2012-10-07 12:58:52 +00:00
// ******************************************************************
// *
// * proj : openLIBC
// *
// * desc : Totally Free LIC replacement
// *
// * file : stdlib.h
// *
// * note : This LIBC is TOTALLY free - do what you like with it!!
// *
// ******************************************************************
#ifndef __OPENXDK_STDLIB__
#define __OPENXDK_STDLIB__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <ansidecl.h>
// *****************************************************************************
// Defines etc.
// *****************************************************************************
// we could just as well use any other randmax 2^x-1 but this seems to be the standard
#define RAND_MAX 32767
// *****************************************************************************
// Structures
// *****************************************************************************
typedef struct Sdiv_t{ // div structure
int quot;
int rem;
} div_t;
typedef struct Sldiv_t{ // ldiv structure
long int quot;
long int rem;
} ldiv_t;
// *****************************************************************************
// Functions
// *****************************************************************************
int abs( int i );
void abort( void );
div_t div( int number, int divisor );
ldiv_t ldiv( long int number, long int divisor );
char* itoa( int value, char *string, int radix );
char* ltoa( long value, char *string, int radix );
int rand( void );
void srand( unsigned int );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__OPENXDK_STDLIB__