325 lines
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325 lines
11 KiB
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SlimDX;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using Font = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font;
using BizHawk.Core;
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public class ImageTexture : IDisposable
public Device GraphicsDevice;
public Texture Texture;
private int imageWidth;
public int ImageWidth { get { return imageWidth; } }
private int imageHeight;
public int ImageHeight { get { return imageHeight; } }
private int textureWidth;
public int TextureWidth { get { return textureWidth; } }
private int textureHeight;
public int TextureHeight { get { return textureHeight; } }
public ImageTexture(Device graphicsDevice)
GraphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
public void SetImage(int[] data, int width, int height)
bool needsRecreating = false;
if (Texture == null)
needsRecreating = true;
var currentTextureSize = Texture.GetLevelDescription(0);
if (imageWidth != width || imageHeight != height)
needsRecreating = true;
// If we need to recreate the texture, do so.
if (needsRecreating)
if (Texture != null)
Texture = null;
// Copy the width/height to member fields.
imageWidth = width;
imageHeight = height;
// Round up the width/height to the nearest power of two.
textureWidth = 32; textureHeight = 32;
while (textureWidth < imageWidth) textureWidth <<= 1;
while (textureHeight < imageHeight) textureHeight <<= 1;
// Create a new texture instance.
Texture = new Texture(GraphicsDevice, textureWidth, textureHeight, 1, Usage.Dynamic, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
// Copy the image data to the texture.
using (var Data = Texture.LockRectangle(0, new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight), LockFlags.None).Data)
if (imageWidth == textureWidth)
// Widths are the same, just dump the data across (easy!)
Data.WriteRange(data, 0, imageWidth * imageHeight);
// Widths are different, need a bit of additional magic here to make them fit:
long RowSeekOffset = 4 * (textureWidth - imageWidth);
for (int r = 0, s = 0; r < imageHeight; ++r, s += imageWidth)
Data.WriteRange(data, s, imageWidth);
Data.Seek(RowSeekOffset, SeekOrigin.Current);
private bool disposed;
public void Dispose()
if (!disposed)
disposed = true;
if (Texture != null)
Texture = null;
public interface IRenderer : IDisposable
void Render(IVideoProvider video);
bool Resized { get; set; }
void AddMessage(string msg);
public class SysdrawingRenderPanel : IRenderer
public bool Resized { get; set; }
public void Dispose() { }
public void Render(IVideoProvider video)
Color BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(video.BackgroundColor);
int[] data = video.GetVideoBuffer();
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(video.BufferWidth, video.BufferHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
BitmapData bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
//TODO - this is not very intelligent. no handling of pitch, for instance
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, bmpdata.Scan0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
public SysdrawingRenderPanel(RetainedViewportPanel control)
backingControl = control;
RetainedViewportPanel backingControl;
public void AddMessage(string msg) { }
public class Direct3DRenderPanel : IRenderer
public Color BackgroundColor { get; set; }
public bool Resized { get; set; }
private Direct3D d3d;
private Device Device;
private Control backingControl;
public ImageTexture Texture;
private Sprite Sprite;
private Font MessageFont;
public Direct3DRenderPanel(Direct3D direct3D, Control control)
d3d = direct3D;
backingControl = control;
control.DoubleClick += (o, e) => Global.MainForm.ToggleFullscreen();
private void DestroyDevice()
if (Texture != null)
Texture = null;
if (Sprite != null)
Sprite = null;
if (MessageFont != null)
MessageFont = null;
if (Device != null)
Device = null;
public void CreateDevice()
var pp = new PresentParameters
BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(1, backingControl.ClientSize.Width),
BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(1, backingControl.ClientSize.Height),
DeviceWindowHandle = backingControl.Handle,
PresentationInterval = Global.Config.DisplayVSync?PresentInterval.One:PresentInterval.Immediate
Device = new Device(d3d, 0, DeviceType.Hardware, backingControl.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, pp);
Sprite = new Sprite(Device);
Texture = new ImageTexture(Device);
MessageFont = new Font(Device, 16, 0, FontWeight.Bold, 1, false, CharacterSet.Default, Precision.Default, FontQuality.Default, PitchAndFamily.Default | PitchAndFamily.DontCare, "Arial");
public void Render()
if (Device == null || Resized)
Resized = false;
Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, BackgroundColor, 1.0f, 0);
public void Render(IVideoProvider video)
if (video == null)
if (Device == null || Resized)
Resized = false;
BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(video.BackgroundColor);
int[] data = video.GetVideoBuffer();
Texture.SetImage(data, video.BufferWidth, video.BufferHeight);
Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, BackgroundColor, 1.0f, 0);
// figure out scaling factor
float widthScale = (float) backingControl.Size.Width / video.BufferWidth;
float heightScale = (float) backingControl.Size.Height / video.BufferHeight;
float finalScale = Math.Min(widthScale, heightScale);
Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.MagFilter, TextureFilter.Point);
Device.SetSamplerState(1, SamplerState.MagFilter, TextureFilter.Point);
Sprite.Transform = Matrix.Scaling(finalScale, finalScale, 0f);
Sprite.Draw(Texture.Texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, video.BufferWidth, video.BufferHeight), new Vector3(video.BufferWidth / 2f, video.BufferHeight / 2f, 0), new Vector3(backingControl.Size.Width / 2f / finalScale, backingControl.Size.Height / 2f / finalScale, 0), Color.White);
/// <summary>
/// Display all screen info objects like fps, frame counter, lag counter, and input display
/// </summary>
public void DrawScreenInfo()
//TODO: If movie loaded use that frame counter, and also display total movie frame count if read-only
if (Global.Config.DisplayFrameCounter)
MessageFont.DrawString(null, MakeFrameCounter(), 1, 1, new Color4(Color.White)); //TODO: Allow user to set screen coordinates?
if (Global.Config.DisplayInput)
string input = MakeInputDisplay();
MessageFont.DrawString(null, input, 1, 16, new Color4(Color.White));
private string MakeFrameCounter()
if (Global.MainForm.InputLog.GetMovieMode() == MOVIEMODE.PLAY) //TODO: use user movie not input log (input log will never be allowed to be played back)
return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString() + " " + Global.MainForm.InputLog.lastLog.ToString() + "/" + Global.MainForm.InputLog.GetMovieLength().ToString();
return Global.Emulator.Frame.ToString();
private List<UIMessage> messages = new List<UIMessage>(5);
public void AddMessage(string message)
messages.Add(new UIMessage {Message = message, ExpireAt = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)});
private void DrawMessages()
messages.RemoveAll(m => DateTime.Now > m.ExpireAt);
int line = 1;
for (int i=messages.Count - 1; i>=0; i--, line++)
int x = 3;
int y = backingControl.Size.Height - (line*18);
MessageFont.DrawString(null, messages[i].Message, x+2, y+2, new Color4(Color.Black));
MessageFont.DrawString(null, messages[i].Message, x, y, new Color4(Color.White));
private bool disposed;
public void Dispose()
if (disposed == false)
disposed = true;
public string MakeInputDisplay()
string tmp = Global.Emulator.GetControllersAsMnemonic();
tmp = tmp.Replace(".", " ");
tmp = tmp.Replace("|", "");
return tmp;
class UIMessage
public string Message;
public DateTime ExpireAt;
} |