/* diStorm 3.3.3 */ /* distorm.h diStorm3 - Powerful disassembler for X86/AMD64 http://ragestorm.net/distorm/ distorm at gmail dot com Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Gil Dabah This library is licensed under the BSD license. See the file COPYING. */ #ifndef DISTORM_H #define DISTORM_H /* * 64 bit offsets support: * If the diStorm library you use was compiled with 64 bits offsets, * make sure you compile your own code with the following macro set: * SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET * Otherwise comment it out, or you will get a linker error of an unresolved symbol... * Turned on by default! */ #if !(defined(DISTORM_STATIC) || defined(DISTORM_DYNAMIC)) /* Define this macro for outer projects by default. */ #define SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET #endif /* TINYC has a problem with some 64bits library functions, so ignore 64 bit offsets. */ #ifdef __TINYC__ #undef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET #endif /* If your compiler doesn't support stdint.h, define your own 64 bits type. */ #ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET #ifdef _MSC_VER #define OFFSET_INTEGER unsigned __int64 #else #include #define OFFSET_INTEGER uint64_t #endif #else /* 32 bit offsets are used. */ #define OFFSET_INTEGER unsigned long #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Since MSVC isn't shipped with stdint.h, we will have our own: */ typedef signed __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; typedef signed __int32 int32_t; typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; typedef signed __int16 int16_t; typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; typedef signed __int8 int8_t; typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; #endif /* Support C++ compilers */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* *** Helper Macros *** */ /* Get the ISC of the instruction, used with the definitions below. */ #define META_GET_ISC(meta) (((meta) >> 3) & 0x1f) #define META_SET_ISC(di, isc) (((di)->meta) |= ((isc) << 3)) /* Get the flow control flags of the instruction, see 'features for decompose' below. */ #define META_GET_FC(meta) ((meta) & 0x7) /* Get the target address of a branching instruction. O_PC operand type. */ #define INSTRUCTION_GET_TARGET(di) ((_OffsetType)(((di)->addr + (di)->imm.addr + (di)->size))) /* Get the target address of a RIP-relative memory indirection. */ #define INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET(di) ((_OffsetType)(((di)->addr + (di)->disp + (di)->size))) /* * Operand Size or Adderss size are stored inside the flags: * 00 - 16 bits * 01 - 32 bits * 10 - 64 bits * 11 - reserved * * If you call these set-macros more than once, you will have to clean the bits before doing so. */ #define FLAG_SET_OPSIZE(di, size) ((di->flags) |= (((size) & 3) << 8)) #define FLAG_SET_ADDRSIZE(di, size) ((di->flags) |= (((size) & 3) << 10)) #define FLAG_GET_OPSIZE(flags) (((flags) >> 8) & 3) #define FLAG_GET_ADDRSIZE(flags) (((flags) >> 10) & 3) /* To get the LOCK/REPNZ/REP prefixes. */ #define FLAG_GET_PREFIX(flags) ((flags) & 7) /* Indicates whether the instruction is privileged. */ #define FLAG_GET_PRIVILEGED(flags) (((flags) & FLAG_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION) != 0) /* * Macros to extract segment registers from 'segment': */ #define SEGMENT_DEFAULT 0x80 #define SEGMENT_SET(di, seg) ((di->segment) |= seg) #define SEGMENT_GET(segment) (((segment) == R_NONE) ? R_NONE : ((segment) & 0x7f)) #define SEGMENT_IS_DEFAULT(segment) (((segment) & SEGMENT_DEFAULT) == SEGMENT_DEFAULT) /* Decodes modes of the disassembler, 16 bits or 32 bits or 64 bits for AMD64, x86-64. */ typedef enum { Decode16Bits = 0, Decode32Bits = 1, Decode64Bits = 2 } _DecodeType; typedef OFFSET_INTEGER _OffsetType; typedef struct { _OffsetType codeOffset, nextOffset; /* nextOffset is OUT only. */ const uint8_t* code; int codeLen; /* Using signed integer makes it easier to detect an underflow. */ _DecodeType dt; unsigned int features; } _CodeInfo; typedef enum { O_NONE, O_REG, O_IMM, O_IMM1, O_IMM2, O_DISP, O_SMEM, O_MEM, O_PC, O_PTR } _OperandType; typedef union { /* Used by O_IMM: */ int8_t sbyte; uint8_t byte; int16_t sword; uint16_t word; int32_t sdword; uint32_t dword; int64_t sqword; /* All immediates are SIGN-EXTENDED to 64 bits! */ uint64_t qword; /* Used by O_PC: (Use GET_TARGET_ADDR).