477 lines
14 KiB
477 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.A7800Hawk
isPorted: false,
isReleased: true)]
[ServiceNotApplicable(typeof(ISettable<,>), typeof(IDriveLight))]
public partial class A7800Hawk : IEmulator, ISaveRam, IDebuggable, IStatable, IInputPollable, IRegionable,
ISettable<A7800Hawk.A7800Settings, A7800Hawk.A7800SyncSettings>
// this register selects between 2600 and 7800 mode in the A7800
// however, we already have a 2600 emulator so this core will only be loading A7800 games
// furthermore, the location of the register is in the same place as TIA registers (0x0-0x1F)
// any writes to this location before the register is 'locked' will go to the register and not the TIA
public byte A7800_control_register;
// memory domains
public byte[] Maria_regs = new byte[0x20];
public byte[] RAM = new byte[0x1000];
public byte[] RAM_6532 = new byte[0x80];
public byte[] hs_bios_mem = new byte[0x800];
public readonly byte[] _rom;
public readonly byte[] _hsbios;
public readonly byte[] _bios;
public readonly byte[] _hsram = new byte[2048];
private int _frame = 0;
public string s_mapper;
public MapperBase mapper;
public bool small_flag = false;
public bool PAL_Kara = false;
public int cart_RAM = 0;
public bool pokey = false;
private readonly ITraceable _tracer;
public MOS6502X cpu;
public Maria maria;
public bool _isPAL;
public M6532 m6532;
public TIA tia;
public A7800Hawk(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, string gameDbFn, object settings, object syncSettings)
var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this);
maria = new Maria();
tia = new TIA();
m6532 = new M6532();
cpu = new MOS6502X
ReadMemory = ReadMemory,
WriteMemory = WriteMemory,
PeekMemory = ReadMemory,
DummyReadMemory = ReadMemory,
OnExecFetch = ExecFetch
maria = new Maria
ReadMemory = ReadMemory
CoreComm = comm;
_settings = (A7800Settings)settings ?? new A7800Settings();
_syncSettings = (A7800SyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new A7800SyncSettings();
_controllerDeck = new A7800HawkControllerDeck(_syncSettings.Port1, _syncSettings.Port2);
byte[] highscoreBios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("A78", "Bios_HSC", false, "Some functions may not work without the high score BIOS.");
byte[] palBios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("A78", "Bios_PAL", false, "The game will not run if the correct region BIOS is not available.");
byte[] ntscBios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("A78", "Bios_NTSC", false, "The game will not run if the correct region BIOS is not available.");
byte[] header = new byte[128];
bool is_header = false;
if (rom.Length % 1024 == 128)
Console.WriteLine("128 byte header detected");
byte[] newrom = new byte[rom.Length - 128];
is_header = true;
Buffer.BlockCopy(rom, 0, header, 0, 128);
Buffer.BlockCopy(rom, 128, newrom, 0, newrom.Length);
rom = newrom;
