
128 lines
2.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Computers.Commodore64.Cartridge
// Mapper for a few Domark and HES Australia games.
// It seems a lot of people dumping these have remapped
// them to the Ocean mapper (0005) but this is still here
// for compatibility.
// Bank select is DE00, bit 7 enabled means to disable
// ROM in 8000-9FFF.
public class Mapper0013 : Cart
private byte[][] banks = new byte[0][]; //8000
private uint bankMask;
private uint bankNumber;
private byte[] currentBank;
private byte[] dummyBank;
private bool romEnable;
public Mapper0013(List<uint> newAddresses, List<uint> newBanks, List<byte[]> newData)
uint count = (uint)newAddresses.Count;
pinGame = true;
pinExRom = false;
romEnable = true;
// build dummy bank
dummyBank = new byte[0x2000];
for (uint i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++)
dummyBank[i] = 0xFF; // todo: determine if this is correct
if (count == 16) //128k
bankMask = 0x0F;
banks = new byte[16][];
else if (count == 8) //64k
bankMask = 0x07;
banks = new byte[8][];
else if (count == 4) //32k
bankMask = 0x03;
banks = new byte[4][];
// we don't know what format this is...
throw new Exception("This looks like a Domark/HES cartridge but cannot be loaded...");
// for safety, initialize all banks to dummy
for (uint i = 0; i < banks.Length; i++)
banks[i] = dummyBank;
// now load in the banks
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (newAddresses[i] == 0x8000)
banks[newBanks[i] & bankMask] = newData[i];
private void BankSet(uint index)
bankNumber = index & bankMask;
romEnable = ((index & 0x80) == 0);
public override byte Peek8000(int addr)
return currentBank[addr];
public override void PokeDE00(int addr, byte val)
if (addr == 0x00)
public override byte Read8000(ushort addr)
return currentBank[addr];
private void UpdateState()
currentBank = banks[bankNumber];
if (romEnable)
pinExRom = false;
pinGame = true;
pinExRom = true;
pinGame = true;
public override void WriteDE00(ushort addr, byte val)
if (addr == 0x00)
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("bankMask", ref bankMask);
ser.Sync("bankNumber", ref bankNumber);
ser.Sync("romEnable", ref romEnable);
if (ser.IsReader)
BankSet(bankNumber | (uint)(romEnable ? 0x00 : 0x80));