/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 Module Name: ksproxy.h Abstract: Interface definitions for WDM-CSA proxy filters. --*/ #ifndef __KSPROXY__ #define __KSPROXY__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef KSDDKAPI #ifdef _KSDDK_ #define KSDDKAPI #else // !_KSDDK_ #define KSDDKAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT #endif // _KSDDK_ #define STATIC_IID_IKsObject\ 0x423c13a2L, 0x2070, 0x11d0, 0x9e, 0xf7, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x16, 0xa1 #define STATIC_IID_IKsPinEx\ 0x7bb38260L, 0xd19c, 0x11d2, 0xb3, 0x8a, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x5e, 0xc2, 0x2e #define STATIC_IID_IKsPin\ 0xb61178d1L, 0xa2d9, 0x11cf, 0x9e, 0x53, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x16, 0xa1 #define STATIC_IID_IKsPinPipe\ 0xe539cd90L, 0xa8b4, 0x11d1, 0x81, 0x89, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x06, 0x28, 0x02 #define STATIC_IID_IKsDataTypeHandler\ 0x5ffbaa02L, 0x49a3, 0x11d0, 0x9f, 0x36, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x16, 0xa1 #define STATIC_IID_IKsDataTypeCompletion\ 0x827D1A0EL, 0x0F73, 0x11D2, 0xB2, 0x7A, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #define STATIC_IID_IKsInterfaceHandler\ 0xD3ABC7E0L, 0x9A61, 0x11D0, 0xA4, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #define STATIC_IID_IKsClockPropertySet\ 0x5C5CBD84L, 0xE755, 0x11D0, 0xAC, 0x18, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #define STATIC_IID_IKsAllocator\ 0x8da64899L, 0xc0d9, 0x11d0, 0x84, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x22, 0xfe, 0x8a #define STATIC_IID_IKsAllocatorEx\ 0x091bb63aL, 0x603f, 0x11d1, 0xb0, 0x67, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x06, 0x28, 0x02 #ifndef STATIC_IID_IKsPropertySet #define STATIC_IID_IKsPropertySet\ 0x31EFAC30L, 0x515C, 0x11d0, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x61, 0xBE, 0x93 #endif // STATIC_IID_IKsPropertySet #define STATIC_IID_IKsTopology\ 0x28F54683L, 0x06FD, 0x11D2, 0xB2, 0x7A, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #ifndef STATIC_IID_IKsControl #define STATIC_IID_IKsControl\ 0x28F54685L, 0x06FD, 0x11D2, 0xB2, 0x7A, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #endif // STATIC_IID_IKsControl #define STATIC_IID_IKsAggregateControl\ 0x7F40EAC0L, 0x3947, 0x11D2, 0x87, 0x4E, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #define STATIC_CLSID_Proxy \ 0x17CCA71BL, 0xECD7, 0x11D0, 0xB9, 0x08, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0x96 #ifdef _KS_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsObject); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsPin); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsPinEx); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsPinPipe); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsDataTypeHandler); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsDataTypeCompletion); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsInterfaceHandler); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsClockPropertySet); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsAllocator); DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsAllocatorEx); #define IID_IKsQualityForwarder KSCATEGORY_QUALITY #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #define STATIC_IID_IKsQualityForwarder STATIC_KSCATEGORY_QUALITY typedef enum { KsAllocatorMode_User, KsAllocatorMode_Kernel } KSALLOCATORMODE; typedef enum { FramingProp_Uninitialized, FramingProp_None, FramingProp_Old, FramingProp_Ex } FRAMING_PROP; typedef FRAMING_PROP *PFRAMING_PROP; typedef enum { Framing_Cache_Update, // request to bypass cache when read/write Framing_Cache_ReadLast, Framing_Cache_ReadOrig, Framing_Cache_Write } FRAMING_CACHE_OPS; typedef struct { LONGLONG MinTotalNominator; LONGLONG MaxTotalNominator; LONGLONG TotalDenominator; } OPTIMAL_WEIGHT_TOTALS; // forward declaration typedef struct IPin IPin; typedef struct IKsPin IKsPin; typedef struct IKsAllocator IKsAllocator; typedef struct IKsAllocatorEx IKsAllocatorEx; // // allocators strategy is defined by graph manager // #define AllocatorStrategy_DontCare 0 // // what to optimize // #define AllocatorStrategy_MinimizeNumberOfFrames 0x00000001 #define AllocatorStrategy_MinimizeFrameSize 0x00000002 #define AllocatorStrategy_MinimizeNumberOfAllocators 0x00000004 #define AllocatorStrategy_MaximizeSpeed 0x00000008 // // factors (flags) defining the Pipes properties // #define PipeFactor_None 0 #define PipeFactor_UserModeUpstream 0x00000001 #define PipeFactor_UserModeDownstream 0x00000002 #define PipeFactor_MemoryTypes 0x00000004 #define PipeFactor_Flags 0x00000008 #define PipeFactor_PhysicalRanges 0x00000010 #define PipeFactor_OptimalRanges 0x00000020 #define PipeFactor_FixedCompression 0x00000040 #define PipeFactor_UnknownCompression 0x00000080 #define PipeFactor_Buffers 0x00000100 #define PipeFactor_Align 0x00000200 #define PipeFactor_PhysicalEnd 0x00000400 #define PipeFactor_LogicalEnd 0x00000800 typedef enum { PipeState_DontCare, PipeState_RangeNotFixed, PipeState_RangeFixed, PipeState_CompressionUnknown, PipeState_Finalized } PIPE_STATE; // // pipe dimensions relative to BeginPin. // typedef struct _PIPE_DIMENSIONS { KS_COMPRESSION AllocatorPin; KS_COMPRESSION MaxExpansionPin; KS_COMPRESSION EndPin; } PIPE_DIMENSIONS, *PPIPE_DIMENSIONS; typedef enum { Pipe_Allocator_None, Pipe_Allocator_FirstPin, Pipe_Allocator_LastPin, Pipe_Allocator_MiddlePin } PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE; typedef PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE *PPIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE; typedef enum { KS_MemoryTypeDontCare = 0, KS_MemoryTypeKernelPaged, KS_MemoryTypeKernelNonPaged, KS_MemoryTypeDeviceHostMapped, KS_MemoryTypeDeviceSpecific, KS_MemoryTypeUser, KS_MemoryTypeAnyHost } KS_LogicalMemoryType; typedef KS_LogicalMemoryType *PKS_LogicalMemoryType; typedef struct _PIPE_TERMINATION { ULONG Flags; ULONG OutsideFactors; ULONG Weigth; // outside weight KS_FRAMING_RANGE PhysicalRange; KS_FRAMING_RANGE_WEIGHTED OptimalRange; KS_COMPRESSION Compression; // relative to the connected pin on a neighboring filter. } PIPE_TERMINATION; // // extended allocator properties // typedef struct _ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX { long cBuffers; long cbBuffer; long cbAlign; long cbPrefix; // new part GUID MemoryType; GUID BusType; // one of the buses this pipe is using PIPE_STATE State; PIPE_TERMINATION Input; PIPE_TERMINATION Output; ULONG Strategy; ULONG Flags; ULONG Weight; KS_LogicalMemoryType LogicalMemoryType; PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE AllocatorPlace; PIPE_DIMENSIONS Dimensions; KS_FRAMING_RANGE PhysicalRange; // on allocator pin IKsAllocatorEx* PrevSegment; // doubly-linked list of KS allocators ULONG CountNextSegments; // possible multiple dependent pipes IKsAllocatorEx** NextSegments; ULONG InsideFactors; // existing factors (different from "don't care") ULONG NumberPins; } ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX; typedef ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX *PALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX; #ifdef __STREAMS__ struct DECLSPEC_UUID("5C5CBD84-E755-11D0-AC18-00A0C9223196") IKsClockPropertySet; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsClockPropertySet DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsClockPropertySet, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsGetTime)( THIS_ LONGLONG* Time ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetTime)( THIS_ LONGLONG Time ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetPhysicalTime)( THIS_ LONGLONG* Time ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetPhysicalTime)( THIS_ LONGLONG Time ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetCorrelatedTime)( THIS_ KSCORRELATED_TIME* CorrelatedTime ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetCorrelatedTime)( THIS_ KSCORRELATED_TIME* CorrelatedTime ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetCorrelatedPhysicalTime)( THIS_ KSCORRELATED_TIME* CorrelatedTime ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetCorrelatedPhysicalTime)( THIS_ KSCORRELATED_TIME* CorrelatedTime ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetResolution)( THIS_ KSRESOLUTION* Resolution ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetState)( THIS_ KSSTATE* State ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("8da64899-c0d9-11d0-8413-0000f822fe8a") IKsAllocator; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsAllocator DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsAllocator, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD_(HANDLE, KsGetAllocatorHandle)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(KSALLOCATORMODE, KsGetAllocatorMode)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetAllocatorStatus)( THIS_ PKSSTREAMALLOCATOR_STATUS AllocatorStatus ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(VOID, KsSetAllocatorMode)( THIS_ KSALLOCATORMODE Mode ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("091bb63a-603f-11d1-b067-00a0c9062802") IKsAllocatorEx; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsAllocatorEx DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsAllocatorEx, IKsAllocator) { STDMETHOD_(PALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX, KsGetProperties)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(VOID, KsSetProperties)( THIS_ PALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(VOID, KsSetAllocatorHandle)( THIS_ HANDLE AllocatorHandle ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE, KsCreateAllocatorAndGetHandle)( THIS_ IKsPin* KsPin ) PURE; }; typedef enum { KsPeekOperation_PeekOnly, KsPeekOperation_AddRef } KSPEEKOPERATION; typedef struct _KSSTREAM_SEGMENT *PKSSTREAM_SEGMENT; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("b61178d1-a2d9-11cf-9e53-00aa00a216a1") IKsPin; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsPin DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsPin, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsQueryMediums)( THIS_ PKSMULTIPLE_ITEM* MediumList ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsQueryInterfaces)( THIS_ PKSMULTIPLE_ITEM* InterfaceList ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsCreateSinkPinHandle)( THIS_ KSPIN_INTERFACE& Interface, KSPIN_MEDIUM& Medium ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsGetCurrentCommunication)( THIS_ KSPIN_COMMUNICATION *Communication, KSPIN_INTERFACE *Interface, KSPIN_MEDIUM *Medium ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsPropagateAcquire)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsDeliver)( THIS_ IMediaSample* Sample, ULONG Flags ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsMediaSamplesCompleted)( THIS_ PKSSTREAM_SEGMENT StreamSegment ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(IMemAllocator *, KsPeekAllocator)( THIS_ KSPEEKOPERATION Operation ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsReceiveAllocator)( THIS_ IMemAllocator *MemAllocator ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsRenegotiateAllocator)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG, KsIncrementPendingIoCount)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG, KsDecrementPendingIoCount)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsQualityNotify)( THIS_ ULONG Proportion, REFERENCE_TIME TimeDelta ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("7bb38260-d19c-11d2-b38a-00a0c95ec22e") IKsPinEx; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsPinEx DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsPinEx, IKsPin) { STDMETHOD_(VOID, KsNotifyError)( THIS_ IMediaSample* Sample, HRESULT hr ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("e539cd90-a8b4-11d1-8189-00a0c9062802") IKsPinPipe; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsPinPipe DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsPinPipe, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsGetPinFramingCache)( THIS_ PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX *FramingEx, PFRAMING_PROP FramingProp, FRAMING_CACHE_OPS Option ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetPinFramingCache)( THIS_ PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX FramingEx, PFRAMING_PROP FramingProp, FRAMING_CACHE_OPS Option ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(IPin*, KsGetConnectedPin)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(IKsAllocatorEx*, KsGetPipe)( THIS_ KSPEEKOPERATION Operation ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetPipe)( THIS_ IKsAllocatorEx *KsAllocator ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, KsGetPipeAllocatorFlag)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetPipeAllocatorFlag)( THIS_ ULONG Flag ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(GUID, KsGetPinBusCache)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetPinBusCache)( THIS_ GUID Bus ) PURE; // // very useful methods for tracing. // STDMETHOD_(PWCHAR, KsGetPinName)( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(PWCHAR, KsGetFilterName)( THIS ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("CD5EBE6B-8B6E-11D1-8AE0-00A0C9223196") IKsPinFactory; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsPinFactory DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsPinFactory, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsPinFactory)( THIS_ ULONG* PinFactory ) PURE; }; typedef enum { KsIoOperation_Write, KsIoOperation_Read } KSIOOPERATION; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("5ffbaa02-49a3-11d0-9f36-00aa00a216a1") IKsDataTypeHandler; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsDataTypeHandler DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsDataTypeHandler, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsCompleteIoOperation)( THIS_ IMediaSample *Sample, PVOID StreamHeader, KSIOOPERATION IoOperation, BOOL Cancelled ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsIsMediaTypeInRanges)( THIS_ PVOID DataRanges ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsPrepareIoOperation)( THIS_ IMediaSample *Sample, PVOID StreamHeader, KSIOOPERATION IoOperation ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsQueryExtendedSize)( THIS_ ULONG* ExtendedSize ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsSetMediaType)( THIS_ const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* AmMediaType ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("827D1A0E-0F73-11D2-B27A-00A0C9223196") IKsDataTypeCompletion; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsDataTypeCompletion DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsDataTypeCompletion, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsCompleteMediaType)( THIS_ HANDLE FilterHandle, ULONG PinFactoryId, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* AmMediaType ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("D3ABC7E0-9A61-11d0-A40D-00A0C9223196") IKsInterfaceHandler; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsInterfaceHandler DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsInterfaceHandler, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsSetPin)( THIS_ IKsPin *KsPin ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsProcessMediaSamples)( THIS_ IKsDataTypeHandler *KsDataTypeHandler, IMediaSample** SampleList, PLONG SampleCount, KSIOOPERATION IoOperation, PKSSTREAM_SEGMENT *StreamSegment ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsCompleteIo)( THIS_ PKSSTREAM_SEGMENT StreamSegment ) PURE; }; // // This structure definition is the common header required by the proxy to // dispatch the stream segment to the interface handler. Interface handlers // will create extended structures to include other information such as // media samples, extended header size and so on. // typedef struct _KSSTREAM_SEGMENT { IKsInterfaceHandler *KsInterfaceHandler; IKsDataTypeHandler *KsDataTypeHandler; KSIOOPERATION IoOperation; HANDLE CompletionEvent; } KSSTREAM_SEGMENT; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("423c13a2-2070-11d0-9ef7-00aa00a216a1") IKsObject; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsObject DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsObject, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD_(HANDLE, KsGetObjectHandle)( THIS ) PURE; }; interface DECLSPEC_UUID("97ebaacb-95bd-11d0-a3ea-00a0c9223196") IKsQualityForwarder; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsQualityForwarder DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsQualityForwarder, IKsObject) { STDMETHOD_(VOID, KsFlushClient)( THIS_ IKsPin* Pin ) PURE; }; KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsResolveRequiredAttributes( PKSDATARANGE DataRange, PKSMULTIPLE_ITEM Attributes OPTIONAL ); KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsOpenDefaultDevice( REFGUID Category, ACCESS_MASK Access, PHANDLE DeviceHandle ); KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsSynchronousDeviceControl( HANDLE Handle, ULONG IoControl, PVOID InBuffer, ULONG InLength, PVOID OutBuffer, ULONG OutLength, PULONG BytesReturned ); KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsGetMultiplePinFactoryItems( HANDLE FilterHandle, ULONG PinFactoryId, ULONG PropertyId, PVOID* Items ); KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsGetMediaTypeCount( HANDLE FilterHandle, ULONG PinFactoryId, ULONG* MediaTypeCount ); KSDDKAPI HRESULT WINAPI KsGetMediaType( int Position, AM_MEDIA_TYPE* AmMediaType, HANDLE