1301 lines
31 KiB
1301 lines
31 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using LuaInterface;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.MultiClient.tools;
using System.Threading;
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public class LuaImplementation
Lua lua = new Lua();
LuaConsole Caller;
public List<string> LuaLibraryList = new List<string>();
public EventWaitHandle LuaWait;
public bool isRunning;
private int CurrentMemoryDomain = 0; //Main memory by default
public bool FrameAdvanceRequested;
Lua currThread;
LuaFunction savestate_registersavefunc;
LuaFunction savestate_registerloadfunc;
public void SavestateRegisterSave(string name)
if (savestate_registersavefunc != null)
catch (SystemException e)
Global.MainForm.LuaConsole1.WriteToOutputWindow("error running function attached by lua function savestate.registersave" +
"\nError message: " + e.Message);
public void SavestateRegisterLoad(string name)
if (savestate_registerloadfunc != null)
catch (SystemException e)
Global.MainForm.LuaConsole1.WriteToOutputWindow("error running function attached by lua function savestate.registerload" +
"\nError message: " + e.Message);
public LuaImplementation(LuaConsole passed)
LuaWait = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Caller = passed.get();
public void Close()
lua = new Lua();
public void LuaRegister(Lua lua)
lua.RegisterFunction("print", this, this.GetType().GetMethod("print"));
//Register libraries
for (int i = 0; i < ConsoleFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("console." + ConsoleFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("console_" + ConsoleFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("console." + ConsoleFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < GuiFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("gui." + GuiFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("gui_" + GuiFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("gui." + GuiFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < EmuFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("emu." + EmuFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("emu_" + EmuFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("emu." + EmuFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < MemoryFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("memory." + MemoryFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("memory_" + MemoryFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("memory." + MemoryFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < MainMemoryFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("mainmemory." + MainMemoryFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("mainmemory_" + MainMemoryFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("mainmemory." + MainMemoryFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < SaveStateFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("savestate." + SaveStateFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("savestate_" + SaveStateFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("savestate." + SaveStateFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < MovieFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("movie." + MovieFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("movie_" + MovieFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("movie." + MovieFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < InputFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("input." + InputFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("input_" + InputFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("input." + InputFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < JoypadFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("joypad." + JoypadFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("joypad_" + JoypadFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("joypad." + JoypadFunctions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < MultiClientFunctions.Length; i++)
lua.RegisterFunction("client." + MultiClientFunctions[i], this, this.GetType().GetMethod("client_" + MultiClientFunctions[i]));
LuaLibraryList.Add("client." + MultiClientFunctions[i]);
public Lua SpawnCoroutine(string File)
LuaConsole Luas = new LuaConsole();
var t = lua.NewThread();
var main = t.LoadFile(File);
t.Push(main); //push main function on to stack for subsequent resuming
return t;
private int LuaInt(object lua_arg)
return Convert.ToInt32((double)lua_arg);
private uint LuaUInt(object lua_arg)
return Convert.ToUInt32((double)lua_arg);
* LuaInterface requires the exact match of parameter count,
* except optional parameters. So, if you want to support
* variable arguments, declare them as optional and pass
* them to this method.
private object[] LuaVarArgs(params object[] lua_args)
int n = lua_args.Length;
int trim = 0;
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (lua_args[i] == null) ++trim;
object[] lua_result = new object[n - trim];
Array.Copy(lua_args, lua_result, n - trim);
return lua_result;
public class ResumeResult
public bool WaitForFrame;
public ResumeResult ResumeScript(Lua script)
currThread = script;
currThread = null;
var result = new ResumeResult();
result.WaitForFrame = FrameAdvanceRequested;
FrameAdvanceRequested = false;
return result;
public void print(string s)
/*************library definitions********************/
public static string[] ConsoleFunctions = new string[]
public static string[] GuiFunctions = new string[]
public static string[] EmuFunctions = new string[]
public static string[] MemoryFunctions = new string[]
public static string[] MainMemoryFunctions = new string[]
public static string[] SaveStateFunctions = new string[] {
public static string[] MovieFunctions = new string[] {
public static string[] InputFunctions = new string[] {
public static string[] JoypadFunctions = new string[] {
public static string[] MultiClientFunctions = new string[] {
/*************function definitions********************/
//Console library
public void console_output(object lua_input)
public void console_clear()
public string console_getluafunctionslist()
string list = "";
foreach (string l in LuaLibraryList)
list += l + "\n";
return list;
//Gui library
private void do_gui_text(object luaX, object luaY, object luaStr, bool alert, object anchor = null)
int a = 0;
if (anchor != null)
int x;
if (int.TryParse(anchor.ToString(), out x) == false)
if (anchor.ToString().ToLower() == "topleft")
a = 0;
else if (anchor.ToString().ToLower() == "topright")
a = 1;
else if (anchor.ToString().ToLower() == "bottomleft")
a = 2;
else if (anchor.ToString().ToLower() == "bottomright")
a = 3;
a = LuaInt(anchor);
Global.RenderPanel.AddGUIText(luaStr.ToString(), LuaInt(luaX), LuaInt(luaY), alert, a);
public void gui_text(object luaX, object luaY, object luaStr, object anchor = null)
do_gui_text(luaX, luaY, luaStr, false, anchor);
public void gui_alert(object luaX, object luaY, object luaStr, object anchor = null)
do_gui_text(luaX, luaY, luaStr, true, anchor);
//Emu library
public void emu_frameadvance()
FrameAdvanceRequested = true;
public void emu_yield()
public void emu_pause()
public void emu_unpause()
public void emu_togglepause()
public int emu_framecount()
return Global.Emulator.Frame;
public int emu_lagcount()
return Global.Emulator.LagCount;
public bool emu_islagged()
return Global.Emulator.IsLagFrame;
public string emu_getsystemid()
return Global.Emulator.SystemId;
// For now, it accepts arguments up to 5.
