//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File: Tuner.idl // // Desc: // // Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows") cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2000.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#pragma once") #include #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "oaidl.idl"; import "comcat.idl"; import "strmif.idl"; import "bdatypes.h"; import "regbag.idl"; #endif cpp_quote("#include ") interface ITuningSpaceContainer; interface ITuningSpace; interface IEnumTuningSpaces; interface ITuneRequest; interface ITuner; interface IScanningTuner; interface ITunerEvents; interface IEnumComponentTypes; interface IComponentTypes; interface IComponentType; interface ILanguageComponentType; interface IEnumComponents; interface IComponents; interface IComponent; interface IMPEG2ComponentType; interface IMPEG2Component; interface ILocator; interface IATSCLocator; interface IDVBSLocator; interface IDVBTLocator; // tuner.idl: // interface ITuningSpaceContainer : IDispatch // interface ITuningSpace : IDispatch // interface ITuneRequest : IDispatch // interface IComponentType : IDispatch // interface ILanguageComponentType : IComponentType // interface IComponentTypes : IDispatch // interface IComponent : IDispatch // interface IComponents : IDispatch // interface ITVTuningSpace : ITuningSpace // interface IFMRadioTuningSpace : ITuningSpace // interface IAMRadioTuningSpace : ITuningSpace // interface IAnalogTVTuningSpace : ITVTuningSpace // interface IAnalogTVAudioComponent : IComponent // interface IAnalogTVDataComponent : IComponent // interface IChannelTuneRequest : ITuneRequest // interface IDVBComponent : IComponent // interface IDVBTuneRequest : ITuneRequest // DISPIDs for ITuningSpaces interface // we don't expect to inherit from this interface and consequently there's // no chance of collision, thus we'll allow midl to auto assign ids for this one // DISPIDs for ITuningSpace interface enum { DISPID_TUNER_TS_UNIQUENAME = 1, DISPID_TUNER_TS_FRIENDLYNAME = 2, DISPID_TUNER_TS_CLSID = 3, DISPID_TUNER_TS_NETWORKTYPE = 4, DISPID_TUNER_TS__NETWORKTYPE = 5, DISPID_TUNER_TS_CREATETUNEREQUEST = 6, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ENUMCATEGORYGUIDS = 7, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ENUMDEVICEMONIKERS = 8, DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFAULTPREFERREDCOMPONENTTYPES = 9, DISPID_TUNER_TS_FREQMAP = 10, DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFLOCATOR = 11, DISPID_TUNER_TS_CLONE = 12, // DISPIDs for ITuneRequest interface DISPID_TUNER_TR_TUNINGSPACE = 1, DISPID_TUNER_TR_COMPONENTS = 2, DISPID_TUNER_TR_CLONE = 3, DISPID_TUNER_TR_LOCATOR = 4, // DISPID for IComponentType interface DISPID_TUNER_CT_CATEGORY = 1, DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAMAJORTYPE = 2, DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAMAJORTYPE = 3, DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIASUBTYPE = 4, DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIASUBTYPE = 5, DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAFORMATTYPE = 6, DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAFORMATTYPE = 7, DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIATYPE = 8, DISPID_TUNER_CT_CLONE = 9, // DISPID for ILanguageComponentType interface DISPID_TUNER_LCT_LANGID = 100, // DISPID for IMPEG2ComponentType interface DISPID_TUNER_MP2CT_TYPE = 200, // DISPID for IATSCComponentType interface DISPID_TUNER_ATSCCT_FLAGS = 300, // DISPID for ILocator interface DISPID_TUNER_L_CARRFREQ = 1, DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECMETHOD = 2, DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECRATE = 3, DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECMETHOD = 4, DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECRATE = 5, DISPID_TUNER_L_MOD = 6, DISPID_TUNER_L_SYMRATE = 7, DISPID_TUNER_L_CLONE = 8, // DISPID for IATSCLocator interface DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_PHYS_CHANNEL = 201, DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_TSID = 202, // DISPID for IDVBTLocator interface DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_BANDWIDTH = 301, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECMETHOD = 302, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECRATE = 303, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_GUARDINTERVAL = 304, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_HALPHA = 305, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_TRANSMISSIONMODE = 306, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_INUSE = 307, // DISPID for IDVBSLocator interface DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_POLARISATION = 401, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_WEST = 402, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ORBITAL = 403, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_AZIMUTH = 404, DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ELEVATION = 405, // DISPID for IDVBCLocator interface // DISPIDs for IComponent interface DISPID_TUNER_C_TYPE = 1, DISPID_TUNER_C_STATUS = 2, DISPID_TUNER_C_LANGID = 3, DISPID_TUNER_C_DESCRIPTION = 4, DISPID_TUNER_C_CLONE = 5, // DISPIDs for IMPEG2Component interface DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PID = 101, DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PCRPID = 102, DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PROGNO = 103, // DISPIDs for IDVBTuningSpace interface DISPID_TUNER_TS_DVB_SYSTEMTYPE = 101, // DISPIDs for IAnalogRadioTuningSpace interface DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MINFREQUENCY = 101, DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MAXFREQUENCY = 102, DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_STEP = 103, // DISPIDs for IAnalogTVTuningSpace interface DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MINCHANNEL = 101, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MAXCHANNEL = 102, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_INPUTTYPE = 103, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_COUNTRYCODE = 104, // DISPIDs for IATSCTuningSpace interface DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINMINORCHANNEL = 201, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXMINORCHANNEL = 202, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINPHYSCHANNEL = 203, DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXPHYSCHANNEL = 204, // DISPID for IAnalogTVAudioComponent interface DISPID_CHTUNER_ATVAC_CHANNEL = 101, // DISPIDs for IAnalogTVDataComponent interface DISPID_CHTUNER_ATVDC_SYSTEM = 101, DISPID_CHTUNER_ATVDC_CONTENT = 102, // DISPID for IChannelTuneRequest interface DISPID_CHTUNER_CTR_CHANNEL = 101, // DISPID