Update to v072r02 release.

byuu says:

Just debugger work here. About three or four hours to write
nall/snes/cpu.hpp, which is basically opcode encoding information for
This commit is contained in:
Tim Allen 2010-10-27 20:49:18 +11:00
parent 5ae0c80ee8
commit 0730f847e5
7 changed files with 554 additions and 28 deletions

bsnes/nall/snes/cpu.hpp Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
namespace nall {
struct SNESCPU {
enum : unsigned {
Implied, //
Constant, //#$00
AccumConstant, //#$00
IndexConstant, //#$00
Direct, //$00
DirectX, //$00,x
DirectY, //$00,y
IDirect, //($00)
IDirectX, //($00,x)
IDirectY, //($00),y
ILDirect, //[$00]
ILDirectY, //[$00],y
Address, //$0000
AddressX, //$0000,x
AddressY, //$0000,y
IAddressX, //($0000,x)
ILAddress, //[$0000]
PAddress, //PBR:$0000
PIAddress, //PBR:($0000)
Long, //$000000
LongX, //$000000,x
Stack, //$00,s
IStackY, //($00,s),y
BlockMove, //$00,$00
RelativeShort, //+/- $00
RelativeLong, //+/- $0000
struct OpcodeInfo {
char name[4];
unsigned mode;
static const OpcodeInfo opcodeInfo[256];
static unsigned getOpcodeLength(uint8_t status, uint8_t opcode);
static string disassemble(unsigned pc, bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph, uint8_t pb);
const SNESCPU::OpcodeInfo SNESCPU::opcodeInfo[256] = {
//0x00 - 0x0f
{ "brk", Constant },
{ "ora", IDirectX },
{ "cop", Constant },
{ "ora", Stack },
{ "tsb", Direct },
{ "ora", Direct },
{ "asl", Direct },
{ "ora", ILDirect },
{ "php", Implied },
{ "ora", AccumConstant },
{ "asl", Implied },
{ "phd", Implied },
{ "tsb", Address },
{ "ora", Address },
{ "asl", Address },
{ "ora", Long },
//0x10 - 0x1f
{ "bpl", RelativeShort },
{ "ora", IDirectY },
{ "ora", IDirect },
{ "ora", IStackY },
{ "trb", Direct },
{ "ora", DirectX },
{ "asl", DirectX },
{ "ora", ILDirectY },
{ "clc", Implied },
{ "ora", AddressY },
{ "inc", Implied },
{ "tcs", Implied },
{ "trb", Address },
{ "ora", AddressX },
{ "asl", AddressX },
{ "ora", LongX },
//0x20 - 0x2f
{ "jsr", Address },
{ "and", IDirectX },
{ "jsl", Long },
{ "and", Stack },
{ "bit", Direct },
{ "and", Direct },
{ "rol", Direct },
{ "and", ILDirect },
{ "plp", Implied },
{ "and", AccumConstant },
{ "rol", Implied },
{ "pld", Implied },
{ "bit", Address },
{ "and", Address },
{ "rol", Address },
{ "and", Long },
//0x30 - 0x3f
{ "bmi", RelativeShort },
{ "and", IDirectY },
{ "and", IDirect },
{ "and", IStackY },
{ "bit", DirectX },
{ "and", DirectX },
{ "rol", DirectX },
{ "and", ILDirectY },
{ "sec", Implied },
{ "and", AddressY },
{ "dec", Implied },
{ "tsc", Implied },
{ "bit", AddressX },
{ "and", AddressX },
{ "rol", AddressX },
{ "and", LongX },
//0x40 - 0x4f
{ "rti", Implied },
{ "eor", IDirectX },
{ "wdm", Constant },
{ "eor", Stack },
{ "mvp", BlockMove },
{ "eor", Direct },
{ "lsr", Direct },
{ "eor", ILDirect },
{ "pha", Implied },
{ "eor", AccumConstant },
{ "lsr", Implied },
{ "phk", Implied },
{ "jmp", PAddress },
{ "eor", Address },
{ "lsr", Address },
{ "eor", Long },
//0x50 - 0x5f
{ "bvc", RelativeShort },
{ "eor", IDirectY },
{ "eor", IDirect },
{ "eor", IStackY },
{ "mvn", BlockMove },
{ "eor", DirectX },
{ "lsr", DirectX },
{ "eor", ILDirectY },
{ "cli", Implied },
{ "eor", AddressY },
{ "phy", Implied },
{ "tcd", Implied },
{ "jml", Long },
{ "eor", AddressX },
{ "lsr", AddressX },
{ "eor", LongX },
//0x60 - 0x6f
{ "rts", Implied },