_isPAL = false;
// look up hash in gamedb to see what mapper to use
// if none found default is zero
// also check for PAL region
string hash_md5 = null;
s_mapper = null;
hash_md5 = "md5:" + rom.HashMD5(0, rom.Length);
var gi = Database.CheckDatabase(hash_md5);
if (gi != null)
var dict = gi.GetOptionsDict();
if (dict.ContainsKey("PAL"))
_isPAL = true;
if (dict.ContainsKey("board"))
s_mapper = dict["board"];
throw new Exception("No Board selected for this game");
// check if the game uses pokey or RAM
if (dict.ContainsKey("RAM"))
int.TryParse(dict["RAM"], out cart_RAM);
if (dict.ContainsKey("Pokey"))
bool.TryParse(dict["Pokey"], out pokey);
// some games will not function with the high score bios
// if such a game is being played, tell the user and disable it
if (dict.ContainsKey("No_HS"))
bool no_hs;
bool.TryParse(dict["No_HS"], out no_hs);
if (no_hs)
Console.WriteLine("This game is incompatible with the High Score BIOS, disabling it");
highscoreBios = null;
else if (is_header)
Console.WriteLine("ROM not in DB, inferring mapper info from header");
byte cart_1 = header[0x35];
byte cart_2 = header[0x36];
_isPAL = (header[0x39] > 0) ? true : false;
if (cart_2.Bit(1))
if (cart_2.Bit(3))
s_mapper = "2";
s_mapper = "1";
s_mapper = "0";
throw new Exception("ROM not in gamedb and has no header");
// some games that use the Super Game mapper only have 4 banks, so let's set a flag to limit bank size
if (rom.Length < 0x14000)
small_flag = true;
// additionally, PAL Karateka has bank 6 (actually 2) at 0x4000
if (rom.HashMD5()=="5E0A1E832BBCEA6FACB832FDE23A440A")
PAL_Kara = true;
_rom = rom;
_hsbios = highscoreBios;
_bios = _isPAL ? palBios : ntscBios;
if (_bios == null)
throw new MissingFirmwareException("The BIOS corresponding to the region of the game you loaded is required to run Atari 7800 games.");
// set up palette and frame rate
if (_isPAL)
maria._frameHz = 50;
maria._screen_width = 320;
maria._screen_height = 313;
maria._vblanklines = 20;
maria._palette = PALPalette;
maria._frameHz = 60;
maria._screen_width = 320;
maria._screen_height = 263;
maria._vblanklines = 20;
maria._palette = NTSCPalette;
maria.Core = this;
m6532.Core = this;
tia.Core = this;
ServiceProvider = ser;
_tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = cpu.TraceHeader };
public DisplayType Region => _isPAL ? DisplayType.PAL : DisplayType.NTSC;
private readonly A7800HawkControllerDeck _controllerDeck;
private void HardReset()
A7800_control_register = 0;
cpu.SetCallbacks(ReadMemory, ReadMemory, ReadMemory, WriteMemory);
Maria_regs = new byte[0x20];
RAM = new byte[0x1000];
cpu_cycle = 0;
private void ExecFetch(ushort addr)
private void Reset_Mapper(string m)
if (m == "0")
mapper = new MapperDefault();
if (m == "1")
mapper = new MapperSG();
if (m == "2")
mapper = new MapperSGE();
if (m == "3")
mapper = new MapperF18();
if (m == "4")
mapper = new MapperRampage();
if (m == "5")
