
130 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// ******************************************************************
// *
// * proj : OpenXDK
// *
// * desc : Open Source XBox Development Kit
// *
// * file : charmap.h
// *
// * note : Character map format : U16 per entry
// *
// * T = character touched flag
// * x = unused
// * P = paper colour
// * I = Ink colour
// * C = character
// *
// ******************************************************************
#ifndef __CHARMAP_H_
#define __CHARMAP_H_
#include <openxdk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
// **************************************************************************************************************
// constants: #defines, enums etc.
// **************************************************************************************************************
#define CHARMAP_DEBUG 0x80000000 // character map debug mode, force update after every write
// slow, but visible. Does NOT update on single character outs
#define MAP_TOUCHED 0x8000 // this character has been touched, and needs redrawing
#define FONT_WIDTH 8 // our assumed character width
#define FONT_HEIGHT 15 // and height. These could be variable for user fonts
#define CHARMAP_BLACK (0) // Genaral character attribute colours
#define CHARMAP_BLUE (1)
#define CHARMAP_GREEN (2)
#define CHARMAP_RED (3)
#define CHARMAP_CYAN (4)
#define CHARMAP_YELLOW (5)
#define CHARMAP_PINK (6)
#define CHARMAP_WHITE (7)
#define INK_BLACK (0<<8) // INK attribute colours
#define INK_BLUE (1<<8)
#define INK_GREEN (2<<8)
#define INK_RED (3<<8)
#define INK_CYAN (4<<8)
#define INK_YELLOW (5<<8)
#define INK_PINK (6<<8)
#define INK_WHITE (7<<8)
#define PAPER_BLACK (0<<11) // PAPER attribute colours
#define PAPER_BLUE (1<<11)
#define PAPER_GREEN (2<<11)
#define PAPER_RED (3<<11)
#define PAPER_CYAN (4<<11)
#define PAPER_YELLOW (5<<11)
#define PAPER_PINK (6<<11)
#define PAPER_WHITE (7<<11)
// **************************************************************************************************************
// Structures
// **************************************************************************************************************
// Charmap structure
typedef struct SCharMap
u32 Flags; // system flags and options
u8* pBitmap; // pointer to our screen bitmap (pix width*pix height)
u16* pCharMap; // pointer to actuall character array
s32 x,y; // screen X,Y
s32 width,height; // width and height
s32 pixwidth,pixheight; // pixel width and height
u16 attrib_char; // clear attrib and character
s32 curx,cury; // current Cursor X,Y
s32 wx1,wy1,wx2,wy2; // Text window
// **************************************************************************************************************
// Public functions
// **************************************************************************************************************
void charmap_init( s32 baseX, s32 baseY, s32 width, s32 height );
void charmap_set_flags( u32 flags );
void charmap_display( void );
void charmap_clear( void );
void charmap_print( char *pStr );
void charmap_printf( const char *format, ...);
void charmap_printat( s32 x, s32 y, char *pStr );
void charmap_outchar( char Ch );
void charmap_newline( void );
void charmap_scroll_window( void );
void charmap_setink( u8 ink );
void charmap_setpaper( u8 paper );
void charmap_set_window( s32 x1,s32 y1,s32 x2, s32 y2 );
void charmap_home( void );
void charmap_move_cursor( s32 x, s32 y);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif //__CHARMAP_H_