Update to bsnes v016r27 release.

Here's a WIP to try out, it's 20-40% slower than it
should be, due to PGO crashing the compiler*.

               Please copy and paste link, and _do not_ post this on
emulation news sites or I will remove the file.


 Even though it's slower, could I get some people to try running
through a bunch of games and look for new bugs? Given I rewrote the
entire CPU+APU, it's possible some new bugs crept in.

               * No release this weekend. Please be sure to thank
Microsoft personally for the delay.

    rc /r /fobsnes.res bsnes.rc
                       cl /Febsnes.exe /nologo /O2 /GL /EHsc main.obj
    libco.obj libstring.obj
                       libconfig.obj libbpf.obj reader.obj cart.obj
    cheat.obj memory.obj bmemory.obj
                       cpu.obj scpu.obj bcpu.obj apu.obj sapu.obj
    bapu.obj bdsp.obj ppu.obj bppu.ob
                       j snes.obj srtc.obj sdd1.obj c4.obj dsp1.obj
    dsp2.obj obc1.obj adler32.obj co
                       mpress.obj crc32.obj deflate.obj gzio.obj
    inffast.obj inflate.obj inftrees.obj
                       ioapi.obj trees.obj unzip.obj zip.obj zutil.obj
    jma.obj jcrc32.obj lzmadec.obj
                       7zlzma.obj iiostrm.obj inbyte.obj lzma.obj
    winout.obj bsnes.res kernel32.lib use
                       r32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib
    d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib ddraw.lib dsound
                       .lib dinput8.lib dxguid.lib /link
    /PGD:bsnes.pgd /LTCG:PGOPTIMIZE
                       Merging bsnes!1.pgc
                       Generating code
                       \bsnes\src\apu\sapu\core\core.cpp(16) : fatal
    error C1001: An internal er
                       ror has occurred in the compiler.
                       (compiler file
                       ', line 182)
                       To work around this problem, try simplifying or
    changing the program near the l
                       ocations listed above.
                       Please choose the Technical Support command on
    the Visual C++
                       Help menu, or open the Technical Support help
    file for more information

                       LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error
    during IMAGE::BuildImage

               What is on sapu\core\core.cpp(16) that's too complex
for Visual c++ to handle?

    status.in_opcode = false;

               Please, if anyone can simplify that for me, let me

 Seriously, though, if anyone can take a look at the source and fix
this compiler error I'd really appreciate it, and I'll get a release
out this weekend. I'm using Visual C++ 2005 Professional. Otherwise
I'll have to set it aside because I don't have time.

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byuu 2006-07-09 01:38:00 +00:00
parent a3945e5772
commit a36c26c997

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