
640 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502;
#pragma warning disable 162
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
public partial class NES : IEmulator
public MOS6502X cpu;
int cpu_accumulate; //cpu timekeeper
public PPU ppu;
public APU apu;
byte[] ram;
NESWatch[] sysbus_watch = new NESWatch[65536];
public byte[] CIRAM; //AKA nametables
string game_name = string.Empty; //friendly name exposed to user and used as filename base
CartInfo cart; //the current cart prototype. should be moved into the board, perhaps
INESBoard board; //the board hardware that is currently driving things
EDetectionOrigin origin = EDetectionOrigin.None;
int sprdma_countdown;
bool _irq_apu; //various irq signals that get merged to the cpu irq pin
/// <summary>clock speed of the main cpu in hz</summary>
public int cpuclockrate { get; private set; }
//irq state management
public bool irq_apu { get { return _irq_apu; } set { _irq_apu = value; } }
//user configuration
int[,] palette = new int[64,3];
int[] palette_compiled = new int[64*8];
// new input system
NESControlSettings ControllerSettings; // this is stored internally so that a new change of settings won't replace
IControllerDeck ControllerDeck;
byte latched4016;
private DisplayType _display_type = DisplayType.NTSC;
//Sound config
public void SetSquare1(int v) { apu.Square1V = v; }
public void SetSquare2(int v) { apu.Square2V = v; }
public void SetTriangle(int v) { apu.TriangleV = v; }
public void SetNoise(int v) { apu.NoiseV = v; }
public void SetDMC(int v) { apu.DMCV = v; }
/// <summary>
/// for debugging only!
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public INESBoard GetBoard()
return board;
/// <summary>
/// for debugging only!
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int[] GetCompiledPalette()
return palette_compiled;
public void Dispose()
if (magicSoundProvider != null)
magicSoundProvider = null;
class MagicSoundProvider : ISoundProvider, ISyncSoundProvider, IDisposable
BlipBuffer blip;
NES nes;
const int blipbuffsize = 4096;
public MagicSoundProvider(NES nes, uint infreq)
this.nes = nes;
blip = new BlipBuffer(blipbuffsize);
blip.SetRates(infreq, 44100);
//var actualMetaspu = new Sound.MetaspuSoundProvider(Sound.ESynchMethod.ESynchMethod_V);
//1.789773mhz NTSC
//resampler = new Sound.Utilities.SpeexResampler(2, infreq, 44100 * APU.DECIMATIONFACTOR, infreq, 44100, actualMetaspu.buffer.enqueue_samples);
//output = new Sound.Utilities.DCFilter(actualMetaspu);
public void GetSamples(short[] samples)
//Console.WriteLine("Sync: {0}", nes.apu.dlist.Count);
int nsamp = samples.Length / 2;
if (nsamp > blipbuffsize) // oh well.
nsamp = blipbuffsize;
uint targetclock = (uint)blip.ClocksNeeded(nsamp);
uint actualclock = nes.apu.sampleclock;
foreach (var d in nes.apu.dlist)
blip.AddDelta(d.time * targetclock / actualclock, d.value);
nes.apu.sampleclock = 0;
blip.ReadSamples(samples, nsamp, true);
// duplicate to stereo
for (int i = 0; i < nsamp * 2; i += 2)
samples[i + 1] = samples[i];
//mix in the cart's extra sound circuit
public void GetSamples(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
//Console.WriteLine("ASync: {0}", nes.apu.dlist.Count);
foreach (var d in nes.apu.dlist)
blip.AddDelta(d.time, d.value);
nes.apu.sampleclock = 0;
nsamp = blip.SamplesAvailable();
samples = new short[nsamp * 2];
blip.ReadSamples(samples, nsamp, true);
// duplicate to stereo
for (int i = 0; i < nsamp * 2; i += 2)
samples[i + 1] = samples[i];
public void DiscardSamples()
nes.apu.sampleclock = 0;
public int MaxVolume { get; set; }
public void Dispose()
if (blip != null)
blip = null;
MagicSoundProvider magicSoundProvider;
public void HardReset()
cpu = new MOS6502X();
cpu.SetCallbacks(ReadMemory, ReadMemory, PeekMemory, WriteMemory);
cpu.BCD_Enabled = false;
cpu.OnExecFetch = ExecFetch;
ppu = new PPU(this);
ram = new byte[0x800];
CIRAM = new byte[0x800];
// wire controllers
// todo: allow changing this
ControllerDeck = ControllerSettings.Instantiate(ppu.LightGunCallback);
// set controller definition first time only
if (ControllerDefinition == null)
ControllerDefinition = new ControllerDefinition(ControllerDeck.GetDefinition());
ControllerDefinition.Name = "NES Controller";
// controls other than the deck
if (board is FDS)
var b = board as FDS;
ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Eject");
for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++)
ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Insert " + i);
// don't replace the magicSoundProvider on reset, as it's not needed
// if (magicSoundProvider != null) magicSoundProvider.Dispose();
// set up region
switch (_display_type)
case Common.DisplayType.PAL:
apu = new APU(this, apu, true);
ppu.region = PPU.Region.PAL;
CoreComm.VsyncNum = 50;
CoreComm.VsyncDen = 1;
cpuclockrate = 1662607;
cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_PAL;
_display_type = DisplayType.PAL;
case Common.DisplayType.NTSC:
apu = new APU(this, apu, false);