*/ _OffsetType addr; /* It's a relative offset as for now. */ /* Used by O_PTR: */ struct { uint16_t seg; /* Can be 16 or 32 bits, size is in ops[n].size. */ uint32_t off; } ptr; /* Used by O_IMM1 (i1) and O_IMM2 (i2). ENTER instruction only. */ struct { uint32_t i1; uint32_t i2; } ex; } _Value; typedef struct { /* Type of operand: O_NONE: operand is to be ignored. O_REG: index holds global register index. O_IMM: instruction.imm. O_IMM1: instruction.imm.ex.i1. O_IMM2: instruction.imm.ex.i2. O_DISP: memory dereference with displacement only, instruction.disp. O_SMEM: simple memory dereference with optional displacement (a single register memory dereference). O_MEM: complex memory dereference (optional fields: s/i/b/disp). O_PC: the relative address of a branch instruction (instruction.imm.addr). O_PTR: the absolute target address of a far branch instruction (instruction.imm.ptr.seg/off). */ uint8_t type; /* _OperandType */ /* Index of: O_REG: holds global register index O_SMEM: holds the 'base' register. E.G: [ECX], [EBX+0x1234] are both in operand.index. O_MEM: holds the 'index' register. E.G: [EAX*4] is in operand.index. */ uint8_t index; /* Size in bits of: O_REG: register O_IMM: instruction.imm O_IMM1: instruction.imm.ex.i1 O_IMM2: instruction.imm.ex.i2 O_DISP: instruction.disp O_SMEM: size of indirection. O_MEM: size of indirection. O_PC: size of the relative offset O_PTR: size of instruction.imm.ptr.off (16 or 32) */ uint16_t size; } _Operand; #define OPCODE_ID_NONE 0 /* Instruction could not be disassembled. */ #define FLAG_NOT_DECODABLE ((uint16_t)-1) /* The instruction locks memory access. */ #define FLAG_LOCK (1 << 0) /* The instruction is prefixed with a REPNZ. */ #define FLAG_REPNZ (1 << 1) /* The instruction is prefixed with a REP, this can be a REPZ, it depends on the specific instruction. */ #define FLAG_REP (1 << 2) /* Indicates there is a hint taken for Jcc instructions only. */ #define FLAG_HINT_TAKEN (1 << 3) /* Indicates there is a hint non-taken for Jcc instructions only. */ #define FLAG_HINT_NOT_TAKEN (1 << 4) /* The Imm value is signed extended (E.G in 64 bit decoding mode, a 32 bit imm is usually sign extended into 64 bit imm). */ #define FLAG_IMM_SIGNED (1 << 5) /* The destination operand is writable. */ #define FLAG_DST_WR (1 << 6) /* The instruction uses RIP-relative indirection. */ #define FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE (1 << 7) /* See flag FLAG_GET_XXX macros above. */ /* The instruction is privileged and can only be used from Ring0. */ #define FLAG_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION (1 << 15) /* No register was defined. */ #define R_NONE ((uint8_t)-1) #define REGS64_BASE 0 #define REGS32_BASE 16 #define REGS16_BASE 32 #define REGS8_BASE 48 #define REGS8_REX_BASE 64 #define SREGS_BASE 68 #define FPUREGS_BASE 75 #define MMXREGS_BASE 83 #define SSEREGS_BASE 91 #define AVXREGS_BASE 107 #define CREGS_BASE 123 #define DREGS_BASE 132 #define OPERANDS_NO (4) typedef struct { /* Used by ops[n].type == O_IMM/O_IMM1&O_IMM2/O_PTR/O_PC. Its size is ops[n].size. */ _Value imm; /* Used by ops[n].type == O_SMEM/O_MEM/O_DISP. Its size is dispSize. */ uint64_t disp; /* Virtual address of first byte of instruction. */ _OffsetType addr; /* General flags of instruction, holds prefixes and more, if FLAG_NOT_DECODABLE, instruction is invalid. */ uint16_t flags; /* Unused prefixes mask, for each bit that is set that prefix is not used (LSB is