IATSCChannelTuneRequest DISPID_CHTUNER_ACTR_MINOR_CHANNEL = 201, // DISPIDs for IDVBComponent interface DISPID_DVBTUNER_DVBC_ATTRIBUTESVALID = 101, DISPID_DVBTUNER_DVBC_PID = 102, DISPID_DVBTUNER_DVBC_TAG = 103, DISPID_DVBTUNER_DVBC_COMPONENTTYPE = 104, // DISPIDs for IDVBTuneRequest interface DISPID_DVBTUNER_ONID = 101, DISPID_DVBTUNER_TSID = 102, DISPID_DVBTUNER_SID = 103, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tuning Space Container ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // simple read-only collection of tuning spaces for enumerating subsets of the total // set of system tuning spaces [ object, uuid(901284E4-33FE-4b69-8D63-634A596F3756), dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("Tuning Space Collection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITuningSpaces : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Number of items in the collection")] HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *Count ); [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IEnumVARIANT** NewEnum ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget, helpstring("Find the Tuning Space with the specified Index")] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT varIndex, [out, retval] ITuningSpace** TuningSpace ); [propget, hidden, restricted, helpstring("convenience function so C++ apps don't have to unpack VARIANT")] HRESULT EnumTuningSpaces( [out, retval] IEnumTuningSpaces** NewEnum ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tuning Space Container ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(5B692E84-E2F1-11d2-9493-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, hidden, nonextensible, helpstring("Tuning Space Container Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITuningSpaceContainer : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Number of items in the collection")] HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *Count ); [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IEnumVARIANT** NewEnum ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget, helpstring("Find the Tuning Space with the specified Index")] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT varIndex, [out, retval] ITuningSpace** TuningSpace ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propput, helpstring("Change the Tuning Space with the specified Index")] HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT varIndex, [in] ITuningSpace *TuningSpace); [helpstring("Returns the collection of Tuning Spaces with the same implementation")] HRESULT TuningSpacesForCLSID( [in] BSTR SpaceCLSID, [out, retval] ITuningSpaces** NewColl ); [hidden, restricted, helpstring("Convenience Function for enumerating from C")] HRESULT _TuningSpacesForCLSID( [in] REFCLSID SpaceCLSID, [out, retval] ITuningSpaces** NewColl ); [helpstring("Returns the collection of Tuning Spaces matching the name")] HRESULT TuningSpacesForName( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] ITuningSpaces** NewColl ); [helpstring("Find Local ID Number of the specified Tuning Space")] HRESULT FindID( [in] ITuningSpace *TuningSpace, [out, retval] long *ID ); [id(DISPID_ADDITEM), helpstring("Add a new Tuning Space to the collection. This tuning space will be persisted unless removed")] HRESULT Add( [in] ITuningSpace* TuningSpace, [out, retval] VARIANT* NewIndex ); [propget, hidden, restricted, helpstring("Convenience Function for enumerating collection from C")] HRESULT EnumTuningSpaces( [out, retval] IEnumTuningSpaces **ppEnum ); [id(DISPID_REMOVEITEM), helpstring("Remove a Tuning Space from the collection. this tuning space will be deleted from the registry")] HRESULT Remove( [in] VARIANT Index ); [propget, helpstring("Maximum number of items allowed in the collection")] HRESULT MaxCount( [out, retval] long *MaxCount ); // we don't allow script to set this, but we do allow c code to change it. [propput, hidden, restricted, helpstring("Maximum number of items allowed in the collection")] HRESULT MaxCount( [in] long MaxCount ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tuning Space Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // note: the network type is the clsid of the tuning space implementation [ object, uuid(061C6E30-E622-11d2-9493-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("Tuning Space Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITuningSpace : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_UNIQUENAME), helpstring("Unique name of the Tuning Space")] HRESULT UniqueName( [out, retval] BSTR *Name ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_UNIQUENAME), helpstring("Unique name of the Tuning Space")] HRESULT UniqueName( [in] BSTR Name ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_FRIENDLYNAME), helpstring("User-friendly name of the Tuning Space")] HRESULT FriendlyName( [out, retval] BSTR *Name ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_FRIENDLYNAME), helpstring("User-friendly name of the Tuning Space")] HRESULT FriendlyName( [in] BSTR Name ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_CLSID), helpstring("Returns the clsid of the tuning space implementation. provides script access to IPersist:GetClassID")] HRESULT CLSID( [out, retval] BSTR* SpaceCLSID ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_NETWORKTYPE), helpstring("Network Type (Network Proivder CLSID)")] HRESULT NetworkType( [out, retval] BSTR *NetworkTypeGuid ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_NETWORKTYPE), helpstring("Network Type (Network Proivder CLSID)")] HRESULT NetworkType( [in] BSTR NetworkTypeGuid ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS__NETWORKTYPE), helpstring("Network Type (Network Proivder CLSID)"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NetworkType( [out, retval] GUID* NetworkTypeGuid ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS__NETWORKTYPE), helpstring("Network Type (Network Proivder CLSID)"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NetworkType( [in] REFCLSID NetworkTypeGuid ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_CREATETUNEREQUEST), helpstring("Create a Tune Request object")] HRESULT CreateTuneRequest( [out, retval] ITuneRequest **TuneRequest ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ENUMCATEGORYGUIDS), hidden, restricted] HRESULT EnumCategoryGUIDs( [out, retval] IEnumGUID **ppEnum ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ENUMDEVICEMONIKERS), hidden, restricted] HRESULT EnumDeviceMonikers( [out, retval] IEnumMoniker **ppEnum ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFAULTPREFERREDCOMPONENTTYPES)] HRESULT DefaultPreferredComponentTypes( [out, retval] IComponentTypes** ComponentTypes ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFAULTPREFERREDCOMPONENTTYPES)] HRESULT DefaultPreferredComponentTypes( [in] IComponentTypes* NewComponentTypes ); // the following property is for the network providers to store frequency/channel maps, frequency/transponder maps // or whatever other mapping from carrier frequencies to frequency identifiers are appropriate for the tuning space // in question. the bstr is treated as a binary blob. it is expected to contain embedded nulls, and it may be formatted // internally in whatever fashion the network provider sees fit. [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_FREQMAP), hidden, restricted] HRESULT FrequencyMapping([out, retval] BSTR *pMapping); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_FREQMAP), hidden, restricted] HRESULT FrequencyMapping(BSTR Mapping); // the following property provides a starting point for the initial IScanningTuner after installation [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFLOCATOR)] HRESULT DefaultLocator([out, retval] ILocator **LocatorVal); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DEFLOCATOR)] HRESULT DefaultLocator([in]ILocator *LocatorVal); HRESULT Clone([out, retval] ITuningSpace **NewTS); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ hidden, restricted, object, uuid(8B8EB248-FC2B-11d2-9D8C-00C04F72D980), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumTuningSpaces : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] ITuningSpace** rgelt, [out] ULONG* pceltFetched ); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt ); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumTuningSpaces** ppEnum ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(ADA0B268-3B19-4e5b-ACC4-49F852BE13BA), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDVBTuningSpace : ITuningSpace { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DVB_SYSTEMTYPE), helpstring("Type of DVB System") ] HRESULT SystemType( [out, retval] DVBSystemType *SysType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_DVB_SYSTEMTYPE), helpstring("Type of DVB System") ] HRESULT SystemType( [in] DVBSystemType SysType ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(2A6E293C-2595-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAnalogTVTuningSpace : ITuningSpace { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MINCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinChannel( [out, retval] long *MinChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MINCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinChannel( [in] long NewMinChannelVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MAXCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxChannel( [out, retval] long *MaxChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_MAXCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxChannel( [in] long NewMaxChannelVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_INPUTTYPE), helpstring("Input type for this tuning space") ] HRESULT InputType([out, retval] TunerInputType *InputTypeVal); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_INPUTTYPE), helpstring("Input type for this tuning space") ] HRESULT InputType([in] TunerInputType NewInputTypeVal); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_COUNTRYCODE), helpstring("International dialing prefix for country of physical broadcast source") ] HRESULT CountryCode([out, retval] long *CountryCodeVal); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATV_COUNTRYCODE), helpstring("International dialing prefix for country of physical broadcast source") ] HRESULT CountryCode([in] long NewCountryCodeVal); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(0369B4E2-45B6-11d3-B650-00C04F79498E), pointer_default(unique) ] // note: we inherit ATSC from analog because we need the same properties. // - the definition of channel is overloaded to be the major channel, // - input type allows us to distinguish between broadcast and cable frequencies // which allows us to use the atsc tuning space class for "open cable". // - country code will allow us to redefine physical channel frequencies // if any other countries adopt ATSC which may happen in Latin America in particular. interface IATSCTuningSpace : IAnalogTVTuningSpace { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINMINORCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest minor channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinMinorChannel( [out, retval] long *MinMinorChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINMINORCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest minor channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinMinorChannel( [in] long NewMinMinorChannelVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXMINORCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest minor channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxMinorChannel( [out, retval] long *MaxMinorChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXMINORCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest minor channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxMinorChannel( [in] long NewMaxMinorChannelVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINPHYSCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest physical channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinPhysicalChannel( [out, retval] long *MinPhysicalChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MINPHYSCHANNEL), helpstring("Smallest physical channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinPhysicalChannel( [in] long NewMinPhysicalChannelVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXPHYSCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest physical channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxPhysicalChannel( [out, retval] long *MaxPhysicalChannelVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_ATSC_MAXPHYSCHANNEL), helpstring("Largest physical channel number ever provided by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxPhysicalChannel( [in] long NewMaxPhysicalChannelVal ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(2A6E293B-2595-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAnalogRadioTuningSpace : ITuningSpace { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MINFREQUENCY), helpstring("Smallest frequency(khz) ever used by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinFrequency( [out, retval] long *MinFrequencyVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MINFREQUENCY), helpstring("Smallest frequency(khz) ever used by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MinFrequency( [in] long NewMinFrequencyVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MAXFREQUENCY), helpstring("Largest frequency(khz) ever