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Proper color mixing
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,35 +10,16 @@ Start:
ld a, 2
ld c, $70
ld [c], a
; Clear RAM Bank 2 (Like the original boot ROM
; Clear RAM Bank 2 (Like the original boot ROM)
ld h, $D0
xor a
call ClearMemoryPage
ld [c], a
ld hl, $FF30
; Init waveform
ld c, $10
ldi [hl], a
dec c
jr nz, .waveformLoop
; Clear chosen input palette
ldh [InputPalette], a
; Clear title checksum
ldh [TitleChecksum], a
; Clear OAM
ld h, $fe
ld c, $a0
ldi [hl], a
dec c
jr nz, .clearOAMLoop
; Init Audio
ld a, $80
ldh [$26], a
ldh [$11], a
@ -47,6 +28,23 @@ Start:
ldh [$25], a
ld a, $77
ldh [$24], a
ld hl, $FF30
; Init waveform
ld c, $10
ldi [hl], a
dec c
jr nz, .waveformLoop
; Clear OAM
ld h, $fe
ld c, $a0
ldi [hl], a
dec c
jr nz, .clearOAMLoop
; Init BG palette
ld a, $fc
@ -142,25 +140,44 @@ ENDC
; Expand Palettes
ld de, AnimationColors
ld c, 16
ld c, 8
ld hl, BgPalettes
xor a
; One white or black
ldi [hl], a
ldi [hl], a
; One white
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
; Mixed with white
ld a, [de]
inc e
or $20
ld b, a
ld a, [de]
dec e
or $84
rr b
ld [hl], b
inc l
ld [hli], a
; One black
xor a
ld [hli], a
ld [hli], a
; One color
push af
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldi [hl], a
inc e
ld [hli], a
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldi [hl], a
pop af
inc e
ld [hli], a
xor a
dec c
jr nz, .expandPalettesLoop
@ -200,6 +217,9 @@ ELSE
call PlaySound
call Preboot
ld b, 1
; Will be filled with NOPs
@ -208,7 +228,6 @@ BootGame:
ldh [$50], a
SECTION "MoreStuff", ROM0[$200]
; Game Palettes Data
db $00 ; Default
@ -512,43 +531,40 @@ Palettes:
dw $4778, $3290, $1D87, $0861 ; DMG LCD
db 1 ; Right
db 48 ; Left
db 5 ; Up
db 8 ; Down
db 0 ; Right + A
db 40 ; Left + A
db 43 ; Up + A
db 3 ; Down + A
db 6 ; Right + B
db 7 ; Left + B
db 28 ; Up + B
db 49 ; Down + B
db 1 * 3 ; Right
db 48 * 3 ; Left
db 5 * 3 ; Up
db 8 * 3 ; Down
db 0 * 3 ; Right + A
db 40 * 3 ; Left + A
db 43 * 3 ; Up + A
db 3 * 3 ; Down + A
db 6 * 3 ; Right + B
db 7 * 3 ; Left + B
db 28 * 3 ; Up + B
db 49 * 3 ; Down + B
; SameBoy "Exclusives"
db 51 ; Right + A + B
db 52 ; Left + A + B
db 53 ; Up + A + B
db 54 ; Down + A + B
db 51 * 3 ; Right + A + B
db 52 * 3 ; Left + A + B
db 53 * 3 ; Up + A + B
db 54 * 3 ; Down + A + B
db $3c,$42,$b9,$a5,$b9,$a5,$42,$3c
incbin "SameBoyLogo.pb12"
animation_color: MACRO
dw ((\1) >> 1) | $4210, (\1)
animation_color $7FFF, ($7FFF >> 1) ; White
animation_color $774F, ($774F >> 1) ; Cyan
animation_color $22C7, ($22C7 >> 1) ; Green
animation_color $039F, ($039F >> 1) ; Yellow
animation_color $017D, ($017D >> 1) ; Orange
animation_color $241D, ($241D >> 1) ; Red
animation_color $6D38, ($6D38 >> 1) ; Purple
animation_color $7102, ($7102 >> 1) ; Blue
dw $7FFF ; White
dw $774F ; Cyan
dw $22C7 ; Green
dw $039F ; Yellow
dw $017D ; Orange
dw $241D ; Red
dw $6D38 ; Purple
dw $7102 ; Blue
; Helper Functions
@ -842,11 +858,13 @@ ENDC
call ClearVRAMViaHDMA
call _ClearVRAMViaHDMA
call ClearVRAMViaHDMA ; A = $40, so it's bank 0
; A should be $FF
ldh [$00], a
; Final values for CGB mode
ld de, $ff56
ld d, a
ld e, c
ld l, $0d
ld a, [$143]
@ -870,7 +888,7 @@ IF DEF(AGB)
ld c, a
add a, $11
ld h, c
ld b, 1
; B is set to 1 after ret
; Set registers to match the original CGB boot
; AF = $1180, C = 0
@ -990,11 +1008,6 @@ GetPaletteIndex:
ld b, a
; Multiply by 3
add b
add b
ld hl, PaletteCombinations
ld b, 0
ld c, a
@ -1064,10 +1077,6 @@ _ClearVRAMViaHDMA:
jr nz, .loop
db $88, $00, $98, $A0, $12
db $88, $00, $80, $00, $40
ld a, $20 ; Select directions
ldh [$00], a
@ -1104,7 +1113,6 @@ GetInputPaletteIndex:
; Slide into change Animation Palette
push hl
push bc
push de
call GetKeyComboPalette
@ -1147,16 +1155,37 @@ ChangeAnimationPalette:
inc hl
inc hl
; Mixing code by ISSOtm
ldh a, [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 2]
and ~$21
ld b, a
ld a, [hli]
and ~$21
add a, b
ld b, a
ld a, [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 3]
res 2, a ; and ~$04, but not touching carry
ld c, [hl]
res 2, c ; and ~$04, but not touching carry
adc a, c
rra ; Carry sort of "extends" the accumulator, we're bringing that bit back home
ld [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 3], a
ld a, b
ld [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 2], a
dec l
ld a, [hli]
ldh [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 6], a ; Fourth color, 7th palette
ldh [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 2], a ; Second color, half, 7th palette; rough color mixing
ld a, [hli]
ldh [BgPalettes + 7 * 8 + 7], a ; Fourth color, 7th palette
ld a, [hli]
ldh [BgPalettes + 4], a ; Third color, first palette
ld a, [hl]
ld a, [hli]
ldh [BgPalettes + 5], a ; Third color, first palette
call WaitFrame
ld hl, BgPalettes
call LoadBGPalettes64
@ -1165,7 +1194,6 @@ ChangeAnimationPalette:
ldh [WaitLoopCounter], a
pop de
pop bc
pop hl
@ -1181,7 +1209,7 @@ ReplaceColorInAllPalettes:
push af
call WaitFrame
ld a,$19 ; Trademark symbol
ld a, $19 ; Trademark symbol
ld [$9910], a ; ... put in the superscript position
ld hl,$992f ; Bottom right corner of the logo
ld c,$c ; Tiles in a logo row
@ -1191,16 +1219,20 @@ LoadDMGTilemap:
ldd [hl], a
dec c
jr nz, .tilemapLoop
ld l,$0f ; Jump to top row
ld l, $0f ; Jump to top row
jr .tilemapLoop
pop af
SECTION "ROMMax", ROM0[$900]
; Prevent us from overflowing
ds 1
db $88, $00, $98, $A0, $12
db $88, $00, $80, $00, $40
IF BootEnd > $900
FAIL "BootROM overflowed: {BootEnd}"
Reference in New Issue