
140 lines
4.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
//cue format preferences notes
//pcejin -
//does not like session commands
//it can handle binpercue
//it seems not to be able to handle binpertrack, or maybe i am doing something wrong (still havent ruled it out)
namespace BizHawk
class DiscoHawk
public static string GetExeDirectoryAbsolute()
string p = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
if (p.Substring(0, 6) == "file:\\")
p = p.Remove(0, 6);
string z = p;
return p;
static void Main(string[] args)
DiscSystem.FFMpeg.FFMpegPath = Path.Combine(GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), "ffmpeg.exe");
new DiscoHawk().Run(args);
void Run(string[] args)
bool gui = true;
foreach (var arg in args)
if (arg.ToUpper() == "COMMAND") gui = false;
if (gui)
var dialog = new DiscoHawkDialog();
//string exedir = BizHawk.MultiClient.PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute();
//ffMpeg.Converter._ffExe = Path.Combine(exedir, "ffmpeg.exe");
////cue+bin+mp3 tests
//var conv = new ffMpeg.Converter();
////conv.WorkingPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP");
////var vf = conv.GetVideoInfo(@"D:\isos\scd\persia\Prince of Persia 01.mp3");
//var o = conv.ConvertToFLV(@"D:\isos\scd\persia\Prince of Persia 01.mp3");
////-i mp3file.mp3 -f wav outfile.wav
//Disc.CueBin munged;
//Disc.CueBinPrefs prefs = new Disc.CueBinPrefs();
//prefs.SingleSession = true;
//Disc.Disc disc;
//string testfile = @"D:\isos\pcecd\cosmicfantasy2\Cosmic Fantasy II [U][CD][WTG990301][Telenet Japan][1992][PCE][thx-1138-darkwater].cue";
//disc = Disc.Disc.FromCuePath(testfile);
//prefs.ReallyDumpBin = true;
//prefs.AnnotateCue = false;
//prefs.OneBinPerTrack = true;
//munged = disc.DumpCueBin("test", prefs);
//munged.Dump("d:\\test", prefs);
//File.WriteAllText("d:\\test\\redump.txt", munged.CreateRedumpReport());
//try roundtripping back to one file
//disc = Disc.Disc.FromCuePath("d:\\test\\test.cue");
//prefs.ReallyDumpBin = false;
//prefs.OneBinPerTrack = false;
//munged = disc.DumpCueBin("one", prefs);
//munged.Dump("d:\\test", prefs);
//string testfile = @"r:\isos\memtest86-3.2.iso";
//var disc = Disc.Disc.FromIsoPath(testfile);
//test reading the subcode data. unfortunately we don't have lead-in subcode so we have no TOC
//using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(@"D:\programs\cdrdao\awakening.bin"))
// using (FileStream fsOut = File.OpenWrite(@"D:\programs\cdrdao\awakening.sub.q"))
// //using (FileStream fsOut = File.OpenWrite(@"D:\programs\cdrdao\data.sub.q"))
// {
// int numSectors = (int)fs.Length / (2352 + 96);
// for (int i = 0; i < numSectors; i++)
// {
// fs.Position = i * (2352 + 96) + 2352;
// byte[] tempout = new byte[12];
// byte[] tempin = new byte[96];
// fs.Read(tempin, 0, 96);
// DiscSystem.SubcodeDataDecoder.Unpack_Q(tempout, 0, tempin, 0);
// fsOut.Write(tempout, 0, 12);
// }
// //for (; ; )
// //{
// // int ret = stream.ReadByte();
// // if (ret == -1) break;
// // fsOut.WriteByte((byte)ret);
// //}
// }
//} return;
//DiscSystem.Disc disc = DiscSystem.Disc.FromCuePath(@"D:\discs\Bomberman_'94_Taikenban_(SCD)(JPN)_-_wav'd\Bomberman '94 Taikenban (SCD)(JPN)_hawked.cue");
//DiscSystem.Disc disc = DiscSystem.Disc.FromCuePath(@"D:\discs\Bomberman_'94_Taikenban_(SCD)(JPN)_-_wav'd\Bomberman '94 Taikenban (SCD)(JPN).cue");
//var prefs = new DiscSystem.CueBinPrefs();
//prefs.AnnotateCue = false;
//prefs.OneBlobPerTrack = false;
//prefs.ReallyDumpBin = true;
//prefs.SingleSession = true;
////var cueBin = disc.DumpCueBin("Bomberman '94 Taikenban (SCD)(JPN)_hawked_hawked", prefs);
//var cueBin = disc.DumpCueBin("Bomberman '94 Taikenban (SCD)(JPN)_hawked", prefs);
//cueBin.Dump(@"D:\discs\Bomberman_'94_Taikenban_(SCD)(JPN)_-_wav'd", prefs);
DiscSystem.Disc disc = DiscSystem.Disc.FromCuePath(@"D:\discs\R-Type Complete CD (J)");
var prefs = new DiscSystem.CueBinPrefs();
prefs.AnnotateCue = false;
prefs.OneBlobPerTrack = false;
prefs.ReallyDumpBin = true;
prefs.DumpSubchannelQ = true;
//prefs.OmitRedundantIndex0 = true;
prefs.SingleSession = true;
//var cueBin = disc.DumpCueBin("Bomberman '94 Taikenban (SCD)(JPN)_hawked_hawked", prefs);
var cueBin = disc.DumpCueBin("entire", prefs);
cueBin.Dump(@"D:\programs\cdrdao\eac-ripped", prefs);