{ "adc", IDirectX },
{ "per", Address },
{ "adc", Stack },
{ "stz", Direct },
{ "adc", Direct },
{ "ror", Direct },
{ "adc", ILDirect },
{ "pla", Implied },
{ "adc", AccumConstant },
{ "ror", Implied },
{ "rtl", Implied },
{ "jmp", PIAddress },
{ "adc", Address },
{ "ror", Address },
{ "adc", Long },
//0x70 - 0x7f
{ "bvs", RelativeShort },
{ "adc", IDirectY },
{ "adc", IDirect },
{ "adc", IStackY },
{ "stz", DirectX },
{ "adc", DirectX },
{ "ror", DirectX },
{ "adc", ILDirectY },
{ "sei", Implied },
{ "adc", AddressY },
{ "ply", Implied },
{ "tdc", Implied },
{ "jmp", IAddressX },
{ "adc", AddressX },
{ "ror", AddressX },
{ "adc", LongX },
//0x80 - 0x8f
{ "bra", RelativeShort },
{ "sta", IDirectX },
{ "brl", RelativeLong },
{ "sta", Stack },
{ "sty", Direct },
{ "sta", Direct },
{ "stx", Direct },
{ "sta", ILDirect },
{ "dey", Implied },
{ "bit", AccumConstant },
{ "txa", Implied },
{ "phb", Implied },
{ "sty", Address },
{ "sta", Address },
{ "stx", Address },
{ "sta", Long },
//0x90 - 0x9f
{ "bcc", RelativeShort },
{ "sta", IDirectY },
{ "sta", IDirect },
{ "sta", IStackY },
{ "sty", DirectX },
{ "sta", DirectX },
{ "stx", DirectY },
{ "sta", ILDirectY },
{ "tya", Implied },
{ "sta", AddressY },
{ "txs", Implied },
{ "txy", Implied },
{ "stz", Address },
{ "sta", AddressX },
{ "stz", AddressX },
{ "sta", LongX },
//0xa0 - 0xaf
{ "ldy", IndexConstant },
{ "lda", IDirectX },
{ "ldx", IndexConstant },
{ "lda", Stack },
{ "ldy", Direct },
{ "lda", Direct },
{ "ldx", Direct },
{ "lda", ILDirect },
{ "tay", Implied },
{ "lda", AccumConstant },
{ "tax", Implied },
{ "plb", Implied },
{ "ldy", Address },
{ "lda", Address },
{ "ldx", Address },
{ "lda", Long },
//0xb0 - 0xbf
{ "bcs", RelativeShort },
{ "lda", IDirectY },
{ "lda", IDirect },
{ "lda", IStackY },
{ "ldy", DirectX },
{ "lda", DirectX },
{ "ldx", DirectY },
{ "lda", ILDirectY },
{ "clv", Implied },
{ "lda", AddressY },
{ "tsx", Implied },
{ "tyx", Implied },
{ "ldy", AddressX },
{ "lda", AddressX },
{ "ldx", AddressY },
{ "lda", LongX },
//0xc0 - 0xcf
{ "cpy", IndexConstant },
{ "cmp", IDirectX },
{ "rep", Constant },
{ "cmp", Stack },
{ "cpy", Direct },
{ "cmp", Direct },
{ "dec", Direct },
{ "cmp", ILDirect },
{ "iny", Implied },
{ "cmp", AccumConstant },
{ "dex", Implied },
{ "wai", Implied },
{ "cpy", Address },
{ "cmp", Address },
{ "dec", Address },
{ "cmp", Long },
//0xd0 - 0xdf
{ "bne", RelativeShort },
{ "cmp", IDirectY },
{ "cmp", IDirect },
{ "cmp", IStackY },
{ "pei", IDirect },
{ "cmp", DirectX },
{ "dec", DirectX },
{ "cmp", ILDirectY },
{ "cld", Implied },
{ "cmp", AddressY },
{ "phx", Implied },
{ "stp", Implied },
{ "jmp", ILAddress },
{ "cmp", AddressX },
{ "dec", AddressX },
{ "cmp", LongX },
//0xe0 - 0xef
{ "cpx", IndexConstant },
{ "sbc", IDirectX },
{ "sep", Constant },
{ "sbc", Stack },
{ "cpx", Direct },
{ "sbc", Direct },
{ "inc", Direct },
{ "sbc", ILDirect },
{ "inx", Implied },
{ "sbc", AccumConstant },
{ "nop", Implied },
{ "xba", Implied },
{ "cpx", Address },
{ "sbc", Address },
{ "inc", Address },
{ "sbc", Long },
//0xf0 - 0xff
{ "beq", RelativeShort },
{ "sbc", IDirectY },
{ "sbc", IDirect },
{ "sbc", IStackY },
{ "pea", Address },
{ "sbc", DirectX },
{ "inc", DirectX },
{ "sbc", ILDirectY },
{ "sed", Implied },
{ "sbc", AddressY },
{ "plx", Implied },
{ "xce", Implied },
{ "jsr", IAddressX },
{ "sbc", AddressX },
