// ****************************************************************** // * // * .,-::::: .,:: .::::::::. .,:: .: // * ,;;;'````' `;;;, .,;; ;;;'';;' `;;;, .,;; // * [[[ '[[,,[[' [[[__[[\. '[[,,[[' // * $$$ Y$$$P $$""""Y$$ Y$$$P // * `88bo,__,o, oP"``"Yo, _88o,,od8P oP"``"Yo, // * "YUMMMMMP",m" "Mm,""YUMMMP" ,m" "Mm, // * // * Cxbx->Standard->Cxbe->Main.cpp // * // * This file is part of the Cxbx project. // * // * Cxbx and Cxbe are free software; you can redistribute them // * and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public // * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // * version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program; see the file COPYING. // * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Bostom, MA 02111-1307, USA. // * // * (c) 2002-2003 Aaron Robinson // * // * All rights reserved // * // ****************************************************************** #include "Exe.h" #include "Xbe.h" #include // ****************************************************************** // * Static Global(s) // ****************************************************************** static void ShowUsage(); static void MakeUpper(char *str); // ****************************************************************** // * func : main // ****************************************************************** int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char szErrorMessage[266] = {0}; char szExeFilename[266] = {0}; char szXbeFilename[266] = {0}; char szDumpFilename[266] = {0}; char szXbeTitle[256] = "Untitled"; bool bRetail = true; // ****************************************************************** // * parse command line // ****************************************************************** for(int v=1;v 256) printf("WARNING: Title too long, using default title\n"); else strcpy(szXbeTitle, szParam); } else if(strcmp(szOptionU, "MODE") == 0) { if(strcmp(szParamU, "RETAIL") == 0) bRetail = true; else if(strcmp(szParamU, "DEBUG") == 0) bRetail = false; else { strcpy(szErrorMessage, "invalid MODE"); goto cleanup; } } else { char szBuffer[255]; sprintf(szBuffer, "Unrecognized command : %s", szOption); strcpy(szErrorMessage, szBuffer); goto cleanup; } } } // ****************************************************************** // * verify we recieved the required parameters // ****************************************************************** if(szExeFilename[0] == '\0') { ShowUsage(); return 1; } // ****************************************************************** // * if we dont have an .xbe filename, generate one from exe_filename // ****************************************************************** if(szXbeFilename[0] == '\0') { strcpy(szXbeFilename, szExeFilename); char *szFilename = &szXbeFilename[0]; // ****************************************************************** // * locate last \ or / (if there are any) // ****************************************************************** { for(int c=0;szXbeFilename[c] != 0;c++) if(szXbeFilename[c] == '\\' || szXbeFilename[c] == '/') szFilename = &szXbeFilename[c+1]; } // ****************************************************************** // * locate and remove last . (if there are any) // ****************************************************************** { char szWorkingU[266]; char *szWorking = szFilename; strncpy(szWorkingU, szWorking, 265); for(int c=0;szFilename[c] != 0;c++) if(szFilename[c] == '.') szWorking = &szFilename[c]; MakeUpper(szWorking); if(strcmp(szWorkingU, ".exe") == 0) strcpy(szWorking, ".xbe"); else strcat(szXbeFilename, ".xbe"); } } // ****************************************************************** // * open, and convert exe file // ****************************************************************** { Exe *ExeFile = new Exe(szExeFilename); if(ExeFile->GetError() != 0) { strcpy(szErrorMessage, ExeFile->GetError()); goto cleanup; } Xbe *XbeFile = new Xbe(ExeFile, szXbeTitle, bRetail); if(XbeFile->GetError() != 0) { strcpy(szErrorMessage, XbeFile->GetError()); goto cleanup; } if(szDumpFilename[0] != 0) { FILE *outfile = fopen(szDumpFilename, "wt"); XbeFile->DumpInformation(outfile); fclose(outfile); if(XbeFile->GetError() != 0) { if(XbeFile->IsFatal()) { strcpy(szErrorMessage, XbeFile->GetError()); goto cleanup; } else { printf("DUMPINFO -> Warning: %s\n", XbeFile->GetError()); XbeFile->ClearError(); } } } XbeFile->Export(szXbeFilename); if(XbeFile->GetError() != 0) { strcpy(szErrorMessage, XbeFile->GetError()); goto cleanup; } } cleanup: if(szErrorMessage[0] != 0) { ShowUsage(); printf("\n"); printf(" * Error : %s\n", szErrorMessage); return 1; } return 0; } // ****************************************************************** // * ShowUsage // ****************************************************************** static void ShowUsage() { printf ( "CXBE XBE->EXE (XBox->Win32) Relinker (CXBX Core Version " _CXBX_VERSION ")\n" "Copyright (C) Aaron Robinson 2002-2003. All rights reserved.\n" "\n" "Usage : cxbe [options] [exefile]\n" "\n" "Options :\n" "\n" " -OUT:filename\n" " -DUMPINFO:filename\n" " -TITLE:title\n" " -MODE:{debug|retail}\n" ); } // ****************************************************************** // * MakeUpper // ****************************************************************** static void MakeUpper(char *str) { while(*str != '\0') { if(*str >= 'a' && *str <= 'z') *str = *str - ('a' - 'A'); str++; } }