
1123 lines
35 KiB

using System;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBHawk
// Audio Emulation
public class Audio : ISoundProvider
public GBHawk Core { get; set; }
private readonly BlipBuffer _blip_L = new BlipBuffer(15000);
private readonly BlipBuffer _blip_R = new BlipBuffer(15000);
public static int[] DUTY_CYCLES = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0};
public static int[] DIVISOR = new int[] { 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112 };
public const int NR10 = 0;
public const int NR11 = 1;
public const int NR12 = 2;
public const int NR13 = 3;
public const int NR14 = 4;
public const int NR21 = 5;
public const int NR22 = 6;
public const int NR23 = 7;
public const int NR24 = 8;
public const int NR30 = 9;
public const int NR31 = 10;
public const int NR32 = 11;
public const int NR33 = 12;
public const int NR34 = 13;
public const int NR41 = 14;
public const int NR42 = 15;
public const int NR43 = 16;
public const int NR44 = 17;
public const int NR50 = 18;
public const int NR51 = 19;
public const int NR52 = 20;
public static int[] unused_bits = new int[] { 0x80, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xBF,
0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xBF,
0x7F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFF, 0xBF,
0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF,
0x00, 0x00, 0x70};
public byte[] Audio_Regs = new byte[21];
public byte[] Wave_RAM = new byte[16];
// Audio Variables
// derived
public bool WAVE_DAC_pow;
public bool NOISE_wdth_md;
public bool SQ1_negate;
public bool SQ1_trigger, SQ2_trigger, WAVE_trigger, NOISE_trigger;
public bool SQ1_len_en, SQ2_len_en, WAVE_len_en, NOISE_len_en;
public bool SQ1_env_add, SQ2_env_add, NOISE_env_add;
public byte WAVE_vol_code;
public byte NOISE_clk_shft;
public byte NOISE_div_code;
public byte SQ1_shift;
public byte SQ1_duty, SQ2_duty;
public byte SQ1_st_vol, SQ2_st_vol, NOISE_st_vol;
public byte SQ1_per, SQ2_per, NOISE_per;
public byte SQ1_swp_prd;
public int SQ1_frq, SQ2_frq, WAVE_frq;
public ushort SQ1_length, SQ2_length, WAVE_length, NOISE_length;
// state
public bool WAVE_can_get;
public bool SQ1_calc_done;
public bool SQ1_swp_enable;
public bool SQ1_vol_done, SQ2_vol_done, NOISE_vol_done;
public bool SQ1_enable, SQ2_enable, WAVE_enable, NOISE_enable;
public byte SQ1_vol_state, SQ2_vol_state, NOISE_vol_state;
public byte SQ1_duty_cntr, SQ2_duty_cntr;
public byte WAVE_wave_cntr;
public int SQ1_frq_shadow;
public int SQ1_intl_cntr, SQ2_intl_cntr, WAVE_intl_cntr, NOISE_intl_cntr;
public int SQ1_vol_per, SQ2_vol_per, NOISE_vol_per;
public int SQ1_intl_swp_cnt;
public int NOISE_LFSR;
public ushort SQ1_len_cntr, SQ2_len_cntr, WAVE_len_cntr, NOISE_len_cntr;
// computed
public int SQ1_output, SQ2_output, WAVE_output, NOISE_output;
// Contol Variables
public bool AUD_CTRL_vin_L_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_vin_R_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_sq1_L_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_sq2_L_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_wave_L_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_noise_L_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_sq1_R_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_sq2_R_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_wave_R_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_noise_R_en;
public bool AUD_CTRL_power;
public byte AUD_CTRL_vol_L;
public byte AUD_CTRL_vol_R;
public int sequencer_len, sequencer_vol, sequencer_swp, sequencer_tick;
public byte sample;
public int master_audio_clock;
public int latched_sample_L, latched_sample_R;
public byte ReadReg(int addr)
byte ret = 0;