FilterHandle, ULONG PinFactoryId ); #endif // __STREAMS__ #ifndef _IKsPropertySet_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsPropertySet); #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #endif // _IKsPropertySet_ #ifndef _IKsControl_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsControl); #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #endif // _IKsControl_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsAggregateControl); #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #ifndef _IKsTopology_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUIDEX(IID_IKsTopology); #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #endif // _IKsTopology_ DEFINE_GUIDSTRUCT("17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196", CLSID_Proxy); #define CLSID_Proxy DEFINE_GUIDNAMED(CLSID_Proxy) #else // !_KS_ #ifndef _IKsPropertySet_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUID(IID_IKsPropertySet, STATIC_IID_IKsPropertySet); #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 #endif // _IKsPropertySet_ #if !defined(__cplusplus) || _MSC_VER < 1100 DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_Proxy, STATIC_CLSID_Proxy); #else // defined(__cplusplus) && _MSC_VER >= 1100 DECLSPEC_UUID("17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196") CLSID_Proxy; #endif // defined(__cplusplus) && _MSC_VER >= 1100 #endif // !_KS_ #ifndef _IKsPropertySet_ #define _IKsPropertySet_ #define KSPROPERTY_SUPPORT_GET 1 #define KSPROPERTY_SUPPORT_SET 2 #ifdef DECLARE_INTERFACE_ interface DECLSPEC_UUID("31EFAC30-515C-11d0-A9AA-00aa0061be93") IKsPropertySet; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsPropertySet DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsPropertySet, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(Set)( THIS_ IN REFGUID PropSet, IN ULONG Id, IN LPVOID InstanceData, IN ULONG InstanceLength, IN LPVOID PropertyData, IN ULONG DataLength ) PURE; STDMETHOD(Get)( THIS_ IN REFGUID PropSet, IN ULONG Id, IN LPVOID InstanceData, IN ULONG InstanceLength, OUT LPVOID PropertyData, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT ULONG* BytesReturned ) PURE; STDMETHOD(QuerySupported)( THIS_ IN REFGUID PropSet, IN ULONG Id, OUT ULONG* TypeSupport ) PURE; }; #endif // DECLARE_INTERFACE_ #endif // _IKsPropertySet_ #ifndef _IKsControl_ #define _IKsControl_ #ifdef DECLARE_INTERFACE_ interface DECLSPEC_UUID("28F54685-06FD-11D2-B27A-00A0C9223196") IKsControl; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsControl DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsControl, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsProperty)( THIS_ IN PKSPROPERTY Property, IN ULONG PropertyLength, IN OUT LPVOID PropertyData, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT ULONG* BytesReturned ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsMethod)( THIS_ IN PKSMETHOD Method, IN ULONG MethodLength, IN OUT LPVOID MethodData, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT ULONG* BytesReturned ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsEvent)( THIS_ IN PKSEVENT Event OPTIONAL, IN ULONG EventLength, IN OUT LPVOID EventData, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT ULONG* BytesReturned ) PURE; }; #endif // DECLARE_INTERFACE_ #endif // _IKsControl_ #ifdef DECLARE_INTERFACE_ interface DECLSPEC_UUID("7F40EAC0-3947-11D2-874E-00A0C9223196") IKsAggregateControl; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsAggregateControl DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsAggregateControl, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(KsAddAggregate)( THIS_ IN REFGUID AggregateClass ) PURE; STDMETHOD(KsRemoveAggregate)( THIS_ IN REFGUID AggregateClass ) PURE; }; #endif // DECLARE_INTERFACE_ #ifndef _IKsTopology_ #define _IKsTopology_ #ifdef DECLARE_INTERFACE_ interface DECLSPEC_UUID("28F54683-06FD-11D2-B27A-00A0C9223196") IKsTopology; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IKsTopology DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IKsTopology, IUnknown) { STDMETHOD(CreateNodeInstance)( THIS_ IN ULONG NodeId, IN ULONG Flags, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN IUnknown* UnkOuter OPTIONAL, IN REFGUID InterfaceId, OUT LPVOID* Interface ) PURE; }; #endif // DECLARE_INTERFACE_ #endif // _IKsTopology_ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus #endif // __KSPROXY__