byte [addr + 0]). */ uint16_t unusedPrefixesMask; /* Mask of registers that were used in the operands, only used for quick look up, in order to know *some* operand uses that register class. */ uint32_t usedRegistersMask; /* ID of opcode in the global opcode table. Use for mnemonic look up. */ uint16_t opcode; /* Up to four operands per instruction, ignored if ops[n].type == O_NONE. */ _Operand ops[OPERANDS_NO]; /* Size of the whole instruction in bytes. */ uint8_t size; /* Segment information of memory indirection, default segment, or overriden one, can be -1. Use SEGMENT macros. */ uint8_t segment; /* Used by ops[n].type == O_MEM. Base global register index (might be R_NONE), scale size (2/4/8), ignored for 0 or 1. */ uint8_t base, scale; uint8_t dispSize; /* Meta defines the instruction set class, and the flow control flags. Use META macros. */ uint8_t meta; /* The CPU flags that the instruction operates upon. */ uint16_t modifiedFlagsMask, testedFlagsMask, undefinedFlagsMask; } _DInst; #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT /* Static size of strings. Do not change this value. Keep Python wrapper in sync. */ #define MAX_TEXT_SIZE (48) typedef struct { unsigned int length; unsigned char p[MAX_TEXT_SIZE]; /* p is a null terminated string. */ } _WString; /* * Old decoded instruction structure in text format. * Used only for backward compatibility with diStorm64. * This structure holds all information the disassembler generates per instruction. */ typedef struct { _WString mnemonic; /* Mnemonic of decoded instruction, prefixed if required by REP, LOCK etc. */ _WString operands; /* Operands of the decoded instruction, up to 3 operands, comma-seperated. */ _WString instructionHex; /* Hex dump - little endian, including prefixes. */ unsigned int size; /* Size of decoded instruction in bytes. */ _OffsetType offset; /* Start offset of the decoded instruction. */ } _DecodedInst; #endif /* DISTORM_LIGHT */ /* Register masks for quick look up, each mask indicates one of a register-class that is being used in some operand. */ #define RM_AX 1 /* AL, AH, AX, EAX, RAX */ #define RM_CX 2 /* CL, CH, CX, ECX, RCX */ #define RM_DX 4 /* DL, DH, DX, EDX, RDX */ #define RM_BX 8 /* BL, BH, BX, EBX, RBX */ #define RM_SP 0x10 /* SPL, SP, ESP, RSP */ #define RM_BP 0x20 /* BPL, BP, EBP, RBP */ #define RM_SI 0x40 /* SIL, SI, ESI, RSI */ #define RM_DI 0x80 /* DIL, DI, EDI, RDI */ #define RM_FPU 0x100 /* ST(0) - ST(7) */ #define RM_MMX 0x200 /* MM0 - MM7 */ #define RM_SSE 0x400 /* XMM0 - XMM15 */ #define RM_AVX 0x800 /* YMM0 - YMM15 */ #define RM_CR 0x1000 /* CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, CR8 */ #define RM_DR 0x2000 /* DR0, DR1, DR2, DR3, DR6, DR7 */ #define RM_R8 0x4000 /* R8B, R8W, R8D, R8 */ #define RM_R9 0x8000 /* R9B, R9W, R9D, R9 */ #define RM_R10 0x10000 /* R10B, R10W, R10D, R10 */ #define RM_R11 0x20000 /* R11B, R11W, R11D, R11 */ #define RM_R12 0x40000 /* R12B, R12W, R12D, R12 */ #define RM_R13 0x80000 /* R13B, R13W, R13D, R13 */ #define RM_R14 0x100000 /* R14B, R14W, R14D, R14 */ #define RM_R15 0x200000 /* R15B, R15W, R15D, R15 */ /* RIP should be checked using the 'flags' field and FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE. * Segments should be checked using the segment macros. * For now R8 - R15 are not supported and non general purpose registers map into same RM. */ /* CPU flags that instructions modify, test or undefine (are EFLAGS compatible!). */ #define D_CF 1 /* Carry */ #define D_PF 4 /* Parity */ #define D_AF 0x10 /* Auxiliary */ #define D_ZF 0x40 /* Zero */ #define D_SF 0x80 /* Sign */ #define D_IF 0x200 /* Interrupt */ #define D_DF 0x400 /* Direction */ #define D_OF 0x800 /* Overflow */ /* * Instructions Set classes: * if you want a better understanding of the available classes, look at disOps project, file: x86sets.py. */ /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the General Integer set. */ #define