switch (addr)
case 0xFF10: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR10] | unused_bits[NR10]); break; // NR10 (sweep)
case 0xFF11: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR11] | unused_bits[NR11]); break; // NR11 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
case 0xFF12: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR12] | unused_bits[NR12]); break; // NR12 (envelope)
case 0xFF13: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR13] | unused_bits[NR13]); break; // NR13 (freq low)
case 0xFF14: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR14] | unused_bits[NR14]); break; // NR14 (freq hi)
case 0xFF16: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR21] | unused_bits[NR21]); break; // NR21 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
case 0xFF17: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR22] | unused_bits[NR22]); break; // NR22 (envelope)
case 0xFF18: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR23] | unused_bits[NR23]); break; // NR23 (freq low)
case 0xFF19: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR24] | unused_bits[NR24]); break; // NR24 (freq hi)
case 0xFF1A: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR30] | unused_bits[NR30]); break; // NR30 (on/off)
case 0xFF1B: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR31] | unused_bits[NR31]); break; // NR31 (length)
case 0xFF1C: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR32] | unused_bits[NR32]); break; // NR32 (level output)
case 0xFF1D: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR33] | unused_bits[NR33]); break; // NR33 (freq low)
case 0xFF1E: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR34] | unused_bits[NR34]); break; // NR34 (freq hi)
case 0xFF20: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR41] | unused_bits[NR41]); break; // NR41 (length)
case 0xFF21: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR42] | unused_bits[NR42]); break; // NR42 (envelope)
case 0xFF22: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR43] | unused_bits[NR43]); break; // NR43 (shift)
case 0xFF23: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR44] | unused_bits[NR44]); break; // NR44 (trigger)
case 0xFF24: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR50] | unused_bits[NR50]); break; // NR50 (ctrl)
case 0xFF25: ret = (byte)(Audio_Regs[NR51] | unused_bits[NR51]); break; // NR51 (ctrl)
case 0xFF26: ret = (byte)(Read_NR52() | unused_bits[NR52]); break; // NR52 (ctrl)
// wave ram table
case 0xFF30:
case 0xFF31:
case 0xFF32:
case 0xFF33:
case 0xFF34:
case 0xFF35:
case 0xFF36:
case 0xFF37:
case 0xFF38:
case 0xFF39:
case 0xFF3A:
case 0xFF3B:
case 0xFF3C:
case 0xFF3D:
case 0xFF3E:
case 0xFF3F:
if (WAVE_enable)
if (WAVE_can_get || Core.is_GBC) { ret = Wave_RAM[WAVE_wave_cntr >> 1]; }
else { ret = 0xFF; }
else { ret = Wave_RAM[addr & 0x0F]; }
return ret;
public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value)
// while power is on, everything is writable
if (AUD_CTRL_power)
switch (addr)
case 0xFF10: // NR10 (sweep)
Audio_Regs[NR10] = value;
SQ1_swp_prd = (byte)((value & 0x70) >> 4);
SQ1_negate = (value & 8) > 0;
SQ1_shift = (byte)(value & 7);
if (!SQ1_negate && SQ1_calc_done) { SQ1_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0; }
case 0xFF11: // NR11 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
Audio_Regs[NR11] = value;
SQ1_duty = (byte)((value & 0xC0) >> 6);
SQ1_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
SQ1_len_cntr = SQ1_length;
case 0xFF12: // NR12 (envelope)
SQ1_st_vol = (byte)((value & 0xF0) >> 4);
SQ1_env_add = (value & 8) > 0;
SQ1_per = (byte)(value & 7);
// several glitchy effects happen when writing to NRx2 during audio playing
