Call a thread notification routine *before* starting the new thread, not


This is required as it is the job of the notification routine to
allocate any per-thread data structured that the new thread will

Likewise, the routine is called again during thread termination, in
which it should cleanup these resources.

To clarify: The first call needs to happen before the new thread starts,
and MUST be called from the context of the current thread, not the new

The second call must be called during Thread termination, by the new
thread, just before it is destroyed
This commit is contained in:
Luke Usher 2018-11-25 17:20:23 +00:00
parent f74cba4486
commit 02e756aadf
1 changed files with 17 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -304,6 +304,23 @@ XBSYSAPI EXPORTNUM(255) xboxkrnl::NTSTATUS NTAPI xboxkrnl::PsCreateSystemThreadE
iPCSTProxyParam->StartSuspended = CreateSuspended;
iPCSTProxyParam->hStartedEvent = hStartedEvent;
// call thread notification routine(s)
if (g_iThreadNotificationCount != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
XTL::XTHREAD_NOTIFY_PROC pfnNotificationRoutine = (XTL::XTHREAD_NOTIFY_PROC)g_pfnThreadNotification[i];
// If the routine doesn't exist, don't execute it!
if (pfnNotificationRoutine == NULL)
DBG_PRINTF("Calling pfnNotificationRoutine[%d] (0x%.8X)\n", g_iThreadNotificationCount, pfnNotificationRoutine);
*ThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, KernelStackSize, PCSTProxy, iPCSTProxyParam, NULL, (uint*)&dwThreadId);
// Note : DO NOT use iPCSTProxyParam anymore, since ownership is transferred to the proxy (which frees it too)
@ -332,23 +349,7 @@ XBSYSAPI EXPORTNUM(255) xboxkrnl::NTSTATUS NTAPI xboxkrnl::PsCreateSystemThreadE
// call thread notification routine(s)
if (g_iThreadNotificationCount != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
XTL::XTHREAD_NOTIFY_PROC pfnNotificationRoutine = (XTL::XTHREAD_NOTIFY_PROC)g_pfnThreadNotification[i];
// If the routine doesn't exist, don't execute it!
if (pfnNotificationRoutine == NULL)
DBG_PRINTF("Calling pfnNotificationRoutine[%d] (0x%.8X)\n", g_iThreadNotificationCount, pfnNotificationRoutine);
// Release the event