ISC_INTEGER 1 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the 387 FPU set. */ #define ISC_FPU 2 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the P6 set. */ #define ISC_P6 3 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the MMX set. */ #define ISC_MMX 4 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSE set. */ #define ISC_SSE 5 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSE2 set. */ #define ISC_SSE2 6 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSE3 set. */ #define ISC_SSE3 7 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSSE3 set. */ #define ISC_SSSE3 8 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSE4.1 set. */ #define ISC_SSE4_1 9 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SSE4.2 set. */ #define ISC_SSE4_2 10 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the AMD's SSE4.A set. */ #define ISC_SSE4_A 11 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the 3DNow! set. */ #define ISC_3DNOW 12 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the 3DNow! Extensions set. */ #define ISC_3DNOWEXT 13 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the VMX (Intel) set. */ #define ISC_VMX 14 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the SVM (AMD) set. */ #define ISC_SVM 15 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the AVX (Intel) set. */ #define ISC_AVX 16 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the FMA (Intel) set. */ #define ISC_FMA 17 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the AES/AVX (Intel) set. */ #define ISC_AES 18 /* Indicates the instruction belongs to the CLMUL (Intel) set. */ #define ISC_CLMUL 19 /* Features for decompose: */ #define DF_NONE 0 /* The decoder will limit addresses to a maximum of 16 bits. */ #define DF_MAXIMUM_ADDR16 1 /* The decoder will limit addresses to a maximum of 32 bits. */ #define DF_MAXIMUM_ADDR32 2 /* The decoder will return only flow control instructions (and filter the others internally). */ #define DF_RETURN_FC_ONLY 4 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when the instruction 'CALL' (near and far) was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_CALL 8 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when the instruction 'RET' (near and far) was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_RET 0x10 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when the instruction system-call/ret was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_SYS 0x20 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when any of the branch 'JMP', (near and far) instructions were decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_UNC_BRANCH 0x40 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when any of the conditional branch instruction were decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_CND_BRANCH 0x80 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when the instruction 'INT' (INT, INT1, INTO, INT 3) was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_INT 0x100 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when any of the 'CMOVxx' instruction was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_CMOV 0x200 /* The decoder will stop and return to the caller when any flow control instruction was decoded. */ #define DF_STOP_ON_FLOW_CONTROL (DF_STOP_ON_CALL | DF_STOP_ON_RET | DF_STOP_ON_SYS | DF_STOP_ON_UNC_BRANCH | DF_STOP_ON_CND_BRANCH | DF_STOP_ON_INT | DF_STOP_ON_CMOV) /* Indicates the instruction is not a flow-control instruction. */ #define FC_NONE 0 /* Indicates the instruction is one of: CALL, CALL FAR. */ #define FC_CALL 1 /* Indicates the instruction is one of: RET, IRET, RETF. */ #define FC_RET 2 /* Indicates the instruction is one of: SYSCALL, SYSRET, SYSENTER, SYSEXIT. */ #define FC_SYS 3 /* Indicates the instruction is one of: JMP, JMP FAR. */ #define FC_UNC_BRANCH 4 /* * Indicates the instruction is one of: * JCXZ, JO, JNO, JB, JAE, JZ, JNZ, JBE, JA, JS, JNS, JP, JNP, JL, JGE, JLE, JG, LOOP, LOOPZ, LOOPNZ. */ #define FC_CND_BRANCH 5 /* Indiciates the instruction is one of: INT, INT1, INT 3, INTO, UD2. */ #define FC_INT 6 /* Indicates the instruction is one of: CMOVxx. */ #define FC_CMOV 7 /* Return code of the decoding function. */ typedef enum { DECRES_NONE, DECRES_SUCCESS, DECRES_MEMORYERR, DECRES_INPUTERR, DECRES_FILTERED } _DecodeResult; /* Define the following interface functions only for outer projects. */ #if !