if (((Audio_Regs[NR12] & 7) == 0) && !SQ1_vol_done) { SQ1_vol_state++; }
else if ((Audio_Regs[NR12] & 8) == 0) { SQ1_vol_state += 2; }
if (((Audio_Regs[NR12] ^ value) & 8) > 0) { SQ1_vol_state = (byte)(0x10 - SQ1_vol_state); }
SQ1_vol_state &= 0xF;
if ((value & 0xF8) == 0) { SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0; }
Audio_Regs[NR12] = value;
case 0xFF13: // NR13 (freq low)
Audio_Regs[NR13] = value;
SQ1_frq &= 0x700;
SQ1_frq |= value;
case 0xFF14: // NR14 (freq hi)
Audio_Regs[NR14] = value;
SQ1_trigger = (value & 0x80) > 0;
SQ1_frq &= 0xFF;
SQ1_frq |= (ushort)((value & 7) << 8);
if (((sequencer_len & 1) > 0))
if (!SQ1_len_en && ((value & 0x40) > 0) && (SQ1_len_cntr > 0))
if ((SQ1_len_cntr == 0) && !SQ1_trigger) { SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0; }
if (SQ1_trigger)
SQ1_enable = true;
SQ1_vol_done = false;
if (SQ1_len_cntr == 0)
SQ1_len_cntr = 64;
if (((value & 0x40) > 0) && ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)) { SQ1_len_cntr--; }
SQ1_vol_state = SQ1_st_vol;
SQ1_vol_per = (SQ1_per > 0) ? SQ1_per : 8;
SQ1_frq_shadow = SQ1_frq;
SQ1_intl_cntr = (2048 - SQ1_frq_shadow) * 4;
SQ1_intl_swp_cnt = SQ1_swp_prd > 0 ? SQ1_swp_prd : 8;
SQ1_calc_done = false;
if ((SQ1_shift > 0) || (SQ1_swp_prd > 0))
SQ1_swp_enable = true;
SQ1_swp_enable = false;
if (SQ1_shift > 0)
int shadow_frq = SQ1_frq_shadow;
shadow_frq = shadow_frq >> SQ1_shift;
if (SQ1_negate) { shadow_frq = -shadow_frq; }
shadow_frq += SQ1_frq_shadow;
// disable channel if overflow
if ((uint)shadow_frq > 2047)
SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0;
// set negate mode flag that disables channel is negate clerar
if (SQ1_negate) { SQ1_calc_done = true; }
if ((SQ1_vol_state == 0) && !SQ1_env_add) { SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0; }
SQ1_len_en = (value & 0x40) > 0;
case 0xFF16: // NR21 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
Audio_Regs[NR21] = value;
SQ2_duty = (byte)((value & 0xC0) >> 6);
SQ2_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
SQ2_len_cntr = SQ2_length;
case 0xFF17: // NR22 (envelope)
SQ2_st_vol = (byte)((value & 0xF0) >> 4);
SQ2_env_add = (value & 8) > 0;
SQ2_per = (byte)(value & 7);
// several glitchy effects happen when writing to NRx2 during audio playing
if (((Audio_Regs[NR22] & 7) == 0) && !SQ2_vol_done) { SQ2_vol_state++; }
else if ((Audio_Regs[NR22] & 8) == 0) { SQ2_vol_state += 2; }
if (((Audio_Regs[NR22] ^ value) & 8) > 0) { SQ2_vol_state = (byte)(0x10 - SQ2_vol_state); }
SQ2_vol_state &= 0xF;
if ((value & 0xF8) == 0) { SQ2_enable = false; SQ2_output = 0; }
Audio_Regs[NR22] = value;
case 0xFF18: // NR23 (freq low)
Audio_Regs[NR23] = value;
SQ2_frq &= 0x700;
SQ2_frq |= value;
case 0xFF19: // NR24 (freq hi)
Audio_Regs[NR24] = value;
SQ2_trigger = (value & 0x80) > 0;
SQ2_frq &= 0xFF;
SQ2_frq |= (ushort)((value & 7) << 8);
if ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)
if (!SQ2_len_en && ((value & 0x40) > 0) && (SQ2_len_cntr > 0))
if ((SQ2_len_cntr == 0) && !SQ2_trigger) { SQ2_enable = false; SQ2_output = 0; }
if (SQ2_trigger)
SQ2_enable = true;
SQ2_vol_done = false;
if (SQ2_len_cntr == 0)
SQ2_len_cntr = 64;
if (((value & 0x40) > 0) && ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)) { SQ2_len_cntr--; }
SQ2_intl_cntr = (2048 - SQ2_frq) * 4;
SQ2_vol_state = SQ2_st_vol;
SQ2_vol_per = (SQ2_per > 0) ? SQ2_per : 8;
if ((SQ2_vol_state == 0) && !SQ2_env_add) { SQ2_enable = false; SQ2_output = 0; }
SQ2_len_en = (value & 0x40) > 0;
case 0xFF1A: // NR30 (on/off)
Audio_Regs[NR30] = value;
WAVE_DAC_pow = (value & 0x80) > 0;
if (!WAVE_DAC_pow) { WAVE_enable = false; WAVE_output = 0; }
case 0xFF1B: // NR31 (length)
