
158 lines
6.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk;
using static BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig.ConfigEditorUIGenerators;
namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
public class AutoGenConfigForm : ToolFormBase, IExternalToolForm
public ApiContainer? _apiContainer { get; set; }
private ApiContainer APIs => _apiContainer ?? throw new NullReferenceException();
private static readonly WeakReference<ConfigEditorCache> _cache = new WeakReference<ConfigEditorCache>(new ConfigEditorCache(typeof(Config)));
private static ConfigEditorCache Cache => _cache.TryGetTarget(out var c) ? c : new ConfigEditorCache(typeof(Config)).Also(_cache.SetTarget);
private readonly IDictionary<string, Control> GroupUIs = new Dictionary<string, Control>();
private readonly ConfigEditorMetadata Metadata = new ConfigEditorMetadata(Cache);
protected override string WindowTitleStatic => "AutoGenConfig";
public AutoGenConfigForm()
ClientSize = new Size(640, 720);
KeyPreview = true;
Controls.Add(new FlowLayoutPanel {
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right,
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
Controls = {
new Label { AutoSize = true, Text = "Legend:" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Metadata.ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault, Text = "default, unchanged" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Metadata.ComparisonColors.Unchanged, Text = "custom, unchanged" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Metadata.ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset, Text = "default, was custom" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Metadata.ComparisonColors.ChangedInvalid, Text = "invalid" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Metadata.ComparisonColors.Changed, Text = "custom, changed" }
Location = new Point(4, 4),
Padding = new Padding(0, 4, 0, 0),
Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 8, 24),
WrapContents = false
Controls.Add(GroupUIs[string.Empty] = new FlowLayoutPanel {
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right,
AutoScroll = true,
FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown,
Location = new Point(4, 32),
Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 8, ClientSize.Height - 64),
WrapContents = false
var discardButton = new Button {
Size = new Size(128, 24),
Text = "Discard Changes"
}.Also(it => it.Click += (clickEventSender, clickEventArgs) => Close());
Controls.Add(new FlowLayoutPanel {
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right,
AutoScroll = true,
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new Button {
Size = new Size(128, 24),
Text = "Review and Save..."
}.Also(it => it.Click += (clickEventSender, clickEventArgs) =>
var state = GroupUIs.Values.SelectMany(group => group.Controls.Cast<Control>())
.Select(c => (c, (c.Tag as ConfigPropEditorUITag)?.Generator))
.Where(tuple =>
tuple.Generator != null // Already iterating nested-config groupboxes as GroupUIs.Values; maybe this can be changed to iterate recursively starting with `GroupUIs[""]`?
&& !tuple.Generator.MatchesBaseline(tuple.c, Metadata)
.Select(tuple => (
tuple.Generator ?? throw new Exception("never hit"),
Baseline: Metadata.BaselineValues[tuple.c.Name],
Current: tuple.Generator.GetTValue(tuple.c)
.Where(tuple => tuple.Baseline != tuple.Current)
if (state.Count == 0) {
string DescribeChange((string Name, IConfigPropEditorUIGen Generator, object? Baseline, object? Current) change)
=> $"{change.Name}: {change.Generator.SerializeTValue(change.Baseline)} => {change.Generator.SerializeTValue(change.Current)}{(change.Generator.TValueEquality(change.Current, Metadata.Cache.DefaultValues[change.Name]) ? " (default)" : string.Empty)}";
if (MessageBox.Show(
$"Choose OK to save these changes to the config (in-memory, close EmuHawk to save to disk):\n\n{string.Join("\n", state.Select(DescribeChange))}",
"Save changes?",
) == DialogResult.OK)
//TODO save
Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - 201, ClientSize.Height - 31),
WrapContents = false
KeyDown += (keyDownEventSender, keyDownEventArgs) =>
// Eat TAB and Shift+TAB, do the expected tab behaviour. This means no tab in textboxes.
if (keyDownEventArgs.KeyCode == Keys.Tab)
ProcessTabKey(keyDownEventArgs.Modifiers != Keys.Shift);
keyDownEventArgs.Handled = true;
Load += (loadEventSender, loadEventArgs) =>
// This magic works so long as `GroupUIs[""]` is set to the main FLP before loading, and we create all the GroupBoxes before trying to populate them.
foreach (var (nesting, fi) in Metadata.Cache.Groups)
GroupUIs[nesting].Controls.Add(new GroupBox {
Controls = {
new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoScroll = true,
AutoSize = true,
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown,
WrapContents = false
}.Also(it => GroupUIs[$"{nesting}/{fi.Name}"] = it)
Size = new Size(560, 300),
Text = fi.Name
var config = (APIs.Emulation as EmulationApi ?? throw new Exception("required API wasn't fulfilled")).ForbiddenConfigReference;
var groupings = new Dictionary<string, object> { [string.Empty] = config };
void TraverseGroupings(object groupingObj, string parentNesting)
foreach (var (_, fi) in Metadata.Cache.Groups.Where(tuple => tuple.Item1 == parentNesting))
var nesting = $"{parentNesting}/{fi.Name}";
TraverseGroupings(groupings[nesting] = fi.GetValue(groupingObj), nesting);
TraverseGroupings(config, string.Empty);
foreach (var (nesting, pi, gen) in Metadata.Cache.PropEditorUIGenerators)
GroupUIs[nesting].Controls.Add(gen.GenerateControl(nesting, pi, groupings[nesting], Metadata));