used by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxFrequency( [out, retval] long *MaxFrequencyVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_MAXFREQUENCY), helpstring("Largest frequency(khz) ever used by this tuning space") ] HRESULT MaxFrequency( [in] long NewMaxFrequencyVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_STEP), helpstring("Default step value(khz) to next frequency for this tuning space") ] HRESULT Step( [out, retval] long *StepVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TS_AR_STEP), helpstring("Default step value(khz) to next frequency for this tuning space") ] HRESULT Step( [in] long NewStepVal ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tune Request Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(07DDC146-FC3D-11d2-9D8C-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Tune Request Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITuneRequest : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TR_TUNINGSPACE), helpstring("Tuning Space object")] HRESULT TuningSpace( [out, retval] ITuningSpace **TuningSpace ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TR_COMPONENTS), helpstring("Components collection")] HRESULT Components( [out, retval] IComponents **Components ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_TR_CLONE), helpstring("Create a new copy of this tune request")] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] ITuneRequest **NewTuneRequest ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_TR_LOCATOR), helpstring("Locator Object")] HRESULT Locator( [out, retval] ILocator **Locator ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_TR_LOCATOR), helpstring("Locator Object")] HRESULT Locator( [in] ILocator *Locator ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(0369B4E0-45B6-11d3-B650-00C04F79498E), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Channel Tune Request Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IChannelTuneRequest : ITuneRequest { [propget, id(DISPID_CHTUNER_CTR_CHANNEL), helpstring("Channel")] HRESULT Channel( [out, retval] long *Channel ); [propput, id(DISPID_CHTUNER_CTR_CHANNEL), helpstring("Channel")] HRESULT Channel( [in] long Channel ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(0369B4E1-45B6-11d3-B650-00C04F79498E), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("ATSC Channel Tune Request Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IATSCChannelTuneRequest : IChannelTuneRequest { [propget, id(DISPID_CHTUNER_ACTR_MINOR_CHANNEL), helpstring("Minor Channel")] HRESULT MinorChannel( [out, retval] long *MinorChannel ); [propput, id(DISPID_CHTUNER_ACTR_MINOR_CHANNEL), helpstring("Minor Channel")] HRESULT MinorChannel( [in] long MinorChannel ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(0D6F567E-A636-42bb-83BA-CE4C1704AFA2), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("DVB Tune Request Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDVBTuneRequest : ITuneRequest { [propget, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_ONID), helpstring("Original Network ID")] HRESULT ONID( [out, retval] long *ONID ); [propput, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_ONID), helpstring("Original Network ID")] HRESULT ONID( [in] long ONID ); [propget, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_TSID), helpstring("Transport Stream ID")] HRESULT TSID( [out, retval] long *TSID ); [propput, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_TSID), helpstring("Transport Stream ID")] HRESULT TSID( [in] long TSID ); [propget, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_SID), helpstring("Service ID")] HRESULT SID( [out, retval] long *SID ); [propput, id(DISPID_DVBTUNER_SID), helpstring("Service ID")] HRESULT SID( [in] long SID ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tuner Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(28C52640-018A-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Tuner Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITuner : IUnknown { [propget, helpstring("Tuning Space object")] HRESULT TuningSpace( [out, retval] ITuningSpace **TuningSpace ); [propput, helpstring("Tuning Space object")] HRESULT TuningSpace( [in] ITuningSpace *TuningSpace ); [hidden, restricted, helpstring("Returns an enumerator for Tuning Spaces accepted by this tuner")] HRESULT EnumTuningSpaces( [out, retval] IEnumTuningSpaces **ppEnum ); [propget, helpstring("Tune Request object")] HRESULT TuneRequest( [out, retval] ITuneRequest **TuneRequest ); [propput, helpstring("Tune Request object")] HRESULT TuneRequest( [in] ITuneRequest *TuneRequest ); [helpstring("Validate the tuning request without tuning")] HRESULT Validate( [in] ITuneRequest *TuneRequest ); [propget, helpstring("Preferred Component Types collection")] HRESULT PreferredComponentTypes( [out, retval] IComponentTypes **ComponentTypes ); [propput, helpstring("Preferred Component Types collection")] HRESULT PreferredComponentTypes( [in] IComponentTypes *ComponentTypes ); [propget, helpstring("Signal Strength")] HRESULT SignalStrength( [out, retval] long *Strength ); [helpstring("Trigger Signal events (interval in milliseconds; 0 turns off trigger)")] HRESULT TriggerSignalEvents( [in] long Interval ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(1DFD0A5C-0284-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Scanning Tuner Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IScanningTuner : ITuner { [helpstring("Seek to the next valid selection")] HRESULT SeekUp( ); [helpstring("Seek to the previous valid selection")] HRESULT SeekDown( ); [helpstring("Scan for valid selections upward")] HRESULT ScanUp( [in] long MillisecondsPause ); [helpstring("Scan for valid selections downward")] HRESULT ScanDown( [in] long MillisecondsPause ); [helpstring("Enter the device's autoprogram mode")] HRESULT AutoProgram( ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(68481420-0280-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Tuner Events Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ITunerEvents : IUnknown { [helpstring("Reports a completed (or failed) tune operation")] HRESULT OnTune( [in] ITuneRequest **Request, [in] long *Strength ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(85E2439E-0E23-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Signal Events Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISignalEvents : IUnknown { [helpstring("Reports the signal strength")] HRESULT OnSignal( [out] long *Strength ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Type Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Category [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(6A340DC0-0311-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Component