Audio_Regs[NR31] = value;
WAVE_length = (ushort)(256 - value);
WAVE_len_cntr = WAVE_length;
case 0xFF1C: // NR32 (level output)
Audio_Regs[NR32] = value;
WAVE_vol_code = (byte)((value & 0x60) >> 5);
case 0xFF1D: // NR33 (freq low)
Audio_Regs[NR33] = value;
WAVE_frq &= 0x700;
WAVE_frq |= value;
case 0xFF1E: // NR34 (freq hi)
Audio_Regs[NR34] = value;
WAVE_trigger = (value & 0x80) > 0;
WAVE_frq &= 0xFF;
WAVE_frq |= (ushort)((value & 7) << 8);
if ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)
if (!WAVE_len_en && ((value & 0x40) > 0) && (WAVE_len_cntr > 0))
if ((WAVE_len_cntr == 0) && !WAVE_trigger) { WAVE_enable = false; WAVE_output = 0; }
if (WAVE_trigger)
// some corruption occurs if triggering while reading
if (WAVE_enable && (WAVE_intl_cntr == 2) && !Core.is_GBC)
// we want to use the previous wave cntr value since it was just incremented
int t_wave_cntr = (WAVE_wave_cntr + 1) & 31;
if ((t_wave_cntr >> 1) < 4)
Wave_RAM[0] = Wave_RAM[t_wave_cntr >> 1];
Wave_RAM[0] = Wave_RAM[(t_wave_cntr >> 3) * 4];
Wave_RAM[1] = Wave_RAM[(t_wave_cntr >> 3) * 4 + 1];
Wave_RAM[2] = Wave_RAM[(t_wave_cntr >> 3) * 4 + 2];
Wave_RAM[3] = Wave_RAM[(t_wave_cntr >> 3) * 4 + 3];
WAVE_enable = true;
if (WAVE_len_cntr == 0)
WAVE_len_cntr = 256;
if (((value & 0x40) > 0) && ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)) { WAVE_len_cntr--; }
WAVE_intl_cntr = (2048 - WAVE_frq) * 2 + 6; // trigger delay for wave channel
WAVE_wave_cntr = 0;
if (!WAVE_DAC_pow) { WAVE_enable = false; WAVE_output = 0; }
WAVE_len_en = (value & 0x40) > 0;
case 0xFF20: // NR41 (length)
Audio_Regs[NR41] = value;
NOISE_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
NOISE_len_cntr = NOISE_length;
case 0xFF21: // NR42 (envelope)
NOISE_st_vol = (byte)((value & 0xF0) >> 4);
NOISE_env_add = (value & 8) > 0;
NOISE_per = (byte)(value & 7);
// several glitchy effects happen when writing to NRx2 during audio playing
if (((Audio_Regs[NR42] & 7) == 0) && !NOISE_vol_done) { NOISE_vol_state++; }
else if ((Audio_Regs[NR42] & 8) == 0) { NOISE_vol_state += 2; }
if (((Audio_Regs[NR42] ^ value) & 8) > 0) { NOISE_vol_state = (byte)(0x10 - NOISE_vol_state); }
NOISE_vol_state &= 0xF;
if ((value & 0xF8) == 0) { NOISE_enable = false; NOISE_output = 0; }
Audio_Regs[NR42] = value;
case 0xFF22: // NR43 (shift)
Audio_Regs[NR43] = value;
NOISE_clk_shft = (byte)((value & 0xF0) >> 4);
NOISE_wdth_md = (value & 8) > 0;
NOISE_div_code = (byte)(value & 7);
case 0xFF23: // NR44 (trigger)
Audio_Regs[NR44] = value;
NOISE_trigger = (value & 0x80) > 0;
if ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)
if (!NOISE_len_en && ((value & 0x40) > 0) && (NOISE_len_cntr > 0))
if ((NOISE_len_cntr == 0) && !NOISE_trigger) { NOISE_enable = false; NOISE_output = 0; }
if (NOISE_trigger)
NOISE_enable = true;
NOISE_vol_done = false;
if (NOISE_len_cntr == 0)
NOISE_len_cntr = 64;
if (((value & 0x40) > 0) && ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)) { NOISE_len_cntr--; }
NOISE_intl_cntr = (DIVISOR[NOISE_div_code] << NOISE_clk_shft);
NOISE_vol_state = NOISE_st_vol;
NOISE_vol_per = (NOISE_per > 0) ? NOISE_per : 8;
if ((NOISE_vol_state == 0) && !NOISE_env_add) { NOISE_enable = false; NOISE_output = 0; }
NOISE_len_en = (value & 0x40) > 0;
case 0xFF24: // NR50 (ctrl)
Audio_Regs[NR50] = value;
AUD_CTRL_vin_L_en = (value & 0x80) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_vol_L = (byte)((value & 0x70) >> 4);
AUD_CTRL_vin_R_en = (value & 8) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_vol_R = (byte)(value & 7);
case 0xFF25: // NR51 (ctrl)
Audio_Regs[NR51] = value;