public void emu_setrenderplanes(
object lua_p0, object lua_p1 = null, object lua_p2 = null,
object lua_p3 = null, object lua_p4 = null)
emu_setrenderplanes_do(LuaVarArgs(lua_p0, lua_p1, lua_p2, lua_p3, lua_p4));
// TODO: error handling for argument count mismatch
private void emu_setrenderplanes_do(object[] lua_p)
if (Global.Emulator is BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo.NES)
Global.CoreInputComm.NES_ShowOBJ = Global.Config.NESDispSprites = (bool)lua_p[0];
Global.CoreInputComm.NES_ShowBG = Global.Config.NESDispBackground = (bool)lua_p[1];
else if (Global.Emulator is BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.TurboGrafx.PCEngine)
Global.CoreInputComm.PCE_ShowOBJ1 = Global.Config.PCEDispOBJ1 = (bool)lua_p[0];
Global.CoreInputComm.PCE_ShowBG1 = Global.Config.PCEDispBG1 = (bool)lua_p[1];
if (lua_p.Length > 2)
Global.CoreInputComm.PCE_ShowOBJ2 = Global.Config.PCEDispOBJ2 = (bool)lua_p[2];
Global.CoreInputComm.PCE_ShowBG2 = Global.Config.PCEDispBG2 = (bool)lua_p[3];
else if (Global.Emulator is BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega.SMS)
Global.CoreInputComm.SMS_ShowOBJ = Global.Config.SMSDispOBJ = (bool)lua_p[0];
Global.CoreInputComm.SMS_ShowBG = Global.Config.SMSDispBG = (bool)lua_p[1];
//Memory library
public bool memory_usememorydomain(object lua_input)
if (lua_input.GetType() != typeof(string))
return false;
for (int x = 0; x < Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains.Count; x++)
if (Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[x].Name == lua_input.ToString())
CurrentMemoryDomain = x;
return true;
return false;
public string memory_getmemorydomainlist()
string list = "";
for (int x = 0; x < Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains.Count; x++)
list += Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[x].Name + '\n';
return list;
public string memory_getcurrentmemorydomain()
return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[CurrentMemoryDomain].Name;
public uint memory_readbyte(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U8(addr);
public void memory_writebyte(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U8(addr, v);
public int memory_read_s8(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return (sbyte)M_R_U8(addr);
public uint memory_read_u8(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U8(addr);
public int memory_read_s16_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_LE(addr, 2);
public int memory_read_s24_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_LE(addr, 3);
public int memory_read_s32_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_LE(addr, 4);
public uint memory_read_u16_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_LE(addr, 2);
public uint memory_read_u24_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_LE(addr, 3);
public uint memory_read_u32_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_LE(addr, 4);
public int memory_read_s16_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_BE(addr, 2);
public int memory_read_s24_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_BE(addr, 3);
public int memory_read_s32_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_S_BE(addr, 4);
public uint memory_read_u16_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_BE(addr, 2);
public uint memory_read_u24_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_BE(addr, 3);
public uint memory_read_u32_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return M_R_U_BE(addr, 4);
public void memory_write_s8(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_U8(addr, (uint)v);
public void memory_write_u8(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U8(addr, v);
public void memory_write_s16_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_LE(addr, v, 2);
public void memory_write_s24_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_LE(addr, v, 3);
public void memory_write_s32_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_LE(addr, v, 4);
public void memory_write_u16_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_LE(addr, v, 2);
public void memory_write_u24_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_LE(addr, v, 3);
public void memory_write_u32_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_LE(addr, v, 4);
public void memory_write_s16_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_BE(addr, v, 2);
public void memory_write_s24_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_BE(addr, v, 3);
public void memory_write_s32_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
M_W_S_BE(addr, v, 4);
public void memory_write_u16_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_BE(addr, v, 2);
