{ Header for libportaudio Copyright (C) 2021 Red_prig This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version with the following modification: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. } unit libportaudio; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$PACKRECORDS C} interface uses CTypes; {$ifdef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} {$Linklib libportaudio.a, static} {$IFDEF unix} {$Linklib libasound} {$Linklib libpthread} {$Linklib libm} {$Linklib libc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF windows} {$Linklib libkernel32} {$Linklib libwinmm} {$Linklib libmsvcrt} {$ENDIF} {$endif} Const {$IFDEF unix} {$IFDEF darwin} libname='libportaudio.2.dylib'; {$ELSE} libname='libportaudio.so.2'; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} libname='libportaudio-2.dll'; {$ENDIF} type PaError = CInt32; PaErrorCode =( paNotInitialized := -10000, paUnanticipatedHostError, paInvalidChannelCount, paInvalidSampleRate, paInvalidDevice, paInvalidFlag, paSampleFormatNotSupported, paBadIODeviceCombination, paInsufficientMemory, paBufferTooBig, paBufferTooSmall, paNullCallback, paBadStreamPtr, paTimedOut, paInternalError, paDeviceUnavailable, paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo, paStreamIsStopped, paStreamIsNotStopped, paInputOverflowed, paOutputUnderflowed, paHostApiNotFound, paInvalidHostApi, paCanNotReadFromACallbackStream, paCanNotWriteToACallbackStream, paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream, paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream, paIncompatibleStreamHostApi, paBadBufferPtr, paNoError := 0 ); PaDeviceIndex = CInt32; PaHostApiIndex = CInt32; PaHostApiTypeId =(paInDevelopment := 0, paDirectSound := 1, paMME := 2, paASIO := 3, paSoundManager := 4, paCoreAudio := 5, paOSS := 7, paALSA := 8, paAL := 9, paBeOS := 10, paWDMKS := 11, paJACK := 12, paWASAPI := 13, paAudioScienceHPI := 14 ); PaHostApiInfo = record structVersion : CInt32; _type : PaHostApiTypeId ; _name : Pchar; deviceCount : CInt32; defaultInputDevice : PaDeviceIndex; defaultOutputDevice : PaDeviceIndex; end; PPaHostApiInfo = ^PaHostApiInfo; PaHostErrorInfo = record hostApiType : PaHostApiTypeId; errorCode : CLong; errorText : PChar; end; PPaHostErrorInfo = ^PaHostErrorInfo; PaTime = CDouble; PaSampleFormat = pCULongLong; PaDeviceInfo = record structVersion : CInt32; _name : PChar; hostApi : PaHostApiIndex; maxInputChannels : CInt32; maxOutputChannels : CInt32; defaultLowInputLatency : PaTime; defaultLowOutputLatency : PaTime; defaultHighInputLatency : PaTime; defaultHighOutputLatency : PaTime; defaultSampleRate : CDouble; end; PPaDeviceInfo = ^PaDeviceInfo; PaStreamParameters = record device : PaDeviceIndex; channelCount : CInt32; sampleFormat : PaSampleFormat; suggestedLatency : PaTime; hostApiSpecificStreamInfo : Pointer; end; PPaStreamParameters = ^PaStreamParameters; PaStream = Pointer; PPaStream = ^PaStream; PPPaStream = ^PPaStream; PaStreamFlags = CULong; PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo = record inputBufferAdcTime : PaTime; currentTime : PaTime; outputBufferDacTime : PaTime; end; PaStreamCallbackFlags = CULong; PaStreamCallbackResult =( paContinue := 0, paComplete := 1, paAbort := 2); PaStreamCallback = function( input : Pointer; output : Pointer; frameCount : CULong; timeInfo : PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags : PaStreamCallbackFlags; userData : Pointer) : CInt32; PaStreamFinishedCallback = procedure(userData : Pointer); PaStreamInfo = record structVersion : CInt32; inputLatency : PaTime; outputLatency : PaTime; sampleRate : CDouble; end; PPaStreamInfo = ^PaStreamInfo; const paFormatIsSupported = 0; paFramesPerBufferUnspecified = 0; paNoDevice = PaDeviceIndex(-1); paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification = PaDeviceIndex(-2); paFloat32 = PaSampleFormat($00000001); paInt32 = PaSampleFormat($00000002); paInt24 = PaSampleFormat($00000004); paInt16 = PaSampleFormat($00000008); paInt8 = PaSampleFormat($00000010); paUInt8 = PaSampleFormat($00000020); paCustomFormat = PaSampleFormat($00010000); paNonInterleaved = PaSampleFormat($80000000); paNoFlag = PaStreamFlags(0); paClipOff = PaStreamFlags($00000001); paDitherOff = PaStreamFlags($00000002); paNeverDropInput = PaStreamFlags($00000004); paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback = PaStreamFlags($00000008); paPlatformSpecificFlags = PaStreamFlags($FFFF0000); paInputUnderflow = PaStreamCallbackFlags($00000001); paInputOverflow = PaStreamCallbackFlags($00000002); paOutputUnderflow = PaStreamCallbackFlags($00000004); paOutputOverflow = PaStreamCallbackFlags($00000008); paPrimingOutput = PaStreamCallbackFlags($00000010); function Pa_GetVersion():CInt32 ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetVersionText():PChar ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetErrorText(errorCode : PaError):PChar ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_Initialize():PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_Terminate():PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetHostApiCount():PaHostApiIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetDefaultHostApi():PaHostApiIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetHostApiInfo(hostApi : PaHostApiIndex):PPaHostApiInfo ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(_type : PaHostApiTypeId):PaHostApiIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(hostApi : PaHostApiIndex;hostApiDeviceIndex : CInt32):PaDeviceIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo():PPaHostErrorInfo ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetDeviceCount:PaDeviceIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice:PaDeviceIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice:PaDeviceIndex ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetDeviceInfo(device : PaDeviceIndex):PPaDeviceInfo ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_IsFormatSupported(inputParameters,outputParameters : PPaStreamParameters; sampleRate : CDouble):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_OpenStream(stream : PPPaStream; inputParameters : PPaStreamParameters; outputParameters : PPaStreamParameters; sampleRate : CDouble; framesPerBuffer : CULong; streamFlags : PaStreamFlags; streamCallback : PaStreamCallback; userData : Pointer):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_OpenDefaultStream(stream : PPPaStream; numInputChannels : CInt32; numOutputChannels : CInt32; sampleFormat : PaSampleFormat; sampleRate : CDouble; framesPerBuffer : CULong; streamCallback : PaStreamCallback; userData : Pointer):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_CloseStream(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback(stream : PPaStream; streamFinishedCallback : PaStreamFinishedCallback):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_StartStream(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_StopStream(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_AbortStream(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_IsStreamStopped(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_IsStreamActive(stream : PPaStream):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetStreamInfo(stream : PPaStream):PPaStreamInfo ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetStreamTime(stream : PPaStream):Patime ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad(stream : PPaStream):CDouble ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_ReadStream(stream : PPaStream; buffer : pcfloat ;frames : CULong):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_WriteStream(stream : PPaStream; buffer : pcfloat ;frames : CULong):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetStreamReadAvailable(stream : PPaStream):CSLong ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetStreamWriteAvailable(stream : PPaStream):CSLong ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_GetSampleSize(format : PaSampleFormat):PaError ; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; function Pa_Sleep(msec : CLong) : integer; cdecl; external {$ifndef USE_STATIC_PORTAUDIO} libname {$endif}; implementation {$IFNDEF PA_NOT_chkstk_ms} procedure ___chkstk_ms; cdecl; export; begin end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF PA_NOT_assert} procedure _assert(__assertion,__file,__line:PChar); cdecl; export; Var lineno:longint; Error:word; begin if Assigned(AssertErrorProc) then begin lineno:=0; Error:=0; Val(__line,lineno,Error); AssertErrorProc(__assertion,__file,lineno,get_caller_addr(get_frame)); end; end; {$ENDIF} end.