
449 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
// Emulates a Texas Instruments SN76489
// TODO the freq->note translation should be moved to a separate utility class.
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Sound
public sealed class SN76489 : ISoundProvider
public sealed class Channel
public ushort Frequency;
public byte Volume;
public short[] Wave;
public bool Noise;
public byte NoiseType;
public float WaveOffset;
public bool Left = true;
public bool Right = true;
const int SampleRate = 44100;
static byte[] LogScale = { 0, 10, 13, 16, 20, 26, 32, 40, 51, 64, 81, 102, 128, 161, 203, 255 };
public void Mix(short[] samples, int start, int len, int maxVolume)
if (Volume == 0) return;
float adjustedWaveLengthInSamples = SampleRate / (Noise ? (Frequency / (float)Wave.Length) : Frequency);
float moveThroughWaveRate = Wave.Length / adjustedWaveLengthInSamples;
int end = start + len;
for (int i = start; i < end; )
short value = Wave[(int)WaveOffset];
samples[i++] += (short)(Left ? (value / 4 * LogScale[Volume] / 0xFF * maxVolume / short.MaxValue) : 0);
samples[i++] += (short)(Right ? (value / 4 * LogScale[Volume] / 0xFF * maxVolume / short.MaxValue) : 0);
WaveOffset += moveThroughWaveRate;
if (WaveOffset >= Wave.Length)
WaveOffset %= Wave.Length;
public Channel[] Channels = new Channel[4];
public byte PsgLatch;
Queue<QueuedCommand> commands = new Queue<QueuedCommand>(256);
int frameStartTime, frameStopTime;
const int PsgBase = 111861;
public SN76489()
MaxVolume = short.MaxValue * 2 / 3;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
Channels[i] = new Channel();
switch (i)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
Channels[i].Wave = Waves.ImperfectSquareWave;
case 3:
Channels[i].Wave = Waves.NoiseWave;
Channels[i].Noise = true;
public void Reset()
PsgLatch = 0;
foreach (var channel in Channels)
channel.Frequency = 0;
channel.Volume = 0;
channel.NoiseType = 0;
channel.WaveOffset = 0f;
public void BeginFrame(int cycles)
while (commands.Count > 0)
var cmd = commands.Dequeue();
frameStartTime = cycles;
public void EndFrame(int cycles)
frameStopTime = cycles;
public void WritePsgData(byte value, int cycles)
commands.Enqueue(new QueuedCommand {Value = value, Time = cycles-frameStartTime});
void UpdateNoiseType(int value)
Channels[3].NoiseType = (byte)(value & 0x07);
switch (Channels[3].NoiseType & 3)
case 0: Channels[3].Frequency = PsgBase / 16; break;
case 1: Channels[3].Frequency = PsgBase / 32; break;
case 2: Channels[3].Frequency = PsgBase / 64; break;
case 3: Channels[3].Frequency = Channels[2].Frequency; break;
var newWave = (value & 4) == 0 ? Waves.PeriodicWave16 : Waves.NoiseWave;
if (newWave != Channels[3].Wave)
Channels[3].Wave = newWave;
Channels[3].WaveOffset = 0f;
void WritePsgDataImmediate(byte value)
switch (value & 0xF0)
case 0x80:
case 0xA0:
case 0xC0:
PsgLatch = value;
case 0xE0:
PsgLatch = value;
case 0x90:
Channels[0].Volume = (byte)(~value & 15);
PsgLatch = value;
case 0xB0:
Channels[1].Volume = (byte)(~value & 15);
PsgLatch = value;
case 0xD0:
Channels[2].Volume = (byte)(~value & 15);
PsgLatch = value;
case 0xF0:
Channels[3].Volume = (byte)(~value & 15);
PsgLatch = value;
byte channel = (byte) ((PsgLatch & 0x60) >> 5);
if ((PsgLatch & 16) == 0) // Tone latched
int f = PsgBase/(((value & 0x03F)*16) + (PsgLatch & 0x0F) + 1);
if (f > 15000)
f = 0; // upper bound of playable frequency
Channels[channel].Frequency = (ushort) f;
if ((Channels[3].NoiseType & 3) == 3 && channel == 2)
Channels[3].Frequency = (ushort) f;
} else { // volume latched
Channels[channel].Volume = (byte)(~value & 15);
public byte StereoPanning
byte value = 0;
if (Channels[0].Left) value |= 0x10;
if (Channels[0].Right) value |= 0x01;
if (Channels[1].Left) value |= 0x20;
if (Channels[1].Right) value |= 0x02;
if (Channels[2].Left) value |= 0x40;
if (Channels[2].Right) value |= 0x04;
if (Channels[3].Left) value |= 0x80;
if (Channels[3].Right) value |= 0x08;
return value;
Channels[0].Left = (value & 0x10) != 0;
Channels[0].Right = (value & 0x01) != 0;
Channels[1].Left = (value & 0x20) != 0;
Channels[1].Right = (value & 0x02) != 0;
Channels[2].Left = (value & 0x40) != 0;
Channels[2].Right = (value & 0x04) != 0;
Channels[3].Left = (value & 0x80) != 0;
Channels[3].Right = (value & 0x08) != 0;
public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine("Volume0 {0:X2}", Channels[0].Volume);
writer.WriteLine("Volume1 {0:X2}", Channels[1].Volume);
writer.WriteLine("Volume2 {0:X2}", Channels[2].Volume);
writer.WriteLine("Volume3 {0:X2}", Channels[3].Volume);
writer.WriteLine("Freq0 {0:X4}", Channels[0].Frequency);
writer.WriteLine("Freq1 {0:X4}", Channels[1].Frequency);