Type Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IComponentType : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_CATEGORY), helpstring("General category of component")] HRESULT Category( [out, retval] ComponentCategory *Category ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_CATEGORY), helpstring("General category of component")] HRESULT Category( [in] ComponentCategory Category ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAMAJORTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Major Type Guid")] HRESULT MediaMajorType( [out, retval] BSTR *MediaMajorType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAMAJORTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Major Type Guid")] HRESULT MediaMajorType( [in] BSTR MediaMajorType ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAMAJORTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Major Type Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaMajorType( [out, retval] GUID* MediaMajorTypeGuid ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAMAJORTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Major Type Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaMajorType( [in] REFCLSID MediaMajorTypeGuid ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIASUBTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Sub Type Guid")] HRESULT MediaSubType( [out, retval] BSTR *MediaSubType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIASUBTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Sub Type Guid")] HRESULT MediaSubType( [in] BSTR MediaSubType ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIASUBTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Sub Type Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaSubType( [out, retval] GUID* MediaSubTypeGuid ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIASUBTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Sub Type Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaSubType( [in] REFCLSID MediaSubTypeGuid ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAFORMATTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Format Guid")] HRESULT MediaFormatType( [out, retval] BSTR *MediaFormatType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIAFORMATTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Format Guid")] HRESULT MediaFormatType( [in] BSTR MediaFormatType ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAFORMATTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Format Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaFormatType( [out, retval] GUID* MediaFormatTypeGuid ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT__MEDIAFORMATTYPE), helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Format Guid"), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _MediaFormatType( [in] REFCLSID MediaFormatTypeGuid ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIATYPE), hidden, restricted, helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Guid, this only retrieves major, sub, format guids not the entire struct")] HRESULT MediaType( [out, retval] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *MediaType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_MEDIATYPE), hidden, restricted, helpstring("DirectShow MediaType Guid, this only retrieves major, sub, format guids not the entire struct")] HRESULT MediaType( [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *MediaType ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_CT_CLONE), helpstring("Create a copy of this component type")] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IComponentType **NewCT ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(B874C8BA-0FA2-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Language Component Type Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ILanguageComponentType : IComponentType { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_LCT_LANGID), helpstring("Language Identifier for Substream Content Language")] HRESULT LangID( [out, retval] long *LangID ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_LCT_LANGID), helpstring("Language Identifier for Substream Content Language")] HRESULT LangID( [in] long LangID ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(2C073D84-B51C-48c9-AA9F-68971E1F6E38), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("MPEG2 Component Type Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMPEG2ComponentType : ILanguageComponentType { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_MP2CT_TYPE), helpstring("MPEG2 Stream Type")] HRESULT StreamType( [out, retval] MPEG2StreamType *MP2StreamType ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_MP2CT_TYPE), helpstring("MPEG2 Stream Type")] HRESULT StreamType( [in] MPEG2StreamType MP2StreamType ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(FC189E4D-7BD4-4125-B3B3-3A76A332CC96), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("ATSC Component Type Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IATSCComponentType : IMPEG2ComponentType { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_ATSCCT_FLAGS), helpstring("ATSC Component Type Flags")] HRESULT Flags( [out, retval] long *Flags ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_ATSCCT_FLAGS), helpstring("ATSC Component Type Flags")] HRESULT Flags( [in] long flags ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ hidden, restricted, object, uuid(8A674B4A-1F63-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumComponentTypes : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] IComponentType** rgelt, [out] ULONG* pceltFetched ); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt ); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumComponentTypes** ppEnum ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Type Container ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(0DC13D4A-0313-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("ComponentType Collection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IComponentTypes : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Number of items in the collection")] HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *Count ); [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **ppNewEnum ); [hidden, restricted, helpstring("Convenience Function for Use with C")] HRESULT EnumComponentTypes( [out, retval] IEnumComponentTypes **ppNewEnum ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget, helpstring("Get the ComponentType at the specified index")] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT Index, [out, retval] IComponentType **ComponentType ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propput, helpstring("Get the ComponentType at the specified