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Update to bsnes v033r09? release.
New WIP, probably not worth downloading. For the sake of completeness, I finished optimizing the SPC7110 code. I've converted the pixel buffer rotation from swaps to moves, which should double the speed of the slowest part. I've also added reverse morton lookup tables (2x8-bit and 4x-8-bit deinterleaving), which are 8-10x faster than doing it using pure bit logic, I removed the redundant comparisons from the pixel context lookup (though a compiler would've done the same anyway), and lastly I've cut the mode2 context table in half, since the refcon add bit was only set on context 1 anyway. I could've replaced the other half with 5-6 if/else statements, but I didn't see much of a point in that since it'd only make the code harder to understand. That results in a 1-2fps speedup, at best. Really, the code is simply not a bottleneck. It's pointless to optimize anymore, as any changes from this point on will just make it harder to understand what's happening. I only added the morton tables because it does seem to aid readability. Also added translate[] wraps around all the new status messages, and moved the two checkbox options on the paths window to the advanced options list. No sense cluttering up the UI with near-useless settings. > It's hard going back to "Are you sure you'd like to exit?", no > multiplier eyeball stretching, etc. Heh, yeah. I never understood the floating point multiplier setups in some emulators. I guess it's useful if you want your video output size to be π x _e_. I thought about the "Are you sure?" thing, it'd be nice if you accidentally close the emulator, so you don't lose your save. But I quickly realized that despite using emulators for ten years, I've never _once_ actually done that. The only point where it might be appropriate is if I add mouse / SS support, since you may want to have the cursor near the top right of the window with the menubar off in windowed mode (though you're just asking for trouble at that point, honestly.) To be fair though, you helped design at least half the bsnes GUI, so obviously you should like it :P > I should offer a bounty at this point to anyone who can find another > bug that isn't PPU based. Super Power League 4 seems to die after an inning or two with a S-SMP crash. I still need to try screwing with the CPU/SMP scalars and try substituting with anomie's DSP core to see if it still dies. If neither of those affect it, it could very well be due to a timing issue with not emulating the delays of the SPC7110 chip or something. If someone wants to rule out the DSP core, they could try playing a SPC dump from the game in one of the plugins that use blargg's core. I doubt it's that, personally. The usual rules about special chips apply, but you can list it as a bug if you like. I probably will with a note. Maybe I can figure it out before release. Probably not, but who knows. Sigh, it's always the god damn baseball and golf games, isn't it? I'd probably half-ass the game too, if it were my job to work on one. > Two minor things that have probably been forgotten in all this > excitement that could make the next release: libui is still not > changed to "hiro" in the license, both online and text based. And > mudlord wanted to be added to the contributors for his OpenGL stuff. Ah, thanks. Updated the license file. Decided against listing all the libraries there for now, as they're getting quite numerous. As for credits, mudlord is already listed in the source file, and the contributors list is for people who have submitted code to the core of the emulator. It's not a good system, I admit. That obviously excludes you and tetsuo55, despite the fact that your testing has been one of the most helpful things I've received. It's not that I mind listing people, but I don't want that window to become cluttered with 100+ names of everyone up to and including people pointing out spelling mistakes in WIPs. That would make the window really onerous to look at. I really don't want to come off as rude here, I'm really truly grateful to everyone who has helped out even a little, and I'm happy to thank them all in some perpetual fashion (eg website thank yous tend to disappear as the news falls off the page.) That's the second time someone's brought that list up. I was afraid that adding such a list would just end up causing problems. Maybe I should just remove the contributors list on the about screen, and put everyone in the readme.txt file, so that everyone who ever contributed anything is listed? [No archive available]
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