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#version 150
// NES PAL composite signal simulation for RetroArch
// shader by r57shell
// thanks to feos & HardWareMan & NewRisingSun
// also TV subpixels and scanlines
// NOTE: for nice TV subpixels and scanlines I recommend to
// disable this features here and apply CRT-specialized shader.
// Quality considerations
// there are three main options:
// here is table of quality in decreasing order:
// RDC, RD, RC, DC, D, C
// compatibility macros
#define float2 vec2
#define float3 vec3
#define float4 vec4
#define frac(c) fract(c)
#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0)
#define fmod(x,y) mod(x,y)
#define mul(x,y) (y*x)
#define float2x2 mat2
#define float3x3 mat3
#define float4x4 mat4
#define bool2 bvec2
#define bool3 bvec3
#define bool4 bvec4
#define static
uniform sampler2D source[];
uniform vec4 sourceSize[];
uniform vec4 outputSize;
uniform int phase;
in Vertex {
vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
// TWEAKS start
// use delay line technique
// without delay line technique, color would interleave
// to avoid this, set HueRotation to zero.
// use this if you need to swap even/odd V sign.
// sign of V changes each scanline
// so if some scanline is positive, then next is negative
// and if you want to match picture
// to actual running PAL NES on TV
// you may want to have this option, to change signs
// if they don't match
//#define SWAP_VSIGN
// rough simulation of scanlines
// better if you use additional shader instead
// if you still use it, make sure that SizeY
// is at least twice lower than output height
#define USE_SCANLINES // FIXME: scanlines are broken and I'm too lazy to fix it right now
// to change gamma of virtual TV from 2.2 to something else
#define USE_GAMMA
// use sampled version. it's much more slower version of shader.
// because it is computing x4 more values. NOT RECOMMENDED.
//#define USE_SAMPLED
// NTSC standard gamma = 2.2
// PAL standard gamma = 2.8
// according to many sources, very unlikely gamma of TV is 2.8
// most likely gamma of PAL TV is in range 2.4-2.5
const float Gamma_static = 2.8; // gamma of virtual TV
const float Brightness_static = 0.25;
const float Contrast_static = 1.1;
const float Saturation_static = 1.1;
const int
Ywidth_static = 12,
Uwidth_static = 23,
Vwidth_static = 23;
#define Brightness Brightness_static
#define Gamma Gamma_static
#define Ywidth Ywidth_static
#define Uwidth Uwidth_static
#define Vwidth Vwidth_static
#define SCANLINE_MUL (sw.x*dark_scanline+sw.y)
int Mwidth = int(max(float(Ywidth), max(float(Uwidth), float(Vwidth))));
// correct one is -2.5
// works only with USE_RAW
const float HueShift = -2.5;
// rotation of hue due to luma level.
const float HueRotation = 2.;
// touch this only if you know what you doing
const float Phase_Y = 2.; // fmod(341*10,12)
const float Phase_One = 0.; // alternating phases.
const float Phase_Two = 8.;
// screen size, scanlines = y*2; y one field, and y other field.
const int SizeX = 256;
const int SizeY = 240;
// count of pixels of virtual TV.
// value close to 1000 produce small artifacts
const int TV_Pixels = 400;
const float dark_scanline = 0.5; // half
// this is using following matrixes.
// it provides more scientific approach
// by conversion into linear XYZ space
// and back to sRGB.
// it's using Gamma setting too.
// define USE_GAMMA is not required.
const float3x3 RGB_to_XYZ =
0.4306190, 0.3415419, 0.1783091,
0.2220379, 0.7066384, 0.0713236,
0.0201853, 0.1295504, 0.9390944
const float3x3 XYZ_to_sRGB =
3.2406, -1.5372, -0.4986,
-0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415,
0.0557, -0.2040, 1.0570
// TWEAKS end
const float YUV_u = 0.492;
const float YUV_v = 0.877;
const mat3 RGB_to_YUV =
float3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114), //Y
float3(-0.299,-0.587, 0.886)*YUV_u, //B-Y
float3( 0.701,-0.587,-0.114)*YUV_v //R-Y
const float comb_line = 1.;
const float comb_line = 2.;
static const float Voltage_0 = 0.518;
static const float Voltage_1 = 1.962;
static const float DeltaV = (Voltage_1-Voltage_0);
float RGB_y = Contrast_static/Ywidth_static/DeltaV;
float RGB_u = comb_line*Contrast_static*Saturation_static/YUV_u/Uwidth_static/DeltaV;
float RGB_v = comb_line*Contrast_static*Saturation_static/YUV_v/Vwidth_static/DeltaV;
mat3 YUV_to_RGB =
float3(1., 1., 1.)*RGB_y,
float3(0., -0.114/0.587, 1.)*RGB_u,
float3(1., -0.299/0.587, 0.)*RGB_v
const float pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
float sinn(float x)
return sin(/*fmod(x,24)*/x*(pi*2./24.));
float coss(float x)
return cos(/*fmod(x,24)*/x*(pi*2./24.));
float3 monitor(sampler2D tex, float2 p)
float2 size = sourceSize[0].xy;//float2(SizeX,SizeY);
// align vertical coord to center of texel
float2 uv = float2(
float2 sh = (sourceSize[0].xy/sourceSize[0].xy/size)*float2(14./10.,-1.0);
float2 pc = uv*sourceSize[0].xy/sourceSize[0].xy*size*float2(10.,1.);
float alpha = dot(floor(float2(pc.x,pc.y)),float2(2.,Phase_Y*2.));
alpha += Phase_One*2.;
// 1/size.x of screen in uv coords = sourceSize[0].x/sourceSize[0].x/size.x;
// then 1/10*size.x of screen:
float ustep = sourceSize[0].x/sourceSize[0].x/size.x/10.;
float border = sourceSize[0].x/sourceSize[0].x;
float ss = 2.0;
#define PAL_SWITCH(A) A < 1.
