Replace the awkward nested lists of firmware info with a table.

This commit is contained in:
Tim Allen 2017-07-13 18:00:26 +10:00
parent 8c3d076bf4
commit f4bf02ba02
1 changed files with 122 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -1387,78 +1387,130 @@ Once you've figured out which co-processor
is used by the game you want to import,
here's the firmware files you'll need:
- **CX4**:
- ``,
3072 bytes,
SHA256: ae8d4d1961b93421ff00b3caa1d0f0ce7783e749772a3369c36b3dbf0d37ef18
- **DSP1/1A**: These two chips are physically different,
but the firmware inside is identical.
- ``,
2048 bytes,
SHA256: 0b5da6533e55852ee8fc397977ec5576c5b9f1fb2e05656d8f87123a121b076e
- `dsp1.program.rom`,
6144 bytes,
SHA256: 269584b347a22953a2989494c850a7c1c027f4ca5add517a60e0c7d8833d0fac
- **DSP1B**: The DSP1B is very similar to the DSP1A,
but has some bugs fixed.
Note that icarus' heuristics cannot distinguish between
a game that uses DSP1
and one that uses DSP1B,
so if it cannot find your game in its manifest database,
it will assume it uses DSP1B.
Many games work just as well with either DSP1 or DSP1B,
but Pilotwings is a notable exception.
- ``,
2048 bytes,
SHA256: 8546cbac530830446bb8a277f6b139d4ad64d650bdbac7e4e150e2f095665049
- `dsp1b.program.rom`,
6144 bytes,
SHA256: 2eccb54a8f89374911f7e2db48f1b4cde855655e28103f7bda2982a5b418a187
- **DSP2**:
- ``,
2048 bytes,
SHA256: 3beef9bffdc1e84c9f99f3301d8bd3e520d2e62909a995320f9faeae8f46ec11
- `dsp2.program.rom`,
6144 bytes,
SHA256: 62a2ef8d2d7db638f4ec0fbcebf0e5bf18a75ee95be06e885d9519a10487f0da
- **DSP3**:
- ``,
2048 bytes,
SHA256: 7fe51796e9c97fee1fa2aab40592b7c78997f67dd00333e69d0f79a12f3cb69f
- `dsp3.program.rom`,
6144 bytes,
SHA256: aea7b622e7c1de346cb15d16afcbedf92b6798507e179f83ed2a4cff40d0e663
- **DSP4**:
- ``,
2048 bytes,
SHA256: ef3ffb4256dd896a60213269b4e2d3bdd120c97e2fd623bddabbf43c2be422af
- `dsp4.program.rom`,
6144 bytes,
SHA256: 89b1826e6038be3a0ea0f923e85d589ff6f02dc1a1819fb2ec8c0cea5b333dcd
- **ST010**:
- ``,
4096 bytes,
SHA256: dc7056a51b53993d7a8ba5bacf9501f785d2fce5e5be748e9ff2737c5938d4a5
- `st010.program.rom`,
49152 bytes,
SHA256: 2c1f74bb5f466d81c64c326e71ac054489efe1abc9a5d6f91aac7747f2ddab67
- **ST011**:
- ``,
4096 bytes,
SHA256: b5377d1bebe8adc507a024b6e2b9b8fdf4877e451da84fbad05dff4e4a70311e
- `st011.program.rom`,
49152 bytes,
SHA256: d90a5cda380e81cb9ba11a9da7539b173c49b31bedc7a3ac9c3c8b3f97e89e14
- **ST018**:
- ``,
32768 bytes,
SHA256: b5377d1bebe8adc507a024b6e2b9b8fdf4877e451da84fbad05dff4e4a70311e
- `st018.program.rom`,
131072 bytes,
SHA256: d90a5cda380e81cb9ba11a9da7539b173c49b31bedc7a3ac9c3c8b3f97e89e14
<th>Size (bytes)</th>
<th scope="row">CX4</th>
<th scope="row" rows=2>DSP1/1A (Note 1)</th>
<th scope="row" rows=2>DSP1B (Note 2)</th>
<th scope="row" rows=2>DSP2</th>
<th scope="row" rows="2">DSP3</th>
<th scope="row" rows="2">DSP4</th>
<th scope="row" rows="2">ST010</th>
<th scope="row" rows="2">ST011</th>
<th scope="row" rows="2">ST018</th>
**Note 1:**
These two chips are physically different,
but the firmware inside is identical.
**Note 2:**
The DSP1B is very similar to the DSP1A,
but has some bugs fixed.
Note that icarus' heuristics cannot distinguish between
a game that uses DSP1
and one that uses DSP1B,
so if it cannot find your game in its manifest database,
it will assume it uses DSP1B.
Many games work just as well with either DSP1 or DSP1B,
but Pilotwings is a notable exception.
TODO: If you try to import a game without the correct firmware present, what happens?
Once a game with co-processor firmware is imported,