fe8a585d6d0a8962eb1626031492 name:Realm (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C9E4-3DA7 + code:b8ef26/c5 cheat description:Hit anywhere (if a platform is missing go back and come back) - code:01CB-1F07+10CB-C407+2DCB-1FD7+82C3-1FA7+FAC3-14D7 + code:b0cdbd/46+00cfb9/64+b4cdbf/dd+b8cdee/bd+84cdeb/fa cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E007D:4F + code:7e007d/4f cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:C928-4DA7+C92D-1DD7 + code:b8dcb6/c5+b4ddd7/c5 cheat description:Almost invincible + enable stage skip (press Start + Select to skip) (enable code before title screen) - code:ED66-C54F + code:1b8f8c/ed cheat description:Almost invincible + enable stage skip (press Start + Select to skip) (enable code before title screen) (alt) - code:7E0224:FF + code:7e0224/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2EB-4F15 + code:b9ecbd/cd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E132B:06 + code:7e132b/06 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C236-1DFE + code:bfe987/cd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1334:03 + code:7e1334/03 cheat description:Infinite ammo (alt) - code:7E00F5:09 + code:7e00f5/09 cartridge sha256:549f2e5b17f685cad25ba71ce7bc6e004e7bfd09e6be12a827af9a9a26556fff name:Redline F-1 Racer (USA) cheat description:Always in 1st place - code:C98E-6FDF + code:37beef/c5 cheat description:Infinite special fuel - code:3CAA-AF04 + code:b0aaad/ec cheat description:Instant 255 mph speed (best to get into 6th gear before activating this code, then you can go 357 mph) - code:CBC5-D70F+EEC5-D7AF + code:43cf7d/cb+4bcf7e/ee cheat description:No speed loss when you get off accelerator button - code:C98C-6F0F + code:33becd/c5 cheat description:No speed loss on grass - code:C9BD-0F04 + code:30b9dd/c5 cartridge sha256:71e7083cfcf32b738f60f5eeffd4f9d1fd9250afbde0c56e22a4b97abac377a1 name:Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Fire Dogs (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E257E:05 + code:7e257e/05 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E00E3:30 + code:7e00e3/30 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0002:09 + code:7e0002/09 cheat description:Infinite time (disable on bonus stages) - code:7E00F5:3B + code:7e00f5/3b cheat description:Max money - code:7E0004:E7+7E0005:03 + code:7e0004/e7+7e0005/03 cheat description:Infinite Dalmation Paint meter - code:7E0055:EE + code:7e0055/ee cheat description:Infinite Fire Extinguisher meter - code:7E0059:EE + code:7e0059/ee cheat description:Have Boots - code:7E2584:01 + code:7e2584/01 cheat description:Have Bucket - code:7E2586:01 + code:7e2586/01 cheat description:Have Fire Coat - code:7E2590:01 + code:7e2590/01 cheat description:Have Fire Hat - code:7E258C:01 + code:7e258c/01 cheat description:Have Fire Hose - code:7E2582:01 + code:7e2582/01 cheat description:Have Fire Extinguisher - code:7E2590:01 + code:7e2590/01 cheat description:Have Socks - code:7E258A:01 + code:7e258a/01 cheat description:Have Trampoline - code:7E2588:01 + code:7e2588/01 cheat description:Have 99 sacks of Gritty Kitty (On The Job stages) - code:7E2550:63 + code:7e2550/63 cheat description:Skip to bonus level (On The Job stages) - code:7E07AE:93+7E07AF:20 + code:7e07ae/93+7e07af/20 cartridge sha256:ad7dd4efb8836d4009f6c76bd21865d8f5dcf9c3cbd8fa7bb32d686488847120 name:Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Time Warp (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:82ED-4DD6 + code:b6e0d7/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3CB1-14AC + code:8bb16a/ec cheat description:Don't have to charge special attack - code:CBBE-4468+6DBE-47D8+DDBE-4768+62BE-47A8 + code:82bcea/cb+86bcef/8d+82bcee/dd+8abcee/8d cheat description:Flash longer after you die - code:EE33-1F62 + code:b3e5ee/ee cheat description:Don't flash after you die - code:EE33-1F62 + code:b3e5ee/ee cheat description:Health never goes back up - code:82EA-34D6 + code:86e3ab/bd cheat description:1 kitty gritty gives 99 - code:CBEF-440B+17EF-446B+3CEF-47DB+3CEF-470B + code:82ecf9/cb+82ecfa/63+86ecff/ec+82ecfd/ec cheat description:Start with 1 lives - code:DD3A-1DA2 + code:bbe5a6/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D03A-1DA2 + code:bbe5a6/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB3A-1DA2 + code:bbe5a6/db cheat description:Have 99 kitty gritty - code:7E0583:63 + code:7e0583/63 cartridge sha256:ba54d715abf100b94fee801351986fa818e4309730cefbacf9b4fad36e284c1c name:Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2CD-0FA0 + code:39c1de/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C5-0460 + code:01c17a/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2CF-D7A9 + code:49c7fe/cd cheat description:Powdered Toast Shield lasts 85x longer - code:EEE8-6DD6 + code:36e2b7/ee cheat - description:Socks" power-up lasts 200x longer - code:EEEF-D7AB + description:"Socks" power-up lasts 200x longer + code:4aeffe/ee cheat description:Stimpy's mouth won't close - code:C2C5-0FD9 + code:35c57f/cd cheat description:Money is worth 10x more - code:ECBC-6DA5+ECAB-DDA5 + code:39bec6/ec+79afb6/ec cartridge sha256:82a9ee11b5640409c67772363f1148517b26127cef13aa2a8ffc2480b487d81f name:Rendering Ranger R2 (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E06AE:03 + code:7e06ae/03 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E06BC:05 + code:7e06bc/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0515:09 + code:7e0515/09 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E06C1:03 + code:7e06c1/03 cheat description:Deactivate shield - code:7E06B8:00 + code:7e06b8/00 cheat description:Have Pods (ship stages) - code:7E06B5:01 + code:7e06b5/01 cheat description:Have Blue weapon (press A to switch weapons) - code:7E0AA2:00 + code:7e0aa2/00 cheat description:Have Green weapon (press A to switch weapons) - code:7E0AA3:00 + code:7e0aa3/00 cheat description:Have Yellow weapon (press A to switch weapons) - code:7E0AA4:00 + code:7e0aa4/00 cheat description:Best Red weapon - code:7E0A9D:04 + code:7e0a9d/04 cheat description:Best Blue weapon - code:7E0A9E:04 + code:7e0a9e/04 cheat description:Best Green weapon - code:7E0A9F:04 + code:7e0a9f/04 cheat description:Best Yellow weapon - code:7E0AA0:04 + code:7e0aa0/04 cartridge sha256:b61addb0abd36ebd29e5c2988ae642b174bfec18a899cfe40866000dc934f658 name:Return of Double Dragon (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E1F92:01 + code:7e1f92/01 cartridge sha256:5fb072c3c2e9d8e7f84bea9c4bf2253e6868eb2b1f13e35a7d75fdf05896d873 name:Revolution X (USA) cheat description:Infinite CDs - both players - code:CBA0-4DDD + code:b7a447/cb cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E022B:FF + code:7e022b/ff cheat description:Infinite CDs - P1 - code:7E0088:FF + code:7e0088/ff cartridge sha256:f44482e2cccd9fcfd5875d84ff700f6e783f3bd8abd1ac4d939074cd6ad3fe65 name:Rex Ronan - Experimental Surgeon (USA) (En,Es) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E03C4:FF + code:7e03c4/ff cartridge sha256:38be8013bbe07b2020ba30031fb0a2c77bad8a3eb61fac8217adfe82d6c402af name:Rise of the Robots (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:DDAC-5767 + code:c0adce/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:DDC1-77D7+DDC5-7D67+DDCB-7DA7 + code:c4cc6f/dd+f0cc76/dd+f8ccb6/dd cheat description:One hit kills - both players - code:CB34-570F + code:c3ed2d/cb cheat description:No jumping allowed - code:CBA2-E4D4+DDA2-E404 + code:84abdb/cb+80abd9/dd cheat description:Win one round to advance - code:DF78-57AF + code:cb3dbe/df cheat description:Every hit does more damage - code:4D34-576F+3CC7-E4A7+DD34-57AF + code:c3ed2e/2d+88cf3a/ec+cbed2e/dd cartridge sha256:3f59cc687d22cd1b23cc33ae6e4518234c9da813c01f79f4c43716e12d32a12d name:Rival Turf! (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C2BF-D0EB + code:5abff3/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C965-DDDC + code:778377/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C96C-0DAC + code:3b81c6/c5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2C3-0F0D + code:33c5ed/cd cheat description:Full health from all food - code:DD6A-AD61 + code:b18aa6/dd cheat description:No score lost when special attack is used - code:DD62-A7A6 + code:8a82de/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere (might make some enemies invisible) - code:6DB6-69EA+F9B6-617A + code:1aba87/8d+1eba88/f5 cheat description:Start with more health - code:EEC4-OD6F+EE64-646C+EE63-04A7+EE68-A7A1 + code:fe0b0b/00+03822a/ee+088dea/ee+898abe/ee cheat description:Start with less health - code:FEC4-0D6F+FE64-646C+FE63-04A7+FE68-A7A1 + code:33cd26/fe+03822a/fe+088dea/fe+898abe/fe cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DDB7-D4A7 + code:48bf3a/dd cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D5B7-D4A7 + code:48bf3a/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBB0-DF07 + code:70bf4d/db cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DFB0-DF07 + code:70bf4d/df cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E0208:FF + code:7e0208/ff cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E02D8:FF + code:7e02d8/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0217:FF + code:7e0217/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E02E7:FF + code:7e02e7/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E023F:09 + code:7e023f/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E030F:09 + code:7e030f/09 cheat description:Infinite continues (alt) - code:7E10F5:05 + code:7e10f5/05 cheat description:Always angry - P1 - code:7E024F:03 + code:7e024f/03 cheat description:Always angry - P2 - code:7E031F:03 + code:7e031f/03 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E0487:00+7E0557:00+7E024F:00+7E03B7:00 + code:7e0487/00+7e0557/00+7e024f/00+7e03b7/00 cheat description:Infinite points - P1 - code:7E0224:70 + code:7e0224/70 cheat description:Infinite points - P2 - code:7E02F4:70 + code:7e02f4/70 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - L.A. City Stadium - code:7E0120:01 + code:7e0120/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - Things Are Looking Up - code:7E0120:02 + code:7e0120/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - South Of The Border - code:7E0120:03 + code:7e0120/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Dockyard Brawl - code:7E0120:04 + code:7e0120/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - Fight to the Finish - code:7E0120:05 + code:7e0120/05 cheat description:Start on stage - Welcome To The Warp Room - code:7E0120:06 + code:7e0120/06 cartridge sha256:864aa9068fb23cd20022a9ac36fb9082299278ea0cb07a20deec2b6a1c6cbc70 name:Road Riot 4WD (USA) cheat description:Races are 1 lap instead of 3 - code:DDBF-07DF + code:07bdff/dd cheat description:Races are 2 laps instead of 3 - code:DFBF-07DF + code:07bdff/df cheat description:Races are 4 laps instead of 3 - code:D7BF-07DF + code:07bdff/d3 cheat description:Races are 5 laps instead of 3 - code:D0BF-07DF + code:07bdff/d4 cheat description:Races are 6 laps instead of 3 - code:D9BF-07DF + code:07bdff/d5 cheat description:Races are 7 laps instead of 3 - code:D1BF-07DF + code:07bdff/d6 cheat description:Beginner track has an extra lap - code:3CB4-0DAF + code:3bbd26/ec cartridge sha256:2e8203e421f97cf165f03a5d4f69dadf0bcca18c42c6a1dfe79c8705c522cc54 name:Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (USA) cheat description:Protection against most hazards - code:C2AC-346F+C2C3-1D28 + code:83afca/cd+b6cde7/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDB2-4D64 + code:b0b8d6/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:DDBB-4467 + code:80bcba/dd cheat description:Stay invincible longer after getting hit (Road Runner blinks) - code:EE8C-C4DD + code:07b7cb/ee cheat description:Stay invincible for less time after getting hit (Road Runner blinks) - code:0D8C-C4DD + code:07b7cb/4d cheat description:Stay invincible after getting hit until you fall and die (Road Runner blinks) - code:C2C5-C7AF + code:0bcf7e/cd cheat description:Stay invincible after getting hit until you fall and die (Road Runner does not blink) - code:6DC5-C70F + code:03cf7d/8d cheat description:Eating birdseed restores turbo speed meter to maximum - code:7D26-3404 + code:80db89/3d cheat description:Eating birdseed does nothing - code:DD26-3404 + code:80db89/dd cheat description:Using turbo speed does not use up bird seed - code:DDC6-3D67 + code:b0cf86/dd cheat description:Hearts worth nothing - code:C229-C707 + code:00df5d/cd cheat description:1-up worth nothing - code:DD33-4DDD + code:b7e4e7/dd cheat description:1-up worth 2 - code:D433-4DDD + code:b7e4e7/d2 cheat description:1-up worth 3 - code:D733-4DDD + code:b7e4e7/d3 cheat description:1-up worth 4 - code:D033-4DDD + code:b7e4e7/d4 cheat description:1-up worth 5 - code:D933-4DDD + code:b7e4e7/d5 cheat description:Bogus jump - code:7D83-47DD + code:87b4ef/3d cheat description:Better jump - code:FD83-47DD + code:87b4ef/fd cheat description:Super-jump - code:DC83-47DD + code:87b4ef/dc cheat description:Mega-jump - code:D983-47DD + code:87b4ef/d5 cheat description:Start with more birdseed on the turbo speed meter - code:7DBD-44D7 + code:84bcdb/3d cheat description:Start with less birdseed on the turbo speed meter - code:FDBD-44D7 + code:84bcdb/fd cheat description:Start timer at 3:00 instead of 5:00 - code:D7B0-346F + code:83bf4a/d3 cheat description:Start timer at 7:00 - code:D5B0-346F + code:83bf4a/d7 cheat description:Start timer at 9:00 - code:DBB0-346F + code:83bf4a/db cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DFBC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/df cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D7BC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/d3 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D9BC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D5BC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBBC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/db cheat description:Start with 21 lives - code:4DBC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/2d cheat description:Start with 51 lives - code:9DBC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/5d cheat description:Start with 76 lives - code:59BC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/75 cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:BBBC-3FD4 + code:b4bbcf/bb cheat description:Start on level 1, sub-level 2 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+DFBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/df cheat description:Start on level 1, sub-level 3 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D4BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d2 cheat description:Start on level 1, sub-level 4 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D7BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d3 cheat description:Start on level 2, sub-level 1 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D0BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d4 cheat description:Start on level 2, sub-level 2 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D9BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d5 cheat description:Start on level 2, sub-level 3 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D1BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d6 cheat description:Start on level 2, sub-level 4 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D5BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d7 cheat description:Start on level 3, sub-level 1 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D6BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/d8 cheat description:Start on level 3, sub-level 2 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+DBBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/db cheat description:Start on level 3, sub-level 3 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+DCBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/dc cheat description:Start on level 3, sub-level 4 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D8BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/db cheat description:Start on level 4, sub-level 1 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+DABB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/da cheat description:Start on level 4, sub-level 2 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D2BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/dd cheat description:Start on level 4, sub-level 3 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+D3BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/de cheat description:Start on level 4, sub-level 4 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+DEBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/de cheat description:Start on level 5, sub-level 1 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+FDBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/fd cheat description:Start on level 5, sub-level 2 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+FFBB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/ff cheat description:Start on level 5, sub-level 3 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+F4BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/f2 cheat description:Start on level 5, sub-level 4 - code:F3BB-3FA4+3FBB-3F64+F7BB-3FD4 + code:b8bbbe/fe+b0bbbe/ef+b4bbbf/f3 cartridge sha256:a2115e7576dec06e0de613efb89de861815a78ef72e78a3784be09fb7541928f name:RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDBE-0D05 + code:31bde5/dd cheat description:Super-jump - code:DD37-C4D7 + code:04ef3b/dd cheat description:Rockets do more damage - code:DE63-C460 + code:0183ea/de cheat description:Normal pistol does more damage - code:DE60-4460 + code:81804a/de cheat description:Plasma Rifle does massive damage - code:7D66-1F00 + code:b1818d/3d cheat description:Only 10 Terminators to kill on the 3-D Stage - code:FD64-446F + code:838c2a/fd cheat description:Only 30 Terminators to kill on the 3-D Stage - code:7D64-446F + code:838c2a/3d cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFB3-CD0D + code:33b7e5/df cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBB3-CD0D + code:33b7e5/db cheat description:Start with 15 lives (ignore counter) - code:DEB3-CD0D + code:33b7e5/de cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E10C5:0A + code:7e10c5/0a cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:019DF1:00 + code:019df1/00 cheat description:Super-jump (alt) - code:80EE38:00 + code:80ee38/00 cheat description:Normal pistol does more damage (alt) - code:81804A:0F + code:81804a/0f cartridge sha256:055d9c6311a663af7c899a6f76a419c274c57baada3ef64c52fadb1c676b1446 name:RoboCop 3 (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:4A6E-6FDD + code:3786ef/2a cheat description:Slower timer - code:5D69-6D0F + code:338e55/7d cheat description:Faster timer - code:FE69-6D0F + code:338e55/fe cheat description:Infinite ammo (except flame thrower) - code:DDC7-A7A4 + code:88ca3e/dd cheat description:Ammo pick-ups worth more - code:DFEC-DD67+D4EC-DFD7 + code:70efc6/df+74efcf/d2 cheat description:Ammo pick-ups worth less - code:7DEC-DD07+DDEC-DFD7+7DEC-DDA7 + code:70efc5/3d+74efcf/dd+78efc6/3d cheat description:Faster Robocop - except on stages 3 and 5 - code:D4C7-64DD+E3C9-6DAD + code:07c63b/d2+3bc656/ee cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD62-D7DD + code:4787df/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D962-D7DD + code:4787df/d5 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:DF37-64A4 + code:08ea3a/df cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:D437-64A4 + code:08ea3a/d2 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:D737-64A4 + code:08ea3a/d3 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:D037-64A4 + code:08ea3a/d4 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0477:38 + code:7e0477/38 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E1854:05 + code:7e1854/05 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:7E1848:99 + code:7e1848/99 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E030C:12+7E030D:04 + code:7e030c/12+7e030d/04 cheat description:Have all weapons - code:7E046F:04 + code:7e046f/04 cartridge sha256:1e2ded7b1e350449b7a99b7ec414525e4b9b086c416deeee5eb3e48e032c46bd name:Robotrek (USA) cheat description:Infinite battle bonus time - code:3CAA-3DFF + code:bfafa7/ec cheat description:Infinite robot points - code:6DCE-3D43 + code:bbcbe4/8d cheat description:Infinite vanish time - code:C234-3F3E + code:bbeb2f/cd cheat description:Everything is free - code:C23C-CDC7 + code:30efc7/cd cheat description:Get 9900 gold when you look into the robot book - code:BBB9-4D7D + code:bfb454/bb cheat description:More energy for robot energy - code:BDE6-1DC2 + code:b3e587/bd cheat description:Mean robot - code:CBEB-1FB9+BBEB-1F29+DDEB-14F9+3CEB-1499 + code:bde5be/cb+b5e5bf/bb+8de5bb/dd+85e5b9/ec cheat description:One-hit kills - code:CBE2-C74A + code:0aebdc/cb cheat description:Start at level 3 - code:CB34-3D47+D734-3D17 + code:b8ef24/cb+b8ef25/d3 cheat description:Start at level 10 - code:CB34-3D47+DC34-3D17 + code:b8ef24/cb+b8ef25/dc cheat description:Start at level 20 - code:CB34-3D47+F034-3D17 + code:b8ef24/cb+b8ef25/f4 cheat description:Start at level 50 - code:CB34-3D47+7434-3D17 + code:b8ef24/cb+b8ef25/32 cheat description:Start at level 50 (alt) - code:88EF20:A9+88EF21:32 + code:88ef20/a9+88ef21/32 cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7E06E6:99+7E06E7:99+7E06E8:09 + code:7e06e6/99+7e06e7/99+7e06e8/09 cheat description:Max Program Points - code:7E0688:73+7E0689:05 + code:7e0688/73+7e0689/05 cheat description:Max HP - First Robot - code:7E068A:FF + code:7e068a/ff cartridge sha256:9d721753301278325c851f1843d669a697aed757dcf6495a31fc31ddf664b182 name:Rock n' Roll Racing (USA) cheat description:Infinite forward weapons - code:C2BF-476F + code:83bcfe/cd cheat description:Infinite power charges - code:C2BF-1FA4 + code:b8b9fe/cd cheat description:No damage from hitting other cars - code:3CE5-CD67 + code:30ef76/ec cheat description:No damage from most mines - code:DD26-34D7 + code:84df8b/dd cheat description:No points needed to advance to any level - code:BACB-C465 + code:01cfba/ba cheat description:Buy items for free if you have enough money - code:C28C-CF69+C28B-C4A9 + code:31b7ce/cd+09b7ba/cd cheat description:More damage from mines - code:D126-34D7 + code:84df8b/d6 cheat description:Red Cross packages worth nothing - code:DD36-4F0D + code:b3e48d/dd cheat description:Red Cross packages can blow up - code:FD36-4F0D + code:b3e48d/fd cheat description:Start with $50,000 - code:D9CF-CDD5 + code:35cff7/d5 cheat description:Start with $100,000 - code:FDCF-CDD5 + code:35cff7/fd cheat description:Start with $500,000 - code:9DCF-CDD5 + code:35cff7/5d cheat description:Start with $990,000 - code:BBCF-CDD5 + code:35cff7/bb cheat description:Start with $5,020,000 - code:D9CF-CD05 + code:31cff5/d5 cartridge sha256:b072fd9b08042e3262446fdf418a41848251072a32bd7f8335cc03543c4ae6c8 name:Rocketeer, The (USA) cheat description:Protection against guns (only partly against grenades) (only in hangar) - code:C988-0FAD + code:3bb5be/c5 cheat description:Protection against Armored Flying Tank - code:C98C-DD0F + code:73bfc5/c5 cheat description:Protection against enemy rocketmen on the Zeppelin - code:C9A0-A40F + code:83ae49/c5 cheat description:Invincibility in the skies - code:C964-6FDD + code:37862f/c5 cheat description:Infinite Super Shots on pick-up - code:C961-A767 + code:808e6e/c5 cheat description:Infinite chances - code:8260-0FA7 + code:388d4e/bd cheat description:Automatically win first race at Bigelow - code:DD62-67AF + code:0b8ede/dd cheat description:Automatically win second race at Bigelow - code:DD63-6DDF + code:378ee7/dd cheat description:Automatically win third race at Bigelow - code:DD63-6D0F + code:338ee5/dd cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 1 lap instead of 10 - code:DF62-67AF + code:0b8ede/df cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 5 laps - code:D962-67AF + code:0b8ede/d5 cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 15 laps - code:DE62-67AF + code:0b8ede/de cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 25 laps - code:FB62-67AF + code:0b8ede/fb cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 50 laps - code:7462-67AF + code:0b8ede/32 cheat description:First race at Bigelow is 99 laps - code:1762-67AF + code:0b8ede/63 cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 1 lap - code:DF63-6DDF + code:378ee7/df cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 5 laps - code:D963-6DDF + code:378ee7/d5 cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 10 laps - code:DC63-6DDF + code:378ee7/dc cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 25 laps - code:FB63-6DDF + code:378ee7/fb cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 50 laps - code:7463-6DDF + code:378ee7/32 cheat description:Second race at Bigelow is 99 laps - code:1763-6DDF + code:378ee7/63 cheat description:Third race at Bigelow is 1 lap instead of 10 - code:DF63-6D0F + code:338ee5/df cheat description:Third race at Bigelow is 5 laps - code:D963-6D0F + code:338ee5/d5 cheat description:Third race at Bigelow is 25 laps - code:FB63-6D0F + code:338ee5/fb cheat description:Third race at Bigelow is 50 laps - code:7463-6D0F + code:338ee5/32 cheat description:Third race at Bigelow is 99 laps - code:1763-6D0F + code:338ee5/63 cheat description:Cliff starts with 2/3 normal energy in hangar - code:0C6D-A4DF + code:878edb/4c cheat description:Cliff starts with 1/3 normal energy in hangar - code:496D-A4DF + code:878edb/25 cheat description:Enemies start with 2/3 normal energy in hangar - code:0C6D-A7AF + code:8b8ede/4c cheat description:Enemies start with 1/3 normal energy in hangar - code:496D-A7AF + code:8b8ede/25 cheat description:Super Shots worth nothing on pick-up instead of 3 - code:DD6B-D76F + code:438fbe/dd cheat description:Super Shots worth 6 on pick-up (cannot gain over 29) - code:D16B-D76F + code:438fbe/d6 cheat description:Super Shots worth 9 on pick-up (cannot gain over 29) - code:DB6B-D76F + code:438fbe/db cheat description:Super Shots worth 12 on pick-up (cannot gain over 29) - code:DA6B-D76F + code:438fbe/da cheat description:Easily defeat enemy rocketmen on the Zeppelin - code:10A8-DFDF + code:77afbf/64 cheat description:Start with 1 chance instead of 3 - code:DF6C-07AF + code:0b8dce/df cheat description:Start with 2 chances - code:D46C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 chances - code:D06C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 chances - code:D96C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d5 cheat description:Start with 6 chances - code:D16C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d6 cheat description:Start with 7 chances - code:D56C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d7 cheat description:Start with 8 chances - code:D66C-07AF + code:0b8dce/d8 cheat description:Start with 9 chances - code:DB6C-07AF + code:0b8dce/db cartridge sha256:4fc2832e7aa01d105ca67977b38840ec1188869b5e74d20e58613c1cd127d78f name:Rockman & Forte (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:1808-5FA2 + code:fb45be/6b cheat description:Invincibility against fire - code:187F-7D09 + code:f134f5/6b cheat description:Invincibility against pits - code:1D48-74D5 + code:c52cbb/6d cheat description:Invincibility against spikes - code:1873-E400 + code:8133e9/6b cheat description:One hit kills - code:4006-5F02 + code:f3458d/24 cheat description:Multi-jump - Megaman - code:1DFB-7F05+5EFB-7F65+4D51-EDD5+E251-ED05+7C51-ED65+4D51-EDA5+3B51-EFD5+7F51-EF05+1D51-EF65 + code:f1fcbd/6d+f1fcbe/7e+b57f67/2d+b17f65/ed+b17f66/3c+b97f66/2d+b57f6f/eb+b17f6d/3f+b17f6e/6d cheat description:Multi-jump - Bass - code:E241-8D69 + code:f12666/ed cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0C30:30 + code:7e0c30/30 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0C2F:1C + code:7e0c2f/1c cheat description:Infinite sliding time - code:7E0C54:01 + code:7e0c54/01 cheat description:Infinite Beat - code:7E0B94:9C + code:7e0b94/9c cheat description:Infinite Eddie - code:7E0B96:9C + code:7e0b96/9c cheat description:Infinite Bolts - code:7E0B9C:E7+7E0B9D:03 + code:7e0b9c/e7+7e0b9d/03 cheat description:Infinite Mines - code:7E0B86:9F + code:7e0b86/9f cheat description:Infinite T. Blade - code:7E0B8E:9F + code:7e0b8e/9f cheat description:Infinite Ice Wall - code:7E0B8C:9F + code:7e0b8c/9f cheat description:Infinite W. Burner - code:7E0B88:9F + code:7e0b88/9f cheat description:Infinite S. Drill - code:7E0B82:9F + code:7e0b82/9f cheat description:Infinite L. Bolt - code:7E0B84:9F + code:7e0b84/9f cheat description:Infinite C. Vision - code:7E0B90:9F + code:7e0b90/9f cheat description:Infinite M. Cards - code:7E0B8A:9F + code:7e0b8a/9f cheat description:Infinite Gospel Booster/Rush Search - code:7E0B92:9F + code:7e0b92/9f cheat description:Have all items - code:7E0B97:FF+7E0B98:FF+7E0B99:FF + code:7e0b97/ff+7e0b98/ff+7e0b99/ff cheat description:Have CD Sparkle info - code:7E0B98:FF + code:7e0b98/ff cheat description:Have first 5 Units - code:7E0B97:FF + code:7e0b97/ff cheat description:Have all CDs - code:306049:FF+30604A:FF+30604B:FF+30604C:1F+306040:FE+306041:FF+306042:FF+306043:FF+306044:FF+306045:FF+306046:FF+306047:FF+306048:FF + code:306049/ff+30604a/ff+30604b/ff+30604c/1f+306040/fe+306041/ff+306042/ff+306043/ff+306044/ff+306045/ff+306046/ff+306047/ff+306048/ff cheat description:One hit kills (alt) - code:7E1A2F:01 + code:7e1a2f/01 cheat description:Last area open - code:7E0B79:FF + code:7e0b79/ff cheat description:Last area, last level - code:7E0B7B:03 + code:7e0b7b/03 cartridge sha256:7c0f915b581796e5b6dd384ecdc0dad8af4d956492fbcedec628c8845d911d7e name:Rocky Rodent (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3CAD-4DA7 + code:b8acd6/ec cheat description:Keep hairdo after you die - code:C2C3-3DD5 + code:b5cfe7/cd cheat description:Start with red hairdo - code:D4A8-17D4 + code:84a9bf/d2 cheat description:Start with purple hairdo - code:D0A8-17D4 + code:84a9bf/d4 cheat description:Start with corkscrew hairdo - code:D1A8-17D4 + code:84a9bf/d6 cheat description:Start with green ponytail hairdo - code:D6A8-17D4 + code:84a9bf/d8 cheat description:Start with birdnest hairdo - code:DCA8-17D4 + code:84a9bf/dc cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0054:72 + code:7e0054/72 cartridge sha256:f7e3c3012af2dbad350646b6ef3470f0b4c42e4a2873109f7aa6c81d7157c887 name:Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Batter never walks - code:C22D-6FAD + code:3bd6de/cd cheat description:Batter never strikes out - code:C227-6D6D + code:33d636/cd cheat description:1 ball per walk - code:DF2D-676D + code:03d6de/df cheat description:2 balls per walk - code:D42D-676D + code:03d6de/d2 cheat description:3 balls per walk - code:D72D-676D + code:03d6de/d3 cheat description:5 balls per walk - code:D92D-676D + code:03d6de/d5 cheat description:6 balls per walk - code:D12D-676D + code:03d6de/d6 cheat description:7 balls per walk - code:D52D-676D + code:03d6de/d7 cheat description:1 strike per out - code:DF27-640D + code:03d639/df cheat description:2 strikes per out - code:D427-640D + code:03d639/d2 cheat description:4 strikes per out - code:D027-640D + code:03d639/d4 cheat description:5 strikes per out - code:D927-640D + code:03d639/d5 cheat description:Each run counts as 2 - code:7665-0FD1+7669-0F01 + code:35897f/38+31895d/38 cheat description:1 out per inning per team - code:DFBF-07DF + code:07bdff/df cheat description:2 outs per inning per team - code:D4BF-07DF + code:07bdff/d2 cartridge sha256:815bfcf4fd6eb23a20c2e50dde023c210b273ffb6cd86a93909d803c3643ce46 name:Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA) cheat description:Scenario 1 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7DE7-A465+59E7-A4A5 + code:81ee3a/3d+89ee3a/75 cheat description:Scenario 1 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7DE7-A765+59E7-A705 + code:81ee3e/3d+81ee3d/75 cheat description:Scenario 1 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7DE7-A765+59E7-A7A5 + code:81ee3e/3d+89ee3e/75 cheat description:Scenario 2 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7D67-A406+596D-A466 + code:828239/3d+8282da/75 cheat description:Scenario 2 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7D67-A4A6+596D-A7D6 + code:8a823a/3d+8682df/75 cheat description:Scenario 2 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7D67-A706+596D-A766 + code:82823d/3d+8282de/75 cheat description:Scenario 3 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7D67-A7DB+5967-A70B + code:868e3f/3d+828e3d/75 cheat description:Scenario 3 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7D67-A76B+5967-A7AB + code:828e3e/3d+8a8e3e/75 cheat description:Scenario 3 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7D60-ADDB+5960-AD0B + code:b68e47/3d+b28e45/75 cheat description:Scenario 4 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7D67-A70C+5967-A76C + code:83823d/3d+83823e/75 cheat description:Scenario 4 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7D67-A7AC+5960-ADDC + code:8b823e/3d+b78247/75 cheat description:Scenario 4 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7D60-AD0C+5960-AD6C + code:b38245/3d+b38246/75 cheat description:Scenario 5 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7DBB-D7D6+59BB-D706 + code:46b3bf/3d+42b3bd/75 cheat description:Scenario 5 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7DBB-D766+59BB-D7A6 + code:42b3be/3d+4ab3be/75 cheat description:Scenario 5 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7DBC-DDD6+59BC-DD06 + code:76b3c7/3d+72b3c5/75 cheat description:Scenario 6 - Start with 30,000 gold pieces - code:7DB9-6766+59B9-67A6 + code:02b25e/3d+0ab25e/75 cheat description:Scenario 6 - Start with 30,000 rice - code:7DB1-6DD6+59B1-6D06 + code:36b267/3d+32b265/75 cheat description:Scenario 6 - Start with 30,000 population - code:7DB1-6D66+59B1-6DA6 + code:32b266/3d+3ab266/75 cartridge sha256:4158e3e8890a52f0b12dc9ad5a29276058a247ff41e9f1d22897ebde1eb11269 name:Run Saber (USA) cheat description:Almost invincible - P1 (disable if you fall into a pit) - code:C2B9-CDA4 + code:38bb56/cd cheat description:Almost invincible - P2 (disable if you fall into a pit) - code:C2B1-C4A4 + code:08bb6a/cd cheat description:Almost invincible - both players (disable if you fall into a pit) - code:18B0-C4A4 + code:08bb4a/6b cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:DD21-1F6F + code:b3dd6e/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:DD26-1F6F + code:b3dd8e/dd cheat description:Infinite Super Bombs - P1 - code:DDE4-39E3 + code:9beb27/dd cheat description:Infinite Super Bombs - P2 - code:DDEF-3073 + code:9febf0/dd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2E7-4572 + code:9fe43c/cd cheat description:Level select and 9 lives selectable on the option menu - code:DF3A-6454 + code:0ceaa9/df cheat description:Hit anywhere - male character - code:6DE5-4728+F9E6-4DF8 + code:86ec7f/8d+beec87/f5 cheat description:Bomb power-ups give no Super Bombs - code:DDE1-44B5 + code:8dec6a/dd cheat description:Bomb power-ups give 2 Super Bombs - code:D4E1-44B5 + code:8dec6a/d2 cheat description:Start with no Super Bombs - code:DD29-0474 + code:0cd958/dd cheat description:Start with 1 Super Bomb - code:DF29-0474 + code:0cd958/df cheat description:Start with 5 Super Bombs - code:D929-0474 + code:0cd958/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 Super Bombs - code:DB29-0474 + code:0cd958/db cheat description:Start with 1 health - code:DF25-0D84 + code:3cd976/df cheat description:Start with 4 health - code:D025-0D84+D039-0454 + code:3cd976/d4+0ce959/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 health - code:D925-0D84+D939-0454 + code:3cd976/d5+0ce959/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 health - code:D625-0D84+D639-0454 + code:3cd976/d8+0ce959/d8 cheat description:Start with no continues - code:DF83-AD84 + code:bcbae6/df cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:D483-AD84 + code:bcbae6/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D183-AD84 + code:bcbae6/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DC83-AD84 + code:bcbae6/dc cartridge sha256:00e78318926e5cae79bce0535fddd3dccaa732f5c70e43acefc2769a9899eaed name:Rushing Beat Shura (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C22A-1DD7 + code:b4dda7/cd cheat description:One hit kills - code:1028-CDD3 + code:37dbb7/64 cheat description:Choose Dick to play as Super Dick code:7E060A16+7E060B04 @@ -62640,9145 +63652,9358 @@ cartridge sha256:0aa16d6b588ba05ab00936201e68a694746fc5e1b2e4f2dbf7cda09265a8137 name:Sailormoon (France) cheat description:Infinite HP - P2 - code:7E07C0:50 + code:7e07c0/50 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E0759:09 + code:7e0759/09 cheat description:Full charge meter - code:7E0756:20 + code:7e0756/20 cartridge sha256:5db804171fca42486485ed85e4afe45b29e6d01304bdf75d520bfc42429739e3 name:Samurai Shodown (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:DD03-8FDD + code:f746ef/dd cheat description:Max POW meter after one hit - code:DFE1-876D + code:c3e66e/df cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:0D94-7401 + code:c15829/4d cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:4D94-7401 + code:c15829/2d cheat description:Start with 33 seconds - code:4F53-74A4 + code:c878ea/2f cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E6214:80 + code:7e6214/80 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E6614:80 + code:7e6614/80 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7EBE9B:63 + code:7ebe9b/63 cheat description:Max POW meter - P1 - code:7E623D:20 + code:7e623d/20 cheat description:Max POW meter - P2 - code:7E663D:20 + code:7e663d/20 cheat description:One hit kills - P1 - code:7E6614:01 + code:7e6614/01 cheat description:One hit kills - P2 - code:7E6214:01 + code:7e6214/01 cartridge sha256:c894d0d3b99ebbc54910c1d65ceae4272c959c8693a87c58e040bc5a5f74f129 name:Sanrio World Smash Ball! (Japan) cheat description:Always have Strong Smash - P1 - code:7E0070:A0 + code:7e0070/a0 cheat description:Always have Strong Smash - P2 - code:7E0086:A0 + code:7e0086/a0 cheat description:Never have Strong Smash - P1 - code:7E0070:00 + code:7e0070/00 cheat description:Never have Strong Smash - P2 - code:7E0086:00 + code:7e0086/00 cartridge sha256:34e1af0642c85148c5a3dc3c7ab4bcbda13a9fea190934b5526c555fff035651 name:Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA) cheat description:Able to pick the same characters - code:1D79-EFD4+1D77-E404 + code:b43b5f/6d+803b39/6d cheat description:Stingray becomes Biff - code:DDC1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/dd cheat description:Stingray becomes Gunloc - code:DFC1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/df cheat description:Stingray becomes Oni - code:D4C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d2 cheat description:Stingray becomes Titan - code:D7C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d3 cheat description:Stingray becomes Haggar - code:D9C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d5 cheat description:Stingray becomes Grater - code:D1C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d6 cheat description:Stingray becomes Rasta - code:D5C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d7 cheat description:Stingray becomes Jumbo - code:D6C1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/d8 cheat description:Stingray becomes Scorpion - code:DBC1-CF6F + code:33cf6e/db cheat description:Biff becomes Gunloc - code:DFC1-CD6F + code:33cf66/df cheat description:Biff becomes Oni - code:D4C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d2 cheat description:Biff becomes Titan - code:D7C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d3 cheat description:Biff becomes Stingray - code:D0C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d4 cheat description:Biff becomes Haggar - code:D9C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d5 cheat description:Biff becomes Grater - code:D1C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d6 cheat description:Biff becomes Rasta - code:D5C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d7 cheat description:Biff becomes Jumbo - code:D6C1-CD6F + code:33cf66/d8 cheat description:Biff becomes Scorpion - code:DBC1-CD6F + code:33cf66/db cheat description:14-second count outside ring - code:D3DB-5D01 + code:f1d9b5/de cheat description:10-second count outside ring - code:DCDB-5D01 + code:f1d9b5/dc cheat description:9-second count for pin - code:DBD6-5DD1 + code:f5d987/db cheat description:6-second count for pin - code:D1D6-5DD1 + code:f5d987/d6 cheat description:1-second count for pin - code:DFD6-5DD1 + code:f5d987/df cheat description:Faster timer - code:F31F-8F0D + code:f366fd/fe cheat description:Slower timer - code:1D1F-8F0D + code:f366fd/6d cheat description:Stingray has faster jalepeno comet - code:D12D-5765+EB2F-5F05 + code:c1ddde/d6+f1ddfd/eb cheat description:Quicker 'pattycake slap' for Grater - code:0C83-17D7+D78E-1F67 + code:84bdef/4c+b0bdee/d3 cheat description:Quicker 'sonic fist' for Gunloc - code:0C83-1FA7+D78E-1D07 + code:b8bdee/4c+b0bde5/d3 cheat description:Quicker 'sonic fist' for Biff - code:0C83-1F67+D78E-1D07 + code:b0bdee/4c+b0bde5/d3 cheat description:Quicker 'jungle fever' for Rasta - code:0C83-1707+D48E-1FA7 + code:80bded/4c+b8bdee/d2 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1A70:01 + code:7e1a70/01 cartridge sha256:7fb5236d10852125f0f37c2188b907d636647400a57bccbdb2f63098ffae8b2d name:Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:DDED-3F01 + code:b1ebdd/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2BF-3DAD + code:bbb7f6/cd cheat description:Most enemies are more frightening - code:EEED-3F01 + code:b1ebdd/ee cheat description:Scooby snacks do nothing - code:C26D-1FD5 + code:b58ddf/cd cheat description:Scooby snacks reduce more fright - code:EE64-1DD5 + code:b58d27/ee cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD60-1467 + code:808d4a/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D060-1467 + code:808d4a/d4 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D160-1467 + code:808d4a/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB60-1467 + code:808d4a/db cartridge sha256:39c69dfbba31086cee0c6a034186148c46e1e6c86fcb8e990fb5364a8845fbcd name:SD Kidou Senshi Gundam - V Sakusen Shidou (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1D68-6FA0+1D6F-A7D0 + code:3982be/6d+8582ff/6d cartridge sha256:8cd9eea0f01e2442727e4624199afaa42dceeb05b9084a4358cadbe4e5a04577 name:SD The Great Battle - Aratanaru Chousen (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DC5-A7D7+C9C1-0FD4 + code:84ce7f/6d+34c96f/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C968-67AF + code:0b8ebe/c5 cartridge sha256:a4ab8cfad2f236675b1c0124f8484688e149f38e8628a3b38e9ec14d491ec07e name:SeaQuest DSV (USA) cheat description:Infinite weapons / items - code:8ECC-3F9D+8EC8-44FF + code:b7c7cd/be+8fccbb/be cheat description:Start with 99 Darwin's Aqua Lungs - code:17EC-C400 + code:01e3c9/63 cheat description:Start with 99 HR Probes - code:17E8-CD00 + code:31e3b5/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Sea Trucks - code:17EC-C7A0 + code:09e3ce/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Sea Speeders - code:17EC-C4A0 + code:09e3ca/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Crabs - code:17EC-CFA0 + code:39e3ce/63 cheat description:Start with 99 Stingers - code:17EC-C700 + code:01e3cd/63 cartridge sha256:17c864a76d498feb6479eee8e7d6807b951c66225033228622bb66754baab1db name:Secret of Evermore (USA) cheat description:Everyone is invincible, including enemies - code:C2A0-CD5A+826B-41DF+D261-400F + code:3eab45/cd+978cbb/bd+938c61/dd cheat description:Infinite Alchemy ingredients - code:8EA4-C905+8EAE-11D5 + code:11af25/be+95adeb/be cheat description:Alchemy levels up on every use - code:DDA9-15D5 + code:95ad5f/dd cheat description:View Boy's stats to get 131,074 Talons (don't use if you already have more than that) - code:CBC4-3DE0+D4C4-3F70+DDC4-3F50+62C4-3470 + code:b9c327/cb+bdc32c/d2+bdc32d/dd+8dc328/8d cheat description:Your dog starts with 99 HP - code:17BF-1FEF + code:bbbdff/63 cheat description:Your dog starts with 255 HP - code:EEBF-1FEF + code:bbbdff/ee cheat description:Start with 99 attack points - code:95B9-34ED + code:8bb75b/57 cheat description:Start with a lot of attack points - code:EEB9-34ED + code:8bb75b/ee cheat description:Start with 99 defense points - code:17B5-C75D + code:0fb77d/63 cheat description:Start with a lot of defense points - code:EEB5-C75D + code:0fb77d/ee cheat description:Start with 99 magic defense points - code:17B7-445F + code:8fbc39/63 cheat description:Start with a lot of magic defense points - code:EEB7-445F + code:8fbc39/ee cheat description:Start with 50 evade % points - code:7464-CFE7 + code:388f2f/32 cheat description:Start with 99 evade % points - code:1764-CFE7 + code:388f2f/63 cheat description:Start with 50 hit % points - code:746D-3F57 + code:bc8fdd/32 cheat description:Start with 99 hit % points - code:176D-3F57 + code:bc8fdd/63 cheat description:Start with 99 HP - code:1786-CFEB+17BB-17ED + code:3abf8f/63+8bb5bf/63 cheat description:Start with 255 HP - code:EE86-CFEB+EEBB-17ED + code:3abf8f/ee+8bb5bf/ee cheat description:Have all weapons - code:7E22DA:FF+7E22DB:FF + code:7e22da/ff+7e22db/ff cartridge sha256:4c15013131351e694e05f22e38bb1b3e4031dedac77ec75abecebe8520d82d5f name:Secret of Mana (USA) cheat description:999 health - P1 - code:7EE182:E7+7EE183:03 + code:7ee182/e7+7ee183/03 cheat description:999 health - P2 - code:7EE382:E7+7EE383:03 + code:7ee382/e7+7ee383/03 cheat description:999 health - P3 - code:7EE582:E7+7EE583:03 + code:7ee582/e7+7ee583/03 cheat description:999 Max health - P1 - code:7EE184:E7+7EE185:03 + code:7ee184/e7+7ee185/03 cheat description:999 Max health - P2 - code:7EE384:E7+7EE385:03 + code:7ee384/e7+7ee385/03 cheat description:999 Max health - P3 - code:7EE584:E7+7EE585:03 + code:7ee584/e7+7ee585/03 cheat description:Infinite MP - code:7EE386:63+7EE586:63 + code:7ee386/63+7ee586/63 cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7ECC6A:7F+7ECC6B:96+7ECC6C:98 + code:7ecc6a/7f+7ecc6b/96+7ecc6c/98 cheat description:Protection from most hits (disable to kill enemies) - code:8208-776D + code:c344be/bd cheat description:Enemies die instantly - code:CD7E-7D67+DD7E-7DA7+DD7E-7FD7 + code:f03ce6/cd+f83ce6/dd+f43cef/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40A7-6765+402C-0F60 + code:01ae3e/24+31d1ce/24 cheat description:Level 99 after first enemy - code:B606-7F6F+DD78-5F64 + code:f34c8e/b8+f039be/dd cheat description:Max weapon damage - code:BA0A-5404+CB0A-54D4 + code:c049a9/ba+c449ab/cb cheat description:Change screens to max out Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intelligence and Wisdom - code:DD03-ED04 + code:b04be5/dd cheat description:Weapon bar never decreases - code:82A0-6466+82E0-0FD4 + code:02a24a/bd+34e94f/bd cheat description:Walk through walls - code:DD85-A7D1+DD85-64A1 + code:85ba7f/dd+09ba7a/dd cheat description:Strength for level 16 is 90 - code:9C06-81AD + code:db468a/5c cheat description:Agility for level 16 is 90 - code:9C06-85DD + code:d7468f/5c cheat description:Constitution for level 16 is 90 - code:9C06-850D + code:d3468d/5c cheat description:Intelligence for level 16 is 90 - code:9C06-856D + code:d3468e/5c cheat description:Wisdom for level 16 is 90 - code:9C06-85AD + code:db468e/5c cheat description:Chest in elder's basement in Potos gives you 65360 GP - code:EE6B-8738 + code:ca8ebf/ee cheat description:Staying at the inn in Potos is free if you have enough money - code:C274-8764+C277-8DA4 + code:c03a2e/cd+f83a36/cd cheat description:Items in the shop at Potos are free if you have enough money - code:CE5F-5767 + code:c07dfe/ce cheat description:Candy costs nothing - code:DDEB-E544 + code:98ebbc/dd cheat description:Overalls costs nothing - code:DDE3-E044 + code:98ebe0/dd cheat description:Bandanna costs nothing - code:DDE8-E9C4 + code:90ebb7/dd cheat description:Cup Of Wishes costs nothing - code:DDEC-E9C4 + code:90ebc7/dd cheat description:Medical Herb costs nothing - code:DDEC-E944 + code:98ebc4/dd cheat description:Wristband costs nothing - code:DDE7-7047 + code:d8ec30/dd cheat description:Hair Ribbon costs nothing - code:DDE8-E144 + code:98ebb8/dd cheat description:Rabite Cap costs nothing - code:DDE8-E1C4 + code:90ebbb/dd cheat description:Faerie Walnut costs nothing - code:DDEC-E0C4+DDEC-E034 + code:90ebc3/dd+98ebc3/dd cheat description:Royal Jam costs nothing - code:DDEC-E044 + code:98ebc0/dd cheat description:Chocolate costs nothing - code:DDEB-E5C4 + code:90ebbf/dd cheat description:Staying at Neko's costs nothing instead of 30 - code:DDAB-E715 + code:89afbd/dd cheat description:Start with 255 GP - code:EE28-EDAF + code:bbdfb6/ee cheat description:Start with 32,768 GP - code:6D28-EFDF + code:b7dfbf/8d cheat description:Start with 65,280 GP - code:EE28-EFDF + code:b7dfbf/ee cheat description:Start at Level 16 - code:6F09-8707 + code:c04e5d/8f cartridge sha256:ab3d724f3032337300c0cc10259447b173793b9dc25f1f250baf785e9c16bb7d name:Shadow, The (USA) (Proto) (Alt 1) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1E31:FF + code:7e1e31/ff cheat description:Infinite dash - code:7E1876:FF + code:7e1876/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1B76:09 + code:7e1b76/09 cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 health - code:7E1B4A:00 + code:7e1b4a/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 health - code:7E1B4B:00 + code:7e1b4b/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 health - code:7E1B4C:00 + code:7e1b4c/00 cheat description:Start on level 2 - Empire State - code:7E1E28:01 + code:7e1e28/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - Amusement Park - code:7E1E28:02 + code:7e1e28/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - The Museum - code:7E1E28:03 + code:7e1e28/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - The Federal Buildings - code:7E1E28:04 + code:7e1e28/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - The Bike Chase - code:7E1E28:05 + code:7e1e28/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - Maritech Labs - code:7E1E28:06 + code:7e1e28/06 cheat description:Start on level 8 - China Town - code:7E1E28:07 + code:7e1e28/07 cheat description:Start on level 9 - Hotel Monolith - code:7E1E28:08 + code:7e1e28/08 cartridge sha256:85092f4c566b4d34bd4bd70be55df92bfbda40f0030e63a15bafbb8f760c1519 name:Shadow, The (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1E31:FF + code:7e1e31/ff cheat description:Infinite dash - code:7E1876:FF + code:7e1876/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1B76:09 + code:7e1b76/09 cheat description:Enemy 1 has 0 health - code:7E1B4A:00 + code:7e1b4a/00 cheat description:Enemy 2 has 0 health - code:7E1B4B:00 + code:7e1b4b/00 cheat description:Enemy 3 has 0 health - code:7E1B4C:00 + code:7e1b4c/00 cheat description:Start on level 2 - Empire State - code:7E1E28:01 + code:7e1e28/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - Amusement Park - code:7E1E28:02 + code:7e1e28/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - The Museum - code:7E1E28:03 + code:7e1e28/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - The Federal Buildings - code:7E1E28:04 + code:7e1e28/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - The Bike Chase - code:7E1E28:05 + code:7e1e28/05 cheat description:Start on level 7 - Maritech Labs - code:7E1E28:06 + code:7e1e28/06 cheat description:Start on level 8 - China Town - code:7E1E28:07 + code:7e1e28/07 cheat description:Start on level 9 - Hotel Monolith - code:7E1E28:08 + code:7e1e28/08 cartridge sha256:e6bc0a595d5c7c4bc0bbb61ffe35a70288a77eb78544ed74682d489a9e6f07f4 name:Shadowrun (USA) cheat description:Infinite health in the Matrix - code:C285-17A0 + code:89b17e/cd cheat description:Everything is free - code:6DAE-4FA7+FFAE-44D7 + code:b8acee/8d+84aceb/ff cheat description:Karma not subtracted for spells/skills (must have enough to advance) - code:CEEF-4DDD + code:b7e4f7/ce cheat description:Karma not subtracted for shooting people (ignore message saying you lost karma) - code:CE6D-47A4 + code:8888de/ce cheat description:Spell points not subtracted (works for all spell casters) (casting spells you aren't allowed to raises your spell points) - code:8E69-3DA4 + code:b88b56/be cheat description:Walk through walls - code:6D6D-C709 + code:0187dd/8d cheat description:Going up 1 body point adds 20 stamina instead of 10 - code:F0E1-1FDD + code:b7e56f/f4 cheat description:Going up 1 body point adds 30 stamina instead of 10 - code:F3E1-1FDD + code:b7e56f/fe cheat description:Add 65,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000) - code:DFBC-17AF+DEB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/df+b3bdb5/de+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add about 131,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000) - code:D4BC-17AF+DEB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d2+b3bdb5/de+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add about 524,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000) - code:D6BC-17AF+DEB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d8+b3bdb5/de+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set stamina to 100 - code:10BC-17AF+DDB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/64+b3bdb5/dd+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set stamina to 200 - code:A6BC-17AF+DDB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/a8+b3bdb5/dd+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set magic total possible to 10 (and spell points to 100) - code:DCBC-17AF+EAB8-1D0F+78B8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/dc+b3bdb5/ea+b3bdb6/3b+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set total possible magic to 20 (and spell points to 200) - code:F0BC-17AF+EAB8-1D0F+78B8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/f4+b3bdb5/ea+b3bdb6/3b+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set total possible magic to 25 (and spell points to 250) - code:FBBC-17AF+EAB8-1D0F+78B8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/fb+b3bdb5/ea+b3bdb6/3b+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set strength to 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+E2B8-1D0F+78B8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/ed+b3bdb6/3b+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set charisma to 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+EEB8-1D0F+78B8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/ee+b3bdb6/3b+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set karma to 10 (if karma is less than 32) - code:9DBC-17AF+FFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/5d+b3bdb5/ff+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set karma to 20 (if karma is less than 32) - code:CDBC-17AF+FFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/cd+b3bdb5/ff+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Set karma to 31 (if karma is less than 32) - code:EEBC-17AF+FFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/ee+b3bdb5/ff+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add 32 karma (if karma is less than 32) - code:DFBC-17AF+F4B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/df+b3bdb5/f2+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add 64 karma (if karma is less than 32) - code:D4BC-17AF+F4B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d2+b3bdb5/f2+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add 96 karma (if karma is less than 32) - code:D7BC-17AF+F4B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d3+b3bdb5/f2+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Add 192 karma (if karma is less than 32) - code:D1BC-17AF+F4B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/f2+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn powerball spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D5B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d7+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn heal spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D6B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d8+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn invisibility spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+DBB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/db+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn armor spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+DCB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/dc+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn summon spirit spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D8B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/db+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn freeze spell, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+DAB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/da+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn firearms skill, level 5 - code:D9BC-17AF+DFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d5+b3bdb5/df+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn firearms skill, level 10 - code:DCBC-17AF+DFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/dc+b3bdb5/df+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn firearms skill, level 15 - code:DEBC-17AF+DFB8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/de+b3bdb5/df+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn computer skill, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D0B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d4+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn leadership skill, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D9B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d5+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn armed combat skill, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D7B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d3+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn unarmed combat skill, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D4B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d2+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Learn negotiation skill, level 6 - code:D1BC-17AF+D1B8-1D0F+7AB8-1D6F+6EB8-1DDF+53B8-1DAF + code:8bbdce/d6+b3bdb5/d6+b3bdb6/3a+b7bdb7/8e+bbbdb6/7e cheat description:Start with computer, firearms skills at level 2 - code:D4BE-4DA4 + code:b8b8e6/d2 cheat description:Start with computer, firearms skills at level 3 - code:D7BE-4DA4 + code:b8b8e6/d3 cheat description:Start with computer, firearms skills at level 4 - code:D0BE-4DA4 + code:b8b8e6/d4 cheat description:Start with computer, firearms skills at level 5 - code:D9BE-4DA4 + code:b8b8e6/d5 cheat description:Start with computer, firearms skills at level 6 - code:D1BE-4DA4 + code:b8b8e6/d6 cheat description:Start with 2 strength and charisma - code:D4BC-4404 + code:80b8c9/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 strength and charisma - code:D0BC-4404 + code:80b8c9/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 strength and charisma - code:D9BC-4404 + code:80b8c9/d5 cheat description:Start with 6 strength and charisma - code:D1BC-4404 + code:80b8c9/d6 cheat description:Start with 50 stamina - code:74B8-4DA4 + code:b8b8b6/32 cheat description:Start with 100 stamina - code:10B8-4DA4 + code:b8b8b6/64 cheat description:Lots of Nuyen - code:7E3C0D:7F+7E3C0E:96+7E3C0F:98 + code:7e3c0d/7f+7e3c0e/96+7e3c0f/98 cheat description:Infinite / max HP - code:7E33DE:C8+7E3C00:C8+7E3C01:01 + code:7e33de/c8+7e3c00/c8+7e3c01/01 + cheat + description:Debug room accessible + code:7e3bd3/ff+7e3bd4/ff + +cartridge sha256:b0fcef5b3e74ac20ac76720723e1affa5e0d4e3e864d09731ce7fe6f16b7fd28 + name:Shadowrun (USA) (Beta) + cheat + description:Debug room accessible + code:7e3bce/ff+7e3bcf/ff cartridge sha256:c73757eea258e169e506eaef989227a59918060f94117917f338183db14c50b6 name:Shaq-Fu (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:0D8B-8DDD+2D8B-8D6D+3D86-87AD+4D8B-8D0D + code:f7b6b7/4d+f3b6b6/dd+cbb68e/ed+f3b6b5/2d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:0D85-87DD+3D85-84AD+4D85-870D+DD86-8D6D+FA86-8D0D + code:c7b67f/4d+cbb67a/ed+c3b67d/2d+f3b686/dd+f3b685/fa cheat description:Infinite continues - Duel Mode - code:C269-EF0D + code:b3875d/cd cheat description:Blood enabled - code:DDB6-57AF+DDB3-746F + code:cbbd8e/dd+c3bcea/dd cheat description:Start with no continues - code:DDA6-5D07 + code:f0ad85/dd cheat description:Start with 1 continues - code:DFA6-5D07 + code:f0ad85/df cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D9A6-5D07 + code:f0ad85/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBA6-5D07 + code:f0ad85/db cheat description:Start with 15 continues - code:DEA6-5D07 + code:f0ad85/de cartridge sha256:dd94308d822636c6ddf73c5e2644c84f2eb8fb4d9201150fc5f37d44d6f423f1 name:Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:05B2-6FF4+ADB2-6DF4+DDB2-6D94+DDB2-6DB4 + code:3cbadf/47+3cbad7/ad+34bad5/dd+3cbad6/dd cartridge sha256:40e25763288521509b2201f5b4e53f3e3bcdfa92e37cf5eeee4f00d8935d534a name:Shin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio-tachi no Banka (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C22B-1466 + code:82d1ba/cd cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E1202:02 + code:7e1202/02 cheat description:Infinite health - Kunio - code:7E0094:FF + code:7e0094/ff cheat description:Infinite health - Riki - code:7E0096:FF + code:7e0096/ff cheat description:Infinite health - Misako - code:7E0098:FF + code:7e0098/ff cheat description:Infinite health - Kyouko - code:7E009A:FF + code:7e009a/ff cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E009C:00+7E009E:00+7E00A0:00+7E00A2:00 + code:7e009c/00+7e009e/00+7e00a0/00+7e00a2/00 cheat description:Play as Kunio - Jail Outfit (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:00 + code:7e11dc/00 cheat description:Play as Riki - Jail Outfit (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:01 + code:7e11dc/01 cheat description:Play as Takayama - code:7E11DC:03 + code:7e11dc/03 cheat description:Play as Cop - code:7E11DC:04 + code:7e11dc/04 cheat description:Play as Gouji - code:7E11DC:05 + code:7e11dc/05 cheat description:Play as Tooru - code:7E11DC:06 + code:7e11dc/06 cheat description:Play as Gouji Henchman - code:7E11DC:07 + code:7e11dc/07 cheat description:Play as Kunio - School Outfit (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:08 + code:7e11dc/08 cheat description:Play as Riki - School Outfit (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:09 + code:7e11dc/09 cheat description:Play as Misako (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:0A + code:7e11dc/0a cheat description:Play as Kyouko (Safe To Use) - code:7E11DC:0B + code:7e11dc/0b cheat description:Play as Daiki Stage 2, Ryuuta Stage 3 - code:7E11DC:0C + code:7e11dc/0c cheat description:Play as Henchman Stage 2 + - code:7E11DC:0E+7E11DC:11+7E11DC:14 + code:7e11dc/0e+7e11dc/11+7e11dc/14 cheat description:Play as Shingi Henchman - code:7E11DC:17 + code:7e11dc/17 cheat description:Play as Shingi - code:7E11DC:1A + code:7e11dc/1a cheat description:Play as Lisa - code:7E11DC:1B + code:7e11dc/1b cheat description:Play as Sabu - code:7E11DC:1E + code:7e11dc/1e cheat description:Play as Kinji - code:7E11DC:1F + code:7e11dc/1f cheat description:Play as Ken - code:7E11DC:20 + code:7e11dc/20 cheat description:Play as Misuzu - code:7E11DC:21 + code:7e11dc/21 cheat description:Play as Yakuza 1 - code:7E11DC:23 + code:7e11dc/23 cheat description:Play as Yakuza 2 - code:7E11DC:25 + code:7e11dc/25 cheat description:Play as Joe - code:7E11DC:2C + code:7e11dc/2c cheat description:Character color becomes White - code:7E0084:00 + code:7e0084/00 cheat description:Character color becomes Blue - code:7E0084:01 + code:7e0084/01 cheat description:Character color becomes Green - code:7E0084:02 + code:7e0084/02 cheat description:Character color becomes Light Blue - code:7E0084:03 + code:7e0084/03 cartridge sha256:de2d5a952096c5f50368b9270d342aa6e7a39007ffbec27117e182e30ef4cf32 name:Sid Meier's Civilization (USA) cheat description:Get a new skill every turn - code:DD30-74A4 + code:c8e84a/dd cheat description:Have 42.0 moves until you specify no orders - code:CB28-5DA4+5328-5FD4 + code:f8d9b6/cb+f4d9bf/7e cheat description:Start with more money - code:BB04-EF74+BB04-EF54 + code:bc4b2c/bb+bc4b2d/bb cheat description:Start with a lot more money - code:EE04-EF74+EE04-EF54 + code:bc4b2c/ee+bc4b2d/ee cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E75D7:00 + code:7e75d7/00 cheat description:Max income - code:7E7630:FF + code:7e7630/ff cartridge sha256:d09ca5adaee65cfd686742482bc55b1a3ce9bc5ebed61f24c5631555151a7fc7 name:Side Pocket (USA) cheat description:Infinite shots - code:7E1094:0A + code:7e1094/0a cheat description:Infinite shots (alt) - code:7E1094:10 + code:7e1094/10 cheat description:Gain lots of bonus shots for every ball you get in - code:7E1097:03 + code:7e1097/03 cheat description:Always advance to the next level - code:7E10A2:E7+7E10A3:03 + code:7e10a2/e7+7e10a3/03 cartridge sha256:c0bd1b378337c32047a6b7122a3813beb646e496fbdb1fa5c87ab9856271e4c5 name:SimAnt - The Electronic Ant Colony (USA) cheat description:Always have maximum energy - code:DD88-0D0A + code:32b9b5/dd cheat description:Yellow ant always wins - code:DDA7-6402 + code:03a639/dd cartridge sha256:e9c0bc05511e05a0d7c3e7cc42e761e1e8e532d46f59b9854b6902e1a2e9dd0a name:SimCity (USA) cheat description:Money doesn't decrease for most types of spending - code:C28A-AD61 + code:b1baa6/cd cheat description:Time goes faster - code:DD67-DFAA + code:7a8b3e/dd cheat description:Time goes slower - code:DE67-DFAA + code:7a8b3e/de cheat description:Start easy game with $40,000 - code:0DAB-6D02+BAAB-6D62 + code:33a6b5/4d+33a6b6/ba cheat description:Start easy game with $60,000 - code:1DAB-6D02+3CAB-6D62 + code:33a6b5/6d+33a6b6/ec cheat description:Start easy game with $3,000 - code:86AB-6D02+D8AB-6D62 + code:33a6b5/b8+33a6b6/db cheat description:Cheat menu at game exit - code:0188E7:A9+0188E8:80+0188E9:F0 + code:0188e7/a9+0188e8/80+0188e9/f0 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Houses + code:7e03f5/01 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Banks + code:7e03f5/02 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Amusement Parks + code:7e03f5/03 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Zoos + code:7e03f5/04 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Casinos + code:7e03f5/05 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Landfill + code:7e03f5/06 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Police HQs + code:7e03f5/07 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Fire Stations + code:7e03f5/08 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Fountains + code:7e03f5/09 + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Mario Statue + code:7e03f5/0a + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Expo + code:7e03f5/0b + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Windmills + code:7e03f5/0c + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Libraries + code:7e03f5/0d + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Large Parks + code:7e03f5/0e + cheat + description:Infinite Gift Train Stations + code:7e03f5/0f cartridge sha256:bf74c58e4190faca2f3a967dc190fe529d13887d1262b72e057b5353e43cf67f name:SimCity 2000 - The Ultimate City Simulator (USA) cheat description:Start with $99,999,999 on all the maps except the Land Of Freedom - code:EEF3-8700+3DF3-8760+E9FE-8D60+D9FE-8DA0 + code:c1f2ed/ee+c1f2ee/ed+f1f2e6/e5+f9f2e6/d5 cheat description:Start with $99,999,999 on the Land Of Freedom - code:EEF3-8D00+3DF3-8D60+E9F3-8F60+D9F3-8FA0 + code:f1f2e5/ee+f1f2e6/ed+f1f2ee/e5+f9f2ee/d5 cartridge sha256:446a1036d036986fdea7906c83832d3ba79ef63a6ed8c4e88b89ab9cb25daded name:SimEarth - The Living Planet (USA) cheat description:Infinite Omega energy - code:DDB2-F35E + code:ffbbd9/dd cartridge sha256:f0d98e9061d0f6a193bb856de8a592f336dada97c41966e8d03119ba97465413 name:Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives (Bartman and Itchy and Scratchy sub-games) - code:C2BE-60EA + code:1abae3/cd cheat description:Infinite Z's (main game) - code:C2C3-6925+C2C3-61B5 + code:15cee7/cd+1dceea/cd cheat description:Start with 2 bubbles - code:D46A-D521 + code:558baf/d2 cheat description:Start with 9 bubbles - code:DB6A-D521 + code:558baf/db cheat description:Infinite life - code:7E0938:0A + code:7e0938/0a cheat description:Infinite hits - code:7E0514:0B + code:7e0514/0b cheat description:Infinite 99 Watermelon Seeds left - code:7E0137:63 + code:7e0137/63 cheat description:Infinite 99 Gum left - code:7E013D:63 + code:7e013d/63 cheat description:Infinite Bubbles and Seeds - code:89CB-D9B5 + code:5dcfb6/b5 cheat description:All Pages - code:7E013F:08 + code:7e013f/08 cheat description:No Pages - code:7E013F:00 + code:7e013f/00 cartridge sha256:70008efe51185eb0a2f8d8d8ac2bdbb99bd3dfcc169dcc474962f82692998051 name:Sink or Swim (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0972:09 + code:7e0972/09 cheat description:0 left - code:7E164A:00 + code:7e164a/00 cheat description:0 to rescue - code:7E1650:00 + code:7e1650/00 cheat description:9 saved - code:7E164C:09 + code:7e164c/09 cartridge sha256:e10070f01845505ae8bfdf7b5b492e7209c2ae876f169fb6ff420dea269f4da3 name:Skuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DCC-A4D4 + code:84cacb/6d cheat description:Infinite Red Jemeralds - code:D4CB-A7D4 + code:84cabf/d2 cheat description:Don't lose Green Jemeralds when you fall and die - code:C2BB-6FA1 + code:39babe/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD6B-DF07 + code:708fbd/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDCA-AD04+DDBB-6D61 + code:b0caa5/dd+31bab6/dd cheat description:Die when touched (regardless of Jemeralds) - code:6DCB-A404+6DCC-A4D4 + code:80cab9/8d+84cacb/8d cheat description:No enemies or Jemeralds (good for exploring, disable to advance) - code:8BAB-6DD9 + code:35a6b7/bb cheat description:Red jemeralds set to 10 after being hit (must have at least 1) - code:FFCB-A7D4 + code:84cabf/ff cheat description:Slower timer - code:5D66-DFA7 + code:788f8e/7d cheat description:Faster timer - code:F366-DFA7 + code:788f8e/fe cheat description:Time goes by 2x as fast - code:D46B-DF07 + code:708fbd/d2 cheat description:Time goes by 4x as fast - code:D06B-DF07 + code:708fbd/d4 cheat description:Green Jemeralds worth 3 - code:D7C2-6704 + code:00cadd/d3 cheat description:Green Jemeralds worth 9 - code:DBC2-6704 + code:00cadd/db cheat description:Green Jemeralds worth 19 - code:FBC2-6704 + code:00cadd/fb cheat description:Green Jemeralds worth 25 (extra life on each one) - code:49C2-6704 + code:00cadd/25 cheat description:10 Green Jemeralds gives an extra life - code:FDC3-6DA4 + code:38cae6/fd cheat description:50 Green Jemeralds gives an extra life - code:9DC3-6DA4 + code:38cae6/5d cheat description:1 Green Jemerald gives an extra life - code:DDC3-6F04 + code:30caed/dd cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - code:DF83-D765 + code:41bfee/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D783-D765 + code:41bfee/d3 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB83-D765 + code:41bfee/db cheat description:Start with 19 lives - code:FB83-D765 + code:41bfee/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:9D83-D765 + code:41bfee/5d cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:BB83-D765 + code:41bfee/bb cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E1A02:08 + code:7e1a02/08 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E02BE:FF + code:7e02be/ff cartridge sha256:a4ba1483db79c3f6278082387bce216d8f3e3b11ca32d49516d27f5ac07135a5 name:Skyblazer (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0065:9E + code:7e0065/9e cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EF801:04 + code:7ef801/04 cheat description:Infinite special power - code:7E1F0D:08 + code:7e1f0d/08 cheat description:Infinite Warrior Force - code:7E0089:FF + code:7e0089/ff cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD6F-D765+6D63-A4D1 + code:418ffe/dd+858aeb/8d cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:6D83-AFDB + code:b6beef/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:DDE5-64A5 + code:09ee7a/dd cheat description:Enemies die automatically - code:6D66-A701+DD6F-D765+6D63-A4D1+DDE5-64A5 + code:818a8d/8d+418ffe/dd+858aeb/8d+09ee7a/dd cheat description:All enemies frozen - code:7EFA60:8D+7EFA61:8D+7EFA62:8D+7EFA63:8D+7EFA64:8D+7EFA65:8D+7EFA66:8D+7EFA67:8D+7EFA68:8D+7EFA69:8D+7EFA6A:8D+7EFA6B:8D+7EFA6C:8D+7EFA6D:8D+7EFA6E:8D+7EFA6F:8D+7EFA70:8D+7EFA71:8D+7EFA72:8D+7EFA73:8D+7EFA74:8D+7EFA75:8D+7EFA76:8D+7EFA77:8D+7EFA78:8D+7EFA79:8D+7EFA7A:8D+7EFA7B:8D+7EFA7C:8D+7EFA7D:8D+7EFA7E:8D+7EFA7F:8D + code:7efa60/8d+7efa61/8d+7efa62/8d+7efa63/8d+7efa64/8d+7efa65/8d+7efa66/8d+7efa67/8d+7efa68/8d+7efa69/8d+7efa6a/8d+7efa6b/8d+7efa6c/8d+7efa6d/8d+7efa6e/8d+7efa6f/8d+7efa70/8d+7efa71/8d+7efa72/8d+7efa73/8d+7efa74/8d+7efa75/8d+7efa76/8d+7efa77/8d+7efa78/8d+7efa79/8d+7efa7a/8d+7efa7b/8d+7efa7c/8d+7efa7d/8d+7efa7e/8d+7efa7f/8d cheat description:Have 99 gems - code:7E1F0E:63 + code:7e1f0e/63 cheat description:Have Aura Attack - code:7E1F0B:01 + code:7e1f0b/01 cheat description:Have Comet Flash - code:7E1F0B:02 + code:7e1f0b/02 cheat description:Have Lightning Strike - code:7E1F0B:03 + code:7e1f0b/03 cheat description:Have Time Stop - code:7E1F0B:04 + code:7e1f0b/04 cheat description:Have Star Fire - code:7E1F0B:05 + code:7e1f0b/05 cheat description:Have Warrior Force - code:7E1F0B:06 + code:7e1f0b/06 cheat description:Have Heal - code:7E1F0B:07 + code:7e1f0b/07 cheat description:Have Fiery Phoenix - code:7E1F0B:08 + code:7e1f0b/08 cartridge sha256:cbca00fa5dfd6c72db2f21d010255657c33f7ac48de2554262035ead11bdf314 name:Smart Ball (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B9-0F0D + code:33b55d/cd cheat description:Protection from most enemies (lose no hearts) - code:C2BE-A467 + code:80beea/cd cheat description:Infinite red balls on pick-up - until continue - code:C266-04A7 + code:088d8a/cd cheat description:Go to any level - code:7762-040D+DE62-0FAD + code:0385d9/33+3b85de/de cheat description:Super-jump - code:ECC3-DF6D + code:73c7ee/ec cheat description:Mega-jump - code:E1C3-DF6D + code:73c7ee/e6 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DF6D-676D + code:0386de/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D96D-676D + code:0386de/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DC6D-676D + code:0386de/dc cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FB6D-676D + code:0386de/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:746D-676D + code:0386de/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:176D-676D + code:0386de/63 cartridge sha256:6fe7c8d39fcfab7f0a18e837a7ee0dd162e0557d6989c6e0d10c81616d3a0b8b name:Soldiers of Fortune (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CBC1-E46F + code:83cf6a/cb cheat description:Smaller food power-ups heal twice as much - code:DCE0-87AD + code:cbe64e/dc cheat description:Smaller food power-ups heal four times as much - code:F0E0-87AD + code:cbe64e/f4 cheat description:Large food power-ups heal twice as much - code:F3E9-8FDD + code:f7e65f/fe cheat description:Large food power-ups heal four times as much - code:7AE9-8FDD + code:f7e65f/3a cheat description:Only 3 special powers can be stored instead of 6 (handicap) - code:D0EB-8DDD + code:f7e6b7/d4 cheat description:Special power power-ups are worth 6 (always fill meter) - code:6DEB-8D0D + code:f3e6b5/8d cheat description:Special powers aren't used up - code:3CC6-870D + code:c3c68d/ec cheat description:Mercenary starts with much more health - code:1D4E-5475 + code:cd2de8/6d cheat description:Brigand starts with much more health - code:1D44-87E5 + code:c92e2f/6d cheat description:Gentleman starts with much more health - code:1D41-8F85 + code:fd2e6e/6d cheat description:Navvie starts with much more health - code:1D4B-8755 + code:cd2ebd/6d cheat description:Thug starts with much more health - code:1D42-8F75 + code:fd2edc/6d cheat description:Scientist starts with much more health - code:1D4D-E4E5 + code:892fdb/6d cheat description:Extra lives cost 244 instead of 500 - code:DDF6-5D50 + code:fdf185/dd cheat description:Skill power-ups cost 44 instead of 300 - code:DDF6-5DE0 + code:f9f187/dd cheat description:Health power-ups cost 1 instead of 75 - code:DFF6-5F70 + code:fdf18c/df cheat description:Health power-ups cost 25 instead of 75 - code:FBF6-5F70 + code:fdf18c/fb cheat description:Speed power-ups cost 1 instead of 250 - code:DFF6-5F80 + code:fdf18e/df cheat description:Speed power-ups cost 100 instead of 250 - code:10F6-5F80 + code:fdf18e/64 cheat description:Wisdom power-ups cost 1 instead of 80 - code:DFF6-5470 + code:cdf188/df cheat description:Wisdom power-ups cost 25 instead of 80 - code:FBF6-5470 + code:cdf188/fb cheat description:Special powers cost 1 instead of 150 - code:DFF6-5480 + code:cdf18a/df cheat description:Special powers cost 50 instead of 150 - code:74F6-5480 + code:cdf18a/32 cheat description:Weapon power-ups cost 1 instead of 250 - code:DFF6-5780 + code:cdf18e/df cheat description:Weapon power-ups cost 100 instead of 250 - code:10F6-5780 + code:cdf18e/64 cheat description:??? (New Special powers costs 44 instead of 300) - code:DDF6-5750 + code:cdf18d/dd cheat description:Brigand starts with Bomb special power - code:DF40-ED75 + code:bd2f44/df cheat description:Mercenary starts with Bomb special power - code:DF40-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/df cheat description:Gentleman starts with Bomb special power - code:DF40-E475 + code:8d2f48/df cheat description:Navvie starts with Bomb special power - code:DF40-E775 + code:8d2f4c/df cheat description:Thug starts with Bomb special power - code:DF49-ED75 + code:bd2f54/df cheat description:Scientist starts with Bomb special power - code:DF49-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/df cheat description:Brigand starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D440-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d2 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D440-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d2 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D440-E475 + code:8d2f48/d2 cheat description:Navvie starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D440-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d2 cheat description:Thug starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D449-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d2 cheat description:Scientist starts with Shot Burst special power - code:D449-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d2 cheat description:Brigand starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D740-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d3 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D740-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d3 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D740-E475 + code:8d2f48/d3 cheat description:Navvie starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D740-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d3 cheat description:Thug starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D749-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d3 cheat description:Scientist starts with Map special power (must still destroy nodes special power) - code:D749-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d3 cheat description:Brigand starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D040-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d4 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D040-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d4 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D040-E475 + code:8d2f48/d4 cheat description:Navvie starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D040-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d4 cheat description:Thug starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D049-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d4 cheat description:Scientist starts with Destroy Nodes special power - code:D049-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d4 cheat description:Brigand starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D940-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d5 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D940-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d5 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D940-E475 + code:8d2f48/d5 cheat description:Navvie starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D940-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d5 cheat description:Thug starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D949-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d5 cheat description:Scientist starts with Repel Monster special power - code:D949-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d5 cheat description:Brigand starts with First Aid special power - code:D140-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d6 cheat description:Mercenary starts with First Aid special power - code:D140-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d6 cheat description:Gentleman starts with First Aid special power - code:D140-E475 + code:8d2f48/d6 cheat description:Navvie starts with First Aid special power - code:D140-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d6 cheat description:Thug starts with First Aid special power - code:D149-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d6 cheat description:Scientist starts with First Aid special power - code:D149-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d6 cheat description:Brigand starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D540-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d7 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D540-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d7 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D540-E475 + code:8d2f48/d7 cheat description:Navvie starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D540-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d7 cheat description:Thug starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D549-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d7 cheat description:Scientist starts with Freeze Monster special power - code:D549-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d7 cheat description:Brigand starts with Shield special power - code:D640-ED75 + code:bd2f44/d8 cheat description:Mercenary starts with Shield special power - code:D640-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/d8 cheat description:Gentleman starts with Shield special power - code:D640-E475 + code:8d2f48/d8 cheat description:Navvie starts with Shield special power - code:D640-E775 + code:8d2f4c/d8 cheat description:Thug starts with Shield special power - code:D649-ED75 + code:bd2f54/d8 cheat description:Scientists starts with Shield special power - code:D649-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/d8 cheat description:Brigand starts with Party Power special power - code:DB40-ED75 + code:bd2f44/db cheat description:Mercenary starts with Party Power special power - code:DB40-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/db cheat description:Gentleman starts with Party Power special power - code:DB40-E475 + code:8d2f48/db cheat description:Navvie starts with Party Power special power - code:DB40-E775 + code:8d2f4c/db cheat description:Thug starts with Party Power special power - code:DB49-ED75 + code:bd2f54/db cheat description:Scientist starts with Party Power special power - code:DB49-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/db cheat description:Brigand starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC40-ED75 + code:bd2f44/dc cheat description:Mercenary starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC40-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/dc cheat description:Gentleman starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC40-E475 + code:8d2f48/dc cheat description:Navvie starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC40-E775 + code:8d2f4c/dc cheat description:Thug starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC49-ED75 + code:bd2f54/dc cheat description:Scientist starts with Air Burst special power - code:DC49-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/dc cheat description:Brigand starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D840-ED75 + code:bd2f44/db cheat description:Mercenary starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D840-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/db cheat description:Gentleman starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D840-E475 + code:8d2f48/db cheat description:Navvie starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D840-E775 + code:8d2f4c/db cheat description:Thug starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D849-ED75 + code:bd2f54/db cheat description:Scientist starts with Distract Monster special power - code:D849-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/db cheat description:Brigand starts with Molotov special power - code:DA40-ED75 + code:bd2f44/da cheat description:Mercenary starts with Molotov special power - code:DA40-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/da cheat description:Gentleman starts with Molotov special power - code:DA40-E475 + code:8d2f48/da cheat description:Navvie starts with Molotov special power - code:DA40-E775 + code:8d2f4c/da cheat description:Thug starts with Molotov special power - code:DA49-ED75 + code:bd2f54/da cheat description:Scientist starts with Molotov special power - code:DA49-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/da cheat description:Brigand starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D240-ED75 + code:bd2f44/dd cheat description:Mercenary starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D240-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/dd cheat description:Gentleman starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D240-E475 + code:8d2f48/dd cheat description:Navvie starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D240-E775 + code:8d2f4c/dd cheat description:Thug starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D249-ED75 + code:bd2f54/dd cheat description:Scientist starts with Ground Mine special power - code:D249-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/dd cheat description:Brigand starts with Dynamite special power - code:D340-ED75 + code:bd2f44/de cheat description:Mercenary starts with Dynamite special power - code:D340-EF75 + code:bd2f4c/de cheat description:Gentleman starts with Dynamite special power - code:D340-E475 + code:8d2f48/de cheat description:Navvie starts with Dynamite special power - code:D340-E775 + code:8d2f4c/de cheat description:Thug starts with Dynamite special power - code:D349-ED75 + code:bd2f54/de cheat description:Scientist starts with Dynamite special power - code:D349-EF75 + code:bd2f5c/de cheat description:Brigand gets Party Power as a 4th special power - code:DB40-EDE5 + code:b92f47/db cheat description:Mercenary gets Party Power as a 4th special power - code:DB40-EFE5 + code:b92f4f/db cheat description:Navvie gets Party Power as a 3rd special power - code:DB40-E785 + code:8d2f4e/db cheat description:Thug gets Party Power as a 3rd special power - code:DB49-ED85 + code:bd2f56/db cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E40F0:64 + code:7e40f0/64 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 or computer partner - code:7E4165:64 + code:7e4165/64 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0090:04 + code:7e0090/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 or computer partner - code:7E0092:04 + code:7e0092/04 cheat description:Infinite special attacks - P1 - code:7E40FF:06 + code:7e40ff/06 cheat description:Infinite special attacks - P2 or computer partner - code:7E4174:06 + code:7e4174/06 cartridge sha256:75a7b5b8ad0329dc828d3201089e125fd55fdfc99d4cec704ffcd7e3036c2410 name:Sonic Blast Man (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2DC2-07A7 + code:08cdde/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2A9-04AD + code:0ba55a/cd cheat description:Infinite health against most enemy hits - code:C2A9-04AD + code:0ba55a/cd cheat description:Infinite health against hits on the head when you're being held - code:C2C3-0DAD + code:3bc5e6/cd cheat description:Infinite special - code:C2C3-0464 + code:00c9ea/cd cheat description:Infinite Dynamite Punches - code:C2C3-0464 + code:00c9ea/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDA5-6F60 + code:31a27e/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2A5-64D0 + code:05a27b/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C2AC-A4A4 + code:88aaca/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:47A6-07AD+6DA6-076D + code:0ba58e/23+03a58e/8d cheat description:Super glove worth nothing - code:C2A9-0F6F + code:33ad5e/cd cheat description:Hamburger worth nothing - code:DDA4-070F + code:03ad2d/dd cheat description:Hamburger fully restores health - code:9DA4-070F + code:03ad2d/5d cheat description:Apple worth nothing - code:DDAF-040F + code:03adf9/dd cheat description:Apple fully restores health - code:9DAF-040F + code:03adf9/5d cheat description:Continue with 3/4 health - code:7AB5-A407 + code:80be79/3a cheat description:Continue with 1/2 health - code:46B5-A407 + code:80be79/28 cheat description:Continue with 1/4 health - code:F0B5-A407 + code:80be79/f4 cheat description:Start with 11 lives - code:D76B-D46D + code:4387ba/d3 cheat description:Start with 0 dynamite punches - code:DDAD-ADDF + code:b7aed7/dd cheat description:Start with 5 dynamite punches - code:D9AD-ADDF + code:b7aed7/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 dynamite punches - code:D5AD-ADDF + code:b7aed7/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 dynamite punches - code:DBAD-ADDF + code:b7aed7/db cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:7AB9-0DD7 + code:34bd57/3a cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:46B9-0DD7 + code:34bd57/28 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:F0B9-0DD7 + code:34bd57/f4 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:33BC-0F0F + code:33bdcd/ee cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:CBBC-0D6F+3CBC-0FDF+62BC-0F0F+D4BC-0DAF + code:33bdc6/cb+37bdcf/ec+33bdcd/8d+3bbdc6/d2 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:CBBC-0D6F+3CBC-0FDF+62BC-0F0F+D7BC-0DAF + code:33bdc6/cb+37bdcf/ec+33bdcd/8d+3bbdc6/d3 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:CBBC-0D6F+3CBC-0FDF+62BC-0F0F+D0BC-0DAF + code:33bdc6/cb+37bdcf/ec+33bdcd/8d+3bbdc6/d4 cartridge sha256:efe78f6fc68ddd0f6ef0ad9e0223d9417c14fcadece987dc8f50423fd6723b27 name:Sonic Blast Man II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C206-5F64 + code:f0498e/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C20B-EFA7 + code:b84fbe/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C295-7F6F + code:f35c7e/cd cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0DA5:FF + code:7e0da5/ff cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1DA7:FF + code:7e1da7/ff cheat description:Infinite Specials - P1 - code:7E0DAD:63 + code:7e0dad/63 cheat description:Infinite Specials - P2 - code:7E1DAF:63 + code:7e1daf/63 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0DA9:32 + code:7e0da9/32 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0DAB:32 + code:7e0dab/32 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies and bosses - code:7E1377:00+7E1393:00+7E1395:00+7E1391:00+7E138F:00 + code:7e1377/00+7e1393/00+7e1395/00+7e1391/00+7e138f/00 cheat description:Play as Sonic Blast Man - P1 - code:7E0D8D:00 + code:7e0d8d/00 cheat description:Play as Sonic Blast Man - P2 - code:7E0D8F:00 + code:7e0d8f/00 cheat description:Play as Sonia - P1 - code:7E0D8D:01 + code:7e0d8d/01 cheat description:Play as Sonia - P2 - code:7E0D8F:01 + code:7e0d8f/01 cheat description:Play as Captain Choyear - P1 - code:7E0D8D:02 + code:7e0d8d/02 cheat description:Play as Captain Choyear - P2 - code:7E0D8F:02 + code:7e0d8f/02 cartridge sha256:8438da09de8ce9aded3bb08644543f7b60fb60cffc68ce2d67d6a0643f2ecfc2 name:Soul Blazer (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C26E-6DA7+C223-0D07 + code:388ee6/cd+30dde5/cd cheat description:Have all spirits after obtaining the first one - code:FEC3-A7D2 + code:87c6ef/fe cheat description:Get max level - code:DDEB-649F + code:07eeb9/dd cheat description:Gems set to 999,999 every time one is obtained - code:DDE8-64BF + code:0feeba/dd cheat description:10 EXP required instead of 100 for level 2 - code:FDE8-A761+DDE8-A7A1 + code:81eabe/fd+89eabe/dd cheat description:180 EXP required instead of 280 for level 3 - code:DFEA-ADA1 + code:b9eaa6/df cheat description:380 EXP required instead of 580 for level 4 - code:D7EA-AFA1 + code:b9eaae/d3 cheat description:600 EXP required instead of 1,000 for level 5 - code:D1EA-A4A1 + code:89eaaa/d6 cheat description:1,200 EXP required instead of 2,000 for level 6 - code:F4EA-A7A1 + code:89eaae/f2 cheat description:2,400 EXP required instead of 3,200 for level 7 - code:40E2-ADA1 + code:b9ead6/24 cheat description:3,500 EXP required instead of 4,500 for level 8 - code:79E2-AFA1 + code:b9eade/35 cheat description:4,800 EXP required instead of 5,800 for level 9 - code:06E2-A4A1 + code:89eada/48 cheat description:6,600 EXP required instead of 7,600 for level 10 - code:11E2-A7A1 + code:89eade/66 cheat description:8,600 EXP required instead of 9,600 for level 11 - code:61E3-ADA1 + code:b9eae6/86 cheat description:10,000 EXP required instead of 12,400 for level 12 - code:DDE3-AFA1 + code:b9eaee/dd cheat description:13,000 EXP required instead of 15,000 for level 13 - code:7DE3-A4A1 + code:89eaea/3d cheat description:15,000 EXP required instead of 19,000 for level 14 - code:9DE3-A7A1 + code:89eaee/5d cheat description:Start with 4 HP - code:D0E6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/d4 cheat description:Start with 15 HP - code:DEE6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/de cheat description:Start with 25 HP - code:FBE6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/fb cheat description:Start with 50 HP - code:74E6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/32 cheat description:Start with 75 HP - code:08E6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/4b cheat description:Start with 100 HP - code:10E6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/64 cheat description:Start with 127 HP - code:5EE6-0FB4 + code:3ce98e/7e cheat description:Infinite and max HP - code:7E1B88:64+7E1B8A:64 + code:7e1b88/64+7e1b8a/64 cheat description:Level up more quickly - code:7E1B78:FF + code:7e1b78/ff cartridge sha256:24f3f22949f36ebf8ab4beaa8cba22db107efe7a7585f749343f2860bf041fe1 name:Space Football - One on One (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C2B9-D7AF + code:4bbf5e/cd cheat description:Instant acceleration - code:1B26-A7D7 + code:84de8f/6b cheat description:No pushback on firing - code:C2C9-D46F + code:43cf5a/cd cheat description:Push forward on firing - code:1BC9-DFAF + code:7bcf5e/6b cartridge sha256:dc5353ddc350816619230f25f8c51bddabf7438e6dfba21662eb1c4794856735 name:Space Invaders (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CB6F-37A9 + code:8987fe/cb cheat description:Enemies never move - code:7E03D5:00 + code:7e03d5/00 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:7E03BF:02 + code:7e03bf/02 cartridge sha256:f5b7418c00ccac44615cfc57c7e17d57533837056886f6d733e6b714c36dec1f name:Space Megaforce (USA) cheat description:Protection against enemy hits, and weapon level goes to 2 when hit - code:CB68-D4AC+D168-D7DC + code:4b83ba/cb+4783bf/d6 cheat description:Protection against enemy hits, and weapon level goes to 6 when hit - code:CB68-D4AC+D168-D7DC+D16A-D4DC + code:4b83ba/cb+4783bf/d6+4783ab/d6 cheat description:Infinite bombs - code:DD65-AFAB + code:ba8e7e/dd cheat description:Infinite ships - code:DD6D-07AC + code:0b81de/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:1DCD-6D01+2DCD-6DA1+4ACD-6FD1+C2CD-6DD1+D2CD-6D61 + code:31cad5/6d+39cad6/dd+35cadf/2a+35cad7/cd+31cad6/dd cheat description:Power shots (weapon type 6) last until you pick up another weapon or get hit - code:828E-AF6B + code:b2beee/bd cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 1 - code:CBC4-0F06+DDC4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/dd cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 2 - code:CBC4-0F06+DFC4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/df cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 3 - code:CBC4-0F06+D4C4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/d2 cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 4 - code:CBC4-0F06+D7C4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/d3 cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 5 - code:CBC4-0F06+D0C4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/d4 cheat description:Weapon capsules give you weapon type 6 - code:CBC4-0F06+D9C4-0F66 + code:32c12d/cb+32c12e/d5 cheat description:Bomb capsules worth 0 - code:DDCE-D4D6 + code:46c3eb/dd cheat description:Bomb capsules worth 2 - code:D4CE-D4D6 + code:46c3eb/d2 cheat description:Bomb capsules worth 4 - code:D0CE-D4D6 + code:46c3eb/d4 cheat description:Bomb capsules worth 6 - code:D1CE-D4D6 + code:46c3eb/d6 cheat description:Start with 0 bombs instead of 3 - code:DDC9-DD06 + code:72c355/dd cheat description:Start with 7 bombs - code:D5C9-DD06 + code:72c355/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 bombs - code:FDC9-DD06 + code:72c355/fd cheat description:Start with 25 bombs - code:49C9-DD06 + code:72c355/25 cheat description:Start with 50 bombs - code:9DC9-DD06 + code:72c355/5d cheat description:Start with 99 bombs - code:BBC9-DD06 + code:72c355/bb cheat description:Start with 2 ships - code:DFBE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/df cheat description:Start with 8 ships - code:D5BE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/d7 cheat description:Start with 11 ships - code:FDBE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/fd cheat description:Start with 26 ships - code:49BE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/25 cheat description:Start with 51 ships - code:9DBE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/5d cheat description:Start with 76 ships - code:59BE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/75 cheat description:Start with 100 ships - code:BBBE-A4A8 + code:8abeea/bb cheat description:Start in area 2 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D46A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d2 cheat description:Start in area 3 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D76A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d3 cheat description:Start in area 4 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D06A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d4 cheat description:Start in area 5 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D96A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d5 cheat description:Start in area 6 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D16A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d6 cheat description:Start in area 7 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D56A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d7 cheat description:Start in area 8 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D66A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/d8 cheat description:Start in area 9 - code:CB6A-0D0D+DB6A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/db cheat description:Start in area 10 - code:CB6A-0D0D+DC6A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/dc cheat description:Start in area 11 - code:CB6A-0D0D+D86A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/db cheat description:Start in area 12 - code:CB6A-0D0D+DA6A-0D6D + code:3385a5/cb+3385a6/da cartridge sha256:14dc44687c8da35aec63b9edadbaac21bf7293f5171646f614139192e82ab071 name:Spanky's Quest (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:40AC-DF08 + code:72afcd/24 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD31-AFAD + code:bbe66e/dd cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D931-AFAD + code:bbe66e/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB31-AFAD + code:bbe66e/db cheat description:Start with 1 key in all areas after 1-1 - code:CB3F-0FDF+DF3F-0F0F + code:37edff/cb+33edfd/df cheat description:Start on area 2-1 - code:CB35-A7AD+DF36-ADDD + code:8be67e/cb+b7e687/df cheat description:Start on area 3-1 - code:CB35-A7AD+D436-ADDD + code:8be67e/cb+b7e687/d2 cheat description:Start on area 4-1 - code:CB35-A7AD+D736-ADDD + code:8be67e/cb+b7e687/d3 cheat description:Start on area 5-1 - code:CB35-A7AD+D036-ADDD + code:8be67e/cb+b7e687/d4 cartridge sha256:eaa06470734ea57eff9b888137aa468fcb7bb149a0870a85e68c9db123de4670 name:Sparkster (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DD27-CFD6 + code:36d33f/dd cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:CB27-CDA6+D027-CFD6 + code:3ad336/cb+36d33f/d4 cheat description:Infinite health - code:3C3E-17A8+3C2E-14D6 + code:8aedee/ec+86d1eb/ec cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0691:0E + code:7e0691/0e cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0168:09 + code:7e0168/09 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6D30-346D+C96A-C79D+DD34-3F0D + code:83e74a/8d+0787ad/c5+b3e72d/dd cheat description:1 Jewel needed for 1-up - code:7E016A:63 + code:7e016a/63 cartridge sha256:fe2371bed45f5e244ce3ef8585894c0ffa4272e3f58c2f4795ef91fb1ee54b15 name:Spectre (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2C8-D4DD + code:47c7bb/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:E08F-D40D + code:43b7f9/e4 cheat description:Infinite health - code:E0C1-6707 + code:00ce6d/e4 cheat description:Infinite hyperspace - code:C2C0-DDDF + code:77cf47/cd cheat description:Freeze bonus timer - code:C232-ADA4 + code:b8ead6/cd cheat description:Infinite custom shield - code:7E1B42:0A + code:7e1b42/0a cheat description:Infinite custom speed - code:7E1B44:0A + code:7e1b44/0a cheat description:Infinite custom ammo - code:7E1B46:0A + code:7e1b46/0a cartridge sha256:68a51b7a06b6a9e7100a89521e52b5c467c46c828c0f6504bee677beac2aa6fd name:Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B4-CFAD + code:3bb72e/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:3CA9-C76D + code:03a75e/ec cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C266-44A1 + code:89888a/cd cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:176C-44DD + code:8784cb/63 cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:7E099E:FF + code:7e099e/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E08CC:05 + code:7e08cc/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0935:03 + code:7e0935/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0934:00 + code:7e0934/00 cheat description:Have 5 hearts - code:7E08CE:05 + code:7e08ce/05 cheat description:Hyper Speedy Gonzalez - code:7E0052:00 + code:7e0052/00 cheat description:Keep Speedy Shoes until end of stage on pick-up - code:7E08B0:FF + code:7e08b0/ff cheat description:Start on Sleepy Rock Part 1 - code:7E0098:00 + code:7e0098/00 cheat description:Start on Ancient Keep Part 1 - code:7E0098:02 + code:7e0098/02 cheat description:Start on Snowy Cabins Part 1 - code:7E0098:04 + code:7e0098/04 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies Part 1 - code:7E0098:06 + code:7e0098/06 cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 1 - code:7E0098:08 + code:7e0098/08 cheat description:Start on Snowy Cabins Part 2 - code:7E0098:0A + code:7e0098/0a cheat description:Start on Fiesta City Part 1 - code:7E0098:0C + code:7e0098/0c cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 1 - code:7E0098:0E + code:7e0098/0e cheat description:Start on Fiesta City Part 2 - code:7E0098:10 + code:7e0098/10 cheat description:Start on Ancient Keep Part 2 - code:7E0098:12 + code:7e0098/12 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 2 - code:7E0098:14 + code:7e0098/14 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 3 - code:7E0098:16 + code:7e0098/16 cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 2 - code:7E0098:18 + code:7e0098/18 cheat description:Start on Sleepy Rock Part 2 - code:7E0098:1A + code:7e0098/1a cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 3 - code:7E0098:1C + code:7e0098/1c cheat description:Start on Surely Wood? Cat Boss - code:7E0098:1E + code:7e0098/1e cheat description:Start on Ship Cat Boss - code:7E0098:20 + code:7e0098/20 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies? Cat Boss - code:7E0098:22 + code:7e0098/22 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies Part 2 - code:7E0098:24 + code:7e0098/24 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 5 - code:7E0098:26 + code:7e0098/26 cartridge sha256:df02d0f4f40e2732138309d38e91b48aef482490979007ecb63359a35115dfd4 name:Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:7E099E:FF + code:7e099e/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E08CC:05 + code:7e08cc/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0935:03 + code:7e0935/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0934:00 + code:7e0934/00 cheat description:Have 5 hearts - code:7E08CE:05 + code:7e08ce/05 cheat description:Hyper Speedy Gonzalez - code:7E0052:00 + code:7e0052/00 cheat description:Keep Speedy Shoes until end of stage on pick-up - code:7E08B0:FF + code:7e08b0/ff cheat description:Start on Sleepy Rock Part 1 - code:7E0098:00 + code:7e0098/00 cheat description:Start on Ancient Keep Part 1 - code:7E0098:02 + code:7e0098/02 cheat description:Start on Snowy Cabins Part 1 - code:7E0098:04 + code:7e0098/04 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies Part 1 - code:7E0098:06 + code:7e0098/06 cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 1 - code:7E0098:08 + code:7e0098/08 cheat description:Start on Snowy Cabins Part 2 - code:7E0098:0A + code:7e0098/0a cheat description:Start on Fiesta City Part 1 - code:7E0098:0C + code:7e0098/0c cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 1 - code:7E0098:0E + code:7e0098/0e cheat description:Start on Fiesta City Part 2 - code:7E0098:10 + code:7e0098/10 cheat description:Start on Ancient Keep Part 2 - code:7E0098:12 + code:7e0098/12 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 2 - code:7E0098:14 + code:7e0098/14 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 3 - code:7E0098:16 + code:7e0098/16 cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 2 - code:7E0098:18 + code:7e0098/18 cheat description:Start on Sleepy Rock Part 2 - code:7E0098:1A + code:7e0098/1a cheat description:Start on Surely Wood Part 3 - code:7E0098:1C + code:7e0098/1c cheat description:Start on Surely Wood? Cat Boss - code:7E0098:1E + code:7e0098/1e cheat description:Start on Ship Cat Boss - code:7E0098:20 + code:7e0098/20 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies? Cat Boss - code:7E0098:22 + code:7e0098/22 cheat description:Start on Galactical Galazies Part 2 - code:7E0098:24 + code:7e0098/24 cheat description:Start on Ye Olde Bounty Part 5 - code:7E0098:26 + code:7e0098/26 cartridge sha256:2701e94631ae1c43ca0ccef2b50bc0341a4111b31b885fa372ab5b4a49b06942 name:SpellCraft - Aspects of Valor (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E018D:99 + code:7e018d/99 cheat description:Quick enemy death - code:7E0193:00 + code:7e0193/00 cheat description:Fast level up - code:7E00FD:FF + code:7e00fd/ff cheat description:Infinite Stones - code:7E0296:09 + code:7e0296/09 cheat description:Infinite Jewels - code:7E0298:09 + code:7e0298/09 cheat description:Infinite Candles - code:7E029A:09 + code:7e029a/09 cheat description:Infinite Powders - code:7E029C:09 + code:7e029c/09 cartridge sha256:f05d777e3de69aab18d336cac0af07f794f8d00090d085f86cebaed3679cabad name:Spider-Man (USA) cheat description:Stay invincible after death - code:C2CF-C70D + code:03c7fd/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9BB-3DD8 + code:b6bfb7/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B1-3468 + code:82bf6a/cd cheat description:Infinite webbing - code:C3CA-1F6F+C2CC-44A7+C3CC-1FAF+C2CF-4707 + code:b3cdae/ce+88ccca/cd+bbcdce/ce+80ccfd/cd cheat description:Gain webbing instead of losing it - code:33CA-1F6F+33CC-44A7+33CC-1FAF+33CF-4707 + code:b3cdae/ee+88ccca/ee+bbcdce/ee+80ccfd/ee cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6D39-4FA7+6D3D-4767+DD30-47A7+DD30-4F67 + code:b8ec5e/8d+80ecde/8d+88ec4e/dd+b0ec4e/dd cheat description:Increase diagnol webbing with R button - code:33CA-1F6F + code:b3cdae/ee cheat description:Increase straight webbing with X button - code:33CC-44A7 + code:88ccca/ee cartridge sha256:964d21996e385e032b5d18baf716692ba1db780245cd71956c212045c1b8eb9a name:Spider-Man-Venom - Maximum Carnage (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C264-CFD0 + code:35832f/cd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2A1-1F01 + code:b1a96d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2BB-1D61 + code:b1b9b6/cd cheat description:Infinite hero icons on pick-up - code:8220-47AB + code:8adc4e/bd cheat description:Jump higher - code:7D80-3F61 + code:b1bb4e/3d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD62-3DA0 + code:b983d6/dd cheat description:One hit kills - code:6DA6-4760 + code:81a08e/8d cheat description:Get health pick-up from anywhere - code:6DA3-1768+77A3-17A8 + code:82adee/8d+8aadee/33 cheat description:Super punch - code:DBA6-17F5 + code:8dad8f/db cheat description:Power hit lasts longer - code:D06A-4F09 + code:b184ad/d4 cheat description:Start with 2x health - code:1DCC-C460 + code:01c3ca/6d cheat description:Start with 3x health - code:BDCC-C460 + code:01c3ca/bd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFC8-CDD0 + code:35c3b7/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D1C8-CDD0 + code:35c3b7/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBC8-CDD0 + code:35c3b7/db cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBC8-CF60 + code:31c3be/db cheat description:Start with 6 continues - code:D1C8-CF60 + code:31c3be/d6 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0B7C:2C + code:7e0b7c/2c cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0990:05 + code:7e0990/05 cheat description:Infinite accuracy - code:7E1CCA:58 + code:7e1cca/58 cheat description:Have 7 Black Cats with infinite usage - code:7E0B18:07 + code:7e0b18/07 cheat description:Have 7 Cloaks with infinite usage - code:7E0B1A:07 + code:7e0b1a/07 cheat description:Have 7 Dagger with infinite usage - code:7E0B1C:07 + code:7e0b1c/07 cheat description:Have 7 Morbius with infinite usage - code:7E0B1E:07 + code:7e0b1e/07 cheat description:Have 7 Firestar with infinite usage - code:7E0B20:07 + code:7e0b20/07 cheat description:Have 7 Captain Americas with infinite usage - code:7E0B22:07 + code:7e0b22/07 cheat description:Have 7 Iron Fist with infinite usage - code:7E0B24:07 + code:7e0b24/07 cheat description:Have 7 Deathlok with infinite usage - code:7E0B26:07 + code:7e0b26/07 cheat description:Have 7 Venom With Sonic Gun with infinite usage - code:7E0B28:07 + code:7e0b28/07 cartridge sha256:63210a91573fa8e19592f2e6c746a400831d804c00453739447d2df32e731df7 name:Spider-Man-X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit (blinking) - Spider-Man - code:C261-A044 + code:988a60/cd cheat description:Infinite health against most hits - Spider-Man - code:DDCB-6144 + code:18cab8/dd cheat description:Protects Spider-Man from ground hazard (looks like silver weeds) - code:C2CC-A917 + code:98cec5/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - Spider-Man - code:C266-D51D + code:5b878d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - Gambit - code:C26D-090A + code:1289d5/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm - code:C2C2-D767 + code:40cfde/cd cheat description:Spider-Man jumps higher (if you jump too high in some places you die) - code:CB69-0937+E669-0147 + code:188d57/cb+188d58/e8 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DD68-646D + code:0386ba/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D068-646D + code:0386ba/d4 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D168-646D + code:0386ba/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB68-646D + code:0386ba/db cheat description:Start with 26 lives - code:FB68-646D + code:0386ba/fb cheat description:Start with 51 lives - code:7468-646D + code:0386ba/32 cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:1768-646D + code:0386ba/63 cheat description:Invincibility - Spider-Man - code:7E10F6:FF + code:7e10f6/ff cheat description:Infinite health - Spider-Man - code:7E10F8:FF + code:7e10f8/ff cheat description:Infinite health - Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm - code:7E0B29:64 + code:7e0b29/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Gambit - code:7E119E:96 + code:7e119e/96 cheat description:Infinite lives - Everyone - code:7E0100:09 + code:7e0100/09 cheat description:Infinite multibolt - Storm - code:7E14F2:01 + code:7e14f2/01 cheat description:99 stars - Gambit - code:7E11AA:63 + code:7e11aa/63 cheat description:Infinite cards - Gambit - code:7E11A0:32 + code:7e11a0/32 cheat description:Infinite joker wild cards - Gambit - code:7E11A2:09 + code:7e11a2/09 cheat description:Stop giant spiked wheel in first stage - Gambit - code:7E11F9:FF + code:7e11f9/ff cartridge sha256:fe10238ae42ed9eb4d906a81dd50ebe585140982cdfe266308ce1f16e78e6903 name:Spindizzy Worlds (USA) cheat description:Faster G.E.R.A.L.D. - code:D46F-6FDD + code:3786ff/d2 cheat description:Slower timer - code:D0BD-64DF + code:07bedb/d4 cheat description:More fuel lost from falling off landscape - code:4D6C-DFD7 + code:748fcf/2d cheat description:Less fuel lost from falling off landscape - code:D96C-DFD7 + code:748fcf/d5 cheat description:Almost zero fuel lost from falling off landscape - code:DD6C-DFD7 + code:748fcf/dd cheat description:Don't lose fuel from anything - code:4AEC-DDA4 + code:78ebc6/2a cartridge sha256:e0196201e432fa33d46a2681f84fe6a0b5f952ba43f8e4dc325f892bb4a0b39b name:Spirou (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E064C:03 + code:7e064c/03 cartridge sha256:3857b5294ea8f7468849437bb2d8271564e8a0ff30774622e9c872bcbd53a84d name:Star Fox (USA) cheat description:Invincible right wing - code:7E0402:05 + code:7e0402/05 cheat description:Invincible left wing - code:7E03CC:05 + code:7e03cc/05 cheat description:Infinite Shield - code:79DB-2286 + code:7ed3b6/35 cheat description:Infinite Shield (alt) - code:46DB-2286 + code:7ed3b6/28 cheat description:Infinite Shield (alt 2) - code:7E0396:35 + code:7e0396/35 cheat description:Infinite Shield - Slippy - code:0DFC-FA8C + code:eff3ca/4d cheat description:Infinite Shield - Falco - code:0DFC-FA5C + code:eff3c9/4d cheat description:Infinite Shield - Peppy - code:0DFC-FA7C + code:eff3c8/4d cheat description:Infinite Nova Bombs out - code:7E1528:01 + code:7e1528/01 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:D9FC-9EEB + code:7afdcb/d5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs (alt) - code:7E15AF:05 + code:7e15af/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DBF3-BE8B + code:fefeea/db cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E16EE:0A + code:7e16ee/0a cheat description:All views available in all stages - code:7E14DE:05 + code:7e14de/05 cheat description:Have Double Blaster - code:F4F2-F38B+DFF2-F35B + code:feffda/f2+feffd9/df cheat description:Have Double Blaster (alt) - code:7E14DA:12 + code:7e14da/12 cheat description:Have Double Blaster B and infinite Shield - code:7E14D9:03 + code:7e14d9/03 cartridge sha256:2c0bac12a7866fad1cb306da768a201c12f2520332df1ef51cba1576db21ff06 name:Star Fox - Super Weekend (USA) cheat description:Infinite Shield - code:7E0396:28 + code:7e0396/28 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E15AF:04 + code:7e15af/04 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:7EF0DA:09 + code:7ef0da/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds tens) - code:7EF0DC:09 + code:7ef0dc/09 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds ones) - code:7EF0DB:09 + code:7ef0db/09 cheat description:Have Double Blaster - code:7E14D9:01 + code:7e14d9/01 cartridge sha256:82e39dfbb3e4fe5c28044e80878392070c618b298dd5a267e5ea53c8f72cc548 name:Star Fox (USA) (Rev 2) cheat description:Infinite Shield - code:79DB-2286 + code:7ed3b6/35 cheat description:Infinite Shield (alt) - code:46DB-2286 + code:7ed3b6/28 cheat description:Infinite Shield - Slippy - code:0DFC-FA8C + code:eff3ca/4d cheat description:Infinite Shield - Falco - code:0DFC-FA5C + code:eff3c9/4d cheat description:Infinite Shield - Peppy - code:0DFC-FA7C + code:eff3c8/4d cheat description:Infinite Shield (alt 2) - code:7E0396:35 + code:7e0396/35 cartridge sha256:efae37be832d0ea1490784d57bef00761a8bf0b5bcef9c23f558e063441c3876 name:Star Ocean (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:6D5D-7F66 + code:f270de/8d cheat description:Fight one battle for max level / EXP - code:DD1E-E4D5 + code:856feb/dd cheat description:Fight one battle for max Fol - code:DD1F-E465 + code:816ffa/dd cheat description:View status screen for max strength, constitution, agility and stamina (These affect the base stat, making it savable. Stamina won't appear updated until you turn the codes off and re-enter that character's status screen) - code:DD48-54CF+9843-774D+1F47-5F3D+1243-5DCD+2C4A-5F3D + code:c32dbb/dd+cb24ec/5b+fb253f/6f+f325e7/6d+fb25af/dc cheat description:Infinite items when using item creation skills - code:8E23-87C6 + code:c2d2ef/be cartridge sha256:3a16ad45ae3d89b13c9e53e21c2a4c725ff7cec7fbe7896d538d163f92cb4aac name:Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3C3E-0915+3C3E-09C5 + code:19ede5/ec+11ede7/ec cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:C23E-0935 + code:19ede7/cd cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C23C-6545 + code:19eecc/cd cheat description:Sisko looks like O'brien - code:D0BF-0D6F + code:33bdf6/d4 cheat description:Start with 1/4 energy - code:FDBF-0F04+FDBF-076F + code:30b9fd/fd+03bdfe/fd cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:F2BF-0F04+F2BF-076F + code:30b9fd/fd+03bdfe/fd cheat description:Start with 3/4 energy - code:45BF-0F04+45BF-076F + code:30b9fd/27+03bdfe/27 cartridge sha256:22c907b56ac6f414365801ed375c3fbf75696ce7f34ec89e1724628dc5622957 name:Star Trek - The Next Generation - Future's Past (USA) cheat description:Away Team - Medical packs aren't used up - code:DD81-47DB+DD88-4DDB + code:86bc6f/dd+b6bcb7/dd cheat description:Away Team - Start each away mission with 1 medical pack - code:DF2A-1DD7 + code:b4dda7/df cheat description:Away Team - Start each away mission with 2 medical packs - code:D42A-1DD7 + code:b4dda7/d2 cheat description:Away Team - Start each away mission with 4 medical packs (only 3 shown) - code:D02A-1DD7 + code:b4dda7/d4 cheat description:Away Team - Start each away mission with 5 medical packs (only 3 shown) - code:D92A-1DD7 + code:b4dda7/d5 cheat description:Away Team - Phaser power doesn't go down - code:DDAF-446C + code:83a0fa/dd cheat description:Away Team - Start away missions with phasers at 1/2 power - code:F62A-1467 + code:80ddaa/f8 cheat description:Away Team - Start away missions with phasers at 3/4 power - code:402A-1467 + code:80ddaa/24 cheat description:Away Team - Start away missions with phasers at 1/4 power - code:DA2A-1467 + code:80ddaa/da cheat description:Away Team - Medical packs heal more - code:6D86-4FAB + code:babc8e/8d cheat description:Away Team - Medical packs heal twice as much - code:D486-44DB + code:86bc8b/d2 cheat description:Away Team - Medical packs heal completely - code:D786-44DB + code:86bc8b/d3 cheat description:Away Team - Crew members are immune to enemy fire - code:8EA4-4FD6 + code:b6a02f/be cheat description:Space Combat - Forward torpedoes reload much faster - code:DFB2-1DF7 + code:bcbdd7/df cheat description:Space Combat - Forward torpedoes reload faster - code:D4B2-1DF7 + code:bcbdd7/d2 cheat description:Space Combat - Aft torpedoes reload much faster - code:DFB8-1FF7 + code:bcbdbf/df cheat description:Space Combat - Aft torpedoes reload faster - code:D4B8-1FF7 + code:bcbdbf/d2 cheat description:Space Combat - Forward torpedoes don't require recharging - code:C26C-3FFD + code:bf87cf/cd cheat description:Space Combat - Aft torpedoes don't require recharging - code:C267-342D + code:87873b/cd cheat description:Space Combat - Enemy shields regenerate at half speed - code:D6B4-1F27 + code:b4bd2f/d8 cheat description:Space Combat - Enemy shields regenerate at 1/4 speed - code:D0B4-1F27 + code:b4bd2f/d4 cheat description:Space Combat - Enemy shields don't regenerate - code:DDB4-1F27 + code:b4bd2f/dd cheat description:Space Combat - Enemy shields regenerate faster - code:F6B4-1F27 + code:b4bd2f/f8 cheat description:Space Combat - Forward phasers never lose power - code:3C6A-14FF + code:8f8dab/ec cheat description:Space Combat - Forward phasers don't recharge - code:C2B3-4DB7 + code:bcbce6/cd cheat description:Space Combat - Aft phasers never lose power - code:3C69-17BF + code:8f8d5e/ec cheat description:Space Combat - Aft phasers don't recharge - code:C2BE-44F7 + code:8cbceb/cd cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do half damage - code:D764-1D24 + code:b48927/d3 cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do less damage - code:D064-1D24 + code:b48927/d4 cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do slightly more damage - code:D564-1D24 + code:b48927/d7 cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do more damage - code:D664-1D24 + code:b48927/d8 cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do much more damage - code:DB64-1D24 + code:b48927/db cheat description:Space Combat - Torpedoes do double damage - code:DA64-1D24 + code:b48927/da cartridge sha256:91f938b4989215b1cd39635797f23b59b9d7b6d36e583f9eb69d022abe537bfc name:Steel Talons (USA) cheat description:Infinite Rockets - code:7E025C:09 + code:7e025c/09 cheat description:Infinite fuel and no damage - code:7E0262:50 + code:7e0262/50 cheat description:Always finish mission in 10 seconds - code:7E0258:0A + code:7e0258/0a cartridge sha256:dad9c116283322d5a13fd659874c681582abdff3df182cc4c90511d33fb7110a name:Stone Protectors (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:CBB6-0F07+D9B6-0F67+B2B6-0FA7+4022-D764 + code:30bd8d/cb+30bd8e/d5+38bd8e/bd+40dbde/24 cheat description:Don't lose health from special moves - code:8281-0D67 + code:30bd66/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:C281-D467 + code:40bf6a/cd cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E13CC:B2 + code:7e13cc/b2 cartridge sha256:910a29f834199c63c22beddc749baba746da9922196a553255deade59f4fc127 name:Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except throws and Akuma's special moves) - code:3CC6-5DDD+3DC6-5D0D+6DC6-5D6D+DBC6-5DAD+3D80-7F6D+DD80-7FAD+D580-74DD + code:f7c587/ec+f3c585/ed+f3c586/8d+fbc586/db+f3b44e/ed+fbb44e/dd+c7b44b/d7 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P1 - code:3DC7-8D0D+6DC7-8D6D+BDC7-8FDD+DBC7-8DAD + code:f3c635/ed+f3c636/8d+f7c63f/bd+fbc636/db cartridge sha256:2b34161e96ef3f0f48cecd67e531a9bb94310652d8686f301bac426e4ab97e77 name:Street Fighter II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except against throws) - P1 - code:6D27-6704+DF27-6764+4039-670D + code:00da3d/8d+00da3e/df+03e65d/24 cheat description:Win 1 bout to win the match instead of 2 out of 3 (disable before fighting M. Bison) - code:DF80-AD64 + code:b0ba46/df cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P1 - code:3D29-A4A7+8D29-A767+DD29-A7D7+D329-A707 + code:88de5a/ed+80de5e/bd+84de5f/dd+80de5d/de cheat description:Dizziness wears off very quickly - code:EDBE-0F09 + code:31b5ed/ed cheat description:Dizziness lasts longer (on harder levels, won't work on computer) - code:C9BE-0DA9 + code:39b5e6/c5 cheat description:Championship mode on - code:4DC6-6493 + code:07ca89/2d cheat description:Advance to next level when you continue (disable before you continue on M. Bison's stage) - code:6DCF-D764+FFCF-D7A4 + code:40cbfe/8d+48cbfe/ff cheat description:High throw and grab damage - code:3CA4-DD67+FEA4-DFD7 + code:70af26/ec+74af2f/fe cheat description:Minimum throw and grab damage - code:3CA4-DD67+EEA4-DFD7 + code:70af26/ec+74af2f/ee cheat description:Die after 2 hits - both players - code:503E-04DF + code:07edeb/74 cheat description:Round number does not advance (can't fight to a draw) - code:C2CC-A7DF + code:87cecf/cd cheat description:1 draw ends fight in VS. battle - code:DF81-A704 + code:80ba6d/df cheat description:Most punches and kicks do no damage - code:893E-04DF + code:07edeb/b5 cheat description:Players move faster - code:1C65-DF00 + code:71837d/6c cheat description:Some special moves are faster - code:D965-DF00 + code:71837d/d5 cheat description:Can do special moves in the air - both players - code:DD61-6DA9 + code:398666/dd cheat description:Dragon punch does not go as high - code:73A5-DF60 + code:71a37e/3e cheat description:Dragon punch goes higher - code:2AA5-DF60 + code:71a37e/da cheat description:Some special moves are easier to perform (E Honda's Sumo Head Butt, Blanka's Rolling Attack, Guile's Flash Kick and Sonic Boom, Chun Li's Whirlwind Kick) - code:DD84-DD01 + code:71bb25/dd cheat description:No pause after throwing a Fireball - code:DFA0-DDA0+ADA0-DFD0 + code:79a346/df+75a34f/ad cheat description:Players can hit each other no matter where they are - code:6D25-A467+6F25-A4A7 + code:80de7a/8d+88de7a/8f cheat description:Do special moves by just pressing buttons (may make Fireballs lower) - code:DAB8-A761 + code:81babe/da cheat description:Fireballs are lower to the ground - code:DDB8-ADF3 + code:bfbab7/dd cheat description:Fireballs are higher off the ground - code:1DB8-ADF3 + code:bfbab7/6d cheat description:Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires always go to the right (thrown to the left, they go backwards) - code:DDE3-DF01 + code:71ebed/dd cheat description:Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower - code:EEB8-A793 + code:87babd/ee cheat description:Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster - code:EBB8-A793 + code:87babd/eb cheat description:Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast - code:EDB8-A793 + code:87babd/ed cheat description:Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower - code:EEB8-A723 + code:87babf/ee cheat description:Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster - code:EBB8-A723 + code:87babf/eb cheat description:Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast - code:EDB8-A723 + code:87babf/ed cheat description:Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower - code:EEBA-AD93 + code:b7baa5/ee cheat description:Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster - code:EBBA-AD93 + code:b7baa5/eb cheat description:Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast - code:EDBA-AD93 + code:b7baa5/ed cheat description:Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower - code:DDB1-D4F3+EEB1-D7B3 + code:4fbb6b/dd+4fbb6e/ee cheat description:Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster - code:DBB1-D4F3+EBB1-D7B3 + code:4fbb6b/db+4fbb6e/eb cheat description:Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast - code:F9B1-D4F3+EDB1-D7B3 + code:4fbb6b/f5+4fbb6e/ed cheat description:Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower - code:DDB1-D4B3+EEB5-DDF3 + code:4fbb6a/dd+7fbb77/ee cheat description:Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster - code:DCB1-D4B3+E5B5-DDF3 + code:4fbb6a/dc+7fbb77/e7 cheat description:Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast - code:F1B1-D4B3+33B5-DDF3 + code:4fbb6a/f6+7fbb77/ee cheat description:Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower - code:DDB1-D7F3+EEB5-DDB3 + code:4fbb6f/dd+7fbb76/ee cheat description:Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster - code:D8B1-D7F3+E9B5-DDB3 + code:4fbb6f/db+7fbb76/e5 cheat description:Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast - code:F5B1-D7F3+32B5-DDB3 + code:4fbb6f/f7+7fbb76/ed cheat description:Most special moves disabled (computer can still do them, Zangief can still do Spinning Clothesline) - code:6DA4-6707 + code:00ae2d/8d cheat description:Invisible Fireballs, Sonic Booms, Yoga Fires and Yoga Flames - code:CB61-07A4 + code:08896e/cb cheat description:No Fireballs, Sonic Booms or Yoga Fires, makes Yoga Flame invisible - code:1868-0D6C + code:3381b6/6b cheat description:Always fight Ryu - code:CBA0-AF64+EEA0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/ee cheat description:Always fight Honda - code:CBA0-AF64+DDA0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/dd cheat description:Always fight Blanka - code:CBA0-AF64+DFA0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/df cheat description:Always fight Guile - code:CBA0-AF64+D4A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d2 cheat description:Always fight Ken - code:CBA0-AF64+D7A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d3 cheat description:Always fight Chun-Li - code:CBA0-AF64+D0A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d4 cheat description:Always fight Zangief - code:CBA0-AF64+D9A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d5 cheat description:Always fight Dhalsim - code:CBA0-AF64+D1A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d6 cheat description:Always fight Balrog - code:CBA0-AF64+DBA0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/db cheat description:Always fight Vega - code:CBA0-AF64+DCA0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/dc cheat description:Always fight Sagat - code:CBA0-AF64+D6A0-AFA4 + code:b0aa4e/cb+b8aa4e/d8 cheat description:Fight M. Bison - code:B9A0-AF04 + code:b0aa4d/b5 cheat description:Always fight on bonus stage 1 - code:DDA4-A404+6DA4-A764 + code:80aa29/dd+80aa2e/8d cheat description:Always fight on bonus stage 2 - code:DDA7-AF04+DDA7-A4A4 + code:b0aa3d/dd+88aa3a/dd cheat description:90 seconds per round instead of 99 - code:BD62-672A + code:068adf/bd cheat description:80 seconds per round - code:6D62-672A + code:068adf/8d cheat description:70 seconds per round - code:5D62-672A + code:068adf/7d cheat description:60 seconds per round - code:1D62-672A + code:068adf/6d cheat description:50 seconds per round - code:9D62-672A + code:068adf/5d cheat description:40 seconds per round - code:0D62-672A + code:068adf/4d cheat description:30 seconds per round - code:7D62-672A + code:068adf/3d cheat description:20 seconds per round - code:4D62-672A + code:068adf/2d cheat description:10 seconds per round - code:FD62-672A + code:068adf/fd cheat description:99 seconds in 1st bonus round instead of 40 - code:BB63-6D2A + code:368ae7/bb cheat description:90 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:BD63-6D2A + code:368ae7/bd cheat description:80 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:6D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/8d cheat description:70 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:5D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/7d cheat description:60 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:1D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/6d cheat description:50 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:9D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/5d cheat description:30 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:7D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/3d cheat description:20 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:4D63-6D2A + code:368ae7/2d cheat description:10 seconds in 1st bonus round - code:FD63-6D2A + code:368ae7/fd cheat description:Start with no health - both players - code:DDAC-AFD4 + code:b4aacf/dd cheat description:Start with no health - P1 - code:DDAC-AF64 + code:b0aace/dd cheat description:Start with 3/4 health (1/4 damage) - both players - code:60AC-AFD4 + code:b4aacf/84 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (1/2 damage) - both players - code:96AC-AFD4 + code:b4aacf/58 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health (3/4 damage) - both players - code:4AAC-AFD4 + code:b4aacf/2a cartridge sha256:3e487f8ba48c0b5e31744e3281d6bce375089db6075c8eb3d9a929376b817381 name:Street Fighter II Turbo (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except against throws) - P1 - code:6D93-54DF+DF93-540F+CB99-5767+DD99-57A7+DB91-5DD7+4091-5D07+3C91-5DA7 + code:c75deb/8d+c35de9/df+c05d5e/cb+c85d5e/dd+f45d67/db+f05d65/24+f85d66/ec cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD05-7F04 + code:f0487d/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P1 - code:3D98-8704+8D9A-8DD4+DD98-8764+D598-87A4 + code:c05abd/ed+f45aa7/bd+c05abe/dd+c85abe/d7 cheat description:Some special moves can be performed in the air (Don't perform Vega's wall leap) - code:DDF1-7D60 + code:f1f066/dd cheat description:Most attacks do no damage (throws still work) - code:891F-84AD + code:cb66fa/b5 cheat description:Throws do no damage - code:C734-7405 + code:c1ec29/c3 cheat description:1st throws do more damage (if you have enough health), others do less damage - code:F034-7405 + code:c1ec29/f4 cheat description:Players can walk through each other - code:DD3F-EFAD + code:bbe7fe/dd cheat description:1st hit of any kind defeats opponent - code:DD18-570D + code:c365bd/dd cheat description:Winner of 2nd round wins the battle - code:DF04-5DAF + code:fb4d26/df cheat description:Enable 10 star turbo mode - code:ADFC-E40D+F9FC-E46D + code:83f7c9/ad+83f7ca/f5 cheat description:No charging required for special moves (except Balrog's turn punch power) - code:D071-E460 + code:81336a/d4 cheat description:Hard special moves become light - code:DD75-8460 + code:c1327a/dd cheat description:Hard special moves become medium - code:D475-8461 + code:c13a7a/d2 cheat description:Hard special moves become disabled - code:D675-8462 + code:c3367a/d8 cheat description:Invisible players - code:8ED2-87A9 + code:c9d6de/be cheat description:Most special moves go nowhere - code:C933-7DA9 + code:f9e4e6/c5 cheat description:Fireballs go nowhere - code:C9B8-77A5 + code:c9bcbe/c5 cheat description:Hard Hurricane Kicks go faster and farther (to the right only) - code:D039-14AD + code:8be55a/d4 cheat description:Ryu's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far - code:DF30-1DAD + code:bbe546/df cheat description:Ryu's hard Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D630-1DAD + code:bbe546/d8 cheat description:Ryu's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far - code:DF30-1D0D + code:b3e545/df cheat description:Ryu's medium Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D630-1D0D + code:b3e545/d8 cheat description:Ryu's light Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D637-17AD + code:8be53e/d8 cheat description:Ryu jumps backward farther - code:D526-1DAF + code:bbdd86/d7 cheat description:Ryu jumps forward farther - code:E525-14AF + code:8bdd7a/e7 cheat description:Ken jumps backward farther - code:D52D-CDAF + code:3bdfd6/d7 cheat description:Ken jumps forward farther - code:E52E-14AF + code:8bddea/e7 cheat description:Ken's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far - code:DF30-17AD + code:8be54e/df cheat description:Ken's hard Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D330-17AD + code:8be54e/de cheat description:Ken's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far - code:DF30-170D + code:83e54d/df cheat description:Ken's medium Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D830-170D + code:83e54d/db cheat description:Ken's light Dragon Punch goes farther - code:D630-14AD + code:8be54a/d8 cheat description:Hard projectiles go faster (except tiger shots) - code:3E31-37AD + code:8be76e/ee cheat description:Hard projectiles go slower (except tiger shots) - code:EE31-37AD + code:8be76e/ee cheat description:Medium projectiles go faster (except tiger shots) - code:3E31-370D + code:83e76d/ee cheat description:Medium projectiles go slower (except tiger shots) - code:EE31-370D + code:83e76d/ee cheat description:Light projectiles go faster (except tiger shots) - code:3E31-34AD + code:8be76a/ee cheat description:Light projectiles go slower (except tiger shots) - code:EE31-34AD + code:8be76a/ee cheat description:Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are faster - code:DE35-1FAD + code:bbe57e/de cheat description:Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are slower - code:DF35-1FAD + code:bbe57e/df cheat description:Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are faster - code:DE35-1F0D + code:b3e57d/de cheat description:Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are slower - code:DF35-1F0D + code:b3e57d/df cheat description:Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are faster - code:DE35-1DAD + code:bbe576/de cheat description:Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are slower - code:DF35-1DAD + code:bbe576/df cheat description:Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Smashes are faster - code:F436-1DDD + code:b7e587/f2 cheat description:Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Smashes are faster - code:F435-176D + code:83e57e/f2 cheat description:Edmond Honda's light Sumo Smashes are faster - code:F435-17DD + code:87e57f/f2 cheat description:Sagat's hard Tiger Uppercut goes farther - code:D63B-C70D + code:03e7bd/d8 cheat description:Sagat's medium Tiger Uppercut goes farther - code:D63B-C4AD + code:0be7ba/d8 cheat description:Sagat's light Tiger Uppercut goes farther - code:D63B-C40D + code:03e7b9/d8 cheat description:Sagat's high Tiger Shots are disabled (you can still do the move but no projectile comes out) - code:D439-340D + code:83e759/d2 cheat description:Sagat's hard Tiger Knee goes farther - code:D838-CF0D + code:33e7bd/db cheat description:Sagat's medium Tiger Knee goes farther - code:D83C-C70D + code:03e7cd/db cheat description:Sagat's light Tiger Knee goes farther - code:D83C-CF0D + code:33e7cd/db cheat description:M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes slower - code:DF39-C40D + code:03e759/df cheat description:M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes faster - code:DC39-C40D + code:03e759/dc cheat description:M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes slower - code:DF39-CFAD + code:3be75e/df cheat description:M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes faster - code:DC39-CFAD + code:3be75e/dc cheat description:M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes slower - code:DF39-CF0D + code:33e75d/df cheat description:M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes faster - code:DC39-CF0D + code:33e75d/dc cheat description:M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes slower (not in normal mode) - code:DF31-CD6D + code:33e766/df cheat description:M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes faster (not in normal mode) - code:DC31-CD6D + code:33e766/dc cheat description:M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes slower (not in normal mode) - code:DF31-CDDD + code:37e767/df cheat description:M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes faster (not in normal mode) - code:DC31-CDDD + code:37e767/dc cheat description:M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes slower (not in normal mode) - code:DF39-C76D + code:03e75e/df cheat description:M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes faster (not in normal mode) - code:DC39-C76D + code:03e75e/dc cheat description:Balrog's first Dash Punch goes slower - code:DF69-7DD1 + code:f58857/df cheat description:Balrog's first Dash Punch goes faster - code:D869-7DD1 + code:f58857/db cheat description:Balrog's first Turn Punch goes slower (and a little backward) - code:D432-CF0D + code:33e7dd/d2 cheat description:Balrog's first Turn Punch goes faster - code:DC32-CF0D + code:33e7dd/dc cheat description:Chun Li's hard Whirlwind Kick goes farther - code:DC38-1F6D + code:b3e5be/dc cheat description:Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far - code:DF38-1FDD + code:b7e5bf/df cheat description:Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick goes farther - code:DC38-1FDD + code:b7e5bf/dc cheat description:Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far - code:DF38-1D6D + code:b3e5b6/df cheat description:Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick goes farther - code:DC38-1D6D + code:b3e5b6/dc cheat description:Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes slower - code:DF3B-14DD + code:87e5bb/df cheat description:Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes faster - code:DC3B-14DD + code:87e5bb/dc cheat description:Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes slower - code:DF3B-1F6D + code:b3e5be/df cheat description:Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes faster - code:DC3B-1F6D + code:b3e5be/dc cheat description:Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes slower - code:DF3B-1FDD + code:b7e5bf/df cheat description:Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes faster - code:DC3B-1FDD + code:b7e5bf/dc cheat description:Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far - code:DF3C-1D0D + code:b3e5c5/df cheat description:Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther - code:DA3C-1D0D + code:b3e5c5/da cheat description:Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far - code:DF3B-17AD + code:8be5be/df cheat description:Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther - code:DA3B-17AD + code:8be5be/da cheat description:Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far - code:DF3B-170D + code:83e5bd/df cheat description:Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther - code:DA3B-170D + code:83e5bd/da cheat description:Start with 90 seconds - code:BDA3-176D + code:83a5ee/bd cheat description:Start with 70 seconds - code:5DA3-176D + code:83a5ee/7d cheat description:Start with 50 seconds - code:9DA3-176D + code:83a5ee/5d cheat description:Start with 30 seconds - code:7DA3-176D + code:83a5ee/3d cheat description:Start with 10 seconds - code:FDA3-176D + code:83a5ee/fd cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:6091-E76D + code:83576e/84 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:9691-E76D + code:83576e/58 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:4A91-E76D + code:83576e/2a cheat description:1st bonus round is 99 seconds - code:BBAE-1DDD + code:b7a5e7/bb cheat description:1st bonus round is 80 seconds - code:6DAE-1DDD + code:b7a5e7/8d cheat description:1st bonus round is 60 seconds - code:1DAE-1DDD + code:b7a5e7/6d cheat description:1st bonus round is 20 seconds - code:4DAE-1DDD + code:b7a5e7/2d cheat description:2nd bonus round is 99 seconds - code:BBAE-1D6D + code:b3a5e6/bb cheat description:2nd bonus round is 80 seconds - code:6DAE-1D6D + code:b3a5e6/8d cheat description:2nd bonus round is 60 seconds - code:1DAE-1D6D + code:b3a5e6/6d cheat description:2nd bonus round is 20 seconds - code:4DAE-1D6D + code:b3a5e6/2d cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0530:63 + code:7e0530/63 cheat description:No health (disable during match) - P2 - code:7E0730:00 + code:7e0730/00 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E18F3:99 + code:7e18f3/99 cheat description:Select same character - both players - code:7E1848:20 + code:7e1848/20 cheat description:Enable 10 star turbo mode (alt) - code:7E1C87:32 + code:7e1c87/32 cheat description:Dizzy from every knockdown - P1 - code:7E05B3:01 + code:7e05b3/01 cheat description:Dizzy from every knockdown - P2 - code:7E07B3:01 + code:7e07b3/01 + +cartridge sha256:d1f61b6bb4bb6879a4fbd2c82d77390c546ee7f821edddc884fb9cc7463ad79b + name:Street Racer (USA) + cheat + description:Infinite time + code:7e1833/00 + cheat + description:Secret tracks + code:7e53b4/01 + cheat + description:P1 Infinite health + code:7e1821/00 + cheat + description:P1 Infinite health (alt) + code:7e5382/00 + cheat + description:P2 Infinite health + code:7e1823/00 + cheat + description:P2 Infinite health (alt) + code:7e5384/00 + cheat + description:P3 Infinite health + code:7e1825/00 + cheat + description:P3 Infinite health (alt) + code:7e5386/00 + cheat + description:P4 Infinite health + code:7e1827/00 + cheat + description:P4 Infinite health (alt) + code:7e5388/00 + cheat + description:P1 Infinite Nitros + code:7e16f1/63 + cheat + description:P1 No Nitros + code:7e16f1/00 + cheat + description:P2 Infinite Nitros + code:7e16f3/63 + cheat + description:P2 No Nitros + code:7e16f3/00 + cheat + description:P3 Infinite Nitros + code:7e16f5/63 + cheat + description:P3 No Nitros + code:7e16f5/00 + cheat + description:P4 Infinite Nitros + code:7e16f7/63 + cheat + description:P4 No Nitros + code:7e16f7/00 + cheat + description:P1 Infinite credits + code:7e1d2a/03 + cheat + description:P2 Infinite credits + code:7e1d2c/03 + cheat + description:P3 Infinite credits + code:7e1d2e/03 + cheat + description:P4 Infinite credits + code:7e1d30/03 + cheat + description:P1 No weapons + code:7e5372/00 + cheat + description:P2 No weapons + code:7e5374/00 + cheat + description:P3 No weapons + code:7e5376/00 + cheat + description:P4 No weapons + code:7e5378/00 + cheat + description:P1 No fighting + code:7e537a/00 + cheat + description:P2 No fighting + code:7e537c/00 + cheat + description:P3 No fighting + code:7e537e/00 + cheat + description:P4 No fighting + code:7e5380/00 + cheat + description:P1 No collisions + code:7e538a/00 + cheat + description:P2 No collisions + code:7e538c/00 + cheat + description:P3 No collisions + code:7e538e/00 + cheat + description:P4 No collisions + code:7e5390/00 + cheat + description:P1 On last lap + code:7e1bcf/05 + cheat + description:P2 On last lap + code:7e1bd1/05 + cheat + description:P3 On last lap + code:7e1bd3/05 + cheat + description:P4 On last lap + code:7e1bd5/05 cartridge sha256:05f14e6ed3394d9273e2397769a8acf1a9db646be6066e82269521e8eec53562 name:Strike Gunner S.T.G (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:C2B4-076F + code:03bd2e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:C2B8-046F + code:03bdba/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C262-D9E6 + code:5a83d7/cd cheat description:Infinite special weapon energy - P1 - code:C2EA-D46D + code:43e7aa/cd cheat description:Infinite special weapon energy - P2 - code:C2E4-0DAD + code:3be526/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - main weapon - code:4021-D46F+4021-D7AF+403E-A4AF+6D33-A4DF+6D33-ADDF + code:43df6a/24+4bdf6e/24+8beeea/24+87eeeb/8d+b7eee7/8d cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:CB69-D40D+DF69-D46D+3C69-D4AD + code:438759/cb+43875a/df+4b875a/ec cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:CB69-D40D+D469-D46D+3C69-D4AD + code:438759/cb+43875a/d2+4b875a/ec cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:CB69-D40D+D769-D46D+3C69-D4AD + code:438759/cb+43875a/d3+4b875a/ec cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:CB69-D40D+D069-D46D+3C69-D4AD + code:438759/cb+43875a/d4+4b875a/ec cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:CB69-D40D+D969-D46D+3C69-D4AD + code:438759/cb+43875a/d5+4b875a/ec cheat description:Invincibility after first life - P1 - code:7E024E:05 + code:7e024e/05 cheat description:Invincibility after first life - P2 - code:7E024F:05 + code:7e024f/05 cartridge sha256:c04d80b84514202ff319384ca20641eb0189e975eed5612915bd9c224b2ab30a name:Stunt Race FX (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Always first place - code:182E-07FE + code:0fd9ef/6b cheat description:Choose any car - code:2DAE-AD42 + code:bba6e4/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0DF8:09 + code:7e0df8/09 cheat description:Infinite boost - P1 - code:7E0E05:48+7E0E06:48 + code:7e0e05/48+7e0e06/48 cheat description:Infinte time - minutes - code:7E0E66:00 + code:7e0e66/00 cheat description:Infinite time - seconds - code:7E0E64:00 + code:7e0e64/00 cheat description:Infinite time extended - code:7E19EE:99 + code:7e19ee/99 cheat description:Have all stars collected - code:7E19EC:64 + code:7e19ec/64 cheat description:Remove car body - code:7E2005:5C + code:7e2005/5c cartridge sha256:e9c406d4f773697b9b671e7ddf2207c9d0ab242d7f23e502cdd453fbb264d392 name:Sunset Riders (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3366-CD69 + code:318786/ee cheat description:Infinite lives - code:8232-3D0F + code:b3efd5/bd cheat description:Start a new game for stage select and sound test - code:F065-44A4 + code:88887a/f4 cartridge sha256:190999122aacc2cff20c5677b3f60ed938d8a36b696d16cc1bf416705efe151e name:Super Adventure Island (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2B3-D46D + code:43b7ea/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C2CD-0F0D + code:33c5dd/cd cheat description:Fruit restores full time - code:CBBE-DF94+FDBE-DFB4 + code:74bbed/cb+7cbbee/fd cheat description:Super-jump (don't use the game's super-jump feature) - code:798C-DF0D + code:73b7cd/35 cheat description:Mega-jump (don't use the game's super-jump feature) - code:408C-DF0D + code:73b7cd/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:2D83-64A2+6D83-6462+C983-6402+DD21-0D0D+F383-67D2 + code:0bb6ea/dd+03b6ea/8d+03b6e9/c5+33d565/dd+07b6ef/fe cheat description:Multi-jump - code:D9E4-0F67+CBE4-0FA7+DDE4-04D7+ECE4-0407+B9E4-0467+FCE4-04A7+16E4-07D7+1DE4-0707+4D8C-64DD+4D8C-640D+E28C-646D+C2E4-0DD7+E6E4-0D07+D8E4-0D67+06E4-0DA7+DCE4-0FD7+FDE4-0F07 + code:30ed2e/d5+38ed2e/cb+04ed2b/dd+00ed29/ec+00ed2a/b5+08ed2a/fc+04ed2f/68+00ed2d/6d+07b6cb/2d+03b6c9/2d+03b6ca/ed+34ed27/cd+30ed25/e8+30ed26/db+38ed26/48+34ed2f/dc+30ed2d/fd cheat description:Don't lose all weapon power when you die (may give you unusual weapons) - code:79C0-A7DD+79C6-A4DD + code:87c64f/35+87c68b/35 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DD6A-646F + code:038eaa/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D06A-646F + code:038eaa/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB6A-646F + code:038eaa/db cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:D36A-646F + code:038eaa/de cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F66A-646F + code:038eaa/f8 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7F6A-646F + code:038eaa/3f cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:146A-646F + code:038eaa/62 cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:DD6A-67AF + code:0b8eae/dd cheat description:Start with 6 credits - code:D96A-67AF + code:0b8eae/d5 cheat description:Start in area 1, stage 2 - code:D766-0FD7 + code:348d8f/d3 cheat description:Start in area 1 bonus round - code:D966-0FD7 + code:348d8f/d5 cheat description:Start in area 1, stage 3 - code:D566-0FD7 + code:348d8f/d7 cheat description:Start in area 2, stage 1 - code:DC66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/dc cheat description:Start in area 2, stage 2 - code:DA66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/da cheat description:Start in area 2 bonus round - code:D366-0FD7 + code:348d8f/de cheat description:Start in area 2, stage 3 - code:FF66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/ff cheat description:Start in area 3, stage 1 - code:F066-0FD7 + code:348d8f/f4 cheat description:Start in area 3, stage 2 - code:F666-0FD7 + code:348d8f/f8 cheat description:Start in area 3, stage 3 - code:FC66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/fc cheat description:Start in area 4, stage 1 - code:F266-0FD7 + code:348d8f/fd cheat description:Start in area 4, stage 2 - code:FE66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/fe cheat description:Start in area 4 bonus round - code:4D66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/2d cheat description:Start in area 4, stage 3 - code:4066-0FD7 + code:348d8f/24 cheat description:Start in area 5, stage 1 - code:4566-0FD7 + code:348d8f/27 cheat description:Start in area 5, stage 2 - code:4B66-0FD7 + code:348d8f/2b cheat description:Start in area 5, stage 3 - code:4866-0FD7 + code:348d8f/2b cheat description:Start in area 5, bonus round - code:4266-0FD7 + code:348d8f/2d cheat description:Invincibility and Infinite time - code:7E0D6B:FF + code:7e0d6b/ff cheat description:Invincibility and always have Skateboard (disable at end of level) - code:7E0D6F:01 + code:7e0d6f/01 cheat description:Infinite time (disable at end of level) - code:7E0D6C:11 + code:7e0d6c/11 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E030D:03 + code:7e030d/03 cheat description:Have Boomerang after obtaining any weapon icon - code:7E0D75:01 + code:7e0d75/01 cheat description:Have Fireball after obtaining any weapon icon - code:7E0D75:02 + code:7e0d75/02 cheat description:Have Boomerang Fireball after obtaining any weapon icon - code:7E0D75:03 + code:7e0d75/03 cheat description:Have Hammer after obtaining any weapon icon - code:7E0D75:04 + code:7e0d75/04 cheat description:Start on last boss - code:008D84:30 + code:008d84/30 cartridge sha256:eaf1b83e95d8a04f9a84d4960cf87cc182fc60ef07be35eb8929c4033d6fef67 name:Super Adventure Island II (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C29B-EF0F + code:b35fbd/cd cheat description:Almost invincible after one hit - code:C2D6-8FAB + code:fade8e/cd cheat description:Stacks of cash - code:CB45-ED6D + code:b32776/cb cheat description:Small potions don't restore health - code:C2B4-7D8E + code:ffb826/cd cheat description:Fall slowly - code:DFF1-770B + code:c2fc6d/df cheat description:Don't fall at all (disable to touch the ground again) - code:DDF1-770B + code:c2fc6d/dd cheat description:Have no Weapon - code:7E044D:01 + code:7e044d/01 cheat description:Have Silver Sword - code:7E044E:01 + code:7e044e/01 cheat description:Have Fire Sword - code:7E044F:01 + code:7e044f/01 cheat description:Have Ice Sword - code:7E0450:01 + code:7e0450/01 cheat description:Have Thunder Sword - code:7E0451:01 + code:7e0451/01 cheat description:Have Crystal Sword - code:7E0452:01 + code:7e0452/01 cheat description:Have Power Sword - code:7E0453:01 + code:7e0453/01 cheat description:Have Light Sword - code:7E0454:01 + code:7e0454/01 cheat description:Have Dagger - code:7E0455:01 + code:7e0455/01 cheat description:Have Fireballs - code:7E0456:01 + code:7e0456/01 cheat description:Have Boomerang - code:7E0457:01 + code:7e0457/01 cheat description:Have Ax - code:7E0458:01 + code:7e0458/01 cheat description:Have Shovel - code:7E0459:01 + code:7e0459/01 cheat description:Have no Armor - code:7E045A:01 + code:7e045a/01 cheat description:Have Fire Armor - code:7E045B:01 + code:7e045b/01 cheat description:Have Ice Armor - code:7E045C:01 + code:7e045c/01 cheat description:Have Aqua Armor - code:7E045D:01 + code:7e045d/01 cheat description:Have Light Armor - code:7E045E:01 + code:7e045e/01 cheat description:Have no Shield - code:7E045F:01 + code:7e045f/01 cheat description:Have Fire Shield - code:7E0460:01 + code:7e0460/01 cheat description:Have Ice Shield - code:7E0461:01 + code:7e0461/01 cheat description:Have Aqua Shield - code:7E0462:01 + code:7e0462/01 cheat description:Have Light Shield - code:7E0463:01 + code:7e0463/01 cheat description:Have no Equipment - code:7E0465:01 + code:7e0465/01 cheat description:Have Magic Wand - code:7E0464:01 + code:7e0464/01 cheat description:Have Ice Bell - code:7E0466:01 + code:7e0466/01 cheat description:Have Sun Ring - code:7E0467:01 + code:7e0467/01 cheat description:Have Power Fan - code:7E0468:01 + code:7e0468/01 cheat description:Have Elven Flute - code:7E0469:01 + code:7e0469/01 cheat description:Have Sky Bell - code:7E046A:01 + code:7e046a/01 cheat description:Have Light Stone - code:7E046B:01 + code:7e046b/01 cheat description:Have Sun Stone - code:7E046C:01 + code:7e046c/01 cheat description:Have Star Stone - code:7E046D:01 + code:7e046d/01 cheat description:Have Aqua Stone - code:7E046E:01 + code:7e046e/01 cheat description:Have Moon Stone - code:7E046F:01 + code:7e046f/01 cheat description:Have Thunder Spell - code:7E0470:01 + code:7e0470/01 cheat description:Have Star Spell - code:7E0471:01 + code:7e0471/01 cheat description:Have Sun Spell - code:7E0472:01 + code:7e0472/01 cheat description:Have Aqua Spell - code:7E0473:01 + code:7e0473/01 cheat description:Have Moon Spell - code:7E0474:01 + code:7e0474/01 cheat description:Have Shove - code:7E047D:01 + code:7e047d/01 cheat description:Have Up Jab - code:7E047E:01 + code:7e047e/01 cheat description:Have Down Jab - code:7E047F:01 + code:7e047f/01 cheat description:Light Gate down - code:7E0131:01 + code:7e0131/01 cheat description:Sun Gate down - code:7E0132:01 + code:7e0132/01 cheat description:Star Gate down - code:7E0133:01 + code:7e0133/01 cheat description:Aqua Gate down - code:7E0134:01 + code:7e0134/01 cheat description:Moon Gate down - code:7E0135:01 + code:7e0135/01 cartridge sha256:0deb7a91fbe5848f1733ce668daaa49b0dad3d821bacc0791837c1ba15e60d7c name:Super Alfred Chicken (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2C4-4DA5 + code:b9cc26/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2BC-3FD5 + code:b5bfcf/cd cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0012:04 + code:7e0012/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0017:09 + code:7e0017/09 cheat description:Infinite balloons - code:C2C3-4D09 + code:b1c4e5/cd cartridge sha256:e57aa265b2fbfb7ee7f5488a3df06ae771db202d59ebbd13df8fc2db80a856f3 name:Super Back to the Future Part II (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1401:FF + code:7e1401/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E009A:03 + code:7e009a/03 cartridge sha256:1622371a5a4001fff9690323e89b7a8d449cdc3cae6dcd1249f0c7dc8c651d33 name:Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA) cheat description:Infinite added points - code:DDCD-646C + code:03c2da/dd cheat description:Fewer "HR" points to distribute - standard game - code:783E-DF6C + code:73e3ee/3b cheat description:Fewer "R" points to distribute - standard game - code:9D3E-D4DC + code:47e3eb/5d cheat description:Fewer "F" points to distribute - standard game - code:F03E-D46C + code:43e3ea/f4 cheat description:More "AV" points to distribute - moderate game - code:DB3F-070C + code:03e1fd/db cheat description:More "HR" points to distribute - moderate game - code:DF3F-07AC+BD3F-076C + code:0be1fe/df+03e1fe/bd cheat description:More "R" points to distribute - moderate game - code:1634-0DDC+DF34-0D0C + code:37e127/68+33e125/df cheat description:More "F" points to distribute - moderate game - code:1034-0D6C + code:33e126/64 cartridge sha256:a8239355631d303ecebfd43fc14e80f148e4ac9937234e29cc87d6f939b033a0 name:Super Bases Loaded (USA) cheat description:Game lasts 1 inning - code:DDA1-A46D+DFA0-A76D+DFE0-6F6D + code:83a66a/dd+83a64e/df+33e64e/df cheat description:Game lasts 2 innings - code:D4A1-A46D+D7A0-A76D+D7E0-6F6D + code:83a66a/d2+83a64e/d3+33e64e/d3 cheat description:Game lasts 3 innings - code:D0A1-A46D+D9A0-A76D+D9E0-6F6D + code:83a66a/d4+83a64e/d5+33e64e/d5 cheat description:Game lasts 5 innings - code:D6A1-A46D+DBA0-A76D+DBE0-6F6D + code:83a66a/d8+83a64e/db+33e64e/db cheat description:Game lasts 7 innings - code:DAA1-A46D+D2A0-A76D+D2E0-6F6D + code:83a66a/da+83a64e/dd+33e64e/dd cheat description:1 strike and batter is out - code:DFAF-6F67+DDA2-07D7 + code:30aefe/df+04addf/dd cheat description:2 strikes and batter is out - code:D4AF-6F67+DFA2-07D7 + code:30aefe/d2+04addf/df cheat description:4 strikes and batter is out - code:D0AF-6F67+D7A2-07D7 + code:30aefe/d4+04addf/d3 cheat description:5 strikes and batter is out - code:D9AF-6F67+D0A2-07D7 + code:30aefe/d5+04addf/d4 cheat description:7 strikes and batter is out - code:D5AF-6F67+D1A2-07D7 + code:30aefe/d7+04addf/d6 cheat description:9 strikes and batter is out - code:DBAF-6F67+D6A2-07D7 + code:30aefe/db+04addf/d8 cheat description:Batter never strikes out - code:C2E8-DF0D + code:73e7bd/cd cheat description:Batter walks on 1 ball - code:DFA5-6F07+DDA7-6767 + code:30ae7d/df+00ae3e/dd cheat description:Batter walks on 2 balls - code:D4A5-6F07+DFA7-6767 + code:30ae7d/d2+00ae3e/df cheat description:Batter walks on 3 balls - code:D7A5-6F07+D4A7-6767 + code:30ae7d/d3+00ae3e/d2 cheat description:Batter walks on 5 balls - code:D9A5-6F07+D0A7-6767 + code:30ae7d/d5+00ae3e/d4 cheat description:Batter walks on 6 balls - code:D1A5-6F07+D9A7-6767 + code:30ae7d/d6+00ae3e/d5 cheat description:Batter walks on 9 balls - code:DBA5-6F07+D6A7-6767 + code:30ae7d/db+00ae3e/d8 cheat description:Batter never walks - code:C2EA-D40D + code:43e7a9/cd cheat description:1 out per inning - code:DDE7-07AD + code:0be53e/dd cheat description:2 outs per inning - code:DFE7-07AD + code:0be53e/df cheat description:4 outs per inning - code:D7E7-07AD + code:0be53e/d3 cheat description:5 outs per inning - code:D0E7-07AD + code:0be53e/d4 cheat description:7 outs per inning - code:D1E7-07AD + code:0be53e/d6 cheat description:9 outs per inning - code:D6E7-07AD + code:0be53e/d8 cartridge sha256:b21a161fed748920e54cd72c54095416b1d999636e0388d7d147884779c52833 name:Super Bases Loaded 3 - License to Steal (USA) cheat description:No strikes - code:C26E-4D01 + code:b188e5/cd cheat description:One strike to strike out - code:DF6E-44D1 + code:8588eb/df cheat description:Ten strikes to strike out - code:DC6E-44D1 + code:8588eb/dc cheat description:Infinite strikes gives P1 a homerun - code:556E-4D61 + code:b188e6/77 cheat description:Infinite strikes gives opponent a homerun - code:566E-4D61 + code:b188e6/78 cheat description:Walk on one ball - code:DF6F-C461 + code:018bfa/df cheat description:Walk on ten balls - code:DC6F-C461 + code:018bfa/dc cheat description:Infinite balls gives P1 a homerun - code:556F-CFD1 + code:358bff/77 cheat description:Infinite balls gives opponent a homerun - code:566F-CFD1 + code:358bff/78 cartridge sha256:165938810948f3226f7446978fa36ae8bc781616d95b39cd126d5c8afbf6e2ee name:Super Batter Up (USA) cheat description:Batter never walks - code:C2B2-0D6A + code:32b9d6/cd cheat description:Batter never strikes out - code:C2BD-64DA + code:06badb/cd cheat description:1 ball per walk - code:DFB2-040A + code:02b9d9/df cheat description:2 balls per walk - code:D4B2-040A + code:02b9d9/d2 cheat description:3 balls per walk - code:D7B2-040A + code:02b9d9/d3 cheat description:5 balls per walk - code:D9B2-040A + code:02b9d9/d5 cheat description:6 balls per walk - code:D1B2-040A + code:02b9d9/d6 cheat description:7 balls per walk - code:D5B2-040A + code:02b9d9/d7 cheat description:1 strike per out - code:DFBD-67AA + code:0abade/df cheat description:2 strikes per out - code:D4BD-67AA + code:0abade/d2 cheat description:4 strikes per out - code:D0BD-67AA + code:0abade/d4 cheat description:5 strikes per out - code:D9BD-67AA + code:0abade/d5 cartridge sha256:b68e865b0b5fe6af421a171e94fb1cb0006ae3e412b6361f6f858c44adaa304b name:Super Battletank 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite hits - code:7E00AD:00 + code:7e00ad/00 cheat description:Infinite health in 3rd person mode - code:7E0A2A:00 + code:7e0a2a/00 cheat description:Infinite 120mm bullets - code:7E10E3:09 + code:7e10e3/09 cheat description:Infinite 120mm bullets in 3rd person mmode - code:7E0A10:09 + code:7e0a10/09 cheat description:Infinite 7.62mm bullets - code:7E10E7:09 + code:7e10e7/09 cheat description:Infinite 7.62mm bullets in 3rd person mode - code:7E0A0E:09 + code:7e0a0e/09 cheat description:Infinite Phalanx - code:7E10E8:09 + code:7e10e8/09 cheat description:Infinite Scope - code:7E10E9:09 + code:7e10e9/09 cheat description:Infinite Smoke - code:7E10E6:09 + code:7e10e6/09 cheat description:Infinite LGM - code:7E10E5:09 + code:7e10e5/09 cheat description:Infinite Patriot - code:7E10E4:09 + code:7e10e4/09 cartridge sha256:4efab3f49cbe91ec77b6cba747ddfedfdc0b080c755a8b6ba51234f0676c000f name:Super Bomberman (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (normal game) - code:89FC-77FF + code:cffccf/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives (normal game) - code:89FE-57B4 + code:ccf9ee/b5 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E0D79:80 + code:7e0d79/80 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E0DB9:80 + code:7e0db9/80 cheat description:Invincibility - P3 - code:7E0DF9:80 + code:7e0df9/80 cheat description:Invincibility - P4 - code:7E0E39:80 + code:7e0e39/80 cheat description:Invincibility, Kick Bomb, Punch Glove, Bomb Walk, Brick Walk - P1 - code:7E0D79:E3 + code:7e0d79/e3 cheat description:Invincibility, Kick Bomb, Punch Glove, Bomb Walk, Brick Walk - P2 - code:7E0DB9:E3 + code:7e0db9/e3 cheat description:Invincibility, Kick Bomb, Punch Glove, Bomb Walk, Brick Walk - P3 - code:7E0DF9:E3 + code:7e0df9/e3 cheat description:Invincibility, Kick Bomb, Punch Glove, Bomb Walk, Brick Walk - P4 - code:7E0E39:E3 + code:7e0e39/e3 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0D3B:FF + code:7e0d3b/ff cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0D7D:09 + code:7e0d7d/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0DBD:09 + code:7e0dbd/09 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0DDD-7728+11DD-7428+C2DD-74B8+D2DD-77F8 + code:c6dcdf/4d+c6dcdb/66+cedcda/cd+cedcdf/dd cheat description:Remove all blocks - code:DFFC-849C + code:c7f2c9/df cheat description:Max bomb power - P1 - code:7E0D71:09 + code:7e0d71/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P2 - code:7E0DB1:09 + code:7e0db1/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P3 - code:7E0DF1:09 + code:7e0df1/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P4 - code:7E0E31:09 + code:7e0e31/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P1 - code:7E0D70:09 + code:7e0d70/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P2 - code:7E0DB0:09 + code:7e0db0/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P3 - code:7E0DF0:09 + code:7e0df0/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P4 - code:7E0E30:09 + code:7e0e30/09 cheat description:Max speed - P1 - code:7E0D72:09 + code:7e0d72/09 cheat description:Max speed - P2 - code:7E0DB2:09 + code:7e0db2/09 cheat description:Max speed - P3 - code:7E0DF2:09 + code:7e0df2/09 cheat description:Max speed - P4 - code:7E0E32:09 + code:7e0e32/09 cheat description:Have Detonator - P1 - code:7E0D73:09 + code:7e0d73/09 cheat description:Have Detonator - P2 - code:7E0DB3:09 + code:7e0db3/09 cheat description:Have Detonator - P3 - code:7E0DF3:09 + code:7e0df3/09 cheat description:Have Detonator - P4 - code:7E0E33:09 + code:7e0e33/09 cheat description:Have red bombs - P1 - code:7E0D78:09 + code:7e0d78/09 cheat description:Have red bombs - P2 - code:7E0DB8:09 + code:7e0db8/09 cheat description:Have red bombs - P3 - code:7E0DF8:09 + code:7e0df8/09 cheat description:Have red bombs - P4 - code:7E0E38:09 + code:7e0e38/09 cheat description:Have 9,000,000 points - P1 - code:7E0D5B:09 + code:7e0d5b/09 cheat description:Have 9,000,000 points - P2 - code:7E0D9B:09 + code:7e0d9b/09 cartridge sha256:0a4b4a783a7faf6ada3e1326ecf85de77e8c2a171659b42a78a1fae43f806ca6 name:Super Bomberman 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E80EF:01 + code:7e80ef/01 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E81EF:01 + code:7e81ef/01 cheat description:Invincibility - P3 - code:7E82EF:01 + code:7e82ef/01 cheat description:Invincibility - P4 - code:7E83EF:01 + code:7e83ef/01 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E5E12:3B + code:7e5e12/3b cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1C6C:09 + code:7e1c6c/09 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0D92-7FD0+2D92-7F60+4B92-7DA0+A092-7DD0+C99A-77A0 + code:f550df/4d+f150de/dd+f950d6/2b+f550d7/a4+c950ae/c5 cheat description:Walk through chests - code:B58E-EFDD + code:b7b7ef/b7 cheat description:Move fast - code:7E80F0:02 + code:7e80f0/02 cheat description:Move faster - code:7E80F0:03 + code:7e80f0/03 cheat description:Move fastest - code:7E80F0:04 + code:7e80f0/04 cheat description:Max bomb power - P1 - code:7E80F2:09 + code:7e80f2/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P2 - code:7E81F2:09 + code:7e81f2/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P3 - code:7E82F2:09 + code:7e82f2/09 cheat description:Max bomb power - P4 - code:7E83F2:09 + code:7e83f2/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P1 - code:7E80F1:09 + code:7e80f1/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P2 - code:7E81F1:09 + code:7e81f1/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P3 - code:7E82F1:09 + code:7e82f1/09 cheat description:Max bomb quantity - P4 - code:7E83F1:09 + code:7e83f1/09 cheat description:Max speed - P1 - code:7E80F0:06 + code:7e80f0/06 cheat description:Max speed - P2 - code:7E81F0:06 + code:7e81f0/06 cheat description:Max speed - P3 - code:7E82F0:06 + code:7e82f0/06 cheat description:Max speed - P4 - code:7E83F0:06 + code:7e83f0/06 cheat description:Have Detonator - P1 - code:7E80F3:01 + code:7e80f3/01 cheat description:Have Detonator - P2 - code:7E81F3:01 + code:7e81f3/01 cheat description:Have Detonator - P3 - code:7E82F3:01 + code:7e82f3/01 cheat description:Have Detonator - P4 - code:7E83F3:01 + code:7e83f3/01 cheat description:Have Power Bombs - P1 - code:7E80F3:02 + code:7e80f3/02 cheat description:Have Power Bombs - P2 - code:7E81F3:02 + code:7e81f3/02 cheat description:Have Power Bombs - P3 - code:7E82F3:02 + code:7e82f3/02 cheat description:Have Power Bombs - P4 - code:7E83F3:02 + code:7e83f3/02 cheat description:Have Super Bombs - P1 - code:7E80F3:04 + code:7e80f3/04 cheat description:Have Super Bombs - P2 - code:7E81F3:04 + code:7e81f3/04 cheat description:Have Super Bombs - P3 - code:7E82F3:04 + code:7e82f3/04 cheat description:Have Super Bombs - P4 - code:7E83F3:04 + code:7e83f3/04 cheat description:Have Gel Bombs - P1 - code:7E80F3:08 + code:7e80f3/08 cheat description:Have Gel Bombs - P2 - code:7E81F3:08 + code:7e81f3/08 cheat description:Have Gel Bombs - P3 - code:7E82F3:08 + code:7e82f3/08 cheat description:Have Gel Bombs - P4 - code:7E83F3:08 + code:7e83f3/08 cheat description:Have Punch Glove - P1 - code:7E80FE:01 + code:7e80fe/01 cheat description:Have Punch Glove - P2 - code:7E81FE:01 + code:7e81fe/01 cheat description:Have Punch Glove - P3 - code:7E82FE:01 + code:7e82fe/01 cheat description:Have Punch Glove - P4 - code:7E83FE:01 + code:7e83fe/01 cheat description:Have Kick Bomb - P1 - code:7E80FF:01 + code:7e80ff/01 cheat description:Have Kick Bomb - P2 - code:7E81FF:01 + code:7e81ff/01 cheat description:Have Kick Bomb - P3 - code:7E82FF:01 + code:7e82ff/01 cheat description:Have Kick Bomb - P4 - code:7E83FF:01 + code:7e83ff/01 cheat description:Have Bomb Walk - P1 - code:7E80FA:01 + code:7e80fa/01 cheat description:Have Bomb Walk - P2 - code:7E81FA:01 + code:7e81fa/01 cheat description:Have Bomb Walk - P3 - code:7E82FA:01 + code:7e82fa/01 cheat description:Have Bomb Walk - P4 - code:7E83FA:01 + code:7e83fa/01 cheat description:Have Brick Walk - P1 - code:7E80FB:01 + code:7e80fb/01 cheat description:Have Brick Walk - P2 - code:7E81FB:01 + code:7e81fb/01 cheat description:Have Brick Walk - P3 - code:7E82FB:01 + code:7e82fb/01 cheat description:Have Brick Walk - P4 - code:7E83FB:01 + code:7e83fb/01 cheat description:Have Poison Status - P1 - code:7E80F5:01 + code:7e80f5/01 cheat description:Have Poison Status - P2 - code:7E81F5:01 + code:7e81f5/01 cheat description:Have Poison Status - P3 - code:7E82F5:01 + code:7e82f5/01 cheat description:Have Poison Status - P4 - code:7E83F5:01 + code:7e83f5/01 cheat description:Have 4,000,000 points - P1 - code:7E5DEF:A7 + code:7e5def/a7 cheat description:Have 9,000,000 points - P2 - code:7E0D9B:09 + code:7e0d9b/09 cheat description:Jump ability in battle-mode - all players - code:7E1C00:02+EFFF04:32 + code:7e1c00/02+efff04/32 cartridge sha256:21d4a72461d8680cf75cf3b8eba42e13127815bc17b6249d89a5e39beb3f1406 name:Super Bonk (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1DAC-37A6+6DB5-34D0+6DB9-3DA0 + code:8aa3ce/6d+85b37b/8d+b9b356/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2E4-47AC + code:8be02e/cd cheat description:Infinite max life - code:7E101C:1E + code:7e101c/1e cheat description:Max life - code:7E101D:1E + code:7e101d/1e cheat description:Always have 99 lives - code:7E101E:63 + code:7e101e/63 cheat description:Always have 99 Smileys - code:7E1022:63 + code:7e1022/63 cheat description:Press up to fly on any level - code:CB31-4F08+3C31-4FA8 + code:b2ec6d/cb+baec6e/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DB3-1760+DDC6-141F + code:81b1ee/8d+8bcd89/dd cartridge sha256:946de556b4f877e54e16b5c828db89c038e50349cfd0ddf8ea96b6541f9d70fa name:Super Bowling (USA) cheat description:No spin on ball - code:4ACA-0464 + code:00c9aa/2a cheat description:Faster spin meter - code:D1C5-DDAD + code:7bc776/d6 cheat description:Slower spin meter - code:D4C5-DDAD + code:7bc776/d2 cheat description:Really slow spin meter - code:DFC5-DDAD + code:7bc776/df cheat description:Faster power meter - code:D1C5-D4DD + code:47c77b/d6 cheat description:Slower power meter - code:D4C5-D4DD + code:47c77b/d2 cheat description:Really slow power meter - code:DFC5-D4DD + code:47c77b/df cartridge sha256:dc233b2805f7f73b454b53e45eef50df18932a1753fc0b7bc846bbd70a8993c3 name:Super Buster Bros. (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Extra credit after 2 food items instead of 10 - code:D42B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d2 cheat description:Extra credit after 4 food items - code:D02B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d4 cheat description:Extra credit after 6 food items - code:D12B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d6 cheat description:Extra credit after 8 food items - code:D62B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d8 cheat description:Food items never earn extra credit - code:3C2B-A460 + code:81d2ba/ec cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0100:05 + code:7e0100/05 cheat description:Shield always on - code:7E0134:02 + code:7e0134/02 cheat description:Normal shot - code:7E0131:00 + code:7e0131/00 cheat description:Double shot - code:7E0131:02 + code:7e0131/02 cheat description:Grappling shot - code:7E0131:04 + code:7e0131/04 cheat description:Gun shot - code:7E0131:06 + code:7e0131/06 cartridge sha256:5965bde449ff775c1a0d9fd3cf2fb8c51a86b44ad1942dfb5c14a91f103be030 name:Super Buster Bros. (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDB2-07A4 + code:08b9de/dd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:C9B9-6D04 + code:30ba55/c5 cheat description:Clock runs faster - code:FB83-0D64 + code:30b9e6/fb cheat description:Clock runs slower - code:1083-0D64 + code:30b9e6/64 cheat description:Clock runs much slower - code:A683-0D64 + code:30b9e6/a8 cheat description:Clock is frozen (no time limit) - code:DD83-0704 + code:00b9ed/dd cheat description:Food items never earn extra credit - code:3C2B-A460 + code:81d2ba/ec cheat description:Double harpoon pick-up gives you machine gun - code:D184-ADA8 + code:babe26/d6 cheat description:Retain weapon after dying or advancing thru stages - code:C96E-6FD6 + code:3682ef/c5 cheat description:Panic mode has 2 levels instead of 99 - code:D780-DDD4+D781-DF04 + code:74bb47/d3+70bb6d/d3 cheat description:Panic mode has 5 levels - code:D180-DDD4+D181-DF04 + code:74bb47/d6+70bb6d/d6 cheat description:Panic mode has 10 levels - code:D880-DDD4+D881-DF04 + code:74bb47/db+70bb6d/db cheat description:Panic mode has 20 levels - code:F980-DDD4+F981-DF04 + code:74bb47/f5+70bb6d/f5 cheat description:Extra credit after 2 food items instead of 10 - code:D42B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d2 cheat description:Extra credit after 4 food items - code:D02B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d4 cheat description:Extra credit after 6 food items - code:D12B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d6 cheat description:Extra credit after 8 food items - code:D62B-A7D0 + code:85d2bf/d8 cheat description:1 credit - code:DD61-0D0A + code:328965/dd cheat description:2 credits - code:DF61-0D0A + code:328965/df cheat description:3 credits - code:D461-0D0A + code:328965/d2 cheat description:4 credits - code:D761-0D0A + code:328965/d3 cheat description:6 credits - code:D961-0D0A + code:328965/d5 cheat description:8 credits - code:D561-0D0A + code:328965/d7 cheat description:No credits - code:EE61-0D0A + code:328965/ee cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF61-0DDA + code:368967/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D461-0DDA + code:368967/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D061-0DDA + code:368967/d4 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D961-0DDA + code:368967/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D561-0DDA + code:368967/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB61-0DDA + code:368967/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD61-0DDA + code:368967/dd cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0100:05 + code:7e0100/05 cheat description:Shield always on - code:7E0134:02 + code:7e0134/02 cheat description:Normal shot - code:7E0131:00 + code:7e0131/00 cheat description:Double shot - code:7E0131:02 + code:7e0131/02 cheat description:Grappling shot - code:7E0131:04 + code:7e0131/04 cheat description:Gun shot - code:7E0131:06 + code:7e0131/06 cartridge sha256:d42f8c7969b4c434f9ca04ce0080d897877a5e71c2926d309ef5dae93ba25548 name:Super Caesars Palace (USA) cheat description:Infinite 999 gold chips - code:7E188E:E7+7E188F:03 + code:7e188e/e7+7e188f/03 cheat description:Access all high roller areas - code:7E0C30:0F + code:7e0c30/0f cartridge sha256:0ef6f4cce5a2273fa49fe1ce724e0048a8e39c91da6b00dbb693fe1ba909177d name:Super Castlevania IV (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D2B-6764+2DCD-D764 + code:00dabe/dd+40cbde/dd cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:608E-D7FB+C92C-6DD4 + code:4ebfef/84+34dac7/c5 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C22F-07D7 + code:04ddff/cd cheat description:Infinite health against most enemies - code:D22F-07D7 + code:04ddff/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (disable to get password) - code:DD6C-DD66 + code:7283c6/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:6D6D-DF06 + code:7283dd/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C96C-DFD6 + code:7683cf/c5 cheat description:Infinite shots for most weapons - code:A689-0FD7 + code:34bd5f/a8 cheat description:Hit anywhere (cannot use whip to grab onto things, press Y to moon jump instead) - code:B428-AFA4+C728-A4D4+DD2C-A764+6D20-A7A4+6D21-AF64 + code:b8dabe/b2+84dabb/c3+80dace/dd+88da4e/8d+b0da6e/8d cheat description:Fully powered whip with first power-up - code:DD24-AFD7 + code:b4de2f/dd cheat description:Increase heart capacity 2.5 times - code:EE2B-6DA7+FC25-64D7+EE26-6767 + code:38deb6/ee+04de7b/fc+00de8e/ee cheat description:Max hearts on pick-up - code:DD2B-6D07 + code:30deb5/dd cheat description:Double Shot gives you a Triple Shot - code:EE2B-A767 + code:80debe/ee cheat description:Slower timer - code:5E6D-DDA6 + code:7a83d6/7e cheat description:Faster timer - code:FE6D-DDA6 + code:7a83d6/fe cheat description:Super-jump - code:FDC5-04D4 + code:04c97b/fd cheat description:Mega-jump - code:4DC5-04D4 + code:04c97b/2d cheat description:Multi-jump - code:186D-DDD6+C28A-A46F+18CF-6D0D+462B-6D04+DC2B-6D64+BD2B-6DA4+D02B-6FD4+442B-6F04+B42B-6F64+C72B-6FA4+DD2B-64D4+3C2B-6404 + code:7683d7/6b+83beaa/cd+33c6f5/6b+30dab5/28+30dab6/dc+38dab6/bd+34dabf/d4+30dabd/22+30dabe/b2+38dabe/c3+04dabb/dd+00dab9/ec cheat description:Start with and always keep Dagger - code:CBAA-6DAF+DFAA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F + code:3baea6/cb+37aeaf/df+33aeae/85 cheat description:Start with and always keep Axe - code:CBAA-6DAF+D4AA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F + code:3baea6/cb+37aeaf/d2+33aeae/85 cheat description:Start with and always keep Holy Water - code:CBAA-6DAF+D7AA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F + code:3baea6/cb+37aeaf/d3+33aeae/85 cheat description:Start with and always keep Boomerang - code:CBAA-6DAF+D0AA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F + code:3baea6/cb+37aeaf/d4+33aeae/85 cheat description:Start with and always keep Stopwatch - code:CBAA-6DAF+D9AA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F + code:3baea6/cb+37aeaf/d5+33aeae/85 cheat description:Start with 99 hearts - first life only - code:BBB3-D40F + code:43bfe9/bb cheat description:Start with 50 hearts - first life only - code:9DB3-D40F + code:43bfe9/5d cheat description:Start with 10 lives - first game only - code:FDB2-D4AF + code:4bbfda/fd cheat description:Start with 1 life - first game only - code:DFB2-D4AF + code:4bbfda/df cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) (alt) - code:7E00BC:0A + code:7e00bc/0a cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E13F4:10 + code:7e13f4/10 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E13F0:99 + code:7e13f0/99 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:7E13F2:99 + code:7e13f2/99 cheat description:Have best whip - code:7E0092:02 + code:7e0092/02 cheat description:Have Dagger - code:7E008E:01 + code:7e008e/01 cheat description:Have Axe - code:7E008E:02 + code:7e008e/02 cheat description:Have Cross - code:7E008E:04 + code:7e008e/04 cheat description:Have Dagger - code:7E008E:01 + code:7e008e/01 cheat description:Have Holy Water - code:7E008E:03 + code:7e008e/03 cheat description:Have Stopwatch - code:7E008E:05 + code:7e008e/05 cheat description:Have Triple Shot - code:7E0090:02 + code:7e0090/02 cheat description:Start on second playthrough difficulty level - code:7E0088:01 + code:7e0088/01 cartridge sha256:b839253b878821ff00847491d11452e933baaf303f49dd39d22e3a524ea1ff81 name:Super Chase H.Q. (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E127C:FF + code:7e127c/ff cheat description:Infinite nitro - code:7E1267:03 + code:7e1267/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E127B:89 + code:7e127b/89 cartridge sha256:48afb82875ed4309f871f6b14021aa82c026fb14dc8acdbcf35f71ee605771b5 name:Super Donkey Kong 2 - Dixie & Diddy (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:4022-431D + code:bbd4d9/24 cartridge sha256:bcced1be76ef920b562a555696bcb4583d1c8cea4d4b057cab6e0e09be8ef8c4 name:Super Double Dragon (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:1D6F-0766 + code:0281fe/6d cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:C267-0DD6 + code:368137/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:C286-6F05 + code:31be8d/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 (alt) - code:4A86-6F05 + code:31be8d/2a cheat description:Dragon power increases faster - code:DDB3-A7F1 + code:8dbaef/dd cheat description:Prolonged maximum dragon power - code:D7B2-A7B5 + code:8dbede/d3 cheat description:1 extra credit - 2P game A - code:DF8C-070B + code:02bdcd/df cheat description:9 lives - 1P game - code:DB86-070B + code:02bd8d/db cheat description:6 lives - 1P game - code:D186-070B + code:02bd8d/d6 cheat description:1 life - 1P game - code:DF86-070B + code:02bd8d/df cheat description:9 lives - 2P game A - code:DB88-0D6B + code:32bdb6/db cheat description:6 lives - 2P game A - code:D188-0D6B + code:32bdb6/d6 cheat description:1 life - 2P game A - code:DF88-0D6B + code:32bdb6/df cheat description:Start on Mission 2 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:14 + code:7e001c/14 cheat description:Start on Mission 3 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:17 + code:7e001c/17 cheat description:Start on Mission 4 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:1C + code:7e001c/1c cheat description:Start on Mission 5 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:1D + code:7e001c/1d cheat description:Start on Mission 6 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:1F + code:7e001c/1f cheat description:Start on Mission 7 (enable on Mode Seclect screen, then disable) - code:7E001C:20 + code:7e001c/20 cartridge sha256:7468c271d7240cf4e0d08c16e9969a1b1b1caf5adc0e5adc568d93c92651a057 name:Super Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (disable at end of first two stages of level 3, so you can trigger the hidden end of stage marker) - code:D4D5-B286 + code:fed276/d2 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:DD21-0FD0 + code:35d16f/dd cheat description:Never lose Armor - code:DFD0-F38B+DFF8-F38B + code:fedf4a/df+feffba/df cheat description:Infinite time - code:A286-0F01 + code:31b98d/ad cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A2C1-AD01 + code:b1ca65/ad cheat description:Infinite double-jumps - code:C2A5-A4A5 + code:89ae7a/cd cheat description:Infinite shield hits - code:6DE7-A468 + code:82ee3a/8d cheat description:Infinite continues - code:DDB6-67FF + code:0fbe8f/dd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:1DEF-0708+C2E5-D708+C2EA-A40C + code:02edfd/6d+42ef7d/cd+83e2a9/cd cheat description:Very few Zombies appear - code:C9BB-A460 + code:81b2ba/c5 cheat description:Most Zombies carry a basket - code:DF65-DFA8+CBBD-AF98 + code:7a8f7e/df+b6bedd/cb cheat description:Slower timer - code:9386-0D01 + code:31b985/5e cheat description:Faster timer - code:FE86-0D01 + code:31b985/fe cheat description:Start with 9 minutes - code:DBC3-0465 + code:01cdea/db cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DFC0-A401 + code:81ca49/df cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DBC0-A401 + code:81ca49/db cheat description:Invincibility (alt 2) - code:7E0276:02 + code:7e0276/02 cheat description:Never lose Armor (alt) - code:7E044A:01+7E14BA:01 + code:7e044a/01+7e14ba/01 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E02A9:01 + code:7e02a9/01 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E02A4:02 + code:7e02a4/02 cheat description:Infinite double-jumps (alt) - code:7E14BC:00 + code:7e14bc/00 cheat description:Super-jump - code:7E0458:0F + code:7e0458/0f cheat description:Run faster - code:7E0453:02 + code:7e0453/02 cheat description:900,000 points - code:7E0295:09 + code:7e0295/09 cheat description:Have no Armor - code:7E14BA:00 + code:7e14ba/00 cheat description:Have regular Armor - code:7E14BA:01 + code:7e14ba/01 cheat description:Have Green Armor - code:7E14BA:02 + code:7e14ba/02 cheat description:Have Gold Armor - code:7E14BA:04 + code:7e14ba/04 cheat description:Have Javelin - code:7E14D3:00 + code:7e14d3/00 cheat description:Have Blue Fire Javelin - code:7E14D3:01 + code:7e14d3/01 cheat description:Have Quick Dagger - code:7E14D3:02 + code:7e14d3/02 cheat description:Have Laser Dagger - code:7E14D3:03 + code:7e14d3/03 cheat description:Have Crossbow - code:7E14D3:04 + code:7e14d3/04 cheat description:Have Crossbow with Homing Arrows - code:7E14D3:05 + code:7e14d3/05 cheat description:Have Scythe - code:7E14D3:06 + code:7e14d3/06 cheat description:Have Scythe level 2 - code:7E14D3:07 + code:7e14d3/07 cheat description:Have Torch - code:7E14D3:08 + code:7e14d3/08 cheat description:Have Torch level 2 - code:7E14D3:09 + code:7e14d3/09 cheat description:Have Axe - code:7E14D3:0A + code:7e14d3/0a cheat description:Have Double Edge Axe - code:7E14D3:0B + code:7e14d3/0b cheat description:Have Dagger with L-shaped path - code:7E14D3:0C + code:7e14d3/0c cheat description:Have Shuriken with L-shaped path - code:7E14D3:0D + code:7e14d3/0d cheat description:Have Goddess Ring - code:7E14D3:0E + code:7e14d3/0e + cheat + description:Stage select enabled (in options menu) + code:7e02b9/32+7e02ba/16 cartridge sha256:33dda5838264c93341ef865512e4b86e16fd4a0387eda04e331517bfaecf1c0b name:Super Godzilla (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - Battle - code:C264-06F8 + code:2e8d23/cd cheat description:Infinite health - Map - code:C22D-DFA9 + code:79d7de/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C32E-67A0 + code:09d2ee/ce cartridge sha256:3f8efb19eae68f24feb42c018b7dc7a819bfd8d993ab36899681caa7ee94b06e name:Super James Pond (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EB130:03 + code:7eb130/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7EB12E:03 + code:7eb12e/03 cartridge sha256:a9e3e57d591e995e8e0dd228b619b6aed42205eaf55316fa8ff33f236b3a32b3 name:Super Mario All-Stars (USA) cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:292B-67DE + code:07dabf/d5 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility does not last as long - code:D62F-6DAE + code:3bdaf6/d8 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility lasts longer - code:9D2F-6DAE + code:3bdaf6/5d cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - code:C2C1-D4AA + code:4acb6a/cd cheat description:SMB - Infinite time - code:6D84-DF03 + code:73bb2d/8d cheat description:SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4028-D4DE + code:47dbbb/24 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:4025-07AE + code:0bd97e/24 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:6D2E-DD6E + code:73dbe6/8d cheat description:SMB - Run without holding the dash button - code:6D8C-0D02 + code:33b5c5/8d cheat description:SMB - 1-up worth nothing - code:C26B-0FBF + code:3f8dbe/cd cheat description:SMB - Jump lower (disable if you get stuck) - code:CB81-0D02+E281-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/ed+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Super-jump - code:CB81-0D02+EC81-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/ec+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump - code:CB81-0D02+E681-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/e8+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Multi-jump - code:2D8E-D7D2 + code:47b7ef/dd cheat description:SMB - Allows you to select any world for File A - code:D5DF-FADD + code:e7d7fb/d7 cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 2 lives - code:DFDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/df cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 10 lives - code:DBDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/db cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 50 lives - code:7FDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/3f cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 100 lives - code:17DF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/63 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman) - code:7E07AF:0F + code:7e07af/0f cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E075A:05 + code:7e075a/05 cheat description:LL - Invincible against most enemies - code:292A-0485 + code:0dddaa/d5 cheat description:LL - Invincibility (get a power-up when an enemy touches you) - code:892A-0D85 + code:3ddda6/b5 cheat description:LL - Infinite time - code:1D88-0F59 + code:3db5bd/6d cheat description:LL - Multi-jump - code:DD86-6F80 + code:3db28e/dd cheat description:LL - Run without holding the dash button - code:6D80-A470 + code:8db248/8d cheat description:LL - Death Mushrooms are 1-Ups - code:CE89-0455 + code:0dbd59/ce cheat description:LL - There are no Death Mushrooms - code:C289-0455 + code:0dbd59/cd cheat description:LL - All breakable bricks are coins when you're small - code:C281-0755 + code:0dbd6d/cd cheat description:LL - Allows you to select any world or level for File A - code:DADF-F30D+D7DF-F36D + code:f3d7f9/da+f3d7fa/d3 cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 2 lives - code:DFDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/df cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 10 lives - code:DBDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/db cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 50 lives - code:7FDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/3f cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 100 lives - code:17DF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/63 cheat description:LL - Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E07AE:0F + code:7e07ae/0f cheat description:LL - Invincibility (Star effect) - code:7E07AF:0F + code:7e07af/0f cheat description:LL - Always Fiery Mario - code:7E0756:02 + code:7e0756/02 cheat description:LL - Coins are worth 10 - code:7E07DF:09 + code:7e07df/09 cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite lives - code:C26E-D5A6 + code:5a83ee/cd cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite hearts - code:DD32-6966 + code:12e2d6/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Hit anywhere - code:0720-A0D8+3D27-A508+DD27-A568 + code:96de43/43+92de3d/ed+92de3e/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Multi-jump - all characters - code:D966-6166 + code:12828a/d5 cheat description:SMB2 - Float - all characters - code:6267-A5A6 + code:9a823e/8d cheat description:SMB2 - Jumping in place charges super jump - code:7A60-A966 + code:928246/3a cheat description:SMB2 - Run without holding the dash button - code:DD60-D10B+DD69-D1AB + code:528f49/dd+5a8f5a/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Allows you to select any world for File A - code:D1D4-FA0D + code:e3d729/d6 cheat description:SMB2 - 1 life after continue - code:DF61-05D0 + code:15816f/df cheat description:SMB2 - 9 lives after continue - code:DB61-05D0 + code:15816f/db cheat description:SMB2 - 25 lives after continue - code:FB61-05D0 + code:15816f/fb cheat description:SMB2 - 50 lives after continue - code:7461-05D0 + code:15816f/32 cheat description:SMB2 - 99 lives after continue - code:1761-05D0 + code:15816f/63 cheat description:SMB2 - Continue with 3 hearts instead of 2 - code:DF6B-A9A1 + code:998ab6/df cheat description:SMB2 - Continue with 4 hearts - code:D46B-A9A1 + code:998ab6/d2 cheat description:SMB2 - Invincibility - code:7E0085:3B + code:7e0085/3b cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite float time - all characters - code:7E04CA:FF + code:7e04ca/ff cheat description:SMB2 - Always big - code:7E04C3:1F + code:7e04c3/1f cheat description:SMB2 - Always small - code:7E04C3:0F + code:7e04c3/0f cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite lives - code:82BB-0C6D + code:33b5b2/bd cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite time - code:6D3D-6619 + code:29e6d1/8d cheat - description:SMB3 - Fly at any time (run meter always full) - code:DDAF-A8A3 + description:SMB3 - Infinite items + code:39ddf0/cd cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite flying time - code:EEA4-AB63 + code:a3aa2e/ee + cheat + description:SMB3 - Fly at any time (run meter always full) + code:abaafe/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4083-D8F3+408D-08F3 + code:6fbbef/24+2fb9df/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Fireballs can kill most enemies - code:4084-0BB3 + code:2fb92e/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Tail hits anywhere - code:40C4-6C22 + code:37c623/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Multi-jump - code:40AA-6803 + code:23aaad/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Multi-jump (alt) - code:6DAA-6C03 + code:33aaa1/8d cheat description:SMB3 - Power-jump - code:AD3E-6801 + code:21eaed/ad cheat description:SMB3 - Super-jump - code:863E-6801 + code:21eaed/b8 cheat description:SMB3 - Mega-jump - code:8D3E-6801 + code:21eaed/bd cheat description:SMB3 - Ultra power-jump - code:C63E-6801 + code:21eaed/c8 cheat description:SMB3 - Mega power-jump - code:DDA9-A603 + code:a3aa51/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Big Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+DF69-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/df cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Fire Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D469-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d2 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Raccoon Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D769-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d3 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Frog Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D069-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d4 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Tanooki Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D969-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Sledgehammer Mario when you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D169-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d6 cheat description:SMB3 - All power-ups turn you into Shoe Mario - code:D0A1-6C0A+E1A3-D60A + code:32aa61/d4+62abe1/e6 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Big Mario - code:D4A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d2 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Fiery Mario - code:D7A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d3 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Raccoon Mario - code:D0A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d4 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Frog Mario - code:D9A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Tanooki Mario - code:D1A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d6 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Sledgehammer Mario - code:D5A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d7 cheat description:SMB3 - After getting star, invincible until end of level (may have to disable to jump) - code:C23B-680D + code:23e6bd/cd cheat description:SMB3 - 1 life after continue - code:DFBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/df cheat description:SMB3 - 10 lives after continue - code:DBBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/db cheat description:SMB3 - 26 lives after continue - code:FBBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/fb cheat description:SMB3 - 51 lives after continue - code:74BB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/32 cheat description:SMB3 - 100 lives after continue - code:17BB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/63 cheat description:SMB3 - Gain lots of lives with each 5 coins - code:D93E-6C49 + code:39e6e0/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - 5 coins needed for an extra life - code:D93E-6819 + code:29e6ed/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - 10 coins needed for an extra life - code:DC3E-6819 + code:29e6ed/dc cheat description:SMB3 - 25 coins needed for an extra life - code:FB3E-6819 + code:29e6ed/fb cheat description:SMB3 - 50 coins needed for an extra life - code:743E-6819 + code:29e6ed/32 cheat description:SMB3 - Move anywhere on the world map - code:6D69-686E+6D68-66D3 + code:238a5e/8d+278ab3/8d cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten levels - code:DD63-D6A5 + code:698fe2/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten fortresses - code:1D63-D665 + code:618fe2/6d cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten mushroom houses and special levels - code:0D63-D605 + code:618fe1/4d cheat description:SMB3 - Select any world for File A game - code:D5D4-F36D + code:f3d72a/d7 cheat description:SMB3 - Start and continue as Big Mario - code:E1A3-D60A + code:62abe1/e6 cheat description:SMB3 - Enable debug mode (in game) - code:7E0160:80 + code:7e0160/80 cheat description:SMB3 - Invincibility - code:7E0552:80 + code:7e0552/80 cheat description:SMB3 - Invincibility (Starman) - code:7E0553:FF + code:7e0553/ff cheat description:SMB3 - Always Small Mario - code:7E00BB:00 + code:7e00bb/00 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Big Mario - code:7E00BB:01 + code:7e00bb/01 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Fiery Mario - code:7E00BB:02 + code:7e00bb/02 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Raccoon Mario - code:7E00BB:03 + code:7e00bb/03 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Frog Mario - code:7E00BB:04 + code:7e00bb/04 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Tanooki Mario - code:7E00BB:05 + code:7e00bb/05 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Hammer Bros. Mario - code:7E00BB:06 + code:7e00bb/06 cheat description:SMB3 - Have Magic Whistle - code:7E1D80:0C + code:7e1d80/0c cheat description:SMB3 - Raccoon and Tanooki have P-Wing - code:7E056E:FF + code:7e056e/ff cheat description:SMB3 - Fly for an unlimited amount of time - code:23CB26:FF + code:23cb26/ff cartridge sha256:a8806bfe07cd3c9945d9fd3fcea932ae1cd671cab5cae12bb7a2ae726cbf9175 name:Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA) cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman effect) - code:292B-67DE + code:07dabf/d5 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility does not last as long - code:D62F-6DAE + code:3bdaf6/d8 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility lasts longer - code:9D2F-6DAE + code:3bdaf6/5d cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives - code:C2C1-D4AA + code:4acb6a/cd cheat description:SMB - Infinite time - code:6D84-DF03 + code:73bb2d/8d cheat description:SMB - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4028-D4DE + code:47dbbb/24 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Bullet Bill - code:4025-07AE + code:0bd97e/24 cheat description:SMB - Fireballs can kill Buzzy Beetle - code:6D2E-DD6E + code:73dbe6/8d cheat description:SMB - Run without holding the dash button - code:6D8C-0D02 + code:33b5c5/8d cheat description:SMB - 1-up worth nothing - code:C26B-0FBF + code:3f8dbe/cd cheat description:SMB - Jump lower (disable if you get stuck) - code:CB81-0D02+E281-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/ed+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Super-jump - code:CB81-0D02+EC81-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/ec+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Mega-jump - code:CB81-0D02+E681-0D62+3C81-0DA2 + code:33b565/cb+33b566/e8+3bb566/ec cheat description:SMB - Multi-jump - code:2D8E-D7D2 + code:47b7ef/dd cheat description:SMB - Allows you to select any world for File A - code:D5DF-FADD + code:e7d7fb/d7 cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 2 lives - code:DFDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/df cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 10 lives - code:DBDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/db cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 50 lives - code:7FDF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/3f cheat description:SMB - Start File A game with 100 lives - code:17DF-FAAD + code:ebd7fa/63 cheat description:SMB - Invincibility (Starman) - code:7E07AF:0F + code:7e07af/0f cheat description:SMB - Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E075A:05 + code:7e075a/05 cheat description:LL - Invincible against most enemies - code:292A-0485 + code:0dddaa/d5 cheat description:LL - Invincibility (get a power-up when an enemy touches you) - code:892A-0D85 + code:3ddda6/b5 cheat description:LL - Infinite time - code:1D88-0F59 + code:3db5bd/6d cheat description:LL - Multi-jump - code:DD86-6F80 + code:3db28e/dd cheat description:LL - Run without holding the dash button - code:6D80-A470 + code:8db248/8d cheat description:LL - Death Mushrooms are 1-Ups - code:CE89-0455 + code:0dbd59/ce cheat description:LL - There are no Death Mushrooms - code:C289-0455 + code:0dbd59/cd cheat description:LL - All breakable bricks are coins when you're small - code:C281-0755 + code:0dbd6d/cd cheat description:LL - Allows you to select any world or level for File A - code:DADF-F30D+D7DF-F36D + code:f3d7f9/da+f3d7fa/d3 cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 2 lives - code:DFDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/df cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 10 lives - code:DBDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/db cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 50 lives - code:7FDF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/3f cheat description:LL - Start File A game with 100 lives - code:17DF-FEDD + code:f7d7fb/63 cheat description:LL - Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E07AE:0F + code:7e07ae/0f cheat description:LL - Invincibility (Star effect) - code:7E07AF:0F + code:7e07af/0f cheat description:LL - Always Fiery Mario - code:7E0756:02 + code:7e0756/02 cheat description:LL - Coins are worth 10 - code:7E07DF:09 + code:7e07df/09 cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite lives - code:C26E-D5A6 + code:5a83ee/cd cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite hearts - code:DD32-6966 + code:12e2d6/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Hit anywhere - code:0720-A0D8+3D27-A508+DD27-A568 + code:96de43/43+92de3d/ed+92de3e/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Multi-jump - all characters - code:D966-6166 + code:12828a/d5 cheat description:SMB2 - Float - all characters - code:6267-A5A6 + code:9a823e/8d cheat description:SMB2 - Jumping in place charges super jump - code:7A60-A966 + code:928246/3a cheat description:SMB2 - Run without holding the dash button - code:DD60-D10B+DD69-D1AB + code:528f49/dd+5a8f5a/dd cheat description:SMB2 - Allows you to select any world for File A - code:D1D4-FA0D + code:e3d729/d6 cheat description:SMB2 - 1 life after continue - code:DF61-05D0 + code:15816f/df cheat description:SMB2 - 9 lives after continue - code:DB61-05D0 + code:15816f/db cheat description:SMB2 - 25 lives after continue - code:FB61-05D0 + code:15816f/fb cheat description:SMB2 - 50 lives after continue - code:7461-05D0 + code:15816f/32 cheat description:SMB2 - 99 lives after continue - code:1761-05D0 + code:15816f/63 cheat description:SMB2 - Continue with 3 hearts instead of 2 - code:DF6B-A9A1 + code:998ab6/df cheat description:SMB2 - Continue with 4 hearts - code:D46B-A9A1 + code:998ab6/d2 cheat description:SMB2 - Invincibility - code:7E0085:3B + code:7e0085/3b cheat description:SMB2 - Infinite float time - all characters - code:7E04CA:FF + code:7e04ca/ff cheat description:SMB2 - Always big - code:7E04C3:1F + code:7e04c3/1f cheat description:SMB2 - Always small - code:7E04C3:0F + code:7e04c3/0f cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite lives - code:82BB-0C6D + code:33b5b2/bd cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite time - code:6D3D-6619 + code:29e6d1/8d cheat - description:SMB3 - Fly at any time (run meter always full) - code:DDAF-A8A3 + description:SMB3 - Infinite items + code:39ddf0/cd cheat description:SMB3 - Infinite flying time - code:EEA4-AB63 + code:a3aa2e/ee + cheat + description:SMB3 - Fly at any time (run meter always full) + code:abaafe/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4083-D8F3+408D-08F3 + code:6fbbef/24+2fb9df/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Fireballs can kill most enemies - code:4084-0BB3 + code:2fb92e/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Tail hits anywhere - code:40C4-6C22 + code:37c623/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Multi-jump - code:40AA-6803 + code:23aaad/24 cheat description:SMB3 - Multi-jump (alt) - code:6DAA-6C03 + code:33aaa1/8d cheat description:SMB3 - Power-jump - code:AD3E-6801 + code:21eaed/ad cheat description:SMB3 - Super-jump - code:863E-6801 + code:21eaed/b8 cheat description:SMB3 - Mega-jump - code:8D3E-6801 + code:21eaed/bd cheat description:SMB3 - Ultra power-jump - code:C63E-6801 + code:21eaed/c8 cheat description:SMB3 - Mega power-jump - code:DDA9-A603 + code:a3aa51/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Big Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+DF69-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/df cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Fire Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D469-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d2 