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namespace BizHawk.Analyzers;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
public sealed class TernaryInferredTypeMismatchAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagTernaryInferredTypeMismatch = new(
id: "BHI1210",
title: "Inferred type of branches of ternary expression in interpolation don't match",
messageFormat: "{0}",
category: "Usage",
defaultSeverity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
isEnabledByDefault: true);
public override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics { get; } = ImmutableArray.Create(DiagTernaryInferredTypeMismatch);
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
oac =>
var ifelseOrTernaryOp = (IConditionalOperation) oac.Operation;
if (ifelseOrTernaryOp.WhenFalse is null) return;
var parent = ifelseOrTernaryOp.Parent!;
if (parent.Kind is OperationKind.Conversion) parent = parent.Parent!;
if (parent.Kind is not OperationKind.Interpolation) return;
var ternaryOp = ifelseOrTernaryOp;
var typeTernary = ternaryOp.Type!;
#if false // never hit; either both branches are string and there are no conversions, or conversions are necessary
if (typeTernary.SpecialType is SpecialType.System_String) return;
var lhs = ternaryOp.WhenTrue;
var rhs = ternaryOp.WhenFalse;
static IOperation TrimImplicitCast(IOperation op)
=> op is IConversionOperation { Conversion.IsImplicit: true } implCastOp ? implCastOp.Operand : op;
var typeLHS = TrimImplicitCast(lhs).Type!;
var typeRHS = TrimImplicitCast(rhs).Type!;
if (typeLHS.Matches(typeRHS)) return; // unnecessary conversion operators on each branch? seen with `? this : this`
const string ERR_MSG_OBJECT = "missing ToString means ternary branches are upcast to object";
var fatal = false;
IOperation flaggedOp = ternaryOp;
string message;
if (typeLHS.SpecialType is SpecialType.System_String)
flaggedOp = rhs;
message = ERR_MSG_OBJECT;
else if (typeRHS.SpecialType is SpecialType.System_String)
flaggedOp = lhs;
message = ERR_MSG_OBJECT;
else if (typeTernary.SpecialType is SpecialType.System_Object)
fatal = true;
message = "ternary branches are upcast to object! add ToString calls, or convert one to the other's type";
// if one's already an e.g. int literal, flag the e.g. char literal
if (typeTernary.Matches(typeLHS)) flaggedOp = rhs;
else if (typeTernary.Matches(typeRHS)) flaggedOp = lhs;
message = $"ternary branches are converted to {typeTernary} before serialisation, possibly unintended";
DiagTernaryInferredTypeMismatch.ReportAt(flaggedOp, fatal ? DiagnosticSeverity.Error : DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, oac, message);