Fixed compilation issues under more recent Xcode versions

This commit is contained in:
Lior Halphon 2017-01-22 21:53:52 +02:00
parent 430b733da6
commit 7a9377de34
2 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
HFASSERT(byteRange.length > 0);
HFRange displayedRange = [self entireDisplayedRange];
HFRange intersection = HFIntersectionRange(displayedRange, byteRange);
NSRect result;
NSRect result = {{0,},};
if (intersection.length > 0) {
NSRange intersectionNSRange = NSMakeRange(ll2l(intersection.location - displayedRange.location), ll2l(intersection.length));
if (intersectionNSRange.length > 0) {

View File

@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ LDFLAGS += -lc -lm
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Darwin)
SYSROOT := $(shell xcodebuild -sdk macosx -version Path 2> /dev/null)
CFLAGS += -F/Library/Frameworks
OCFLAGS += -x objective-c -fobjc-arc -Wno-deprecated-declarations -isysroot $(shell xcode-select -p)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
OCFLAGS += -x objective-c -fobjc-arc -Wno-deprecated-declarations -isysroot $(SYSROOT) -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
LDFLAGS += -framework AppKit -framework Carbon -framework QuartzCore
SDL_LDFLAGS := -framework SDL