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Raccoon Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D769-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d3 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Frog Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D069-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d4 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Tanooki Mario whenever you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D969-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - Change to Sledgehammer Mario when you go to the map - code:CB69-AC07+D169-AC67 + code:b08e51/cb+b08e52/d6 cheat description:SMB3 - All power-ups turn you into Shoe Mario - code:D0A1-6C0A+E1A3-D60A + code:32aa61/d4+62abe1/e6 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Big Mario - code:D4A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d2 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Fiery Mario - code:D7A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d3 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Raccoon Mario - code:D0A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d4 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Frog Mario - code:D9A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Tanooki Mario - code:D1A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d6 cheat description:SMB3 - Collisions turn you into Sledgehammer Mario - code:D5A8-6CAA + code:3aaab2/d7 cheat description:SMB3 - After getting star, invincible until end of level (may have to disable to jump) - code:C23B-680D + code:23e6bd/cd cheat description:SMB3 - 1 life after continue - code:DFBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/df cheat description:SMB3 - 10 lives after continue - code:DBBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/db cheat description:SMB3 - 26 lives after continue - code:FBBB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/fb cheat description:SMB3 - 51 lives after continue - code:74BB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/32 cheat description:SMB3 - 100 lives after continue - code:17BB-DBAF + code:6bbfbe/63 cheat description:SMB3 - Gain lots of lives with each 5 coins - code:D93E-6C49 + code:39e6e0/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - 5 coins needed for an extra life - code:D93E-6819 + code:29e6ed/d5 cheat description:SMB3 - 10 coins needed for an extra life - code:DC3E-6819 + code:29e6ed/dc cheat description:SMB3 - 25 coins needed for an extra life - code:FB3E-6819 + code:29e6ed/fb cheat description:SMB3 - 50 coins needed for an extra life - code:743E-6819 + code:29e6ed/32 cheat description:SMB3 - Move anywhere on the world map - code:6D69-686E+6D68-66D3 + code:238a5e/8d+278ab3/8d cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten levels - code:DD63-D6A5 + code:698fe2/dd cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten fortresses - code:1D63-D665 + code:618fe2/6d cheat description:SMB3 - Re-enter already beaten mushroom houses and special levels - code:0D63-D605 + code:618fe1/4d cheat description:SMB3 - Select any world for File A game - code:D5D4-F36D + code:f3d72a/d7 cheat description:SMB3 - Start and continue as Big Mario - code:E1A3-D60A + code:62abe1/e6 cheat description:SMB3 - Enable debug mode (in game) - code:7E0160:80 + code:7e0160/80 cheat description:SMB3 - Invincibility - code:7E0552:80 + code:7e0552/80 cheat description:SMB3 - Invincibility (Starman) - code:7E0553:FF + code:7e0553/ff cheat description:SMB3 - Always Small Mario - code:7E00BB:00 + code:7e00bb/00 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Big Mario - code:7E00BB:01 + code:7e00bb/01 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Fiery Mario - code:7E00BB:02 + code:7e00bb/02 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Raccoon Mario - code:7E00BB:03 + code:7e00bb/03 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Frog Mario - code:7E00BB:04 + code:7e00bb/04 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Tanooki Mario - code:7E00BB:05 + code:7e00bb/05 cheat description:SMB3 - Always Hammer Bros. Mario - code:7E00BB:06 + code:7e00bb/06 cheat description:SMB3 - Have Magic Whistle - code:7E1D80:0C + code:7e1d80/0c cheat description:SMB3 - Raccoon and Tanooki have P-Wing - code:7E056E:FF + code:7e056e/ff cheat description:SMB3 - Fly for an unlimited amount of time - code:23CB26:FF + code:23cb26/ff cheat description:SMW - Infinite flying time for Yoshi - code:C2EC-0700 + code:01e1cd/cd cheat description:SMW - Nintendo's debug - code:DDA6-DF07 + code:70af8d/dd cheat description:SMW - Invincibility - code:7E1497:FF + code:7e1497/ff cheat description:SMW - Invincible (Starman) - code:7E1490:FF + code:7e1490/ff cheat description:SMW - Always Small Mario - code:7E0019:00 + code:7e0019/00 cheat description:SMW - Always Big Mario - code:7E0019:01 + code:7e0019/01 cheat description:SMW - Always Caped Mario - code:7E0019:02 + code:7e0019/02 cheat description:SMW - Always Fiery Mario - code:7E0019:03 + code:7e0019/03 cheat description:SMW - Always have Yoshi - code:7E0DC1:01 + code:7e0dc1/01 cheat description:SMW - Infinite time - code:7E0F31:09+7E0F32:09+7E0F33:09 + code:7e0f31/09+7e0f32/09+7e0f33/09 cheat description:SMW - Infinite P-Balloon time - code:7E1891:FF + code:7e1891/ff cheat description:SMW - Multi-jump and float down (disable in water and to get on Yoshi) - code:7E1471:01 + code:7e1471/01 cheat description:SMW - Jump to automatically fly - code:7E13E4:70 + code:7e13e4/70 cheat description:SMW - Activate yellow blocks (deactivate before entering the Yellow Switch Palace) - code:7E1F28:01 + code:7e1f28/01 cheat description:SMW - Activate blue blocks (deactivate before entering the Blue Switch Palace) - code:7E1F29:01 + code:7e1f29/01 cheat description:SMW - Activate red blocks (deactivate before entering the Red Switch Palace) - code:7E1F2A:01 + code:7e1f2a/01 cheat description:SMW - Automatically finish level - code:7E1493:01 + code:7e1493/01 cheat description:SMW - 8000 points for each enemy stomped - code:7E1697:06 + code:7e1697/06 cartridge sha256:2ada8919688087be60a6a48cace8f877add60c45d2e5d09e2442faa55be62a49 name:Super Mario Kart (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:1A3E-CDA4 + code:38ebe6/6a cheat description:All karts except yours do not move - code:9980-44DD + code:87b44b/55 cheat description:Drive through walls - code:4FEB-CDA4 + code:38ebb6/2f cheat description:Drive through opponents - code:97A6-CDAD + code:3ba786/53 cheat description:Invincibility and have a Red Shell - code:7E0D70:28 + code:7e0d70/28 cheat description:Always have Red Shell - code:7E0D70:05 + code:7e0d70/05 cheat description:Always have item - code:7E0D71:C0 + code:7e0d71/c0 cheat description:Drive anywhere - code:80FA93:20 + code:80fa93/20 cheat description:Mud and other land doesn't effect driving - code:759DC8:B4 + code:759dc8/b4 cheat description:Special Cup enabled (1P time trial and 2P match race) - code:7E1D29:03 + code:7e1d29/03 cartridge sha256:740646f3535bfb365ca44e70d46ab433467b142bd84010393070bd0b141af853 name:Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (USA) cheat description:Infinite tries in action sequences - code:A98E-7707 + code:c0bced/a5 cheat description:Infinite HP - Character 1 - code:7EFA91:FF + code:7efa91/ff cheat description:Infinite HP - Character 2 - code:7EFB11:FF + code:7efb11/ff cheat description:Infinite HP - Character 3 - code:7EFB91:FF + code:7efb91/ff cheat description:Max HP - Character 1 - code:7EFA93:FF + code:7efa93/ff cheat description:Max HP - Character 2 - code:7EFB13:FF + code:7efb13/ff cheat description:Max HP - Character 3 - code:7EFB93:FF + code:7efb93/ff cheat description:Max Flower Points - code:7EFA0D:63 + code:7efa0d/63 cheat description:Infinite Flower Points (In Battle) - code:7EFA0D:63+7EFA0C:63 + code:7efa0d/63+7efa0c/63 cheat description:Infinite Coins - code:7FF8AF:E7+7FF8B0:03 + code:7ff8af/e7+7ff8b0/03 cheat description:Infinite Frog Coins - code:7FF8B3:E7+7FF8B4:03 + code:7ff8b3/e7+7ff8b4/03 cheat description:255 EXP per battle (disable before going to the World Map or using the menu button) - code:7EFA02:FF + code:7efa02/ff cheat description:Always Mario's turn - code:7E0702:00 + code:7e0702/00 cheat description:Mario consecutive super jumps modifier - code:7FF8C0:64 + code:7ff8c0/64 + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:f97a5d/8d+c97a79/8d+c97aff/8d+f979ef/8d cheat description:Mario - Level 30 - code:7FF800:1E + code:7ff800/1e cheat description:Mario - 999 HP - code:7FF801:E7+7FF802:03 + code:7ff801/e7+7ff802/03 cheat description:Mario - 999 Max HP - code:7FF803:E7+7FF804:03 + code:7ff803/e7+7ff804/03 cheat description:Mario - Max Speed - code:7FF805:FF + code:7ff805/ff cheat description:Mario - Max Attack - code:7FF806:FF + code:7ff806/ff cheat description:Mario - Max Defense - code:7FF807:FF + code:7ff807/ff cheat description:Mario - Max Magic Attack - code:7FF808:FF + code:7ff808/ff cheat description:Mario - Max Magic Defense - code:7FF809:FF + code:7ff809/ff cheat description:Mario - Max Experience - code:7FF80A:0F+7FF80B:27 + code:7ff80a/0f+7ff80b/27 cheat description:Mario - Equipped Weapon - code:7FF80C:1C + code:7ff80c/1c cheat description:Mario - Equipped Armor - code:7FF80D:46 + code:7ff80d/46 cheat description:Mario - Equipped Accessory - code:7FF80E:5E + code:7ff80e/5e cheat description:Mario - Has all 'Correct' Spells - code:7FF810:3F + code:7ff810/3f cheat description:Mallow - Level 30 - code:7FF850:1E + code:7ff850/1e cheat description:Mallow - 999 HP - code:7FF851:E7+7FF852:03 + code:7ff851/e7+7ff852/03 cheat description:Mallow - 999 Max HP - code:7FF853:E7+7FF854:03 + code:7ff853/e7+7ff854/03 cheat description:Mallow - Max Speed - code:7FF855:FF + code:7ff855/ff cheat description:Mallow - Max Attack - code:7FF856:FF + code:7ff856/ff cheat description:Mallow - Max Defense - code:7FF857:FF + code:7ff857/ff cheat description:Mallow - Max Magic Attack - code:7FF858:FF + code:7ff858/ff cheat description:Mallow - Max Magic Defense - code:7FF859:FF + code:7ff859/ff cheat description:Mallow - Max Experience - code:7FF85A:0F+7FF85B:27 + code:7ff85a/0f+7ff85b/27 cheat description:Mallow - Equipped Weapon - code:7FF85C:20 + code:7ff85c/20 cheat description:Mallow - Equipped Armor - code:7FF85D:46 + code:7ff85d/46 cheat description:Mallow - Equipped Accessory - code:7FF85E:5E + code:7ff85e/5e cheat description:Mallow - has all 'correct' spells - code:7FF862:E0+7FF863:07 + code:7ff862/e0+7ff863/07 cheat description:Geno - Level 30 - code:7FF83C:1E + code:7ff83c/1e cheat description:Geno - 999 HP - code:7FF83D:E7+7FF83E:03 + code:7ff83d/e7+7ff83e/03 cheat description:Geno - 999 Max HP - code:7FF83F:E7+7FF840:03 + code:7ff83f/e7+7ff840/03 cheat description:Geno - Max Speed - code:7FF841:FF + code:7ff841/ff cheat description:Geno - Max Attack - code:7FF842:FF + code:7ff842/ff cheat description:Geno - Max Defense - code:7FF843:FF + code:7ff843/ff cheat description:Geno - Max Magic Attack - code:7FF844:FF + code:7ff844/ff cheat description:Geno - Max Magic Defense - code:7FF845:FF + code:7ff845/ff cheat description:Geno - Max Experience - code:7FF846:0F+7FF847:27 + code:7ff846/0f+7ff847/27 cheat description:Geno - Equipped Weapon - code:7FF848:1F + code:7ff848/1f cheat description:Geno - Equipped Armor - code:7FF849:46 + code:7ff849/46 cheat description:Geno - Equipped Accessory - code:7FF84A:5E + code:7ff84a/5e cheat description:Geno - Has all 'correct' spells - code:7FF84E:1F + code:7ff84e/1f cheat description:Bowser - Level 30 - code:7FF828:1E + code:7ff828/1e cheat description:Bowser - 999 HP - code:7FF829:E7+7FF82A:03 + code:7ff829/e7+7ff82a/03 cheat description:Bowser - 999 Max HP - code:7FF82B:E7+7FF82C:03 + code:7ff82b/e7+7ff82c/03 cheat description:Bowser - Max Speed - code:7FF82D:FF + code:7ff82d/ff cheat description:Bowser - Max Attack - code:7FF82E:FF + code:7ff82e/ff cheat description:Bowser - Max Defense - code:7FF82F:FF + code:7ff82f/ff cheat description:Bowser - Max Magic Attack - code:7FF830:FF + code:7ff830/ff cheat description:Bowser - Max Magic Defense - code:7FF831:FF + code:7ff831/ff cheat description:Bowser - Max Experience - code:7FF832:0F+7FF833:27 + code:7ff832/0f+7ff833/27 cheat description:Bowser - Equipped Weapon - code:7FF834:1E + code:7ff834/1e cheat description:Bowser - Equipped Armor - code:7FF835:46 + code:7ff835/46 cheat description:Bowser - Equipped Accessory - code:7FF836:5E + code:7ff836/5e cheat description:Bowser - Has all 'correct' spells - code:7FF839:F0 + code:7ff839/f0 cheat description:Princess - Level 30 - code:7FF814:1E + code:7ff814/1e cheat description:Princess - 999 HP - code:7FF815:E7+7FF816:03 + code:7ff815/e7+7ff816/03 cheat description:Princess - 999 Max HP - code:7FF817:E7+7FF818:03 + code:7ff817/e7+7ff818/03 cheat description:Princess - Max Speed - code:7FF819:FF + code:7ff819/ff cheat description:Princess - Max Attack - code:7FF81A:FF + code:7ff81a/ff cheat description:Princess - Max Defense - code:7FF81B:FF + code:7ff81b/ff cheat description:Princess - Max Magic Attack - code:7FF81C:FF + code:7ff81c/ff cheat description:Princess - Max Magic Defense - code:7FF81D:FF + code:7ff81d/ff cheat description:Princess - Max Experience - code:7FF81E:0F+7FF81F:27 + code:7ff81e/0f+7ff81f/27 cheat description:Princess - Equipped Weapon - code:7FF820:22 + code:7ff820/22 cheat description:Princess - Equipped Armor - code:7FF821:46 + code:7ff821/46 cheat description:Princess - Equipped Accessory - code:7FF822:5E + code:7ff822/5e cheat description:Princess - Has all 'correct' spells - code:7FF824:C0+7FF825:0F + code:7ff824/c0+7ff825/0f cartridge sha256:0838e531fe22c077528febe14cb3ff7c492f1f5fa8de354192bdff7137c27f5b name:Super Mario World (USA) cheat description:Start and stay invincible most of the time - code:DD32-6DAD + code:3be6d6/dd cheat - description:Invincibility for Yoshi - code:89E4-AFD9+89C6-D4DB + description:Invincibility - Yoshi + code:b5e62f/b5+46cf8b/b5 cheat - description:Infinite flying time for Yoshi - code:C2EC-0700 + description:Infinite flying time - Yoshi + code:01e1cd/cd cheat description:Infinite time (disable for puzzles that use the timer) - code:C264-64D7 + code:048e2b/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C222-D4DD + code:47d7db/cd cheat description:Cape hits anywhere - code:40BE-AD66 + code:b2b2e6/24 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:40C2-D7A6 + code:4ac3de/24 cheat description:Fireballs shoot straight - code:DDEA-6F07+DDB2-AFD8 + code:30eead/dd+b6bedf/dd cheat description:Fireballs turn most enemies into Flowers - code:59C4-0466 + code:02c12a/75 cheat description:Fireballs turn most enemies into 1-Up Mushrooms - code:56C4-0466 + code:02c12a/78 cheat description:Fireballs turn most enemies into Starmen - code:51C4-0466 + code:02c12a/76 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6D2E-0FDF + code:37ddef/8d cheat - description:Spin jump in mid air (hold for float down) - code:F53F-6767+DD3F-67A7 - cheat - description:Press R to scroll through items in the items box - code:17AF-6FD7+1DAF-6467+62AF-6FA7+A4AD-67A7+A4AD-67D7+A4AF-64D7+CBAF-6F07+D1AF-6D67+D2AD-6707+D2AF-6407+D2AF-6DD7+DFAF-6F67 + description:Spin jump in mid-air (hold to float down) + code:00eefe/f7+08eefe/dd cheat description:Low jump - code:D02C-AF6F + code:b3dece/d4 cheat description:Super-jump - code:D42C-AF6F + code:b3dece/d2 cheat description:Mega-jump - code:DF2C-AF6F + code:b3dece/df + cheat + description:Swim in every level + code:3be6a6/cb + cheat + description:Press R to scroll through items in the items box + code:34aeff/63+00aefa/6d+38aefe/8d+08aede/a2+04aedf/a2+04aefb/a2+30aefd/cb+30aef6/d6+00aedd/dd+00aef9/dd+34aef7/dd+30aefe/df cheat description:Little Yoshi grows after eating 1 enemy instead of 5 - code:DFCE-64A0 + code:09c2ea/df cheat description:Little Yoshi grows after eating 2 enemies - code:D4CE-64A0 + code:09c2ea/d2 cheat description:Little Yoshi grows after eating 3 enemies - code:D7CE-64A0 + code:09c2ea/d3 cheat description:Little Yoshi grows after eating 4 enemies - code:D0CE-64A0 - cheat - description:Nintendo's Debug - code:DDC1-64DD+DDC5-6DAD - cheat - description:Nintendo's Debug 2 - code:DDA6-DF07 + code:09c2ea/d4 cheat description:1-Up at 5 coins instead of 100 - code:D964-A7D7+D967-AFA7 + code:848e2f/d5+b88e3e/d5 cheat description:1-Up at 10 coins - code:DC64-A7D7+DC67-AFA7 + code:848e2f/dc+b88e3e/dc cheat description:1-Up at 20 coins - code:F064-A7D7+F067-AFA7 + code:848e2f/f4+b88e3e/f4 cheat description:1-Up at 50 coins - code:7464-A7D7+7467-AFA7 + code:848e2f/32+b88e3e/32 cheat description:1-Up at 1 dragon coin instead of 5 - code:D2E5-A7AD + code:8be67e/dd cheat description:Start as Super Mario - code:31B7-6F07 + code:30be3d/e6 cheat description:Start as Cape Mario - code:CBB7-6D67+D4B7-6DA7+3CB7-6FD7+69B7-6F07 + code:30be36/cb+38be36/d2+34be3f/ec+30be3d/85 cheat description:Start as Fire Mario - code:CBB7-6D67+D7B7-6DA7+3CB7-6FD7+69B7-6F07 + code:30be36/cb+38be36/d3+34be3f/ec+30be3d/85 cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 5 - code:DDB4-6F07 + code:30be2d/dd cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D6B4-6F07 + code:30be2d/d8 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:D3B4-6F07 + code:30be2d/de cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F6B4-6F07 + code:30be2d/f8 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7FB4-6F07 + code:30be2d/3f cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:14B4-6F07 + code:30be2d/62 + cheat + description:Nintendo's Debug + code:07c66b/dd+3bc676/dd + cheat + description:Nintendo's Debug 2 + code:70af8d/dd cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1497:FF + code:7e1497/ff cheat description:Invincibility (Starman) - code:7E1490:FF + code:7e1490/ff cheat description:Infinite P-Balloon time - code:7E1891:FF + code:7e1891/ff cheat description:Always Small Mario - code:7E0019:00 + code:7e0019/00 cheat description:Always Big Mario - code:7E0019:01 + code:7e0019/01 cheat description:Always Caped Mario - code:7E0019:02 + code:7e0019/02 cheat description:Always Fiery Mario - code:7E0019:03 + code:7e0019/03 cheat description:Always have Yoshi - code:7E0DC1:01 + code:7e0dc1/01 + cheat + description:Always have 100 bonus points + code:7e0f48/64 cheat description:Multi-jump and float down (disable in water and to get on Yoshi) - code:7E1471:01 + code:7e1471/01 cheat description:Activate green blocks (disable before entering the Green Switch Palace) - code:7E1F27:01 + code:7e1f27/01 cheat description:Activate yellow blocks (disable before entering the Yellow Switch Palace) - code:7E1F28:01 + code:7e1f28/01 cheat description:Activate red blocks (disable before entering the Red Switch Palace) - code:7E1F2A:01 + code:7e1f2a/01 cheat description:Activate blue blocks (disable before entering the Blue Switch Palace) - code:7E1F29:01 + code:7e1f29/01 cheat description:8000 points for each enemy stomped - code:7E1697:06 + code:7e1697/06 cheat description:Reznor already defeated in all four fortresses - code:7E1520:01+7E1521:01+7E1522:01+7E1523:01 + code:7e1520/01+7e1521/01+7e1522/01+7e1523/01 cartridge sha256:bd763c1a56365c244be92e6cffefd318780a2a19eda7d5baf1c6d5bd6c1b3e06 name:Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2EE-649F + code:07eee9/cd cheat description:All levels are completed with 100 points - code:CB69-006D+3069-00AD + code:138552/cb+1b8552/e4 cheat description:Always score 100 points - code:CB8A-64D5+108A-6405+3C8A-6465 + code:05beab/cb+01bea9/64+01beaa/ec cheat description:Power-ups don't get used up - code:1D26-AFA1 + code:b9da8e/6d cheat description:Mario's crying disabled - code:44A0-672B + code:06ae4f/22 cheat description:Horizontal one-way pinball doors open from both sides - code:6DB6-6F55 + code:3dbe8d/8d cheat description:Infinite lives/Start at Middle Ring (when you die) - code:C2EE-64BF + code:0feeea/cd cheat description:After using the magnifying glass, red coins and hidden items are always revealed - code:C2C8-A465 + code:81ceba/cd cheat description:Red switches stay on for over twice as long - code:D98A-AF7B + code:bebeac/d5 cheat description:Red switches stay on for over four times as long - code:DB8A-AF7B + code:bebeac/db cheat description:Red switches stay on for a very, very long time - code:5E8A-AF7B + code:bebeac/7e cheat description:Disable autoscroll - code:C220-D4D3 + code:47db4b/cd cheat description:Don't get crushed - code:18CB-D727 + code:44cfbf/6b cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6321-D7F6+C821-D796+1D21-D7B6+5421-DD26+1D21-DFF6+4B21-DF96+DD21-DFB6+6D21-DF26+ED21-D4F6+D921-D496+C421-D4B6+E821-D426 + code:4ed36f/8e+46d36d/cb+4ed36e/6d+76d367/72+7ed36f/6d+76d36d/2b+7ed36e/dd+76d36f/8d+4ed36b/ed+46d369/d5+4ed36a/c2+46d36b/eb cheat description:Star timer doesn't decrease when hit - code:7E0391:01+7E0392:00 + code:7e0391/01+7e0392/00 cheat description:Mario's crying disabled (alt) - code:06C64F:22 + code:06c64f/22 cheat description:Infinite red switch time - code:7E0CEC:66 + code:7e0cec/66 cheat description:Hold B to float - code:7E0945:00 + code:7e0945/00 cheat description:Unlock items in boss fights - code:7E0B48:00 + code:7e0b48/00 cheat description:Have Stars +10 - code:7E0357:01 + code:7e0357/01 cheat description:Have Stars +20 - code:7E0358:02 + code:7e0358/02 cheat description:Have POW Block - code:7E0359:03 + code:7e0359/03 cheat description:Have full Eggs - code:7E035A:04 + code:7e035a/04 cheat description:Have Magnifying Glass - code:7E035B:05 + code:7e035b/05 cheat description:Have Winged Cloud - code:7E035C:06 + code:7e035c/06 cheat description:Have Green Watermelon - code:7E035D:07 + code:7e035d/07 cheat description:Have Blue Watermelon - code:7E035E:08 + code:7e035e/08 cheat description:Have Red Watermelon - code:7E035F:09 + code:7e035f/09 cheat description:Have Pink Yoshi - code:7E0383:01 + code:7e0383/01 cheat description:Have Orange Yoshi - code:7E0383:02 + code:7e0383/02 cheat description:Have Light Blue Yoshi - code:7E0383:03 + code:7e0383/03 cheat description:Have Purple Yoshi - code:7E0383:04 + code:7e0383/04 cheat description:Have Brown Yoshi - code:7E0383:05 + code:7e0383/05 cheat description:Have Red Yoshi - code:7E0383:06 + code:7e0383/06 cheat description:Have Dark Blue Yoshi - code:7E0383:07 + code:7e0383/07 cheat description:Have Glow Red Yoshi - code:7E0383:08 + code:7e0383/08 cheat description:Have Shadow Yoshi - code:7E0383:09 + code:7e0383/09 cartridge sha256:9b4957466798bbdb5b43a450bbb60b2591ae81d95b891430f62d53ca62e8bc7b name:Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2EE-649F + code:07eee9/cd cheat description:Infinite lives and start at middle ring when you die - code:C2EE-64BF + code:0feeea/cd cheat description:All levels are completed with 100 points - code:CB69-006D+3069-00AD + code:138552/cb+1b8552/e4 cheat description:Always score 100 points - code:CB8A-64D5+108A-6405+3C8A-6465 + code:05beab/cb+01bea9/64+01beaa/ec cheat description:Power-ups don't get used up - code:1D26-AFA1 + code:b9da8e/6d cheat description:Mario's crying disabled - code:44A0-672B + code:06ae4f/22 cheat description:Horizontal one-way pinball doors open from both sides - code:6DB6-6F55 + code:3dbe8d/8d cheat description:After using the magnifying glass, red coins and hidden items are always revealed - code:C2C8-A465 + code:81ceba/cd cheat description:Red switches stay on for over twice as long - code:D98A-AF7B + code:bebeac/d5 cheat description:Red switches stay on for over four times as long - code:DB8A-AF7B + code:bebeac/db cheat description:Disable autoscroll - code:C220-D4D3 + code:47db4b/cd cheat description:Don't get crushed - code:18CB-D727 + code:44cfbf/6b cheat description:Multi-jump - code:6321-D7F6+C821-D796+1D21-D7B6+5421-DD26+1D21-DFF6+4B21-DF96+DD21-DFB6+6D21-DF26+ED21-D4F6+D921-D496+C421-D4B6+E821-D426 + code:4ed36f/8e+46d36d/cb+4ed36e/6d+76d367/72+7ed36f/6d+76d36d/2b+7ed36e/dd+76d36f/8d+4ed36b/ed+46d369/d5+4ed36a/c2+46d36b/eb cheat description:Continue with 5 lives - code:DC36-010D + code:13e589/dc cheat description:Continue with 10 lives - code:FB36-010D + code:13e589/fb cheat description:Continue with 25 lives - code:7436-010D + code:13e589/32 cheat description:Continue with 50 lives - code:1736-010D + code:13e589/63 cheat description:Continue with 99 lives - code:1736-010D + code:13e589/63 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D9B7-0023 + code:17b933/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DCB7-0023 + code:17b933/dc cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:FBB7-0023 + code:17b933/fb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:74B7-0023 + code:17b933/32 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:17B7-0023 + code:17b933/63 cheat description:Star timer doesn't decrease when hit - code:7E0391:01+7E0392:00 + code:7e0391/01+7e0392/00 cheat description:Hold B to float - code:7E0945:00 + code:7e0945/00 cheat description:Unlock items in boss fights - code:7E0B48:00 + code:7e0b48/00 cheat description:Infinite red switch time - code:7E0CEC:66 + code:7e0cec/66 cheat description:Mario's crying disabled (alt) - code:06C64F:22 + code:06c64f/22 cheat description:Have Stars +10 - code:7E0357:01 + code:7e0357/01 cheat description:Have Stars +20 - code:7E0358:02 + code:7e0358/02 cheat description:Have POW Block - code:7E0359:03 + code:7e0359/03 cheat description:Have full Eggs - code:7E035A:04 + code:7e035a/04 cheat description:Have Magnifying Glass - code:7E035B:05 + code:7e035b/05 cheat description:Have Winged Cloud - code:7E035C:06 + code:7e035c/06 cheat description:Have Green Watermelon - code:7E035D:07 + code:7e035d/07 cheat description:Have Blue Watermelon - code:7E035E:08 + code:7e035e/08 cheat description:Have Red Watermelon - code:7E035F:09 + code:7e035f/09 cheat description:Have Pink Yoshi - code:7E0383:01 + code:7e0383/01 cheat description:Have Orange Yoshi - code:7E0383:02 + code:7e0383/02 cheat description:Have Light Blue Yoshi - code:7E0383:03 + code:7e0383/03 cheat description:Have Purple Yoshi - code:7E0383:04 + code:7e0383/04 cheat description:Have Brown Yoshi - code:7E0383:05 + code:7e0383/05 cheat description:Have Red Yoshi - code:7E0383:06 + code:7e0383/06 cheat description:Have Dark Blue Yoshi - code:7E0383:07 + code:7e0383/07 cheat description:Have Glow Red Yoshi - code:7E0383:08 + code:7e0383/08 cheat description:Have Shadow Yoshi - code:7E0383:09 + code:7e0383/09 cartridge sha256:12b77c4bc9c1832cee8881244659065ee1d84c70c3d29e6eaf92e6798cc2ca72 name:Super Metroid (Japan, USA) (En,Ja) cheat description:Invincibility (except for acid and when bosses grab you) - code:DFFC-F37C + code:fff3c8/df cheat description:Infinite energy (except for acid) - code:C225-3005 + code:91df71/cd cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:C288-C5A7 + code:18bfbe/cd cheat description:Infinite Super Missiles - code:C28A-C9D7 + code:14bfa7/cd cheat description:Infinite Power Bombs - code:3CA4-450D + code:93a42d/ec cheat description:Infinite Power Bombs (alt) - code:17DA-9E8C + code:7fd1aa/63 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40C8-18DD+6DB1-3C6F+6DC2-1BDD + code:a7c5bf/24+b3bf62/8d+a7c5df/8d cheat description:Super-jumps don't drain energy - code:C22A-456D + code:93d4ae/cd cheat description:Enemies die on contact (Speed Booster effect) - code:6DC8-4CDF+6DCC-4BDF + code:b7ccb3/8d+a7cccf/8d cheat description:Skip intro and start on Planet Zebes on new game - code:DD38-C4A8 + code:0aefba/dd cheat description:Select area when loading saved game A (press right on map screen) - code:DDCF-4461+6DCC-47A1 + code:81c8fa/dd+89c8ce/8d cheat description:Switching areas fills the map - code:CE6B-1FAF+D76B-146F + code:bb8dbe/ce+838dba/d3 cheat description:Automatically collect secret and/or special items in current room (Missiles, Energy Tanks, ect) - code:402B-3DB7+402E-3FF7 + code:bcdfb6/24+bcdfef/24 cheat description:Can access Tourain from sunken statues room - code:AF24-FA7C+FE24-FA5C + code:efd328/af+efd329/fe cheat description:Full movement in Maridia sand - code:6D8F-14FF+DDBF-4504 + code:8fbdfb/8d+90b8fd/dd cheat description:Multi-jump (when using button A) - code:C933-C9A7+6333-C1D7+DC33-C107+BD33-C167+D033-C1A7+4433-C5D7+8A33-C507+B633-C567+BD33-C5A7 + code:18efe6/c5+14efeb/8e+10efe9/dc+10efea/bd+18efea/d4+14efef/22+10efed/ba+10efee/b8+18efee/bd cheat description:Multi-jump (when using button B) - code:C933-C9A7+6E33-C1D7+DC33-C107+BD33-C167+D033-C1A7+4433-C5D7+8A33-C507+B633-C567+BD33-C5A7 + code:18efe6/c5+14efeb/8e+10efe9/dc+10efea/bd+18efea/d4+14efef/22+10efed/ba+10efee/b8+18efee/bd cheat description:Metroids can be killed without being frozen first - code:403F-38DE+6D34-3BAE + code:a7ebff/24+abeb2e/8d + cheat + description:Display entire map + code:8abc7e/8d+8abcee/8d+838dce/cb cheat description:0 hours played - code:DDD0-FE6D + code:f3d74a/dd cheat description:Brinstar mapped - code:EE2D-935C + code:7fd1d9/ee cheat description:Crateria mapped - code:EE2D-937C + code:7fd1d8/ee cheat description:Maridia mapped - code:EE2D-9E7C + code:7fd1d8/ee cheat description:Norfair mapped - code:EE2D-938C + code:7fd1da/ee cheat description:Tourain mapped - code:EE2D-9E5C + code:7fd1d9/ee cheat description:Wrecked Ship mapped - code:EE2D-93EC + code:7bd1db/ee cheat description:Maximum 99 Power Bombs - code:17D2-9A7C + code:6fd1d8/63 cheat description:Maximum 99 Super Missiles - code:17DA-9E7C + code:7fd1a8/63 cheat description:Maximum Missiles=10 - code:DCD7-F26D + code:f3d736/dc cheat description:Maximum Missiles=100 - code:10D7-F26D + code:f3d736/64 cheat description:Maximum Missiles=125 - code:52D7-F26D + code:f3d736/7d cheat description:Maximum Missiles=150 - code:B1D7-F26D + code:f3d736/b6 cheat description:Maximum Missiles=175 - code:CED7-F26D + code:f3d736/ce cheat description:Maximum Missiles=200 - code:A6D7-F26D + code:f3d736/a8 cheat description:Maximum Missiles=25 - code:FBD7-F26D + code:f3d736/fb cheat description:Maximum Missiles=50 - code:74D7-F26D + code:f3d736/32 cheat description:Maximum Missiles=75 - code:08D7-F26D + code:f3d736/4b cheat description:Maximum Power Bombs=10 - code:DCD7-FE6D + code:f3d73a/dc cheat description:Maximum Power Bombs=25 - code:FBD7-FE6D + code:f3d73a/fb cheat description:Maximum Power Bombs=5 - code:D9D7-FE6D + code:f3d73a/d5 cheat description:Maximum Power Bombs=50 - code:74D7-FE6D + code:f3d73a/32 cheat description:Maximum Super Missiles=10 - code:DCD7-F36D + code:f3d73a/dc cheat description:Maximum Super Missiles=25 - code:FBD7-F36D + code:f3d73a/fb cheat description:Maximum Super Missiles=5 - code:D9D7-F36D + code:f3d73a/d5 cheat description:Maximum Super Missiles=50 - code:74D7-F36D + code:f3d73a/32 cheat description:Start with about 500 Energy Tanks on saved game A - code:E7D7-FAAD+DFD7-FA6D + code:ebd73a/e3+e3d73a/df cheat description:Start with about 700 Energy Tanks on saved game A - code:88D7-FAAD+D4D7-FA6D + code:ebd73a/bb+e3d73a/d2 cheat description:Start with about 1000 Energy Tanks on saved game A - code:35D7-FAAD+D7D7-FA6D + code:ebd73a/e7+e3d73a/d3 cheat description:Start with about 1200 Energy Tanks on saved game A - code:CED7-FAAD+D0D7-FA6D + code:ebd73a/ce+e3d73a/d4 cheat description:Start with about 1500 Energy Tanks on saved game A - code:28D7-FAAD+D9D7-FA6D + code:ebd73a/db+e3d73a/d5 cheat description:Invincibility (except for acid and when bosses grab you) (alt) - code:7E18A8:4C + code:7e18a8/4c cheat description:Infinite energy (can combine with invincibility code) - code:7E09C2:63 + code:7e09c2/63 cheat description:Kill most enemies on contact - code:7E0A6E:0F + code:7e0a6e/0f cheat description:Infinite Missiles (alt) - code:7E09C6:E7 + code:7e09c6/e7 cheat description:Infinite Missiles (alt 2) - code:7E09C6:E7+7E09C7:03 + code:7e09c6/e7+7e09c7/03 cheat description:Maximum 999 Missiles - code:7E09C8:E7+7E09C9:03 + code:7e09c8/e7+7e09c9/03 cheat description:Infinite Super Missiles (alt) - code:7E09CA:50 + code:7e09ca/50 cheat description:Infinite Power Bombs (alt) - code:7E09CE:50 + code:7e09ce/50 cheat description:Have all Guns except Charge Beam - code:7E09A8:FF + code:7e09a8/ff cheat description:Have Charge Beam - code:7E09A9:FF + code:7e09a9/ff cheat description:Have all suits and misc items (except Bombs) - code:7E09A4:FF + code:7e09a4/ff cheat description:Have all boots and regular Bombs - code:7E09A5:FF + code:7e09a5/ff cheat description:Have Missiles and Power Bombs - code:7E09CE:50 + code:7e09ce/50 cheat description:Infinite time to escape ship - code:7E0945:00+7E0946:00+7E0947:01 + code:7e0945/00+7e0946/00+7e0947/01 cheat description:Full movement in Maridia sand (alt) - code:84B518:80+90981D:00 + code:84b518/80+90981d/00 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:7E0B2D:44+7E0B2E:01 + code:7e0b2d/44+7e0b2e/01 cheat description:0 hours played (alt) - code:7E09E0:00 + code:7e09e0/00 cheat description:Brinstar mapped (alt) - code:7ED909:FF + code:7ed909/ff cheat description:Crateria mapped (alt) - code:7ED908:FF + code:7ed908/ff cheat description:Maridia mapped (alt) - code:7ED90C:FF + code:7ed90c/ff cheat description:Norfair mapped (alt) - code:EED9-936D + code:73d55a/ee cheat description:Tourian mapped (alt) - code:7ED90D:FF + code:7ed90d/ff cheat description:Wrecked Ship mapped (alt) - code:7ED90B:FF + code:7ed90b/ff cheat description:Start with Missiles - code:7E09C8:01 + code:7e09c8/01 cheat description:Start with Super Missiles - code:7E09CC:01 + code:7e09cc/01 cheat description:Start with Power Bombs - code:7E09D0:01 + code:7e09d0/01 cartridge sha256:40b46bb29785fb431b325f22377faa8b099be4d77aecc1f03000b8a4cb589b63 name:Super Ninja Boy (USA) cheat description:Protection from most hazards (makes some side-view enemies invincible) - code:822E-07B0 + code:0dd1ee/bd cheat description:Don't subtract money (must have enough to buy) - code:1DAF-D4D6 + code:46a3fb/6d cheat description:All stats are 20 (attack, defense, energy, max HP, max NP) - code:CB2F-A70C+3C2F-A7AC+F02F-A76C + code:83d2fd/cb+8bd2fe/ec+83d2fe/f4 cheat description:All stats for every level are 50 - code:CB2F-A70C+3C2F-A7AC+742F-A76C + code:83d2fd/cb+8bd2fe/ec+83d2fe/32 cheat description:All stats for every level are 100 - code:CB2F-A70C+3C2F-A7AC+102F-A76C + code:83d2fd/cb+8bd2fe/ec+83d2fe/64 cheat description:All stats for every level are 255 - code:CB2F-A70C+3C2F-A7AC+EE2F-A76C + code:83d2fd/cb+8bd2fe/ec+83d2fe/ee cheat description:1 experience point required for level 2 - code:DF24-A4AC + code:8bd22a/df cheat description:1 experience point required for level 3 - code:DF24-A76C + code:83d22e/df cheat description:1 experience point required for level 4 - code:DF27-AD0C + code:b3d235/df cheat description:1 experience point required for level 5 - code:DF27-AFDC + code:b7d23f/df cheat description:Don't subtract M's for ninja cyclone attack - code:DD61-D725 + code:458f6f/dd cheat description:Don't subtract M's for mighty balls attack - code:DDA5-0421 + code:05a97b/dd cheat description:Skulls subtract 2 M's - code:D437-6420 + code:05e23b/d2 cheat description:Skulls don't subtract an M - code:DD37-6420 + code:05e23b/dd cheat description:M power-ups worth nothing (handicap) - code:DD30-6720 + code:05e24f/dd cheat description:M power-ups worth 2 - code:D430-6720 + code:05e24f/d2 cheat description:M power-ups worth 3 - code:D730-6720 + code:05e24f/d3 cheat description:M power-ups worth 4 - code:D030-6720 + code:05e24f/d4 cheat description:M power-ups worth 5 - code:D930-6720 + code:05e24f/d5 cheat description:M power-ups set to 15 - code:F930-6720 + code:05e24f/f5 cheat description:Start with 250 cash - code:EC81-AF69 + code:b1b66e/ec cheat description:Start with 40,960 cash - code:6981-A4D9 + code:85b66b/85 cartridge sha256:a8acbbd6f8afbf289a6b837da6cd8bd109a00cd38625c956ab8ff739732d9e4f name:Super Nova (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:0A84-C4A7+7984-C7D7+8384-C707 + code:08bf2a/4a+04bf2f/35+00bf2d/be cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A268-4716 + code:8a80bd/ad cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DA9-1DA7+DD87-1D41+DDA5-4FD7 + code:b8ad56/8d+b9b934/dd+b4ac7f/dd cheat description:Keep main weapon after dying - code:C26C-4446 + code:8a80c8/cd cheat description:Start with strongest main weapon - code:62C4-1F46 + code:bac12c/8d cartridge sha256:24b687f95bb9737d223738f13c00aeaa7d697fa9e2fd50597b81d0cfa2160daa name:Super Off Road (USA) cheat description:Infinite nitros - code:D4B7-07AF+22B0-0FDF + code:0bbd3e/d2+37bd4f/dd cheat description:Infinite cash - P1 - code:2BCA-6707 + code:00cead/db cheat description:Infinite cash - P2 - code:2B84-DDDD + code:77b727/db cheat description:Start with $500,000 - code:D987-6D0F + code:33be35/d5 cheat description:Start with $900,000 - code:DB87-6D0F + code:33be35/db cartridge sha256:16f9c90d75bd23d0620be00ecf818fcb25c5935d4ee26b1fe17b926f8987aa65 name:Super Off Road - The Baja (USA) cheat description:Infinite nitros - code:3CA0-CD6F + code:33af46/ec cheat description:Indestructible engine - code:C283-34D7 + code:84bfeb/cd cheat description:Indestructible shocks - code:C28A-3D67 + code:b0bfa6/cd cheat description:Indestructible tires - code:C28C-3DD7 + code:b4bfc7/cd cheat description:Vehicle can take only about 60% damage - code:1D81-37D7 + code:84bf6f/6d cheat description:Vehicle can take only about 35% damage - code:7D81-37D7 + code:84bf6f/3d cheat description:$9,000 for brakes - code:DBB6-1FDF + code:b7bd8f/db cheat description:$2,000 for brakes - code:D4B6-1FDF + code:b7bd8f/d2 cheat description:$9,000 for tires - code:DBB6-1F6F + code:b3bd8e/db cheat description:$2,000 for tires - code:D4B6-1F6F + code:b3bd8e/d2 cheat description:$2,000 for shocks - code:D4B6-14DF + code:87bd8b/d2 cheat description:$9,000 for shocks - code:DBB6-14DF + code:87bd8b/db cheat description:$2,000 for lights - code:D4B6-146F + code:83bd8a/d2 cheat description:$9,000 for lights - code:DBB6-146F + code:83bd8a/db cheat description:$2,000 for engine - code:D4B6-17DF + code:87bd8f/d2 cheat description:$4,000 for engine - code:D0B6-17DF + code:87bd8f/d4 cartridge sha256:5a4b0c89606f71182fa5552ac476cc3bbda5ddc7d44e33f9184114aaea38020d name:Super Play Action Football (USA) cheat description:One timeout each team - code:DFB7-D4D7 + code:44bf3b/df cheat description:No timeouts - P1 - code:10B7-D407 + code:40bf39/64 cheat description:No timeouts - P2 - code:10B7-D4A7 + code:48bf3a/64 cheat description:Infinite time to select play - code:4067-6FDD + code:37863f/24 cheat description:Less time to select play - code:F367-6D0D + code:338635/fe cheat description:More time to select play - code:5D67-6D0D + code:338635/7d cartridge sha256:a3d803b8c6b0b6ac55085671040b840f993543915c7f802e14fb651beabe9b63 name:Super Punch-Out!! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health against most punches - code:C2A4-DFD4 + code:74ab2f/cd cheat description:Gain max health after connecting a hit - both players - code:D9AD-DDA4 + code:78abd6/d5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9E3-64DD + code:07e6eb/c5 cheat description:Opponent has no health - code:BAEC-D46D + code:43e7ca/ba cheat description:Most opponents stay down for the count - code:DFAB-AFDD + code:b7a6bf/df cheat description:Opponent does almost nothing - code:6D61-DFD0 + code:75836f/8d cheat description:Some special attacks don't damage as much - code:C2AB-DFDF + code:77afbf/cd cheat description:Super Punch anytime - code:DDA1-A767 + code:80ae6e/dd cheat description:Max power after one hit - code:CB34-AD07+F834-AD67+3C34-ADA7 + code:b0ee25/cb+b0ee26/fb+b8ee26/ec cheat description:Infinite rematches - code:C2B8-64A5 + code:09beba/cd cheat description:No rematches - code:DDB7-0704 + code:00b93d/dd cheat description:Fix game genied world circuit - code:CB84-DDA7+DD84-DFD7 + code:78bf26/cb+74bf2f/dd cheat description:Start with 5 rematches - code:D1B7-0704 + code:00b93d/d6 cheat description:Start with 8 rematches - code:DBB7-0704 + code:00b93d/db cheat description:Start with half health - both players - code:49BC-6F6F + code:33bece/25 cheat description:Start with very little health - both players - code:DFBC-6F6F + code:33bece/df cheat description:Start on world circuit - code:DB8A-D4A1+D48A-D7D1+3C8A-D701 + code:49bbaa/db+45bbaf/d2+41bbad/ec cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E088F:50+7E089F:50 + code:7e088f/50+7e089f/50 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0B27:03 + code:7e0b27/03 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E088F:50+7E089F:50 + code:7e088f/50+7e089f/50 cheat description:Opponent has no health (alt) - code:7E099F:01 + code:7e099f/01 cheat description:Always cause dizziness - code:7E0938:8F + code:7e0938/8f cheat description:All hits cause super dizziness - code:7E092B:B0 + code:7e092b/b0 cheat description:Max power (Super and Rapid Punch) - code:7E0899:00+7E089A:00+7E089B:00+7E089C:1B + code:7e0899/00+7e089a/00+7e089b/00+7e089c/1b cheat description:TKO after only one knockdown - code:7E099D:03 + code:7e099d/03 cartridge sha256:05c7f6461209020785fba33007e1830820aa44ada4b1a6f991d936bf2335b15b name:Super R-Type (USA) cheat description:Start with Invincibility (blinking) - code:82C2-DF61 + code:71cbde/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C7-6D0F + code:33ce35/cd cheat description:Infinite FORCE once obtained - code:C267-A4D9 + code:85863b/cd cheat description:One hit kills - code:6DBF-6F07 + code:30befd/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40B1-0467+40B5-04D7+40B5-07A7+40B5-0D07+40B6-0F67 + code:00bd6a/24+04bd7b/24+08bd7e/24+30bd75/24+30bd8e/24 cheat description:Always fire charged shots (hold B) - code:7287-0FD1+DD87-0D61 + code:35b93f/3d+31b936/dd cheat description:Spiral motion gun takes less time to power up - code:6D80-6DD1+DD80-6D01 + code:35ba47/8d+31ba45/dd cheat description:Spiral motion gun takes much less time to power up - code:DD80-6DA1 + code:39ba46/dd cheat description:Spiral motion gun can't get over-charged - code:6D84-6F01 + code:31ba2d/8d cheat description:All FORCE satellites have 1 unit of power (but can't exceed 1 unit) - code:DD68-6DDB+CB6C-67AB+7D68-6D6B + code:368eb7/dd+0a8ece/cb+328eb6/3d cheat description:All FORCE satellites have 2 units of power (but can't exceed 2 units) - code:DF68-6DDB+CB6C-67AB+7D68-6D6B + code:368eb7/df+0a8ece/cb+328eb6/3d cheat description:All FORCE satellites have 3 units of power - code:D468-6DDB+CB6C-67AB+7D68-6D6B + code:368eb7/d2+0a8ece/cb+328eb6/3d cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DF66-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/df+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:D466-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/d2+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:D066-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/d4+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D966-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/d5+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D566-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/d7+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB66-0F00+CB66-0FD0+DD66-0F60 + code:31818d/db+35818f/cb+31818e/dd cheat description:Continue with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DF6C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/df+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd cheat description:Continue with 2 lives - code:D46C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/d2+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd cheat description:Continue with 4 lives - code:D06C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/d4+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd cheat description:Continue with 5 lives - code:D96C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/d5+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd cheat description:Continue with 7 lives - code:D56C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/d7+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd cheat description:Continue with 9 lives - code:DB6C-A709+CB6C-A7D9+DD6C-A769 + code:8186cd/db+8586cf/cb+8186ce/dd + cheat + description:Stage select enabled (Pause, A+R+Select) + code:7e16f5/ff+7e16f6/ff cheat description:Start with Invincibility (blinking) (alt) - code:7E15BD:00 + code:7e15bd/00 cartridge sha256:7a8ffaf8bb549b400ec2f0bda9f3c0dbf5852c38618cdb21cd783c368383e2c7 name:Super Scope 6 (USA) cheat description:Add 1 bullets at a time (Blastris A) - code:DFC6-05D4 + code:14c98f/df cheat description:Add 3 bullets at a time (Blastris A) - code:D7C6-05D4 + code:14c98f/d3 cheat description:Add 5 bullets at a time (Blastris A) - code:D9C6-05D4 + code:14c98f/d5 cheat description:Add 7 bullets at a time (Blastris A) - code:D5C6-05D4 + code:14c98f/d7 cheat description:Add 9 bullets at a time (Blastris A) - code:DBC6-05D4 + code:14c98f/db cheat description:Infinite bullets (Blastris A) - code:C9C2-D16F + code:53cfda/c5 cheat description:Clear 1 line instead of 5 to advance to next level (Blastris A) - code:DFC9-056F + code:13cd5e/df cheat description:Clear 2 lines to advance to next level (Blastris A) - code:D4C9-056F + code:13cd5e/d2 cheat description:Clear 3 lines to advance to next level (Blastris A) - code:D7C9-056F + code:13cd5e/d3 cheat description:Clear 4 lines to advance to next level (Blastris A) - code:D0C9-056F + code:13cd5e/d4 cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 5 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:D968-D100 + code:5183b9/d5 cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 15 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:DE68-D100 + code:5183b9/de cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 25 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:FB68-D100 + code:5183b9/fb cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 30 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:F368-D100 + code:5183b9/fe cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 35 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:4768-D100 + code:5183b9/23 cheat description:Select low mode to start on level 40 (Blastris B, Type B) - code:4668-D100 + code:5183b9/28 cheat description:Clear stage after 1 Molian is hit (Mole Patrol, Stage Mode) - code:BAA6-01DD + code:17a58b/ba cheat description:Take no damage (LazerBlazer, Type A) - code:8262-64A1 + code:098ada/bd cheat description:Take no damage (LazerBlazer Game, Type B) - code:3CB0-670B + code:02be4d/ec cheat description:Take no damage (LazerBlazer Game, Type C) - code:C269-67DE + code:078a5f/cd cartridge sha256:72268d692f03f9c012844edac1febe0b77932268b3b37ad55d6ccf631cda8483 name:Super Shadow of the Beast (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C26F-0FA4+626E-DDA4+2D6D-0D64 + code:3889fe/cd+788be6/8d+3089d6/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:A964-0D04 + code:308925/a5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C964-0D04 + code:308925/c5 cheat description:Infinite credits - code:A965-046D + code:03857a/a5 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:C2B0-6D67+C26B-6FA7 + code:30be46/cd+388ebe/cd cartridge sha256:8b75ab4bb1b63c45a56e7a4c5a37c0864f14375ab3131edc33489764426ad888 name:Super Smash T.V. (USA) cheat description:Invincibility on mobile force field pick-up - code:6D65-6403+DF65-6463 + code:038a79/8d+038a7a/df cheat description:Weapons gauge doesn't lose power until you die (don't combine with don't lose weapon power code) - code:8283-67D7 + code:04beef/bd cheat description:Don't lose weapon power after death (don't combine with weapons gauge doesn't lose power code) - code:6DB8-D404+DFB8-D464 + code:40bbb9/8d+40bbba/df cheat description:Infinite credits (if continue timer runs out and player starts, a credit gets used) - code:C223-D78B + code:4edfee/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:82BB-DD04 + code:70bbb5/bd cheat description:Bonus life worth nothing - code:8284-AF03 + code:b3ba2d/bd cheat description:Join in with 2 lives - P1 - code:EEBF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/ee cheat description:Join in with 3 lives - P1 - code:DDBF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/dd cheat description:Join in with 4 lives - P1 - code:DFBF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/df cheat description:Join in with 5 lives - P1 - code:D4BF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/d2 cheat description:Join in with 7 lives - P1 - code:D0BF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/d4 cheat description:Join in with 8 lives - P1 - code:D9BF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/d5 cheat description:Join in with 9 lives - P1 - code:D1BF-D7A4 + code:48bbfe/d6 cheat description:2 lives after continue - P1 - code:EEB1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/ee cheat description:3 lives after continue - P1 - code:DDB1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/dd cheat description:4 lives after continue - P1 - code:DFB1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/df cheat description:5 lives after continue - P1 - code:D4B1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/d2 cheat description:7 lives after continue - P1 - code:D0B1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/d4 cheat description:8 lives after continue - P1 - code:D9B1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/d5 cheat description:9 lives after continue - P1 - code:D1B1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/d6 cheat description:10 lives after continue - P1 - code:D5B1-D7A4 + code:48bb6e/d7 cheat description:2 lives after continue - P2 - code:EEB0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/ee cheat description:3 lives after continue - P2 - code:DDB0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/dd cheat description:4 lives after continue - P2 - code:DFB0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/df cheat description:5 lives after continue - P2 - code:D4B0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/d2 cheat description:7 lives after continue - P2 - code:D0B0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/d4 cheat description:8 lives after continue - P2 - code:D9B0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/d5 cheat description:9 lives after continue - P2 - code:D1B0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/d6 cheat description:10 lives after continue - P2 - code:D5B0-DDA4 + code:78bb46/d7 cheat description:Start with 0 continues - code:DD62-0F0D + code:3385dd/dd cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DF62-0F0D + code:3385dd/df cheat description:Start with 2 continues - code:D462-0F0D + code:3385dd/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 continues - code:D762-0F0D + code:3385dd/d3 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D962-0F0D + code:3385dd/d5 cheat description:Start with 6 continues - code:D162-0F0D + code:3385dd/d6 cheat description:Start with 7 continues - code:D562-0F0D + code:3385dd/d7 cheat description:Start with 8 continues - code:D662-0F0D + code:3385dd/d8 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DB62-0F0D + code:3385dd/db cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:DD62-076D + code:0385de/dd cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:DF62-076D + code:0385de/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D462-076D + code:0385de/d2 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D062-076D + code:0385de/d4 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D962-076D + code:0385de/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D162-076D + code:0385de/d6 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:D562-076D + code:0385de/d7 cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:7E18A5:00 + code:7e18a5/00 cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:7E18A6:00 + code:7e18a6/00 cheat description:Infinite Shield - P1 - code:7E18A9:01 + code:7e18a9/01 cheat description:Infinite Shield - P2 - code:7E18AA:01 + code:7e18aa/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0531:09 + code:7e0531/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E0532:09 + code:7e0532/09 cheat description:Max weapon gauge - P1 - code:7E1899:06 + code:7e1899/06 cheat description:Max weapon gauge - P2 - code:7E189A:06 + code:7e189a/06 cheat description:Have Rapid Fire - P1 - code:7E18B0:04 + code:7e18b0/04 cheat description:Have Rapid Fire - P2 - code:7E18B1:04 + code:7e18b1/04 cheat description:Have normal weapon - P1 - code:7E1897:00 + code:7e1897/00 cheat description:Have normal weapon - P2 - code:7E1898:00 + code:7e1898/00 cheat description:Have Spread weapon - P1 - code:7E1897:01 + code:7e1897/01 cheat description:Have Spread weapon - P2 - code:7E1898:01 + code:7e1898/01 cheat description:Have Rockets - P1 - code:7E1897:02 + code:7e1897/02 cheat description:Have Rockets - P2 - code:7E1898:02 + code:7e1898/02 cheat description:Have Grenade Launcher - P1 - code:7E1897:03 + code:7e1897/03 cheat description:Have Grenade Launcher - P2 - code:7E1898:03 + code:7e1898/03 cheat description:Have Grenade Lobber (glitchy) - P1 - code:7E1897:04 + code:7e1897/04 cheat description:Have Grenade Lobber (glitchy) - P2 - code:7E1898:04 + code:7e1898/04 cheat description:Have Speed Shoes - P1 - code:7E18AD:FF + code:7e18ad/ff cheat description:Have Speed Shoes - P2 - code:7E18AE:FA + code:7e18ae/fa cheat description:Have 10 Keys - code:7E05B1:0A + code:7e05b1/0a cheat description:Turbo mode on - code:7E052E:01 + code:7e052e/01 cheat description:Circuit warp on - code:7E020E:01 + code:7e020e/01 cheat description:Infinite credits (alt) - code:7E0533:09 + code:7e0533/09 cartridge sha256:694ad2b34ab808bd8a1aa9dda359594cfd3a5fd9d95d4cf262ccaa0eb57eef67 name:Super Soccer (USA) cheat description:Each goal worth 2 - P1 - code:FC2A-0F65+3C2A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/fc+39ddae/ec cheat description:Each goal worth 3 - P1 - code:FC2A-0F65+FC2A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/fc+39ddae/fc cheat description:Each goal worth 4 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D72A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d3 cheat description:Each goal worth 5 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D02A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d4 cheat description:Each goal worth 6 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D92A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d5 cheat description:Each goal worth 7 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D12A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d6 cheat description:Each goal worth 8 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D52A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d7 cheat description:Each goal worth 9 - P1 - code:1B2A-0F65+D62A-0FA5 + code:31ddae/6b+39ddae/d8 cheat description:Each goal worth 2 - P2 - code:FC22-0465+3C22-04A5 + code:01ddda/fc+09ddda/ec cheat description:Each goal worth 3 - P2 - code:FC22-0465+FC22-04A5 + code:01ddda/fc+09ddda/fc cheat description:Each goal worth 4 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D722-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d3 cheat description:Each goal worth 5 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D022-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d4 cheat description:Each goal worth 6 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D922-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d5 cheat description:Each goal worth 7 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D122-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d6 cheat description:Each goal worth 8 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D522-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d7 cheat description:Each goal worth 9 - P2 - code:1B22-0465+D622-04A5 + code:01ddda/6b+09ddda/d8 cheat description:Timer continues to count when it is normally stopped (pause can still stop time) - code:DDA6-0DD1 + code:35a987/dd cartridge sha256:5eb9736d66b3ac730ebbfdd19ef2397282b5f1a62dc0048093e041e23b807741 name:Super Soccer Champ (USA) cheat description:Faster timer - code:F32B-D400 + code:41d3b9/fe cheat description:Slower timer - code:5D2B-D400 + code:41d3b9/7d cheat description:Faster Brazil strikers - code:D4E7-6DEF + code:3bee37/d2 cheat description:Faster USA strikers - code:D4E0-6DEF + code:3bee47/d2 cheat description:Faster England strikers - code:D4ED-6DEF + code:3beed7/d2 cheat description:Faster Germany strikers - code:D4E3-0DEF + code:3bede7/d2 cheat description:Faster Italy strikers - code:D4EF-6DEF + code:3beef7/d2 cheat description:Faster Holland strikers - code:D4E4-6DEF + code:3bee27/d2 cheat description:Faster Argentina strikers - code:D4EE-0DEF + code:3bede7/d2 cheat description:Faster France strikers - code:D4E9-6DEF + code:3bee57/d2 cartridge sha256:5985cdad45958a5b8c5967ad39efe51569f560bf237a4e9864f21111082a8500 name:Super Solitaire (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Move cards to any pile - Klondike - code:6D8C-476F+DD8A-34AD+DD88-3D0D + code:83bcce/8d+8bb7aa/dd+b3b7b5/dd cheat description:Move cards to any pile - Free Cell - code:6D8F-44A4 + code:88b8fa/8d cartridge sha256:5670ad514d086359e28f41d79a05ae93309b382d6d56d42a6a0e493e6107111b name:Super Soukoban (Japan) cheat description:Infinite steps - code:C2CC-64AB + code:0aceca/cd cheat description:Walk through walls - code:DD88-D4A6+DD88-D706 + code:4ab3ba/dd+42b3bd/dd cartridge sha256:298b643fec4208f33d02a7afbb05c6f757b0086be533f8ca739466cbe96ae918 name:Super Star Wars (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Protection against most damage - code:1D34-C704 + code:00eb2d/6d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C232-14D4+CB6C-3767 + code:84e9db/cd+808fce/cb cheat description:Infinite continues - code:4A21-14D5 + code:85dd6b/2a cheat description:Blaster power-ups remain after dying - code:553A-1764 + code:80e9ae/77 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Side-scrolling levels - code:1D89-1407+2D89-14D7+AD89-1F07+DD81-1DA7+DD89-1F67+DD89-1FA7 + code:80bd59/6d+84bd5b/dd+b0bd5d/ad+b8bd66/dd+b0bd5e/dd+b8bd5e/dd cheat description:Invincibility + hit anywhere - code:3DCC-1DAF+7DCC-1F6F+DDCC-1F0F+F2CC-1FDF + code:bbcdc6/ed+b3cdce/3d+b3cdcd/dd+b7cdcf/fd cheat description:Only 1 Jawa needed to pass landspeeder levels - code:DF67-4FAF+DF60-4D6F + code:bb8c3e/df+b38c46/df cheat description:Only 5 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels - code:D967-4FAF+D960-4D6F + code:bb8c3e/d5+b38c46/d5 cheat description:Only 10 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels - code:DC67-4FAF+DC60-4D6F + code:bb8c3e/dc+b38c46/dc cheat description:25 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels - code:FB67-4FAF+FB60-4D6F + code:bb8c3e/fb+b38c46/fb cheat description:50 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels - code:7467-4FAF+7460-4D6F + code:bb8c3e/32+b38c46/32 cheat description:No fuel maximum for fuel power-ups - code:6DA5-4D04 + code:b0a875/8d cheat description:Fuel power-ups completely refill the landspeeder - code:40A1-47D4 + code:84a86f/24 cheat description:Small hearts restore 1/2 health (easy level) - code:D43B-CF00 + code:31e3bd/d2 cheat description:Small hearts restore 1/2 health (brave level) - code:DF3B-CFA0 + code:39e3be/df cheat description:Small hearts restore 1/2 health (Jedi level) - code:DF3B-C400 + code:01e3b9/df cheat description:Small hearts restore 2x health (easy level) - code:D13B-CF00 + code:31e3bd/d6 cheat description:Small hearts restore 2x health (brave level) - code:D03B-CFA0 + code:39e3be/d4 cheat description:Small hearts restore 2x health (Jedi level) - code:D03B-C400 + code:01e3b9/d4 cheat description:Small hearts restore 4x health (easy level) - code:DA3B-CF00 + code:31e3bd/da cheat description:Small hearts restore 4x health (brave level) - code:D63B-CFA0 + code:39e3be/d8 cheat description:Small hearts restore 4x health (Jedi level) - code:D63B-C400 + code:01e3b9/d8 cheat description:Han Solo and Chewbacca start with a blaster - code:DD88-37A5 + code:89bfbe/dd cheat description:Han Solo and Chewbacca start with a seeker gun - code:D488-37A5 + code:89bfbe/d2 cheat description:Han Solo and Chewbacca start with a rapid ion gun - code:D788-37A5 + code:89bfbe/d3 cheat description:Han Solo and Chewbacca start with a plasma gun - code:D088-37A5 + code:89bfbe/d4 cheat description:Have character select menu on a new game - code:DDB9-CF67 + code:30bf5e/dd cheat description:Have Lightsaber on a new game - code:DDB0-C767 + code:00bf4e/dd cheat description:Start with 1/2 fuel on landspeeder levels - code:F467-4D0F + code:b38c35/f2 cheat description:Start with 2x fuel on landspeeder levels - code:0667-4D0F + code:b38c35/48 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DF35-CDA0 + code:39e376/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D935-CDA0 + code:39e376/d5 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:D535-CDA0 + code:39e376/d7 cheat description:Start with 11 lives - code:DC35-CDA0 + code:39e376/dc cheat description:Start with 16 lives - code:DE35-CDA0 + code:39e376/de cheat description:Start with 26 lives - code:FB35-CDA0 + code:39e376/fb cheat description:Start with 51 lives - code:7435-CDA0 + code:39e376/32 cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:1735-CDA0 + code:39e376/63 cheat description:Start with no continues - code:DD3B-C760 + code:01e3be/dd cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D93B-C760 + code:01e3be/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 continues - code:D53B-C760 + code:01e3be/d7 cheat description:Start with 10 continues - code:DC3B-C760 + code:01e3be/dc cheat description:Start with 15 continues - code:DE3B-C760 + code:01e3be/de cheat description:Start with 25 continues - code:FB3B-C760 + code:01e3be/fb cheat description:Start with 50 continues - code:743B-C760 + code:01e3be/32 cheat description:Start with 99 continues - code:173B-C760 + code:01e3be/63 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (easy level) - code:F435-CFA0 + code:39e37e/f2 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (brave level) - code:FD35-C400 + code:01e379/fd cheat description:Start with 1/2 health (Jedi level) - code:D335-C4A0 + code:09e37a/de cheat description:Start with 2x health (easy level) - code:0635-CFA0 + code:39e37e/48 cheat description:Start with 2x health (brave level) - code:0D35-C400 + code:01e379/4d cheat description:Start with 2x health (Jedi level) - code:7635-C4A0 + code:09e37a/38 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0A79:FF + code:7e0a79/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E096F:0F + code:7e096f/0f cheat description:Infinite Shields - code:7E0988:01 + code:7e0988/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E08FB:03 + code:7e08fb/03 cheat description:Infinite Thermal Detonators - code:7E0978:06 + code:7e0978/06 cheat description:Infinite Fighter Life - code:7E0876:64 + code:7e0876/64 cheat description:Infinite Torpedoes - code:7E0878:63 + code:7e0878/63 cheat description:Always have Plasma Gun - code:7E0985:04 + code:7e0985/04 cheat description:Always have Rapid Ion - code:7E0985:03 + code:7e0985/03 cheat description:Always have Seeker Gun - code:7E0985:02 + code:7e0985/02 cheat description:Have Lightsaber and character select menu on a new game - code:7E0110:C0 + code:7e0110/c0 cartridge sha256:c6bd7239cb2074ff1c471d14535bead6290bba2d7c75b4f03209cb114877b4c8 name:Super Star Wars (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - Side-scrolling levels - code:1D8B-1467+2D8B-1407+AD8B-1F67+DD8B-14D7+DD8B-1FA7+DD8C-1FD7 + code:80bdba/6d+80bdb9/dd+b0bdbe/ad+84bdbb/dd+b8bdbe/dd+b4bdcf/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0A79:FF + code:7e0a79/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E096F:0F + code:7e096f/0f cheat description:Infinite Shields - code:7E0988:01 + code:7e0988/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E08FB:03 + code:7e08fb/03 cheat description:Infinite Thermal Detonators - code:7E0978:06 + code:7e0978/06 cheat description:Infinite Fighter Life - code:7E0876:64 + code:7e0876/64 cheat description:Infinite Torpedoes - code:7E0878:63 + code:7e0878/63 cheat description:Always have Plasma Gun - code:7E0985:04 + code:7e0985/04 cheat description:Always have Rapid Ion - code:7E0985:03 + code:7e0985/03 cheat description:Always have Seeker Gun - code:7E0985:02 + code:7e0985/02 cheat description:Have Lightsaber and character select menu on a new game - code:7E0110:C0 + code:7e0110/c0 cartridge sha256:f7df5cd16ce6624567d1a24e9b9c0b9050ea9b6a9fe5a7973484589637756596 name:Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C230-CF0F + code:33ef4d/cd cheat description:Infinite Force power when you use the Force Saber - code:C234-34AA + code:8aeb2a/cd cheat description:Always have shield - code:CB6E-4704 + code:8088ed/cb cheat description:Once you have thermal detonator you keep it (disable to use force power) - code:C222-3769 + code:81d7de/cd cheat description:Infinite Force power when you use the Freeze Force - code:C281-3DB9 + code:bdb766/cd cheat description:Finish the first level almost instantly - code:1BBD-C703+EEBD-C763+EEBD-C7A3 + code:03bbdd/6b+03bbde/ee+0bbbde/ee cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD82-C7B1 + code:0dbbde/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D082-C7B1 + code:0dbbde/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB82-C7B1 + code:0dbbde/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F682-C7B1 + code:0dbbde/f8 cheat description:Start with very little health - code:CB8E-3D21+DF8E-3FF1+DD8E-3F91 + code:b5bbe7/cb+bdbbef/df+b5bbed/dd cheat description:Start with about 1/4 health - code:CB8E-3D21+DE8E-3FF1+DD8E-3F91 + code:b5bbe7/cb+bdbbef/de+b5bbed/dd cheat description:Start with about 1/2 health - code:CB8E-3D21+FD8E-3FF1+DD8E-3F91 + code:b5bbe7/cb+bdbbef/fd+b5bbed/dd cheat description:Start with about 3/4 health - code:CB8E-3D21+FE8E-3FF1+DD8E-3F91 + code:b5bbe7/cb+bdbbef/fe+b5bbed/dd cartridge sha256:46370b3bd6ff9ee04c425eef0f482f521f3b61bd4b058f2f4e9d322253d7b5de name:Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Almost invincible - except spikes (works for enemy too) - code:483F-376F + code:83effe/2b cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C238-C70F + code:03efbd/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C229-4DD1 + code:b5d857/cd cheat description:Infinite thermal detonators - code:6DE9-47AF + code:8bec5e/8d cheat description:Elevation and Freeze don't drain force bar - code:C229-14F9 + code:8dd55b/cd cheat description:Saber control doesn't drain force bar - code:DDCC-1DDA + code:b6c9c7/dd cheat description:Mind control, Slow, Deflect and Invisible don't drain force bar - code:C22F-C7F9 + code:0dd7ff/cd cheat description:Keep gun power-ups after dying - code:C238-CD6F + code:33efb6/cd cheat description:Shield power-ups don't last as long - code:DD81-3DD4 + code:b4bb67/dd cheat description:Shield power-ups last longer - code:D481-3DD4 + code:b4bb67/d2 cheat description:Shield power-ups last much longer - code:D781-3DD4 + code:b4bb67/d3 cheat description:Shield power-ups last a very long time - code:DE81-3DD4 + code:b4bb67/de cheat description:Health sword power-ups add 1/2 as much - code:D484-37A4 + code:88bb2e/d2 cheat description:Health sword power-ups add 2x as much - code:D684-37A4 + code:88bb2e/d8 cheat description:Health sword power-ups add 4x as much - code:FD84-37A4 + code:88bb2e/fd cheat description:Force orbs add 1/2 as much - code:F68B-3764 + code:80bbbe/f8 cheat description:Force orbs add 2x as much - code:1D8B-3764 + code:80bbbe/6d cheat description:Force orbs fill force bar - code:EE8B-3764 + code:80bbbe/ee cheat description:Small hearts heal less on Easy - code:DF2B-C465 + code:01dfba/df cheat description:Small hearts heal 2x as much on Easy - code:D12B-C465 + code:01dfba/d6 cheat description:Small hearts heal 4x as much on Easy - code:DA2B-C465 + code:01dfba/da cheat description:Small hearts heal very much on Easy - code:4D2B-C465 + code:01dfba/2d cheat description:Small hearts heal completely on Easy - code:002B-C465 + code:01dfba/44 cheat description:Small hearts heal less on Brave level - code:DF2B-C7D5 + code:05dfbf/df cheat description:Small hearts heal 2x as much on Brave - code:D02B-C7D5 + code:05dfbf/d4 cheat description:Small hearts heal 4x as much on Brave - code:D62B-C7D5 + code:05dfbf/d8 cheat description:Small hearts heal very much on Brave - code:4D2B-C7D5 + code:05dfbf/2d cheat description:Small hearts heal completely on Brave - code:002B-C7D5 + code:05dfbf/44 cheat description:Small hearts heal less on Jedi level - code:DF2B-C765 + code:01dfbe/df cheat description:Small hearts heal 2x as much on Jedi - code:D02B-C765 + code:01dfbe/d4 cheat description:Small hearts heal 4x as much on Jedi - code:D62B-C765 + code:01dfbe/d8 cheat description:Small hearts heal very much on Jedi - code:4D2B-C765 + code:01dfbe/2d cheat description:Small hearts heal completely on Jedi - code:002B-C765 + code:01dfbe/44 cheat description:Big hearts heal 1/2 your health instead of 1/4 - code:3C8D-3D04 + code:b0bbd5/ec cheat description:Big hearts heal completely - code:DC8D-3D04 + code:b0bbd5/dc cheat description:Continue with 2 lives on Easy - code:DF21-C465 + code:01df6a/df cheat description:Continue with 6 lives on Easy - code:D921-C465 + code:01df6a/d5 cheat description:Continue with 21 lives on Easy - code:F021-C465 + code:01df6a/f4 cheat description:Continue with 51 lives on Easy - code:7421-C465 + code:01df6a/32 cheat description:Continue with 2 lives on Jedi - code:DF21-C765 + code:01df6e/df cheat description:Continue with 6 lives on Jedi - code:D921-C765 + code:01df6e/d5 cheat description:Continue with 21 lives on Jedi - code:F021-C765 + code:01df6e/f4 cheat description:Continue with 100 lives on Jedi - code:1721-C765 + code:01df6e/63 cheat description:Tauntaun starts with 1/2 usual health - code:4D20-CF2F + code:37df4f/2d cheat description:Tauntaun starts with 3/4 usual health - code:7D20-CF2F + code:37df4f/3d cheat description:Tauntaun starts with a little more health than usual - code:0020-CF2F + code:37df4f/44 cheat description:Start with all force abilities - code:6D23-47F9 + code:8dd4ef/8d cheat description:Start with Flame gun - 1st life only - code:622C-47D0 + code:85d0cf/8d cheat description:Start with 2 lives on Brave - code:DF21-C7D5 + code:05df6f/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives on Brave - code:D921-C7D5 + code:05df6f/d5 cheat description:Start with 21 lives on Brave - code:F021-C7D5 + code:05df6f/f4 cheat description:Start with 100 lives on Brave - code:1721-C7D5 + code:05df6f/63 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:DF2C-CDA5 + code:39dfc6/df cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D92C-CDA5 + code:39dfc6/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:DB2C-CDA5 + code:39dfc6/db cheat description:Start with 1/2 as much health on Easy - code:F425-CDD5 + code:35df77/f2 cheat description:Start with 3/4 as much health on Easy - code:F625-CDD5 + code:35df77/f8 cheat description:Start with more health on Easy - code:4C25-CDD5 + code:35df77/2c cheat description:Start with much more health on Easy - code:7D25-CDD5 + code:35df77/3d cheat description:Start with maximum health on Easy - code:0025-CDD5 + code:35df77/44 cheat description:Start with 1/2 as much health on Brave - code:FD25-CD65 + code:31df76/fd cheat description:Start with 3/4 as much health on Brave - code:F625-CD65 + code:31df76/f8 cheat description:Start with more health on Brave - code:4C25-CD65 + code:31df76/2c cheat description:Start with much more health on Brave - code:7D25-CD65 + code:31df76/3d cheat description:Start with maximum health on Brave - code:0025-CD65 + code:31df76/44 cheat description:Start with half as much health on Jedi - code:D325-CFD5 + code:35df7f/de cheat description:Start with 3/4 as much health on Jedi - code:F925-CFD5 + code:35df7f/f5 cheat description:Start with no continues - code:DD2C-CDA5 + code:39dfc6/dd cheat description:Start on level 1-2 - code:D469-1707 + code:808d5d/d2 cheat description:Start on level 1-3 - code:D169-1707 + code:808d5d/d6 cheat description:Start on level 1-4 - code:D769-1707 + code:808d5d/d3 cheat description:Start on level 1-5 - code:D969-1707 + code:808d5d/d5 cheat description:Start on level 1-6 - code:D069-1707 + code:808d5d/d4 cheat description:Start on level 1-7 - code:DB69-1707 + code:808d5d/db cheat description:Start on level 1-8 - code:F969-1707 + code:808d5d/f5 cheat description:Start on level 1-10 - code:D569-1707 + code:808d5d/d7 cheat description:Start on Hoth 3D level - code:D369-17D7+DC69-1707 + code:848d5f/de+808d5d/dc cheat description:Start on level 1-11 - code:D669-1707 + code:808d5d/d8 cheat description:Start on Asteroids level - code:F469-17D7+DD69-1707 + code:848d5f/f2+808d5d/dd cheat description:Start on level 3-1 - code:DA69-1707 + code:808d5d/da cheat description:Start on level 3-2 - code:D269-1707 + code:808d5d/dd cheat description:Start on level 3-3 - code:D369-1707 + code:808d5d/de cheat description:Start on Cloud City 3D level - code:D369-17D7+FC69-1707 + code:848d5f/de+808d5d/fc cheat description:Start on level 4-2 - code:DE69-1707 + code:808d5d/de cheat description:Start on level 4-3 - code:F769-1707 + code:808d5d/f3 cheat description:Start on level 4-4 - code:F469-1707 + code:808d5d/f2 cheat description:Start on level 4-5 - code:FD69-1707 + code:808d5d/fd cheat description:Start on level 4-6 - code:F569-1707 + code:808d5d/f7 cheat description:Start on level 4-7 - code:F669-1707 + code:808d5d/f8 cheat description:Start on Darth Vader level - code:F169-1707 + code:808d5d/f6 cartridge sha256:d17cb5c73174060fcbd9cba6c705643f19c3b8be24d0f7ee43aee674ff1ea38e name:Super Street Fighter II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except against throws, projectiles don't work) - P1 - code:6D9C-8D67+DF9C-8DA7+6DA1-8FD5+D4A1-8F05+6DAF-7405+D4AF-7465 + code:f05ec6/8d+f85ec6/df+f5ae6f/8d+f1ae6d/d2+c1acf9/8d+c1acfa/d2 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:CB96-7DDD+8D96-7D0D+6296-7D6D+7F96-7DAD+D996-7FDD + code:f75487/cb+f35485/bd+f35486/8d+fb5486/3f+f7548f/d5 cheat description:Don't take damage except from throws or grabs - both players - code:3C10-7467+3C10-74A7 + code:c06c4a/ec+c86c4a/ec cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P1 - code:3D1D-5DDF+8D1D-5DAF+0D1D-5D0F+D51D-5D6F + code:f76dd7/ed+fb6dd6/bd+f36dd5/4d+f36dd6/d7 cheat description:1st normal hit wins - except throws or grabs - code:DD10-7707 + code:c06c4d/dd cheat description:No charging required for some special moves - code:D002-EDD5 + code:b54fd7/d4 cheat description:Some special moves can be done in the air - code:DD47-8DD1 + code:f52a37/dd cheat description:Dizziness doesn't last - code:1077-7F61 + code:f1383e/64 cheat description:Every hit sets opponent on fire - code:CB17-8FAD+7D17-84DD + code:fb663e/cb+c7663b/3d cheat description:Every hit sets the opponent on fire and knocks him down - code:CB17-8FAD+F617-84DD + code:fb663e/cb+c7663b/f8 cheat description:Every hit zaps the opponent and knocks him down - code:CB17-8FAD+FC17-84DD + code:fb663e/cb+c7663b/fc cheat description:Every hit knocks the opponent down - code:CB17-8FAD+FA17-84DD + code:fb663e/cb+c7663b/fa cheat description:Every hit is a "hard hit" - opponent almost never gets knocked down - code:CB17-8FAD+DC17-84DD + code:fb663e/cb+c7663b/dc cheat description:Players jump slower (not functional for CPU) - code:CB79-EF61+D579-EFA1 + code:b13b5e/cb+b93b5e/d7 cheat description:Players jump faster (not functional for CPU) - code:CB79-EF61+D879-EFA1 + code:b13b5e/cb+b93b5e/db cheat description:Each battle lasts only 1 round - code:DF81-E404 + code:80bb69/df cheat description:Speed up timer - code:FE0C-7FDD + code:f744cf/fe cheat description:Slow down timer - code:9C0C-7FDD + code:f744cf/5c cheat description:P2 starts right in front of P1 - code:F122-E760 + code:81d3de/f6 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - both players - code:4A9C-7FDF + code:f75ccf/2a cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - both players - code:969C-7FDF + code:f75ccf/58 cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - both players - code:609C-7FDF + code:f75ccf/84 cheat description:Balrog - Fierce charging punch, does heavy damage - code:6E6A-EF90 + code:b583ad/8e cheat description:Balrog - Roundhouse charging uppercut, does heavy damage - code:6E62-E790 + code:8583dd/8e cheat description:Balrog - Fierce shoulder butt, does heavy damage - code:6E69-5799 + code:c5855d/8e cheat description:Balrog - Faster turn punch - roundhouse - code:D18C-74D5 + code:c5bccb/d6 cheat description:Balrog - Superfast turn punch - roundhouse - code:DB8C-74D5 + code:c5bccb/db cheat description:Blanka - Fierce forward ball, does heavy damage - code:6E1C-E720 + code:8563cf/8e cheat description:Blanka - Beast leap, does heavy damage - code:6E1B-7D29 + code:f564b7/8e cheat description:Blanka - Jab zap, does heavy damage - code:6E15-ED20 + code:b56377/8e cheat description:Cammy - Fierce spin knuckle, does heavy damage - code:6EB3-5F20 + code:f5b1ef/8e cheat description:Cammy - Roundhouse front kick, does heavy damage - code:6EBB-5720 + code:c5b1bf/8e cheat description:Cammy - Roundhouse cannon drill, from far away, does heavy damage - code:6EBF-5420 + code:c5b1fb/8e cheat description:Cammy - Erratic cannon drill - code:D1BE-E7A0 + code:89b3ee/d6 cheat description:Cammy - Superfast cannon drill - code:DDBE-E760 + code:81b3ee/dd cheat description:Cammy - Superfast front kick - fierce - code:D620-17FA + code:8ed94f/d8 cheat description:Cammy - Superfast front kick - strong - code:D620-149A + code:86d949/d8 cheat description:Cammy - Superfast front kick - jab - code:D620-14FA + code:8ed94b/d8 cheat description:Chun-Li - Fierce fireball, does heavy damage - code:6E5D-7D20 + code:f570d7/8e cheat description:Chun-Li - Down step, does heavy damage - code:DE10-5425 + code:c56d4b/de cheat description:Chun-Li - Short lightning kick, does heavy damage - code:6E11-8425 + code:c56e6b/8e cheat description:Chun Li - Faster whirlwind kick - roundhouse - code:D15E-8F60 + code:f172ee/d6 cheat description:Chun Li - Superfast whirlwind kick - roundhouse - code:DB5E-8F60 + code:f172ee/db cheat description:Dee Jay - Fierce hyper fist (1st hit), does heavy damage - code:6EC5-EF99 + code:b5c77d/8e cheat description:Dee Jay - Fierce Max Out, does heavy damage - code:6ECF-7D91 + code:f5c8f5/8e cheat description:Dee Jay - Roundhouse dread kick, does heavy damage - code:6EC3-8F99 + code:f5c6ed/8e cheat description:Dee Jay - Dread kick is faster - fierce - code:DB23-179A + code:86d9ed/db cheat description:Dee Jay - Dread kick is faster - strong - code:DB23-1F9A + code:b6d9ed/db cheat description:Dhalsim - Yoga spear, does heavy damage - code:DE5E-8729 + code:c576ef/de cheat description:Dhalsim - Strong yoga flame (solid hit), does heavy damage - code:6E5E-E429 + code:8577eb/8e cheat description:Dhalsim - Fierce yoga fire, does heavy damage - code:6E58-E729 + code:8577bf/8e cheat description:E Honda - Jab hundred-hand slap, does heavy damage - code:6E99-8795 + code:c55e5d/8e cheat description:E Honda - Fierce torpedo, does heavy damage - code:6E96-E495 + code:855f89/8e cheat description:E Honda - Fierce sumo splash, does heavy damage - code:6E92-E795 + code:855fdd/8e cheat description:Fei Long - Fierce slide punch (1st hit), does heavy damage - code:6EC7-5F20 + code:f5c13f/8e cheat description:Fei Long - Fierce slide punch (2nd hit), does heavy damage - code:6EC0-5D20 + code:f5c147/8e cheat description:Fei Long - Fierce slide punch (3rd hit), does heavy damage - code:6EC0-5720 + code:c5c14f/8e cheat description:Fei Long - Roundhouse dragon kick, does heavy damage - code:6ECE-7420 + code:c5c0eb/8e cheat description:Fei Long - Superfast rekka-ken - strong - code:D528-1D2A + code:b6d9b7/d7 cheat description:Fei Long - Superfast rekka-ken - fierce - code:D627-1F2A + code:b6d93f/d8 cheat description:Guile - Fierce sonic boom, does heavy damage - code:6E16-5491 + code:c56989/8e cheat description:Guile - Roundhouse sonic kick, extremely close range, does heavy damage - code:6E1E-7491 + code:c568e9/8e cheat description:Hawk - The Hawk, does heavy damage - code:6EB3-5F91 + code:f5b9ed/8e cheat description:Ken - Fierce dragon punch, close to opponent, does heavy damage - code:6E96-8721 + code:c55a8f/8e cheat description:Ken - Fierce fireballs, close to opponent, does heavy damage - code:6E92-8F21 + code:f55adf/8e cheat description:Ken - Roundhouse hurricane kick while on the ground, does heavy damage - code:6E9A-5721 + code:c559af/8e cheat description:Ken - No delay after throwing fireball - code:3169-57A5 + code:c98d5e/e6 cheat description:Ken - Hurricane kicks rise higher when done in mid-air - code:1060-E405 + code:818f49/64 cheat description:Ken - Faster hurricane kicks - roundhouse - code:D1A9-1DBA + code:bea956/d6 cheat description:Ken - Super fast hurricane kicks - roundhouse - code:DBA9-1DBA + code:bea956/db cheat description:M. Bison - Super fast psycho crusher - fierce - code:DB2F-CD9A + code:36dbf5/db cheat description:M. Bison - Psycho crusher in one place - fierce - code:1086-5D00 + code:f1b185/64 cheat description:Ryu - Jab dragon punch, close to opponent, does heavy damage - code:6E9D-8729 + code:c556df/8e cheat description:Ryu - Fierce red fireballs from far away, does heavy damage - code:6E9B-E429 + code:8557bb/8e cheat description:Ryu - Roundhouse hurricane kick in the air, does heavy damage - code:6E9D-E429 + code:8557db/8e cheat description:Ryu - No delay after throwing fireball - code:3169-57A5 + code:c98d5e/e6 cheat description:Ryu - Hurricane kicks rise higher when done in mid-air - code:1060-E405 + code:818f49/64 cheat description:Ryu - Faster hurricane kicks - roundhouse - code:D1A9-1DBA + code:bea956/d6 cheat description:Ryu - Super fast hurricane kicks - roundhouse - code:DBA9-1DBA + code:bea956/db cheat description:Sagat - Roundhouse low tiger, from far away, does heavy damage - code:6E64-5F20 + code:f5812f/8e cheat description:Sagat - Fierce high tiger, from far away, does heavy damage - code:6E62-7720 + code:c580df/8e cheat description:Sagat - Short tiger knee, does heavy damage - code:6E53-ED25 + code:b57fe7/8e cheat description:Sagat - Jab projectiles move slower for everyone but Sagat, does heavy damage - code:EE27-479E + code:87d83d/ee cheat description:Sagat - Jab projectiles move slower for Sagat, does heavy damage - code:EE20-4D2E + code:b7d847/ee cheat description:Sagat - Fierce projectiles move faster for everyone but Sagat, does heavy damage - code:EC20-4D9E + code:b7d845/ec cheat description:Sagat - Fierce projectiles move faster for Sagat, does heavy damage - code:E520-4F2E + code:b7d84f/e7 cheat description:Vega - Fierce claw dive, does heavy damage - code:AE6A-8491 + code:c58aa9/ae cheat description:Vega - Rolling claw attack, does heavy damage - code:6E62-8F91 + code:f58add/8e cheat description:Vega - Claw thrust, does heavy damage - code:6E6E-EF91 + code:b58bed/8e cheat description:Vega - Superfast claw roll - code:D553-5F00 + code:f171ed/d7 cheat description:Vega - Claw roll in one place - code:1053-5760 + code:c171ee/64 cheat description:Zangief - Double spinning lariat (only certain hits), does heavy damage - code:6E51-EF90 + code:b5736d/8e cheat description:Zangief - Spinning clothesline, does heavy damage - code:6E5F-ED90 + code:b573f5/8e cheat description:Infinite health - P1 (alt) - code:7E0531:B0 + code:7e0531/b0 cheat description:Instant win - P1 - code:7E0771:FF + code:7e0771/ff cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1929:99 + code:7e1929/99 cartridge sha256:830c900083cccc6ded74c167c4e257db34df4786ecd6e2f053de454db7d31fe5 name:Super Strike Eagle (USA) cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C9BD-47A4 + code:88b8de/c5 cheat description:Infinite ammo - air-to-air mode - code:DD2A-3D64 + code:b0dba6/dd cheat description:Infinite Maverick Missiles - code:82CD-3FD7 + code:b4cfdf/bd cheat description:Infinite Sidewinder Missiles - code:C92F-44A7 + code:88dcfa/c5 cheat description:Infinite Chaff - code:3C2A-4707 + code:80dcad/ec cheat description:Infinite Flares - code:3C26-4FD7 + code:b4dc8f/ec cheat description:Use up ammo faster - air-to-air mode - code:DC2A-3D64 + code:b0dba6/dc cheat description:Start with 0 Chaff instead of 12 - code:DD3F-0F61 + code:31e9fe/dd cheat description:Start with 6 Chaff - code:D13F-0F61 + code:31e9fe/d6 cheat description:Start with 50 Chaff - code:743F-0F61 + code:31e9fe/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Chaff - code:173F-0F61 + code:31e9fe/63 cheat description:Start with 0 Flares instead of 12 - code:DD3F-04A1 + code:09e9fa/dd cheat description:Start with 6 Flares - code:D13F-04A1 + code:09e9fa/d6 cheat description:Start with 50 Flares - code:743F-04A1 + code:09e9fa/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Flares - code:173F-04A1 + code:09e9fa/63 cheat description:Start with 2 Sidewinder missiles instead of 12 - code:D437-0401 + code:01e939/d2 cheat description:Start with 25 Sidewinder Missiles - code:FB37-0401 + code:01e939/fb cheat description:Start with 50 Sidewinder Missiles - code:7437-0401 + code:01e939/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Sidewinder Missiles - code:1737-0401 + code:01e939/63 cheat description:Start with less fuel - code:0D3D-0701 + code:01e9dd/4d cartridge sha256:6e45a80ea148654514cb4e8604a0ffcbc726946e70f9e0b9860e36c0f3fa4877 name:Super Tennis (USA) cheat description:Super speed - Matt - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD24-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd2e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Amy - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD24-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de2e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Brian - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD27-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd3e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Ki - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD27-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de3e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Phil - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD20-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd4e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Lisa - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD20-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de4e/dd cheat description:Super speed - John - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD29-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd5e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Erin - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD29-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de5e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Meyer - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD21-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd6e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Donna - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD21-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de6e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Rich - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD25-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd7e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Debbie - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD25-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de7e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Hiro - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD26-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09dd8e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Colette - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD26-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89de8e/dd cheat description:Super speed - Steve - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD2B-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09ddbe/dd cheat description:Super speed - Nancy - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD2B-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89debe/dd cheat description:Super speed - Rob - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD2C-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09ddce/dd cheat description:Super speed - Yuka - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD2C-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89dece/dd cheat description:Super speed - Mar - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD28-07A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+09ddbe/dd cheat description:Super speed - Barb - code:D060-AFAF+D761-AFAF+DD28-A7A5 + code:bb8e4e/d4+bb8e6e/d3+89debe/dd + cheat + description:Play as Don J (Boss player) - P1 + code:7e0802/40 + cheat + description:Play as Don J (Boss player) - P2 + code:7e0842/40 + cheat + description:Play as Don J (Boss player) - P3 + code:7e0882/40 + cheat + description:Play as Don J (Boss player) - P4 + code:7e08c2/40 + cheat + description:CPU can't hit the ball + code:7e00ef/00 + cheat + description:CPU scared of the ball + code:7e00ec/00 cartridge sha256:8dda3b0888a32005041f2feb9be4e14807d40291f951a4612461cf41dac9cb78 name:Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) cheat description:Drop pieces on left side of the board to clear that line - code:DFB4-64D7 + code:04be2b/df cartridge sha256:02cb7f1ed21ed6bfb9eaa0e91df2adb063a9bf4cbd6feb6cd024d676829e227e name:Super Troll Islands (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (except spikes) - code:7E215A:04 + code:7e215a/04 cheat description:Max score - code:7E2009:99+7E200A:99+7E200B:99+7E200C:09 + code:7e2009/99+7e200a/99+7e200b/99+7e200c/09 cheat description:Infinite whirlwinds - code:7E2074:09 + code:7e2074/09 cheat description:Infinite cupcakes - code:7E20F7:99 + code:7e20f7/99 cheat description:Die after one hit - code:7E215A:00 + code:7e215a/00 cartridge sha256:056ac8160363d577e3ffc2f593801b8bb3d024fe4f3a3331b711dc556204949d name:Super Turrican (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C226-DDD4 + code:74db87/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:6D28-ADDF + code:b7deb7/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C22D-ADDF + code:b7ded7/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C266-DD6F + code:738f86/cd cheat description:Infinite wheel time - code:C22D-0404 + code:00d9d9/cd cheat description:Infinite Smart Lines - code:C226-D704 + code:40db8d/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:568C-0704+6D8C-07D4+C280-67D4 + code:00b9cd/78+04b9cf/8d+04ba4f/cd cheat description:Don't decrease weapon power after dying - code:6D22-640F+F122-646F + code:03ded9/8d+03deda/f6 cheat description:Never change weapon type - code:4A82-AF0D + code:b3b6dd/2a cheat description:Start with blue weapon - code:DF83-6D0D + code:33b6e5/df cheat description:Start with yellow weapon - code:D483-6D0D + code:33b6e5/d2 cheat description:Start with all weapons at maximum power (4 power-ups) - code:D083-6D0D+BA83-67DD + code:33b6e5/d4+07b6ef/ba cheat description:Start with 1 life - Normal/Hard only - code:DD61-6D0D + code:338665/dd cheat description:Start with 2 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:DF61-6D0D + code:338665/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:D061-6D0D + code:338665/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:DB61-6D0D + code:338665/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:F661-6D0D + code:338665/f8 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:7F61-6D0D + code:338665/3f cheat description:Start with 99 lives - Normal/Hard only - code:1461-6D0D + code:338665/62 cheat description:Start with 1 continue - Easy/Normal only - code:DF6F-6DDD + code:3786f7/df cheat description:Start with 2 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:D46F-6DDD + code:3786f7/d2 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:D96F-6DDD + code:3786f7/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:DC6F-6DDD + code:3786f7/dc cheat description:Start with 25 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:FB6F-6DDD + code:3786f7/fb cheat description:Start with 50 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:746F-6DDD + code:3786f7/32 cheat description:Start with 99 continues - Easy/Normal only - code:176F-6DDD + code:3786f7/63 cheat description:Start with no Smart Lines - code:DD8E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/dd cheat description:Start with 1 Smart Line - code:DF8E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/df cheat description:Start with 2 Smart Lines - code:D48E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:D08E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:D98E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:DC8E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/dc cheat description:Start with 25 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:FB8E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/fb cheat description:Start with 50 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:748E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/32 cheat description:Start with 99 Smart Lines - only 3 shown at once - code:178E-6DDD + code:37b6e7/63 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:D46D-64DD + code:0786db/d2 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D76D-64DD + code:0786db/d3 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D06D-64DD + code:0786db/d4 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:D96D-64DD + code:0786db/d5 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:D16D-64DD + code:0786db/d6 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:D56D-64DD + code:0786db/d7 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:D66D-64DD + code:0786db/d8 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:DB6D-64DD + code:0786db/db cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:DC6D-64DD + code:0786db/dc cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:D86D-64DD + code:0786db/db cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:DA6D-64DD + code:0786db/da cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:7E049E:0D + code:7e049e/0d cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E04FF:0C + code:7e04ff/0c cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E056C:23 + code:7e056c/23 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E050A:04 + code:7e050a/04 cartridge sha256:96da3512a1aa05a40f1e5d61c48932b0d55d9f136d6418b848153a9fecab06de name:Super Turrican 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0AEA:03+7E0AEB:55 + code:7e0aea/03+7e0aeb/55 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0AF2:02 + code:7e0af2/02 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E0AF4:03 + code:7e0af4/03 cheat description:Have Missile sub-weapon - code:7E034A:01 + code:7e034a/01 cheat description:Max Spread Shot level - code:7E033C:04 + code:7e033c/04 cheat description:Max Rebound level - code:7E033E:04 + code:7e033e/04 cheat description:Max Laser level - code:7E0340:04 + code:7e0340/04 cheat description:Max Flamethrower level - code:7E0342:04 + code:7e0342/04 cheat description:Start with Spread Shot - code:7E0336:00 + code:7e0336/00 cheat description:Start with Rebound - code:7E0336:10 + code:7e0336/10 cheat description:Start with Laser - code:7E0336:16 + code:7e0336/16 cheat description:Start with Flamethrower - code:7E0336:02 + code:7e0336/02 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:7E007E:02 + code:7e007e/02 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:7E007E:03 + code:7e007e/03 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:7E007E:04 + code:7e007e/04 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:7E007E:05 + code:7e007e/05 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:7E007E:06 + code:7e007e/06 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:7E007E:07 + code:7e007e/07 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:7E007E:08 + code:7e007e/08 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:7E007E:09 + code:7e007e/09 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:7E007E:0A + code:7e007e/0a cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:7E007E:0B + code:7e007e/0b cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:7E007E:0C + code:7e007e/0c cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:7E007E:0E + code:7e007e/0e cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:7E007E:0F + code:7e007e/0f cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:7E007E:10 + code:7e007e/10 cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:7E007E:11 + code:7e007e/11 cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:7E007E:12 + code:7e007e/12 cartridge sha256:fddc6634f727899152a5b8b1ca3b8938a4e4ccdd5a6adb9e1579363e3b676f20 name:Super Uno (Japan) cheat description:Place any card on the stack regardless of color - code:6DCB-DD60 + code:71c3b6/8d cartridge sha256:792e615a34ceae5a1b9a4f54c5a5d9b53e39299332fece83e4bceca2c22efb21 name:Super Valis IV (USA) cheat description:Allows you to select easy mode on the options screen - code:042C-ADD7 + code:b4dec7/42 cheat description:Infinite usage for all special attacks - code:DD66-A7A7 + code:888e8e/dd cheat description:Protection from most enemy attacks - code:C2AA-0DAF + code:3bada6/cd cheat description:Infinite hits on armor - code:C2AA-0FAF + code:3badae/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:DD8D-DD0D+DDAB-D4DF + code:73b7d5/dd+47afbb/dd cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:6D8A-AF67 + code:b0beae/8d cheat description:Heart worth more - code:F684-0F0D + code:33b52d/f8 cheat description:Heart worth much more - code:4684-0F0D + code:33b52d/28 cheat description:Selecting an item does not remove it from the menu of available items - code:826F-A467 + code:808efa/bd cheat description:Enables level select - code:3CAC-6407 + code:00aec9/ec cheat description:Get any score for maximum score - code:DDCB-D7A7 + code:48cfbe/dd cheat description:Item is always search - code:CB62-6767+D762-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/d3 cheat description:Item is always three-way beam - code:CB62-6767+DF62-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/df cheat description:Item is always bomber - code:CB62-6767+D462-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/d2 cheat description:Item is always homing - code:CB62-6767+D062-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/d4 cheat description:Item is always heart - code:CB62-6767+D962-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/d5 cheat description:Item is always armor - code:CB62-6767+D162-67A7 + code:008ede/cb+088ede/d6 cheat description:Infinite max health - code:7E0FB5:40 + code:7e0fb5/40 cheat description:Highest max health - code:7E0FB6:40 + code:7e0fb6/40 cheat description:Infinite item use - code:7E0FAE:09 + code:7e0fae/09 cheat description:Have all items - code:7E0FA7:01+7E0FA8:02+7E0FA9:03+7E0FAA:04+7E0FAB:05+7E0FAC:06 + code:7e0fa7/01+7e0fa8/02+7e0fa9/03+7e0faa/04+7e0fab/05+7e0fac/06 cartridge sha256:62d3d650e956f23f3b221f83c5c5bd204afd0e4f4d9c47a3251962323de96089 name:Super Widget (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DDB9-0F0D + code:33b55d/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C268-AFDD + code:b786bf/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C26B-6D6D + code:3386b6/cd cheat description:1 W gives 1 life - code:D7BA-D4D7 + code:44bfab/d3 cartridge sha256:d802715fb4f09d7e499b5b3e577af641598a723dae7cedeaa93943bb53c6edbb name:SWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:829F-EDAD + code:bb57f6/bd cheat description:Invincible while flying the jet - code:18EB-5FD9+18E2-5FA9+18ED-84A9 + code:f5e5bf/6b+f9e5de/6b+c9e6da/6b cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:70A9-7467 + code:c0ac5a/34 cheat description:Gain levels quickly - code:1B71-5DD5 + code:f53d67/6b cheat description:World 5 - Dark Kat always enabled - code:D932-7F67 + code:f0ecde/d5 cartridge sha256:c2015d03dd3db08069b2a6ea1ed6b3e1ac1e3a5f804b02295c3cd3717add91ef name:Syndicate (USA) cheat description:Start with Mega-cash - code:7DC3-1FDD+7DC3-1F0D + code:b7c5ef/3d+b3c5ed/3d cheat description:All agents have infinite ammo for pistols - code:CBAB-CD01 + code:31abb5/cb cartridge sha256:365f10f9d9f68cc59e769eeb451c417e1ff7415022a625de9976a3b924c0bd61 name:T2 - The Arcade Game (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - P1 - code:6D33-47D6 + code:86e0ef/8d cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - P2 - code:6D3F-1DA6 + code:bae1f6/8d cheat description:Infinite gunpower - P1 - code:C9B7-1407 + code:80bd39/c5 cheat description:Infinite gunpower - P2 - code:C9B9-17D7 + code:84bd5f/c5 cheat description:Infinite missiles - P1 - code:DD2A-476B + code:82dcae/dd cheat description:Infinite missiles - P2 - code:DD2E-4DDB + code:b6dce7/dd cheat description:Shields lasts longer - code:5E27-44A7 + code:88dc3a/7e cheat description:Plasma Pulse Energizer lasts longer - P1 - code:D62B-4F67 + code:b0dcbe/d8 cheat description:Plasma Pulse Energizer lasts longer - P2 - code:D628-47D7 + code:84dcbf/d8 cheat description:Keep P.P.E. for that level once picked up - P1 - code:C267-47A5 + code:898c3e/cd cheat description:Keep P.P.E. for that level once picked up - P2 - code:C260-4765 + code:818c4e/cd cheat description:Get 6 missiles for each 1 - P1 - code:D12D-4707 + code:80dcdd/d6 cheat description:Get 9 missiles for each 1 - P1 - code:DB2D-4707 + code:80dcdd/db cheat description:Get 9 missiles for each 1 - P2 - code:D124-4D67 + code:b0dc26/d6 cheat description:Get 6 missiles for each 1 - P2 - code:DB24-4D67 + code:b0dc26/db cheat description:Gunpower replenishes slower - P1 - code:FDB3-476F + code:83bcee/fd cheat description:Gunpower replenishes slower - P2 - code:FDB0-1F0F + code:b3bd4d/fd cheat description:10 credits - code:FD3E-C7A3 + code:0bebee/fd cheat description:15 credits - code:F93E-C7A3 + code:0bebee/f5 cheat description:20 credits - code:4D3E-C7A3 + code:0bebee/2d cheat description:P.P.E. does extra damage - P1 - code:D12B-44A7 + code:88dcba/d6 cheat description:P.P.E. does massive damage - P1 - code:F42B-44A7 + code:88dcba/f2 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E007F:7F + code:7e007f/7f cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0081:7F + code:7e0081/7f cartridge sha256:1711fe9010232b41ec406900e5b4ef528dd2beaa97b27d94ed7eef57d63904a0 name:Taz-Mania (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C935-40C0 + code:91e073/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD3B-C0C0 + code:11e3b3/dd cheat description:Infinite continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:C238-1140 + code:99e1b8/cd cheat description:Advance to next level after getting 1 kiwi - code:6089-319C + code:97b359/84 cheat description:Faster timer - code:D035-C540 + code:19e37c/d4 cheat description:1 minute to complete act 1, level 1 - code:DF64-41C0 + code:91802b/df cheat description:5 minutes to complete act 1, level 1 - code:D964-41C0 + code:91802b/d5 cheat description:Kiwi's worth 2 - code:E389-319C + code:97b359/ee cheat description:Kiwi's worth 4 - code:EA89-319C + code:97b359/ea cheat description:Kiwi's worth 5 - code:E889-319C + code:97b359/eb cheat description:Kiwi's worth 7 - code:EB89-319C + code:97b359/eb cheat description:Red bird worth 0 seconds instead of 10 - code:DD30-C910 + code:19e345/dd cheat description:Red bird worth 20 seconds - code:D430-C910 + code:19e345/d2 cheat description:Red bird worth 30 seconds - code:D730-C910 + code:19e345/d3 cheat description:Red bird worth 40 seconds - code:D030-C910 + code:19e345/d4 cheat description:Red bird worth 50 seconds - code:D930-C910 + code:19e345/d5 cheat description:Start with 1/4 normal health - code:D522-3545 + code:99dfdc/d7 cheat description:Start with 1/2 normal health - code:DE22-3545 + code:99dfdc/de cheat description:Start with 3/4 normal health - code:F922-3545 + code:99dfdc/f5 cheat