mapper = new MapperFractalus();
if (m == "6")
mapper = new MapperFractalus();
mapper.Core = this;
* MariaTables.cs
* Palette tables for the Maria class.
* PAL derived from Dan Boris' 7800/MAME code.
* PAL Table: Copyright © 2004 Mike Murphy
* NTSC Table Source: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/95498-7800-color-palette-in-mess/?p=1174461
public static readonly int[] NTSCPalette =
0x000000, 0x2e2e2e, 0x3c3c3c, 0x595959,
0x777777, 0x838383, 0xa0a0a0, 0xb7b7b7,
0xcdcdcd, 0xd8d8d8, 0xdddddd, 0xe0e0e0,
0xeaeaea, 0xf0f0f0, 0xf6f6f6, 0xffffff,
0x412000, 0x542800, 0x763706, 0x984f0f,
0xbb6818, 0xd78016, 0xff911d, 0xffab1d,
0xffc51d, 0xffd03b, 0xffd84c, 0xffe651,
0xfff456, 0xfff977, 0xffff98, 0xffffab,
0x451904, 0x721e11, 0x9f241e, 0xb33a20,
0xc85122, 0xe36920, 0xfc811e, 0xff8c25,
0xff982c, 0xffae38, 0xffc455, 0xffc559,
0xffc66d, 0xffd587, 0xffe4a1, 0xffe6ab,
0x5f1f0e, 0x7a240d, 0x9c2c0f, 0xb02f0e,
0xbf3624, 0xd34e2a, 0xe7623e, 0xf36e4a,
0xfd7854, 0xff8a6a, 0xff987c, 0xffa48b,
0xffb39e, 0xffc2b2, 0xffd0c3, 0xffdad0,
0x4a1704, 0x7e1a0d, 0xb21d17, 0xc82119,
0xdf251c, 0xec3b38, 0xfa5255, 0xfc6161,
0xff7063, 0xff7f7e, 0xff8f8f, 0xff9d9e,
0xffabad, 0xffb9bd, 0xffc7ce, 0xffcade,
0x490136, 0x66014b, 0x80035f, 0x951874,
0xaa2d89, 0xba3d99, 0xca4da9, 0xd75ab6,
0xe467c3, 0xef72ce, 0xfb7eda, 0xff8de1,
0xff9de5, 0xffa5e7, 0xffafea, 0xffb8ec,
0x48036c, 0x5c0488, 0x650d91, 0x7b23a7,
0x933bbf, 0x9d45c9, 0xa74fd3, 0xb25ade,
0xbd65e9, 0xc56df1, 0xce76fa, 0xd583ff,
0xda90ff, 0xde9cff, 0xe2a9ff, 0xe6b6ff,
0x051e81, 0x0626a5, 0x082fca, 0x263dd4,
0x444cde, 0x4f5aec, 0x5a68ff, 0x6575ff,
0x7183ff, 0x8091ff, 0x90a0ff, 0x97a9ff,
0x9fb2ff, 0xafbeff, 0xc0cbff, 0xcdd3ff,
0x0b0779, 0x201c8e, 0x3531a3, 0x4642b4,
0x5753c5, 0x615dcf, 0x6d69db, 0x7b77e9,
0x8985f7, 0x918dff, 0x9c98ff, 0xa7a4ff,
0xb2afff, 0xbbb8ff, 0xc3c1ff, 0xd3d1ff,
0x1d295a, 0x1d3876, 0x1d4892, 0x1d5cac,
0x1d71c6, 0x3286cf, 0x489bd9, 0x4ea8ec,
0x55b6ff, 0x70c7ff, 0x8cd8ff, 0x93dbff,
0x9bdfff, 0xafe4ff, 0xc3e9ff, 0xcfedff,
0x014b59, 0x015d6e, 0x016f84, 0x01849c,
0x0199b5, 0x01abca, 0x01bcde, 0x01d0f5,
0x1adcff, 0x3ee1ff, 0x64e7ff, 0x76eaff,
0x8bedff, 0x9aefff, 0xb1f3ff, 0xc7f6ff,
0x004800, 0x005400, 0x036b03, 0x0e760e,
0x188018, 0x279227, 0x36a436, 0x4eb94e,
0x51cd51, 0x72da72, 0x7ce47c, 0x85ed85,
0xa2ffa2, 0xb5ffb5, 0xc8ffc8, 0xd0ffd0,
0x164000, 0x1c5300, 0x236600, 0x287800,
0x2e8c00, 0x3a980c, 0x47a519, 0x51af23,
0x5cba2e, 0x71cf43, 0x85e357, 0x8deb5f,
0x97f569, 0xa4ff97, 0xb9ff97, 0xb9ff97,
0x2c3500, 0x384400, 0x445200, 0x495600,
0x607100, 0x6c7f00, 0x798d0a, 0x8b9f1c,
0x9eb22f, 0xabbf3c, 0xb8cc49, 0xc2d653,
0xcde153, 0xdbef6c, 0xe8fc79, 0xf2ffab,
0x463a09, 0x4d3f09, 0x544509, 0x6c5809,
0x907609, 0xab8b0a, 0xc1a120, 0xd0b02f,
0xdebe3d, 0xe6c645, 0xedcd4c, 0xf6da65,
0xfde67d, 0xfff2a2, 0xfff9c5, 0xfff9d4,
0x401a02, 0x581f05, 0x702408, 0x8d3a13,
0xab511f, 0xb56427, 0xbf7730, 0xd0853a,
