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Update to v090 release. byuu says: Most notably, this release adds Nintendo DS emulation. The Nintendo DS module was written entirely by Cydrak, so please give him all of the credit for it. I for one am extremely grateful to be allowed to use his module in bsnes. The Nintendo DS emulator's standalone name is dasShiny. You will need the Nintendo DS firmware, which I cannot provide, in order to use it. It also cannot (currently?) detect the save type used by NDS games. As such, manifest.xml files must be created manually for this purpose. The long-term plan is to create a database of save types for each game. Also, you will need an analog input device for the touch screen for now (joypad axes work well.) There have also been a lot of changes from my end: a unified manifest.xml format across all systems, major improvements to SPC7110 emulation, enhancements to RTC emulation, MSU1 enhancements, icons in the file browser list, improvements to SNES coprocessor memory mapping, cleanups and improvements in the libraries used to build bsnes, etc. I've also included kaijuu (which allows launching game folders directly with bsnes) and purify (which allows opening images that are compressed, have copier headers, and have wrong extensions); both of which are fully GUI-based. This release only loads game folders, not files. Use purify to load ROM files in bsnes. Note that this will likely be the last release for a long time, and that I will probably rename the emulator for the next release, due to how many additional systems it now supports.
2012-08-07 14:08:37 +00:00
struct Font;
struct Window;
struct Menu;
struct Sizable;
struct Layout;
struct Widget;
struct pFont;
struct pObject;
struct pOS;
struct pTimer;
struct pWindow;
struct pAction;
struct pMenu;
struct pSeparator;
struct pItem;
struct pCheckItem;
struct pRadioItem;
struct pSizable;
struct pLayout;
struct pWidget;
struct pButton;
struct pCanvas;
struct pCheckBox;
struct pComboBox;
struct pHexEdit;
struct pHorizontalScrollBar;
struct pHorizontalSlider;
struct pLabel;
struct pLineEdit;
struct pListView;
struct pProgressBar;
struct pRadioBox;
struct pTextEdit;
struct pVerticalScrollBar;
struct pVerticalSlider;
struct pViewport;
enum : unsigned {
MaximumSize = ~0u,
MinimumSize = 0u,
struct Color {
uint8_t red, green, blue, alpha;
uint32_t rgb() const;
uint32_t rgba() const;
inline Color() : red(0), green(0), blue(0), alpha(255) {}
inline Color(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha = 255) : red(red), green(green), blue(blue), alpha(alpha) {}
struct Position {
signed x, y;
inline Position() : x(0), y(0) {}
template<typename X, typename Y> inline Position(X x, Y y) : x(x), y(y) {}
struct Size {
unsigned width, height;
inline Size() : width(0), height(0) {}
template<typename W, typename H> inline Size(W width, H height) : width(width), height(height) {}
struct Geometry {
signed x, y;
unsigned width, height;
Position position() const;
Size size() const;
nall::string text() const;
inline Geometry() : x(0), y(0), width(0), height(0) {}
inline Geometry(const Position& position, const Size& size) : x(position.x), y(position.y), width(size.width), height(size.height) {}
template<typename X, typename Y, typename W, typename H> inline Geometry(X x, Y y, W width, H height) : x(x), y(y), width(width), height(height) {}
Geometry(const nall::string &text);
enum class Orientation : unsigned { Horizontal, Vertical };
struct Font {
nall::string description;
Geometry geometry(const nall::string &text);
Font(const nall::string &description = "");
struct Desktop {
static Size size();
static Geometry workspace();
Desktop() = delete;
struct Keyboard {
#include "keyboard.hpp"
static bool pressed(Scancode scancode);
static bool released(Scancode scancode);
static nall::vector<bool> state();
Keyboard() = delete;
struct Mouse {
enum class Button : unsigned { Left, Middle, Right };
static Position position();
static bool pressed(Button);
static bool released(Button);
Mouse() = delete;
struct DialogWindow {
template<typename... Args> static nall::string fileOpen(Window &parent, const nall::string &path, const Args&... args) { return fileOpen_(parent, path, { args... }); }
template<typename... Args> static nall::string fileSave(Window &parent, const nall::string &path, const Args&... args) { return fileSave_(parent, path, { args... }); }
static nall::string folderSelect(Window &parent, const nall::string &path);
DialogWindow() = delete;
static nall::string fileOpen_(Window &parent, const nall::string &path, const nall::lstring& filter);
static nall::string fileSave_(Window &parent, const nall::string &path, const nall::lstring& filter);
struct MessageWindow {
enum class Buttons : unsigned {
enum class Response : unsigned {
static Response information(Window &parent, const nall::string &text, Buttons = Buttons::Ok);
static Response question(Window &parent, const nall::string &text, Buttons = Buttons::YesNo);
static Response warning(Window &parent, const nall::string &text, Buttons = Buttons::Ok);
static Response critical(Window &parent, const nall::string &text, Buttons = Buttons::Ok);
MessageWindow() = delete;
struct Object {
Object(pObject &p);