description:Start with 1 continue (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:DF3F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/df cheat description:Start with 5 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:D93F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:D53F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:DB3F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/db cheat description:Start with 50 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:743F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/32 cheat description:Start with 99 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:173F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/63 cheat description:Start on act 1, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DF3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/df cheat description:Start on act 1, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D43F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d2 cheat description:Start on act 1 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d cheat description:Start on act 2, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D03F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d4 cheat description:Start on act 2, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D93F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d5 cheat description:Start on act 2, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D13F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d6 cheat description:Start on act 2 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D53F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d7 cheat description:Start on act 3, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D63F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d8 cheat description:Start on act 3, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DB3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/db cheat description:Start on act 3, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DC3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/dc cheat description:Start on act 3 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D83F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/db cheat description:Start on act 4, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DA3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/da cheat description:Start on act 4, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D23F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/dd cheat description:Start on act 4, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D33F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/de cheat description:Start on act 4 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DE3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/de cheat description:Start on act 5, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+FD3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/fd cheat description:Start on act 5, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+FF3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/ff cheat description:Start on act 5, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+F43F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/f2 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0096:1D + code:7e0096/1d cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0098:99 + code:7e0098/99 cartridge sha256:e3bd2296b860a547bb8594485048d3e1326a416405ed9e91139c75f8927acfe3 name:Taz-Mania (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C935-40C0 + code:91e073/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:DD3B-C0C0 + code:11e3b3/dd cheat description:Infinite continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:C238-1140 + code:99e1b8/cd cheat description:Advance to next level after getting 1 kiwi - code:6089-319C + code:97b359/84 cheat description:Faster timer - code:D035-C540 + code:19e37c/d4 cheat description:1 minute to complete act 1, level 1 - code:DF64-41C0 + code:91802b/df cheat description:5 minutes to complete act 1, level 1 - code:D964-41C0 + code:91802b/d5 cheat description:Kiwi's worth 2 - code:E389-319C + code:97b359/ee cheat description:Kiwi's worth 4 - code:EA89-319C + code:97b359/ea cheat description:Kiwi's worth 5 - code:E889-319C + code:97b359/eb cheat description:Kiwi's worth 7 - code:EB89-319C + code:97b359/eb cheat description:Red bird worth 0 seconds instead of 10 - code:DD30-C910 + code:19e345/dd cheat description:Red bird worth 20 seconds - code:D430-C910 + code:19e345/d2 cheat description:Red bird worth 30 seconds - code:D730-C910 + code:19e345/d3 cheat description:Red bird worth 40 seconds - code:D030-C910 + code:19e345/d4 cheat description:Red bird worth 50 seconds - code:D930-C910 + code:19e345/d5 cheat description:Start with 1/4 normal health - code:D522-3545 + code:99dfdc/d7 cheat description:Start with 1/2 normal health - code:DE22-3545 + code:99dfdc/de cheat description:Start with 3/4 normal health - code:F922-3545 + code:99dfdc/f5 cheat description:Start with 1 continue (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:DF3F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/df cheat description:Start with 5 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:D93F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:D53F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:DB3F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/db cheat description:Start with 50 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:743F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/32 cheat description:Start with 99 continues (don't combine with start on act codes) - code:173F-15C0 + code:91e1ff/63 cheat description:Start on act 1, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DF3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/df cheat description:Start on act 1, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D43F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d2 cheat description:Start on act 1 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d cheat description:Start on act 2, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D03F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d4 cheat description:Start on act 2, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D93F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d5 cheat description:Start on act 2, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D13F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d6 cheat description:Start on act 2 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D53F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d7 cheat description:Start on act 3, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D63F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/d8 cheat description:Start on act 3, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DB3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/db cheat description:Start on act 3, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DC3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/dc cheat description:Start on act 3 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D83F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/db cheat description:Start on act 4, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DA3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/da cheat description:Start on act 4, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D23F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/dd cheat description:Start on act 4, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+D33F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/de cheat description:Start on act 4 bonus level - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+DE3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/de cheat description:Start on act 5, level 1 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+FD3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/fd cheat description:Start on act 5, level 2 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+FF3F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/ff cheat description:Start on act 5, level 3 - code:4A36-1140+7D36-1110+F43F-15C0 + code:99e188/2a+99e189/3d+91e1ff/f2 cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0096:1D + code:7e0096/1d cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0098:99 + code:7e0098/99 cartridge sha256:35dd020cf57fc402417ab6e4a6c49866c5a86bba25218c0aaf7ce85cb134bcf8 name:Tecmo Super Bowl (USA) cheat description:Always 1st down - code:C9BA-14DC + code:87b1ab/c5 cheat description:1 play to get a 1st down - code:DFBA-170C + code:83b1ad/df cheat description:2 plays to get a 1st down - code:D4BA-170C + code:83b1ad/d2 cheat description:3 plays to get a 1st down - code:D7BA-170C + code:83b1ad/d3 cheat description:5 plays to get a 1st down - code:D9BA-170C + code:83b1ad/d5 cheat description:7 plays to get a 1st down - code:D5BA-170C + code:83b1ad/d7 cheat description:Extra points worth 0 points - P1 - code:DD61-34DC + code:87836b/dd cheat description:Extra points worth 3 points - P1 - code:D761-34DC + code:87836b/d3 cheat description:Extra points worth 5 points - P1 - code:D961-34DC + code:87836b/d5 cheat description:Extra points worth 9 points - P1 - code:DB61-34DC + code:87836b/db cheat description:Extra points worth 0 points - P2 - code:DDB5-34AB + code:8abf7a/dd cheat description:Extra points worth 3 points - P2 - code:D7B5-34AB + code:8abf7a/d3 cheat description:Extra points worth 5 points - P2 - code:D9B5-34AB + code:8abf7a/d5 cheat description:Extra points worth 9 points - P2 - code:DBB5-34AB + code:8abf7a/db cheat description:Field goals worth 0 points - P1 - code:DD63-37AB + code:8a8fee/dd cheat description:Field goals worth 1 points - P1 - code:DF63-37AB + code:8a8fee/df cheat description:Field goals worth 5 points - P1 - code:D963-37AB + code:8a8fee/d5 cheat description:Field goals worth 9 points - P1 - code:DB63-37AB + code:8a8fee/db cheat description:Field goals worth 0 points - P2 - code:DDBD-4DDB + code:b6bcd7/dd cheat description:Field goals worth 1 points - P2 - code:DFBD-4DDB + code:b6bcd7/df cheat description:Field goals worth 5 points - P2 - code:D9BD-4DDB + code:b6bcd7/d5 cheat description:Field goals worth 9 points - P2 - code:DBBD-4DDB + code:b6bcd7/db cheat description:Safeties worth 0 points - P1 - code:DDB0-17AB + code:8abd4e/dd cheat description:Safeties worth 1 points - P1 - code:DFB0-17AB + code:8abd4e/df cheat description:Safeties worth 5 points - P1 - code:D9B0-17AB + code:8abd4e/d5 cheat description:Safeties worth 9 points - P1 - code:DBB0-17AB + code:8abd4e/db cheat description:Safeties worth 0 points - P2 - code:DD67-17DC + code:87813f/dd cheat description:Safeties worth 1 points - P2 - code:DF67-17DC + code:87813f/df cheat description:Safeties worth 5 points - P2 - code:D967-17DC + code:87813f/d5 cheat description:Safeties worth 9 points - P2 - code:DB67-17DC + code:87813f/db cheat description:Touchdowns worth 0 points - P1 - code:DD66-14AC + code:8b818a/dd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 3 points - P1 - code:D766-14AC + code:8b818a/d3 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 5 points - P1 - code:D966-14AC + code:8b818a/d5 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 8 points - P1 - code:D666-14AC + code:8b818a/d8 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 0 points - P2 - code:DDCE-34A8+DDBB-176B + code:8acfea/dd+82bdbe/dd cheat description:Touchdowns worth 3 points - P2 - code:D7CE-34A8+D7BB-176B + code:8acfea/d3+82bdbe/d3 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 5 points - P2 - code:D9CE-34A8+D9BB-176B + code:8acfea/d5+82bdbe/d5 cheat description:Touchdowns worth 9 points - P2 - code:DBCE-34A8+DBBB-176B + code:8acfea/db+82bdbe/db cheat description:0 timeouts for the first half - both players - code:DDA5-1F2D + code:b7a57f/dd cheat description:2 timeouts for the first half - both players - code:D4A5-1F2D + code:b7a57f/d2 cheat description:7 timeouts for the first half - both players - code:D5A5-1F2D + code:b7a57f/d7 cheat description:9 timeouts for the first half - both players - code:DBA5-1F2D + code:b7a57f/db cheat description:0 timeouts for the first half - P1 - code:10A5-14FD + code:8fa57b/64 cheat description:0 timeouts for the first half - P2 - code:10A5-14BD + code:8fa57a/64 cheat description:0 timeouts for the second half - both players - code:DDAA-14FD + code:8fa5ab/dd cheat description:2 timeouts for the second half - both players - code:D4AA-14FD + code:8fa5ab/d2 cheat description:7 timeouts for the second half - both players - code:D5AA-14FD + code:8fa5ab/d7 cheat description:9 timeouts for the second half - both players - code:DBAA-14FD + code:8fa5ab/db cheat description:0 timeouts for the second half - P1 - code:10AA-149D + code:87a5a9/64 cheat description:0 timeouts for the second half - P2 - code:10AA-142D + code:87a5ab/64 cheat description:Timeouts are not reset at half-time - P1 - code:C9AA-149D + code:87a5a9/c5 cheat description:Timeouts are not reset at half-time - P2 - code:C9AA-142D + code:87a5ab/c5 cheat description:Quarters start at 2 minutes 30 seconds - code:7DB3-C705+D4B3-C765 + code:01bfed/3d+01bfee/d2 cartridge sha256:8cfd4c5525f4bd4bba5af7e2323f1e61f27ce97c6d5617cfa685c9276fbf6407 name:Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition (USA) cheat description:Infinite ability points in the edit menu - code:3C38-C25D + code:3fe7b5/ec cartridge sha256:14bce564f976d1431127259edbcb23c52c79361fed9814d307d627c4650e800e name:Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA) cheat description:Never miss a shot (hold Y and press the shot button) - code:7D69-CDE7+C269-CD77+D869-CD57+DC69-CD87+FF69-CF77 + code:388f57/3d+3c8f54/cd+3c8f55/db+3c8f56/dc+3c8f5c/ff cartridge sha256:5b82cdd6f2da56f43680d6a5021faebe2e06036d30602c1a7917aa414cf8b5f4 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3C86-0764+B98B-0D64+CB86-07A4+D48B-0DD4+DD8B-0D04 + code:00b98e/ec+30b9b6/b5+08b98e/cb+34b9b7/d2+30b9b5/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:892F-0DD7 + code:34ddf7/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDAC-6F67 + code:30aece/dd cheat description:One hit kills (disable during Shredder's first fight) - code:6D6C-0F2F + code:378dcf/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:EA66-67AA + code:0a8a8e/ea cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:EA6B-67AA + code:0a8abe/ea cheat description:Start with 1 life instead of 3 - code:DD28-67D9 + code:05d6bf/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D028-67D9 + code:05d6bf/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB28-67D9 + code:05d6bf/db cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:4028-67D9 + code:05d6bf/24 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:0B28-67D9 + code:05d6bf/4b cheat description:Start with 75 lives - code:5028-67D9 + code:05d6bf/74 cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:BB28-67D9 + code:05d6bf/bb cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+DFB8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/df cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D7B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D0B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D9B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D1B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d6 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D5B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d7 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+D6B8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/d8 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:69B8-A42F+6FB8-A7FF+DDB8-A79F+DBB8-A4BF + code:87bebb/85+8fbebf/8f+87bebd/dd+8fbeba/db cheat description:Infinite health (alt) (enable after level starts) - code:7E044A:56 + code:7e044a/56 cartridge sha256:849141370f164d6db3e5709da670726f958ce13ffef69319564db3fb0b12c69d name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA) cheat description:Health doesn't decrease over time - code:DDC1-1D03 + code:b3c965/dd cheat description:Automatic and infinite continues - code:82A6-4FA4 + code:b8a88e/bd cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:6D69-149F + code:878d59/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:6D6f-1F9F + code:b78d1d/8d cheat description:Leonardo is replaced by Rat King - code:DCCA-1405 + code:81cda9/dc cheat description:Leonardo is replaced by Karai - code:D8CA-1405 + code:81cda9/db cheat description:Raphael is replaced by Rat King - code:DCCA-14A5 + code:89cdaa/dc cheat description:Raphael is replaced by Karai - code:D8CA-14A5 + code:89cdaa/db cheat description:Donatello is replaced by Rat King - code:DCCA-1705 + code:81cdad/dc cheat description:Donatello is replaced by Karai - code:D8CA-1705 + code:81cdad/db cheat description:Matches are 10 seconds long (leave menu option on 60) - code:FD86-4F00 + code:b1b08d/fd cheat description:Matches are 15 seconds long (leave menu option on 60) - code:F986-4F00 + code:b1b08d/f5 cheat description:Matches are 20 seconds long (leave menu option on 60) - code:4D86-4F00 + code:b1b08d/2d cheat description:Matches are 75 seconds long (leave menu option on 60) - code:5986-4F00 + code:b1b08d/75 cheat description:Ultimate attack can be done any time - code:DFCA-44A3 + code:8bc8aa/df cheat description:Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/4 health - code:F0CA-44A3 + code:8bc8aa/f4 cheat description:Ultimate attack can be done with about 1/2 health - code:46CA-44A3 + code:8bc8aa/28 cheat description:Ultimate attack can be done with about 3/4 health - code:7ACA-44A3 + code:8bc8aa/3a cheat description:Health decreases twice as fast - code:D4C1-1D03 + code:b3c965/d2 cheat description:After doing an ultimate attack, health bar goes to about 1/4 - code:F0C3-4463 + code:83c8ea/f4 cheat description:After doing an ultimate attack, health bar goes to about 1/2 - code:46C3-4463 + code:83c8ea/28 cheat description:After doing an ultimate attack, health bar goes to about 3/4 - code:7AC3-4463 + code:83c8ea/3a cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - both players - code:F6E9-3D25 + code:b5ef57/f8 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - both players - code:7DE9-3D25 + code:b5ef57/3d cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - both players - code:06E9-3D25 + code:b5ef57/48 cheat description:Start with no continues (leave menu option on 3) - code:DDB1-CF60 + code:31b36e/dd cheat description:Start with 1 continue - code:D4B1-CF60 + code:31b36e/d2 cheat description:Start with 3 continues - code:D0B1-CF60 + code:31b36e/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 continues - code:D1B1-CF60 + code:31b36e/d6 cheat description:Start with 7 continues - code:D6B1-CF60 + code:31b36e/d8 cheat description:Infinite health code:7E0EE460 @@ -71799,5046 +73024,5104 @@ cartridge sha256:8620203da71d32d017bb21f542864c1d90705b87eb67815d06b43f09120318a name:Tengai Makyou Zero (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:7E1659:08 + code:7e1659/08 cheat description:Infinite HP - character 1 - code:7E1694:E7+7E1695:03 + code:7e1694/e7+7e1695/03 cheat description:Infinite HP - character 2 - code:7E1696:E7+7E1697:03 + code:7e1696/e7+7e1697/03 cheat description:Infinite HP - character 3 - code:7E1698:E7+7E1699:03 + code:7e1698/e7+7e1699/03 cheat description:Infinite MP - character 1 - code:7E16C8:E7+7E16C9:03 + code:7e16c8/e7+7e16c9/03 cheat description:Infinite MP - character 2 - code:7E16CA:E7+7E16CB:03 + code:7e16ca/e7+7e16cb/03 cheat description:Infinite MP - character 3 - code:7E16CC:E7+7E16CD:03 + code:7e16cc/e7+7e16cd/03 cheat description:Fast level gain - code:7E1950:FF+7E1951:FF + code:7e1950/ff+7e1951/ff cartridge sha256:bd7074ef4a05d790646abe145ffd2587fb48044e4b730286d807abe102841177 name:Terminator, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives (not on car stages) - code:C286-17DD + code:87b58f/cd cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:4AA3-0F96 + code:36a1ed/2a cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:C2A5-0D98 + code:36ad75/cd cheat description:10 Grenades on pick-up - code:DCAB-A7FC + code:8fa2bf/dc cheat description:2 Grenades on pick-up - code:D4AB-A7FC + code:8fa2bf/d2 cheat description:Longer invulnerability after being hit - code:EE81-0D9C + code:37b165/ee cheat description:Shorter invulnerability after being hit - code:FE81-0D9C + code:37b165/fe cheat description:Don't lose Grenades on dying - code:4AA9-04F6 + code:0ea15b/2a cheat description:Don't lose Missiles on dying - code:4AA9-0F96 + code:36a15d/2a cheat description:Get Rapid Fire on dying - code:D7A9-0D96 + code:36a155/d3 cheat description:Start with Rapid Fire - code:D767-CFAD + code:3b873e/d3 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBA2-C4AF + code:0bafda/db cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFA2-C4AF + code:0bafda/df cartridge sha256:06db3be569a587d79b51bfc684fd2ebdea977863875aedec88218fbb4169c21b name:Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:7E1407:C8 + code:7e1407/c8 cheat description:Infinite health - John - code:7E1452:64 + code:7e1452/64 cheat description:Infinite health - Sarah - code:7E149D:64 + code:7e149d/64 cheat description:Infinte ammo - code:7E1407:FF + code:7e1407/ff cartridge sha256:3cdebbd8adc4bb6773a7995f542fdac49adefca71cba583255a1c1bf37ac3946 name:Tetris & Dr. Mario (USA) cheat description:Tetris - Level never increases - code:6DB4-1F65 + code:b1bd2e/8d cheat description:Tetris - After the first level your level increases every line - code:DFB4-1405 + code:81bd29/df cheat description:Tetris - The same piece always drops - code:CBB7-C460+D4B7-C4A0+DDB7-C7D0 + code:01b33a/cb+09b33a/d2+05b33f/dd cheat description:Tetris - Always at high speed - code:CBB2-3DA9+DCB2-3FD9+3CB2-3F09 + code:b9b7d6/cb+b5b7df/dc+b1b7dd/ec cheat description:Dr. Mario - The same piece always drops until you hit the change button - code:CBC9-4466+DCC9-44A6+3CC9-47D6 + code:82c05a/cb+8ac05a/dc+86c05f/ec cheat description:Dr. Mario - The same piece always drops - code:CB67-37DC+DC67-370C+3C67-376C + code:87833f/cb+83833d/dc+83833e/ec cheat description:Tetris 2 - Select any round - 1P (at round select meter, keep pressing right) - code:9DBD-3DF4 + code:bcbbd7/5d cheat description:Tetris 2 - Tile speed always at 0 - code:CBC5-4FDC+DDC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/dd+b3c07e/dd cheat description:Tetris 2 - Tile speed always at 255 - code:CBC5-4FDC+EEC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/ee+b3c07e/dd cheat description:Tetris 2 - More time to place the blocks where you want them, even after they hit the ground (left and right only) - code:6DB1-346B + code:82bf6a/8d cartridge sha256:70dea29a928c1625def31c862dc74960e39e587e416b45829efc21f13ebd9630 name:Tetris 2 (USA) (Rev 1) cheat description:Select any round - code:9DBD-3DF4 + code:bcbbd7/5d cheat description:Tile speed always at 0 - code:CBC5-4FDC+DDC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/dd+b3c07e/dd cheat description:Tile speed always at 255 - code:CBC5-4FDC+EEC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/ee+b3c07e/dd cheat description:More time to place the blocks where you want them - code:6DB1-346B + code:82bf6a/8d cartridge sha256:accc836c3adabadc810fbe35702c6a64d50a09f4c672d2734fa58b251d7a20aa name:Tetris 2 (USA) cheat description:Select any round - code:9DBD-3DF4 + code:bcbbd7/5d cheat description:Tile speed always at 0 - code:CBC5-4FDC+DDC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/dd+b3c07e/dd cheat description:Tile speed always at 255 - code:CBC5-4FDC+EEC5-4F0C+DDC5-4F6C + code:b7c07f/cb+b3c07d/ee+b3c07e/dd cheat description:More time to place the blocks where you want them - code:6DB1-346B + code:82bf6a/8d cartridge sha256:4aee5b05ae11643fc6cb7ed32dfd4e82bbb52d03b12aabb080af35e2df6f562f name:Tetsuwan Atom (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D65-C05D + code:1f8771/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2CF-4D61 + code:b1c8f6/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C1-1409 + code:81c569/cd cartridge sha256:d50aaa41e153ca356eee16a9deccb1a763ee56ebbe6c80cd28c5ad1db66a5316 name:Thunder Spirits (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CBCC-0407 + code:00cdc9/cb cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:C2CC-5407 + code:c0cdc9/cd cheat description:Infinite credits - code:3CAC-67DF + code:07aecf/ec cheat description:Infinite credits (alt) - code:C2A8-8D0F + code:f3aeb5/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40C5-6DD7+40C6-6407+40C9-6FA7+40CC-6D67+40CF-6767 + code:34ce77/24+00ce89/24+38ce5e/24+30cec6/24+00cefe/24 cheat description:Keep captured weapon until game ends (except claw and shield) - code:C2C8-0407+C2C8-0767 + code:00cdb9/cd+00cdbe/cd cheat description:Continue with 1 life - code:BAAD-ADDF + code:b7aed7/ba cheat description:Continue with 2 lives - code:DDAE-670F+CBAE-67DF + code:03aeed/dd+07aeef/cb cheat description:Continue with 5 lives - code:D7AE-670F+CBAE-67DF + code:03aeed/d3+07aeef/cb cheat description:Continue with 7 lives - code:D9AE-670F+CBAE-67DF + code:03aeed/d5+07aeef/cb cheat description:Continue with 9 lives - code:D5AE-670F+CBAE-67DF + code:03aeed/d7+07aeef/cb cheat description:Start with 1 credit - code:C7BF-0DAD + code:3bb5f6/c3 cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:84BF-0DAD + code:3bb5f6/b2 cheat description:Start with 3 credits - code:B4BF-0DAD + code:3bb5f6/b2 cheat description:Start with 5 credits - code:BEBF-0DAD + code:3bb5f6/be cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:68BF-0D6D+C4BF-0DAD + code:33b5f6/8b+3bb5f6/c2 cheat description:Start with 12 credits - code:D0BF-0D6D+C3BF-0DAD + code:33b5f6/d4+3bb5f6/ce cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:EEB3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/ee+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DDB3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/dd+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D7B3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/d3+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D9B3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/d5+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:D5B3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/d7+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:F5B3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/f7+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:7DB3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/3d+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Start with 100 lives - code:14B3-DD0D+CBB3-DDDD + code:73b7e5/62+77b7e7/cb cheat description:Stage modifier - code:7E1A98:?? + code:7e1a98/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:DF65-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/df+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:D465-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d2+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:D765-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d3+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:D065-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d4+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:D965-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d5+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:D165-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d6+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:D565-67D4+CB65-64A4+DD65-6704+3C65-6764 + code:048a7f/d7+088a7a/cb+008a7d/dd+008a7e/ec cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0418:7B + code:7e0418/7b cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:00AD90:77 + code:00ad90/77 cartridge sha256:eb958801fd1f08771e5a0933f7701d633262efbfe8d47de21dda18e3b77670de name:Tick, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DDC7-1F6F + code:b3cd3e/dd cheat description:Most kicks are stronger - code:DA60-1352 + code:bf8549/da cheat description:Most kicks kill most enemies - code:FE60-1352 + code:bf8549/fe cartridge sha256:8e82f98d2e62bc1e5fcf2386c2b5ca54998398220efcedd67858aaaa92289a42 name:Time Slip (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3CC2-D769 + code:41c7de/ec cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B7-6DD0 + code:35b237/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C22E-04A7 + code:08ddea/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C2C3-AFD0 + code:b5c2ef/cd cheat description:Infinite TGS meter - code:C284-A409 + code:81b629/cd + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:0bbd5e/8d+37bd67/f6+37bdbf/cd+03bdbe/cd cheat description:Keep gun power-ups after dying - code:CD24-67A7+CD24-6467 + code:08de2e/cd+00de2a/cd cheat description:Flash 2x longer when hit - code:6DB7-6460 + code:01b23a/8d cheat description:Barely flash at all when hit - code:FDB7-6460 + code:01b23a/fd cheat description:Fewer enemies - code:C26F-6FD1+C26C-07A1+C26F-ADD1+C26C-0FA1 + code:358aff/cd+0989ce/cd+b58af7/cd+3989ce/cd cheat description:Start with all weapons and 9 rounds - code:DB68-6D0D + code:3386b5/db cheat description:Start with 16 lives - code:EE6B-670D + code:0386bd/ee cheat description:Start with 4 health bars - after 1st life - code:DE2E-0F67 + code:30ddee/de cheat description:Start with 3 health bars - after 1st life - code:D52E-0F67 + code:30ddee/d7 cheat description:Start with 4 health bars - 1st life - code:DE6C-6F0D + code:3386cd/de cheat description:Start with 3 health bars - 1st life - code:D56C-6F0D + code:3386cd/d7 cheat description:Start on stage - Cretaceous - code:CB24-D707+DD24-D7A7+6227-DDD7+DF24-D767 + code:40df2d/cb+48df2e/dd+74df37/8d+40df2e/df cheat description:Start on stage - Egypt - code:CB24-D707+DD24-D7A7+6227-DDD7+D424-D767 + code:40df2d/cb+48df2e/dd+74df37/8d+40df2e/d2 cheat description:Start on stage - Rome - code:CB24-D707+DD24-D7A7+6227-DDD7+D724-D767 + code:40df2d/cb+48df2e/dd+74df37/8d+40df2e/d3 cheat description:Start on stage - Invasion 2147 - code:CB24-D707+DD24-D7A7+6227-DDD7+D024-D767 + code:40df2d/cb+48df2e/dd+74df37/8d+40df2e/d4 cheat description:Start on stage - Tirmat - code:CB24-D707+DD24-D7A7+6227-DDD7+D924-D767 + code:40df2d/cb+48df2e/dd+74df37/8d+40df2e/d5 cartridge sha256:fa7e2b40093f0cc7233cc77e95bbbea2144c8183dec10446590396fffd7cda37 name:Time Trax (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2E8-1F60 + code:b1e1be/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2EF-3FD0 + code:b5e3ff/cd cheat description:Invincibility - code:84E948:FF+8187FF:FF + code:84e948/ff+8187ff/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E14B5:06 + code:7e14b5/06 cheat description:Infinite Time Stall - code:7E14B9:30 + code:7e14b9/30 cartridge sha256:16fb965130e57f37dda2466f23820f091f8b96758aa7e30ba4fd63cb618e5ddb name:Timecop (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DDBA-C4D7 + code:04bfab/dd cheat description:Don't flash when invincible - code:6DB2-CD07 + code:30bfd5/8d cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E06F3:99 + code:7e06f3/99 cheat description:Infinite Gun - code:7E06F5:99 + code:7e06f5/99 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:7E06F7:99 + code:7e06f7/99 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0638:63 + code:7e0638/63 cartridge sha256:271a67b32b3bb00ceb0f4e7d81494888d0d821635f0f936d481dfbe671567c08 name:Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo/balls - code:7E00DC:09 + code:7e00dc/09 cartridge sha256:0503cd93b4d211a825acd47ff3813668b4ce68890c8be2fbfe5ac2b46882dfcf name:Tin Star (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E09C8:A0 + code:7e09c8/a0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0928:09 + code:7e0928/09 cheat description:Bosses die automatically - code:7E0B78:00 + code:7e0b78/00 cheat description:Gain money much faster - code:7E182A:50+7E182B:C3 + code:7e182a/50+7e182b/c3 cheat description:Max money - code:7E07DD:09+7E07DC:09+7E07DB:09+7E07DA:09+7E07D9:09+7E07D8:09 + code:7e07dd/09+7e07dc/09+7e07db/09+7e07da/09+7e07d9/09+7e07d8/09 cheat description:Have $9,000,000 - code:7E07D8:09 + code:7e07d8/09 cartridge sha256:5b8a7309910ae040b6301bdc0ad09fa1991b2b7210a6b76931cd91ce0c82c424 name:Tinhead (Europe) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2BD-DDA4 + code:78bbd6/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C26E-AF6F + code:b38eee/cd cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:C2BE-ADDF + code:b7bee7/cd cartridge sha256:71de4dec6a8e8be685627b6e929317f7cefb836997059bbd3b438ccc07a60044 name:Tintin - Prisoners of the Sun (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D67-C7DD+2D6B-1D0B + code:07873f/dd+b28db5/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:A289-376C + code:83b35e/ad cheat description:Infinite time - code:CE89-C4A8 + code:0abf5a/ce cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A285-37AC + code:8bb37e/ad cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E059B:04 + code:7e059b/04 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7F5B7F:63 + code:7f5b7f/63 cartridge sha256:da8b8bccebf51b70213adecda37387d1bdb55aeb7bc0805bb1be1cd9b514daf6 name:Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl) cheat description:Invincibility (after first hit) - code:7E050F:2C + code:7e050f/2c cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E05C9:04 + code:7e05c9/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E05CB:03 + code:7e05cb/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7F59AE:06 + code:7f59ae/06 cartridge sha256:ba679a11264e9695895a6c17358a41e8459be06166d056811df9c2738fef3d0d name:Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose! (USA) cheat description:Infinite health (when hit, a fake empty heart appears) - code:3CE9-448A + code:8ee85a/ec cheat description:Infinite lives (except football level) - code:DD34-37D7 + code:84ef2f/dd cheat description:Infinite lives (football level) - code:DDC0-3F07 + code:b0cf4d/dd cheat description:Infinite dash meter - code:C927-47AD + code:8bd43e/c5 cheat description:Five heart maximum on challenge level - code:D184-C4A1 + code:09bb2a/d6 cheat description:1-up gives 2-up (not on mystery weight challenge level, or by collecting stars) - code:D46B-CFAF + code:3b8fbe/d2 cheat description:Small star worth 2 - code:D43E-C48E + code:0febea/d2 cheat description:Small star worth 5 - code:D93E-C48E + code:0febea/d5 cheat description:Small star worth 10 - code:FD3E-C48E + code:0febea/fd cheat description:Gold Gogo Dodo Trophy lasts 1/2 as long - code:DF64-14AA + code:8a892a/df cheat description:Gold Gogo Dodo Trophy lasts 2x as long - code:D064-14AA + code:8a892a/d4 cheat description:Choose bonus level after completing a level - code:C9CE-1F0F + code:b3cded/c5 cheat description:Passwords work on any difficulty level (not just Children level) - code:7036-C001 + code:11eb81/34 cheat description:Continue with 1 life - code:DFC0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/df cheat description:Continue with 5 lives - code:D9C0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/d5 cheat description:Continue with 10 lives - code:FDC0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/fd cheat description:Continue with 25 lives - code:49C0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/25 cheat description:Continue with 50 lives - code:9DC0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/5d cheat description:Continue with 99 lives - code:BBC0-CFAF + code:3bcf4e/bb cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF6F-14DF + code:878dfb/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D96F-14DF + code:878dfb/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:FD6F-14DF + code:878dfb/fd cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:496F-14DF + code:878dfb/25 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:9D6F-14DF + code:878dfb/5d cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:BB6F-14DF + code:878dfb/bb cheat description:Start with no continues on normal level - handicap - code:DD6D-47D0 + code:8580df/dd cheat description:Start with 7 continues on normal level - code:D56D-47D0 + code:8580df/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 continues on normal level - code:DB6D-47D0 + code:8580df/db cheat description:Start with no continues on challenge level - code:DD6D-4700 + code:8180dd/dd cheat description:Start with 5 continues on challenge level - code:D96D-4700 + code:8180dd/d5 cheat description:Start with 7 continues on challenge level - code:D56D-4700 + code:8180dd/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 continues on challenge level - code:DB6D-4700 + code:8180dd/db cheat description:Start with 1 heart on Children or Normal difficulty levels (don't pick challenge level) - code:DFCD-4FAF + code:bbccde/df cheat description:Start with 4 hearts on Children or Normal difficulty levels, 2 on Challenge - code:D0CD-4FAF + code:bbccde/d4 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts on Children or Normal difficulty levels, 3 on Challenge - code:D9CD-4FAF + code:bbccde/d5 cartridge sha256:08d808e9c5851e4301a38a56b350a20ea9e3adbef51546e87e1785d691d0f2d5 name:TKO Super Championship Boxing (USA) cheat description:Infinite punch meters - both players - code:4088-AF00 + code:b1b2bd/24 cheat description:Infinite punch meter - P1 - code:40BF-04DD + code:07b5fb/24 cheat description:Infinite punch meter - P2 - code:40B0-076D + code:03b54e/24 cheat description:9 minutes per round - code:DB60-A7D4 + code:848a4f/db cheat description:6 minutes per round - code:D160-A7D4 + code:848a4f/d6 cheat description:1 minute per round - code:DF60-A7D4 + code:848a4f/df cheat description:Allowed only 3 punches in punch meter - P1 - code:D7B4-0D6D+D765-A764 + code:33b526/d3+808a7e/d3 cheat description:Allowed only 3 punches in punch meter - P2 - code:D7B9-04DD+D765-A764 + code:07b55b/d3+808a7e/d3 cartridge sha256:32d0f1ca5b91fd9b2caf81422fb9e8fb30bc091f0b2a429b9269dd307fcba4fd name:Todd McFarlane's Spawn - The Video Game (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit (invisible) - code:C203-84D1 + code:c54aeb/cd cheat description:Almost invincible (blinking) - code:3C03-8F61 + code:f14aee/ec cheat description:Infinite health - code:C208-87D1 + code:c54abf/cd cheat description:Infinite special moves - code:C27D-8701 + code:c13add/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40F8-84B0 + code:cdf2ba/24 cheat description:Don't blink after getting hit - code:FDDB-5FB9 + code:fdd5be/fd cheat description:Falling doesn't use life points - code:C2F4-7FD1 + code:f5f82f/cd cheat description:Special moves don't use life points - code:C27D-8701 + code:c13add/cd cheat description:Some bullets do 2x damage - code:D6D7-8F20 + code:f5d23f/d8 cheat description:Some bullets do no damage - code:DDD7-8F20 + code:f5d23f/dd cheat description:Some bullets kill you - code:EED7-8F20 + code:f5d23f/ee cheat description:Some enemy punches electrocute you - code:DB78-84B0 + code:cd32ba/db cheat description:Some enemy punches do no damage - code:DD78-84B0 + code:cd32ba/dd cheat description:Some enemy punches kill you - code:EE78-84B0 + code:cd32ba/ee cheat description:Guys with pipes do 2x damage - code:DBB0-EFA3+DBCF-8763 + code:bbbb4e/db+c3cafe/db cheat description:Guys with pipes do no damage - code:DDB0-EFA3+DDCF-8763 + code:bbbb4e/dd+c3cafe/dd cheat description:Guys with pipes kill - code:EEB0-EFA3+EECF-8763 + code:bbbb4e/ee+c3cafe/ee cheat description:Flaming bottles do 2x damage - code:DB4B-7DF1+DB43-E4F9 + code:fd28b7/db+8d27eb/db cheat description:Flaming bottles do no damage - code:DD4B-7DF1+DD43-E4F9 + code:fd28b7/dd+8d27eb/dd cheat description:Flaming bottles kill - code:EE4B-7DF1+EE43-E4F9 + code:fd28b7/ee+8d27eb/ee cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:FDB0-E4DB + code:86bf4b/fd cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:4CB0-E4DB + code:86bf4b/2c cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:73B0-E4DB + code:86bf4b/3e cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1F56:1F + code:7e1f56/1f cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1F00:63 + code:7e1f00/63 cartridge sha256:4f500da19dbb1557a7bc0ce14437098c1402478d573fb569303b81c011f86fbf name:Tom and Jerry (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E14C8:33 + code:7e14c8/33 cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:7E1242:04 + code:7e1242/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E14FC:09 + code:7e14fc/09 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E157A:63 + code:7e157a/63 cheat description:Infinite Cheese Bits - code:7E155E:63 + code:7e155e/63 cartridge sha256:ca9889f17f184b3d99a2eaaa82af73e366f03ed00313fdd369e5e023b208e788 name:Top Gear (USA) cheat description:Always finish first - code:F6CE-0D6D + code:33c5e6/f8 cheat description:Infinite fuel - P1 - code:C225-6429 + code:05d67b/cd cheat description:Infinite fuel - P2 - code:C223-6D95 + code:35dee5/cd cheat description:Infinite nitro boosts - P1 - code:3C84-6D64 + code:30ba26/ec cheat description:Infinite nitro boosts - P2 - code:3C86-64A4 + code:08ba8a/ec cheat description:Nitro boost lasts until end of race - P1 - code:C280-6FA4 + code:38ba4e/cd cheat description:Nitro boost lasts until end of race - P2 - code:C288-6DD4 + code:34bab7/cd cheat description:Race in any country - code:6DB7-AFEA + code:baba3f/8d cheat description:Don't slow down offroad - code:C229-D4F1 + code:4ddb5b/cd cheat description:Don't slow down against obstacles - code:DD23-6499 + code:05d6e9/dd cheat description:Don't slow down against cars - code:DD38-D7F9+DD38-DF29 + code:4de7bf/dd+75e7bf/dd cheat description:Start with 1/2 fuel - code:972B-0F64 + code:30d9be/53 cheat description:Start with 3/4 fuel - code:5A2B-0F64 + code:30d9be/7a cheat description:Start with no nitro boosts instead of 3 - code:DD63-6DDD + code:3786e7/dd cheat description:Start with 1 nitro boost - code:DF63-6DDD + code:3786e7/df cheat description:Start with 2 nitro boosts - code:D463-6DDD + code:3786e7/d2 cheat description:Start with 6 nitro boosts - code:D163-6DDD + code:3786e7/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 nitro boosts - code:DB63-6DDD + code:3786e7/db cartridge sha256:76b2702c4be8b668c1017f2817c280283c275eaa41535bf6ffa2b8d2220b68c6 name:Top Gear 2 (USA) cheat description:Infinite nitro - code:A267-CD07 + code:308f35/ad cheat description:Infinite nitros - P1 - code:C267-CD07 + code:308f35/cd cheat description:Infinite nitros - P2 - code:C2CB-CF0F + code:33cfbd/cd cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C2B7-C404 + code:00bb39/cd cheat description:Infinite money - code:82C4-49EE + code:9bc827/bd cheat description:Fuel never runs out - code:C9BD-1F04 + code:b0b9dd/c5 cheat description:Always finish first - code:632E-C767 + code:00dfee/8e cheat description:1st place gives $50,000 instead of $10,000 - code:7430-398E + code:9feb46/32 cheat description:2nd place gives $50,000 instead of $6,000 - code:7430-317E + code:9feb48/32 cheat description:3rd place gives $50,000 instead of $4,000 - code:7430-318E + code:9feb4a/32 cheat description:4th place gives $50,000 instead of $3,000 - code:7430-357E + code:9feb4c/32 cheat description:5th place gives $50,000 instead of $2,000 - code:7430-358E + code:9feb4e/32 cheat description:6th place gives $50,000 instead of $1,000 - code:7439-307E + code:9feb50/32 cheat description:7th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 - code:7439-308E + code:9feb52/32 cheat description:8th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 - code:7439-397E + code:9feb54/32 cheat description:9th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 - code:7439-398E + code:9feb56/32 cheat description:10th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 - code:7439-317E + code:9feb58/32 cheat description:1st place is worth 20 points instead of 10 - code:F039-355A + code:9eeb5d/f4 cheat description:2nd place is worth 20 points instead of 6 - code:F039-35EA + code:9aeb5f/f4 cheat description:3rd place is worth 20 points instead of 4 - code:F031-305A + code:9eeb61/f4 cheat description:4th place is worth 20 points instead of 3 - code:F031-30EA + code:9aeb63/f4 cheat description:5th place is worth 20 points instead of 2 - code:F031-395A + code:9eeb65/f4 cheat description:6th place is worth 20 points instead of 1 - code:F031-39EA + code:9aeb67/f4 cheat description:7th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 - code:F031-315A + code:9eeb69/f4 cheat description:8th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 - code:F031-31EA + code:9aeb6b/f4 cheat description:9th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 - code:F031-355A + code:9eeb6d/f4 cheat description:10th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 - code:F031-35EA + code:9aeb6f/f4 cheat description:Everything is free (must have enough to buy) - code:0BC4-49EE+52C3-3083 + code:9bc827/4b+9fcbe2/7d cheat description:2nd engine costs $1K instead of $30K - code:DFC5-405E + code:9fc871/df cheat description:2nd engine costs $15K instead of $30K - code:DEC5-405E + code:9fc871/de cheat description:3rd engine costs $1K instead of $50K - code:DFC5-40EE + code:9bc873/df cheat description:3rd engine costs $25K instead of $50K - code:FBC5-40EE + code:9bc873/fb cheat description:4th engine costs $1K instead of $80K - code:DFC5-495E + code:9fc875/df cheat description:4th engine costs $40K instead of $80K - code:46C5-495E + code:9fc875/28 cheat description:2nd wet tires are free - code:DDC5-415E + code:9fc879/dd cheat description:3rd wet tires are free - code:DDC5-41EE + code:9bc87b/dd cheat description:4th wet tires are free - code:DDC5-455E + code:9fc87d/dd cheat description:2nd dry tires are free - code:DDC6-405E + code:9fc881/dd cheat description:3rd dry tires are free - code:DDC6-40EE + code:9bc883/dd cheat description:4th dry tires are free - code:DDC6-495E + code:9fc885/dd cheat description:2nd gear box costs $1K instead of $10K - code:DFC6-415E + code:9fc889/df cheat description:2nd gear box costs $5K instead of $10K - code:D9C6-415E + code:9fc889/d5 cheat description:3rd gear box costs $1K instead of $30K - code:DFC6-41EE + code:9bc88b/df cheat description:3rd gear box costs $15K instead of $30K - code:DEC6-41EE + code:9bc88b/de cheat description:4th gear box costs $1K instead of $50K - code:DFC6-455E + code:9fc88d/df cheat description:4th gear box costs $25K instead of $50K - code:FBC6-455E + code:9fc88d/fb cheat description:2nd nitro costs $1K instead of $5K - code:DFCB-405E + code:9fc8b1/df cheat description:2nd nitro costs $2K instead of $5K - code:D4CB-405E + code:9fc8b1/d2 cheat description:3rd nitro costs $1K instead of $15K - code:DFCB-40EE + code:9bc8b3/df cheat description:3rd nitro costs $7K instead of $15K - code:D5CB-40EE + code:9bc8b3/d7 cheat description:4th nitro costs $1K instead of $30K - code:DFCB-495E + code:9fc8b5/df cheat description:4th nitro costs $15K instead of $30K - code:DECB-495E + code:9fc8b5/de cheat description:2nd side armor costs $1K instead of $5K - code:DFCC-405E + code:9fc8c1/df cheat description:2nd side armor costs $2K instead of $5K - code:D4CC-405E + code:9fc8c1/d2 cheat description:3rd side armor costs $1K instead of $10K - code:DFCC-40EE + code:9bc8c3/df cheat description:3rd side armor costs $5K instead of $10K - code:D9CC-40EE + code:9bc8c3/d5 cheat description:4th side armor costs $1K instead of $20K - code:DFCC-495E + code:9fc8c5/df cheat description:4th side armor costs $10K instead of $20K - code:DCCC-495E + code:9fc8c5/dc cheat description:2nd rear armor costs $1K instead of $5K - code:DFCC-415E + code:9fc8c9/df cheat description:2nd rear armor costs $2K instead of $5K - code:D4CC-415E + code:9fc8c9/d2 cheat description:3rd rear armor costs $1K instead of $10K - code:DFCC-41EE + code:9bc8cb/df cheat description:3rd rear armor costs $5K instead of $10K - code:D9CC-41EE + code:9bc8cb/d5 cheat description:4th rear armor costs $1K instead of $20K - code:DFCC-455E + code:9fc8cd/df cheat description:4th rear armor costs $10K instead of $20K - code:DCCC-455E + code:9fc8cd/dc cheat description:2nd front armor costs $1K instead of $5K - code:DFC8-405E + code:9fc8b1/df cheat description:2nd front armor costs $2K instead of $5K - code:D4C8-405E + code:9fc8b1/d2 cheat description:3rd front armor costs $1K instead of $10K - code:DFC8-40EE + code:9bc8b3/df cheat description:3rd front armor costs $5K instead of $10K - code:D9C8-40EE + code:9bc8b3/d5 cheat description:4th front armor costs $1K instead of $20K - code:DFC8-495E + code:9fc8b5/df cheat description:4th front armor costs $10K instead of $20K - code:DCC8-495E + code:9fc8b5/dc cheat description:Start with 0 nitros - code:DD2A-4D6D + code:b3d4a6/dd cheat description:Start with 2 nitros - code:D42A-4D6D + code:b3d4a6/d2 cheat description:Start with 4 nitros - code:D02A-4D6D + code:b3d4a6/d4 cheat description:Start with 8 nitros - code:D62A-4D6D + code:b3d4a6/d8 cheat description:Start with 10 nitros - code:DC2A-4D6D + code:b3d4a6/dc cartridge sha256:6be49983976564f1fd9eff2f14f5bb41d3a0ff48573e39318088ecce286aca62 name:Top Gear 3000 (USA) cheat description:Always finish first - code:C3EC-1700 + code:81e1cd/ce cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C936-1D6E + code:b3e986/c5 cheat description:Infinite Nitro - code:A930-3463 + code:83eb4a/a5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E005B:00 + code:7e005b/00 cheat description:Infinite money - code:7E0390:75+7E038F:30 + code:7e0390/75+7e038f/30 cartridge sha256:9bf884be5627d38f060ad7f3a61ea1fea1474d416e1d037d33014ca9d5205c1d name:Total Carnage (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6D27-441E + code:8bd839/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C932-341E + code:8bebd9/c5 cheat description:Infinite Time Bombs - code:4029-3F12 + code:bbd75d/24 cheat description:Shields last longer - code:D6B3-C764 + code:00bbee/d8 cheat description:Shields don't last last as long - code:DDB3-C764 + code:00bbee/dd cheat description:Weapons don't run out until you die or change weapons - code:C930-4D4A + code:bae844/c5 cheat description:Join in with 2 lives and 3 Time Bombs - code:DFBC-47D4 + code:84b8cf/df cheat description:Join in with 10 lives and 9 Time Bombs - code:DBBC-47D4 + code:84b8cf/db cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:DFC3-44D2 + code:87c4eb/df cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DBC3-44D2 + code:87c4eb/db cheat description:Start with 1 Time Bomb - code:DFCD-1DD2+40B5-1DD4 + code:b7c5d7/df+b4b977/24 cheat description:Start with 9 Time Bombs - code:DBCD-1DD2 + code:b7c5d7/db cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:8BDC39:80 + code:8bdc39/80 cheat description:Infinite Shield - P1 - code:7E0463:01 + code:7e0463/01 cheat description:Infinite Shield - P2 - code:7E04AB:01 + code:7e04ab/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0480:09 + code:7e0480/09 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E04C8:09 + code:7e04c8/09 cheat description:Infinite Time Bombs - P1 - code:7E0481:09 + code:7e0481/09 cheat description:Infinite Time Bombs - P2 - code:7E04C9:09 + code:7e04c9/09 cheat description:Rapid Fire - P1 - code:7E0477:03 + code:7e0477/03 cheat description:Rapid Fire - P2 - code:7E04BF:03 + code:7e04bf/03 cheat description:Always have Speed Shoes - P1 - code:7E045E:01+7E0468:01 + code:7e045e/01+7e0468/01 cheat description:Always have Speed Shoes - P2 - code:7E04A6:01+7E04B0:01 + code:7e04a6/01+7e04b0/01 cheat description:Have normal Gun - P1 - code:7E0476:00 + code:7e0476/00 cheat description:Have normal Gun - P2 - code:7E04BE:00 + code:7e04be/00 cheat description:Have Gatling Ball Gun - P1 - code:7E0476:0F + code:7e0476/0f cheat description:Have Gatling Ball Gun - P2 - code:7E04BE:0F + code:7e04be/0f cheat description:Have 3-way Gun - P1 - code:7E0476:1E + code:7e0476/1e cheat description:Have 3-way Gun - P2 - code:7E04BE:1E + code:7e04be/1e cheat description:Have Rocket Launcher - P1 - code:7E0476:2D + code:7e0476/2d cheat description:Have Rocket Launcher - P2 - code:7E04BE:2D + code:7e04be/2d cheat description:Have Blue Flame Thrower - P1 - code:7E0476:4C + code:7e0476/4c cheat description:Have Blue Flame Thrower - P2 - code:7E04BE:4C + code:7e04be/4c cheat description:Have Ball Launcher - P1 - code:7E0476:5A + code:7e0476/5a cheat description:Have Ball Launcher - P2 - code:7E04BE:5A + code:7e04be/5a cheat description:Have 150 Keys - P1 - code:7E0485:96 + code:7e0485/96 cheat description:Have 150 Keys - P2 - code:7E04CD:96 + code:7e04cd/96 cheat description:Disable hurry up timer - code:7E00AF:00+7E00B0:00 + code:7e00af/00+7e00b0/00 cartridge sha256:345e795000e74f51704774edfc8049473461761a65eb47cab710caa29e09897b name:Toy Story (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C2B7-3914 + code:98bb35/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:CEB9-3914 + code:98bb55/ce cheat description:Start with 5 more lives than usual - code:D63D-C7BA + code:0eebde/d8 cheat description:Start with 10 more lives than usual - code:DE3D-C7BA + code:0eebde/de cheat description:Start with 25 more lives than usual - code:F33D-C7BA + code:0eebde/fe cheat description:Start with 50 more lives than usual - code:753D-C7BA + code:0eebde/37 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:DFA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/df cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D4A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d2 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D7A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d3 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:D0A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d4 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:D9A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d5 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:D1A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d6 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:D5A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d7 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:D6A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/d8 cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:DBA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/db cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:DCA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/dc cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:D8A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/db cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:DAA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/da cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:D2A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/dd cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:D3A6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/de cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:DEA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/de cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:FDA6-3DC4 + code:b0ab87/fd cartridge sha256:7a6e5da46b026900fba4584a32ad40d940b9ecf9fccfb11f96a205a914014784 name:Toys - Let the Toy Wars begin! (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C261-3D7B + code:be8f64/cd cheat description:Protection against most hazards - code:C2B6-3F5C+C2A4-3F8C + code:bfb38d/cd+bfa32e/cd cheat description:Fewer toys gained from floor boxes - code:DC85-4D34 + code:b8b877/dc cheat description:More toys gained from floor boxes - code:1EB5-4D34+EEB5-440F + code:b8b877/6e+83bc79/ee cheat description:Lots more toys gained from floor boxes - code:7985-4D34+EEB5-440F + code:b8b877/35+83bc79/ee cheat description:Fewer toys gained from carousel - code:DC69-CF47 + code:388f5c/dc cheat description:More toys gained from carousel - code:7969-CF47 + code:388f5c/35 cheat description:Lots more toys gained from carousel - code:1E69-CF47 + code:388f5c/6e cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF2D-37AC + code:8bd3de/df cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB2D-37AC + code:8bd3de/db + +cartridge sha256:683f5755fdce9c073561d5907f9182884eb203d4e52f84488440dd8dd8223005 + name:Treasure Hunter G (Japan) + cheat + description:Quick level up + code:9bc522/cb+93c525/ec + cheat + description:Always win frog race + code:878979/cb+8f897a/34 + cheat + description:C.1 Full Element Set + code:03dbdd/de + cheat + description:C.2 Full Element Set + code:33db2e/de + cheat + description:C.3 Full Element Set + code:0bdb3e/de + cheat + description:C.4 Full Element Set + code:07db5b/de + cheat + description:Instant win battles + code:81c48e/ba + cheat + description:Instant win Frog Dodgeball, Fly Catching + code:b7bb2d/8d + cheat + description:Defeat one enemy to win battle + code:18dbb2/ba + cheat + description:Walk through walls - towns/dungeons + code:31b7be/dd + cheat + description:Walk through walls - world map + code:bfa5af/dd+87a56d/8d+87a4b9/8d+bfa5f7/dd cartridge sha256:4070a7702dc506a1ceb6f65b5c330b3a162df6f01735c8f206934fd47b810ed4 name:Troddlers (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C269-6464 + code:008a5a/cd cartridge sha256:5c7b28bb24bad697156ad444ff23bd15ad6744dbf9899b3cccf2aa36d559d825 name:True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA) cheat description:All holes are par 4 - code:CE65-D763 + code:438b7e/ce cheat description:Course is generally harder (par goes down randomly for some holes) - code:8665-D7A3+D728-04DA + code:4b8b7e/b8+06d9bb/d3 cartridge sha256:72088194a65fc057f2910945a33d9f071682a4cecac8996f0bdabcdb5ef39962 name:True Golf Classics - Waialae Country Club (USA) cheat description:Most holes have new par values - code:1C6A-67D9+D081-046A + code:0586af/6c+02b96a/d4 cheat description:All holes are par 5 - code:CE6A-64A9 + code:0986aa/ce cheat description:All holes are par 4 - code:CE6A-64A9+1A6A-67D9 + code:0986aa/ce+0586af/6a cartridge sha256:47dd8ea2d12a6bb2a9774de1d492259fc4fb9f8ec7976383bbfd922532671f6b name:True Lies (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E2D38:17 + code:7e2d38/17 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1A57:05 + code:7e1a57/05 cheat description:Infinite Aircraft Missiles - code:7E1A61:06 + code:7e1a61/06 cheat description:Infinite Big Gun ammo - code:7E00A9:73 + code:7e00a9/73 cheat description:Infinite Flamethrower fuel - code:7E00AF:63 + code:7e00af/63 cheat description:Infinite Grenades - code:7E00AB:09 + code:7e00ab/09 cheat description:Infinite Mines - code:7E00AD:09 + code:7e00ad/09 cheat description:Infinite Pistol ammo - code:7E00A5:0F + code:7e00a5/0f cheat description:Infinite Shotgun Shells - code:7E00A7:63 + code:7e00a7/63 cheat description:Infinite Uzi ammo - code:7E00AA:0A + code:7e00aa/0a cheat description:Have all weapons - code:7E1A55:FF + code:7e1a55/ff cheat description:No civilian kill limit (warning on first two deaths) - code:7E1A2A:00 + code:7e1a2a/00 cartridge sha256:8f62d014f513a7dcbca5aa76cbe476c3e4526100f34913af831bc05dab029bd1 name:Tuff E Nuff (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:6D6A-14A0 + code:8981aa/8d cheat description:One hit kills - code:CB67-1FA9+EE67-1409 + code:b9853e/cb+818539/ee cheat description:Allows you to select same player vs. same player in a 1P vs. 2P game (must select 2nd player using right button) - code:DDAE-CDA5 + code:39afe6/dd cheat description:Allows you to select any character in a vs. computer game - code:EEA3-C7A1 + code:09abee/ee cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's High Fist Thrust does more damage - code:F62E-46F3 + code:afd8e3/f8 cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Sliding Heel Kick does more damage - code:4024-3BF3 + code:afdb2f/24 cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Big Head Thrust Punch does more damage - from close up only - code:402F-16FE + code:afd9f3/24 cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Big Head Thrust Punch does no damage - code:DD2F-16FE + code:afd9f3/dd cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Flying Side Kick does more damage - from close up only - code:4020-CCBE + code:3fdb42/24 cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Ball of Energy does more damage - code:4030-1B9A + code:a6e94d/24 cheat description:Syoh and Zazi's Palm Hit Drop does more damage - code:4C2E-1B2E + code:a7d9ef/2c cheat description:Zazi's Blue Thunder Punch and Syoh's Dragon Blade does more damage - code:403D-3CFA + code:beebd3/24 cheat description:Kotono's Straight Line Slash does more damage - code:F322-3617 + code:a8dfd1/fe cheat description:Kotono's Sweeping Knee Kick does more damage - code:F623-CC17 + code:38dfe1/f8 cheat description:Kotono's Flying Swallow Double Drop does more damage - code:F339-3614 + code:a8eb51/fe cheat description:Kotono's Flying Side Kick does more damage - code:F624-3C37 + code:b8df23/f8 cheat description:Kotono's Flying Swallow Point Break does more damage - code:F332-3B44 + code:a8ebdc/fe cheat description:Kotono's Drawn Sword Mist Slash does more damage - code:F33E-1C3F + code:bbede3/fe cheat description:Kotono's Double Edge does more damage - code:F633-3B14 + code:a8ebed/f8 cheat description:Kotono's Special Kick does more damage - code:403B-364F + code:abefb0/24 cheat description:Vortz's Middle Kick does more damage - code:4C3B-4BC9 + code:a1e4bf/2c cheat description:Vortz's Low Kick does more damage - code:F630-4B49 + code:a9e44c/f8 cheat description:Vortz's Low Aerial Drop Kick does more damage - code:4C3C-3830 + code:a9e3cf/2c cheat description:Vortz's Big Double Sledge Hammer does more damage - code:4031-CB10 + code:29e36d/24 cheat description:Vortz's Diving Knee Pad does more damage - code:F33D-3C30 + code:b9e3d3/fe cheat description:Vortz's Diving Elbow does more damage - code:4C3B-CB30 + code:29e3bf/2c cheat description:Vortz's Lightning Tackle does more damage - code:4C30-18C9 + code:a1e54f/2c cheat description:Each round is 80 seconds - code:6D65-14D4 + code:84897b/8d cheat description:Each round is 60 seconds - code:1D65-14D4 + code:84897b/6d cheat description:Each round is 40 seconds - code:0D65-14D4 + code:84897b/4d cheat description:Each round is 20 seconds - code:4D65-14D4 + code:84897b/2d cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - P1 - code:F1CE-1FD9 + code:b5c5ef/f6 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - P1 - code:4ACE-1FD9 + code:b5c5ef/2a cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - P1 - code:04CE-1FD9 + code:b5c5ef/42 cheat description:Play stage 2 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:D066-446F + code:838c8a/d4 cheat description:Play stage 3 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:D166-446F + code:838c8a/d6 cheat description:Play stage 4 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:D666-446F + code:838c8a/d8 cheat description:Play stage 5 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:DC66-446F + code:838c8a/dc cheat description:Play stage 6 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:DA66-446F + code:838c8a/da cheat description:Play stage 7 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:D366-446F + code:838c8a/de cheat description:Play stage 8 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:FD66-446F + code:838c8a/fd cheat description:Play stage 9 in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:F466-446F + code:838c8a/f2 cheat description:Play final stage in story (brings you back to level 1) - code:F066-446F + code:838c8a/f4 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0FB7:58 + code:7e0fb7/58 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1010:58 + code:7e1010/58 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0B27:99 + code:7e0b27/99 cheat description:Powered moves - P1 - code:7E0FB8:06 + code:7e0fb8/06 cheat description:Powered moves - P2 - code:7E1011:06 + code:7e1011/06 cartridge sha256:dbf11d4c77b9aa3416f687201d57d71a23bb8fb0b8fe5e9e8212db3fac036631 name:Turbo Toons (Europe) cheat description:Start at Final Tournament (press Select at title screen, then in the topmost menu select the trophy) - code:7E1E44:04 + code:7e1e44/04 cheat description:Infinite Turbo - Hong Kong Phooey - code:7E0C9E:E0 + code:7e0c9e/e0 cartridge sha256:e4343c0fadc00ffdc3dc31345068d751eea5d639f826731f08cb81673d508c40 name:Turn and Burn - No-Fly Zone (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E10DB:38 + code:7e10db/38 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:7E1AC4:99+7E1AC5:74 + code:7e1ac4/99+7e1ac5/74 cheat description:Infinite AIM-7 - code:7E05E9:FF + code:7e05e9/ff cheat description:Infinite AIM-9 - code:7E05E7:FF + code:7e05e7/ff cheat description:Infinite AIM-54 - code:7E05EB:BF + code:7e05eb/bf cheat description:Infinite M-61 - code:7E05E5:FF + code:7e05e5/ff cartridge sha256:c8187417a27a2f14ce2be35eebd0f112bd413b57d3589ae6d40b333bc21ba694 name:TwinBee - Rainbow Bell Adventure (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E1994:0A + code:7e1994/0a cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E02EC:03 + code:7e02ec/03 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E02CE:00 + code:7e02ce/00 cartridge sha256:259c25d4613f97f5fa7992900fb583625d7fb912c7ae09fa9def2e682834dc9f name:Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:CEA5-34DF + code:87af7b/ce cheat description:Infinite money - code:C260-3766 + code:82834e/cd cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E4CE0:FF+7E4CE1:4F + code:7e4ce0/ff+7e4ce1/4f cheat description:Infinite money (alt) - code:7E0A57:E7+7E0A58:03 + code:7e0a57/e7+7e0a58/03 cheat description:Start with max hit level - code:7E4DA0:30 + code:7e4da0/30 cartridge sha256:0c169bbb4e6dcb3b23e7b3b05e3bddd590f45cecd803a4e5a7118fd606158b23 name:U.F.O. Kamen Yakisoban - Kettler no Kuroi Inbou (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0175:28 + code:7e0175/28 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0176:07 + code:7e0176/07 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E0AF3:B0 + code:7e0af3/b0 cartridge sha256:0b155a54b6134601fc0791252a63ca73efd522667c3d6fd7a44f5b3c500039d7 name:U.N. Squadron (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:DD37-D76F+6D34-07FF + code:43ef3e/dd+0fed2f/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:A923-DDDF+A923-DD6F + code:77dfe7/a5+73dfe6/a5 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:AD2C-0D0F + code:33ddc5/ad cheat description:Infinite shots for all weapons - code:2238-A72F + code:87eebf/dd cheat description:Infinite money - code:A98E-07D4 + code:04b9ef/a5 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:1830-A79F+3435-A4AD+343F-ADDD+4D35-A7DD+4D3F-AD0D + code:87ee4d/6b+8be67a/e2+b7e6f7/e2+87e67f/2d+b3e6f5/2d cheat description:Shoot without stopping - code:C931-07BF + code:0fed6e/c5 cheat description:Max power on first pellet pick-up - code:DDE5-A794 + code:84ea7d/dd cheat description:Start with no money - code:DD80-0DAD + code:3bb546/dd cheat description:Start with $9,000 - code:BD80-0DAD + code:3bb546/bd cheat description:Start with 1 life and 1 continue - code:DF89-040D + code:03b559/df cheat description:Start with 5 lives and 5 continues - code:D989-040D + code:03b559/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 lives and 9 continues - code:DB89-040D + code:03b559/db cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E00F7:01 + code:7e00f7/01 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1008:08 + code:7e1008/08 cheat description:Infinite shots for all weapons (alt) - code:04E7BF:DD + code:04e7bf/dd cheat description:Infinite money (alt) - code:00B9FC:C5 + code:00b9fc/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:00D4E0:C5+00D4E2:C5 + code:00d4e0/c5+00d4e2/c5 cheat description:Infinite continues (alt) - code:7E00F3:03 + code:7e00f3/03 cheat description:Enable all 6 jets selectable for free - code:7E00F6:3F + code:7e00f6/3f cheat description:Loads of money - P1 - code:7E00D9:01 + code:7e00d9/01 cheat description:Infinite Conventional Bombs - code:7E00DD:31 + code:7e00dd/31 cheat description:Infinite Mega Crush Weapons - code:7E00DD:02 + code:7e00dd/02 cheat description:Infinite Thunder Laser - code:7E00DD:14 + code:7e00dd/14 cartridge sha256:094555d5720158ee60c9d5ab9a13110192db5ebf0f6cf69abbb59a00bc470345 name:Ultima - Runes of Virtue II (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - makes enemies invincible too (Shamino in easy mode) - code:C2C3-47A7 + code:88ccee/cd cheat description:Stars never recharge (Shamino in easy mode) - code:CB3B-1464 + code:80e9ba/cb cheat description:Almost infinite stars (Shamino in easy mode) - code:CB67-3764 + code:808b3e/cb cheat description:Start with a stronger armor (Shamino in easy mode) - code:CB6C-4D68+4A6C-4DA8 + code:b28cc6/cb+ba8cc6/2a cheat description:Start with less stars (Shamino in easy mode) - code:DF69-4FD8 + code:b68c5f/df cheat description:Start with Crossbow instead of the Axe (Shamino in easy mode) - code:7760-47D8 + code:868c4f/33 cheat description:Start with Longbow instead of the Axe (Shamino in easy mode) - code:7060-47D8 + code:868c4f/34 cheat description:Start with Fireball wand instead of the Axe (Shamino in easy mode) - code:7560-47D8 + code:868c4f/37 cheat description:Start with Boomerang instead of the Axe (Shamino in easy mode) - code:7660-47D8 + code:868c4f/38 cheat description:Start with Shuriken instead of the Axe (Shamino in easy mode) - code:4E60-47D8 + code:868c4f/2e cheat description:Start with 30 intelligence (Shamino in easy mode) - code:7D60-4768 + code:828c4e/3d cheat description:Start with 5 intelligence (Shamino in easy mode) - code:D960-4768 + code:828c4e/d5 cartridge sha256:11659bd8dd620d50400d16042aeb2d0ddb00c7183fc1ecb95b1a34f07db0431b name:Ultima - The False Prophet (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:89C8-D76D + code:43c7be/b5 cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:7E014B:FF+7E014C:FF + code:7e014b/ff+7e014c/ff cheat description:Max Karma - code:7E014A:64 + code:7e014a/64 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Avatar) - code:7E8603:F0 + code:7e8603/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Shamino) - code:7E8607:F0 + code:7e8607/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Iolo) - code:7E8609:F0 + code:7e8609/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Dupre) - code:7E8605:F0 + code:7e8605/f0 cheat description:Infinite MP (Avatar) - code:7E8C02:3C + code:7e8c02/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Shamino) - code:7E8C06:3C + code:7e8c06/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Iolo) - code:7E8C08:3C + code:7e8c08/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Dupre) - code:7E8C04:3C + code:7e8c04/3c cheat description:Infinite Energy (Jaana) - code:7E867D:F0 + code:7e867d/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Gwenno) - code:7E8685:F0 + code:7e8685/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Seggal) - code:7E8741:F0 + code:7e8741/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Katrina) - code:7E86C3:F0 + code:7e86c3/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Sentri) - code:7E874D:F0 + code:7e874d/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Leodon) - code:7E86E3:F0 + code:7e86e3/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Gorn) - code:7E8757:F0 + code:7e8757/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Leonna) - code:7E86E5:F0 + code:7e86e5/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Blaine) - code:7E870F:F0 + code:7e870f/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Beh Lem) - code:7E875D:F0 + code:7e875d/f0 cheat description:Infinite Energy (Julia) - code:7E8687:F0 + code:7e8687/f0 cheat description:Infinite MP (Gwenno) - code:7E8C84:3C + code:7e8c84/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Jaana) - code:7E8C7C:3C + code:7e8c7c/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Julia) - code:7E8C86:3C + code:7e8c86/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Katrina) - code:7E8CC2:3C + code:7e8cc2/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Seggal) - code:7E8D40:3C + code:7e8d40/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Sentri) - code:7E8D4C:3C + code:7e8d4c/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Gorn) - code:7E8D56:3C + code:7e8d56/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Leodon) - code:7E8CE2:3C + code:7e8ce2/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Leonna) - code:7E8CE4:3C + code:7e8ce4/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Blaine) - code:7E8D0E:3C + code:7e8d0e/3c cheat description:Infinite MP (Beh Lem) - code:7E8D5C:3C + code:7e8d5c/3c cheat description:Max Experience (Gwenno) - code:7E8884:0F+7E8885:27 + code:7e8884/0f+7e8885/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Seggal) - code:7E8940:0F+7E8941:27 + code:7e8940/0f+7e8941/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Sentri) - code:7E894C:0F+7E894D:27 + code:7e894c/0f+7e894d/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Julia) - code:7E8886:0F+7E8887:27 + code:7e8886/0f+7e8887/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Katrina) - code:7E88C2:0F+7E88C3:27 + code:7e88c2/0f+7e88c3/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Jaana) - code:7E887C:0F+7E887D:27 + code:7e887c/0f+7e887d/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Blaine) - code:7E890E:0F+7E890F:27 + code:7e890e/0f+7e890f/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Beh Lem) - code:7E895C:0F+7E895D:27 + code:7e895c/0f+7e895d/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Gorn) - code:7E8956:0F+7E8957:27 + code:7e8956/0f+7e8957/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Leonna) - code:7E88E4:0F+7E88E5:27 + code:7e88e4/0f+7e88e5/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Leodon) - code:7E88E2:0F+7E88E3:27 + code:7e88e2/0f+7e88e3/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Avatar) - code:7E8802:0F+7E8803:27 + code:7e8802/0f+7e8803/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Dupre) - code:7E8804:0F+7E8805:27 + code:7e8804/0f+7e8805/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Shamino) - code:7E8806:0F+7E8807:27 + code:7e8806/0f+7e8807/27 cheat description:Max Experience (Iolo) - code:7E8808:0F+7E8809:27 + code:7e8808/0f+7e8809/27 cartridge sha256:a31af0e39afb55bbc92a5543b504327fbe7e8cd0a5e08626976bed7b65376737 name:Ultima - The Black Gate (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1CFA:E4 + code:7e1cfa/e4 cheat description:Infinite Keys - code:7E1CFC:63 + code:7e1cfc/63 cheat description:65,000 Exp - code:7E1D00:E8+7E1D01:FD + code:7e1d00/e8+7e1d01/fd cheat description:65,000 Gold - code:7E1CE6:E8+7E1CE7:FD + code:7e1ce6/e8+7e1ce7/fd cartridge sha256:78bf82963cded9162e25035053c8b1a9f760748ff0beacc230d005204992737d name:Ultimate Fighter (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (except projectiles) - P1 - code:DD84-342B + code:86bf2b/dd cheat description:Invincibility (except projectiles) - P2 - code:DD87-17BB + code:8ebd3e/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1402:C8 + code:7e1402/c8 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P1 - code:6D87-179B + code:86bd3d/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - P2 - code:6D84-34BB + code:8ebf2a/8d cheat description:Infinite lives - story mode - code:7E09C9:63 + code:7e09c9/63 cheat description:Start with 60,000 score - code:7E09B9:60+7E09BA:EA + code:7e09b9/60+7e09ba/ea cartridge sha256:cb2fdfce61858063bf4c9da4228381c3ec3abe423f4d378cddd174ae4adb261e name:Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (throws damage CPU) - code:3D3C-C79F+6D33-3DBF+7D38-CDFF+DF3C-C7BF+E138-CD9F + code:07efcd/ed+bfefe6/8d+3fefb7/3d+0fefce/df+37efb5/e6 cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:C172-B27B + code:fe3ed4/c6 cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:C17B-F37C + code:ff33b8/c6 cheat description:Infinite run - P1 - code:7D72-B37B + code:fe3ed8/3d cheat description:Infinite run - P2 - code:7D7B-FE7C + code:ff33b8/3d cheat description:Max fatality time - code:DF73-2A7C + code:6f33e8/df cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:DDEB-3DB7+D7EB-3FF7+EDEB-3D27+EE3C-C4BF+0AEB-3F97+0AEB-34F7+31EB-34B7+35EB-3F27+3DEB-3DF7+46EB-3FB7+84EB-3497+BD3C-C49F+D4EB-3D97 + code:bcefb6/dd+bcefbf/d3+b4efb7/ed+0fefca/ee+b4efbd/4a+8cefbb/4a+8cefba/e6+b4efbf/e7+bcefb7/ed+bcefbe/28+84efb9/b2+07efc9/bd+b4efb5/d2 cheat description:Blank versus screen - code:EE37-CF02 + code:33e73d/ee cheat description:Scrambled backgrounds - code:C2B1-1FBF + code:bfbd6e/cd cheat description:Black background (wait for title screen to appear before proceeding) - code:C2B6-1FFF + code:bfbd8f/cd cheat description:First round / one button fatalities - code:7E3BE3:01 + code:7e3be3/01 cartridge sha256:e9fae4c2e171a1fc4f2bd800abd9e42750aaf7a4db9e40c5b9142e15029500bd name:Ultraman (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:4ABA-67DF + code:07beaf/2a cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E07EE:53 + code:7e07ee/53 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E084E:00 + code:7e084e/00 cheat description:Infinite chances - code:4024-6FA7 + code:38de2e/24 cheat description:Infinite time (seconds) - code:7E00A3:63 + code:7e00a3/63 cheat description:Infinite time (minutes) - code:7E00A4:09 + code:7e00a4/09 cheat description:Quicker health replenishment - code:DD8F-DF0D + code:73b7fd/dd cheat description:Less health replenishment for enemies - code:3C80-DDDD + code:77b747/ec cheat description:Weaker punch - code:DFAC-D76E + code:43abce/df cheat description:Weaker kick - code:DFA8-DDDE + code:77abb7/df cheat description:9 minutes per stage - code:DBB4-DD6D + code:73b726/db cheat description:6 minutes per stage - code:D1B4-DD6D + code:73b726/d6 cheat description:2 minutes per stage - code:D4B4-DD6D + code:73b726/d2 cheat description:Start with 1 chance - code:DD6C-0467 + code:008dca/dd cheat description:Start with 6 chances - code:D96C-0467 + code:008dca/d5 cheat description:Start with 9 chances - code:DB6C-0467 + code:008dca/db cheat description:Start on stage 1 - Gudis - code:7E00F8:00 + code:7e00f8/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - Bogun - code:7E00F8:01 + code:7e00f8/01 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - Degola - code:7E00F8:02 + code:7e00f8/02 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - Barrangas - code:7E00F8:03 + code:7e00f8/03 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - Gudis II - code:7E00F8:04 + code:7e00f8/04 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - Zebokon - code:7E00F8:05 + code:7e00f8/05 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - Majaba - code:7E00F8:06 + code:7e00f8/06 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - Kodalar - code:7E00F8:07 + code:7e00f8/07 cheat description:Start on final stage - Kilazee - code:7E00F8:08 + code:7e00f8/08 cartridge sha256:794152fc6f55cb15a0b203fa645ac9fa314a293da999d8ec8b3dda080434d175 name:Uncharted Waters (USA) cheat description:Start with 65,000 Gold - code:E2EF-D7D5 + code:45efff/ed cartridge sha256:64bc4707f422661a66618088887e2363a5f896ea683c58984fffd96dd21ab5f0 name:New Horizons (USA) cheat description:Joao starts with 156 Leadership instead of 78 - code:BA6D-873D + code:cb86df/ba cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Leadership instead of 78 - code:EC6D-873D + code:cb86df/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 150 Seamanship instead of 75 - code:B16F-8D4D + code:fb86f4/b6 cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Seamanship instead of 75 - code:EC6F-8D4D + code:fb86f4/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 146 Knowledge instead of 73 - code:B46F-8D1D + code:fb86f5/b2 cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Knowledge instead of 73 - code:EC6F-8D1D + code:fb86f5/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 170 Intuition instead of 85 - code:CC6F-8DCD + code:f386f7/cc cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Intuition instead of 85 - code:EC6F-8DCD + code:f386f7/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 164 Courage instead of 82 - code:C06F-8D3D + code:fb86f7/c4 cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Courage instead of 82 - code:EC6F-8D3D + code:fb86f7/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 164 Dueling Skill instead of 82 - code:C06F-8F4D + code:fb86fc/c4 cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Dueling Skill instead of 82 - code:EC6F-8F4D + code:fb86fc/ec cheat description:Joao starts with 178 Likability (Charm) instead of 89 - code:846F-8F1D + code:fb86fd/b2 cheat description:Joao starts with 250 Likability (Charm) instead of 89 - code:EC6F-8F1D + code:fb86fd/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 24 Sail Level instead of 8 - code:F660-841D + code:cb8649/f8 cheat description:Catalina starts with 80 Sail Level instead of 8 - code:9D60-841D + code:cb8649/5d cheat description:Catalina starts with 30 Battle Level instead of 10 - code:F360-84CD + code:c3864b/fe cheat description:Catalina starts with 100 Battle Level instead of 10 - code:1060-84CD + code:c3864b/64 cheat description:Catalina starts with 160 Leadership instead of 80 - code:CD60-8D1D + code:fb8645/cd cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Leadership instead of 80 - code:EC60-8D1D + code:fb8645/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 158 Seamanship instead of 79 - code:B360-8DCD + code:f38647/be cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Seamanship instead of 79 - code:EC60-8DCD + code:f38647/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 130 Knowledge instead of 65 - code:6460-8D3D + code:fb8647/82 cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Knowledge instead of 65 - code:EC60-8D3D + code:fb8647/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 104 Intuition instead of 52 - code:1660-8F4D + code:fb864c/68 cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Intuition instead of 52 - code:EC60-8F4D + code:fb864c/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 172 Courage instead of 86 - code:CA60-8F1D + code:fb864d/ca cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Courage instead of 86 - code:EC60-8F1D + code:fb864d/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 184 Dueling Skill instead of 92 - code:8660-8FCD + code:f3864f/b8 cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Dueling Skill instead of 92 - code:EC60-8FCD + code:f3864f/ec cheat description:Catalina starts with 190 Likability instead of 95 - code:8360-8F3D + code:fb864f/be cheat description:Catalina starts with 250 Likability instead of 95 - code:EC60-8F3D + code:fb864f/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 160 Leadership (instead of 80) - code:CD6D-E41D + code:8b87d9/cd cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Leadership (instead of 80) - code:EC6D-E41D + code:8b87d9/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 172 Seamanship (instead of 86) - code:CA6D-E4CD + code:8387db/ca cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Seamanship (instead of 86) - code:EC6D-E4CD + code:8387db/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 168 Knowledge (instead of 84) - code:C66D-E43D + code:8b87db/c8 cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Knowledge (instead of 84) - code:EC6D-E43D + code:8b87db/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 130 Intuition (instead of 65) - code:646D-E74D + code:8b87dc/82 cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Intuition (instead of 65) - code:EC6D-E74D + code:8b87dc/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 106 Courage (instead of 53) - code:1C6D-E71D + code:8b87dd/6c cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Courage (instead of 53) - code:EC6D-E71D + code:8b87dd/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 84 Dueling Skill (instead of 42) - code:906D-E7CD + code:8387df/54 cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Dueling Skill (instead of 42) - code:EC6D-E7CD + code:8387df/ec cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 160 Likability (instead of 80) - code:CD6D-E73D + code:8b87df/cd cheat description:Ali Vezas starts with 250 Likability (instead of 80) - code:EC6D-E73D + code:8b87df/ec cheat description:Start a new game with $250 Gold - code:EC63-543D + code:cb85eb/ec cheat description:Start a new game with $1,024 Gold - code:D063-574D + code:cb85ec/d4 cheat description:Start a new game with $9,984 Gold - code:4563-574D + code:cb85ec/27 cheat description:Start a new game with $64,000 Gold - code:EC63-574D + code:cb85ec/ec cheat description:Start a new game with $196,608 Gold - code:D763-571D + code:cb85ed/d3 cheat description:Start a new game with over one Million Gold - code:FD63-571D + code:cb85ed/fd cheat description:No Storms - code:7E201B:80 + code:7e201b/80 cheat description:1 D.a.s., No Scurvy - code:7E415E:00 + code:7e415e/00 cheat description:Joao's Steering Power - code:7E2620:FF + code:7e2620/ff cheat description:Joao's Battle Power - code:7E2621:FF + code:7e2621/ff cheat description:Ali's Steering Power - code:7E271A:FF + code:7e271a/ff cheat description:Ali's Battle Power - code:7E271B:FF + code:7e271b/ff cheat description:Pietro's Steering Power - code:7E26E8:FF + code:7e26e8/ff cheat description:Pietro's Battle Power - code:7E26E9:FF + code:7e26e9/ff cheat description:Max Adventure For Joao - code:7E25A4:50+7E25A5:C3 + code:7e25a4/50+7e25a5/c3 cheat description:100% Popular In Portugal - code:7E25A6:C8 + code:7e25a6/c8 cheat description:100% Popular In Spain - code:7E25A7:C8 + code:7e25a7/c8 cheat description:100% Popular In Turkey - code:7E25A8:C8 + code:7e25a8/c8 cheat description:100% Popular In England - code:7E25A9:C8 + code:7e25a9/c8 cheat description:100% Popular In Italy - code:7E25AA:C8 + code:7e25aa/c8 cheat description:100% Popular In Holland - code:7E25AB:C8 + code:7e25ab/c8 cheat description:S.1 Infinite Water - code:7E661A:7F + code:7e661a/7f cheat description:S.2 Infinite Water - code:7E6638:7F + code:7e6638/7f cheat description:S.3 Infinite Water - code:7E6656:7F + code:7e6656/7f cheat description:S.4 Infinite Water - code:7E6674:7F + code:7e6674/7f cheat description:S.5 Infinite Water - code:7E6692:7F + code:7e6692/7f cheat description:S.6 Infinite Water - code:7E66B0:7F + code:7e66b0/7f cheat description:S.7 Infinite Water - code:7E66CE:7F + code:7e66ce/7f cheat description:S.8 Infinite Water - code:7E66EC:7F + code:7e66ec/7f cheat description:S.9 Infinite Water - code:7E670A:7F + code:7e670a/7f cheat description:S.10 Infinite Water - code:7E6728:7F + code:7e6728/7f cheat description:S.11 Infinite Water - code:7E6746:7F + code:7e6746/7f cheat description:S.12 Infinite Water - code:7E6764:7F + code:7e6764/7f cheat description:S.13 Infinite Water - code:7E6782:7F + code:7e6782/7f cheat description:S.14 Infinite Water - code:7E67A0:7F + code:7e67a0/7f cheat description:S.15 Infinite Water - code:7E67BE:7F + code:7e67be/7f cheat description:S.16 Infinite Water - code:7E67DC:7F + code:7e67dc/7f cheat description:S.17 Infinite Water - code:7E67FA:7F + code:7e67fa/7f cheat description:S.1 Infinite Food - code:7E661C:7F + code:7e661c/7f cheat description:S.2 Infinite Food - code:7E663A:7F + code:7e663a/7f cheat description:S.3 Infinite Food - code:7E6658:7F + code:7e6658/7f cheat description:S.4 Infinite Food - code:7E6676:7F + code:7e6676/7f cheat description:S.5 Infinite Food - code:7E6694:7F + code:7e6694/7f cheat description:S.6 Infinite Food - code:7E66B2:7F + code:7e66b2/7f cheat description:S.7 Infinite Food - code:7E66D0:7F + code:7e66d0/7f cheat description:S.8 Infinite Food - code:7E66EE:7F + code:7e66ee/7f cheat description:S.9 Infinite Food - code:7E670C:7F + code:7e670c/7f cheat description:S.10 Infinite Food - code:7E672A:7F + code:7e672a/7f cheat description:S.11 Infinite Food - code:7E6748:7F + code:7e6748/7f cheat description:S.12 Infinite Food - code:7E6766:7F + code:7e6766/7f cheat description:S.13 Infinite Food - code:7E6784:7F + code:7e6784/7f cheat description:S.14 Infinite Food - code:7E67A2:7F + code:7e67a2/7f cheat description:S.15 Infinite Food - code:7E67C0:7F + code:7e67c0/7f cheat description:S.16 Infinite Food - code:7E67D7:7F + code:7e67d7/7f cheat description:S.17 Infinite Food - code:7E67FC:7F + code:7e67fc/7f cheat description:S.1 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E41E7:22 + code:7e41e7/22 cheat description:S.2 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E41F0:22 + code:7e41f0/22 cheat description:S.3 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E41F9:22 + code:7e41f9/22 cheat description:S.4 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4202:22 + code:7e4202/22 cheat description:S.5 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E420B:22 + code:7e420b/22 cheat description:S.6 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4214:22 + code:7e4214/22 cheat description:S.7 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E421D:22 + code:7e421d/22 cheat description:S.8 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4226:22 + code:7e4226/22 cheat description:S.9 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E422F:22 + code:7e422f/22 cheat description:S.10 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4238:22 + code:7e4238/22 cheat description:S.11 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4241:22 + code:7e4241/22 cheat description:S.12 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E424A:22 + code:7e424a/22 cheat description:S.13 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4253:22 + code:7e4253/22 cheat description:S.14 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E425C:22 + code:7e425c/22 cheat description:S.15 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4265:22 + code:7e4265/22 cheat description:S.16 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E426E:22 + code:7e426e/22 cheat description:S.17 Infinite Crew (Ship HP) - code:7E4277:22 + code:7e4277/22 cheat description:S.1 Speedy - code:7E41EB:FF + code:7e41eb/ff cheat description:S.2 Speedy - code:7E41F4:FF + code:7e41f4/ff cheat description:S.3 Speedy - code:7E41FD:FF + code:7e41fd/ff cheat description:S.4 Speedy - code:7E4206:FF + code:7e4206/ff cheat description:S.5 Speedy - code:7E420F:FF + code:7e420f/ff cheat description:S.6 Speedy - code:7E4218:FF + code:7e4218/ff cheat description:S.7 Speedy - code:7E4221:FF + code:7e4221/ff cheat description:S.8 Speedy - code:7E422A:FF + code:7e422a/ff cheat description:S.9 Speedy - code:7E4233:FF + code:7e4233/ff cheat description:S.10 Speedy - code:7E423C:FF + code:7e423c/ff cheat description:S.11 Speedy - code:7E4245:FF + code:7e4245/ff cheat description:S.12 Speedy - code:7E424E:FF + code:7e424e/ff cheat description:S.13 Speedy - code:7E4257:FF + code:7e4257/ff cheat description:S.14 Speedy - code:7E4260:FF + code:7e4260/ff cheat description:S.15 Speedy - code:7E4269:FF + code:7e4269/ff cartridge sha256:cb8073cf95eace56ba4324a2106164fa540900c2de083aff490c4afe91ae95f7 name:Undercover Cops (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C266-57D7 + code:c48d8f/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2E3-77A7 + code:c8ecee/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2D4-8F61 + code:f1da2e/cd cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C203-E4A1 + code:894bea/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6D2E-770F+732E-776F + code:c3dced/8d+c3dcee/3e cheat description:one hit kils - code:DD20-546F + code:c3dd4a/dd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0C36:E8+7E0D36:E8 + code:7e0c36/e8+7e0d36/e8 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E0110:0A + code:7e0110/0a cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E016C:64 + code:7e016c/64 cheat description:Infinite continues (alt) - code:7E0112:09 + code:7e0112/09 cartridge sha256:859ec99fdc25dd9b239d9085bf656e4f49c93a32faa5bb248da83efd68ebd478 name:Uniracers (USA) cheat description:No timer in almost every race - code:3CA4-3F69 + code:b1a72e/ec cheat description:No timer in almost every race (alt) - code:81C726:EA + code:81c726/ea cartridge sha256:cf587d72123277f72f658829f1efdb4f52f3bec012a316c1fea25e1f9c292575 name:Universal Soldier (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2E3-0F6F + code:33edee/cd cheat description:Infinite lines - code:C26D-0F09 + code:3185dd/cd cartridge sha256:ecefb4117a6aae117e033c8cc07f0db2797d6be93dd5cdcefc23692a21fae02e name:Untouchables, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1B86:09 + code:7e1b86/09 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:7E1B89:63 + code:7e1b89/63 cartridge sha256:8b3ff3a0ca1c85facb71f42886291dfa916ca74245702c79ca8ae635f28bc864 name:Ushio to Tora (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0222:26 + code:7e0222/26 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E021E:40 + code:7e021e/40 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E0608:63 + code:7e0608/63 cartridge sha256:2500d6c846c78bcb729f15535bf2b852a120411891cabaaaa6fc407906d0214e name:Utopia - The Creation of a Nation (USA) cheat description:1-day buildings - code:DDBB-6D0F + code:33beb5/dd cheat description:Have 655360000 cash (enable while on map then disable) - code:CBC3-040F+69C3-07DF+5FC3-070F + code:03cde9/cb+07cdef/85+03cded/7f cartridge sha256:78bf9d79fb2ff3f9d03ecc1176d070e53ddaca2c6b0cda69e74c19a4e50b195b name:Vegas Stakes (USA) cheat description:Only $34,464 needed for highroller status (glitchy) - code:DDA0-A4AD + code:8ba64a/dd cheat description:Only $38,527 needed to win the game instead of $10 million - code:DDA8-640D + code:03a6b9/dd cheat description:Only $5,019,263 needed to win the game - code:0AA8-640D + code:03a6b9/4a cheat description:Player wins pushes in Blackjack - code:DD87-04EC + code:0bb13b/dd cheat description:Dealer wins pushes in Blackjack - code:DF87-04EC + code:0bb13b/df cheat description:Start with $488 - P1 - code:DF81-A4D7 + code:84be6b/df cheat description:Start with $488 - P2 - code:DF8B-AF07 + code:b0bebd/df cheat description:Start with $488 - P3 - code:DF8A-AD67 + code:b0bea6/df cheat description:Start with $488 - P4 - code:DF83-A7A7 + code:88beee/df cheat description:Start with $2280 - P1 - code:D681-A4D7 + code:84be6b/d8 cheat description:Start with $2280 - P2 - code:D68B-AF07 + code:b0bebd/d8 cheat description:Start with $2280 - P3 - code:D68A-AD67 + code:b0bea6/d8 cheat description:Start with $2280 - P4 - code:D683-A7A7 + code:88beee/d8 cheat description:Start with $9960 - P1 - code:4181-A4D7 + code:84be6b/26 cheat description:Start with $9960 - P2 - code:418B-AF07 + code:b0bebd/26 cheat description:Start with $9960 - P3 - code:418A-AD67 + code:b0bea6/26 cheat description:Start with $9960 - P4 - code:4183-A7A7 + code:88beee/26 cheat description:Start with $132,072 (highroller status) - P1 - code:D481-A707 + code:80be6d/d2 cheat description:Start with $132,072 - P2 - code:D48B-A467 + code:80beba/d2 cheat description:Start with $132,072 - P3 - code:D48A-AFA7 + code:b8beae/d2 cheat description:Start with $132,072 - P4 - code:D48E-AFD7 + code:b4beef/d2 cartridge sha256:b72fbbfe737eff49f59dcef9f13b963e50c5bc322d7eb0e7b4c25f3a71aa0815 name:Venom-Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:8935-1FD6 + code:b6e17f/b5 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:5BC9-1FD9 + code:b5c55f/7b cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E0A5A:99 + code:7e0a5a/99 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E1A8B:06 + code:7e1a8b/06 cheat description:Infinite Captain America hero icons - code:7E1BC5:05 + code:7e1bc5/05 cheat description:Infinite Ghost Rider hero icons - code:7E1BC7:05 + code:7e1bc7/05 cheat description:Infinite Daredevil hero icons - code:7E1BC9:05 + code:7e1bc9/05 cheat description:Infinite Hawkeye hero icons - code:7E1BCB:05 + code:7e1bcb/05 cheat description:Infinite Vault Guardsman hero icon - code:7E1BCD:05 + code:7e1bcd/05 cheat description:Use helpers multiple times - code:7E1BC4:00 + code:7e1bc4/00 cheat description:Hard mode enabled - code:7E1C3C:FF + code:7e1c3c/ff cheat description:Stage select enabled - code:7E1C40:FF + code:7e1c40/ff cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40C4-3F0C + code:b3c32d/24 cheat description:One hit kills for most enemies and some bosses - code:7E0AD3:00+7E0B4C:00+7E0BC5:00+7E0C3E:00+7E0CB7:00 + code:7e0ad3/00+7e0b4c/00+7e0bc5/00+7e0c3e/00+7e0cb7/00 cartridge sha256:29c28188234ddbb0b72fc84253dcd3514e23034779c773db8097b073b73390c8 name:Virtual Bart (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C239-37AF + code:8bef5e/cd cheat description:Infinite health and Tomatoes (Baby Bart takes damage when he walks on grass) - code:053E-44A4 + code:88e8ea/47 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C238-44A4 + code:88e8ba/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C23C-4704 + code:80e8cd/cd cartridge sha256:41b5561de9e4984276e52987ea46c5f4fa8526d8141c70c738875a9eb9fe9d70 name:Vortex (USA) (En,Es) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E039A:3D+7E118B:32 + code:7e039a/3d+7e118b/32 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E120E:0A + code:7e120e/0a cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:7E1DE4:63 + code:7e1de4/63 cheat description:Infinite Rockets - code:7E1DE5:63 + code:7e1de5/63 cheat description:Infinite Cannon - code:7E1DE6:63 + code:7e1de6/63 cheat description:Infinite Blasts - code:7E121A:63 + code:7e121a/63 cartridge sha256:8579dd352d20589072ed5c026bde7adadd6229d18a022e7cb47cf5602b54015e name:Warlock (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:CBBE-A4D7+33CC-DD64 + code:84beeb/cb+70cbc6/ee cheat description:Infinite items on pick-up - code:3C65-D46C + code:43837a/ec cheat description:Enter the password GRKKL to go to the final battle - code:7FAC-DD2F + code:77afc7/3f cheat description:Enter the password GRKKL to go to the ending - code:74AC-DD2F + code:77afc7/32 cartridge sha256:0fadb3b67bfb7d750d873e7601dd5ffdfd33b8ebda833a18a3c999c7f8aa9e15 name:Waterworld (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility underwater - code:DDCB-C7A9 + code:09c7be/dd cheat description:Infinite health underwater - code:C2B7-34A0 + code:89b33a/cd cheat description:Infinite health - Overworld - code:7E0288:7F + code:7e0288/7f cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6DA5-170D+4CA5-176D+1DAC-17DD + code:83a57d/8d+83a57e/2c+87a5cf/6d cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:6D36-CDA0+F636-CFD0 + code:39e386/8d+35e38f/f8 cartridge sha256:56ba3d585bf6b701e342d86a0bd164ab0a97dfbd5df46b3a964506842633459c name:Wayne's World (USA) cheat description:Infinite Worthiness - code:C2BC-D728 + code:46bfcf/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C28F-0704 + code:00b9fd/cd cheat description:Worthiness item worth nothing on pick-up - code:C2B5-04BC + code:0fb17a/cd cheat description:Schwing item worth nothing on pick-up - code:C2B0-04BC + code:0fb14a/cd cheat description:Infinite Schwings if you have at least 1 - code:C269-0DBB + code:3e8d56/cd cheat description:Invincibility lasts longer after getting hit - code:EEB3-DF98 + code:76bfed/ee cheat description:Invincibility does not last as long after getting hit - code:FDB3-DF98 + code:76bfed/fd cheat description:Invincibility lasts forever after getting hit (Wayne blinks) - code:82BB-0FF8 + code:3ebdbf/bd cheat description:Invincibility (Wayne doesn't blink) - code:6DBB-D428 + code:46bfbb/8d cheat description:Amp power-up worth nothing on pick-up - code:DDBB-D4BC + code:4fb3ba/dd cheat description:Amp power-up gives you Distortion-type chords - code:D0BB-D4BC + code:4fb3ba/d4 cheat description:Amp power-up gives you Mega-Amp-type chords - code:D4BB-D4BC + code:4fb3ba/d2 cheat description:Amp power-up gives you Chorus-type chords - code:D7BB-D4BC + code:4fb3ba/d3 cheat description:Amp power-up gives you Homer-type chords - code:D9BB-D4BC + code:4fb3ba/d5 cheat description:Distortion power-up worth nothing on pick-up - code:DDBD-0DFC + code:3fb1d7/dd cheat description:Distortion power-up gives you Amp-type chords - code:DFBD-0DFC + code:3fb1d7/df cheat description:Distortion power-up gives you Mega-Amp-type chords - code:D4BD-0DFC + code:3fb1d7/d2 cheat description:Distortion power-up gives you Chorus-type-chords - code:D7BD-0DFC + code:3fb1d7/d3 cheat description:Distortion power-up gives you Homer-type-chords - code:D9BD-0DFC + code:3fb1d7/d5 cheat description:Heart item worth nothing - code:C2BB-079C + code:07b1bd/cd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DFAA-A764 + code:80aaae/df cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:D7AA-A764 + code:80aaae/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D5AA-A764 + code:80aaae/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DBAA-A764 + code:80aaae/db cheat description:Start with 1 Worthiness point - code:DF87-0764 + code:00b93e/df cheat description:Start with 3 Worthiness points - code:D787-0764 + code:00b93e/d3 cheat description:Start with 7 Worthiness points - code:D587-0764 + code:00b93e/d7 cheat description:Start with 9 Worthiness points - code:DB87-0764 + code:00b93e/db cartridge sha256:0b1ba31ae95b61d7d9a0f5509b5836fff84f60915802e3b3ba1170a5c50a4b71 name:WeaponLord (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:5C1A-7B3B + code:ea6caf/7c cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:C21A-7BCB + code:e26caf/cd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C204-56C5 + code:e14d23/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:6D5A-EBC0+6D5D-7C19+DD5A-E6C0+DD5D-7639 + code:a173af/8d+f974d1/8d+a173a3/dd+e974d3/dd cheat description:Play as Zarak in story mode - code:D13C-561B + code:eaedc1/d6 cartridge sha256:e931c3c08f20f78e3a43ad92d16eb472be619abaa17c2d8e2b0fcd5d05dbd74d name:We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B2-C54B + code:1abfdc/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C265-41CB + code:928c7b/cd cheat description:Infinite Vorb on pick-up for the rest of the stage - code:C2C6-C148 + code:1acf88/cd cheat description:Infinite Elsa on pick-up for the rest of the stage - code:C2C1-301B + code:9acf61/cd cheat description:Infinite Dweebs on pick-up for the rest of the stage - code:C2C5-4038 + code:9acc73/cd cheat description:Infinite Woog on pick-up - code:C2C1-194C + code:9bc164/cd cheat description:Super-jump - code:FEB1-C14C + code:1bb368/fe cheat description:Mega-jump - code:4EB1-C14C + code:1bb368/2e cheat description:Less grain to get for tail swipe - code:D76D-111C + code:9b81d9/d3 cheat description:Less grain to get for stomp - code:DB6D-103C + code:9b81d3/db cheat description:Start with less health - code:D48B-C110+D466-49CC + code:19b3b9/d2+938087/d2 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB8B-C030 + code:19b3b3/db cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D18B-C030 + code:19b3b3/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF8B-C030 + code:19b3b3/df cheat description:Start on Manhattan - Zone 2 - code:CB85-1530+D486-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d2+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on the Subway - code:CB85-1530+D786-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d3+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Crazy Crane - code:CB85-1530+D086-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d4+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Construction in the City - code:CB85-1530+D186-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d6+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Thanksgiving - Zone 1 - code:CB85-1530+D586-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d7+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Thanksgiving - Zone 2 - code:CB85-1530+D686-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/d8+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Balloon Blow-out - code:CB85-1530+DB86-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/db+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Central Park - Zone 1 - code:CB85-1530+D886-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/db+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Central