ppu.region = PPU.Region.NTSC;
CoreComm.VsyncNum = 39375000;
CoreComm.VsyncDen = 655171;
cpuclockrate = 1789773;
cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC;
// this is in bootgod, but not used at all
case Common.DisplayType.DENDY:
apu = new APU(this, apu, false);
ppu.region = PPU.Region.Dendy;
CoreComm.VsyncNum = 50;
CoreComm.VsyncDen = 1;
cpuclockrate = 1773448;
cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC;
_display_type = DisplayType.DENDY;
throw new Exception("Unknown displaytype!");
if (magicSoundProvider == null)
magicSoundProvider = new MagicSoundProvider(this, (uint)cpuclockrate);
//check fceux's PowerNES and FCEU_MemoryRand function for more information:
//relevant games: Cybernoid; Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen; Huang Di; and maybe mechanized attack
for(int i=0;i<0x800;i++) if((i&4)!=0) ram[i] = 0xFF; else ram[i] = 0x00;
//in this emulator, reset takes place instantaneously
cpu.PC = (ushort)(ReadMemory(0xFFFC) | (ReadMemory(0xFFFD) << 8));
cpu.P = 0x34;
cpu.S = 0xFD;
bool resetSignal;
bool hardResetSignal;
public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound)
if (Tracer.Enabled)
cpu.TraceCallback = (s) => Tracer.Put(s);
cpu.TraceCallback = null;
lagged = true;
if (resetSignal)
else if (hardResetSignal)
//if (resetSignal)
//Controller.UnpressButton("Reset"); TODO fix this
resetSignal = Controller["Reset"];
hardResetSignal = Controller["Power"];
if (board is FDS)
var b = board as FDS;
if (Controller["FDS Eject"])
for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++)
if (Controller["FDS Insert " + i])
if (lagged)
islag = true;
islag = false;
//0 15 30 45 60 -> 12 27 42 57 -> 9 24 39 54 -> 6 21 36 51 -> 3 18 33 48 -> 0
//sequence of ppu clocks per cpu clock: 4,3,3,3,3
//sequence of ppu clocks per cpu clock: 3
ByteBuffer cpu_sequence;
static ByteBuffer cpu_sequence_NTSC = new ByteBuffer(new byte[]{3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3});
static ByteBuffer cpu_sequence_PAL = new ByteBuffer(new byte[]{4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3});
public int cpu_step, cpu_stepcounter, cpu_deadcounter;
#if VS2012
private void RunCpuOne()
if (cpu_stepcounter == cpu_sequence[cpu_step])
cpu_step &= 31;
cpu_stepcounter = 0;
if (sprdma_countdown > 0)
if (sprdma_countdown == 0)
//its weird that this is 514.. normally itd be 512 (and people would say its wrong) or 513 (and people would say its right)
//but 514 passes test 4-irq_and_dma
cpu_deadcounter += 514;
if (cpu_deadcounter > 0)
cpu.IRQ = _irq_apu || board.IRQSignal;
#if VS2012
public byte ReadReg(int addr)
switch (addr)
case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003:
case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007:
case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B:
case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F:
case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013:
return apu.ReadReg(addr);
case 0x4014: /*OAM DMA*/ break;
case 0x4015: return apu.ReadReg(addr);
case 0x4016:
case 0x4017:
return read_joyport(addr);
//Console.WriteLine("read register: {0:x4}", addr);
return 0xFF;
public byte PeekReg(int addr)
switch (addr)
case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003:
case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007:
case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B:
case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F:
case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013:
return apu.PeekReg(addr);
case 0x4014: /*OAM DMA*/ break;
case 0x4015: return apu.PeekReg(addr);
case 0x4016:
case 0x4017:
return peek_joyport(addr);
//Console.WriteLine("read register: {0:x4}", addr);
return 0xFF;
void WriteReg(int addr, byte val)
switch (addr)
case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003:
case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007:
case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B:
case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F:
case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013:
apu.WriteReg(addr, val);
case 0x4014: Exec_OAMDma(val); break;
case 0x4015: apu.WriteReg(addr, val); break;
case 0x4016:
case 0x4017: apu.WriteReg(addr, val); break;
//Console.WriteLine("wrote register: {0:x4} = {1:x2}", addr, val);
void write_joyport(byte value)
var si = new StrobeInfo(latched4016, value);
ControllerDeck.Strobe(si, Controller);
latched4016 = value;
byte read_joyport(int addr)
lagged = false;
byte ret = addr == 0x4016 ? ControllerDeck.ReadA(Controller) : ControllerDeck.ReadB(Controller);
ret &= 0x1f;
ret |= (byte)(0xe0 & DB);
return ret;
byte peek_joyport(int addr)
// at the moment, the new system doesn't support peeks
return 0;
void Exec_OAMDma(byte val)
ushort addr = (ushort)(val << 8);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
byte db = ReadMemory((ushort)addr);
WriteMemory(0x2004, db);
//schedule a sprite dma event for beginning 1 cycle in the future.
