
401 lines
9.2 KiB

//this file contains the MMC3 family of chips
//which includes:
//NAMCOT 109
//MMC3 (which was apparently based on NAMCOT 109 and shares enough functionality to be derived from it in this codebase)
//for some info on NAMCOT 109
//mappers handled by this:
//fceux contains a comment in mmc3.cpp:
//Code for emulating iNES mappers 4,12,44,45,47,49,52,74,114,115,116,118,119,165,205,214,215,245,249,250,254
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo
// this is the base class for the MMC3 mapper
public class Namcot109 : IDisposable
public int chr_mode, prg_mode, reg_addr;
ByteBuffer chr_regs_1k = new ByteBuffer(8);
ByteBuffer prg_regs_8k = new ByteBuffer(8);
protected NES.NESBoardBase board;
public Namcot109(NES.NESBoardBase board)
this.board = board;
prg_regs_8k[0] = 0;
prg_regs_8k[1] = 1;
prg_regs_8k[2] = 0xFE; //constant
prg_regs_8k[3] = 0xFF; //constant
prg_regs_8k[4+0] = 0xFE; //constant
prg_regs_8k[4+1] = 1;
prg_regs_8k[4+2] = 0;
prg_regs_8k[4+3] = 0xFF; //constant
chr_regs_1k[0] = 0;
chr_regs_1k[1] = 1;
chr_regs_1k[2] = 2;
chr_regs_1k[3] = 3;
chr_regs_1k[4] = 4;
chr_regs_1k[5] = 5;
chr_regs_1k[6] = 6;
chr_regs_1k[7] = 7;
public void Dispose()
public virtual void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("chr_mode", ref chr_mode);
ser.Sync("prg_mode", ref prg_mode);
ser.Sync("reg_addr", ref reg_addr);
ser.Sync("chr_regs_1k", ref chr_regs_1k);
ser.Sync("prg_regs_8k", ref prg_regs_8k);
public virtual void WritePRG(int addr, byte value)
switch (addr & 0x6001)
case 0x0000: //$8000
chr_mode = (value >> 7) & 1;
chr_mode <<= 2;
prg_mode = (value >> 6) & 1;
prg_mode <<= 2;
reg_addr = (value & 7);
case 0x0001: //$8001
switch (reg_addr)
case 0: chr_regs_1k[0] = (byte)(value & ~1); chr_regs_1k[1] = (byte)(value | 1); break;
case 1: chr_regs_1k[2] = (byte)(value & ~1); chr_regs_1k[3] = (byte)(value | 1); break;
case 2: chr_regs_1k[4] = value; break;
case 3: chr_regs_1k[5] = value; break;
case 4: chr_regs_1k[6] = value; break;
case 5: chr_regs_1k[7] = value; break;
case 6: prg_regs_8k[0] = value; prg_regs_8k[4 + 2] = value; break;
case 7: prg_regs_8k[1] = value; prg_regs_8k[4 + 1] = value; break;
public int Get_PRGBank_8K(int addr)
int bank_8k = addr >> 13;
bank_8k += prg_mode;
bank_8k = prg_regs_8k[bank_8k];
return bank_8k;
public int Get_CHRBank_1K(int addr)
int bank_1k = addr >> 10;
bank_1k ^= chr_mode;
bank_1k = chr_regs_1k[bank_1k];
return bank_1k;
public class MMC3 : Namcot109
public byte mirror;
int a12_old;
byte irq_reload, irq_counter;
protected bool irq_pending, irq_enable;
public bool wram_enable, wram_write_protect;
//it really seems like these should be the same but i cant seem to unify them.
//theres no sense in delaying the IRQ, so its logic must be tied to the separator.
//the hint, of course, is that the countdown value is the same.
//will someone else try to unify them?