Park - Zone 2 - code:CB85-1530+DA86-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/da+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on the Zoo - code:CB85-1530+D286-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/dd+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Prehistoric Panic - code:CB85-1530+D386-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/de+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Outside the Circus - code:CB85-1530+FD86-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/fd+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Circus - Zone 1 - code:CB85-1530+FF86-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/ff+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Circus - Zone 2 - code:CB85-1530+F486-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/f2+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Jack in the Box - code:CB85-1530+F786-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/f3+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Empire State Building - code:CB85-1530+F986-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/f5+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Spaceship - Zone 1 - code:CB85-1530+F186-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/f6+99b181/dd cheat description:Start on Spaceship - Zone 2 - code:CB85-1530+F586-1040+DD86-1010 + code:99b17f/cb+99b180/f7+99b181/dd cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:9A96DC:AD + code:9a96dc/ad cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:9A847A:AD + code:9a847a/ad cheat description:Super-jump (alt) - code:9A9A68:1F + code:9a9a68/1f cheat description:Mega-jump (alt) - code:9A9A68:2F + code:9a9a68/2f cartridge sha256:12abf1ba063c120c1a98495a1c85e67a0007aff771ef92adcb94b4a0a2fd5adb name:Wheel of Fortune (USA) cheat description:Infinite time to choose - code:C264-DF0F + code:738f2d/cd cheat description:Don't lose money when landing on bankrupt - code:C2BE-DFDF + code:77bfef/cd cheat description:3/4 of normal time to choose - code:F3B1-DF64 + code:70bb6e/fe cheat description:1/2 of normal time to choose - code:F0B1-DF64 + code:70bb6e/f4 cheat description:1/4 of normal time to choose - code:DCB1-DF64 + code:70bb6e/dc cheat description:Vowels are free is you have at least $250 - code:DD62-DF07 + code:708fdd/dd cheat description:Vowels cost $50 if you have at least $250 - code:7462-DF07 + code:708fdd/32 cheat description:Vowels cost $100 if you have at least $250 - code:1062-DF07 + code:708fdd/64 cheat description:Vowels cost $150 if you have at least $250 - code:B162-DF07 + code:708fdd/b6 cheat description:Vowels cost $200 if you have at least $250 - code:A662-DF07 + code:708fdd/a8 cartridge sha256:0a52dc1e7820f5541f53ce0e1e96144fe079af0efe3dae5c2c89d86365feb8b1 name:Whizz (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9CC-1FDD + code:b7c5cf/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C260-37AF + code:8b8f4e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C2C5-37D4 + code:84cb7f/cd cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E03A4:63 + code:7e03a4/63 cartridge sha256:c8f159e2625ac8078535c06857ea28475706da45df494de8e46f50888272cf71 name:Wild Guns (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:4061-DFAA + code:7a8b6e/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40B4-0DDF+40B4-070F+40B7-0FAF+40BD-AD0A+40BF-0F6F+6DBE-DDDF + code:37bd27/24+03bd2d/24+3bbd3e/24+b2bad5/24+33bdfe/24+77bfe7/8d cheat description:Infinite specials - code:7E1FA0:05 + code:7e1fa0/05 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1FB2:04 + code:7e1fb2/04 cartridge sha256:2167fc7c5447b2287668d2f3e4ef1a285361b2292ecc8a4cbd9f966a460ad7a2 name:Wing Commander (USA) cheat description:Increase front shield on Hornet - code:7ABC-3713 + code:8bbbcd/3a cheat description:Increase rear shield on Hornet - code:7AB4-4D1E + code:bbb825/3a cheat description:Increase front armor on Hornet - code:0DBB-4F1E + code:bbb8bd/4d cheat description:Increase rear armor on Hornet - code:0DBD-141E + code:8bb9d9/4d cheat description:Increase left side armor on Hornet - code:0DBE-1D1E + code:bbb9e5/4d cheat description:Increase right side armor on Hornet - code:0DB5-171E + code:8bb97d/4d cheat description:Increase front shield on Scimitar - code:17B8-3D13 + code:bbbbb5/63 cheat description:Increase rear shield on Scimitar - code:17B4-4F1E + code:bbb82d/63 cheat description:Increase front armor on Scimitar - code:17BB-441E + code:8bb8b9/63 cheat description:Increase rear armor on Scimitar - code:17BD-171E + code:8bb9dd/63 cheat description:Increase left side armor on Scimitar - code:17BE-1F1E + code:bbb9ed/63 cheat description:Increase right side armor on Scimitar - code:17B6-1D1E + code:bbb985/63 cheat description:Mega front shields on Hornet - code:EEBC-37C3 + code:83bbcf/ee cheat description:Mega rear shields on Hornet - code:EEB4-4DCE + code:b3b827/ee cheat description:Mega front shields on Scimitar - code:99B8-3DC3 + code:b3bbb7/55 cheat description:Mega rear shields on Scimitar - code:99B4-4FCE + code:b3b82f/55 cartridge sha256:132ca0b6a4888edf7de785d48f4417fac28522646e6c7514f80c5e9ff1438d5f name:Wing Commander - The Secret Missions (USA) cheat description:Infinite blaster power - code:C2A6-4D0D + code:b3a485/cd cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C2C8-14AD + code:8bc5ba/cd cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:3C66-C7A1 + code:098b8e/ec cheat description:Start on mission 4 - code:D068-C402 + code:0387b9/d4 cheat description:Start on mission 8 - code:D668-C402 + code:0387b9/d8 cartridge sha256:c3bcd5c716f96e6359ebcfd85c3e9b07b46c5124bf4010d89ceef5b6f2f868f6 name:Wings 2 - Aces High (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - all pilots (you can still get fired) - code:828A-040B + code:02bda9/bd cheat description:Infinite power-ups - code:C2C6-DDD8 + code:76cf87/cd cartridge sha256:025dd3047c474d879e69b91a3918add9cdabedf4182e1c1e10e5f0c13a124bf9 name:Wizard of Oz, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:2D8D-07A5 + code:09bdde/dd cheat description:Infinite health - code:823C-AD66 + code:b2e2c6/bd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:223E-DDAF + code:7befe6/dd cheat description:Infinite health - Dorthy - code:7E01E5:00 + code:7e01e5/00 cheat description:Infinite health - Scarecrow - code:7E01E7:00 + code:7e01e7/00 cheat description:Infinite health - Tinman - code:7E01E9:00 + code:7e01e9/00 cheat description:Infinite health - Lion - code:7E01EB:00 + code:7e01eb/00 cheat description:Infinite Star Shot - Dorthy - code:7E01DB:09 + code:7e01db/09 cheat description:Infinite Throwing Rocks - all - code:7E01D1:09 + code:7e01d1/09 cheat description:Have Flight Shoes - code:7E01D3:01 + code:7e01d3/01 cartridge sha256:621180a73a5552899ff2a437e84f2891ec078e9883f25f6671b620ab4db24270 name:Wizardry VI - Kindan no Mahitsu (Japan) cheat description:The whole party doesn't take damage from normal enemy attacks (doesn't protect from poison or certain magic spells) - code:8288-A491 + code:85bab9/bd cheat description:Create a character and he has a lot of gold - code:4DBF-DD27 + code:74bff7/2d cartridge sha256:e0165bafeb8d65be08a5a4079f8651104471f450c60794b761b1255853ca2d98 name:Wolfchild (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:3CA3-DFAF + code:7bafee/ec cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E0636:14 + code:7e0636/14 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:C2EC-6FAD + code:3be6ce/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C9A6-A4AD + code:8ba68a/c5 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:7E029A:99 + code:7e029a/99 cheat description:Infinite Bombs - code:C9A3-DD0F + code:73afe5/c5 cheat description:Infinite Bombs (alt) - code:7E0298:99 + code:7e0298/99 cheat description:Infinite Projectiles - code:7E0296:99 + code:7e0296/99 cheat description:Stay in wolf form until next continue - code:C2AE-A4DD+C2AE-A4AD + code:87a6eb/cd+8ba6ea/cd cheat description:Start with 254 lives and 255 Bombs - code:E366-D7A4 + code:488b8e/ee cheat description:Start at final boss - code:D866-DFA4 + code:788b8e/db cartridge sha256:9c2b458e8fda5cb437a4c6d28fb430e45c4cfef98420c40546b8e08563a4fc7d name:Wolfenstein 3-D (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2CC-5D64 + code:f0c9c6/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:C28D-7D0F + code:f3bcd5/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C228-E7D4 + code:84dbbf/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo for special weapon 1 after first life - code:C289-77DF + code:c7bc5f/cd cheat description:Infinite ammo for special weapon 2 after first life - code:C28F-84DF + code:c7befb/cd cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DF25-84D4 + code:c4da7b/df cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:D125-84D4 + code:c4da7b/d6 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:DB25-84D4 + code:c4da7b/db cheat description:Start with more ammo - code:1729-8704+1728-74D4 + code:c0da5d/63+c4d8bb/63 cheat description:Start with chain gun - code:622C-7764 + code:c0d8ce/8d cheat description:Start with machine gun - code:622C-74A4 + code:c8d8ca/8d cheat description:Start with special weapon 1 (super machine gun) and ammo after first life - code:622A-7DD4+D02C-7DA4 + code:f4d8a7/8d+f8d8c6/d4 cheat description:Start with special weapon 2 (rocket launcher) and ammo after first life - code:6228-7704+D92C-7DAF + code:c0d8bd/8d+fbdcc6/d5 cartridge sha256:44428a3d1c796fbd41da7620e321c45f11cd80a0e5f4ab8c48177106cb960d77 name:Wolverine - Adamantium Rage (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:C9ED-3FAF + code:bbefde/c5 cheat description:Infinite time - code:2DA8-3AA5 + code:a9afba/dd cheat description:No enemies - code:69E9-3A1F + code:abef59/85 cheat description:Hit anywhere + one hit kills - code:4060-340D+4060-3D6D+4061-37DD+4061-3DDD+4064-3D6D+4064-376D+4065-37AD+4069-340D+4069-3D6D + code:838749/24+b38746/24+87876f/24+b78767/24+b38726/24+83872e/24+8b877e/24+838759/24+b38756/24 cheat description:One hit kills - code:4065-37AD + code:8b877e/24 cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E00B8:FF + code:7e00b8/ff cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E1027:64 + code:7e1027/64 cartridge sha256:ea76cfdbb2a555a7b6eff8b466a879f9a9189639416e8c2fb45bf074e695105f name:World Heroes (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:4008-8FAF + code:fb4ebe/24 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:7DFE-776D+ADFE-746D+DDFE-74AD+FDFE-77DD + code:c3f4ee/3d+c3f4ea/ad+cbf4ea/dd+c7f4ef/fd cheat description:Always win - P1 - code:7B86-84A4 + code:c8ba8a/3b cheat description:Win a draw - P1 - code:D409-8F04 + code:f04a5d/d2 cheat description:Win a draw - P2 - code:D509-8F04 + code:f04a5d/d7 cheat description:Slow timer down by half - code:CD07-84AF + code:cb4e3a/cd cheat description:3 hits to win round - either player - code:FB0C-7D64+DD0B-77A4 + code:f048c6/fb+c848be/dd cheat description:2 hits to win round - either player - code:7F0C-7D64+DD0B-77A4 + code:f048c6/3f+c848be/dd cheat description:1 hit to win (sudden death) - either player - code:1F0C-7D64+DD0B-77A4 + code:f048c6/6f+c848be/dd cheat description:Start with more health - P1 - code:5349-87D4 + code:c42a5f/7e cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - P1 - code:7D49-87D4 + code:c42a5f/3d cheat description:Start with very little health - P1 - code:DF49-87D4 + code:c42a5f/df cheat description:Start with more health - P2/CPU - code:534A-8F64 + code:f02aae/7e cheat description:Start with half health - P2/CPU - code:7D4A-8F64 + code:f02aae/3d cheat description:Start with very little health - P2/CPU - code:DF4A-8F64 + code:f02aae/df cartridge sha256:159d5341d13d6801324e8271f7191c0223617c9d30984676319b2df7937c78c0 name:World Heroes 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:1D82-AF6D+1D83-0F64 + code:b3b6de/6d+30b9ee/6d cheat description:Invincibility - P2 - code:1D82-0D0D+1D84-DD04 + code:33b5d5/6d+70bb25/6d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:6D8A-07DD+6D8F-D7D4 + code:07b5af/8d+44bbff/8d cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:6D82-AD0D+6D83-0D04 + code:b3b6d5/8d+30b9e5/8d cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0574:80 + code:7e0574/80 cheat description:No health - P2 - code:7E0576:00 + code:7e0576/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E052C:99 + code:7e052c/99 cheat description:One win wins the match - P1 - code:7E0570:02 + code:7e0570/02 cartridge sha256:d4d9f1b41dad7e7a126a9adbe8d86c4b339e120c866156796de1cb0c9a214189 name:World League Soccer (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (hold X and kick to the goal line and out of bounds) - code:C961-0F0E+DC61-0FAE+0061-040E+7D61-04DE+7761-0F6E + code:33896d/c5+3b896e/dc+038969/44+07896b/3d+33896e/33 cheat description:Each goal worth 2 - P1 - code:D4AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d2 cheat description:Each goal worth 3 - P1 - code:D7AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d3 cheat description:Each goal worth 4 - P1 - code:D0AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d4 cheat description:Each goal worth 5 - P1 - code:D9AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d5 cheat description:Each goal worth 6 - P1 - code:D1AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d6 cheat description:Each goal worth 7 - P1 - code:D5AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d7 cheat description:Each goal worth 8 - P1 - code:D6AC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/d8 cheat description:Each goal worth 9 - P1 - code:DBAC-ADA3 + code:bbaac6/db cheat description:Each goal worth 2 - P2 - code:D4AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d2 cheat description:Each goal worth 3 - P2 - code:D7AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d3 cheat description:Each goal worth 4 - P2 - code:D0AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d4 cheat description:Each goal worth 5 - P2 - code:D9AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d5 cheat description:Each goal worth 6 - P2 - code:D1AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d6 cheat description:Each goal worth 7 - P2 - code:D5AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d7 cheat description:Each goal worth 8 - P2 - code:D6AD-D7DE + code:47abdf/d8 cheat description:Each goal worth 9 - P2 - code:DBAD-D7DE + code:47abdf/db cartridge sha256:2143bbd87ea1c5cfe5eaf46ae39e3ebb11a2e929d05cbb929904037f4d72acfe name:World Soccer 94 - Road to Glory (USA) cheat description:Score from anywhere (press and hold A, kick to the goal line and out of bounds) - code:C2ED-C7AD+C9EF-CDDD+D2EF-CD0D+99EF-CDAD + code:0be7de/cd+37e7f7/c5+33e7f5/dd+3be7f6/55 cartridge sha256:0af7b0d3022acd24a1fb15865a076519f7f56e7a4b33f12b6d851b3a91e5388c name:WWF Raw (USA) cheat description:Start with half health - code:D7ED-1C7D + code:bfe5d0/d3 cheat description:Nobody gets hurt - code:C231-36E3 + code:abeb63/cd cheat description:No out of ring timer - code:C2E3-C653 + code:2febe1/cd cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0A78:A0 + code:7e0a78/a0 cheat description:Two punch knockouts - code:7E0F44:01 + code:7e0f44/01 cheat description:Max grapple meter - P1 - code:7E0B44:BE+7E0B45:02+7E0B46:00 + code:7e0b44/be+7e0b45/02+7e0b46/00 cartridge sha256:51c53e36ed0b959b0695fc6ef036fa7302d1c995eca35c28261d6f3cb77df0ca name:WWF Royal Rumble (USA) cheat description:Max grapple meter - P1 - code:7E06DE:FF+7E06DF:02+7E06E0:00 + code:7e06de/ff+7e06df/02+7e06e0/00 cheat description:Two punch knockouts - code:7E092C:01 + code:7e092c/01 cartridge sha256:0b9abf2fc25a5f07c71f9d8efbb0d0e616c1494060138fbb63f7398e9c26198e name:WWF Super WrestleMania (USA) cheat description:Punches and kicks (except flying drop kick) do no damage - code:DDB1-DF07 + code:70bf6d/dd cheat description:Punches and kicks (except flying drop kick) do more damage - code:D7B1-DF07 + code:70bf6d/d3 cheat description:Punches and kicks (except flying drop kick) do a lot more damage - code:D1B1-DF07 + code:70bf6d/d6 cheat description:Stomps do no damage - code:DDB0-0FA7 + code:38bd4e/dd cheat description:Stomps do more damage - code:D7B0-0FA7 + code:38bd4e/d3 cheat description:Stomps do a lot more damage - code:D1B0-0FA7 + code:38bd4e/d6 cheat description:Elbow drops do no damage - code:DDEE-DF91 + code:75ebed/dd cheat description:Elbow drops do more damage - code:D9EE-DF91 + code:75ebed/d5 cheat description:Elbow drops do a lot more damage - code:D6EE-DF91 + code:75ebed/d8 cheat description:Flying elbow drops do no damage - code:DDEE-DF21 + code:75ebef/dd cheat description:Flying elbow drops do more damage - code:D5EE-DF21 + code:75ebef/d7 cheat description:Flying elbow drops do a lot more damage - code:DCEE-DF21 + code:75ebef/dc cheat description:Headbutts do no damage - code:DDBB-0407 + code:00bdb9/dd cheat description:Headbutts do more damage - code:D1BB-0407 + code:00bdb9/d6 cheat description:Headbutts do a lot more damage - code:DBBB-0407 + code:00bdb9/db cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - both players - code:DAC6-6FDD + code:37c68f/da cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - both players - code:F6C6-6FDD + code:37c68f/f8 cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - both players - code:40C6-6FDD + code:37c68f/24 cartridge sha256:67faa6ed3406a5ab0d7224b811c0960bb36560040ee959bb3304c9293ceaa093 name:WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:3CF0-7B91 + code:e5f84d/ec cheat description:Do mega damage and don't die - code:C9D2-8FDA + code:f6dadf/c5 cheat description:Max combo meter - code:CBF0-84DE+6DF0-84AE + code:c7fa4b/cb+cbfa4a/8d cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:4DD0-7D0A+4DD2-740A + code:f2d845/2d+c2d8d9/2d cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:OED0-7D0A+0ED2-740A + code:7e0000/00+c2d8d9/4e cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:56D0-7D0A+56D2-740A + code:f2d845/78+c2d8d9/78 cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - opponent - code:4DDF-7D6A + code:f2d8f6/2d cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - opponent - code:0EDF-7D6A + code:f2d8f6/4e cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - opponent - code:56DF-7D6A + code:f2d8f6/78 cartridge sha256:71b69490c78d0bbaf47da25217c5dae295190311aa5df75653c3fac0a1b45358 name:Xardion (USA) cheat description:Immune to most collisions - code:4A25-0FB4 + code:3cd97e/2a cheat description:Immune to most bullets - code:4A31-6DFD + code:3fe667/2a cheat description:Start characters at level 12 - code:DDE2-07CD + code:03e5df/dd cartridge sha256:dc3792e9fe7ef7aaea4ac675a48ad06129dd3ebdd4b96a513bc8241549cbd579 name:X-Kaliber 2097 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:C260-D767 + code:408f4e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3C6C-A76D + code:8386ce/ec cheat description:Soda Cans give 50% life back - code:9C63-D56D + code:5387ee/5c cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E0A18:90 + code:7e0a18/90 cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E0A3E:09 + code:7e0a3e/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - P1 - code:7E0A46:09 + code:7e0a46/09 cheat description:Infinite time (alt) - code:7E0A21:5A + code:7e0a21/5a cartridge sha256:65fe17fd6b297f52df6ce9812ecb02c3bb1bfda3ebc05a19c4a8decbf9a446ae name:X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:33DB-E407 + code:80dfb9/ee cheat description:Infinite health (alt) - code:7E008B:41+7E0C35:41 + code:7e008b/41+7e0c35/41 cheat description:Infinite lives - training mode - code:C2D1-8F67 + code:f0de6e/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - mission mode - code:C2D7-5F64 + code:f0d93e/cd cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:40E3-5766+6DEF-84D6 + code:c2e1ee/24+c6e2fb/8d cheat description:Easy specials (press X) - code:3344-E701 + code:812b2d/ee cheat description:Walk through walls - code:C247-84D7+89D2-87A9+C240-8F07 + code:c42e3b/cd+c9d6de/b5+f02e4d/cd cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0C4C:21 + code:7e0c4c/21 cheat description:Infinite lives - Wolverine - code:7E0B7E:08 + code:7e0b7e/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - Cyclops - code:7E0B7F:08 + code:7e0b7f/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - Beast - code:7E0B82:08 + code:7e0b82/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - Psylocke - code:7E0B80:08 + code:7e0b80/08 cheat description:Infinite lives - Gambit - code:7E0B81:08 + code:7e0b81/08 cheat description:Use 1 button specials from practice mode in mission mode - code:7E0B89:01 + code:7e0b89/01 cheat description:Lava stops flowing - code:7E1685:DB + code:7e1685/db cartridge sha256:363c60f924257bf6465efc32093c7749a0e69ea7234e47ebd4f070e7b0e7035d name:Yogi Bear (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E021E:06 + code:7e021e/06 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E021C:09 + code:7e021c/09 cheat description:Super-jump - code:7E0AB0:00 + code:7e0ab0/00 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 1 - code:7E009F:23 + code:7e009f/23 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 2 - code:7E009F:28 + code:7e009f/28 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 3 - code:7E009F:2D + code:7e009f/2d cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 4 - code:7E009F:32 + code:7e009f/32 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 1 - code:7E009F:37 + code:7e009f/37 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 2 - code:7E009F:3C + code:7e009f/3c cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 3 - code:7E009F:41 + code:7e009f/41 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 4 - code:7E009F:46 + code:7e009f/46 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 1 - code:7E009F:4B + code:7e009f/4b cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 2 - code:7E009F:50 + code:7e009f/50 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 3 - code:7E009F:55 + code:7e009f/55 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 4 - code:7E009F:5A + code:7e009f/5a cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 1 - code:7E009F:5F + code:7e009f/5f cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 2 - code:7E009F:64 + code:7e009f/64 cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 3 - code:7E009F:69 + code:7e009f/69 cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 4 - code:7E009F:6E + code:7e009f/6e cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 1 - code:7E009F:73 + code:7e009f/73 cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 2 - code:7E009F:78 + code:7e009f/78 cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 3 - code:7E009F:7D + code:7e009f/7d cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 4 - code:7E009F:82 + code:7e009f/82 cartridge sha256:163399c955e6d813056826e53fc1a7d21d8958e3d11c6384854cc284412caffb name:Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers (Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E021E:06 + code:7e021e/06 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E021C:09 + code:7e021c/09 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 1 - code:7E009F:23 + code:7e009f/23 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 2 - code:7E009F:28 + code:7e009f/28 cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 3 - code:7E009F:2D + code:7e009f/2d cheat description:Start on Snow Business Stage 4 - code:7E009F:32 + code:7e009f/32 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 1 - code:7E009F:37 + code:7e009f/37 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 2 - code:7E009F:3C + code:7e009f/3c cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 3 - code:7E009F:41 + code:7e009f/41 cheat description:Start on Cave Capers Stage 4 - code:7E009F:46 + code:7e009f/46 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 1 - code:7E009F:4B + code:7e009f/4b cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 2 - code:7E009F:50 + code:7e009f/50 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 3 - code:7E009F:55 + code:7e009f/55 cheat description:Start on Redwood Rendevous Stage 4 - code:7E009F:5A + code:7e009f/5a cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 1 - code:7E009F:5F + code:7e009f/5f cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 2 - code:7E009F:64 + code:7e009f/64 cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 3 - code:7E009F:69 + code:7e009f/69 cheat description:Start on Water Palaver Stage 4 - code:7E009F:6E + code:7e009f/6e cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 1 - code:7E009F:73 + code:7e009f/73 cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 2 - code:7E009F:78 + code:7e009f/78 cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 3 - code:7E009F:7D + code:7e009f/7d cheat description:Start on Construction Site Shenanigans Stage 4 - code:7E009F:82 + code:7e009f/82 cartridge sha256:90ad69a489194aca7ef7b7fd1d30e0105da4934a81ac8b0333ea20f9248df92d name:Yoshi's Cookie (USA) cheat description:In action mode, passing a stage advances to the next round - code:6D8F-DF3B + code:7abfff/8d cheat description:Immediately complete current Action level whenever effects switch is turned on (keep switch off to play) - code:D48D-AD36 + code:bab2d7/d2 cheat description:All 99 Action rounds available without the secret code - code:14C6-0436 + code:0ac18b/62 cheat description:In VS mode, only 1 win is required instead of 3. P2 always wins the set (2P only) - code:DF86-A71C + code:8bb28d/df cheat description:In VS mode, the fuses don't count down - code:C2A0-DF48 + code:7aaf4c/cd cheat description:In VS mode, play against tougher opponents without the secret code - code:D685-A766+DD86-AF66 + code:82b27e/d8+b2b28e/dd cheat description:In Puzzle mode, passing a stage advances to the next round - code:DD3C-6738 + code:0aeecf/dd cheat description:Unlimited moves in puzzle mode (turn effects switch off to use up moves if the level becomes impossible) - code:C2EA-671B + code:0aeead/cd cartridge sha256:12fba2aff04c8e39968e828629ebd16caa314bca397a9418d35fdaffe8188e20 name:Yoshi's Safari (USA) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:C221-116D+C283-4FAE + code:93d56a/cd+bbb8ee/cd cheat description:Infinite power - code:DD6B-1D00+DD26-11AF + code:b181b5/dd+9bdd8a/dd cheat description:Infinite time - code:C2E9-47DE + code:87e85f/cd cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C228-376D + code:83d7be/cd cheat description:Don't lose coins when you miss a jump - code:C28F-3D02 + code:b3b7f5/cd cheat description:1 minute for stage 1 instead of 4 - code:DFC9-4F82 + code:bfc45e/df cheat description:9 minutes for stage 1 - code:DBC9-4F82 + code:bfc45e/db cheat description:1 minute for stage 2 instead of 4 - code:DFC9-4472 + code:8fc458/df cheat description:9 minutes for stage 2 - code:DBC9-4472 + code:8fc458/db cheat description:Lose power more quickly - code:DF6B-1D60+DF26-15DF + code:b181b6/df+97dd8f/df cheat description:Lose power more slowly - code:D96B-1D00+D926-11AF + code:b181b5/d5+9bdd8a/d5 cheat description:Gain power more quickly - code:DF6C-1460+DF2B-156F + code:8181ca/df+93ddbe/df cheat description:Gain power more slowly - code:4D6C-1400+4D2B-150F + code:8181c9/2d+93ddbd/2d cheat description:1-up with every coin after you get 10 - code:DBEF-1D6E + code:b3e9f6/db cheat description:1-up with every coin after you get 30 - code:F3EF-1D6E + code:b3e9f6/fe cheat description:1-up with every coin after you get 99 - code:14EF-1D6E + code:b3e9f6/62 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD67-1D50 + code:bd8135/dd cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:D067-1D50 + code:bd8135/d4 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB67-1D50 + code:bd8135/db cartridge sha256:fbe8926fc0149d3e8e2aec20f15640ea6814f4f4b01c3960f3c477f5f17e890f name:Young Merlin (USA) cheat description:Faster Merlin - code:D9B7-14F9 + code:8db53b/d5 cheat description:Slower mine cart - code:D46B-1030 + code:9981b3/d2 cheat description:2 hearts from rainbow water bottle - code:D4C0-CD6F + code:33cf46/d2 cheat description:3 hearts from rainbow water bottle - code:D7C0-CD6F + code:33cf46/d3 cheat description:Start with 6 heart containers (new game) - code:D186-C1D1 + code:15bb8b/d6 cheat description:Start with 8 heart containers (new game) - code:D686-C1D1 + code:15bb8b/d8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7EEDDE:02 + code:7eedde/02 cartridge sha256:b0e74f0fe8d1e7fe2fe404341fea7c68e28f3a0ab78552d5092d413f2ecec417 name:Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:D6FE-BE7C + code:fff2e8/d8 cheat description:Infinite health - code:C2B3-D092 + code:57b7e1/cd cheat description:Infinite Amulet shots - code:D7F3-2358 + code:7effe9/d3 cheat description:Items are free if you have enough money - code:6DEB-D46F+DCEB-D4AF + code:43efba/8d+4befba/dc cheat description:One hit kills on bosses (except final boss) - code:DDF3-2A5B + code:6effe9/dd cheat description:Gain experience quicker - code:CBBB-A192 + code:97b6b9/cb cheat description:Gain experience much quicker - code:CBBB-A192+79BB-A1B2 + code:97b6b9/cb+9fb6ba/35 cheat description:Start with 100 hit points instead of 20 - code:1082-012E + code:17b9db/64 cheat description:Start with 200 hit points - code:A682-012E + code:17b9db/a8 cheat description:Start with 488 Gold instead of 1,000 - code:DF8E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/df cheat description:Start with 2,024 Gold - code:D58E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/d7 cheat description:Start with 9,704 Gold - code:498E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/25 cheat description:Start with 20,200 Gold - code:038E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/4e cheat description:Start with 40,168 Gold - code:BA8E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/ba cheat description:Start with 65,512 Gold - code:EE8E-00BE + code:1fb9e2/ee cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:7E1AFC:08 + code:7e1afc/08 cheat description:Infinite Gold - code:7E1297:FF+7E1298:FF + code:7e1297/ff+7e1298/ff cheat description:255 Max HP - code:7E1295:FF + code:7e1295/ff cheat description:Max Exp - code:7E1299:FF+7E129A:FF + code:7e1299/ff+7e129a/ff cheat description:255 Ring - code:7E1296:FF + code:7e1296/ff cheat description:255 STR - code:7E129D:FF + code:7e129d/ff cheat description:255 DEF - code:7E129E:FF + code:7e129e/ff cheat description:1 Exp point to gain next level - code:7E129B:01 + code:7e129b/01 cheat description:Have all equipment - code:7E12A9:FF+7E12AA:FF+7E12AB:FF+7E12B3:FF+7E12AC:FF+7E12AD:FF+7E12AE:FF+7E12AF:FF+7E12B0:FF+7E12B1:FF+7E12B2:FF+7E12A0:FF+7E12A1:FF+7E12A2:FF+7E12A3:FF+7E12A4:FF+7E12A5:FF+7E12A6:FF+7E12A7:FF+7E12A8:FF + code:7e12a9/ff+7e12aa/ff+7e12ab/ff+7e12b3/ff+7e12ac/ff+7e12ad/ff+7e12ae/ff+7e12af/ff+7e12b0/ff+7e12b1/ff+7e12b2/ff+7e12a0/ff+7e12a1/ff+7e12a2/ff+7e12a3/ff+7e12a4/ff+7e12a5/ff+7e12a6/ff+7e12a7/ff+7e12a8/ff cheat description:Have all inventory items - code:7E12C2:FF+7E12C3:FF+7E12C4:FF+7E12B9:FF+7E12BA:FF+7E12BB:FF+7E12BC:FF+7E12BD:FF+7E12BE:FF+7E12BF:FF+7E12C0:FF+7E12C1:FF + code:7e12c2/ff+7e12c3/ff+7e12c4/ff+7e12b9/ff+7e12ba/ff+7e12bb/ff+7e12bc/ff+7e12bd/ff+7e12be/ff+7e12bf/ff+7e12c0/ff+7e12c1/ff cheat description:Have all statues - code:7E12C5:FF+7E12C6:FF+7E12C7:FF+7E12C8:FF + code:7e12c5/ff+7e12c6/ff+7e12c7/ff+7e12c8/ff cartridge sha256:10d94f1acd8108552eaefe9e26069e5d83e8fc3e847df7af318c2e25b53d39c3 name:Ys IV - Mask of the Sun (Japan) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:7E0973:FF + code:7e0973/ff cheat description:Infinite GP - code:7E0983:FF+7E0984:FF + code:7e0983/ff+7e0984/ff cheat description:Max EXP - code:7E097B:FF+7E097C:FF + code:7e097b/ff+7e097c/ff cartridge sha256:d8d14c9f599cf915127440ba22fcbb7c33814f5688c9ae4f8855ed1f6ed42128 name:Yu Yu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan) cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E0A38:50 + code:7e0a38/50 cheat description:Infinite power - code:7E0A3C:50 + code:7e0a3c/50 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7E0F38:00 + code:7e0f38/00 cheat description:Opponent has no power - code:7E0F3C:00 + code:7e0f3c/00 cartridge sha256:9b2cb155b270a78d122c46c44287f4973064dc96f75b0471c0843ca6a54bf41d name:Zen-Nihon GT Senshuken (Japan) cheat description:Disable timer - code:7E16DC:00 + code:7e16dc/00 cheat description:Always 1st - code:7E0CDC:00 + code:7e0cdc/00 cheat description:Lap modifier - code:7E149C:0X + code:7e149c/00 cartridge sha256:7d414b7f5941f1eddc35259a22accbbbd7b47c517dfcf8bad86c4dcfa9e50b1e name:Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA) cheat description:Jump higher - code:E060-1D62+E060-CF03 + code:b38546/e4+338b4d/e4 cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E0E2C:02 + code:7e0e2c/02 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1674:04 + code:7e1674/04 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E1672:06 + code:7e1672/06 cheat description:Infinite Shurikens - code:7E1676:99 + code:7e1676/99 cartridge sha256:25414de02c6805ca62574cfb39c23bf292b3d8c4ff33eb8f212ccdbcd61c5ae3 name:Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:7E1D8B:49 + code:7e1d8b/49 cheat description:Invincibility - code:7E05DC:FF + code:7e05dc/ff cheat description:Infinite health - code:7E1CF1:FA + code:7e1cf1/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7E020C:63 + code:7e020c/63 cheat description:Infinite time - code:7E1CEF:09 + code:7e1cef/09 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:7E020C:63 + code:7e020c/63 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:34bde7/8d+30bde5/fc + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:73e735/8d cartridge sha256:b27e2e957fa760f4f483e2af30e03062034a6c0066984f2e284cc2cb430b2059 name:Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA) cheat description:Invincibility, hit anywhere, get items from anywhere (do not use martian gun) - both players - code:6DEC-14D4+DD2F-476D+DD8D-37D7+DD8E-C767 + code:84e9cb/8d+83d4fe/dd+84bfdf/dd+00bfee/dd cheat description:Invincibility - both players - code:DD2F-476D + code:83d4fe/dd cheat description:Infinite health - both players - code:3C20-4D0D + code:b3d445/ec cheat description:Infinite weapons - both players - code:DD30-1FA7 + code:b8ed4e/dd cheat description:Infinite Keys on pick-up - code:DD3F-1DD4 + code:b4e9f7/dd cheat description:Infinite special items (except Keys and random Potions) - code:DD39-34D4 + code:84eb5b/dd cheat description:Infinite lives - both players - code:82AA-CF07 + code:30afad/bd cheat description:Victims are invincible - code:18CC-37DA + code:86cbcf/6b cheat description:Package of 99 Squirtgun shots worth 999 - code:DBEC-4704 + code:80e8cd/db cheat description:Package of 20 Soda Pop Cans worth 99 - code:BBE8-44D4 + code:84e8bb/bb cheat description:Package of 20 Tomatoes worth 99 - code:BBE8-4464 + code:80e8ba/bb cheat description:Package of 5 Bazookas worth 999 - code:BBE8-4FA4 + code:b8e8be/bb cheat description:Each First Aid Kit worth 9 on pick-up - code:DBEF-1F04 + code:b0e9fd/db cheat description:Each Key worth 9 on pick-up - code:DBED-1FA4 + code:b8e9de/db cheat description:Only 1 victim to rescue per level (no bonus for rescuing all victims, game is over if Zombie eats a victim) - code:DF63-14DF + code:878deb/df cheat description:Can advance to next level after getting 1 victim (no bonus for rescuing all victims, game is over if Zombie eats a victim) - code:BAA1-44A4 + code:88a86a/ba cheat description:Walk through walls - code:6D3A-47DF+6D3D-14AF + code:87ecaf/8d+8bedda/8d cheat description:Continue with 1/2 health - code:D921-1DD4 + code:b4d967/d5 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:D965-4464 + code:80887a/d5 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:DB66-4DD4 + code:b48887/db cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:D166-4DD4 + code:b48887/d6 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:DD66-4DD4 + code:b48887/dd cheat description:Start with 50 shots in Squirtgun - code:DD6B-4DA4 + code:b888b6/dd cheat description:Start with 100 shots in Squirtgun - code:DD6B-4D64 + code:b088b6/dd cheat description:Start with 550 shots in Squirtgun - code:D96B-4DA4 + code:b888b6/d5 cheat description:Start with 950 shots in Squirtgun - code:DB6B-4DA4 + code:b888b6/db cheat description:Start with Soda Pop Cans instead of Squirtguns (Press B or Y to get item) - code:266B-4704 + code:8088bd/d8 cheat description:Start with Bazookas (Press B or Y to get item) - code:216B-4704 + code:8088bd/d6 cheat description:Start with Tomatoes (Press B or Y to get item) - code:2C6B-4704 + code:8088bd/dc cheat description:Start with Fire Extinguishers (Press B or Y to get item) - code:A36B-4704 + code:8088bd/ae cheat description:Start with Ice Pops (Press B or Y to get item) - code:2A6B-4704 + code:8088bd/da cheat description:Start with Peppers (Press B or Y to get item) - code:236B-4704 + code:8088bd/de cheat description:Start with Martian Bubble Guns (Press B or Y to get item) - code:2D6B-4704 + code:8088bd/dd cheat description:Start with Weed-eaters (Press B or Y to get item) - code:246B-4704 + code:8088bd/d2 cheat description:Start with Ancient Artifacts (Press B or Y to get item) - code:206B-4704 + code:8088bd/d4 cheat description:Start with Plates (Press B or Y to get item) - code:3D6B-4704 + code:8088bd/ed cheat description:Start with Silverware (Press B or Y to get item) - code:346B-4704 + code:8088bd/e2 cheat description:Start with Footballs (Press B or Y to get item) - code:306B-4704 + code:8088bd/e4 cheat description:Start with 9 First Aid Kits instead of 1 - code:DB6B-4F04 + code:b088bd/db cheat description:Start with Speed Shoes instead of First Aid Kit (Press B or Y to get item) - code:D36C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/de cheat description:Start with a Monster Potion (Press B or Y to get item) - code:FD6C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/fd cheat description:Start with a Ghost Potion (Press B or Y to get item) - code:F46C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/f2 cheat description:Start with a Random Potion (Press B or Y to get item) - code:F06C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/f4 cheat description:Start with a Pandora's box (Press B or Y to get item) - code:FA6C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/fa cheat description:Start with a Skeleton key (Press B or Y to get item) - code:F36C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/fe cheat description:Start with a Decoy (Press B or Y to get item) - code:4D6C-4DD4 + code:b488c7/2d cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:D46E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d2 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:D76E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d3 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:D06E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d4 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:D96E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d5 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:D16E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d6 cheat description:Start on level 7 - code:D56E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d7 cheat description:Start on level 8 - code:D66E-1D0F + code:b38de5/d8 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:DB6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/db cheat description:Start on level 10 - code:DC6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/dc cheat description:Start on level 11 - code:D86E-1D0F + code:b38de5/db cheat description:Start on level 12 - code:DA6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/da cheat description:Start on level 13 - code:D26E-1D0F + code:b38de5/dd cheat description:Start on level 14 - code:D36E-1D0F + code:b38de5/de cheat description:Start on level 15 - code:DE6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/de cheat description:Start on level 16 - code:FD6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fd cheat description:Start on level 17 - code:FF6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/ff cheat description:Start on level 18 - code:F46E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f2 cheat description:Start on level 19 - code:F76E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f3 cheat description:Start on level 20 - code:F06E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f4 cheat description:Start on level 21 - code:F96E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f5 cheat description:Start on level 22 - code:F16E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f6 cheat description:Start on level 23 - code:F56E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f7 cheat description:Start on level 24 - code:F66E-1D0F + code:b38de5/f8 cheat description:Start on level 25 - code:FB6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fb cheat description:Start on level 26 - code:FC6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fc cheat description:Start on level 27 - code:F86E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fb cheat description:Start on level 28 - code:FA6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fa cheat description:Start on level 29 - code:F26E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fd cheat description:Start on level 30 - code:F36E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fe cheat description:Start on level 31 - code:FE6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/fe cheat description:Start on level 32 - code:4D6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2d cheat description:Start on level 33 - code:4F6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2f cheat description:Start on level 34 - code:446E-1D0F + code:b38de5/22 cheat description:Start on level 35 - code:476E-1D0F + code:b38de5/23 cheat description:Start on level 36 - code:406E-1D0F + code:b38de5/24 cheat description:Start on level 37 - code:496E-1D0F + code:b38de5/25 cheat description:Start on level 38 - code:416E-1D0F + code:b38de5/26 cheat description:Start on level 39 - code:456E-1D0F + code:b38de5/27 cheat description:Start on level 40 - code:466E-1D0F + code:b38de5/28 cheat description:Start on level 41 - code:4B6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2b cheat description:Start on level 42 - code:4C6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2c cheat description:Start on level 43 - code:486E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2b cheat description:Start on level 44 - code:4A6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2a cheat description:Start on level 45 - code:426E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2d cheat description:Start on level 46 - code:436E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2e cheat description:Start on level 47 - code:4E6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/2e cheat description:Start on level 48 - code:7D6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/3d cheat description:Start on bonus level Son of Dr. Tongue - code:746E-1D0F + code:b38de5/32 cheat description:Start on bonus level Day of the Tentacle - code:776E-1D0F + code:b38de5/33 cheat description:Start on bonus level Someplace Very Warm - code:706E-1D0F + code:b38de5/34 cheat description:Start on bonus level Curse of the Pharaohs - code:796E-1D0F + code:b38de5/35 cheat description:Start on bonus level Mushroom Men - code:716E-1D0F + code:b38de5/36 cheat description:Start on bonus level Cheerleaders vs. the Monsters - code:756E-1D0F + code:b38de5/37 cheat description:Start on credit level Monsters Among Us - code:7F6E-1D0F + code:b38de5/3f cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:7E1CB8:0A + code:7e1cb8/0a cheat description:Infinite health - P2 - code:7E1CBA:0A + code:7e1cba/0a cheat description:Infinite lives - P1 - code:7E1D4C:03 + code:7e1d4c/03 cheat description:Infinite lives - P2 - code:7E1D4E:03 + code:7e1d4e/03 cheat description:Skip Konami and LucasArts intro screens - code:7E0C7C:01 + code:7e0c7c/01 cheat description:Only 1 victim to rescue to advance - code:7E1D52:01 + code:7e1d52/01 cheat description:Always have Shoes effect - P1 - code:7E0155:FF + code:7e0155/ff cheat description:Always have Shoes effect - P2 - code:7E02D5:FF + code:7e02d5/ff cheat description:Infinite Bazooka - P1 - code:7E1CD6:50 + code:7e1cd6/50 cheat description:Infinite Bazooka - P2 - code:7E1CF6:50 + code:7e1cf6/50 cheat description:Infinite Berries - P1 - code:7E1CDA:50 + code:7e1cda/50 cheat description:Infinite Berries - P2 - code:7E1CFA:50 + code:7e1cfa/50 cheat description:Infinite Cold Potion - P1 - code:7E1D12:09 + code:7e1d12/09 cheat description:Infinite Cold Potion - P2 - code:7E1D32:09 + code:7e1d32/09 cheat description:Infinite Dummy Clown - P1 - code:7E1D20:09 + code:7e1d20/09 cheat description:Infinite Dummy Clown - P2 - code:7E1D40:09 + code:7e1d40/09 cheat description:Infinite Extinguisher - P1 - code:7E1CCE:50 + code:7e1cce/50 cheat description:Infinite Extinguisher - P2 - code:7E1CEE:50 + code:7e1cee/50 cheat description:Infinite Flamethrower - P1 - code:7E1CE6:50 + code:7e1ce6/50 cheat description:Infinite Flamethrower - P2 - code:7E1D06:50 + code:7e1d06/50 cheat description:Infinite Footballs - P1 - code:7E1CE4:50 + code:7e1ce4/50 cheat description:Infinite Footballs - P2 - code:7E1D04:50 + code:7e1d04/50 cheat description:Infinite Holy Cross - P1 - code:7E1CD4:50 + code:7e1cd4/50 cheat description:Infinite Holy Cross - P2 - code:7E1CF4:50 + code:7e1cf4/50 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P1 - code:7E1D0C:09 + code:7e1d0c/09 cheat description:Infinite Keys - P2 - code:7E1D2C:09 + code:7e1d2c/09 cheat description:Infinite Martian Gun - P1 - code:7E1CD0:50 + code:7e1cd0/50 cheat description:Infinite Martian Gun - P2 - code:7E1CF0:50 + code:7e1cf0/50 cheat description:Infinite Medical Kit - P1 - code:7E1D1A:09 + code:7e1d1a/09 cheat description:Infinite Medical Kit - P2 - code:7E1D3A:09 + code:7e1d3a/09 cheat description:Infinite Monster Potion - P1 - code:7E1D10:09 + code:7e1d10/09 cheat description:Infinite Monster Potion - P2 - code:7E1D30:09 + code:7e1d30/09 cheat description:Infinite Pandoras Box - P1 - code:7E1D1C:09 + code:7e1d1c/09 cheat description:Infinite Pandoras Box - P2 - code:7E1D3C:09 + code:7e1d3c/09 cheat description:Infinite Plates - P1 - code:7E1CE0:50 + code:7e1ce0/50 cheat description:Infinite Plates - P2 - code:7E1D00:50 + code:7e1d00/50 cheat description:Infinite Popsicles - P1 - code:7E1CDC:50 + code:7e1cdc/50 cheat description:Infinite Popsicles - P2 - code:7E1CFC:50 + code:7e1cfc/50 cheat description:Infinite Random A Potion - P1 - code:7E1D14:09 + code:7e1d14/09 cheat description:Infinite Random A Potion - P2 - code:7E1D34:09 + code:7e1d34/09 cheat description:Infinite Random B Potion - P1 - code:7E1D16:09 + code:7e1d16/09 cheat description:Infinite Random B Potion - P2 - code:7E1D36:09 + code:7e1d36/09 cheat description:Infinite Shoes - P1 - code:7E1D0E:09 + code:7e1d0e/09 cheat description:Infinite Shoes - P2 - code:7E1D2E:09 + code:7e1d2e/09 cheat description:Infinite Silverware - P1 - code:7E1CE2:50 + code:7e1ce2/50 cheat description:Infinite Silverware - P2 - code:7E1D02:50 + code:7e1d02/50 cheat description:Infinite Skeleton Key - P1 - code:7E1D1E:09 + code:7e1d1e/09 cheat description:Infinite Skeleton Key - P2 - code:7E1D3E:09 + code:7e1d3e/09 cheat description:Infinite Soda Bombs - P1 - code:7E1CD8:50 + code:7e1cd8/50 cheat description:Infinite Soda Bombs - P2 - code:7E1CF8:50 + code:7e1cf8/50 cheat description:Infinite Squirt Gun - P1 - code:7E1CCC:50 + code:7e1ccc/50 cheat description:Infinite Squirt Gun - P2 - code:7E1CEC:50 + code:7e1cec/50 cheat description:Infinite Weed Wacker - P1 - code:7E1CD2:50 + code:7e1cd2/50 cheat description:Infinite Weed Wacker - P2 - code:7E1CF2:50 - -database revision=2013-06-09 + code:7e1cf2/50 cartridge sha256:c8497ee7a25d1eb7cf4ef1604b2fd7836a64c5c30e8334f7a48f1ed2a27b5cc1 name:1942 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18C-8BD-4CA+188-C5E-4CA + code:2c8b/28/18+18c5/28/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:009-ECE-7F2+C99-F5E-806 + code:19ec/26/00+19f5/1b/c9 cartridge sha256:da5eb5a56ab97f7b6779fa70b894cb94abf351aaf0c9430bd775156528a334a0 name:4-in-1 Fun Pak (USA, Europe) cheat description:Chess - move anywhere - code:77E-D0A-190+18E-D1A-4CA + code:5ed0/be/77+5ed1/28/18 cheat description:Checkers - move anywhere - code:184-BCA-4CA+184-CDA-6EA+183-9CA-4CA + code:54bc/28/18+54cd/20/18+539c/28/18 cartridge sha256:d16375478a455270b758eb61f9c9fb380fbf5187e32a8fe3fc93ba4f4a330959 name:4-in-1 Fun Pak Volume II (USA, Europe) cheat description:Solitaire - move cards anywhere - code:008-E3B-B32+005-59B-19F + code:48e3/16/00+4559/7d/00 cartridge sha256:f66a6c521c706bf3bf4536731becacf1336a711bd40658d853646cd6b20fdb2b name:720 Degrees (USA, Europe) cheat description:Jump to get 1000 points - code:00D-A48-D5A + code:7da4/0c/00 cartridge sha256:52ee7edb02d42bfc7a9a5a52df082424cd8d9b3cbd2aa47fc84bd32f79cd059a name:A-mazing Tater (USA) cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:00F-68F-91E + code:0f68/1d/00 cartridge sha256:fa9fe020c07a5194dcd61ab33be44779ce5c9de4074fac3eb68bae9311d7c2f6 name:Action Man - Search for Base X (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FA6-D89-4C1 + code:66d8/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:007-3A9-7FA + code:673a/24/00 cartridge sha256:18746d4607424feca05aee056c3ed5f840195c792409881e9145d4bd96800dbd name:Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C99-15C-3BE + code:3915/35/c9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:BE9-15C-3BE + code:3915/35/be cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:009-11C-E6D + code:3911/c1/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA4-28F-4C1 + code:0428/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:BE4-27F-19E + code:0427/3d/be cheat description:When game begins, go through any door, enter secret bonus room, disable to exit room - code:AF3-DEE-7F1+3C3-DFE-916+7D3-E1E-197 + code:13de/e6/af+13df/1f/3c+13e1/7f/7d cheat description:Lose 1 heart to become invincible - code:FAA-DCF-4C1 + code:0adc/ea/fa cheat description:Start each life with 1 heart - code:01F-E98-E66 + code:7fe9/03/01 cheat description:Start each life with 5 hearts - code:05F-E98-E66 + code:7fe9/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:012-17F-F7E + code:0217/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A2-17F-F7E + code:0217/05/0a cartridge sha256:f267738e785f43a09c92511bcbb7f16d2e8acbe43b36f75bee35ff3fb0c21621 name:Addams Family, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:BEA-DAB-4C1+C99-D7F-4C1 + code:4ada/ea/be+09d7/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:BEF-35E-3BE + code:1f35/35/be cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BED-CEA-3BE + code:5dce/35/be cheat description:Infinite weapon - code:BE8-688-3BE + code:7868/35/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:009-FDB-C4A + code:49fd/08/00 cartridge sha256:7771919d5f5a114fb8685345eab290be22e99c59d8798ed9c5f29e3079c11c56 name:Adventure Island (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:BE6-53E-4C1 + code:1653/ea/be cheat description:Infinite time - code:BE6-90E-3BE + code:1690/35/be cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BEA-C88-3BE + code:7ac8/35/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:000-E1D-3B1+181-02D-4CA + code:20e1/f6/00+2102/28/18 cartridge sha256:bbb38ee1e9877404dd999ef7067aa238a1039ca603b987f8adeff4488e318331 name:Adventure Island II - Aliens in Paradise (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9A-D8E-4C1 + code:1ad8/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9E-2CF-4C1 + code:0e2c/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:006-DDB-E6E + code:46dd/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) - code:BE6-DCB-B31 + code:46dc/d6/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C9C-A1E-C49+C39-22E-A21 + code:1ca1/c8/c9+1922/d2/c3 cheat description:No gradual loss of energy, but can still be drained by obstacles and enemies - code:00E-28F-E6E + code:0e28/01/00 cheat description:Once you collect any non-throwable object, you can't lose it from menu - code:00D-51A-E6E + code:5d51/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 of each power-up - code:3C0-37B-5D4 + code:4037/af/3c cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:000-6DB-E66 + code:406d/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:050-6DB-E66 + code:406d/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:080-6DB-E66 + code:406d/03/08 cheat description:Start on level 1-4 - code:080-57B-E6E + code:4057/01/08 cartridge sha256:4c156c4d826b9cba5741feb621de60c6294adb36553fc43971794bd2a4ffb34a name:Adventures of Lolo (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:009-28B-F72 + code:4928/06/00 cartridge sha256:50c3a2193005c9134699ab00de16510fb946db10cdbc33bfacd8a3132926b72e name:Adventures of Pinocchio, The (USA) (Proto) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C94-C0E-6E9 + code:14c0/e0/c9 cartridge sha256:ee582fc5f302c430556703c553c3a49db8e05847ba9b13d0f6bc018657ac8593 name:Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C94-4CE-E69 + code:144c/c0/c9 cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:FA4-28E-4C1 + code:1428/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA4-96E-4C1 + code:1496/ea/fa cheat description:Die in one hit - code:014-53E-08B + code:1453/78/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:001-5CA-E62 + code:515c/02/00 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:091-5CA-E62 + code:515c/02/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0E1-5CA-E62 + code:515c/02/0e cheat description:Start with 1 mooseberry - 1st life - code:001-61A-E66 + code:5161/03/00 cheat description:Start with 5 mooseberries - 1st life - code:041-61A-E66 + code:5161/03/04 cheat description:Start with 10 mooseberries - 1st life - code:091-61A-E66 + code:5161/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 mooseberry - 2nd life - code:004-BCE-E66 + code:14bc/03/00 cheat description:Start with 5 mooseberries - 2nd life - code:044-BCE-E66 + code:14bc/03/04 cheat description:Start with 10 mooseberries - 2nd life - code:094-BCE-E66 + code:14bc/03/09 cartridge sha256:e946c9e9c819cb9ba37eb1718903aa3cd5ea101d5890e27681b370a44fe0f1d8 name:Adventures of Star Saver, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:C9B-D9E-4C1 + code:1bd9/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BE1-A7E-3BE + code:11a7/35/be cheat description:Infinite life ropes - code:003-89D-F71 + code:2389/c6/00 cheat description:Infinite shields on pick-up - code:001-63D-F71+00B-B7E-F71+00B-DBE-F71 + code:2163/c6/00+1bb7/c6/00+1bdb/c6/00 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:1dc4/38/18+1db7/38/18 cheat description:49 life ropes on pick-up - code:75C-94E-3BA + code:1c94/34/75 cheat description:Start with all power-ups (except shields) - 1st life only - code:3C1-7FE-5D4 + code:117f/af/3c cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:021-99E-E66 + code:1199/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:041-99E-E66 + code:1199/03/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:061-99E-E66 + code:1199/03/06 + +cartridge sha256:29a39e0ccf66a1eb5d456e027b2c1abcd9d2ea8bbf6b6d19d86fff61a493e008 + name:Adventures of the Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:1b9f/09/00 cartridge sha256:cb1d45fca310ef4b7013d094663bddcd209362f272bb3e54ce10540828c8c212 name:Aerostar (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:03A-ADD-A21+17A-AED-2AA+F07-07E-192 + code:2aad/d2/03+2aae/30/17+1707/3e/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:F06-F1E-6E9 + code:16f1/e0/f0 cheat description:Infinite jump - code:BE8-70E-6E9 + code:1870/e0/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C9E-93D-E69+3EF-E0D-5D6+18F-DFD-2AA + code:2e93/c0/c9+2fe0/2f/3e+2fdf/30/18 cartridge sha256:efee40857f6310f5437732198d998779711f86d80673e72cfc93a3378ca26303 name:AirForce Delta (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:185-688-08A + code:7568/38/18 cartridge sha256:8e45c7d6b5498d4048653e92b2a792bb2eea00b2897a7711fb7be1b6bed0534f name:Akumajou Dracula - Shikkoku Taru Zensoukyoku - Dark Night Prelude (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Fast walk left - code:11D-F3B-F7D + code:4df3/c5/11 cheat description:Fast walk right - code:11D-CCB-F7D + code:4dcc/c5/11 cheat description:Fast jump left - code:114-2CA-F7D + code:542c/c5/11 cheat description:Fast jump right - code:114-0BA-F7D + code:540b/c5/11 cartridge sha256:4940bf228fb2095daa6b382d84ebd0cf05cd81fc2e6e5244a03ab458593e53f5 name:Aladdin (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite health - code:BED-CAF-A28 + code:0dca/90/be cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BEC-E5E-19E + code:1ce5/3d/be cheat description:Infinite Apples - code:BE1-6DD-19E + code:216d/3d/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - Sword - code:00C-54A-E69+00C-4AA-809 + code:5c54/c0/00+5c4a/d8/00 cartridge sha256:944df9d20c715099ef6bf0e418d928684b284d4a4562391a661a7978fa7f5417 name:Alfred Chicken (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:BE5-46E-6E9 + code:1546/e0/be cheat description:Infinite time - code:BEB-C2E-D51 + code:1bc2/ce/be cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BEB-E9E-A24 + code:1be9/93/be cartridge sha256:4790f55d0917f4418c63d29c5c528362b1c7ae39546f6fc3ae94e867d1e9f270 name:Alien 3 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Almost infinite health - code:FA7-68E-4C1 + code:1768/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite tries - code:FA6-92E-4C1 + code:1692/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite shots per clip on pick-up - code:00F-9CD-E65 + code:2f9c/c3/00 cheat description:Infinite magazine clips on pick-up - code:FAB-45D-4C1 + code:2b45/ea/fa cheat description:50 shots per magazine clip - code:32A-3CA-19A + code:5a3c/3c/32 cheat description:75 shots per magazine clip - code:4BA-3CA-19A + code:5a3c/3c/4b cheat description:100 shots per magazine clip - code:64A-3CA-19A + code:5a3c/3c/64 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:8E4-42D-195 + code:2442/ff/8e cheat description:Start with 4 tries - code:04B-27E-E66 + code:1b27/03/04 cheat description:Start with 6 tries - code:06B-27E-E66 + code:1b27/03/06 cheat description:Start with 10 tries - code:0AB-27E-E66 + code:1b27/03/0a cartridge sha256:073f82f8bf4ab9d15569b5a7a4aa152351c177b9072a9481563b26562215f55b name:Alien Olympics (Europe) cheat description:Meter never decreases - code:C9D-7DB-800 + code:4d7d/9a/c9 cheat description:Hyper velocity - code:BED-7AB-A24 + code:4d7a/93/be cheat description:Freeze time - code:BEC-6DA-19A + code:5c6d/3c/be cartridge sha256:e1a71b44a1c5dcacfe90e76907766fd48518482950531bee34208114d4a03e53 name:Alien vs Predator - The Last of His Clan (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BEF-D4D-3BE + code:2fd4/35/be cheat description:Infinite energy - code:BE4-EFF-19E + code:04ef/3d/be cheat description:Infinite HP - code:BEB-BAC-4C1 + code:3bba/ea/be cartridge sha256:ed8070e011713527bdc03e2b9cec9f9c4a7e3aaa00e57e8786a186b265da1bb2 name:Alleyway (World) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BE7-EEF-19E + code:07ee/3d/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - Paddle - code:00C-D1F-D56 + code:0cd1/0f/00 cartridge sha256:04c5507efe0beb40ea1a887538bd8a04acc70622bf9ef800951a71f4804c9cbc name:All-Star Baseball 99 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:006-5E9-E6E + code:665e/01/00 cheat description:Computer's 3-pt. shots worth 25 points - code:191-1FD-E66 + code:211f/03/19 cheat description:Computer's 3-pt. shots worth 17 points - code:111-1FD-E66+111-18D-E6D + code:211f/03/11+2118/c1/11 cheat description:Computer makes almost all shots - code:36E-F7D-191+096-F8D-F7A + code:2ef7/fe/36+26f8/04/09 cheat description:Computer can't score against you - code:341-15D-3B2+001-16D-E6D + code:2115/36/34+2116/c1/00 cheat description:Shot clock for human player is 9 seconds - 1-on-1 game - code:095-FB9-7FA+093-3DD-7FA+095-C49-7FA + code:65fb/24/09+233d/24/09+65c4/24/09 cartridge sha256:21d507b3ee6acbde8427d8e5cc5de1083eec03df8bd55745e4384ee0be14460e name:All-Star Baseball 2000 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:003-F8A-D5A+003-EAA-802+003-DCA-4CA + code:53f8/0c/00+53ea/1a/00+53dc/28/00 cartridge sha256:c0bd16cfe156f36a0bcbf70c537a172ad4780641da6e23eacf47cc5f155d2640 name:All-Star Baseball 2001 (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:3E3-F7A-2AA+003-EAA-802+003-DCA-4CA + code:53f7/30/3e+53ea/1a/00+53dc/28/00 cartridge sha256:995dc210efdf7c12ae7d4c731e2ea0ae758554fc7f545dae72aa97a99dd10ed7 name:Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare (USA) (En,Fr,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:183-D5B-08A + code:43d5/38/18 cartridge sha256:4f6450321ee163d5fd8a942816b10af1ce41bbcad62185a550c97b16cac125a1 name:Altered Space - A 3-D Alien Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy (air) - code:3A4-F1E-B31 + code:14f1/d6/3a cartridge sha256:db4e590899aab75bceb31e84a2ec77c34b561838a61fd9dc9fda004a0507a01c name:Amazing Penguin (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-9FE-E69 + code:119f/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BE2-28D-19E + code:2228/3d/be cheat description:Infinite time - code:BE6-C4E-3BE + code:16c4/35/be cartridge sha256:a52b036d637b59950749de679208785480b8ad2d5e95c0ea2a6f638750cc645e name:Amazing Spider-Man, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:008-EAD-809+008-8CD-7FF + code:28ea/d8/00+288c/65/00 cartridge sha256:c4eb652e47d458b8faba7fd753a3eff8e875658f2b4cee0ae6194dc8cb0783e7 name:Amida (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:003-EBF-F72+185-E2F-6EA + code:03eb/06/00+05e2/20/18 cartridge sha256:4d2cca30eb8804ed6fffa07da2dea1992ff1ce12bded2195d05cf912b879b951 name:Animaniacs (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Multi-jump - code:00A-0EB-E69+00A-0BB-E69 + code:4a0e/c0/00+4a0b/c0/00 cheat description:Get Stars from anywhere - code:000-60B-E6B + code:4060/40/00 cartridge sha256:23b432a52aefcca6731fccace793f58ee5cac030b27ad18ac8d354430a388f01 name:Arcade Classics - Battlezone & Super Breakout (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Paddle hits ball anywhere - code:00F-6DF-08F+18F-70F-08A + code:0f6d/79/00+0f70/38/18 cartridge sha256:7cebe1e446c56061f71e94b99cf6dfb7267cac0e21cb37b0f9a8118d5a127eb0 name:Arcade Classic No. 2 - Centipede & Millipede (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Centipede - Invincibility - code:C36-28A-A21 + code:5628/d2/c3 cheat description:Millipede - Invincibility - code:FA5-438-4C1+375-738-088 + code:7543/ea/fa+7573/b8/37 cartridge sha256:c504be420e7bfdcf9905fc4d6674fd4b7466e832976a7a48660b901086536d1f name:Army Men (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18D-008-08A + code:7d00/38/18 + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:0c33/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite ammo - all weapons - code:00C-D1F-3BE + code:0cd1/35/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:FA3-45C-A21+FA3-2CC-A21 + code:3345/d2/fa+332c/d2/fa cartridge sha256:6da0357c4b00a1b8393f4e9fb5dbbe620e9b1680a7c4032303a058178fa245b7 name:Army Men 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) cheat description:Invincibility - code:189-6A8-6EA + code:796a/20/18 + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:772a/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite ammo - all weapons - code:00C-DAF-3BE + code:0cda/35/00 cartridge sha256:801660458dc65c29701f21985943ba84c1f55cf57c9be3527b17548c33be260d name:Asterix - Search for Dogmatix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E0-43E-4CA+C97-B2B-C49 + code:1043/28/3e+47b2/c8/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAD-14E-A21 + code:1d14/d2/fa cartridge sha256:3f0688ed9219c44ce133647f0668cde50fdcba7ed8f04c34c3a0fc5ce596bfe5 name:Asteroids (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:003-83F-3BE + code:0383/35/00 cheat description:No extra rocks as you go up levels - code:00A-7ED-3BA + code:2a7e/34/00 cheat description:Rocks go thru you unless you move from the middle - code:01C-B4D-F76+003-9CF-3BE + code:2cb4/07/01+039c/35/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:013-15F-E66 + code:0315/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:053-15F-E66 + code:0315/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:093-15F-E66 + code:0315/03/09 cartridge sha256:3f0688ed9219c44ce133647f0668cde50fdcba7ed8f04c34c3a0fc5ce596bfe5 name:Asteroids (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C95-49A-A29 + code:5549/d0/c9 cartridge sha256:d5306853c8dc7d402808cc340064fdf48d930bbc5a531c8ece3661bfa7f7ff55 name:Atlantis - The Lost Empire (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA2-ACA-4C1 + code:52ac/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAC-3AE-4C1 + code:1c3a/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:094-3EC-E66 + code:343e/03/09 cartridge sha256:2df8eb5d48a204d9609e0c12fed81304cc0b23421c5015ab2296d51ffc8b36ad name:Atomic Punk (USA) cheat description:Invincibility and infinite time - code:092-5EF-F77+752-5DF-B38+919-76F-195 + code:025e/47/09+025d/94/75+0976/ff/91 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Mode A - code:206-72E-08A+3D6-71E-A2A+8B6-70E-191+F06-6FE-802 + code:1672/38/20+1671/10/3d+1670/fe/8b+166f/1a/f0 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Mode B - code:C87-EEA-809+007-EDA-A2A+C37-EAA-C43+007-E9A-C4B+217-E8A-D5D + code:57ee/d8/c8+57ed/10/00+57ea/4a/c3+57e9/48/00+57e8/cd/21 cartridge sha256:ac3656cb5b86c13ad67a486d11d21643fdec306500d989fbd770b5939bab22f0 name:Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:00A-DBF-3BE + code:0adb/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA9-45C-4C1 + code:3945/ea/fa cartridge sha256:0d80b2ad776053f50c3eb0e0e32c675f24acf94923bf3ac4c156c7c28bc76a6e name:Avenging Spirit (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility except against spikes - code:C95-92C-081+C9E-82D-E69 + code:3592/fa/c9+2e82/c0/c9 cheat description:Invincibility against spikes - code:C95-4DA-E69 + code:554d/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite health except if weapon is used against you - code:FA5-AFC-4C1+FAE-C2D-4C1 + code:35af/ea/fa+2ec2/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite L health except against spikes - code:FAE-B5D-4C1 + code:2eb5/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAD-4DD-4C1+00D-30D-2A6 + code:2d4d/ea/fa+2d30/33/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:FA5-509-C41 + code:6550/ca/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:00F-A6B-809 + code:4fa6/d8/00 cheat description:Start with 1/2 health - code:0A3-2BC-B3A + code:332b/14/0a cheat description:Start with 1/4 health - code:053-2BC-B3A + code:332b/14/05 cheat description:Start with 3/4 health - code:0F3-2BC-B3A + code:332b/14/0f cheat description:Start on level 2 (brings you back to level 2) - code:029-B9C-E6E + code:39b9/01/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 (brings you back to level 2) - code:049-B9C-E6E + code:39b9/01/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 (brings you back to level 2) - code:069-B9C-E6E + code:39b9/01/06 cartridge sha256:6340ba86bf9500ece66d8acbcca90c4ab8c42de26804fde393311d62eaab3b61 name:B.C. Kid 2 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00A-ABA-A22+18F-26B-6EA + code:5aab/12/00+4f26/20/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:18D-CEA-4CA+FAC-08A-D5D + code:5dce/28/18+5c08/cd/fa cartridge sha256:1b48b454bb421836c33c2d572c61f69145a077ebcecbf8194dfb05fc6581ff82 name:Balloon Kid (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility against fire - code:006-04A-C4E + code:5604/09/00 cartridge sha256:c71663c9172c69b3daded65aaaa3735d1f50379a471af345e8421a6a6c9aaa98 name:Barbie - Game Girl (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:FAA-A5C-4C1 + code:3aa5/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite continues - code:FAB-959-4C1 + code:6b95/ea/fa cheat description:1 continue - code:017-ADD-E66 + code:27ad/03/01 cheat description:4 continues - code:047-ADD-E66 + code:27ad/03/04 cheat description:8 continues - code:087-ADD-E66 + code:27ad/03/08 cheat description:Start with 2 HP - code:027-7AD-F7E + code:277a/05/02 cheat description:Start with 4 HP - code:047-7AD-F7E + code:277a/05/04 cheat description:Start with 8 HP - code:087-7AD-F7E + code:277a/05/08 cartridge sha256:86e5b7037d7c61248adfdc316d61b5c58fe46c5d3fe376bcdfeda9d6538b197d name:Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:FA7-FAF-4C1 + code:07fa/ea/fa cartridge sha256:debc4ac9d7587166f4754d99955c8ed8c5ae014bb10e91764fe9e632cdbcb3fc name:Baseball (World) cheat description:Balls are counted as strikes - code:000-479-809 + code:6047/d8/00 cartridge sha256:0eedbdd6530f30adcc8ee88b32e852b7983de8bba8122ddd2c1adaf2805a454c name:Bases Loaded for Game Boy (USA) cheat description:No walks - code:00C-63B-19A + code:4c63/3c/00 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:00C-66B-F7A + code:4c66/04/00 cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:02C-66B-F7A + code:4c66/04/02 cheat description:3 balls and you walk - code:03C-66B-F7A + code:4c66/04/03 cheat description:5 balls and you walk - code:04C-66B-F7A + code:4c66/04/04 cheat description:Outs aren't counted (base runners will still be taken out) - code:00C-77B-19A + code:4c77/3c/00 cheat description:Number of outs to retire the side varies - code:003-8F8-E66 + code:738f/03/00 cheat description:Strikes aren't counted - code:00C-43B-3BA + code:4c43/34/00 cheat description:1 strike and you're out - code:01C-46B-E66 + code:4c46/03/01 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:02C-46B-E66 + code:4c46/03/02 cheat description:5 strikes and you're out - code:05C-46B-E66 + code:4c46/03/05 cheat description:No scoring - disable to score - code:008-1FF-E6E+008-11F-E6E + code:081f/01/00+0811/01/00 cartridge sha256:2eb0708771791f2e126bd97e672a365c70c3d7064ecc391433545352133dad60 name:Battle Crusher (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:003-DEA-F7E + code:53de/05/00 cheat description:Invincibility (except throws) - P1 - code:183-CCA-4CA + code:53cc/28/18 cheat description:Blocking disabled - both players - code:003-CBD-E6E + code:23cb/01/00 cartridge sha256:ea30dd015164e6895547d518a96cee60a17767f985b68c50d07ca560c80956ae name:Battle of Olympus, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:37A-7BD-3B4 + code:2a7b/b7/37 cheat description:Get items from anywhere (press down) - code:001-A69-A2E + code:61a6/11/00 cartridge sha256:c38fc7e54ed27bd82c9829a6535f5be0d2ff81822863ab9c088bf345ab01b734 name:BattleCity (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C36-68C-801 + code:3668/da/c3 cheat description:Invincibility - Base - code:00E-99C-E6E + code:3e99/01/00 cartridge sha256:9ac1f4a299d32ba21cf65f67ab210afeb4c629adbd8e5779f76b6667ca3a0a4a name:Batman - The Animated Series (USA, Europe) cheat description:Almost invincible - disable if you get stuck - code:215-92D-D5D + code:2592/cd/21 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:005-EFD-3B7 + code:25ef/77/00 cheat description:Infinite batarangs - code:00B-A3D-3BE + code:2ba3/35/00 cheat description:One hit kills on most enemies - code:AF6-15E-A2C + code:1615/91/af cheat description:Each batarang pick-up is worth 9 - code:09A-70B-F7E + code:4a70/05/09 cheat description:Most enemies don't die - code:006-16E-3B7 + code:1616/77/00 cheat description:Most enemies are harder to kill - code:0AF-CDB-E62 + code:4fcd/02/0a cheat description:Start with 7 batarangs - code:004-96D-5D4+FA4-9AD-4C1 + code:2496/af/00+249a/ea/fa cheat description:Start with very little energy - code:014-8ED-F76 + code:248e/07/01 cheat description:Start with about half energy - code:044-8ED-F76 + code:248e/07/04 cheat description:Start with about 2x energy - code:0E4-8ED-F76 + code:248e/07/0e cartridge sha256:d0e4ff010ab013e519abd9950ab465f3369c76e23d82927c0f39b5e259d4febf name:Batman - The Video Game (World) @@ -76847,283 +78130,289 @@ cartridge sha256:d0e4ff010ab013e519abd9950ab465f3369c76e23d82927c0f39b5e259d4feb code:018DA1FF cheat description:Infinite health - code:FAE-C1B-4C1 + code:4ec1/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite health (alt) code:0104C8C0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA9-5DF-4C1 + code:095d/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives (alt) code:0103C7C0 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:002-75B-B3B+18E-16D-2AA+23E-17D-A22 + code:4275/54/00+2e16/30/18+2e17/12/23 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Bosses - code:28E-CAD-7FE+18E-C9D-08A + code:2eca/25/28+2ec9/38/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:187-5BC-4CA + code:375b/28/18 cartridge sha256:152fc252bba7130e786d408eed310b3009b8e05834f8003dfbf514ec804cbaea name:Batman - Return of the Joker (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibile against enemies - code:004-ADA-A2E+C64-B2A-7F1 + code:54ad/11/00+54b2/e6/c6 cheat description:Infinite batarangs on pick-up - code:009-96E-19E + code:1996/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:00A-B5D-F75 + code:2ab5/c7/00 cheat description:Select any weapon from menu - code:006-BCA-7F1 + code:56bc/e6/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:006-B5D-5DB+006-ACD-3BF + code:26b5/6c/00+26ac/75/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:18F-4BE-4CA+C30-03D-C41+00A-34E-6E2 + code:1f4b/28/18+2003/ca/c3+1a34/22/00 cheat description:5 Batarangs on pick-up - code:05D-A0B-C42 + code:4da0/0a/05 cheat description:20 Batarangs on pick-up - code:14D-A0B-C42 + code:4da0/0a/14 cheat description:40 Batarangs on pick-up - code:28D-A0B-C42 + code:4da0/0a/28 cheat description:1 continue - code:022-07F-F7E + code:0207/05/02 cheat description:9 continues - code:0A2-07F-F7E + code:0207/05/0a cheat description:Start with max of 3 HP - code:O62-01F-C42 + code:f000/ba/00 cheat description:Start with max of 8 HP - code:102-01F-C42 + code:0201/0a/10 cartridge sha256:bfb324176949811c6e116cb8e3d434b4937634d95b4f9bdfb54e0157c612dea0 name:Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00E-67B-A29 + code:4e67/d0/00 cartridge sha256:519ca6523e54b67a4b4dcc7f525d56df986e0d77c84699dcf9e022f0ae6fbd0e name:Battle Arena Toshinden (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:FAE-01B-C41 + code:4e01/ca/fa cheat description:Blocking disabled - both players - code:00A-8F9-E62 + code:6a8f/02/00 cartridge sha256:b9909506f566ea7998d6170e9610bad62dbda7d38e42830cd187592e262acfed name:Battle Unit Zeoth (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:F02-33E-6E9 + code:1233/e0/f0 cartridge sha256:dfa8ec0354c2c364398686cac91545dd2729ab4e0784e6f0b3a23cfe2f7d253b name:Battletoads (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:047-7DD-E6E+367-7CD-4CA + code:277d/01/04+277c/28/36 cheat description:Infinite lives and energy - code:FAC-CAF-4C1+007-B0E-F71 + code:0cca/ea/fa+17b0/c6/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:007-C2E-3BE + code:17c2/35/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:00E-9AD-B3E + code:2e9a/15/00 cheat description:Keep axe after dying - code:FAD-918-4C1 + code:7d91/ea/fa cheat description:Big arms that hack at you from caves in level 1 do not move - code:005-42E-E6E + code:1542/01/00 cheat description:1 continue - code:017-F28-E66 + code:77f2/03/01 cheat description:5 continues - code:057-F28-E66 + code:77f2/03/05 cheat description:10 continues - code:0A7-F28-E66 + code:77f2/03/0a cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:007-ED8-E66 + code:77ed/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:O57-ED8-E66 + code:f000/ba/00 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:097-ED8-E66 + code:77ed/03/09 cheat description:Start with 2 extra HP - after 1st life - code:0EE-388-D5A + code:7e38/0c/0e cheat description:Start 1st life with 2 extra HP - code:0E3-26F-D5A + code:0326/0c/0e cheat description:Start 1st life with 1/2 energy - code:063-26F-D5A + code:0326/0c/06 cheat description:Start with only 1/2 energy - after 1st life - code:06E-388-D5A + code:7e38/0c/06 cartridge sha256:e10716e26a1b4edddc8c8fbf24cdad4decd054e555c77a6c0cd64fe283fa2287 name:Battletoads in Ragnarok's World (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - beat'em up levels - code:EAC-FDD-081 + code:2cfd/fa/ea cheat description:Infinite health - code:FA8-71F-4C1 + code:0871/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:7EA-31E-3BE + code:1a31/35/7e cartridge sha256:ffb240c74aac4527af2c268e1d7cf4f1b44229ff624d22966b5679e301617465 name:Beast Fighter (Asia) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:007-F6A-C49+008-00A-E69+017-FFA-E6A+3E7-FEA-191 + code:57f6/c8/00+5800/c0/00+57ff/00/01+57fe/fe/3e cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9D-B6D-C49 + code:2db6/c8/c9 cheat description:One hit kills on bosses - code:006-FAB-E62 + code:46fa/02/00 + +cartridge sha256:1cbdbf760d84d62933f1b66410a80dda4185b138d964e6ec51780d391d09143d + name:Beauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure (USA) (SGB Enhanced) + cheat + description:Access credits in options menu + code:6915/03/04 cartridge sha256:436918dc75ffe606f458206caad6c063369ecbf650afcf96499eb98b2b85a72f name:Beetlejuice (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:FA7-E4C-4C1 + code:37e4/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA7-EFC-4C1 + code:37ef/ea/fa cartridge sha256:0e825ec2c23a16fac1f33cdfd7402f218e3813961e95ddb4ca9fed19bfd79d04 name:Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18E-B7D-4CA + code:2eb7/28/18 cartridge sha256:378435aa66290a4d8a930e000eddf08dcb7b00fd36341991b0abedc488bb8c5d name:Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks (USA) cheat description:Start with burst of speed - code:XX1-069-19A + code:f000/ba/00 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:004-65A-3BE + code:5465/35/00 cheat description:Collisons with cars don't affect speed - code:00D-46B-3BE + code:4d46/35/00 cheat description:Collisions barely affect speed - code:003-C5B-3B7+002-3FA-3B7+000-BDA-19E + code:43c5/77/00+523f/77/00+50bd/3d/00 cheat description:Start with 1 lap - ignore lap timer and counter - code:1E7-31B-B37+027-32B-A26 + code:4731/57/1e+4732/13/02 cheat description:Start with 3 laps - ignore lap timer and counter - code:1E7-31B-B37+047-32B-A26 + code:4731/57/1e+4732/13/04 cheat description:Start with 9 laps - ignore lap timer and counter - code:1E7-31B-B37+0A7-32B-A26 + code:4731/57/1e+4732/13/0a cartridge sha256:692e62d9e0048350256ee124d55c6ef225dc2bb54e0808fd882312d4dcaf0f28 name:Bionic Commando (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FAE-6EB-4C1 + code:4e6e/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:006-0AE-915 + code:160a/df/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:004-04E-915 + code:1404/df/00 cheat description:2 continues - code:024-818-E66 + code:7481/03/02 cheat description:4 continues - code:044-818-E66 + code:7481/03/04 cheat description:6 continues - code:064-818-E66 + code:7481/03/06 cheat description:Start with 8 energy - code:845-E0E-5D4 + code:15e0/af/84 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:024-0EE-E66 + code:140e/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:044-0EE-E66 + code:140e/03/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:064-0EE-E66 + code:140e/03/06 cartridge sha256:9338af642104f7f286687b2e6e55759917c0db35bc89ef398a92c18570bff681 name:Blades of Steel (USA) cheat description:Set length of game to 1:00 - code:011-65B-6EA + code:4165/20/01 cheat description:Set length of game to 3:00 - code:031-65B-6EA + code:4165/20/03 cheat description:Set length of game to 9:00 - code:091-65B-6EA + code:4165/20/09 cheat description:Opponent's energy doesn't go up again and yours does - code:007-938-19A + code:7793/3c/00 cheat description:Invincible in fights - code:FA7-9F8-4C1 + code:779f/ea/fa cheat description:3 penalty shots in shoot-out - code:035-B6A-F7E + code:55b6/05/03 cheat description:5 penalty shots in shoot-out - code:055-B6A-F7E + code:55b6/05/05 cheat description:9 penalty shots in shoot-out - code:095-B6A-F7E + code:55b6/05/09 cartridge sha256:e0258871c84d18cb0b4cf9a41e1be2ad010c04fad45d97b23baca7746edcfa76 name:Blaster Master - Enemy Below (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-F3F-E69+C96-81E-E69 + code:0ef3/c0/c9+1681/c0/c9 cheat description:Invincibility when falling from very high (on foot) - code:C96-82E-6EE + code:1682/21/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAD-D59-D5D+18D-BE9-4CA + code:6dd5/cd/fa+6dbe/28/18 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:18C-3B9-4CA + code:6c3b/28/18 cheat description:Multi-jump (vehical) - code:186-05B-4CA+3E5-FFB-4CA + code:4605/28/18+45ff/28/3e cheat description:Multi-jump (on foot) - code:00D-05B-E69 + code:4d05/c0/00 cheat description:Infinite POW meter - Vehicle code:014024C1 @@ -77153,166 +78442,166 @@ cartridge sha256:01bb3527ea235380895b8df07a864829b2ad9e399f8cd90bb816110e2bfb169 name:Blaster Master Boy (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:10D-06D-7FA+18D-05D-4CA + code:2d06/24/10+2d05/28/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:7B5-9BE-5D4 + code:159b/af/7b cheat description:One hit kills - normal enemies - code:AF7-CBC-19E + code:37cb/3d/af cheat description:One hit kills - bosses - code:3E8-49C-2AA + code:3849/30/3e cartridge sha256:04aeb80ff35bd863c3922ad9b8cac7ee379e78feac4ce3cef2d58ccca142fc03 name:Blues Brothers, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:00A-F29-3B7 + code:6af2/77/00 cheat description:Infinite encores - code:FA8-05F-4C1 + code:0805/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 3 encores (continues) - code:033-7CF-E62 + code:037c/02/03 cheat description:Start with 7 encores - code:073-7CF-E62 + code:037c/02/07 cheat description:Start with 9 encores - code:093-9CF-E62 + code:039c/02/09 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:050-15B-E62 + code:4015/02/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:070-15B-E62 + code:4015/02/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:090-15B-E62 + code:4015/02/09 cartridge sha256:9053443a6c786a54bebc2fa9c10acd3875887134c953e5bdf0a07dc554721fb6 name:Bo Jackson - Two Games in One (USA) cheat description:Baseball - 1 ball and you walk - code:01F-13C-F7A + code:3f13/04/01 cheat description:Baseball - 2 balls and you walk - code:02F-13C-F7A + code:3f13/04/02 cheat description:Baseball - 5 balls and you walk - code:05F-13C-F7A + code:3f13/04/05 cheat description:Baseball - Strikes aren't counted - ignore message, you need 4 balls to walk - code:00E-C5C-3BA + code:3ec5/34/00 cheat description:Baseball - Outs aren't counted - code:003-E88-3BA + code:73e8/34/00 cheat description:Baseball - 1 strike and you're out - code:01E-87C-E66 + code:3e87/03/01 cheat description:Baseball - 2 strikes and you're out - code:02E-87C-E66 + code:3e87/03/02 cheat description:Baseball - No scoring - disable to score - code:008-3C8-3BA+008-268-3BA + code:783c/34/00+7826/34/00 cheat description:Football - Infinite time - code:F05-6EC-6E9 + code:356e/e0/f0 cheat description:Football - Infinite timeouts - code:000-12A-3BE + code:5012/35/00 cheat description:Football - Always 1st down - code:F07-D0B-6E9 + code:47d0/e0/f0 cheat description:Football - Start with 1 timeout - code:010-68B-E66 + code:4068/03/01 cheat description:Football - Start with 2 timeouts - code:020-68B-E66 + code:4068/03/02 cheat description:Football - Start with 10 timeouts - code:0A0-68B-E66 + code:4068/03/0a cartridge sha256:195f5a9e97bfec6f071bfd6b82a39ffa25185b687a26a1f2937f9718c4d4d16e name:Boggle Plus (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:005-AFD-E6E + code:25af/01/00 cheat description:1-minute game - code:016-BCD-E66 + code:26bc/03/01 cheat description:5-minute game - code:056-BCD-E66 + code:26bc/03/05 cheat description:9-minute game - code:096-BCD-E66 + code:26bc/03/09 cheat description:Can re-use shaded letters - code:D48-82A-E61 + code:5882/c2/d4 cheat description:Can select any letter on the board - letters don't have to be next to each other - code:30E-A9A-4CA + code:5ea9/28/30 cheat description:Boggle - 1 and 2 letter words allowed - code:01B-4CA-E66 + code:5b4c/03/01 cheat description:Boggle - Minimum word length 4 letters - code:04B-4CA-E66 + code:5b4c/03/04 cheat description:Big Boggle - 1 to 3 letter words allowed - code:01B-8FA-F7A + code:5b8f/04/01 cheat description:Big Boggle - Minimum word length 5 letters - code:05B-8FA-F7A + code:5b8f/04/05 cartridge sha256:beca58b71a27884d2c2820da0c7eb806fa945b2fab66da271588281e03153900 name:Bomb Jack (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:F04-79F-6E9 + code:0479/e0/f0 cartridge sha256:604db636c45af3cd1fec52e206701a8969a8a3e610df281f7461769bd86729ea name:Bomber Man GB 3 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:02C-AEB-E6E + code:4cae/01/02 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:005-17E-19E + code:1517/3d/00 cheat description:Freeze timer - code:009-E0D-19E + code:29e0/3d/00 cheat description:Maximum Bombs placable - code:185-158-6EA + code:7515/20/18 cheat description:Maximum blast range - code:185-238-6EA + code:7523/20/18 cartridge sha256:16d6a4650566ede0ec9e3e23a85544737faab4154d6381668e8547047340eee6 name:Bomberman GB (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Hit anywhere (press B) - code:3D3-C08-E6A+3D3-C18-D5D+A13-BF8-E6A+C93-C28-E66+F03-BE8-E6E + code:73c0/00/3d+73c1/cd/3d+73bf/00/a1+73c2/03/c9+73be/01/f0 cheat description:Bombs can break any block - code:006-C28-F7E + code:76c2/05/00 cartridge sha256:27d2eb237362b5647b020d0b22a08b079b40e50347dacc43b732830b9519a852 name:Bomberman Max - Blue Champion (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:001-B9A-195+C32-EBA-C41 + code:51b9/ff/00+52eb/ca/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:F25-E2C-6E2+C25-E3C-F71 + code:35e2/22/f2+35e3/c6/c2 cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:FAB-16B-4C1 + code:4b16/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite health code:010204C3 @@ -77336,13 +78625,13 @@ cartridge sha256:5f7c1cdf6adbe6d6dcef488bd37d0da82fa356b79fd579b2022a149e983abc3 name:Bomberman Max - Red Challenger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AF2-EAA-7F4+181-9DA-08A + code:52ea/a7/af+519d/38/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C25-F1C-F71+F25-F0C-6E2 + code:35f1/c6/c2+35f0/22/f2 cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:00B-15B-E6E + code:4b15/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health code:010204C3 @@ -77366,175 +78655,202 @@ cartridge sha256:6081309e7f5b63e4f6694965060c68baf82a775eb18e667c2c89898096e6e3d name:Bonk's Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:005-13B-F7D + code:4513/c5/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:007-99D-D5D + code:2799/cd/00 cheat description:Start with 3 lives, 1st life as Mad Bonk - code:021-AFF-E66+001-B3F-5D4 + code:01af/03/02+01b3/af/00 cheat description:Start 1st life as Turtle Bonk - code:021-AFF-E66+001-B3F-5D4 + code:01af/03/02+01b3/af/00 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:071-AFF-E66 + code:01af/03/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:091-AFF-E66 + code:01af/03/09 cartridge sha256:6ac93cc5186a2e92e13260fd61951c1b28f0df2278b9003b2bcb1ddcbf51543c name:Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World (USA) cheat description:Always have key - code:003-C7D-C49 + code:23c7/c8/00 + +cartridge sha256:c2fdb7f5887132d1d5ba4081f1332d347089dd73bf1e30a47af21bacc314e601 + name:Brain Drain (USA) (SGB Enhanced) + cheat + description:Clear level automatically + code:22a5/28/18 + cheat + description:Clear level automatically - Race Mode + code:2bf3/28/18 cartridge sha256:b164bafab4da7f92a33a2cdfce706b35407f3aa0ac379cd770fe2f78447bdf7a name:Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:006-72F-80E + code:0672/19/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:FAD-50D-4C1 + code:2d50/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:FA1-21E-4C1 + code:1121/ea/fa cartridge sha256:5ffda4ca9e2712e2ecc44e75bfd8c7307f4ed5fbcbb82a0f5cd9ad19e3bac6c2 name:Brave Saga - Shinshou Astaria (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:C92-CFB-C49 + code:42cf/c8/c9 cartridge sha256:c5ddbb08e8509633853346c5f35850cc3abe5afaabb0d0ee294b40e804253b7f name:Bubble Bobble (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00D-22E-C4A+18D-29E-08A + code:1d22/08/00+1d29/38/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Bosses (except final boss) - code:00C-05B-A29+00B-FCB-A29 + code:4c05/d0/00+4bfc/d0/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:00C-02D-A29+00C-0BD-A29+00D-56D-A29+375-8FB-6EE+37D-5FD-A29+C95-90B-91E + code:2c02/d0/00+2c0b/d0/00+2d56/d0/00+458f/21/37+2d5f/d0/37+4590/1d/c9 cheat description:One hit kill - final boss - code:AF8-B7B-19E + code:48b7/3d/af cartridge sha256:29f17b604be580c0132a6d0bd7a966c82930069ca82f83798c955d532c6b4694 name:Bubble Bobble Part 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:FAB-CEE-4C1 + code:1bce/ea/fa cheat description:Defeat one enemy to go to next level - code:AFE-33A-19E + code:5e33/3d/af + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:25d5/04/11+24d8/d2/fa+24c7/da/fa + cheat + description:One hit kills - bosses + code:24fb/38/18 cheat description:No big bubbles appear - code:C97-8AE-E66 + code:178a/03/c9 cheat description:Run into 1 enemy and you remain invincible for the rest of the game - code:FA5-58E-4C1+FAB-46E-4C1+FAB-63E-4C1 + code:1558/ea/fa+1b46/ea/fa+1b63/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:015-5CE-E66 + code:155c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 hearts - code:065-5CE-E66 + code:155c/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 hearts - code:095-5CE-E66 + code:155c/03/09 cheat description:Start on round 20 - code:3E8-39F-081+138-3AF-D5E+008-3BF-E6D + code:0839/fa/3e+083a/0d/13+083b/c1/00 cheat description:Start on round 40 - code:3E8-39F-081+278-3AF-D5E+008-3BF-E6D + code:0839/fa/3e+083a/0d/27+083b/c1/00 cheat description:Start on round 60 - code:3E8-39F-081+3B8-3AF-D5E+008-3BF-E6D + code:0839/fa/3e+083a/0d/3b+083b/c1/00 + +cartridge sha256:106d5443e092df3dc53035930766061f1ae4eae670470a93d648dc1adcda01c0 + name:Bubble Ghost (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Bubble is invincible + code:24aa/3e/c9+2ddf/3e/c9+3653/3e/c9 + +cartridge sha256:6c8a53796be79a934f1393c668057cad38e857922cd552bc52fdf8f3ebdd2cc6 + name:Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Operation Carrots (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) + cheat + description:Stage skip (pause, press Select to skip to the next stage) + code:7af5/13/00 cartridge sha256:a0bd5d25545de941e719437f7829f4edf32b3a140a399387f96dda2f8059fe4e name:Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:186-CCC-08A + code:36cc/38/18 cheat description:Get carrots from anywhere (entire level) - code:00C-E2D-C4E+00C-DDD-D52 + code:2ce2/09/00+2cdd/0e/00 cheat description:Get carrots from anywhere (horizontal position) - code:00C-DDD-D52 + code:2cdd/0e/00 cartridge sha256:cf1a8d9c9d4fc9e58740f6e008e5280ff2831c099aecab642e64e5195c0ad0bc name:Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2, The (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C92-899-4C1 + code:6289/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:BE6-00E-19E + code:1600/3d/be cheat description:Get keys from anywhere (except from the ones inside of doors) - code:16F-D5A-E6E+18F-D4A-4CA + code:5fd5/01/16+5fd4/28/18 cartridge sha256:89e43fdc94ec1d2a67aaab39d72afa50dd01df4323df7bf3d0909247cc490c24 name:Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-979-E69 + code:6197/c0/c9 cheat description:Get Keys from anywhere - code:000-699-2A6+000-6E9-5D2 + code:6069/33/00+606e/2e/00 cheat description:Open locked doors without having 8 Keys - code:18C-65B-4CA + code:4c65/28/18 cheat description:Enter any door to clear level - code:05A-B6E-F76 + code:1ab6/07/05 cartridge sha256:e5abce2a219fe38e53d1a572d371008f3b6d70be4607c1722139a9ea95fa7422 name:Bug's Life, A (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility (can still drown) - code:000-EEE-081 + code:10ee/fa/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:006-2FD-3BE + code:262f/35/00 cartridge sha256:2f4254faaa4bda89486c4820c601917cd034c7965eae075ba81acef4295fa8bd name:BurgerTime Deluxe (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-98D-3B2 + code:2e98/36/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FE5-CAE-B31 + code:15ca/d6/fe cheat description:Infinite weapon - code:FEB-76D-B31 + code:2b76/d6/fe cheat description:Touch Burgers from anywhere - code:000-C0D-082 + code:20c0/3a/00 cartridge sha256:2fbf14a5bffb070e183537c3ff4cd8e05626a94b3949785ed240b28642d0a259 name:Bust-A-Move Millennium (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit one bubble to clear level - Challenge Mode - code:AF3-3AB-19E+C22-EEB-080 + code:433a/3d/af+42ee/ba/c2 cheat description:Hit one bubble to clear level - Puzzle Mode - code:184-69A-4CA + code:5469/28/18 cheat description:Win automatically - Story Mode - code:075-ABB-C42+185-AAB-4CA+065-93B-F7A + code:45ab/0a/07+45aa/28/18+4593/04/06 cartridge sha256:2223993b7a91a5f2ccca1f43652df0062528e3fb37128f61a0ec8a779bcf65a1 name:Buster Bros. (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - main weapon - code:5B5-59D-A2D+FA5-31D-A21 + code:2559/d1/5b+2531/d2/fa cartridge sha256:ce892641c500ddd0ccb804208556113ad4b9736f89cc94c6822f863508eb81f0 name:Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (USA, Europe) @@ -77549,115 +78865,115 @@ cartridge sha256:f0b147eb3429b1b480424a31eb2d800b5676d01a701b494b2c9e9d2de63d31c name:Captain America and the Avengers (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:005-CCE-3B7 + code:15cc/77/00 cheat description:Enemy bullets do very little damage - code:017-748-D5A + code:7774/0c/01 cheat description:Enemy bullets do more damage - code:197-748-D5A + code:7774/0c/19 cheat description:Enemy bullets do much more damage - code:337-748-D5A + code:7774/0c/33 cheat description:Start with energy at 153 - code:99A-29F-7FB + code:0a29/64/99 cheat description:Start with energy at 255 - code:FFA-29F-7FB + code:0a29/64/ff cheat description:Start with energy at 34 - code:22A-29F-7FB + code:0a29/64/22 cheat description:Start with 1 lives - code:011-DDF-E66 + code:01dd/03/01 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A1-DDF-E66 + code:01dd/03/0a cheat description:Start on stage 1-2 - code:3E3-A8F-912+013-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/01+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 1-3 - code:3E3-A8F-912+023-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/02+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 1-4 - code:3E3-A8F-912+033-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/03+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 1-5 - code:3E3-A8F-912+043-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/04+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 1-6 - code:3E3-A8F-912+053-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/05+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-1 - code:3E3-A8F-912+063-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/06+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-2 - code:3E3-A8F-912+073-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/07+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-3 - code:3E3-A8F-912+083-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/08+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-4 - code:3E3-A8F-912+093-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/09+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-5 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0A3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0a+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 2-6 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0B3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0b+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 3-1 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0C3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0c+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 3-2 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0D3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0d+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 3-3 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0E3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0e+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 3-4 - code:3E3-A8F-912+0F3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/0f+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 3-5 - code:3E3-A8F-912+103-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/10+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-1 - code:3E3-A8F-912+113-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/11+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-2 - code:3E3-A8F-912+123-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/12+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-3 - code:3E3-A8F-912+133-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/13+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-4 - code:3E3-A8F-912+143-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/14+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-5 - code:3E3-A8F-912+153-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/15+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 4-6 - code:3E3-A8F-912+163-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/16+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-1 - code:3E3-A8F-912+173-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/17+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-2 - code:3E3-A8F-912+183-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/18+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-3 - code:3E3-A8F-912+193-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/19+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-4 - code:3E3-A8F-912+1A3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/1a+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-5 - code:3E3-A8F-912+1B3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/1b+03aa/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on stage 5-6 - code:3E3-A8F-912+1C3-A9F-E6A+E03-AAF-2A9 + code:03a8/1e/3e+03a9/00/1c+03aa/f0/e0 cartridge sha256:1ff537c010391d6b865b5113d03a9c6601e43659f341f5db2bfc5cc501b6aa04 name:Casper (USA) @@ -77671,638 +78987,677 @@ cartridge sha256:1ff537c010391d6b865b5113d03a9c6601e43659f341f5db2bfc5cc501b6aa0 description:Infinite Weights code:0163ABC1 +cartridge sha256:1bedb523a9612d48adafe8d70c88408f35e1fc84d0e70031649f3d113d5d9d09 + name:Casper (USA) + cheat + description:Return Books from anywhere + code:66b2/c0/00 + cheat + description:Invincibility - Platform mini-game + code:5d5f/30/18 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - Shooting mini-game + code:5701/dc/cd + cartridge sha256:17570ceec1b22153604622c4412d048dd8f7ccb4626daf9ddea96de8a062dbf2 name:Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EA5-86B-081 + code:4586/fa/ea cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:009-36C-C4E + code:3936/09/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:872-94B-E62+C82-95B-E69+E62-96B-19E+102-97B-C41+202-98B-B39+152-99B-E67+C9D-47F-809 + code:4294/02/87+4295/c0/c8+4296/3d/e6+4297/ca/10+4298/d4/20+4299/43/15+0d47/d8/c9 cartridge sha256:edb101e924f22149bdcbcfe6603801fdb4ec0139a40493d700fa0205f6dab30c name:Castlevania - The Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:00A-F28-3B7 + code:7af2/77/00 cheat description:Infinite time - disable at end of stages - code:004-07F-3B7 + code:0407/77/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:006-94F-3B7 + code:0694/77/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:002-61D-A22+002-71D-E62 + code:2261/12/00+2271/02/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:007-E3E-80A+180-EBF-195+1A0-E8F-195+230-EAF-195+320-E7F-195+C90-ECF-195+CD0-E6F-195+CD0-E9F-195+E67-E2E-6E6 + code:17e3/18/00+00eb/ff/18+00e8/ff/1a+00ea/ff/23+00e7/ff/32+00ec/ff/c9+00e6/ff/cd+00e9/ff/cd+17e2/23/e6 cheat description:Slightly improves speed - new games only - code:FF7-3CE-E69 + code:173c/c0/ff cheat description:Don't lose weapon after being hit - code:00A-CF8-3B7 + code:7acf/77/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:048-5EF-E62 + code:085e/02/04 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:068-5EF-E62 + code:085e/02/06 cheat description:Start with 2 energy bars - code:025-5CF-C42 + code:055c/0a/02 cheat description:Start with 4 energy bars - code:045-5CF-C42 + code:055c/0a/04 cheat description:Start with 6 energy bars - code:065-5CF-C42 + code:055c/0a/06 cheat description:Start with timer at 2:15 for first stage - code:029-B3F-A26 + code:09b3/13/02 cheat description:Start with timer at 4:15 for first stage - code:049-B3F-A26 + code:09b3/13/04 cheat description:Start with timer at 7:15 for first stage - code:079-B3F-A26 + code:09b3/13/07 cartridge sha256:56d3dee063b8801704a284bd1bc229b94f15a3a448f485d347f04283d9bd16d7 name:Castlevania Legends (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-3BA-C45 + code:573b/cb/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:DA3-45B-4C1 + code:4345/ea/da cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9D-85D-6E2 + code:2d85/22/c9 cheat description:Disable death traps - code:C94-5CA-D5D + code:545c/cd/c9 cheat description:Fast walk left - code:11C-9DB-F7D + code:4c9d/c5/11 cheat description:Fast walk right - code:11C-76B-F7D + code:4c76/c5/11 cheat description:Fast jump left - code:112-D6A-F7D + code:52d6/c5/11 cheat description:Fast jump right - code:112-B5A-F7D + code:52b5/c5/11 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:4B3-49D-803+C94-5CA-D5D + code:2349/5a/4b+545c/cd/c9 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:037-33A-3B6+287-32A-081+517-36A-E62+557-2EA-80A+597-35A-191+677-31A-E69+C97-37A-C49+C9F-E4E-A29+CB7-30A-3B4+CD7-34A-F75+FA1-70A-4C1 + code:5733/37/03+5732/fa/28+5736/02/51+572e/18/55+5735/fe/59+5731/c0/67+5737/c8/c9+1fe4/d0/c9+5730/b7/cb+5734/c7/cd+5170/ea/fa cartridge sha256:7e483524aa104928149e4e56f01b7e98c6eed70dcd30ac5d65cd9d2387cde5ff name:Chessmaster, The (USA) cheat description:Move pieces anywhere - code:189-D8E-4CA+18A-12E-4CA+00A-00E-80D + code:19d8/28/18+1a12/28/18+1a00/d9/00 cartridge sha256:0a44d1f127436d73fc2f64201da0e0fd40793a414e533bba0a08e02dfb51cb10 name:Chessmaster, The (USA) (Rev A) cheat description:Move pieces anywhere - code:18A-B6E-4CA+18A-F8E-4CA+00A-E6E-A2D + code:1ab6/28/18+1af8/28/18+1ae6/d1/00 cartridge sha256:781b31deb923c544b42b2116d973a103fd5c21b3cf25e920968ef392a5df917b name:Chessmaster (USA, Europe) cheat description:Move pieces anywhere - code:007-83D-A2D+187-95D-4CA+187-53D-4CA + code:2783/d1/00+2795/28/18+2753/28/18 + +cartridge sha256:50a6ddd98a515f530ca031f86e5491c8d77d16b0694c0d1054bcc964991eba41 + name:Chicken Run (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) + cheat + description:Invisibility + code:16cd/c0/c9 + cheat + description:Infinite Feed + code:1bfb/20/18 + cheat + description:Infinite Time + code:4495/c0/c9 + cheat + description:Walk through walls + code:1b02/02/00 + cheat + description:Stage skip (pause, press Select to skip to the next stage) + code:60f7/20/18 cartridge sha256:2eb1ab19a19e688ebc047497922b17218da3cb673084846999bd81a4dd73eba4 name:Chiki Chiki Tengoku (Japan) cheat description:Clear level automatically - code:3EA-FEC-2AA+00B-17C-E66+3EB-0AC-6EA + code:3afe/30/3e+3b17/03/00+3b0a/20/3e cartridge sha256:53199f624a81f566104c143b835ca648ee9bbccc2c10efa21a3f4b3f5b5e7ea7 