
331 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
// ******************************************************************
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// *
// * Cxbx->Core->Xbe.h
// *
// * This file is part of the Cxbx project.
// *
// * Cxbx and Cxbe are free software; you can redistribute them
// * and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
// * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// * version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program; see the file COPYING.
// * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Bostom, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// *
// * (c) 2002-2003 Aaron Robinson <>
// *
// * All rights reserved
// *
// ******************************************************************
#ifndef XBE_H
#define XBE_H
#include <stdlib.h>
// ******************************************************************
// * class : Xbe
// ******************************************************************
class Xbe : public Error
// ******************************************************************
// * Construct via Xbe file
// ******************************************************************
Xbe(const char *x_szFilename);
// ******************************************************************
// * Construct via Exe file object
// ******************************************************************
Xbe(class Exe *x_Exe, const char *x_szTitle, bool x_bRetail);
// ******************************************************************
// * Deconstructor
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
// * Export to XBE file
// ******************************************************************
void Export(const char *x_szXbeFilename);
// ******************************************************************
// * Dump XBE information to text file
// ******************************************************************
void DumpInformation(const char *x_szTxtFilename);
// ******************************************************************
// * Import logo bitmap from raw monochrome data
// ******************************************************************
void ImportLogoBitmap(const uint08 x_Gray[100*17]);
// ******************************************************************
// * Export logo bitmap to raw monochrome data
// ******************************************************************
void ExportLogoBitmap(uint08 x_Gray[100*17]);
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE header
// ******************************************************************
#include "AlignPrefix1.h"
struct Header
2003-02-06 08:55:36 +00:00
uint32 dwMagic; // 0x0000 - magic number [should be "XBEH"]
uint08 pbDigitalSignature[256]; // 0x0004 - digital signature
uint32 dwBaseAddr; // 0x0104 - base address
uint32 dwSizeofHeaders; // 0x0108 - size of headers
uint32 dwSizeofImage; // 0x010C - size of image
uint32 dwSizeofImageHeader; // 0x0110 - size of image header
uint32 dwTimeDate; // 0x0114 - timedate stamp
uint32 dwCertificateAddr; // 0x0118 - certificate address
uint32 dwSections; // 0x011C - number of sections
uint32 dwSectionHeadersAddr; // 0x0120 - section headers address
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
2003-02-06 08:55:36 +00:00
struct InitFlags // 0x0124 - initialization flags
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
uint32 bMountUtilityDrive : 1; // mount utility drive flag
uint32 bFormatUtilityDrive : 1; // format utility drive flag
uint32 bLimit64MB : 1; // limit development kit run time memory to 64mb flag
uint32 bDontSetupHarddisk : 1; // don't setup hard disk flag
uint32 Unused : 4; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b1 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b2 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b3 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
2003-02-06 08:55:36 +00:00
uint32 dwEntryAddr; // 0x0128 - entry point address
uint32 dwTLSAddr; // 0x012C - thread local storage directory address
uint32 dwPeStackCommit; // 0x0130 - size of stack commit
uint32 dwPeHeapReserve; // 0x0134 - size of heap reserve
uint32 dwPeHeapCommit; // 0x0138 - size of heap commit
uint32 dwPeBaseAddr; // 0x013C - original base address
uint32 dwPeSizeofImage; // 0x0140 - size of original image
uint32 dwPeChecksum; // 0x0144 - original checksum
uint32 dwPeTimeDate; // 0x0148 - original timedate stamp
uint32 dwDebugPathnameAddr; // 0x014C - debug pathname address
uint32 dwDebugFilenameAddr; // 0x0150 - debug filename address
uint32 dwDebugUnicodeFilenameAddr; // 0x0154 - debug unicode filename address
uint32 dwKernelImageThunkAddr; // 0x0158 - kernel image thunk address
uint32 dwNonKernelImportDirAddr; // 0x015C - non kernel import directory address
uint32 dwLibraryVersions; // 0x0160 - number of library versions
uint32 dwLibraryVersionsAddr; // 0x0164 - library versions address
uint32 dwKernelLibraryVersionAddr; // 0x0168 - kernel library version address
uint32 dwXAPILibraryVersionAddr; // 0x016C - xapi library version address
uint32 dwLogoBitmapAddr; // 0x0170 - logo bitmap address
uint32 dwSizeofLogoBitmap; // 0x0174 - logo bitmap size
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
#include "AlignPosfix1.h"
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE header extra bytes (used to preserve unknown data)
// ******************************************************************
char *m_HeaderEx;
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE certificate
// ******************************************************************
#include "AlignPrefix1.h"
struct Certificate
2003-02-06 08:55:36 +00:00
uint32 dwSize; // 0x0000 - size of certificate
uint32 dwTimeDate; // 0x0004 - timedate stamp
uint32 dwTitleId; // 0x0008 - title id
wchar_t wszTitleName[40]; // 0x000C - title name (unicode)
uint32 dwAlternateTitleId[0x10]; // 0x005C - alternate title ids
uint32 dwAllowedMedia; // 0x009C - allowed media types
uint32 dwGameRegion; // 0x00A0 - game region
uint32 dwGameRatings; // 0x00A4 - game ratings
uint32 dwDiskNumber; // 0x00A8 - disk number
uint32 dwVersion; // 0x00AC - version
uint08 bzLanKey[16]; // 0x00B0 - lan key
uint08 bzSignatureKey[16]; // 0x00C0 - signature key
uint08 bzTitleAlternateSignatureKey[16][16]; // 0x00D0 - alternate signature keys