//this receives 2 because thats just the way it works out.
sprdma_countdown = 2;
/// <summary>
/// sets the provided palette as current
/// </summary>
private void SetPalette(int[,] pal)
for(int i=0;i<64*8;i++)
int d = i >> 6;
int c = i & 63;
int r = palette[c, 0];
int g = palette[c, 1];
int b = palette[c, 2];
Palettes.ApplyDeemphasis(ref r, ref g, ref b, d);
palette_compiled[i] = (int)unchecked((int)0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
/// <summary>
/// looks up an internal NES pixel value to an rgb int (applying the core's current palette and assuming no deemph)
/// </summary>
public int LookupColor(int pixel)
return palette_compiled[pixel];
public byte DummyReadMemory(ushort addr) { return 0; }
private void ApplySystemBusPoke(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x2000)
ram[(addr & 0x7FF)] = value;
else if (addr < 0x4000)
ppu.WriteReg((addr & 0x07), value);
else if (addr < 0x4020)
WriteReg(addr, value);
ApplyGameGenie(addr, value, null); //Apply a cheat to the remaining regions since they have no direct access, this may not be the best way to handle this situation
public byte PeekMemory(ushort addr)
byte ret;
if (addr >= 0x4020)
ret = board.PeekCart(addr); //easy optimization, since rom reads are so common, move this up (reordering the rest of these elseifs is not easy)
else if (addr < 0x0800)
ret = ram[addr];
else if (addr < 0x2000)
ret = ram[addr & 0x7FF];
else if (addr < 0x4000)
ret = ppu.PeekReg(addr & 7);
else if (addr < 0x4020)
ret = PeekReg(addr); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical
throw new Exception("Woopsie-doodle!");
ret = 0xFF;
return ret;
//old data bus values from previous reads
public byte DB;
public void ExecFetch(ushort addr)
public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr)
byte ret;
if (addr >= 0x8000)
ret = board.ReadPRG(addr - 0x8000); //easy optimization, since rom reads are so common, move this up (reordering the rest of these elseifs is not easy)
else if (addr < 0x0800)
ret = ram[addr];
else if (addr < 0x2000)
ret = ram[addr & 0x7FF];
else if (addr < 0x4000)
ret = ppu.ReadReg(addr & 7);
else if (addr < 0x4020)
ret = ReadReg(addr); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical
else if (addr < 0x6000)
ret = board.ReadEXP(addr - 0x4000);
ret = board.ReadWRAM(addr - 0x6000);
//handle breakpoints and stuff.
//the idea is that each core can implement its own watch class on an address which will track all the different kinds of monitors and breakpoints and etc.
//but since freeze is a common case, it was implemented through its own mechanisms
if (sysbus_watch[addr] != null)
ret = sysbus_watch[addr].ApplyGameGenie(ret);
DB = ret;
return ret;
public void ApplyGameGenie(int addr, byte value, byte? compare)
if (addr < sysbus_watch.Length)
GetWatch(NESWatch.EDomain.Sysbus, addr).SetGameGenie(compare, value);
public void RemoveGameGenie(int addr)
if (addr < sysbus_watch.Length)
GetWatch(NESWatch.EDomain.Sysbus, addr).RemoveGameGenie();
public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x0800)
ram[addr] = value;
else if (addr < 0x2000)
ram[addr & 0x7FF] = value;
else if (addr < 0x4000)
ppu.WriteReg(addr & 7, value);
else if (addr < 0x4020)
WriteReg(addr, value); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical
else if (addr < 0x6000)
board.WriteEXP(addr - 0x4000, value);
else if (addr < 0x8000)
board.WriteWRAM(addr - 0x6000, value);
board.WritePRG(addr - 0x8000, value);