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//search: O(1) average; O(n) worst
//insert: O(1) average; O(n) worst
//remove: O(1) average; O(n) worst
// unsigned T::hash() const;
// bool T::operator==(const T&) const;
namespace nall {
template<typename T>
struct hashset {
T** pool = nullptr;
unsigned length = 8; //length of pool
unsigned count = 0; //number of objects inside of the pool
hashset() {}
hashset(unsigned length) : length(bit::round(length)) {}
hashset(const hashset& source) { operator=(source); }
hashset(hashset&& source) { operator=(std::move(source)); }
~hashset() { reset(); }
hashset& operator=(const hashset& source) {
if(source.pool) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < source.count; n++) {
return *this;
hashset& operator=(hashset&& source) {
pool = source.pool;
length = source.length;
count = source.count;
source.pool = nullptr;
source.length = 8;
source.count = 0;
return *this;
unsigned capacity() const { return length; }
unsigned size() const { return count; }
bool empty() const { return count == 0; }
void reset() {
if(pool) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < length; n++) {
if(pool[n]) {
delete pool[n];
pool[n] = nullptr;
delete pool;
pool = nullptr;
length = 8;
count = 0;
void reserve(unsigned size) {
//ensure all items will fit into pool (with <= 50% load) and amortize growth
size = bit::round(max(size, count << 1));
T** copy = new T*[size]();
if(pool) {
for(unsigned n = 0; n < length; n++) {
if(pool[n]) {
unsigned hash = (*pool[n]).hash() & (size - 1);
while(copy[hash]) if(++hash >= size) hash = 0;
copy[hash] = pool[n];
pool[n] = nullptr;
delete pool;
pool = copy;
length = size;
optional<T&> find(const T& value) {
if(!pool) return false;
unsigned hash = value.hash() & (length - 1);
while(pool[hash]) {
if(value == *pool[hash]) return {true, *pool[hash]};
if(++hash >= length) hash = 0;
return false;
optional<T&> insert(const T& value) {
if(!pool) pool = new T*[length]();
//double pool size when load is >= 50%
if(count >= (length >> 1)) reserve(length << 1);
unsigned hash = value.hash() & (length - 1);
while(pool[hash]) if(++hash >= length) hash = 0;
pool[hash] = new T(value);
return {true, *pool[hash]};
bool remove(const T& value) {
if(!pool) return false;
unsigned hash = value.hash() & (length - 1);
while(pool[hash]) {
if(value == *pool[hash]) {
delete pool[hash];
pool[hash] = nullptr;
return true;
if(++hash >= length) hash = 0;
return false;