name:College Slam (USA) cheat description:Dunk and layup from anywhere - code:00C-099-A26 + code:6c09/13/00 cartridge sha256:d8e44a2c2aa67f9afa49365f62802160842aef48d2003a69daeb109813f6f20c name:Contra - The Alien Wars (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3EB-81B-4CA + code:4b81/28/3e cheat description:Infinite smart bombs - code:007-E2C-19E + code:37e2/3d/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:003-77E-B3F+003-7CE-A2B+003-82E-C43+003-87E-F7F+003-C3E-3B2 + code:1377/55/00+137c/50/00+1382/4a/00+1387/45/00+13c3/36/00 cheat description:Get 5 smart bombs after you die - code:052-B1B-E6E + code:42b1/01/05 cheat description:Get 9 smart bombs after you die - code:092-B1B-E6E + code:42b1/01/09 cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:010-6FB-7FB + code:406f/64/01 cheat description:Longer invincibility after getting hit - code:FF0-6FB-7FB + code:406f/64/ff cheat description:Start with Flame Thrower - code:017-97B-E6A + code:4797/00/01 cheat description:Start with Crush Gun - code:077-97B-E6A + code:4797/00/07 cheat description:Start with Homing shot - code:087-97B-E6A + code:4797/00/08 cheat description:Start with Spread shot - code:097-97B-E6A + code:4797/00/09 cartridge sha256:8e765a4e381462a29632b7a3c5421080be3e8445e5913d7e904a8e80d688ca81 name:Contra (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:BEB-3AC-191+BEA-A3C-191+BEA-0FE-191 + code:3b3a/fe/be+3aa3/fe/be+1a0f/fe/be cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00A-D0C-91A+C3A-EAC-919+C6A-FBC-191 + code:3ad0/1c/00+3aea/dc/c3+3afb/fe/c6 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:005-8CA-B3F+260-E6F-195+460-E9F-195+520-E7F-195+550-EAF-195+C90-EBF-195+CD0-E5F-195+CD0-E8F-195+E55-8BA-F73 + code:558c/55/00+00e6/ff/26+00e9/ff/46+00e7/ff/52+00ea/ff/55+00eb/ff/c9+00e5/ff/cd+00e8/ff/cd+558b/46/e5 + +cartridge sha256:830e46d203dee9775b76849a3aa259b530e6bf5ea17cf8c79cc19549d61bce37 + name:Cool Ball (USA) + cheat + description:All items worth 99 + code:0c66/fe/3e+0c67/64/63 + cheat + description:Complete levels automatically + code:1393/38/18+13ad/20/3e cartridge sha256:aa993ef6fd692435f869c63add9d49bf08db6fc8d6ee7baa9b406982d7b38c7c name:Cool Bricks (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Paddle hits ball anywhere - code:008-58E-4C6+008-55E-5D2 + code:1858/2b/00+1855/2e/00 cartridge sha256:805c18920e01f4b5746827c201e9a88554f085a8c297ed45f119700fe54da52e name:Cool Spot (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00B-D8E-C4F+FA8-67E-A21 + code:1bd8/49/00+1867/d2/fa cartridge sha256:e0dafd8b66cc6c19c3b64471d198e1dc87f3e5e1000c4fd8d71122a004fea5ae name:Cosmo Tank (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:189-9FA-08A + code:599f/38/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00D-4FB-A22 + code:4d4f/12/00 cartridge sha256:5437ce255372eca79a5e33cfca4158e70c7a9d46fd93c6a38ed1e1a13cab4b73 name:Croc (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-149-E69 + code:6114/c0/c9 cheat description:Enemies die on contact - code:18B-D9A-4CA + code:5bd9/28/18 cartridge sha256:002ad8e22b4d846d3185c2e42af284dcb5f9b040bb174c9b5e9670de4df79278 name:Croc 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C95-C9A-E69+C95-95A-E69 + code:55c9/c0/c9+5595/c0/c9 cheat description:Enemies die on contact - code:185-80A-6EA + code:5580/20/18 cheat description:Walk over pits - code:C97-31B-081 + code:4731/fa/c9 cartridge sha256:3c86f30b11442c93b011287310dfea0a9c23a182527d8447769226e52ef29d5e name:Crystal Quest (USA) cheat description:Invincibility (allows you to exit the level at anytime) - code:C90-00E-C49+18D-79F-2AA + code:1000/c8/c9+0d79/30/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:008-B9F-3B7+3E8-63F-2AA + code:08b9/77/00+0863/30/3e cartridge sha256:d5a1c0e7af970859449c47fcc80a5f4dfa4f456b20fdfcd49e753ce46f2dc3da name:Cyraid (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00D-8CB-E6E + code:4d8c/01/00 cheat description:1st nasty on bottom level of stage 1 is removed from the game - code:000-729-E6E + code:6072/01/00 cheat description:Collect only 1 energy capsule and all enemy robots are destroyed-can proceed to next room - code:AFA-4EE-19E + code:1a4e/3d/af cheat description:Skip to 3rd room after completing 1st - code:3EE-8AF-4CA+03E-8BF-F7E + code:0e8a/28/3e+0e8b/05/03 cheat description:Skip to 5rd room after completing 1st - code:3EE-8AF-4CA+05E-8BF-F7E + code:0e8a/28/3e+0e8b/05/05 cheat description:Skip to 8rd room after completing 1st - code:3EE-8AF-4CA+08E-8BF-F7E + code:0e8a/28/3e+0e8b/05/08 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:04E-7CE-F7E + code:1e7c/05/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:06E-7CE-F7E + code:1e7c/05/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09E-7CE-F7E + code:1e7c/05/09 cartridge sha256:06d2f49483cf16f00580ba227d86174fdb9f72e555d9a9afea6aebcbfff012e4 name:Daedalian Opus (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-62D-3BA + code:2d62/34/00 cheat description:Place any piece to clear level - code:1B1-15E-A29 + code:1115/d0/1b cheat description:Get password to select any level after completing level 1 - code:3E1-9AF-191+0A1-9BF-7FA + code:019a/fe/3e+019b/24/0a cheat description:Start on level 5 or 6 after completing level 1 - code:3E1-9CF-2AA+051-9DF-F7E + code:019c/30/3e+019d/05/05 cartridge sha256:30faf530573519d690d066093e9fae3b461d79df37c025a9ec9115f5fc5786e4 name:Daffy Duck (USA) cheat description:Infinite jet pack - code:AF4-01C-19A + code:3401/3c/af cheat description:Infinite jet pack + hit anywhere - code:AF4-01C-19A+C3D-F2C-E61+18D-D5C-6EA+FAD-EBC-801+FAE-B2C-801 + code:3401/3c/af+3df2/c2/c3+3dd5/20/18+3deb/da/fa+3eb2/da/fa cartridge sha256:e4a40a4c961f937950a69da5a9de654a121ebffe307d3ad9e834731b68d4e347 name:Daikatana (Europe) (En,Fr,It) cheat description:Invincibilities against enemies - code:C32-2BA-801 + code:522b/da/c3 cheat description:Infinite ammo - sub-weapons - code:FAA-3B9-4C1 + code:6a3b/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:182-D5A-801+1E2-D6A-2A3 + code:52d5/da/18+52d6/72/1e cheat description:Hit anywhere - sub-weapons - code:29F-04B-F7D+18F-03B-801 + code:4f04/c5/29+4f03/da/18 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:18F-189-801+20F-199-2A4 + code:6f18/da/18+6f19/b3/20 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:00B-7C9-A2F + code:6b7c/51/00 cartridge sha256:b482f9a96a292dea1fcc94bdeae24b664a3222c9eb820795388aab274eebdaf0 name:Darkman (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:BA5-0FF-081 + code:050f/fa/ba cheat description:Infinite lives - code:014-DDF-E69 + code:04dd/c0/01 cheat description:Infinite time - code:005-97F-E6E + code:0597/01/00 cheat description:Start 1st life with mega-energy - code:63F-91C-91A + code:3f91/1c/63 cheat description:Start 1st life with 1/2 energy - code:0AF-91C-91A + code:3f91/1c/0a cheat description:Start rest of lives with mega-energy - code:636-40D-91A + code:2640/1c/63 cheat description:Start with 9 minutes - code:909-ACA-E6B + code:59ac/40/90 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:002-4DF-E66 + code:024d/03/00 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:072-4DF-E66 + code:024d/03/07 cartridge sha256:122a1d3bd99c87a337f770fbdef2b7cf8538673df1595585af6684d4d4807614 name:Darkwing Duck (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:01A-0BF-C4D + code:0a0b/c9/01 cheat description:Infinite ammo on pick-up - code:FAD-398-4C1 + code:7d39/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3E0-CEB-2AA + code:40ce/30/3e cheat description:One hit kills - code:181-02B-4CA + code:4102/28/18 cheat description:Invincibility time lasts 4 seconds - code:AA0-64B-A2B + code:4064/50/aa cheat description:Invincibility time lasts 6 seconds - code:FF0-64B-A2B + code:4064/50/ff cheat description:1 touch by an enemy kills you - code:010-6FB-A2B + code:406f/50/01 cheat description:Start with 1 pt. of energy and 1 life - 1st game - code:011-84F-F7A + code:0184/04/01 cheat description:Start with 5 pts. of energy on 1st life and 5 lives - 1st game - code:051-84F-F7A + code:0184/04/05 cheat description:Start with 9 pts. of energy on 1st life and 9 lives - 1st game - code:091-84F-F7A + code:0184/04/09 cheat description:Start with 1 pt. of energy after 1st life - code:019-F0F-F7A + code:09f0/04/01 cheat description:Start with 5 pts. of energy after 1st life - code:059-F0F-F7A + code:09f0/04/05 cheat description:Start with 9 pts. of energy after 1st life - code:099-F0F-F7A + code:09f0/04/09 cartridge sha256:61d632a2e17526cc55cc8e107abaf9aa11830cd4dd94c0b0f94d10a12a0c9f71 name:David Crane's The Rescue of Princess Blobette Starring A Boy and His Blob (USA) cheat description:Infinite jellybeans - code:000-56D-E6E + code:2056/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00D-4FD-3BE + code:2d4f/35/00 cheat description:Start with 2 honeys - code:02C-0E8-E66 + code:7c0e/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 honeys - code:04C-0E8-E66 + code:7c0e/03/04 cheat description:Start with 8 honeys - code:08C-0E8-E66 + code:7c0e/03/08 cheat description:Start with 2 root beers - code:02C-0C8-E6A + code:7c0c/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 root beers - code:04C-0C8-E6A + code:7c0c/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 tangerines - code:02C-0A8-F72 + code:7c0a/06/02 cheat description:Start with 4 tangerines - code:04C-0A8-F72 + code:7c0a/06/04 cheat description:Start with 2 vanillas - code:02C-088-F7E + code:7c08/05/02 cheat description:Start with 4 vanillas - code:04C-088-F7E + code:7c08/05/04 cheat description:Start with 2 limes - code:02C-068-E6A + code:7c06/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 limes - code:04C-068-E6A + code:7c06/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 apples - code:02C-048-E6E + code:7c04/01/02 cheat description:Start with 4 apples - code:04C-048-E6E + code:7c04/01/04 cheat description:Start with 2 bananas - code:02C-028-E6A + code:7c02/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 bananas - code:04C-028-E6A + code:7c02/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 colas - code:02C-008-E6A + code:7c00/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 colas - code:04C-008-E6A + code:7c00/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 coconuts - code:02B-FE8-E66 + code:7bfe/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 coconuts - code:04B-FE8-E66 + code:7bfe/03/04 cheat description:Start with 2 strawberries - code:02B-FC8-E6A + code:7bfc/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 strawberries - code:04B-FC8-E6A + code:7bfc/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 licorices - code:02B-FA8-E62 + code:7bfa/02/02 cheat description:Start with 4 licorices - code:04B-FA8-E62 + code:7bfa/02/04 cheat description:Start with 2 ketchups - code:02C-108-E6E + code:7c10/01/02 cheat description:Start with 4 ketchups - code:04C-108-E6E + code:7c10/01/04 cheat description:Start with 2 punches - code:02C-128-E6A + code:7c12/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 punches - code:04C-128-E6A + code:7c12/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 mints - code:02C-148-E6A + code:7c14/00/02 cheat description:Start with 4 mints - code:04C-148-E6A + code:7c14/00/04 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:02B-CA8-F7E + code:7bca/05/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:04B-CA8-F7E + code:7bca/05/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:08B-CA8-F7E + code:7bca/05/08 cartridge sha256:1a62bbcaff8d12b752826472beac346e5fce9d8640f7ae23c6e390b79e55346d name:Days of Thunder (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time in pits - code:FAE-7B9-4C1 + code:6e7b/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:002-948-2A3 + code:7294/72/00 cheat description:Car takes no damage - code:006-9CE-3B7 + code:169c/77/00 cheat description:Tires take no damage - code:C97-2FD-3BA + code:272f/34/c9 cartridge sha256:d534102be843dc15a465709164e09e82c6bdf6df2ac440930af2e34c2f0e01ce name:Dead Heat Scramble (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:004-05F-19E + code:0405/3d/00 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:02B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:03B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:04B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:05B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/05 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:06B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/06 cheat description:Start on stage 7 - code:07B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/07 cheat description:Start on stage 8 - code:08B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/08 cheat description:Start on stage 9 - code:09B-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/09 cheat description:Start on stage 10 - code:0AB-0C8-E6E + code:7b0c/01/0a cartridge sha256:a089bea1d6eec0e99f03276744aea293fe3fe3a2889791ab8f3a00b83e2cf58b name:Deer Hunter (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:004-1FF-19A + code:041f/3c/00 cartridge sha256:2d8fb80ece07198260fb47b6a2e8d0097e2d6ca27fb21bc3c439f90d7880317d name:Dig Dug (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FA3-C1D-4C1 + code:23c1/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:008-1BB-19E + code:481b/3d/00 cheat description:When Pookas are partially inflated, they don't shrink - code:004-50C-3BE + code:3450/35/00 cheat description:1 pump kills monster instantly - code:046-D9C-E6E+043-9ED-E6E+047-8EB-E6E + code:36d9/01/04+239e/01/04+478e/01/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:06B-ACA-E66 + code:5bac/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09B-ACA-E66 + code:5bac/03/09 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:02B-ACA-E66 + code:5bac/03/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 (display still says level 1) - code:3EC-D9A-08A+04C-DAA-E62 + code:5cd9/38/3e+5cda/02/04 cheat description:Start on level 2 (display still says level 1) - code:3EC-D9A-08A+02C-DAA-E62 + code:5cd9/38/3e+5cda/02/02 cheat description:Start on level 9 (display still says level 1) - code:3EC-D9A-O8A+09C-DAA-E62 + code:23ec/1c/00+5cda/02/09 cartridge sha256:0ee26b1a12c91560ab852510a792b13d7391c2fcebf4c0c0a1d8323194eb473a name:Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Get blue items from anywhere - code:3E4-A28-4CA + code:74a2/28/3e cartridge sha256:2781f6b1014336e3318073f162cadd970329c8148fc62b5e795441cd6fd57051 name:Donkey Kong (Japan) (En) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:009-4DF-3BE + code:094d/35/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00C-34F-E6E + code:0c34/01/00 cheat description:Timer is 2x faster - code:02C-34F-E6E + code:0c34/01/02 cheat description:Practice stage XX - level indicator doesn't work, can't go on to next level - code:3E4-F3D-081+XX4-F4D-4CE+004-F5D-C49 + code:24f3/fa/3e+f000/ba/00+24f5/c8/00 cheat description:Start with 36 lives - code:882-64F-F7A + code:0264/04/88 cartridge sha256:b490c89efe718633b07381def66ce0ed58a5075aabe40c6e644baf2b408a76f4 name:Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C93-B4A-3B2+C94-4DA-2A3+C95-46A-3B2 + code:53b4/36/c9+544d/72/c9+5546/36/c9 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:FA1-F5A-E61 + code:51f5/c2/fa cartridge sha256:eaf831ddd75e7cbc9990e478a139ac162034c03377670fdb79615a9aa2cc570d name:Donkey Kong Land (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E0-81B-4CA + code:4081/28/3e cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00D-9DB-3BE+21D-A0B-E61 + code:4d9d/35/00+4da0/c2/21 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:005-B5A-D5E+015-AAA-D5A+1F5-ACA-B36+295-B1A-F71+2D5-B2A-191+305-ADA-08A+365-B3A-F72+BD5-B0A-C46+CA5-ABA-F71+CD5-AFA-081+F65-B4A-2AA + code:55b5/0d/00+55aa/0c/01+55ac/17/1f+55b1/c6/29+55b2/fe/2d+55ad/38/30+55b3/06/36+55b0/0b/bd+55ab/c6/ca+55af/fa/cd+55b4/30/f6 cheat description:Always save game at end of level, regardless if you have KONG letters or not - code:C30-CBB-C41 + code:40cb/ca/c3 cheat description:Lose all your lives when you die - code:C3D-A0B-E61 + code:4da0/c2/c3 cheat description:If you get hit you don't change characters until you are back at the map screen - code:C9D-FDB-4C1 + code:4dfd/ea/c9 cheat description:Each banana gives you mega lives (disable when you have enough lives) - code:004-C6B-3BE+3E4-C0B-3B2 + code:44c6/35/00+44c0/36/3e cheat description:Change soundtrack - code:002-1FB-3BE + code:421f/35/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00E-899-F7E+00E-958-F7E + code:6e89/05/00+7e95/05/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:08E-899-F7E+08E-958-F7E + code:6e89/05/08+7e95/05/08 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0EE-899-F7E+0EE-958-F7E + code:6e89/05/0e+7e95/05/0e cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:63E-899-F7E+63E-958-F7E + code:6e89/05/63+7e95/05/63 cartridge sha256:75f902ab8674c3cd379438fbd54cfe7e87ca3ddf9727679547261d1b77db720b name:Double Dragon (USA, Europe) @@ -78314,10 +79669,10 @@ cartridge sha256:75f902ab8674c3cd379438fbd54cfe7e87ca3ddf9727679547261d1b77db720 code:010499C4 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:18E-979-6EE+4CE-989-F78 + code:6e97/21/18+6e98/84/4c cheat description:One hit kills (bosses die after three hits) - code:00A-DA9-4CA+00B-629-F7A + code:6ada/28/00+6b62/04/00 cheat description:Start on Mission 1 (slum) (disable code to advance to next stage) code:010050C6 @@ -78350,67 +79705,67 @@ cartridge sha256:21639689078496d4c2d000b120d493b69e7df603e5c2b5cd337974665e59787 name:Double Dragon II (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C94-E6C-6EE + code:34e6/21/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:183-9FC-081+233-A0C-A2B + code:339f/fa/18+33a0/50/23 cheat description:One hit kills - code:006-F2A-D5E+007-72A-D5A+007-A3A-F7A+016-F4A-F7A + code:56f2/0d/00+5772/0c/00+57a3/04/00+56f4/04/01 cartridge sha256:ba60449b8e57d1288e78a2cb69c6df46e1443cc611d139d27f4c5d5fad307fd3 name:Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:000-0E8-19E + code:700e/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite coins - code:00F-1BF-E6E + code:0f1b/01/00 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:030-9FF-F72 + code:009f/06/03 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:090-9FF-F72 + code:009f/06/09 cheat description:Start with 13 lives - code:0C0-9FF-F72 + code:009f/06/0c cheat description:Start with 5 coins - code:049-498-E6E + code:7949/01/04 cheat description:Start with 10 coins - code:099-498-E6E + code:7949/01/09 cheat description:Start with 20 coins - code:199-498-E6E + code:7949/01/19 cheat description:Start 1st life with 5 energy points - code:500-97F-194 + code:0097/bf/50 cheat description:Start 1st life with 15 energy points - code:F00-97F-194 + code:0097/bf/f0 cheat description:Start with 5 points of energy - after 1st life - code:500-138-194 + code:7013/bf/50 cheat description:Start with 15 points of energy - after 1st life - code:F00-138-194 + code:7013/bf/f0 cartridge sha256:936df4d0f74620c784129259a22fc3216eea04f70c10cab6005457a0f681e313 name:Double Dribble - 5 on 5 (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00B-8CF-E6E + code:0b8c/01/00 cheat description:No computer scoring - code:00D-64F-6E2 + code:0d64/22/00 cheat description:Game lasts only 1 quarter, goes straight to 4th quarter - code:04C-E2F-E6E + code:0ce2/01/04 cheat description:When selecting skill level, keep pressing down. Bleeping will continue, and computer will become more and more skillful. - code:FFA-0BE-E66 + code:1a0b/03/ff cartridge sha256:15fecc6e3d9f72e9cf3f5af7c1f034cc94a2007d29ea0a204976adcc0ff9a52e name:Dragon's Lair - The Legend (USA) @@ -78422,2677 +79777,2800 @@ cartridge sha256:8dab48cc81d14bcee7c73274df09cf5c4dd44c3b93d10a5a3175e04fead25de name:Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors (USA) cheat description:Opponent doesn't attack - code:C98-FC9-081 + code:68fc/fa/c9 cartridge sha256:34f11935cb3c23102462aab9d96c09e25b81b35eef91f5e5456b2c3665734f0e name:Dragon Warrior III (USA) cheat description:Enemies only attack themselves - code:04A-DDA-B3A+F6A-DCA-4CA + code:5add/14/04+5adc/28/f6 + cheat + description:Quick level gain + code:457f/2a/01+4580/46/ff+4581/4f/ff cheat description:HP set to approx 198 every move - code:7CF-5EA-08F + code:5f5e/79/7c cartridge sha256:64d791cadae2500ddd7dfd3ebedc48a182fdc0e027f9bfd74c8ff65b56371dbf name:Druaga no Tou (Japan) cheat description:Reset to see ending - code:081-6FF + code:016f/08 cartridge sha256:4d754abe2502f79396790f04963468f5c614eb4768e2b3f9b5c79c8e28b55dcb name:Elevator Action EX (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18E-E8A-08A+C39-FAA-E61 + code:5ee8/38/18+59fa/c2/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3EC-83B-4CA+3EB-C7B-4CA + code:4c83/28/3e+4bc7/28/3e cheat description:Don't get crushed by elevators - code:18E-AFA-4CA+187-2DB-4CA + code:5eaf/28/18+472d/28/18 cartridge sha256:9eee3454a1198c01c7adb9562507f2eb5791888c63885bea2e933948f66f6321 name:Extra Bases! (USA) cheat description:Outs aren't counted - code:000-0BE-3BA + code:100b/34/00 cheat description:Strikes aren't counted - code:000-7AB-3BA + code:407a/34/00 cheat description:Balls aren't counted - code:000-8BB-3BA + code:408b/34/00 cheat description:Opponents can't score (disable when you're batting so you can score) - code:00B-91A-19A + code:5b91/3c/00 cheat description:One strike and you're out - code:01F-D6F-E66 + code:0fd6/03/01 cheat description:2 strikes and you're out - code:02F-D6F-E66 + code:0fd6/03/02 cheat description:1 out and side is retired - code:01F-F0F-E66 + code:0ff0/03/01 cheat description:2 outs and side is retired - code:02F-F0F-E66 + code:0ff0/03/02 cheat description:1 ball and you walk - code:01F-C0F-F7A + code:0fc0/04/01 cheat description:2 balls and you walk - code:02F-C0F-F7A + code:0fc0/04/02 cartridge sha256:571e45610cae528b3c50304c42c946f307d71797fc2029e9ca1978045dd5186d name:F-15 Strike Eagle (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite bullets - code:FAA-52D-4C1 + code:2a52/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite sidewinders - code:FA8-EEF-4C1 + code:08ee/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite mavericks - code:FA8-ABF-4C1 + code:08ab/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite E.C.M. - code:FA8-5BF-4C1 + code:085b/ea/fa cheat description:Fly very slowly - code:013-BCC-E62 + code:33bc/02/01 cheat description:Fly at supersonic speed - code:093-BCC-E62 + code:33bc/02/09 cheat description:Start with 10 sidewinders - code:0A3-88C-912 + code:3388/1e/0a cheat description:Start with 50 sidewinders - code:323-88C-912 + code:3388/1e/32 cheat description:Start with 90 sidewinders - code:5A3-88C-912 + code:3388/1e/5a cheat description:Start with 10 mavericks - code:0A3-8DC-D56 + code:338d/0f/0a cheat description:Start with 50 mavericks - code:323-8DC-D56 + code:338d/0f/32 cheat description:Start with 90 mavericks - code:5A3-8DC-D56 + code:338d/0f/5a cheat description:Start with 10 E.C.M. - code:0A3-92C-80A + code:3392/18/0a cheat description:Start with 50 E.C.M. - code:323-92C-80A + code:3392/18/32 cheat description:Start with 90 E.C.M. - code:5A3-92C-80A + code:3392/18/5a cheat description:Start with 513 bullets - code:023-9BC-E66+013-9AC-6EA + code:339b/03/02+339a/20/01 cheat description:Start with 2049 bullets - code:083-9BC-E66+013-9AC-6EA + code:339b/03/08+339a/20/01 cheat description:Start with 4097 bullets - code:103-9BC-E66+013-9AC-6EA + code:339b/03/10+339a/20/01 + +cartridge sha256:ece080d17963acfb7f9b2c28272881edd2a17bc93fcd65bb649810b5e8ed513a + name:Fastest Lap (Japan, USA) + cheat + description:Quick laps + code:1fd8/da/fa+1fd1/d2/fa cartridge sha256:db506cb639b6336bf17c993c597da3990398ec01e235e0d9236e9df87ab0439e name:Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA, Europe) cheat description:Don't lose speed when touching side of track in qualifying round or race. Hitting sign will slow you down (if you accelerate fully, release A and position car in middle of track, it will steer itself). - code:004-58C-19E + code:3458/3d/00 cheat description:When you crash with another car, your speed won't drop to 0 - code:000-22C-C49 + code:3022/c8/00 cheat description:No qualifying timer - code:00A-39B-E6E+00A-1AB-E6E + code:4a39/01/00+4a1a/01/00 cartridge sha256:9b72e7d44d1cb31a06cf4e630c83abc61fb7218e3d55d7dc6aa1ecbf9e490cf0 name:Fighting Simulator 2 in 1 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:3D7-3CE-19A + code:173c/3c/3d cheat description:Infinite lives - code:008-D7E-19E + code:18d7/3d/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:057-24E-E66 + code:1724/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:097-24E-E66 + code:1724/03/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0F7-24E-E66 + code:1724/03/0f cartridge sha256:5a462f1bbb4e75823c04c7a0b2a7497cbe7e709a425854c71c1fc4d60f16f445 name:Final Fantasy Adventure (USA) cheat description:Most items are free - code:406-06A-E6E + code:5606/01/40 cheat description:Start with 255 of each ability - code:FFE-6B9-E62 + code:6e6b/02/ff cheat description:Start with 65,330 GP - code:FFE-CC9 + code:6ecc/ff cartridge sha256:e5b1d116a8fb01b7a7213f906b3ef1bcc91a18f6826b01ee1bccd89429a0d906 name:Final Fantasy Legend, The (USA) cheat description:Human male - Start with 1 strength point - code:011-238-C4A + code:7123/08/01 cheat description:Human male - 5 strength points - code:051-238-C4A + code:7123/08/05 cheat description:Human male - 2 defense points - code:021-248-E6E + code:7124/01/02 cheat description:Human male - 6 defense points - code:061-248-E6E + code:7124/01/06 cheat description:Human male - 3 agility points - code:031-258-F7A + code:7125/04/03 cheat description:Human male - 7 agility points - code:071-258-F7A + code:7125/04/07 cheat description:Human male - 4 mana points - code:041-268-E6A + code:7126/00/04 cheat description:Human male - 8 mana points - code:081-268-E6A + code:7126/00/08 cheat description:Human male - 1 HP - code:012-588-19A + code:7258/3c/01 cheat description:Human male - Start with 5 HP - code:052-588-19A + code:7258/3c/05 cartridge sha256:2d89231f9e264a024d634bcf7d00de5a66d8a45f6f4ca33e1fc1602a35b9840b name:Final Fantasy Legend II (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP (don't heal or stay and Inn) - code:B90-64B-A9E + code:4064/11/b9 cheat description:0 HP - enemies - code:AF4-8CB-19B+AF4-89B-19F + code:448c/7c/af+4489/7d/af cheat description:Infinite item usage - code:00D-28A-3BE+001-F0B-A22 + code:5d28/35/00+41f0/12/00 cheat description:Items are free - code:005-5B9-2AA+FA5-5C9-D5D + code:655b/30/00+655c/cd/fa cheat description:Get extra GP and Meat - code:C9D-23B-2AA + code:4d23/30/c9 cheat description:Get tons of GP after every battle - code:00D-23B-21A + code:4d23/30/00 cheat description:Engage in a fight every second - code:37F-C5D-36E + code:2fc5/35/37 cheat description:Start with 15,163 HP (shows only 999) - All characters - code:005-96F-08B+005-9CF-08B + code:0596/78/00+059c/78/00 cheat description:Start with 9 HP - code:098-E28-086 + code:78e2/3b/09 cheat description:Start with 9 defense points - code:098-E68-E66 + code:78e6/03/09 cheat description:Start with 9 mana points - code:098-E78-E66 + code:78e7/03/09 cheat description:Start with 9 agility points - code:098-E58-F7E + code:78e5/05/09 cheat description:Start with 9 strength points - code:098-E48-F72 + code:78e4/06/09 cheat description:Start with 9 swords (if your character can start with swords) - code:09E-818-2A2 + code:7e81/32/09 cartridge sha256:5ed87f65225b72a74c3c04a4e5d67683fb5cc33e5f1266157350828ab973fc1d name:Final Fantasy Legend III (USA) cheat description:Set initial power to mega-power - code:FFA-928-E6A+FF8-918-2A2+FF8-938-2A2 + code:7a92/00/ff+7891/32/ff+7893/32/ff cheat description:Always strike first - code:FFA-A09-343 + code:6aa0/76/ff cheat description:Able to run from every battle, even bosses - code:FFA-B4B-AA3 + code:4ab4/52/ff cheat description:Gain extra EXP and GP - code:D77-CAA-356 + code:57ca/37/d7 cheat description:Defeating leftmost or upper-left enemy defeats all enemies on screen - code:024-CAA-356 + code:54ca/37/02 cheat description:Gain a level after every battle on a new game - Character 1 (Hero - Arthur) - code:FFA-878-E6E + code:7a87/01/ff cheat description:Gain a level after every battle on a new game - Character 2 (Boy - Curtis) - code:FFA-E78-E6E + code:7ae7/01/ff cheat description:Gain a level after every battle on a new game - Character 3 (Girl - Gloria) - code:FFB-478-E6A + code:7b47/00/ff cheat description:Gain a level after every battle on a new game - Character 4 (Heroine - Sharon) - code:FFB-A78-E6A + code:7ba7/00/ff cartridge sha256:8327ed0d686d223995f86c267eeaf5f450c0d16a9bf9b6925dcb52cd1481f0e1 name:Fish Dude (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002-A8F-3BE + code:02a8/35/00 cheat description:No timer - code:215-25F-081 + code:0525/fa/21 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:002-3DF-E62 + code:023d/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:042-3DF-E62 + code:023d/02/04 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:082-3DF-E62 + code:023d/02/08 cheat description:Start with 15 lives (ignore counter for first 5 lives) - code:0E2-3DF-E62 + code:023d/02/0e cartridge sha256:da62ce2133b788e88605fad8f8d15582457d2a08de88124f231ef943ffba8805 name:Fist of the North Star (USA) cheat description:Almost invincible - code:21E-9FF-4C1 + code:0e9f/ea/21 cheat description:No energy loss from weapons thrown - code:21F-A5F-4C1 + code:0fa5/ea/21 cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:000-D0E-F72+180-D5E-2AA + code:10d0/06/00+10d5/30/18 cheat description:One hit kills - code:00E-10F-C4E + code:0e10/09/00 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:05B-CCE-E6E + code:1bcc/01/05 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:09B-CCE-E6E + code:1bcc/01/09 cheat description:Start with 25% energy - code:40F-F7E-195 + code:1ff7/ff/40 cheat description:Start with 50% energy - code:7F4-F7E-195 + code:14f7/ff/7f cheat description:Start with 75% energy - code:C44-F7E-195 + code:14f7/ff/c4 cartridge sha256:eededd0318cc5b80a2aa019a9a7eb3dfb9cb9ac11d974d24d704d7d4cf771a94 name:Flash, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy (except against exploding bombs) - code:00A-85F-E6D + code:0a85/c1/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:003-A8F-E69 + code:03a8/c0/00 cheat description:Infinite time (disable at end of each stage) - code:00D-B6C-3BE + code:3db6/35/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:015-9CF-E66 + code:059c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:065-9CF-E66 + code:059c/03/06 cheat description:Start with 1/2 surge power - code:4C5-A1F-D54 + code:05a1/8f/4c cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:245-A6F-C4B + code:05a6/48/24 + +cartridge sha256:23fe1e88229645354f665908eb0dcd39cd8f3fbbeebec4bd93d11f7740a478e4 + name:Flipull (USA) + cheat + description:Any block can clear an entire row or column + code:22df/20/3e+2177/20/3e cartridge sha256:44bd5dd98b6ca3730435197d5af7f4fb6fa0f86fecf9b74005d5a76c28870f88 name:Foreman for Real (USA, Europe) cheat description:Enable everyone for tournament mode - code:00C-9BF-E6E+13C-A0F-D56 + code:0c9b/01/00+0ca0/0f/13 cartridge sha256:06643cffc888b1c0c80ccae3cef66babb9b878ee594c29de8c9216bddd48287f name:Fortified Zone (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:183-179-191+143-189-195 + code:6317/fe/18+6318/ff/14 cartridge sha256:f07e6f63023d997a83066b422024242d6a7b61cee1af0c1fc41e6fbf4b54b65b name:Frogger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FAD-14F-4C1+FAA-7FF-4C1 + code:0d14/ea/fa+0a7f/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAB-6DF-4C1 + code:0b6d/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:00E-84F-3B7 + code:0e84/77/00 cartridge sha256:1f60f516020ef685d353dcbff810e4d93d09a4bcf6f6e87803768ea776c85929 name:Frogger (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9D-12F-192+18A-7BF-6EA + code:0d12/3e/c9+0a7b/20/18 cheat description:Infinite time - code:C9E-71F-E69 + code:0e71/c0/c9 cartridge sha256:8c144ddebdc63631949ba0f946ae4a745be4aaf1082736676cb1af61887ab7a2 name:Frogger 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-5FF-192+C9E-3DF-192 + code:0e5f/3e/c9+0e3d/3e/c9 cheat description:Infinite time - code:003-6DF-3BA + code:036d/34/00 cartridge sha256:d96da0c0c17a164c398b2d5b02cbe92e7eafbfa755fee649d159b46e61814dc6 name:Galaga - Destination Earth (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:181-B2A-4CA+186-4C8-2AA + code:51b2/28/18+764c/30/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAA-5AA-A21+FAA-8BA-A21+FAA-71A-801 + code:5a5a/d2/fa+5a8b/d2/fa+5a71/da/fa cartridge sha256:af4fda51b28e426f6cab8b48037cf2cbc18ad6c1f02311ad901365aa52c918b7 name:Ganso!! Yancha Maru (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (the second code kills enemies on contact) - code:007-76B-F76+007-7BB-E6E + code:4776/07/00+477b/01/00 cheat description:Infinite Shurikens on pick-up - code:01B-8DF-E66 + code:0b8d/03/01 cheat description:999 coins on pick-up - code:00C-5FF-A29 + code:0c5f/d0/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00B-B9F-3B7 + code:0bb9/77/00 cartridge sha256:ad6f9fe97a40418279d3b834a64d9c6c52c0da209f430718f2bd02611892326f name:Gargoyle's Quest (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-179-C49 + code:6e17/c8/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3EB-B08-2AA+3EB-A68-2AA + code:7bb0/30/3e+7ba6/30/3e cartridge sha256:b7774eb039d335d8870b28e05ff7bc0869c46d0accc0d7f467affd71bbae8871 name:Gauntlet II (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C33-2DB-A21 + code:432d/d2/c3 cartridge sha256:4bbf52ae46599bed5e08c6ea97f05220a4a5244f35519003d9b66e9d77328fe1 name:Gekitou Power Modeller (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility against normal attacks - P1 - code:189-0E8-4CA + code:790e/28/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0B8-788-193+848-748-5D0 + code:7878/7e/0b+7874/ae/84 cartridge sha256:78d35816612a521315e0b0618886e4b9e1005c58e459248c7e7585d8c04e71ac name:George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health (display still decreases) - code:3E9-CBE-4CA + code:19cb/28/3e cheat description:Infinite time - code:001-89E-E6E + code:1189/01/00 cheat description:Infinite super punch - code:3E7-EEE-08A + code:17ee/38/3e cartridge sha256:ca9d168e068492644cf054a2e35f0bccc31af5899e54c05a2cbc740247014a51 name:Gex - Enter the Gecko (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C96-BFF-D5D + code:06bf/cd/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:001-BFA-A29+001-C9A-A29 + code:51bf/d0/00+51c9/d0/00 cheat description:Get Skulls from anywhere (the ones that are not dropped by enemies) - code:005-169-D5E+005-0C9-B36 + code:6516/0d/00+650c/17/00 cheat description:Moon jump - code:022-79B-6EA+D52-77B-A21+9F2-76B-C4E + code:4279/20/02+4277/d2/d5+4276/09/9f cartridge sha256:af1c1c11d7039fbf03932b17629b8ad17c275d1cb638fdb2e00dab5084919cb9 name:Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:77F-94B-3BE+3EF-92B-4CA + code:4f94/35/77+4f92/28/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:945-66A-19D+C35-65A-E61 + code:5566/fd/94+5565/c2/c3 cheat description:Get Butterflies from anywhere (the ones that are not dropped by enemies) - code:001-C99-C42+001-BF9-B3A + code:61c9/0a/00+61bf/14/00 cheat description:Moon jump - code:4E8-C0B-7F3+DA8-BEB-809+D78-BDB-F7E + code:48c0/66/4e+48be/d8/da+48bd/05/d7 cartridge sha256:895524c63a57b94718e63cd8f71db21617e1692788659cd7cec8e3470b7921f2 name:Ghosts'n Goblins (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C93-35C-2A9 + code:3335/f0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:001-D8D-086 + code:21d8/3b/00 cartridge sha256:1d47b7e1d6654747e41bd38bf2f6064c23537e9bcea280634f263cdccc6ec5e4 name:Ghostbusters II (USA, Europe) cheat description:Get visible ghosts from anywhere (press B) - code:3E7-95B-4CA+007-72B-4CE + code:4795/28/3e+4772/29/00 cartridge sha256:dc898d66af6c2ada73946f1cb68f1539c16240060f72e31da5bee2ba2655fcbc name:Goal! (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:009-EFE-E6E + code:19ef/01/00 cheat description:Select time of up to 99 minutes per half - code:633-ECB-5DE + code:43ec/2d/63 cheat description:No goals scored against you by computer - code:00A-DAB-19A + code:4ada/3c/00 cheat description:Some teammates have a mega-kick - code:225-5BA-C46 + code:555b/0b/22 cheat description:Player 2 is fastest on the pitch - code:FF5-5AA-CDE+FF5-5BA-C46+FF5-5CA-CBE + code:555a/09/ff+555b/0b/ff+555c/09/ff cartridge sha256:185f092bbebd5fa29a82ffb7d18c8242f75d6f8fee968cf6dee00b32a879febb name:God Medicine - Hukkoku Ban (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Sell an item to get maximum cash - code:00F-60A-E66 + code:5f60/03/00 cheat description:Gain maximum EXP after each battle - code:006-0CB-809 + code:460c/d8/00 cheat description:No random battles - code:C92-94C-C49 + code:3294/c8/c9 cheat description:Enemies have no HP - code:AF0-4AB-802+AF0-52B-802 + code:404a/1a/af+4052/1a/af cheat description:Final boss has no HP - code:005-D68-E66 + code:75d6/03/00 cartridge sha256:0f129d30e71c578d737cc9ca6be57abe68d8ba12a934da7d90a3949e192b0dfb name:Gold and Glory - The Road to El Dorado (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:006-03A-806+3E5-F9A-B31 + code:5603/1b/00+55f9/d6/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C9D-D99-2A9+37D-D89-F77 + code:6dd9/f0/c9+6dd8/47/37 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:E03-E3A-5D9+003-E1A-6EA+183-B5A-6EA+003-A2A-917 + code:53e3/ec/e0+53e1/20/00+53b5/20/18+53a2/5f/00 cartridge sha256:896d9ffbdfe35c802cdcb66b5a6ce84a4ad6bc356c85067904883944a621cbb4 name:Golf (World) cheat description:Wind power is 10 mph - code:3ED-87E-08A+5ED-88E-C4E + code:1d87/38/3e+1d88/09/5e cartridge sha256:4c4397870b96a88e3232f7437945ba122ab2e951b3fe2bb7775d99843d1d6aa5 name:Grandia - Parallel Trippers (Japan) cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:FAC-57B-4C1+FAC-65B-4C1 + code:4c57/ea/fa+4c65/ea/fa cheat description:Skip battles - code:FA9-C89-4C1+18A-349-2AA + code:69c8/ea/fa+6a34/30/18 cartridge sha256:2ed249eb86d4fd01e10efd1787a545f4921c19dc0e00b5c516b8bbdfe4c4aedc name:Gradius - The Interstellar Assault (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-18A-081 + code:5118/fa/c9 + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:4a57/64/59+5a95/01/05+4a4a/d0/00+4a39/d0/00 cartridge sha256:77e9ab506b0995d958fa4b320b9076ee3408de063f76140663c01ae6c32ae3aa name:Grand Theft Auto (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:006-FBB-3BE + code:46fb/35/00 cheat description:Jesus mode - code:C9B-4DE-4CA + code:1b4d/28/c9 cartridge sha256:da9bbcdbd8baba652599419c3d828697c206fb9290b9e008c2ed9ca6103561e8 name:Great Greed (USA) cheat description:No random battles - code:009-34B-F73 + code:4934/46/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:7CC-1FB-914 + code:4c1f/9f/7c cheat description:Enemies don't attack - code:186-6FB-4CA + code:466f/28/18 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:00E-60B-B3F + code:4e60/55/00 + +cartridge sha256:c1b7a9c2c3df31292b70824159e8c102045f23ac38b263b23ef17a96d8b60c44 + name:HAL Wrestling (USA) + cheat + description:CPU loses all health with one hit + code:2eaa/30/3e + cheat + description:CPU can't recover health + code:58a4/ea/fa cartridge sha256:6281ee9af82cbd882250de4802465876a630239b1bc27c1c58b2b3c4ac6fa5d3 name:Hatris (Japan, USA) cheat description:Eliminate a stack with two hats - code:3E1-E6C-6EA+C32-0BC-A21 + code:31e6/20/3e+320b/d2/c3 cartridge sha256:bfbed25beef74dec194a7330e3f4864a4b82f28927121cf03d9b871965553420 name:Heavyweight Championship Boxing (USA) cheat description:No ring timer - code:00B-A4E-E6E + code:1ba4/01/00 cheat description:No round increase - code:AF6-E1B-19E + code:46e1/3d/af cheat description:Juggle your power - can alter power settings and give full power in all categories - code:008-B2E-19E + code:18b2/3d/00 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 1 - code:014-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/01 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 2 - code:024-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/02 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 3 - code:034-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/03 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 4 - code:044-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/04 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 5 - code:054-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/05 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 6 - code:064-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/06 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 7 - code:074-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/07 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 8 - code:084-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/08 cheat description:Start with punch, life and speed at 9 - code:094-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/09 cheat description:Start with super power - code:994-78F-E66 + code:0478/03/99 cartridge sha256:6bf16580b0047f7b0dbaf2bf9a2d34095e057efe70414feeda48de8dcf8952fd name:High Stakes (USA) cheat description:Once you've collected an item from Shady, you can't lose it - blackjack mission 1 only - code:00C-ADB-3BE+006-6BA-3BE + code:4cad/35/00+566b/35/00 cheat description:Betting and cheat tokens cost 0 - code:00B-B1E-A22 + code:1bb1/12/00 cheat description:No limit to how much you can buy of each item from Shady - code:3E0-BOB-081+000-B2B-E61 + code:1003/78/00+40b2/c2/00 cheat description:Start with 1/2 money (display will show $50,000) - code:628-D8F-E65 + code:08d8/c3/62 cheat description:Start with over $65,000 (display will show $50,000) - code:FF8-D8F-E65 + code:08d8/c3/ff cartridge sha256:f6bdf9f2c4148ce7da23986524781ee844729f360ff9ef27d695ecf0886ff9e0 name:Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite timer - code:00A-54E-E6E + code:1a54/01/00 cheat description:Faster timer - code:02A-54E-E6E + code:1a54/01/02 cheat description:Infinite super shots - code:002-97D-3BA + code:2297/34/00 cheat description:Only 1 super shot allowed - code:012-99D-C42 + code:2299/0a/01 cheat description:5 super shots allowed - code:052-99D-C42 + code:2299/0a/05 cheat description:10 super shots allowed - code:0A2-99D-C42 + code:2299/0a/0a cheat description:1-minute periods - vs. mode - code:011-F6B-F7E + code:41f6/05/01 cheat description:2-minute periods - vs. mode - code:021-F6B-F7E + code:41f6/05/02 cheat description:10-minute periods - vs. mode - code:0A1-F6B-F7E + code:41f6/05/0a cheat description:Neither team can score code:1004-39B-E6E cheat description:10 seconds in short race after the first shot of 20 seconds - code:0A1-97E-6EA + code:1197/20/0a cheat description:15 seconds in short race after the first shot of 20 seconds - code:0F1-97E-6EA + code:1197/20/0f cheat description:5 seconds in short race after the first shot of 20 seconds - code:051-97E-6EA + code:1197/20/05 cartridge sha256:2449307e540566135734977b01ca488a3feb2ce9d887f69a275a308b5a78cc3f name:Home Alone (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9A-BDD-A29 + code:2abd/d0/c9 cheat description:Infinite hit points - code:00B-5AD-19E + code:2b5a/3d/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAC-B6D-A21+FAC-C7D-A21 + code:2cb6/d2/fa+2cc7/d2/fa cheat description:No enemies - code:214-34F-081 + code:0434/fa/21 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:009-33E-192 + code:1933/3e/00 cheat description:Need 1 treasure to finish level 1 - code:013-E5D-7FA + code:23e5/24/01 cheat description:Start with 1 hit point - code:013-ADD-E66 + code:23ad/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 hit points - code:063-ADD-E66 + code:23ad/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 hit points - code:093-ADD-E66 + code:23ad/03/09 cartridge sha256:f1506c97b36e776a8839187b278efacdfacaa6bb5cf0b3f18e04ced31d0d4a01 name:Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:007-82E-19E + code:1782/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite hits unless picked up by shoulders - code:007-E9E-19E + code:17e9/3d/00 cheat description:Get 111,111 points instantly - code:006-75E-08B + code:1675/78/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:056-6FE-E66 + code:166f/03/05 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:066-6FE-E66 + code:166f/03/06 cartridge sha256:0dc2278500feb3844ba0ceabee289be011da1084903ab1c3fd681c83e7191118 name:Hook (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:3DC-FDD-3BE + code:2cfd/35/3d cartridge sha256:a04db245f19a55cd3ff43e2b3fc51cc747fc048a551c4e18639fef4af77553e1 name:Humans, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite humans - code:FA3-E9F-4C1 + code:03e9/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:FA9-B7C-4C1 + code:39b7/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 6 humans - code:06D-609-D5A + code:6d60/0c/06 cheat description:Start with 9 humans - code:09D-609-D5A + code:6d60/0c/09 cheat description:Start with 15 humans - code:0FD-609-D5A + code:6d60/0c/0f cartridge sha256:690f7b634282d9e8d0ba74f32164f08be45eab1f213bd2c4f02f2b75e22b1773 name:Ikari no Yousai 2 (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E4-BBE-4CA + code:14bb/28/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00C-AFF-809+00C-B1F-A29+00C-CCF-809+FAA-D3F-4C1+00C-CEF-A29 + code:0caf/d8/00+0cb1/d0/00+0ccc/d8/00+0ad3/ea/fa+0cce/d0/00 cartridge sha256:ef563c4a4b063ea045d71b435dd078c19d0738f85079928803167cee8f34a4ec name:Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - code:001-3EC-E6E + code:313e/01/00 cheat description:Faster timer - code:021-3E6-E6E + code:913e/01/02 cheat description:Don't lose money when you go through fire - code:00B-00A-195 + code:5b00/ff/00 cheat description:More cash for each hit - code:851-49C-E64 + code:3149/83/85 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:022-A9F-F7E + code:02a9/05/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:042-A9F-F7E + code:02a9/05/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:082-A9F-F7E + code:02a9/05/08 cartridge sha256:a900ffcc69fa1fa94dc99584b94914de46d2fa9f1a38c8c303c493a5ee008fec name:In Your Face (USA) cheat description:Computer can't score - when it scores, you get the points - code:004-E9E-6E6 + code:14e9/23/00 cheat description:Opponents are frozen - 2-on-2 game - code:C38-AAF-E61 + code:08aa/c2/c3 cheat description:5-second game - code:05A-08E-80F + code:1a08/59/05 cheat description:10-second game - code:0AA-08E-80F + code:1a08/59/0a cheat description:20-second game - code:20A-08E-80F + code:1a08/59/20 cartridge sha256:616202e0c2bea4898268c9b3a4eb22e198f1b559e29406057e039dded3db9637 name:Jeep Jamboree (USA) cheat description:Always finish in 1st place - code:3EC-62E-E68+01C-63E-19A + code:1c62/80/3e+1c63/3c/01 cheat description:Mega speed - stay at constant high speed even when off course and hitting rocks - code:799-D49-19F+799-D79-19B + code:69d4/7d/79+69d7/7c/79 cheat description:Race 1 lap shorter - code:02B-F0A-E6E + code:5bf0/01/02 cheat description:Race 2 laps shorter - code:03B-F0A-E6E + code:5bf0/01/03 cheat description:Race 3 laps shorter - code:04B-F0A-E6E + code:5bf0/01/04 cartridge sha256:7459baee09bf535b8a5402c4c9f9ffc91642a473b7a0ef6085f1df47a35354a0 name:Jeopardy! (USA) cheat description:Always correct (even if you enter nothing) - code:002-4CE-C49+182-52E-4CA + code:124c/c8/00+1252/28/18 cartridge sha256:5eaa028521fbff19dd87cd65a89a1a964ab098e343f4df6a94acae0d24b65e7d name:Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA) cheat description:Always correct (even if you enter nothing) - code:182-63E-4CA+002-5DE-C49 + code:1263/28/18+125d/c8/00 cartridge sha256:9f8a2dec7c3faa1ca2c12dd819cb36dc331a0ff7c2bb1b49786568e9df016357 name:Jeopardy! - Teen Tournament (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Always correct (even if you enter nothing) - code:182-89E-4CA+002-83E-C49 + code:1289/28/18+1283/c8/00 cartridge sha256:873d813fc51b735571c721c12922e85f200ee66f0cb742a60e4a9a63aea74944 name:Jetsons, The - Robot Panic (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00F-C7F-E6E + code:0fc7/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health - some robots can't be killed (disable to fight them) - code:009-088-3B7 + code:7908/77/00 cheat description:Max collectible health - code:09F-1EC-F7E + code:3f1e/05/09 cheat description:Capped robots on first Elroy stage take 1 hit to kill - code:012-A7B-E62 + code:42a7/02/01 cheat description:Capped robots on first Elroy stage take 8 hits to kill - code:082-A7B-E62 + code:42a7/02/08 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:04F-16C-E66 + code:3f16/03/04 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:07F-16C-E66 + code:3f16/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09F-16C-E66 + code:3f16/03/09 cartridge sha256:bbc006dcf175f1fec822c533bed6abc136a98bcb3b6f8d726cc87c8e17c62e1f name:Joe & Mac (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002-37D-E6E + code:2237/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:FAB-E9C-4C1 + code:3be9/ea/fa cheat description:Take one hit and lose life - code:AFB-E8C-A2C + code:3be8/91/af cheat description:No extra energy from pick-ups - code:00B-D8C-3B7 + code:3bd8/77/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:01A-81F-E66 + code:0a81/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:06A-81F-E66 + code:0a81/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09A-81F-E66 + code:0a81/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:3EA-89F-6E9+02A-8AF-7FD+E0A-8BF-2A9 + code:0a89/e0/3e+0a8a/e5/02+0a8b/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:3EA-89F-6E9+05A-8AF-7FD+E0A-8BF-2A9 + code:0a89/e0/3e+0a8a/e5/05+0a8b/f0/e0 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:3EA-89F-6E9+08A-8AF-7FD+E0A-8BF-2A9 + code:0a89/e0/3e+0a8a/e5/08+0a8b/f0/e0 cartridge sha256:63a7bfef616b1f9c19c90fdbbea1a096fd1ab6aad16f67d619b07842b0ad04c1 name:Jordan vs Bird - One on One (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time of possession-1-on-1 game - code:007-06D-E6E + code:2706/01/00 cheat description:8 seconds of possession-1-on-1 game - code:08D-D67-7FA + code:8dd6/24/08 cheat description:10 seconds of possession-1-on-1 game - code:0AD-E67-7FA + code:8de6/24/0a cheat description:15 seconds of possession-1-on-1 game - code:0FD-D67-7FA + code:8dd6/24/0f cheat description:No timer - code:007-48D-E6E + code:2748/01/00 cheat description:5 points on 3-point shots - code:056-72D-E62+056-81D-E62 + code:2672/02/05+2681/02/05 cheat description:8 points on 3-point shots - code:086-72D-E62+086-81D-E62 + code:2672/02/08+2681/02/08 cheat description:12 points on 3-point shots - code:0C6-72D-E62+0C6-81D-E62 + code:2672/02/0c+2681/02/0c cheat description:5 points on 2-point shots - code:056-A1D-E6E+056-ADD-E62 + code:26a1/01/05+26ad/02/05 cheat description:8 points on 2-point shots - code:086-A1D-E6E+086-ADD-E62 + code:26a1/01/08+26ad/02/08 cheat description:12 points on 2-point shots - code:0C6-A1D-E6E+0C6-ADD-E62 + code:26a1/01/0c+26ad/02/0c cartridge sha256:6b13a664a3c74e6e61b019f4024f65b3fb301ee5518a9cf9e2a27dc41bbdd561 name:Jurassic Park (USA) cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:00C-46E-19E + code:1c46/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00C-11E-E6E + code:1c11/01/00 cheat description:Remove All Objects (Disable this code to collect eggs, enable it to avoid the dinosaurs) - code:9BC-55B-10A+F80-75C-CEF+006-42B-DF0 + code:4c55/3c/9b+3075/49/f8+4642/8e/00 cheat description:Only need 1 card to open the gate - code:AF3-C9B-7F6 + code:43c9/27/af cheat description:Canï¾’t collect any energy - code:003-DCB-19A + code:43dc/3c/00 cheat description:First Aid gives you mega energy - code:AF3-DCB-19A + code:43dc/3c/af cheat description:Get max energy from collecting energy - code:3E3-DAB-4CA+033-DBB-F7E + code:43da/28/3e+43db/05/03 cheat description:Die after one hit - code:AFC-46E-19E + code:1c46/3d/af cheat description:Start with 1 lives - code:013-9EF-E66 + code:039e/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:053-9EF-E66 + code:039e/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:073-9EF-E66 + code:039e/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:093-9EF-E66 + code:039e/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - after 1st life - code:01C-06E-F7A + code:1c06/04/01 cheat description:Start with 9 hearts - after 1st life - code:09C-06E-F7A + code:1c06/04/09 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - 1st life - code:013-9BF-F7A + code:039b/04/01 cheat description:Start with 9 hearts - 1st life - code:093-9BF-F7A + code:039b/04/09 cartridge sha256:5b3e8b6b22662607933bac74e03059ceb7274b6ed3dc2c8752cab45472584a3a name:Karate Joe (Europe) (Unl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:77E-82E-3BE+3EE-80E-4CA + code:1e82/35/77+1e80/28/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAF-C1F-A21+FAF-BBF-801+FAF-A2F-A21+FAF-9CF-801 + code:0fc1/d2/fa+0fbb/da/fa+0fa2/d2/fa+0f9c/da/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - Boss - code:FA0-E6E-A21+FA0-E0E-801+FA0-C7E-A21+FA0-C1E-801 + code:10e6/d2/fa+10e0/da/fa+10c7/d2/fa+10c1/da/fa cartridge sha256:5759871de43dd530b6e54bbd8025018576c0e5f97a2aa7128c091df33554ea91 name:Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest (USA) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:188-029-6EA + code:6802/20/18 cartridge sha256:b0a1019b6199c923a6a764c15e7bf6d1bb0bef8a042c383f3e3ead74ab171ede name:Kid Dracula (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:008-13F-367 + code:0813/77/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAB-F5A-4C1 + code:5bf5/ea/fa + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:3a9d/d0/00+3aae/d0/00 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:3bac/28/18 cheat description:Start with 1 energy heart - code:015-43F-E66 + code:0543/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 energy hearts - code:055-43F-E66 + code:0543/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:005-4BF-E62 + code:054b/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:045-4BF-E62 + code:054b/02/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:095-4BF-E62 + code:054b/02/09 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:030-CD8-E6E + code:70cd/01/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:050-CD8-E6E + code:70cd/01/05 cartridge sha256:92c1fbf422abb8f09ca7fdbb563d1284108cc042e60e1222422986d9a59f9d97 name:Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:008-B8B-5D4 + code:48b8/af/00 cheat description:Run into enemies to get Hearts - code:185-67B-4CA + code:4567/28/18 cheat description:Collected hammers seem to count towards your enemy kill number - code:C9A-D18-08F+7AA-B48-E69 + code:7ad1/79/c9+7ab4/c0/7a cheat description:Maximum kills after killing first enemy - code:00C-CAF-A29 + code:0cca/d0/00 cartridge sha256:4a091956a579de541aa2eef831e6d0c07d8324255cff7cc889c8ed9b70847769 name:Killer Instinct (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:C90-D1A-E69+C3B-4CB-A21 + code:50d1/c0/c9+4b4c/d2/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:22B-01B-7F6+C3B-00B-A21 + code:4b01/27/22+4b00/d2/c3 cheat description:Disable blocking - P2 - code:C35-18B-C41+C30-1CA-C41 + code:4518/ca/c3+501c/ca/c3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:FA7-B0B-4C1 + code:47b0/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:002-199-19E + code:6219/3d/00 cheat description:Round starts with 10 seconds - code:103-1CD-80C + code:231c/99/10 cheat description:Round starts with 30 seconds - code:303-1CD-80C + code:231c/99/30 cheat description:Round starts with 50 seconds - code:503-1CD-80C + code:231c/99/50 cheat description:Round starts with 75 seconds - code:753-1CD-80C + code:231c/99/75 cheat description:Fierce tiger fury does no damage - code:00B-428-6E2 + code:7b42/22/00 cheat description:Fierce tiger fury does more damage - code:88B-428-6E2 + code:7b42/22/88 cheat description:Fierce tiger fury kills - code:FFB-428-6E2 + code:7b42/22/ff cheat description:Fierce wind kick does no damage - code:00B-698-916 + code:7b69/1f/00 cheat description:Fierce wind kick does more damage - code:88B-698-916 + code:7b69/1f/88 cheat description:Fierce wind kick kills - code:FFB-698-916 + code:7b69/1f/ff cheat description:Fierce laser blade does no damage - code:00B-838-91E + code:7b83/1d/00 cheat description:Fierce laser blade does more damage - code:88B-838-91E + code:7b83/1d/88 cheat description:Fierce laser blade kills - code:FFB-838-91E + code:7b83/1d/ff cheat description:Freeze everything except timer - code:D90-38D-B8A + code:2038/14/d9 cheat description:Start with very little energy - code:012-EAD-919 + code:22ea/dc/01 cheat description:Start with 1/4 energy - code:4B2-EAD-919 + code:22ea/dc/4b cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:882-EAD-919 + code:22ea/dc/88 cheat description:Start with 3/4 energy - code:B42-EAD-919 + code:22ea/dc/b4 cartridge sha256:0eac0600e7d9b243c5c648fc3d9f8b5d9962e3634d6ff0d6f1873281d31e8ff7 name:King of Fighters '95, The (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:008-2DB-A26+007-78B-D52 + code:482d/13/00+4778/0e/00 cheat description:Blocking disabled - both players - code:9EC-57D-911 + code:2c57/de/9e + +cartridge sha256:0b5f1ddb0b40b34735c1adf42b46651526d1e55c14c13969659cf04fc2173e16 + name:Kirby's Block Ball (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) + cheat + description:Paddle hits Kirby from anywhere + code:54a6/6d/01+54a5/d2/18 cartridge sha256:0f6dba94fae248d419083001c42c02a78be6bd3dff679c895517559e72c98d58 name:Kirby's Dream Land (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA6-DBB-4C1 + code:46db/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives and gain points when hit - code:CA1-DOC-FAB+B1F-F1D-649 + code:500c/fd/00+2ff1/e0/b1 cheat description:Infinite vitality bars except against end of stage boss - code:FA4-63B-4C1 + code:4463/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:003-E1B-F7E + code:43e1/05/00 cheat description:Inhale from anywhere - code:008-53B-08E+008-67B-7FE + code:4853/39/00+4867/25/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:021-BBF-F7E + code:01bb/05/02 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:051-BBF-F7E + code:01bb/05/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:091-BBF-F7E + code:01bb/05/09 cheat description:Start with 2 vitality bars - code:021-C0F-F72 + code:01c0/06/02 cheat description:Start with 5 vitality bars - code:051-C0F-F72 + code:01c0/06/05 cheat description:Start with 9 vitality bars - code:091-C0F-F72 + code:01c0/06/09 cartridge sha256:08ddc36709d551b6c2b768e8280e0213ebe89a5088b34e1cc6c0e14977b8e312 name:Kirby's Dream Land 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility after one hit - code:003-838-19E + code:7383/3d/00 cheat description:Don't flash at all after getting hit - code:012-BFA-6EB + code:52bf/60/01 cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:202-BFA-6EB + code:52bf/60/20 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA7-CBD-4C1 + code:27cb/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA1-C4B-4C1 + code:41c4/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:006-E5D-6EA+187-04D-2AA + code:26e5/20/00+2704/30/18 cheat description:Inhale from anywhere - code:005-BED-19E+005-DFD-91A + code:25be/3d/00+25df/1c/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:18B-898-08A + code:7b89/38/18 cheat description:One hit and you die - code:AFA-9EC-A28 + code:3a9e/90/af cheat description:Each star worth an extra life - code:01C-DE8-F76 + code:7cde/07/01 cheat description:Can't get extra lives from stars - code:00C-DC8-19A + code:7cdc/3c/00 cheat description:Each star takes away a life - code:01C-DE8-F76+3DC-878-19A + code:7cde/07/01+7c87/3c/3d cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00D-589-E62 + code:6d58/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:04D-589-E62 + code:6d58/02/04 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:06D-589-E62 + code:6d58/02/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:09D-589-E62 + code:6d58/02/09 cartridge sha256:43bbc3111fe66b5d87940da810a1a0839ab7d48b50c327807538026241b40295 name:Kirby's Pinball Land (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite bonus room time - disable to exit - code:FAF-1AA-4C1 + code:5f1a/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite balls - code:005-34B-E69 + code:4534/c0/00 cheat description:Infinite M-Tomato - code:743-F6B-C49 + code:43f6/c8/74 cheat description:30 seconds allowed in Wispy-Woods bonus room - code:300-B99-6EB + code:60b9/60/30 cheat description:99 seconds allowed in Wispy-Woods bonus room - code:990-B99-6EB + code:60b9/60/99 cheat description:Go straight to end of level bosses - code:3EE-CF9-2A9+01E-D09-A21 + code:6ecf/f0/3e+6ed0/d2/01 cheat description:Go straight to bonus games - code:3EE-CF9-2A9+02E-D09-A21 + code:6ecf/f0/3e+6ed0/d2/02 cheat description:DeDeDe takes 1 hit - code:01D-1DB-B36 + code:4d1d/17/01 cheat description:Start with 5 balls - code:054-7CF-E66 + code:047c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 1 ball - code:014-7CF-E66 + code:047c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 balls - code:094-7CF-E66 + code:047c/03/09 + +cartridge sha256:e497ee2ed48507c32bb3a0c89f449d6f3e3e6b3850534f6af814aaa6d5dcefbd + name:Kirby's Star Stacker (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) + cheat + description:Clear most blocks with any pair + code:6f75/0b/00+6f6d/13/00+6fa6/cc/cd+6f77/28/18 cartridge sha256:841bb9ea4b253145b2ed2225e6e81d396ddc4260a7ef6b42d54f0a7e25fef90d name:Kizuchida Quiz da Gen-san da! (Japan) cheat description:Infinite time to answer - code:005-2DC-3BA + code:352d/34/00 cheat description:Always correct - code:537-51C-91F + code:3751/5d/53 cartridge sha256:214710311150029f87ab0c8d67713ac446f3b75057cbebdc8960455acb1824eb name:Knockout Kings (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C37-94A-E61 + code:5794/c2/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA8-2EA-E61+FA8-0CA-E61+FA8-1AA-C41+FAF-6DB-C41+FA7-FFA-E61 + code:582e/c2/fa+580c/c2/fa+581a/ca/fa+4f6d/ca/fa+57ff/c2/fa cartridge sha256:7c7fb68ae4693ee68fa67e6ac0aef20554b697411d859c30da778290be7b9280 name:Koushien Pocket (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:006-579-A26 + code:6657/13/00 cartridge sha256:cca2e1e06b50869a16b0b7bcef0095ff7d53af926419808da2b82fbab3762750 name:Krusty's Fun House (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA3-ACF-4C1 + code:03ac/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite pies - code:FA6-EBB-4C1 + code:46eb/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 2 pies - code:022-5DF-C42 + code:025d/0a/02 cheat description:Start with 7 pies - code:072-5DF-C42 + code:025d/0a/07 cheat description:Start with 15 pies (only shows 10) - code:0F2-5DF-C42 + code:025d/0a/0f cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:022-43F-E66+022-58F-E66 + code:0243/03/02+0258/03/02 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:062-43F-E66+062-58F-E66 + code:0243/03/06+0258/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:092-43F-E66+092-58F-E66 + code:0243/03/09+0258/03/09 cartridge sha256:dff23b973c6c5e85da109dfb346ee396625fa7f934bc7c4b853ce4f237dfa42a name:Kung-Fu Master (USA, Europe) cheat description:Mostly invincible - code:009-FFF-3BE+00A-42F-A28 + code:09ff/35/00+0a42/90/00 cheat description:Infinite time (disable to complete level) - code:00C-8EA-3BE + code:5c8e/35/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:003-8DE-E62 + code:138d/02/00 cheat description:Touch weak enemies to defeat them - code:009-E6F-F72 + code:09e6/06/00 cartridge sha256:e1340810c6dd12f55ab5928f08fbec92975f2303bda68e2a4b94cd8bc5ddec33 name:Kwirk - He's A-maze-ing! (USA, Europe) cheat description:Walk through walls - code:181-D6E-4CA+1E1-D7E-5D7 + code:11d6/28/18+11d7/6f/1e cartridge sha256:4804741a60591a637103a54a6e3a5611bd775097c457fdf85775d74da93ab600 name:Kyoro-chan Land (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E9-EED-08A + code:29ee/38/3e cartridge sha256:dbcecd9ed9ee70e8f3a231eb0bda95c882ff0e9697d52fe919a02f076962de91 name:Lamborghini American Challenge (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite money - code:002-8AC-910 + code:328a/9e/00 cheat description:Infinite turbos - code:009-318-3BE + code:7931/35/00 cheat description:Increased money - code:99D-1AE-E6A + code:1d1a/00/99 cheat description:No Loss Of Speed On Collisions - code:001-C39-6EB + code:61c3/60/00 cheat description:No Loss Of Speed When Off Track - code:00A-189-F7A + code:6a18/04/00 cheat description:Start With 2 Turbos - code:01D-27E-E6E + code:1d27/01/01 cheat description:Start With 6 Turbos - code:05D-27E-E6E + code:1d27/01/05 cheat description:Start With 10 Turbos - code:09D-27E-E6E + code:1d27/01/09 cartridge sha256:2451d61085652f25d36e35f1fa50dc7e6b51c6e20a50120decc33efcf1c91109 name:Last Action Hero (USA, Europe) cheat description:Level select (# = level 1-9 or A for ending credits) - code:0#1-88F-E6E + code:f000/ba/00 cartridge sha256:26c7fd748c4f34b6c091870ebaa0d4798216df6389642493681deb644752508c name:Lawnmower Man, The (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - Sidescrolling levels - code:FA0-37B-F79+FA0-30B-F79 + code:4037/c4/fa+4030/c4/fa cheat description:Invincibility - Cyber Tube - code:C32-9EB-801 + code:429e/da/c3 cheat description:Invincibility - Virtual World - code:18F-1FA-2AA+184-099-2AA + code:5f1f/30/18+6409/30/18 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA6-FDB-4C1+FAA-6DA-4C1+003-15B-3BE+FAF-AFF-4C1+FA5-54B-4C1 + code:46fd/ea/fa+5a6d/ea/fa+4315/35/00+0faf/ea/fa+4554/ea/fa cartridge sha256:96db9c11cff58dd637efbdc11416580d1a05bb6cc119d9efa0b17bfb0d0f80ad name:Lazlos' Leap (USA) cheat description:Move one piece to clear level (move a piece over another) - code:07F-A0E-F72 + code:1fa0/06/07 cartridge sha256:7fcf3eec2ce487e804115b814b8ddc3f833bdae8d7e01df8975a1af029edefcd name:Legend (Japan) cheat description:No random battles - code:C9E-EFC-A29 + code:3eef/d0/c9 cartridge sha256:21f712e213f43f9efb93ca039a5190fc09325d5d932af1fb2f8e90b4f9fd169f name:Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:FAO-999-4C1 + code:f000/04/00 cheat description:Infinite rupees (rupees aren't deducted for purchases you can afford) - code:FAF-BDA-4C1+FAF-B2A-4C1 + code:5fbd/ea/fa+5fb2/ea/fa cheat description:All items you get start at max power. When you get an item, you must have a space open (either A or B). - code:09C-56B-E6E+09C-74A-E6E + code:4c56/01/09+5c74/01/09 cheat description:Get 5 rupees for each single rupee - code:054-EE9-E6E + code:64ee/01/05 cheat description:Get 50 rupees for each single rupee - code:324-EE9-E6E + code:64ee/01/32 cheat description:Get 255 rupees for each single rupee - code:FF4-EE9-E6E + code:64ee/01/ff + cheat + description:Hookshot attaches to anything + code:7c9e/a0/9f+7ca3/77/ea+7ca4/a7/9f+7ca5/c9/c2 cheat description:Walk through walls. Can walk past the edge of walls and objects, but not through people. Be careful of entering doors from the wrong side. If you get stuck on the edge of a screen, try diagonal and straight movement in all directions. Works from locations in the water. Doesn't work for underground passages. - code:AF7-168-3B0 + code:7716/b6/af + +cartridge sha256:5373296324b1ad40716f707239d42cfec8a1ee44ba6f0aa3e1809463747bf767 + name:Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (USA, Europe) (Rev A) + cheat + description:Hookshot attaches to anything + code:7c9c/a0/9f+7ca0/77/ea+7ca1/a7/9f+7ca2/c9/c2 cartridge sha256:c95dd3d9cb798e86c28e3269554e458d434bf3277b96cadf5bc81cfacfb5ee60 name:Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9D-739-081 + code:6d73/fa/c9 cheat description:Walk through walls. Be careful of entering doors from the wrong side. If you get stuck on the edge of a screen, try diagonal and straight movement in all directions to free yourself. Allows you to go through walls starting from locations in the water. Doesn't work for underground passages. - code:AF4-5B8-3B0 + code:745b/b6/af cartridge sha256:6285ba6201f17bc8595c600ebc2477d52561f0aff29b11f7fc3343bacb2e230b name:Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9D-689-081 + code:6d68/fa/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAE-8D9-A21+FAE-6D9-A21+90A-03A-A29+903-239-A29 + code:6e8d/d2/fa+6e6d/d2/fa+5a03/d0/90+6323/d0/90 + cheat + description:One hit kills + code:72ad/7e/00 cheat description:Shop items are free - code:18A-2C8-2AA + code:7a2c/30/18 cheat description:Revive infinite times - code:043-C99-B3F+183-C89-4CA + code:63c9/55/04+63c8/28/18 + cheat + description:Throw more than one Boomerang at a time + code:4462/01/00 + cheat + description:Multi-jump + code:14d4/c0/00 + cheat + description:Walk over water, holes, etc + code:762f/ea/c9 + cheat + description:Can place up to 14 bombs at once + code:66a9/34/00 cheat description:Cut down almost anything with your sword - code:006-33E-E69+FA6-16E-C41+186-21E-4CA + code:1633/c0/00+1616/ca/fa+1621/28/18 cheat description:Horse pieces always land standing - code:006-918-F7A+006-908-E6E + code:7691/04/00+7690/01/00 cheat description:Easier Wing Egg puzzle - code:0DA-908-F76+02A-8E8-190+79A-8C8-80E+FEA-8D8-08F + code:7a90/07/0d+7a8e/be/02+7a8c/19/79+7a8d/79/fe cartridge sha256:5dee5816ed9b46cfc4a2d94f275e555dd3c5080eca00ded975a41a881a6d4c06 name:Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev B) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9D-689-081 + code:6d68/fa/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FAE-8D9-A21+FAE-6D9-A21+90A-03A-A29+903-239-A29 + code:6e8d/d2/fa+6e6d/d2/fa+5a03/d0/90+6323/d0/90 cheat description:Shop items are free - code:18A-2C8-2AA + code:7a2c/30/18 cheat description:Revive infinite times - code:043-C99-B3F+183-C89-4CA + code:63c9/55/04+63c8/28/18 cheat description:Cut down almost anything with your sword - code:006-33E-E69+FA6-16E-C41+186-21E-4CA + code:1633/c0/00+1616/ca/fa+1621/28/18 cheat description:Horse pieces always land standing - code:006-918-F7A+006-908-E6E + code:7691/04/00+7690/01/00 cheat description:Easier Wing Egg puzzle - code:0DA-908-F76+02A-8E8-190+79A-8C8-80E+FEA-8D8-08F + code:7a90/07/0d+7a8e/be/02+7a8c/19/79+7a8d/79/fe cartridge sha256:0b56b78a9e45452e98c33edd111234931f1e034dc097f6f23082eb8db6055474 name:Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-DFB-087 + code:47df/7b/c9 cheat description:Infinite Seed/Bomb use on pick-up - code:007-D3E-E6E + code:17d3/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FE4-E4B-190+FC3-3CA-19D+C32-B5B-801+00E-C79-5D4 + code:44e4/be/fe+533c/fd/fc+42b5/da/c3+6ec7/af/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:002-14B-A29+00B-7BB-A29 + code:4214/d0/00+4b7b/d0/00 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:183-28A-6EA+063-29A-4CA + code:5328/20/18+5329/28/06 cheat description:Defeat 1 enemy for fully grown Gashas/Maple meeting - code:002-46F-E69 + code:0246/c0/00 cheat description:Each Seed/Gasha/Bomb worth 99 - code:005-92B-E62 + code:4592/02/00 cheat description:Cut down almost anything with your sword - code:018-E18-082+3A9-368-91A+007-51B-A29+007-62B-C49 + code:78e1/3a/01+7936/1c/3a+4751/d0/00+4762/c8/00 cheat description:Walk through walls. It's not hard to get stuck, so save where it's safe. - code:AFD-A5A-802 + code:5da5/1a/af cheat description:Always win shooting gallery mini-game - code:180-85A-6EA + code:5085/20/18 cheat description:Never miss in Goron Dance - code:189-088-4CA+1A9-098-91E + code:7908/28/18+7909/1d/1a cheat description:Mermaid Suite - hold down button instead of continuously pressing - code:299-10A-4C2 + code:5910/2a/29 cartridge sha256:862a51368fb30539279d336b3fe193b43876d2cb15c87a36f5da517804ab3971 name:Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-C7B-087 + code:47c7/7b/c9 cheat description:Infinite Seed/Bomb use on pick-up - code:007-ACE-E6E + code:17ac/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00A-32A-4C5+304-8EB-3BA+007-808-A29+FE4-CCB-190+C32-9DB-801+007-499-19E+00E-3F9-A29+C96-3FB-6E3 + code:5a32/eb/00+448e/34/30+7780/d0/00+44cc/be/fe+429d/da/c3+6749/3d/00+6e3f/d0/00+463f/62/c9 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:002-0DB-A29+002-21B-A29 + code:420d/d0/00+4221/d0/00 cheat description:Moon-jump - code:181-5DA-6EA+061-5EA-2AE+001-82A-E62 + code:515d/20/18+515e/31/06+5182/02/00 cheat description:Defeat 1 enemy for fully grown Gashas/Maple meeting - code:002-46F-E69 + code:0246/c0/00 cheat description:Each Seed/Gasha/Bomb worth 99 - code:005-98B-E62 + code:4598/02/00 cheat description:Cut down almost anything with your sword - code:564-37B-19E+017-4C8-6ED+007-41B-C49+007-30B-A29 + code:4437/3d/56+774c/e1/01+4741/c8/00+4730/d0/00 cheat description:Walk through walls. It's not hard to get stuck, so save where it's safe. - code:AFC-96A-802 + code:5c96/1a/af cheat description:Touch any button to enter desert with pirate ship - code:000-149-F76 + code:6014/07/00 cheat description:Lost woods - no need to change seasons to move on (Noble Sword direction - L, L, L, L. Level 6 direction - L, D, R, U.) - code:00E-0CA-E66 + code:5e0c/03/00 cartridge sha256:68e708010f14daa6013370d43b9ee00a2305b1a95285e7daafa6642a0677b8c2 name:Lethal Weapon (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite weapon energy - code:FA6-01E-4C1 + code:1601/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite life energy (except falling down holes) - code:FAA-1DD-4C1+FAA-A5D-4C1 + code:2a1d/ea/fa+2aa5/ea/fa cheat description:No enemies - code:004-5BB-195 + code:445b/ff/00 cheat description:Start with weapon energy on 1/2 - code:1E9-CEE-E6B + code:19ce/40/1e cheat description:Start with life energy on 1/2 - code:239-C3E-E6B + code:19c3/40/23 cartridge sha256:c24d7fdc7706cf0e01cbdb8c67ce4fb8079015e2b533a731a520844126073d77 name:Little Magic (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EA4-CBB-081 + code:44cb/fa/ea cheat description:Stairs always open - code:FAB-4DA-E61 + code:5b4d/c2/fa cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:007-21B-C4A+007-04B-C4A+007-5BB-C4A+007-3EB-C4A + code:4721/08/00+4704/08/00+475b/08/00+473e/08/00 cartridge sha256:f15722ebebdae93e08bd6642d642614114f2d128778d6a131748c9855603e052 name:Little Mermaid, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C98-22E-3BE + code:1822/35/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00C-79F-3BE + code:0c79/35/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:017-F1F-E66 + code:07f1/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:057-F1F-E66 + code:07f1/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:097-F1F-E66 + code:07f1/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 energy pt - code:018-96F-E66 + code:0896/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 energy pts - code:058-96F-E66 + code:0896/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 energy pts - code:088-96F-E66 + code:0896/03/08 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:018-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:028-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:038-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:048-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:058-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/05 cheat description:See end of game credits - code:068-07F-195 + code:0807/ff/06 cartridge sha256:0d6c56da2fdb6b27d388912604ad97c2f71729604a075d76c1fcd923f29e6915 name:Lock'n Chase (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E7-64E-4CA + code:1764/28/3e cheat description:Press A to clear level (except final level) - code:B65-5ED-5D0+3D5-60D-7F4 + code:255e/ae/b6+2560/a7/3d cartridge sha256:17b55c1a46af87f5dae066b0fdbe2b7cac05c29c3d86800e0717ed4c6325af3e name:Looney Tunes (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:008-90F-19A + code:0890/3c/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA8-458-A21+FA8-0A8-A21+FA8-008-A21 + code:7845/d2/fa+780a/d2/fa+7800/d2/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:004-80B-E66 + code:4480/03/00 + cheat + description:Start with 99 lives + code:01ec/02/99 cartridge sha256:a62f8d94d9eb0633c03d6a67100b354ffee92bee2fff26c0de8c35796a544a53 name:Looney Tunes (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - code:008-90F-19A + code:0890/3c/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA8-458-A21+378-098-19C+377-FF8-198 + code:7845/d2/fa+7809/bd/37+77ff/bc/37 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:FA4-81B-E61 + code:4481/c2/fa cartridge sha256:53c29bbf5a96a600e4879374215c3bc840df0343bce7ef37a2b7f043b383cb1c name:Looney Tunes - Carrot Crazy (USA) (En,Fr,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:F07-E0E-6E9 + code:17e0/e0/f0 cheat description:Invincible from high falls - code:188-BBD-6EA + code:28bb/20/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3E8-CC8-2AA+3E8-F68-6EA+3E9-0E8-08A+3E9-088-6EA + code:78cc/30/3e+78f6/20/3e+790e/38/3e+7908/20/3e cartridge sha256:59971b1b4a49e14b4870dd500682ece31f1654ce2f34a3799e5dcdeda5f5e73e name:Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Revenge! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-EEC-E69 + code:3eee/c0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:9BA-B7F-D5A + code:0ab7/0c/9b cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:00D-B3A-3B7 + code:5db3/77/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:006-9EA-C49+00A-80A-C49 + code:569e/c8/00+5a80/c8/00 cheat description:Walk over space - code:C91-9BA-C49 + code:519b/c8/c9 cartridge sha256:ff9b75f13d25595ebf286d284f6bb951648f3d67f0fd043947d3c48132441c7f name:Lucky Luke (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:F06-478-6E9+F02-C7C-6E9 + code:7647/e0/f0+32c7/e0/f0 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:009-16E-3B7 + code:1916/77/00 cartridge sha256:4231fd9f25a5729208475d2d6aa6c2a6e53b1e918e7731a1eee3ce532993301b name:Lufia - The Legend Returns (USA) cheat description:0 HP - Enemies - code:AF7-4B9-4C2+477-4C9-F73 + code:674b/2a/af+674c/46/47 cheat description:No random battles - code:AF0-34B-19A + code:4034/3c/af cheat description:Enemies always miss - code:C92-958-3BD + code:7295/f5/c9 cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:C35-E6A-C41+005-DDA-E6E + code:55e6/ca/c3+55dd/01/00 cartridge sha256:2e102efe39e0825933f1fbf4b0b8cc2dbef42f3df809311a5c8a8c1d84899bf7 name:M&M's Minis Madness (USA) + cheat + description:Jump in midair + code:65d0/ca/fa cartridge sha256:bf4cae27bd0dfdede3838d50f92d03cb7cd183a15091bd2a76c7b3fc7b3e718b name:Madden '95 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite play clock - code:00C-3BE-19E + code:1c3b/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite game time - code:00C-62E-19E+F09-33C-6E9 + code:1c62/3d/00+3933/e0/f0 cheat description:Start on second down - code:028-8ED-E6E + code:288e/01/02 cheat description:Start on third down - code:038-8ED-E6E + code:288e/01/03 cheat description:Start on fourth down - code:048-8ED-E6E + code:288e/01/04 cheat description:Down never increases - code:005-DED-19A+FAE-F0C-4C1 + code:25de/3c/00+3ef0/ea/fa cartridge sha256:eabe2a1c9116871837ddb1d39d643621dc144c18490b5673bd8eedc88b8ceff9 name:Malibu Beach Volleyball (USA) cheat description:Easier to score - code:03D-AAB-F7A + code:4daa/04/03 cheat description:Computer can't score a point. If score is 0-0, makes you change court a lot. - code:00F-0CA-E6D + code:5f0c/c1/00 cheat description:You always serve - code:00D-0EA-E6E+00D-E0A-E6E + code:5d0e/01/00+5de0/01/00 cartridge sha256:0d479d68a4ac800ab9fde8b3db016af718c13a979163b3eb34b00af96550cd3e name:Mario's Picross (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00B-118-19E + code:7b11/3d/00 cheat description:Mistakes don't decrease time - code:00C-8F8-A2C + code:7c8f/91/00 cartridge sha256:2c45623446cf82896830712223079e9be5e79b3e5faf550c07f92f082bef419e name:Maru's Mission (USA) cheat description:Infinite health - code:009-7CC-A2C+009-80C-808 + code:397c/91/00+3980/98/00 cartridge sha256:3fe6e53d0a44081f90a91004aa2ea4253a5a5933fff940c22e30e84029e4b2ef name:Max (Europe) cheat description:Infinite Rockets - code:FA8-DDF-4C1 + code:08dd/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:185-1AA-08A+185-0DA-08A+184-B5A-08A+184-A8A-08A + code:551a/38/18+550d/38/18+54b5/38/18+54a8/38/18 cartridge sha256:550995df4740397fccdc70d480c9a595260afb59bfcea0b0ec50cb5d55cfe9b0 name:McDonaldland (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E6-39D-4CA + code:2639/28/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - Throwing and pickup up blocks - code:FAA-AAC-A21 + code:3aaa/d2/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:3EF-A6C-4CA + code:3fa6/28/3e cartridge sha256:33d16365318411f063edd9100c79458aabb7ea71bb1873e30f38b93814f0ec6e name:Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:005-FAA-E6E+418-3F9-190 + code:55fa/01/00+683f/be/41 cheat description:Infinite weapons except Flash - code:002-09B-A22+FA1-5AA-4C1+FA9-64B-4C1 + code:4209/12/00+515a/ea/fa+4964/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:018-61A-191+15A-3DD-A26+52B-47D-19F+008-1AD-5D4+00B-5AD-6EE+180-D2E-08A+110-D3E-D5A + code:5861/fe/01+2a3d/13/15+2b47/7d/52+281a/af/00+2b5a/21/00+10d2/38/18+10d3/0c/11 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:FAB-249-6EE+3FB-259-C43+E6B-279-193+01B-289-3B4+00B-2B9-3BE+1CC-CE9-3BA+18C-CF9-4CA + code:6b24/21/fa+6b25/4a/3f+6b27/7e/e6+6b28/b7/01+6b2b/35/00+6cce/34/1c+6ccf/28/18 cheat description:One hit kills - code:00B-62D-E6E+00C-87B-E6E + code:2b62/01/00+4c87/01/00 cheat description:Moon jump - code:00B-2A9-D5F+18B-499-A22+18B-4A9-5D4+2CB-4B9-4C1 + code:6b2a/4d/00+6b49/12/18+6b4a/af/18+6b4b/ea/2c cartridge sha256:be3fc7ab2d7eb79a9e2538b090bdecc2694740f3beda933f34cb1e4059b10a11 name:Mega Man II (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C95-CEC-E69 + code:35ce/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:00A-14C-A28 + code:3a14/90/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:CD0-F0F-195+D40-F1F-195+0F0-F2F-195+C90-F3F-195+CD2-26E-081+F02-27E-5D7+002-28E-D55+182-2AE-4CA+002-44E-6EA+012-45E-E6A + code:00f0/ff/cd+00f1/ff/d4+00f2/ff/0f+00f3/ff/c9+1226/fa/cd+1227/6f/f0+1228/cf/00+122a/28/18+1244/20/00+1245/00/01 cartridge sha256:7344a36fcfc8151098238529218762e44c5a1546fab7e7fd5d32927e06cbf5a8 name:Mega Man III (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:00C-099-3B7 + code:6c09/77/00 cheat description:Infinite weapons - code:002-35B-A22+FA4-88A-4C1+FA8-A9A-4C1 + code:4235/12/00+5488/ea/fa+58a9/ea/fa cheat description:One hit kills - code:009-6ED-E6E+00F-25F-E6E + code:296e/01/00+0f25/01/00 cheat description:Laser barriers appear and explode immediately on Sparkman stage - code:009-77C-E6E + code:3977/01/00 cheat description:Takes 1 hit to kill Merciless Matt - code:019-53C-F76 + code:3953/07/01 cheat description:Takes 15 hits to kill Merciless Matt - code:0F9-53C-F76 + code:3953/07/0f cheat description:Multi-jump - code:FAE-3F9-6EE+3FE-409-C43+E6E-429-193+01E-439-3B4+00E-469-3BE+1C0-028-3BA+180-038-4CA + code:6e3f/21/fa+6e40/4a/3f+6e42/7e/e6+6e43/b7/01+6e46/35/00+7002/34/1c+7003/28/18 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:02B-17F-E66 + code:0b17/03/02 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:06B-17F-E66 + code:0b17/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09B-17F-E66 + code:0b17/03/09 cartridge sha256:4d980ca46a83cd127312dbc445ed1a83e97ed7a8026dce6fdd22a01b1895781b name:Mega Man IV (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:21F-EAA-E61 + code:5fea/c2/21 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:001-CE9-3B7 + code:61ce/77/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:01C-45F-915 + code:0c45/df/01 cheat description:Shoot more than 3 shots at a time - code:005-67B-A29 + code:4567/d0/00 cheat description:Start with 1/4 energy - code:269-F6F-808 + code:09f6/98/26 cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:4B9-F6F-808 + code:09f6/98/4b cheat description:Start with 3/4 energy - code:709-F6F-808 + code:09f6/98/70 cheat description:Start with 1 lives - code:01C-AEF-E66 + code:0cae/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05C-AEF-E66 + code:0cae/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09C-AEF-E66 + code:0cae/03/09 cartridge sha256:7a108770a7c1ad592b52d0c46d7ead422d0a20961abaafca3d40086e3f2f588f name:Mega Man V (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:212-269-E61 + code:6226/c2/21 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:01B-75F-915 + code:0b75/df/01 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:004-1D9-3B7 + code:641d/77/00 cheat description:Walk through enemies (can still take damage from projectiles) - code:002-CDE + code:12cd/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:111-FAE-D5A+181-F9E-08A+11A-0E8-D5A+18A-0D8-08A + code:11fa/0c/11+11f9/38/18+7a0e/0c/11+7a0d/38/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:FA6-829-6EE+406-839-A23+E66-859-193+016-869-3B4+006-899-3BE+1C8-719-C4A+1C8-799-3BA + code:6682/21/fa+6683/52/40+6685/7e/e6+6686/b7/01+6689/35/00+6871/08/1c+6879/34/1c cheat description:One hit kills - code:001-85E-E6E+009-0ED-E6E+00A-4E8-E6E + code:1185/01/00+290e/01/00+7a4e/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 lives - code:01B-EAF-E66 + code:0bea/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05B-EAF-E66 + code:0bea/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09B-EAF-E66 + code:0bea/03/09 cheat description:Start with about 1/4 energy - code:269-44F-808 + code:0944/98/26 cheat description:Start with about 1/2 energy - code:4B9-44F-808 + code:0944/98/4b cheat description:Start with about 3/4 energy - code:709-44F-808 + code:0944/98/70 cartridge sha256:638225d961484c8749ff8ceba1c865d267a5401b0d37a3a84cac7a6fb6bd8b9a name:Mega Man Xtreme (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18D-0ED-4CA + code:2d0e/28/18 cheat description:Infinite secondary weapons - code:008-449-3BE + code:6844/35/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0BD-62D-3B7+2FD-63D-5DE + code:2d62/77/0b+2d63/2d/2f cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:0BB-D48-3B7+2FB-D58-5DE + code:7bd4/77/0b+7bd5/2d/2f cartridge sha256:e37a14a8e61bd64f2226dacc26a7ee75dd90abfcf88c5016eb97b76ecda0ddca name:Mega Man Xtreme 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:188-5ED-4CA + code:285e/28/18 cheat description:Infinite secondary weapons - code:006-A99-3B7 + code:66a9/77/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:2A8-B5D-4CA+9D8-B4D-C45 + code:28b5/28/2a+28b4/cb/9d cheat description:get items from anywhere - code:005-F38-C4E + code:75f3/09/00 cartridge sha256:bed7986ba7428470bf946a174810db1a49494f05a0985270a7c6d1ab6fe86f2b name:Megalit (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA2-6AF-4C1 + code:026a/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - Quest mode - code:FAD-31D-4C1 + code:2d31/ea/fa cheat description:Blocks don't break - code:00F-7FD-3BA + code:2f7f/34/00 + +cartridge sha256:0430cbbcdd56b693d40ab7b424603c639d98d5ec97e91e17ce1ede766104e765 + name:Merlin (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) + cheat + description:Level select (below Options at title screen) + code:6285/03/04 cartridge sha256:56a69d19ba26941a25adad8bdf17c7baba12245097e901999f4c897eec877ddb name:Metal Gear Solid (USA) cheat description:Infinite ammo for all weapons - code:003-189-19E + code:6318/3d/00 cheat description:Enemies don't see you - code:C94-A88-3B4+C94-E89-081 + code:74a8/b7/c9+64e8/fa/c9 cheat description:Cameras don't see you (normal game and VR training) - code:C93-698-C49 + code:7369/c8/c9 cartridge sha256:58130b462d7760624fa150938f5e3958f9185ef827644855acdef38ff6d55749 name:Metal Walker (USA) cheat description:1 HP - enemies - code:3CE-2BB-08F+AFE-24B-08B + code:4e2b/79/3c+4e24/78/af cheat description:No random battles - code:C92-3EA-E69 + code:523e/c0/c9 cartridge sha256:3080bcc2eb9965de463f5f4e02f0dabbb13b060e1654a18da8b50948c10af4a6 name:Metroid II - Return of Samus (World) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:C9E-E8D-E69 + code:2ee8/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:80F-6DD-7F6 + code:2f6d/27/80 cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:00F-36B-E6E + code:4f36/01/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:0D2-70C-3B2+182-6FC-2AA+182-E3A-2AA + code:3270/36/0d+326f/30/18+52e3/30/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:14D-46F-A26+98D-45F-91C+CDD-44F-E61+FA4-30E-4C1+FA4-61E-4C1 + code:0d46/13/14+0d45/9d/98+0d44/c2/cd+1430/ea/fa+1461/ea/fa cartridge sha256:7c96841877908473f7873c91373b06bfd3749b341b4c4180c8fd2cc8b8308b68 name:Mickey Mouse (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:182-5E9-6EA + code:625e/20/18 cheat description:Can open locked doors without 8 Keys - code:FA8-ABB-E61 + code:48ab/c2/fa cartridge sha256:bc14dac53de625535cc2825efa3d2399bf0c8c661f8a9417c4b97414a630cd0e name:Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3EE-92F-C49 + code:0e92/c8/3e cartridge sha256:fedb0c8100987cb466c116a3ac3a6572675b6aa721a7a8930cec1ae39f677bc6 name:Mickey's Dangerous Chase (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit - code:001-A8E-E6E + code:11a8/01/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:FAD-A0E-4C1 + code:1da0/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA5-E2F-4C1 + code:05e2/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:634-B6F-E66 + code:04b6/03/63 cartridge sha256:573798e5dfa80c13f2c7f77795fa3460c0c41ffbc49ab3b830fb4bf30c89f179 name:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9C-B9D-6E9+C9D-1ED-6EE+C9C-9FD-2A9 + code:2cb9/e0/c9+2d1e/21/c9+2c9f/f0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3EE-1ED-2AA+18E-2AD-08A + code:2e1e/30/3e+2e2a/38/18 cheat description:One hit kills - bosses - code:18E-4AD-4CA + code:2e4a/28/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:006-C9D-08A+3E5-35D-6EA + code:26c9/38/00+2535/20/3e cartridge sha256:67f16ea0f0afdb20fa75cc988466c0726203412a57a36e0f866eb341ede5d311 name:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9C-7BB-A29 + code:4c7b/d0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:000-41B-E66 + code:4041/03/00 cheat description:Can always use power - code:008-6DB-E69 + code:486d/c0/00 cartridge sha256:70124937963d44c034d73e3e3c7ecf9c3440cdb934cd1a8b6fd4629381343d02 name:Milon's Secret Castle (USA, Europe) cheat description:Protection against most hazards - code:FAD-368-4C1 + code:7d36/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite money on pick-up - code:FA7-8F9-4C1 + code:678f/ea/fa cheat description:Each $ box is worth 99 - code:3E7-138-081+627-148-DC5+007-158-915 + code:7713/fa/3e+7714/cf/62+7715/df/00 cheat description:Start with and keep double shot and shield - code:FAC-FD8-4C1+3CC-A8A-5D4 + code:7cfd/ea/fa+5ca8/af/3c cheat description:Start with 3 energy bars - code:036-EA8-F7E + code:76ea/05/03 cheat description:Start with 6 energy bars - code:066-EA8-F7E + code:76ea/05/06 cheat description:Start with 9 energy bars - code:096-EA8-F7E + code:76ea/05/09 cartridge sha256:b136c40a4ca52d6567e7f71790690b1e71ddad3b9df8d1ee98135ac46a2e7637 name:Minesweeper - Soukaitei (Japan) cheat description:Never miss - code:180-6BC-4CA+181-40C-4CA + code:306b/28/18+3140/28/18 cartridge sha256:d74962fe1750b3918c6b5e34dd30851df50e33eaeb27659097d52090c9803705 name:Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C32-39A-A21+C32-DDA-A21+FAC-A4B-4C1 + code:5239/d2/c3+52dd/d2/c3+4ca4/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:002-239-E6E + code:6223/01/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002-3DB-E6E + code:423d/01/00 cheat description:Take 1 step to complete level - code:FAF-26C-A21 + code:3f26/d2/fa cheat description:Nasties are invincible - code:039-CAF-E6A + code:09ca/00/03 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:026-9ED-E66 + code:269e/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:046-9ED-E66 + code:269e/03/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:086-9ED-E66 + code:269e/03/08 cartridge sha256:f6d779c4882e032919903b4874dec1b6f06716911f77eb9f8acd1727215eb791 name:Missile Command (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:002-9AE-19E+002-4BE-19E+20F-FDE-D56 + code:129a/3d/00+124b/3d/00+1ffd/0f/20 cheat description:Invincible bases - code:FF6-BBD-191 + code:26bb/fe/ff cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C3F-4DE-801+37F-A8E-5D4 + code:1f4d/da/c3+1fa8/af/37 cheat description:New York - code:02F-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/02 cheat description:London - code:04F-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/04 cheat description:Sydney - code:06F-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/06 cheat description:Paris - code:08F-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/08 cheat description:Moscow - code:0AF-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/0a cheat description:San Francisco - code:18F-28E-E6A + code:1f28/00/18 cartridge sha256:0b3e5a9611551cc135cebfa67fe3f9aa1a54ef9855c0888b715351035908e126 name:Missile Command (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:C3F-4DE-801+37F-A8E-5D4 + code:1f4d/da/c3+1fa8/af/37 cheat description:Infinite Missiles - code:FA2-4CE-4C1+FA2-9BE-4C1 + code:124c/ea/fa+129b/ea/fa cartridge sha256:3b0aaea526447c2d682139c9494eec82045b36e5e684cc56132391ba9a2ef689 name:Momotarou Dengeki (Japan) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA1-84A-E61+FA1-D8A-E61+FA1-B1A-E61+FA1-57A-E61 + code:5184/c2/fa+51d8/c2/fa+51b1/c2/fa+5157/c2/fa cheat description:Multi-jump - code:291-12D-6E6+FA0-A1D-E61 + code:2112/23/29+20a1/c2/fa cartridge sha256:f1bf118bd383a91ecf81f7ee759ce702b85cfee9f8cf11d8365cb243d555c607 name:Momotarou Dengeki 2 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:183-33A-08A+183-82A-08A+183-41A-08A+183-8FA-08A + code:5333/38/18+5382/38/18+5341/38/18+538f/38/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:FA1-13B-E61+1D1-9EB-4C6 + code:4113/c2/fa+419e/2b/1d cartridge sha256:003097c7a363da268fa2853262c1924ee72fe23fc546834b247c359f69a684aa name:Montezuma's Return! (USA) (En,Es) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:C95-80A-E69+189-0DB-2AA + code:5580/c0/c9+490d/30/18 cheat description:Invincibility against fire - code:189-E0B-4CA + code:49e0/28/18 cheat description:Invincibility against high falls - code:18A-2FB-4CA + code:4a2f/28/18 cartridge sha256:84686cd3c77c533926fc2c56783613ecc5781de1bff7065e00112a69d17a5e69 name:Mortal Kombat (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - P1 - code:005-94C-B31 + code:3594/d6/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00C-B5E-3BE + code:1cb5/35/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:002-96D-B31 + code:2296/d6/00 + cheat + description:Infinite fatality time + code:0a11/c2/c3 + cheat + description:One button fatality - Sonya (Press back, close but not close to opponent) + code:38c9/00/ff + cheat + description:One button fatality - Rayden (Press back) + code:3879/00/ff + cheat + description:One button fatality - Kano (Press down) + code:3889/00/ff + cheat + description:One button fatality - Liu Kang (Press foward) + code:3899/00/ff + cheat + description:One button fatality - Scorpion (Press forward, Halfway distance) + code:38aa/01/ff + cheat + description:One button fatality - Sub Zero (Press forward) + code:38b9/00/ff cheat description:Foot sweep does less damage - code:109-C7C-E6F + code:39c7/41/10 cheat description:Foot sweep does more damage - code:FF9-C7C-E6F - cheat - description:1 continue - code:010-14B-F72 - cheat - description:5 continues - code:050-14B-F72 - cheat - description:10 continues - code:0A0-14B-F72 + code:39c7/41/ff cheat description:Punches do less damage - code:109-AFC-6EE + code:39af/21/10 cheat description:Punches do more damage - code:FF9-AFC-6EE + code:39af/21/ff cheat description:Knees do less damage - code:109-BFC-E6F + code:39bf/41/10 cheat description:Knees do more damage - code:FF9-BFC-E6F + code:39bf/41/ff cheat description:Uppercuts do less damage - code:109-A7C-E60 + code:39a7/82/10 cheat description:Uppercuts do more damage - code:FF9-A7C-E60 + code:39a7/82/ff cheat description:Kicks to stomach do less damage - code:109-CFC-E6F + code:39cf/41/10 cheat description:Kicks to stomach do more damage - code:FF9-CFC-E6F + code:39cf/41/ff cheat description:Kicks to face do less damage - code:109-B7C-6E3 + code:39b7/62/10 cheat description:Kicks to face do more damage - code:FF9-B7C-6E3 + code:39b7/62/ff cheat description:Shoulder throws do less damage - code:10A-17C-E6F + code:3a17/41/10 cheat description:Shoulder throws do more damage - code:FFA-17C-E6F + code:3a17/41/ff cheat description:Sub-Zero's slide does less damage - code:10A-07C-A2F + code:3a07/51/10 cheat description:Sub-Zero's slide does more damage - code:FFA-07C-A2F + code:3a07/51/ff cheat description:Sonya's leg grab does less damage - code:10A-27C-6EF + code:3a27/61/10 cheat description:Sonya's leg grab does more damage - code:FFA-27C-6EF + code:3a27/61/ff cheat description:Kano's cannonball does less damage - code:10A-1FC-6EF + code:3a1f/61/10 cheat description:Kano's cannonball does more damage - code:FFA-1FC-6EF + code:3a1f/61/ff cheat description:Rayden's lightning does less damage - code:10A-5FC-7F5 + code:3a5f/e7/10 cheat description:Rayden's lightning does more damage - code:FFA-5FC-7F5 + code:3a5f/e7/ff + cheat + description:1 continue + code:4014/06/01 + cheat + description:5 continues + code:4014/06/05 + cheat + description:10 continues + code:4014/06/0a cartridge sha256:29d69e0f71b692f348a0954cc3aaa86dcd9a32d8a7268ce6b76ba26b0c0e4629 name:Mortal Kombat II (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health - code:009-48B-91D + code:4948/dd/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:00D-ABF-3BE + code:0dab/35/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00C-55B-E6E + code:4c55/01/00 cheat description:No continues - code:001-57F-F72 + code:0157/06/00 cheat description:1 continue - code:011-57F-F72 + code:0157/06/01 cheat description:3 continues - code:031-57F-F72 + code:0157/06/03 cheat description:9 continues - code:091-57F-F72 + code:0157/06/09 cheat description:15 continues - code:0F1-57F-F72 + code:0157/06/0f cheat description:Much faster timer - code:02C-55B-E6E + code:4c55/01/02 cheat description:Timer starts at 30 - code:2C3-39D-800 + code:2339/9a/2c cheat description:Timer starts at 40 - code:3C3-39D-800 + code:2339/9a/3c cheat description:Timer starts at 50 - code:4C3-39D-800 + code:2339/9a/4c cheat description:Timer starts at 60 - code:5C3-39D-800 + code:2339/9a/5c cheat description:Player can't move from floor - code:006-2EB-3B7+000-1FA-3B7 + code:462e/77/00+501f/77/00 cheat description:Complete round 1 and go to round 3 (disable after end of round) - code:3E1-79E-4CA+031-7AE-A2A+E01-7BE-2A9 + code:1179/28/3e+117a/10/03+117b/f0/e0 cheat description:Complete round 1 and go to round 4 (disable after end of round) - code:3E1-79E-4CA+041-7AE-A2A+E01-7BE-2A9 + code:1179/28/3e+117a/10/04+117b/f0/e0 cheat description:Computer can't move from floor - code:003-279-19E+003-249-19E + code:6327/3d/00+6324/3d/00 cheat description:Normal punches do more damage - code:F40-E89-2AE + code:60e8/31/f4 cheat description:Uppercuts do less damage - code:311-009-3B9 + code:6100/f4/31 cheat description:Back throws do less damage - code:311-3A9-E69 + code:613a/c0/31 cheat description:Special moves (projectiles) do more damage - code:F41-5A9-E60 + code:615a/82/f4 cartridge sha256:6c2733c0a57bbfe5075bec42e0735c685c934780db45b33f899f62dfea549f69 name:Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility except for throws and projectiles - code:00A-25E-081+00A-26E-7F5+7DA-27E-E69+14A-29E-D56+C8A-2AE-E69+C9D-57E-C49 + code:1a25/fa/00+1a26/e7/00+1a27/c0/7d+1a29/0f/14+1a2a/c0/c8+1d57/c8/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:00D-30E-F7A + code:1d30/04/00 cartridge sha256:cd999acce90fb40bb1231fda253fa8a0db9e26517ed4723353429aedf4ddf5db name:Mortal Kombat 4 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - normal attacks - code:C9C-E0E-C49 + code:1ce0/c8/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal attacks - code:00C-CBE-D56 + code:1ccb/0f/00 cartridge sha256:abc725f10251ae954a23c46b7e33b101bc52203fed4ffad49018858d82361964 name:Motocross Maniacs (USA) cheat description:Infinite tires on pick-up - code:FAD-CDE-4C1 + code:1dcd/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite jet on pick-up - code:FAD-C7E-4C1 + code:1dc7/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-22D-E6E + code:2d22/01/00 cheat description:Faster timer - code:02D-22D-E6E + code:2d22/01/02 cheat description:Start with 7 nitros - code:079-E4F-F7A + code:09e4/04/07 cheat description:Super fast bike - code:FA0-1ED-4C1+009-88E-B30 + code:201e/ea/fa+1988/96/00 cartridge sha256:e493b87e119d61268af2f97c9e16e65daab3c8223c15261214656667108cc817 name:Mouse Trap Hotel (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA2-0CD-4C1 + code:220c/ea/fa cheat description:Collect cookie for invincibility against balls, etc. - code:FA6-E9F-4C1+FA6-DAF-4C1 + code:06e9/ea/fa+06da/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:043-38F-E62 + code:0338/02/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:063-38F-E62 + code:0338/02/06 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:083-38F-E62 + code:0338/02/08 cartridge sha256:6e4876c4e6516d8f3325a7341bea05a275d91de178af080e174d697a4e3d5921 name:Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise (USA) cheat description:Can eat momos without zapping them - code:FAC-51E-C41+FAD-4DE-C41+FAC-F9E-C41+FAC-A5E-C41 + code:1c51/ca/fa+1d4d/ca/fa+1cf9/ca/fa+1ca5/ca/fa cartridge sha256:c19f7ec9ff29fa438d7ef189f81711dcaedaa55c86b192d6d9020f5f7dc22702 name:Mr. Do! (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18C-39E-2AA + code:1c39/30/18 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA7-28C-4C1 + code:3728/ea/fa cheat description:Only 1 Cherry needed to complete level - code:AFE-35C-19E + code:3e35/3d/af cheat description:Keep 1 map layout thru game (still will progress from map to map, but layout stays the same) - code:3E8-2CE-191+098-2DE-C42+188-2EE-6EA + code:182c/fe/3e+182d/0a/09+182e/20/18 cheat description:Start new game from level you died on - code:235-6AC-6E2+214-78D-4C1 + code:356a/22/23+2478/ea/21 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:015-B2E-E66 + code:15b2/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:065-B2E-E66 + code:15b2/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:095-B2E-E66 + code:15b2/03/09 cartridge sha256:ccf89ab34bbea5c54cf8da205bd5db9364c1e81136a8ffd009fa0f822d0373a8 name:Mr. Driller (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:185-04D-4CA + code:2504/28/18 cheat description:Infinite air - code:FA6-4ED-4C1 + code:264e/ea/fa cheat description:Break brown blocks faster - code:3EE-038-6EA+C97-3ED-F7D + code:7e03/20/3e+273e/c5/c9 cheat description:Dig faster (hold A) - code:1A4-89D-806 + code:2489/1b/1a cartridge sha256:46c4a36696d1594ffa3441db352d80c8e4927794373d9d2712dcd425664936fe name:Mr Nutz (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3EC-EEB-C45 + code:4cee/cb/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - Nuts - code:44E-01B-E6E+18E-00B-2AA + code:4e01/01/44+4e00/30/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Tail - code:61D-3BB-A24+18D-3AB-E61 + code:4d3b/93/61+4d3a/c2/18 cheat description:One hit kills - Bosses - code:189-63B-08A + code:4963/38/18 cheat description:Always have Nuts - code:11E-E5E-F72+18E-E4E-4CA + code:1ee5/06/11+1ee4/28/18 cheat description:Moon jump - code:00F-54E-6EA+3EF-4CE-6EA + code:1f54/20/00+1f4c/20/3e + +cartridge sha256:d3148649d39fc4f5a8ca3624e022a6c92afbb82b335a3b568b514c60894bfd6b + name:Mr Nutz (USA) (En,Fr,Es) + cheat + description:Press Select to refill