Object& operator=(const Object&) = delete;
Object(const Object&) = delete;
virtual ~Object();
pObject &p;
struct OS : Object {
static void main();
static bool pendingEvents();
static void processEvents();
static void quit();
static void initialize();
struct Timer : private nall::base_from_member<pTimer&>, Object {
nall::function<void ()> onTimeout;
void setEnabled(bool enabled = true);
void setInterval(unsigned milliseconds);
struct State;
State &state;
pTimer &p;
struct Window : private nall::base_from_member<pWindow&>, Object {
nall::function<void ()> onClose;
nall::function<void (Keyboard::Keycode)> onKeyPress;
nall::function<void (Keyboard::Keycode)> onKeyRelease;
nall::function<void ()> onMove;
nall::function<void ()> onSize;
static Window& none();
inline void append() {}
inline void remove() {}
template<typename T, typename... Args> void append(T &arg, Args&... args) { append_(arg); append(args...); }
template<typename T, typename... Args> void remove(T &arg, Args&... args) { remove_(arg); remove(args...); }
void append_(Layout &layout);
void append_(Menu &menu);
void append_(Widget &widget);
Color backgroundColor();
Geometry frameGeometry();
Geometry frameMargin();
bool focused();
bool fullScreen();
Geometry geometry();
void ignore();
void remove_(Layout &layout);
void remove_(Menu &menu);
void remove_(Widget &widget);
void setBackgroundColor(const Color &color);
void setFrameGeometry(const Geometry &geometry);
void setFocused();
void setFullScreen(bool fullScreen = true);
void setGeometry(const Geometry &geometry);
void setMenuFont(const nall::string &font);
void setMenuVisible(bool visible = true);
void setModal(bool modal = true);
void setResizable(bool resizable = true);
void setStatusFont(const nall::string &font);
void setStatusText(const nall::string &text);
void setStatusVisible(bool visible = true);
void setTitle(const nall::string &text);
void setVisible(bool visible = true);
void setWidgetFont(const nall::string &font);
nall::string statusText();
void synchronizeLayout();
bool visible();
struct State;
State &state;
pWindow &p;
struct Action : Object {
bool enabled();
void setEnabled(bool enabled = true);
void setVisible(bool visible = true);
bool visible();
Action(pAction &p);
struct State;
State &state;
pAction &p;
struct Menu : private nall::base_from_member<pMenu&>, Action {
template<typename... Args> void append(Args&... args) { append({args...}); }
template<typename... Args> void remove(Args&... args) { remove({args...}); }
void append(const nall::set<Action&> &list);
void remove(const nall::set<Action&> &list);
void setImage(const nall::image &image = nall::image{});
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pMenu &p;
struct Separator : private nall::base_from_member<pSeparator&>, Action {
pSeparator &p;
struct Item : private nall::base_from_member<pItem&>, Action {
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
void setImage(const nall::image &image = nall::image{});
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pItem &p;
struct CheckItem : private nall::base_from_member<pCheckItem&>, Action {
nall::function<void ()> onToggle;
bool checked();
void setChecked(bool checked = true);
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pCheckItem &p;
struct RadioItem : private nall::base_from_member<pRadioItem&>, Action {
template<typename... Args> static void group(Args&... args) { group({args...}); }
static void group(const nall::set<RadioItem&> &list);
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
bool checked();
void setChecked();
void setText(const nall::string &text);
nall::string text();
struct State;
State &state;
pRadioItem &p;
struct Sizable : Object {
virtual bool enabled() = 0;
Layout* layout();
virtual Geometry minimumGeometry() = 0;
virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled = true) = 0;
virtual void setGeometry(const Geometry &geometry) = 0;
virtual void setVisible(bool visible = true) = 0;
virtual bool visible() = 0;
Window* window();
Sizable(pSizable &p);
struct State;
State &state;
pSizable &p;
struct Layout : private nall::base_from_member<pLayout&>, Sizable {
virtual void append(Sizable &sizable);
virtual void remove(Sizable &sizable);
virtual void reset() {}
virtual void synchronizeLayout() = 0;
Layout(pLayout &p);
struct State;
State &state;
pLayout &p;
struct Widget : private nall::base_from_member<pWidget&>, Sizable {
bool enabled();
nall::string font();
Geometry geometry();
Geometry minimumGeometry();
void setEnabled(bool enabled = true);
void setFocused();
void setFont(const nall::string &font);
void setGeometry(const Geometry &geometry);
void setVisible(bool visible = true);
bool visible();
Widget(pWidget &p);
struct State;
State &state;
pWidget &p;
struct Button : private nall::base_from_member<pButton&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
void setImage(const nall::image &image = nall::image{}, Orientation = Orientation::Horizontal);
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pButton &p;
struct Canvas : private nall::base_from_member<pCanvas&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
nall::function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
nall::function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