#define PAL_SWITCH(A) A > 1.
if (PAL_SWITCH(fmod(uv.y*sourceSize[0].y/sourceSize[0].y*size.y,2.0)))
// cos(pi-alpha) = -cos(alpha)
// sin(pi-alpha) = sin(alpha)
// pi - alpha
alpha = -alpha+12012.0;
ss = -2.0;
float ysum = 0., usum = 0., vsum = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<Mwidth; ++i)
float4 res = texture(tex, uv);
float3 yuv = mul(RGB_to_YUV, res.xyz);
float a1 = alpha+(HueShift+2.5)*2.-yuv.x*ss*HueRotation;
float sig = yuv.x+dot(yuv.yz,sign(float2(sinn(a1),coss(a1))));
float4 res1 = texture(tex, uv+sh);
float3 yuv1 = mul(RGB_to_YUV, res1.xyz);
float a2 = (HueShift+2.5)*2.+12012.0-alpha+yuv.x*ss*HueRotation;
float sig1 = yuv1.x+dot(yuv1.yz,sign(float2(sinn(a2),coss(a2))));
if (i < Ywidth)
ysum += sig;
if (i < Uwidth)
usum += (sig+sig1)*sinn(alpha);
if (i < Vwidth)
vsum += (sig-sig1)*coss(alpha);
if (i < Uwidth)
usum += sig*sinn(alpha);
if (i < Vwidth)
vsum += sig*coss(alpha);
alpha -= ss;
uv.x -= ustep;
float3 rgb = mul(float3(ysum+Brightness*Ywidth_static,usum,vsum), YUV_to_RGB);
#if defined(USE_GAMMA) && !defined(USE_COLORIMETRY)
float3 rgb1 = saturate(rgb);
rgb = pow(rgb1, Gamma/2.2);
float3 rgb1 = saturate(rgb);
rgb = pow(rgb1, float3(Gamma, Gamma, Gamma));
#if (defined(USE_SCANLINES))
float2 q = (p*sourceSize[0].xy/sourceSize[0].xy)*float2(TV_Pixels*3.,size.y*2.);
float scanlines = size.y * outputSize.z;
float top = fmod(q.y-0.5*scanlines*2.,2.);
float bottom = top+frac(scanlines)*2.;
float2 sw = saturate(min(float2(1.,2.),float2(bottom, bottom))
+saturate(min(float2(3.,4.),float2(bottom, bottom))
rgb = rgb*SCANLINE_MUL/(sw.x+sw.y);
//old stupid method
float z =
if (abs(fmod(q.y+0.5,2)-z)<0.5)
rgb *= dark_scanline;
// size of pixel screen in texture coords:
//float output_pixel_size = sourceSize[0].x/(outputSize.x*sourceSize[0].x);
// correctness check
//if (fmod(p.x*output_pixel_size,2.0) < 1.0)
// rgb = float3(0.,0.,0.);
float3 xyz1 = mul(RGB_to_XYZ,rgb);
float3 srgb = saturate(mul(XYZ_to_sRGB,xyz1));
float3 a1 = 12.92*srgb;
float3 a2 = 1.055*pow(srgb,float3(1./2.4))-0.055;
float3 ssrgb;
ssrgb.x = (srgb.x<0.0031308?a1.x:a2.x);
ssrgb.y = (srgb.y<0.0031308?a1.y:a2.y);
ssrgb.z = (srgb.z<0.0031308?a1.z:a2.z);
return ssrgb;
return rgb;
// pos (left corner, sample size)
float4 monitor_sample(sampler2D tex, float2 p, float2 sample_)
// linear interpolation was...
// now other thing.
// http://imgur.com/m8Z8trV
// going to check in retroarch...
float2 size = sourceSize[0].xy;
float2 next = float2(.25,1.)/size;
float2 f = frac(float2(4.,1.)*size*p);
sample_ *= float2(4.,1.)*size;
float2 l;
float2 r;
if (f.x+sample_.x < 1.)
l.x = f.x+sample_.x;
r.x = 0.;
l.x = 1.-f.x;
r.x = min(1.,f.x+sample_.x-1.);
if (f.y+sample_.y < 1.)
l.y = f.y+sample_.y;
r.y = 0.;
l.y = 1.-f.y;
r.y = min(1.,f.y+sample_.y-1.);
float3 top = mix(monitor(tex, p), monitor(tex, p+float2(next.x,0.)), r.x/(l.x+r.x));
float3 bottom = mix(monitor(tex, p+float2(0.,next.y)), monitor(tex, p+next), r.x/(l.x+r.x));
return float4(mix(top,bottom, r.y/(l.y+r.y)),1.0);
void main() {
fragColor = vec4(monitor_sample(source[0], texCoord, outputSize.zw).rgb, 1.0);
fragColor = float4(monitor(source[0], texCoord), 1.);