your health, nutz and lives. Hold Select and press Start to skip to the next stage. + code:397a/25/00 cartridge sha256:21db857936d7eff3d57d576f0a01a52e012d0dcf5dc8f2a6cdb0e92a131a72b6 name:Ms. Pac-Man (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:009-06E-E62 + code:1906/02/00 cheat description:Get fruit from anywhere - code:00B-21E-D56 + code:1b21/0f/00 cartridge sha256:8e556307f484b3451429f695391820e896202b1046312473911abb72222acee3 name:Ms. Pac-Man - Special Color Edition (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Ms. Pac-Man - Invincibility - code:182-1EA-2AA + code:521e/30/18 cheat description:Ms. Pac-Man - Infinite lives - code:FA7-D19-4C1 + code:67d1/ea/fa cheat description:Ms. Pac-Man - Get fruits from anywhere - code:3E6-CDC-2AA + code:36cd/30/3e cheat description:Super Pac - Invincibility - code:C39-C09-C41 + code:69c0/ca/c3 cheat description:Super Pac - Infinite lives - code:FAA-239-4C1 + code:6a23/ea/fa + cheat + description:Super Pac - After eating a power pellet, ghosts stay vulnerable until eaten + code:559f/0b/00 cartridge sha256:ba1afcea3239c1acc9af228cebe6872f5547ad04480e71652e2e56dcd4e2f08e name:Mysterium (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-F8C-E69 + code:37f8/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA3-98C-4C1 + code:3398/ea/fa cheat description:Max energy in battle. Works for enemies, disable to defeat them. - code:AF8-78C-E68 + code:3878/80/af cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:3AD-B38-E6A + code:7db3/00/3a cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:01D-008-E66 + code:7d00/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05D-008-E66 + code:7d00/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:09D-008-E66 + code:7d00/03/09 cartridge sha256:220915c980318a194273d11d7a22836734ae6365ea2d8658956c3be374fc89f0 name:Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-CFB-E69 + code:41cf/c0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - main weapon - code:DA2-2BB-197+002-19B-C49 + code:422b/7f/da+4219/c8/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - ninja stars - code:3C2-55B-C49+002-41B-C49 + code:4255/c8/3c+4241/c8/00 cheat description:Walk over water and pits - code:185-E9B-6EA + code:45e9/20/18 cartridge sha256:424ca9fc4d842444a01c4dbf7375558035f4cb04a7d7056a4c1a1a18b769643d name:Nail'n Scale (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00B-7EF-E65 + code:0b7e/c3/00 + cheat + description:Can always use power-ups (press select) + code:214c/77/00+136e/20/18 + cheat + description:Can use power-ups in boss levels + code:132f/c3/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:004-B5F-F7A + code:04b5/04/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:084-B5F-F7A + code:04b5/04/08 cartridge sha256:24797d8f8f74f56fd619f346db92b1829b2262c979a0dca58875ae86d93abe66 name:NBA Jam (USA, Europe) cheat description:Dunk and layup from anywhere - code:C36-42C-801+006-23C-6E2+FA4-66B-D5D+006-1BC-C49 + code:3642/da/c3+3623/22/00+4466/cd/fa+361b/c8/00 cartridge sha256:e807eef2018cb12c73a5395a47936ce0b24b1e8876c10e3dff6b2d30873e52f3 name:Nemesis (Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - Default weapon - code:008-A7D-A29+008-B8D-A29 + code:28a7/d0/00+28b8/d0/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Laser - code:009-5FD-A29+009-70D-A29 + code:295f/d0/00+2970/d0/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Missiles - code:009-CBD-A29+009-DCD-A29 + code:29cb/d0/00+29dc/d0/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:007-68D-A29 + code:2768/d0/00 cartridge sha256:58c4da647070388c9e77ddf1a0fce6777c63ff96efcd804d0917f555c3e02369 name:Nemesis (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal weapon - code:008-A5D-A29+008-94D-A29 + code:28a5/d0/00+2894/d0/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Laser - code:009-5DD-A29+009-4CD-A29 + code:295d/d0/00+294c/d0/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - Missiles - code:009-C9D-A29+009-B8D-A29 + code:29c9/d0/00+29b8/d0/00 cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:007-55D-A29 + code:2755/d0/00 cartridge sha256:9ee539f631e964cb0fbf3564de53f8261b55ad61ca4b022ee423bfc8367f5002 name:Nettou Garou Densetsu 2 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - P1 - code:180-54B-4CA+180-B5B-4CA + code:4054/28/18+40b5/28/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere (except projectiles) - code:000-A5B-F7E + code:40a5/05/00 cartridge sha256:e8b4326469231ba798657cfa8032bc6c2000c0a61e11fbad8406711642a184eb name:NFL Football (USA) cheat description:No game timer - code:009-34A-E6E + code:5934/01/00 cheat description:Computer can't score on its possessions - code:AF1-EDE-E64 + code:11ed/83/af cheat description:Touchdown worth 1 point - code:01F-59F-F72 + code:0f59/06/01 cheat description:Touchdown worth 5 points - code:05F-59F-F72 + code:0f59/06/05 cheat description:Touchdown worth 8 points - code:08F-59F-F72 + code:0f59/06/08 + +cartridge sha256:d50625512f089c7a8c6ce3a44de7357466d61a2ef91ae0a0b87afce2a2e9621c + name:NFL Quarterback Club (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Final time is always under one second(speed and mobility) + code:2588/7c/af cartridge sha256:f513d07ace08618cb2d8a39471b617982f23e0b4f7814a62809b9969ff41635b name:Ninja Boy (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere (can get items from anywhere by punching) - code:00E-279-C43 + code:6e27/4a/00 cartridge sha256:efc3b14064153fd16b690034c078188d7d1f424ad210b585aaa4e7b0f7f171ee name:Ninja Gaiden Shadow (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C96-9C9-E69 + code:669c/c0/c9 cheat description:Invincibility (alt) - code:C92-C1D-081 + code:22c1/fa/c9 cheat description:Infinite health - code:003-1DD-19E + code:231d/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:003-1CE-19E + code:131c/3d/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:007-30D-806+CD7-1DD-919 + code:2730/1b/00+271d/dc/cd cheat description:One hit kills - bosses code:010011C4 cheat description:Start each new life with 5 firewheel markers - code:05B-01F-E6E+05B-29F-E6E + code:0b01/01/05+0b29/01/05 cheat description:Start at stage 1 boss (Spider) - code:02A-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/02 cheat description:Start at beginning of stage 2 - code:04A-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/04 cheat description:Start at stage 2 boss (Jack & Gregory) - code:07A-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/07 cheat description:Start at beginning of stage 3 - code:08A-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/08 cheat description:Start at stage 3 boss (Colonel Allen) - code:0BA-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/0b cheat description:Start at beginning of stage 4 - code:0CA-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/0c cheat description:Start at stage 4 boss (Evil Nobleman Who-kisai) - code:0FA-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/0f cheat description:Start at beginning of stage 5 - code:10A-E6F-E6A + code:0ae6/00/10 cartridge sha256:58ce4e32820b1313d86c96555abcc53220c9c221ae785338b0ebcf360eb5aaa7 name:Ninja Taro (USA) @@ -81104,2038 +82582,2083 @@ cartridge sha256:ea284fad45e612ab2fcd721152ab815fe8e58062155ab6e182195f637d7b6da name:Nintendo World Cup (USA, Europe) cheat description:Computer can't score - code:00E-2D8-19A + code:7e2d/3c/00 cheat description:No timer - code:00D-2C8-E6E + code:7d2c/01/00 cheat description:1:59 each half - code:01C-DD8-E66 + code:7cdd/03/01 cheat description:4:59 each half - code:04C-DD8-E66 + code:7cdd/03/04 cheat description:6:59 each half - code:06C-DD8-E66 + code:7cdd/03/06 cheat description:9:59 each half - code:09C-DD8-E66 + code:7cdd/03/09 cartridge sha256:79b35e46b8258cccf8a858b6d66caf16855399fdc54bb1c0a5342e409908363f name:Nobunaga's Ambition (USA) cheat description:Train samurais once and they have 100% skill level (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:3EF-9FB-191 + code:4f9f/fe/3e cheat description:Start with 75 loyalty pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:4B1-5AA-2A2 + code:515a/32/4b cheat description:Start with 100 loyalty pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:641-5AA-2A2 + code:515a/32/64 cheat description:Start with 50 town value pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:321-56A-80E + code:5156/19/32 cheat description:Start with 75 town value pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:4B1-56A-80E + code:5156/19/4b cheat description:Start with 100 town value pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:641-56A-80E + code:5156/19/64 cheat description:Start with 50 castle defense pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:321-5CA-D56 + code:515c/0f/32 cheat description:Start with 75 castle defense pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:4B1-5CA-D56 + code:515c/0f/4b cheat description:Start with 100 castle defense pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:641-5CA-D56 + code:515c/0f/64 cheat description:Start with flood control level at 75 (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:4B1-5BA-2A2 + code:515b/32/4b cheat description:Start with flood control level at 100 (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:641-5BA-2A2 + code:515b/32/64 cheat description:Start with 2580 rice pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:0AE-B6B-B3A+0AE-B9B-E6A + code:4eb6/14/0a+4eb9/00/0a cheat description:Start with 788 rice pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:03E-B6B-B3A+03E-B9B-E6A + code:4eb6/14/03+4eb9/00/03 cheat description:Start with 276 rice pts (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:01E-B6B-B3A+01E-B9B-E6A + code:4eb6/14/01+4eb9/00/01 cheat description:Start with 999 gold (must be Oda Nobunaga) - code:0AE-B6B-D56+0AE-B7B-E6A + code:4eb6/0f/0a+4eb7/00/0a cheat description:Attributes for Oda Nobunaga are 100% (will show original values, answer no when asked if this is OK, then attributes will be 100%) - code:3E5-7EA-191 + code:557e/fe/3e + +cartridge sha256:52ad82cb79d557d37c4fd92a9782c594f49340d493f007900b901b3aa232bb9e + name:Oddworld Adventures (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:7afa/ca/c3 cartridge sha256:0b6670e44cc2edc6fbf32fc78f499e774cf0802019480f2bf7bdb836ee15c433 name:Operation C (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AFA-BFA-C45+77A-C0A-D53 + code:5abf/cb/af+5ac0/4e/77 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:00A-CAC-91A+C3A-E4C-919+C6A-F5C-191 + code:3aca/1c/00+3ae4/dc/c3+3af5/fe/c6 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:005-C0A-B3F+5A0-E6F-195+520-E7F-195+550-EAF-195+7A0-E9F-195+CD0-E5F-195+CD0-E8F-195+C90-EBF-195+E55-BFA-083 + code:55c0/55/00+00e6/ff/5a+00e7/ff/52+00ea/ff/55+00e9/ff/7a+00e5/ff/cd+00e8/ff/cd+00eb/ff/c9+55bf/7a/e5 cartridge sha256:efcce0d4264fbfff4b1b3a0843a681194b2d7a597e842d2895c2eadcfc6998c3 name:Out of Gas (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA5-DDF-4C1 + code:05dd/ea/fa cheat description:Collect only 1 canister to complete each stage - code:AF8-ECE-191 + code:18ec/fe/af cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:021-ACF-E66 + code:01ac/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:041-ACF-E66 + code:01ac/03/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:081-ACF-E66 + code:01ac/03/08 cartridge sha256:d07986785d76db33e96ccbbe840ac962542f1c359e5b896e6478afd5cf9586b3 name:Pac-Man (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-7DE-A29 + code:177d/d0/c9 cheat description:Get fruit from anywhere - code:009-22E-E69+009-28E-E69 + code:1922/c0/00+1928/c0/00 cartridge sha256:dcbbc8f8128940a35c9b09624a9987a80cecb2edc8db8e48605de30b4887a3a9 name:Pac-Man - Special Color Edition (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C96-27A-A29 + code:5627/d0/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00C-89B-3BE + code:4c89/35/00 cheat description:Get fruits from anywhere - code:007-D2A-E69+007-CCA-E69 + code:57d2/c0/00+57cc/c0/00 cartridge sha256:8b81c75dd11e24ba5e1d2f439a6fabf7313024829df397409a20dd37995122cb name:Pagemaster, The (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:008-36B-19E + code:4836/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite Help Books - code:00F-348-19E + code:7f34/3d/00 cheat description:Don't flash at all when you start a new stage - code:000-95B-19A + code:4095/3c/00 cheat description:Flash longer when you start a new stage - code:FF0-95B-19A + code:4095/3c/ff cheat description:Get a Help Book for every Gold Token - code:01F-D1E-912 + code:1fd1/1e/01 cheat description:Get a Help Book for every 2 Gold Tokens - code:02F-D1E-912 + code:1fd1/1e/02 cheat description:Get a Help Book for every 10 Gold Tokens - code:0AF-D1E-912 + code:1fd1/1e/0a cheat description:Get a Help Book for every 50 Gold Tokens - code:32F-D1E-912 + code:1fd1/1e/32 cheat description:Get a Help Book for every 99 Gold Tokens - code:63F-D1E-912 + code:1fd1/1e/63 cheat description:Start in the Adventure World with 1 life - code:011-BFF-F7E+001-C3F-5D4 + code:01bf/05/01+01c3/af/00 cheat description:Start in the Fantasy World with 2 lives - code:021-BFF-F7E+001-C3F-5D4 + code:01bf/05/02+01c3/af/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:011-BFF-F7E + code:01bf/05/01 cheat description:Start with 3 lives - code:031-BFF-F7E + code:01bf/05/03 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:071-BFF-F7E + code:01bf/05/07 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A1-BFF-F7E + code:01bf/05/0a cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0F1-BFF-F7E + code:01bf/05/0f cheat description:Start with 11,111,111 points - code:3C1-CDF-5D4 + code:01cd/af/3c cartridge sha256:b36e2bb2642a385ce67c059e8fb2a1cc4f63ccff56c023a3f211d81ebd4a8a77 name:Paperboy (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility (except for training courses) - code:C91-8C9-D5D+C92-DC9-B3D + code:618c/cd/c9+62dc/d5/c9 cartridge sha256:5c357df199e755eae719588a3424d49bc5212289922f11968e47954276941d6a name:Paperboy 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite papers - code:004-C09-3BE + code:64c0/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:006-91B-3BE + code:4691/35/00 cheat description:Go on to next day after completing Monday - code:007-0CB-F72 + code:470c/06/00 cheat description:Start with 15 papers - 1st life only - code:0FC-C6C-C42 + code:3cc6/0a/0f cheat description:Start with 20 papers - 1st life only - code:14C-C6C-C42 + code:3cc6/0a/14 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - Paperboy - code:0AA-E6C-F7E + code:3ae6/05/0a cheat description:Start with 20 lives - Paperboy - code:14A-E6C-F7E + code:3ae6/05/14 cartridge sha256:3bcf1b2fe43907d96e58b9aca893a9124bfb3c35774926279f9368a975665086 name:Parodius (Europe) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:7a20/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA3-C6C-4C1 + code:33c6/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite super shields once collected - code:FAB-5D8-4C1 + code:7b5d/ea/fa cheat description:Start with super shields and triple firing - code:FFB-D3D-E6A+FFB-D6D-E6A + code:2bd3/00/ff+2bd6/00/ff cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05A-93D-E66 + code:2a93/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:08A-93D-E66 + code:2a93/03/08 cheat description:Start with 11 lives - code:0BA-93D-E66 + code:2a93/03/0b cartridge sha256:b5c0c1e3bc4ee2f1ca3cba1bed9483707f4ab72b87e517ca80f1bbb612fd86cd name:Penguin Land (Japan) cheat description:Infinite time - code:FA0-0AD-4C1 + code:200a/ea/fa cartridge sha256:d84a2382b358d83a0891d40b2de65494f060d8be1a048d5aa8721282218b04b6 name:Pinball - Revenge of the 'Gator (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite supply of balls - code:007-E1F-3BE + code:07e1/35/00 cheat description:Disable left flipper - code:21F-24D-D5D + code:2f24/cd/21 cheat description:Disable right flipper - code:C9F-2AD-7F1 + code:2f2a/e6/c9 cheat description:Start with 1 ball - code:016-EDF-E66 + code:06ed/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 balls - code:096-EDF-E66 + code:06ed/03/09 cartridge sha256:ec2420a8d1b129379435e9a217ef8e6be7fcece10a17d72affa8b1b2449888cb name:Pinball Dreams (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite balls - code:008-18F-3BA + code:0818/34/00 cheat description:Start with 5x bonus, lose it if you collect any other bonus - code:3EB-EDF-4C1+04B-EEF-4C7+00B-EFF-A2D + code:0bed/ea/3e+0bee/6b/04+0bef/d1/00 cheat description:No tilt - shake the table as much as you want - code:004-BAC-4CA+004-BBC-B32 + code:34ba/28/00+34bb/16/00 cheat description:Collect 2x bonus and get 6x bonus - code:054-C7D-E62 + code:24c7/02/05 cheat description:Start with 1 ball - code:018-1BF-E66 + code:081b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 4 balls - code:048-1BF-E66 + code:081b/03/04 cheat description:Start with 7 balls - code:078-1BF-E66 + code:081b/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 balls - code:098-1BF-E66 + code:081b/03/09 + +cartridge sha256:fddf9b0ebdc5294554339b59dd9b949286e5281bf81f05bc4c1759844effc0a9 + name:Pinocchio (USA) + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:0b59/35/36 cartridge sha256:11347375400080c6e2bfac1ae908d571b91bd4a5406b823c912eb9df1bd3d014 name:Pitfall - Beyond the Jungle (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C91-9D8-E69 + code:719d/c0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA7-339-E61+FA7-AB9-E61+FA7-649-E61+FA7-ED9-E61 + code:6733/c2/fa+67ab/c2/fa+6764/c2/fa+67ed/c2/fa cheat description:Walk on air - code:C9F-6EE-192 + code:1f6e/3e/c9 + +cartridge sha256:634c932dafbc56bdf9b88c02cd69540b327523c2b1d21edcb672884c9a06ef68 + name:Planet of the Apes (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) + cheat + description:Infinite health + code:6563/c0/c9 + cheat + description:Start with all weapons + code:5e4b/1c/00 cartridge sha256:027a8bb2843c3f96373ca60830f58fbc2fcf15d51756649e002b87a97f438a41 name:Play Action Football (USA) cheat description:Always kick at full power - code:3E5-DFC-6EA+405-E0C-4C9+005-E5C-19E + code:35df/20/3e+35e0/e8/40+35e5/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00A-6BD-19E + code:2a6b/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite downs - code:013-2A9-E69 + code:632a/c0/01 cheat description:Only get 2 downs - code:02B-84E-F7A + code:1b84/04/02 cheat description:Only need 5 yards for 1st down - code:053-419-C42 + code:6341/0a/05 cartridge sha256:d6702e353dcbe2d2c69183046c878ef13a0dae4006e8cdff521cca83dd1582fe name:Pokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe) cheat description:One hit kills - code:3ED-49A-2AA + code:5d49/30/3e cheat description:Opponent doesn't attack - code:C96-DEB-D5D + code:46de/cd/c9 cheat description:No random battles - code:180-EA9-2AA + code:60ea/30/18 cheat description:Skip trainer battles - code:008-2C9-806 + code:682c/1b/00 cartridge sha256:fdcc3c8c43813cf8731fc037d2a6d191bac75439c34b24ba1c27526e6acdc8a2 name:Pokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe) (Rev A) cheat description:One hit kills - code:3ED-49A-2AA + code:5d49/30/3e cheat description:Opponent doesn't attack - code:C96-DEB-D5D + code:46de/cd/c9 cheat description:No random battles - code:180-EA9-2AA + code:60ea/30/18 cheat description:Skip trainer battles - code:008-2C9-806 + code:682c/1b/00 cartridge sha256:fb0016d27b1e5374e1ec9fcad60e6628d8646103b5313ca683417f52b97e7e4e name:Pokemon - Gold Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:One hit kills - code:00E-86A-D52 + code:5e86/0e/00 cheat description:Opponent doesn't attack - code:C96-86B-D5D + code:4686/cd/c9 cheat description:No random battles - code:186-469-2AA + code:6646/30/18 cheat description:Skip trainer battles - code:007-6B9-806 + code:676b/1b/00 cartridge sha256:72b190859a59623cbef6c49d601f8de52c1d2331b4f08a8d2acc17274fc19a8c name:Pokemon - Silver Version (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:One hit kills - code:3EE-85A-2AA + code:5e85/30/3e cheat description:Opponent doesn't attack - code:C96-86B-D5D + code:4686/cd/c9 cheat description:No random battles - code:186-469-2AA + code:6646/30/18 cheat description:Skip trainer battles (the only way to fight them is to talk to them) - code:007-6B9-806 + code:676b/1b/00 cartridge sha256:a54515bb6b3e364964d3c0226f5a6b0c8c0f7318c9296ef2e321df0bbb8541ce name:Pokemon Trading Card Game (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Always your turn - code:C97-BE9-6E9 + code:67be/e0/c9 cheat description:Attack without energy cards - code:187-4FB-2AA + code:474f/30/18 cartridge sha256:952660d14941a2ab77810c3fe36658c8e8dd490e2c4e744fb3d41ce2eb31e703 name:Pocket Bomberman (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:005-8AB-E6E+00C-54D-F7E + code:458a/01/00+2c54/05/00 cheat description:Bomb hits anywhere when placed on the ground - code:000-C2B-F76 + code:40c2/07/00 cartridge sha256:2f74f1a512d862372e0bccf09260ffb91a676cdb2391fd91f2f6bc8487d75974 name:Pong - The Next Level (USA, Europe) cheat description:Right side player cannot hit ball - code:288-FCB-6EA+DF8-FDB-6EA+038-FBB-E62 + code:48fc/20/28+48fd/20/df+48fb/02/03 cartridge sha256:cfff247d91c3c448d3588a5c5fc3ee4c19b0031e45679022bdbdadae6d545802 name:Pop'n TwinBee (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18A-52C-2AA+C3E-8DC-A21 + code:3a52/30/18+3e8d/d2/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal enemies - code:3E2-DDC-2AA+3E2-CEC-2AA + code:32dd/30/3e+32ce/30/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - bosses - code:3E0-D09-2AA+3E0-C39-2AA + code:60d0/30/3e+60c3/30/3e cartridge sha256:4a1c9750f77deffb8e003b8938d2ffe5f520fb43143aedd309909b8a9907856d name:Popeye 2 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility after first hit until end of level - code:00E-83B-19E + code:4e83/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite Pows - code:FA3-C59-4C1 + code:63c5/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA3-AFF-4C1 + code:03af/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - disable to advance in some areas - code:2A2-02B-A22 + code:4202/12/2a cheat description:Infinite continues - code:00A-1AA-19E + code:5a1a/3d/00 cheat description:Super code - more lives and power - code:88B-68B-E66 + code:4b68/03/88 cheat description:Start with 1 Pow after 1st life - code:013-A7F-E66 + code:03a7/03/01 cheat description:Start with 7 Pows after 1st life - code:073-A7F-E66 + code:03a7/03/07 cheat description:Start with no continues - code:003-F7A-F7E + code:53f7/05/00 cheat description:Start with 2 continues - code:023-F7A-F7E + code:53f7/05/02 cheat description:Start with 9 continues - code:093-F7A-F7E + code:53f7/05/09 cartridge sha256:584f8fcfde1ae9f262747be425df0ed4d1a7421d24b8d62af05b075875b1cb35 name:Project S-11 (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C36-BBB-E61 + code:46bb/c2/c3 cheat description:Hit anywhere - normal enemies - code:3E5-B0B-2AA+3E5-A4B-08A+3E5-B5B-08A+3E5-9FB-2AA + code:45b0/30/3e+45a4/38/3e+45b5/38/3e+459f/30/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere - bosses - code:3E6-5DB-08A+3E6-6EB-08A+3E6-69B-2AA+3E6-58B-2AA + code:465d/38/3e+466e/38/3e+4669/30/3e+4658/30/3e cheat description:One hit kills - normal enemies - code:185-E2B-08A + code:45e2/38/18 cheat description:One hit kills - bosses - code:3E6-87B-2AA + code:4687/30/3e cartridge sha256:e1b69e85caebf764bfa6cece5c1d33b67b370cf055480f309644b937e4a7ebdb name:Prophecy - The Viking Child (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAE-04C-4C1 + code:3e04/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FAD-F5C-4C1 + code:3df5/ea/fa cheat description:Each coin gives lots of money - code:00D-9BD-19B + code:2d9b/7c/00 cheat description:Start with 25 energy - 1st life - code:194-A5F-667 + code:04a5/63/19 cheat description:Start with 50 energy - 1st life - code:324-A5F-667 + code:04a5/63/32 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:034-A0F-E6E + code:04a0/01/03 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:064-A0F-E6E + code:04a0/01/06 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:094-A0F-E6E + code:04a0/01/09 cartridge sha256:459ccbbab8580bd93a2a0d5d66ca4ae42c8f664f3106687ffc31c7aef7dd677b name:Puzzle Boy II (Japan) cheat description:Walk anywhere - code:3EF-67F-6EA + code:0f67/20/3e cartridge sha256:cfc6560d1385808cfd5c242a9f3aa38892c6ab2cb242d0767115144c633708b6 name:Puzzled (USA) cheat description:Clear level automatically - code:C32-4AB-C41+FA2-96B-E61 + code:424a/ca/c3+4296/c2/fa cartridge sha256:567aef8ea27486a4fa38ef4a4ae6ebae2a9138dc8a6a675d155895936e1318d8 name:Pyramids of Ra (USA) cheat description:Energy bar doesn't go down when you make a move - code:FA5-8EB-4C1 + code:458e/ea/fa cheat description:Only 1 pt. of energy per move on first attempt at each level (instead of 3) - code:A2A-C48-6EC+3CA-C68-19B+FAA-C38-4C1 + code:7ac4/a1/a2+7ac6/7c/3c+7ac3/ea/fa cheat description:Start on level 100 - code:641-AB4-E6E+001-ACF-E6A + code:b1ab/01/64+01ac/00/00 cheat description:Start on level 300 - code:2C1-ABF-E6E+011-ACF-E6A + code:01ab/01/2c+01ac/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 500 - code:F41-ABF-E6E+011-ACF-E6A + code:01ab/01/f4+01ac/00/01 cartridge sha256:4e624ad741077f574c1d0b57cbc45171ed4ca9f23fa89dfd8f282897aa53ab9a name:Q Billion (USA) cheat description:Pressing Select in Game B once gives you 246 seconds - code:00B-9FE-C42 + code:1b9f/0a/00 cheat description:Infinite timer - code:007-55E-19E + code:1755/3d/00 cheat description:Level select - Game A - code:3EB-61F-08A+0DB-62F-B3E+00B-63F-08F + code:0b61/38/3e+0b62/15/0d+0b63/79/00 cartridge sha256:878a21de57986965bf2c68774119180d21dbd5111eef4a9a70ffd0f9f6bdbf7b name:Q-bert (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FAE-61C-801 + code:3e61/da/fa cheat description:Step on one cube to clear level - code:C38-2CB-C41 + code:482c/ca/c3 cartridge sha256:ed110933b5a41ed89d2b980e6e984733833fa6b2c15e5235eff1f5df54175df4 name:QIX (World) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AFE-DBC-3B4 + code:3edb/b7/af cheat description:Create any shape to clear level - code:000-9AB-F7A + code:409a/04/00 cartridge sha256:0ccfd1166f7e6158c8d4189e5dc9a11724fce01f375f2a78f54ed4a41d7beb0c name:QIX Adventure (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FA9-BDB-4C1+C33-8D8-E61 + code:49bd/ea/fa+738d/c2/c3 cheat description:Create any shape to clear level - code:3E5-33A-6EA+3E5-38A-08A + code:5533/20/3e+5538/38/3e cartridge sha256:7d8e122f6f70f6ca49521f2c24fd987e91f621977da2912702285735438be901 name:Quarth (USA, Europe) cheat description:Select up to level 5 - code:054-9EA-E66 + code:549e/03/05 cheat description:Super turbo ship - code:00B-31D-08F + code:2b31/79/00 cheat description:Blocks don't drop (push Up to bring blocks down) - code:AF6-32E-A28 + code:1632/90/af cheat description:Blocks drop faster - code:3E6-2BE-081+506-2CE-2AB+006-2DE-F79 + code:162b/fa/3e+162c/70/50+162d/c4/00 cheat description:Blocks drop super fast - code:3E6-2BE-081+806-2CE-2AB+006-2DE-F79 + code:162b/fa/3e+162c/70/80+162d/c4/00 cartridge sha256:3f6cdd669637c8a3aaaf02c9ae833e820a3e7f9e882e5cbb246bda5aa616ff87 name:Quest - Fantasy Challenge (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C32-7D9-A21+C9E-92A-192 + code:627d/d2/c3+5e92/3e/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:183-BAA-4CA+183-A7A-2AA+183-9AA-2AA + code:53ba/28/18+53a7/30/18+539a/30/18 cartridge sha256:6242b49e85e9652c278ceae22fd5c888495222b4ba78c0a82bb925f2acf66ac1 name:Quest RPG - Brian's Journey (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:FA6-F6B-D5D+C96-16B-E69 + code:46f6/cd/fa+4616/c0/c9 cheat description:One hit kills - code:C31-8FA-801+C31-9CA-801 + code:518f/da/c3+519c/da/c3 cartridge sha256:b3f2838cb64dfa12f93ab4767c3b0786cba0993015fefe1f592146f9d8f47d40 name:Radar Mission (USA, Europe) cheat description:Game B - Infinite money - code:003-33D-3BE + code:2333/35/00 cheat description:Game B - Move in 1 direction only - code:003-CCA-3BE + code:53cc/35/00 cheat description:Game B - Destroyed fleet disappears from radar screen but game doesn't end - code:00C-C6A-3BE + code:5cc6/35/00 cheat description:Game B - Start with 1 money bag - code:011-E0D-E66 + code:21e0/03/01 cheat description:Game B - Start with 1 extra money bag - code:041-E0D-E66 + code:21e0/03/04 cartridge sha256:9e30f9c36cfa1bc1fd6f111fa38a43f3c5907c26d81a65309279eec54a3d05d6 name:Raging Fighter (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:004-E0B-E6D+007-1AE-3B7 + code:44e0/c1/00+171a/77/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:009-1FB-A22 + code:491f/12/00 cheat description:4th difficulty level - go to options, set difficulty, press Left 3 times (won't show anything), then exit - code:3E1-F2A-4CA+041-F3A-E62+771-F4A-3BA + code:51f2/28/3e+51f3/02/04+51f4/34/77 cheat description:Start on level 4 - 1P tournament only - code:3EE-5BD-4C1+03E-5CD-4CB+00E-5DD-E61 + code:2e5b/ea/3e+2e5c/68/03+2e5d/c2/00 cheat description:Start on final level - 1P tournament only - code:3EE-5BD-4C1+07E-5CD-4CB+00E-5DD-E61 + code:2e5b/ea/3e+2e5c/68/07+2e5d/c2/00 cheat description:Start each fight with 10 seconds - code:10A-9AA-89C + code:5a9a/99/10 cheat description:Start with 1/2 time - code:50A-9AA-89C + code:5a9a/99/50 cheat description:Start with 3/4 time - code:75A-9AA-89C + code:5a9a/99/75 cartridge sha256:1a8bfa0e55e89241a9843e440e8e2a93dae906c654378e8b27df27e360de826c name:Rampage - World Tour (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00A-068-E6E + code:7a06/01/00 cheat description:Knock down buildings with one punch - code:3EA-BCA-2AA+3EA-BAA-4CA + code:5abc/30/3e+5aba/28/3e cartridge sha256:ff3915dab21e648cc8f30b28702db6d6784c8e01792d9a5c17a50a9f5994e48c name:Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:187-8AB-08A+00C-7D8-E6E+00C-288-E6E + code:478a/38/18+7c7d/01/00+7c28/01/00 cheat description:Knock down buildings with one punch - code:3E1-279-2AA + code:6127/30/3e cartridge sha256:ad5d681fa599b6cf9dae135c304317ac41f33bee0a5a583d7fa2a178ca66506f name:Rampart (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - levels don't end, enable at game play screen, disable after battle mode, enable to rebuild castle, disable to go on - code:003-9CF-3BE + code:039c/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:017-0EB-F79 + code:470e/c4/01 cheat description:Infinite cannons - code:01E-B3B-F79 + code:4eb3/c4/01 cheat description:Have 6 seconds to rebuild castle walls - code:3E0-29B-081+090-2AB-7F5+000-2BB-F7D + code:4029/fa/3e+402a/e7/09+402b/c5/00 cheat description:Have 66 seconds to rebuild castle walls - code:3E0-29B-081+440-2AB-7F5+000-2BB-F7D + code:4029/fa/3e+402a/e7/44+402b/c5/00 cheat description:Have 118 seconds to rebuild castle walls - code:3E0-29B-081+770-2AB-7F5+000-2BB-F7D + code:4029/fa/3e+402a/e7/77+402b/c5/00 cheat description:Levels last 10 seconds - code:3E0-40B-081+1A0-41B-B32+000-42B-F71 + code:4040/fa/3e+4041/16/1a+4042/c6/00 cheat description:Levels last 25 seconds - code:3E0-40B-081+2A0-41B-B32+000-42B-F71 + code:4040/fa/3e+4041/16/2a+4042/c6/00 cheat description:Levels last 50 seconds - code:3E0-40B-081+430-41B-B32+000-42B-F71 + code:4040/fa/3e+4041/16/43+4042/c6/00 cartridge sha256:9ca5b01d04985e0c83c68d5b434f322d2e7ee494fffed08cd747e8ade1569b0a name:Rayman (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) cheat description:Get items from anywhere - code:00A-ADB-F76+18F-A09-6EA + code:4aad/07/00+6fa0/20/18 cartridge sha256:46cfbba977f7d4cb8df51d5cb51f00dc0a4d9c129868a1ed88f2b0fa97454905 name:Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Space Cadet Adventures (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:F07-54E-6E9 + code:1754/e0/f0 cheat description:Infinite energy except when you fall into pits - code:F07-33E-6E9 + code:1733/e0/f0 cheat description:Start with 2 life - code:01D-2EA-E62 + code:5d2e/02/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:05D-2EA-E62 + code:5d2e/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:08D-2EA-E62 + code:5d2e/02/08 cheat description:Start with 5 energy - 1st life only - code:04D-32A-E66 + code:5d32/03/04 cheat description:Start with 6 energy - 1st life only - code:05D-32A-E66 + code:5d32/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 energy - 1st life only - code:06D-32A-E66 + code:5d32/03/06 cheat description:Start with 4 energy - after 1st life - code:047-5CE-E66 + code:175c/03/04 cheat description:Start with 5 energy - after 1st life - code:057-5CE-E66 + code:175c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 6 energy - after 1st life - code:067-5CE-E66 + code:175c/03/06 cartridge sha256:9a97678cbd8da02c8763e977674e17f460c06ea8b73bad35c52fe6817f506d44 name:Resident Evil Gaiden (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00B-18B-F7A+00B-12B-7F2 + code:4b18/04/00+4b12/26/00 cheat description:Infinite ammo on pick-up - code:004-26B-E65 + code:4426/c3/00 cheat description:Infinite Herbs - code:004-E88-3BE + code:74e8/35/00 cheat description:All Herbs cure poison - code:004-908-C49 + code:7490/c8/00 cheat description:Rapid fire - code:005-6BB-E62+CB1-D0B-D59 + code:456b/02/00+41d0/cc/cb cartridge sha256:ebe140f2c6dcd4e99192d5676b4cfe443a071daa9ff243a23a26ae98a53fead8 name:Return of the Ninja (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C98-4DD-3BD + code:284d/f5/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:FA8-A1B-A21+FA8-91B-A21 + code:48a1/d2/fa+4891/d2/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere on bosses - code:3EC-29E-2AA+3EC-19E-2AA + code:1c29/30/3e+1c19/30/3e cheat description:Cannot be detected by enemies - code:187-EDB-2AA + code:47ed/30/18 cheat description:Can always use special attack - code:04D-4FE-19A + code:1d4f/3c/04 + +cartridge sha256:5d7efe8f937eda0f42836482b728db9be2a5caf95d95b7985387e95b5448e3d3 + name:Rhino Rumble (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:4942/1d/00 cartridge sha256:c6d02170734d6b533d4599b6fca10ac83141e5ffe4902c4a98001aa61c00dffc name:RoboCop 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite health on scrolling levels - code:C95-9CE-C49 + code:159c/c8/c9 cheat description:Infinite health on ED-209 (tm) levels - code:AF4-D9A-3B7 + code:54d9/77/af cheat description:Infinite lives - code:B60-C2D-3BE + code:20c2/35/b6 cheat description:Infinite time - except stages 3 and 8 - code:C95-48E-C49 + code:1548/c8/c9 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:02A-E8E-F7A + code:1ae8/04/02 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05A-E8E-F7A + code:1ae8/04/05 cartridge sha256:9fb0e41e4c8afe737a688dbdc1b6f7019874f7e9ef4c0a27cba2b8be329ce45b name:RoboCop vs. The Terminator (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FAE-67B-4C1 + code:4e67/ea/fa cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:01D-7DD-E6A + code:2d7d/00/01 cheat description:Start on level 3 - code:02D-7DD-E6A + code:2d7d/00/02 cheat description:Start on level 4 - code:03D-7DD-E6A + code:2d7d/00/03 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:04D-7DD-E6A + code:2d7d/00/04 cheat description:Start on level 6 - code:05D-7DD-E6A + code:2d7d/00/05 cheat description:Start with 01010101 points - code:01D-5DD-56A + code:2d5d/2c/01 cheat description:Start with very little energy - 1st life - code:01D-58D-F76 + code:2d58/07/01 cheat description:Start with more energy - 1st life - code:15D-58D-F76 + code:2d58/07/15 cheat description:Start with very little energy - 2nd life - code:01E-E0B-F76 + code:4ee0/07/01 cheat description:Start with more energy - 2nd life - code:15E-E0B-F76 + code:4ee0/07/15 cartridge sha256:92e8d1acd4d2d3297a961409d4bb0ed49c784be4a6e91cfceabd05ab11894f3d name:Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (USA) cheat description:Balls are counted as strikes - code:00F-E2B-A28+001-13A-A29+001-10A-809 + code:4fe2/90/00+5113/d0/00+5110/d8/00 cheat description:No walks - code:014-68A-F7D + code:5468/c5/01 cheat description:No strikeouts - code:014-87A-F7D + code:5487/c5/01 cheat description:Infinite outs (except strikeouts, base runners will still be taken out) - code:016-B4C-F7D + code:36b4/c5/01 cheat description:No outs are called, except strikeouts - code:016-AFC-E66+01B-87C-E66 + code:36af/03/01+3b87/03/01 cheat description:No scoring - disable to score runs - code:009-46B-3B7+009-61B-3B7 + code:4946/77/00+4961/77/00 cartridge sha256:e3d0b1ddea8b4ada14c3bb5e990171e6b2e26935d9dbc15e5de90fb5f7f9595d name:Rolan's Curse (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:F0C-96C-6E9 + code:3c96/e0/f0 cheat description:Start with 2 energy pts - code:025-F5E-F7A + code:15f5/04/02 cheat description:Start with 6 energy pts - code:065-F5E-F7A + code:15f5/04/06 cartridge sha256:cf3f8f41498cdd32f5b3ee0cdccde1901b073798f3edac1a7d9ccc0141cb16be name:Rolan's Curse II (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:FOE-86C-6E9 + code:f000/79/00 cheat description:Infinite magic - code:F0E-01F-6E9 + code:0e01/e0/f0 cheat description:Takes 9 MP to use Electric ball - code:094-59A-E6E + code:5459/01/09 cheat description:Takes 2 MP to use Electric ball - code:024-59A-E6E + code:5459/01/02 cheat description:Starts you from a new place with power-ups - code:3C3-72E-5D4 + code:1372/af/3c cartridge sha256:8cebc4b128b79dd1b53a5b5a99450bb2783b86840ec61b22e70245dd6df8c39b name:R-Type (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9E-07E-081 + code:1e07/fa/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:01B-40D-4C7+18A-DAD-2AA+29A-DBD-4C6+AFB-49D-08F + code:2b40/6b/01+2ada/30/18+2adb/2b/29+2b49/79/af cheat description:One hit kills - code:187-9FF-08A+FA8-C1B-E61 + code:079f/38/18+48c1/c2/fa + +cartridge sha256:3d20b3fef48771f0d3ea2cdcf80812b02122a0a04dee0e8c8ae8e3e027f36741 + name:R-Type DX (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:De Souza mode accessible (press left on the game selection screen) + code:413c/04/05 cartridge sha256:2b059983d79efc5a4f77b41a4efbad68c65ae259715dc008f20a3c11226a943b name:R-Type II (Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9F-3FE-081 + code:1f3f/fa/c9 cartridge sha256:e0a07f84198e062c9ba8d617ef15679ba044f96510e5c62309ea1f743499a2c9 name:Samurai Shodown (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Computer takes all damage, even when you get hit - code:3EB-60D-7F1 + code:2b60/e6/3e cheat description:Infinite time - code:FA2-46D-4C1 + code:2246/ea/fa cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:186-C3E-6EA + code:16c3/20/18 cheat description:Blocking disabled - both players - code:FA0-45B-E61 + code:4045/c2/fa cheat description:Start timer at 30 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+1EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/1e cheat description:Start timer at 46 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+2EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/2e cheat description:Start timer at 62 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+3EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/3e cheat description:Start timer at 78 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+4EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/4e cheat description:Start timer at 94 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+5EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/5e cheat description:Start timer at 110 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+6EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/6e cheat description:Start timer at 126 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+7EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/7e cheat description:Start timer at 142 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+8EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/8e cheat description:Start timer at 158 seconds - code:3EF-80E-D57+9EF-81E-08F + code:1f80/4f/3e+1f81/79/9e cheat description:Both players start with 1/3 energy - code:11F-86E-3B6 + code:1f86/37/11 cheat description:Both players start with 2/3 energy - code:21F-86E-3B6 + code:1f86/37/21 cheat description:Both players start with more energy - code:FFF-86E-3B6 + code:1f86/37/ff cheat description:Always fight Genan Shiranui - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+008-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/00+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Galford - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+018-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/01+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Haohmaru - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+028-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/02+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Ukyo Tachibana - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+038-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/03+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Charlotte - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+048-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/04+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Tam Tam - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+058-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/05+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Earthquake - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+068-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/06+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Nakoruru - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+078-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/07+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Wan Fan - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+088-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/08+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Jubei Yagyo - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+098-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/09+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Hanzo Hattori - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+0A8-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/0a+689c/f0/e0 cheat description:Always fight Kyoshiro Senryo - code:3E8-9A9-2AA+0B8-9B9-D5E+E08-9C9-2A9 + code:689a/30/3e+689b/0d/0b+689c/f0/e0 cartridge sha256:384885e8eb8c7396a8c7df08729f61022cc740b3234a8d35bebe17cc7aef3c71 name:SeaQuest DSV (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00E-04B-19E + code:4e04/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:001-EB8-E6E + code:71eb/01/00 cheat description:Lose most energy after first hit - code:AFE-04B-19E + code:4e04/3d/af cheat description:Start with super score - code:03B-37D-E6A + code:2b37/00/03 cheat description:Start with very little hull energy - code:011-FCC-C42 + code:31fc/0a/01 cheat description:Start with 1/2 hull energy - code:051-FCC-C42 + code:31fc/0a/05 cheat description:Start with 3/4 hull energy - code:071-FCC-C42 + code:31fc/0a/07 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:01B-2DD-F7A + code:2b2d/04/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:04B-2DD-F7A + code:2b2d/04/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:09B-2DD-F7A + code:2b2d/04/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0EB-2DD-F7A + code:2b2d/04/0e cartridge sha256:52924262f2c60fc1c387a92bfdb43835c84968daf4ba465e7cc6627774e7b8a5 name:Serpent (USA) cheat description:Infinite missiles on pick-up - code:00F-B0E-E69 + code:1fb0/c0/00 cheat description:Win immediately - code:C33-B9F-E61+FA5-0DF-A21 + code:03b9/c2/c3+050d/d2/fa cheat description:Start with 5 missiles - code:057-C9D-E6A + code:27c9/00/05 cheat description:Start with 8 missiles - code:087-C9D-E6A + code:27c9/00/08 cheat description:Start with 15 missiles - code:0F7-C9D-E6A + code:27c9/00/0f cheat description:Start with smaller tail - code:157-C6D-4CA + code:27c6/28/15 cheat description:Start with longer tail - code:407-C6D-4CA + code:27c6/28/40 cartridge sha256:c8979ad731912452dabedff2c9fb23b19aa68cfdedbf5e99fec902547ce1bb76 name:Simpsons, The - Bart & the Beanstalk (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C97-2CC-E69 + code:372c/c0/c9 cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA7-42C-4C1 + code:3742/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002-83E-E6E + code:1283/01/00 cheat description:Infinite fire crackers - code:00A-608-19E + code:7a60/3d/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:001-ADF-E66 + code:01ad/03/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:041-ADF-E66 + code:01ad/03/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:091-ADF-E66 + code:01ad/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1/4 energy - code:106-37E-917 + code:1637/5f/10 cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:306-37E-917 + code:1637/5f/30 cheat description:Start with 3/4 energy - code:456-37E-917 + code:1637/5f/45 cartridge sha256:6ecab90879e06226ed6b2f6bdeb2d3ffa0736ee77c2132891083671465dd6934 name:Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Juggernauts (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time on all games - code:008-A6F-3B7 + code:08a6/77/00 cheat description:Always qualify with enough money - code:0A6-EB9-4C2 + code:66eb/2a/0a cheat description:See end sequence - code:043-5B9-F76 + code:635b/07/04 cheat description:Start on week 2 - code:023-5B9-F76 + code:635b/07/02 cheat description:Start on week 3 - code:033-5B9-F76 + code:635b/07/03 cheat description:Capt. Lance Murdock's Skateboard Bash & Crash - Infinite lives - code:FAF-829-4C1 + code:6f82/ea/fa cheat description:Capt. Lance Murdock's Skateboard Bash & Crash - Start with 1 life - code:01E-A89-F76 + code:6ea8/07/01 cheat description:Capt. Lance Murdock's Skateboard Bash & Crash - Start with 2 lives - code:02E-A89-F76 + code:6ea8/07/02 cheat description:Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Bop 'till You Drop - No hits against you - code:FA8-F38-4C1 + code:78f3/ea/fa cheat description:Herman's Military Minefield Mayhem - Infinite hits - code:FAB-F28-4C1 + code:7bf2/ea/fa cheat description:Herman's Military Minefield Mayhem - Infinite runs - code:FA2-848-4C1 + code:7284/ea/fa cheat description:Kwik-E-Mart Doggie Dodge - Infinite chances - code:FA2-279-4C1 + code:6227/ea/fa cheat description:Kwik-E-Mart Doggie Dodge - Start with 3 lives - code:03D-89A-916 + code:5d89/1f/03 cheat description:Kwik-E-Mart Doggie Dodge - Start with 6 lives - code:06D-89A-916 + code:5d89/1f/06 cheat description:Kwik-E-Mart Doggie Dodge - Start with 9 lives - code:09D-89A-916 + code:5d89/1f/09 cartridge sha256:534478ebd2558ab6a871540062fadbb0ea27808d7f6860942b2e6805fd15e87b name:Simpsons Itchy & Scratchy, The - Miniature Golf Madness (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00A-07A-C49 + code:5a07/c8/00 cheat description:Invincible after getting hit - code:00A-24A-3BE + code:5a24/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00A-24D-E6E + code:2a24/01/00 cheat description:Always get a hole in one - code:009-0E9-E6E + code:690e/01/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:000-7D9-CCE + code:607d/09/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:040-7D9-CCE + code:607d/09/04 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0E0-7D9-CCE + code:607d/09/0e cartridge sha256:28b2b87a43285afb3e55a96136f71c6a858b0bbe25caaa59f4ef3a6e6d5f64e8 name:Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:186-B1A-6EA + code:56b1/20/18 cheat description:Multi-jump (don't jump off screen) - code:180-679-6EA+0A0-689-7F2+8B0-5E9-C40 + code:6067/20/18+6068/26/0a+605e/8a/8b cartridge sha256:5d9c9ce079923b92034c7c2d172b5abfad9ec37332102cb247ea849393db9a99 name:Smurfs, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:187-C3A-6EA + code:57c3/20/18 cheat description:Multi-jump (don't jump off screen) - code:0A1-469-7F2+181-459-6EA+8B1-3C9-C40 + code:6146/26/0a+6145/20/18+613c/8a/8b cartridge sha256:a1e0c6d8385ab8c39569217f28cb335ccac8c85d31e01c9a2343c79494164478 name:Snoopy - Magic Show (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:183-D6B-6EA + code:43d6/20/18 cheat description:Start on level 2 - code:3E7-3FD-4C1+027-40D-087+007-41D-E65 + code:273f/ea/3e+2740/7b/02+2741/c3/00 cheat description:Start on level 5 - code:3E7-3FD-4C1+057-40D-087+007-41D-E65 + code:273f/ea/3e+2740/7b/05+2741/c3/00 cheat description:Start on level 9 - code:3E7-3FD-4C1+097-40D-087+007-41D-E65 + code:273f/ea/3e+2740/7b/09+2741/c3/00 cheat description:Start with 22 seconds - code:108-49A-E6B + code:5849/40/10 cheat description:Start with 63 seconds - code:3F8-49A-E6B + code:5849/40/3f cheat description:Start with 100 seconds - code:648-49A-E6B + code:5849/40/64 cartridge sha256:fece5b09e599c1f8116602fcabd558cc8dbbfe1c6c253853c5e871b0d732c11c name:SolarStriker (World) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00C-D6F-3BE + code:0cd6/35/00 cheat description:When you pick up a power-up, go straight to max power - code:3EF-65E-191+04F-66E-F7E + code:1f65/fe/3e+1f66/05/04 cheat description:Bullets are mega-powerful, almost invisible, when you pick up a power-up - code:3EF-65E-191+0BF-66E-F7E + code:1f65/fe/3e+1f66/05/0b cheat description:No loss of power-ups on dying - code:006-45E-C41 + code:1645/ca/00 cheat description:Stay on same level - code:00D-EEF-3BA + code:0dee/34/00 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:015-D0F-E62 + code:05d0/02/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:055-D0F-E62 + code:05d0/02/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:095-D0F-E62 + code:05d0/02/09 cheat description:Start on stage 2 - code:025-0AF-E6E + code:050a/01/02 cheat description:Start on stage 3 - code:035-0AF-E6E + code:050a/01/03 cheat description:Start on stage 4 - code:045-0AF-E6E + code:050a/01/04 cheat description:Start on stage 5 - code:055-0AF-E6E + code:050a/01/05 cheat description:Start on stage 6 - code:065-0AF-E6E + code:050a/01/06 cartridge sha256:b876faa05d3fa8c9e6d2812a7e17cbc8be83463e1d1536f13e9719ba0e7108b5 name:Solomon's Club (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:187-2AF-6EA + code:072a/20/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - fireball - code:146-63F-08A+186-62F-2AA + code:0663/38/14+0662/30/18 cheat description:Always have fireball - code:082-2AB-911+182-29B-6EA + code:422a/de/08+4229/20/18 cheat description:Items are free - code:09F-70E-081+18F-6FE-801 + code:1f70/fa/09+1f6f/da/18 cartridge sha256:3d6fd2f730d66266215b06c7d40ebd060aca9a48f8117d25a4411fa5d644ff57 name:Solitaire FunPak (USA, Europe) cheat description:Klondike - Move cards to any stack - code:18C-D2B-6EA+18B-B3B-6EA+34B-B4B-C4E+FAC-F2B-D5D+00C-F1B-91E + code:4cd2/20/18+4bb3/20/18+4bb4/09/34+4cf2/cd/fa+4cf1/1d/00 cheat description:Freecell - Move cards to any stack - code:6DB-35B-2AB+C3B-34B-C41+009-FEB-7FE + code:4b35/70/6d+4b34/ca/c3+49fe/25/00 cartridge sha256:b9b4ee32ab8b74ffd90d7606715893f4b6bd2a3b97c14b2ac2fc6683cfbe1986 name:Soukoban (Japan) cheat description:Walk through walls - code:FA7-1AF-C41 + code:071a/ca/fa cartridge sha256:ed0ab3bfcbc6ac96cc1c8eebb9cdabf0c52e1a562d115eefe47b2078746bc691 name:Soukoban 2 (Japan) cheat description:Walk through walls - code:FA8-27F-E61+FF8-03F-E6E + code:0827/c2/fa+0803/01/ff + +cartridge sha256:c84accad1cc05913a034ff54bc936a908438c84b0dddce5138d79c11006c9cf2 + name:Space Marauder (USA) + cheat + description:Infinite lives + code:17be/01/00 + cheat + description:Start with 99 lives + code:0ec2/02/99 cartridge sha256:6ffe31b21d429801b8e5a460e58bd857e41aef888d19297fc558cf25def0d10d name:Spanky's Quest (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:000-60E-19E + code:1060/3d/00 cheat description:Mega ball power-ups - hit it with your head once for full power - code:074-1ED-E6A + code:241e/00/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00B-96D-E62 + code:2b96/02/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:05B-96D-E62 + code:2b96/02/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:08B-96D-E62 + code:2b96/02/08 cheat description:Start on tower 1, stage 5 (disable after starting stage) - code:3ED-68D-C45+04D-69D-3B6 + code:2d68/cb/3e+2d69/37/04 cheat description:Start on tower 1, stage 10 (disable after starting stage) - code:3ED-68D-C45+09D-69D-3B6 + code:2d68/cb/3e+2d69/37/09 cheat description:Start on tower 1, last stage (disable after starting stage) - code:3ED-68D-C45+0FD-69D-3B6 + code:2d68/cb/3e+2d69/37/0f cartridge sha256:7b96653450c5fb4522a77d46ecfa50d479b3dac28bafb1a13e416e43c42caae3 name:Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA, Europe) cheat description:Get lots of money - code:99D-CDB-F7A + code:4dcd/04/99 cheat description:Infinite money - code:FAA-E4C-4C1 + code:3ae4/ea/fa cheat description:No timer - code:00E-D99-3BE + code:6ed9/35/00 cheat description:Opponents can't score any points except from bounced stones - code:00C-30F-08B + code:0c30/78/00 cartridge sha256:5bfae99484fe74c42b55a0dd8835861cfeb7d05590882aab8f4253e4e7138b92 name:Speedy Gonzales (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAC-A9B-4C1 + code:4ca9/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:FA9-40B-4C1 + code:4940/ea/fa cheat description:Start 1st game with 1 life - code:00A-8A8-E66 + code:7a8a/03/00 cheat description:Start 1st game with 7 lives - code:06A-8A8-E66 + code:7a8a/03/06 cheat description:Start 1st game with 10 lives - code:09A-8A8-E66 + code:7a8a/03/09 cheat description:Start in Forest Zone after entering password 500999 - code:024-5A9-F72+004-5B9-A28 + code:645a/06/02+645b/90/00 cheat description:Start in Desert Zone after entering password 500999 - code:034-5A9-F72+004-5B9-A28 + code:645a/06/03+645b/90/00 cheat description:Start in County Zone after entering password 500999 - code:044-5A9-F72+004-5B9-A28 + code:645a/06/04+645b/90/00 cheat description:Start in Cheese Island Zone after entering password 500999 - code:054-5A9-F72+004-5B9-A28 + code:645a/06/05+645b/90/00 cheat description:Start continued games with 1 life - code:00D-87B-E66 + code:4d87/03/00 cheat description:Start continued games with 7 lives - code:06D-87B-E66 + code:4d87/03/06 cheat description:Start continued games with 10 lives - code:09D-87B-E66 + code:4d87/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1/2 time - code:05E-F6C-C4E + code:3ef6/09/05 cheat description:Start with 3/4 time - code:07E-F6C-C4E + code:3ef6/09/07 cartridge sha256:290f9d2ebd3221142873aa9650dc3276b577f1cfaf4ea2bc407f66a1ae110139 name:Speedy Gonzales - Aztec Adventure (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C96-CDF-E69 + code:06cd/c0/c9 cheat description:Walk on air - code:3EE-CFE-4CA + code:1ecf/28/3e cartridge sha256:89c4151a31f00dc0f20133ee5ec8f71f3023331de93e017e97d66dc497eb2aa9 name:Spider-Man 2 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA6-FBE-4C1 + code:16fb/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA6-C4E-4C1 + code:16c4/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite web power - code:FAD-F6E-4C1 + code:1df6/ea/fa cheat description:1 energy point after life lost - code:016-EEE-195 + code:16ee/ff/01 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00F-78E-E66 + code:1f78/03/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:04F-78E-E66 + code:1f78/03/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:09F-78E-E66 + code:1f78/03/09 cheat description:Start with 1 energy point - code:01F-5BE-195 + code:1f5b/ff/01 cheat description:Start with 4 web points - 1st life only - code:04F-73E-B3A + code:1f73/14/04 cheat description:Start with 5 web points - 1st life only - code:05F-73E-B3A + code:1f73/14/05 cheat description:Start with 9 web points - 1st life only - code:09F-73E-B3A + code:1f73/14/09 cartridge sha256:664dae41e2d08070ead51e76c2d6865e52a122566cf79203b7c6c496968ded6e name:Spider-Man 3 - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA7-ECE-4C1 + code:17ec/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA8-25E-4C1 + code:1825/ea/fa cheat description:Need to shoot 1 enemy to clear level 1-1 - code:01E-3AD-B3A + code:2e3a/14/01 cheat description:Start 1st life with 1/2 energy - code:723-ABD-195 + code:23ab/ff/72 cheat description:Start lives after 1st with 1/2 energy - code:728-18E-195 + code:1818/ff/72 cheat description:Start 1st level with 1/2 time - code:FA7-6FB-4C1 + code:476f/ea/fa cheat description:Start 1st level with 255 seconds on timer - code:FFE-2DD-B30 + code:2e2d/96/ff cartridge sha256:7275c3af129971c53ce901321f6ca85b414ebd84574c420d66c38aa87c219fe3 name:Spot - The Cool Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy (hearts) except when you fall off screen - code:FA9-0AC-4C1 + code:390a/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:045-76D-F7A + code:2576/04/04 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:065-76D-F7A + code:2576/04/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:095-76D-F7A + code:2576/04/09 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0F5-76D-F7A + code:2576/04/0f cheat description:Start with 25 bonus discs - code:255-80D-E6A + code:2580/00/25 cheat description:Start with 59 bonus discs - code:505-80D-E6A + code:2580/00/50 cheat description:Start with 5 energy (easy level) - code:052-F7B-F7E + code:42f7/05/05 cheat description:Start with 8 energy (easy level) - code:082-F7B-F7E + code:42f7/05/08 cheat description:Start with 10 energy (easy level) - code:082-F7B-F7E + code:42f7/05/08 cheat description:Start with 5 energy (hard level) - code:055-7BD-E66 + code:257b/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 energy (hard level) - code:085-7BD-E66 + code:257b/03/08 cheat description:Start with 10 energy (hard level) - code:082-7BD-E66 + code:227b/03/08 cartridge sha256:966883149824ad2542a03a6402278d1397cdf0cbc0a7ba8410265410426ebfb9 name:Spud's Adventure (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:002-67E-19E + code:1267/3d/00 cheat description:Begin each new screen with a key-except 1st screen - code:007-5FE-5D4 + code:175f/af/00 cheat description:1 EXP pt. for killing a bad guy - code:3E1-D1E-2A9+011-D2E-915 + code:11d1/f0/3e+11d2/df/01 cheat description:5 EXP pts. for killing a bad guy - code:3E1-D1E-2A9+051-D2E-915 + code:11d1/f0/3e+11d2/df/05 cheat description:9 EXP pts. for killing a bad guy - code:3E1-D1E-2A9+091-D2E-915 + code:11d1/f0/3e+11d2/df/09 cheat description:Start with 2 life - code:013-C8E-E62 + code:13c8/02/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:053-C8E-E62 + code:13c8/02/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:093-C8E-E62 + code:13c8/02/09 cartridge sha256:f0f1f547332965963ae2f8b3f3b5fd62203e0690cc0299d38e1a3aa56f6a263b name:Spy vs Spy - Operation Boobytrap (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:002-D2A-3BE + code:52d2/35/00 cheat description:Both spies start with 4 energy - code:046-9EE-C42 + code:169e/0a/04 cheat description:Both spies start with 6 energy - code:066-9EE-C42 + code:169e/0a/06 cheat description:Both spies start with 8 energy - code:086-9EE-C42 + code:169e/0a/08 cheat description:After death, start with 4 energy - white spy - code:04D-84B-C42 + code:4d84/0a/04 cheat description:After death, start with full energy - white spy - code:08D-84B-B42 + code:4d84/16/08 cheat description:No loss of energy during fight - both spies - code:005-14B-3BE + code:4514/35/00 cheat description:Other spy's punches do not affect your energy - code:005-03B-80A + code:4503/18/00 cheat description:Walking over floor flowers doesn't affect your energy - code:FA0-5CA-4C1 + code:505c/ea/fa cheat description:Traps do not affect energy - white spy - code:00A-76B-E62 + code:4a76/02/00 cartridge sha256:5b6bdf85e9083f328449b1316f5dd9c2789f4a57bdac5b16d74fe10bbea1b03c name:Square Deal - The Game of Two-Dimensional Poker (USA) cheat description:Infinite time on pause counter - code:01D-A0E-F79 + code:1da0/c4/01 cheat description:Timer starts at 30 - code:1EC-83E-10A + code:1c83/3c/1e cheat description:No time on pause counter - code:00C-83E-10A + code:1c83/3c/00 cheat description:Select up to level 10 in level select - code:0A4-D8D-F7E + code:24d8/05/0a cheat description:Start with 1 replay - code:3E3-AFD-C4E+013-B0D-193 + code:23af/09/3e+23b0/7e/01 cheat description:Start with 3 replays - code:3E3-AFD-C4E+033-B0D-193 + code:23af/09/3e+23b0/7e/03 cheat description:Start with 9 replays - code:3E3-AFD-C4E+093-B0D-193 + code:23af/09/3e+23b0/7e/09 cartridge sha256:2cdf2edac4e6230e063c867c60f92d5bb5f37969a19a32fb65c33fe9fafaa378 name:Stargate (USA, Europe) cheat description:Tile counter doesn't work - code:008-22B-E6E + code:4822/01/00 cheat description:Tiles all look blank but aren't - code:C92-74D-C49 + code:2274/c8/c9 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile one - code:0E9-7DB-80E+019-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/01 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile two - code:0E9-7DB-80E+029-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/02 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile three - code:0E9-7DB-80E+039-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/03 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile four - code:0E9-7DB-80E+049-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/04 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile five - code:0E9-7DB-80E+059-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/05 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile six - code:0E9-7DB-80E+069-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/06 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile seven - code:0E9-7DB-80E+079-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/07 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile eight - code:0E9-7DB-80E+089-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/08 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile nine - code:0E9-7DB-80E+099-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/09 cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile ten - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0A9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0a cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile eleven - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0B9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0b cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile twelve - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0C9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0c cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always smart bomb tiles - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0D9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0d cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always digger tiles - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0E9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0e cheat description:The bottom of the tiles are always tile wildcard tiles - code:0E9-7DB-80E+0F9-7EB-D53 + code:497d/19/0e+497e/4e/0f cartridge sha256:3123e4bcd304d84819c589775db3bf4a2b4fa6d23209b3da691ea7eda6045037 name:Star Hawk (Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FAA-2CF-4C1 + code:0a2c/ea/fa cheat description:Impenetrable shield - code:008-C0F-19E + code:08c0/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:006-92F-F7D + code:0692/c5/00 cheat description:Keep power-ups when you die - code:FAF-15F-4C1 + code:0f15/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:081-C1F-E66 + code:01c1/03/08 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A1-C1F-E66 + code:01c1/03/0a cheat description:Start with 12 lives - code:0C1-C1F-E66 + code:01c1/03/0c cartridge sha256:2085a11062131fd64c2bc836200a6e203c0bd45909d193c8ad82c0f79f2c025b name:Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Almost infinite phasers and shields - code:182-56D-2AA + code:2256/30/18 cheat description:Infinite attempts in sub game - code:013-D48-805 + code:73d4/db/01 cheat description:Start with very little phasers and shields - code:013-F78-7FB + code:73f7/64/01 cheat description:Start with 1/4 phasers and shields - code:223-F78-7FB + code:73f7/64/22 cheat description:Start with 1/2 phasers and shields - code:3F3-F78-7FB + code:73f7/64/3f cheat description:Start with 3/4 phasers and shields - code:4F3-F78-7FB + code:73f7/64/4f cartridge sha256:9c08d6bdf045668d64934c7cc773bb2353ec15e9dc3e3f5d8ea2e02f2a22be40 name:Star Trek - The Next Generation (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite shields - code:FA4-27D-4C1 + code:2427/ea/fa cheat description:Damage isn't repaired - code:001-13D-3BA + code:2113/34/00 cheat description:Damage repaired immediately - code:001-15D-6E7 + code:2115/63/00 cheat description:Life support starts at 25% power - code:19E-169-7FB + code:6e16/64/19 cheat description:Life support starts at 50% power - code:32E-169-7FB + code:6e16/64/32 cheat description:Life support starts at 75% power - code:4BE-169-7FB + code:6e16/64/4b cheat description:Warp drive starts at 25% power - code:19E-1A9-7FB + code:6e1a/64/19 cheat description:Warp drive starts at 50% power - code:32E-1A9-7FB + code:6e1a/64/32 cheat description:Warp drive starts at 75% power - code:4BE-1A9-7FB + code:6e1a/64/4b cheat description:Impulse drive starts at 25% power - code:19E-1E9-7FB + code:6e1e/64/19 cheat description:Impulse drive starts at 50% power - code:32E-1E9-7FB + code:6e1e/64/32 cheat description:Impulse drive starts at 75% power - code:4BE-1E9-7FB + code:6e1e/64/4b cheat description:Shields start at 25% power - code:19E-229-7FB + code:6e22/64/19 cheat description:Shields start at 50% power - code:32E-229-7FB + code:6e22/64/32 cheat description:Shields start at 75% power - code:4BE-229-7FB + code:6e22/64/4b cheat description:Phasers start at 25% power - code:19E-269-7FB + code:6e26/64/19 cheat description:Phasers start at 50% power - code:32E-269-7FB + code:6e26/64/32 cheat description:Phasers start at 75% power - code:4BE-269-7FB + code:6e26/64/4b cheat description:Photon Torpedoes start at 25% power - code:19E-2A9-7FB + code:6e2a/64/19 cheat description:Photon Torpedoes start at 50% power - code:32E-2A9-7FB + code:6e2a/64/32 cheat description:Photon Torpedoes start at 75% power - code:4BE-2A9-7FB + code:6e2a/64/4b cheat description:Sensors start at 25% power - code:19E-2E9-7FB + code:6e2e/64/19 cheat description:Sensors start at 50% power - code:32E-2E9-7FB + code:6e2e/64/32 cheat description:Sensors start at 75% power - code:4BE-2E9-7FB + code:6e2e/64/4b cheat description:Transporter starts at 25% power - code:19E-329-7FB + code:6e32/64/19 cheat description:Transporter starts at 50% power - code:32E-329-7FB + code:6e32/64/32 cheat description:Transporter starts at 75% power - code:4BE-329-7FB + code:6e32/64/4b cartridge sha256:9cf6aa2b4d6a4bb877d33bb6131562c9f41deb369d08c5b60266941bb276561f name:Star Wars (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:C9B-5CC-3BE + code:3b5c/35/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00B-6AC-195 + code:3b6a/ff/00 cheat description:Infinite continues - code:FA2-F6E-4C1 + code:12f6/ea/fa cheat description:No continues - code:003-A2F-C42 + code:03a2/0a/00 cheat description:20 continues - code:143-A2F-C42 + code:03a2/0a/14 cheat description:More energy - 1st life only - code:990-B7E-C4A + code:10b7/08/99 cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy on all lives except 1st - code:04C-12C-C4A + code:3c12/08/04 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:013-B7F-E66 + code:03b7/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:063-B7F-E66 + code:03b7/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:093-B7F-E66 + code:03b7/03/09 cartridge sha256:a62719fa767547a11ac20e0ad5d1fd43b68f92908a5c81dd3aba95f921458c51 name:Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA) cheat description:Infinite continues - code:00E-A1F-19E + code:0ea1/3d/00 cheat description:Start with all force abilities in inventory - still need to get force power to activate - code:011-D7F-E6A+001-CFF-5D4 + code:01d7/00/01+01cf/af/00 cartridge sha256:5393db89f3763c973438d8a6abd4ff83c404fe6cd58a8041adf2cd6d85535835 name:Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (USA) cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:00F-269-C49+007-E19-C49 + code:6f26/c8/00+67e1/c8/00 cartridge sha256:8730c69cb2aa82260ac07257e0e29d61f598de2f8fa3e65da1d694790fa5db16 name:Street Fighter II (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Invincibility - code:18A-8ED-4CA+18A-9FD-4CA+18A-D2D-4CA + code:2a8e/28/18+2a9f/28/18+2ad2/28/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P1 - code:00A-B1D-F7E + code:2ab1/05/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - P2 - code:00A-8FD-F7E + code:2a8f/05/00 cheat description:Fireball kills - code:885-838-B3E + code:7583/15/88 cheat description:Nobody takes damage from anything but throws/grabs - code:009-249-3B7 + code:6924/77/00 cheat description:Opponent can't win any normal rounds - code:00B-938-E6D + code:7b93/c1/00 cheat description:Allows you to select a higher skill level - code:093-85A-F72 + code:5385/06/09 cheat description:Fireball doesn't do any damage - code:005-838-B3E + code:7583/15/00 cheat description:Fireball does more damage - code:405-838-B3E + code:7583/15/40 cheat description:Player one starts with very little energy - code:013-F89-2AB + code:63f8/70/01 cheat description:Player one starts with 1/4 energy - code:1F3-F89-2AB + code:63f8/70/1f cheat description:Player one starts with 1/2 energy - code:3A3-F89-2AB + code:63f8/70/3a cheat description:Player one starts with 3/4 energy - code:523-F89-2AB + code:63f8/70/52 cheat description:Player one starts with more energy - code:FF3-F89-2AB + code:63f8/70/ff cheat description:Player two starts with very little energy - code:013-FF9-2AB + code:63ff/70/01 cheat description:Player two starts with 1/4 energy - code:1F3-FF9-2AB + code:63ff/70/1f cheat description:Player two starts with 1/2 energy - code:3A3-FF9-2AB + code:63ff/70/3a cheat description:Player two starts with 3/4 energy - code:523-FF9-2AB + code:63ff/70/52 cheat description:Player two starts with more energy - code:FF3-FF9-2AB + code:63ff/70/ff cheat description:Start with seconds on the timer - code:884-619-6E7 + code:6461/63/88 cheat description:Ryu - Foot sweep doesn't do any damage - code:005-0B8-A2A + code:750b/10/00 cheat description:Ryu - Foot sweep does more damage - code:405-0B8-A2A + code:750b/10/40 cheat description:Ryu - Foot sweep kills - code:885-0B8-A2A + code:750b/10/88 cheat description:Ryu - Crouch punch doesn't do any damage - code:004-F78-A2A + code:74f7/10/00 cheat description:Ryu - Crouch punch does more damage - code:404-F78-A2A + code:74f7/10/40 cheat description:Ryu - Crouch punch kills - code:884-F78-A2A + code:74f7/10/88 cheat description:Ryu - Normal upper cut doesn't do any damage - code:004-A78-A2A + code:74a7/10/00 cheat description:Ryu - Normal upper cut does more damage - code:404-A78-A2A + code:74a7/10/40 cheat description:Ryu - Normal upper cut kills - code:884-A78-A2A + code:74a7/10/88 cheat description:Ryu - Straight punch doesn't do any damage - code:004-CF8-A3A + code:74cf/10/00 cheat description:Ryu - Straight punch does more damage - code:404-CF8-A3A + code:74cf/10/40 cheat description:Ryu - Straight punch kills - code:884-CF8-A3A + code:74cf/10/88 cheat description:Ryu - Standong hack kick doesn't do any damage - code:004-BB8-C42 + code:74bb/0a/00 cheat description:Ryu - Standong hack kick does more damage - code:404-BB8-C42 + code:74bb/0a/40 cheat description:Ryu - Standong hack kick kills - code:884-BB8-C42 + code:74bb/0a/88 cheat description:Ryu - Rolling throw doesn't do any damage - code:005-B58-A22 + code:75b5/12/00 cheat description:Ryu - Rolling throw does more damage - code:405-B58-A22 + code:75b5/12/40 cheat description:Ryu - Rolling throw kills - code:885-B58-A22 + code:75b5/12/88 cheat description:Ryu - Jumping straight up and kicking doesn't do any damage - code:005-338-A2E + code:7533/11/00 cheat description:Ryu - Jumping straight up and kicking does more damage - code:405-338-A2E + code:7533/11/40 cheat description:Ryu - Jumping straight up and kicking kills - code:885-338-A2E + code:7533/11/88 cheat description:Ryu - Standing short kick doesn't do any damage - code:004-D98-C4A + code:74d9/08/00 cheat description:Ryu - Standing short kick does more damage - code:404-D98-C4A + code:74d9/08/40 cheat description:Ryu - Standing short kick kills - code:884-D98-C4A + code:74d9/08/88 cartridge sha256:201aec9eb615f1434100e0db39d6039e3f80670a680b8af9df15915315c170b1 name:Sumo Fighter (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FAE-C8A-4C1 + code:5ec8/ea/fa cheat description:At easy or hard level screen, press down three times then A for super hard mode (makes display look weird) - code:092-06F-F7E + code:0206/05/09 cheat description:Start with 2 energy bars - code:02B-AFA-E66 + code:5baf/03/02 cheat description:Start with 5 energy bars - code:05B-AFA-E66 + code:5baf/03/05 cheat description:Start with 8 energy bars - code:08B-AFA-E66 + code:5baf/03/08 cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:012-0BF-E62 + code:020b/02/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:042-0BF-E62 + code:020b/02/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:072-0BF-E62 + code:020b/02/07 cartridge sha256:79da9658fdd3b92910f0a63ba6c7a45fb680b0e0ebe03ad1ed982d3dc92edae1 name:Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) cheat description:Infinite damage - code:E0B-00C-2A9 + code:3b00/f0/e0 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:005-95C-3BE + code:3595/35/00 cheat description:Infinite fuel - code:C9D-E1D-2A9 + code:2de1/f0/c9 cheat description:Start with 5 shells - code:05E-42D-2A2 + code:2e42/32/05 cheat description:Start with 99 shells - code:63E-42D-2A2 + code:2e42/32/63 cheat description:Start with 5 laser shots - code:05E-4DD-E6E + code:2e4d/01/05 cheat description:Start with 99 laser shots - code:63E-4DD-E6E + code:2e4d/01/63 cheat description:Start with 5 smoke shots - code:05E-58D-E6E + code:2e58/01/05 cheat description:Start with 99 smoke shots - code:63E-58D-E6E + code:2e58/01/63 cheat description:Start with 5 bullets - code:05E-63D-B30 + code:2e63/96/05 cheat description:Start with 99 bullets - code:63E-63D-B30 + code:2e63/96/63 cheat description:Start with very little fuel - code:15E-72D-195 + code:2e72/ff/15 cartridge sha256:fbd32fe43df00f5821f290e0b2010b9944e46fd687eabf34cf78451e4a62be68 name:Super Bombliss (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Drop one piece to clear level - code:3EB-69B-6EA+01A-A2B-E6A + code:4b69/20/3e+4aa2/00/01 cartridge sha256:f607ad68fdfd8cbaabe554fea2075050a7055f0fafef9a0fd2825a67b2fd038a name:Super Breakout (USA) cheat description:Paddle hits ball from anywhere (ball goes down the screen at times) - code:3C7-36F-B3D+C37-35F-801 + code:0736/d5/3c+0735/da/c3 cartridge sha256:be805b8c607bbf1fdaade6345f244da20ba6ca8ac587402445b8f272a0d708d7 name:Super Breakout! (USA) cheat description:Paddle hits ball from anywhere (ball goes down the screen at times) - code:3C7-36F-B3D+C37-35F-801 + code:0736/d5/3c+0735/da/c3 cartridge sha256:dab87fd694aa1358278b4850371ff1303dea2295b7b7cc14842c969014a73fb1 name:Super Chase H.Q. (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - code:006-78E-E6E + code:1678/01/00 cheat description:Infinite turbos - code:007-67E-19E + code:1767/3d/00 cheat description:Turbo boosts last half as long - code:777-47E-081 + code:1747/fa/77 cheat description:Turbo boosts lasts very short - code:157-47E-081 + code:1747/fa/15 cheat description:Turbo boosts lasts forever. Disable to fire a turbo boost then enable while turbo boost is going. - code:007-14E-F79 + code:1714/c4/00 cheat description:Start with lots of points - code:F59-90B-2A1 + code:4990/f2/f5 cheat description:Start with 1 turbo boost - code:010-E5A-E66+019-08B-E66 + code:50e5/03/01+4908/03/01 cheat description:Start with 2 turbo boosts - code:020-E5A-E66+029-08B-E66 + code:50e5/03/02+4908/03/02 cheat description:Start with 5 turbo boosts - code:050-E5A-E66+059-08B-E66 + code:50e5/03/05+4908/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 turbo boosts - code:090-E5A-E66+099-08B-E66 + code:50e5/03/09+4908/03/09 cartridge sha256:1a3841dfc6ccf87167d7b1f0ce17f3bbf9fd64445611e249f5902e8824e17483 name:Super Chinese Land (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility (blinking) - code:004-BEE-C4D + code:14be/c9/00 cheat description:Infinite health - code:7C5-0AB-802+125-0BB-3B7 + code:450a/1a/7c+450b/77/12 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:475-5AA-C4D + code:555a/c9/47 cartridge sha256:af5a78f29f7e5e70bfe4d0122bdb99d5d0e38a3e8912ff49c2630c7d6be7db67 name:Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe) @@ -83144,10 +84667,13 @@ cartridge sha256:af5a78f29f7e5e70bfe4d0122bdb99d5d0e38a3e8912ff49c2630c7d6be7db6 code:01FFDAC1+01FFDBC1 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:180-BBB-4CA+180-CBB-4CA+FA3-01D-801+FA3-0FD-801 + code:40bb/28/18+40cb/28/18+2301/da/fa+230f/da/fa cheat description:Fireballs go through all enemies and obstacles - code:180-BBB-4CA+180-CBB-4CA + code:40bb/28/18+40cb/28/18 + cheat + description:Blocks that contain coins also give a Starman + code:48a3/00/02+4752/40/48+4751/00/b5 cartridge sha256:db81dd4acbd0c7a3b9004f169ee278450c764c842ae777abd28073fbedf4078b name:Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe) (Rev A) @@ -83156,10 +84682,13 @@ cartridge sha256:db81dd4acbd0c7a3b9004f169ee278450c764c842ae777abd28073fbedf4078 code:01FFDAC1+01FFDBC1 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:180-BBB-4CA+180-CBB-4CA+FA3-01D-801+FA3-0FD-801 + code:40bb/28/18+40cb/28/18+2301/da/fa+230f/da/fa cheat description:Fireballs go through all enemies and obstacles - code:180-BBB-4CA+180-CBB-4CA + code:40bb/28/18+40cb/28/18 + cheat + description:Blocks that contain coins also give a Starman + code:48a3/00/02+4752/40/48+4751/00/b5 cartridge sha256:c06af1a1c2a804e4169fd9bfd6eee7073545d88c97febc96c345dd10efd77547 name:Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (USA, Europe) (Rev B) @@ -83168,262 +84697,277 @@ cartridge sha256:c06af1a1c2a804e4169fd9bfd6eee7073545d88c97febc96c345dd10efd7754 code:01FFDAC1+01FFDBC1 cheat description:Fireballs go through all enemies and obstacles - code:180-BBB-4CA+180-CBB-4CA + code:40bb/28/18+40cb/28/18 + cheat + description:Blocks that contain coins also give a Starman + code:48a3/00/02+4752/40/48+4751/00/b5 cartridge sha256:49fbd2f61f953d5ef28cab73e357e524c3009ad19fcf30f6a9ee0ae273be41dc name:Super Mario Land (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Enable level select - code:004-D3F-F7F+C34-AAF-A21 + code:04d3/45/00+04aa/d2/c3 cheat - description:Infinite time - disable at end of stage - code:008-60A-E6E + description:Infinite time (disable at end of stage) + code:5860/01/00 cheat description:Always have superballs - code:00A-17B-C49 + code:4a17/c8/00 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:009-C2B-2A1+009-C9B-4C5+009-D8B-80E+009-E4B-C4A+189-AEB-6EA+C9B-75B-809+FA9-E7B-4C1 + code:49c2/f2/00+49c9/eb/00+49d8/19/00+49e4/08/00+49ae/20/18+4b75/d8/c9+49e7/ea/fa cheat description:Disable music - code:C9C-C39-C49 + code:6cc3/c8/c9 + cheat + description:Clear level automatically + code:02a7/06/0c+02a6/27/40+02c0/76/40+02c1/23/0c cartridge sha256:470d6c45c9bcf7f0397d00c1ae6de727c63dd471049c8eedbefdc540ceea80b4 name:Super Mario Land (World) cheat description:Enable level select - code:004-D3F-F7F+C34-AAF-A21 + code:04d3/45/00+04aa/d2/c3 cheat description:Superballs hit anywhere - code:000-4BD-5DE+000-48D-A21+E10-49D-5DE+E50-4AD-5DE + code:204b/2d/00+2048/d2/00+2049/2d/e1+204a/2d/e5 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:009-C2B-2A1+009-C9B-4C5+009-D8B-80E+009-E4B-C4A+189-AEB-6EA+C9B-75B-809+FA9-E7B-4C1 + code:49c2/f2/00+49c9/eb/00+49d8/19/00+49e4/08/00+49ae/20/18+4b75/d8/c9+49e7/ea/fa cheat description:Disable music - code:C9D-BD9-C49 + code:6dbd/c8/c9 cartridge sha256:42045a1642f77b568534ab85b9db93c8a33d2b95c38ae84c987f497e8d52f97f name:Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (USA, Europe) (Rev B) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-8DA-E6E + code:5d8d/01/00 cheat description:Always have fireballs - code:002-CEC-E69 + code:32ce/c0/00 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4E0-4CC-197+640-62C-197 + code:304c/7f/4e+3062/7f/64 cartridge sha256:30d3316d06710cb94c529c477975cae3b051312b88aca9392888614b1c4b3894 name:Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (USA, Europe) (Rev A) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:001-40C-E6E + code:3140/01/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-8DA-E6E + code:5d8d/01/00 cheat description:Timer counts down by 2 - code:02D-8DA-E6E + code:5d8d/01/02 cheat description:Mushroom turns you into Bunny Mario - code:024-5BC-E6E + code:345b/01/02 cheat description:Mushroom turns you into Fire Mario - code:034-5BC-E6E + code:345b/01/03 cheat description:Stay as Super Mario when hit - code:FA1-B9C-4C1 + code:31b9/ea/fa cheat description:Stay as Fire or Bunny Mario when hit - code:FA1-C8C-4C1 + code:31c8/ea/fa cheat description:Hearts (extra life) worth nothing - code:004-BBC-19A + code:34bb/3c/00 cheat description:Play 30 coin game of chance for free - code:004-5F8-2AA + code:745f/30/00 cheat description:Play 50 coin game of chance for free - code:004-288-A2B + code:7428/50/00 cheat description:Play 200 coin game of chance for free - code:003-F28-E62 + code:73f2/02/00 cheat description:Play 999 coin game of chance for free - code:003-BB8-C4E+003-BA8-80C + code:73bb/09/00+73ba/99/00 cheat description:Each coin worth 101 - code:01D-92E-E6A+019-2BA-E6A + code:1d92/00/01+592b/00/01 cheat description:Each coin worth 0 - code:009-22A-19A+00D-89E-19A + code:5922/3c/00+1d89/3c/00 cheat description:Each defeated enemy worth 2 - code:023-218-E6E + code:7321/01/02 cheat description:Each defeated enemy worth 5 - code:053-218-E6E + code:7321/01/05 cheat description:Can re-enter boss levels - code:181-8DB-4CA + code:418d/28/18 cheat description:Always have fireballs - code:002-CBC-E69 + code:32cb/c0/00 cheat description:Start new game with 1 life instead of 6 - code:002-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/00 cheat description:Start new game with 10 lives instead of 6 - code:092-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/09 cheat description:Start new game with 25 lives instead of 6 - code:242-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/24 cheat description:Start new game with 50 lives instead of 6 - code:492-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/49 cheat description:Start new game with 75 lives instead of 6 - code:742-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/74 cheat description:Start new game with 100 lives instead of 6 - code:992-41B-F7E + code:4241/05/99 cartridge sha256:5450dce1bd0c073964c374b5b5b5729dce8d00f2e807892c34af32b8bce1392e name:Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:001-40C-E6E + code:3140/01/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-8DA-E6E + code:5d8d/01/00 cheat description:Fireballs hit anywhere - code:4B0-49C-19B+610-5FC-19B + code:3049/7c/4b+305f/7c/61 cheat description:Always have fireballs - code:002-CBC-E69 + code:32cb/c0/00 cartridge sha256:91bd1f24827bde4dbb58ead76a8b4e5a507431ec9b6bbc7ef9473b852538a4d5 name:Super Off Road (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite money - code:FAD-A2B-4C1 + code:4da2/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite tires, nitros, etc. when you buy them - code:003-3AD-3BE + code:233a/35/00 cheat description:Start with 2 credits - code:02B-87F-E66 + code:0b87/03/02 cheat description:Start with 4 credits - code:04B-87F-E66 + code:0b87/03/04 cheat description:Start with 8 credits - code:08B-87F-E66 + code:0b87/03/08 cartridge sha256:f522c83d9dc77825a8bd5933e0877173fcb260fe72c5b032ef38b109250a63e9 name:Swamp Thing (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C92-85E-A28 + code:1285/90/c9 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA3-8FF-4C1 + code:038f/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite environmental meter - code:FAF-CF9-4C1 + code:6fcf/ea/fa cheat description:Start with half energy - code:205-5AF-E6B + code:055a/40/20 cheat description:Start with 1/2 environmental meter - code:105-55F-6EA + code:0555/20/10 cartridge sha256:3e7a15c930db627b82b83f1e2a499436b0419e4d05b85bdfeb2a475e6a07c9b1 name:Sword of Hope, The (USA) cheat description:Infinite HP - code:001-72B-F75 + code:4172/c7/00 cheat description:Start with 11 dexterity points - code:09A-BFD-F7E + code:2abf/05/09 cheat description:12 stamina points - code:09A-C4D-F7E + code:2ac4/05/09 cheat description:Shaman is free - code:F04-A0C-6E9 + code:34a0/e0/f0 cheat description:Forest shop is free - code:F0A-3CC-6E9 + code:3a3c/e0/f0 cartridge sha256:f55e542cc82dc5fbefc0fc5f42e95e882fba7895e73a8ff084ce7aa8408bdd85 name:T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:F0C-9DD-6E9 + code:2c9d/e0/f0 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:F0C-ABD-6E9 + code:2cab/e0/f0 cheat description:Infinite rockets - code:FA4-B8E-4C1 + code:14b8/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite continues - code:FAD-5CE-4C1 + code:1d5c/ea/fa cheat description:Start with 2 lives - code:023-46F-F7E + code:0346/05/02 cheat description:Start with 4 lives - code:043-46F-F7E + code:0346/05/04 cheat description:Start with 8 lives - code:083-46F-F7E + code:0346/05/08 + +cartridge sha256:351a3b24efa68f60009bc7e05d554034c8dc3d360d51d7399c80e65370899679 + name:Tail 'Gator (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:1baf/28/3e+222d/c2/fa + cheat + description:Hit anywhere + code:51b0/34/00+5234/ca/fa cartridge sha256:596787d9f1dfeef0151b20ce330ef78220e041d0a360b34dea75ce21c7cbb889 name:Taz-Mania (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:003-658-E69 + code:7365/c0/00 cheat description:Infinite spins - code:FAC-519-4C1 + code:6c51/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite hearts - code:FA7-3CC-4C1 + code:373c/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite time - code:FA6-AA8-4C1 + code:76aa/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite credits - code:FAA-48D-4C1 + code:2a48/ea/fa cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:00A-969-E68 + code:6a96/80/00 cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:11A-969-E68 + code:6a96/80/11 cheat description:Flash longer after getting hit - code:F1A-969-E68 + code:6a96/80/f1 cheat description:Start with 1 heart - 1st life - code:017-6EF-E66 + code:076e/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 hearts - 1st life - code:057-6EF-E66 + code:076e/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 hearts - 1st life - code:0A7-6EF-E66 + code:076e/03/0a cheat description:Start timer at 58 seconds - code:3E8-408-80E+058-418-4C2 + code:7840/19/3e+7841/2a/05 cheat description:Start timer at 1 minute 48 seconds - code:3E8-408-80E+0A8-418-4C2 + code:7840/19/3e+7841/2a/0a cartridge sha256:8b5f65da035664baedd19c55ddfe06682e2dd7d45970bcb10917078c855aa19c name:Taz-Mania 2 (USA) @@ -83444,22 +84988,22 @@ cartridge sha256:1f3c9ff627b0445e57a7425bc433c0476a0eeafe25ea5c6522b102d1ef8f875 name:Tecmo Bowl (USA) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00D-C9A-3BE + code:5dc9/35/00 cheat description:Have 49 downs - code:494-D6B-F7A + code:44d6/04/49 cheat description:Have 5 downs - code:054-D6B-F7A + code:44d6/04/05 cheat description:8 minutes 30 seconds per quarter - code:084-EFB-E6E + code:44ef/01/08 cheat description:6 minutes 30 seconds per quarter - code:064-EFB-E6E + code:44ef/01/06 cheat description:1 minutes 30 seconds per quarter - code:014-EFB-E6E + code:44ef/01/01 cartridge sha256:f4ef2ca5506f493f48833c16dff5eaa2b18ba488c352ed5bc03059d150e46620 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (USA) @@ -83468,985 +85012,1012 @@ cartridge sha256:f4ef2ca5506f493f48833c16dff5eaa2b18ba488c352ed5bc03059d150e4662 code:010981C9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:B8D-E2C-6EC+B8E-26C-6EC+3ED-DFC-D52+3EE-23C-D52 + code:3de2/a1/b8+3e26/a1/b8+3ddf/0e/3e+3e23/0e/3e cartridge sha256:b2588721a1a298cfbd1f2fca465ac70f0b2aa488fab8eed1b7f49cac592ac438 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - Back from the Sewers (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:186-4CA-2AA+C96-B4A-A29 + code:564c/30/18+56b4/d0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:006-F1A-A29 + code:56f1/d0/00 cartridge sha256:95c804c1a851b502c15a3418eef75e491aec9371e2fb2a34e4aaa27b37e02023 name:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - Radical Rescue (USA) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C93-3BD-A29+C98-84B-6EE + code:233b/d0/c9+4884/21/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:002-47D-A29+002-64D-A29+002-DED-A29+002-FBD-A29 + code:2247/d0/00+2264/d0/00+22de/d0/00+22fb/d0/00 cartridge sha256:cdcb6ba23ea2c32a2af47abb267d8bd065a8bc10777b435de6a9be421e5bf919 name:Tennis (World) cheat description:Neither player scores points - disable to score - code:001-DAD-3BA + code:21da/34/00 cheat description:1 game needed to win set - code:010-9CD-F76 + code:209c/07/01 cheat description:2 games needed to win set - code:020-9CD-F76 + code:209c/07/02 cheat description:3 games needed to win set - code:030-9CD-F76 + code:209c/07/03 cheat description:4 games needed to win set - code:040-9CD-F76 + code:209c/07/04 cheat description:1st point takes you to 40 points - code:011-9AD-E66 + code:219a/03/01 cheat description:2nd point takes you to 40 points - code:021-9AD-E66 + code:219a/03/02 cheat description:Neither player can win game - code:000-99D-3BA+E00-74D-6E5+E00-7ED-6E5 + code:2099/34/00+2074/e3/e0+207e/e3/e0 cartridge sha256:5fa11359e8147b295bebd1e5631c7b96908c649d9d33fdc45a2dd3de8d69ca73 name:Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA, Europe) cheat description:Almost infinite energy - code:C95-00E-4C1 + code:1500/ea/c9 cheat description:Infinite time in reprogramming stage - code:001-03B-19E + code:4103/3d/00 cheat description:20 shots kill end of level 1 boss - code:148-54B-4CA + code:4854/28/14 cheat description:10 shots kill end of level 1 boss - code:0A8-54B-4CA + code:4854/28/0a cheat description:5 shots kill end of level 1 boss - code:058-54B-4CA + code:4854/28/05 cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:70E-59D-6E9 + code:2e59/e0/70 cartridge sha256:7fde11dd4e594a6905deccd57943d2909ecb37665a030741c42155aeb346323b name:Tetris (Japan) (En) cheat description:Drop a piece on the far left side of the board to clear the section - code:001-B9D-3B5 + code:21b9/f7/00 cartridge sha256:0d6535aef23969c7e5af2b077acaddb4a445b3d0df7bf34c8acef07b51b015c3 name:Tetris (World) (Rev A) cheat description:Drop a piece on the far left side of the board to clear the section - code:001-5ED-3B5 + code:215e/f7/00 cheat description:Keep stack displayed while paused - code:CEC-30E-C45 + code:1c30/cb/ce cheat description:Keep current and next pieces displayed while paused - code:D9C-53E-D5D + code:1c53/cd/d9 cheat description:Only piece 1 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+000-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/00 cheat description:Only piece 2 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+040-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/04 cheat description:Only piece 3 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+080-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/08 cheat description:Only piece 4 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+0C0-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/0c cheat description:Only piece 5 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+100-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/10 cheat description:Only piece 6 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+140-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/14 cheat description:Only piece 7 will appear - code:000-63D-6E9+3E0-64D-5D0+180-65D-087 + code:2063/e0/00+2064/ae/3e+2065/7b/18 cartridge sha256:d349dc93423c6abcd775d3b6a8797df715a44a42ec837afb21bf17ae43b40a9e name:Tetris DX (World) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Drop pieces on the left side of the board to clear lines - code:00A-8BA-3B5 + code:5a8b/f7/00 cheat description:Score increases a lot - code:1F3-C9A-F70 + code:53c9/86/1f cheat description:Swap over next shape to current shape by pressing A - code:C37-C5A-081+B67-C6A-E60+587-C7A-5D4 + code:57c5/fa/c3+57c6/82/b6+57c7/af/58 cheat description:Swap over next shape to current shape by pressing B - code:C38-1EA-081+B68-1FA-E60+588-20A-5D4 + code:581e/fa/c3+581f/82/b6+5820/af/58 cheat description:Swap over next shape to current shape by pressing select - code:188-76A-081+3E8-77A-F74 + code:5876/fa/18+5877/87/3e cartridge sha256:771d24adf7dd11ff166fc43d3f2be66dd7a24251b8920e813956c62514813051 name:Tetris 2 (USA) cheat description:Drop one piece to clear level - code:00D-F6A-F72 + code:5df6/06/00 cheat description:No next piece screen - code:C98-E9A-081 + code:58e9/fa/c9 cheat description:Blocks come down fast - code:10D-649-F71+00D-629-081+3ED-639-B30 + code:6d64/c6/10+6d62/fa/00+6d63/96/3e cheat description:Blocks come down very fast - code:70D-649-F71+00D-629-081+3ED-639-B30 + code:6d64/c6/70+6d62/fa/00+6d63/96/3e cheat description:Blocks come down super fast - code:20D-649-F71+00D-629-081+3ED-639-B30 + code:6d64/c6/20+6d62/fa/00+6d63/96/3e cheat description:Can select round above 30 on options screen - code:00A-4BA-A29 + code:5a4b/d0/00 cheat description:In versus mode, no blocks added to top of screen - code:FA8-CB8-4C1 + code:78cb/ea/fa cartridge sha256:2c3bc48a4ec9b6c640b83ce6524570f472db329d4a96d0b527b34abd42b7d695 name:Tetris 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Drop one piece to clear level - code:00F-67A-F72 + code:5f67/06/00 cartridge sha256:b8765e752153310f835e10d6ceaee80b0e0913cdadf832b9516af8bf974e9666 name:Tetris Attack (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Rows clear automatically (except in Puzzle Mode) - code:007-34B-80D + code:4734/d9/00 cartridge sha256:252e9981ba15054b5b8e2eeab22ccbae7ac3cbe9d7cd7a895c75fb35054717f9 name:Tetris Attack (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Rows clear automatically (except in Puzzle Mode) - code:007-32B-80D + code:4732/d9/00 cartridge sha256:379f9034b2702f06247e1dd4a6e21d51a76aff84d12ff851e4e962b105094d10 name:Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Montana's Movie Madness (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C3C-DAD-E61 + code:2cda/c2/c3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00D-5CD-19E + code:2d5c/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:006-14B-19E + code:4614/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00A-5ED-E6E + code:2a5e/01/00 cheat description:One hit and you die - code:00D-53D-679 + code:2d53/e0/00 cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:3FD-53D-679 + code:2d53/e0/3f cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:029-66E-F7A + code:1966/04/02 cheat description:Start with 2 hearts - code:039-66E-F7A + code:1966/04/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:04E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:09E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/09 cheat description:Start with mega points - code:00E-229-5D4 + code:6e22/af/00 cheat description:Start with 100 seconds on the clock - code:01E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/01 cheat description:Start with 300 seconds on the clock - code:03E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/03 cheat description:Start with 700 seconds on the clock - code:07E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/07 cheat description:Start with 900 seconds on the clock - code:09E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/09 cartridge sha256:fe2f3a9c8af3702b53398fea579951634effbeafaea10865aac8b07d7458e9b1 name:Tiny Toon Adventures 2 (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C3C-DAD-E61 + code:2cda/c2/c3 cheat description:Infinite health - code:00D-5CD-19E + code:2d5c/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:006-14B-19E + code:4614/3d/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00A-5ED-E6E + code:2a5e/01/00 cheat description:One hit and you die - code:00D-53D-679 + code:2d53/e0/00 cheat description:Don't flash as long after getting hit - code:3FD-53D-679 + code:2d53/e0/3f cheat description:Start with 1 heart - code:029-66E-F7A + code:1966/04/02 cheat description:Start with 2 hearts - code:039-66E-F7A + code:1966/04/03 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:00E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:04E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/04 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:09E-1E9-E62 + code:6e1e/02/09 cheat description:Start with mega points - code:00E-229-5D4 + code:6e22/af/00 cheat description:Start with 100 seconds on the clock - code:01E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/01 cheat description:Start with 300 seconds on the clock - code:03E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/03 cheat description:Start with 700 seconds on the clock - code:07E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/07 cheat description:Start with 900 seconds on the clock - code:09E-319-F7E + code:6e31/05/09 cartridge sha256:4d078174031509ca7b63c237e176e9f5c0aed88b42352ad23aee98a777d3a0d7 name:Titus the Fox to Marrakech and Back (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy until level 3 - code:00E-7D9-3BE + code:6e7d/35/00 cheat description:Infinite energy from level 3 on - code:002-739-3BE + code:6273/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:009-6A9-3BE + code:696a/35/00 cheat description:Start 1st life with 1 energy unit - code:013-D0A-F7E + code:53d0/05/01 cheat description:Start 1st life with 9 energy units - code:093-D0A-F7E + code:53d0/05/09 cheat description:Start with 1 energy unit after 1st life - code:011-CFD-F7E + code:21cf/05/01 cheat description:Start with 9 energy units after 1st life - code:091-CFD-F7E + code:21cf/05/09 cheat description:Start 1st level with 100-pt. bonus - code:643-DCA-E6A + code:53dc/00/64 cheat description:Start 1st level with 250-pt. bonus - code:FA3-DCA-E6A + code:53dc/00/fa cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:013-D5A-E66 + code:53d5/03/01 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:063-D5A-E66 + code:53d5/03/06 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:093-D5A-E66 + code:53d5/03/09 cheat description:Start on level 1, part 2 - code:003-BAF-5D4 + code:03ba/af/00 cartridge sha256:17e1629cd8a95ef8d09643d62f7336efa7c0983f03ceda5038632d2125885fa6 name:Toki Tori (USA, Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Get eggs from anywhere - code:330-CEB-7F6+180-CDB-08A + code:40ce/27/33+40cd/38/18 cartridge sha256:597f70c8d600427fee6f3a3714115bad30b24402dd830c36dc010a7b3a92a7a3 name:Tom & Jerry (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:EA5-5CB-081+3E5-5AB-6EA + code:455c/fa/ea+455a/20/3e cheat description:Infinite lives - code:008-54D-B3D + code:2854/d5/00 cheat description:Infinite balls once collected - code:FA6-84B-4C1 + code:4684/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy (may have to die once first) - code:00D-47D-3BA + code:2d47/34/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:FAC-3FE-4C1+FAC-43E-4C1 + code:1c3f/ea/fa+1c43/ea/fa cheat description:Moon jump - code:3E0-DAB-4CA + code:40da/28/3e cheat description:Every time you collect one cheese you get 11 (can't go over 100) - code:110-67B-E6E + code:4067/01/11 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:01F-7BB-E66 + code:4f7b/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:05F-7BB-E66 + code:4f7b/03/05 cartridge sha256:bcd52c83f3662165baaeff2527fd221c04b734214d5dacb8cdda6fbcb95fbc3b name:Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics! (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:01E-39E-A25 + code:1e39/d3/01 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:00C-E4B-3BE + code:4ce4/35/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:001-43C-E6E+001-51C-E6E + code:3143/01/00+3151/01/00 cheat description:Don't flash after getting hit - code:013-338-08B + code:7333/78/01 cheat description:Flash longer after getting hit - code:FA3-338-08B + code:7333/78/fa cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:019-0CC-E66 + code:390c/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:059-0CC-E66 + code:390c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A9-0CC-E66 + code:390c/03/0a cheat description:Start with 1 minutes on the timer - code:010-DEC-F7E + code:30de/05/01 cheat description:Start with 10 minutes on the timer - code:0A0-DEC-F7E + code:30de/05/0a cheat description:Start with 15 minutes on the timer - ignore counter - code:0F0-DEC-F7E + code:30de/05/0f cartridge sha256:ebcba74ab890e56676a4c1720f89719a489b73c7c688d1fd0c6a98074dc7afeb name:Tomb Raider (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) cheat description:Invincibility against enemies - code:3E0-F3B-4CA+770-F5B-3BE + code:40f3/28/3e+40f5/35/77 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:009-27A-7FF + code:5927/65/00 cartridge sha256:a75109b2730df5bef628f05660d670f07a1be6c6249d73f7f88375061c3f3bbb name:Tomb Raider - Curse of the Sword (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:771-BCB-3BE+3E1-BAB-4CA + code:41bc/35/77+41ba/28/3e cheat description:Hit anywhere (only when standing and not against a wall) - code:00D-E8A-4C7 + code:5de8/6b/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:FE6-15A-3B7+CB6-14A-A28 + code:5615/77/fe+5614/90/cb cartridge sha256:1878a9fa68e052362b0fbb13421db1ae822ffd74b69db34217455f9e43ce61dd name:Top Gear Pocket (USA) cheat description:No slowdown (except for drifting) - code:C9F-7CE-6EE+C3E-F2E-801 + code:1f7c/21/c9+1ef2/da/c3 + +cartridge sha256:976b837a48218903e55ae86b943db2a3bf49c1aba0e5d6e135cb2e775416382e + name:Top Gear Pocket 2 (USA) + cheat + description:All cars unlocked + code:4092/c2/c3 + cheat + description:All tracks unlocked + code:11a7/c2/c3 cartridge sha256:bb2f56c5035b47183c55b197bc380ea02df00dd733ce732d062f7c7695bd330f name:Top Gun - Guts & Glory (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:FA4-249-4C1 + code:6424/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:008-599-F79 + code:6859/c4/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life (do not alter mission on the first menu screen) - code:01B-E4D-E66 + code:2be4/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives (do not alter mission on the first menu screen) - code:05B-E4D-E66 + code:2be4/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives (do not alter mission on the first menu screen) - code:0AB-E4D-E66 + code:2be4/03/0a cheat description:Start on mission 10 (do not alter mission on the first menu screen) - code:004-859-4C1+3E4-869-80C+0A4-879-F7D + code:6485/ea/00+6486/99/3e+6487/c5/0a cartridge sha256:13a6106b5548261764b0f0d676b07265e6ed37b4cf2f85fc763b05dde749eb64 name:Total Carnage (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite grenades - code:FA2-28D-4C1 + code:2228/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:001-ADD-19E + code:21ad/3d/00 cheat description:Start with very little energy after 1st life - code:021-B1D-F72 + code:21b1/06/02 cheat description:Start with mega energy after 1st life - code:991-B1D-F72 + code:21b1/06/99 cheat description:Don't take damage from some enemies after getting hit - code:003-55E-19E + code:1355/3d/00 cheat description:Start with very little energy-1st life - code:020-54B-F72 + code:4054/06/02 cheat description:Start with mega energy-1st life - code:990-54B-F72 + code:4054/06/99 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:000-4FB-E66 + code:404f/03/00 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:080-4FB-E66 + code:404f/03/08 cheat description:Start with 15 lives - code:0F0-4FB-E66 + code:404f/03/0f cheat description:Start with 33 grenades - code:030-5FB-E6A + code:405f/00/03 cartridge sha256:eae3b192006eff607dffdae3d7720af579f85335be81e6cacb55276bfc32424c name:Track & Field (USA, Europe) cheat description:Always have 100% power - code:3E7-7FD-4CA+007-80D-E6E + code:277f/28/3e+2780/01/00 cheat description:Max angle on long jump - code:45D-999-E68 + code:6d99/80/45 cheat description:Max angle on javelin - code:45A-1EA-E68 + code:5a1e/80/45 cheat description:Max angle on triple jump - code:454-D1A-E68 + code:54d1/80/45 cartridge sha256:9047447e6ff5b0b510732befa3f48a464aebfa9ba06274b3cf6120b25e8dd033 name:Triple Play 2001 (USA, Europe) cheat description:Balls are considered strikes - code:003-F28-2A2 + code:73f2/32/00 cartridge sha256:3990c42543e74387c30ac935eb45067e291b4a5e93702d5520acd0e91d14f34f name:Tumble Pop (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA5-BCD-4C1 + code:25bc/ea/fa cheat description:Only have 2 minutes to complete each screen - code:028-8AE-E66 + code:188a/03/02 cheat description:Only have 5 minutes to complete each screen - code:058-8AE-E66 + code:188a/03/05 cheat description:Only have 10 minutes to complete each screen - code:0A8-8AE-E66 + code:188a/03/0a cheat description:Start across river from original position - code:058-17E-E6A + code:1817/00/05 cheat description:Start at island castle - code:FF8-17E-E6A + code:1817/00/ff cheat description:Hold enemies inside gun as long as you want - code:00E-68D-3BE + code:2e68/35/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:008-1CE-E66 + code:181c/03/00 cheat description:Start with 6 lives - code:058-1CE-E66 + code:181c/03/05 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:088-1CE-E66 + code:181c/03/08 cartridge sha256:954ed263a5133c608636af442c4c0ade7f9b7dfdc768e7bfbf31d2528a8d7796 name:Turn and Burn (USA) cheat description:Infinite missiles - code:00E-1CD-3BE + code:2e1c/35/00 cheat description:Gun doesn't overheat - code:001-51C-F7A + code:3151/04/00 cheat description:Start with more Aim-54 missiles - code:7C2-99E-08F + code:1299/79/7c cheat description:Start with more Aim-9 missiles - code:7C2-8BE-08F + code:128b/79/7c cartridge sha256:0ca41e5faef09acc0f440ddb57624fb66cfb5f945145b7acc9390dd6ab07803c name:Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9A-9C9-E69 + code:6a9c/c0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:3A4-949-A2E+184-939-4CA + code:6494/11/3a+6493/28/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:3DF-16A-7F4+8BF-15A-C45 + code:5f16/a7/3d+5f15/cb/8b cartridge sha256:0e82076895f9aa7f8b787d5c76a33d72394f611bd0ac93ecd550873b7ce21b60 name:Turok - Rage Wars (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:C9B-78F-081 + code:0b78/fa/c9 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:000-9FA-3B7 + code:509f/77/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:181-98B-6EA+221-99B-5D + code:4198/20/18+221-99B-5D cartridge sha256:21f2b0f417dd94f8aaa75adf09b849c97780ab9140b1d7d53ed4516f33233037 name:Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:3E9-34B-4CA+C9D-8EB-A29 + code:4934/28/3e+4d8e/d0/c9 cheat description:Hit anywhere (you have to be in line with them on the streets) - code:3A5-0C8-A2E+185-0B8-4CA + code:750c/11/3a+750b/28/18 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:8BB-C5B-C45+3DB-C6B-7F4 + code:4bc5/cb/8b+4bc6/a7/3d cartridge sha256:1710b81824ea2044e7c475c3a8befe52fb8ba92f5dfc8866d7362c1e11393859 name:Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) cheat description:Invincibility - code:183-F9B-6EA + code:43f9/20/18 cheat description:Infinite ammo - code:00E-FDB-3B7 + code:4efd/77/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:6C4-A8B-195+504-52B-80F+184-51B-2AA + code:44a8/ff/6c+4452/59/50+4451/30/18 cartridge sha256:9008df8d950b4e6966b38218e43bc3baf9bad91ef44b271b558aee6f38c993d7 name:Ultima - Runes of Virtue (USA) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA5-F3F-4C1+FA4-00C-4C1 + code:05f3/ea/fa+3400/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite money - code:FAB-5BF-4C1 + code:0b5b/ea/fa cheat description:Start with dexterity of 10 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:106-2B8-B3E + code:762b/15/10 cheat description:Start with dexterity of 30 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:306-2B8-B3E + code:762b/15/30 cheat description:Start with dexterity of 50 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:506-2B8-B3E + code:762b/15/50 cheat description:Start with strength of 10 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:106-2C8-B3E + code:762c/15/10 cheat description:Start with strength of 30 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:306-2C8-B3E + code:762c/15/30 cheat description:Start with strength of 50 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:506-2CA-B3E + code:562c/15/50 cheat description:Start with IQ of 10 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:106-2F8-B3E + code:762f/15/10 cheat description:Start with IQ of 30 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:306-2F8-B3E + code:762f/15/30 cheat description:Start with IQ of 50 - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:506-2F8-B3E + code:762f/15/50 cheat description:Start with 15 coins - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:155-658-2AA + code:7565/30/15 cheat description:Start with 40 coins - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:405-658-2AA + code:7565/30/40 cheat description:Start with 60 coins - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:605-658-2AA + code:7565/30/60 cheat description:No energy replacement - Shamino codes only - can't use with Journey Onward option - code:FAC-0AF-4C1 + code:0c0a/ea/fa cartridge sha256:850a429b64b7ebcb8034da2c25789dff631d64682b1ce65f8de346c9744ae31e name:Universal Soldier (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite energy - code:008-7AC-3BE + code:387a/35/00 cheat description:Infinite time - code:00A-5AF-3BE + code:0a5a/35/00 cheat description:Infinite lives - code:C93-EEF-E69 + code:03ee/c0/c9 cheat description:Fewer enemies on each level - code:00C-50E-3BA+00C-4BE-3BE + code:1c50/34/00+1c4b/35/00 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:055-D1E-E66 + code:15d1/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 lives - code:075-D1E-E66 + code:15d1/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 lives - code:095-D1E-E66 + code:15d1/03/09 cheat description:Start with 5 power lines - code:056-ACE-E66 + code:16ac/03/05 cheat description:Start with 7 power lines - code:076-ACE-E66 + code:16ac/03/07 cheat description:Start with 9 power lines - code:096-ACE-E66 + code:16ac/03/09 cartridge sha256:102dabffa56271534c651579445c13a375e7978f37bdcccc3271e9320c3710fa name:Uno (USA) cheat description:Place any card on the stack regardless of color - code:FA8-91A-C41 + code:5891/ca/fa cartridge sha256:56b00fb68b829dabe56e88f3074316ee2f3022a15c6f45bd70bda5e8f62c2e8f name:Uno - Small World (Japan) cheat description:Can place any color card on the stack - code:188-9FA-2AA + code:589f/30/18 cartridge sha256:88773be9e71529b35ce03d39f417e866f48df97cdfb894943f729dab7beefb90 name:Uno 2 - Small World (Japan) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Place any card on the stack - code:187-01A-2AA+187-B7A-2AA + code:5701/30/18+57b7/30/18 cartridge sha256:19e8ccfe0df0647cbd6517a456fcffa39c3a9ecc1e40dd31bd193423b4779020 name:Velious - Roland no Majuu (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:00B-B6C-195 + code:3bb6/ff/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:B7D-5AC-5D4 + code:3d5a/af/b7 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:183-8BF-4CA + code:038b/28/18 cartridge sha256:2b3ed695acb2fcd3aa8159b12373a55b01a72ae3a9e0867ef8446fd8abddec51 name:Velious II - Fukushuu no Jashin (Japan) cheat description:Invincibility - code:AFE-3CC-3B4 + code:3e3c/b7/af cheat description:Infinite TP - code:F0E-01F-6E9 + code:0e01/e0/f0 cheat description:Hit anywhere - main weapon - code:00F-A7C-A29+00F-98C-809+00F-A2C-809+00F-9DC-A29 + code:3fa7/d0/00+3f98/d8/00+3fa2/d8/00+3f9d/d0/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - sub-weapon - code:00F-70C-A29+00F-6BC-809+00F-66C-A29+00F-61C-809 + code:3f70/d0/00+3f6b/d8/00+3f66/d0/00+3f61/d8/00 cheat description:Walk through walls - code:183-1DF-4CA + code:031d/28/18 + +cartridge sha256:1709e340bc089dc179bbc0c24242c9bd5fab9aa7bd1e57b1328725b9b4787786 + name:Wacky Races (USA) (En,Fr,Es) + cheat + description:Press select during gameplay to skip to the end of race in your current position + code:07d9/0f/00 + cheat + description:View ending (enable before booting the game) + code:018e/ff/fe cartridge sha256:1af2d4b29552fb2cf141955e1d77f8dd99e856b1f04fbff5240d5a1c3c2c41bf name:Wario Blast featuring Bomberman! (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00A-5BF-3B7 + code:0a5b/77/00 cheat description:Collect up to 8 extra bomb power-ups - code:083-F1A-F7A + code:53f1/04/08 cheat description:Extra bomb power-ups don't do anything - code:003-EFA-3B7 + code:53ef/77/00 cheat description:Explosion expanders don't do anything - code:003-D7A-3B7 + code:53d7/77/00 cheat description:Start with 300 seconds - code:03F-87E-E6E + code:1f87/01/03 cheat description:Start with 4 extra bomb power-ups - code:046-C7D-E6E + code:26c7/01/04 cheat description:Start with 4 explosion expander - code:046-CBD-E6A + code:26cb/00/04 cheat description:Start on round 3-3 - code:210-3BB-4C1+000-13B-5D4 + code:403b/ea/21+4013/af/00 cheat description:Start on round 3-Boss - code:210-3BB-4C1+3C0-13B-5D4 + code:403b/ea/21+4013/af/3c cartridge sha256:ac1682f17abcf590311a233289ee325214c2d71ab3a5aa175004002d85075e56 name:Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3 (World) cheat description:Don't lose current power-up when you get hit or get a new power-up (switchable) - code:FAD-63F-4C1 + code:0d63/ea/fa cheat description:Most enemies and obstacles are invisible - code:003-AAB-E62+C96-C0C-4C1 + code:43aa/02/00+36c0/ea/c9 cheat description:Multi-jump - code:C41-8EA-E61+C41-93A-E61+181-96A-C45+111-97A-F77 + code:518e/c2/c4+5193/c2/c4+5196/cb/18+5197/47/11 cheat description:Get 10 hearts for killing an enemy - code:103-E4F-E6E + code:03e4/01/10 cheat description:Get 25 hearts for killing an enemy - code:253-E4F-E6E + code:03e4/01/25 cheat description:Get 50 hearts for killing an enemy - code:503-E4F-E6E + code:03e4/01/50 cheat description:Get 99 hearts for killing an enemy - code:993-E4F-E6E + code:03e4/01/99 cheat description:Start as Small Wario - code:00B-7E8-E6E + code:7b7e/01/00 cheat description:Start as Bull Wario - code:02B-7E8-E6E + code:7b7e/01/02 cheat description:Start as Jet Wario - code:03B-7E8-E6E + code:7b7e/01/03 cheat description:Start as Dragon Wario - code:04B-7E8-E6E + code:7b7e/01/04 cheat description:Start with 10 hearts - code:10B-7C8-E6A + code:7b7c/00/10 cheat description:Start with 25 hearts - code:25B-7C8-E6A + code:7b7c/00/25 cheat description:Start with 50 hearts - code:50B-7C8-E6A + code:7b7c/00/50 cheat description:Start with 99 hearts - code:99B-7C8-E6A + code:7b7c/00/99 cheat description:Start with 10 coins - code:10B-7B8-E6A + code:7b7b/00/10 cheat description:Start with 25 coins - code:25B-7B8-E6A + code:7b7b/00/25 cheat description:Start with 50 coins - code:50B-7B8-E6A + code:7b7b/00/50 cheat description:Start with 99 coins - code:99B-7B8-E6A + code:7b7b/00/99 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:10B-7D8-F7E + code:7b7d/05/10 cheat description:Start with 25 lives - code:25B-7D8-F7E + code:7b7d/05/25 cheat description:Start with 50 lives - code:50B-7D8-F7E + code:7b7d/05/50 cheat description:Start with 99 lives - code:99B-7D8-F7E + code:7b7d/05/99 cheat description:Start on course 26 - code:01B-7F8-E6A + code:7b7f/00/01 cheat description:No turbo boost - code:002-40E-19A + code:1240/3c/00 cheat description:Infinite turbo boost - code:002-CAE-19E + code:12ca/3d/00 cheat description:No lap timer - code:003-B7A-6E2 + code:53b7/22/00 cheat description:Start with 800cc bike - code:3E9-65B-6EA+029-66B-E66+009-67B-5D4 + code:4965/20/3e+4966/03/02+4967/af/00 cheat description:Start with 650cc bike - code:3E9-65B-6EA+019-66B-E66+009-67B-5D4 + code:4965/20/3e+4966/03/01+4967/af/00 cartridge sha256:a3bd35fb1d2466868b5308a45e8ad3844925bd5dfa819b27ff67d0391b8e3511 name:WCW Main Event (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - code:003-3ED-E6E + code:233e/01/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:186-06E-2AA+AF6-05E-A28 + code:1606/30/18+1605/90/af cheat description:Never regain energy - code:C95-D9E-3BA + code:15d9/34/c9 cheat description:Computer does massive damage - code:096-3EE-E6E + code:163e/01/09 cheat description:Faster timer - code:023-3ED-E6E + code:233e/01/02 cartridge sha256:e424a9893faed6a486d66002ed606cf32d68dab71971ec461103396042800b63 name:Wendy - Every Witch Way (USA, Europe) cheat description:Infinite time - code:00F-AB8-6E2 + code:7fab/22/00 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:AFA-FA9-6EA+C9A-FB9-917 + code:6afa/20/af+6afb/5f/c9 + cheat + description:Shoot 3 projectiles from wand + code:5f9a/c2/c3 cartridge sha256:b915f6ffe0dd3ab9fe8972468013334a0c6d3f664982bc8ed8888e54d5bbbebf name:Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition (USA) cheat description:Always correct - code:188-FFE-4CA + code:18ff/28/18 cartridge sha256:db8029c84c99c1bff1724656d0887636497986fac02892f4d4334c60f646c84f name:Wild Snake (USA) (SGB Enhanced) cheat description:Infinite time in King Cobra mode - code:FAB-1EF-4C1 + code:0b1e/ea/fa cheat description:All snakes are shorter - code:3E2-7ED-2AA+032-7FD-3BD + code:227e/30/3e+227f/f5/03 cheat description:Only plain yellow snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+013-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/01 cheat description:Only zig-zag snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+023-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/02 cheat description:Only dark dotted snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+033-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/03 cheat description:Only light dotted snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+043-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/04 cheat description:Only dark striped snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+053-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/05 cheat description:Only light striped snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+063-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/06 cheat description:Only vertically striped snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+073-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/07 cheat description:Only checkered snake snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+083-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/08 cheat description:Only skeleton snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+0A3-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/0a cheat description:Only temporarily invisible snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+0B3-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/0b cheat description:Only dark snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+0C3-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/0c cheat description:Only wild snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+0D3-16D-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+2316/a7/0d cheat description:Only king cobra snakes fall - code:3E3-15D-08F+0E3-16D.