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
#include "AlignPosfix1.h"
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE section header
// ******************************************************************
#include "AlignPrefix1.h"
struct SectionHeader
struct _Flags
uint32 bWritable : 1; // writable flag
uint32 bPreload : 1; // preload flag
uint32 bExecutable : 1; // executable flag
uint32 bInsertedFile : 1; // inserted file flag
uint32 bHeadPageRO : 1; // head page read only flag
uint32 bTailPageRO : 1; // tail page read only flag
uint32 Unused_a1 : 1; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_a2 : 1; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b1 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b2 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 Unused_b3 : 8; // unused (or unknown)
uint32 dwVirtualAddr; // virtual address
uint32 dwVirtualSize; // virtual size
uint32 dwRawAddr; // file offset to raw data
uint32 dwSizeofRaw; // size of raw data
uint32 dwSectionNameAddr; // section name addr
uint32 dwSectionRefCount; // section reference count
uint32 dwHeadSharedRefCountAddr; // head shared page reference count address
uint32 dwTailSharedRefCountAddr; // tail shared page reference count address
uint08 bzSectionDigest[20]; // section digest
#include "AlignPosfix1.h"
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE library versions
// ******************************************************************
#include "AlignPrefix1.h"
struct LibraryVersion
char szName[8]; // library name
uint16 wMajorVersion; // major version
uint16 wMinorVersion; // minor version
uint16 wBuildVersion; // build version
struct Flags
uint16 QFEVersion : 13; // QFE Version
uint16 Approved : 2; // Approved? (0:no, 1:possibly, 2:yes)
uint16 bDebugBuild : 1; // Is this a debug build?
#include "AlignPosfix1.h"
*m_LibraryVersion, *m_KernelLibraryVersion, *m_XAPILibraryVersion;
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE thread local storage
// ******************************************************************
#include "AlignPrefix1.h"
struct TLS
uint32 dwDataStartAddr; // raw start address
uint32 dwDataEndAddr; // raw end address
uint32 dwTLSIndexAddr; // tls index address
uint32 dwTLSCallbackAddr; // tls callback address
uint32 dwSizeofZeroFill; // size of zero fill
uint32 dwCharacteristics; // characteristics
#include "AlignPosfix1.h"
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE section names, each 8 bytes max and null terminated
// ******************************************************************
char (*m_szSectionName)[9];
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE sections
// ******************************************************************
uint08 **m_bzSection;
// ******************************************************************
// * XBE ascii title, translated from certificate title
// ******************************************************************
char m_szAsciiTitle[40];
// ******************************************************************
// * constructor initialization
// ******************************************************************
void ConstructorInit();
// ******************************************************************
// * return a modifiable pointer inside this structure that
// * corresponds to a virtual address
// ******************************************************************
uint08 *GetAddr(uint32 x_dwVirtualAddress);
// ******************************************************************
// * return a modifiable pointer to logo bitmap data
// ******************************************************************
uint08 *GetLogoBitmap(uint32 x_dwSize);
// ******************************************************************
// * used to encode / decode logo bitmap data
// ******************************************************************
union LogoRLE
struct Eight
uint32 bType1 : 1;
uint32 Len : 3;
uint32 Data : 4;
struct Sixteen
uint32 bType1 : 1;
uint32 bType2 : 1;
uint32 Len : 10;
uint32 Data : 4;
// ******************************************************************
// * Debug / Retail XOR Keys
// ******************************************************************
const uint32 XOR_EP_DEBUG = 0x94859D4B; // Entry Point (Debug)
const uint32 XOR_EP_RETAIL = 0xA8FC57AB; // Entry Point (Retail)
const uint32 XOR_KT_DEBUG = 0xEFB1F152; // Kernel Thunk (Debug)
const uint32 XOR_KT_RETAIL = 0x5B6D40B6; // Kernel Thunk (Retail)
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
// ******************************************************************
// * Game region flags for XBE certificate
// ******************************************************************
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_GAME_REGION_NA = 0x00000001;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_GAME_REGION_JAPAN = 0x00000002;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_GAME_REGION_RESTOFWORLD = 0x00000004;
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00
// ******************************************************************
// * Media type flags for XBE certificate
// ******************************************************************
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_HARD_DISK = 0x00000001;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_X2 = 0x00000002;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_CD = 0x00000004;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_CD = 0x00000008;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_5_RO = 0x00000010;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_9_RO = 0x00000020;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_5_RW = 0x00000040;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_9_RW = 0x00000080;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DONGLE = 0x00000100;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_MEDIA_BOARD = 0x00000200;
const uint32 XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_NONSECURE_MODE = 0x80000000;
// ******************************************************************
// * OpenXDK logo bitmap (used by cxbe by default)
// ******************************************************************
extern uint08 OpenXDK[];
extern uint32 dwSizeOfOpenXDK;
2003-01-26 06:18:56 +00:00