0xe19344, 0xeda04e, 0xf9ad58, 0xfcb75c,
0xffc160, 0xffc671, 0xffcb83, 0xffd498
public static readonly int[] PALPalette =
0x000000, 0x1c1c1c, 0x393939, 0x595959, // Grey
0x797979, 0x929292, 0xababab, 0xbcbcbc,
0xcdcdcd, 0xd9d9d9, 0xe6e6e6, 0xececec,
0xf2f2f2, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffffff, 0xffffff,
0x263001, 0x243803, 0x234005, 0x51541b, // Orange Green
0x806931, 0x978135, 0xaf993a, 0xc2a73e,
0xd5b543, 0xdbc03d, 0xe1cb38, 0xe2d836,
0xe3e534, 0xeff258, 0xfbff7d, 0xfbff7d,
0x263001, 0x243803, 0x234005, 0x51541b, // Orange Green
0x806931, 0x978135, 0xaf993a, 0xc2a73e,
0xd5b543, 0xdbc03d, 0xe1cb38, 0xe2d836,
0xe3e534, 0xeff258, 0xfbff7d, 0xfbff7d,
0x401a02, 0x581f05, 0x702408, 0x8d3a13, // Light Orange
0xab511f, 0xb56427, 0xbf7730, 0xd0853a,
0xe19344, 0xeda04e, 0xf9ad58, 0xfcb75c,
0xffc160, 0xffc671, 0xffcb83, 0xffcb83,
0x391701, 0x5e2304, 0x833008, 0xa54716, // Gold
0xc85f24, 0xe37820, 0xff911d, 0xffab1d,
0xffc51d, 0xffce34, 0xffd84c, 0xffe651,
0xfff456, 0xfff977, 0xffff98, 0xffff98,
0x451904, 0x721e11, 0x9f241e, 0xb33a20, // Orange
0xc85122, 0xe36920, 0xff811e, 0xff8c25,
0xff982c, 0xffae38, 0xffc545, 0xffc559,
0xffc66d, 0xffd587, 0xffe4a1, 0xffe4a1,
0x4a1704, 0x7e1a0d, 0xb21d17, 0xc82119, // Red Orange
0xdf251c, 0xec3b38, 0xfa5255, 0xfc6161,
0xff706e, 0xff7f7e, 0xff8f8f, 0xff9d9e,
0xffabad, 0xffb9bd, 0xffc7ce, 0xffc7ce,
0x050568, 0x3b136d, 0x712272, 0x8b2a8c, // Pink
0xa532a6, 0xb938ba, 0xcd3ecf, 0xdb47dd,
0xea51eb, 0xf45ff5, 0xfe6dff, 0xfe7afd,
0xff87fb, 0xff95fd, 0xffa4ff, 0xffa4ff,
0x280479, 0x400984, 0x590f90, 0x70249d, // Purple
0x8839aa, 0xa441c3, 0xc04adc, 0xd054ed,
0xe05eff, 0xe96dff, 0xf27cff, 0xf88aff,
0xff98ff, 0xfea1ff, 0xfeabff, 0xfeabff,
0x051e81, 0x0626a5, 0x082fca, 0x263dd4, // Blue1
0x444cde, 0x4f5aee, 0x5a68ff, 0x6575ff,
0x7183ff, 0x8091ff, 0x90a0ff, 0x97a9ff,
0x9fb2ff, 0xafbeff, 0xc0cbff, 0xc0cbff,
0x0c048b, 0x2218a0, 0x382db5, 0x483ec7, // Blue2
0x584fda, 0x6159ec, 0x6b64ff, 0x7a74ff,
0x8a84ff, 0x918eff, 0x9998ff, 0xa5a3ff,
0xb1aeff, 0xb8b8ff, 0xc0c2ff, 0xc0c2ff,
0x1d295a, 0x1d3876, 0x1d4892, 0x1c5cac, // Light Blue
0x1c71c6, 0x3286cf, 0x489bd9, 0x4ea8ec,
0x55b6ff, 0x70c7ff, 0x8cd8ff, 0x93dbff,
0x9bdfff, 0xafe4ff, 0xc3e9ff, 0xc3e9ff,
0x2f4302, 0x395202, 0x446103, 0x417a12, // Turquoise
0x3e9421, 0x4a9f2e, 0x57ab3b, 0x5cbd55,
0x61d070, 0x69e27a, 0x72f584, 0x7cfa8d,
0x87ff97, 0x9affa6, 0xadffb6, 0xadffb6,
0x0a4108, 0x0d540a, 0x10680d, 0x137d0f, // Green Blue
0x169212, 0x19a514, 0x1cb917, 0x1ec919,
0x21d91b, 0x47e42d, 0x6ef040, 0x78f74d,
0x83ff5b, 0x9aff7a, 0xb2ff9a, 0xb2ff9a,
0x04410b, 0x05530e, 0x066611, 0x077714, // Green
0x088817, 0x099b1a, 0x0baf1d, 0x48c41f,
0x86d922, 0x8fe924, 0x99f927, 0xa8fc41,
0xb7ff5b, 0xc9ff6e, 0xdcff81, 0xdcff81,
0x02350f, 0x073f15, 0x0c4a1c, 0x2d5f1e, // Yellow Green
0x4f7420, 0x598324, 0x649228, 0x82a12e,
0xa1b034, 0xa9c13a, 0xb2d241, 0xc4d945,
0xd6e149, 0xe4f04e, 0xf2ff53, 0xf2ff53