AUD_CTRL_noise_L_en = (value & 0x80) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_wave_L_en = (value & 0x40) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_sq2_L_en = (value & 0x20) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_sq1_L_en = (value & 0x10) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_noise_R_en = (value & 8) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_wave_R_en = (value & 4) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_sq2_R_en = (value & 2) > 0;
AUD_CTRL_sq1_R_en = (value & 1) > 0;
case 0xFF26: // NR52 (ctrl)
// NOTE: Make sure to do the power off first since it will call the write_reg function again
if ((value & 0x80) == 0) { power_off(); }
AUD_CTRL_power = (value & 0x80) > 0;
// wave ram table
case 0xFF30:
case 0xFF31:
case 0xFF32:
case 0xFF33:
case 0xFF34:
case 0xFF35:
case 0xFF36:
case 0xFF37:
case 0xFF38:
case 0xFF39:
case 0xFF3A:
case 0xFF3B:
case 0xFF3C:
case 0xFF3D:
case 0xFF3E:
case 0xFF3F:
if (WAVE_enable)
if (WAVE_can_get || Core.is_GBC) { Wave_RAM[WAVE_wave_cntr >> 1] = value; }
Wave_RAM[addr & 0xF] = value;
// when power is off, only length counters and waveRAM are effected by writes
// ON GBC, length counters cannot be written to either
switch (addr)
case 0xFF11: // NR11 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
if (!Core.is_GBC)
SQ1_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
SQ1_len_cntr = SQ1_length;
case 0xFF16: // NR21 (sound length / wave pattern duty %)
if (!Core.is_GBC)
SQ2_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
SQ2_len_cntr = SQ2_length;
case 0xFF1B: // NR31 (length)
if (!Core.is_GBC)
WAVE_length = (ushort)(256 - value);
WAVE_len_cntr = WAVE_length;
case 0xFF20: // NR41 (length)
if (!Core.is_GBC)
NOISE_length = (ushort)(64 - (value & 0x3F));
NOISE_len_cntr = NOISE_length;
case 0xFF26: // NR52 (ctrl)
AUD_CTRL_power = (value & 0x80) > 0;
if (AUD_CTRL_power)
sequencer_vol = 0;
sequencer_len = 0;
sequencer_swp = 0;
// wave ram table
case 0xFF30:
case 0xFF31:
case 0xFF32:
case 0xFF33:
case 0xFF34:
case 0xFF35:
case 0xFF36:
case 0xFF37:
case 0xFF38:
case 0xFF39:
case 0xFF3A:
case 0xFF3B:
case 0xFF3C:
case 0xFF3D:
case 0xFF3E:
case 0xFF3F:
Wave_RAM[addr & 0x0F] = value;
public void tick()
// calculate square1's output
if (SQ1_enable)
if (SQ1_intl_cntr == 0)
SQ1_intl_cntr = (2048 - SQ1_frq) * 4;
SQ1_duty_cntr &= 7;
SQ1_output = DUTY_CYCLES[SQ1_duty * 8 + SQ1_duty_cntr];
SQ1_output *= SQ1_vol_state;
// avoid aliasing at high frequenices
if (SQ1_frq > 0x7F0) { SQ1_output = 0; }
// calculate square2's output
if (SQ2_enable)
if (SQ2_intl_cntr == 0)
SQ2_intl_cntr = (2048 - SQ2_frq) * 4;
SQ2_duty_cntr &= 7;
SQ2_output = DUTY_CYCLES[SQ2_duty * 8 + SQ2_duty_cntr];
SQ2_output *= SQ2_vol_state;
// avoid aliasing at high frequenices
if (SQ2_frq > 0x7F0) { SQ2_output = 0; }
// calculate wave output
WAVE_can_get = false;
if (WAVE_enable)
if (WAVE_intl_cntr == 0)
WAVE_can_get = true;
WAVE_intl_cntr = (2048 - WAVE_frq) * 2;
if ((WAVE_wave_cntr & 1) == 0)
sample = (byte)(sample >> 4);
if (WAVE_vol_code == 0)
sample = (byte)((sample & 0xF) >> 4);
else if (WAVE_vol_code == 1)
sample = (byte)(sample & 0xF);
else if (WAVE_vol_code == 2)
sample = (byte)((sample & 0xF) >> 1);
sample = (byte)((sample & 0xF) >> 2);
WAVE_output = sample;
// NOTE: The sample buffer is only reloaded after the current sample is played, even if just triggered
WAVE_wave_cntr &= 0x1F;
sample = Wave_RAM[WAVE_wave_cntr >> 1];
if (!WAVE_DAC_pow) { WAVE_output = 0; }
// avoid aliasing at high frequenices
if (WAVE_frq > 0x7F0) { WAVE_output = 0; }
// calculate noise output
if (NOISE_enable)
if (NOISE_intl_cntr == 0)
NOISE_intl_cntr = (DIVISOR[NOISE_div_code] << NOISE_clk_shft);
int bit_lfsr = (NOISE_LFSR & 1) ^ ((NOISE_LFSR & 2) >> 1);
NOISE_LFSR |= (bit_lfsr << 14);
if (NOISE_wdth_md)