int separator_counter;
int irq_countdown;
public NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType MirrorType { get { return mirror == 0 ? NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Vertical : NES.NESBoardBase.EMirrorType.Horizontal; } }
public MMC3(NES.NESBoardBase board, int num_prg_banks)
: base(board)
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("mirror", ref mirror);
ser.Sync("mirror", ref a12_old);
ser.Sync("irq_reload", ref irq_reload);
ser.Sync("irq_counter", ref irq_counter);
ser.Sync("irq_pending", ref irq_pending);
ser.Sync("irq_enable", ref irq_enable);
ser.Sync("separator_counter", ref separator_counter);
ser.Sync("irq_countdown", ref irq_countdown);
ser.Sync("wram_enable", ref wram_enable);
ser.Sync("wram_write_protect", ref wram_write_protect);
protected virtual void SyncIRQ()
board.NES.irq_cart = irq_pending;
public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value)
switch (addr & 0x6001)
case 0x0000: //$8000
case 0x0001: //$8001
base.WritePRG(addr, value);
case 0x2000: //$A000
mirror = (byte)(value & 1);
case 0x2001: //$A001
//wram enable/protect
wram_write_protect = value.Bit(6);
wram_enable = value.Bit(7);
Console.WriteLine("wram_write_protect={0},wram_enable={1}", wram_write_protect, wram_enable);
case 0x4000: //$C000 - IRQ Reload value
irq_reload = value;
case 0x4001: //$C001 - IRQ Clear
irq_counter = 0;
case 0x6000: //$E000 - IRQ Acknowledge / Disable
irq_enable = false;
irq_pending = false;
case 0x6001: //$E001 - IRQ Enable
//board.NES.LogLine("irq en");
irq_enable = true;
void IRQ_EQ_Pass()
if (irq_enable)
//board.NES.LogLine("mmc3 IRQ");
irq_pending = true;
void ClockIRQ()
if (irq_counter == 0)
irq_counter = irq_reload;
//TODO - MMC3 variant behaviour??? not sure
//was needed to pass 2-details.nes
if (irq_counter == 0)
if (irq_counter == 0)
public virtual void ClockPPU()
if (separator_counter > 0)
if (irq_countdown > 0)
if (irq_countdown == 0)
public virtual void AddressPPU(int addr)
int a12 = (addr >> 12) & 1;
bool rising_edge = (a12 == 1 && a12_old == 0);
if (rising_edge)
if (separator_counter > 0)
separator_counter = 15;
separator_counter = 15;
irq_countdown = 15;
a12_old = a12;
public abstract class MMC3_Family_Board_Base : NES.NESBoardBase
protected Namcot109 mapper;
protected int prg_mask, chr_mask;
public override void Dispose()
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
protected virtual int Get_CHRBank_1K(int addr)
return mapper.Get_CHRBank_1K(addr);
int MapCHR(int addr)
int bank_1k = Get_CHRBank_1K(addr);
bank_1k &= chr_mask;
addr = (bank_1k << 10) | (addr & 0x3FF);
return addr;
public override byte ReadPPU(int addr)
if (addr < 0x2000)
addr = MapCHR(addr);
if (VROM != null)
return VROM[addr];
else return VRAM[addr];
else return base.ReadPPU(addr);
public override void WritePPU(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x2000)
if (VRAM == null) return;
addr = MapCHR(addr);
VRAM[addr] = value;
base.WritePPU(addr, value);
public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value)
mapper.WritePRG(addr, value);
protected virtual int Get_PRGBank_8K(int addr)
return mapper.Get_PRGBank_8K(addr);
public override byte ReadPRG(int addr)
int bank_8k = Get_PRGBank_8K(addr);
bank_8k &= prg_mask;
addr = (bank_8k << 13) | (addr & 0x1FFF);
return ROM[addr];
protected virtual void BaseSetup()
//remember to setup the PRG banks -1 and -2
int num_prg_banks = Cart.prg_size / 8;
prg_mask = num_prg_banks - 1;
int num_chr_banks = (Cart.chr_size);
chr_mask = num_chr_banks - 1;
//used by a couple of boards for controlling nametable wiring with the mapper
protected int RewireNametable_Mapper095_and_TLSROM(int addr, int bitsel)
int bank_1k = mapper.Get_CHRBank_1K(addr & 0x1FFF);
int nt = (bank_1k >> bitsel) & 1;
int ofs = addr & 0x3FF;
addr = 0x2000 + (nt << 10);
addr |= (ofs);
return addr;
public abstract class MMC3Board_Base : MMC3_Family_Board_Base
protected int wram_mask;
protected MMC3 mmc3;
public override void AddressPPU(int addr)
public override void ClockPPU()
protected override void BaseSetup()
wram_mask = (Cart.wram_size * 1024) - 1;
int num_prg_banks = Cart.prg_size / 8;
mapper = mmc3 = new MMC3(this,num_prg_banks);
public abstract class Namcot109Board_Base : MMC3_Family_Board_Base
protected override void BaseSetup()
mapper = new Namcot109(this);