
290 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>
#include <nall/algorithm.hpp>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/sort.hpp>
#include <nall/type_traits.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
template<typename T, typename Enable = void> struct array;
//non-reference array
template<typename T> struct array<T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_reference<T>::value>::type> {
struct exception_out_of_bounds{};
T *pool;
unsigned poolsize, objectsize;
unsigned size() const { return objectsize; }
unsigned capacity() const { return poolsize; }
void reset() {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = nullptr;
poolsize = 0;
objectsize = 0;
void reserve(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize == poolsize) return;
pool = (T*)realloc(pool, newsize * sizeof(T));
poolsize = newsize;
objectsize = min(objectsize, newsize);
void resize(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize > poolsize) reserve(bit::round(newsize)); //round reserve size up to power of 2
objectsize = newsize;
T* get(unsigned minsize = 0) {
if(minsize > objectsize) resize(minsize);
return pool;
void append(const T data) {
operator()(objectsize) = data;
void append(const T data[], unsigned length) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < length; n++) operator()(objectsize) = data[n];
void remove() {
if(size > 0) resize(size - 1); //remove last element only
void remove(unsigned index, unsigned count = 1) {
for(unsigned i = index; count + i < objectsize; i++) {
pool[i] = pool[count + i];
if(count + index >= objectsize) resize(index); //every element >= index was removed
else resize(objectsize - count);
void sort() {
nall::sort(pool, objectsize);
template<typename Comparator> void sort(const Comparator &lessthan) {
nall::sort(pool, objectsize, lessthan);
optional<unsigned> find(const T data) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < size(); n++) if(pool[n] == data) return { true, n };
return { false, 0u };
void clear() {
memset(pool, 0, objectsize * sizeof(T));
array() : pool(nullptr), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
array(std::initializer_list<T> list) : pool(nullptr), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
for(auto &data : list) append(data);
~array() {
array& operator=(const array &source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
objectsize = source.objectsize;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
pool = (T*)malloc(sizeof(T) * poolsize); //allocate entire pool size,
memcpy(pool, source.pool, sizeof(T) * objectsize); //... but only copy used pool objects
return *this;
array(const array &source) : pool(nullptr), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
array& operator=(array &&source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = source.pool;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
objectsize = source.objectsize;
source.pool = nullptr;
return *this;
array(array &&source) : pool(nullptr), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
inline T& operator[](unsigned position) {
if(position >= objectsize) throw exception_out_of_bounds();
return pool[position];
inline const T& operator[](unsigned position) const {
if(position >= objectsize) throw exception_out_of_bounds();
return pool[position];
inline T& operator()(unsigned position) {
if(position >= objectsize) resize(position + 1);
return pool[position];
inline const T& operator()(unsigned position, const T& data) {
if(position >= objectsize) return data;
return pool[position];
T* begin() { return &pool[0]; }
T* end() { return &pool[objectsize]; }
const T* begin() const { return &pool[0]; }
const T* end() const { return &pool[objectsize]; }
//reference array
template<typename TR> struct array<TR, typename std::enable_if<std::is_reference<TR>::value>::type> {
struct exception_out_of_bounds{};
typedef typename std::remove_reference<TR>::type T;
T **pool;
unsigned poolsize, objectsize;
unsigned size() const { return objectsize; }
unsigned capacity() const { return poolsize; }
void reset() {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = nullptr;
poolsize = 0;
objectsize = 0;
void reserve(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize == poolsize) return;
pool = (T**)realloc(pool, sizeof(T*) * newsize);
poolsize = newsize;
objectsize = min(objectsize, newsize);
void resize(unsigned newsize) {
if(newsize > poolsize) reserve(bit::round(newsize));
objectsize = newsize;
template<typename... Args>
bool append(T& data, Args&&... args) {
bool result = append(data);
return result;
bool append(T& data) {
if(find(data)) return false;
unsigned offset = objectsize++;
if(offset >= poolsize) resize(offset + 1);
pool[offset] = &data;
return true;
bool remove(T& data) {
if(auto position = find(data)) {
for(signed i = position(); i < objectsize - 1; i++) pool[i] = pool[i + 1];
resize(objectsize - 1);
return true;
return false;
optional<unsigned> find(const T& data) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < objectsize; n++) if(pool[n] == &data) return { true, n };
return { false, 0u };
template<typename... Args> array(Args&&... args) : pool(nullptr), poolsize(0), objectsize(0) {
~array() {
array& operator=(const array &source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
objectsize = source.objectsize;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
pool = (T**)malloc(sizeof(T*) * poolsize);
memcpy(pool, source.pool, sizeof(T*) * objectsize);
return *this;
array& operator=(const array &&source) {
if(pool) free(pool);
pool = source.pool;
poolsize = source.poolsize;
objectsize = source.objectsize;
source.pool = nullptr;
return *this;
T& operator[](unsigned position) const {
if(position >= objectsize) throw exception_out_of_bounds();
return *pool[position];
struct iterator {
bool operator!=(const iterator &source) const { return position != source.position; }
T& operator*() { return source.operator[](position); }
iterator& operator++() { position++; return *this; }
iterator(const array &source, unsigned position) : source(source), position(position) {}
const array &source;
unsigned position;
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this, 0); }
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, objectsize); }
const iterator begin() const { return iterator(*this, 0); }
const iterator end() const { return iterator(*this, objectsize); }
void construct() {
void construct(const array& source) { operator=(source); }
void construct(const array&& source) { operator=(std::move(source)); }
template<typename... Args> void construct(T& data, Args&&... args) {