public void memory_write_u24_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_BE(addr, v, 3);
public void memory_write_u32_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
M_W_U_BE(addr, v, 4);
private int M_R_S_LE(int addr, int size)
return U2S(M_R_U_LE(addr, size), size);
private uint M_R_U_LE(int addr, int size)
uint v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
v |= M_R_U8(addr + i) << 8 * i;
return v;
private int M_R_S_BE(int addr, int size)
return U2S(M_R_U_BE(addr, size), size);
private uint M_R_U_BE(int addr, int size)
uint v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
v |= M_R_U8(addr + i) << 8 * (size - 1 - i);
return v;
private void M_W_S_LE(int addr, int v, int size)
M_W_U_LE(addr, (uint)v, size);
private void M_W_U_LE(int addr, uint v, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
M_W_U8(addr + i, (v >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF);
private void M_W_S_BE(int addr, int v, int size)
M_W_U_BE(addr, (uint)v, size);
private void M_W_U_BE(int addr, uint v, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
M_W_U8(addr + i, (v >> (8 * (size - 1 - i))) & 0xFF);
private uint M_R_U8(int addr)
return Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[CurrentMemoryDomain].PeekByte(addr);
private void M_W_U8(int addr, uint v)
Global.Emulator.MemoryDomains[CurrentMemoryDomain].PokeByte(addr, (byte)v);
//Main Memory library
public uint mainmemory_readbyte(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U8(addr);
public void mainmemory_writebyte(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U8(addr, v);
public int mainmemory_read_s8(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return (sbyte)MM_R_U8(addr);
public uint mainmemory_read_u8(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U8(addr);
public int mainmemory_read_s16_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_LE(addr, 2);
public int mainmemory_read_s24_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_LE(addr, 3);
public int mainmemory_read_s32_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_LE(addr, 4);
public uint mainmemory_read_u16_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_LE(addr, 2);
public uint mainmemory_read_u24_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_LE(addr, 3);
public uint mainmemory_read_u32_le(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_LE(addr, 4);
public int mainmemory_read_s16_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_BE(addr, 2);
public int mainmemory_read_s24_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_BE(addr, 3);
public int mainmemory_read_s32_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_S_BE(addr, 4);
public uint mainmemory_read_u16_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_BE(addr, 2);
public uint mainmemory_read_u24_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_BE(addr, 3);
public uint mainmemory_read_u32_be(object lua_addr)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
return MM_R_U_BE(addr, 4);
public void mainmemory_write_s8(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U8(addr, (uint)v);
public void mainmemory_write_u8(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U8(addr, v);
public void mainmemory_write_s16_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_LE(addr, v, 2);
public void mainmemory_write_s24_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_LE(addr, v, 3);
public void mainmemory_write_s32_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_LE(addr, v, 4);
public void mainmemory_write_u16_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_LE(addr, v, 2);
public void mainmemory_write_u24_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_LE(addr, v, 3);
public void mainmemory_write_u32_le(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_LE(addr, v, 4);
public void mainmemory_write_s16_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_BE(addr, v, 2);
public void mainmemory_write_s24_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_BE(addr, v, 3);
public void mainmemory_write_s32_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
int v = LuaInt(lua_v);
MM_W_S_BE(addr, v, 4);
public void mainmemory_write_u16_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_BE(addr, v, 2);
public void mainmemory_write_u24_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_BE(addr, v, 3);
public void mainmemory_write_u32_be(object lua_addr, object lua_v)
int addr = LuaInt(lua_addr);
uint v = LuaUInt(lua_v);
MM_W_U_BE(addr, v, 4);
private int MM_R_S_LE(int addr, int size)
return U2S(MM_R_U_LE(addr, size), size);
private uint MM_R_U_LE(int addr, int size)
uint v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
v |= MM_R_U8(addr + i) << 8 * i;
return v;