nall::function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
uint32_t* data();
bool setImage(const nall::image &image);
void setSize(const Size &size);
Size size();
void update();
struct State;
State &state;
pCanvas &p;
struct CheckBox : private nall::base_from_member<pCheckBox&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onToggle;
bool checked();
void setChecked(bool checked = true);
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pCheckBox &p;
struct ComboBox : private nall::base_from_member<pComboBox&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
template<typename... Args> void append(const Args&... args) { append_({args...}); }
void append_(const nall::lstring &list);
void modify(unsigned row, const nall::string &text);
void remove(unsigned row);
void reset();
unsigned selection();
void setSelection(unsigned row);
nall::string text();
nall::string text(unsigned row);
struct State;
State &state;
pComboBox &p;
struct HexEdit : private nall::base_from_member<pHexEdit&>, Widget {
nall::function<uint8_t (unsigned)> onRead;
nall::function<void (unsigned, uint8_t)> onWrite;
void setColumns(unsigned columns);
void setLength(unsigned length);
void setOffset(unsigned offset);
void setRows(unsigned rows);
void update();
struct State;
State &state;
pHexEdit &p;
struct HorizontalScrollBar : private nall::base_from_member<pHorizontalScrollBar&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned length();
unsigned position();
void setLength(unsigned length);
void setPosition(unsigned position);
struct State;
State &state;
pHorizontalScrollBar &p;
struct HorizontalSlider : private nall::base_from_member<pHorizontalSlider&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned length();
unsigned position();
void setLength(unsigned length);
void setPosition(unsigned position);
struct State;
State &state;
pHorizontalSlider &p;
struct Label : private nall::base_from_member<pLabel&>, Widget {
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pLabel &p;
struct LineEdit : private nall::base_from_member<pLineEdit&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
void setEditable(bool editable = true);
void setText(const nall::string &text);
nall::string text();
struct State;
State &state;
pLineEdit &p;
struct ListView : private nall::base_from_member<pListView&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
nall::function<void (unsigned)> onToggle;
template<typename... Args> void append(const Args&... args) { append_({args...}); }
template<typename... Args> void modify(unsigned row, const Args&... args) { modify_(row, {args...}); }
template<typename... Args> void setHeaderText(const Args&... args) { setHeaderText_({args...}); }
void append_(const nall::lstring &list);
void autoSizeColumns();
bool checked(unsigned row);
void modify_(unsigned row, const nall::lstring &list);
void remove(unsigned row);
void reset();
bool selected();
unsigned selection();
void setCheckable(bool checkable = true);
void setChecked(unsigned row, bool checked = true);
void setHeaderText_(const nall::lstring &list);
void setHeaderVisible(bool visible = true);
void setImage(unsigned row, unsigned column, const nall::image &image = nall::image{});
void setSelected(bool selected = true);
void setSelection(unsigned row);
struct State;
State &state;
pListView &p;
struct ProgressBar : private nall::base_from_member<pProgressBar&>, Widget {
void setPosition(unsigned position);
struct State;
State &state;
pProgressBar &p;
struct RadioBox : private nall::base_from_member<pRadioBox&>, Widget {
template<typename... Args> static void group(Args&... args) { group({args...}); }
static void group(const nall::set<RadioBox&> &list);
nall::function<void ()> onActivate;
bool checked();
void setChecked();
void setText(const nall::string &text);
struct State;
State &state;
pRadioBox &p;
struct TextEdit : private nall::base_from_member<pTextEdit&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
void setCursorPosition(unsigned position);
void setEditable(bool editable = true);
void setText(const nall::string &text);
void setWordWrap(bool wordWrap = true);
nall::string text();
struct State;
State &state;
pTextEdit &p;
struct VerticalScrollBar : private nall::base_from_member<pVerticalScrollBar&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned length();
unsigned position();
void setLength(unsigned length);
void setPosition(unsigned position);
struct State;
State &state;
pVerticalScrollBar &p;
struct VerticalSlider : private nall::base_from_member<pVerticalSlider&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned length();
unsigned position();
void setLength(unsigned length);
void setPosition(unsigned position);
struct State;
State &state;
pVerticalSlider &p;
struct Viewport : private nall::base_from_member<pViewport&>, Widget {
nall::function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
nall::function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
nall::function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
nall::function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
uintptr_t handle();
pViewport &p;
#include "layout/fixed-layout.hpp"
#include "layout/horizontal-layout.hpp"
#include "layout/vertical-layout.hpp"