{ "inc", AddressX },
{ "sbc", LongX },
inline unsigned SNESCPU::getOpcodeLength(uint8_t status, uint8_t opcode) {
switch(opcodeInfo[opcode].mode) { default:
case Implied: return 1;
case Constant: return 2;
case AccumConstant: return 3 - (bool)(status & 0x20);
case IndexConstant: return 3 - (bool)(status & 0x10);
case Direct: return 2;
case DirectX: return 2;
case DirectY: return 2;
case IDirect: return 2;
case IDirectX: return 2;
case IDirectY: return 2;
case ILDirect: return 2;
case ILDirectY: return 2;
case Address: return 3;
case AddressX: return 3;
case AddressY: return 3;
case IAddressX: return 3;
case ILAddress: return 3;
case PAddress: return 3;
case PIAddress: return 3;
case Long: return 4;
case LongX: return 4;
case Stack: return 2;
case IStackY: return 2;
case BlockMove: return 3;
case RelativeShort: return 2;
case RelativeLong: return 3;
inline string SNESCPU::disassemble(unsigned pc, bool accum, bool index, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t pl, uint8_t ph, uint8_t pb) {
string name = opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
unsigned mode = opcodeInfo[opcode].mode;
if(mode == Implied) return name;
if(mode == Constant) return { name, " #$", strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AccumConstant) return { name, " #$", accum ? "" : strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == IndexConstant) return { name, " #$", index ? "" : strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == Direct) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == DirectX) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == DirectY) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pl), ",y" };
if(mode == IDirect) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(pl), ")" };
if(mode == IDirectX) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(pl), ",x)" };
if(mode == IDirectY) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(pl), "),y" };
if(mode == ILDirect) return { name, " [$", strhex<2>(pl), "]" };
if(mode == ILDirectY) return { name, " [$", strhex<2>(pl), "],y" };
if(mode == Address) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == AddressX) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == AddressY) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), ",y" };
if(mode == IAddressX) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), ",x)" };
if(mode == ILAddress) return { name, " [$", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), "]" };
if(mode == PAddress) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == PIAddress) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), ")" };
if(mode == Long) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pb), strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == LongX) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pb), strhex<2>(ph), strhex<2>(pl), ",x" };
if(mode == Stack) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(pl), ",s" };
if(mode == IStackY) return { name, " ($", strhex<2>(pl), ",s),y" };
if(mode == BlockMove) return { name, " $", strhex<2>(ph), ",$", strhex<2>(pl) };
if(mode == RelativeShort) {
unsigned addr = (pc + 2) + (int8_t)(pl << 0);
return { name, " $", strhex<4>(addr) };
if(mode == RelativeLong) {
unsigned addr = (pc + 3) + (int16_t)((ph << 8) + (pl << 0));
return { name, " $", strhex<4>(addr) };
return "";