index")] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT Index, [in] IComponentType *ComponentType ); [id(DISPID_ADDITEM), helpstring("Append the ComponentType to the collection")] HRESULT Add( [in] IComponentType *ComponentType, [out, retval] VARIANT *NewIndex ); [id(DISPID_REMOVEITEM), helpstring("Clear the collection")] HRESULT Remove( [in] VARIANT Index ); [helpstring("Copy the collection")] HRESULT Clone([out, retval] IComponentTypes **NewList); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(1A5576FC-0E19-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Component Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IComponent : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_TYPE), helpstring("Component Type")] HRESULT Type( [out, retval] IComponentType** CT ); // only loaders initialize components [hidden, restricted, propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_TYPE), helpstring("Component Type")] HRESULT Type( [in] IComponentType* CT ); // NOTE: this langid is *not* the same as the langid // in the componenttype(if the componenttype is a languagecomponenttype) // the langid in the component type is the language of the content this // component is describing. the following langid in the component is the // language of the descriptive info in the component object. [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_LANGID), helpstring("Language Identifier for Description Language")] HRESULT DescLangID( [out, retval] long *LangID ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_LANGID), helpstring("Language Identifier for Description Language")] HRESULT DescLangID( [in] long LangID ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_STATUS), helpstring("Component Status")] HRESULT Status( [out, retval] ComponentStatus *Status ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_STATUS), helpstring("Component Status")] HRESULT Status( [in] ComponentStatus Status ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_DESCRIPTION), helpstring("Component Description")] HRESULT Description( [out, retval] BSTR *Description ); // restricted: only loaders will initialize components [hidden, restricted, propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_DESCRIPTION), helpstring("Component Description")] HRESULT Description( [in] BSTR Description ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_C_CLONE), helpstring("Copy Component")] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IComponent **NewComponent ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(1493E353-1EB6-473c-802D-8E6B8EC9D2A9), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("MPEG2 Component Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMPEG2Component : IComponent { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PID), helpstring("MPEG2 Packet ID for this Substream")] HRESULT PID( [out, retval] long *PID ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PID), helpstring("MPEG2 Packet ID for this Substream")] HRESULT PID( [in] long PID ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PCRPID), helpstring("MPEG2 Packet ID for this Substream's Timestamps")] HRESULT PCRPID( [out, retval] long *PCRPID ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PCRPID), helpstring("MPEG2 Packet ID for this Substream's Timestamps")] HRESULT PCRPID( [in] long PCRPID ); // program number provides reverse lookup to PAT [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PROGNO), helpstring("MPEG2 Program Number")] HRESULT ProgramNumber( [out, retval] long *ProgramNumber ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_C_MP2_PROGNO), helpstring("MPEG2 Program Number")] HRESULT ProgramNumber( [in] long ProgramNumber ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ hidden, restricted, object, uuid(2A6E2939-2595-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumComponents : IUnknown { HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] IComponent** rgelt, [out] ULONG* pceltFetched ); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt ); HRESULT Reset(void); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumComponents** ppEnum ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Container ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, nonextensible, uuid(FCD01846-0E19-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Component Collection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IComponents : IDispatch { [propget, helpstring("Number of items in the collection")] HRESULT Count( [out, retval] long *Count ); [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **ppNewEnum ); [hidden, restricted, helpstring("Convenience Function for Use with C")] HRESULT EnumComponents( [out, retval] IEnumComponents **ppNewEnum ); [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget, helpstring("Get the Component at the specified index")] HRESULT Item( [in] VARIANT Index, [out, retval] IComponent **ppComponent ); [id(DISPID_ADDITEM), helpstring("Add the Component to the collection")] HRESULT Add( [in] IComponent *Component, [out, retval] VARIANT *NewIndex ); [id(DISPID_REMOVEITEM), helpstring("Remove the Component at the specified index")] HRESULT Remove( [in] VARIANT Index ); [helpstring("Copy the collection")] HRESULT Clone([out, retval] IComponents **NewList); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Component Container ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this separates the what(general tune request properties) from the where [ object, nonextensible, uuid(286D7F89-760C-4F89-80C4-66841D2507AA), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("Generic Locator Information"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ILocator : IDispatch { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_CARRFREQ), helpstring("Carrier Frequency(DecaHertz)")] HRESULT CarrierFrequency( [out, retval] long* Frequency ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_CARRFREQ), helpstring("Carrier Frequency(DecaHertz)")] HRESULT CarrierFrequency( [in] long Frequency ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Inner Fec Type")] HRESULT InnerFEC( [out, retval] FECMethod* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Inner Fec Type")] HRESULT InnerFEC( [in] FECMethod FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECRATE), helpstring("Inner Fec Rate")] HRESULT InnerFECRate( [out, retval] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_INNERFECRATE), helpstring("Inner Fec Rate")] HRESULT InnerFECRate( [in] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Outer Fec Type")] HRESULT OuterFEC( [out, retval] FECMethod* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Outer Fec Type")] HRESULT OuterFEC( [in] FECMethod FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECRATE), helpstring("Outer Fec Rate")] HRESULT OuterFECRate( [out, retval] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_OUTERFECRATE), helpstring("Outer Fec Rate")] HRESULT OuterFECRate( [in] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_MOD), helpstring("Modulation Type")] HRESULT Modulation( [out, retval] ModulationType* Modulation ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_MOD), helpstring("Modulation Type")] HRESULT Modulation( [in] ModulationType Modulation ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_SYMRATE), helpstring("Modulation Symbol Rate")] HRESULT SymbolRate( [out, retval] long* Rate ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_SYMRATE), helpstring("Modulation Symbol Rate")] HRESULT SymbolRate( [in] long Rate ); [id(DISPID_TUNER_L_CLONE), helpstring("Copy the Locator")] HRESULT Clone([out, retval] ILocator **NewLocator); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(BF8D986F-8C2B-4131-94D7-4D3D9FCC21EF), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("ATSC Locator Information"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IATSCLocator : ILocator { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_PHYS_CHANNEL), helpstring("Physical Channel")] HRESULT PhysicalChannel( [out, retval] long *PhysicalChannel ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_PHYS_CHANNEL), helpstring("Physical Channel")] HRESULT PhysicalChannel( [in] long PhysicalChannel ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_TSID), helpstring("Transport Stream ID")] HRESULT TSID( [out, retval] long *TSID ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_ATSC_TSID), helpstring("Transport Stream ID")] HRESULT TSID( [in] long TSID ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(8664DA16-DDA2-42ac-926A-C18F9127C302), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("DVB Terrestrial Locator Information"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDVBTLocator : ILocator { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_BANDWIDTH), helpstring("Bandwidth")] HRESULT Bandwidth( [out, retval] long* BandWidthVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_BANDWIDTH), helpstring("Bandwidth")] HRESULT Bandwidth( [in] long BandwidthVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Inner Fec Type for Low Priority Stream")] HRESULT LPInnerFEC( [out, retval] FECMethod* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECMETHOD), helpstring("Inner Fec Type for Low Priority Stream")] HRESULT LPInnerFEC( [in] FECMethod FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECRATE), helpstring("Inner Fec Rate for Low Priority Stream")] HRESULT LPInnerFECRate( [out, retval] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate* FEC ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_LPINNERFECRATE), helpstring("Inner Fec Rate for Low Priority Stream")] HRESULT LPInnerFECRate( [in] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate FEC ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_HALPHA), helpstring("Hierarchical Alpha")] HRESULT HAlpha( [out, retval] HierarchyAlpha* Alpha ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_HALPHA), helpstring("Hierarchical Alpha")] HRESULT HAlpha( [in] HierarchyAlpha Alpha ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_GUARDINTERVAL), helpstring("Guard Interval")] HRESULT Guard( [out, retval] GuardInterval* GI ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_GUARDINTERVAL), helpstring("Guard Interval")] HRESULT Guard( [in] GuardInterval GI ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_TRANSMISSIONMODE), helpstring("Transmission Mode")] HRESULT Mode( [out, retval] TransmissionMode* mode ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_TRANSMISSIONMODE), helpstring("Transmission Mode")] HRESULT Mode( [in] TransmissionMode mode ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_INUSE), helpstring("Hierarchical Alpha")] HRESULT OtherFrequencyInUse( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* OtherFrequencyInUseVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBT_INUSE), helpstring("Hierarchical Alpha")] HRESULT OtherFrequencyInUse( [in] VARIANT_BOOL OtherFrequencyInUseVal ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(3D7C353C-0D04-45f1-A742-F97CC1188DC8), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("DVB Satellite Locator Information"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDVBSLocator : ILocator { [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_POLARISATION), helpstring("Signal Polarisation Type")] HRESULT SignalPolarisation( [out, retval] Polarisation* PolarisationVal ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_POLARISATION), helpstring("Signal Polarisation Type")] HRESULT SignalPolarisation( [in] Polarisation PolarisationVal ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_WEST), helpstring("VARIANT_TRUE means orbital position specifies west longitude")] HRESULT WestPosition( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* WestLongitude ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_WEST), helpstring("VARIANT_TRUE means orbital position specifies west longitude")] HRESULT WestPosition( [in] VARIANT_BOOL WestLongitude ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ORBITAL), helpstring("Longitude in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT OrbitalPosition( [out, retval] long* longitude ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ORBITAL), helpstring("Longitude in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT OrbitalPosition( [in] long longitude ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_AZIMUTH), helpstring("Azimuth in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT Azimuth( [out, retval] long* Azimuth ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_AZIMUTH), helpstring("Azimuth in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT Azimuth( [in] long Azimuth ); [propget, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ELEVATION), helpstring("Elevation in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT Elevation( [out, retval] long* Elevation ); [propput, id(DISPID_TUNER_L_DVBS_ELEVATION), helpstring("Elevation in tenths of a degree")] HRESULT Elevation( [in] long Elevation ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, hidden, nonextensible, uuid(6E42F36E-1DD2-43c4-9F78-69D25AE39034), dual, oleautomation, helpstring("DVB Cable Locator Information"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDVBCLocator : ILocator { }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TYPELIB & CoClasses ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ uuid(9B085638-018E-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), version(1.0), helpstring("Microsoft