Cxbx Todo: Encapsulate RecentFiles into a nice little class Configuration screens may not necessarily need to be modal windows. Multimonitor support via Direct3D9::EnumAdapterModes enumeration. Closing a console should not terminate the entire process. Everything that is initialized should be cleaned up before termination. If possible, Direct3D Rendering window should inherit from Wnd. Try to add compatibility with Windows ME using LLDT assembly. Xbe file associations via user configuration. This could include an option to either automatically execute the Xbe, or simply open it up in Cxbx's main window. For this purpose, Cxbx.dll should also be registered in the system so that a converted Exe can run from anywhere. Converted Exe files should use the Cxbx icon Allow a logo bitmap to be added if one does not exist. This may require that the size of headers be increased. (sizeof_headers). When loading a file, menus and WM_CLOSE should be disabled and an update progress should be sent via callback from core. Xbe::m_Header should be allocated dynamically to make room for huge headers.