writer.WriteLine("Freq2 {0:X4}", Channels[2].Frequency);
writer.WriteLine("Freq3 {0:X4}", Channels[3].Frequency);
writer.WriteLine("NoiseType {0:X}", Channels[3].NoiseType);
writer.WriteLine("PsgLatch {0:X2}", PsgLatch);
writer.WriteLine("Panning {0:X2}", StereoPanning);
public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader)
while (true)
string[] args = reader.ReadLine().Split(' ');
if (args[0].Trim() == "") continue;
if (args[0] == "[/PSG]") break;
if (args[0] == "Volume0")
Channels[0].Volume = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Volume1")
Channels[1].Volume = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Volume2")
Channels[2].Volume = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Volume3")
Channels[3].Volume = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Freq0")
Channels[0].Frequency = ushort.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Freq1")
Channels[1].Frequency = ushort.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Freq2")
Channels[2].Frequency = ushort.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Freq3")
Channels[3].Frequency = ushort.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "NoiseType")
Channels[3].NoiseType = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "PsgLatch")
PsgLatch = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
else if (args[0] == "Panning")
StereoPanning = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Skipping unrecognized identifier " + args[0]);
public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter writer)
public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader reader)
Channels[0].Volume = reader.ReadByte();
Channels[1].Volume = reader.ReadByte();
Channels[2].Volume = reader.ReadByte();
Channels[3].Volume = reader.ReadByte();
Channels[0].Frequency = reader.ReadUInt16();
Channels[1].Frequency = reader.ReadUInt16();
Channels[2].Frequency = reader.ReadUInt16();
Channels[3].Frequency = reader.ReadUInt16();
PsgLatch = reader.ReadByte();
StereoPanning = reader.ReadByte();
#region Frequency -> Note Conversion (for interested humans)
public static string GetNote(int freq)
if (freq < 26) return "LOW";
if (freq > 4435) return "HIGH";
for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.Length - 1; i++)
if (freq >= frequencies[i + 1]) continue;
int nextNoteDistance = frequencies[i + 1] - frequencies[i];
int distance = freq - frequencies[i];
if (distance < nextNoteDistance / 2)
// note identified
return notes[i];
return "?";
// For the curious, A4 = 440hz. Every octave is a doubling, so A5=880, A3=220
// Each next step is a factor of the 12-root of 2. So to go up a step you multiply by 1.0594630943592952645618252949463
// Next step from A4 is A#4. A#4 = (440.00 * 1.05946...) = 466.163...
// Note that because frequencies must be integers, SMS games will be slightly out of pitch to a normally tuned instrument, especially at the low end.
static readonly int[] frequencies =
27, // A0
29, // A#0
31, // B0
33, // C1
35, // C#1
37, // D1
39, // D#1
41, // E1
44, // F1
46, // F#1
49, // G1
52, // G#1
55, // A1
58, // A#1
62, // B1
65, // C2
69, // C#2
73, // D2
78, // D#2
82, // E2
87, // F2
92, // F#2
98, // G2
104, // G#2
110, // A2
117, // A#2
123, // B2
131, // C3
139, // C#3
147, // D3
156, // D#3
165, // E3
175, // F3
185, // F#3
196, // G3
208, // G#3
220, // A3
233, // A#3
247, // B3
262, // C4
277, // C#4
294, // D4
311, // D#4
330, // E4
349, // F4
370, // F#4
392, // G4
415, // G#4
440, // A4
466, // A#4
494, // B4
523, // C5
554, // C#5
587, // D5
622, // D#5
659, // E5
698, // F5
740, // F#5
784, // G5
831, // G#5
880, // A5
932, // A#5
988, // B5
1046, // C6
1109, // C#6
1175, // D6
1245, // D#6
1319, // E6
1397, // F6
1480, // F#6
1568, // G6
1661, // G#6
1760, // A6
1865, // A#6
1976, // B6
2093, // C7
2217, // C#7
2349, // D7
2489, // D#7
2637, // E7
2794, // F7
2960, // F#7
3136, // G7
3322, // G#7
3520, // A7
3729, // A#7
3951, // B7
4186, // C8
4435 // C#8
static readonly string[] notes =
public int MaxVolume { get; set; }
public void DiscardSamples() { commands.Clear(); }
public void GetSamples(short[] samples)
int elapsedCycles = frameStopTime - frameStartTime;
int start = 0;
while (commands.Count > 0)
var cmd = commands.Dequeue();
int pos = ((cmd.Time*samples.Length)/elapsedCycles) & ~1;
GetSamplesImmediate(samples, start, pos-start);
start = pos;
GetSamplesImmediate(samples, start, samples.Length - start);
public void GetSamplesImmediate(short[] samples, int start, int len)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Channels[i].Mix(samples, start, len, MaxVolume);
class QueuedCommand
public byte Value;
public int Time;