Tuner 1.0 Type Library") ] library TunerLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // SystemTuningSpaces class [ uuid(D02AAC50-027E-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("SystemTuningSpace Class") ] coclass SystemTuningSpaces { [default] interface ITuningSpaceContainer; }; // NOTE: there is no object factory for this class. the implementation for the underlying // code is a c++ abstract base class. this coclass is only provided here to // force vb to expose the base interface to enable polymorphic access to // derived objects [ hidden, restricted, uuid(5FFDC5E6-B83A-4b55-B6E8-C69E765FE9DB), helpstring("dummy class to expose base tuning space i/f to VB") ] coclass TuningSpace { [default] interface ITuningSpace; }; [ uuid(A2E30750-6C3D-11d3-B653-00C04F79498E), helpstring("ATSC Digital Broadcast Tuning Space Class") ] coclass ATSCTuningSpace { [default] interface IATSCTuningSpace; }; [ uuid(8A674B4C-1F63-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), helpstring("Analog Radio Tuning Space Class") ] coclass AnalogRadioTuningSpace { [default] interface IAnalogRadioTuningSpace; }; [ uuid(8A674B4D-1F63-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), helpstring("Analog TV Tuning Space Class") ] coclass AnalogTVTuningSpace { [default] interface IAnalogTVTuningSpace; }; [ uuid(C6B14B32-76AA-4a86-A7AC-5C79AAF58DA7), helpstring("DVB Tuning Space Class") ] coclass DVBTuningSpace { [default] interface IDVBTuningSpace; }; // ComponentTypes container class [ uuid(A1A2B1C4-0E3A-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Component Types Collection Class") ] coclass ComponentTypes { [default] interface IComponentTypes; }; // ComponentType class [ uuid(823535A0-0318-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("ComponentType Class") ] coclass ComponentType { [default] interface IComponentType; }; // Language ComponentType class [ uuid(1BE49F30-0E1B-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("LanguageComponentType Class") ] coclass LanguageComponentType { [default] interface ILanguageComponentType; }; // MPEG2 ComponentType class [ uuid(418008F3-CF67-4668-9628-10DC52BE1D08), helpstring("MPEG2ComponentType Class") ] coclass MPEG2ComponentType { [default] interface IMPEG2ComponentType; }; // ATSC ComponentType class [ uuid(A8DCF3D5-0780-4ef4-8A83-2CFFAACB8ACE), helpstring("ATSCComponentType Class") ] coclass ATSCComponentType { [default] interface IATSCComponentType; }; // Components class [ hidden, restricted, uuid(809B6661-94C4-49e6-B6EC-3F0F862215AA), helpstring("Components Collection Class") ] coclass Components { [default] interface IComponents; }; // Component class // the components can only be created by network provider/tif. client apps // retrieve them from a filled-in tune request by either loading a persisted tune // request that has been filled in by a proper guide store loader or by re-getting // the current tune request property which will have this filled in by the network // provider [ hidden, restricted, uuid(59DC47A8-116C-11d3-9D8E-00C04F72D980), helpstring("Component Class") ] coclass Component { [default] interface IComponent; }; // MPEG2 Component class [ hidden, restricted, uuid(055CB2D7-2969-45cd-914B-76890722F112), helpstring("MPEG2 Component Class") ] coclass MPEG2Component { [default] interface IMPEG2Component; }; // NOTE: there is no object factory for this class. the implementation for the underlying // code is a c++ abstract base class. this coclass is only provided here to // force vb to expose the base interface to enable polymorphic access to // derived objects [ hidden, restricted, uuid(B46E0D38-AB35-4a06-A137-70576B01B39F), helpstring("dummy class to expose base tune request i/f to VB") ] coclass TuneRequest { [default] interface ITuneRequest; }; // NOTE: the tuning request factories should not be invoked directly. // instead apps should use ITuningSpace::CreateTuningRequest to obtain a correctly // initialized tuning request of the appropriate type for that space. // the object factories are provided to allow generic code to a load a previously persisted // tune request object. [ hidden, restricted, uuid(0369B4E5-45B6-11d3-B650-00C04F79498E), helpstring("Channel Tune Request") ] coclass ChannelTuneRequest { [default] interface IChannelTuneRequest; }; [ hidden, restricted, uuid(0369B4E6-45B6-11d3-B650-00C04F79498E), helpstring("ATSC Channel Tune Request") ] coclass ATSCChannelTuneRequest { [default] interface IATSCChannelTuneRequest; }; // NOTE: there is no object factory for this class. the implementation for the underlying // code is a c++ abstract base class. this coclass is only provided here to // force vb to expose the base interface to enable polymorphic access to // derived objects [ hidden, restricted, uuid(0888C883-AC4F-4943-B516-2C38D9B34562), helpstring("dummy class to expose base locator i/f to VB") ] coclass Locator { [default] interface ILocator; }; // its not intended that client apps actually create locators. the network // provider in combination with the transport information filter(TIF) are the // only modules in the system that actually know the correct values for these objects // however, for testing purposes, its necessary to allow these to be created. // instead, normally these will simply be passed around opaquely since they're a // property of the base tune request interface. [ uuid(8872FF1B-98FA-4d7a-8D93-C9F1055F85BB), helpstring("ATSC Locator") ] coclass ATSCLocator { [default] interface IATSCLocator; }; [ uuid(9CD64701-BDF3-4d14-8E03-F12983D86664), helpstring("DVB-Terrestrial Locator") ] coclass DVBTLocator { [default] interface IDVBTLocator; }; [ uuid(1DF7D126-4050-47f0-A7CF-4C4CA9241333), helpstring("DVB-Satellite Locator") ] coclass DVBSLocator { [default] interface IDVBSLocator; }; [ uuid(C531D9FD-9685-4028-8B68-6E1232079F1E), helpstring("DVB-Cable Locator") ] coclass DVBCLocator { [default] interface ILocator; }; [ hidden, restricted, uuid(15D6504A-5494-499c-886C-973C9E53B9F1), helpstring("DVB Tune Request") ] coclass DVBTuneRequest { [default] interface IDVBTuneRequest; }; // Sample tuner class definition: // // [ // uuid(), // helpstring("My Tuner object") // ] // coclass MyTuner // { // [default] interface ITuner; // interface IMyTunerCustomFeatureInterface; // [default, source] interface ITunerEvents; // [source] interface ISignalEvents; // }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // utility objects /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ hidden, restricted, uuid(8A674B49-1F63-11d3-B64C-00C04F79498E), helpstring("Create property bag backed by registry") ] coclass CreatePropBagOnRegKey { interface ICreatePropBagOnRegKey; }; } // end of file -- tuner.idl