-7F4 + code:2315/79/3e+0E3-16D.-7F4 cheat description:Collect 1 snake in King Cobra mode and finish level - code:3E6-DFD-081+3E6-E1D-C49+306-E2D-19A + code:26df/fa/3e+26e1/c8/3e+26e2/3c/30 cheat description:Snakes fall very fast - code:3E5-53B-081+015-54B-C47+005-55B-F71 + code:4553/fa/3e+4554/4b/01+4555/c6/00 cheat description:Snakes fall extremely fast - code:3E5-53B-081+005-54B-C47+005-55B-F71 + code:4553/fa/3e+4554/4b/00+4555/c6/00 cheat description:Snakes fall slower - code:3E5-53B-081+055-54B-C47+005-55B-F71 + code:4553/fa/3e+4554/4b/05+4555/c6/00 cheat description:Snakes fall very slow - code:3E5-53B-081+1F5-54B-C47+005-55B-F71 + code:4553/fa/3e+4554/4b/1f+4555/c6/00 cheat description:Snakes fall extremely slow - code:3E5-53B-081+AF5-54B-C47+005-55B-F71 + code:4553/fa/3e+4554/4b/af+4555/c6/00 cartridge sha256:b396d2a15563b6144630d5ec5f0a8a2928a4b289ca215e6cc581df7a5fe295ff name:WordZap (USA) cheat description:Infinite hints - code:008-70F-3BE + code:0870/35/00 cheat description:Start with only 1 hint - code:01B-C9E-F7A + code:1bc9/04/01 cheat description:Start with 5 hints - code:05B-C9E-F7A + code:1bc9/04/05 cheat description:Start with 9 hints - code:09B-C9E-F7A + code:1bc9/04/09 cheat description:Start with 1 chance - code:01B-CEE-E66 + code:1bce/03/01 cheat description:Start with 9 chances - code:09B-CEE-E66 + code:1bce/03/09 cartridge sha256:439854d8d2ec85bffb171efe3ec0d6ba98fed2443b26053340daaf8190611859 name:World Bowling (USA) cheat description:Always bowl at full power - code:3E6-94B-F71+FF6-95B-C4E + code:4694/c6/3e+4695/09/ff cheat description:Get a spare even if you miss - code:3E3-44A-08F+0A3-45A-A28 + code:5344/79/3e+5345/90/0a cartridge sha256:246d48cb2a6ed53a7cf78d94fc219762aaaea0111467a5fcf415ca76f9170124 name:World Circuit Series (USA) cheat description:No loss of speed on course you take your finger from acceleration button - code:00C-A0E-19E + code:1ca0/3d/00 cheat description:No loss of speed when you leave course-except hitting walls - code:00A-E2E-3BE + code:1ae2/35/00 cheat description:No qualifying timer - code:003-84F-3BE+C93-85F-E69 + code:0384/35/00+0385/c0/c9 + +cartridge sha256:03e6c6bcd5c9942a7fd30917c70524f961e152bdd3b4e70bf1fd9f012635c065 + name:World Heroes 2 Jet (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) + cheat + description:Hit anywhere - both players + code:46a1/ca/fa+452c/20/18 cartridge sha256:0ba3d3b9be8c615bd29956887584aff9446a88fb2606bfb8ccc75907164c4cf9 name:WWF King of the Ring (USA, Europe) cheat description:No out of ring timer - code:00C-0FD-E6E + code:2c0f/01/00 cartridge sha256:770a3c6cd89d34af0d452eb4f52cd5a2f9d2651b9b54b247de349ff701f59a52 name:WWF Raw (USA, Europe) @@ -84482,64 +86053,67 @@ cartridge sha256:85c5368af171f9c47e02157222f140ad44ee9f9307f31838ffe9430793d80c6 name:X-Men - Mutant Academy (USA, Europe) cheat description:Hit anywhere - both players - code:184-65A-4CA+124-66A-E6E+C92-E6A-A29 + code:5465/28/18+5466/01/12+52e6/d0/c9 cartridge sha256:e8b42d935ea865f0b00f2a5447c8695799116e33dea30eaec5159ce7df225348 name:X-Men - Mutant Wars (USA, Europe) cheat description:Invincibility - code:186-99E-2AA + code:1699/30/18 cheat description:Hit anywhere - code:005-FAE-3BE + code:15fa/35/00 cheat description:One hit kills - code:182-258-4CA + code:7225/28/18 cheat description:One hit kills - bosses - code:180-A4B-08A + code:40a4/38/18 cartridge sha256:3843f2cdb0746ff0cf7dc97e1aab4fc6a15219e7ac8e1970ead475a835c57aea name:Xenon 2 - Megablast (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Invincibility + code:1e50/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy - code:FA4-16D-4C1 + code:2416/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA2-EBF-4C1 + code:02eb/ea/fa cheat description:Purchases at shop are free - code:C96-DBC-6EE + code:36db/21/c9 cheat description:When you die you get an awesome ship (for a while) - code:002-F4F-5D4 + code:02f4/af/00 cheat description:Start with very little energy - code:013-08F-A22 + code:0308/12/01 cheat description:Start with 1/3 energy - code:053-08F-A22 + code:0308/12/05 cheat description:Start with 1/2 energy - code:093-08F-A22 + code:0308/12/09 cheat description:Start with 2,222,222 points - code:002-04F-5D4 + code:0204/af/00 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:011-75C-F7E + code:3175/05/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:051-75C-F7E + code:3175/05/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A1-75C-F7E + code:3175/05/0a cartridge sha256:79847fc3769d81c17f95f7d4797b25129c5bf416e9da2a16ab2d09d71e9b9bbe name:Yogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast (USA) cheat description:Power-up after almost every shot - code:007-CB8-4CA + code:77cb/28/00 cheat description:Power-up after almost every shot (alt) code:092826C9 @@ -84548,53 +86122,62 @@ cartridge sha256:98fb28e23fa2bdb969317544bf0fd5c24fb377134cac12897b29889bc67f6ca name:Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush (USA) cheat description:Power-up after almost every shot - code:007-CB8-4CA + code:77cb/28/00 cartridge sha256:a41d3ab34e91fccdf6b4e3a203dbf606d1097b702039fdf2f252cb18c4c9f925 name:Yoshi (USA) + cheat + description:Always get half egg pieces + code:1afc/11/1d+1afb/38/18+1af8/12/1e cheat description:At random intervals, 1 block comes down instead of 2 - code:003-BBE-193 + code:13bb/7e/00 cheat description:When setup screen appears, go to level select, push right once to start on level 6 - code:3EC-70D-081+06C-71D-2AC+22C-72D-F71 + code:2c70/fa/3e+2c71/b1/06+2c72/c6/22 cheat description:When setup screen appears, go to level select, push right once to start on level 8 - code:3EC-70D-081+08C-71D-2AC+22C-72D-F71 + code:2c70/fa/3e+2c71/b1/08+2c72/c6/22 cheat description:No timer for game B - code:00C-71B-3BA + code:4c71/34/00 + +cartridge sha256:fb29a19cae1b04bf0f3e20e9f9853d62a5b3bf536c8aece32943442d5bb0a049 + name:Yoshi's Cookie (USA, Europe) + cheat + description:Move one column to clear level + code:13f8/f2/00 cartridge sha256:1f6a79c3a548718eea5cf530f30d67f8fd76ee9693cd2da164caef36d310a501 name:Zen - Intergalactic Ninja (USA) cheat description:Infinite lives - code:FA9-6DE-4C1 + code:196d/ea/fa cheat description:Infinite energy against bullets and most enemies - code:FA3-36B-4C1+FA2-A4B-4C1 + code:4336/ea/fa+42a4/ea/fa cheat description:Instant staff power-up (hold B) - code:01A-3ED-F7E + code:2a3e/05/01 cheat description:No energy loss against fire - code:FA1-B1A-4C1 + code:51b1/ea/fa cheat description:No energy loss against hang-on enemies - code:FAF-DAD-4C1 + code:2fda/ea/fa cheat description:Start lives with 1/2 energy - code:051-668-C42 + code:7166/0a/05 cheat description:Start each life with 7 energy points - code:071-668-C42 + code:7166/0a/07 cheat description:Start with 1 life - code:015-91F-E66 + code:0591/03/01 cheat description:Start with 5 lives - code:055-91F-E66 + code:0591/03/05 cheat description:Start with 10 lives - code:0A5-91F-E66 + code:0591/03/0a diff --git a/emulator/emulator.hpp b/emulator/emulator.hpp index a6144243..52f66486 100644 --- a/emulator/emulator.hpp +++ b/emulator/emulator.hpp @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ namespace Emulator { static const char Name[] = "higan"; - static const char Version[] = "093.12"; + static const char Version[] = "093.13"; static const char Author[] = "byuu"; static const char License[] = "GPLv3"; static const char Website[] = "http://byuu.org/"; @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ namespace Emulator { #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/fc/cheat/cheat.cpp b/fc/cheat/cheat.cpp index b023ff96..73854559 100644 --- a/fc/cheat/cheat.cpp +++ b/fc/cheat/cheat.cpp @@ -4,85 +4,25 @@ namespace Famicom { Cheat cheat; -bool Cheat::decode(string code_, unsigned& addr, unsigned& data, unsigned& comp) { - static bool initialize = false; - static uint8 mapProActionReplay[256], mapGameGenie[256]; +void Cheat::reset() { + codes.reset(); +} - if(initialize == false) { - initialize = true; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, Unused, data}); +} - for(auto& n : mapProActionReplay) n = ~0; - mapProActionReplay['0'] = 0; mapProActionReplay['1'] = 1; mapProActionReplay['2'] = 2; mapProActionReplay['3'] = 3; - mapProActionReplay['4'] = 4; mapProActionReplay['5'] = 5; mapProActionReplay['6'] = 6; mapProActionReplay['7'] = 7; - mapProActionReplay['8'] = 8; mapProActionReplay['9'] = 9; mapProActionReplay['A'] = 10; mapProActionReplay['B'] = 11; - mapProActionReplay['C'] = 12; mapProActionReplay['D'] = 13; mapProActionReplay['E'] = 14; mapProActionReplay['F'] = 15; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, comp, data}); +} - for(auto& n : mapGameGenie) n = ~0; - mapGameGenie['A'] = 0; mapGameGenie['P'] = 1; mapGameGenie['Z'] = 2; mapGameGenie['L'] = 3; - mapGameGenie['G'] = 4; mapGameGenie['I'] = 5; mapGameGenie['T'] = 6; mapGameGenie['Y'] = 7; - mapGameGenie['E'] = 8; mapGameGenie['O'] = 9; mapGameGenie['X'] = 10; mapGameGenie['U'] = 11; - mapGameGenie['K'] = 12; mapGameGenie['S'] = 13; mapGameGenie['V'] = 14; mapGameGenie['N'] = 15; +optional Cheat::find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp) { + for(auto& code : codes) { + if(code.addr == addr && (code.comp == Unused || code.comp == comp)) { + return {true, code.data}; + } } - - string code = code_; - code.upper(); - unsigned length = code.length(), bits = 0; - - if(code.match("????:??")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 4), substr(code, 5, 2)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) if(mapProActionReplay[code[n]] > 15) return false; - bits = hex(code); - addr = (bits >> 8) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; - comp = ~0; - return true; - } - - if(code.match("????:??:??")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 4), substr(code, 5, 2), substr(code, 8, 2)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(mapProActionReplay[code[n]] > 15) return false; - bits = hex(code); - addr = (bits >> 16) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 8) & 0xff; - comp = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; - return true; - } - - if(length == 6) { - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) if(mapGameGenie[code[n]] > 15) return false; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) bits |= mapGameGenie[code[n]] << (20 - n * 4); - unsigned addrTable[] = {10, 9, 8, 7, 2, 1, 0, 19, 14, 13, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4}; - unsigned dataTable[] = {23, 18, 17, 16, 3, 22, 21, 20}; - - addr = 0x8000, data = 0x00, comp = ~0; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 15; n++) addr |= bits & (1 << addrTable[n]) ? 0x4000 >> n : 0; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) data |= bits & (1 << dataTable[n]) ? 0x80 >> n : 0; - return true; - } - - if(length == 8) { - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(mapGameGenie[code[n]] > 15) return false; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) bits |= mapGameGenie[code[n]] << (28 - n * 4); - unsigned addrTable[] = {18, 17, 16, 15, 10, 9, 8, 27, 22, 21, 20, 19, 14, 13, 12}; - unsigned dataTable[] = {31, 26, 25, 24, 3, 30, 29, 28}; - unsigned compTable[] = {7, 2, 1, 0, 11, 6, 5, 4}; - - addr = 0x8000, data = 0x00, comp = 0x00; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 15; n++) addr |= bits & (1 << addrTable[n]) ? 0x4000 >> n : 0; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) data |= bits & (1 << dataTable[n]) ? 0x80 >> n : 0; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) comp |= bits & (1 << compTable[n]) ? 0x80 >> n : 0; - return true; - } - return false; } -void Cheat::synchronize() { - for(auto& n : override) n = false; - - for(unsigned n = 0; n < size(); n++) { - override[operator[](n).addr] = true; - } -} - } diff --git a/fc/cheat/cheat.hpp b/fc/cheat/cheat.hpp index 88996ab5..c1cb490a 100644 --- a/fc/cheat/cheat.hpp +++ b/fc/cheat/cheat.hpp @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ -struct CheatCode { - unsigned addr; - unsigned data; - unsigned comp; -}; +struct Cheat { + struct Code { + unsigned addr; + unsigned comp; + unsigned data; + }; + vector codes; + enum : unsigned { Unused = ~0u }; -struct Cheat : public vector { - static bool decode(string code, unsigned& addr, unsigned& data, unsigned& comp); - - void synchronize(); - bool override[65536]; + alwaysinline bool enable() const { return codes.size() > 0; } + void reset(); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned data); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data); + optional find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp); }; extern Cheat cheat; diff --git a/fc/interface/interface.cpp b/fc/interface/interface.cpp index cbb54146..1d38d2b0 100644 --- a/fc/interface/interface.cpp +++ b/fc/interface/interface.cpp @@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ bool Interface::unserialize(serializer& s) { void Interface::cheatSet(const lstring& list) { cheat.reset(); - for(auto& code : list) { - lstring codelist = code.split("+"); - for(auto& part : codelist) { - unsigned addr, data, comp; - if(Cheat::decode(part, addr, data, comp)) cheat.append({addr, data, comp}); + for(auto& codeset : list) { + lstring codes = codeset.split("+"); + for(auto& code : codes) { + lstring part = code.split("/"); + if(part.size() == 2) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1])); + if(part.size() == 3) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1]), hex(part[2])); } } - cheat.synchronize(); } void Interface::paletteUpdate(PaletteMode mode) { diff --git a/fc/memory/memory.cpp b/fc/memory/memory.cpp index 22176d15..0e7d1d15 100644 --- a/fc/memory/memory.cpp +++ b/fc/memory/memory.cpp @@ -17,15 +17,8 @@ uint8 Bus::read(uint16 addr) { else if(addr <= 0x3fff) data = ppu.read(addr); else if(addr <= 0x4017) data = cpu.read(addr); - if(cheat.override[addr]) { - for(unsigned n = 0; n < cheat.size(); n++) { - if(cheat[n].addr == addr) { - if(cheat[n].comp > 255 || cheat[n].comp == data) { - data = cheat[n].data; - break; - } - } - } + if(cheat.enable()) { + if(auto result = cheat.find(addr, data)) return result(); } return data; diff --git a/gb/apu/wave/wave.cpp b/gb/apu/wave/wave.cpp index 52a178e8..ce62c108 100644 --- a/gb/apu/wave/wave.cpp +++ b/gb/apu/wave/wave.cpp @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ void APU::Wave::power() { frequency = 0; counter = 0; -//random_lfsr r; - for(auto& n : pattern) n = 0; + LinearFeedbackShiftRegisterGenerator r; + for(auto& n : pattern) n = r() & 15; output = 0; length = 0; diff --git a/gb/cheat/cheat.cpp b/gb/cheat/cheat.cpp index cb4bcf7b..3457d565 100644 --- a/gb/cheat/cheat.cpp +++ b/gb/cheat/cheat.cpp @@ -4,88 +4,25 @@ namespace GameBoy { Cheat cheat; -bool Cheat::decode(string code_, unsigned& addr, unsigned& data, unsigned& comp) { - static bool initialize = false; - static uint8 mapProActionReplay[256], mapGameGenie[256]; +void Cheat::reset() { + codes.reset(); +} - if(initialize == false) { - initialize = true; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, Unused, data}); +} - for(auto& n : mapProActionReplay) n = ~0; - mapProActionReplay['0'] = 0; mapProActionReplay['1'] = 1; mapProActionReplay['2'] = 2; mapProActionReplay['3'] = 3; - mapProActionReplay['4'] = 4; mapProActionReplay['5'] = 5; mapProActionReplay['6'] = 6; mapProActionReplay['7'] = 7; - mapProActionReplay['8'] = 8; mapProActionReplay['9'] = 9; mapProActionReplay['A'] = 10; mapProActionReplay['B'] = 11; - mapProActionReplay['C'] = 12; mapProActionReplay['D'] = 13; mapProActionReplay['E'] = 14; mapProActionReplay['F'] = 15; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, comp, data}); +} - for(auto& n : mapGameGenie) n = ~0; - mapGameGenie['0'] = 0; mapGameGenie['1'] = 1; mapGameGenie['2'] = 2; mapGameGenie['3'] = 3; - mapGameGenie['4'] = 4; mapGameGenie['5'] = 5; mapGameGenie['6'] = 6; mapGameGenie['7'] = 7; - mapGameGenie['8'] = 8; mapGameGenie['9'] = 9; mapGameGenie['A'] = 10; mapGameGenie['B'] = 11; - mapGameGenie['C'] = 12; mapGameGenie['D'] = 13; mapGameGenie['E'] = 14; mapGameGenie['F'] = 15; +optional Cheat::find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp) { + for(auto& code : codes) { + if(code.addr == addr && (code.comp == Unused || code.comp == comp)) { + return {true, code.data}; + } } - - string code = code_; - code.upper(); - unsigned length = code.length(), bits = 0; - - if(code.match("????:??")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 4), substr(code, 5, 2)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) if(mapProActionReplay[code[n]] > 15) return false; - bits = hex(code); - addr = (bits >> 8) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; - comp = ~0; - return true; - } - - if(code.match("????:??:??")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 4), substr(code, 5, 2), substr(code, 8, 2)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(mapProActionReplay[code[n]] > 15) return false; - bits = hex(code); - addr = (bits >> 16) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 8) & 0xff; - comp = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; - return true; - } - - if(code.match("???" "-" "???")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 3), substr(code, 4, 3)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) if(mapGameGenie[code[n]] > 15) return false; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 6; n++) bits |= mapGameGenie[code[n]] << (20 - n * 4); - - addr = (bits >> 0) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 16) & 0xff; - comp = ~0; - - addr = (((addr >> 4) | (addr << 12)) & 0xffff) ^ 0xf000; - - return true; - } - - if(code.match("???" "-" "???" "-" "???")) { - code = {substr(code, 0, 3), substr(code, 4, 3), substr(code, 8, 1), substr(code, 10, 1)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(mapGameGenie[code[n]] > 15) return false; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) bits |= mapGameGenie[code[n]] << (28 - n * 4); - - addr = (bits >> 8) & 0xffff; - data = (bits >> 24) & 0xff; - comp = (bits >> 0) & 0xff; - - addr = (((addr >> 4) | (addr << 12)) & 0xffff) ^ 0xf000; - comp = (((comp >> 2) | (comp << 6)) & 0xff) ^ 0xba; - - return true; - } - return false; } -void Cheat::synchronize() { - for(auto& n : override) n = false; - - for(unsigned n = 0; n < size(); n++) { - override[operator[](n).addr] = true; - } -} - } diff --git a/gb/cheat/cheat.hpp b/gb/cheat/cheat.hpp index 88996ab5..c1cb490a 100644 --- a/gb/cheat/cheat.hpp +++ b/gb/cheat/cheat.hpp @@ -1,14 +1,17 @@ -struct CheatCode { - unsigned addr; - unsigned data; - unsigned comp; -}; +struct Cheat { + struct Code { + unsigned addr; + unsigned comp; + unsigned data; + }; + vector codes; + enum : unsigned { Unused = ~0u }; -struct Cheat : public vector { - static bool decode(string code, unsigned& addr, unsigned& data, unsigned& comp); - - void synchronize(); - bool override[65536]; + alwaysinline bool enable() const { return codes.size() > 0; } + void reset(); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned data); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data); + optional find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp); }; extern Cheat cheat; diff --git a/gb/interface/interface.cpp b/gb/interface/interface.cpp index 23d7b89e..44b8c15a 100644 --- a/gb/interface/interface.cpp +++ b/gb/interface/interface.cpp @@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ bool Interface::unserialize(serializer& s) { void Interface::cheatSet(const lstring& list) { cheat.reset(); - for(auto& code : list) { - lstring codelist = code.split("+"); - for(auto& part : codelist) { - unsigned addr, data, comp; - if(Cheat::decode(part, addr, data, comp)) cheat.append({addr, data, comp}); + for(auto& codeset : list) { + lstring codes = codeset.split("+"); + for(auto& code : codes) { + lstring part = code.split("/"); + if(part.size() == 2) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1])); + if(part.size() == 3) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1]), hex(part[2])); } } - cheat.synchronize(); } void Interface::paletteUpdate(PaletteMode mode) { diff --git a/gb/memory/memory.cpp b/gb/memory/memory.cpp index 0c33e3c8..abcbce22 100644 --- a/gb/memory/memory.cpp +++ b/gb/memory/memory.cpp @@ -44,15 +44,8 @@ Memory::~Memory() { uint8 Bus::read(uint16 addr) { uint8 data = mmio[addr]->mmio_read(addr); - if(cheat.override[addr]) { - for(unsigned n = 0; n < cheat.size(); n++) { - if(cheat[n].addr == addr) { - if(cheat[n].comp > 255 || cheat[n].comp == data) { - data = cheat[n].data; - break; - } - } - } + if(cheat.enable()) { + if(auto result = cheat.find(addr, data)) return result(); } return data; diff --git a/nall/image.hpp b/nall/image.hpp index 34807790..5f39fce5 100644 --- a/nall/image.hpp +++ b/nall/image.hpp @@ -1,767 +1,22 @@ #ifndef NALL_IMAGE_HPP #define NALL_IMAGE_HPP +#include + #include #include #include #include #include -#include -namespace nall { - -struct image { - uint8_t* data = nullptr; - unsigned width = 0; - unsigned height = 0; - unsigned pitch = 0; - unsigned size = 0; - - bool endian = 0; //0 = lsb, 1 = msb - unsigned depth = 32; - unsigned stride = 4; - - struct Channel { - uint64_t mask; - unsigned depth; - unsigned shift; - - inline bool operator==(const Channel& source) { - return mask == source.mask && depth == source.depth && shift == source.shift; - } - - inline bool operator!=(const Channel& source) { - return !operator==(source); - } - }; - - enum class blend : unsigned { - add, - sourceAlpha, //color = sourceColor * sourceAlpha + targetColor * (1 - sourceAlpha) - sourceColor, //color = sourceColor - targetAlpha, //color = targetColor * targetAlpha + sourceColor * (1 - targetAlpha) - targetColor, //color = targetColor - }; - - Channel alpha = {255u << 24, 8u, 24u}; - Channel red = {255u << 16, 8u, 16u}; - Channel green = {255u << 8, 8u, 8u}; - Channel blue = {255u << 0, 8u, 0u}; - - typedef double (*interpolation)(double, double, double, double, double); - static inline unsigned bitDepth(uint64_t color); - static inline unsigned bitShift(uint64_t color); - static inline uint64_t normalize(uint64_t color, unsigned sourceDepth, unsigned targetDepth); - - inline bool operator==(const image& source); - inline bool operator!=(const image& source); - - inline image& operator=(const image& source); - inline image& operator=(image&& source); - inline image(const image& source); - inline image(image&& source); - inline image(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask); - inline image(const string& filename); - inline image(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size); - inline image(); - inline ~image(); - - inline uint64_t read(const uint8_t* data) const; - inline void write(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value) const; - - inline void free(); - inline bool empty() const; - inline void allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height); - inline bool crop(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height); - inline void impose(blend mode, unsigned targetX, unsigned targetY, image source, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height); - inline void fill(uint64_t color = 0); - inline void gradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d); - inline void horizontalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b); - inline void verticalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b); - inline bool load(const string& filename); -//inline bool loadBMP(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size); - inline bool loadPNG(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size); - inline void scale(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool linear = true); - inline void transform(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask); - inline void alphaBlend(uint64_t alphaColor); - -protected: - inline uint8_t* allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned stride); - alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate1D(int64_t a, int64_t b, uint32_t x); - alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate2D(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c, int64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y); - inline void scaleLinearWidth(unsigned width); - inline void scaleLinearHeight(unsigned height); - inline void scaleLinear(unsigned width, unsigned height); - inline void scaleNearest(unsigned width, unsigned height); - inline bool loadBMP(const string& filename); - inline bool loadPNG(const string& filename); -}; - -//static - -unsigned image::bitDepth(uint64_t color) { - unsigned depth = 0; - if(color) while((color & 1) == 0) color >>= 1; - while((color & 1) == 1) { color >>= 1; depth++; } - return depth; -} - -unsigned image::bitShift(uint64_t color) { - unsigned shift = 0; - if(color) while((color & 1) == 0) { color >>= 1; shift++; } - return shift; -} - -uint64_t image::normalize(uint64_t color, unsigned sourceDepth, unsigned targetDepth) { - if(sourceDepth == 0 || targetDepth == 0) return 0; - while(sourceDepth < targetDepth) { - color = (color << sourceDepth) | color; - sourceDepth += sourceDepth; - } - if(targetDepth < sourceDepth) color >>= (sourceDepth - targetDepth); - return color; -} - -//public - -bool image::operator==(const image& source) { - if(width != source.width) return false; - if(height != source.height) return false; - if(pitch != source.pitch) return false; - - if(endian != source.endian) return false; - if(stride != source.stride) return false; - - if(alpha != source.alpha) return false; - if(red != source.red) return false; - if(green != source.green) return false; - if(blue != source.blue) return false; - - return memcmp(data, source.data, width * height * stride) == 0; -} - -bool image::operator!=(const image& source) { - return !operator==(source); -} - -image& image::operator=(const image& source) { - free(); - - width = source.width; - height = source.height; - pitch = source.pitch; - size = source.size; - - endian = source.endian; - stride = source.stride; - - alpha = source.alpha; - red = source.red; - green = source.green; - blue = source.blue; - - data = allocate(width, height, stride); - memcpy(data, source.data, source.size); - return *this; -} - -image& image::operator=(image&& source) { - free(); - - width = source.width; - height = source.height; - pitch = source.pitch; - size = source.size; - - endian = source.endian; - stride = source.stride; - - alpha = source.alpha; - red = source.red; - green = source.green; - blue = source.blue; - - data = source.data; - source.data = nullptr; - return *this; -} - -image::image(const image& source) { - operator=(source); -} - -image::image(image&& source) { - operator=(std::forward(source)); -} - -image::image(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask) { - this->endian = endian; - this->depth = depth; - this->stride = (depth / 8) + ((depth & 7) > 0); - - alpha = {alphaMask, bitDepth(alphaMask), bitShift(alphaMask)}; - red = {redMask, bitDepth(redMask), bitShift(redMask )}; - green = {greenMask, bitDepth(greenMask), bitShift(greenMask)}; - blue = {blueMask, bitDepth(blueMask), bitShift(blueMask )}; -} - -image::image(const string& filename) { - load(filename); -} - -image::image(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size) { - loadPNG(data, size); -} - -image::image() { -} - -image::~image() { - free(); -} - -uint64_t image::read(const uint8_t* data) const { - uint64_t result = 0; - if(endian == 0) { - for(signed n = stride - 1; n >= 0; n--) result = (result << 8) | data[n]; - } else { - for(signed n = 0; n < stride; n++) result = (result << 8) | data[n]; - } - return result; -} - -void image::write(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value) const { - if(endian == 0) { - for(signed n = 0; n < stride; n++) { data[n] = value; value >>= 8; } - } else { - for(signed n = stride - 1; n >= 0; n--) { data[n] = value; value >>= 8; } - } -} - -void image::free() { - if(data) delete[] data; - data = nullptr; -} - -bool image::empty() const { - if(data == nullptr) return true; - if(width == 0 || height == 0) return true; - return false; -} - -void image::allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height) { - if(data != nullptr && this->width == width && this->height == height) return; - free(); - data = allocate(width, height, stride); - pitch = width * stride; - size = height * pitch; - this->width = width; - this->height = height; -} - -void image::fill(uint64_t color) { - uint8_t* dp = data; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < width * height; n++) { - write(dp, color); - dp += stride; - } -} - -void image::gradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d) { - //create gradient by scaling 2x2 image using linear interpolation - //replace data with gradient data to prevent extra copy - delete[] data; - nall::image gradient; - gradient.endian = endian, gradient.depth = depth, gradient.stride = stride; - gradient.alpha = alpha, gradient.red = red, gradient.green = green, gradient.blue = blue; - gradient.allocate(2, 2); - uint8_t* dp = gradient.data; - gradient.write(dp, a); dp += stride; - gradient.write(dp, b); dp += stride; - gradient.write(dp, c); dp += stride; - gradient.write(dp, d); dp += stride; - gradient.scale(width, height); - data = gradient.data; - gradient.data = nullptr; -} - -void image::horizontalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { - gradient(a, b, a, b); -} - -void image::verticalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { - gradient(a, a, b, b); -} - -bool image::load(const string& filename) { - if(loadBMP(filename) == true) return true; - if(loadPNG(filename) == true) return true; - return false; -} - -bool image::crop(unsigned outputX, unsigned outputY, unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { - if(outputX + outputWidth > width) return false; - if(outputY + outputHeight > height) return false; - - uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); - unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { - const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (outputY + y) + stride * outputX; - uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; - for(unsigned x = 0; x < outputWidth; x++) { - write(dp, read(sp)); - sp += stride; - dp += stride; - } - } - - delete[] data; - data = outputData; - width = outputWidth; - height = outputHeight; - pitch = outputPitch; - size = width * pitch; - return true; -} - -void image::impose(blend mode, unsigned targetX, unsigned targetY, image source, unsigned sourceX, unsigned sourceY, unsigned sourceWidth, unsigned sourceHeight) { - source.transform(endian, depth, alpha.mask, red.mask, green.mask, blue.mask); - - for(unsigned y = 0; y < sourceHeight; y++) { - const uint8_t* sp = source.data + source.pitch * (sourceY + y) + source.stride * sourceX; - uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * (targetY + y) + stride * targetX; - for(unsigned x = 0; x < sourceWidth; x++) { - uint64_t sourceColor = source.read(sp); - uint64_t targetColor = read(dp); - - int64_t sa = (sourceColor & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; - int64_t sr = (sourceColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; - int64_t sg = (sourceColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; - int64_t sb = (sourceColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; - - int64_t da = (targetColor & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; - int64_t dr = (targetColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; - int64_t dg = (targetColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; - int64_t db = (targetColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; - - uint64_t a, r, g, b; - - switch(mode) { - case blend::add: - a = max(sa, da); - r = min(red.mask >> red.shift, ((sr * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((dr * da) >> alpha.depth)); - g = min(green.mask >> green.shift, ((sg * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((dg * da) >> alpha.depth)); - b = min(blue.mask >> blue.shift, ((sb * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((db * da) >> alpha.depth)); - break; - - case blend::sourceAlpha: - a = max(sa, da); - r = dr + (((sr - dr) * sa) >> alpha.depth); - g = dg + (((sg - dg) * sa) >> alpha.depth); - b = db + (((sb - db) * sa) >> alpha.depth); - break; - - case blend::sourceColor: - a = sa; - r = sr; - g = sg; - b = sb; - break; - - case blend::targetAlpha: - a = max(sa, da); - r = sr + (((dr - sr) * da) >> alpha.depth); - g = sg + (((dg - sg) * da) >> alpha.depth); - b = sb + (((db - sb) * da) >> alpha.depth); - break; - - case blend::targetColor: - a = da; - r = dr; - g = dg; - b = db; - break; - } - - write(dp, (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift)); - sp += source.stride; - dp += stride; - } - } -} - -void image::scale(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight, bool linear) { - if(width == outputWidth && height == outputHeight) return; //no scaling necessary - if(linear == false) return scaleNearest(outputWidth, outputHeight); - - if(width == outputWidth ) return scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight); - if(height == outputHeight) return scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth); - - //find fastest scaling method, based on number of interpolation operations required - //magnification usually benefits from two-pass linear interpolation - //minification usually benefits from one-pass bilinear interpolation - unsigned d1wh = ((width * outputWidth ) + (outputWidth * outputHeight)) * 1; - unsigned d1hw = ((height * outputHeight) + (outputWidth * outputHeight)) * 1; - unsigned d2wh = (outputWidth * outputHeight) * 3; - - if(d1wh <= d1hw && d1wh <= d2wh) return scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth), scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight); - if(d1hw <= d2wh) return scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight), scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth); - return scaleLinear(outputWidth, outputHeight); -} - -void image::transform(bool outputEndian, unsigned outputDepth, uint64_t outputAlphaMask, uint64_t outputRedMask, uint64_t outputGreenMask, uint64_t outputBlueMask) { - if(endian == outputEndian && depth == outputDepth && alpha.mask == outputAlphaMask && red.mask == outputRedMask && green.mask == outputGreenMask && blue.mask == outputBlueMask) return; - - image output(outputEndian, outputDepth, outputAlphaMask, outputRedMask, outputGreenMask, outputBlueMask); - output.allocate(width, height); - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { - const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * y; - uint8_t* dp = output.data + output.pitch * y; - for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { - uint64_t color = read(sp); - sp += stride; - - uint64_t a = (color & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; - uint64_t r = (color & red.mask) >> red.shift; - uint64_t g = (color & green.mask) >> green.shift; - uint64_t b = (color & blue.mask) >> blue.shift; - - a = normalize(a, alpha.depth, output.alpha.depth); - r = normalize(r, red.depth, output.red.depth); - g = normalize(g, green.depth, output.green.depth); - b = normalize(b, blue.depth, output.blue.depth); - - output.write(dp, (a << output.alpha.shift) | (r << output.red.shift) | (g << output.green.shift) | (b << output.blue.shift)); - dp += output.stride; - } - } - - operator=(std::move(output)); -} - -void image::alphaBlend(uint64_t alphaColor) { - uint64_t alphaR = (alphaColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; - uint64_t alphaG = (alphaColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; - uint64_t alphaB = (alphaColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { - uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * y; - for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { - uint64_t color = read(dp); - - uint64_t colorA = (color & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; - uint64_t colorR = (color & red.mask ) >> red.shift; - uint64_t colorG = (color & green.mask) >> green.shift; - uint64_t colorB = (color & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; - double alphaScale = (double)colorA / (double)((1 << alpha.depth) - 1); - - colorA = (1 << alpha.depth) - 1; - colorR = (colorR * alphaScale) + (alphaR * (1.0 - alphaScale)); - colorG = (colorG * alphaScale) + (alphaG * (1.0 - alphaScale)); - colorB = (colorB * alphaScale) + (alphaB * (1.0 - alphaScale)); - - write(dp, (colorA << alpha.shift) | (colorR << red.shift) | (colorG << green.shift) | (colorB << blue.shift)); - dp += stride; - } - } -} - -//protected - -uint8_t* image::allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned stride) { - //allocate 1x1 larger than requested; so that linear interpolation does not require bounds-checking - unsigned size = width * height * stride; - unsigned padding = width * stride + stride; - uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[size + padding]; - memset(data + size, 0x00, padding); - return data; -} - -//fixed-point reduction of: a * (1 - x) + b * x -uint64_t image::interpolate1D(int64_t a, int64_t b, uint32_t x) { - return a + (((b - a) * x) >> 32); //a + (b - a) * x -} - -//fixed-point reduction of: a * (1 - x) * (1 - y) + b * x * (1 - y) + c * (1 - x) * y + d * x * y -uint64_t image::interpolate2D(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c, int64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { - a = a + (((b - a) * x) >> 32); //a + (b - a) * x - c = c + (((d - c) * x) >> 32); //c + (d - c) * x - return a + (((c - a) * y) >> 32); //a + (c - a) * y -} - -void image::scaleLinearWidth(unsigned outputWidth) { - uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, height, stride); - unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; - uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)(width - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputWidth - 1); - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { - uint64_t xfraction = 0; - - const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * y; - uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; - - uint64_t a = read(sp); - uint64_t b = read(sp + stride); - sp += stride; - - unsigned x = 0; - while(true) { - while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { - uint64_t A = interpolate1D((a & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, (b & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, xfraction); - uint64_t R = interpolate1D((a & red.mask ) >> red.shift , (b & red.mask ) >> red.shift, xfraction); - uint64_t G = interpolate1D((a & green.mask) >> green.shift, (b & green.mask) >> green.shift, xfraction); - uint64_t B = interpolate1D((a & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift , (b & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, xfraction); - - write(dp, (A << alpha.shift) | (R << red.shift) | (G << green.shift) | (B << blue.shift)); - dp += stride; - xfraction += xstride; - } - if(x >= outputWidth) break; - - sp += stride; - a = b; - b = read(sp); - xfraction -= 0x100000000; - } - } - - free(); - data = outputData; - width = outputWidth; - pitch = outputPitch; - size = height * pitch; -} - -void image::scaleLinearHeight(unsigned outputHeight) { - uint8_t* outputData = allocate(width, outputHeight, stride); - uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)(height - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputHeight - 1); - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { - uint64_t yfraction = 0; - - const uint8_t* sp = data + stride * x; - uint8_t* dp = outputData + stride * x; - - uint64_t a = read(sp); - uint64_t b = read(sp + pitch); - sp += pitch; - - unsigned y = 0; - while(true) { - while(yfraction < 0x100000000 && y++ < outputHeight) { - uint64_t A = interpolate1D((a & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, (b & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, yfraction); - uint64_t R = interpolate1D((a & red.mask ) >> red.shift, (b & red.mask ) >> red.shift, yfraction); - uint64_t G = interpolate1D((a & green.mask) >> green.shift, (b & green.mask) >> green.shift, yfraction); - uint64_t B = interpolate1D((a & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, (b & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, yfraction); - - write(dp, (A << alpha.shift) | (R << red.shift) | (G << green.shift) | (B << blue.shift)); - dp += pitch; - yfraction += ystride; - } - if(y >= outputHeight) break; - - sp += pitch; - a = b; - b = read(sp); - yfraction -= 0x100000000; - } - } - - free(); - data = outputData; - height = outputHeight; - size = height * pitch; -} - -void image::scaleLinear(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { - uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); - unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; - - uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)(width - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputWidth - 1); - uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)(height - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputHeight - 1); - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { - uint64_t yfraction = ystride * y; - uint64_t xfraction = 0; - - const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (yfraction >> 32); - uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; - - uint64_t a = read(sp); - uint64_t b = read(sp + stride); - uint64_t c = read(sp + pitch); - uint64_t d = read(sp + pitch + stride); - sp += stride; - - unsigned x = 0; - while(true) { - while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { - uint64_t A = interpolate2D((a & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, (b & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, (c & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, (d & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift, xfraction, yfraction); - uint64_t R = interpolate2D((a & red.mask ) >> red.shift, (b & red.mask ) >> red.shift, (c & red.mask ) >> red.shift, (d & red.mask ) >> red.shift, xfraction, yfraction); - uint64_t G = interpolate2D((a & green.mask) >> green.shift, (b & green.mask) >> green.shift, (c & green.mask) >> green.shift, (d & green.mask) >> green.shift, xfraction, yfraction); - uint64_t B = interpolate2D((a & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, (b & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, (c & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, (d & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift, xfraction, yfraction); - - write(dp, (A << alpha.shift) | (R << red.shift) | (G << green.shift) | (B << blue.shift)); - dp += stride; - xfraction += xstride; - } - if(x >= outputWidth) break; - - sp += stride; - a = b; - c = d; - b = read(sp); - d = read(sp + pitch); - xfraction -= 0x100000000; - } - } - - free(); - data = outputData; - width = outputWidth; - height = outputHeight; - pitch = outputPitch; - size = height * pitch; -} - -void image::scaleNearest(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { - uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); - unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; - - uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)width << 32) / outputWidth; - uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)height << 32) / outputHeight; - - #pragma omp parallel for - for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { - uint64_t yfraction = ystride * y; - uint64_t xfraction = 0; - - const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (yfraction >> 32); - uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; - - uint64_t a = read(sp); - - unsigned x = 0; - while(true) { - while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { - write(dp, a); - dp += stride; - xfraction += xstride; - } - if(x >= outputWidth) break; - - sp += stride; - a = read(sp); - xfraction -= 0x100000000; - } - } - - free(); - data = outputData; - width = outputWidth; - height = outputHeight; - pitch = outputPitch; - size = height * pitch; -} - -bool image::loadBMP(const string& filename) { - uint32_t* outputData; - unsigned outputWidth, outputHeight; - if(bmp::read(filename, outputData, outputWidth, outputHeight) == false) return false; - - allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight); - const uint32_t* sp = outputData; - uint8_t* dp = data; - - for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { - for(unsigned x = 0; x < outputWidth; x++) { - uint32_t color = *sp++; - uint64_t a = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 24), 8, alpha.depth); - uint64_t r = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 16), 8, red.depth); - uint64_t g = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 8), 8, green.depth); - uint64_t b = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 0), 8, blue.depth); - write(dp, (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift)); - dp += stride; - } - } - - delete[] outputData; - return true; -} - -bool image::loadPNG(const uint8_t* pngData, unsigned pngSize) { - png source; - if(source.decode(pngData, pngSize) == false) return false; - - allocate(source.info.width, source.info.height); - const uint8_t* sp = source.data; - uint8_t* dp = data; - - auto decode = [&]() -> uint64_t { - uint64_t p, r, g, b, a; - - switch(source.info.colorType) { - case 0: //L - r = g = b = source.readbits(sp); - a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; - break; - case 2: //R,G,B - r = source.readbits(sp); - g = source.readbits(sp); - b = source.readbits(sp); - a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; - break; - case 3: //P - p = source.readbits(sp); - r = source.info.palette[p][0]; - g = source.info.palette[p][1]; - b = source.info.palette[p][2]; - a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; - break; - case 4: //L,A - r = g = b = source.readbits(sp); - a = source.readbits(sp); - break; - case 6: //R,G,B,A - r = source.readbits(sp); - g = source.readbits(sp); - b = source.readbits(sp); - a = source.readbits(sp); - break; - } - - a = normalize(a, source.info.bitDepth, alpha.depth); - r = normalize(r, source.info.bitDepth, red.depth); - g = normalize(g, source.info.bitDepth, green.depth); - b = normalize(b, source.info.bitDepth, blue.depth); - - return (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift); - }; - - for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { - for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { - write(dp, decode()); - dp += stride; - } - } - - return true; -} - -bool image::loadPNG(const string& filename) { - if(!file::exists(filename)) return false; - auto buffer = file::read(filename); - return loadPNG(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); -} - -} +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #endif diff --git a/nall/image/base.hpp b/nall/image/base.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f42bdde --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/base.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_BASE_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_BASE_HPP + +namespace nall { + +struct image { + uint8_t* data = nullptr; + unsigned width = 0; + unsigned height = 0; + unsigned pitch = 0; + unsigned size = 0; + + bool endian = 0; //0 = lsb, 1 = msb + unsigned depth = 32; + unsigned stride = 4; + + struct channel { + uint64_t mask; + unsigned depth; + unsigned shift; + + inline bool operator==(const channel& source) { + return mask == source.mask && depth == source.depth && shift == source.shift; + } + + inline bool operator!=(const channel& source) { + return !operator==(source); + } + }; + + channel alpha = {255u << 24, 8u, 24u}; + channel red = {255u << 16, 8u, 16u}; + channel green = {255u << 8, 8u, 8u}; + channel blue = {255u << 0, 8u, 0u}; + + enum class blend : unsigned { + add, + sourceAlpha, //color = sourceColor * sourceAlpha + targetColor * (1 - sourceAlpha) + sourceColor, //color = sourceColor + targetAlpha, //color = targetColor * targetAlpha + sourceColor * (1 - targetAlpha) + targetColor, //color = targetColor + }; + + //static.hpp + static inline unsigned bitDepth(uint64_t color); + static inline unsigned bitShift(uint64_t color); + static inline uint64_t normalize(uint64_t color, unsigned sourceDepth, unsigned targetDepth); + + //core.hpp + inline bool operator==(const image& source); + inline bool operator!=(const image& source); + + inline image& operator=(const image& source); + inline image& operator=(image&& source); + inline image(const image& source); + inline image(image&& source); + inline image(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask); + inline image(const string& filename); + inline image(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size); + inline image(); + inline ~image(); + + inline uint64_t read(const uint8_t* data) const; + inline void write(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value) const; + + inline void free(); + inline bool empty() const; + inline bool load(const string& filename); + inline void allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height); + + //fill.hpp + inline void fill(uint64_t color = 0); + inline void linearGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d); + inline void horizontalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b); + inline void verticalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b); + inline void radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, signed radiusX, signed radiusY, signed centerX, signed centerY); + inline void radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, signed radiusX, signed radiusY); + inline void radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b); + + //scale.hpp + inline void scale(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool linear = true); + + //blend.hpp + inline void impose(blend mode, unsigned targetX, unsigned targetY, image source, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height); + + //utility.hpp + inline bool crop(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height); + inline void alphaBlend(uint64_t alphaColor); + inline void transform(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask); + +protected: + //core.hpp + inline uint8_t* allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned stride); + + //scale.hpp + inline void scaleLinearWidth(unsigned width); + inline void scaleLinearHeight(unsigned height); + inline void scaleLinear(unsigned width, unsigned height); + inline void scaleNearest(unsigned width, unsigned height); + + //load.hpp + inline bool loadBMP(const string& filename); + inline bool loadPNG(const string& filename); + inline bool loadPNG(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size); + + //interpolation.hpp + alwaysinline void isplit(uint64_t* component, uint64_t color); + alwaysinline uint64_t imerge(const uint64_t* component); + alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate1f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, double x); + alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate1f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, double x, double y); + alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate1i(int64_t a, int64_t b, uint32_t x); + alwaysinline uint64_t interpolate1i(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c, int64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y); + inline uint64_t interpolate4f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, double x); + inline uint64_t interpolate4f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, double x, double y); + inline uint64_t interpolate4i(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint32_t x); + inline uint64_t interpolate4i(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y); +}; + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/blend.hpp b/nall/image/blend.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c8997a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/blend.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_BLEND_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_BLEND_HPP + +namespace nall { + +void image::impose(blend mode, unsigned targetX, unsigned targetY, image source, unsigned sourceX, unsigned sourceY, unsigned sourceWidth, unsigned sourceHeight) { + source.transform(endian, depth, alpha.mask, red.mask, green.mask, blue.mask); + + for(unsigned y = 0; y < sourceHeight; y++) { + const uint8_t* sp = source.data + source.pitch * (sourceY + y) + source.stride * sourceX; + uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * (targetY + y) + stride * targetX; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < sourceWidth; x++) { + uint64_t sourceColor = source.read(sp); + uint64_t targetColor = read(dp); + + int64_t sa = (sourceColor & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; + int64_t sr = (sourceColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; + int64_t sg = (sourceColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; + int64_t sb = (sourceColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; + + int64_t da = (targetColor & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; + int64_t dr = (targetColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; + int64_t dg = (targetColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; + int64_t db = (targetColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; + + uint64_t a, r, g, b; + + switch(mode) { + case blend::add: + a = max(sa, da); + r = min(red.mask >> red.shift, ((sr * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((dr * da) >> alpha.depth)); + g = min(green.mask >> green.shift, ((sg * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((dg * da) >> alpha.depth)); + b = min(blue.mask >> blue.shift, ((sb * sa) >> alpha.depth) + ((db * da) >> alpha.depth)); + break; + + case blend::sourceAlpha: + a = max(sa, da); + r = dr + (((sr - dr) * sa) >> alpha.depth); + g = dg + (((sg - dg) * sa) >> alpha.depth); + b = db + (((sb - db) * sa) >> alpha.depth); + break; + + case blend::sourceColor: + a = sa; + r = sr; + g = sg; + b = sb; + break; + + case blend::targetAlpha: + a = max(sa, da); + r = sr + (((dr - sr) * da) >> alpha.depth); + g = sg + (((dg - sg) * da) >> alpha.depth); + b = sb + (((db - sb) * da) >> alpha.depth); + break; + + case blend::targetColor: + a = da; + r = dr; + g = dg; + b = db; + break; + } + + write(dp, (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift)); + sp += source.stride; + dp += stride; + } + } +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/core.hpp b/nall/image/core.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ee04042 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/core.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_CORE_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_CORE_HPP + +namespace nall { + +bool image::operator==(const image& source) { + if(width != source.width) return false; + if(height != source.height) return false; + if(pitch != source.pitch) return false; + + if(endian != source.endian) return false; + if(stride != source.stride) return false; + + if(alpha != source.alpha) return false; + if(red != source.red) return false; + if(green != source.green) return false; + if(blue != source.blue) return false; + + return memcmp(data, source.data, width * height * stride) == 0; +} + +bool image::operator!=(const image& source) { + return !operator==(source); +} + +image& image::operator=(const image& source) { + free(); + + width = source.width; + height = source.height; + pitch = source.pitch; + size = source.size; + + endian = source.endian; + stride = source.stride; + + alpha = source.alpha; + red = source.red; + green = source.green; + blue = source.blue; + + data = allocate(width, height, stride); + memcpy(data, source.data, source.size); + return *this; +} + +image& image::operator=(image&& source) { + free(); + + width = source.width; + height = source.height; + pitch = source.pitch; + size = source.size; + + endian = source.endian; + stride = source.stride; + + alpha = source.alpha; + red = source.red; + green = source.green; + blue = source.blue; + + data = source.data; + source.data = nullptr; + return *this; +} + +image::image(const image& source) { + operator=(source); +} + +image::image(image&& source) { + operator=(std::forward(source)); +} + +image::image(bool endian, unsigned depth, uint64_t alphaMask, uint64_t redMask, uint64_t greenMask, uint64_t blueMask) { + this->endian = endian; + this->depth = depth; + this->stride = (depth / 8) + ((depth & 7) > 0); + + alpha = {alphaMask, bitDepth(alphaMask), bitShift(alphaMask)}; + red = {redMask, bitDepth(redMask), bitShift(redMask )}; + green = {greenMask, bitDepth(greenMask), bitShift(greenMask)}; + blue = {blueMask, bitDepth(blueMask), bitShift(blueMask )}; +} + +image::image(const string& filename) { + load(filename); +} + +image::image(const uint8_t* data, unsigned size) { + loadPNG(data, size); +} + +image::image() { +} + +image::~image() { + free(); +} + +uint64_t image::read(const uint8_t* data) const { + uint64_t result = 0; + if(endian == 0) { + for(signed n = stride - 1; n >= 0; n--) result = (result << 8) | data[n]; + } else { + for(signed n = 0; n < stride; n++) result = (result << 8) | data[n]; + } + return result; +} + +void image::write(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value) const { + if(endian == 0) { + for(signed n = 0; n < stride; n++) { + data[n] = value; + value >>= 8; + } + } else { + for(signed n = stride - 1; n >= 0; n--) { + data[n] = value; + value >>= 8; + } + } +} + +void image::free() { + if(data) delete[] data; + data = nullptr; +} + +bool image::empty() const { + if(data == nullptr) return true; + if(width == 0 || height == 0) return true; + return false; +} + +bool image::load(const string& filename) { + if(loadBMP(filename) == true) return true; + if(loadPNG(filename) == true) return true; + return false; +} + +void image::allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height) { + if(data != nullptr && this->width == width && this->height == height) return; + free(); + data = allocate(width, height, stride); + pitch = width * stride; + size = height * pitch; + this->width = width; + this->height = height; +} + +uint8_t* image::allocate(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned stride) { + //allocate 1x1 larger than requested; so that linear interpolation does not require bounds-checking + unsigned size = width * height * stride; + unsigned padding = width * stride + stride; + uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[size + padding]; + memset(data + size, 0x00, padding); + return data; +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/fill.hpp b/nall/image/fill.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a765a30 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/fill.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_FILL_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_FILL_HPP + +namespace nall { + +void image::fill(uint64_t color) { + uint8_t* dp = data; + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * y; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + write(dp, color); + dp += stride; + } + } +} + +void image::linearGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d) { + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * y; + double muY = (double)y / (double)height; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + double muX = (double)x / (double)width; + write(dp, interpolate4f(a, b, c, d, muX, muY)); + dp += stride; + } + } +} + +void image::horizontalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { + linearGradient(a, b, a, b); +} + +void image::verticalGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { + linearGradient(a, a, b, b); +} + +void image::radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, signed radiusX, signed radiusY, signed centerX, signed centerY) { + if(radiusX < 1) radiusX = width >> 1; + if(radiusY < 1) radiusY = height >> 1; + for(signed y = 0; y < height; y++) { + uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * y; + double py = max(-radiusY, min(+radiusY, y - centerY)) * 1.0 / radiusY; + for(signed x = 0; x < width; x++) { + double px = max(-radiusX, min(+radiusX, x - centerX)) * 1.0 / radiusX; + double mu = min(1.0, sqrt(px * px + py * py)); + write(dp, interpolate4f(a, b, mu)); + dp += stride; + } + } +} + +void image::radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, signed radiusX, signed radiusY) { + radialGradient(a, b, radiusX, radiusY, width >> 1, height >> 1); +} + +void image::radialGradient(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { + radialGradient(a, b, width >> 1, height >> 1, width >> 1, height >> 1); +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/interpolation.hpp b/nall/image/interpolation.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1abe4d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/interpolation.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_INTERPOLATION_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_INTERPOLATION_HPP + +namespace nall { + +void image::isplit(uint64_t* c, uint64_t color) { + c[0] = (color & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; + c[1] = (color & red.mask ) >> red.shift; + c[2] = (color & green.mask) >> green.shift; + c[3] = (color & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; +} + +uint64_t image::imerge(const uint64_t* c) { + return c[0] << alpha.shift | c[1] << red.shift | c[2] << green.shift | c[3] << blue.shift; +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate1f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, double x) { + return a * (1.0 - x) + b * x; +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate1f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, double x, double y) { + return a * (1.0 - x) * (1.0 - y) + b * x * (1.0 - y) + c * (1.0 - x) * y + d * x * y; +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate1i(int64_t a, int64_t b, uint32_t x) { + return a + (((b - a) * x) >> 32); //a + (b - a) * x +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate1i(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c, int64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { + a = a + (((b - a) * x) >> 32); //a + (b - a) * x + c = c + (((d - c) * x) >> 32); //c + (d - c) * x + return a + (((c - a) * y) >> 32); //a + (c - a) * y +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate4f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, double x) { + uint64_t o[4], pa[4], pb[4]; + isplit(pa, a), isplit(pb, b); + for(unsigned n = 0; n < 4; n++) o[n] = interpolate1f(pa[n], pb[n], x); + return imerge(o); +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate4f(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, double x, double y) { + uint64_t o[4], pa[4], pb[4], pc[4], pd[4]; + isplit(pa, a), isplit(pb, b), isplit(pc, c), isplit(pd, d); + for(unsigned n = 0; n < 4; n++) o[n] = interpolate1f(pa[n], pb[n], pc[n], pd[n], x, y); + return imerge(o); +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate4i(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint32_t x) { + uint64_t o[4], pa[4], pb[4]; + isplit(pa, a), isplit(pb, b); + for(unsigned n = 0; n < 4; n++) o[n] = interpolate1i(pa[n], pb[n], x); + return imerge(o); +} + +uint64_t image::interpolate4i(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t d, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { + uint64_t o[4], pa[4], pb[4], pc[4], pd[4]; + isplit(pa, a), isplit(pb, b), isplit(pc, c), isplit(pd, d); + for(unsigned n = 0; n < 4; n++) o[n] = interpolate1i(pa[n], pb[n], pc[n], pd[n], x, y); + return imerge(o); +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/load.hpp b/nall/image/load.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ac17d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/load.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_LOAD_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_LOAD_HPP + +namespace nall { + +bool image::loadBMP(const string& filename) { + uint32_t* outputData; + unsigned outputWidth, outputHeight; + if(bmp::read(filename, outputData, outputWidth, outputHeight) == false) return false; + + allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight); + const uint32_t* sp = outputData; + uint8_t* dp = data; + + for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { + for(unsigned x = 0; x < outputWidth; x++) { + uint32_t color = *sp++; + uint64_t a = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 24), 8, alpha.depth); + uint64_t r = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 16), 8, red.depth); + uint64_t g = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 8), 8, green.depth); + uint64_t b = normalize((uint8_t)(color >> 0), 8, blue.depth); + write(dp, (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift)); + dp += stride; + } + } + + delete[] outputData; + return true; +} + +bool image::loadPNG(const string& filename) { + if(!file::exists(filename)) return false; + auto buffer = file::read(filename); + return loadPNG(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); +} + +bool image::loadPNG(const uint8_t* pngData, unsigned pngSize) { + png source; + if(source.decode(pngData, pngSize) == false) return false; + + allocate(source.info.width, source.info.height); + const uint8_t* sp = source.data; + uint8_t* dp = data; + + auto decode = [&]() -> uint64_t { + uint64_t p, r, g, b, a; + + switch(source.info.colorType) { + case 0: //L + r = g = b = source.readbits(sp); + a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; + break; + case 2: //R,G,B + r = source.readbits(sp); + g = source.readbits(sp); + b = source.readbits(sp); + a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; + break; + case 3: //P + p = source.readbits(sp); + r = source.info.palette[p][0]; + g = source.info.palette[p][1]; + b = source.info.palette[p][2]; + a = (1 << source.info.bitDepth) - 1; + break; + case 4: //L,A + r = g = b = source.readbits(sp); + a = source.readbits(sp); + break; + case 6: //R,G,B,A + r = source.readbits(sp); + g = source.readbits(sp); + b = source.readbits(sp); + a = source.readbits(sp); + break; + } + + a = normalize(a, source.info.bitDepth, alpha.depth); + r = normalize(r, source.info.bitDepth, red.depth); + g = normalize(g, source.info.bitDepth, green.depth); + b = normalize(b, source.info.bitDepth, blue.depth); + + return (a << alpha.shift) | (r << red.shift) | (g << green.shift) | (b << blue.shift); + }; + + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + write(dp, decode()); + dp += stride; + } + } + + return true; +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/scale.hpp b/nall/image/scale.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e6cdda0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/scale.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_SCALE_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_SCALE_HPP + +namespace nall { + +void image::scale(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight, bool linear) { + if(width == outputWidth && height == outputHeight) return; //no scaling necessary + if(linear == false) return scaleNearest(outputWidth, outputHeight); + + if(width == outputWidth ) return scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight); + if(height == outputHeight) return scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth); + + //find fastest scaling method, based on number of interpolation operations required + //magnification usually benefits from two-pass linear interpolation + //minification usually benefits from one-pass bilinear interpolation + unsigned d1wh = ((width * outputWidth ) + (outputWidth * outputHeight)) * 1; + unsigned d1hw = ((height * outputHeight) + (outputWidth * outputHeight)) * 1; + unsigned d2wh = (outputWidth * outputHeight) * 3; + + if(d1wh <= d1hw && d1wh <= d2wh) return scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth), scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight); + if(d1hw <= d2wh) return scaleLinearHeight(outputHeight), scaleLinearWidth(outputWidth); + return scaleLinear(outputWidth, outputHeight); +} + +void image::scaleLinearWidth(unsigned outputWidth) { + uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, height, stride); + unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; + uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)(width - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputWidth - 1); + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + uint64_t xfraction = 0; + + const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * y; + uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; + + uint64_t a = read(sp); + uint64_t b = read(sp + stride); + sp += stride; + + unsigned x = 0; + while(true) { + while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { + write(dp, interpolate4i(a, b, xfraction)); + dp += stride; + xfraction += xstride; + } + if(x >= outputWidth) break; + + sp += stride; + a = b; + b = read(sp); + xfraction -= 0x100000000; + } + } + + free(); + data = outputData; + width = outputWidth; + pitch = outputPitch; + size = height * pitch; +} + +void image::scaleLinearHeight(unsigned outputHeight) { + uint8_t* outputData = allocate(width, outputHeight, stride); + uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)(height - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputHeight - 1); + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + uint64_t yfraction = 0; + + const uint8_t* sp = data + stride * x; + uint8_t* dp = outputData + stride * x; + + uint64_t a = read(sp); + uint64_t b = read(sp + pitch); + sp += pitch; + + unsigned y = 0; + while(true) { + while(yfraction < 0x100000000 && y++ < outputHeight) { + write(dp, interpolate4i(a, b, yfraction)); + dp += pitch; + yfraction += ystride; + } + if(y >= outputHeight) break; + + sp += pitch; + a = b; + b = read(sp); + yfraction -= 0x100000000; + } + } + + free(); + data = outputData; + height = outputHeight; + size = height * pitch; +} + +void image::scaleLinear(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { + uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); + unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; + + uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)(width - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputWidth - 1); + uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)(height - 1) << 32) / max(1u, outputHeight - 1); + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { + uint64_t yfraction = ystride * y; + uint64_t xfraction = 0; + + const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (yfraction >> 32); + uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; + + uint64_t a = read(sp); + uint64_t b = read(sp + stride); + uint64_t c = read(sp + pitch); + uint64_t d = read(sp + pitch + stride); + sp += stride; + + unsigned x = 0; + while(true) { + while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { + write(dp, interpolate4i(a, b, c, d, xfraction, yfraction)); + dp += stride; + xfraction += xstride; + } + if(x >= outputWidth) break; + + sp += stride; + a = b; + c = d; + b = read(sp); + d = read(sp + pitch); + xfraction -= 0x100000000; + } + } + + free(); + data = outputData; + width = outputWidth; + height = outputHeight; + pitch = outputPitch; + size = height * pitch; +} + +void image::scaleNearest(unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { + uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); + unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; + + uint64_t xstride = ((uint64_t)width << 32) / outputWidth; + uint64_t ystride = ((uint64_t)height << 32) / outputHeight; + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { + uint64_t yfraction = ystride * y; + uint64_t xfraction = 0; + + const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (yfraction >> 32); + uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; + + uint64_t a = read(sp); + + unsigned x = 0; + while(true) { + while(xfraction < 0x100000000 && x++ < outputWidth) { + write(dp, a); + dp += stride; + xfraction += xstride; + } + if(x >= outputWidth) break; + + sp += stride; + a = read(sp); + xfraction -= 0x100000000; + } + } + + free(); + data = outputData; + width = outputWidth; + height = outputHeight; + pitch = outputPitch; + size = height * pitch; +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/static.hpp b/nall/image/static.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16140796 --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/static.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_STATIC_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_STATIC_HPP + +namespace nall { + +unsigned image::bitDepth(uint64_t color) { + unsigned depth = 0; + if(color) while((color & 1) == 0) color >>= 1; + while((color & 1) == 1) { color >>= 1; depth++; } + return depth; +} + +unsigned image::bitShift(uint64_t color) { + unsigned shift = 0; + if(color) while((color & 1) == 0) { color >>= 1; shift++; } + return shift; +} + +uint64_t image::normalize(uint64_t color, unsigned sourceDepth, unsigned targetDepth) { + if(sourceDepth == 0 || targetDepth == 0) return 0; + while(sourceDepth < targetDepth) { + color = (color << sourceDepth) | color; + sourceDepth += sourceDepth; + } + if(targetDepth < sourceDepth) color >>= (sourceDepth - targetDepth); + return color; +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/nall/image/utility.hpp b/nall/image/utility.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b96ee9f --- /dev/null +++ b/nall/image/utility.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +#ifndef NALL_IMAGE_UTILITY_HPP +#define NALL_IMAGE_UTILITY_HPP + +namespace nall { + +bool image::crop(unsigned outputX, unsigned outputY, unsigned outputWidth, unsigned outputHeight) { + if(outputX + outputWidth > width) return false; + if(outputY + outputHeight > height) return false; + + uint8_t* outputData = allocate(outputWidth, outputHeight, stride); + unsigned outputPitch = outputWidth * stride; + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < outputHeight; y++) { + const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * (outputY + y) + stride * outputX; + uint8_t* dp = outputData + outputPitch * y; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < outputWidth; x++) { + write(dp, read(sp)); + sp += stride; + dp += stride; + } + } + + delete[] data; + data = outputData; + width = outputWidth; + height = outputHeight; + pitch = outputPitch; + size = width * pitch; + return true; +} + +void image::alphaBlend(uint64_t alphaColor) { + uint64_t alphaR = (alphaColor & red.mask ) >> red.shift; + uint64_t alphaG = (alphaColor & green.mask) >> green.shift; + uint64_t alphaB = (alphaColor & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + uint8_t* dp = data + pitch * y; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + uint64_t color = read(dp); + + uint64_t colorA = (color & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; + uint64_t colorR = (color & red.mask ) >> red.shift; + uint64_t colorG = (color & green.mask) >> green.shift; + uint64_t colorB = (color & blue.mask ) >> blue.shift; + double alphaScale = (double)colorA / (double)((1 << alpha.depth) - 1); + + colorA = (1 << alpha.depth) - 1; + colorR = (colorR * alphaScale) + (alphaR * (1.0 - alphaScale)); + colorG = (colorG * alphaScale) + (alphaG * (1.0 - alphaScale)); + colorB = (colorB * alphaScale) + (alphaB * (1.0 - alphaScale)); + + write(dp, (colorA << alpha.shift) | (colorR << red.shift) | (colorG << green.shift) | (colorB << blue.shift)); + dp += stride; + } + } +} + +void image::transform(bool outputEndian, unsigned outputDepth, uint64_t outputAlphaMask, uint64_t outputRedMask, uint64_t outputGreenMask, uint64_t outputBlueMask) { + if(endian == outputEndian && depth == outputDepth && alpha.mask == outputAlphaMask && red.mask == outputRedMask && green.mask == outputGreenMask && blue.mask == outputBlueMask) return; + + image output(outputEndian, outputDepth, outputAlphaMask, outputRedMask, outputGreenMask, outputBlueMask); + output.allocate(width, height); + + #pragma omp parallel for + for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { + const uint8_t* sp = data + pitch * y; + uint8_t* dp = output.data + output.pitch * y; + for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) { + uint64_t color = read(sp); + sp += stride; + + uint64_t a = (color & alpha.mask) >> alpha.shift; + uint64_t r = (color & red.mask) >> red.shift; + uint64_t g = (color & green.mask) >> green.shift; + uint64_t b = (color & blue.mask) >> blue.shift; + + a = normalize(a, alpha.depth, output.alpha.depth); + r = normalize(r, red.depth, output.red.depth); + g = normalize(g, green.depth, output.green.depth); + b = normalize(b, blue.depth, output.blue.depth); + + output.write(dp, (a << output.alpha.shift) | (r << output.red.shift) | (g << output.green.shift) | (b << output.blue.shift)); + dp += output.stride; + } + } + + operator=(std::move(output)); +} + +} + +#endif diff --git a/phoenix/cocoa/widget/canvas.cpp b/phoenix/cocoa/widget/canvas.cpp index cc6fe974..197e596d 100644 --- a/phoenix/cocoa/widget/canvas.cpp +++ b/phoenix/cocoa/widget/canvas.cpp @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void pCanvas::rasterize() { if(canvas.state.mode == Canvas::Mode::Gradient) { nall::image image; image.allocate(width, height); - image.gradient( + image.linearGradient( canvas.state.gradient[0].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[1].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[2].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[3].argb() ); memcpy(target, image.data, image.size); diff --git a/phoenix/gtk/widget/canvas.cpp b/phoenix/gtk/widget/canvas.cpp index 4fad9909..e07a4278 100644 --- a/phoenix/gtk/widget/canvas.cpp +++ b/phoenix/gtk/widget/canvas.cpp @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void pCanvas::rasterize() { if(canvas.state.mode == Canvas::Mode::Gradient) { nall::image image; image.allocate(width, height); - image.gradient( + image.linearGradient( canvas.state.gradient[0].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[1].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[2].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[3].argb() ); memcpy(buffer, image.data, image.size); diff --git a/phoenix/qt/widget/canvas.cpp b/phoenix/qt/widget/canvas.cpp index 648fc030..f30bfc28 100644 --- a/phoenix/qt/widget/canvas.cpp +++ b/phoenix/qt/widget/canvas.cpp @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void pCanvas::rasterize() { if(canvas.state.mode == Canvas::Mode::Gradient) { nall::image image; image.allocate(width, height); - image.gradient( + image.linearGradient( canvas.state.gradient[0].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[1].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[2].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[3].argb() ); memcpy(surface->bits(), image.data, image.size); diff --git a/phoenix/windows/widget/canvas.cpp b/phoenix/windows/widget/canvas.cpp index 9e0dc815..08632ccc 100644 --- a/phoenix/windows/widget/canvas.cpp +++ b/phoenix/windows/widget/canvas.cpp @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void pCanvas::rasterize() { if(canvas.state.mode == Canvas::Mode::Gradient) { nall::image image; image.allocate(width, height); - image.gradient( + image.linearGradient( canvas.state.gradient[0].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[1].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[2].argb(), canvas.state.gradient[3].argb() ); memcpy(surface, image.data, image.size); diff --git a/ruby/video/glx.cpp b/ruby/video/glx.cpp index 3810b5a6..3e6ff3db 100644 --- a/ruby/video/glx.cpp +++ b/ruby/video/glx.cpp @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ struct pVideoGLX : OpenGL { if(depth > DefaultDepth(display, screen)) return false; switch(depth) { - case 24: format = GL_RGBA8; break; - case 30: format = GL_RGB10_A2; break; + case 24: inputFormat = GL_RGBA8; break; + case 30: inputFormat = GL_RGB10_A2; break; default: return false; } diff --git a/ruby/video/opengl/main.hpp b/ruby/video/opengl/main.hpp index ecfba0f2..1213645d 100644 --- a/ruby/video/opengl/main.hpp +++ b/ruby/video/opengl/main.hpp @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ void OpenGL::shader(const char* pathname) { settings.reset(); - format = GL_RGBA8; + format = inputFormat; filter = GL_LINEAR; wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER; absoluteWidth = 0, absoluteHeight = 0; diff --git a/ruby/video/opengl/opengl.hpp b/ruby/video/opengl/opengl.hpp index ffa2875b..4bbc473b 100644 --- a/ruby/video/opengl/opengl.hpp +++ b/ruby/video/opengl/opengl.hpp @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ struct OpenGLProgram : OpenGLSurface { struct OpenGL : OpenGLProgram { vector programs; vector history; + GLuint inputFormat = GL_RGBA8; unsigned outputWidth = 0; unsigned outputHeight = 0; struct Setting { diff --git a/sfc/cheat/cheat.cpp b/sfc/cheat/cheat.cpp index 9f1f2020..9dcdd54f 100644 --- a/sfc/cheat/cheat.cpp +++ b/sfc/cheat/cheat.cpp @@ -5,106 +5,28 @@ namespace SuperFamicom { Cheat cheat; -bool Cheat::enabled() const { - return system_enabled; +void Cheat::reset() { + codes.reset(); } -void Cheat::enable(bool state) { - system_enabled = state; - cheat_enabled = system_enabled && code_enabled; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, Unused, data}); } -void Cheat::synchronize() { - memset(override, 0x00, 16 * 1024 * 1024); - code_enabled = size() > 0; +void Cheat::append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data) { + codes.append({addr, comp, data}); +} - for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++) { - const CheatCode &code = operator[](i); +optional Cheat::find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp) { + //WRAM mirroring: $00-3f,80-bf:0000-1fff -> $7e:0000-1fff + if((addr & 0x40e000) == 0x000000) addr = 0x7e0000 | (addr & 0x1fff); - unsigned addr = mirror(code.addr); - override[addr] = true; - if((addr & 0xffe000) == 0x7e0000) { - //mirror $7e:0000-1fff to $00-3f|80-bf:0000-1fff - unsigned mirroraddr; - for(unsigned x = 0; x <= 0x3f; x++) { - mirroraddr = ((0x00 + x) << 16) + (addr & 0x1fff); - override[mirroraddr] = true; - - mirroraddr = ((0x80 + x) << 16) + (addr & 0x1fff); - override[mirroraddr] = true; - } + for(auto& code : codes) { + if(code.addr == addr && (code.comp == Unused || code.comp == comp)) { + return {true, code.data}; } } - - cheat_enabled = system_enabled && code_enabled; -} - -uint8 Cheat::read(unsigned addr) const { - addr = mirror(addr); - - for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++) { - const CheatCode& code = operator[](i); - if(addr == mirror(code.addr)) { - return code.data; - } - } - - return 0x00; -} - -void Cheat::init() { - memset(override, 0x00, 16 * 1024 * 1024); -} - -Cheat::Cheat() { - override = new uint8[16 * 1024 * 1024]; - system_enabled = true; -} - -Cheat::~Cheat() { - delete[] override; -} - -bool Cheat::decode(string code, unsigned& addr, unsigned& data) { - string t = code; - t.lower(); - - #define ischr(n) ((n >= '0' && n <= '9') || (n >= 'a' && n <= 'f')) - - if(t.match("??????:??")) { - //Direct - t = {substr(t, 0, 6), substr(t, 7, 2)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(!ischr(t[n])) return false; //validate input - unsigned r = hex(t); - - addr = r >> 8; - data = r & 0xff; - return true; - } - - if(t.match(R"(????-????)")) { - //Game Genie - t = {substr(t, 0, 4), substr(t, 5, 4)}; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 8; n++) if(!ischr(t[n])) return false; //validate input - t.transform("df4709156bc8a23e", "0123456789abcdef"); - unsigned r = hex(t); - static unsigned bits[] = {13, 12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 23, 22, 21, 20, 1, 0, 15, 14, 19, 18, 17, 16, 9, 8, 7, 6}; - - addr = 0; - for(unsigned n = 0; n < 24; n++) addr |= r & (1 << bits[n]) ? 0x800000 >> n : 0; - data = r >> 24; - return true; - } else { - return false; - } - - #undef ischr -} - -unsigned Cheat::mirror(unsigned addr) const { - //$00-3f|80-bf:0000-1fff -> $7e:0000-1fff - if((addr & 0x40e000) == 0x000000) return (0x7e0000 + (addr & 0x1fff)); - return addr; + return false; } } diff --git a/sfc/cheat/cheat.hpp b/sfc/cheat/cheat.hpp index f08b71a3..c1cb490a 100644 --- a/sfc/cheat/cheat.hpp +++ b/sfc/cheat/cheat.hpp @@ -1,27 +1,17 @@ -struct CheatCode { - unsigned addr; - unsigned data; -}; +struct Cheat { + struct Code { + unsigned addr; + unsigned comp; + unsigned data; + }; + vector codes; + enum : unsigned { Unused = ~0u }; -struct Cheat : public vector { - uint8* override; - - bool enabled() const; - void enable(bool); - void synchronize(); - uint8 read(unsigned) const; - void init(); - - Cheat(); - ~Cheat(); - - static bool decode(string, unsigned&, unsigned&); - -private: - bool system_enabled; - bool code_enabled; - bool cheat_enabled; - unsigned mirror(unsigned) const; + alwaysinline bool enable() const { return codes.size() > 0; } + void reset(); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned data); + void append(unsigned addr, unsigned comp, unsigned data); + optional find(unsigned addr, unsigned comp); }; extern Cheat cheat; diff --git a/sfc/interface/interface.cpp b/sfc/interface/interface.cpp index 626654d3..41d1f763 100644 --- a/sfc/interface/interface.cpp +++ b/sfc/interface/interface.cpp @@ -310,32 +310,31 @@ bool Interface::unserialize(serializer& s) { } void Interface::cheatSet(const lstring& list) { + cheat.reset(); + //Super Game Boy if(cartridge.has_gb_slot()) { GameBoy::cheat.reset(); - for(auto& code : list) { - lstring codelist = code.split("+"); - for(auto& part : codelist) { - unsigned addr, data, comp; - part.trim(); - if(GameBoy::Cheat::decode(part, addr, data, comp)) GameBoy::cheat.append({addr, data, comp}); + for(auto& codeset : list) { + lstring codes = codeset.split("+"); + for(auto& code : codes) { + lstring part = code.split("/"); + if(part.size() == 2) GameBoy::cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1])); + if(part.size() == 3) GameBoy::cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1]), hex(part[2])); } } - GameBoy::cheat.synchronize(); return; } //Super Famicom, Broadcast Satellaview, Sufami Turbo - cheat.reset(); - for(auto& code : list) { - lstring codelist = code.split("+"); - for(auto& part : codelist) { - unsigned addr, data; - part.trim(); - if(Cheat::decode(part, addr, data)) cheat.append({addr, data}); + for(auto& codeset : list) { + lstring codes = codeset.split("+"); + for(auto& code : codes) { + lstring part = code.split("/"); + if(part.size() == 2) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1])); + if(part.size() == 3) cheat.append(hex(part[0]), hex(part[1]), hex(part[2])); } } - cheat.synchronize(); } void Interface::paletteUpdate(PaletteMode mode) { diff --git a/sfc/memory/memory-inline.hpp b/sfc/memory/memory-inline.hpp index db60f7c0..7f2e3014 100644 --- a/sfc/memory/memory-inline.hpp +++ b/sfc/memory/memory-inline.hpp @@ -84,8 +84,13 @@ unsigned Bus::reduce(unsigned addr, unsigned mask) { } uint8 Bus::read(unsigned addr) { - if(cheat.override[addr]) return cheat.read(addr); - return reader[lookup[addr]](target[addr]); + uint8 data = reader[lookup[addr]](target[addr]); + + if(cheat.enable()) { + if(auto result = cheat.find(addr, data)) return result(); + } + + return data; } void Bus::write(unsigned addr, uint8 data) { diff --git a/sfc/system/system.cpp b/sfc/system/system.cpp index 8d865d48..5b5c624e 100644 --- a/sfc/system/system.cpp +++ b/sfc/system/system.cpp @@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ void System::load() { if(cartridge.has_st_slots()) sufamiturboA.load(), sufamiturboB.load(); serialize_init(); - cheat.init(); } void System::unload() { diff --git a/target-ethos/Makefile b/target-ethos/Makefile index 089a8399..8ed9cc76 100644 --- a/target-ethos/Makefile +++ b/target-ethos/Makefile @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ else ifeq ($(platform),macosx) else ifeq ($(platform),linux) ruby := video.glx video.xv video.xshm video.sdl ruby += audio.alsa audio.openal audio.oss audio.pulseaudio audio.pulseaudiosimple audio.ao - ruby += input.udev + ruby += input.udev input.sdl input.x else ifeq ($(platform),bsd) ruby := video.glx ruby += audio.openal audio.oss diff --git a/target-ethos/ethos.hpp b/target-ethos/ethos.hpp index 3a98bfa2..b9b9a22d 100644 --- a/target-ethos/ethos.hpp +++ b/target-ethos/ethos.hpp @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include