(defined(DISTORM_STATIC) || defined(DISTORM_DYNAMIC)) /* distorm_decode * Input: * offset - Origin of the given code (virtual address that is), NOT an offset in code. * code - Pointer to the code buffer to be disassembled. * length - Amount of bytes that should be decoded from the code buffer. * dt - Decoding mode, 16 bits (Decode16Bits), 32 bits (Decode32Bits) or AMD64 (Decode64Bits). * result - Array of type _DecodeInst which will be used by this function in order to return the disassembled instructions. * maxInstructions - The maximum number of entries in the result array that you pass to this function, so it won't exceed its bound. * usedInstructionsCount - Number of the instruction that successfully were disassembled and written to the result array. * Output: usedInstructionsCount will hold the number of entries used in the result array * and the result array itself will be filled with the disassembled instructions. * Return: DECRES_SUCCESS on success (no more to disassemble), DECRES_INPUTERR on input error (null code buffer, invalid decoding mode, etc...), * DECRES_MEMORYERR when there are not enough entries to use in the result array, BUT YOU STILL have to check for usedInstructionsCount! * Side-Effects: Even if the return code is DECRES_MEMORYERR, there might STILL be data in the * array you passed, this function will try to use as much entries as possible! * Notes: 1)The minimal size of maxInstructions is 15. * 2)You will have to synchronize the offset,code and length by yourself if you pass code fragments and not a complete code block! */ /* distorm_decompose * See more documentation online at the GitHub project's wiki. * */ #ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET _DecodeResult distorm_decompose64(_CodeInfo* ci, _DInst result[], unsigned int maxInstructions, unsigned int* usedInstructionsCount); #define distorm_decompose distorm_decompose64 #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT /* If distorm-light is defined, we won't export these text-formatting functionality. */ _DecodeResult distorm_decode64(_OffsetType codeOffset, const unsigned char* code, int codeLen, _DecodeType dt, _DecodedInst result[], unsigned int maxInstructions, unsigned int* usedInstructionsCount); void distorm_format64(const _CodeInfo* ci, const _DInst* di, _DecodedInst* result); #define distorm_decode distorm_decode64 #define distorm_format distorm_format64 #endif /*DISTORM_LIGHT*/ #else /*SUPPORT_64BIT_OFFSET*/ _DecodeResult distorm_decompose32(_CodeInfo* ci, _DInst result[], unsigned int maxInstructions, unsigned int* usedInstructionsCount); #define distorm_decompose distorm_decompose32 #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT /* If distorm-light is defined, we won't export these text-formatting functionality. */ _DecodeResult distorm_decode32(_OffsetType codeOffset, const unsigned char* code, int codeLen, _DecodeType dt, _DecodedInst result[], unsigned int maxInstructions, unsigned int* usedInstructionsCount); void distorm_format32(const _CodeInfo* ci, const _DInst* di, _DecodedInst* result); #define distorm_decode distorm_decode32 #define distorm_format distorm_format32 #endif /*DISTORM_LIGHT*/ #endif /* * distorm_version * Input: * none * * Output: unsigned int - version of compiled library. */ unsigned int distorm_version(); #endif /* DISTORM_STATIC */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* End Of Extern */ #endif #endif /* DISTORM_H */