292 lines
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292 lines
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#ifndef __MDFN_PSX_CDC_H
#define __MDFN_PSX_CDC_H
#include "cdrom/CDUtility.h"
#include "cdrom/SimpleFIFO.h"
class ShockDiscRef;
namespace MDFN_IEN_PSX
struct CD_Audio_Buffer
int16 Samples[2][0x1000]; // [0][...] = l, [1][...] = r
int32 Size;
uint32 Freq;
int32 ReadPos;
class PS_CDC
template<bool isReader>void SyncState(EW::NewState *ns);
void OpenTray();
void SetDisc(ShockDiscRef *disc, const char disc_id[4], bool poke);
void CloseTray(bool poke);
void Power(void);
void ResetTS(void);
int32 CalcNextEvent(void); // Returns in master cycles to next event.
pscpu_timestamp_t Update(const pscpu_timestamp_t timestamp);
void Write(const pscpu_timestamp_t timestamp, uint32 A, uint8 V);
uint8 Read(const pscpu_timestamp_t timestamp, uint32 A);
bool DMACanRead(void);
uint32 DMARead(void);
void SoftReset(void);
void GetCDAudio(int32 samples[2]);
void SetLEC(bool enable) { EnableLEC = enable; }
ShockDiscRef* Cur_disc;
bool EnableLEC;
bool TrayOpen;
ShockDiscRef* Open_disc; //the disc that's in the tray, while the tray is open. pending, kind of. used because Cur_disc != NULL is used as a tray-closed marker in the CDC code
uint8 Open_DiscID[4]; //same thing
bool Status_TrayOpenBit; //PSX-SPX calls it ShellOpen
int32 DiscStartupDelay;
CD_Audio_Buffer AudioBuffer;
uint8 Pending_DecodeVolume[2][2], DecodeVolume[2][2]; // [data_source][output_port]
int16 ADPCM_ResampBuf[2][32 * 2];
uint8 ADPCM_ResampCurPos;
uint8 ADPCM_ResampCurPhase;
void ApplyVolume(int32 samples[2]);
void ReadAudioBuffer(int32 samples[2]);
void ClearAudioBuffers(void);
uint8 RegSelector;
uint8 ArgsBuf[16];
uint8 ArgsWP; // 5-bit(0 ... 31)
uint8 ArgsRP; // 5-bit(0 ... 31)
uint8 ArgsReceiveLatch;
uint8 ArgsReceiveBuf[32];
uint8 ArgsReceiveIn;
uint8 ResultsBuffer[16];
uint8 ResultsIn; // 5-bit(0 ... 31)
uint8 ResultsWP; // Write position, 4 bit(0 ... 15).
uint8 ResultsRP; // Read position, 4 bit(0 ... 15).
SimpleFIFO<uint8> DMABuffer;
uint8 SB[2340];
uint32 SB_In;
enum { SectorPipe_Count = 2 };
uint8 SectorPipe[SectorPipe_Count][2352];
uint8 SectorPipe_Pos;
uint8 SectorPipe_In;
//uint8 SubQBuf[0xC];
uint8 SubQBuf_Safe[0xC];
bool SubQChecksumOK;
bool HeaderBufValid;
uint8 HeaderBuf[12];
void RecalcIRQ(void);
// Names are just guessed for these based on what conditions cause them:
ERRCODE_NOT_READY = 0x80, // 0x80 (happens with getlocl when drive isn't reading, pause when tray is open, and MAYBE when trying to run an async
// command while another async command is currently in its asynch phase being executed[pause when in readtoc, todo test more])
uint8 IRQBuffer;
uint8 IRQOutTestMask;
int32 CDCReadyReceiveCounter; // IRQBuffer being non-zero prevents new results and new IRQ from coming in and erasing the current results,
// but apparently at least one CONFOUNDED game is clearing the IRQ state BEFORE reading the results, so we need to have a delay
// between IRQBuffer being cleared to when we allow new results to come in. (The real thing should be like this too,
// but the mechanism is probably more nuanced and complex and ugly and I like anchovy pizza)
void BeginResults(void);
void WriteIRQ(uint8);
void WriteResult(uint8);
uint8 ReadResult(void);
uint8 FilterFile;
uint8 FilterChan;
uint8 PendingCommand;
int PendingCommandPhase;
int32 PendingCommandCounter;
int32 SPUCounter;
enum { MODE_SPEED = 0x80 };
enum { MODE_STRSND = 0x40 };
enum { MODE_SIZE = 0x20 };
enum { MODE_SIZE2 = 0x10 };
enum { MODE_SF = 0x08 };
enum { MODE_REPORT = 0x04 };
enum { MODE_AUTOPAUSE = 0x02 };
enum { MODE_CDDA = 0x01 };
uint8 Mode;
int DriveStatus;
int StatusAfterSeek;
bool Forward;
bool Backward;
bool Muted;
int32 PlayTrackMatch;
int32 PSRCounter;
int32 CurSector;
uint32 SectorsRead; // Reset to 0 on Read*/Play command start; used in the rough simulation of PS1 SetLoc->Read->Pause->Read behavior.
unsigned AsyncIRQPending;
uint8 AsyncResultsPending[16];
uint8 AsyncResultsPendingCount;
int32 CalcSeekTime(int32 initial, int32 target, bool motor_on, bool paused);
void ClearAIP(void);
void CheckAIP(void);
void SetAIP(unsigned irq, unsigned result_count, uint8 *r);
void SetAIP(unsigned irq, uint8 result0);
void SetAIP(unsigned irq, uint8 result0, uint8 result1);
int32 SeekTarget;
uint32 SeekRetryCounter;
pscpu_timestamp_t lastts;
CDUtility::TOC toc;
bool IsPSXDisc;
uint8 DiscID[4];
int32 CommandLoc;
bool CommandLoc_Dirty;
uint8 MakeStatus(bool cmd_error = false);
bool DecodeSubQ(uint8 *subpw);
bool CommandCheckDiscPresent(void);
void DMForceStop();
void EnbufferizeCDDASector(const uint8 *buf);
bool XA_Test(const uint8 *sdata);
void XA_ProcessSector(const uint8 *sdata, CD_Audio_Buffer *ab);
int16 xa_previous[2][2];
bool xa_cur_set;
uint8 xa_cur_file;
uint8 xa_cur_chan;
uint8 ReportLastF;
void HandlePlayRead(void);
struct CDC_CTEntry
uint8 args_min;
uint8 args_max;
const char *name;
int32 (PS_CDC::*func)(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 (PS_CDC::*func2)(void);
void PreSeekHack(int32 target);
void ReadBase(void);
static CDC_CTEntry Commands[0x20];
int32 Command_GetStat(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Setloc(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Play(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Forward(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Backward(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ReadN(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Standby(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Standby_Part2(void);
int32 Command_Stop(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Stop_Part2(void);
int32 Command_Pause(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Pause_Part2(void);
int32 Command_Reset(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Mute(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Demute(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Setfilter(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Setmode(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Getparam(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_GetlocL(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_GetlocP(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ReadT(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ReadT_Part2(void);
int32 Command_GetTN(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_GetTD(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_SeekL(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_SeekP(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Seek_PartN(void);
int32 Command_Test(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ID(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ID_Part2(void);
int32 Command_ReadS(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_Init(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ReadTOC(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);
int32 Command_ReadTOC_Part2(void);
int32 Command_0x1d(const int arg_count, const uint8 *args);