NOISE_LFSR |= (bit_lfsr << 6);
NOISE_output = NOISE_LFSR & 1;
NOISE_output *= NOISE_vol_state;
// add up components to each channel
int L_final = 0;
int R_final = 0;
if (AUD_CTRL_sq1_L_en) { L_final += SQ1_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_sq2_L_en) { L_final += SQ2_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_wave_L_en) { L_final += WAVE_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_noise_L_en) { L_final += NOISE_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_sq1_R_en) { R_final += SQ1_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_sq2_R_en) { R_final += SQ2_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_wave_R_en) { R_final += WAVE_output; }
if (AUD_CTRL_noise_R_en) { R_final += NOISE_output; }
L_final *= (AUD_CTRL_vol_L + 1) * 40;
R_final *= (AUD_CTRL_vol_R + 1) * 40;
if (L_final != latched_sample_L)
_blip_L.AddDelta((uint)master_audio_clock, L_final - latched_sample_L);
latched_sample_L = L_final;
if (R_final != latched_sample_R)
_blip_R.AddDelta((uint)master_audio_clock, R_final - latched_sample_R);
latched_sample_R = R_final;
// frame sequencer ticks at a rate of 512 hz (or every time a 13 bit counter rolls over)
if (sequencer_tick == 8192)
sequencer_tick = 0;
sequencer_vol++; sequencer_vol &= 0x7;
sequencer_len++; sequencer_len &= 0x7;
sequencer_swp++; sequencer_swp &= 0x7;
// clock the lengths
if ((sequencer_len & 1) > 0)
if (SQ1_len_en && SQ1_len_cntr > 0)
if (SQ1_len_cntr == 0) { SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0; }
if (SQ2_len_en && SQ2_len_cntr > 0)
if (SQ2_len_cntr == 0) { SQ2_enable = false; SQ2_output = 0; }
if (WAVE_len_en && WAVE_len_cntr > 0)
if (WAVE_len_cntr == 0) { WAVE_enable = false; WAVE_output = 0; }
if (NOISE_len_en && NOISE_len_cntr > 0)
if (NOISE_len_cntr == 0) { NOISE_enable = false; NOISE_output = 0; }
// clock the sweep
if ((sequencer_swp == 3) || (sequencer_swp == 7))
if ((SQ1_intl_swp_cnt == 0) && SQ1_swp_enable)
SQ1_intl_swp_cnt = SQ1_swp_prd > 0 ? SQ1_swp_prd : 8;
if ((SQ1_swp_prd > 0))
int shadow_frq = SQ1_frq_shadow;
shadow_frq = shadow_frq >> SQ1_shift;
if (SQ1_negate) { shadow_frq = -shadow_frq; }
shadow_frq += SQ1_frq_shadow;
// set negate mode flag that disables channel is negate clerar
if (SQ1_negate) { SQ1_calc_done = true; }
// disable channel if overflow
if ((uint)shadow_frq > 2047)
SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0;
if (SQ1_shift > 0)
shadow_frq &= 0x7FF;
SQ1_frq = shadow_frq;
SQ1_frq_shadow = shadow_frq;
// note that we also write back the frequency to the actual register
Audio_Regs[NR13] = (byte)(SQ1_frq & 0xFF);
Audio_Regs[NR14] &= 0xF8;
Audio_Regs[NR14] |= (byte)((SQ1_frq >> 8) & 7);
// after writing, we repeat the process and do another overflow check
shadow_frq = SQ1_frq_shadow;
shadow_frq = shadow_frq >> SQ1_shift;
if (SQ1_negate) { shadow_frq = -shadow_frq; }
shadow_frq += SQ1_frq_shadow;
if ((uint)shadow_frq > 2047)
SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = false; SQ1_output = 0;
// clock the volume envelope
if (sequencer_vol == 0)
if (SQ1_per > 0)
if (SQ1_vol_per == 0)
SQ1_vol_per = (SQ1_per > 0) ? SQ1_per : 8;
if (!SQ1_vol_done)
if (SQ1_env_add)
if (SQ1_vol_state < 15) { SQ1_vol_state++; }
else { SQ1_vol_done = true; }
if (SQ1_vol_state >= 1) { SQ1_vol_state--; }
else { SQ1_vol_done = true; }
if (SQ2_per > 0)
if (SQ2_vol_per == 0)
SQ2_vol_per = (SQ2_per > 0) ? SQ2_per : 8;
if (!SQ2_vol_done)
if (SQ2_env_add)
if (SQ2_vol_state < 15) { SQ2_vol_state++; }
else { SQ2_vol_done = true; }
if (SQ2_vol_state >= 1) { SQ2_vol_state--; }
else { SQ2_vol_done = true; }
if (NOISE_per > 0)
if (NOISE_vol_per == 0)
NOISE_vol_per = (NOISE_per > 0) ? NOISE_per : 8;
if (!NOISE_vol_done)
