XDK 5558/5659 with Integrated Hotfixes use 5788 database.
Standard XDK 5659 still uses 5558 database.
Verified with
- [5558] NHL HITZ Pro 2004
- [5558 with Intergrated Hotfixes] XIII
- [5659] NFL Blitz Pro
- [5659 with Intergrated Hotfixes] Midway Arcade Treasures Paperboy
- [5788] Digimon Battle Chronicle
Like the NVNet device, it's implementation is currently just a forward to the existing code.
Still, this removes a dependency from EmuX86 on the NV2A device - from now on it's reached via the generic device framework.
Note that these intentionally make use of standard types rather than Windows/Cxbx specifics like xbaddr...
These classes are designed to be platform and device independent
* CDirectSoundVoice_SetMixBins to use XREF_CMcpxVoiceClient_SetMixBins
Add CDirectSoundVoice_SetDistanceFactor 4361
Add CMcpxVoiceClient_SetMixBins 4039
Add IDirectSoundStream_SetRolloffCurve 4361
Add XFileCreateMediaObject 3911
Add XWaveFileCreateMediaObject 3911
Moved CMcpxAPU_SynchPlayback 5233 to 4831
Moved CMcpxStream_Pause_Ex 4721 to 4361
Moved CMcpxVoiceClient_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved CMcpxVoiceClient_SetMixBins 5344 to 4134
Moved CDirectSoundVoice_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved CDirectSoundVoice_Set3DVoiceData 5558 to 5455
Moved CDirectSoundVoice_SetRolloffCurve 4627 to 4361
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_Set3DVoiceData 5558 to 5455
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_SetRolloffCurve 4627 to 4361
Moved CDirectSoundStream_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved CDirectSoundStream_PauseEx 4721 to 4361
Moved CDirectSoundStream_Set3DVoiceData 5558 to 5455
Moved CDirectSoundStream_SetRolloffCurve 4627 to 4361
Moved CDirectSound_GetOutputLevels 4627 to 4361
Moved CDirectSound_SynchPlayback 5233 to 4831
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_Set3DVoiceData 5558 to 5455
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_SetRolloffCurve 4627 to 4361
Moved IDirectSoundStream_GetVoiceProperties 5344 to 5028
Moved IDirectSoundStream_PauseEx 4721 to 5361
Moved IDirectSoundStream_Set3DVoiceData 5558 to 5455
Moved IDirectSound_GetOutputLevels 4627 to 4361
Moved IDirectSound_SynchPlayback 5233 to 4831
Moved CFullHRTFSource_GetCenterVolume 5558 to 5344
Moved WaveFormat_CreateXboxAdpcmFormat 4242 to 4039
Moved XAudioCreateAdpcmFormat 4242 to 4039
Moved XFileCreateMediaObject 5344 to 4361
Moved XFileCreateMediaObjectAsync 5344 to 4432
Moved XWaveFileCreateMediaObject 4627 to 4361
Moved XWaveFileCreateMediaObjectEx 5344 to 4361
Moved DSound_CMemoryManager_PoolAlloc 5455 to 4361
* CDirectSound_EnableHeadphones (5233) need evaluate, most likely false detection.
Re-make CMcpxStream_Flush 4134 to 5344, plus 5455 to 5849
Re-make CMcpxStream_GetStatus 4721 to 5233
Re-make CMcpxBuffer_Play2 4039 to 4361
Re-make CMcpxBuffer_Stop2 4134 to 4361
Re-make CDirectSound_EnableHeadphones 4134
Add CDirectSoundVoice_SetDistanceFactor 4361
Add CDirectSoundVoice_SetDopplerFactor 4361
Add CDirectSound_GetSpeakerConfig 4242
Add CFullHrtfSource_GetHrtfFilterPair 4242
Add CHrtfSource_SetAlgorithm_FullHrtf 4242
Add CHrtfSource_SetAlgorithm_LightHrtf 4242
Add CLightHrtfSource_GetHrtfFilterPair 4242
Add CMcpxBuffer_GetStatus 4721
Add CMcpxBuffer_Pause 4721
Add CMcpxStream_GetStatus 4721
Add DirectSoundUseFullHRTF 4242
Add DirectSoundUseLightHRTF 4242
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_Pause 4928 to 4721
Moved CDirectSoundBuffer_PauseEx 5344 to 4721
Moved CDirectSoundStream_Flush 5344 to 5028
Moved CDirectSoundStream_FlushEx 5233 to 5028
Moved CDirectSoundStream_PauseEx 5344 to 4721
Moved CMcpxBuffer_Pause_Ex 5344 to 4721
Moved CMcpxStream_Discontinuity 5344 to 4531
Moved CMcpxStream_Pause_Ex 5344 to 4721
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_Pause 4928 to 4721
Moved IDirectSoundBuffer_PauseEx 5344 to 4721
Moved WaveFormat_CreateXboxAdpcmFormat 5344 to 4242
Moved XAudioCreateAdpcmFormat 5344 to 4242
Verified with
- [4039] Azurik PAL
- [4134] Double-S.T.E.A.L
- [4242] NFL Blitz 2002
- [4361] Flight Academy
- [4432] RedCard 2003
- [4531] NHL Hitz 2003
- [4627] MLB SlugFest 2003
- [4721] Terminator - Dawn of Fate
- [4831] Whacked!
- [4928] Drihoo
- [5028] Shikigami no Shiro Evolution
- [5120] N.U.D.E.@
- [5233] Evil Dead
- [5344] Gladius OXM Demo Disc 20
- [5455] Dinosaur Hunting
- [5558] NHL HITZ Pro 2004
- [5659] Midway Arcade Treasures - Paperboy
- [5788] Digimon Battle Chronicle
- [5849] Nickelodeon Tak 2
- Add CMcpxStream_Flush to 4242
- Improved CMcpxStream_GetStatus 4134 to support 4242 titles.
Both 4242 titles does not have full library compiled. Moved all DSound's
4242 signatures in respective file, nothing has change.
Verified with
- [4134] Blood Omen 2
- [4242] Gauntlet Dark Legacy
- [4242] Smashing Drive
* XGSwizzleRect, XGUnswizzleRect functions are still UNPATCHED. Those OOVPA are available.
Verified this PR with
Azurik - Rise of Perathia (3911)
NightCaster (4039)
Double-S.T.E.A.L (4134)
Legends of Wrestling (4242)
Nakashima Tetsunari no Othello Seminar (4361)
Sega Soccer Slam (4432)
NHL HITZ 2003 (4531)
Innocent Tears (4627)
Terminator - Dawn of Fate (4721)
Whacked! (4831)
Unreal Championship (4928)
N.U.D.E.@ (5120)
Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc (5233)
Starsky & Hutch (5344)
Dinosaur Hunting (5455)
NHL HITZ Pro 2004 (5558)
LMA Manager 2004 (5659)
All-Star Baseball 2005 (5788)
Nickelodeon Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams (5849)