* Selectively merging fs-experimental into master
In particular, I'm not merging the automatic parent folder creation stuff because I'm not convinced it's the right thing to do
* Implemented more FileInfo converters
This should take care of all types used by NtSet/QueryInformationFile. The remaining types are used by NtQueryDirectoryFile.
* FileName probably needs to be converted
* Fix compilation errors
* Restore string conversion
* Revert NtDeviceIoControlFile
Panzer Dragoon failed the initial XapiVerifyMediaInDrive check due to the changes made to this function. We need proper low level I/O device emulation for this to work.
* Fix XeImageFileName
Helps with Avalaunch initialization. It still crashes further down the
* Comment on XBE location
* Implemented conversions for NtQueryInformationFile and NtQueryFullAttributesFile
Forwarded NtCreateTimer, NtSetTimer, NtQueryTimer, NtCancelTimer to
their respective Nt counterpart.
Declared all required types for this.
Also implemented KeSetEvent minimally.
Also moved NtStatusToString to EmuFile.cpp.
Forwarded KeBugCheck to KeBugCheckEx, NtWaitForSingleObject,
NtWaitForSingleObjectEx and NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx to
KeWaitForMultipleObjects (in which all implementation we have thus far,
is now concentrated).
This was achieved by prefixing XboxKrnl functions with Xb to prevent a name conflict with WinNT.h
Additionally, rather than importing native Interlocked functions from NTDLL, we use the versions defined in WinNT.h
- NtQueryVirtualMemory to support Xapi VirtualQuery
- NtCreateSemaphore/NtReleaseSemaphore to support Xapi semaphores
- MmCreateKernelStack/MmDeleteKernelStack to support Xapi fibers
Added D3DFormat and D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE conversions.
- Convert PC D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4 to 0x1D (linear)
- Convert Xbox D3DFMT 0x19 (swizzled) to D3DFMT_A8
- Convert Xbox D3DFMT 0x27 (swizzled) to D3DFMT_L6V5U5
- Convert Xbox D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE 10 (max) to D3DTS_TEXTURE7 + 1 (experimental)
Print properly terminated XTL name in debug output.