if (NOISE_env_add)
if (NOISE_vol_state < 15) { NOISE_vol_state++; }
else { NOISE_vol_done = true; }
if (NOISE_vol_state >= 1) { NOISE_vol_state--; }
else { NOISE_vol_done = true; }
public void power_off()
for (int i = 0; i < 0x16; i++)
WriteReg(0xFF10 + i, 0);
// duty and length are reset
SQ1_duty_cntr = SQ2_duty_cntr = 0;
// reset state variables
SQ1_enable = SQ1_swp_enable = SQ2_enable = WAVE_enable = NOISE_enable = false;
SQ1_len_en = SQ2_len_en = WAVE_len_en = NOISE_len_en = false;
SQ1_output = SQ2_output = WAVE_output = NOISE_output = 0;
// on GBC, lengths are also reset
if (Core.is_GBC)
SQ1_length = SQ2_length = WAVE_length = NOISE_length = 0;
SQ1_len_cntr = SQ2_len_cntr = WAVE_len_cntr = NOISE_len_cntr = 0;
sequencer_len = 0;
sequencer_vol = 0;
sequencer_swp = 0;
public void Reset()
if (Core.is_GBC)
Wave_RAM = new byte[] { 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF };
Wave_RAM = new byte[] { 0x84, 0x40, 0x43, 0xAA, 0x2D, 0x78, 0x92, 0x3C,
0x60, 0x59, 0x59, 0xB0, 0x34, 0xB8, 0x2E, 0xDA };
Audio_Regs = new byte[21];
AudioClocks = 0;
master_audio_clock = 0;
sequencer_len = 0;
sequencer_swp = 0;
sequencer_vol = 0;
sequencer_tick = 0;
sample = 0;
_blip_L.SetRates(4194304, 44100);
_blip_R.SetRates(4194304, 44100);
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("Audio_Regs", ref Audio_Regs, false);
ser.Sync("Wave_Ram", ref Wave_RAM, false);
ser.Sync("SQ1_vol_done", ref SQ1_vol_done);
ser.Sync("SQ1_calc_done", ref SQ1_calc_done);
ser.Sync("SQ1_swp_enable", ref SQ1_swp_enable);
ser.Sync("SQ1_length_counter", ref SQ1_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ1_enable", ref SQ1_enable);
ser.Sync("SQ1_vol_state", ref SQ1_vol_state);
ser.Sync("SQ1_duty_cntr", ref SQ1_duty_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ1_frq_shadow", ref SQ1_frq_shadow);
ser.Sync("SQ1_intl_cntr", ref SQ1_intl_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ1_vol_per", ref SQ1_vol_per);
ser.Sync("SQ1_intl_swp_cnt", ref SQ1_intl_swp_cnt);
ser.Sync("SQ1_len_cntr", ref SQ1_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ1_negate", ref SQ1_negate);
ser.Sync("SQ1_trigger", ref SQ1_trigger);
ser.Sync("SQ1_len_en", ref SQ1_len_en);
ser.Sync("SQ1_env_add", ref SQ1_env_add);
ser.Sync("SQ1_shift", ref SQ1_shift);
ser.Sync("SQ1_duty", ref SQ1_duty);
ser.Sync("SQ1_st_vol", ref SQ1_st_vol);
ser.Sync("SQ1_per", ref SQ1_per);
ser.Sync("SQ1_swp_prd", ref SQ1_swp_prd);
ser.Sync("SQ1_frq", ref SQ1_frq);
ser.Sync("SQ1_length", ref SQ1_length);
ser.Sync("SQ1_output", ref SQ1_output);
ser.Sync("SQ2_vol_done", ref SQ2_vol_done);
ser.Sync("SQ2_length_counter", ref SQ2_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ2_enable", ref SQ2_enable);
ser.Sync("SQ2_vol_state", ref SQ2_vol_state);
ser.Sync("SQ2_duty_cntr", ref SQ2_duty_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ2_intl_cntr", ref SQ2_intl_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ2_vol_per", ref SQ2_vol_per);
ser.Sync("SQ2_len_cntr", ref SQ2_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("SQ2_trigger", ref SQ2_trigger);
ser.Sync("SQ2_len_en", ref SQ2_len_en);
ser.Sync("SQ2_env_add", ref SQ2_env_add);
ser.Sync("SQ2_duty", ref SQ2_duty);
ser.Sync("SQ2_st_vol", ref SQ2_st_vol);
ser.Sync("SQ2_per", ref SQ2_per);
ser.Sync("SQ2_frq", ref SQ2_frq);
ser.Sync("SQ2_length", ref SQ2_length);
ser.Sync("SQ2_output", ref SQ2_output);
ser.Sync("WAVE_can_get", ref WAVE_can_get);
ser.Sync("WAVE_length_counter", ref WAVE_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("WAVE_enable", ref WAVE_enable);
ser.Sync("WAVE_wave_cntr", ref WAVE_wave_cntr);
ser.Sync("WAVE_intl_cntr", ref WAVE_intl_cntr);