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
namespace SNES {
namespace Info {
static const char Name[] = "bsnes";
static const char Version[] = "072.01";
static const char Version[] = "072.02";
static const unsigned SerializerVersion = 14;
//#define DEBUGGER
#define DEBUGGER
#include <libco/libco.h>

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ void Console::create() {
traceToConsole.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace to console"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight + 5;
traceToConsole.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace to console"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight;
traceToDisk.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace to disk"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight + 5;
traceToDisk.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace to disk"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight;
traceCPU.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace S-CPU"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight + 5;
traceCPU.create(*this, x, y, 120, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Trace S-CPU"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight;
setGeometry(0, 0, 775, 338);

View File

@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ void CPUdebugger::create() {
stepInto.create(*this, x, y, 80, Style::ButtonHeight, "Step Into");
stepInto.create(*this, x, y, 80, Style::ButtonHeight, "Step Into"); y += Style::ButtonHeight;
stepOver.create(*this, x, y, 80, Style::ButtonHeight, "Step Over"); y += Style::ButtonHeight;
proceed.create(*this, x, y, 80, Style::ButtonHeight, "Proceed"); y += Style::ButtonHeight;
setGeometry(0, 0, 490, 205);
@ -17,28 +20,79 @@ void CPUdebugger::create() {
SNES::debugger.step_cpu = true;
debugger.debugMode = Debugger::DebugMode::StepIntoCPU;
stepOver.onTick = { &CPUdebugger::eventStepOver, this };
void CPUdebugger::refreshDisassembly() {
unsigned addr = SNES::cpu.regs.pc;
uint8_t *usage = SNES::cpu.usage;
signed offset[15];
foreach(n, offset) n = -1;
offset[7] = addr;
//reverse disassembly
for(signed n = 6; n >= 0; n--) {
signed base = offset[n + 1];
if(base == -1) break;
for(unsigned r = 1; r <= 4; r++) {
if(usage[(base - r) & 0xffffff] & 0x20) {
offset[n] = base - r;
//forward disassembly
for(signed n = 8; n <= 14; n++) {
signed base = offset[n - 1];
if(base == -1) break;
for(unsigned r = 1; r <= 4; r++) {
if(usage[(base + r) & 0xffffff] & 0x20) {
offset[n] = base + r;
string buffer;
for(unsigned n = 0; n < 15; n++) {
buffer.append(n == 7 ? "> " : " ");
if(offset[n] == -1) {
} else {
unsigned addr = offset[n];
buffer.append(" ");
string text = SNESCPU::disassemble(
addr, usage[addr] & 2, usage[addr] & 1,
read(addr + 0), read(addr + 1), read(addr + 2), read(addr + 3)
void CPUdebugger::eventStepInto() {
SNES::debugger.step_cpu = false;
char text[256];
SNES::cpu.disassemble_opcode(text, SNES::cpu.regs.pc);
text[21] = 0;
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
"> ", text, "\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ...\n",
" ..."
void CPUdebugger::eventStepOver() {
uint8_t opcode = read(SNES::cpu.regs.pc);
unsigned length = SNESCPU::getOpcodeLength(opcode, SNES::cpu.regs.p);
SNES::cpu.regs.pc += length;
uint8_t CPUdebugger::read(unsigned addr) {
return SNES::debugger.read(SNES::Debugger::MemorySource::CPUBus, addr);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
struct CPUdebugger : TopLevelWindow {
EditBox output;
Button stepInto;
Button stepOver;
Button proceed;
void create();
void refreshDisassembly();
void eventStepInto();
void eventStepOver();
uint8_t read(unsigned addr);
extern CPUdebugger cpuDebugger;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "../base.hpp"
#if defined(DEBUGGER)
#include <nall/snes/cpu.hpp>
#include "console.cpp"
#include "cpu/debugger.cpp"
Debugger debugger;
@ -13,8 +15,8 @@ void Debugger::create() {
application.addWindow(this, "Debugger", "160,160");
unsigned x = 5, y = 5;
enableDebugger.create(*this, x, y, 390, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Enable debugger"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight + 5;
showMemoryEditor.create(*this, x, y, 390, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Memory editor"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight + 5;
enableDebugger.create(*this, x, y, 390, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Enable debugger"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight;
showMemoryEditor.create(*this, x, y, 390, Style::CheckBoxHeight, "Memory editor"); y += Style::CheckBoxHeight;
setGeometry(0, 0, 400, y);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ struct MainWindow : TopLevelWindow {
MenuRadioItem systemPort2SuperScope;
MenuRadioItem systemPort2Justifier;
MenuRadioItem systemPort2Justifiers;
Menu settings;
Menu settingsVideoMode;
MenuRadioItem settingsVideoMode1x;
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ struct MainWindow : TopLevelWindow {
MenuItem settingsAudio;
MenuItem settingsInput;
MenuItem settingsAdvanced;
Menu tools;
Menu toolsStateSave;
MenuItem toolsStateSave1;
@ -63,10 +65,14 @@ struct MainWindow : TopLevelWindow {
MenuSeparator toolsSeparator2;
MenuItem toolsCheatEditor;
MenuItem toolsStateManager;
#if defined(DEBUGGER)
MenuSeparator toolsSeparator3;
MenuItem toolsDebugger;
Menu help;
MenuItem helpAbout;
Viewport viewport;
void create();