private int MM_R_S_BE(int addr, int size)
return U2S(MM_R_U_BE(addr, size), size);
private uint MM_R_U_BE(int addr, int size)
uint v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
v |= MM_R_U8(addr + i) << 8 * (size - 1 - i);
return v;
private void MM_W_S_LE(int addr, int v, int size)
MM_W_U_LE(addr, (uint)v, size);
private void MM_W_U_LE(int addr, uint v, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
MM_W_U8(addr + i, (v >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF);
private void MM_W_S_BE(int addr, int v, int size)
MM_W_U_BE(addr, (uint)v, size);
private void MM_W_U_BE(int addr, uint v, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
MM_W_U8(addr + i, (v >> (8 * (size - 1 - i))) & 0xFF);
private uint MM_R_U8(int addr)
return Global.Emulator.MainMemory.PeekByte(addr);
private void MM_W_U8(int addr, uint v)
Global.Emulator.MainMemory.PokeByte(addr, (byte)v);
private int U2S(uint u, int size)
int s = (int)u;
s <<= 8 * (4 - size);
s >>= 8 * (4 - size);
return s;
//Savestate library
public void savestate_saveslot(object lua_input)
int x = 0;
try //adelikat: This crap might not be necessary, need to test for a more elegant solution
x = int.Parse(lua_input.ToString());
if (x < 0 || x > 9)
Global.MainForm.SaveState("QuickSave" + x.ToString());
public void savestate_loadslot(object lua_input)
int x = 0;
try //adelikat: This crap might not be necessary, need to test for a more elegant solution
x = int.Parse(lua_input.ToString());
if (x < 0 || x > 9)
Global.MainForm.LoadState("QuickLoad" + x.ToString());
public void savestate_save(object lua_input)
if (lua_input.GetType() == typeof(string))
string path = lua_input.ToString();
var writer = new StreamWriter(path);
Global.MainForm.SaveStateFile(writer, path, true);
public void savestate_load(object lua_input)
if (lua_input.GetType() == typeof(string))
Global.MainForm.LoadStateFile(lua_input.ToString(), Path.GetFileName(lua_input.ToString()));
public void savestate_registersave(LuaFunction luaf)
savestate_registersavefunc = luaf;
public void savestate_registerload(LuaFunction luaf)
savestate_registerloadfunc = luaf;
//Movie library
public string movie_mode()
return Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode.ToString();
public string movie_rerecordcount()
return Global.MovieSession.Movie.Rerecords.ToString();
public void movie_stop()
public bool movie_isloaded()
if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Mode == MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE)
return false;
return true;
public int movie_length()
return Global.MovieSession.Movie.Length();
public string movie_filename()
return Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename;
public bool movie_getreadonly()
return Global.MainForm.ReadOnly;
public void movie_setreadonly(object lua_input)
int x = 0;
int y = x;
if (lua_input.ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE" || lua_input.ToString() == "1")
public LuaTable movie_getinput(object frame)
LuaTable input = lua.NewTable();
string s = Global.MovieSession.Movie.GetInputFrame(LuaInt(frame));
MovieControllerAdapter m = new MovieControllerAdapter();
m.Type = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Type;
foreach (string button in m.Type.BoolButtons)
input[button] = m[button];
return input;
//Input library
public LuaTable input_get()
LuaTable buttons = lua.NewTable();
foreach (var kvp in Global.ControllerInputCoalescer.BoolButtons())
if (kvp.Value)
buttons[kvp.Key] = true;
return buttons;
//Joypad library
//Currently sends all controllers, needs to control which ones it sends
public LuaTable joypad_get(object controller)
LuaTable buttons = lua.NewTable();
foreach (string button in Global.ControllerOutput.Source.Type.BoolButtons)
if (button.Substring(0, 2) == "P" + LuaInt(controller).ToString())
buttons[button] = Global.ControllerOutput[button];
//zero 23-mar-2012 - wtf is this??????
buttons["clear"] = null;
buttons["getluafunctionslist"] = null;
buttons["output"] = null;
return buttons;
public LuaTable joypad_getimmediate()
LuaTable buttons = lua.NewTable();
foreach (string button in Global.ActiveController.Type.BoolButtons)
buttons[button] = Global.ActiveController[button];
return buttons;
public void joypad_set(object button, object value)
if (button.GetType() != typeof(string) || value.GetType() != typeof(bool))
"Invalid parameter types " + button.GetType().ToString() + ", " + button.GetType().ToString() + "."
//Client library
public void client_openrom(object lua_input)
public void client_closerom()
public void client_opentoolbox()
public void client_openramwatch()
public void client_openramsearch()
public void client_openrampoke()
public void client_openhexeditor()
public void client_opentasstudio()
public void client_opencheats()