Update to v084r05 release.
(note: before the post announcing this release, there had been
a discussion of a performance optimisation that made the Super Scope
emulation a lot faster, but caused problems for the Justifier perpheral)
byuu says:
Spent a good two hours trying things to no avail.
I was trying to allow the CPU to run ahead, and sync on accesses to
$4016/4017/4201/4213, but that doesn't work because the controllers have
access to strobe IObit at will.
The codebase is really starting to get difficult to work with. I am
guessing because the days of massive development are long over, and the
code is starting to age.
Jonas' fix works 98% of the time, but there's still a few missed shots
here and there. So that's not going to work either.
So ... I give up. I've disabled the speed hack, so that it works 100% of
the time.
Did the same for the Super Scope: it may not have the same problem, but
I like consistency and don't feel like taking the chance.
This doesn't affect the mouse, since the mouse does not latch the
counters to indicate its X/Y position.
Speed hit is 92->82fps (accuracy profile), but only for Super Scope and
Justifier games.
But ... at least it works now. Slow and working is better than fast and
I appreciate the help in researching the issue, Jonas and krom.
Also pulled in phoenix/Makefile, which simplifies ui/Makefile.
Linux port defaults to GTK+ now. I can't get QGtkStyle to look good on
2011-12-18 03:19:45 +00:00
ifeq ($(platform),x)
ifeq ($(phoenix),)
phoenix := gtk
ifeq ($(phoenix),gtk)
phoenixflags := -DPHOENIX_GTK `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`
phoenixlink := `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
ifeq ($(phoenix),qt)
phoenixflags := -DPHOENIX_QT `pkg-config --cflags QtCore QtGui`
phoenixlink := `pkg-config --libs QtCore QtGui`
else ifeq ($(platform),win)
phoenixflags := -DPHOENIX_WINDOWS
2012-06-25 12:49:39 +00:00
phoenixlink := -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lole32 -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshlwapi
Update to v092 release.
In the release thread, byuu says:
The first official release of higan has been posted. higan is the
new name for bsnes, and it continues with the latter's version
Note that as of now, bsnes still exists. It's a module distributed
inside of higan. bsnes is now specific to my SNES emulator.
Due to last minute changes to the emulator interface, and missing
support in ananke, I wasn't able to include Cydrak's Nintendo DS
emulator dasShiny in this build, but I hope to do so in the next
For both new and experienced users, please read the higan user guide
In the v091 WIP thread, byuu says:
- BS-X MaskROM handling (partial ... need to split bsx/flash away
from sfc/chip, restructure code - it requires tagging the base
cart markup for now, but it needs to parse the slotted cart
- phoenixflags / phoenixlink += -m32
- nall/sort stability
- if(input.poll(scancode[activeScancode]) == false) return;
- MSU1 / USART need to use interface->path(1)
- MSU1 needs to use Markup::Document, not XML::Document
- case-insensitive folder listings
- remove nall/emulation/system.hpp files (move to ananke)
- remove rom/ram id= checks with indexing
X have cores ask for manifest.bml (skipped for v092's release, too
big a change)
- rename compatibility profile to balanced (so people don't assume
it has better compatibility than accuracy)
2013-01-14 12:10:20 +00:00
ifeq ($(arch),win32)
phoenixflags := -m32 $(phoenixflags)
phoenixlink := -m32 $(phoenixlink)
Update to v084r05 release.
(note: before the post announcing this release, there had been
a discussion of a performance optimisation that made the Super Scope
emulation a lot faster, but caused problems for the Justifier perpheral)
byuu says:
Spent a good two hours trying things to no avail.
I was trying to allow the CPU to run ahead, and sync on accesses to
$4016/4017/4201/4213, but that doesn't work because the controllers have
access to strobe IObit at will.
The codebase is really starting to get difficult to work with. I am
guessing because the days of massive development are long over, and the
code is starting to age.
Jonas' fix works 98% of the time, but there's still a few missed shots
here and there. So that's not going to work either.
So ... I give up. I've disabled the speed hack, so that it works 100% of
the time.
Did the same for the Super Scope: it may not have the same problem, but
I like consistency and don't feel like taking the chance.
This doesn't affect the mouse, since the mouse does not latch the
counters to indicate its X/Y position.
Speed hit is 92->82fps (accuracy profile), but only for Super Scope and
Justifier games.
But ... at least it works now. Slow and working is better than fast and
I appreciate the help in researching the issue, Jonas and krom.
Also pulled in phoenix/Makefile, which simplifies ui/Makefile.
Linux port defaults to GTK+ now. I can't get QGtkStyle to look good on
2011-12-18 03:19:45 +00:00
phoenixflags := -DPHOENIX_REFERENCE
phoenixlink :=