311 lines
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311 lines
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// ******************************************************************
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// *
// * Cxbx->Core->Exe.cpp
// *
// * This file is part of the Cxbx project.
// *
// * Cxbx and Cxbe are free software; you can redistribute them
// * and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
// * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// * version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program; see the file COPYING.
// * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Bostom, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// *
// * (c) 2002-2003 Aaron Robinson <caustik@caustik.com>
// *
// * All rights reserved
// *
// ******************************************************************
#include "Cxbx.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// ******************************************************************
// * constructor
// ******************************************************************
Exe::Exe(const char *x_szFilename)
FILE *ExeFile = fopen(x_szFilename, "rb");
// ******************************************************************
// * verify exe file was opened
// ******************************************************************
if(ExeFile == 0)
SetError("could not open .exe file.", true);
// ******************************************************************
// * ignore dos stub (if it exists)
// ******************************************************************
if(fread(&m_DOSHeader.m_magic, sizeof(m_DOSHeader.m_magic), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("unexpected read error while reading magic number", true);
goto cleanup;
if(m_DOSHeader.m_magic == *(uint16*)"MZ")
if(fread(&m_DOSHeader.m_cblp, sizeof(m_DOSHeader)-2, 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("unexpected read error while reading dos header", true);
goto cleanup;
fseek(ExeFile, m_DOSHeader.m_lfanew, SEEK_SET);
// ******************************************************************
// * read pe header
// ******************************************************************
if(fread(&m_Header, sizeof(m_Header), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("unexpected read error while reading pe header", true);
goto cleanup;
if(m_Header.m_magic != *(uint32*)"PE\0\0")
SetError("invalid file, could not locate PE header", true);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * read optional header
// ******************************************************************
if(fread(&m_OptionalHeader, sizeof(m_OptionalHeader), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("unexpected read error while reading optional header", true);
goto cleanup;
if(m_OptionalHeader.m_magic != 0x010B)
SetError("invalid file, could not locate optional header", true);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * read section headers
// ******************************************************************
m_SectionHeader = new SectionHeader[m_Header.m_sections];
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
if(fread(&m_SectionHeader[v], sizeof(SectionHeader), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
char buffer[255];
sprintf(buffer, "could not read pe section header %d (%Xh)", v, v);
SetError(buffer, true);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * read sections
// ******************************************************************
m_bzSection = new uint08*[m_Header.m_sections];
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
uint32 raw_size = m_SectionHeader[v].m_sizeof_raw;
uint32 raw_addr = m_SectionHeader[v].m_raw_addr;
m_bzSection[v] = new uint08[raw_size];
memset(m_bzSection[v], 0, raw_size);
if(raw_size == 0)
// ******************************************************************
// * read current section from file (if raw_size > 0)
// ******************************************************************
fseek(ExeFile, raw_addr, SEEK_SET);
if(fread(m_bzSection[v], raw_size, 1, ExeFile) != 1)
char buffer[255];
sprintf(buffer, "could not read pe section %d (%Xh)", v, v);
SetError(buffer, true);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * ConstructorInit
// ******************************************************************
void Exe::ConstructorInit()
m_SectionHeader = 0;
m_bzSection = 0;
// ******************************************************************
// * deconstructor
// ******************************************************************
if(m_bzSection != 0)
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
delete[] m_bzSection[v];
delete[] m_bzSection;
delete[] m_SectionHeader;
// ******************************************************************
// * Export
// ******************************************************************
void Exe::Export(const char *x_szExeFilename)
if(GetError() != 0)
FILE *ExeFile = fopen(x_szExeFilename, "wb");
// ******************************************************************
// * verify that file was opened
// ******************************************************************
if(ExeFile == 0)
SetError("could not open .exe file.", false);
// ******************************************************************
// * write dos stub
// ******************************************************************
if(fwrite(bzDOSStub, sizeof(bzDOSStub), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("could not write dos stub", false);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * write pe header
// ******************************************************************
if(fwrite(&m_Header, sizeof(Header), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("could not write pe header", false);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * write optional header
// ******************************************************************
if(fwrite(&m_OptionalHeader, sizeof(OptionalHeader), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
SetError("could not write pe optional header", false);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * write section headers
// ******************************************************************
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
if(fwrite(&m_SectionHeader[v], sizeof(SectionHeader), 1, ExeFile) != 1)
char buffer[255];
sprintf(buffer, "could not write pe section header %d (%Xh)", v, v);
SetError(buffer, false);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * write sections
// ******************************************************************
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
uint32 RawSize = m_SectionHeader[v].m_sizeof_raw;
uint32 RawAddr = m_SectionHeader[v].m_raw_addr;
fseek(ExeFile, RawAddr, SEEK_SET);
if(RawSize == 0)
if(fwrite(m_bzSection[v], RawSize, 1, ExeFile) != 1)
char Buffer[255];
sprintf(Buffer, "could not write pe section %d (%Xh)", v, v);
SetError(Buffer, false);
goto cleanup;
// ******************************************************************
// * GetAddr
// ******************************************************************
uint08 *Exe::GetAddr(uint32 x_dwVirtualAddress)
for(uint32 v=0;v<m_Header.m_sections;v++)
uint32 virt_addr = m_SectionHeader[v].m_virtual_addr;
uint32 virt_size = m_SectionHeader[v].m_virtual_size;
if( (x_dwVirtualAddress >= virt_addr) && (x_dwVirtualAddress < (virt_addr + virt_size)) )
return &m_bzSection[v][x_dwVirtualAddress - virt_addr];
return 0;