
138 lines
4.1 KiB

// NEOPOP : Emulator as in Dreamland
// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by neopop_uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for
// additional informations.
History of changes:
20 JUL 2002 - neopop_uk
- Cleaned and tidied up for the source release
21 JUL 2002 - neopop_uk
- Added the 'instruction_error' function declaration here.
28 JUL 2002 - neopop_uk
- Removed CYCLE_WARNING as it is now obsolete.
- Added generic DIV prototypes.
#ifndef __TLCS900H_INTERPRET__
#define __TLCS900H_INTERPRET__
namespace TLCS900H
//Interprets a single instruction from 'pc',
//pc is incremented to the start of the next instruction.
//Returns the number of cycles taken for this instruction
int32 TLCS900h_interpret(void);
extern uint32 mem;
extern int size;
extern uint8 first; //First byte
extern uint8 second; //Second byte
extern uint8 R; //(second & 7)
extern uint8 rCode;
extern int32 cycles;
extern bool brCode;
extern void (*instruction_error)(const char* vaMessage,...);
#define FETCH8 loadB(pc++)
uint16 fetch16(void);
uint32 fetch24(void);
uint32 fetch32(void);
void parityB(uint8 value);
void parityW(uint16 value);
void push8(uint8 data);
void push16(uint16 data);
void push32(uint32 data);
uint8 pop8(void);
uint16 pop16(void);
uint32 pop32(void);
//DIV ===============
uint16 generic_DIV_B(uint16 val, uint8 div);
uint32 generic_DIV_W(uint32 val, uint16 div);
//DIVS ===============
uint16 generic_DIVS_B(int16 val, int8 div);
uint32 generic_DIVS_W(int32 val, int16 div);
//ADD ===============
uint8 generic_ADD_B(uint8 dst, uint8 src);
uint16 generic_ADD_W(uint16 dst, uint16 src);
uint32 generic_ADD_L(uint32 dst, uint32 src);
//ADC ===============
uint8 generic_ADC_B(uint8 dst, uint8 src);
uint16 generic_ADC_W(uint16 dst, uint16 src);
uint32 generic_ADC_L(uint32 dst, uint32 src);
//SUB ===============
uint8 generic_SUB_B(uint8 dst, uint8 src);
uint16 generic_SUB_W(uint16 dst, uint16 src);
uint32 generic_SUB_L(uint32 dst, uint32 src);
//SBC ===============
uint8 generic_SBC_B(uint8 dst, uint8 src);
uint16 generic_SBC_W(uint16 dst, uint16 src);
uint32 generic_SBC_L(uint32 dst, uint32 src);
//Confirms a condition code check
bool conditionCode(int cc);
//Translate an rr or RR value for MUL/MULS/DIV/DIVS
uint8 get_rr_Target(void);
uint8 get_RR_Target(void);