ser.Sync("WAVE_len_cntr", ref WAVE_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("WAVE_DAC_pow", ref WAVE_DAC_pow);
ser.Sync("WAVE_trigger", ref WAVE_trigger);
ser.Sync("WAVE_len_en", ref WAVE_len_en);
ser.Sync("WAVE_vol_code", ref WAVE_vol_code);
ser.Sync("WAVE_frq", ref WAVE_frq);
ser.Sync("WAVE_length", ref WAVE_length);
ser.Sync("WAVE_output", ref WAVE_output);
ser.Sync("NOISE_vol_done", ref NOISE_vol_done);
ser.Sync("NOISE_length_counter", ref NOISE_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("NOISE_enable", ref NOISE_enable);
ser.Sync("NOISE_vol_state", ref NOISE_vol_state);
ser.Sync("NOISE_intl_cntr", ref NOISE_intl_cntr);
ser.Sync("NOISE_vol_per", ref NOISE_vol_per);
ser.Sync("NOISE_LFSR", ref NOISE_LFSR);
ser.Sync("NOISE_len_cntr", ref NOISE_len_cntr);
ser.Sync("NOISE_wdth_md", ref NOISE_wdth_md);
ser.Sync("NOISE_trigger", ref NOISE_trigger);
ser.Sync("NOISE_len_en", ref NOISE_len_en);
ser.Sync("NOISE_env_add", ref NOISE_env_add);
ser.Sync("NOISE_clk_shft", ref NOISE_clk_shft);
ser.Sync("NOISE_div_code", ref NOISE_div_code);
ser.Sync("NOISE_st_vol", ref NOISE_st_vol);
ser.Sync("NOISE_per", ref NOISE_per);
ser.Sync("NOISE_length", ref NOISE_length);
ser.Sync("NOISE_output", ref NOISE_output);
ser.Sync("sequencer_len", ref sequencer_len);
ser.Sync("sequencer_vol", ref sequencer_vol);
ser.Sync("sequencer_swp", ref sequencer_swp);
ser.Sync("sequencer_tick", ref sequencer_tick);
ser.Sync("master_audio_clock", ref master_audio_clock);
ser.Sync("sample", ref sample);
ser.Sync("latched_sample_L", ref latched_sample_L);
ser.Sync("latched_sample_R", ref latched_sample_R);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_vin_L_en", ref AUD_CTRL_vin_L_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_vin_R_en", ref AUD_CTRL_vin_R_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_sq1_L_en", ref AUD_CTRL_sq1_L_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_sq2_L_en", ref AUD_CTRL_sq2_L_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_wave_L_en", ref AUD_CTRL_wave_L_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_noise_L_en", ref AUD_CTRL_noise_L_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_sq1_R_en", ref AUD_CTRL_sq1_R_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_sq2_R_en", ref AUD_CTRL_sq2_R_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_wave_R_en", ref AUD_CTRL_wave_R_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_noise_R_en", ref AUD_CTRL_noise_R_en);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_power", ref AUD_CTRL_power);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_vol_L", ref AUD_CTRL_vol_L);
ser.Sync("AUD_CTRL_vol_R", ref AUD_CTRL_vol_R);
public byte Read_NR52()
return (byte)(
((AUD_CTRL_power ? 1 : 0) << 7) |
((SQ1_enable ? 1 : 0)) |
((SQ2_enable ? 1 : 0) << 1) |
((WAVE_enable ? 1 : 0) << 2) |
((NOISE_enable ? 1 : 0) << 3));
#region audio
public bool CanProvideAsync => false;
public int AudioClocks;
public short[] AudioSamples = new short[150000];
public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode)
if (mode != SyncSoundMode.Sync)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Only Sync mode is supported_");
public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync;
public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
nsamp = _blip_R.SamplesAvailable();
samples = new short[nsamp * 2];
_blip_L.ReadSamplesLeft(samples, nsamp);
_blip_R.ReadSamplesRight(samples, nsamp);
AudioClocks = 0;
master_audio_clock = 0;
public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples)
throw new NotSupportedException("Async is not available");
public void DiscardSamples()
AudioClocks = 0;
master_audio_clock = 0;
private void GetSamples(short[] samples)
public void DisposeSound()